184. Red Skies in Heaven
Hello my friends,
In this post you will read about the ominous red sky that has appeared on the celestial orb and that is now overlayed on our earth. Read about how this came about and when it will depart. Mostly, please pray about all about this and more that I record in this post. These are upsetting times, and we all need divine direction and help.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, January 17, 2021
1. I worked hard outside yesterday, and went to bed early. I feel much better this morning, and look forward to a relaxing Sabbath day.
2. I came to the circling waters and drank living water at the shore. I felt clarified. I came to the bench, knelt in the sand and prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. She appeared directly in front of me and was smiling. Her light came into and through me. She spoke to my mind.
4. 'Raphael, my son, last night you prayed to us asking what you could do for a fellow ward member who was in critical condition with complications from Covid-19. You came to his spirit in the hospital, and asked for his permission to help him heal which he refused. You did so again this morning and he still wanted the doctors to fully do what they could without interference, and not have an angel of God assist or help him heal.
5. You acted correctly in coming to him as our healing angel of light, and asking if he wanted healing from God. You also heard him respond correctly that he didn't want your healing. We will not foist our healing on any of our children if they decline our offers, even if the entire ward is praying and fasting for his recovery and healing.
6. It is good that you are aware of those in your own community and circle of influence on the earth, and to offer help in this way that you did for your ward member. We send you and our healing angels on many such errands across the earth where there is a need, and based on the prayer petitions of our children. If our children fast and pray to us to spare one of their own, even as your ward is now fasting and praying, we will hear their petition and prayer. We consider our plans for the mortal estate for this one that they seek to have healed, and determine our will for our child in need. We then might send you or other healing angels, or another who may minister healing to them. In all cases, the one being administered to, if conscious, should agree to the healing. You have come to your fellow ward member in his unconscious mind, which our celestial servants may do on our errand, and to administer healing to him in our spiritual realms if they agree.
7. You have also recently discussed with your beloved wife the manner in which we accept and respond to the prayers of our children. Many times we respond in answer to humble prayers from our children when they ask in faith, for something to change, or hearts to be softened. We are pleased when they petition us, and we wish to bless them as we will. We see with a much greater perspective, however, and may choose not to do as they ask. We also will not change human minds, for we never force or press our will on our children. We may, however, entice and even orchestrate circumstances to bring about a particular change. If given their permission, we may send our healing, our protection, our abundant spirit to comfort, or a number of other actions to bless our needy children.
8. The length of praying or fasting is not so important, if our children ask of us in humility, faith, and are full of desire. We are pleased when they commit to do as we may inspire them in response to their petitions, for then we can draw closer to them and build up a relationship of trust. Our ultimate desire is for them to know us, and to have us continually by their sides in their mortal journey on the earth. In this state they will soon know our will, hear our voice, and always do as we give them our commandments and directions.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words today in my prayer! I told her I loved her very much.
10. My prayer ended and I started my Sabbath day on earth.
11. Evening–We video chatted with some of our family members, and so enjoyed talking with them. It is lonely to be away from our family and having isolation due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Some areas in the world are much more restrictive than is our area.
12. I came this evening to the celestial orb and felt to commune with my Heavenly Father. I asked myself "where shall I go to hear from him?". I felt to go to the maple tree grove next to the western shore of Lake Beautiful. I came into the center of the grove, knelt on the soft soil, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He then appeared in front of me, standing on the ground. I was very glad to have him come so quickly before me.
13. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, tonight you looked at paintings of the angel Raphael through the centuries. You wondered about what you saw, but couldn't remember any of your angel activity since we gave you assignments from the beginning of man's mortal experience on earth. This is how we have designed it. However, in a future day, even during the millennial era, the memory of your activity on the earth will be restored. You will also have a merged mind which will restore your premortal memory. Because of this memory, you will recognize those faithful who come to our New Jerusalem temple from your earlier acquaintance with them, either in your premortal lives together, or your interaction with them on assignment from us, your Gods, during their mortality. These experiences will bring you lots of joy and a deep satisfaction.''
14. All of our holy mortal angels and mortal celestial servants will also have similar experiences. This will be a joyous experience for all!
15. We purposefully don't share about our children and their detailed experiences from other eternities with those of this eternity. However, you and the angels will become very familiar with all of the faithful who come into the Church of the Firstborn, regardless of when they lived on earth. We allow such intermingling between all our faithful children of this current and same eternity during the millennium. This is one of the features of the celestial realm that will exist in the temple and the temple grounds of the New Jerusalem. There will be continual communications with the elect from all ages of this earth in this millennial celestial realm. Whether mortals, translated or resurrected, or from whenever these were born on the earth, all will be as one group in our temple and temple grounds.
16. Our premortal children will generally not be present here until they are born on earth. Then, once they have been accepted by Jesus Christ as candidates to the Church of the Firstborn, they may be received into this same fellowship.
17. This is the meaning of D&C 76:66-67:
"These are they who are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all.
These are they who have come to an innumerable company of angels, celestial beings, and to the general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn." (scripture verse added by Heavenly Father)
18. These will all be able to intermingle, for they shall move forward in their progression towards becoming couple gods in eternity. They will all be equal in status, all joint heirs with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They will all receive of our fulness in eternity.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have opened up my mind with his words tonight. I felt we would be frequent companions of many of the faithful and celestial elect, who would progress with us on the same path to our eternal glory. I felt very happy with this prospect and thought.
20. My prayer ended in the maple tree grove. I felt great peace and hope. I closed my prayer and retired to bed.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, January 18, 2021
1. Today is a national holiday named Martin Luther King Jr day. I have lots of work projects this week around my property.
2. When I awoke and became settled in my private room, I read an email from S. He was directed by Heavenly Mother to share his message from last night and this morning's prayer with me. I read this over several times and pondered this message of a red sky in the celestial world that is now overlayed on our earth. He was told by Heavenly Father it was a warning of the judgments pronounced upon our nation. He was further told this red sky in the celestial realm overlaying the earth would not depart until God's judgments upon the land is complete. See S's email at the end of my morning's entry today.
3. I then came to the celestial orb and knelt on the outcropping above the circling waters. I faced the temple to my west. The very ground was reddened all around me and I looked up and the celestial sky was bright red. The white glistening temple was shining against a backdrop of a deep red sky! The entire celestial world was reflecting the bright red sky. I have occasionally seen such a tint on the land when the sunset was a bright orange or red. However, this red was brilliant deep red, and was very foreboding of something very important happening.
4. I thought of what S said in his email, that this celestial red sky was to be overlaid on our earth, and would signify that the judgments of God are upon our land. Furthermore, the red sky would not be lifted until God's judgments would be fulfilled and complete.
5. I knelt facing the temple and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, in answer to my morning prayer. I was at this time very thankful to S to have alerted me to this red sky in the celestial world.
6. In the distance, I could tell that the front doors of the temple opened, and a bright white light shone forth. There was then a bright beam that extended to me, and my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both immediately appeared before me in the light! They were brilliant and shining forth white light all around me. I saw no more the red reflection on the ground, but now a very bright white illumination from their presence.
7. My Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, last night S saw me in a brilliant white light, even as we appear before you this morning. All around me last night I made it appear red so S could see what was soon coming on our celestial orb with the red sky you see now. When you prayed to your Heavenly Father last night in the maple tree grove, the sky was not yet red, even though I showed it to S earlier when he prayed.
8. Early this morning, when your national holiday began on the east coast, the celestial sky turned deep red. At that time, we overlaid this celestial red sky upon your land, signifying that our judgments are fully come upon your land of America, upon the United States of America, even upon this, the promised land.
9. We have further chosen red to signify that part of our judgments include an attack from communist Red China and Red Russia. The national flag of China is red with yellow stars in the left top corner, and the flag of the previous USSR was red with a yellow hammer and sickle in the left top corner. The current flag of Russia seeks to masquerade the real leadership of Russia which remains communist. The color red represents these two aggressive communist superpowers in your world, who will combine their forces to attack and bring down your nations.
10. We have also chosen that our judgments come on your national holiday. Although the citizens of your country may remember Martin Luther King, Jr today, future generations will remember this day was when our judgments were officially initiated upon your nation.
11. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I told S this morning in his prayer that the people of your nation have broken the covenant to follow Jesus Christ, the God of this land. For Jesus Christ spoke this to the brother of Jared, once the great flood waters had dispersed from this land:
12. Ether 2:7-12
"And the Lord would not suffer that they should stop beyond the sea in the wilderness, but he would that they should come forth even unto the land of promise, which was choice above all other lands, which the Lord God had preserved for a righteous people.
And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.
And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.
For behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among the children of the land, that they are swept off.
And this cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God--that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.
Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."
13. Raphael, the time of our judgments is fully come, and we will maintain this red sky in our celestial realms upon this promised land until our judgments are completed. This red sky will remain even until you blow your trumpet of God after five months of enemy occupation upon the land. Upon the event of the light of a thousand suns, this red sky will depart from our celestial orb, and return again to a beautiful blue sky. The red sky is our sign in the celestial realms that our great judgments and tribulations are fully come upon the promised land.'
14. At this moment that Heavenly Father stopped speaking, I saw the white capes of my Heavenly Parents start to blow furiously in the wind behind them. They were very serious in their visages, and very powerful looking. I knew they meant business, and would act on all they had spoken!
15. They then backed up in the beam of light that again appeared behind them. They quickly returned to their holy temple and entered. The sky continued to be a deep red, even like the color of blood it seemed.
16. My vision then ceased, and I now conclude my prayer and start my day.
17. Email from S on 1-18-2021, entitled "Red Sky":
I was told to share this morning's entry with you.
1-18-21 am
Last night as I prayed before I went to bed, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I next saw Heavenly Mother surrounded by brilliant light in the sky. As I looked at the sky around her, it was all red. As I contemplated the meaning of the red sky, the poem or phrase I heard my father repeat often in my youth came to my mind, "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning."As these words came to my mind, Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'You have been forewarned of what is soon coming.' She then departed and I closed my prayer.
This morning, as I awoke to read and study my scriptures, I remembered my prayer experience from last night. I searched the scriptures for "red sky" and found the Savior speaking about it in Matthew 16:1-3.
"The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.
He answered and said unto them, when it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
In the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?"
As I pondered what Jesus was saying to the pharisees and sadducees, I thought that they were wanting outward manifestations of miracles, when in reality they should pray to God to find truth. If they would have humbly petitioned God to find out if Jesus was the Christ, they would have known the truth for themselves. This would have been far greater to them than witnessing a sign.
As I called upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer, Heavenly Mother spoke, 'It is good that you have followed our promptings of the Spirit this morning, to recall your prayer with me last night, to study it in the scriptures, then to record this in your journal. You then felt strongly to pray rather then return to your studies. This is because you are to share this message this morning with Raphael.'
As she concluded speaking to my mind, I saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appear high in the sky with great light beaming from their bodies. They were dressed in white robes. The sky surrounding them was deep red. Heavenly Father spoke and his voice was powerful, yet kind. He said, 'This red sky is now seen in the celestial skies overlying your earth this morning. It is a warning of the judgements pronounced upon your nation. We have warned and forewarned this nation, land and people that it will only be blessed and preserved inasmuch as the inhabitants obey our commands and follow Jesus Christ. The people of this land have broken this covenant and will now face the just wrath of their almighty God. This red sky in the celestial realm overlying your earth will not depart until our judgement upon this land is complete. You were correct in your pondering about Matthew 16: 1-3. If the religious leaders of that day would have prayed for truth, we would have testified to their hearts the truth regarding Jesus Christ, our Beloved Firstborn Son. In your day, if our mortal angels, servants and elect pray for peace, we will envelop them individually in the arms of our love. They may not pray for peace in the land, for we will not hear this request for our judgement is now at hand. If our mortal angels and servants petition us, we will bless those around them as well with this peace and assurance that we are in control. We will bless and preserve their very lives. Send this timely message this morning before you leave to work.'
I felt the love of both my Heavenly Parents envelop me and I was filled with their peace. I began to cry as I felt their light and love enter me completely. This scene before me closed to my view. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
With love,
18. Evening–I talked late into the evening with my wife. We had a ward member whom I tried to help, as an angel of God, die in the hospital this evening. Another teacher in the local elementary school died last week. We have three families on our country road who have had COVID-19. We are still being cautious and careful. The isolation and loneliness is difficult. We take walks and talk to neighbors outside on their doorsteps. So much activity has ceased, and what used to occupy our time is no longer a wise thing–like dancing or any sort of socializing in groups.
19. I talked to my mother today. She is in a lockdown isolation at her assisted care facility. They don't allow visitors now, she can't go to the dining area, she walks the halls with her walker and wears a mask, but doesn't see a soul except the staff. We children call her frequently, and K calls her daily and leaves necessities she might need at the front desk. This is all very difficult. I am so glad she has talking books (audio books), and a TV and a telephone. They bring her meals to her room. Confinement is very hard.
20. I received a confirming email from S today. He, S.A. and I are getting the same answers to our prayers which is so very encouraging. We are witnesses to the same direction from God. This is such a blessing from God to each of us!
21. This late evening I came to the circling waters to pray. I drank from the water. At first it looked like blood, but then I realized this was the reflection of the deep red sky on the water. This will be a constant reminder of war and great tribulations on the promised land on earth at this time.
22. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came in the brightness of her glory, which reflection I rejoiced to see on the water. Her light was creating a bright whiteness everywhere around.
23. She spoke: 'Raphael, I understand that isolation, loneliness, not being able to mingle together, and the fear of the future can be very difficult. We will be by your side and buoy you up, and protect and support you in every time of trouble. You are now starting into tribulations, and they will get worse for the world. However, we will strengthen you and our faithful so that you can meet your daily challenges without complaints. It will be for you and our prayerful elect like it was for Lehi's family as they traveled in the wilderness, as recorded in 1 Nephi 17:1-4
24. "And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward from that time forth. And we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness.
And so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us, that while we did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, our women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings.
And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness.
And we did sojourn for the space of many years, yea, even eight years in the wilderness."'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this perspective! It hasn't even been one year since any isolation began in my area. I shouldn't complain, for we still have such freedom of movement and abilities to care for ourselves. I asked for her forgiveness for me complaining! I asked her to strengthen the righteous to bear their burdens, even without murmuring or any complaint. This is our season of growth and becoming strong:
26. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13).
27. My prayer ended and I closed my day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, January 19, 2021
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis. I drank living water and then came to the sandy area in front of the bench. The sky was red and was a very dominant sign all around me. I knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
2. Heavenly Father came walking to me from my left on the path around the oasis. I felt relieved to be in his presence! He came next to me and sat on the bench, and then placed his hand on my shoulder. He was very compassionate looking, and had subdued light coming from his being.
3. He spoke: 'Raphael, the red sky on our celestial orb will remain a dominant and continual sign of the distress in your mortal world.
4. You live in the days of great tribulations spoken by Jesus Christ:
5. Joseph Smith Matthew 1:28-31
"And they shall hear of wars, and rumors of war.
Behold I speak for mine elect's sake; for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes, in divers places.
And again, because iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax cold; but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved."
6. Raphael, our elect need to be strong and faithful to the end. They will need to endure the buffetings for a season so that we may do our work on the wicked. We will remain with our righteous elect in every time of trouble. (see D&C 3:8).'
7. Heavenly Father asked for me to walk with him! I stood and arose. He placed his arm around my shoulders and we started walking around the desert oasis. My mortal conscious mind became disconnected, and I was back in my private room. I believe I was being buoyed up and strengthened by my Heavenly Father. I felt at peace. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
8. Evening–I felt to read tonight in 3 Nephi 1:1-22, where there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that if the sign of Samuel was not given, the believers would be put to death (v. 9). Nephi cried unto the Lord mightily all the day before, and finally received a revelation from Jesus Christ, saying that he would come into the world on the next day (v. 13).
9. I have felt that I have received a revelation from Heavenly Father (see my post 183G16). This was given to me seven days ago. I had also referenced a video from Pastor Wade McKinney. In this revelation from Heavenly Father, he said to me that President Trump would declare martial law. Tomorrow, if all goes as the news says, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the new president, and Trump will no longer be able to declare martial law. I am wondering about all of these things, worried that I didn't hear correctly, and that the sign wouldn't be given. I feel like the Nephites who were believers, who became very sorrowful, lest by any means those things which had been spoken might not come to pass" (3 Nephi 1:7).
10. I came tonight in humble prayer to the cliff on the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I looked at the distant temple, and the sky was red. Earlier tonight I came to a number of other places, and the sky was red there too.
11. I knelt on the cliff, and prayed to my Heavenly Father again in humble and petitioning prayer. I asked him whether the sign that I had been given from him one week ago was correctly received by me, and whether it would still be given. I asked him to help my understanding.
12. I then waited and watched. Heavenly Father then appeared at my side, also facing the lake below and the temple in the distance.
13. He spoke while looking straight ahead, and not yet at me: 'Raphael, you have correctly written my words seven days ago. We have also given witness of these to several in your group. I am responsible to verify and fulfill my words. You are the conduit of my words, and have no further responsibility, for you have recorded what I inspired you to write.'
14. He then turned to me and spoke again: 'Raphael, I will do my work in my own due time, and you will one day see that my words are all fulfilled.'
15. He looked at me with his confidence and assurance that only he, the Father of us all, could give.
16. I bowed my head and thanked him for his words of assurance. I said I would continue to live with no expectations, and keep a wait and see attitude, trusting in him and Heavenly Mother, that all things would come to pass exactly as they have planned. I humbly asked for his peace and assurance.
17. He then increased in his intensity, filling me with great light and peace! He rose up into the red sky and soon departed.
18. I thanked him again in my mind, and closed my prayer in the name of Christ, his beloved Son.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, January 20, 2021
1. I awoke before my family and reread what I had written last night. I felt I received it all from my Father as I have written. I then came to the forest pool by the pyramid room, on the celestial orb. I drank living water and knelt by the pool's edge. As I gazed into the forest pool, I thought I saw a light in the water. The light grew in intensity until my Heavenly Mother emerged from the pool in front of me! She was standing soon standing a little above the water, in the brightness of her glory. I was very happy to be in her glorious presence!
2. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, be patient and drop again all your expectations of what might occur in Washington DC today, inauguration day for the new President, or in the future. These are anxious times for many of our faithful who have seen now the full corruptness of those who seek to gain power in your nation's capital, by any means possible. They have clearly taken a side for all the world to witness, and there are so few elected and appointed leaders who have resisted evil and the takeover of your nation. In our own timing, we will come out of our hiding place to vex the nation!
3. D&C 101:93-95
"What I(we) have said unto you must needs be, that all men may be left without excuse;
That wise men (and women) and rulers may hear and know that which they have never considered;
That I (we) may proceed to bring to pass my(our) act, my (our) strange act, and perform my (our work), my (our) strange work, that men (and women) may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).
4. Raphael, as you read accounts of our dealings with our children from your standard works in scripture, we have usually waited until the last possible moment to come out of our hiding place and act. Sometimes we have allowed the righteous to be slain in order to secure judgment on the wicked. Such was the case with the leaders of the Nephite city of Ammonihah, for they had burned the records and many of the people who believed in the words of Alma and Amulek. We delivered these two men from that wicked city, and waited longer until the inhabitants of the city of Ammonihah were all wicked, for they had cast out the righteous or destroyed them all. Then we sent the armies of the Lamanites to destroy all of the inhabitants of Ammonihah in one day, for they were fully ripened in iniquity and gross sin (see Alma chapters 14-16).
5. You, who are our children on earth, need to wait upon us, pray to us for deliverance, and seek our protection and guidance. We will do our work when we will, and we make no excuses for our delays or our actions. We are fully responsible for what things we pronounce, and our actions. Of you, you need to be patient and wait in humility and prayer, seeking our face always, and do our will.'
6. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me. I felt her great love permeate into me with her abundant light that shined from her.
7. My vision then ceased and I was alone in my private room. I confirmed that what I had written was accurate. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
8. Evening–I called my sister K, and we had a great heart to heart communication. She is wise and was very helpful to me. She said that whenever she prays, she always receives the feeling and words "Be of good cheer" and words to that effect. Just talking to her helped me get better grounded.
9. I told her I never sought to receive any of these prophecies and words of hard tribulations and calamities coming. I really didn't know what I was getting into with my energy class I attended nearly eight years ago, when Heavenly Mother appeared and spoke to me so clearly!
10. At noon today in Washington DC, Joe Biden became the new president. I have felt heavy with anxiety most of the day. I tried to work outside, talk to my sister and then my wife a lot, and tried to distract myself with dumb YouTube free movies (not a great idea). Nothing works like meditating and praying, in calming my jittery nerves and giving me peace!
11. I came tonight to God's Loving Healing Lake. I waded in up to my waist and then dipped my body in up to my neck. I sought to be relieved and filled with the heavenly peace that permeates everything on this celestial orb!
12. I stayed there in the water for some five minutes or so. I then saw a bright light descending from the red sky above. I stood in the water to my waist, and received my Heavenly Mother who was before me!
13. She spoke to me in the water: 'Raphael, you are correct that our peace that we may give to our faithful elect surpasses all other ways of seeking serenity and calmness, even amid the storms of life. Your sister Rachael also gave you wonderful advice, to be of good cheer! We have repeatedly been giving her this as an answer to her own prayers. We will provide and protect her, and everyone who comes to us in humble, open prayer, and seeks our comfort and direction.
14. S.A. wrote you an email tonight after she typed up your previous two journal entries. We gave her also the feeling of assurance when she asked about what you recorded from Heavenly Father, telling you that martial law was coming. She is correct in what she wrote, that these are our words and we will fulfill them.
15. Raphael, when you have received a witness from our Spirit that what you write in your journal is from us, and not from you or anybody else, then you can drop any anxiety over these words. You have fulfilled your role as our prophet, our mouthpiece, our conduit. It is up to us to fulfill our words, and you should take no further worries about how we may fulfill all or any of them.
16. I will give you now my peace, and my good cheer! You are among those whom we have chosen for eternal life! Doesn't this give you great happiness and assurance?'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her peace, and her words of great comfort! I asked her to help me further drop my worries, my anxiety, and to take the needless stress from my body and mind. I said I just wanted to have a constant stream of her light to release my anxiousness, and fill me with her calmness and peace.
18. She then descended part way into the water and laid her hands on my head. I then felt her abundant light flow into me, giving me great perspective and cheer! I started smiling as my burdens fell into the water and seemed to dissipate away. She was smiling upon me, and I felt her great love and acceptance also.
19. I closed my eyes and all was bright and shining about and inside of me. I opened them up again to an even brighter light, that I knew my Heavenly Mother was enveloped in. I sought her face, but only could feel her peace and love. I was then propelled back on my couch in my front room where I was writing all of this down. I now feel no stress or anxiety, but feel light and in a great calm.
20. I know this was all a true account, and so kind and loving of my Heavenly Mother. I closed my prayer with deep gratitude.
21. Email from S.A. on 1-20-2021:
"Hi R,
I received a similar message to yours in prayer tonight, to drop expectations and wait and watch.
I also felt an assurance of what you recorded from Heavenly Father yesterday, him telling you that you had recorded their martial law message correctly. Also, these are their words and they will fulfill all of them.
I'm not sure how it is all still possible, but I am choosing to hold on to my faith and drop my expectations. This is what resonates with me, as well as what my Heavenly Father told me to do.
I am grateful for your faith and dedication to this work of recording the book of Raphael. We are all blessed to be seeking truth for ourselves on a regular basis.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, January 21, 2021
1. I slept very soundly last night which was a welcome relief! I feel lots of calmness and peace all around me and through me now. I pray that Heavenly Mother's light she gave me continues to bless me with clarity and tranquility!
2. I came today to the birch tree grove on the hill just east of Lake Beautiful. I drank from the little stream of living water that flows down to the City of Enoch below. I then knelt on the ground, asking my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. He then walked from a few feet away, from behind some beautiful white barked birch trees. He stood before me, smiling and illuminating with his shining being all the surrounding area, and filling me with his light! I felt so pleased to look upon his happy face, and to feel his love come into me!
4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you will continue to live in your mortal world where men and women will seek to control you and all people more and more. Although the freedoms in your land will continue to be reduced, we will counter these by giving you great peace and serenity in your life. You don't need to heed much of their increasing restrictions on personal liberty, but just live and act in peaceful ways. You will find much joy with your family on your property and living in your home in your beautiful area. Most importantly, your Heavenly Mother and I will be with you always, and will give you our great peace, even continually, like she gave to you last night at our healing lake.
5. Your part in all of this is to drop all of your expectations for what you think might happen in the future. We want you to trust in our power to do as we have said, and to continue to seek our faces daily as you do. Lean upon us, and follow our gentle promptings, and you will find great peace and protection in your troubled world.
6. D&C 61:36-39
"And now, verily I say unto you, and what I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you;
And inasmuch as you have humbled yourselves before me, the blessings of the kingdom are yours.
Gird up your loins and be watchful and be sober, looking forth for the coming of the Son of Man, for he cometh in an hour you think not.
Pray always that you enter not into temptation, that you may abide the day of his coming, whether in life or in death. Even so, Amen."'
7. Heavenly Father then stepped up to me and placed both of his hands on my head, like Heavenly Mother did last night. I felt his light, accompanied by his great peace and serenity, flow into my head, shoulders and the remainder of my body. I sensed as this light passed through me into the ground where I was kneeling, that more deep anxiety and feelings of uncertainty flowed out, freeing me more in my body. I felt airy and very much more lightened and upbeat!
8. Heavenly Father then lifted his hands and spoke again: 'Raphael, what your Heavenly Mother and I have done for you, we will do for any of our humble and petitioning elect sons or daughters who seek us and our blessing of peace. We want you each to live after the manner of happiness, even as did the Nephites as recorded in 2 Nephi 5: 27. Prior to this peace that came upon the Nephites, their brethren the Lamanites continued to be angry, and to seek to take away their lives and destroy them. However, Nephi and those who would follow him fled into the wilderness (2 Nephi 5:4-8) They believed in the warning and revelations of God, and sought to observe and keep the judgments, statutes and commandments of the Lord in all things. We did cause them to prosper exceedingly, and to labor with their hands, being very industrious. Their brethren, the Lamanites as they were called, were subsequently cut off from our presence, but the Nephites were brought more and more into our presence. We blessed Nephi and his group, making them very delightsome (verse 21), whereas the Lamanites became loathsome to them, full of idleness, mischief and subtlety (verses 21-25).
9. In your day, there will also be a greater division of the righteous elect and the wicked in the land. Our people will receive of our peace and live after the manner of happiness, even while the wicked become more loathsome, full of intrigue and backstabbing to those in their own circles. We will bring the armies in your land who will occupy it for a season and who will soon overtake the wicked among you. However, we will preserve you, our elect, even at the time when your liberties are further curtailed while the wicked are being removed from the land. Raphael, we will not forsake you or our elect!"
10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his comforting words. I felt his love and peace upon me in abundance!
11. He then turned and walked back into the birch trees and was soon gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
12. Email from M.A. on 1-21-2021:
"Hi R,
I was a little distressed on the 20th when there was no martial law called by President Trump. I felt disillusioned, that is when I asked you what you thought. It was a rough day to cope with all that had transpired. In my prayer yesterday Heavenly Father told me I had been putting my trust in men and what they could or would do and that I needed to only have faith and trust in them, my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father said that they were in charge and that martial law would happen, but in their timing.
I was studying and taking some notes on January 21, on post 183 and I realized while doing so, that Joe Biden would become President and work his evil ways, even conspiring with the Chinese who would eventually turn on him and all the other wicked leaders. It is God's plan to let the wicked destroy the wicked. I was told to drop all expectations, which is really hard for me because I am so analytical. I am trying to be more obedient and do as I have been instructed.
I appreciate you responding and letting me know what you were told.
Enjoy the sunshine today,
13. Evening–This has been a very enjoyable day, with the sun shining brightly. My son and I worked outside on some projects and we all visited and went on a walk on our street. This weather is unseasonably warm and nice.
14. I came this evening to the circling waters. I drank from the water, and knelt facing the north. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I looked up in the red sky for any sign of her. I then turned around towards the waterfall behind me. I saw her on the ledge of her upper garden area, motioning me to come to her. I stood and walked quickly to a point in front of her. She extended her hand to me, and was smiling. I held her hand, and she lifted me up in the air off the ground. We turned and she directed me to walk beside her while we started to walk above her upper garden.
15. As we were just starting to walk, she spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, we are happy when you are at peace and not so out of sorts like you were yesterday. There is never anything with which to get upset about, particularly over your views and assumptions of how our prophecies will be fulfilled. It is not wise for our children to sort through their minds and organize sequences of events they imagine will happen. Once it all comes to pass, you will see how senseless such an exercise was. Timelines that some of our children create only generate anxiety and unneeded stress. It is far better to drop all expectations, drop all conjectures, and simply wait on God, trusting in us, that we will fulfill all of our promises.
16. When you know of our promises and prophecies, those are sufficient to wait upon. You don't know usually know the timing or manner in which our words will be fulfilled. We are creating such experiences for you, our faithful, in order to train and test you, to see if you will simply wait upon our promises in faith. Such experiences, when fulfilled, often create great relief and an increase in faith and trust in us. At all times and in all circumstances, wait patiently upon our words to be fulfilled. You may confirm our words, that they are true, and then wait and trust in us.
17. Raphael, we will have a people who wait upon us in faith and trust. Then we will be fully able to bring them peace in every time of trouble:
18. Isaiah 33:2
"O Lord, be gracious unto us, we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble."'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful counsel! I told her I would simply trust in her and Heavenly Father, and seek to generate the faith required to become as one who waited upon God in all things.
20. She stopped walking and faced me. She took both of my hands and said she would help me be more trusting in all of their promises and words. She then let go of my hands and moved backwards, fading into her higher celestial realm.
21. I closed my prayer and returned to earth.
22. I sent to S.A. five pages to type up. In my email to her I said that "I am learning so, so much. I want to fully be waiting on the Lord, and I want to do exactly as they counsel me." Here is what she wrote back to me, from which I felt very uplifted, and thanked her for her kind words. I love this new perspective also!
Email from S.A. on 1-22-2021:
"I love the message in your email of your desire to be fully waiting on the lord, and do exactly as they counsel you. What wisdom, what peace comes when I think of acting in that way, for we are being so blessed to be able to commune with our Gods!
Although I was feeling a bit unsure of how their words could all be fulfilled, it brings peace to my heart to think of moving forward with great faith and trust, watching the events unfold and being of good cheer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, January 22, 2021
1. I went to bed last night after talking about a very charged subject with my wife. I tossed and turned over this, and finally got to bed around 3am. I tried listening to calming music, but it didn't work.
2. The topic we discussed was why some of our children don't want to be around us, or associate with us anymore? I see this same pattern in the premortal life, culminating in ⅓ part of our Heavenly Parents's children rebelling and following Lucifer. I see it throughout scripture in families. Parents love their children and sacrifice for them, but many children don't love their parents or want little to do with them. My wife and I have a couple of these ourselves. They have moved away emotionally from us, their parents, and prefer to be left alone. Our conclusion last night is to love those who will love us back. Those who want to be left alone, let them be. It seems this is the example of our Heavenly Parents in the premortal and mortal life. This happened to Adam and Eve, and only the righteous kept close to their first parents, whereas the remainder left and never came back.
3. These situations cause anxiety and mourning in the hearts of the parents. There is something in parents that continue to yearn after those who part emotionally and physically. This reminds me of David, the king of Israel, when he mourned for his rebellious son Absalom. His actions towards his traitorous son Absalom was one of yearning for him to change and come back to him, even just before he died. (see 2 Samuel 19:4). Parents yearn to unite their family, and it is very difficult when there is division in their sons and daughters, or those who don't like the parents.
4. I believe we should just let our adult children do whatever they wish and then go visit and associate with those who care about us, their parents. We can establish relationships of love and trust with them, but we have no other recourse with those who don't like us or who make us feel uncomfortable when we visit. It is better to face reality and love those who can love us back.
5. I came to the celestial orb this morning in hopes to connect again with my Heavenly Father. I came to the little gully in the desert with a little stream flowing gently through it. I knelt and drank living water. I then asked for my loving Heavenly Father to come to me.
6. Heavenly Father then appeared in front of me! He immediately spoke to me:
'Raphael, parents of wayward or disinterested children are always yearning for them to come back and love them. We, who are the parents of all our children for this eternity, yearn after our disinterested and wayward children. However, they each need to choose on their own the level of closeness they want with us. There are relatively few who love to be with us, and make time in their busy mortal lives for us. They have chosen to live alone without us, their Gods and parents.
7. In the premortal life, many were also separated from us on their own volition. Some stayed closer and loved us back. We developed a relationship of love and trust with those who sought after our counsels, our presence, and wanted to do our will. We are gracious and merciful to all of these, our faithful elect children. These are those we favor.
8. You are correct to love those who will love you back. Let those who want to live apart from you emotionally do so without you continually trying to reconnect with them. A relationship is a two way connection. If these disconnected children are not interested in a relationship of closeness, let them choose what level of connection they desire. Those who love least establish the level of closeness of the relationship.
9. Once your own children are launched into adulthood, they will fully choose what they wish to do. Some may come back and honor you, their parents, with their closeness. Some will be most comfortable in a distant relationship. Let them decide what level of love and interest the relationship will bear. Then match this level of connection with your corresponding love. You cannot make the relationship any greater than they are willing.'
10. I thanked my Father for his great wisdom and truths. I said I would do as he said, and talk more with my wife about these concepts. I thanked him for the peace and love he gave me today.
11. My prayer ended, and I started my new day on earth.
12. Evening–On our date, my wife and I talked a lot about basic principles we wanted to follow with our grown children. We decided not to press our own desires for closeness upon our children, but let them each fully choose the level of their relationship with us. Some will be happy with not much at all, maybe associations several times a year, if that. Others will want visits several times a week and daily phone calls. Both will be acceptable to us, for we want to meet their own desires with a similar level of interest and love from us.
13. I feel this is how our Heavenly Parents relate with us, their children. If we draw near to them, they will in turn draw near to us. If we neglect them, they will not press themselves on us.
14. I read about the Brother of Jared being led by the Lord to the seashore before crossing the great waters. He then didn't call upon the name of the Lord for four years (see Ether 2:14). In this case, God did not press on the Brother of Jared for years, allowing him to choose the level of the relationship they would have together.
15. Similarly, my wife and I want to allow our own children space to set the level of our relationship with them.
16. I came this evening to the banks of Heavenly Mother's river, opposite the temple. I knelt under the trees facing the river, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
17. She then walked to me from her temple, across the river, and in front of me in the air. She was smiling and immediately spoke: 'Raphael, there is a transition in the level of love and attention from a mother and father to their dependent infant children to the time when they are launched as adults into the world. You are correct that children pass through the lives of mothers and fathers, and then fulfill the scripture in Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh."
18. In order for a child to become sufficiently independent of their father and mother, and to form a binding relationship with a spouse, they need to gradually have the reins of control and dependency removed. They need to learn to live on their own and establish their own family as a husband or a wife. Their years of training on being self-reliant and independent will be fully realized when they finally choose to marry.
19. In this way our children pass through their own parents' lives and establish their own families, with children of their own. The cycle is repeated as multiple children fulfill the scripture to cleave to their spouses and begin another family. Ultimately, the husband and wife are back alone again cleaving to each other, and their children will have passed through and moved onto their own lives and families.
20. A couple whose children have departed and they are again alone together, should cling to each other and support each other in love and focused interest. The children have all moved on, and now there are only these two, husband and wife. They may continue a loving relationship of mutual respect and interest for those of their children who wish to continue in a new adult friendship. Parents of adult children should allow freedom for their adult children to determine how close they wish to be, how often they want to connect, and what of their lives they wish to share. Parents may have some children who are no longer interested in being close, and that is their choice. This is part of life and what happens in many families. Parents should just let this be without becoming upset or feeling like they have been slighted. This is how many families evolve into, and is why we have given the commandment to honor your father and mother. We, the eternal parents of all our mortal children, watch and will judge all such family interactions. Our elect need to care for and love their aging parents who have sacrificed and raised them in diligence and love.'
21. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words of eternal truth tonight. I told her I loved connecting with her and Heavenly Father daily. I feel this is a great highlight in my daily life.
22. She smiled and faded away until she was gone. I closed my prayer and ended my day.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, January 23, 2021
1. I came to the celestial orb this morning. I came to the top of the switchback path, and faced the lake below. The sky was still red, and cast a glow of redness upon the land and lake below. This sign was a constant reminder that war was imminent upon the land. The color red made me feel a little uncomfortable, whereas a blue sky was very beautiful and comforting.
2. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me in prayer. He came from the path below me, appearing to me walking up the path. When he arrived, he stood before me. I was on my knees. I was so pleased to be before his glorious presence!
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you many truths last night about family relationships. We seal couples together as husbands and wives, and this is the eternal family in eternity. Those who are their earthly children and who attain the same glorious exaltation, are sealed to them as their children. This is the ordinance which we, your Gods, will do once the couples all are ordained Gods, even couple Gods in eternity (see your post 82L2). Those who were children on an earth will be sealed by us to their earthly parents, in an ordinance in the Church of the Firstborn. This is to signify the continuation of a relationship between them in eternity, as family and as lasting friends. There will therefore be a great welding link in eternity between the Gods, forming an eternal extended family and friend relationship.
4. Joseph Smith, our prophet, mentioned this welding link in D&C 128:18, when referring to the baptism for the dead. This is the turning of the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the children to their fathers. Once exalted, these parents and children will be linked eternally in a sealing ordinance that we, their Gods, will do. We desire the hearts of these earthly family members to continue to be bound together in love, interest and friendship.
5. On earth and eternity, the great relationship of primary focus is the marriage relationship. Children may come and enhance this core family unit, but will also pass through, creating their own family with their chosen spouse. This marriage relationship continues in eternity as this couple is sealed together as couple Gods. This is the true meaning of the core eternal family. The exalted children are sealed back to their earthly parents, and form a larger network of an extended family in eternity.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful words to me this morning! He smiled upon me and I came back consciously to my place in my private room. I closed my prayer and began a new day on earth.
7. Evening–I enjoyed a good workday and felt lots of peace. I really liked the open feeling I want to develop more fully with my children, meeting them at the level of how they want our relationship to be. It is very freeing to think in a new perspective, not feeling constrained to act in ways that our religion or society expects me to be. For instance, if a particular child wants to distance themselves from me, or from both my wife and I, I don't want to feel "bad" or feel like I should do anything other than to be of good cheer. I want to act and feel happy, regardless of what might come my way, or how circumstances change. I hope all of our children will feel our non-judgmental and accepting attitudes, and be comfortable in a close relationship. However, if they don't, I will seek to be happy and be of good cheer still.
8. I also want to "wait on the Lord" for however God may choose to bring to pass the events of these latter-days. I have no power to change anything, but to just roll with life as it comes my way. I want to be happy and of good cheer too, with no expectations of what God may do. I want to live after the manner of happiness!
9. I came to pray tonight at the fountain of living water, next to God's temple on the celestial orb. I drank living water, and felt very clarified, like my entire head was clear and spiritually transparent. I knelt by the fountain, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She then appeared in the mist of the spray from the fountain, and gradually became fully appearing before me, like her being was being put together from droplets of the water! I hadn't seen this manner of revealing herself quite like this before.
10. She stepped close to me and then spoke to my very clear mind. Her very thoughts came to me in streams of light, or via spiritual channels in light matter, it seemed. They were also very clear to my spiritually transparent unconscious mind.
11. 'Raphael, I prompted you to come here to my fountain of living waters tonight. I want you to have no judgment, prejudice, or expectation for whatever might come your way. Let events come and let yourself just roll with each new experience. Be very glad for the wonderful opportunity of each new day to be able to learn and grow, serve and mature in your responses and interactions, with both new circumstances and with people. Let nothing that may come to you cause you to lose focus on being of good cheer and enjoying your life. Even in the midst of grief or pain you may remain settled and at peace, for these feelings are created from your state of mind. Accept whatever comes, and create no expectations for what may come. Wait on us, and seek our presence, and we will guide you along to new vistas which experiences we will develop in you great peace and happiness. Let go of what you would normally think how you should respond, and let us train you in acting and responding to life in a godly manner. If you let us be your mentors and tutors, you will act and think more and more like us. This process requires letting preconceived thoughts and actions be molded by us, your Gods, and not by your society or your preconceived "should beliefs". Wait upon us, and seek us while we are near, and we will guide you in all things.'
12. I then saw from my gentle Mother a beam of bright light, in a rainbow shape, connecting her being to mine! It reminded me of my energy work named "God's Loving Grounding", or GLG. I felt her loving connection to me, full of motherly compassion and guidance. I then felt "one" with her, and was fully engulfed in her being, like a complete embrace where I actually, in my spirit, came inside of her spirit. It was like having the fulness of the Holy Ghost upon me!
13. This connection lasted only a minute, and then she left. I thanked her so much for this instruction and experience with her tonight!
14. I closed my prayer and retired for the day.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, January 24, 2021
1. My sister K finished editing my post 183 last night. I was bothered by one paragraph in this post 183G16. This is where I wrote about martial law coming to America, to be declared by then President Donald Trump. I spent my morning prayer, seeking the face of my Heavenly Father. I came in my mind's eye to the very place where I was chosen as an intelligence by my Heavenly Parents. I shut my eyes in my recliner in my private room, and felt I was actually there, and that Heavenly Father was also there in front of me.
2. I sought to confirm who I was, who God was, and if I really received these words in post 183G16 from Heavenly Father. I asked him if I was really his son, made in his image, which he confirmed. I asked if I was really Raphael, his fourth son, and called as his archangel, which he confirmed. I asked if I had really received from him and Heavenly Mother all of the 12 plus volumes of Raphael, which he confirmed. I finally asked if he gave me the words that I recorded in my post 183G16.
3. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I gave you those words myself. President Donald Trump did declare martial law prior to the presidential inauguration, but those who were to fulfill his orders did not obey him. At every turn, President Trump tried to make things happen to bring those who fraudulently overtook the leadership of the country into accountability and justice, but those closest to him would not follow his orders. There was a very large buildup of armed forces in Washington DC prior to the inauguration for the express purpose to bring those who were liars and who fraudulently stole the elections to justice, and to protect these and their tribunals from the uprising that would ensue. However, none of this happened, for those who could fulfill Trump's orders did not do so, and thereby sabotaged his intentions and orders, on every turn. The military presence did quell any counter attacks from the Antifa and the BLM groups, just as I stated would happen.
4. Now that the military presence is being reduced in the Washington DC area, my word that your enemies of communist China and Russia will strike the United States in support of those who still seek to impeach President Trump, even after he has left his office, will be fulfilled. Civil war will be followed by an overthrow of your nation by these enemy armies.'
5. I have never considered that Heavenly Father's words of martial law declared by President Trump were already fulfilled, and that all of the president's efforts to declare martial law and other actions were sabotaged by those who could have fulfilled his orders but didn't. This truth from Heavenly Father came into me with a surge of great relief and assurance that all was true that he said to me, and that much has been fulfilled to date! I felt so grateful for God's clarity to my soul this morning. I thanked him deeply, and said I would continue to wait upon him and Heavenly Mother in all things. I said I would be of good cheer.
6. My prayer ended and I started my Sabbath day.
7. I wrote S.A. and she wrote back this email today about what Heavenly Father spoke to me this morning:
"I find that very interesting what you wrote, it seems so clear now how Their words were true, and we all didn't see it because of our expectations of how it would happen. What a great lesson to learn.
Heavenly Father confirmed the truthfulness of your words to me, 'What you have read today from Raphael about Trump declaring martial law and his orders were not carried out is true. When you first read about Trump declaring martial law before Inauguration day, We confirmed the truth of it to your heart and mind. You see now my words were all fulfilled, even though you were unsure when they hadn't happened how you thought they would. Be believing, and trust in all of my words for they will all be fulfilled.'
I feel great peace going forward with faith and prayed to my Heavenly Father that I could have a believing heart, and an ability to more clearly hear and trust in their voice.
8. Here is an email dated 1-25-2021 from M.A. who just had read S.A.'s email above:
"Hi R,
I just read S.A.'s reply to you about what she was told from Heavenly Father about what you received concerning Donald Trump issuing martial law, and then it was rejected by the military and not carried out. I think this is very interesting because that was exactly what Heavenly Father told me last night in prayer as I was asking for a confirmation. Isn't it interesting how many witnesses there are.
Be of good cheer!
9. Evening–I came tonight with a happy heart to the little meadow of buttercups to the east of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was still very light outside, and I looked upon the now orange buttercups, their yellow bright heads reflected the red sky above and made a beautiful meadow of reddish orange buttercups. All was so cheery and beautiful!
10. I knelt in the air, in the center of the orange buttercups. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.
11. She descended in a bright white array of shining light from the sky! She descended until she was right in front of me. The buttercups under her beams of light were almost white, and they became yellow further away and finally orange more further away from her. I was so very glad to greet her!
12. She spoke: 'Raphael, when your Father told you this morning how his words of the martial law were partially fulfilled, you were greatly relieved. You know this was true, for the Spirit witnessed this to your heart and mind.
13. We want you to always be happy and relieved from your worries and anxieties. This does not mean that your troubles will be taken away, but that your ability to place them all upon us, your Gods, will relieve you. We will be your "constant companion, and (your) scepter and unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth (this will be our authority and sureness that we will give to you, because of our constant presence with you); and (your) dominion shall be an everlasting dominion (meaning that you will always be able to be in control of your own emotions, anxieties, and thoughts, even at all times without getting ruffled), and without compulsory means it shall flow unto (you) forever and ever (because we will be by your side and freely give to you during all the days of your probation.)" (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)
See D&C 121:46
14. It is not in our plan for the temporal existence of our children for them to be whiplashed by the difficulties of living, but that they learn skills to be steady and constant. As you continue to lean upon us, your Heavenly Parents, we will provide to you a sure constancy of guidance and direction, even by our Spirit, that will give you this great steadiness. You will accept what comes your way in stride, and have a great calm and deep happiness that will be with you always.
15. Mosiah 4:12-13
" And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.
And ye will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably, and to render to every man (and woman) according to that which is his (her) due." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).
16. Matthew 11:29-30
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
17. See my beautiful buttercups in this meadow. They have no cares, and yet we completely provide for them. We will also provide completely for those who seek us first, and we will be their mentors and their guides throughout their lives.'
18. Heavenly Mother smiled broadly and pulled me close to her, enveloping me fully in her light and love.
19. I then immediately came back to my mortal self, feeling very much at peace and so happy! I thanked her for her message, and said I would seek her and Heavenly Father's presence continually.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, January 25, 2021
1. I am looking forward to another week, a little closer to an early spring. We have big ambitions for a lovely yard and productive garden. I am hopeful we have turned the corner on harsh and cold winter days.
2. This morning I came to the celestial orb at the horizontal log, in the meadow next to the switchback path to the west. I knelt in front of the log facing the meadow and prayed, seeking for my Heavenly Father to come.
3. He then appeared next to me by the log on my right side! I rotated to face him. He was smiling and was full of peace. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, when you seek our presence and receive our Spirit, our guidance and constant direction, this is not turning over your agency to us, or burying your own personality. On the contrary, we only enhance who you really are, and you receive more freedom to choose and act, when we are constantly with you.
4. We know whom you will one day become, which is a very free thinking, open and capable son, filled with our enlightenment and Spirit. You will in every way be your own true and genuine self, with a unique and loving personality. The effects of us being with you continually will bring you closer to your true identity and enhance every wholesome and noble characteristic in your being. You will also have greater openness and receptivity to our promptings and thoughts, thereby thinking and reasoning like we do. You will be active in doing good and understanding those around you. Your love and compassion for all people will deepen. You will be our holy son through whom we may move forward our great work.
5. We offer this same level of understanding and enhancement of their being to each one of our children. They too need to come unto us, seek our presence, and invite us into their personal lives. We will always uplift and enhance their understanding, and compliment all of their desires to be holy and Christlike. Their joys and deep satisfaction in living will be deepened. We will instruct those who are open to our gentle counsels and guidance. Their knowledge, openness, and view of eternity and happy living will know no bounds! Your Heavenly Mother and I will be one with them, and our spirits will link with theirs in sharing all things in their time.'
6. I thanked my Father for his great promises to his faithful! I said I wanted to be so fully aligned with him and Heavenly Mother that their light and Spirit would continually flow into me, giving me a constant connection with them. I said I wanted to fully wait on the Lord, being open and always receptive to any prompting that one or both of them may wish to give me. I thanked him for a happy life, and seek to uplift and bless those around me.
7. Heavenly Father then smiled broadly and extended his left hand to me. I took it and stood. He then lifted me up into his higher celestial realm, and started walking with me in his highest kingdom! I immediately noticed that the sky was blue and the beautiful celestial sun was shining. We walked on a beautiful path around lush and lovely gardens. He spoke to me many things that I can't recall. However, I do remember being one with him, and feeling so much a part of him. I was very happy, even to a fullness.
8. My vision then faded and I found myself back in my private room writing down all of this experience in prayer. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
9. Evening–This has been another very good day. I feel so glad to lay all my burdens upon God. Speaking of our day, Isaiah spoke of God taking away our burdens, just like I am now experiencing.
10. Isaiah 10:27
"And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."
11. I came tonight to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt on the stream bank and drank living water. As I raised myself up from reaching down with my cupped hand, my Heavenly Mother was standing before me! I was so pleased to see her and to be in her presence!
12. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, this afternoon you received an email from an alternate news source that verified that the military leaders chose not to initiate martial law as they were told to execute from President Donald Trump. You have received emails from both S.A. and M.A. who wrote you, saying that Heavenly Father told them that what you had said about this was true. Now there is an additional witness from the alternative news. We testify to our words by the mouths of 2-3 witnesses, even as seems good to us.' (see Matthew 18:16)
13. Here is what I read today, from NaturalNews.com:
"Although Trump reportedly signed documents to turn over control to the military under a limited scenario of emergency powers, the military did not want to move against Biden on Inauguration Day out of fear that a nationwide civil war would commence immediately thereafter.
14. ...As I've learned, the civil war scenario is a concern to the military because it would destabilize the United States and make the country increasingly vulnerable to attacks from foreign aggressors (namely China). So the inauguration plan was mixed. There was actually an activation of many units a few days before the inauguration, and many active duty personnel thought this was going to be "go time". But it turned out to be another "hurry up and wait" scenario that's all too common with the military."
15. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, you have been continuing to prepare every needful thing for the days ahead, which pleases us. Everything you prepare in your own stewardship over which you have influence, continues to allow you to become more and more independent. It is our will that our elect continue to become as self-reliant and independent of the society and world in which they now live as they are able.
16. In 1832 a revelation as given to Joseph Smith wherein our Son Jesus Christ spoke to him about the importance of the Church of Christ, in their day, to "stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world." (D&C 78:14) We wish this to be reemphasized in your day also, for every one of our elect, as they are able. Many have prepared for years with food storage and developing provident living skills, in hopes to be self reliant. The day is soon at hand when goods and services of all varieties will no longer be available. We wish our faithful to continue to prepare every needful thing (D&C 88:119), as they have strength and ability, without running faster than they are able. It is important that our elect do these things in wisdom and order, and are diligent. (see Mosiah 4:27).'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her counsel. I said I would always be in the way of preparation and self-reliance, even in Zion, the New Jerusalem. I said I believed we should do as much as we can do ourselves to sustain and provide for our own. I said I would also share of the abundance she and Heavenly Father bless us with, with our neighbors and those in need.
18. Heavenly Mother smiled and told me I was correct. She then departed, and I closed my evening prayer.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, January 26, 2021
1. I awoke to an email from S. He shared words from Heavenly Father that he received last night, words from several chapters in Isaiah that refer to our day. I read these verses and surrounding verses in Isaiah, and pondered them too, like S did. Isaiah's words are becoming more and more clear to me, particularly as our very nation plunges into greater wickedness. See S's email at the end of my entry this morning.
2. I have been following a social media app for Christians named "Jump". This is the platform which Dana Coverstone is now posting his dreams on instead of Facebook. I have been impressed with the many good and wholesome people who make comments on this media app. They are very full of faith, and seem to have Jesus Christ at the center of their lives and their thoughts. This has been quite encouraging to me! I believe these constitute the righteous elect in our land who are waiting upon the Lord for his direction and guidance.
3. I came this morning to the road facing south to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I saw the wheat growing, tall and ripe. I believe this was at an earlier time before Heavenly Father cut with the wheat with his sickle. I knew that the wheat represented his elect who wait on God, and seek his Spirit, and will obey the promptings they receive.
4. I knelt on the road and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
5. He then appeared at my side on the road also facing the wheat. He spoke: 'Raphael, we have come here to a time in the recent past, just before I carefully cut the ripe wheat stalks. These ripe wheat represent those good and wholesome men and women, and their families who believe in my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You are correct that these are a representation of those you read comments from last night in your Jump app. We love these, our faithful elect, for they have rejected the world and seek to follow our Son.'
6. Heavenly Father then raised his right hand, and in it I saw the sickle which I had seen before, with which he harvested this ripe wheat. 'They have been cut and gathered, and placed in safe places, even in their righteous homes of faith, scattered all over your land. These wait upon us, their Gods, and will follow our Spirit.'
7. Heavenly Father then waved his left hand over the field, and I saw that the wheat was cut, and weeds and tares lay strewn around in the field.
8. 'Raphael, this field now represents when I had finished gathering my elect. The remaining tares are those wicked among them, who are seeking to imitate the elect, but inwardly are ravenous wolves who want to take advantage of my elect. They do not have the faith and continued interest in following our Spirit, but are followers of the world and of Satan. Our plan will soon not require them.'
9. Heavenly Father then waved his left hand again over his wheat field. I saw that the tares were gone, and that new wheat had been planted in the field.
10. 'Raphael, these new elect are the children of promise who will come into our Zion, even the New Jerusalem, and will become one with us. Many of these are children of those faithful elect, that are being raised by loving parents who teach them how to pray, develop faith in God, and gain the attitude of waiting upon the Lord.
11. I spoke to S last night and referenced scriptures from Isaiah that speak of your day. War and great tribulations are at your doors, but my elect are gathered in holy places, in their God-fearing homes of the upright and righteous. We will come to them with our angels and heavenly servants, and by our Spirit will lead them carefully to Zion. We are instructing them even now, by our servants in the celestial realms at night, preparing their hearts and minds so that they will recognize our truths and obey our words and directions. They are becoming more and more humble and open recipients to our words.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his view of the state of the elect, from before he harvested and gathered them, even until now. I told my Father I loved him and would always act on what he said.
13. He smiled upon me, and then rose up to the red sky above. I watched until he was departed, and then closed my prayer.
14. I received this email from S today on 1-26-2021, entitled "Hedge, garden of cucumbers, ashes, glory":
I had a short prayer last night with Heavenly Father where he quoted words or phrases from Isaiah. I went and looked up each one in Isaiah and read many of the verses surrounding each one and I received greater insight. It was special to me. I heard Heavenly Mother whisper to share it with you as I went to bed last night.
1-25-21 P.M.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the sky overlooking the celestial orb. Heavenly Father was there in white robes with a red sky in the background. Heavenly Father spoke, 'You will continue to see this red sky until Raphael blows his trumpet signaling the end of the 5 month occupation. Your nation has been supported and preserved by my almighty hand for over 200 years. My protecting hand has now been withdrawn. I have withdrawn the hedge about you (Isaiah 5:5) and your nation shall be as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city (Isaiah 1:8).
Weep not for the fall of this nation, but pray and look forward to Zion that will spring forth from her ashes (Isaiah 61: 3-4) and rise in glory (Isaiah 59:19).
Be at peace.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and then I closed my prayer. I opened the scriptures and read the verses surrounding what he quoted from Isaiah. I sat for a time just pondering these words. I feel our time is now short as a nation.
Your friend,
15. Evening–I am about done with post 184 this evening, and I just today sent out my post 183. These revelations are coming fast to not only me, but to those who are on my email list, primarily S, S.A. and M.A. who have written me. We have received multiple witnesses to a number of issues. This is very comforting to have such a broad base of revelation to us.
16. I came this evening to the desert oasis. I knelt by the bench and asked for Heavenly Mother to come to me.
17. She arrived immediately in the air, between the water and me! She was very bright in her beaming countenance. I felt her light and acceptance flow into me and through me, like I was very transparent.
18. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that you should begin a new post tomorrow morning. Conclude this post 184 with this entry and title it "Red Skies in Heaven". This red sky is in all the areas of our celestial world, including in the skies above our premortal spirits who have yet to come to earth for their mortal experience. All know that something very major is occurring, or will soon happen on earth. Many of our premortal spirits, resurrected and translated celestial beings will actively be participating in our effort to help those on earth during these troubled times. Many of these will descend with you in the event of a thousand suns.
19. Stay close to your Father and I, and we will continue to direct you day by day. Continue to be diligent in acting on every impression and prompting, and you will always be protected, and in the right place to bless many others who will need your help. Our admonition to you is to all: watch, prepare, and take action immediately on all our promptings!'
20. Heavenly Mother then quickly left into the red sky above and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.