164. The Independence Day Eclipse
Posted 7-6-2020

Hello my friends,

As I write this cover letter, it is the 4th of July. I love our country, and am wearing a patriotic t-shirt. We are planning to attend fireworks tonight in Provo, amidst the partial lunar eclipse. Read in this post about this eclipse and the meaning it has for our country.

The remainder of you have now received your special missions and callings. This is explained in this post, and brings me lots of joy to think about the great mercies of a loving God for his faithful elect!

Write me about your questions and concerns. A heavy spiritual darkness now covers the land, and  this might even affect us unless we are ever diligent in connecting to our Heavenly Parents in deep meaningful prayer. I will be praying for each of you also.

Please confirm all that I have written, that it is from God and not from me.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, June 20, 2020

1. Evening- We enjoyed the visit of our second son and his family of seven children this evening! We enjoyed watching them all swim, and then cooking hot dogs over our fire pit in the back yard, and then eating outside at two separate picnic tables. We enjoyed a campfire afterwards, always keeping our distance. It was so fun and enjoyable!

2. Afterwards, I came inside and read an email from S about the upcoming eclipses in Jerusalem tomorrow and in the United States on July 4th. After reading his email, I went online and found out the solar eclipse across Africa and Asia would happen tomorrow, and be seen as a partial solar eclipse from Jerusalem. I then read we will have a partial lunar eclipse on July 4th, about two weeks later. I was particularly interested in the meaning of these signs in heaven that Heavenly Father told S about this morning.

3. I came to the beach on the celestial ocean where S walked with our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I came when the sun was setting, whereas S was there when the celestial sun was rising this morning. I could feel the heat from the celestial sun in front of me as it set.

4. I knelt on the sand and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. They immediately appeared in front of me, and asked me to walk between them on their celestial ocean beach for their evening walk. I stood and walked with them.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you received S's journal account from this morning when your Heavenly Father explained the meaning of both of the eclipses coming soon to the earth. The solar eclipse seen from Africa and Asia is happening now. S correctly wrote that our protection over Israel as a country and people would now be lifted temporarily, just as the sun will be blocked temporarily as seen from the land of Israel. We will still protect our elect from the ravages of other enemy nations and peoples, who will kill many. S correctly recorded Heavenly Father's words for the removal of our protections from Israel for a season.

6. On July 4th, there will be a lunar eclipse that will be seen across your land of America. S wrote correctly the words of your Heavenly Father that this heavenly sign will signify the removal of many of the liberties and freedoms of your own nation, the United States of America. Only four days earlier, Uriel will have blown his trumpet of God from the spire of the Salt Lake temple. You have been told this will initiate a spiritual darkness across your land.

7. In the midst of this darkness, the citizens of your nation will be attacked by the foreign power of communist China. You will also have preplanned riots and insurrections directed by the communist Chinese government, which will continue to create chaos and fear across your nation. Soon the liberty and freedom that we have protected your nation with will be removed for a season, just like the light of the sun will be blocked by the earth and its shadow shown on the moon, in a lunar eclipse. This sign will be given on July 4th, 2020, the day of your national Independence Day. This too is significant, since instead of becoming independent from other nations, you will soon be subjugated to them, even to those who will overcome your land and remove some of your freedoms and liberties.

8. Our caution to you again is to not attempt to resist this occupying force, or the insurrections that will spawn against the freedoms of your country that we have so long protected you with. Your country no longer worships the God of this land of promise, even Jesus Christ, but many spurn Christian values and the principles of freedom, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

9. Ether 2:12:

"Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

10. We will therefore remove our protection from the land for a season, even until we bring protection again upon this land, but this time upon the New Jerusalem area, in the center of the land of promise.'

11. Heavenly Mother stopped speaking. Both my Heavenly Parents let go of my hands and faced me. She had spoken to me while we were walking.

12. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, we have clearly told you today of war and the coming limited liberties that exist in wartime, even when your country will be occupied by a hostile and aggressive nation. Fear not, however, for we will still fight your battles, and bring about, in our own way, the destruction of the wicked, and the preservation of our elect. Stay near to us and we will give you revelation and much peace, even in your coming troubled days ahead.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their clear messages today! I thanked them to have spoken to my friend S, and revealed many of these great things to him. I said I was so blessed to have him as another witness to the truth of all of these things.

14. My Heavenly Parents then held hands and ascended up into the celestial sky, and were quickly gone. I came back to my mortal self who was writing all of this, and confirmed what I wrote to be true. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, Father's Day, June 21, 2020

1. I awoke happy and refreshed, and ready to start a new Sabbath day. I love that summer has officially started now too. For us, this summer should bring happy days.

2. We have a very large cherry tree that we planted 32 years ago in front of our house to the north. The robins, magpies, and other local birds have pretty much eaten all the cherries, except what we can easily reach from low-lying branches. This has always chagrined us! However, yesterday a ward member who owns a Washington state cherry orchard gave us 20 pounds of beautiful red cherries, just to be nice and to share with us and other ward members! We were thrilled and loved the gift, and thanked them for being so generous.

3. I have thought of our cherry tree, and then of this box of cherries from a generous and thoughtful neighbor. This makes me want to be gracious and kind to my neighbors too.

This morning I prayed at the very quiet desert oasis. I sat on the bench, and pondered my life, and some of the events happening around me.

4. While meditating, I saw Heavenly Father walking towards me on the water! He soon stood directly in front of me, standing on the sand. His eyes were tender, yet very powerful looking, and his person was very majestic. I felt his love and acceptance come into me, accompanying the light that radiated from his being.

5. I opened our conversation, and thanked him for being my Father! I told him how much I loved him and appreciated him being in my life so much, even in mortality during the days of my earthly probation. I said that today was Father's day in my nation, and that I would always remember him, and keep his commandments.

6. Heavenly Father then spoke: Raphael, we also remember you all of the time, and want to bless and prosper you and our elect living on the earth. These remember us, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me, or will soon after their conversion(s). We will bless them with Heavenly Mother's protecting corona flame, and will bring them forth into a millennial world that will produce from the land in rich abundance. Our Spirit will be upon our people, and we will have relationships with each, according to their desires. We will open up to them quicker and more fully so they come unto us, their Gods.

7. Your experience with the birds eating most of your cherries from your tree, and us inspiring your kindly neighbors in sharing their own cherries freely, is an example of how our people on earth should share with others in need. There will be many of our elect inspiring your kindly neighbors in sharing their own cherries freely, is an example of how our people on earth should share with others in need. There will be many of our elect in distress for a short time as we transition your earth from the telestial to a terrestrial environment. We desire our elect, and all people, to freely share what they have to those less fortunate, or in distress and need.

A common sight these days on our property. I remove these garter
snakes across the street.

8. D&C 105:5-6

"And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.

And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer."

9. As our people share, according to the principles in the law of the celestial kingdom, we will bless them with greater abundance, even in their times of privations and hardships. We will multiply their blessings, like you felt when you were freely given a box of ripe cherries.

10. The covenant of baptism into the true Church of Christ is correctly described in your scriptures, as caring and blessing for others in need:

Mosiah 18:8-9–

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life"

11. By serving and blessing each other, we will then be able to establish Zion among you:

Moses 7:18–

"And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them."

12. The reason that there was no poor among the people of Zion is because they freely shared their abundance that we blessed them with, even according to the law of the celestial kingdom. Sharing like this brings joy to the giver and the receiver, and encourages and blesses all.

13. We need a people that we abundantly protect and bless to comfort and share greatly their blessings with others. This is the law of Zion, and needs to start even now, in the coming days of spiritual darkness coming upon the earth, among our people, the elect of God.'

14. I thanked my Father for his teachings this morning! What a blessing I feel to be taught by my Father these things.

15. I said that I would share of my abundance with those around me. I rejoice in the goodness of God, his great power to bless, protect, and prosper us in happiness and temporal abundance too!

My prayer ended and I started my new Sabbath day.

16. Here is S's email about the eclipses coming:


There are many accounts in the book of Mormon where there were signs in the heaven that had significance. Recently I read about the solar eclipse occurring over Jerusalem this coming Sunday, and also one to follow on July 4th, 2020 over the U.S. Last night during my date night with my wife, we discussed the upcoming solar eclipses and she asked whether it had any significance. I told her that if it did, I did not know what it was. After I emailed you this morning, I went to read the latest post again and then pray. I then recorded this in my journal. I wanted to share this experience with you and see what thoughts and insights you receive.

6-20-20 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to join them and walk beside them as they walked north together along a beach by the celestial ocean. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, 'We desire you to have peace in your life as you enjoy this season with your family. Even though great change is coming to distress your nation, we desire you to have inner peace now and in the future. Our children may find peace and respite by continually seeking to connect to us daily no matter what is happening in their lives. These quiet moments of prayer and meditation strengthen your bond of feeling our love and presence in your daily life. All our children may receive this same blessing if they desire it.' At this time I looked over my right shoulder and saw the sun rising and felt its warmth. Heavenly Father spoke to me, 'You read about the upcoming solar eclipse this Sunday over Jerusalem and July 4th in the U.S. Jerusalem and Israel have been blessed and protected by our divine hand since the nation was reestablished as a homeland for the Jews throughout the world. They have been protected and preserved by our matchless power until this time. We will allow our protection and safety to be blocked for a short time. Their enemies will rage and we will allow them to be buffeted. Our elect among them will be preserved, but many will die by the hands of their enemies. Our light and protection will return even in full force as the sunlight no longer will be blocked by the moon after the eclipse. A similar eclipse occurs over the U.S. on July 4th but signifies a different meaning. The liberty and freedoms of this nation will be blocked for a time. Our elect who patiently wait upon us will have all liberty restored and will see our hand in their lives. Both of these setbacks are temporary and are for the ultimate good and well being of our children. We will bless them in the difficulties we allow to come upon them. Though the sun may be darkened symbolically for a time, our children may each feel our light in their hearts throughout this period of darkness.


17. Evening -Tonight I just got in from visiting with our children who came by from noon to 9:30 pm. It was fun visiting outside and being with them on this Father's day. We cooked more hot dogs for each group and now I am sick of hot dogs for a long time!

18. After one of the family groups left, I came inside and immediately got more visual disturbance and felt to lie down for a while. I thought maybe I ate too many hot dogs! Anyway, I was reminded about my own healing/seer stone and wanted to look into it tonight.

19. I then felt to go to the little knoll above the circling waters. I stood, faced the temple to the west, and pulled in front of me my stone. I looked in it and sought to view whatever God may want to show me.

20. As I gazed into my stone, I began seeing segments of my life in the near future. I saw me in my garden, when the vegetables and plants were much bigger and were producing. We were enjoying a bountiful harvest. I saw lots of happy days this summer for my family and me, but many more troubles brewing across our nation. It seemed like there was so much disinformation and actual propaganda in almost all of the news and that this was the summer of great spiritual darkness and lots of deceptions.

21. Many people were ignoring the increased infection rates and death rates due to Covid-19. People were tired of distancing or wearing masks and most became lax, particularly with shopping or being in groups of people. As fall approached, I saw there was a great resurgence, or a second wave of infections that again caused fear and more lockdowns. This was combined with more violence in the cities and suburbs.

22. For my own life, I saw God directing me continually with revelation, all dependent upon my diligence in calling upon God in personal prayer. Some others of the elect also seemed to connect more to God who opened up to them quickly.

23. These were, however, dark times, like when the sky turns ominously dark with thunderclouds before a summer storm. We still had electricity and most conveniences, the few summer months ahead. I saw that the wise laid up in store provisions and were quietly preparing for the storms of hardships they seemed to know were coming their way.

24. I saw we worked hard in my own family, in laying up in store what we produced in abundance. We also stored seed from our own produce for the next season. We had lots of squash and potatoes that we put away in our root cellar and in our basement areas of our house where it was cooler.

25. I then saw a major national emergency come, but I was restricted from seeing this just yet. I had the thought that I would be able to view this on a subsequent Sabbath day in the near future. I felt that I had viewed enough of the future for today, without flaring up my headache again tonight.

26. I looked up from my stone, saw the distant temple in the celestial orb again, and thanked God to have shown me my near future through my own healing stone. I closed my prayer and came back to my full conscious mind.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 22, 2020

1. I came again to the celestial orb this morning, to the little stream that enters into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt down and drank from my cupped hand the sweet living water that flowed gently to the lake. On earth, I drank from my water bottle and asked in my mind that it too become living water to me.

2. I then faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then saw a bright light appear on the lake and soon Heavenly Mother descend and touch the water with her feet! She then walked to me on the water and up the shore to the little stream where I was kneeling.

3. Her radiant light penetrated my being and filled me with love, peace, and anticipation of a moment in person with her! I was excited to be in her glorious presence.

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, last night we showed you a few months into your future in your own healing stone, which also serves as a seer stone. Although you did not view your Heavenly Father or me, we were giving to you our revelations through your sapphire stone. This was not your imagination, but a real experience you enjoyed on our celestial orb, in your unconscious mind. You viewed these short scenes of your future life and of your country, by gazing into your stone, being open and prayerful, and believing we would show you what we wanted to reveal to you.

5. There are times, too, when you might have a specific question or request when you look into your stone. We then would provide the answer by you looking into your stone and us giving our answers, just like you are receiving my words in your prayer now. The answers will usually come without seeing your Heavenly Father or me, but would come into your mind as our directed thought images and words. You would also be able to see with your spiritual eyes visions of these things of your past, present or future, even as we may want to show you.'

6. I then felt prompted to read S's recent email to me about his own seer stone, and seeing his current work among the tribes of Israel in building boats of wood. As I was thinking about this, Heavenly Mother spoke again:

7. 'Raphael, this is the little stream where I appeared to S to direct him to look into his own seer stone. He wrote you that when Heavenly Father and I were in mortality, there was a little stream near our house where I would frequently retreat to and feel a lot of peace. I will give any of my children, who have faith sufficient to come here to this little stream, my peace like I am giving you today.

8. This little stream flows into my healing lake. I may direct my children who come here to also immerse themselves in this lake. In turn, I will fill them with healing and comfort, to whatever they may need and that I want to grant to them.

9. S wrote to you that he had come among the tribes of Israel as a young boy, on his own. We granted to him, at this early age, well before you, Raphael, were awakened to your calling, to have the power of replication so that he might be able to grow up among the tribes of Israel, even as one of them. At the same time, he was growing up with his actual family in the United States. We did this for S because of his unique mission. We may grant such special circumstances to our beloved children, for we are Gods and have this power, even according to our desires, to extend to our faithful children.

10. S was in his conscious mind while he was growing in the United States, and was not connected to his unconscious mind working among the lost tribes of Israel in his replicated state.

11. In the latter case, he was given his unconscious mind, as separated from his conscious mind in the United States, so that he could act like a normal person among them. He will soon have his conscious minds merged more and more, so he will know what he is doing in both locations. In his replicated being, even while he is living among the lost tribes of Israel, he now knows of his status on the outer earth in mortality. This was revealed to his replicated self through his seer stone. This is the manner in which he will be able to see himself in either place.

12. We are pleased when all of our mortal angels and celestial mortal servants now start using their own seer stones to discover more information about their own unique missions and assignments. We will guide our chosen servants through their personal seer stones as they navigate through these dark days of confusion and spiritual disinformation in the days near at hand.

13. This spiritual darkness will become significantly more pronounced after Uriel blows his trumpet a week from tomorrow, on June 30, 2020, at 6:00 A.M. We desire all to be ready to hear the ominous sound from his trumpet from the spire of the Salt Lake temple.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words, and her clarifying light and thoughts. I said I loved her truths and peace that she sheds forth upon me! I said how much I loved her and would keep her commandments.

15. She smiled upon me and touched my head. She said my lingering headache from yesterday would soon depart as I worked and lived today in my mortal body. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

16. At night- I enjoyed a very pleasant and productive day! I feel happy and I am loving life.

Tonight I came to the fountain of living waters to pray. I faced south and knelt, with the temple behind and to the right of the fountain. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.

17. Heavenly Father came walking to me from in front of his temple, and walked around the fountain. He soon was facing me, and his feet were a little elevated above the ground.

18. He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, this afternoon in your yard and garden, you were wondering if there would be a future day when you looked back on your mortal experience with fond memories like what you enjoyed today. We often remember our mortal probation, for there were many joys and lessons we experienced in our telestial world. Your Heavenly Mother told you and S about the stream behind our home where she received a lot of peace when in mortality. I enjoyed working in my fields, in manual labor, and the satisfaction of completed projects. I still love to grow grain in my fields that grow next to the river to the north. I believe you, Raphael, will enjoy gardening and growing fruit from your orchard, and carry these forward into your eternal home. There is so much satisfaction in creating plans, planting, growing, and harvesting the very food that sustains oneself.

19. In your own mortal life, it is so nice to pause and enjoy your beautiful earth! We have provided all the beauties of nature to replenish the souls of our sons and daughters who live on her surface.

20. Not far from our own mortal home, there was a waterfall downstream from the small brook near our house. We often visited there and even took picnics with our children to that beautiful area. I also loved fountains, which we visited on our own earth several times. This fountain of living water was created by me because I loved seeing the water shoot up in the air, and feel the cool mist of water spray upon my body. These are all pleasant memories that we created anew in heaven, our eternal home and home for our own spirit children, even until they create their own.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his the remembrances that he shared with me: I expressed my love to him, and a desire to hear more of his life as he might want to share.

22. My vision closed. I so enjoyed this beautiful prayer tonight! I feel great peace and joy with these thoughts.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 23, 2020, Tuesday

1. I came early this morning to my private room to pray and ponder. I received an email from B this morning, asking me if I could help him discover his mission or added assignment as an angel of God. I believe he is working in the celestial realms of the earth, along with all other mortal angels, whether they are yet awakened in mortality or not. I hope our Heavenly Parents shed more light on this, and particularly on B's role and mission.

2. I came this new morning to the rocky hole where the river representing Jesus Christ plunges downward steeply. I have no idea why I came here, only that here is where I felt I should come.

3. I walked around the large perimeter of the hole, and saw the treacherous large rocks below me. I know these have significant meaning, relating to how people get ensnared in Satan's grasp and desperately need help in their mortal or spirit world lives.

4. I then felt to go in the air above the crashing waters below me, and here I knelt. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me, in answer to my request. It was an odd place, I thought, to pray and meditate, for the noise was somewhat deafening!

5. I then saw a bright light in the sky, and my Heavenly Mother's voice came into my mind to "come up into the sky with me.'"

6. I stood and thought to elevate myself up into the sky above this great hole in the ground. I kept ascending until I came to the light, and then beheld my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing in front of me! I knelt before them.

7. Heavenly Mother raised her right hand and the noise from the crashing waters that I still could hear instantly stopped! She then spoke to me:

8. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I both have come to you in answer to your request for us to come. We have inspired you, by our gentle and quiet voice of the spirit, to come directly above the treacherous hole in the ground where the waters of the river representing our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, crash into.

9. We will now all three descend again to the place where you initially knelt, above the hole.'

10. We then were instantly above the crashing water, but there was no noise that I could hear.

11. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we have come here to explain B's mission to you so that you may be able to relay this to him. B's mission is in particular to rescue those in both mortality and the world of the spirit dead who feel there is no more hope for their rescue. They feel like they have slipped into a hole like the one below us, and that there is absolutely no way out. Some are hanging onto the slippery rocks (figuratively), where their grip seems to be loosening. Some are sitting on a cold, wet and isolated protrusion of a rock, with nobody around. All are desperate in their own way, for their minds have lost hope and are very discouraged with how life has happened to them. Many have made bad choices, and are full of regret.

12. B is our stable and steadfast servant who will be able to deliver these, our desperate elect souls, from their awful situation! He will speak reason to them, and offer his hand to lift them from their severe hardships. He himself has faced many difficulties in life, and understands how one who is higher can give encouragement and uplift the one in despair.

13. We have many of our elect in situations that need an outreached hand to lift them, and by our power bring them above the depths of their troubles. We will give B, our mortal angel who has been so faithful and steady, to rescue these, one at a time. He will bring them to a point where they may call upon our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in mighty prayer. Jesus will then be able to visit them in their humility, and cleanse and redeem them by his matchless power. He then will introduce them again to us, their Heavenly Parents, and encourage them on their way to eternal life and the path towards becoming even as we are, in a future day.'

14. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, look now at the light below us, among the crashing waters of this hole!'

15. I then peered down and saw my friend B, as an angel of great power and light, talking to one of the desperate souls on a wet, slippery and cold rock in the hole. The water was crashing all around them, but B was full of light, and seemed to ignore the environment where he too was being soaked. To the elect in need, B came to the level of that person understanding, reached out and took him by his hand.

16. I then saw B holding both hands of one of these needy souls, a man, and lifting him up. He then moved with him up and out of this treacherous hole, even to the sunlight and beauty above where they both quickly dried out. I saw B encourage this man to humbly petition God for relief, and for forgiveness of his sins. This elect, a man, then knelt and prayed, even while B was next to him. Once he prayed, it seemed that all changed! They were no longer over the hole, but on stable ground, with grass and flowers around. I saw next Jesus come and minister to this man, and lead him, even as he opened up to his Savior.

17. I then saw B smile with satisfaction, knowing his rescue effort for this man was fulfilled! Jesus then looked at B and seemed to speak the words of the parable of the lost sheep:

Matthew 18:12-13

"How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

And if as be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray."

18. Then Jesus spoke directly to B, 'You have responded to the call of our Heavenly Parents to rescue this man, one of the Father's chosen elect, who went astray and was lost. You have rescued and encouraged him, even to bring him to a point where he could approach me in prayer, in the humility of his soul. B, great shall be your reward for this act of service!'

19. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me after this scene completed: 'Raphael, B's assignments as a rescuing angel will come from his Heavenly Father and me. We will give him details of our elect son or daughter in need, and send him with our power to uplift and encourage. He will have our spirit to guide him in all of his ministrations, as our angel of God. He will minister in his assignments, even now as with this man you saw that he rescued. There are more that he will visit, even today and each day until the glorious return of Jesus Christ in the heavens above.

20. Those that B rescues will know that an angel of God, from the heavens above, came and encouraged them, pointing them to Christ, the Great Redeemer. B will act as our conduit of light, and will speak our words of hope and faith to our elect who are lost, even as the one sheep who went astray in the mountains. In all of B's ministry, he will turn the elect person he rescues to us, their Gods. B will serve us steadily and faithfully, for that is the person he is!'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for this beautiful vision of what I witnessed this morning! I felt full of tearful emotion and great joy for B's great calling to the lost sheep of Israel.

22. My vision then closed, and I came back to my private room where I was recording all of this, even as it happened. I feel so grateful for such a blessing to receive this great revelation today!

23. Evening- I came tonight to Heavenly Mother's glass table, for that is where I felt to go. I walked up the grassy hill to the east of the river representing Heavenly Mother, and entered Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I walked around the flower arbor and came upon my Heavenly Mother standing next to her glass table! I immediately came to my knees. She smiled and then spoke:

24. 'Raphael, I asked you to come here to my glass table in your thoughts. These were very subtle and quiet thoughts and they were from me. Come sit down in this chair and I will bring you some food from my celestial garden that will delight you!'

25. Heavenly Mother then disappeared and was back in less than 5 seconds! She came with a garden basket with greens and vegetables inside! She brought out, one at a time, and set them on a plate in front of me.

26. 'Here are some peas, carrots, and cabbage that I have grown just for your enjoyment. Their flavor far surpasses what you have tasted on your telestial earth!' I ate and could hardly believe these could be so flavorful! Heavenly Mother said their mineral content was very high and that this was the food of the Gods, whenever they wished to eat.

27. She then removed a dozen or so strawberries, and some shelled walnuts from her basket. She also brought a glass of juice of some kind. I think it was mint and some fruit mixed together. She called this her dessert. I ate all and drank the juice and agreed!

28. She then spoke: 'Raphael, my food that I grow in my celestial garden beds is for nourishment and enjoyment to enliven the spirit of my sons and daughters and to promote healing. This food you have eaten and drunk will renew your celestial translated body, for you have been working non-stop in fulfilling our many assignments, all from our celestial realms on the earth and on this, our celestial orb. Although you don't need food in this realm, what I gave you both refreshed and renewed your entire being!'

29. I thanked Heavenly Mother for sharing this with me and for thinking of me. I felt more alert and renewed in all of my being!

30. 'My angels and celestial servants need to ask if they too may come to my glass table in my lower gardens. I freely share with all those who obey my voice and keep my commandments. I will fill them with my refreshment and my love!'

31. I thanked her for this offer! I told her how kind and thoughtful she always was to me and to her elect.

32. She then asked me to stand and walk with her through her lower garden. My conscious mind could no more connect with my celestial being, and therefore I cannot write what we did in my mortal journal. I trust I will record it, however, in my celestial journal that I keep in the domed room. I then closed my prayer and went to sleep.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, June 24, 2020

1. Today we are working on refinishing three tables, one of which my second daughter is bringing over in our van she borrowed. I think this will be fun. We have a shady lawn, which will be perfect for the job.

2. This morning I came to the birch tree grove. I had gone earlier to the tree of life and eaten of the fruit and of the leaf. Now I knelt next to the little stream flowing through the beech tree grove on the slopes that led to Enoch's city. I drank of living water and felt awake and refreshed. My surroundings were very beautiful, with clear skies above the treetops and summer like conditions.

3. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He then was walking towards me through the forest! He stopped in front of me and stood on the ground in his bare feet. He was full of light and majesty! I gazed into his face and was taken by his deep eternity eyes. He appeared all knowing and very much in control, and yet so full of love and acceptance!

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered about B's wife S.L. and daughter M.L.. I have assignments for them, too, in helping rescue our elect in great need. Many of those to whom they come will be in emotional states of despondency and distress in their lives. They will, in many cases, have been overcome by the ravages of their circumstances falling apart and their world becoming so different. They too will have lost a lot of hope and many will be filled with negative emotions. We wish them to be visited by comforting and reassuring angels of light who will bring them up with hopes of a better future. S.L. and M.L. will usually act separate in ministering to our elect, and carry our love and light. They will come, usually in secret, from our celestial realms, so that they won't be seen. Their presence will be felt deeply, however. Their recipients will know God answered their pleadings for hope and comfort.

5. We will also give our faithful angels specific directions to impart to our needy elect. Some might need physical, mental, spiritual or emotional healing that our healing angels S.L. and M.L. will know how to administer. They will act as our conduits for light and love to our elect sons and daughters.

6. Please reassure Sharon of her many gifts and abilities to touch and comfort our sons and daughters, as our chosen conduit and angel of support. Her visits to our elect will be generally in the quiet times of normal work and routine. Her visits will be unexpected usually, and so very needed in uplifting their hopes of a better world.

7. M.L. will come more often at times when our elect are deep in prayer and yearning. She will usually come, gradually filling their environment with my light and love that she will transmit from me, as our healing angel. Although they may not see her, they will recognize that God has heard the prayers and pleadings of their hearts. M.L. will bring enlightenment, direction, and so much hope into their lives! Many will see this experience as the turning point of improvement.

8. Oh, their Heavenly Mother and I love the quiet and ready service of our healing angels S.L. and M.L.! They will each grow in confidence and skill as they minister to their brothers and sisters in so much want and need.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his direction and callings to these two choice daughters and my friends.

10. He again spoke: 'Raphael, once Uriel blows my trumpet of God I gave him next Tuesday morning, his sound will signal all of our angels and servants that we have called, who all work in our celestial realms on the earth, to receive assignments and missions from us, their Heavenly Parents. We will visit with each one and explain directly to them our desires and our charge to minister to our elect. The tribulations spoken of in the scriptures (see Joseph Smith Matthew 1:36) will then increase dramatically among all people worldwide. We call and empower our servants in our celestial realms who are those we have either resurrected to a celestial glory, or translated to a celestial state, or brought into our celestial kingdom and realm from the world of the spirit dead, who are all desirous to serve.

11. We will also gather our 144,000 servants who will serve us in the terrestrial realms on the earth, headed and empowered by the directions of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. This vast army of our righteous servants will gather and bless our elect over all the earth. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I are coordinating our efforts as we lead these to do our will in saving our elect, and bringing them into a happier and more lovely world of peace.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming and further explaining God's plan to save the elect. I felt confirmed in my heart and mind that this all occurred while I was writing this in my journal. I feel very honored to receive such great truths today!

13. My prayer closed and I got started on my new day on earth.

14. Here is M.L.'s email that she wrote me on -26-2020:


Thank you for this email. I think I have been trying to hard in communicating with Heavenly Parent to be able to relax and receive answers. While I was talking to Heavenly Father this morning asking about this mission, I have come to the understanding that these gifts have been with all of us for a long time. We continue to look or feel some amazing things to happen to acknowledge that we have them, when really they are so natural to us we use them all the time with out any thoughts of how or what we are doing. The key is to see them and then acknowledge them. I am learning that I first had a lot of struggles that people are going through and having this new knowledge has helped me to see things different and be more excepting of others. I am so very blessed in my life and I'm so grateful that I have been able to build a relationship with my Heavenly Parents. I would be a big mess and totally lost without them with me at all times. Thank you R for all you do and your willingness to be open.

Your Friend,

M.L./ Sarah (pre-mortal name)

15. Evening- We enjoyed a very fun day, full of projects and accomplishments. My sister wrote, concerned with all the bad news that I was getting about war soon coming to our land. I told her that I occupy my time and mind with useful activities that bring me joy and satisfaction. Today we worked on refurbishing a picnic table and two dining room tables, built stairs to go next to our pool and tended the growing garden and chickens. I didn't even think about the heavy subjects of what might be coming our way or of the coronavirus upsurge the nation is experiencing. I glanced at the news tonight and read enough to keep me aware of the dynamics in my community, nation and world, and then I worked on post 163 to get it ready. I feel happy with life and loving my summertime.

16. Tonight I came to the celestial orb at the bench next to the forest to the north of the Great Assembly Hall. There was a beautiful sunset over Lake Beautiful. I felt happy and ready to commune with my Gods.

17. I knelt on the pavement and asked my Heavenly Mother to come to me prior to the ending of my day on earth. I then saw her come along the path in the woods to the north. She was gliding above the path in the air. When she reached me she stood next to me and watched the sunset with me.

18. 'Raphael, isn't this sunset so beautiful?' she spoke. I said it was very breathtaking, with the orange and peach clouds in the sky! I said I had seen some sunsets like this on the Pacific Ccean beach that this reminded me of.

19. Heavenly Mother then extended her hand smiling. She replied: 'Come Raphael, let's go through the forest to the north where the Refugees of Lucifer are living, and see what they are doing.'

20. I stood and took her hand. We then were instantly on the north side of the forest, and were at the treetops. Heavenly Mother spoke:

21. 'Raphael, these spirits who have come to us from Lucifer's grasp are busy helping each other, and have been preparing to help the elect. We will use them around Lake Beautiful (See your post 67A9). Our celestial servants and angels will bring many of the elect to our great lake, Lake Beautiful, and it will act as a healing lake for our very needy elect on earth. Our refugees of Lucifer will succor them, and minister to them in great kindness, love, and acceptance, even as they themselves were first treated when they were rescued from Satan's grasp. These, our spirit refugees, will love to serve in any way that they can, particularly in encouraging our elect to endure for a little longer the hardships on earth. This is one of the reasons why we desire the calamities to come and go quickly, preparing the world for the great millennial day. This quickness will also make the hardships seem so very intense and difficult. We are using every group of our righteous, including these reclaimed spirits from Lucifer's grasp, to serve us by ministering to our elect on the earth at this time.

22. Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will work through you in helping us orchestrate this great rescue effort. Everyone who dwells on the celestial orb, including our mortal angels and celestial mortal servants, will be rallied in our great effort to save and rescue our elect on the earth. This is going to be a mighty battle with Satan and his hosts who know their time is very short before you lock them up in the bottomless pit, or remove them to the prison orb.'

23. I told my Heavenly Mother I would follow her and Heavenly Father's every command with exactness, and seek to magnify my skills and abilities to do as they ask. I asked that she strengthen me in this great battle for the souls of her elect children living on earth.'

24. We then departed back to the bench where she first came to me. She touched my head with her hand and said that she and Heavenly Father would continue to bless and strengthen me in this great latter-day work!

25. She then departed and I closed my evening prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, June 25, 2020

1. This morning I wondered if the pre-mortal spirits who have always followed Jesus Christ, are involved at all in the last days, in helping the elect on the earth? I received instructions about how the pre-mortal refugees of Lucifer are going to be assisting. It seems the other pre-mortal righteous groups would also somehow be involved.

2. I prayed to my Heavenly Father this morning from the peaceful circling waters. I knelt and drank living water from the stream. After this, I wanted my Heavenly Father to come.

3. He arrived from the sky above in a bright light that appeared in an opening in the sky! He descended in this light that was intensely shining from his very being.

4. As he touched the circling waters, we were instantly in a new location on his celestial orb. I did not recognize this place. Heavenly Father spoke:

5. 'Raphael, we are here among the pre-mortal spirits who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ, and are awaiting their entry on the earth. Most of them will be arriving during our great millennial day to receive their new tabernacles of flesh on our terrestrial earth.

6. I have brought you to this tall hill where we have a good view of several of their cities where they now dwell.'

7. I looked around us as Heavenly Father extended his arm to point to various cities on the plains below us. I could see several cities sprawling below us in different directions. I knew I hadn't been here in my conscious mind before, after I myself had come to mortality.

8. Heavenly Father then faced me: 'Raphael, you are correct that these, our pre-mortal elect, have been summoned by your Heavenly Mother and me, in helping their righteous brothers and sisters on earth. In the past, we have shared with you that they would be present to view the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. However, we have only told you of the refugees of Lucifer who now live apart, that are also pre-mortal spirits, and who have been charged to help bless our elect who are brought to Lake Beautiful.

9. There are vast cities on these plains of your celestial orb where our other pre-mortal elect dwell. Your Heavenly Mother and I have personally ministered to them, many times, in recent days, to inform them of our plans to transition our earth from the telestial to the terrestrial state. They know of you, Raphael, and of other mortal angels and servants now living on earth. They know of the prophesied calamities that will soon rock your world on earth.

10. Many of these want to serve us by helping in any way we, their Heavenly Parents, might ask them in rescuing the elect now living on earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I have devised a plan for their significant involvement and great help!

11. We have chosen to reveal to these, our pre-mortal elect, their future ancestors who will be making the transition into the millennial earth. These are now living as adults, teenagers, children and babies on the earth. They are living in many varied conditions across your earth, among all nations. We are assigning large groups of these pre-mortal spirits to these living progenitors, who are numbered as the elect of God, to buoy and strengthen them during the intense tribulations coming on earth. Each living progenitor will have great available help from these pre-mortal spirits, even as we direct. Although those living on earth will not know consciously of their assistance, they will be encouraged, protected, and guided in part by those, their future posterity, for generations into the millennium!'

12. My mind was then illuminated with this plan to further assist the elect living on the earth! I could see, with my spiritual view, how many pre-mortal spirits would act as guardian spirits for each elect who would be their family progenitor. These guardian spirits would be organized to watch over, care for and encourage their chosen elect person on earth. For each one mortal, these guardians would number in the hundreds!

13. I saw too that this could be a great uplift to the elect on the earth. These pre-mortal spirits would also be blessed in drawing closer in love and compassion to their noble ancestor who was struggling with their intense mortal experience, in the days of their probation and tribulations.

14. I thanked my Father to have brought me here, even among the pre-mortal elect on his celestial orb! He then told me that I could come here as often as I wished, to this overlook hill, to pray and commune with either Heavenly Mother or him. I thanked him for this privilege. I also thanked him for the vision he gave me of the great plan that he and Heavenly Mother have launched among these pre-mortal children.

15. My vision then closed. I felt peace and joy in thinking of all these guardian hosts to bless us on the earth, during the crucial days ahead.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 26, 2020, Friday

1. Last night I came to pray in the young forest northwest of the circling waters where I had once received the sacrament. Heavenly Father came and asked me to come back in the morning and that he would give me revelation then.

2. This morning I went to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and the leaf. I then stopped at the circling waters and drank living water there. I felt clarified and prepared to commune with my Father. I then walked the path northwest to the small grove of mountain trees where I had gone last night. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Father to come.

3. He appeared to me by stepping out of the veil of the higher celestial realm! He wore a white robe with a scarlet red sash. He was full of light and glory, and was smiling. I felt so glad to be again in his presence!

4. Heavenly Father spoke immediately: 'Raphael, yesterday I shared with you the new role of the vast array of pre-mortal spirits to help strengthen the elect living on the earth. They are appropriately called guardian spirits. These are additional guardian spirits than those already assigned to the elect.

5. There is one more large group of righteous spirits who live in the world of the spirit dead, and who live in the terrestrial world in that realm around the earth. These have previously lived a good life on earth and are awaiting their own resurrection. They have either been baptized by my authority, which I sent to the prophet Joseph Smith, or have received a baptism by proxy in the temple of the Church of Christ, or the LDS church in this or a former dispensation.

6. We have not forgotten these noble elect children who have laid the foundation for you and our other children living now on earth, who constituted your noble and righteous ancestors. These have lived in earlier times prior to the current tribulations set to be unleashed on the physical earth as she transitions from her telestial to her terrestrial state.

7. There are some also who have wished to receive a baptism by proxy to allow them to pass from the telestial world of the spirit dead into the terrestrial world of the spirit dead, or the paradise of God, but are not yet baptized. These had also lived good lives in mortality, and have resisted Satan's evil host, and desired to live good lives and will follow Jesus Christ when the gospel message will one day be preached to them in its fullness.

8. All of these righteous dead have been gathered and assembled in the realms of the spirit dead on the earth and been taught of the coming calamities and the coming transition of the earth to a terrestrial state. They have been given an opportunity to participate in serving their descendants who are the elect of God living currently on the earth.

9. Those who have taught them are called leaders in the Church of Christ in the terrestrial world of the deceased dead. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has called them and empowered them to lead in this great rescue effort. They will receive their directions from these called leaders who receive their directions from Jesus. All these leaders and volunteers will be imbued with our Spirit, even with the Holy Ghost, in all of their ministrations. They will act together with the group of pre-mortal spirits who will also be among the elect of God living on the earth. Although each group comes from different realms of glory, the pre-mortal from celestial realms of glory, and the post-mortal from terrestrial realms of glory, they will know of each other's presence and may sometimes see each other. Their direction is all from God, working through both the terrestrial and celestial realms of glory. These pre-mortal spirits who are celestial will more frequently view the actions of those who minister from the terrestrial realms of glory, than the other way around.

10. The spirit dead who come to minister to the elect are not part of the 144,000. This latter group is mortals who live now on the physical earth.

11. Jesus Christ has been directing his called teachers and servants in the world of the terrestrial dead, to assign those in this vast assembly of deceased volunteer ancestors to their elect descendants now living in mortality. Their goals are the same as we have directed to the pre-mortal spirits: to bless, comfort, encourage, protect and in every way act as guardians to the mortal elect on the physical earth who will need to pass through the great tribulations coming their way.

12. Raphael, every mortal elect is now a terrestrial mortal elect son or daughter, has Heavenly Mother's corona flame protecting them, has you who stand as a sentinel with your sword of Raphael unsheathed in your replicated being in the celestial realm, has access to multiple angels and celestial servants, and soon the 144,000 from the mortal terrestrial realm, and now has a multitude of both celestial pre-mortal future descendants and terrestrial ancestors or assigned deceased spirits to be with them as guardians. Our mortal elect will be encouraged by all their unseen helpers to come to us, their Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me, in humble and open prayer, and we will open up to them and abundantly bless them with our Spirit and our revelations.

13. We will then have done all we could in saving our elect from the fiery darts of the adversary, and from the devastation coming upon the earth as the earth transitions into a beautiful millennial world!'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful news and revelation to me this morning! I asked if those pre-mortal or post-mortal spirits would be assigned to one elect only, and if they would know of others who were also mortal elect?

15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, they will be assigned to only one mortal elect individual. They won't be aware of the others around them, with whom they interact, whether they be elect or not.'

16. I felt satisfied in my understanding of this entire large rescue effort by the spirit children of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to their assigned individual on earth. I felt so impressed with the grandeur of their plan! I don't see how these elect could fail in their transition to the millennium, unless they were rebellious, which I know they are not, for the elect hear the voice of God and will one day keep their commandments.

17. Heavenly Father then departed, and my prayer ended. I am full of enlightenment and peace, and know that what I have received is true.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 27, 2020, Saturday

1. Last night I stayed up late on my date night. When I went to bed after midnight, I had my prayer at God's Loving Healing Lake. I was sitting on the bench in front of the lake pondering, and then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came from my right side and sat on the bench. We conversed about my day on earth. I then asked her S.A.'s question about whether everyone will hear Uriel's trumpet blowing at the same time, at 6 am on June 30th over all the earth, even when asleep. Previously I had reported that when Uriel blows his trumpet, all people will hear (see my post 155F8). Heavenly Father spoke at that time on March 30, 2020 the following: "When my fourth angel sounds, who is Uriel, all peoples of the world will hear. This is their last warning before the other angel flies through the midst of heaven as recorded in Revelation 8:13: "And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

2. Last night when I asked this question, Heavenly Mother said it was late, and for me to come here to the bench at God's Loving Healing Lake tomorrow morning, and that she would answer my question at that time.

3. I had a good sleep, and am now at God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water from the lake with my cupped hand, and then came back to the bench and knelt on the grass. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

4. Heavenly Mother came to me from the sky, and descended gradually upon the lake! It was glistening and bright all around me. She then walked in the air to a point directly in front of me. Her intense light accompanied by her love and acceptance, penetrated entirely my being, and passed right through me, and I was feeling even very transparent! I felt such love and peace coming from her in the light.

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael next Tuesday morning at 6:00 am Mountain Daylight time, Uriel will sound his trumpet of God above the spire of the Salt Lake Temple. He will blow in four directions, for all the world to hear, even as you recorded from Heavenly Father last March 30th. All of the earth will hear in their unconscious minds, but some of our elect living on the earth will hear audibly in their physical bodies even as you hear sounds now on earth. All will hear at the same time, whether asleep or awake, who dwell on the earth, even at the very time of Uriel's blowing. Everyone who has heard our voice, the voice of the Spirit in their lives, will be receptive to hear audibly Uriel's trumpet when he blows in the three spiritual realms on the earth, even as I said to you on 4-2-2020 (see your post 155I7: "When our fourth angel Uriel blows his trumpet on June 30th, 2020, all those on the earth will hear and wonder. He will blow in the celestial, terrestrial and telestial realms on the earth.")

6. All of our pre-mortal spirits living on our celestial orb will hear Uriel's trumpet in that realm. All of the post-mortal spirits in the paradise of God will hear Uriel's trumpet in their terrestrial realm. All of our elect who dwell on the earth may hear with their audible hearing if they have prepared themselves to hear our voice of the Spirit in their lives. All on earth will hear in their unconscious minds, in their telestial realm. All of the devils will hear in the telestial world where they dwell. They will know their time is very short before they will be locked up in the bottomless pit by you, Raphael.

7. Finally, all of our resurrected and translated sons and daughters will hear in their celestial or terrestrial realms in which they live and labor, whether on earth or on our celestial orb.

8. Uriel's trumpet blowing will herald the great day of intense spiritual darkness and even confusion upon the earth.

9. This event was prophesied by our prophet Joel:

Joel 2:1-2–

"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations."

10. After this great day of spiritual darkness falls upon your land, and upon the entire earth, your land will be attacked by invading armies and occupied (see Joel 2: 2-11).

11. One of the purposes of our angels blowing their trumpets is to call our elect to repentance, even before your land is occupied and many parts ravaged. We desire that our chosen elect repent, and call upon us in mighty prayer and fasting.

12. Joel 2: 12-14

"Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:

And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the Lord your God?"

13. Raphael, we will hear the pleas of our people, and be gracious to the humble, meek and lowly who come to us with open hearts and minds. We have shut many of their gatherings across your land and the world, so that they may be inclined to lean upon us instead of others or the arm of flesh. We have made quiet time in their lives more available, so that they may be more inclined to seek us. We will bring forth calamities in their lives so that our elect may, in their distress, call upon us and receive our peace and Spirit in their lives. We will be available to all in these, their days of tribulation.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have addressed S.A.'s question, and to have revealed so much more! I expressed deep gratefulness to be in a position to hear her voice in my mind so clearly that I could write her words as they came to me. I told her that these revelations, and these times with her and my Heavenly Father were so important and meaningful to me!

15. She then started to rise up in the air, and ascended high up in the sky until I couldn't see her anymore. I felt great assurance and peace that I had heard and written her words correctly. I bowed my head and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

16. Evening–My wife and I hosted a swim party and meal for my second's son's family. It was all so fun, but it was very exhausting. We prepared all the food, cleaned up and now it is finally all done, at 10:45 pm. My body is very tired.

17. I came tonight to my knees on the knoll above the circling waters. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come for a short visit.

18. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me. He said that my wife and I created many positive memories for our son, his wife and their seven children. He said he knew I was tired, and to come back tomorrow morning. He said he would answer R.S.'s question that he sent by email to me this morning.

I thanked him for coming and then closed my prayer and went to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 28, 2020, Sunday

1. I am grateful for a day of rest today! To me, it has been a whirlwind of a week. I have had late nights up, and hard but enjoyable workdays. There have also been lots of important revelations I feel that I received. I guess I just want to now catch my breath!

2. I came this morning to the northern shore of Lake Beautiful at the beach just south of the fruit tree orchard. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then knelt on the shore and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

3. Heavenly Father then appeared in front of me, walking from a bright cloud that appeared above the water. When he came to me he stopped, above the water's edge in the air. I noticed that the water was moving in and out under him, for he was about a foot above the water.

4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me in my mind: 'Raphael, my son, I wish to address R.S.'s question to you. He had said in his email that he came to Lake Beautiful alone, kneeling down to drink the living water from this lake. He said he heard me speak "Where is M" who is his wife. R.S. said he was ashamed for not bringing her, and then called for Minna to come.

5. In the past it was acceptable for R.S. to come alone, but now he needs to bring her with him in his prayer and in his labors, for they are both called to labor together in my vineyard of my elect sons and daughters who dwell on earth.

6. R.S. and M are humble, self-effacing souls whose desire is to serve me, and to keep my commandments, or those of Heavenly Mother. In their service, they will work together in our celestial realms on the earth, and will follow our promptings and directions with exactness. In their replicated celestial translated state, they will serve our elect children who are disabled or aged. We care for and love each one of our children on earth, and some have physical weakness or are aged so no longer act in the strength of their youth. Some are confined inside, and some have limiting conditions, either physical, emotional, mental or spiritual that prevent them from acting as they would normally be without that weakness.

7. R.S. and M know by their own experience in mortality how difficult it is to have long-term weakness or conditions. They are very compassionate and have received of the kindness of Jesus Christ in abundance. They love our sons and daughters with a deep understanding and empathy.

8. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will send ministering assignments to R.S., for he and his wife Minna to serve and bless. As she becomes comfortable in her celestial service, she too will then receive similar revelations for them to serve together. This experience will unite and bind them even more together in love.

9. You have wondered when many others of our celestial mortal angels and celestial servants may labor with their spouse, or even share with them their views and revelations of their activities. I recently told S that one day he could share these great truths with his wife and family, but for now to wait patiently until that time will arrive. One day he and you, and some others of our elect servants, will labor together in the celestial realms on the earth with your spouses. This time is coming soon, but not yet. We interact with each of our celestial servants and angels, on a one-to-one basis, and each assignment and/or mission is unique.'

10. Heavenly Father then looked below him, and saw the water's movement with the rippling that moved in and out. He then looked up at me and spoke: 'Raphael, this water of Lake Beautiful moves in and out, even in little waves. Here on the shoreline, the water's movement is constant. It has been this way continually, even from one eternity to the next, unless I caused a storm to erupt upon these celestial living waters.

11. Likewise, our work among our beloved children is constant, and we are continually reaching out to them in love and service. We use those of our children who love us, and have demonstrated by their actions that they will be our faithful stewards, to minister as our conduits of love and light to our other children. We direct our servants continually, and help them grow by serving their own brothers and sisters. This work is continual and never ends. This effort constitutes our greatest desires and our eternal work.'

12. I then looked down at the in and out flow of the water on the shore of Lake Beautiful. I saw next in my mind, the vast array of God's called and chosen servants helping their brothers and sisters, even the elect of God, who needed guidance, direction and help. Their service was continual, all according to the overarching plan of our Heavenly Parents in saving all of their elect and obedient sons and daughters in this great work of ultimately bringing them into the new terrestrial world on the earth. I felt so glad for my opportunity to help out and do my part as I was directed by God! I felt so gratified for the great host of servants who faithfully obeyed our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ in their directions.

13. I looked up at my Heavenly Father, and saw his warm and compassionate eyes. I thanked him for his revelation to me today for R.S. and M.S., and the other insights I received. I told him how grateful I was for him coming to me this morning!

14. Heavenly Father then turned and walked out to the bright cloud that reappeared over the water. He walked into the cloud and vanished. I closed my prayer and started my new Sabbath day.

15. Evening- I received an email yesterday from S where he shared with me two of his journal entries. I have had direct experience with his first entry concerning letting our grown children choose for themselves. I enjoyed the tender moments he experienced, both with his family and with Heavenly Mother.

16. His second entry was concerning his current mission with the lost tribes of Israel. He said I could share it and I know others will be very interested. I have a witness it is all true. I was touched by the personal interaction he had with Heavenly Father about his current mission there. I wondered if he had to be the same age here, living in Arizona with his family, and there as a celestial servant among those on the inner earth?

17. I came to the shore of Lake Beautiful tonight, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I was kneeling next to the water.

18. Heavenly Mother then appeared before me on the shore. She immediately spoke:

'Raphael, when any of our mortal angels or celestial servants labor for others from the celestial realms, they may appear even as we desire. In S's case, he is a much younger adult appearing among the tribes of Israel than he is in reality in his mortal body. His visage or look is the same so that he would be recognized by someone who knows him, if they were to meet him in either place.

19. There may be times when we allow our translated or resurrected servants who come as replicated celestial or terrestrial messengers to look differently to others than they would normally appear. We may also change their apparent age, as we have done for S, in order to complete their mission that we have chosen.

20. For you Raphael, in the millennial day, you will age to an older man in your mortal translated being, but may appear younger at times when you are replicated as our archangel, on special occasions. When you serve in our celestial temple, you will appear the same age as you actually are on the mortal terrestrial earth.

21. There may be other times, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, where we purposefully hide the identity of our servants, making them unrecognizable to even those who know them well. We will do this for the specific assignment that they are given by us, which requires a disguise, or a change in their apparent age.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her very interesting truths that she shared with me tonight! I told her I loved her and the beautiful revelations that she and Heavenly Father give to me. My prayer ended and I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

23. I received this very intriguing email from S on 6-27-2020:


After I completed typing yesterday morning I had to rush off to work for an early morning surgery. I didn't have time to respond but I felt great joy contemplating the message you received. I was filled with joy that all these children of God are working together to bless those who are on this earth at this time to transition to the millennial day during great calamities all around.

I have had two more experiences where I had the opportunity to look into the spiritual seer stone and recorded those in my personal journal.


As I am writing my experience from prayer now, I have tears running down both of my cheeks. This happens often in prayer. I feel such love from my Heavenly Parents in prayer, that I begin to cry. It reminds me of the father's blessing I received in my youth prior to school that left me in tears because I felt God's love so powerful

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the beach along the celestial ocean where Heavenly Father was walking alone. He directed me to walk beside him and took my right hand in his left hand. I felt his great love for me. I desired that my children would want/desire to seek God in scripture study and prayer. (Yesterday on Father's day, I gave a talk at our personal home sacrament meeting and I bore testimony that God is near to us when we pray. I began to cry intensely as I spoke to my family of God's love and presence when we pray to him). Heavenly Father spoke to me, "Your Heavenly Mother and I feel similarly about all our children. We reach out and desire each to come unto us, but we cannot force them. You also cannot force your children either. They must feel our spirit and seek us as the light of Christ within them directs them to do. Oftentimes hardships and many of life's experiences are needed to prepare their hearts and minds to seek us intently. We will continue to reach out to them by the whisperings of our spirit to their heart. This will occur in our timing and wisdom. We long for your children to come unto us as do you.' At this time he spoke to my mind, 'Look into your seer stone that we have given you.' I grabbed the stone from my robes in the right pocket. I held the stone in my hand and studied the stone. It was longer than it was wide. It came to a point on the bottom like a diamond , and the edges were like a hexagon with smooth and polished sides. Heavenly Father spoke, ' You have studied its outward appearance, now look into the stone.' As I looked into the stone, I saw myself in mortal life in 3rd person. I saw all of my strengths and weaknesses combined. I began to cry because I realized I fall short in so many ways to God's perfection. It was humbling to see myself. Heavenly Father spoke, 'This is how we see all of our children. It is only through the merits and mercy of the atonement of our beloved Son Jesus Christ that any are saved. All our mortal children fall short and need our Redeemer. In my heart burned a desire to more closely follow Jesus Christ and to improve daily. Heavenly Father spoke to me as I stopped gazing into the stone, 'The light of Christ illuminates each of our children who come to earth. Each chooses if they will listen and obey this inner light. Your children must choose if they will seek to follow this light as they turn into adults. This is the choice each of our children must make as they sojourn here on earth. We will continue to guide you by this light until you return to our presence.' Tears coursed my cheeks and I expressed my love towards my Heavenly Father as this scene closed to my view.


6/26/20: AM

As I began to pray, I thought of my many blessings. I spent some time just thinking of all the many blessings I have received my entire life. I felt yesterday to pray and find out more about my circumstances among the lost tribes of Israel. I called upon my Heavenly Parents for one or both to come, and I heard Heavenly Father's voice call me to his side. He was full of light and spoke to me with kindness and tenderness, 'As you pondered on your many blessings this morning as you started your prayer, you felt overwhelmingly grateful for so many blessings that have brought you to this point in your mortal life. You have read the scripture where the devil carefully leads the children of men to hell. We also lead our children along the road of progression and light ever so carefully too.' At this time I saw a boat that was wooden and large with sails near the dock of Lake Beautiful. There was a wooden plank leading up to the deck. We walked up the plank onto the deck. Heavenly Father spoke, 'This boat is similar to what the lost tribes are building at this time. We walked up this plank for that is what is occurring there now. It is likened more to the ship of Nephi rather than the ship of the Jaredites. This is a herculean effort under way at this time among the tribes of Israel. In order to provide ships for their entire nation, it is occupying everyone's time and efforts. We directed you to ask more regarding your sojourn among them. Remove your seer stone at this time. I reached into my right pocket and removed my clear seer stone on a golden chain. I placed the chain around my neck and looked into the stone. I saw myself in a prior day attending festivals among the people. There was wholesome dancing and music with laughter. I realized they had not been infiltrated with the great evil that has infested our society through dark and vulgar videos, music and dancing. I thought of our LDS pioneer forbearers whose music and dancing were similar and wholesome. I then saw the present day and perceived some completed ships being loaded with provisions but many ships were still under construction. Heavenly Father's words came to my mind, "You are a single young man currently of marriage age. You are friends with the men and women of your age. However, you are a celestial servant in your calling and are there only to serve. You reach out to children, youth and the elderly with great love and compassion. You are similar to Mormon who was selected as a young man of 16 to lead the Nephite armies to battle, even with men much older and experienced in war in the Nephite ranks. Your natural leadership has caused you to be a prominent figure in their great preparations and many look to you similar to the Nephites with Mormon, and they have great confidence in your skills. Yet in all your free time, you serve those around you for this brings you great joy. This is a unique calling and experience. One day you will have a perfect knowledge of all these memories when your conscious and unconscious minds merge in the New Jerusalem during the millennial day.'

I had read a portion of Raphael's post regarding B who shared information with his wife and daughter. I wondered about my own family when this would be possible. Heavenly Father spoke, "One day you can share these great truths you have read from Us through Raphael's record, but that day is not yet, but near. Wait patiently and we will let you know when that time has arrived.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message and love. I was grateful to be in his presence. My whole being filled with peace as he departed. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

I hope you have a wonderful day.



J. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 29, 2020, Monday

1. At this time tomorrow, Uriel will have already blown his trumpet of God. This seems to have come so very fast for me!

2. I just realized that I didn't look into my own seer stone yesterday, for I completely forgot to do so. I want to do so this morning.

3. First I came to the tree of life on the celestial orb and plucked a fruit and a leaf. I took these to the south side of the river representing Jesus Christ that flows to the west. I sat on the bank and ate the fruit and leaf. I then came to the shore and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt in tune and perceptive to spiritual impressions. I was in a meditative state.

4. I came back to my sitting position on the bank, and lifted my stone from the gold chain around my neck. I gazed into my stone with the intention to see whatever my Heavenly Parents wanted me to see.

5. Immediately I felt like my very being fell, or entered into, my seer stone! I looked around and felt I was in the domed room. I realized I was still on the riverbank, but also in a replicated state in the domed room. I could perceive what was happening to me in both places, plus myself writing this all down in my mortal body on earth in my private room.

6. Next I saw my Heavenly Father come to me on the bank of the river and, at the same time, Heavenly Mother appear before me in the domed room! My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother began speaking to me at the same time, and in my unconscious mind I could fully hear and be present with each one. In my mortal conscious mind on earth I couldn't hear both conversations, but only one at a time.

7. Here is what Heavenly Father spoke to me on the bank of the river representing Jesus Christ:

'Raphael, in your time-based mortal world, it is difficult for you to perceive something happening to you in multiple places where you are replicated by our power that we have extended to you. However, in your celestial replicated states, you are not subjected to a linear time based perspective. You have the capacity to hear and respond to me, and also to hear and respond to your Heavenly Mother, all at the same moment or instant in time. Your celestial, unconscious mind can easily process and absorb all of this.

8. You have thought in the past that your unconscious mind that functions in our celestial realms was akin to a computer that did multiple functions or calculations seemingly at the same time, but in reality processes one at a time, and then goes onto the next task or calculation, at a very high speed. This linear processing is what occurs on the telestial earth. It is not what you, as our replicated celestial son, may now do, for you may process multiple things at the same time and be fully aware of all your replicated states, even in a merged celestial mind. Time is not a limiting issue for you here on our celestial orb, or time is not a dominating factor in your activities and thinking.

9. When you write all of this down in your journal on earth or in heaven, you necessarily need to write and think one thing that is happening to you at a time. This is written linearly, or sequentially, one thought after another. In our world, we may have multiple thoughts and activities without time or sequence imposed boundaries. We have extended this same ability to you and all of our servants who labor for us in our celestial realms, whether here on the celestial orb, or on earth in the celestial realms on the earth. This is how we may have you labor for us in multiple assignments, all at the same instant.'

10. At this same moment, I saw and heard my Heavenly Mother in the domed room! She was very bright, shining her intense light of the Holy Ghost upon me. I felt her love and acceptance flow into me and through me, in the light. I was filled to overflowing. I was experiencing the fulness of the Holy Ghost even as I beheld my glorious Mother before me!

11. She then spoke to my mind, in my own thoughts, but I knew these thoughts were not from me, but from her:

'Raphael, as I am communicating to you, so is your Heavenly Father speaking to you on the bank of the river. You write this down afterwards in your journal, but it is all at the same moment in reality. Your record is necessarily separately written so others may read each occurrence when we appear and speak to you. All heavenly records are written in sequential order for those who read to understand. The only way to experience multiple activities happening at once is to be in our celestial environment and be quickened by our power, even by us who are Gods, to give you some of our ability to have a merged mind.

12. We want you to experience this today while you are gazing into your healing/seer stone. This is the power we will extend to you and to every one of our celestial servants who now labor for us. We may therefore multiply all of your efforts to an unlimited amount, all based on one's capacity to absorb and do what we ask each of you, in multiple replicated states of being.

13. We are also gradually having you experience capabilities, even in your mortal conscious mind, by looking into your stone. We don't want to over tax your mortal mind, so that you get a headache again. We plan to do this exposure gradually until you may look into your stone as frequently as you feel impressed, without any limit of how often you may look.

14. Come again next Sunday and look again into your seer stone. We will then further give you more information on your experiences when looking into your stone.'

15. I then found myself alone on the bank of the river representing Jesus Christ. I had my stone in my hand and looked up at my beautiful surroundings. I then came back, in my mind, to writing in my private room in Utah. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their messages today. I am still trying to understand this experience more fully. I reread what I had just written and then ended my prayer. I started my new day on earth..