174. The New Jerusalem Beginnings part 2

Hello my friends,

This is going to be a continuation of the last post. There are 64 occurences of "Zion" and 51 of the "New Jerusalem".

The pictures of this post are from a recent hike and campout I went on with a few members of my family. Enjoy!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, September 27, 2020

1. Tonight I had very tender feelings for little children and their great innocence. I have thought of my own sweet children when they were small. I know that they now are adults facing a tough and harsh world in many ways. I have been praying for their well being and for God to watch over them and their own sweet children. I yearn for all innocent children who are now living on earth as we enter darker and more treacherous times. Life can be hard to navigate through! Mostly I pray for God's purposes to be fulfilled in their many mortal children's lives.

2. I prayed next for the elect who have shown by their actions that they will obey God and keep God's commandments. I pray to be able to help assist any that God may direct me to, in the unseen celestial realms, to buoy them up and encourage them in any way I can. These were the feelings of my heart tonight.

3. I came to the celestial sky above the desert oasis. I came before my Heavenly Father who was there. He looked upon me with tender compassion and spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I will answer your yearning heart and prayer for your own children, the innocent children who will be exposed to the upcoming difficult times, and all of the elect whom we have chosen who will transition into a more peaceful and protected terrestrial world.

4. We will prompt and extend our Spirit to our children, and are chagrined when they won't listen to us, their Gods. It is for this purpose that we have sent them to earth, to see whom they will follow, their Gods or the world and other voices. Our elect whom we have chosen hear our voice and keep our commandments. These are those who will transition into the millennial world.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have answered my prayer for those whom I prayed for. I asked if I could in some way help those more than I have been doing, who are the elect, to encourage and strengthen them.

6. 'Raphael, because you have asked, we will give you more assignments to encourage and uplift our needy elect who will struggle in the days ahead. You will not be seen, but will come next to them as a celestial angel of light, to buoy and to strengthen them. We will send our Spirit with you in your unseen visits. Your encouragement will help many in the transition to a better and safer world.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for allowing me to reach out more to the downtrodden and those in need of encouragement! I said I would do my best to minister according to his and Heavenly Mother's commands. I said I was so grateful to be able to have the Spirit of God accompany my visits.

8. I felt satisfied and at peace! I felt assured that I can and will contribute more in helping my fellowman as we all transition from the telestial to a terrestrial world.

9. Heavenly Father said it was time for him to now leave. He said to meet Heavenly Mother and him at God's Loving Healing Lake in the morning. He then ascended up into the sky and was soon gone. I closed my prayer and came back to my mortal world.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, September 28, 2020

1. I love the time I have alone in quiet meditation and prayer. This is like breathing to me now, and so necessary for my well being. I feel very blessed to be able to commune daily with my Heavenly Parents and to receive so many truths and revelations from them!

2. I came this morning to God's Loving Healing Lake. It was sunny and beautiful here. I knelt by the little stream that gurgles into the lake and drank living water there. I felt in tune and prepared to enter into the presence of my Gods. I then turned on my knees and faced the lake to my south. I intended then to enter into the presence of God.

3. I saw a bright light reflect on the lake and soon my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descended in the brilliant light, together holding hands. They then walked to me in the air above the ground until they were directly in front of me. I found myself completely enveloped in their light! I received of their love which penetrated into my being with their light. I felt the light pass through me as if I were transparent. I was overjoyed to be before them!

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are gracious to answer the yearning pleadings of our obedient children. We will bless your desires to help our elect children in these transitioning times, by sending you as our angel and messenger of light, to comfort and strengthen them in their struggles. You will be blessed to have an abundance of our light and love that our petitioning elect mortal children will feel. They will account your visit that they can feel but not see as a direct answer from us, their Gods. They will feel peace and assurance. You will feel deep satisfaction to have been our instrument and messenger to have blessed and uplifted them. You will be our conduit of our light and love to their hungry souls.

5. Because of the hardships coming, we will reach out to our humble and prayerful elect more than we have done in the past. We will balance the coming darkness of the days ahead with our abundant light, peace, guidance and very presence.'

6. I felt so loved and happy to have her second witness of what my Heavenly Father told me last night! I felt great peace to be before them. I also felt confident that they would carefully guide and protect their terrestrial elect now living on the earth who would transition soon into a happy day ahead. In my mind, I could foresee all the efforts of the adversary not having any lasting effect on their progress and destiny of transitioning into a terrestrial world of peace and security. This truly filled me with joy. I knew and felt assured all would be well for the elect in these troubled times.

7. I asked my Heavenly Parents this: 'My glorious Heavenly Parents, I feel so much peace and light coming from you now that fills my soul! May I daily feel encouraged and upbeat with this great hope in my heart? May I be one to encourage and uplift the sights of your elect so they feel this encouragement also, and feel of your great love, acceptance and peace in their daily lives? Help me to never dwell on discouraging thoughts, but to look towards the much happier days ahead that surely will come. May my eyes be continually upon the early days of the founding of Zion that are ahead of us, even within the year!'

8. My Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, we will bless you with encouraging thoughts and feelings. These will be the foundation of you uplifting others in the struggles they will have. We will send our strong witness and abiding Spirit to rest upon those also to whom you minister in our name and behalf.

9. For you, the darkness and evil around you will hardly be part of your experience, for you will be filled with our hope, thoughts, and encouraging views of a happier and much more beautiful world!'

10. Heavenly Mother then stepped forward, letting go of Heavenly Father's hand and embraced me and lifted me up to stand before her! She kissed me and told me she loved me and would always be with me, even right next to me.

11. She then stepped back and my smiling Heavenly Father came forward and hugged me closely! I felt of his great assurance and strength. I felt completely capable of doing whatever they might ask of me. I felt so much love, peace and hope by being in their wonderful presence today.

12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you may now begin your new day on earth in your conscious mortal self. However, stay here near us in your replicated celestial being and we will continue to teach you what you need to do to help encourage our elect children on earth, even as one of our ministers of light to them.'

13. I said I would start my day now on earth. I thanked him for inviting me to be with them this entire day in my unconscious mind. I then consciously came to my private room and finished my journal entry and started my new week on earth.

14. Evening-I have been reading from the Book of Mormon tonight about the Remnants of Jacob when they shall assist in building the New Jerusalem.

15. 3 Nephi 21:26

"And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people…"

16. I wonder if this is referring to the evening reading of the scriptures by those who have gathered to build the New Jerusalem? I wonder too if these, the remnants of Jacob, will generally not have knowledge of the Book of Mormon or the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith?

17. I believe the tribes which have been lost will have a religion that they all believe in, but they won't know about the Book of Mormon or the restoration of the gospel.

18. In 3 Nephi 21:27 it reads "Yea, the work (the work of building the New Jerusalem and of teaching these workers daily in the evenings) shall commence among all the dispersed of my people (the tribes and the remnants will all be very dispersed from their own homes and lands), with the Father to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me (who is Jesus Christ, speaking to their ancestors), that they may call on the Father in my name." (my comments in parenthesis).

19. How can these tribes of Israel and the remnants of Jacob call upon the Father if they don't know the true points of the gospel of Jesus Christ? They surely need to be carefully taught and witnessed of these great truths by the power of the Holy Ghost.

20. These were my thoughts tonight as I came to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer by the little stream that flows gently into God's Loving Healing Lake. I was by both my Heavenly Parents who were smiling upon me.

21. Heavenly Mother spoke immediately: 'Raphael, your interpretation of 3 Nephi 21:26-27 is correct. Our elect with the blood of Israel will be the first ones coming to build up the New Jerusalem. I will witness to them, to their hearts and minds, of all the truths their teachers read to them from the scriptures you bring that are reproduced for each group that reads and studies them. Once they know of the truths in our holy scriptures, they will then know how to pray to both Heavenly Father and to me, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We will then bless them with great understandings, faith and hope. They will hear our voice and keep our sayings and our commandments.

22. Once fully taught, they will then prepare the way for all our elect to be gathered home to this, the land of their inheritance (3 Nephi 21:28). Many of these will be numbered among the 144,000 who will specifically gather our elect from all over the earth. They will carry forth our Spirit in great power and fatih, even to the convincing of our scattered elect to come home to the beautiful Zion societies they have built up in the center of the land of promise. This will be the great day of gathering among all nations, kindreds, tongues and peoples who are the elect of God.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words! I love to think of these future events, and to ponder on such a happy time of conversion, great faith, and gathering!

24. I then felt my message tonight was done. I thanked them abundantly for being with me all day long and tonight too. I left their presence and closed my prayer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, September 29, 2020

1. This morning I read from 3 Nephi chapter 16. I read about gentiles (I believe those currently in our country, see verse 10,13) and the fulness of the gentiles (those who have accepted the truth about the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith the prophet, and us who receive further revelation from God, such as my Book of Raphael, see verse 4).

2. Our day is exactly described by Jesus in 3 Nephi 16:10-12:

"And thus commandeth the Father that I should say unto you: At that day when the Gentiles shall sin against my gospel, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (I believe this is when the leaders of the LDS church will be cut off from the revelations of God which has already occurred), and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts above all nations, and above all the people of the whole earth, and shall be filled with all manner of lyings, and of deceits, and of mischiefs, and all manner of hypocrisy, and murders, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, and of secret abominations (this is exactly describing what we continually read about in the news of our day in the United States, so much so that it is near impossible to know the truth from what we read); and if they shall do all those things, and shall reject the fulness of my gospel (which included the revelation of the high priestess office which I believe the quorum of the twelve and the First Presidency rejected), behold, saith the Father, I will bring the fulness of my gospel from among them. (Heavenly Father would do this by revealing these things to me and others, and revealing the fulness of the gospel to us, or the abundant revelations he and Heavenly Mother have in store to reveal in our day, much of which is in the Book of Raphael).

And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them (in part by the scripture study groups in the New Jerusalem in the evenings).

And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you (when you come from the north and from the south to the New Jerusalem, and your enemies, or the gentiles, will be a prey to you; as sheep before a lion); but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel". (Or the abundant revelations found in the Book of Raphael, which represents the fulness, or the many new revelations recently given). (These comments are from me, R as I am pondering and interpreting these words this morning).

3. At this moment, Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have been inspired by me in the correct interpretation of these words of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son to the Nephites at the time he appeared to them and taught them. The tribes of Israel from the north, and the remnants of Jacob from the south, will be inspired to come to the New Jerusalem and build up this city to their Heavenly Mother and me in the day, and learn of our truths at night. They will in this way gradually "come unto the knowledge of the fullness of my gospel" (3 Nephi 16:12) that I have revealed in the Book of Mormon and to you in the Book of Raphael. These people will at first come without this knowledge, but you will very soon have them taught from the scriptures you bring to the New Jerusalem, including the standard works of the church and your Book of Raphael. Your Heavenly Mother will witness all of our abundant truths by her Holy Ghost.

4. Once these, our house of Israel, and as many of the repentant gentiles who will come to the New Jerusalem are all taught, then all will be my people, and be numbered among my elect and chosen Israel (see 3 Nephi 16:13).

5. Raphael, after these elect are taught, Jesus Christ will formally organize and empower them to go forth among all the nations of the earth to glean the elect from wherever they may be, and bring them to the New Jerusalem and the surrounding cities of Zion.

6. D&C 77:11

"Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel—twelve thousand out of every tribe?

A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests (and high priestesses), ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel (that they were recently taught in the New Jerusalem); for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn." (which is located on the New Jerusalem. This latter group, from every nation, kindred, tongue and people will be the first elect that the 144,000 will bring to the New Jerusalem. These will become taught and also convinced by the Holy Ghost, and then be ordained as high priests and high priestesses to join the 144,000 and go out to gather the elect from all the nations of the earth. The center place of gathering will be the island of the New Jerusalem, and the surrounding cities of Zion.)

7. 3 Nephi 16:17-20

"And then the words of the prophet Isaiah shall be fulfilled which say:

Thy watchmen (the 144,00) shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing, for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem; for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of God (when the 144,000 come among them to gather out my elect)." (Words in parenthesis given by Heavenly Father).

8. Raphael, at that day we will have you and others of our mortal angels and celestial servants replicate themselves and teach our elect in the New Jerusalem area frequently, even during their workday time in their breaks and times when they eat and rest. We will fully have our house of Israel be immersed in learning the truths of the fulness of the gospel. They will all accept this eagerly, for they are now being prepared in the spirit in their unconscious minds in our celestial realms. They will recognize these truths and fully embrace them. Once taught, this growing group will be ordained and greatly motivated to bring all Israel from every sector of the earth where they are scattered. Their faith, verve and commitment will be their hallmark, for these are those ordained by the angels (see Revelation 7:2-4 and D&C 77:11).'

9. My Father ceased speaking. He stood before me at the shore of God's loving Healing Lake. I knelt before him and thanked him for his new revelations! I was very enlightened with the opening of these scriptures to my mind this morning.

10. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, it is now time to begin your mortal day on earth. Stay with me throughout your day, in your unconscious mind, in constant prayer, and I will reveal more to you.'

11. I said I would stay here by his side in my celestial being, and start my day in my mortal being. I then consciously started my new day on earth.

12. Evening-I reread what I had written this morning and was again impressed how important it will be for all of the elect of Israel, and particularly the 144,000, to be fully taught the fulness of the gospel. I know Heavenly Mother will witness to their hearts and minds the truth of all the things. They then will go forth with that sure witness to the ends of the earth, and with that faith and testimony convince others of the elect. Once these new elect are convinced, then they will be brought to the New Jerusalem in the portals of those members who teach them. This movement will be immediate and will be a new terrestrial environment for the newly converted elect. They will move from the telestial sphere to the terrestrial sphere, and it will be tolerable for them, for they are of the terrestrial elect of God.

13. I love to think of those days in our near future whose great numbers will swell the cities of Zion and the New Jerusalem.

14. I came to the shore at God's Loving Healing Lake and met again with my Heavenly Father in my conscious mind. He told me he had shared many things with me today that I will recall once my minds are merged in the New Jerusalem. He said that I have been taught over the past weeks all about the first things to do and the manner of organizing the people who would come and the needful tasks that are time sensitive. He said all of these will be part of my full understanding in my unconscious mind. I will have continual access to all of these teachings once my minds are merged.

15. He said for me to meet with my Heavenly Mother at the top of her upper garden waterfall in the morning. However, now it was time for him to leave so I could rest from my hard work day I had in mortality.

16. He then started rising up in the sky and was soon gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, September 30, 2020

1. I received an email this morning from S. In it he was told by Heavenly Mother he'd be replicated as a celestial servant and be placed to guard the entrance of Zion. He will be unseen in the celestial realms. (See his email at the end of this entry). S asked me if the guards at the gates of the New Jerusalem would be only celestial guards, a mix of terrestrial and celestial guards, or something else.

2. He quoted Revelation 21:27

"And there shall in nowise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie; but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life."

3. I had these thoughts on my mind when I came this morning to the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden waterfall in prayer. When I arrived above the waterfall in the air, she was not visible to me. I knelt and prayed in the air, facing the temple in the distance. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come to me, in answer to my prayer.

4. She then gradually appeared before me, and had been there all along. I felt the love and great light of her presence come into my being! She was smiling and very radiant.

5. She spoke: 'Raphael, what S wrote in his journal and sent to you in his email this morning is true and was given to him by me. He will be a replicated celestial guard at each of the four gates on the New Jerusalem island, from the time guards are placed there until the second coming of Jesus Christ. He will be given this assignment as chief captain of the guards. As such, he will oversee what the terrestrial guards that labor with him will do. He will be able to view the hearts of each one who enters into our island paradise, and view them even as we view them. Were there one or more who desires to enter who do not have the light of humility or openness, or are deceivers in any way, he will raise his hand in front of them in the unseen celestial realms. This action will prevent them from physically entering into our land of Zion, in any of her cities, or on this island. By this means he will be able to detect imposters who may try to enter. Only the terrestrial elect will have their hearts pure and receptive to our marvelous truths that will be taught them in Zion and her cities. Were they (those not worthy) to try to enter onto the terrestrial lands of Zion, they would not have the physical capability to walk forward into Zion. When they would gaze into the borders of Zion from the outside, it would appear to them as a lone and dreary telestial wilderness.

6. S will be the captain of the guards of Zion, not only at the four gates of the New Jerusalem, but on each perimeter of the cities of Zion that will begin being built in the surrounding lands. These too will have terrestrial elect guards from their own inhabitants, even until the second coming of Jesus Christ. After that, there will no longer be guards in these cities except at the entrances of the four gates of the New Jerusalem. S's duty as the captain of the guards will then be completed.

7. Raphael, we want the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ taught openly and freely to every inhabitant of Zion and her cities. These truths are not suited for any except the humble and open terrestrial elect of God. These are those who are now being taught these same truths in the celestial world. This spiritual teaching will prepare their hearts to receive these teachings again in the terrestrial realms of Zion. They will recognize these truths as familiar, and I will witness to their minds and hearts of the truthfulness of all they receive. It will be in this way that our people in Zion will be of one heart and one mind, and see eye to eye when we again bring forth Zion, the pure in heart.

8. Raphael, you too, like S have desired to share the many truths you have been receiving and diligently recording in your journals. These will continue to be written in the Book of Raphael and shared with the inhabitants of Zion, along with other records that contain the fullness of the gospel. There will come a time when you, S, and many others will have your tongues loosed as you address congregations of our Saints in Zion. You will act as our holy conduits of our very words in teaching our beloved elect children. Then will you find great joy in sharing our truths that you now must keep secret except to a few we have chosen.

9. Raphael, M.A. asked you another few questions I would also like to address. Even though she and others of our mortal angels, like you, will remain translated to a celestial glory throughout the millennium, their spouses may become resurrected to a celestial glory. Together they will reside in the New Jerusalem city. Those of you who are renewed in your physical bodies and are translated, will have great healing of the features of their own bodies, like missing teeth restored, firmness of their muscles and bodies, and wonderful physical endurance. Some may even appear much more youthful than they actually were than the age they had attained before they were fully changed into their enduring translated state. You will, however, continue to look to others as a more mature man with many seasoned years of living. You will have a beard and be recognized by all. Your important and singular work in the New Jerusalem temple of administering with Oriphiel the waters of separation ordinance will be your main focus and mission.

10. When you replicate yourself in a celestial body in those millennial days, you will appear usually just like your translated physical body, and have a merged mind in both your base body and your replicated body. You will be the same person, only replicated. This state of replication is different than when you will have once replicated in your mortal body while you trekked to Zion, and were starting up the New Jerusalem island. At that time (yet in your future), you will be connected in your unconscious minds only, and not in your conscious mind. You will not have had your merged mind.

11. Raphael, there is one thing more I wish to say about S's future mission. He will be relieved of his duties as captain of the guards when Jesus Christ comes in his glory. However, at the end of the thousand years, he will again be called to guard the four gates of the New Jerusalem, our holy city and the cities of Zion. This will be at a time when the wicked will again try to gain access to this city, and will encompass the city. Satan will have been loosed for a little season by you, and again he will have success in deceiving many.

12. Revelation 20:7-9

"And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compasseth the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them."

13. S will again be the captain of the guards who protect the New Jerusalem at her four gates, and every city of Zion throughout the world. He will have the same gifts of God as before to protect entrance to those places of Zion, and for the safety and protection of our elect who are valiant to us. He will have a much larger number of terrestrial elect guards at that time to oversee. S will be further replicated many times over as our celestial servant to fulfill his important mission at that time.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words this morning, and for her answers to our questions. I said I would love to remain here on the celestial orb by her waterfall throughout the day with her. She smiled and said this would please her also.

15. I then exited her presence in my conscious mind, and began my new day one earth.

16. Email from S entitled "Guards", 9-30-2020


Yesterday, in prayer I learned more about the guards that I recorded in my journal. Afterwards, I was driving to work and listening to the recent New Jerusalem part 2 post. It also mentioned someone guarding the gates and states: "Those who admit the humble traveler to Zion will be filled with the spirit. As such, they will only allow the elect of God who are the truly humble and open. There will be some who may not qualify but seek entrance. Our guards will detect these, and prevent any of the wicked, or those possessed by evil spirits from entering." (Raphael 172A5)

My question is: Will these be only celestial guards, a mix of terrestrial and celestial guards, or something else.

Below is what I received in prayer, and I recorded what I received without any thought beforehand what it would be.

9-29-20 AM

I read in Revelations 20 and 21 this morning. I felt directed to read there as I was previously in Matthew 5. In chapter 21, the verse 27 caught my attention, "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth." (speaking of Zion)

In prayer, I came to the future tree of life in the New Jerusalem. I knelt beside the west flowing river and drank water from a cupped hand. I began to cry as I did this. Heavenly Mother's voice came to my mind and then I saw her descend from the sky above me. She asked, "Why do you cry?" I responded, "I am overjoyed to come into thy presence and my heart desires to share this truth with others." She came and knelt beside me and embraced me. My whole being filled with joy and light. She then placed both her hands on my shoulder and faced me. She spoke,"I know that this is the desire of your heart. You want to share these truths with others so they can experience the joy you now feel. For many years now you have communed in mighty prayer with us your Gods and recorded our messages to you. You have been unable to share these even within your own family except to your wife at times and S.A. If you were to cast these pearls of truth before men, even your own extended family, they would rend these and trample them under their feet and it would be for naught. Your Heavenly Father and I see the hearts of all our children. Many hearts will yet change and be humbled to the point that they will receive these truths recorded in your journal, those records of Raphael, and many others that will come forth in the fullness of times.

I directed you by my Spirit to read the last verse in Revelations 21. This pertains to one of your missions that you will perform for a season. You will be replicated as a celestial servant and be placed on assignment to guard the entrances to Zion. Only the humble followers of Jesus Christ who are pure in heart may enter. You will be a celestial servant and unseen by those seeking to enter. Anyone who is unworthy who seeks to enter will be stopped by you or one of our other servants assigned to this task. Those children unworthy to enter won't be physically capable to advance or enter. You will see clearly the light emanating from their hearts and we will grant you access to their mind and thoughts as well that you may fulfill well this responsibility. This is similar to Jesus Christ who knew the thoughts and intentions of others while he walked among the Jews as recorded in the New Testament.

At this time, Heavenly Mother showed me a vision of my group traveling towards Zion. I saw light and love coming from the hearts of the individuals walking in their journey. Heavenly Mother spoke, "you wondered about your own children. You are not able to see as we do the past, present, and future desires that each possesses. We will help refine and bless your children in their journey of faith. I showed you the light coming from their hearts and others in your group so that you could see and recognize their true desires.' I prayed in my heart for my children to come unto Christ.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message and love. I then exited my conscious prayer in Jesus' name and started my new day.

I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter from prayer.

Your Friend,

17. Evening-I got ready to pray and write in my journal tonight. I checked my email and saw that S had written me. He confirmed that his mission as a guard at the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion was true by means of the Spirit and Heavenly Father, who walked by his side. I too felt joy and a surge of the Spirit as I read his email. He is so very open and accepting of God's Spirit, and comes quickly into the presence of God. I feel so honored to work with him as I do! It is very confirming to me, and I'm sure to him also, that we receive similar witnesses from God. I am very happy for him, and that he has greater views now of his future missions. See S's email at the end of this evening's entry.

18. I was contemplating today, while making applesauce, about the many amazing (that's the only word I could think of) revelations and events that will come to us at the New Jerusalem. One part of me said, 'R, you have a very vivid imagination!' Another part of me confirmed again that, although almost unbelievable, it was all true and of God! This is the voice I choose to follow, for this fills me with joy and peace.

19. I also read today on the news how divergent and hard to understand the truth is. My trust in the news is almost all gone, for I hardly know what to believe from the news media. One news source says we are getting a second wave of the coronavirus, and things are getting worse. Another says it's all made up, and another says now only those 70 years and older are really in much danger of dying from the COVID-19 virus. I know what I have received from God in prayer, and this doesn't match anything I read from the various news agencies. I wish my Heavenly Mother would give me the truth on all that my society is now experiencing!

20. I came to the waterfall tonight near the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I came into the glorious presence of my Heavenly Mother in the air above the falls! I could see and hear the water crashing below us.

21. Heavenly Mother smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, there are many news sources who report only news that is what they wish to state and leave other information out of their report for it meets their own purposes to tell half truths. There are others that literally report whatever they imagine, with most of it false and not based on reality. Your entire society is very skeptical of news reports, or are aligned with only one source that they have most confidence in. There are great differences of opinions of what is true or not true. Many are engaged in one view and greatly discredit anyone with opposing views. People are generally confused.

22. The political parties in your country are accusing each other of lying, falsifying data, and trying to gain supporters from their latest slander of the opposing party. This is all disgusting to us, and we see this as a symptom of the hearts of men and women growing cold and insensitive to each other and to us, their Gods. The people mostly don't inquire of us what is true, or even think of asking us. They are distancing themselves from our Spirit, and thereby are more susceptible to falsehoods and untruths that are circulating.

23. The truth of the pandemic is that the infection named COVID-19 is real and has been manmade to kill people as a bioweapon. It is particularly lethal for those in their older years. It is settling out, or plateauing in its virulence, as many such new infections experience over time. The effects of this pandemic are not only the loss of life to date, but great loss in the economies of nations and many businesses or sectors of certain types of commerce and services.

24. There is another more virulent and deadly viral infection that will soon follow the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be much more intense, and began with the viral aerosol dropped over the Salt Lake Valley and neighboring northern areas in Utah. We have purposefully delayed symptoms of this virus in the people for our own purposes. This infection, however, continues to spread among the people, but it is extinguished by my corona fire in the bodies of our elect. We will allow this new virus to spread freely and continue its deadly course when we will.

25. There are many demonstrations and violent actions planned around the time of the US elections in about one month from now. This is truly a time to brace oneself for, since the civil unrest in your country will become alarming and harsh. Soon, foreign troops will appear in your land. The freedom that the citizens of your nation have taken for granted will ebb away, leaving many in shock and unbelief when these depart. Satan and his hosts will wreak havoc with the people, for they have control of all sides of these last days conflicts that are not of us. Those conflicts from us include the power of the northern tribes over their enemies (D&C 133: 28) and the remnants of Jacob as a young lion among flocks of sheep (3 Nephi 21:12).

26. In all of these tribulations, our elect may find peace and security in us if they pray to us for protection and blessings. We will be quick to extend the miracles of our power in their lives, if they are humble, open, and believing in Jesus Christ and the power of God.

27. Raphael, stay by our side each day in constant prayer in your unconscious mind. Even though you cannot know consciously of all we share with you, you will one day remember and recall all of our words and these will guide you. Continue being steadfast, and we will continue to bless you with our presence and our Spirit.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words that flowed quickly into my mind and heart! I felt so assured and full of peace by being next to her. I thanked her for being with me all day long.

29. I then saw my Heavenly Mother start to fade from my view, even as she gradually came before me this morning. Soon she was gone, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

30. Email from S entitled Guards part 2, 9-30-2020


I want to thank you for praying about what I sent earlier today. I read the record that was typed today when you asked in prayer about this message. I felt the spirit and was overcome with joy as I read it. I read it through three times and contemplated the significance of the many details recorded. Words can't express the swellings of my heart as I read and pondered it.

I desired to pray and ask about what you recorded and did so tonight.

Here is my journal entry.

9-30-20 PM

I read Raphael's record 3x today regarding his prayer about my journal entry from yesterday. My heart swelled with joy and I was filled with the spirit as I read the account. I felt humbled and grateful to participate in any manner as my Heavenly Parents see fit. I desired to pray and confirm these things myself.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Father for I felt he would come to speak to me. I was directed to the Eastern shore of Lake Beautiful and I walked northward. Heavenly Father appeared beside me as I walked and he directed me to continue walking with him. I felt great peace in his presence. He spoke to me, 'We are walking North because your heart and mind are laboring diligently among the lost tribes of Israel in the North. At this time they are readying their final preparations for their journey ahead. Along with this mission, you are laboring now to prepare your family for their journey ahead, and your Heavenly Mother revealed to you yesterday more concerning a call to be the captain of the guard at the gates of the New Jerusalem and Raphael recorded it would also be other Zion cities. You had a similar role on the celestial orb in your premortal estate when we sequestered our children who followed Christ to a safe area to distance them from the followers of Satan. No unclean spirit was permitted to enter at that time either. These callings appear almost unimaginable or unfathomable to you. With God, all things are possible. Raphael's account is true and you will serve in all these capacities. We use each of our children according to their desires, talents, and interests. Your Heavenly Mother and I rejoice together with our children as they serve and lift their fellow brothers and sisters. You will see that many of our children will serve in many different capacities to bless their fellow mankind during the millennium.

As we walked the weather began to be chilly and I saw a fire prepared ahead. I stopped next to the fire to feel its warmth. Heavenly Father spoke, 'The hearts of our children are growing cold due to the widespread wickedness that is accepted and embraced by most of our children. You will be blessed similar to Raphael to feel the warmth of our peace in your heart even as you experience physical hardship and challenges. The hope and joy of this marvelous future for our elect children will comfort you and sustain you through the trials ahead. The physical pain and suffering will be swallowed up in the joy of our Spirit that we will pour upon you abundantly as you seek our will and follow our Spirit. Be at peace. As this fire was prepared in advance, so too have I prepared means for deliverance of all mine elect.

At this time he departed and I closed my prayer. I was grateful for his message.

Your fellow servant, S"

Email from R back to S, 9-30-2020:


Thank you very much for your confirming email! I read it through several times, and Heavenly Mother referred to it in my prayer tonight. I think it is wonderful how we seem to leapfrog ideas between us, and how revelation just flows to both of us from our Heavenly Parents.

Thank you again!

I'll write you in the morning with my own journal entry.


E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, October 1, 2020

1. In my morning prayer today I just started by holding still, and in a very open and receptive way, asked for a confirmation of the words of my Heavenly Mother from last night. I felt confirmed it was true, for I felt enlightenment and assurances accompanied by peace. I then asked if any of the many things I had written about the New Jerusalem were inaccurate. I felt clearly a "no" answer, but that they too were all true and from God. I then asked if my Book of Raphael was true and acceptable to them, save some few minor mistakes that may have crept in that were inconsequential, as the weaknesses of man. I felt an assurance that my compiled records were true and pleasing to God. I felt Heavenly Mother giving me the light of her countenance, even shining it into me by her power of the Holy Ghost. This filled me again with clarity of thought, an uplifting sense of peace and light, and an assurance that I was telling the truth and that I had correctly written their words.

2. Now that I have reconfirmed all of this, I feel spiritually clear and amazed at the grace of God to have so fully given me such great truths, in a day when the truth seems so elusive and hard to find. I feel satisfied and eager to receive more of the mysteries of God and their truths. I came this morning to the top of the switchback path above God's Loving Healing Lake to the west. I knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come, or for me to come into their presence.

3. I then came before my Heavenly Father in an open field somewhere. He was smiling and I felt so glad to be with him. I felt hungry to hear his words and to soak up what he might say to me. I had nothing on my mind but to receive his words. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, come walk with me in this field!'

4. I stood next to him and he and I started to walk across this field. He placed his right arm around my shoulders as we walked. I then saw gaping holes in the ground and treacherous thorns come in our way. We kept walking a few inches above these. I saw a venomous snake come and coil before us. However, Heavenly Father walked around it and kept walking. Soon the landscape turned green and lush, like a beautiful well-watered and thriving garden. We walked into this with our bare feet now on the ground. I felt part of this garden, like it was where I was to be in my near future.

5. Heavenly Father stopped and faced me: 'Raphael, the difficulties in your current mortal society and world will soon be replaced with a beautiful and peaceful garden, even in the New Jerusalem. Your journey to this time will be treacherous, but with me by your side, we will safely avoid all the pitfalls of your world that is falling apart, and of the traps of men and devils. Stay close to your Heavenly Mother and me, and we together will safely navigate your life and those of your immediate family, even to safe places and security.

6. You have asked again of us today regarding the truthfulness of your experiences with us and of your written record. Your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased with your written account of our abundant truths and revelations we have shared with you. We want you to share these with our elect who need to be taught, who come to the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion, even as we will direct you by our Spirit. Many who come to Zion will be open and ready to receive, but may first need foundational truths contained in the standard works you possess. They will receive these eagerly and believe. However, the fullness of our gospel is in your record and in the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon which will also be forthcoming to the elect and not to the world. There will be other records too that will contain our fullness and confirm the truths of the other records you will have.

7. Once our elect children in Zion have been taught, they will accept and believe all these truths. They will then see eye to eye when we bring Zion.

8. Keep your eye and focus on this future day ahead, for this will give you joy and motivation to keep walking across the field of life with us, your Gods, by your side, guiding your every step. We will fully protect and maneuver your life to side step these difficulties that are set to ensnare you and our elect. It is only with us by your side that you will safely navigate to the beautiful Zion on the other side of the field.'

9. I thanked my Father to be guided by him across this treacherous field. I told him I would seek him and Heavenly Mother morning and night in my conscious mortal mind, and stay by their side continually in constant prayer in my unconscious mind. I said I wished to remain in this beautiful garden paradise the remainder of the day with him.

10. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, stay with me and I will teach you more of Zion and of her glorious standards and principles that you may one day teach my elect when they arrive in Zion.'

11. I sat next to him and started to be taught more of his truths. I then became aware I was only in my conscious self on earth in my private room. I then thanked my Heavenly Father again, and started my new day on earth.

12. Evening-I came again to the lush garden I had been in this morning. I came in my bare feet planted in the soft soil between the thriving vegetation. I felt so "at home" here, like this was somehow part of me. I walked about twenty feet into the garden and then saw my Heavenly Father standing! He was waiting for me.

13. I came before him and humbly knelt at his feet that were also bare and firmly planted on the soil. He was smiling and then spoke to me:

14. 'Raphael, this garden is one of those in our celestial temple block area of the New Jerusalem.' He turned and pointed to my right. 'There is the holy celestial temple where you will labor with joy for our elect children. You will often walk by this garden to or from the temple and be revitalized by its great beauty and peace.

15. When you may feel down, or when life gets difficult, think of this beautiful future celestial garden spot on your Mother Earth. You will then feel the joy and rapture you now feel, for we will always allow you to enter into its borders and be uplifted in this garden. The world and its commotion cannot come here, but only peace, serenity and great calmness and acceptance.

16. After fulfilling your assignment for a group of the elect who are in the same family, you might suggest that they linger here before they exit our celestial temple block. There are benches and gurgling water that comes here in the canals and nearby small lake. Our Spirit is always here in abundance, and our light shines brightly upon our humble and receptive elect here. This is a place to reverently commune with us, your Gods. We will come and appear to you here frequently upon your asking. We are very close by for any of our children who come here to pause and meditate.'

17. At this moment my Father looked up and Heavenly Mother came to his side from behind me! They embraced and then both faced me. I felt her abundant light flow into me and her love pour into my soul. She was smiling and brightly shining with her sparkling eyes, her deep loving eternity eyes. I felt so part of both of them! I experienced great love and peace.

18. I then remembered the words of Jesus in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

19. When here in this celestial garden, in the presence of my loving Heavenly Parents, I could not even imagine any troubling thing, or condition where I could be afraid! I just soaked up the great peaceful serenity of this moment.

20. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are richly blessed to receive of our love and peace in your prayer tonight! Come here whenever you wish, and we will pour upon you our peace, love, and acceptance. Our promise holds for any of our elect who come unto us with great faith and desire, even as you have now.'

21. I thanked them for this promise. I said I planned to come here frequently and again be so uplifted and at peace and secure.

22. I next found myself writing in my journal in my front room. My prayer with them had quietly ended. I did continue, however, to possess the peace and love I received there. I then formally closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, October 2, 2020

1. I read last night of a major City in the U.S., Seattle, and how its city council voted 7 to 2 to overturn the mayor's veto and defund the police department. It was distressing to read, for what follows will certainly be more anarchy and violence without anyone to stop them.

2. I then read about hate crimes that blacks were doing to whites, all based on skin color. At that moment I thought of this scripture:

3. D&C 87: 4-5

"And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war. (I thought that the slaves were black people and their masters were white, for this was the way it was in 1832 when this revelation was given before the civil war which is described in verses 1-3. Those who are marshalled and disciplined for war are the black people, those who are promoting Black Lives Matter (BLM). I believe they are well armed by China, for they have lots of automatic weapons and ammunition).

And it shall come to pass also that the remnants who are left of the land (I believe they are remnants of the slaves, or their descendants who are predominantly in inner cities) will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry (this is exactly what is now happening with all the hate crimes done by the black race against the white race, in large cities and on university campuses, throughout the land of the United States), and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation."

4. I had these thoughts in my mind as I came to my Gods in personal prayer this morning. I came to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. Here I knelt and called upon my Heavenly Mother in prayer, for I felt to pray to her.

5. I saw her come from her temple to the west, in a beam of light! She stood before me, looking sober and serious.

6. 'Raphael, this scripture you have read and written is fulfilled in your current day with the increasing violence with race crimes and assaults. There will be increased rioting in your land, particularly in large cities where these well armed BLM and Antifa groups are organized and led by the liberal communities in the city and state governments. You have correctly interpreted this scripture.

7. The indignation of your Heavenly Father and I will very soon be poured out upon our wayward and rebellious children. The only safety will be for our elect to stand in holy places and not be moved. Your Heavenly Father spoke to you these things from this very location last March, 2020. (See your post 154E3 to 154E10, and 154H4).

8. D&C 87: 6-8

"And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations;

That the cry of the saints, and of the blood of the saints, shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies.

Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen."

9. All that your Heavenly Father and I have told you over the years is coming quickly upon your nation and upon the earth. We are inspiring our elect to stay home, to connect to us in diligent prayer, and to prepare every needful thing. Home is where they will generally find protection and safety, unless we direct them by our Spirit otherwise. Their spiritual preparations are the most important, for how can we reach them and give them our protection and blessings if we are far from the thoughts and intents of their hearts?

10. Mosiah 5: 12-13-Hear the words of King Mosiah:

"I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.

For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"

11. Heavenly Mother then stepped closer to me and took my hand. 'Raphael, you have spent time to know us, your Gods. We have therefore given to you of our Spirit, and inspire you, direct you, and will protect you. We will do this to every one of our elect who humbly and diligently comes unto us, their Gods, in the name of Jesus Christ, their Savior and Redeemer.'

12. I saw her smile upon me and shine her light and love upon me. I knew I would be with her today by my side, in constant prayer.

13. She said it was time now to begin my mortal day. I said I loved her and would have her in my mind throughout my day. I then came to myself in my private room and began my new day.

14. Evening–I came late this evening to the granite cliff where I had communed this morning with my Heavenly Mother. I enjoyed a productive and busy day. As I arrived in my conscious mind at the cliff, I saw that I was alone. I looked around and then saw my Heavenly Mother talking to me in my unconscious mind on the path by the mountain stream below me. I immediately merged into myself there and stood before my Heavenly Mother.

15. She smiled upon me and spoke:

'Raphael, when you searched for a movie to watch tonight with your wife, you could find nothing that was uplifting or interesting. These videos are mostly not something that would be inspiring to you, nor uplifting to your spirit. Nothing compares with the time you could spend in meaningful prayer with us.'

16. She then took my hand and we walked down the path next to her mountain stream.

17. 'Raphael, the world seeks to present a movie that would sell to those in your telestial world, regardless of content. Their overall motivation is to make a profit and promote themselves.

18. In our world, either in the terrestrial or celestial realms, our objectives are to bless others, make their lives more enriched, and to serve them. The focus is on helping and loving others, not on oneself. There is great acceptance and non judgment. All are free to partake of eternal life as they choose to accept Jesus Christ and his great redemption, which is free for all without money or price. In turn we, their Heavenly Parents, freely pour out revelations and blessings without measure, even as our child demonstrates his/her willingness to keep our commandment as they seek our presence.

19. When Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, returns to the earth in glory, the telestial and all its inhabitants will become a thing of the past. Our new world will permeate all societies of the earth, and men and women will partake freely of salvation. They will think often of their neighbors, and how they might bless and serve them. Oh, what great joy will fill the earth in that day!'

20. My Heavenly Mother rose up in the air in front of me and then turned to face me. She smiled and sent forth her light accompanied by her great love to me. I thanked her for being with me today. I said that this better world was the world and environment that I longed to be in, and to be with her and Heavenly Father.

21. She then departed and I ended my prayer. I write this now being filled with the peace and quietness that comes from communing with God.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, October 3, 2020

1. I read what I received and wrote last night from my Heavenly Mother. She is always so loving and accepting of me! I want to also be so much more thoughtful of others and concerned with their wellbeing and happiness.

2. I want to seek diligently the presence of God and to always do their will as I understand it. I want to also be as Nephi, son of Helaman, who continually sought to do God's will, and did not seek his own life.

3. Helaman 10:4

"Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done, for I have beheld how thou hast with weariness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments."

4. I came this new morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hands. I felt clarified and truly part of the celestial world. I was filled with desire to hear God's word and to do whatever they might ask of me.

5. I came to the bench and sat on one end of it. I then closed my eyes and asked to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father, and to commune with him today.

6. As I opened my eyes, I saw him sitting next to me on the bench! I was very pleased that he, my Father in Heaven, had come to be with me and had answered my prayer.

7. Heavenly Father placed his hands on my shoulder and spoke: 'Raphael, you tirelessly pray to us, your Heavenly Parents twice a day. You already do what we ask you to do, above any personal desires you may have to do your own thing. You have gained our trust by your actions, and we will therefore continue to reveal to you the secrets of our will.

8. Raphael, you will act as our witness of the transition of the earth and your society in mortality from a telestial realm to a higher terrestrial realm. Your extensive record will bridge this transition to a better, more Spirit filled world where we will successfully establish our Zion, with our elect who are pure in heart, and who seek for the interest and wellbeing of their neighbors.

9. In the process of transitioning from the old telestial way of life, we need to remove the wicked and their society. We need to bring in the new Zion society in our own way, and gather our elect who will be part of our new terrestrial world. The transition for many of our elect will be difficult as they change their paradigm and become taught to live the ways of Zion. For others, like you, whose heart is already focused on this new world, and the higher ways in the terrestrial and celestial realms, the transition will be the easiest. As our elect children hold onto their old ways of the telestial world, it will be hardest for them to transition.

10. Now we have therefore planned ways for them to be taught how to start to live for other people. Many will learn these lessons of becoming a Zion people on their trek to Zion when the things of the telestial world will become of little value to them. When they finally arrive in Zion, all things will be provided for them, for they will by then have changed the desires of their hearts to the ways of Zion. Their individual journey to Zion will be to help them shed their old ways and to accept our new ways. We wish them to be humble and open, receptive and pure when they arrive at Zion's gate in the New Jerusalem.

11. When our elect children come to the New Jerusalem, and the cities of Zion roundabout, we want them to labor according to the talents we have blessed them with. We also want them to be further taught the fullness of our restored gospel and to confirm this with us and accept these truths. Our intention is that our elect children will see eye to eye when we again establish Zion (see Isaiah 52:8). It is in this state that we will bring forth the bounties of the earth in her glorious terrestrial state to provide for them in abundance. The paradisiacal glory of the New Jerusalem will spread across the land as new places of habitation are established. Our people will become the happiest and most satisfied people that have ever lived on the earth!

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable words, and the vision of peace and happiness that stirred in me as I pondered this future day. I asked if I might remain by his side in my replicated self throughout this day.

13. 'Raphael, from now on, we will continually come to you, to be by your side throughout each day when you invite us to come!'

14. I thanked him for this truth. I then knew I was to return to my conscious mind in the telestial world in my mortal body. I exited his presence and started my new day on earth.

15. Evening–Today was the first of the two day general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I listened to part of the conference, and later read summaries of the talks. I have not felt the Spirit confirm or be present to with what I heard. It seems like there is nothing new, just a repeat of the old.

16. I am so grateful for all the abundant new revelations that I have been receiving recently. This is so exhilarating and uplifting to me! I have been thrilled with the new insights and visions I have received from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother about the New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion. I love being in their presence, and love thinking about these monumental days in the near future.

17. I came to my conscious mind to the bench at the desert oasis. As I looked around, Heavenly Father was speaking to another of my replicated celestial selves on the far side of the oasis. I desired to go there and became one with celestial myself in that location. I came there and Heavenly Father knew I had consciously chosen to come and tune in, and then he spoke to me:

18. 'Raphael, a religion that does not receive revelation and direction from Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother nor me, has no life in it. The LDS Church is in this state and we do not send our Spirit or direction any longer to the leaders of this church to direct this church. They do not receive our revelations, and are aimless in their direction. This church has joined the many multitudes of religions across your planet that have no direction or revelation from us.

19. The new Church of Christ, and the Church of the Firstborn need to be formally established on the earth for us to pour our abundant revelations upon you and our faithful elect. We are reaching out to these many individuals who are our faithful sons and daughters, and we are carefully guiding them and teaching them, even now. We will gather them together in due time, and build up our New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion, first upon our promised land in this land of America, and then throughout the world.

20. D&C 29:7-8

"And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts.

Wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land (Raphael, this place is the New Jerusalem and the immediate surrounding cities of Zion. This will be a spiritual and a physical gathering, each one of our elect coming in a custom made journey for them, that they may be prepared to accept all the principles of Zion, and the teachings of the fulness of my gospel when they come), to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked."

21. I realized how directly this revelation, given back in September 1830, over 190 years ago, speaks of our day in the near future. I had just heard this decree again from my Father himself, now speaking of a day very near at hand.

22. I thanked him for his confirming revelation tonight. I said I felt so happy and comfortable to be before him, and to be in this celestial world.

23. Heavenly Father smiled and said he was very glad to be instructing me, even throughout the day, in his celestial realms as well.

24. My time in prayer had come to a close. I thanked him for spending time with me today, and for enlightening my mind to his decrees and his scriptures given to the prophet Joseph Smith.

I then closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, October 4, 2020

1. Last evening before it was dark my immediate family and I drove five minutes up to the Reservoir and hiked up in the local Utah mountains. The leaves were ablaze, and I loved being there with the beautiful fall colors. This is a very majestic time of year!

2. This morning I received an uplifting email from S. He related a confirmation of what I had received on 10-2-2020 of D&C 87 that he received from Heavenly Mother. This was very confirming to me. I have added this email from S after my journal entry this morning.

3. In the email Heavenly Mother spoke of "the great changes we have revealed through Raphael and that he has faithfully recorded, because they will all shortly come to pass in quick succession."

4. I have truly received so very much revelation that there is hardly room for me to receive it. I have recorded it all in my journal, and these have been typed up and posted regularly as the ever growing record of Raphal, now in volume 12, over 3,000 pages total. I can mentally hardly hold onto and remember in my finite mind all that I have received. I try daily to review a bit of my past revelations so that I can be refreshed in my mind of these revelations.

5. It is remarkable how God has poured out on me so much that I can hardly remember all that has come. This surely shows the limitations of my mortal mind. God uses us, who are very weak and feeble, and as long as we are open, humble and delight to receive, our Gods continue to pour upon us "a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (see Malachi 3:10).

6. This morning I felt to come to the celestial forest accessible through the New Jerusalem that will provide the resources for the celestial temple and immediate surrounding temple block. I knelt by one very large majestic celestial tree. I believe this was in my current time, even before trees or resources would be taken from this beautiful paradise. The ground was soft and the soil very tangible and physical to my hands.

7. I then prayed to my Heavenly Mother, for I knew she would come. I intended in my heart and mind that she would come to me in this lovely place. I thought this intention in my mind was equivalent to looking with intention into my healing seer stone.

8. Heavenly Mother then descended in a bright light directly over my head, from the treetops of the trees in this celestial forest! I looked up and saw her descend, and felt the column of light rest upon me. She came slowly downward in this light until she was immediately a few feet in front of me, standing a little above me in the air!

9. I gazed into her beautiful youthful face, full of joy and with sparkling eyes and a broad smile. I felt intense love and acceptance from here. Oh, I love her so very much!

10. She spoke: 'Raphael, S quoted me in his email that the many events your Heavenly Father and I have recently revealed to you would all soon come to pass. I said to him to watch and be ready for these great changes.

11. You are doing well to continue to prepare every needful thing for these days of shortages and disruptions coming to your land.

12. Last night you ate another meal prepared almost entirely from your own garden: potatoes, carrots, parsley and other herbs, green beans, a honeydew melon, tomatoes and tomatillo salsa having peppers and garlic. The water you drank was from your own well on your property. You have been eating like this for the last month, and have received a good boost of physical strength from your own produce that you have grown on your own land. This is pleasing to us that you are being as independent as possible.

13. Your Father and I will multiply the blessings of the earth that are coming to you by virtue of your own labor and planning. While the rest of your society, who depend only on the grocery stores and other outside resources, realize that they can no longer obtain goods and services like before, you will have plenty and will be able to share with your extended family and those in your neighborhood. We will multiply your storage and growing capability so you will continue to enjoy plenty. This harvest will continue to be abundant for you.

14. It is our desire to help provide for those who make an effort to prepare and labor with diligence themselves.

15. D&C 42:42

"Thou shalt not be idle; for he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer."

16. Raphael, this is one of the laws of Zion:

17. D&C 68:30

"And the inhabitants of Zion also shall remember their labors, inasmuch as they are appointed to labor, in all faithfulness; for the idler shall be had in remembrance before the Lord."

18. There is much joy that comes to the human soul from their hard work and diligent effort. Zion will be established by the labor and work of our children, be it our celestial servants at first, or by our mortal elect who come and are assigned to labor with the skills they have developed in their lives. We will bless those who work with a joyful heart, looking forward to the fruits of their labors.

19. Raphael, I have inspired you to come to this beautiful celestial forest and land of plenty. Even here we have had our celestial servants plant seeds for these majestic trees to grow. We have also had them help in propagating the precious metal stores in the ground, and the stone in the future quarries here. Our mortal elect will come here, quickened by us to a celestial glory, and labor in extracting and shaping these resources for our celestial temple and celestial gardens of our New Jerusalem. We will bless those with enhanced skill and ability who volunteer their labor and are chosen to labor in building up our Zion. This is all congruent with the principles of Zion and the laws of the celestial kingdom.'

20. Heavenly Mother then extended her hand and I stood and took it. She then started walking with me among the trees of this celestial land.

21. 'Raphael, I will show you in your unconscious mind, all the details and locations of each resource we have planned. When the time comes for you to come again here, you will have your merged mind and recall where everything is located and how to extract these resources for our glorious celestial spot on the Mother Earth in the New Jerusalem!

22. We then walked entirely over this beautiful land of resources. I somehow stayed in place on the tree while I saw Heavenly Mother and my other replicated being walk away into the forest.

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother consciously for coming to me this morning, and for being with me all day long. I then consciously came back to my private room in my home and finished up my journal entry. I started my Sabbath day, and came out to join my family.

24. Email from S on 10-4-2020, entitled "D&C 87":


Yesterday I typed your entry about D&C 87, and your interpretation. I asked about it afterwards in prayer. This is from my journal.

10-3-20 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Mother for I felt she would come. Next I was in a lush garden area with beautiful plants all around me. I was in awe by the beauty of the vegetation. Heavenly Mother appeared walking towards me with a soft glow of light. She spoke to me, 'This is one of many beautiful gardens I have created on our celestial orb. It has only been in the last few years of life that you began to find great joy in admiring and noticing the plants in your telestial world. As a young boy, you did not take notice of plants and trees as you now do. Many things in mortality are understood at different seasons of your life and maturity. What Raphael recorded in D&C 87 was correct. Many months ago you wondered about the exact verses in D&C 87 and their meaning. With your knowledge at that time, you would not have completely understood the black lives matter movement that has now swept your nation. His interpretation was correct as we enlightened his mind. Your Heavenly Father and I have revealed and shown things as they are about to occur because the scriptures have greater context as you witness the present day events they are referring to. This has been true of the 5 trumpets that have sounded by our archangels and their significance that has come to pass or will shortly come to pass.

Watch and be ready for the great changes we have revealed through Raphael and that he has faithfully recorded, because they will all shortly come to pass in quick succession.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words this morning and I also thanked her for the love of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I then closed my prayer.

Have a wonderful Sabbath day,


25. Evening-Today I worked on post 173, and enjoyed the time with my wife and family.

26. I came to the celestial forest tonight where I had been in my conscious mind this morning. I was immediately standing in front of my Heavenly Mother by the tall tree!

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I have shown you every resource we have planned to be here in our celestial world that is linked to the New Jerusalem. You will be the only one who may both admit our mortal workers here and also show them what to remove to construct our celestial temple and grounds. You will have full recall of all that I showed you today when the time comes.

27. Raphael, you have been distressed today over the lack of understanding capacity of your grown, brain injured son. You and your wife have concluded it is not your task to change or shape his behavior, but to accept what is and his limited functions. It is very difficult to be a caregiver of an adult grown child in his condition. We agree with your joint conclusion, and will help you develop a better approach that is more understandable to him and that will help all of you to be happier and in greater peace.

28. Your Father and I know the situation of each of our mortal children on earth and how to cope and live peaceably with mortal problems. As our children in these situations come unto us, in humble and open prayer, we will bless and guide them to solve their problems and accept what is to be.'

29. I thanked her for the guidance she has already helped with and solutions to cope as best we can do in our situation. I thanked her for her understanding and blessings.

30. I then knew my time with her was ending. I expressed gratitude for being with me all the day long, for her kindness and attention. She smiled and then rose back up in the column of light that reappeared next to the large tree. She soon was gone up in the sky and I ended my evening prayer.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, October 5, 2020

1. My sister, K, had written me with some concerns she had in wondering about going to Zion in a portal or by walking on foot. She, too, wondered whether her teeth would be restored, or remain where they are now and not fail further. She wondered whether she would arrive there with her husband or not. I am sure many others have similar wonderings, for themselves and their loved ones.

2. I came to the tree of life this morning at the end of the strait path, and plucked of the fruit and leaf. I wanted to be very clear and receptive to whatever my Heavenly Parents would say to me. I then felt to go to the birch tree grove on the slopes going to the city of Enoch. I knelt by the little stream and drank living water. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and looked into it with the intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents.

3. I then felt myself elevating up above the treetops and coming before my glorious Heavenly Parents there! The landscape was very beautiful at this point for miles around and the light from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came into me and gave me peace and assurance. I was very happy to be in their presence!

4. My Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have prepared well to come into our presence. We have chosen to bring you here above the birch trees where they are brilliant yellow, in a fall time setting. Soon they will lose their leaves and cooler weather will come to this area. This is not by any seasonal change on the part of the celestial orb, but is according to our will and desires.

5. Similarly, your world on earth is now poised on a precipice of change. Soon your nation will change forever as evil men and women seek to overtake the nation by any means they can and invading nations seek to enter its borders. There are many who are greedy and thirst for power. They are not interested in the welfare of the general population, but only their evil desires. Your Heavenly Mother and I will allow them to believe they are successful for a short season, for they are controlled by Satan who will fall with them. Our purposes will not require them long, for we have plans for the establishment of our New Jerusalem and the coming forth of our latter-day Zion.

6. We will then gather our own elect to Zion, one by one, in a process that will help refine and purify them. We are teaching them great truths through our celestial teachers in their unconscious minds, even now, preparing their hearts and minds. We will motivate them to come to Zion in ways we direct them to come. The faith and effort of each will be tested, and their trials will stretch their souls. We will be with each one who humbly and openly seeks us in the sincerity of their whole being.

7. You asked about your sister, Rachael, and previously Mary, both who are female archangels. They are more advanced in age and wonder if they would survive a vigorous walk to Zion, halfway across the country. For these, and others in their situation who are among our faithful, we will bring them to Zion in their own portal, much like you will come with your wife and son in your own portal. In each case, we will customize the events of their departure and arrival to be suited just for them, according to our desires. They will need to call upon us in humility and submission to find out more particular circumstances that we create for them. Such is the case with others of our mortal angels, our mortal celestial servants, and our elect who desire to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, to be gathered and protected with our elect.

8. You also wondered if teeth and other body parts would be renewed or restored if previously lost, in our translated elect who have important missions to remain throughout the millennium in their translated conditions. We will renew their missing teeth and other body parts, even to growing new ones in the place of the missing. We will enhance their eyesight and mental failings as is common to aged persons. We will enhance their body tone and strengthen their muscles so that they feel and appear much more youthful. Some may even have the hair on their heads revitalized and start to grow again or become thicker.

9. These changes will happen to all our chosen elect mortal angels or celestial mortal servants whom we desire to have remain in their translated mortal state. Each one may inquire individually of us, their Gods, to receive revelation on the plan for their own revitalization. We desire some to remain in a mortal state, like you, Raphael, so that our ordinances performed in our celestial temple be done in service by mortal beings.

10. There are others who will serve in their resurrected celestial state. We will reveal to each one and to you, the required physical state of their particular service to the faithful, for the duration of the millennium. After some years of service, their translated or resurrected states will seem inconsequential, for they will all be so happy and serve us with renewed vigor and strength. They will each be filled with great satisfaction and love for the service they render to their fellow brothers and sisters.

11. Each who labors in our celestial temple will also be either a resurrected celestial being, or a replicated celestial translated being. All will be celestial, for the temple and grounds are celestial. When their service in the temple is done for the day, they will return to live in their own homes in the New Jerusalem city, in either their terrestrial translated state or resurrected celestial state.

12. These things may be difficult to understand now, Raphael, but at the time they will be very natural and reasonable for each one who serves us in our celestial temple. All of our elect who live across the earth in the millennium and all who have previously been resurrected to a celestial glory up to this time or during the millennium, will go through the New Jerusalem celestial temple and receive their necessary ordinances to become even as your Heavenly Mother and I are. This is the main purpose for a thousand years of peace and rest. Your service and those who labor with you in the New Jerusalem temple, will bring immeasurable joy to every one of our elect sons and daughters!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for coming to me today and for the clarification of my Heavenly Father for my questions! I loved being before them above the treetops this morning!

14. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, stay close to us here in your unconscious state, in constant prayer today. We have more to share with you that you will recall in a future day.

15. Make this journal entry the last one in your post 174. We will confirm to each one who seeks to know if these revelations to you are from us or not, even by my Holy Ghost that will come upon them.'

16. I thanked her for her witness I felt then as I too received of her Spirit, even the Holy Ghost. I then exited their presence in my conscious mind and began my new day.