118. More About Light
Posted 4-17-2019


This post continues with much more information about light and the way our Heavenly Mother uses it to cleanse and purify the earth and its contents. I think you will be enightened as you read!

Please pray about all of this and confirm that it is of God. Please send me your questions as you may have any.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 4, 2019. Thursday (continued)

18. Evening–I came to the circling waters tonight and drank from living water there. I knelt in front of the bench and asked for one of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited and watched. Then my Heavenly Father came to me from above the circling water, and stepped a few feet towards me! He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are ramping up the power that our angels will be given in the near future, in that they will transmit the light that comes from your loving Heavenly Mother. This is something we wish all of the angels to prepare for, as you are doing by practicing. They first need to clarify their hearts and minds, and even be fully cleansed by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. They will then feel very transparent even as you have been feeling.

19. Next they need to come into the presence of Heavenly Mother and receive her intense light flowing into and through their body. Once done, they then need to practice transmitting her light they receive from their own heart. Once they become successful in doing this, they finally need to practice directing this light from her, through their hands. Once they are successful with this, they then are prepared to be our angels that we command to shed forth her light upon the earth, the people, the soil, the foods, water and air, even as we will direct them, with an intention to remove their pollutions. Until that time that all of our angels are prepared to do this, we will call upon you and the few who are practiced to do this, even with a heavier workload than you will ultimately carry in this work, so that our effort of cleansing the pollutions goes forward with power and strength, starting this Sunday, April 7th, 2019. I told my Heavenly Father I was prepared to follow his commandments as often as he or Heavenly Mother may direct me.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 5, 2019, Friday

1. I realized this morning something unique about the light matter than comes from our first parent gods, that ultimately comes from Heavenly Mother to us, and that we are to transmit to the earth. This light is matter, a tangible substance, and as such does not diminish in strength in its travels. This is unlike light energy that comes from our sun that decreases in intensity by the inverse square of the distance it travels. This means as the distance from a light energy source increases, the intensity of this light is equal to a value multiplied by 1/(d^2), where d is the distance. This is called the inverse square law.

2. Light matter, on the other hand, is just as intense when it was created by our first parent gods as when it finally arrives on our earth. This light comes to the earth as the light of Christ normally, but soon from the angels also as the light of the Holy Ghost, in a much more intensely packed source of light matter.

3. I feel privileged to start this Sunday in starting to shower the earth with this intense light from my Heavenly Mother. I wonder how many times I will be asked to be replicated in order to do this great work? I wonder how quickly the angels will be ready to do this also? I wonder if I will feel any increase in this additional workload in our mortal bodies?

4. These thoughts were going through my mind. I came this morning to the little stream west of the desert oasis. I came next to the slow moving stream and drank of living water there. I paused between my sips of water, and felt very clear, even a transparent feeling. I don't know how to describe this sensation except that I felt still translated in my physical body, and could feel my physical self, but I also could tell that light could pass through me. I felt much more aware also that my being was ready to receive revelation from God. I felt prepared for my prayer, and much more in tune somehow than normal.

5. I then came up from the stream to the bank of the little gully from where the stream flowed through the desert. I faced the distant oasis, and knelt with my knees directly on the sandy soil. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

6. On the opposite bank of this little stream there was a path. I then saw walking towards me both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were shining brightly with light, and talking together. I watched until they came opposite me, across the stream. They then stopped talking and turned and walked directly to me in the air. They stopped a few feet in the air above the stream and gully, and looked at me intently. I felt the light of their presence come into my body and pass through me. I felt their intense love they each had for me! I felt happy and very accepted by each of them. They were both smiling at me.

7. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct about that light matter does not diminish in its intensity as it travels to you and from you. When the intense light from your Heavenly Mother, the light of the Holy Ghost, ultimately comes on the earth, with the intention to cleanse the pollutions, it will enter the polluted earth, soil, people, food sources, water sources and air. There will be a change that will occur in the physical items that will then occur: the toxins will disappear and vanish in great amounts! Not all toxins will be removed, but a sufficient amount to make these physical things much more functional and pure, cleansed from their poisons. For the people, their physical bodies will start becoming healthier and not at the brink of severe illness. They will have a major boost of vitality and strength. They will not be aware of this change except that they will feel more capable in their functions. They won't know why, and will normally accept this as a blessing.

8. The foods, water, and air will also become more pure, and much less toxic for those who eat, drink and breathe these items. The soils and lands will start to heal of their toxic load, and have higher nutrition to transfer to the plants that grow in them.

9. The light that you will transmit to the earth with intention will actually seek out the areas with the most pollution. For the areas that are not polluted, little light will come into these, whereas with polluted areas, the intense light will penetrate and make the majority of the toxins leave. This one time that you and our angels transmit the intense light of the Holy Ghost upon the earth will be sufficient in that one area, without additional applications needed in the future. Our intent is first spread forth Heavenly Mother's light through our holy angels, who act from celestial realms above the earth, upon the most polluted areas first. We will direct our angels where to travel in applying this light upon the earth. Our angels will be above the area in the sky, and direct with their hands the light onto the earth. They will know how high up in the air to go, and for how long they need to transmit the light. They do these actions based on their intuition, or the feeling they receive when they are high enough up in the sky, or when they have shined for enough length of time.'

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, the shining forth of my light on earth from our angels is a solution that both your Heavenly Father and I have decided upon. It is as much his decision as it is mine, even though it will be from my presence that this light will come unto you.

11. Once the earth is completely covered with my light in this way, in a future day, our work of our first step in cleansing the earth, people, food, water, and air will be completed. The earth will then be sufficiently cleansed until the living waters come forth upon the surface of the earth from the New Jerusalem area. This will become the second way we will cleanse the earth of its pollutions.

12. We still desire our children on the earth, even before or after the light comes and cleanses the toxins in part from their food, water, and air to seek the most pure food, water and air to bring into their bodies. They will benefit mostly, as always, from the purest sources of those things that enter their body. We want our children to be able to continue their earthly probation as we have planned. We will in this way frustrate the plan of the adversary to destroy the earth and its inhabitants by polluting its surface and our people.'

13. Evening–I have really enjoyed listening to post 116. I do this several times in the editing process for each post. I have been particularly interested in the words on light. It has been so interesting to me!

I came to the desert oasis tonight and started walking around the water on the path. I started walking to the west. I was practicing sending light out through my hands. I felt like Heavenly Mother was before me as I was walking, for I felt her light penetrate me as I concentrated her light in my two hands. I was amazed how I could make the light focus to a narrow channel of light or even a pinpoint, or to a wide floodlight. As I was thinking all of this, Heavenly Mother appeared on my right side, walking next to me!

14. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are getting skilled in redirecting my light, the light of the Holy Ghost. When we give you an assignment to shine on a particular area, we want you to rise in the air above that area, following your intuition. We will only tell you where to send my intense light. You will need to determine the span of the area of your shining light from your hands and for how long to shine. Remember, my light is matter, or light matter, and does not decrease with distance. What will reduce is the distribution of my light over a wider area. Since the light continues to flow from your hands, you may need to shine longer on larger areas until everything is penetrated by my light.

15. You have also found that the light you send will only be effective in removing pollution as you focus your intention for it to do so. Your intention is created in your mind and is formed by thinking that the light will clear all of the pollution possible with its shining influence. We generally do not want all of the pollution removed, so we will impress you to stop shining when we deem enough light has shone from your hands.'

16. We continued walking. Heavenly Mother slipped her left arm through my right arm and then she told me more: 'Raphael, in your area of the world springtime is emerging and the first flowers are now bursting forth! We may see any season we wish in this, our celestial world. All of our creations here respond to our commands as we express these to them using our spirit sense form of communication. Every one of our creations understands this. They will change to whatever season we may wish.

17. When light flows to us in our galaxy from our parent gods in their galaxy, the light comes as it is directed. The light matter is only matter without intelligence, but still does follow our laws we use to direct it. When I send my light to you, I use the laws of directing this light that you consciously don't know about. The light matter follows these laws, for all matter is subject to the laws of the kingdom in which it resides. When you direct light matter to your heart, mind, or hands, you are using laws that exist in our celestial realms. These laws are not part of lower realms, and so those in lower telestial or terrestrial realms may not control the flow of light matter like you can in the celestial realms. Your unconscious mind knows the laws that light matter follows in celestial realms, and this is how you may redirect this light I send to you.

18. Your perceptions of the light of Christ and the light of the Holy Ghost are also much higher because you work in the celestial realms. You may feel and see light matter, whereas others in lower realms may not. Instead, they know of its presence and influence upon their heart and mind, but you may see additional ways this light moves, acts, responds to your thoughts, and how it affects things when coming to the earth, our children and the food, water, and air on the earth. Your perceptions and spiritual sight is very much more tuned into all of this than anyone in lower realms.

19. The light of the Holy Ghost only removes toxins and pollutions from intentions made in the celestial realms. The effect on food, for instance in its physical telestial state, as the light of the Holy Ghost comes upon this food from celestial realms, coupled with celestial intentions, makes the toxins disappear. This may seem impossible in your mortal world, but his is real and possible in the celestial realms! It follows the laws of the celestial realm that light matter obeys. When our first gods create light matter, they also establish the laws, which this matter is to follow, in any of the three main spiritual realms. The most controlling and powerful laws are found in the celestial realms as they pertain to light. This is why we only have our celestial holy angels who work in celestial realms, do the redirecting of our light, and not those in lower realms.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanations to me while we walked around the oasis! We had arrived at the bench again and Heavenly Mother stopped and turned to me. She spoke: 'Raphael, don't worry too much about how these laws all work, but instead just follow our guidance and your intuition and you will do it all correctly.'

She smiled and turned, walking out over the water and then disappeared into her higher celestial realm. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 6, 2019, Saturday

1. Today starts the LDS General Conference. I will be attending the priesthood session with three of my sons tonight. Today is also the birthday in the flesh of Jesus Christ, as revealed in D&C 20:1. I decided today to come to the white gate and visit perhaps with the great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. I approached from the grassy area in front of the white gate, which was south of the southeast corner of the temple. As I came near the gate, Jesus Christ opened the gate from the other side and let me enter! I came through and immediately knelt on the ground on the other side.

2. Jesus Christ then came out of the area to my left and came before me. His presence was bright and glorious! I immediately saw his very compassionate face and his deep and loving eternity eyes! He had full acceptance and love coming from his presence for me, with no hint of judgment. I lowered my head in worship before him.

Jesus spoke to me: 'Raphael, stand before me. I stood and faced him. 'I want to look directly into your eyes so that you may receive my full meaning by looking at me while I speak.'

I then spoke: 'My great Redeemer, I want to wish you well on this your birthday and to receive your revelation and direction in my life. I am so grateful for your redeeming grace you have extended to me!'

3. Jesus smiled and replied: 'Raphael, I have fully atoned for your sins and your weaknesses, your foibles and mistakes. You still are gaining experience in your mortal world, and you are still ladened with many weaknesses. However, these do not restrict you from being clean and pure before us, your Gods. You have been blessed to come into my presence and the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We speak and interact with your celestial replicated translated being, and your unconscious mind in our celestial realms. You are blessed to be able to perceive and record all that we communicate to you here, even in your mortal conscious mind, and write our words while we convey these to you.

4. The light of Christ is the name of the light matter that comes into this galaxy and into the very beings of our Heavenly Parents. They have named this light that descends upon all of their creations and world in honor of me, and the redemptive work I do for their children. This follows a pattern they are following, established by our first parent Gods from the beginning, when they first created light. All of the gods in their own domains call this light that comes into their own central celestial orb the same name, even the light of Christ. They each select one Christ, or redeemer, for each new eternity. These have the same mission as I have received, to redeem their children from their sins and weaknesses, according to the law of the gospel. What I have done to redeem you, these other Christs have also done for their own who came unto them in humility, repenting of their sins and weaknesses.

5. Today marks the day of my birth in Bethlehem, two thousand and nineteen years ago. My work of suffering is now completed and now I interact with each of our Heavenly Parents' children, to cleanse and redeem them to the level that they obey me and keep my sayings. My great work will continue even until the last soul is born and redeemed, judged and rewarded for their works in their states of progress and probation. When all are redeemed, and given a level of glory, then those like Lucifer will be banished forever by our Heavenly Parents, and then my great work of this eternity will have been completed. I will then join my brothers and sisters with my own spouse, and be ordained as you will be on our resurrected celestial earth. I will be the first one, with my spouse, to receive all that our Father and Mother have, and we will become a couple god in eternity. Then each of my righteous celestial siblings will in turn receive this same ordination as we received as couple gods, on our celestial earth. All will then be equal in eternity, joint heirs with me. My mission and your mission will then be an assignment and calling of our past lives in our same eternity. We will then begin the great work of our parent gods in eternity.'

6. I thanked my great Savior and Redeemer for his words to my mind today. He then pulled me close and embraced me fully. I felt his deep compassion and acceptance for me and for all of God's children.

We separated and I turned and walked the narrow path that leads to the tree of life in the distance. My vision then stopped and I found myself writing all of this wonderful experience in my personal journal. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

7. At the priesthood session of the LDS General Conference: I am at the General Priesthood session with three of my sons. I just read about the LGBT announcement where those who have same sex marriage are not excommunicated anymore. Their children may also be blessed by one holding the Melchizedek priesthood and those eight years of age or older children may also be baptized.

I asked my Heavenly Father in prayer if this decision was given by any of our Gods. Heavenly Father said he didn't inspire them in any way in their recent decisions.

8. I wonder about the commandment in Moroni 6:7-8 where the Nephite church was "strict to observe there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ. But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."

9. I want to know if those in same gender marriages (those who are identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) should have their names blotted out of the Church of Christ in a future day? This is a question I hope that God will answer me.

Elder Oaks said that the handbook previously characterized same gender marriage as apostasy: "While we still consider such a marriage to be a serious transgression, it will not be treated as apostasy for purposes of church discipline. Instead, the immoral conduct in heterosexual or homosexual relationships will be treated in the same way.".

10. It looks like to me that any immoral activity by married couples will be now tolerated, and will not be considered sin enough to excommunicate them from the church. This does not seem to align with the doctrine stated in Moroni 6:7-8.

If someone believes differently on doctrine, they may be excommunicated from the LDS Church (like M.S.), but if they live or commit serious sin like adultery, or same sex marriage, or LGBT lifestyle, they are not excommunicated.

I want to never judge another of their actions, unless I am asked to do so by God. I seek to accept and love all God's children, even those living in serious sin. All deserve our love and care regardless of their behavior. However, I feel the organization of God's church should be free of those living in sin so that it is a safe place for us to gather in and to teach our children and each other the gospel standards of truth. If those promoting LGBT doctrines are part of our congregations and leaders (perhaps in a future day in the LDS Church), how will our children be able to sift through all of these ideas, doctrines, and particularly behavior they see at church?

11. I really want to hear God's words on this. At the end of the priesthood session, an Aaronic priesthood choir sang "Beautiful Savior." This was really the first time during this meeting that I felt the spirit of the Holy Ghost come to me. To me, it had been conspicuously void during the entire meeting.

12. At night–I came home and immediately began a prayer. I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I faced east and overlooked the fields below. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father immediately appeared to me in the air in front of me, above the fallen oak tree! He was bright and smiling.

He spoke right away: 'Raphael, you are correct that your Heavenly Mother did not send to you any of the spirit of the Holy Ghost during the priesthood session. At the end, during the closing hymn "Beautiful Savior", your Heavenly Mother sent to you her spirit of the Holy Ghost.

13. You asked about the new change in the LDS Church concerning LGBT couples and their children. We did not inspire the leaders in any of their decisions. You also wondered if excommunication in the future Church of Christ would be required for those members who married their same gender.

Marriage is ordained of God between a man and a woman. This is the basis of procreation and is an ordained order of heaven.

Sexual intercourse or cohabitation outside the bounds of marriage, in any variation, is sin and is not acceptable to us, your Gods, in the Church of Christ. These situations were those we inspired the Nephite church to eliminate from their congregations, by blotting out their names from their church records. Any one of our children living in sexual sin, or participating in these perverse relationships, are not to be numbered among the members of our Church of Christ. They may visit our congregations, and be loved and cared for as neighbors and friends, but not have the intimate and nourishing fellowship of the saints within the Church of Christ.

Were we still inspiring the leaders of the LDS Church, we would have continued this same policy.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear response to a matter that came to my attention today.

This reminded me of what Isaiah said concerning our days where homosexuality is so rampant and expressed openly.

Isaiah 3:9 "The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves."

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 7, 2019, Sunday

1. I awoke early and came to heaven on the celestial orb to pray. I came to the maple tree grove not far from the Great Assembly Hall, on the west end of Lake Beautiful. This is where I felt I should come.

I came down to the lake and drank living water. I was very grateful to have received so much knowledge and truths from my Heavenly Parents! I remember during President Eyring's talk last night at the priesthood session that when he talked about the pre-mortal life, I knew many more details than he expressed. I felt humbled to have received so much! Truth continues to be poured down from heaven upon me at a rapid rate.

I came back into the grove of trees and knelt on the ground facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer.

2. I then saw a bright light come upon the lake and make its way to me. When it came to the shore where I had just drank living water, I could see it was Heavenly Mother coming to me! She then came in the air up into the grove of maple trees right in front of me.

She was radiantly beautiful and so full of light! I immediately felt her light come into me and so fully illuminate my being. This intense light passed through me, completely filling me with clearness and peace. I felt so comfortable to be before her! She was smiling broadly and her eyes glistened with joy and love.

I addressed her first. I prayed for certain family members who were struggling. I prayed that I would be able to overcome certain weaknesses. I said I was trying to change and felt I was making progress in correcting my behavior.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I will bless your loved ones with more of my light sent forth with emotions of love and acceptance, tolerance and peace. I will also bless you in overcoming your weaknesses.

You have completed your training in being able to redirect the intense light of the Holy Ghost I send to you into your heart and then shining it forth in all directions. You have also successfully been able to send this light into your hands and send it forth as you direct it by your thoughts. You have learned to use your intent to direct my light to clear that which you are shining upon of pollutions. You have been sensitive to my intuition I send to you, so you know how wide to spread forth my light and for how long to shine.

4. Your first assignment will begin this evening just before you retire to bed. I will come to you in the heavenly realms, to your unconscious mind, and direct you where to start redirecting my light upon your earth. These directions will continue one after another, night and day, to your replicated beings. Follow my directions and your intuition, and all will be well.

5. As soon as the other angels are sufficiently skilled, by practicing as you have learned, they too will join you in cleansing the earth of its great pollutions. We will counter Satan's efforts to destroy our creations and our children who dwell on the earth!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear revelations to me this new morning.

6. She then reached forward with both of her hands and spoke: 'Raphael, come walk with me!'

I took her hands and stood. We then turned and walked, holding hands, down the slope to the shore and onto the air just above Lake Beautiful. A cloud soon appeared, like a fog over the lake, in front of us. She guided me to walk right into the fog. Soon we were surrounded by white fog, very bright.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I want to show you two visions–one of the earth as it was in the beginning when Adam and Eve were raising their children. The second vision will be of your current day of the earth.'

7. She then pointed into the fog. I looked and saw the earth in the beginning. The earth shone with light and seemed so pure and clean! Mother Earth had been carefully prepared for her great mission to house God's children who would be born on her surface. I saw that the creations of God, the plants and animals, were thriving and growing exactly as they were intended, and fulfilled the measure of their creation. I could detect no pollutions on the virgin state of the earth. It looked like such an inviting place on which to live!

'Raphael, this vision is how your Mother Earth was in the beginning, about 6,000 years ago as she began her temporal existence in her telestial state.

8. Now, look into the fog again and you will see your Mother Earth today.'

I looked again into the cloud and saw a planet. I knew it was the same earth, but it was so dark and polluted with spiritual and physical heaviness! I looked closer and saw rampant spiritual wickedness of God's children. I also saw an extremely polluted earth, with toxins of all sorts made by the industry of man and manufacturing processes that flagrantly spewed forth poisons onto the land and waterways and also into the air. I saw the oceans filling up with plastic and the land being filled with garbage, some of it buried in shallow places. I saw the soil in many areas was very depleted of nourishment and vitality. I saw that farmers still planted in these areas, and were only able to grow their foods by adding chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The resulting food looked big and edible, but the taste had mostly vanished and seemed like filler only for those who ate it. I knew these same chemicals used to grow the foods were now in the bodies of those who ate these modern foods. I saw some foods people bought in stores were acceptable, but those were far in the minority of the vast food supply.

The waters were darkened by reason of the chemicals and runoff from the factories and the lands that were polluted. I saw nuclear waste spewing forth into the oceans. I saw many ocean animals were sickly and dying. Men were continuing to fish these and harvest from the oceans in greater and greater numbers. I saw that the eco balance of the oceans was being changed by man.

I saw toxic clouds rain upon the earth. There were increasingly many areas where the air had reached toxic levels, causing all kinds of human discomfort and disease. I saw the exhaust from the vehicles, ships, manufacturing plants, and industry of all kinds were filtering into the air and remained there. If it came to earth, it settled on the buildings, people and land, or went into the waters on the earth.

9. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, the earth groans under the enormity of the toxic buildup on her surface! She is very unhappy with her state of pollution. The foods, water, air, lands, plants, animals, and particularly our very own children are beginning to suffer from the prolonged toxins all around them and in their own bodies. This is the worst pollution that has ever been on the earth!

When you and the angels start shining forth my Godly light upon the distressed and darkened earth, there will be a gradual change for the better. Your efforts will save the earth and its inhabitants from certain destruction as planned by Lucifer, as he continues to inspire conspiring men and women who care not for the earth, but only their own personal gain and power and control. We will counter the continual destruction of our beautiful creations by our higher ways and solution!'

10. I then saw my Heavenly Mother's face with a tear in her eyes! I knew she was distressed at the state of pollutions on the earth, her and Heavenly Father's glorious creation! I said that I would work tirelessly in helping save the earth and in cleansing her of the dark pollutions that I saw!

My prayer ended. I am pondering at the visions that are still so real in my mind! I didn't know how severe the pollutions were, for I live in the mountain areas and in the country where we haven't seen it so severely. It really helped me seeing the earth in vision, both at the beginning, and now in our present day! This is very distressing to me.

11. Evening–I enjoyed most of the Sunday sessions of the LDS conference. I listened to them with my son A. and my wife. I expect tonight to start receiving my first assignment(s) on projecting the intense light from my Heavenly Mother on the earth where she and/or Heavenly Father direct me. I assume this will all be in my unconscious mind.

12. Tonight I came to the forest to the north of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. There is a path through the forest starting at the pocketed/lower rock wall heading north. At the end of this path there are some rock cliffs that overlook the city of Enoch to the valley below. This is where I felt to go to pray to my Heavenly Parents tonight. I knelt and faced the city below me. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

13. As I looked out over the city of Enoch to the north before me, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in the air from the sky directly above the city. They came in a beam of light. They were full of light and power!

14. Heavenly Mother started beaming her intense light to me. I felt this light of the Holy Ghost completely light up my being! Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we want you to come with us over the city of Enoch below. We will be by your side as you practice sending the light of the Holy Ghost, which comes from your Heavenly Mother to you, to that city below us!

15. He extended his hand, and I came between them. Although I took both of their hands, and even though my Heavenly Mother was at my side, I still felt her intense light come into me. It felt like her light came from her directly in front of me. She could have been replicated in front of me, and I not see her. I don't know.

16. We soon came directly above the city of Enoch below. It spread out rather far, in a large area. Heavenly Father spoke again-

'Raphael, the city of Enoch is much too large of an area on which to effectively shine the light through your hands. We will start in the southeast section below us, about 15 square miles of your measurements in your world, or about 3.8 miles on each side of a square area. We are about 2 miles up in the air above the ground. This will give you an area where you may shine the light through your hands on the earth below. You will shine for approximately 5 minutes in this one location. This should be the average time you will spend over an area this size. Follow your intuition when to stop shining, plus what height you should shine from. We will give you this information in your unconscious mind.

17. Now we want you to shine the intense light of the Holy Ghost that your Heavenly Mother is shining into your body, onto the ground below. Remember to think directed thoughts of intention to the light you send to this area. Your intention will be to eliminate the pollution found on the land, in the people, food, water and air below you.'

18. I then let go of my Heavenly Parents hands and stood facing them in the air. They both smiled at me in encouragement. I extended my arms forward, with my palms downward that were facing the ground below. I then thought for the light to extend through my palms down to the ground below. Immediately I could see, or sense this powerful light being projected downward! I next thought that this light would cleanse the land, people, food, water, and air below me, and all other creations of God in that area. I saw the light streaming forth in intensity and great speed to the land below. My hands started to glow from the exceeding light flowing through them! My Heavenly Parents before me seemed delighted and smiled upon me. I continued this for about five minutes, or until I felt I was done. I then thought to stop the flow of the light and it immediately stopped.

19. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you have successfully done exactly as we have commanded you! Were this the earth below, you would see the heavenly light streaming down into a darkened earth and atmosphere. You would also see the change come about through your spiritual perception. This is exactly how we wish you and our holy angels to shine forth my light of the Holy Ghost that I send to you!'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their instructions tonight! I told them that I was ready to fulfill my first assignment tonight after this prayer.

Heavenly Mother stepped forward and embraced me saying she would give me my first assignments tonight. She said I would need to replicate about ten times at each assignment.

21. She then returned next to Heavenly Father, and then they both departed into their higher celestial realm. I immediately came back into my front room where I had been writing all the while during my prayer. I closed my prayer and god ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 8, 2019, Monday

1. I feel refreshed after a good sleep. I am up before the rest of my family. I just re-read what I wrote in my journal entry last night. It is confirming to me to know I came to an area right next to the city of Enoch, and that I was directed to practice one time the method of shining light from Heavenly Mother to an area below us. It helped that I did this one time through with them directing me every step of the way. I don't remember anything that I may have done after this.

2. This morning I came to the outcropping above the circling water to the west. The celestial sun was up in the sky and I felt very comfortable. I could feel the light of Christ coming down gently all around me.

3. I knelt on the rock, facing the distant temple to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Parents and for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. Heavenly Mother then stepped into my view, appearing before me in the air. She was smiling and very bright and happy. I could tell she was happy because of her light that came into me that was accompanied by a feeling of joy and happiness.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, after your prayer last night, I came to you in your unconscious mind and started you shining my light of the Holy Ghost upon multiple areas on your own earth. I started in your own neighborhood, and then in the Salt Lake Valley. I was next to you in the air while you shone my light on multiple areas, just like you did last night over the city of Enoch. You have continued doing this since last night, and are even doing this in your replicated state over the earth at this very moment.

5. Your Heavenly Father and I desire this act of reflecting and shining forth my light of the Holy Ghost to be learned and practiced by every one of our holy angels. In a few weeks these angels will join you in your efforts. They too will do just as you have done.

6. Our ways are not your ways, or the ways of man. Our ways and actions are higher, even from the highest Celestial Realm, and from our celestial realms. Isaiah 55:8-12-

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth (and my light that cometh from my presence): it shall not turn unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it.

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother.)

7. Raphael, after listening to the LDS conference yesterday, you wondered more about the words of condemnation that you have written about the LDS church. However, this is not from you, but from your gods. You are our true prophet and conduit we speak through now, and not through President Russell M. nelson. You have done well in recording our words for all to read in a future day, and for those few you send your words to in your current day. Even now you are only transmitting my thoughts to your unconscious mind, and then writing them in your journal, in your conscious mortal state. You do so humbly and accurately. We will confirm all of your words to those, our elect children who ask of us humbly, openly and sincerely. Our works will go forth to fill and transform all of the earth.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who stood before me in the air. Her robes started blowing in a wind, and I knew there was a change coming! I know she and my Heavenly Father had the power to do as they wished. I feel so humbled and so very honored to receive so much revelation and truth from their hands!

9. In the evening–This evening I came to the circling water pool that comes from the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I found myself there with my feet in the water! This afternoon in my mortal body, I got quite tired around 4:00 p.m. and slept in my chair for about an hour. I wonder if I was tired because of a new additional responsibility I have by shining light from my hands? I hope my Heavenly Parents will tell me if this is a workload that tires me out more, or if it was my rigorous work I did today.

10. I then stepped out of the water and knelt by the water's edge, facing the stream. I then asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

Heavenly Father appeared before me, above the circling water. He was shining in brightness and his eternity eyes were very deep and all knowing. He was also smiling.

He spoke: 'Raphael you have completed nearly one day's worth of continual shining the intense light of the Holy Ghost from our celestial realms above the earth. You did this while replicated about ten times for each assignment. You shone Heavenly Mother's light now on about 17% of the state of Utah.

This work alone would have made you feel tired in your mortal body. However, you also worked hard today and that also contributed to your tiredness. As you continue in the celestial realms, you will become more accustomed to this workload so that you won't feel it much in your mortal physical body.

11. Your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased with your efforts to shine. You have been very effective in fulfilling our assignment. Even with additional angels helping you in fulfilling our assignments to remove much pollution in the world, it will take months before this great effort will be completed. We will continue to work with you and the holy angels in this great effort.

12. We would like you to move forward in publishing post 117 so our angels will be able to be motivated and informed to becoming trained and join you in accepting our assignments. Seek to get this published as soon as you are able.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I said I would work more intently on getting post 117 out and published. Heavenly Father then smiled at me and disappeared. I felt more motivated to work on post 117, even tonight before going to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 9, 2019, Tuesday

1. This morning I came to the granite cliff at the top eastern end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I am more refreshed and ready to connect with my Heavenly Parents in prayer.

I knelt on the granite rock on top of the cliff and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me in answer to my prayers. Heavenly Mother then came in a column of light that extended from the temple of God in the distance. She was very bright and shining her heavenly light onto me! I felt her intense light penetrate and pass into all areas of my translated celestial body. I felt very invigorated and accepted before my Heavenly Mother.

2. She then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your sister Rachael had a question some time ago I would like now to address. She wondered if negative emotions could be coupled with energy from the adversary that is negative and has substance. She said she thought she had experienced being in a room where she tangibly felt negative energy. She was not sure if these were emotions from herself, but she knew it was palpable negative energy.

A–All of our children learned to create emotions of all kinds in their early pre-mortal life. These were both positive and negative emotions. Our spirit children became skilled at sensing the emotional state of each other.

When Lucifer fell, and took his minion followers with him and were all cast to the earth, he was very angry and hateful. All of our spirit children could easily sense this negative emotion. All it required was to be in his presence to feel his continual hatred towards the plan of God and of his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

In time, Lucifer and his hosts have perfected the ability to mask their negative emotions in order to hide their evil intentions from those who could perceive the emotional state of another. In this way he and his evil hosts may trick and deceive those being influenced by them.

When your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or I come to you and shine our light upon you, we often send a positive emotion in our light. This light and emotion fills your soul and you can distinctively perceive and receive our emotion yourself, and since you are so open to us, you are filled with that same emotion.

Satan and his followers cannot transmit light, for what little they possess is not capable of shining forth from them. What the spiritually perceptive may feel is instead the state of darkness in these devils. Darkness is the absence of light. Moses perceived that Satan had no glory, but that he was darkness to Moses (see Moses 1:15).

3. When Moses commanded Satan to depart, "Satan cried with a loud voice, and ranted upon the earth, and commanded, saying: I am the Only Begotten. Worship me.

And it came to pass that Moses began to fear exceedingly; and as he began to fear, he saw the bitterness of hell. Nevertheless, calling upon God, he received strength, and he commanded, saying: Depart from me, Satan, for this one God only will I worship, which is the God of glory.

And now Satan began to tremble, and the earth shook; and Moses received strength, and called upon God, saying: In the name of the Only Begotten, depart hence, Satan.

And it came to pass that Satan cried with a loud voice, with weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth; and he departed hence, even from the presence of Moses, that he beheld him not."

4. Moses felt fear from Satan's actions and feelings that he projected forth upon Moses. This was not masked, and Satan was truly being himself with no cause to hide his emotions. These were felt and perceived by Moses. It was palpable negative emotion and energy.

5. All of our children, including Lucifer and his minions, may project negative emotions and energy to those around them. However, those who feel this have ability to block that energy, or deflect it so it does not cause fear or some other emotion in them. They may block it by their own intentions, and by the light that they themselves have. They too may be strengthened by God in shielding themselves from these fiery darts of the adversary.

6. The Father has extended to all of his elect his powerful shields of protection. These are sufficiently strong to deflect these negative emotions and the negative energy of the adversary. However, the mindset of the elect child needs to be still and continue to be full of positive, peaceful feelings so as not to be negatively influenced by these dark emotions.'

7. Evening–I came this evening to the desert oasis. I have been very busy today, and finally have a moment to sit down and meditate and pray. I enjoyed just sitting on the bench next to the oasis, with my bare feet on the sand. I felt like I was being grounded in the celestial orb again. It felt very good and was very calming.

8. I then came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I felt clarified and stilled. I was now ready to connect with my gods.

9. I came next to the shore, and knelt, facing the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared immediately in the center of the oasis, and walked several steps above the water in the air to me. She was shining brightly! Her light came into me and passed through me, filling me up with peace and a sense of accomplishment and trust.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, thank you for sending out post 117 on shining the intense power of the Holy Ghost. I anticipate many of those who receive your emails to prepare for their service to us, their Heavenly Parents. Sending out the post on earth also makes your words available in the celestial realms where all of our holy angels dwell and work. These are also preparing to shine forth my light. In several weeks, all of our angels should be shining my light upon the earth, to cleanse your world of the many pollutions in the land.

11. M.A. had a question I would like to answer now. She wondered if you or other angels will be able to feel in your mortal body the light you shine in your replicated translated body? She said she can feel her own mortal body getting warmer.

12. The connection between you and your replicated physical being is through your unconscious mind. The signals and perceptions in all of your bodies, whether mortal or replicated, are equally shared. The reason you may not normally be aware of what is happening in your replicated bodies is that you are not tuned into your replicated self very often. This usually is only perceived when you quiet yourself down, and listen in a meditative mode. This is how your Heavenly Father and I have designed it during your mortal life. We desire the experience in mortality to be in the conscious mind for most of the day. It is not easy to connect your conscious and unconscious minds so that they may transfer impressions and information.

13. Raphael, when you practice in your mortal body, shining my light that you can perceive me sending to you, you are connecting your conscious mind with your unconscious mind. You can clearly perceive light coming out the palms of your hands, and controlled by your mind. This is a very real sensation. As you continue to practice, you will perceive this more and more until it becomes so natural, as if it is all being done in your conscious mind.

14. M.A. is also correct in that she perceives her mortal body getting warmer from the flow of light. We want our angels to get used to controlling every action done in their celestial replicated bodies by their own conscious/unconscious mind. This includes all movements they make, like walking on the water, and all redirections of my light I send to them, and being able to go to any location we may ask them to go, all done with their intention in their mind. We want all of their actions to become normal to their conscious minds which is linked to their unconscious mind.'

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 10, 2019. Wednesday.

1. Today I awoke before the others in my household. I felt yesterday that I was too busy in my mortal life! I don't enjoy the pressure I feel when all of my activities are jammed in sequence, one after another. I feel more at peace when I have some open time.

2. This morning I came again to the desert oasis. It is a very calming and serene place. I instantly felt more settled! I soon knelt in front of the bench, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

3. Heavenly Father came next to me, from my left on the path around the oasis. He came to me and asked me to sit next to him on the bench. I arose and sat on his right side on the bench He was glowing with light and smiling! I looked into his accepting face. He spoke:

'Raphael, your anxiety over feeling too busy is a state of your own mind. You had scheduled back-to-back activities all day long, and even into the night. This was a large to-do list where you became desirous to accomplish as much as you could possibly do.

4. However, your choice to schedule your time was really of your own making. Your conscious mind thought you had to get all of those tasks done, whereas this was only your own made-up choice. If you are feeling pressed upon, then reschedule your day with more open time so you don't feel so tightly planned.

5. In the celestial realm, as you feel there's more to do you only need to replicate yourself. Your replicated self then may be assigned to work on one task. When done, you may reduce the number of your replications. You may even choose to replicate yourself and come here to the desert oasis in that replicated body to relax and ponder. This is a great benefit, and makes all anxiety depart when you labor for us in the celestial world!

6. We now have many assignments for you to do, much more than you could possible do were you not able to replicate yourself. Nevertheless, you always feel calm and capable in your celestial sphere where you work, even with your heavy workload.

7. However, in your mortal life you cannot replicate yourself to get more done. I suggest you don't schedule so much, so that there is more open time. You impose your level of getting things done by your own mind. None of this anxiety comes from an outside source. We only ask that you learn, grow, and get tasks done in a steady way, and that you keep in balance emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.

8. Yesterday you visited your neighbor with your wife on your way to your house. She had recently lost her husband to death. Her time is filled with loneliness now. She had an inordinate amount of open time. We are pleased with her state, however, for she is learning a lot from her experience, even though she is doing little now as she figures out what she will do in her life, since her husband recently has passed onto a new sphere of living.

9. Be ever grateful for whatever your life circumstances may bring, for all will be for your growth. Enjoy the present, and be happy in your actions. We will be next to you and will prosper your ways, and bring peace into your being. Don't run faster than you have strength.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful counsel! I asked him to help me fully enjoy whatever I may do in my mortal present activities, and to release any feelings of being rushed or having anxiety. I thanked him for allowing me to grow in such a mortal state.

11. Heavenly Father then left my side on the bench. I stayed a little longer, feeling enjoyment in the present time. I feel so grateful to be active and capable to do many things, and to enjoy what I do.

12. Evening–Sometimes at the end of the day it takes me awhile to settle down from the busy day I've had and to become in tune in meditation to find where I am located on the celestial orb. I feel tonight that my replicated being is located in front of God's temple next to the golden altar. It took me several moments to determine this in my mind. Once I felt this is where I was, I felt a surge of sureness and enlightenment.

13. I then sought to become "one" with my replicated being there. I could then feel what was happening in my body there and what my thoughts were. This is all a very subtle opening of my mind, or of linking my conscious mind with my unconscious mind. I have a hard time explaining the process, for this needs to be experienced firsthand.

Anyway, I knelt facing the temple doors that were shut. I prayed for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

14. I then saw my Heavenly Mother come through the closed doors of the temple, for the door on my left became very bright and then she walked right through the door! She was extremely bright and came right in front of me. Her light came into me as it now normally does and filled me with light and excitement to be again in her glorious presence!

15. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, I come to you this evening in my full glory. You feel the excitement I feel that is transmitted to you in my intense light that comes from my very presence, even the light of the Holy Ghost.

16. M.A. had a very interesting view of you and the holy angels shining my light all day today on the earth. In her impression, you all were stationed around the earth, shining light down on it as the earth just rotated.

I gave M.A. this view of a time in the near future when all of the angels are trained and skilled in reflecting and transmitting my intense light down upon the earth. At that time, after many of the most polluted areas on the earth have already been targeted once, I will ask them to stand in a long line above the earth, all located in the celestial realms above the earth. They will then shine upon the earth as it rotates below them.

17. Earlier today, S.A. asked you if Satan knew of this change in the environment by the shining of my light. He doesn't know it yet, but will soon know. He will only get angrier and more determined to fight against us, their Gods. They will work more feverishly in pressing upon my children on the earth, for Satan knows his time is short! You will see an increase of evil spirits that you will remove from the realms of the earth to the distant prison orb.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit tonight, and for enlightening me with her revelations. She turned and returned through the door from whence she came, and was gone.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 11, 2019. Thursday.

1. I came today somewhere in the fir forest not far from the lookout over the fallen oak tree and God's wheat field. I believe I was about 60 feet from that overlook. I felt linked to my replicated translated self there, so I knelt facing the overlook. I was still very much among the tall trees. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. Heavenly Father then appeared at the opening in the overlook! He walked directly to me, shining brightly in the forest of tall trees. When he arrived to me, I could tell he was happy. His eternity eyes were deep and so all knowing. I felt accepted and loved in his presence!

Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have described well your experience in coming consciously into our celestial orb last night in your journal. I have brought you here to this majestic forest to give to you my message today.

3. Your Heavenly Mother answered a question last night whether Satan knew about the changes in the environment that is now going forth. He cannot come nor see into the celestial realms where you and the angels shine your light down to the earth. He can't perceive the light either, for it has been a long time since he has been able even to perceive the light of Christ coming down from the skies, let alone the intense light of the Holy Ghost. He will, in time, perceive the changes in the reduction of pollutants that are upon the earth, the people, plants, food sources, water sources, and the air. He will be able to tell there has been a change to a more cleaned up world in those areas. He will know this is from us, the true Gods of the earth.

4. You have noticed in the past two days a shift also in your own vitality. This is mostly from your increased workload of shining Heavenly Mother's light as she has been directing you. Within a week your vitality and full strength will return, even as you get used to this additional workload in our celestial realms.

5. In the interim, you have been taking oral supplements to boost your physical adrenals and some B vitamins also. You are becoming more familiar with the remedies in your world to strengthen various parts of your physical system in mortality.

6. You were also talking with someone yesterday about her experience with hypnotism and of her increased skill of self-hypnosis. You wondered if you were basically doing a similar thing in connecting to your unconscious self in our celestial realms, either here or our celestial orb or above the earth. You have been connecting to your unconscious self now for years, twice a day, and also commune with us, your Gods.

7. Your skill and practice is a higher form than what your daughter is doing. You not only connect to your unconscious mind, but you are also coming into our presence and receiving our words of revelation. In her practice of hypnosis, she has been taught a way to access only her unconscious mind, and to change her behavior and her attitude or mindset about that which she works on in her own unconscious mind. This is a helpful skill she is learning.

8. I desire that you continue coming into our celestial realm here on our celestial orb, twice a day. The practice of writing in your journal as you experience your connection with your Heavenly Mother and me is also particularly effective. You are truly communing with us, your Gods, and correctly receiving revelation from us. You have followed your intuition in learning all of this. You have been very open and receptive as we have guided you and inspired you in your own mind and thoughts, even as I do again this morning to you. You really live in not only the mortal telestial world, but during your prayers, in a higher celestial world.

9. Your Heavenly Mother and I are with you also during your day on earth. We are in a different, higher realm than your own mortal telestial realm in which you live each day. We are truly, however, by your side.

10. Raphael, we want you to meet and coordinate with Melchizedek in the next few days. You were informed that he and his people once lived in your area of Utah and settled on the shores of Lake Bonneville at the time (see post 74 , The Great Test is Coming, starting with your March 27, 2018 journal entry). He will come to you with one of us, your Heavenly Parents, and give you some directions about some experiences you will have in the first stage of constructing the New Jerusalem area.

11. If you wish to meet up with any of our righteous children who have moved onto other areas in their own progression, you need to ask of us in prayer. M.S. had mentioned that he did this when studying the Book of Mormon. We are very open to requests like this that are intended to give you additional insights into doctrine given to those very persons who wrote these words in your scriptures. They then may share their insights on what they had received themselves. There are also times that they may come to you as messengers to deliver our directions or a warning. To you, they will all come in either the terrestrial or celestial realms, and would only be visible to you and those we may allow. In all of their ministrations, they come to those of great faith to strengthen and inspire them. They come according to our will and desires. They may come to you in your unconscious mind if they visit you in the celestial realms similar to a way we come to you.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words today. I am so grateful for his openness in discussing several of my concerns today. I told him that I look forward to Melchizedek's visit. I also said I loved him and felt so very blessed to be visited daily by my Gods.

13. Evening–Tonight I came to the fruit tree orchard north of Lake Beautiful, just up from the shore. I hadn't been here recently. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I felt clarified and invigorated, but nothing like when Heavenly Mother's intense light comes through my body! When she comes and shines the light of the Holy Ghost on me, I am fully illuminated and extremely clarified! The intensity of the clearing and invigoration is far more deep and effective with her light than with the water.

14. Anyway, I came from the shore of Lake Beautiful up into the orchard. I looked at the budding fruit trees–they were at the same stage as those in my own orchard on earth in my area. I wondered if I saw this because it matches my own orchard. I wondered if someone from another part of the world might see something different than me?

15. I knelt next to a blooming apricot tree, similar in it's blooming to the phase to the ones in my own orchard in Utah. I faced the lake to the south. I asked for one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come. As I was waiting, Heavenly Mother came from my right side, a few trees away! She walked directly to me, shining brightly as she now always seems to do. Her eternity eyes were deep and sparkling. I could feel her acceptance and love for me she possessed. This was very real and tangible.

16. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you and your wife spoke while driving today about accepting what is reality in your telestial world. Usually you can't change circumstances, so you have decided to accept them and face that this is what really is. When you do this, you then may choose to be whatever you wish to be, by your choice to be happy, sad, or a whole host of other descriptions. When you accept what life gives to you, and decide to be happy, regardless of your circumstance, you have attained a great accomplishment! This is the attitude that brings the most joy into your life.

17. I have chosen to almost always have a happy attitude. There are occasions that I may express grief or deep sadness, but this is only temporary. My eternal state is almost always happy and cheerful! This brings me the most joy possible in my life. I have this as one of the great objectives of my own life. I accept whatever my children may do and choose, and I still feel extremely happy, even though many choose not to completely follow your Heavenly Father and me or even reject us and our ways. I find intense joy, with your Father, in offering them a path, which if they will choose to follow, will also give them intense happiness and joy. When one of our children seeks us and follows our counsels, I feel even greater happiness and joy!

18. In your lower telestial mortal state, as you accept what your life brings to you, and seek to be happy regardless of your circumstances, you will be poised to be the happiest you could possibly be in your mortal state. Accept what comes your way with little expectations. You may continue in this attitude right through all the stages of progression, even until you become ordained with your wife as a couple god.

19. 2 Nephi 2:25 "Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy."

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words of happiness and joy. I really want to choose to be happy, and positive, by my own choice, regardless of my circumstances: there is always something to be grateful and happy about.

20. I told my Heavenly Mother that I loved her so very much. I asked her for guidance to be the happiest, most contented I can possibly be. I want to fully live in the present, with little expectation of what may come my way. Whatever my situation may become, I want to be very positive and happy, by my own mindset and choice.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 12, 2019, Friday.

1. As I awoke and came quickly to my adjacent bedroom today, not wanting to awaken the others who were sleeping, I felt amazed at the daily routine that has developed where my Heavenly Parents come to me, twice a day! Their words, their love and light they shower upon me, the acceptance I feel, all motivate me to spend so much of my day in communion with them! I am very motivated by what they share with me, how I am changing by following their counsels. I like who I am becoming as a person, and want to always be so intimate and close to them. I am so very pleased to continue my course of praying and receiving from my gods!

2. I came today to the northern shores of god's loving healing lake. The celestial sun was up, and a few clouds in the sky were reflecting off the water in front of me. Spring flowers were blooming, and I felt very happy and peaceful. There was a little stream next to the bench where I was sitting that trickled into the lake in front of me. I felt open and receptive to whatever I might receive today from god.

3. I then knelt by the bench. I felt in tune to myself, ready to receive and hear god's voice in my mind. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

4. I then saw a stirring on the lake in front of me, with lots of light coming from an opening of the higher celestial realm. My Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother stepped forth above the water in the air! They were in the center of the lake. I felt an impression to stand and walk to them, so I stood and came before them. Heavenly Father then told me in my thoughts to continue standing.

5. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, come walk between your Heavenly Mother and me!' He extended his hand and I came between them. We then started walking northward, and soon were up in the air above the celestial orb, heading in the direction of the Temple. We then entered into a cloud where everything was bright and white, and shining brightly. We stopped and my Heavenly Parents both faced me. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind:

6. 'Raphael, the twice daily experiences you have in communing and being with us is available to each one of our precious children on the earth. We lead them by degrees, step-by-step, like we have lead you. There is no end to the joy and happiness you may experience from us! This is the ultimate design and end of your existence. One day you will be like we are, with deep and strong happy emotions of joy and peace!

7. I have been continuing to have you shine my intense light on the earth, in removing the pollutions and toxins from the lands and from our sons and daughters. Most will never know that we are doing this in secret by our angels, from hidden realms of glory.

8. You have wondered how the poisons are somehow magically removed when my light shines on them? I do this by the very same powers of creation that I possess. Light matter is always part of the creation process. We know the celestial laws that our first parent gods made that were associated with the light they created. One of these higher laws is the ability to restructure the elemental matter to our choosing when light comes into its being. When you or I have mental intentions that the toxins be removed, in the presence of this light, the elemental matter reconfigures to all and the new structure changes to the old, except there are no more toxins. The elements that used to be the toxins have been removed and are returned to new elemental matter, which can not be detected in the lower telestial sphere. The presence of raw elemental matter is inert, and has no effect, either positive or negative, on the new structure. It remains and soon falls to the earth, for gravity pulls it downward.

9. There have been other times that we have also changed the physical composition of what we have initially created on the earth. The excess elemental matter remains from these times that we reconfigured our creations, and also falls to the earth. It is not part of the earth, but it remains on the physical earth until the earth dies and will be resurrected. At that time we will gather all of the basic forms of elemental matter on the earth and combines it with the exalted resurrected earth when we make that change.

10. When we heal someone by our intervention, of an illness or a problem in their being, we do a similar process: we remove the offending issue in the presence of our light and return it to elemental matter. This matter eventually is returned to the earth, being inert and not harmful to our restructured creation. To man on the earth, this is a miracle. To us in our higher sphere, it is a process of restructuring or recreating the elemental matter. It is the same process we use in creation of all the living beings in the beginning.

11. When you shine forth my intense light of the Holy Ghost on the earth, with intention to remove the pollutions, I use my ordained power of being a God to restructure the beings on which this light falls. It is a quick and unnoticeable process by those that are changed: the toxins are returned to elemental matter, and are no longer part of the being I change. This happens to the land, food sources, our children who have the toxins, the water sources, and the air. Changes are done immediately and permanently to a state where the pollutions are reduced or no longer present. I control this entire process.

12. I want you to have the same intention I have, of removing the offending poisons when you shine my light on them. This is necessary for the process to happen. When your intentions and my intentions are synched and are one, then the process may work.

13. Being in tune to the intentions and desires of your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and myself in all of your desires to heal someone is also required for a restructuring/healing change to be made. We do the healing or restructuring, and you are our conduit. If there is removal of something in the healing process, we return this to elemental matter.

14. The ability to change our creations, including our own beings, is done all the time by us who are your gods. For example, when you replicate your being many times over, it is by our power that this is all done, even by the power of God. Elemental matter is formed in a creative process to become your replicated being. Your core intelligence then expands and occupies the replicated body, and you continue your mission, now with a replicated state. When no longer needed, your intelligence comes back into your original core being, and we return your replicated body back to its elemental state, we do the same process for ourselves when we replicate or reduce the number of our replications. It is all done seamlessly, and seems like a miracle to those in lower spiritual spheres. We do all of this by the power of God, and our knowledge of the laws of the higher celestial sphere in which we live and act.'

15. My Heavenly Mother smiles broadly at me. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother has spoken to you, and what you have recorded in your journal just now, is true. You are in our very presence, filled with our intense light that enlivens your mind and being. What she has revealed to you is one of the processes we use as your Gods.'

16. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents who were before me! I told them how grateful I was to receive all of this, and to be in their presence. I told them I loved them and would always follow them and seek them.

17. I then was suddenly on the bench in front of God's Healing Lake. They were no longer in front of me. I closed my prayer and started my new day on the earth.

18. Evening–Tonight I came to the maple tree grove next to the Great Assembly Hall on the west end of Lake Beautiful. I found myself kneeling in the trees. The celestial sun had set some time ago for it was very dark and the stars were shining. I couldn't see any moon. It was very beautiful! I could see a faint shadow from the starlight I thought.

Anyway, I knelt and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

19. Heavenly Father then came quietly up from the lake through the trees. He was glowing faintly like the intensity of the stars above. Soon he was right in front of me! He held out his hand and asked me to stand and walk with him. I stood and together we hiked through the maple trees and then to a clearing and a hill on the west end of the maple trees. There was a path leading to the ridgeline where we were heading. I never had been on this hill before! When we got there we headed north to the top of the ridge.

20. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have brought you to an open hilltop ridge where you have never come to in your translated celestial body. In the day you would see that this is all short grass covering this hill. I often come here to look at the stars after the celestial sun has set, and before the celestial moon arises in the evening sky.'

21. He then looked up in the sky. He pointed to a star I thought was above us. ' Raphael, this is where we grew up on our own earth. There is a beautiful mature galaxy there like the one you live in. This is where our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother still rule and reign in righteousness as Gods in eternities! Our own earth where we used to live has been resurrected now for millions of eternities, and is at the center of that large galaxy.

22. We left our home galaxy when your Heavenly Mother and I decided it was time to build the galaxy in which you live. This celestial orb is at the center of our galaxy. Your own earth will become resurrected one day and rotate around Kolob, our central governing star, which is near us now.'

23. He then pointed to another direction. 'Raphael, this is where you and your eternal companion will create your own galaxy sometime in the future. You will be couple gods, and have all the rights, privileges and powers held by all the gods. The light from our first gods will flow to my own parent God's galaxy, then to my own galaxy and finally to your future galaxy. Once your own children have their own galaxies the same light flow will then extend from your galaxy to theirs. This is the pattern that happens in light flowing to all the gods and their galaxies in this vast universe!

24. When the light comes to us and to your galaxy, we then may control where it goes within our own domain. For this eternity, the intense light of the Holy Ghost comes from this same light source and it all goes through your Heavenly Mother. It then flows out to you and then to the earth where you reflect and shine her holy light.

25. Heavenly Father put his arm around my shoulders. He started radiating light, getting brighter and brighter! He then rose up in the air and departed in a column of light right up in the sky above! I knelt where I was standing and thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight. I said I would be ever true and faithful in following his counsels and in keeping his commandments.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 13, 2019, Saturday

1. I received an email this morning from S. He had an encounter in heaven with our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. In their conversation, he was told from Heavenly Father that the fire at the end of the millennium would be a celestial fire since it will cover all of the earth (see paragraph J25 below). After the celestial fire, the earth will emerge as a glorious celestial orb, resurrected and beautiful. The fire will not be a fire like we know that creates a blackened burnt earth. S said he was directed to ask me about this celestial fire. His words were in my thoughts as I prayed this morning.

2. Today I came to a bench next to the fir forest, just northeast of the Great Assembly Hall. I had come there from the hilltop west of the assembly hall. This ridgeline of several hills extended behind the assembly hall to the west. I had walked on these hills on a path that eventually came around the hall and to the bench where I was sitting.

3. The celestial sun was now up in the sky and the surroundings I found myself in were very beautiful! There was a little stream nearby from which I drank living water. I felt invigorated and clarified. I knelt in front of the bench and faced the lake, Lake Beautiful to my southeast. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

4. Both of my Heavenly Parents came to me from the lake in a column of light. The water was shimmering from the reflected light of their presence. I felt the intense light of their presence pass into and through me. I looked upon their happy countenances as they stood in glory in front of me!

5. Heavenly Mother spoke first to me: 'Raphael, what S wrote to you happened in the fields behind the Great Assembly Hall where you walked this morning to come to where you are now. I will share with you more about our heavenly light this morning, including the eternal burning that will occur on the earth at the time of her resurrection.

6. The light that comes from our own Heavenly Parents comes to us from the galaxy that your Heavenly Father pointed out to you last night while you were on the grassy hilltop. This light matter flows in a beam to our galaxy and to us. There are many more such beams of light that flow from them to their other children, who are now couple gods, on their own galaxies.

7. This light flows in a wide column through space to us. It is all matter, so it does not in any way change or diminish as it flows through space. As it enters our galaxy, it flows directly into this celestial orb and particularly into us, who are the gods of our galaxy. This entire Milky Way galaxy, as you call it on your earth, is our domain and our creations. This galaxy is the home to billions of stars, planets, earths, moons, orbs, and heavenly bodies that we have created for our own purposes.

8. As the light matter comes to your Heavenly Father and me from the sky (which comes from our Heavenly Parents' own galaxy), it comes into our beings, just like light comes into you from the sky on your earth. Because we are gods, and of the higher celestial realm, we have infinite capacity to receive this light into our bodies. We may receive an abundance of this light and hold it within, and not shine at all if we wish. Last night your Heavenly Father had the appearance to you at first of being in a faint glow. He was immensely full of light, but decided only to faintly glow to you while coming into the maple tree grove from Lake Beautiful.

9. As I speak to you, light matter continues to flow into me and from me to you. This heavenly light is called by many names including light and truth, the Spirit, the light of Christ and from me, the intense light of the Holy Ghost. This light enlightens your mind and enlivens your entire soul and being. Every part of you in receiving the abundant flow of our light as we shine upon you this morning.

10. This same light matter flows into your very sun, a great star in our galaxy. The light is matter, and in your telestial realms flows into the sun because of the laws of the telestial world that the light is subject to. It is pulled into your sun by reason of its high gravitational pull. As the light falls into your sun, it ignites and fire and heat are created. This combination also creates light energy that shines forth onto your earth and warms our creations on your earth, and the earth itself.

11. Light matter also falls onto your earth from our presence and we call this the light of Christ. It is not ignited like it is on your sun, but flows onto and into all of our creations on your earth. This is the same light of Christ that enlightens your understanding. (see D&C 88:7-13)

12. When I come to you, Raphael, and shine this same light from me to you, in an intense stream of light matter, I call this the light of the Holy Ghost. As you are now purified and cleansed before me, I may send more and more light into your body that you can now redirect into your hands and onto the earth. I can ramp up the flow of my light coming into you so much that you actually glow brightly too in this process of being my conduit. You have seen how your hands have glowed brightly as the light has flowed through them to the earth in the process of cleansing the earth of its pollutions. When coupled with your intention and mind, I then restructure my creations that my light comes upon, and make the toxins turn into raw elemental matter. This cleanses and purifies my creations of the pollutions they once had.

13. One other way of using our heavenly light within us is by creating a celestial fire. Your Heavenly Father will explain this to you now.'

Heavenly Father then spoke to me, all in my mind so clearly and understandably to me:

'Raphael, we use the light that flows into us in everything we do. There are laws that the light adheres to, all created by our first parent Gods who send this forth to all their creations and their children gods.

14. One of the laws of the higher celestial realms that this light adheres to is that of it becoming a celestial fire. This is only transformed from light matter into celestial fire by one who is a god, who is ordained to the highest calling, using either their highest priesthood or highest high priestess orders.

15. In this process of converting the light matter into celestial fire, we use our intention in our minds to create this fire and direct it to one of our creations. This was the same fire that Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, sent to Elijah when he was translated:

16. 2 Kings 2:11 "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven."

17. At that time, Jesus took Elijah, his prophet, unto himself, and Elisha became the new prophet in Israel. This was done by the celestial fire that enshrouded the chariot, the horses and Elijah. They then all came into our celestial realm from the telestial earth. Jesus Christ also sent celestial fire to Nephi and Lehi as recorded in the book of Helaman, when they were both imprisoned (see Helaman 5:44).

18. At the end of the earth, when the earth dies and is resurrected, we will use the celestial fire again. Both your Heavenly Mother and I will shine forth intense light from our presence onto the earth, with our intentions for it to turn into celestial fire. This fire will completely cover all the earth. The flames of this fire will reach high into the heavens. The earth will then die and become resurrected anew to a new heaven and a new earth. All of the old will pass away, including the telestial and terrestrial realms on the earth. The celestial realm will also be transformed to be one for a resurrected celestial earth. There will also be a higher celestial realm created on this new changed earth. The entire change of dying, resurrecting, and transforming of the celestial realms will occur while the celestial fire burns on the earth. I say that it burns, but this burning is to change the non-celestial parts on the earth to elemental matter, like these creations were in the beginning.

19. This elemental matter then will be gathered up and used by us, the true Gods and creators of the earth, to create the new resurrected earth and its celestial realms. After the fire is removed, there will be a completely new heaven and earth. The heaven will be the celestial and higher celestial realms, and the earth will be resurrected to a celestial state of glory.

20. We use our ability to create celestial fire for our own purposes, such as will occur at the end of the earth. Not everyone who is translated will have celestial fire like Elijah experienced. We use the celestial fire according to our designs and plans.

21. When Jesus comes to the earth in glory, in the clouds of heaven with his holy angels, he will shine forth in glory. To those who are of the telestial glory, and who cannot withstand a terrestrial glory, they will be burned and will die. Their spirits will go into the telestial world of the dead on that realm on the earth. This fire is not the same celestial fire that we will use at the end of the world.

22. The burning at the second coming of Jesus Christ was spoken of in Malachi 4:1:

"For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."

23. Those of the lowest telestial realm who then live on the earth in their mortal bodies will be removed into the telestial realm of the dead. In each one, Jesus will cause a burning wherein they will die, for they cannot come into the new terrestrial gory of the earth in the millennial day. They will not abide the day of his coming. Only those who are of a terrestrial and celestial nature will abide, and be permitted to remain into the millennium.

24. I thanked my loving and shining Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their clear words to me this morning. I told them how humbled I felt to be so enlightened by their light and truth that they have shined forth on me, and spoken to me.

25. Email from S to R 4/13/19:


I felt to share this with you.

This morning in prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was in a large field looking east. The Celestial Sun was rising and the light was great. I saw the silhouettes of someone coming my direction. As it came nearer, I realized it was my Heavenly Parents walking towards me, holding hands, but due to the light of the sun surrounding Them, it was difficult to make out Their features. They walked until They stood before me. I was kneeling before them, but when They were directly in front of me, I could see them more clearly and They were happy. At this time, They began to grow in light and glory until Their light far exceeded that of the Celestial sun. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me about Their glory coming from Their light and truth. She spoke of how Her light and glory came from Her Heavenly Parents as They helped Her grow in light and truth. She went on to tell me different ways in this mortal telestial fallen world to verify if something is truth and light. I recorded these in my journal. It included praying and asking directly God in prayer. Also the spirit can testify of truth. At times Our Heavenly Mother as the Holy Ghost will come give a strong witness to our Souls as we hear or read truth even when we have not asked about that particular truth in prayer.

Heavenly Father then spoke. I recorded His words in my journal. He said that Their light and glory far exceeds that of the Celestial sun because of the knowledge, light and truth that They possess. They provide the light to Their sun and all Their creations. He then said that the fire that will cleanse the earth at the end of the Millennium won't just be an earthly fire that covers the whole earth. It will be a celestial fire or burning from Their light and glory that will raise the earth to its Celestial splendor. I went on to read in the scriptures about the burning at the end of the earth and read scriptures from the topical guide about the "end of the world". I felt directed to send you this email to ask more about the Celestial burning of the earth that will occur. I had never considered this before, but it make sense that it will be much more than a grand campfire that covers the earth because I've seen the blackened charcoal from one of these forest fires, but this "fire" or "burning" will be much different. The earth won't be a blackened charcoal mess after this fire, but it will be a glorious Celestial orb.

I was directed to ask you this question.

Have a blessed day, S"

26. Evening–I came to the bench north of the circling waters. I settled down here after a very active day in my mortal life. I have been so impressed with the talents of God's children in so many areas of their interests. I feel so grateful to live in mortality and have such a broad experience and so much enjoyment of living and learning and having a physical body!

27. I came to the water's edge and knelt in prayer. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, or one to come to me.

Heavenly Father appeared on the water, directly in front of me. He was bright, smiling, and accepting of me, for that is the emotion I felt with his light that came into my body.

28. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, the mortal life of our children on earth can be a wonderful experience of growth and learning. It provides such valuable lessons that are nowhere else possible to receive except in a fallen mortal world. These experiences you enjoy will serve you well, even in a future day when you look back on your life in fond remembrances. Our children are so varied in their interests and talents! We are so pleased when they add to their own strengths and enlarge their abilities.

29. D&C 58:27-28: "Verily I say, men (and women) should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward." (parentheses added by Heavenly Father)

30. These verses apply to my children expanding their interests and developing their talents. It always pleases us when our children work hard and improve themselves while in the various spheres of their probation. Earth life is particularly a wonderful place to do so since our children have physical bodies, which are such a wonderful blessing to them.

31. We encouraged our children to learn, grow and develop in their skills and talents in their pre-mortal, mortal and post mortal worlds that they live in. There is never a time where they should do nothing, or just stay the same. We encourage them to always grow and learn, develop and improve.'

32. I thanked my Father for his insights that I had been thinking about. He then left and I closed my prayer. I was very tired and then went to bed.