I have one hope, and that is that you each take time to be holy, and seek Jesus and your Heavenly Parents. This is a very critical time I believe in all of our lives and missions. I believe we have all been tutored enough, and read enough, and that now the full responsibility is in our laps to connect to our Heavenly Parents and Jesus, and receive personal direction from them.
Please pray about this post, and everything else that I have written, or that anyone else in this world has ever written for that matter, as these impact your view of your mission and beliefs. Find out the truth from God. Your connection and inspiration from God is so, SO paramount now!
I am going to sign-off for awhile with my posts, but will be available by email. I would love to hear from each of you. I love you very much!
1. This morning I prayed at the domed room, and asked that the walls and floor be transformed into bringing me to a beautiful meadow on earth. I was immediately there on earth somewhere, in a gorgeous meadow of flowers, My Heavenly Parents came immediately too, and stood before me.
2. I prayed in conversation with them about many things. They seemed pleased with my last post, that I sent out yesterday afternoon on 'Come unto God!' I prayed for the mortal angels to accept this invitation and receive a wonderful experience with their Heavenly Parents. I am also glad to know they are fully protected from Satan's evil if they truly turn to God.
I feel greatly at peace now. I feel so blessed!
3. Later: I received an email from _____ wherein she said she felt uneasy about David's responses to validate a lot of what I received. She said also Denver Snuffer was ______. I am going to pray about both of these people tonight in my prayer. I am so glad that people write me, for that is what I like–and more especially about praying over everything. This is the really critical issue. I had my prayer tonight, by the circling pool, with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and here is what I received in my prayer:
4. Q– Is what David wrote to me about my post, with his comments, are they accurate, and received from God?
A– Yes
Q– Is there anything about David, or his character, that I need to be uneasy about, like _____ said in her email to me?
A– No. However, you need to continually test his words, as well as everyone else's, who writes you, or interacts with you. You are to continually prove all things.
5. Q– Is there anything about Denver Snuffer that I need to worry about, like his character or his writings (which I haven't read any of)?
A– No. However, if ever you read his writings, apply the same test to receive revelation about specifics as you read them.
Q– Is there anything about _____'s email, about David and Denver, that I should take heed with?
A– No about David, and no about Denver.
6. Q– May I receive more information about _______ then, that I should know at this time?
A– No. Again, continue to test and try the spirits of men and women always.
Q– Is there anything about President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve, that I should know?
A– President Nelson has lost his priesthood and his keys. He has forfeited his access to revelation, which comes by virtue of his calling as President of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Q– Was Elder Russell M. Nelson one of the five in the 2011 who broke off from the other Twelve? (see my journal entry about June 2011 when something happened to 5 of the 12)
A– Yes
7. Q– Was David correct that he felt Elder Nelson was the ringleader of the 5 apostles (see my last post)?
A– Yes. However, now all of the First Presidency and all of the Apostles are accomplices with President Nelson, and are all in agreement, at least when they are together.
Q– Shall I share any of the above with the mortal angels?
A– No, keep it confidential, or until I prompt you to share it. I will test my other mortal angels too. If they take the time to ask of me, I will reveal the same thing to them.
8. Q– Has this inclusion of David's comments, and mentioning of Denver Snuffer, been intentional in order to see who challenges this and asks in prayer, seeking guidance from thy hand?
A– Yes, that is accurate.
9. Q– Will there be an entirely new break when the Church of Christ is created, and not a mere restructuring of the LDS Church, and weeding out the untruths?
A– What David received from me is accurate–that there will be a complete, fresh start, with a new head or prophet of the Church of Christ, and other officers. Some doctrines, beliefs, and practices will be carried over from the corrupted LDS Church. The keys that Joseph Smith has will be passed onto the new head of that church. The old will be completely removed, both in leadership and in name.
10. Q– Will there be any still adhering to the old LDS Church, who go into the millennial day?
A– No. Those who do not come to the new Church of Christ, the new restored church, will not be allowed to dwell in that happy day of the millennium. The LDS Church has made a very large provocation to God, and he will not tolerate these leaders and members who do not repent. These will not enter into the day of his rest during the 1000 years of peace. The new Church of Christ will become the preparatory, terrestrial church, and the Church of the Firstborn will be the celestial church, in the millennial day. There will be a new dispensation of the restored gospel in the Church of Christ.
11. Those who are now my elect, and are currently in the LDS Church, will move into the Church of Christ, for my elect hear my voice, and that will be my direction to them. Those who do not hear my voice belong to the great and abominable church of the devil, for there are now save two churches only. The wrath of God will be poured out upon the wicked and upon the great and abominable church of the devil, as spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:15-17.
12. (R: I searched the online scriptures for the word 'provocation' and found these two verses in the Book of Mormon:
Alma 12:36 "And now, my brethren, behold I say unto you, that if ye will harden your hearts ye shall not enter into the rest of the Lord; therefore your iniquity provoketh him that he sendeth down his wrath upon you as in the first provocation, yea, according to his word in the last provocation as well as the first, to the everlasting destruction of your souls; therefore, according to his word, unto the last death, as well as the first."
13. Jacob 1:7 "Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his rest, lest by any means he should swear in his wrath they should not enter in, as in the provocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the wilderness."
14. I believe now that God has been provoked, and there is another major church-wide provocation now, like when the children of Israel provoked God in the wilderness. Back then, all the old generation was left to wander and die for 40 years in the wilderness. Today, those who provoke God and do not repent will be destroyed at the time of Christ's coming. This includes members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who do not repent nor seek the direction they need from God above.)
15. Q– Will there be other churches allowed to be established in the terrestrial world in the millennium?
A– Not at the beginning of the millennium, for the other churches are classed as the church of the devil, which will be destroyed. The only two churches that will be in the terrestrial world, at the beginning of the millennium, when Satan is bound, are the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn. After awhile, other churches will again spring up from those good people with similar beliefs who do not enter into the Church of Christ. At the end of the 1,000 years, wickedness will also be tolerated for a little season.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-18-2017, Saturday
1. I had a great prayer last night, while I was on the little hill next to the circling pool. This morning I was at the edge of the circling pool. Each time, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. Their eyes were soft and happy with me. I believe the answers they gave me were properly written in my journal by me also. I think each person that reads these comments will need to verify if it is of God or not.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-19-2017, Sunday
1. In my prayer last night, I was in a conversation with Heavenly Mother about the LDS Church. She taught me about the future of this church. I was located on the stone or rock bridge, which was right on the water, just before the granite cliffs in her very lovely gardens. I asked both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who were before me on the slow moving river there, what would happen to the LDS Church. Here is what she said, as best I recall:
2. 'Raphael, we are both pleased to come before you tonight! I am especially delighted that you have come so frequently to my beautiful garden area above the waterfall!
We have suffered with the corruption in our earthly church, even when our servant Joseph Smith Jr was alive on the earth. There has been intrigue and corruptions since this time. It has greatly increased in recent years, culminating in the removal of the priesthood authority from the leading councils of the church.
3. The members also have become very hardened as a whole, believing the falsehood to follow the brethren, without asking us if they are being led in the right way. Satan has also captivated so many with the temptations of the flesh and the ways of the world. I have labored, as the Holy Ghost, amongst all of the members and congregations of our Saints. I have been rejected more and more, as the members are lulled away in carnal security, thinking their leaders are infallible, and that they are being led to eternal life. I don't come very often anymore.
4. This attitude among the general authority leaders and most of the Saints, has provoked all of us to anger and disgust. We have decided to make a completely fresh start after we remove our restored church entirely from the earth. Those who remain will be led to ask of God, in their bewilderment and distress, what they should do. We will lead our elect, who come unto us, and also protect them with our holy angels, until the Church of Christ is established upon the earth. This will be our restored church, as it was in the beginning in 1830.
5. There will be little that we transfer from our old restored church, since so much has been corrupted. All of the officers and doctrines will be fresh and new, with only those doctrines which formerly were revealed by us before. This will be our terrestrial and preparatory church, which will last through the millennial day.
6. Your involvement will be in our celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn, which will be headquartered on earth at the New Jerusalem. All of the elect will be eventually brought to this celestial church, those who are faithful and true.'
7. Later: Today for church, my wife, A. and I went together to a local Presbyterian Church in Springville, Utah. This was actually an assignment that A. had for his World Religions class at BYU.
8. The church structure was built around 1892-1893, and is gorgeous inside, with wooden floors and pews, and stained-glass windows. We came in right when they were starting. There were only 18 people there, and most of them well over 60 years old (I only saw one young person besides A., and she came from Provo, probably around 30 years of age). The leader of the group rotates from within the congregation. There was a visiting lay minister (over 80 years old I thought!) from Brigham City, who gave a sermon. There were no babies, no young couples. It looked like the church was on its last leg!
9. We were very welcomed, and everyone seemed excited to see us (like fresh faces I think!). They were very warm towards us. We were even prayed over specifically in their prayers, including every other person in the congregation who had needs, or those whom the minister mentioned that had needs (he went through the congregation with a notebook, and wrote notes for his prayer). It was a casual experience, quite different, small and cozy.
10. However, the most important thing I noticed was their entire program was centered around Christ. They truly talked of Christ, and worshipped him by word, repeated prayers, and the hymns they sang.
11. There was a time of personal prayer near the beginning, a quiet time. I immediately came to the rock bridge where I had been earlier this morning in my personal prayer. I made my same covenant as I always do on Sunday before my Heavenly Parents. When I was finished, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, even though you did not take the emblems of the sacrament. Your actions are pleasing to us.'
12. The worship meeting then proceeded, and I became involved again in the gathering that was happening at this church.
13. For the scripture reading, we read from 1 Corinthians 3, which concluded with verses 21-22, from their Bible:
"So let no one boast about human leaders. For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Chepas or the world or life or death or the present or the future–all belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God."
14. This reminded me of D&C 76:98-101, speaking of those in the telestial world:
"And the glory of the telestial is one, even as the glory of the stars is one; for as one star differs from another star in glory, even so differs one from another in glory in the telestial world;
For these are they who are of Paul, and of Apollos, and of Cephas.
These are they who say they are some of one and some of another—some of Christ and some of John, and some of Moses, and some of Elias, and some of Esaias, and some of Isaiah, and some of Enoch;
But received not the gospel, neither the testimony of Jesus, neither the prophets, neither the everlasting covenant."
15. At that moment, Heavenly Mother came next to my side, and bore witness to me that these were good people, trying to do what is right in a dark and faltering world. She said:
'Raphael, these people who seek us in prayer, and who have little to guide them, will be accounted as the terrestrial of the earth. They will be admitted into the millennial world, along with their beliefs, for they are the "honorable men and women of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men", who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards received it. These are they who are terrestrial. We will allow those like some of the members of this church and congregation, to come into the era of 1000 years of peace and rest. However, for those who have received so much, as the members of the restored LDS Church, we have been provoked to anger. This, our restored church in 1830, will not be allowed into our millennial day of rest! It will be supplanted by the Church of Christ that we will establish again in the earth anew.'
16. (Note: This comment from Heavenly Mother made me think of this scripture, in D&C 65:2 "The keys of the kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth."
17. This verse tells us that the gospel shall roll forth, not the church or the kingdom. I have always thought it was the church. However, now I believe that the LDS Church will be fully supplanted by the Church of Christ.)
18. The meeting lasted only one hour. We were very warmly greeted, shaking hands with practically everyone in the congregation–with their warm smiles and interest. I couldn't help but compare this experience with the multitudes of various ward sacrament meeting experiences that we have had for the past four years in South Utah County. It has been so rare to be even recognized, and talked to, in any of these congregations of the Saints. We come and go like we are invisible. This has become 'normal' for us. It is sad to be treated so coldly in the Lord's church. The comparison of being so warmly received in a non-LDS Church was quite surprising.
19. Later: I received a podcast notification from M.S. today entitled 055 The Keeper of the Gate. It was short, and he basically said he is stopping his weekly Sunday podcasts. He might do one when he feels inspired, but he is not sure. The reason why is because he doesn't want to become a mentor that comes between the listener and God. It is time now to go directly to God, and have no go-between. He cited 2 Nephi 9:41: "O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name."
20. I felt impressed that M.S. received this direction from God. He said it was time now that we go directly to the source, and receive directly from him. He mentioned that the Holy Ghost now wants it to be his (her, my interjection) time now, to lead their child to God. I finished listening to the podcast.
21. I immediately went into my bedroom, and prayed by the stone bridge in Heavenly Mother's garden area, above the waterfall. I was immediately in the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I looked into their faces, and saw their soft and compassionate eyes. I love being in their presence!
22. I then expressed to them my desire not to get in the way of any of the mortal angels, in coming unto them, their Heavenly Parents. I expressed similar feelings as M.S. expressed, to my Heavenly Parents. I greatly desired for each mortal angel to come directly to God, without me being an intermediary in any way.
I asked if I should greatly reduce and slow down my posts with the mortal angels. I felt immediately confirmed that I should!
23. I asked if I should stop all my posts, but felt that there would be more, but at a greatly reduced pace. Their desire is to have each of their angels come unto them, and they would openly connect with them in a much more open and dramatic way. This is their message. There is nothing, at this time, that I can share with the mortal angels that even compares with this experience! Our Heavenly Parents need me to step aside for the time being. They don't want me to be a crutch or a go-between for any mortal angel. The time is now for each of us to connect with God, and receive our inspiration and direction from them, and not via me nor other men or women.
24. I also felt to be fully available to those on my email list–by email–I love this! I would rather not receive texts or phone calls. However, I will respond via email to help in any way I can. This is important to me to stay connected to these wonderful people, the mortal angels.
I plan also to continue to record in my personal journal, and to share those entries as I feel impressed to do so. However, it will apparently be on a significantly reduced frequency. I think we may soon learn to communicate on a higher level in the near future, which will largely supplant email communications. I don't know how this will be. I trust in God to provide the way.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-20-2017, Monday, President's Day
1. I prayed more last night about the status of churches and religious groups, and the requirement for their being allowed to come into the millennium. What I perceived was that all those who lived an honorable life, a terrestrial life, would be permitted to enter into this phase of the earth when it is transformed into a terrestrial sphere. The general requirements are found in D&C 76:71-80:
2. "And again, we saw the terrestrial world, and behold and lo, these are they who are of the terrestrial, whose glory differs from that of the church of the Firstborn who have received the fulness of the Father, even as that of the moon differs from the sun in the firmament.
Behold, these are they who died without law;
And also they who are the spirits of men kept in prison, whom the Son visited, and preached the gospel unto them, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh;
Who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards received it.
These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men.
These are they who receive of his glory, but not of his fulness.
These are they who receive of the presence of the Son, but not of the fulness of the Father.
Wherefore, they are bodies terrestrial, and not bodies celestial, and differ in glory as the moon differs from the sun.
These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God.
And now this is the end of the vision which we saw of the terrestrial, that the Lord commanded us to write while we were yet in the Spirit."
3. These have received of the Son of God, but not of the Father. That is what I perceived yesterday in the Presbyterian Church–the talk was all about Christ, and nothing much about the Father.
4. The LDS people, who know no more than to follow the prophet blindly, are telestial. This is described in an article that M.A. sent to me, and is described in D&C 76 and 1 Corinthians 3:20-21, when it talks of Paul, Apollos and Cephas. These telestial people do not really think much on their own, but follow their leaders down to hell, as Brigham Young taught. Among these are some who are the elect, who start to question their leaders and ask of God, as we are all commanded to do. This is the only hope for the LDS members who are in the church today–we must go against the culture and doctrine, and ask of God to be led in our lives. We need to come unto him, and believe in personal revelation over what we are being told and preached to do over the pulpit at church or at conference. Mere sheep who follow, and do not question nor think, are telestial in nature. This is not pleasing to God.
5. In short, if someone is terrestrial in nature, or if groups or congregations are terrestrial, they will be allowed into the millennial day of rest–a terrestrial state. If they are telestial they will not be allowed in. If they are celestial, they will be brought into the Church of the Firstborn by the Father and the Mother who will direct them.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-21-2017, Tuesday
1. Last night I connected very well with my Heavenly Parents. I actually went on top of the temple in the celestial world, facing east towards the garden area of Heavenly Mother. I could see the waterfall in the distance to the east, since I was at a high vantage point.
My Heavenly Parents came in front of me in the air. I received information from my Heavenly Father on the way the two churches will enter into the millennium. Here is what I asked, with his answer:
2. Q– Will there be only two churches that come into the millennium at the beginning? Please explain.
A– Yes. The first church to be established will be the Church of the Firstborn, located in the New Jerusalem. When the LDS Church is removed, there will be a short time before the Church of Christ is established. When Jesus comes in his glorious second coming, both churches will be on the earth, and will enter intact into the millennial day. All other churches will be destroyed, since they are of the church of the devil, Satan having infiltrated them all. (see 1 Nephi 14).
3. The people of the earth who are terrestrial or celestial in nature will be welcomed into the millennial day. Those who choose not to come into the Church of Christ, may form again their own churches or groups with others who believe as they do. However, these will be created by them after they are in the millennium.
4. After I had all of my questions answered, and had communed with them, they took my hands, and we travelled in the sky east to view the areas of Heavenly Mother's garden, from a fly-over! We saw the waterfall, the circling pool, the river and beautiful areas around it that I had visited on the ground. It was spectacular! We went up on top of the granite cliff, facing west, and saw the temple in the distance where I had started my prayer. The entire experience was very awesome!
5. In my prayer this morning, I went back to the top of the granite cliff. I received a confirmation that Joseph Smith was true to the end of his life–and was pleasing and acceptable to God when he died. He was a marvelous prophet! He will come back to restore the keys he received to the new leader(s) of the Church of Christ in a coming day, before the second coming.
6. I felt great compassion on Joseph with all of the intrigues and secret plots against him, and in the actions that defamed his great name. I know too he did not enter nor endorse polygamy. I read again two articles on the subject last night (see Why I'm Abandoning Polygamy and "Joseph Smith’s Monogamy", since removed"). I prayed about these too, and feel that they are true and give an accurate representation of the time Joseph live in. I feel so glad that Joseph Smith, the prophet, was true and faithful to God!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-22-2017, Wednesday
1. We awoke to snow this morning! Lots of snow, like 4", and still snowing.
Last night in my prayer I felt I needed to send out my last post, for a while at least. I will go through my journal entries and judge which ones I should share.
2. Later: I found myself alone at home for a few hours. So I had a prayer. In prayer this afternoon, I returned to the hanging flowers on the pocketed rock wall area, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's gardens. My Heavenly Parents came in front of me, and stood before me as I prayed for my fellow mortal angels. I prayed that they would take the time to be holy, and to connect with their Heavenly Parents, and come into their presence as I am with them now.
3. I thought of this wonderful hymn, now so applicable in our lives as we seek to connect with our God:
Take Time to Be Holy
Take time to be Holy, speak oft with thy Lord.
Abide with Him always and feed on His word.
Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.
Take time to be holy, the world rushes on.
Spend much time in secret with Jesus alone;
By looking to Jesus like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.
Take time to be holy, let Him be thy guide
And run not before Him whatever betide.
In joy or in sorrow still follow they Lord,
And looking to Jesus trust in,
Trust in the Lord.
Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul.
Each thought and each motive beneath His control;
Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
Thou soon shall be fitted for service above.
Thou soon shall be fitted for service above.
Text: William D. Longstaff
Music: Traditional Irish Melody
Arranged By: Annette W. Dickman
4. I then asked what things they would like me to do? I felt to get my journal out, and to start writing, and that they would guide me in all I write. Here goes!
5. '1) Put your efforts in writing your last post for a time. This will be the launch pad for some of the mortal angels to slow down, to really desire to connect to God before it becomes even a more very dark and difficult world. It will be so much better for the mortal angels to do so now, rather than later.
6. 2) Emphasize to the mortal angels the great need to be open. Every one will have a different journey in helping save the elect, as angels of God. By being open and clean and pure, they open the door to revelation for their specific labors we want them to do.
7. 3) Tell them to become very accustomed to the voice of God, and to trust in that voice. This voice will be soft and gentle at most times, and always recognizable. However, they need to have slowed down in their lives to get used to that voice of God to them individually.
8. 4) The mentoring that the mortal angels have received from you, Raphael, and the podcasts from M.S. too, are going to greatly slow down in frequency, allowing each mortal angel to ponder, meditate and connect to God more directly. The invitation that we, their Heavenly Parents have given, that we will be much more open and ready to begin or continue a dialogue and deeper relationship with each of our mortal angels, is still open and available. Act now!
9. 5) Raphael, for you specifically, continue to connect with us, your Heavenly Parents, at least twice a day. Continue to write down your impressions, revelations, and directions we give to you, in your journal. At a future day, many will want to read and ponder your words, as you receive them from us.'
10. At this point, Heavenly Father asked me to stand before them. I got up off my knees and stood. We then, all three of us, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and myself, travelled to the earth from the celestial world where we were located. As we approached the earth, it was very dark. I tried to see what was before me, for this was all being perceived and seen spiritually in my unconscious mind I believe. I soon saw in the darkness, little 'lanterns', or lights shining out of the darkness. I thought that these represented people who were being enlightened by my Heavenly Parents next to me.
11. In my area of Utah County, Utah, I saw 10 lights. In another town, I saw another 10, and in Provo only 10 also, even though it was a much larger city area. Going north, I saw only 2 in the greater Salt Lake area, which surprised me! I could see that these were samplings of the earth below, of what I was to see.
12. We travelled north to the Rexburg area, and there were 25 lights there. I went to the Portland, Oregon area and saw only 2 lights. We then went back east together, and I saw one or two lights only. It seemed to me that most of these lights were congregated in the intermountain west of the United States at this moment.
I then travelled to Africa with my Heavenly Parents, and saw a few lights there on that continent, and then only a few lights in Europe. Most of the world was very spiritually dark.
'Raphael, these lights you see in the darkened earth represent the vanguard group, the tip of the spear of the Remnant group, those who are our holy mortal angels, being awakened and enlightened by us. This group will grow, and expand to include the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel–so that our elect on this wicked and corrupt world will be protected, and come unto us with the help of these enlightened groups.
14. These are moments, just before the coming calamities, which we will pour out without measure upon the earth. Our elect hear our voice, and keep our commandments. These elect are those now that we are so committed to save and redeem, if they come unto us.
15. You have been true and faithful, and have come unto us in prayer daily, into our presence. We desire all of our angels, the 144,000, and all of the elect of God to do likewise. You will continue to assist us in preparing the way for these to come unto us.'
At that time I received the direction to write all of this down. Now that I am finished writing, I feel I am still next to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, above the darkened earth. The entire world and sky are dark, spiritually very dark."