65. Behold the Babe in Bethlehem!
Posted 12-29-2017


Christmas 2017 is now past, and the New Year 2018 is soon upon us! There are continual changes in our lives. I hope you are trying to control more your own thoughts, so that you will be happier and a better servant of God. I would love to hear how you are doing!

I had some very special revelations during this web post, particularly in seeing our Savior just after he came into the world as a baby in the manger! I hope you confirm this is true, and also seek this same experience yourselves. I know that you too were there as holy angels, receiving a first-hand witness of his divinity and his great mission of Messiah.

Happy New Year! I continue to pray for your well-being and happiness.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 18, 2017 Monday

1. I went to bed late and prayed again at the same place on the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful. I faced south on the path around the lake. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then felt them call to me to walk south on the path a little ways past the field and into the nearby woods. I then arose and walked south on the path. When it veered right into the woods, my glorious Heavenly Parents were there, standing a little above the ground in the air!

2. I gazed into the faces of my Heavenly Father and then my Heavenly Mother. They were very serious looking and had no smiles! They were bright in their glory and their capes were briskly blowing in the winds of change. It was about 12:15 AM when I came into their presence, early Monday morning. I realized it was two weeks exactly until the New Year 2018. I don't know if this was significant in the reason why their capes were blowing or not.

Somehow I couldn't receive any message from them very early this morning, for my wife came in and we talked for a while. When I got back on my knees to continue my prayer, I was too tired to really connect well again.

3. Now that I awoke after a good sleep, I came again to the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful. I drank of the living water of that lake three times. I even dipped my entire head into the water and opened my eyes underwater in hopes to see more clearly and to hear more clearly the word of God this morning in my prayer.

I then walked south on the path where my Heavenly Parents were last night. They were not there. I knelt on the path, raised both of my arms above my head and invited them to come to me.

4. I then saw a bright light coming through the top of the forest trees. This bright light settled on me soon and I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me in great majesty! They were still very serious looking, having no smiles, and looking angered. Their capes were both blowing vigorously behind them.

I recalled last December 2016 when I saw them in their hot displeasure! (see post 41, Bring on the New Year!). In this post, I saw a very dark cloud coming in heaven on 12/31/2016, New Year's Eve. At midnight a year ago, my Heavenly Father addressed me and said:

5. 'Raphael, our vengeance will soon be loosed upon the inhabitants of the earth. War, earthquakes, desolations, natural and manmade disasters, famine and more will soon be unleashed upon the earth.

All of our angels are now in place to execute our plan of cleansing the wicked, of saving the elect of God and of ultimately making a happier world. Stand and be ready!'

6. There was then a flash of lightning and a boom at that time–very dramatic. My Heavenly Parents were then gone. I felt I would receive another strong message today, about one year later.

7. I was kneeling before both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the path in the wooded area. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, stand before us!'

I stood and looked directly at my Heavenly Father. He was very serious as he spoke. His eyes were so piercing, like they were on fire! He was so majestic and terrible in his look, like he could destroy anything he wanted with the look of his eyes! He spoke again:

8. 'Raphael, the inhabitants of the earth are following Satan and his hosts more and more! They don't pray to us much and when they do, it is often shallow, with no intensity in their efforts. The lures of the world tempt them so easily. Satan rejoices and his angels rejoice.

9. (see 3 Nephi 9:2–"Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent; for the devil laugheth, and his angels rejoice, because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of my people; and it is because of their iniquity and abominations that they are fallen!")

We will come out in our vengeance and wrath more and more upon the inhabitants of the earth! All will feel our anger, until the earth and the wicked are consumed. We do this to prepare the way for the glorious return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth and for the New Jerusalem to be established in great celestial peace and glory.

Raphael, we will use you and all our holy angels to execute our judgments upon the earth! We will send you to initiate calamities and cleansing where we will. All our holy angels are poised, prepared, and already trained in hearing the voice of our command, all working in the celestial realms above the earth and in heaven. Our activity among the wicked will now greatly increase as the fire of our indignation will rock the nations of the earth.'

10. I bowed my head and spoke:

'Father, we angels stand ready to obey thee and our Mother in all of your directions and commands!'

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, our son, these are very difficult times for our elect! If they come unto us in the sincerity and depths of their souls, in their prayers of humility, we will bless them during these days of tribulations. We will send our angels and other servants to protect, gather and teach them how to escape the wrath and judgments upon the world. We will bless them as they come unto their Savior, Jesus Christ, who will receive them. We yearn for our chosen elect to awaken and come unto us, their God!'

12. I looked into my Heavenly Mother's face and saw tears of yearning to bless any effort of her children who come to God! She and Heavenly Father love them so much and want to extend to them. However, their children must first make the effort to approach God of their own volition and desire, over the enticements of Satan and the world.

13. Thus ended my morning prayer. The vision was finished. I had been commanded by Heavenly Mother to write all of this down. As I wrote in my room in my house in Utah, I saw my replicated celestial self also sit down on a bench along the path in heaven, and also write in my journal there. I felt I had frequently been recording all of these experiences in my web posts in heaven and on the earth.

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their stirring words today. I have no idea of how soon increased calamities will come to the earth, but I know they will soon come!

14. Later: I just returned from a concert in our local high school of Handel's Messiah. It was great! I so enjoyed it. This was the first year for the Nebo Holiday Chorus and Orchestra performing–a local south Utah county new organization. I went with my wife and our son joined us part way after his work.

During the performance, I felt like I was in heaven at the east end of Lake Beautiful on the path! I sat on a bench next to the path while the choir, soloists and orchestra performed on earth. I felt I was alone in such a beautiful setting while I heard the concert. At one point, when the bass soloist sang "I will shake the heavens, and the earth, the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all nations; and the Desire of all Nations Shall Come!" (Haggai 2:6-7), I felt I saw in my mind Heavenly Father with his very firm eyes like I saw last night and this morning!

15. When the chorus sang from Isaiah 9:6, I felt I saw Jesus Christ in the path to my left! I immediately knelt down in the path facing my Savior during this stirring number: 'For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is give; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.'

16. Then I heard the tenor sing from Psalms 2:9 'Thou shalt break them with the rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel'. I immediately knew this would be fulfilled by John the Beloved! He was actually given a silver rod to afflict the nations of the earth (see my post #59 The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur). John the Beloved has this mission in these last days and will raise his rod that he was given to smite the nations and break them in pieces. He was given a silver rod I believe, not an iron rod as the bible states in Psalms 2:9.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 19, 2017 Tuesday

1. Last night I prayed in the woods on the path on the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful. My Heavenly Parents came walking from the south, from deeper in the woods. They came directly in front of me and were happy! I was puzzling why I had seen them very serious and angered earlier in the day and now so happy–how could this be?

2. Heavenly Father responded to my thoughts immediately:

'Raphael, we choose what thoughts we want in order to create our feelings and actions. This morning we had chosen to think thoughts of how the wicked are acting in the world. These thoughts were needed in order to initiate the feelings of retribution, righteous anger and wrath against the wicked. These in turn created the actions we initiated of calamities and greater distress on the earth.

3. We desire to not dwell on these thoughts for long since the desired feelings and actions have now been initiated. We act on our feelings and thoughts–the same as our children do in mortality. We also have perfect control of our thoughts and may change them to suit our desires. We wish now to come to you in great love and acceptance. This is our normal status for those who approach us in humility and faithfulness as do you.'

4. I thanked my Heavenly Father last night for his words. I also confirmed that I had seen his face of great seriousness during the Messiah performance. I also confirmed that Jesus Christ had actually appeared before me in my unconscious mind, which was so moving to me. I confirmed that John the Beloved would fulfill the scripture mentioning the rod of iron dashing to pieces the wicked like a potter's vessels.

There was no more message for me last night. I went to bed late and had a great sleep.

5. I walked in the woods again this morning during my prayer. I was in a mature forest by the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful. I found a spot on the path that came to the water's edge. I then drank from the lake three times, and then knelt next to the path facing the woods. When I prayed, my Heavenly Parents came from behind me, from the lake. I turned around and they were holding hands, smiling. I felt great love for them and the privilege to be again in their presence! They were smiling at me.

6. I asked them a question about the phrase 'belief systems' that I had used when writing in my journal recently. I wondered if it would be clearer to write this as 'should beliefs'? Heavenly Mother agreed with me. She gave me the thought that when we say we 'should have' done this or that, that this never serves us well. We also don't need to use for ourselves the notion of we 'should' act in a certain way in the future. Instead, we act on our impressions, feelings, and thoughts, being open to change and whatever action is needed at the time. This is a hard concept for me to wrap my mind around! But the gist of it is that 'shoulds' are generally negative and beat us up when speaking of our past. Instead, we make the best choices at the time and don't need to go back and say 'I should have done differently.' We act on the best information we have at the time and generally shouldn't have done anything different.

7. I then asked one of M.A.'s questions about giants in Enoch, the prophet's day. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, there have been different sized people on the earth, some very large and some very small. Some of these extreme size differences are genetic issues that have perpetuated in the race for generations. These are all our children and mortal descendants from Adam and Eve.'

8. I had more questions from M.A.:

Q: Do Heavenly Father and Jesus have beards? Do all men in heaven have beards?
A: 'Yes, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have beards. No, not all men in heaven have beards.'

9. Q: I would like some enlightenment about our will verses God's will. Can you give me some examples of our will that we need to change? What would be God's will as an example in our everyday life? Are you not supposed to do all you can to help your son get better? Are you to have no expectations of his outcome? Or are we to just say what will be will be and let him be in God's hands?

A: (from Heavenly Mother)

'Raphael, we are pleased when our children have hope in bettering their lives and those of their loved one. We, too, anticipate change for the better like you inherently have for your son to heal and get better in his mental abilities. As our children come unto us requesting healing or outcomes in their lives that are favorable to them, we frequently bless them according to their desires. We guide and prosper our children in mortality. However, there are times we wait, all according to our wisdom and overall plan for the growth of our children.

10. As our children continue to importune us, we generally choose to hear their pleas and bless them quicker than had they not prayed to us so incessantly. See the parable of the importune judge (Luke 11:5-10, Luke 18:1-8). We act as loving and wise parents towards our children, and want to always bless and pour out prosperity and healing. However, the need for seeing how our children act in given circumstances is a main purpose of the mortal experience.

11. We are also pleased when our children do all they can on their own and also come unto us, seeking a particular blessing. This is not the meaning of dropping one's expectations. Having no expectations means that one does not keep rigid ideas of how future events will turn out or how they themselves will even be involved. We want our children to be very open and flexible, particularly our mortal angels and called servants. We then may inspire them to action without them thinking our request and command is 'out-of-line' from the norm and therefore they must be receiving the direction from a wrong source. No expectations means more openness and less or no restriction of what possibly could happen in the future.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their guidance this morning. I am so grateful for my daily communion with them. I love hearing from them and being in their presence!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 20, 2017 Wednesday

1. M.A. had asked this question in a recent email:

'How does Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father and the Savior feel about Christmas time here on earth? Are they glad we celebrate or are they disgusted by the talk of Santa?'

2. In my prayer this morning, I asked my Heavenly Parents about our Christmas celebrations. I had gone last night in my evening prayer and this morning again to the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful. I went deeper in the woods there. The lake came very close to the woods and I went out into the water and actually immersed myself! I breathed underwater and could feel the living water enter into my head, lungs, and then shoot out my head as I exhaled! This sensation was very cleansing it seemed and spiritually enlivening. I came out of the water and felt so refreshed and more perceptive too.

3. About Christmas, Heavenly Mother said these words:

'Raphael, we are happy with how you spent time with your grandchildren last night! You all enjoyed each other in a very festive experience. You sang religious and secular songs that engendered love and fun. Although the tradition of Santa Claus is make-believe now, it is a cultural activity that can be done to create fun and endearing family time like you did last night. The remembrance of the birth of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is the emphasis we would hope for in families, so parents and children may turn to him for redemption. When Heavenly Father and I were in our own mortal probation, we too had celebrations similar to Christmas, New Years and Thanksgiving that we enjoyed. These events strengthened our own family and linked us to the society we all grew up in. We still have fond memories of these religious and cultural holidays from those times.'

4. I felt acceptance of the family activities we have been planning in our family this week from my Heavenly Parents. We have lots on our calendar, with opening presents for those leaving town for Christmas, taking married children as couples out to dinner, and having lots of visiting. I believe all of this is pleasing to my Heavenly Parents.

5. I then looked into Heavenly Father's eyes and felt I could see myself kneeling in front of him. I saw pure motives and lots of peace in myself from his perspective. I felt God's light blessing me in all of our family activities this Christmas and New Year's. I have so much to be grateful for!

6. I asked my Heavenly Parents to help me drop my 'should' beliefs. My wife and I were talking yesterday and I kept bringing up a lot of shoulds, both for others and myself. I know I can control my thoughts better! I am human and this all takes effort to change. This is my desire–to change to a point where I have full control of my thoughts that create my feelings and actions. Long-seated views of others and myself are particularly hard to change.

7. Heavenly Father responded to my request for help in my thoughts:

'Raphael, control over your mind and thoughts is a process that takes effort and time. Don't be too hard on yourself, for you have just recently learned all of this. Views and thoughts of how you should act or how others should act may be replaced, but it takes directed effort and choice. We will bless you in your efforts so that you will be successful. You will find great personal strength and control when you are able to control your thoughts in these righteous ways.'

8. I then thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for helping me in my weaknesses. I expressed great joy to be in their presence so frequently. I thanked them for their understandable words and directions. I feel very blessed and accepted by them!

This is how I experienced my prayer this morning. I feel now ready for another great day!

9. Later:
In my prayer tonight, Heavenly Mother came to me alone at the falls in her upper gardens. I had prepared by going into the river just before the falls. The water was deep and fast flowing. I immersed myself and felt increased clarity as the fast-moving living water went through my head area.

10. I came out, ready to commune with God. When I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come, only Heavenly Mother came. She said this:

'Raphael, when you finish editing your post #64, send it out to all the angels who sustain you. It is very important that you in particular learn the lessons of dropping all of your should beliefs. This will allow you to serve us more effectively and reduce a lot of your emotional pain. We are pleased with what you have written in this web post'

I thanked Heavenly Mother for her great message. I then ended my prayer and closed in the name of Jesus Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 21, 2017 Thursday

1. I had a good sleep and, after talking with my wife this morning, I started my prayer. I went to the same area near the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's gardens. I was at the top of the falls, facing west. When I prayed, I heard Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother coming from the path next to the circling waters. They came across the river to me. I rotated myself so I was facing them on my knees.

2. They came in glorious bright light. They were smiling at me and I was overjoyed to be in their presence. I am amazed at how they come to me so frequently! I feel very accepted and loved. I told them how glad I was to be before them. I shared with them my eagerness to learn to control my thoughts more fully and to connect with my feelings regularly so that I knew exactly what I was feeling at all times. I prayed for help in this area. I was glad that my wife shares her experiences from her coaching calls regularly with me so I, too, could learn. I see this as a great blessing to me personally.

I then waited upon God. I gazed into their bright and smiling faces! They are so loving, accepting, powerful and majestic! I am in awe every time I come into their presence!

3. Heavenly Father then got ready to speak. He asked that I write the words he speaks in my journal. Here now is what he said to my mind:

'Raphael, our son, we have much more to teach you, both through your loving wife and from us directly, in connecting to your feelings and your thoughts. When you are finally able to control your thoughts by your own choice, you will be greatly empowered to feel in charge of your life. You will not be responding to every whim of others or of your circumstances. You will be fully able to decide how to think, feel and act in every situation that comes your way. Your Heavenly Mother and I will also be by your side, on your right hand and on your left, to guide you. Having this level of control of yourself will make you a more powerful and effective servant to us also.

4. We hope our mortal angels will also pursue this same course of controlling their thoughts. It is not easy to uproot previous patterns and ways of seeing life, but it will be so helpful to their personal lives, and allow us to work more fully through them. When you are able to control your thoughts in your mortal, conscious mind, your ability in the celestial realms also greatly increases. Even though you work in your unconscious state in celestial realms, the skills you gain in your mortal conscious state are magnified in your unconscious mind also. This is how we have designed the constitution of man in these two mental states.

5. It is a good practice to check every hour at first how you feel. Write these down as your wife suggested, so that you become more in touch with your own thoughts and feelings. As your intuneness to your feelings becomes more automatic, then you will see more clearly how quickly you respond with emotions from your thoughts. Sometimes there is a rapid cascade of thought–feeling–action that is hard to individually distinguish. However, with practice, you will be able to see how this process all starts with the seed of thoughts. This seed of thought may be changed by your own will, creating an altogether different feeling and result.

6. The example you talked with your wife about this morning, with the tardiness of your daughter-in-law, is applicable here. You might feel aggravated by her tardiness to family events because you think she is always tardy. This may also create feelings in you of her not caring about you. However, rethink that she is a very caring mother and meets the needs and demands of her many children before attending to time demands. This thought creates more tender feelings of respect and admiration for her that she is a very attentive mother. This type of rethinking will be better for you, for you will feel more loving and accepting thoughts of her rather than frustration because she seems to always be late.

7. When you look at others and also drop all of your 'should' beliefs about them, you will also feel more accepting and non-judgmental. This is the pattern we wish you to develop more fully, Raphael. We are pleased with your efforts and will help you along.'

I expressed deep gratitude in the help God promised to extend to me as I try to change. I feel very motivated to work on better thought control and awareness of my feelings at all times.

I will now make my list of feelings by the hour for a time. I am starting with feelings of peace, acceptance, being loved and feeling determined to connect with my own self. I then closed my prayer and started my day.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 22, 2017 Friday

1. . . . I sent out a web post last night, #64. I haven't been hearing from most of these I email (15 total). I am not doing this for them only, but for a record of all that is happening to me. I do wish I would have connection with each one! Most are silent and are not too good at writing!

2. This morning in my prayer, I determined to go to the white gate and see and talk with Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. I drank from the fountain of living water and then walked to the white gate. Jesus Christ opened the gate and I entered. I immediately knelt before him. He was very filled with light and love, more so than I had perceived in the recent past. He was smiling and seemed happy I came to him today.

I gazed on him and was filled with his light and love that he extended to me. I then thanked him for extending to me, accepting me, and coming to me today. I expressed gratitude for his great redemptive powers that he has so freely extended to me! I felt very clean and clear before him today, and filled with love.

3. Jesus then spoke:

'Raphael, you have sent out your latest web post last night on the two keys to communion with God and happiness. You have written and communicated well in your journal all we inspired you to write. As you apply these principles, you will find increased love for others and greater happiness. We desire that you act as a beacon of love and light to those you interact with, regardless of their heavy burdens and troubles in their lives. You will continue to work in our celestial realms, behind the scenes so they will not know of your actions in their behalf. As you drop all of your 'should' beliefs, you will be able to have deeper love and compassion for those you serve.'

4. Jesus then took my hands and lifted me to a standing position before him. He drew me close and I felt like I came into his very being. I felt one with him for that instant we fully embraced! I felt the love and compassion he has for me. I felt acceptance and non-judgment from him. I felt I was pleasing to him in every way! I thought then that this is how I need to act towards all others I come in contact with in my life–to follow this wonderful example of loving that I feel from my Savior, Jesus Christ. Now that I have been enlightened and loved, I want to act this way before others I meet and serve in both the celestial realms and in my mortal life.

5. Jesus then placed his hands on my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes. He discerned all of me and was smiling. He then dropped his arms and said this:

'Raphael, love those you interact with as I have loved you.'

6. I said I would do so, and be aware of the others in my life and love them as best I could by serving them, both in the heavenly realms as his angel, and in my mortal life as a normal man.

I then turned and walked the straight and narrow path towards the tree of life. The path did not have steep sides today and was easy to walk on. I saw and came to the tree of life soon. I plucked a glowing white fruit and leaf. Before leaving to the circling waters, I came to the trunk of the tree and audibly thanked it for serving me so well with its healing fruits and leaves.

7. I came to the bench at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I sat down and ate the fruit as I thought of extending more service and love to those in my circle of influence. I then chewed and swallowed the leaf of the tree of life, seeking to have healing in my body.

I then knelt before the bench, facing the circling waters and facing south. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.

8. Heavenly Father first came from the sky and stood before me. He spoke:

'Raphael, we are glad you came to our Beloved Son this morning and felt of his light and love. Follow his example of caring for others, showing them compassion and love. Work in secret as much as you can and we will reward you with more love and happiness in your personal life. Look to every soul you interact with in loving ways and have no judgment on any. Follow our directions and promptings in all things, with no expectations. We will lead and guide you in all your life as you follow us, our son!'

9. At this moment, Heavenly Mother came from the skies to the left side of Heavenly Father. She descended to him where they greeted each other lovingly and held hands.

I gazed into her loving and happy face! I felt such love and acceptance coming from her! I so love to be in the presence of God, to feel their light and love they continually shower me with!

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, as you practice dropping all of your should beliefs for others and yourself, you will be more and more filled with our love and light. You will be happier and happier in your life, too, as you in turn love and accept our beloved children. Your influence on others will become great as you serve them in love and kindness. Follow the wonderful example of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'

11. I was feeling already so filled with the light and love of their presence and the happiness that came from within me! I felt great peace!

I then felt my mortal body calling me! I started fading from them, gradually falling backwards to my mortal body until I was sitting in my chair writing all of this down in my journal.

What a great way to start my day! I feel happy and ready to begin my mortal life today after such a great communion with God!

12. Later in evening prayer–I prayed next to Enoch's city tonight. I partook of living water inside the gate at the fountain, and also plucked a fruit and leaf of the tree of life there. I came to a place outside the gate, on the north side of the small stream that came down the hillside and flowed into the fountain inside the city. I petitioned my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

They came over the tops of the trees on the slope of the valley hill to the west from Lake Beautiful. They stood before me, so majestic! I gazed on Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were smiling at me, so filled with love and light.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael we are glad to respond to J.W.' request to share your latest post #64 with him. When we prompt you, we are glad that you immediately act.

The dropping of should beliefs is very helpful to all of our mortal angels. As our children pray to us and confirm all of these things, we will guide them along as they follow us.'

14. I then turned and Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, it is a great thing to also know the keys to true prayer and communion with us, your God. We will come unto any of our children who pray in faith as do you, waiting upon us to come to them. We will then lead them in our ways as they are able to receive our guidance.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this privilege to be in their presence again. I thanked them for blessings we have received from their hand yesterday and today. I feel connected to them as I now retire to my bed. I feel at peace and happy.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 23, 2017 Saturday

1. This morning in my prayer, I came to the exact place as last night–at the bottom of the hill leading down to Enoch's city. I drank from the stream to my left and knelt down to pray. My Heavenly Parents came from the path next to the stream, in the forested area in front of me on the hill. I spent some time gazing into their faces. I just love seeing them before me! I asked Heavenly Mother if I had progressed enough to now have revealed to me some of the things she said she would share with me. She smiled and asked me to write. Here are her words:

2. 'Raphael, as you practice identifying your thoughts and feelings throughout the day, you then need to determine if these are pleasing you. We all need to deal with emotional pain at some times and other unwanted emotions. We choose to just let thoughts dwell in our minds long enough to create the desired emotions, actions and results. At that point, we then usually decide to change our thoughts and bring about thoughts that create more positive experiences and feelings.

3. Your wife has frequently told you that you yourself, are able to interpret situations as you wish or what it means to you. This is all controlled by your thoughts. You might take offense at what someone said because you made it mean they don't like you or are selfish, for instance. However, you have the power to make their actions mean something else to you, such as thinking "____ is young and doesn't even know better yet", or "_____ seems so pleased in celebrating her birthday" and then purposefully ignore rude remarks. Both of these statements are true and you can make the situation not be offensive, but instead believe other things, or make the situation mean something altogether different to you. This story of what you see is based on selective thinking in different ways than you would normally react. It is better to act consciously in more constrained ways than to react without thinking.

4. One way to help you do this is to say to yourself that everyone who is an adult may choose how he or she acts. Think also that you are not responsible for their actions or choices. You may love them even if they do things you wouldn't do or think differently than do you.

5. As God, we see our children choosing what they want to do differently than what we would choose. We fully allow this choice. We may entice them with other thoughts or suggestions, but they have full choice. As God, this thought of their agency helps us to not suffer unneeded emotional pain with our wayward child.

6. Raphael, I really like much of what your wife is studying about controlling her mind and thoughts. We have inspired those who are coaching her. She in turn is being taught these hard lessons to learn, and in turn you are learning from your wife and us, your Heavenly Parents. We have planned this process for your training in this way. These principles will help you in all of your ministrations and work for us.'

7. I felt so pleased in these words. I am glad to be coached by my loving wife and my loving Heavenly Parents, who know and practice these principles.

I am glad to practice until I get better at this! I am immersed in real-life experiences where I may choose what I think and identify how I feel. I don't want these to be automatic, but for me to select these by my choice. I want to make my truthful story that best serves me, allowing me to be mostly happy and loving. When other emotions and actions are needed, I want to have control of how I think and be able to create my desired feelings and actions.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 24, 2017 Sunday-Christmas Eve

1. We are planning to attend sacrament meeting with our son this afternoon. Afterwards, we plan to visit our widow friend and then return home for some family time in the evening. It should be fun!

2. Last night, I had an interesting experience in my prayer. I prepared myself and invited my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother only came. She appeared at first without glory to me, but then gradually increased in light as she stood before me. I got the impression that at first this is how she looked in mortality! She had the same features, only didn't have her glory. She looked like a normal woman I would see on earth. She was pretty and was happy. Then she gradually increased in her glory and brightness, like she was progressing from one degree to another until I saw her bright and glorious before me. I am not aware why she did this.

3. I have reflected on the various ways God comes to me and the various ways they teach me and interact with me. They are both so, so, creative, always keeping me unsure what they will do next! I wonder if this is on purpose so that I will never get in a routine or pattern. It may, however, just be the way they are, always so creative and varied in how they approach their children!

4. In my morning prayer this day, I met both my Heavenly Parents inside the main area of their holy temple in heaven. We were next to a little stream and a fir tree. I saw both my Heavenly Parents come. Heavenly Mother had her glory but Heavenly Father did not. He seemed to progress through the same experience that I had seen with Heavenly Mother last night! I saw him as a normal man I would meet on earth! Then he progressed with more and more light until he was as bright as Heavenly Mother next to him.

5. I then thought of myself. I look like a normal man on earth, with no glory. This is how I appear to others. However, I will gradually follow this same type of progression as my Heavenly Parents did, one step at a time, here a little more light and love, by degrees, until one day I will be like my Heavenly Father. These were my thoughts as I gazed upon my Father.

6. I then asked them what they might want to say to me. Heavenly Father responded and asked that I write the words He would speak to me:

'Raphael, last night and this morning you saw your Heavenly Mother and me as we appeared when we were on our own earth like the one you are now living on. You saw the progression of the increased light, capability and love that we were changed into as we chose to follow our own Heavenly Parents. You now see us in our glory, in the midst of our celestial creations and our beautiful temple in heaven.

7. Raphael, this is your future and inheritance! You, too, will progress and one day become even as we are. You will have full capability to control yourself, your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will have your glorious wife by your side as you create and populate worlds without number in eternity.

8. Such is the state of every one of our sons and daughters who come unto us and follow our promptings! We will lead them to great heights of happiness and glory. They will have a fullness of joy in their lives.

9. Our greatest pleasures are to exalt our beloved children who thus follow us and want to be like us. We do this by leading them gradually, one step at a time. Those who follow us, heed our counsels and follow our commandments will have glory added upon them forever and ever.

10. You cannot see at this time our great purposes for you, Raphael! We have chosen you to administer part of this glory upon each of our children who are faithful. We are delighted in the way you are responding to our every direction and prompting. Keep humble and open and be diligent in approaching us, your God, and we will lead you to do our great work in behalf of our elect children, one step at a time.'

11. When finished, Heavenly Father extended his hands and had me stand. Then both he and Heavenly Mother wrapped their arms around me in a loving embrace that filled me with their light and love. I felt so honored to be in their presence–so loved and so happy! This is what I want to have and to be like–my glorious Heavenly Father! I feel great peace and uplift today, on this Christmas Eve! What a wonderful prayer and communion with God today!

12. Later-We went to a local ward at 1:00 PM to sacrament meeting. We sang lots of Christmas songs that was very nice. For the sacrament, we sang "Jesus Once of Humble Birth (hymn #196).

When I was preparing for the sacrament, I thought I was in the field just north of the river representing Jesus Christ in the celestial world. I had been here multiple times. Only today there was a different landscape against the hill to the north where the trail goes into the woods: there was some kind of cave. I came near it and realized this was an actual vision I was seeing in heaven of the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ, on the earth long ago!

13. We sang the hymn for the sacrament…

"Jesus once of humble birth
Now in glory comes to earth
Once he suffered grief and pain
Now he comes on earth to reign
Now he comes on earth to reign.

We sang the rest of the four verses.

14. I made my way into the cave and saw Mary and Joseph there. I then focused on Jesus Christ, the baby in the manger who had just been born. I looked into his eyes that opened as I looked at him. I saw the recognizable eyes of my Redeemer, so deep and eternal, in this little baby! As I looked at baby Jesus, I was drawn into his eyes somehow! I then saw my Savior before me! He spoke to me:

'Raphael, you see now how I came to earth in my humble birth to redeem all mankind who come unto me. I am the promised Savior of our Heavenly Parents!'

15. I was then whisked back to my kneeling position next to the place where he lay as an innocent baby in that humble manger! I gazed more on his face, peering into his eternity eyes, so remarkable and so much of those of my Savior!

16. The hymn ended and the priest offered the blessing on the bread. I then opened my eyes and my Heavenly Father was standing on my front right and Heavenly Mother on my front left with baby Jesus between them. I then made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents, like I do each week. I was praying to them on my knees.

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today that you have made before us. We covenant to always be with you. When our Firstborn Son was born in this cave on earth, he came into the world as our chosen Messiah. When he was just born, you and all our holy angels came here in this cave and saw him with Mary and Joseph, hidden from their view. We allowed our archangels to first come and witness of his birth, and then the remainder of our angels.

18. When you all had seen and bore record, you then came to the shepherds in the local field to witness to these humble souls. We allowed you to herald your overflowing love and fresh witness that the Son of God now had come to earth! Rarely do we permit our angels to witness in mass to the inhabitants of the earth, both with declarations and anthems of praise, but this we freely permitted that night. We were nearby also with our angels that holy night of the advent of our Beloved Son into the world!'

I then gazed again on the Son of God before me, a newborn baby. I was in awe at the stillness and peace of the moment!

19. The sacrament service ended immediately after the sacrament. The sacrament was at the end of the short meeting today. We immediately sang "Silent Night", such a very appropriate and meaningful, quiet, reverent hymn! I sang it with new insight today:

1. Silent Night! Holy Night!
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child.
Holy infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace;
Sleep in heavenly peace.

2. Silent night! Holy Night!
Shepherds quake at the sight!
Glories stream from heaven afar;
Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Savior, is born!
Christ, the Savior, is born!

3. Silent Night! Holy Night!
Son of God, loves pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth;
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.

(Text Joseph Mohr 1792-1848, music Franz Gruber 1787-1863)

20. See also Luke 2:4-20 for this account in scripture:

"And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judæa, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."

We came home and had a very lovely evening with part of our family on Christmas Eve.

We enjoyed such a happy time, very enjoyable and peaceful! I had the best Sabbath day ever!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 25, 2017 Monday - Christmas

1. This morning I awoke around 8:00 AM. The family was still all sleeping. I snuck into the adjacent bedroom. It had silently snowed a few inches last night. I knelt to pray next to my recliner in that bedroom. I felt it was so quiet and still in heaven this morning!

I went to the fountain of living water where I drank three times. I felt clarified in my mind. I then went to the white gate to meet Jesus Christ. I wanted to commune with him on this day we celebrate his birth.

2. When I came to the white gate, it swung open. I entered and went on my knees. However, I saw no Jesus. It was void of his presence! I called out in prayer 'Oh Jesus, please let me come unto thee this Christmas morning!'

I then had a notion to walk behind some bushes nearby. I stood and walked there. When I arrived, I saw a sleeping baby Jesus in a manger, like the one I saw last night! I knelt by him. He was sleeping soundly! It was all so still around me! I stayed there for some time, then stood and quietly went back from where I had come.

3. There I met Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, standing before me! I fell to my knees. He spoke:

'Raphael, my son, you have seen again how I came into the world as an innocent and helpless baby. Here is the condescension of God, for I came forth in the most humble and vulnerable of all circumstances, leaving my high station before God and entering mortality as the lowest. I grew in a loving home, very poor and simple. We were guided and protected by angels. In this home I became awakened to who I was, even at a young age. I knew I was to be the Redeemer of all mankind when I lived with my earthly parents. I kept it private by sharing it only with my parents who also knew of my secret.

I thus grew in the knowledge of man and things in the home of my humble family. We were happy and loving.

4. Thus I came to earth as the anointed one to be the Savior of all mankind, to take upon me in my later life the sins of all, so they could return again to God and be cleansed from their sins. I chose to lead a holy life, void of sin, so that I could be the Lamb of God, to be sacrificed for the sins of the world. This was my mission and my purpose.

5. Raphael, you too have been awakened now to your mission and purpose. I have redeemed you and freed you of the shackles of sin. You are now able to fulfill your glorious mission in these last days, before and during the second coming of the Son of God. Your Heavenly Parents and I will help you in every way to fulfill your mission, my son. We love you.'

6. He took my hands, holding them tightly, and waved his arm to the straight and narrow path to my right. I stood and thanked him to have redeemed me so that I could come back into his presence! I told him I loved him too, and would keep his commandments!

7. I walked to the tree of life on the straight and narrow path. When I arrived, the tree was lit up like a gorgeous Christmas tree, all-aglow with brilliant shining fruits. I plucked one near me and then picked a leaf. I then teleported to the field north of the river representing Jesus Christ, where I had been last night at the cave. The cave was now gone and there was the normal entry to the path heading into the overlook and the fir forest. I sat by a bench and ate the fruit, thinking of the expanding love of God in my heart. I felt a desire to love God, love my fellow men and love myself more and more. I then ate the leaf and desired a strong physical body to help me fulfill my future mission.

8. I then knelt down in the field at the beginning of the path, facing north. My Heavenly Parents came immediately in front of me, both shining brightly and smiling. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have shown you of the birth and advent of our Beloved Son to the earth last night and this morning. He is the promised Redeemer of all our children so that they may return to us, as many as choose to do so, and with us have eternal life and exaltation.

9. We sent our Son into the world with no control on his actions, except the love we poured out on him, similar to others of our children. All of the redemption of our children was dependent upon Jesus Christ, our Son. As he responded, we came to him and taught him, more and more. He quickly learned of his great mission to save our children from their sins and to be the intermediary between us and our children on earth. He was led gradually until he fulfilled his mission gloriously!

10. Raphael, your mission in these last days is now before you. You have been awakened to the greatness of your calling and the importance of the actions you will soon do on our behalf. You are being led, one step at a time, in a way similar to our Beloved Son when he was on the earth. We will be beside you, helping you grow into the man we desire you to become. We are pleased with you, Raphael.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for coming to me today in my prayer this Christmas morning. I feel so happy and grateful to them for my blessings to be in their presence and to have received these great views of Jesus as the newborn babe in Bethlehem.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 26, 2017 Tuesday

1. This morning we had my son and his family stay overnight with their two little kids. They all awoke early and were upstairs where our bedrooms are. It was difficult to connect in prayer with all the noise, so after a short attempt I came out from the bedroom to visit them. We had a nice visit together.

This Christmas we have had lots of company visiting in little segments at a time. It has been better to have more one-on-one visiting time, rather than one big family event.

2. I have found that I do best when I have a lot of quiet time in my life. This affords me meditation time so I can connect with my unconscious mind and then commune with God. I feel so very grateful for this daily opportunity! I am glad, too, that my awakening has been in my life when my children are all grown. I don't know how I could really do this so intensively if we still had young children with a lot of needs to attend to.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 27, 2017 Wednesday

1. Last night before bed I listened to the audio of my first encounter with Heavenly Mother in the energy class and some of other witness links on my website. I remember how overwhelming it all seemed at the time! I also listened to the words of Heavenly Father on healing angels as I read the account. I feel so very happy to have been chosen as a healing angel! This is truly an amazing privilege to work with God in behalf of healing and blessing God's children on earth!

2. I came last night to the waterfalls area in Heavenly Mother's upper garden during my prayer. I gazed upon my Heavenly Parents who came to me. They were full of light and love for me, but didn't speak. I felt comforted and had a great sleep.

This morning, I came to the same location. I prepared myself and knelt down. As I prayed, seeking my Heavenly Parents to come, I was taken into the air above the waterfall going west I believe. I came to an area in the clouds above the celestial world somewhere. I then came into the presence of Heavenly Father who was smiling before me.

3. It seemed that we were not on the celestial orb but were in clouds. I then felt this was probably where Joseph Smith had an experience where he said the celestial world was like a sea of glass. This location was not on the surface of the celestial world, but up in the clouds or sky somewhere. In all of my experiences in the celestial world up to this point, I have seen hills, mountains, flowers, rivers, animals, trees and forests of all varieties, buildings etc. However, where I was this morning in my prayer was what I would say is more like a sea of glass–tangible but not on the surface of the celestial world. (see D&C 130:7-11)

4. In my morning prayer, I received the impression my Heavenly Father wanted to speak to me. He asked me in my mind to write his words. I am now going to do this in my journal:

'Raphael, we are meeting in a location above the celestial world in the sky, in the clouds of heaven. We may create any surroundings we wish in this location. This is also true in the domed room and in some other buildings on the surface of our beautiful world.

5. I have brought you before me alone today. You have recently seen in vision the birth of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. This experience was very real and tangible to your unconscious mind. We are able to do this for all things past, present, and future, for these things are before us continually. We brought you to the very event that occurred in the fields of Bethlehem over two millennia ago. It was portrayed to you in heaven, where all of this is possible and real. We did this to show you that we exercised no control over our children, even with the great Jehovah whom we chose to be the Redeemer. He had full choice and agency to act how he wanted. We came to him as he prayed unto us, his Heavenly Parents. We led him and taught him, one step at a time, just like we have been doing for you. We interact with all of our children in this way during their earthly experience. Jesus was subject to all the weaknesses of the flesh since he was in mortality. However, he was my Only Begotten Son in the flesh, conceived of his Heavenly Mother. My seed inside of your Mother was then transferred to Mary, his earthly mother by Heavenly Mother. He then grew to a full term baby in Mary's womb and was then born in the local cave in Bethlehem in a manger. This was the most humble of all places to be born.

6. During the life of our Beloved Son, he did no sin. He learned quickly of his mission and kept focused on being pure and holy. He prepared himself as we directed him. Our Beloved Son was extremely desirous to fulfill our will and to keep our commandments.

7. Jesus Christ has fully shown to our other children who came to earth the way of righteous living. He learned our loving methods by close association with us in his youth. He patterned his life after what he saw us do. In every way he is the representative of us to our other children!

8. All mankind may choose how they will act and what they may do, without any coercion on our part. We continue, however, to seek to guide and encourage our children to do well and to come unto our Son. He will lead them to us. We also have many like yourself who act as our messengers and servants, blessing the lives of our beloved children on earth as we direct. In all of the activity of our angels and other servants, we are very careful to allow the full choice of our children they minister to. The elect of God are those who choose to be obedient to us, their God, and to accept our happy and loving ways. There is no other way for us to determine whom to reward with eternal life except by their own choosing to act and live in these patterns and ways.

9. Our influence on our children is through the love we show them. We care deeply for them and delight to have them be happy! We know what brings deep joy and satisfaction and share these things with all of our children as they are willing to accept. If they want to pursue after paths they may think will bring them joy, we fully allow them to do so. We are quick to accept back those who have made mistakes and repent. We desire to share the happy life we have found with each one of our children!

10. Raphael, in these last days there are many who live on earth who are choosing actions that will lead them to misery and harm. We are trying to influence these as we are able, to return to us and our Beloved Son. However, most would rather be carnal, sensual and devilish, as in the days of Adam (see Moses 5:13). Those who choose this path will reap sadness and misery. Of necessity, we also need to remove them from their stations on earth so that the glorious day of the millennium may fully come on the earth. We are focusing now all of our efforts to save our children of those we know will respond to our efforts of gently leading and guiding them to the happiness we have found. These are our elect.

11. Conclude your current post with these words you are writing in your journal. We have chosen you, Raphael, to be one of our servants in these last days through whom we will minister to our elect and our wayward children. You will act immediately on all our commands, and will be involved in all phases of our great work of saving and cleansing, healing and protecting, loving and vanquishing. The work that you and our holy angels do will be the hallmark of these times prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. Your important work will continue unabated into the great millennial day of peace and rest. Continue to be obedient and ever listening and watchful of our directions. We love you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his open and warm words with me today. I so love to be near him and hear him and obey his every command!