63. More on the Refugees of Lucifer
Posted 12-13-2017
Hello my friends!
These past few weeks have been more enlightening to me about the refugees of Satan who have now turned to Jesus Christ. This is such an amazing thing that has happened in heaven! I feel in wonder every time I think on it! Please pray and confirm that it is all true, and how you may be involved in this great rescue effort.
I also traveled to southern Arizona at the beginning of this month with my wife and son. We saw lots and lots of cactus–hence all of the pictures of the desert and cactus in this post! I hope you enjoy these beautiful scenes from the Arizona Sonoran desert!
Please write me as you can. There is also a promise in this post of a blessing for you if you wish to claim it. I love to respond to your questions and comments also. I have said some things in this post that you need to test and confirm that these are from God, and not myself. Please don't rely on my word only. This is your very sacred responsibility and blessing. Please take your lead from God and not man.
I think I already have enough to share another post with you soon! I will try to get this next one out sooner!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 16, 2017 Thursday
1. I have enjoyed working and living without any soreness yesterday or the day before after my prayer when I ate at Heavenly Mother's table. It seemed to be a remarkable shift in my strength. I really have felt great since then.
I prayed last night and this morning on the eastern steps leading to the Great Assembly Hall. My Heavenly Parents have come both times and were happy with me.
I asked this morning if I was sufficiently open to their direction. I asked if I had really surrendered my desire to direct my own life. I asked if I had let go of all my expectations to their desires.
2. Heavenly Mother answered me:
'Raphael, we have been able to show you great things because you have not desired your own will, but have sought to do our will. You have also mostly let go of your own expectations in your life. You have sought to see as we see, and as a result we have been able to lead you gently by our quiet voice.
3. We desire all who come unto us to quiet down their own life and to drop their expectations of what we will do for them. Communion with us, their God, requires a very open and spiritual mind and a malleable heart. One cannot be rushed or have any agenda when communing with us. We love when our child waits upon us in humility and openness. It is only then that we can lead them as we desire.'
4. I thanked her for leading me to so much in my life. I have been abundantly guided to do what they want me to do. I find the greatest happiness in following entirely their lead and direction.
I committed to both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then to do as they direct me. This is my greatest desire! I expressed my thought that I have no idea or expectation of what they may have next for me. This is as it should be! I said to them I feel very humble and open before them. I am so pleased to be in their presence so frequently. I also feel them with me during the day as I live my mortal life.
Today there was no clear direction to do anything. I felt great enjoyment just to be with them and to bask in their love and presence.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 17, 2017 Friday
1. Yesterday evening we enjoyed dinner with five guests from our neighborhood. It was fun and our house is cleaner now that we had this event!
I have been editing this new post on the refugees of Lucifer that my sister K has typed up from my journal. I am really awed by the grandeur of these events in the past two weeks!
2. Last night I basked in the presence of Jesus, Heavenly Father, and Heavenly Mother at the circling waters. There was a great feeling of peace and satisfaction from the recent converts. I don't recall any messages from God except this.
This morning I drank from the fountain of living waters before going to the white gate. I came to the gate and was admitted by Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. He was smiling–I am always impressed with the feeling of great compassion when I am with him!
3. He spoke to me briefly:
'Raphael, this is the great day of saving the elect of God! The vast numbers of converts that are now coming from Lucifer's band has been remarkable. There will be many others who come from the shadows of sin and despair, and from the numbers in mortality and in the world of departed spirits. Your work will soon turn to help orchestrate the saving of these elect too. We love you, Raphael!'
4. I humbly thanked my Savior for his assurance and the information he shared with me. I then turned and walked on the narrow gold path towards the tree of life. I plucked a fruit of that beautiful tree and a leaf. I then took these to the bench by the circling waters.
5. As I ate the fruit, I desired to expand my love more towards my neighbors, my family and the host of recent converts from Lucifer's grasp. I wanted to have no judgment towards any of these groups.
While I chewed and ate the leaf, I sought to be more and more in control of my emotions and thoughts. One of our dinner guests last night said he has been working at not being aggravated by others. He said he has settled down as he has aged, but it has taken work. He goes to a quiet place to try to think calm thoughts when he gets agitated.
6. I then knelt in front of the bench facing the circling waters. This is such a pleasant and peaceful place! I love coming here to Heavenly Mother's upper gardens in the circling waters area!
My Heavenly Parents came to me from the east. They were walking down the path and came and stood next to me. I gazed into their loving faces. I felt great love and acceptance from them!
7. I said a few things. However, I tried to clear my mind of earthly things and concerns. I wanted to just wait on them and hear what they wanted to share with me.
Heavenly Mother spoke. I actually feel I would be able to hear her words best if I was to write them down as they flowed into my mind. I have therefore written up to this point in my journal. I pray now her words will be clear as I write:
8. 'Raphael, our son, we are happy to be with you this morning. Your focus on writing in your journal has calmed your mind of earthly concerns. You are now in a quiet and clear state to hear my words as I speak them to your unconscious mind. We almost always only speak to this unconscious mind rather than your mortal conscious mind. This is why we ask our children in mortality to meditate, be open and be receptive to our quiet whisperings to their spirit. If they allow the cares of the world to crowd their conscious mind, then they will not be able to hear and feel our words.
9. Our Beloved Son mentioned to you a few moments ago that you would be involved in more rescue efforts with the elect of God. However, this would be from those in mortality and in the world of spirits. These will come in great numbers to us, particularly as the world experiences more calamity.
10. You have also learned lessons to not overextend your capacities, else your mortal body may become weak, lethargic and aching. There is a balance that you must attain when expending yourself. I will help you also by freely feeding you from my table. This has blessed you recently to come into balance again. In all of these days of service you give, you will also gain more capacity as you extend to your limits. You will know you are at your current limit by the tiredness in your mortal body.
11. These same factors are experienced by our heavenly angels who now dwell on earth. We desire all of these to press to their limits but not to exceed them. They too may come to my lower garden and eat from my table. I will gladly nourish and bless each one as they faithfully serve their Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and me.
12. Raphael, our timing on when we do our strange works is only known to us. We lead our righteous along and are fully knowledgeable of what is happening and what will happen. We see all of the events in the world and know each heart and mind of each of our children. We will extend salvation to the degree that each of our children come unto us.
13. We desire that our mortal angels let go of their thoughts to control their lives and the outcomes they suppose they can orchestrate. As they let go, surrendering their desires to us, we will lovingly lead them along in ways they could never have imagined. These ways and works will far exceed their grandest visions of joy and happiness to their souls. However, this requires the letting go and surrender of their intentions and thoughts of controlling their own lives.
14. Raphael, you have done well in surrendering your will to us. It is because of your surrender that we have given you such marvelous experiences with us in our world, our celestial realms. This is all available to every one of our mortal angels as well and to all of our children. Oh, how we love each of you!'
I felt very connected to my Heavenly Mother as she spoke to my settled mind. I love her so much! I expressed my deep thanks and love to her.
15. When I began my morning prayer, there had been a ferocious wind blowing outside. It had blown all night long. However, once Heavenly Mother started speaking to my unconscious mind, the wind ceased and there is a great calm outside. There is also a serene calm in me too. It feels so peaceful now–I want to somehow capture this before I race back into daily living again in a few minutes. I feel such a peaceful state is required for deep connection with God. It is fully worth pursuing and sacrificing for. This is what I want each day, morning and night. I feel God is near and is leading me along when I feel so connected so often.
16. My wife sent me a quote from Stephen Covey that relates to our growth: "Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender, it's holy ground. There's no greater investment.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 18, 2017 Saturday
1. Last night I had a very peaceful prayer in heaven. Nothing was said by God, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were in front of me, just north of the fountain of living waters.
This morning I communed again with both of them on the steps of the Great Assembly Hall. They were smiling and seemed happy.
2. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, the stream of new convert refugees from Lucifer's band continues to swell the numbers of those located just north of us, beyond the fir forest. You have organized the healing work and the administration to them from the healing angels and those who are resurrected. There is much rejoicing in every needy soul who arrives and these are received in great kindness and love.
3. There are also rescue efforts to bless and inspire the elect of God on the earth and in the spirit world. You are also very involved in your leadership roles among these. You have all of Enoch's band, the angels of God, and a great part of the resurrected souls working with you. These all labor in the celestial realms and make it a point not to reveal themselves directly to those they are awakening. This is fully true in the mortal telestial sphere of the earth. In the world of spirits, these who minister are seen but their identity and glory is masked so as not to reveal their identity or intention. These work for God, receiving their directions from us at the moment we give them their promptings. The 144,000 continue to be awakened on earth and in the world of the spirits. As they come unto Jesus, they become more empowered and those in mortality become translated to work in the terrestrial sphere.
4. Our great work of saving the elect of God is therefore now in full swing in the telestial, terrestrial and celestial spheres, among all of our children. These activities will also increase as calamities of all varieties come upon the earth and its inhabitants.
Your work has been mostly helping us orchestrate these actions. However, your work and mission of healing has continued in increasing amounts also.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this update of what is happening in the heavens and on the earth. I then looked into my Heavenly Mother's eyes and felt she too wanted to say something. Here are her words:
6. 'Raphael, we will continue to bless you with correct thinking as you have desired of us. You have sought to think in a way to be very open and accepting of others and in not trying to control the outcome of any situation or the behavior of any of our children. We also do not seek to control the behavior of our own children. We allow each to fully choose their course and actions. We only desire their own happiness and will reward them according to their choices. This same perspective is what we desire our children to exhibit to each other. Control and manipulation over our children has never been part of our actions.
7. Unfortunately, many of our children on earth learn these patterns of incorrect thinking in order to subjugate their fellows. You have seen this in your own family. It is our desire that our children drop such behavior and act in love unfeigned towards each other.'
8. I so appreciate the tidbits of truth from my Heavenly Mother that she so often gives in counsel and wisdom to me. I thanked her and expressed an eagerness to better control my mind and thoughts in ways pleasing to them.
The sun is shining today and I am eager to start my day.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 19, 2017 Sunday
1. This morning I awoke to another clear sunny day, with lots of frost on the fields. I feel invigorated.
I enjoyed a good prayer at the maple tree grove next to Lake Beautiful. My Heavenly Parents came to me, smiling. I shared with them my great thankfulness to have been brought to this point. I delineated much of what has happened in heaven and thanked them for sharing this with me. I confirmed the great events of the ever-growing refugees of Lucifer in the area just north of the fir forest. I am awed by the grandeur of this conversion.
I humbly submitted my entire being before God, to do and act as they wish. I feel so blessed!
2. I then gazed into the eyes of God! Heavenly Father asked me to write as he spoke to me. I have written to this point. Here are the words of my Heavenly Father I now write:
'Raphael, our son, stand and come with your Heavenly Mother and me!'
3. I stood and came between them, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. We rose up in the sky very high, even above the celestial orb on which we had been standing! We came to a place of great darkness and stillness, somewhere in the vast immensity of space. God somehow 'turned off' their light emanating from their presence. We were fully wrapped in darkness and stillness! Heavenly Father then spoke, although I couldn't see him because of the immense darkness all around:
4. 'Raphael, all around us is great darkness. We are not afraid, and haven't changed any of our thoughts about who we are or our capabilities and powers. We are fully free to move and act, to go to wherever place we may wish to travel.
5. However, the refugees of Lucifer that have recently come to us have been in a state of darkness like this. They were, however, not able to move and act like us. Instead, they believed they were fully trapped with no method of escape from the blackness and terror they continually experienced. Satan had convinced them of their unworthiness and of their obligation to follow him by perpetrating evil and control on others. They lived in fear and anxiety all the time!
6. Then we inspired you, Raphael, to speak boldly to them! You came as a brilliant angel of light, with great power and love. You gave them a glimmer of hope and of escape. You spoke of God, our Beloved Son who is full of mercy and love. You gave these desperate spirits a clear path to escape the lies and subjugation of Lucifer, their master. They had thought they had lost their agency or ability to choose. However, they knew you spoke the truth. They saw that you were more powerful than Lucifer and his lies. Many of them then sought for Jesus to come to them and rescue them from the terrors of hell.
7. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, heard their pleas and came to each one. He came to their side and his love and mercy engulfed these desperate souls! They pled to him, in the anguish of their souls, to save them! He then embraced them and forgave them. He brought them from their dark and fallen state to a place of safety and refuge.
8. These spirits were so amazed at the bright light and love of their new surroundings in heaven! They could hardly believe what they were experiencing! They kept thinking they were dreaming all of this. They still had great terror and false thinking.
9. As the light and love continued to engulf them, they started shedding the shackles of disbelief and trauma. Oh, we feel so compassionate for these with the journey they chose and the terrible experiences they endured with Lucifer and his evil tactics!'
10. Heavenly Father then took my hand and we three traveled to the top boughs of the fir trees at the edge of the area where these refugees from Lucifer had been brought. I saw people for miles and miles below me as far as my eyes could span! They were being loved, taught, healed and fully reclaimed! They were becoming happy once again like they had been in heaven before their departure with Lucifer! They were becoming a large force of goodness and love. I saw the transformation was so dramatic, over such a short amount of time! They started taking on a role of service and love, more and more, to other refugees who came. They were all soon becoming beacons of light and love themselves! They had just recently been in darkness and fear and now they were in great light and love!
11. I turned and thanked my Heavenly Father for showing me where these refugees had been and where they were now. I was so, so grateful for their rescue!
My prayer then ended. I felt so happy to have chosen the light from the beginning. I never, never want to be desperate or in darkness, even to a small degree, like these, my brothers and sisters were for so long!
12. Later after church–My wife and I went to sacrament meeting in Mapleton, to a missionary farewell of a friend. I had a few minutes to ponder before the meeting started. I felt I was in the maple tree grove facing north to Lake Beautiful. I tried going other places, but I was 'sprung' back to this location in the celestial world. We soon sang together hymn 192, "He Died, the Great Redeemer Died". While singing this hymn about the Savior, I saw Jesus Christ come into the maple grove from my left (north). He turned and stood in front of me.
Then my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother also came from the north into the maple grove. They came behind their Son, Jesus Christ and stood facing me.
13. Once the sacrament song was completed, Jesus walked to the right side of the Father. They waited there. The priest then offered the blessing on the bread. I then immediately made a covenant with my Heavenly Parents who were standing before me. I soon partook of the broken bread.
Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
14. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept the covenant you have made, to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments.
15. Raphael, we are now in an intense battle! It rages fiercely for the very souls of our children in all areas where they are located. You have seen how Lucifer has been very angered by the loss of some of his constituents to Jesus Christ. There is less than 1% of his army who have defected to our Beloved Son. The remainder has not believed as yet your recent words, but continue to believe the lies of their leader. They are raging ever strongly in this battle on the earth, both among our mortal children and in the world of the spirits on the earth. There are many too among these who believe the same lies from Satan and his minions. Many on earth believe they don't have power to change and become elevated above the sinful life they lead. Many believe they don't have a choice to change or even to come unto us, their God. They listen to the whisperings of the evil ones and believe in their words. They don't even realize Satan is real and is influencing them.
16. All of our holy angels, our resurrected celestial children, Enoch's band, these refugees of Lucifer, the 144,000 and many more good and wholesome people on the earth or in the world of the spirits are part of our righteous holy army in countering Satan's army. This battle rages on and will continue in more intensity right up to the glorious return of our Beloved Son. The stakes are high and our army is working tirelessly in helping us save our elect.'
17. I watched these three after Heavenly Father finished. I felt very honored to receive this message! When the sacrament was completed, the three Gods before me turned and left the same way they came, from the north. I was then left alone when the bishop came to the podium and announced the remainder of the meeting.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 20, 2017 Monday
1. Last night I emailed a link to my latest post #62, The Refugees of Lucifer. This morning I confirmed again that this was pleasing to my Heavenly Parents in my prayer.
While I was preparing the post last night, we were listening to Elder Oaks and Ballard in their responses to questions by the Young Single Adults. Something Elder Oaks stated disturbed me and I asked God about it in my prayer this morning. We only listened to about one quarter of the fireside.
2. I came to my Heavenly Parents in the birch tree grove this morning. I drank of the living water from the little stream there. My Heavenly Parents were before me. I gazed into their happy, smiling faces. I felt great peace.
I then thanked them for all I had seen and been shown. I felt their trust and acceptance.
Here is my question:
3. Q: Elder Oaks said we could know if our answers we receive are from God or not if they are consistent with what has already been revealed before. He said we should compare the 'revelation' to what the scriptures say and what has already been revealed to the prophets. He said God is very consistent. Is this correct?
4. Answer, from Heavenly Mother:
'Raphael, if one only compares his or her revelation to scripture or prophets, this limits our ability to reveal something new. We would have rather Elder Oaks refer to D&C 8:2-3 and D&C 9:7-9 where we explain how to recognize spiritual revelation we give to the mind and heart of our children.
5. (D&C 8:2-3:
"Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."
D&C 9:8-9:
"But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.
But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me.")
6. We have actually revealed to you not to pay tithing and not to attend church, the very example Elder Oaks mentioned that was from the wrong source. He should have talked about the need to be open to spiritual impressions and to connect to their Heavenly Father in humility and faith.
7. These two men, Elder Oaks and Ballard, have previously rejected our revelation about high priestesses because they felt it was inconsistent with previous revelations in the scriptures and to the brethren. This is why we have come to you, Raphael, who are open to our promptings and revelations.
8. We will gather our elect by spiritual revelations to their mind and hearts. They cannot rely on others or the doctrines of men, but only on this spiritual connection to us, their God. This is as we have designed the process of receiving and accepting revelation from God.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words. I felt so blessed that I have been open to their direction and trusted in my own intuition and revelations they have given me.
9. Heavenly Father then wanted me to write the words he would speak to me. I feel very directed now in writing his words:
'Raphael, we are displeased in the direction that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is currently teaching through their leaders about personal revelation. We are revealing to our children who will listen to our work, our strange work, and to our act, our strange act. We try in many ways to influence and reveal our direction to our faithful children, but many of them reject these promptings because of false teachings like promoted by Elder Oaks. These teachings are subtle, but they undermine the very foundation of revelation and connection to God. We have rejected, therefore, this church because of these sorts of teachings.
10. We require the humble, open heart and mind of our children. We desire to connect to them and to lead them gently along as we have you and these mortal angels who sustain you.
11. Speaking of our revelations:
"But those who harden their hearts in unbelief, and reject it, it shall turn to their own condemnation." (D&C 20:15)
This condemnation has brought the whole church under condemnation:
"And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all. And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon, and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say but to do according to that which I have written-that they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father's kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion. For shall the children of the kingdom pollute my holy land? Verily, I say unto you, nay." (D&C 84: 55-59)'
12. I could tell that my Father and Mother were very firm in what they said. They are displeased with these attitudes that are being taught. I thanked them for their clear direction and the strength of their answers this morning.
13. I was ready now to start my day. I then felt to kneel down again from writing in the chair in my journal. I saw then the 'hot displeasure look' on the faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I had somehow stirred up in them perhaps a subject that greatly displeased them. They were both looking beyond me to those members of the LDS church who were rejecting their revelations and who were in condemnation before them! I then felt this in my mind: "Woe to those who are condemned before God!" This is the condemnation of God! I prayed then for those good people in the LDS church who have been lulled away in carnal security because of false teachings. These are the ones whom God will scourge and who are under the judgment of God!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 21, 2017 Tuesday
1. Last night in my prayer in the birch tree grove, I asked for my Heavenly Parents for any message they might want to give me. Heavenly Father said:
'Raphael, we will give no messages tonight because you are too tired and it is late. We will give you our message in the morning!'
2. I felt very bad that I had waited until nearly midnight to connect to them! I asked for forgiveness and closed in the name of Jesus Christ. I then saw my Heavenly Parents leave in the same way as they had come to me–Heavenly Father from my left and Heavenly Mother from my right.
3. This morning I awoke and determined to go to Jesus Christ before my prayer. I drank three times from the fountain of living waters. I then walked to the white gate. Jesus opened wide the gate and immediately embraced me! He was smiling! He spoke these words:
'Raphael, my son–you and all of our hosts of heaven are fully engaged now in acting on our direction and commands. This is a mighty army of righteous and obedient souls who receive their directions from God. I have been very busy myself in bringing the humble and prayerful to places of peace and safety, and under our protective influence.
4. Walk now to the tree of life and partake of the fruit and leaf of that tree. Then meet our Heavenly Parents and myself near the sapling tree of life to the east. We have a message for you there!'
I thanked my Redeemer and turned to the straight and narrow path. I soon arrived at the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf. I walked east to the sapling tree and sat down on the ground.
5. I ate the fruit and thought of increasing my love for all my family, individually. I then chewed and swallowed the leaf and thought about cleansing my physical body of the toxins I regularly eat, unintentionally. (I have had more inflammation I think from these toxins recently).
I then faced east, and knelt just past the sapling tree of life. I called upon Elohim and Jesus Christ to come.
6. I then saw all three come from the distant pit of rocks into which the river representing Jesus Christ disappeared in the distance. They all three were soon before me, Heavenly Father in the middle, Jesus on his right and Heavenly Mother on his left.
I gazed into their faces and saw firmness and even disgust and anger. There were no smiles today! I felt very humbled and weak even, and prostrated myself before them.
Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, stand before us!'
7. I stood and looked on her. She was firm in her visage. I knew she wasn't upset at me, but had a stern message to give to me for others.
8. She spoke again:
'Raphael, we are disgusted with our elect children on the earth! Most won't let us even commune with them anymore, since they follow the whisperings of Satan. They don't take time to be still and quiet, so that they could perceive us, but rush about doing unimportant activities. Many are lulled away in carnal security as the scriptures state (see 2 Nephi 28:21). Even the leaders of our church that we have rejected are promoting many doctrines and patterns that don't bring our needy children to us.
9. You see also that our capes are blowing in the wind of change. We cannot reach our children by enticing them with soft words and gentleness. Many of our elect are also not awakened, and are asleep spiritually. We therefore will come out of our hiding place to vex the nations of the earth (D&C 101:89-92). We have waited as long as we can! We hope that during their distress our elect will finally turn to us so that we may rescue them!
10. Come now with us to the rocky pit where we have come from, to this place before you.'
I came between Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. They turned and we all four headed to the rocky pit where the river was crashing into.
11. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Let's go now into this pit. This is symbolic of the world in which you now live. As we descend, look around at the souls all around us who don't know they are in Satan's grasp and don't know the awfulness of their situation.'
12. We went into the rocky pit. I began seeing people's faces, completely void of knowing they were in sin and living apart from God. They looked like they were busy, but there was a gnaw of dissatisfaction deep in their souls. They seemed happy but it was more enjoyment in carnal security, not in feeling connected with their own self or with God. I also saw many devils around these people in the pit. The minions of Satan were having great success in persuading them to do their bidding, leading them carefully down to hell!
13. I saw great varieties of situations and feelings in these people's faces all around me. However, none were trying to be holy, but had a more cultural and social obligation to act with decorum. Inwardly they were selfish and sought pleasure.
14. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, all these you see are the elect of God who haven't yet awoken to the awfulness of their situations. We have sent our messengers to many of these, but they prefer to still listen to the evil one and the sophistries of the devil. Oh, we yearn after them!
15. We will soon send distress to them in hopes of awakening them. We love these, but they won't turn to us without the calamities that are coming soon that will come in our own time and our own way.
16. Raphael, you have been faithful, as have our angels and other servants in the spiritual realms. Prepare yourself for more service to these as we allow difficulties to come into their lives.'
17. I then was immediately kneeling by my bed! The vision was over. I felt to write all of this down. I have now adequately conveyed the vision in my journal. I pray for these elect of God to respond to God's efforts in saving them from their awful situation!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 22, 2017 Wednesday
1. We enjoyed a good day yesterday. I am looking forward to family today, tomorrow on Thanksgiving and also Friday. We have so much to be thankful for!
Last night I had my prayer in front of the font of living water in heaven. My Heavenly Parents both came quickly to me. I gazed into the smiling faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I felt so blessed. Heavenly Mother spoke a few words to me that I now can't remember! This is a lesson to me to write these down at the time they were given! I value all their words so much. I am now recommitting to writing all of their promptings and words to me at the moment they give them to me!
2. I am learning so much from them! The revelations and associations with them have been so important in shaping me as a person! I feel very blessed and so thankful to them.
3. Yesterday I talked to my sister K on the phone. She shared with me her journal entry of a blessing I gave her as voice, in the presence of our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ. She sent this to me and I feel impressed to share her sweet entry in its entirety here:
4. K's Journal Entry November 17, 2017
"After partaking of the living water at the New Jerusalem fountain, I went to the white gate where Jesus Christ welcomed me and we embraced. I told him I was so happy for all the souls he has ransomed, especially the 600 million (at least) defectors from Satan's hosts. He said he was very happy. I asked if it is true that I am blessed to be one of the healing angels administering to those many souls in a replicated state. He confirmed that is true. That pleases me very much as it is my heart's desire to do whatever I can within my reach to comfort, soothe, encourage, empower teach, uplift, heal, rescue and protect those in need. I want to do that. And I want to be fully FAITH-FULL and obedient in every way. He assured me I would have many opportunities for that which I seek and I am doing it now.
5. I went forth on the straight and very narrow path without incident and met my brother Raphael at the tree where we happily embraced. I partook of the fruit and leaf and we went together to the area north of the Great Assembly Hall near the fir forest on a bench and ate.
6. He said 'Come Rachael my sister' and we went to where the masses of souls were who were being healed, comforted and taught. It was a vast huge incomprehensible (in size) throng that I discerned.
Raphael confirmed that my spirit had replicated itself and was very busy working with these humble happy and grateful refugees.
7. I then told Raphael. that it was my desire to see and experience more of the eternal truths and visions. I asked him for a blessing to help remove my stumbling blocks. I know some of them are:
lack of focus
old habits
lack of concentration
weak faith
lack of diligence
8. I truly pray for these weaknesses to become strengths. Those strengths would be:
clear purpose
new habits
9. Raphael then had me sit on the bench and he stood behind me. Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came also and Raphael offered a blessing while in their presence (with his hands on my head).
10. 'My beloved sister, Rachael, you have sought a blessing from me, your brother, Raphael. Your heart's desire is to serve faithfully and to become more open to the visions, perceptions and truths of your purpose in the eternal celestial realms and in your mortal body.
We are pleased that those are the desires of your heart.
My sister, you are one of God's choice daughters. You have perceived only a dim inkling of your role as a healing angel and archangel of the elements.
11. By the power I hold and in the presence of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, I say unto your cells in mortality to awake! Arise and remember your perfect wholeness! Arise and connect more fully each day to the wisdom and intelligence within you to connect to your highest spirit self that is in full service to God.
12. I bless your spirit, your physical mind and capacity to open, stretch, to see beyond the earth plane and to understand and comprehend TRUTH. As you seek and desire with all your heart, so shall it be.
13. Your Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ know and love you. They are with you always. Fear not. Doubt not. Be of full faith and love and you will know that which you seek and see that which you desire to see.
Your focus, concentration, discernment, understanding and sight will grow. You are blessed and you are a great blessing to others.
Be in peace.
I pronounce this blessing upon you in the name of Jesus Christ and in his and your Heavenly Parents' presence.
14. I then embraced Raphael, then Heavenly Mother, then Jesus, then Heavenly Father. They all love me and were pleased." (End of K's entry).
15. K had mentioned there were now 600 million who had turned from Lucifer's domination to Jesus Christ! I am sure we will continue to see this vast number still rise dramatically in coming days. This is an all-out battle for every soul! I am so glad that my journey has not been with Satan as these new converts experienced!
This morning I prayed again at the fountain of living waters. I came to the fountain and drank three times of its water. I then came 20 feet or so before the fountain, giving space for my Heavenly Parents to come between it and me.
16. Soon, I was gazing again with my spiritual eyes into the happy faces of my Heavenly Parents! I looked at myself through the eternity eyes of Heavenly Father. I saw a humble and weak son of Heavenly Father. I also saw great potential and a determined soul. I saw that my persistence has been rewarded by being blessed to come into their presence.
As I looked at myself through the eternity eyes of Heavenly Mother, I was struck with the great love and compassion she has for me! I felt an immediate connection and deep love for her! I then came in front of Heavenly Mother and she spoke to me:
17. 'Raphael, you have seen how your Heavenly Father and I view you, our son. We see all of your weaknesses and current state of spiritual maturity. We also see your strengths and potential. We are able to see you into the future as well, to the very strong and capable man of God you are becoming. This is true also of our view of each of our children.
18. When we chose our selected intelligences to be our sons and daughters, we could see into their future and their potential as well. This does not limit their agency and power to choose. We only reveal to our beloved child that which will serve them best, and encourage them in their growth and progress.
19. Raphael, what your sister Rachael shared with you yesterday from her journal entry is true. She too is destined to become a very capable and powerful angel of God! You gave her a blessing under our inspiration and direction.
20. We desire that all the angels who sustain you also come to the bench by the edge of the fir forest, north of our Great Assembly Hall. As they come, they may ask for a blessing under your hand as well. We too will come as we did for your sister. You will not remember in your conscious mind these happenings but they will be allowed to recall and experience this in their conscious mind. In this way we will strengthen and bless them through you, our archangel in these last days.'
21. I felt deeply honored for this opportunity to give blessings and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her confidence and love. I then felt my work on earth pull me in my conscious mind. I felt I would stay near them at the fountain and receive further directions that I am not privy to in my conscious mind.
I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.
I wish that those mortal angels who do receive a blessing in the future to please share this also with me by email. I would think too, if they each concur, to share this with our small group so that we all would be strengthened.
22. Later, at evening prayer:
My Heavenly Parents came to me tonight by the fountain of living waters. They seemed very happy to be with me. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we enjoy immensely coming to you twice each day, to connect with your conscious mind. You are fully involved in these celestial realms, in directing much of the work here. We direct you throughout the day and you, in turn, lead in the things we show you to do.'
23. I felt so satisfied just to bask in their presence! It is a continual joy that brings deep peace and satisfaction to my soul.
I then retired to bed. It should be a very enjoyable day tomorrow for Thanksgiving.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 23, 2017 Thanksgiving
1. I awoke early this morning, determined to give thanks to God in my prayer. I was on the granite cliff in the upper gardens of Heavenly Mother. I drank of the living water from her mountain stream. I then came to the white gate to first give my thanks to Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer.
He opened the gate and shut it after me. I knelt before him and thanked him abundantly for all he had given me! I expressed deep gratitude to be able to be cleansed by his power and to be able to come into his presence so frequently. He smiled at me and accepted my gratitude.
2. I then remembered a question from M.A. about the resurrection. She had the thought that the resurrection of the righteous had continued after his resurrection, even until now. I asked him about this.
3. He then asked me to read what the scriptures spoke of. I opened my LDS Tools on my phone and read every verse in the topical guide to the scriptures, the bible dictionary and the guide to the scriptures on the resurrection. I then realized there would be a shout of an archangel and also a sounding of a trumpet of an angel prior to those who were in their graves to be awakened and resurrected. I knew Moroni was resurrected, but that he died after Christ was resurrected. I believe that Joseph Smith, too, was resurrected. I then wondered why the three Nephites and John the Beloved weren't resurrected, but translated, awaiting the day of their resurrection until later.
4. Jesus then asked me to write the words he would speak to me. Here are his words:
'Raphael, after I was resurrected, being the first fruits of the dead who were resurrected, there was a general first resurrection of the righteous who had died up to that time. The visions shown to President Joseph F. Smith in D&C 138:12-19, 51, are accurate. These just and holy spirits were the ones who came forth first as a group in the resurrection of the just.
5. Since that time there have been others who have also been resurrected. These include Moroni and Joseph Smith, both who died in mortality. They couldn't be translated, but were resurrected, also as part of the First Resurrection, or the resurrection of the just. There have been others who have been resurrected since my own resurrection, each for various reasons and missions. However, the far greater part of the just are not yet resurrected, but reside in the paradise of God in the world of the spirits.
6. There will be a general resurrection of those who are just who reside in the paradise of God at the time of my second coming to the earth (D&C 45:45). These look forward to the time of their resurrection like those did when I met them in the spirit as explained in D&C 138. At the sound of the trumpet of God, these will come forth as newly resurrected souls to meet me in the clouds of heaven as I descend to the earth in my glorious second coming.
7. After I come to the earth to rule and reign on the earth for one thousand years, there will also be those who are resurrected. When the just die, they will immediately be resurrected, all through the millennial day.
8. At the end of the millennium, after all the righteous are resurrected to a celestial glory, the angel will sound again his trump of God and the remainder of the dead will all come forth in the second resurrection (D&C 29:26). This will be for those who do not attain the glory of the celestial, but are of the terrestrial and the telestial. These will stand to be judged of their works at that time.
9. There has been a large group of translated souls like yourself, who will not be resurrected until later. These are translated for a mission they have which requires translation. Enoch and his group are translated and will be resurrected at my second coming. The mortal angels will remain translated throughout the millennial day and will be resurrected at the end of the thousand years. There will be others who receive their translation or resurrection at various times, depending on their assignments and mission. My Beloved Son, John the Beloved, will be resurrected at the beginning of the millennium.
10. Raphael, we wish for you and the holy mortal angels to administer the ordinances for the Church of the Firstborn in your translated mortal state. You will administer to many who are resurrected. These ordinances are to be part of the terrestrial earth in the celestial city of the New Jerusalem with those who are translated to a celestial state. This is the reason why you and the mortal angels will need to wait until the end of the millennium to receive your glorious celestial resurrections.'
11. I thanked my Redeemer for these clarifying words of truth about the resurrection! I feel very satisfied in his response. I stood, held both of his hands in mine and then turned to walk on the straight and narrow path towards the tree of life.
12. I arrived at the tree and plucked of the fruit and leaf. I felt so very grateful to be able to come here at will whenever I now desired! I took them to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden.
I ate these in preparation for my communion with my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I prayed next, kneeling on the rock and facing due west to the temple in the far distance.
13. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me in a beam of light from their temple! They came to me, standing in the air in front of me.
I gazed into their glorious happy faces! I then profusely thanked them for everything I could think of! I thanked them to be their son and to have their image in my countenance. I thanked them for the abundant love and knowledge they continue to pour out upon me! I thanked them to have chosen me to be an angel of God with important responsibilities, acting under their direction. I felt so very grateful for all!
14. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we accept your humble gratitude, and your words this morning. We love you, our son! We will continue to bless you with direction and great revelations.'
15. I then felt my conscious communion with them was done and I needed to come back to a normal state on earth. However, I felt I continued to receive direction from my Heavenly Parents in my unconscious mind. I truly do dwell in the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother continually in my unconscious mind!
16. Later: It is now after 11:00 PM and I am getting ready for my evening prayer. I settled down and prepared myself. I came to the granite cliff again, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area.
In my prayer, my Heavenly Parents both came. I gazed at them and felt love and warmth from their glorious presence. They smiled at me. This was the only communication I received. I felt pleased to connect with them there.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 24, 2017 Friday
1. This morning I awoke early and felt to go to Heavenly Mother's lower garden at her glass table. I knelt and prayed northwards. My Heavenly Parents came quickly and then Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, sit up at my table and eat! You will need the added strength and nourishment my foods provide you in the days soon ahead!'
I sat upon the chair and she placed before me a plate with hearty bread cut into slices with berries on it. I ate all of it and was filled. She then gave me a beautiful peach which I also ate. Now I was very full! I was as stuffed as I was yesterday at Thanksgiving! I said:
2. 'Mother, I am so full to where I cannot eat any more! I thank thee for such tasty and filling foods thou has prepared for me!'
She seemed very pleased. They then left to go to the river by God's temple representing her that flowed gently south. I was left at the table alone and wrote all this down in my pocket journal.
3. Once done, I prayed again to my Heavenly Parents, asking why I needed to eat today, even to being so very full. Heavenly Mother's voice then came into my mind:
'Raphael, I have brought you to my table and have filled you fully with food I prepared. This nourishment has all gone to your body cells and is stored there. You will soon need this added strength for your work in the celestial realms, my son.'
I thanked her again and started my day.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 25, 2017 Saturday
1. We enjoyed a very fun and happy Thanksgiving over the past two days with our family. We had family events both days. I ate till very full both days.
Last night and this morning I felt to go to Heavenly Mother's lower garden area at the glass table area. I faced west this time as I prayed. Last night I enjoyed the presence of my Heavenly Parents, but I ate no food.
2. This morning I first teleported to the fountain of living water and then to the white gate. When I came to the gate it was wide open. I entered to a smiling and happy Jesus Christ there! He shut the gate after I entered. Jesus then spoke to me:
3. 'Raphael, I am glad you came this morning to me. You have recently eaten at the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. Go there again today and she will feed you more in preparation for your intensive work in the celestial realms in the near future. Also, the videos you were watching of Jonathan Cahn were true. There is a clear paradigm that we have revealed to him between ancient wicked Israel leaders and modern-day leaders.'
(Jonathan Cahn videos on the Paradigm: Jonathan Cahn - The Paradigm, and Jonathan Cahn - The Paradigm Part 2.)
4. I thanked Jesus for his messages. I also asked him to increase my perceptions of what I experience and perceive in my unconscious mind. He said he would help me perceive more clearly. He said that the link or connection between my conscious and unconscious mind could not be forced and that I was to just let the subtle impressions and perceptions flow freely. These are like whispers, subtle intuitions that just come into my mind. I was to let them come without questioning their source. After these come and my thoughts are clarified, mostly by writing them down, then I can verify all of them in prayer. There is a delicate balance of revelation that just comes as I prepare my mind in a prayerful and meditative state. This is how it is meant to be experienced.
5. I again thanked Jesus, my Redeemer, for these beautiful insights. I arose from my knees and we embraced. I love looking into his face! He is so compassionate and tender, particularly in his eternity eyes!
I turned then and walked on the straight and narrow gold path leading to the tree of life. I made sure I was holding onto the rod of iron next to me.
6. I felt that there were beautiful vistas today along the path. Although I wanted to stop and explore, I kept walking. When I arrived at the tree, I looked back from where I came. I then saw that these beautiful vistas each had some treacherous gulf or dangerous obstacle that I couldn't see from the path! I was glad I had held tight to the iron rod and not been dissuaded by my curiosity.
7. I plucked then a white fruit and a leaf from the tree of life. I brought these with me to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I sat on one of the glass chairs there and ate first the fruit. I sought to increase my love towards all those I meet. I wanted to be genuinely interested in them and their well-being. I then ate of the leaf of the tree of life. I asked in my mind while I chewed and swallowed it, that my physical body be revived and strengthened so that I could fulfill any mission I might be asked to do from God.
8. As I have been doing this, I kept feeling my mission was going to soon take the pattern of Elijah in the bible. These thoughts have been coming to me last night and this morning. I have not been pushing them away but just letting them settle . As yet I don't know if this is my doing or impressions from God.
I then read a little bit in the bible dictionary and the bible on the life of Elijah, the prophet. This was in my minds as I knelt in prayer to my Heavenly Parents at the glass table this morning.
My Heavenly Parents then came up a path from the west until they came in front of me. They were pleasant and intent on something but were not smiling much. I think they were happy with me, but intent on doing something with me.
9. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, sit up now at the glass table and your Heavenly Mother will give you of her food.'
I then sat up at the chair, facing north next to the glass table. Heavenly Mother then came and brought me a little cake and a cruse of water. She spoke:
10. 'Raphael, this is the same type of food that you gave to our prophet Elijah when you appeared to him as an angel of God as recorded in 1 Kings 19:5-7. Take it now and eat all of the cake and drink all of the water.'
11. 1 Kings 19:5-7–
"And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.
And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again.
And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.
I then ate the little cake and drank of the living water in the cruse. The cake was hearty and extremely filling to my soul.
12. When I was done, Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, come again tomorrow morning to my table and I will give you another cake to eat and a cruse of living water to drink. I will do this "because the journey is too great for thee" (1 Kings 19:7). This is what you spoke to our prophet Elijah anciently. Now his life and interaction with the people in his day will be a type for you and will be repeated in part in your future mission.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her cake and cruse of water that she gave me. I felt very full and very satisfied, like I didn't need to ever eat again!
She then turned and joined Heavenly Father. They then held hands and walked down the path from where they had come earlier. They soon were out of sight. I realized my prayer was finished this morning. I am left pondering the meaning of all of this as I now start my day.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 26, 2017 Sunday
1. Last night I was creating an audio/video of #43 "Cover Up!" and I had a strong desire to look at cliff jumping images on the Internet. There were some inappropriate images that pulled strongly at me, stronger than I had ever before experienced. I wondered if a false spirit was giving me these strong impressions. I soon was able to drop all of this and finished up my audio work on the Cover Up post.
2. This morning I came to the glass table again and prayed, facing south. My Heavenly Parents came from a path to the south and Heavenly Father stood to my left. He first reached his hand into my head and removed a strong false spirit that had tempted me last night while I was on my computer. Somehow his hand went into my replicated celestial body and then into my mortal conscious mind where the spirit had lodged, hidden from me somehow. This action cleared me of that wicked spirit. I was clear again. I don't know how it wiggled past the 24 warrior angels who were around me. Maybe they let him enter in order to have God teach me something.
3. By this time Heavenly Mother came to my left side and Heavenly Father asked me to sit again at her table on the chair. I sat and pulled up the chair to the table, facing south. Heavenly Mother then brought another hearty small cake on a plate and a small cruse of living water. She spoke:
'Raphael, eat of the food that I have brought to you "because the journey ahead is too great for thee" (1 Kings 19:7).'
4. I started eating and became very quickly full. I spoke:
'My mother, I am already so full!'
'Eat it all, Raphael, for you need nourishment in a day soon at hand. This will go to your body cells' energy to be used in the celestial realms because of your journey and activity in a future day.'
I then finished off the small cake and drank the entire cruse of living water. I felt very, very full!
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:
'Yesterday on the narrow path to the tree of life you were tempted by your own curiosity to go visit appealing vistas off the path. You continued, however, walking steadily on the path towards the tree of life. Last night you were also tempted to look at images you sought not. You resisted and shut your computer.
7. There will be one more temptation that you will have difficulty recognizing today or tomorrow. It is about speaking ill of other people.
In all of these temptations, when you think on them, turn to your God, either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, or myself and think of us and seek to see our faces. You will then know if this thought is from us or not. This will bring you to your right mind and keep you focused on your mission and journey we desire you to pursue.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother that she is always nearby ready to guide me! I asked for her forgiveness of my great weaknesses. I prayed for strength and her presence to be near me always. I prayed that I would be able to have the courage and strength to take whatever journey they wish me to take in the near future.
I then ended my prayer and started my mortal day on earth.
9. Later–I went to church today with my wife to a local ward. As we got into the sacrament portion of the meeting, I found myself kneeling in front of the fountain of living waters. When I knelt, I could 'see' Heavenly Father before me in the middle with Heavenly Mother on his left side and Jesus on his right side. I was facing south. These three Gods were standing before me with pleasant looks, watching me.
10. I made my covenant once I received the bread. Once I ate, then Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept your covenant you have made today. We have designed the ordinance of the sacrament to keep our believing children, our elect in every age that this ordinance was available on the earth, to connect to us and to know of their standing before their God. This is also a way for us to empower our children on the earth.
11. I have fed you from my glass table yesterday and today. I fed you a small cake and a cruse of living water both days. The nourishment from this food is now in all cells of your celestial replicated body. You will need this energy in a time soon in the future.'
12. At this time the priests offered the blessing on the water. I then made another covenant with my Heavenly Parents and I then addressed my Savior who was also before me:
'Oh, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, I ask thee to forgive me of my sins and great weaknesses because of my flesh. I desire to be cleansed and pure before thee!'
Jesus responded:
13. 'Raphael, my son, I freely forgive you of your sins and weaknesses. The weakness of the flesh is common to all in the telestial mortal world in which you live. I will forgive all who come unto me and I will make their weaknesses become strong unto them.'
(See Ether 12:27–"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.").
14. I looked at the three Gods before me. They were compassionate and looked so lovingly towards me. I felt the light of their countenances upon me, their son.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 27, 2017 Monday
1. Last night after dinner I was on my computer as was my wife and daughter. Each of us was busy in our own activity in the front room. Our son was at the table still eating the evening meal. He was continually trying to engage us and speaking frequently. All I wanted, however, was a little quiet time.
2. My wife got up and suggested we play a game together. I agreed readily and we played "Spot It", a fast moving visual recognition game that is fun. Each time either my wife or I won the matching turn, A. would say 'way to go' or 'good job'. It became very annoying. We realized he did this when playing with others, like he does on dates. Therefore, my wife told him this behavior was very annoying to others. I then jumped in and agreed. We asked him to stop congratulating us each time one of us won the hand. He really had a hard time doing this and we both kept correcting him when he said congratulation words to us. I think he then felt bad he couldn't stop saying these types of praises to us that were annoying. He kept asking if his behavior was really annoying to others. We kept saying 'Yes, it is very annoying when you say it each time. Please try to stop!' I think he felt bad and we kept correcting him. This all soon stopped when he won the entire round.
3. When we went to bed later, my wife said she felt bad for the way she interacted with our son in the game. I, however, hadn't recognized this as a faulty behavior, only something that we said as a gentle correction to him. Now I see it wasn't doing any good anyway and only made our son feel criticized.
4. In my morning prayer today I realized suddenly when Heavenly Mother was before me that I had been in the wrong. I had been tempted to criticize my own son and had not turned to God to think of them, to see if my thoughts and actions towards my son were helpful or from them. I had just acted fully on my own and had repeatedly criticized my own son, whom I love. His brain injury had prevented him from changing and although mildly aggravating to me, I should have acted in more kindness and love.
5. I asked my Heavenly Mother to forgive me! I felt bad to have been so critical. I said to her I would try harder to ask her and Heavenly Father about the correctness of my thoughts and feelings more often. I want to really do as they wish and not let myself be carried about with misdirected thinking.
6. During my prayer this morning, I asked also how my future journey would be like that of Elijah's. Heavenly Father then brought Elijah the Tishbite into our circle. He appeared in a heavy beard with rough clothes on, probably how he looked on earth. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, you will take a journey in the celestial realms and confront leaders of your day, much like I did anciently when I interacted with King Ahab and his servants.'
I then had received my answer. I will wait and see what happens!
7. Later: I want to finish my prayer notes from this morning. When I started my prayer this morning, Heavenly Father came from my left side and Heavenly Mother from my right side. They extended both of their hands to me and I took both of their hands and stood up. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother took each other's free hands and we were in a tight circle. When Heavenly Father brought Elijah into the circle, he let go of Heavenly Mother's hand and opened the circle into a U-shape and then Elijah came in front of us, before the fountain of living water.
8. When Elijah ended speaking, he then turned and left at the east side of the fountain. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother stayed with me. However, I had to leave the prayer since my day in mortality beckoned me. I believe I stayed with my Heavenly Parents and kept being in their presence next to the fountain of living water.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 28, 2017 Tuesday
1. A couple of weeks ago we were in Costco and met our son's family there by accident! It was fun to be with the whole family. We then saw a tall man who had a full-length white beard. I told my wife that he looked like Santa Claus! We talked to him and he was a Santa Claus! He showed us pictures of himself in his suit with his wife, Mrs. Claus. We took pictures of our grandkids with him that day at Costco.
2. When leaving, my wife said I should try to grow a beard and see if it would be white like his! This season would be a perfect time of the year. I then started growing a beard and it is white! Anyway, I am writing all of this because of my curious interaction with Elijah yesterday who was called a hairy man in the scriptures (2 Kings 1:8). When he appeared before me yesterday he had a full beard, brownish colored I think. I wondered if my growing a beard now was anything relating to my link with Elijah.
3. This morning after talking to my wife, I came to the adjacent room to pray. I had gone to a point when Heavenly Mother asked me to write it all down and that there would be more given to me also as I wrote. Here goes–
4. When I prayed last night and this morning, I came to Heavenly Mother's upper garden next to the rock wall that was pocketed with holes with hanging flowers growing. It was such a beautiful setting, the flowers, a mountain stream and sapling trees and animals all around! I knelt facing south right next to the stream and leaned forward and drank of living water from the stream. I then prayed and invited my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
5. They both came from the other side of the stream and walked around the sapling trees to a location right above the stream in front of me. I gazed into their loving faces. I spent time looking at their faces, robes and hands. I saw that Heavenly Mother had parted hair with no bangs on her face. She had a large smile and sparkling eyes! I went into her eyes and saw myself kneeling before her. I saw I was clear and pure in all of my motives. I also seemed a little stronger too than last time I saw myself through God's eyes. It seems this happens as I spend time in their presence.
6. I came back to myself and addressed them both in humble prayer. I thanked them so much for the privilege to be in their presence and to be able to see them with my spiritual eyes. I felt very honored for this time to be with them.
I prayed for loved ones who were struggling. I sought to have no expectation at all and to not conjure up any idea of what might lie ahead in my future or in that of the world around me. I than asked that God then speak to me and I waited.
7. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to come before you today. It is good that you have very few expectations before us, for we will give you our directions at the moment we need you to act. Any expectations you would have would be your own ideas and would not be the future you would have thought. Nobody knows how we will act or the way we will do our great work until we act. It is only God who knows.
8. We are also pleased that you are growing a beard now, for this is the image we wish you to portray in the future.
As you come unto us, we do greatly strengthen you by virtue of being in our presence. We are also instructing you daily on the operation and leadership roles that you have. This is all done in our celestial realms and you are not aware of these things in your mortal conscious mind.
9. We are also pleased that you are creating the audio recordings of your web posts back to the time that you became aware that you are really Raphael, our archangel. This will provide another way for those who have access to these web posts and sustain you to review the large volumes of information we have poured out upon you. We will continue to do so. It is good too that your sister is able to type up your writings so that you may be free to receive more. There will be many days ahead of intense activity for you and all of our mortal angels.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his pertinent and warm words he gave me today. I felt so comfortable to be in his presence! I am so glad that I have open connections with my unconscious mind where all of this is received.
11. I then looked at my Heavenly Mother who was about to speak to me next. Here are her words:
'Raphael, our son, we are pleased to meet with you in this heavenly setting in my upper gardens. I love mountain streams with gurgling water and the mountain plants and animals. We create places in heaven that we have loved while living in mortality. I would often wander in the mountains while on earth during my mortal probation. There is great peace in the mountains for me! I love the crisp days and clear skies!
12. You have looked at my hands when we first came unto you this morning. These hands are my same hands that grew to maturity in my mortal experience and were resurrected as part of my celestial body. I have used my hands extensively in caring for the myriads of children your Father and I have brought forth, first on an earth and then in our exaltation. I have cradled billions and billions of newborn children, raised them and cared for them in loving ways–all with both of my hands. These hands never grow tired of the service I give and the deep love I share!
A Barn owl flying as part of the raptor show at the desert museum
13. These hands also heal when I touch and bless my children. It is good that your website is named "God's Loving Healing Hands"! The image of the hands you have painted on your website are those of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He has learned all his loving healing ways from Heavenly Father and myself. He exemplifies all that we are and how we love and act. Through his example and love we will bring our elect, who follow our ways, to a place where we live in eternity. This is the most satisfying happy life that can ever be!'
14. She then reached for me with both of her loving hands! I took them and stood before her. She pulled me close and embraced me so lovingly! She kissed me on my lips and I seemed to go inside of her very being! I was filled with such joy and resplendent happiness, even to bursting!
15. Heavenly Mother then held me with both of her hands on my shoulders in front of me. She took my right hand in her left and walked with me in her beautiful mountain paradise! Heavenly Father came next to my left side and walked next to us too. I then lost where we were going, for I was so taken by the supreme bubbling happiness I felt!
This ended my prayer this morning! I feel so overjoyed by this choice experience. I am very satisfied and deeply happy now as I start a new day!
N. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 29, 2017 Wednesday
1. This morning I prayed at the very end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden at the start of her mountain stream. There was the granite cliff coming out of the water where I have recently prayed. Today I was down by the gurgling water facing west towards the path that came there. I drank of living water and then opened my prayer. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
2. They both came, walking up the path I was facing. They were talking and Heavenly Mother had her arm around Heavenly Father's bent arm, at his elbow. He was on her right side.
When they came to me kneeling there, they stopped and smiled at me. I gazed on each of them and felt so glad to be back in their presence!
3. I thanked them for the great opportunity to be with them again, to feel of their acceptance and love. I then waited upon them, seeking their words, whatever they might say.
4. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write the words she would speak to me. She said that she would answer some of S.A.'s questions that she had emailed me last night:
'Raphael, our son, I would like to address S.A.'s first question about genetics and personality.'
5. (Her question: "I thought that children can get genetic personality traits from their earthly parents and ancestors as part of their genetic makeup. Is this true or is their personality solely what they came with from their premortal character? I give unto men weakness–so these weren't ours, but were given to us for a mortal test? What is the scripture they without us and we without them can't be made perfect really about?")
6. From Heavenly Mother again:
'When our spirit child is ready to come to earth to receive their mortal physical body, they had developed great skills in controlling their own spirits so that they can operate their new physical body. They have developed their own personality also up to that point. They have progressed to a point where they cannot move forward towards perfection without their physical body and the experience that mortal life affords.
7. We send our beloved children into situations where they inherit, in their physical environment, their physical body that has been created from their parents and ancestors. These have weaknesses due to their fallen telestial state and these imperfections are passed to our spirit child who has just been born. Our new child in mortality is also affected by the patterns of living from their parents and the culture and environment they grow up in. their previous spirit strengths and personality becomes often partially hidden as our child grows to maturity. Weaknesses of the flesh become interwoven into their being. Their spirit still controls their actions, but has been extremely molded by the circumstances in their new mortal world, particularly since we give each one a veil of forgetfulness. This veil shields from their developing conscious mind their well-developed unconscious mind.
8. Over the course of living and growing, we provide for our child many experiences and situations to see how they respond. Some will become carnal, sensual and devilish (see Moses 5:13). Others are more sensitive to spiritual impressions and follow more their own conscience, or their unconscious mind. We test and try them in this fallen state and give them valuable lessons they could not have gained in their previous celestial environment.
9. We seek to awaken them to their unconscious mind by giving them impressions and promptings to act in goodness and love. Those who respond to our promptings are our elect.
10. When our child comes into mortality, they receive the genetic makeup of their earthly parents and ancestors in both physical features and in some personality issues. These are due to their physical inheritance. However, their physical traits and looks grow into the look of their spirit, so that when they are grown to maturity they look like their spirit inside them. There may be defects in the flesh that affect this outcome. Their personality becomes a combination of their premortal personality and the one created and shaped while growing up on earth.
11. Raphael, when you were young, your personality included timidity due mostly to a very strong father figure whom you feared to some degree. This timidity has lessened as you matured and as you awakened to your true self, your unconscious mind self that you developed in the premortal life. You did not have experiences in loving and serving openly the people around you earlier in your life. However, this has now changed too, and you are now outwardly loving and warm. This has come from your experiences in your family, church, business, and living through trauma. You are now a bold and loving instrument in our hands. Your premortal personality is now coming more and more forward in your being, living in the telestial physical world.
12. S.A. asked a question about they without us and us without them cannot be made perfect (see D&C 128:15). This refers to the sealing of children to parents in the temple. This has been done in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and will continue to be performed in the Church of Christ in the future. This ordinance allows the eternal sealings in family relationships to be perpetuated in eternity for those who are worthy. This is part of the perfection of our sons and daughters and is what this scripture is referring to. It does not refer to personality or physical attributes.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words. I so love her and Heavenly Father's answers–how direct they are. I hope this answers S.A.'s questions on this topic.
I am now feeling the pull of mortal life and I need to consciously start my day. I long to continue with my Parents in this lovely setting in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area!"
14. Later: In my prayer tonight I met Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother near the same place on the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I looked carefully at their eyes, their eternity eyes. They were so penetrating and deep! I had looked at a website tonight named Crystal Children, referred to me by M.A. . She wondered if these 'crystal children' were true or not. I read the article and then looked up crystal children eyes on the Internet. This made me think about my Heavenly Parents' eyes when I gazed into their eyes tonight, they were extremely deep and clear!
15. I asked if there was anything to these crystal children being real. Heavenly Father replied and asked me to write his response:
'Raphael, the term crystal or indigo children is really an indication of the higher spiritual propensities of many of our children who are now coming forth to earth. These have developed a love and spiritual intuneness to us, their Heavenly Parents, before ever coming to their mortal experience. However, like all the rest of humanity, they need to be tested and receive valuable lessons from their mortal experience. Some of these who are very choice to us have special missions and callings in helping the world transition to a higher state, even to a terrestrial environment.
16. The notion that these spirits are really 'old' when compared to others is generally not true. Also, the idea that they have been reincarnated from other beings or things is also not accurate. All those who come to earth as human beings have had a premortal experience in our celestial world as our beloved sons and daughters. Memories from this previous life are confused in the minds of some as a reincarnation experience. Any memories they may have received usually are from their premortal experiences, although some may be deceived by evil spirits who create these notions in the minds of mortals they possess.'
17. I felt enlightened by my Heavenly Father's words! I thanked him for his answer. I expressed great love towards him and Heavenly Mother. I then went to bed.
O. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 30, 2017 Thursday
1. The weather here in Utah is dry and unseasonably warm. We haven't even had snow where I live!
This morning I felt to go to Jesus Christ at the white gate. I wanted to ask Jesus a few more questions from S.A..
2. When I knelt to pray I was in the same location as last night, not far from the end of the path in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, near the granite cliff. I was still in the presence of my Heavenly Parents who were before me. I thought of Jesus coming and he then came up the path and stood on the left side of Heavenly Mother. They all three were before me! I had no need to go to the white gate or the tree of life now.
3. I thanked them immensely for being before me in my morning prayer! I then asked Jesus S.A.'s question, "If Heavenly Father wasn't the savior of his world, then what about the scripture where Christ says I can do nothing but what I have seen the Father do, in reference to being sacrificed?" (See John 5:19-20 'Then answered Jesus and said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do, for what things so ever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son and sheweth him all things that himself doeth; and he will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.' (See also John 8:28).
4. Jesus answered my question:
'These words in the book of John refer to me following the pattern of living of my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother who stand before you this day. They also refer to me following in obedience to my Heavenly Parents the directions they gave me while in mortality. I taught and lived their way of happiness, their gentle and loving manners, and they showed through me, their Beloved Son, their love for all mankind. This scripture was not meant to include that I would follow my Father in being the chosen Redeemer of the world for all his children. That was a unique calling only I received. Our Father was not a Redeemer or Messiah on the earth when he and Heavenly Mother lived. During the time of my suffering for the sins of mankind, my Father and Mother were near to me, continually showing me love and acceptance for the great mission of redemption I was fulfilling. You, Raphael, also came to me as the angel of comfort and blessing while I suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane. You acted as the conduit for their healing to me in my most difficult moments.'
5. I thanked my Savior for these words and for the fulfillment of his mission of the Messiah. I felt so deeply grateful to him!
I then asked S.A.'s next question " Why do some of thy children have the same premortal names? How do they select names?"
6. Heavenly Mother answered this question. She asked me to write her words as she spoke:
'Raphael, when our spirit children were growing in my womb, your Father and I usually named them. Some we named shortly after they were born as baby spirits. There were some names that were repeated, but we chose and knew each one as our unique sons and daughters.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words.
I then had to close my prayer due to the needs of my mortal life and appointments and activities today. I prayed for the safety of our trip and those in need around me. I felt deeply connected to God–all three today!
P. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 2, 2017 Saturday
1. It has been much more difficult for me to connect effectively with my Heavenly Parents in prayer. We are all so close together in the car or hotel room that there is little time for meditation and prayer.
After we retired to bed early last night, I did have a good prayer, however. I felt I should go to the sapling tree of life, so I intended to go to the white gate and see and visit first with Jesus Christ.
2. I drank from the fountain of living water before going to him. This seemed to enlighten me more so I could effectively see in this celestial world better through my conscious mind. I came to the white gate where Jesus Christ was waiting for me. I went on my knees and shared with him my thanks for my mortal day and other things. He then spoke to me:
3. 'Raphael, it is good that you have come to me prior to praying to our Heavenly Parents near the sapling tree. During the trip that you are on with your wife and son, we will not reveal any great thing to you. We accept the fact that your time is largely with them and it is difficult to carve out time for prayer and meditation. I will strengthen you in having patience with your son. He acts younger than he is because of his brain injury. The role of a caretaker can be wearing and difficult. I will bless both you and your wife with a greater understanding and more love and acceptance for him in his current state.'
4. I thanked my Savior for increased patience and love. I tried to replace my thoughts of aggravation with patience that evening.
I then turned and walked the path towards the tree of life. I came to the tree and plucked a white fruit and a leaf. I brought them to the sapling tree of life to the west. I ate these there, seeking more patience, love and clarity of mind.
5. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents. They came from a path to the west in the garden area there. They were smiling and happy with me. I gazed into their loving faces. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, as our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has said to you, we will not reveal to you anything of great importance during your trip to Arizona. We are glad you are relaxing and enjoying yourself there.'
6. I thanked him for this time for me with my wife and son more intimately, day in and day out. I then asked for confirmation of some answers I had received on the airplane while flying here to Tucson. I felt I had received these from God in my prayer at that time.
Here are some more questions that S.A. had asked me in her recent mail:
7. Q: 'How do Satan and his hosts not know about the millennium? Are they able to read scriptures or stuff written about this time? Do they not see their future as we do in scripture?'
8. A: From Heavenly Father on 11/30/17 on the airplane:
'The scriptures clearly tell of the eventual vanquishing of Lucifer and his minions. The devils know what the scriptures say about them being locked up during the millennium also. However, the hosts of Satan are continually in fear of their master, Lucifer, who has said that the scriptures contain lies, particularly as they relate to Lucifer and Jesus Christ. He says the scriptures have this information in order to trick the people into compliance with the laws and order from God, which are not true. This Lucifer does in order to keep his hosts in subjugation. They see their future as winning the battle–for that is their daily mantra from Satan and his leaders.'
(I felt this answer was accurately recorded and is true, from Heavenly Father.)
9. Q: 'What are the devils' rules? How do they cross the line of conduct? What things constitute that?'
10. A: From Heavenly Father:
'Those who are overstepping their bounds act in a way to overstep limits and boundaries of the mortal person or the person in the spirit world, such as using force. This is different that enticing and tempting. If the mortal has not agreed to do evil, and then the evil spirit foists domination upon them–this is overstepping their bounds. There are clear boundaries that these evil spirits can feel and know, but they may push beyond this limit in their rage and domination. Pushing himself or herself into the personal domain, aura, spirit or possession of a mortal spirit without a receptive indication or invitation from that mortal spirit is strictly forbidden. The devils know that they must not enter into mortal people or the spirits of the dead only if that spirit allows this to happen by their own choice.
11. Also, when an evil spirit appears to a mortal without being sought for by that person, this is off limits. You have vanquished some evil spirits, Raphael, those who have appeared in front of those in their probation on earth, having great rage and anger. These people have not sought this view or presence of an evil one. You have apprehended these evil spirits and removed them to the distant prison orb.'
(R–I felt that this answer was accurately written above).
12. Q: 'What did Satan promise them to lure them with to leave the presence of God in the first place? I think you wrote this before but I forget.'
13. A: From Heavenly Mother:
'Lucifer promised those who followed him a guarantee of being able to return to live with him in heaven, even if they were to choose a temporary path leading them away. He would immediately bring them back in compliance with his laws, which would assure them of eventually coming back to heaven. He called this "forcing" them into compliance. This is the very power he dominates them with in his kingdom now as well. The devils believe they have no choice and if they get out of line, Lucifer will force them back into line. This subjugation has created a great fear in Satan's subjects–and they believe they are following the correct plan still. They are, however, very unhappy and in a state of misery and great fear.'
(R–I believe this answer is correct and from Heavenly Mother).
14. Q: 'When they left heaven, did they lose their spirit features? Did those who came back gain them again when they came back to heaven?'
15. A: From Heavenly Father:
'Refer to the book 'Visions of Glory' where Spencer describes the look of the minions of Satan as shorter and more shriveled even than disembodied spirits. The motivations of these evil followers of Satan are control and domination. They are fulfilling the will of their master, Lucifer, for these are his practices over them too and his plan of domination over all humanity.
16. The spirit features of looking dark and smaller, even withered, is what the ages of being evil and living in darkness without any light has done to their spirits. When some have turned to Jesus Christ, their spirits hadn't felt love or kindness since the time they were expelled from heaven. The blessing from Jesus Christ corrected their posture and returned them to their state prior to departing heaven. They were then in a position to accept, to give also and to love again.'
(R–I felt too that this answer is accurate and from Heavenly Father.)
17. We have enjoyed two days in southern Arizona. Tomorrow we plan to attend a historic Tucson Catholic Church before heading to S.A.sdale.
An original wooden door from the Mission San Xavier
Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 3, 2017 Sunday
1. We awoke to beautiful sunny skies. I had half an hour before my wife and son awoke, and was able to pray. I prayed on the little outcropping above the circling waters. I prayed here last night too. I loved being in the presence of my Heavenly Parents both times. Each was a relatively short 'checking-in' experience. This morning Heavenly Mother told me to enjoy myself on my vacation break. I told her I wanted to renew my covenants with them in the historic Tucson Catholic Church. I asked that Jesus Christ would pass me the sacrament in the celestial realms while I was there today. I also asked for many things in my own life on earth and for my family and loved ones.
2. Later–We attended church on an Indian reservation for the O'odhem, Hohokam and Wa:k tribe (different names for the same tribe), at the Catholic Mission San Xavier del Bac. It has a lot of history and was a fun visit and enjoyable. We participated in mass at the First Advent of the month of December at 12:30 pm. When it came time for communion, I felt that I was also in the celestial world in the little outcropping above the circling waters. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were immediately before me. I gazed into their faces and they were pleased with me. I had the impression in my morning prayer that Jesus Christ himself was going to pass the sacrament to me!
3. When the priest blessed the bread (wafers) and the wine, we all three got up and walked with everyone else to the front where the helpers of the priest were giving everyone a wafer. When he did so he said 'This is the body of Christ.'
I partook and sat back down. My son also came to the person with the clear liquor (probably tequila made from agave) that represented the blood of Christ. He took a sip and was quite shocked how it burned in his mouth! We had a good laugh!
4. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents who were standing before me in the air above the circling water. As I walked up to the man handing out the wafers, I saw in my mind Jesus Christ coming to me from the right side of Heavenly Father in the celestial world. He had a tray with broken bread on it. I took a piece in heaven while kneeling and then took the wafer in the Catholic Church. I loved the look in Jesus' eyes and his smile–so, so compassionate and accepting!
5. I then looked at my Heavenly Father and he said that they accepted my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, their son, to always remember them and to keep their commandments.
About that time my son drank from the silver cup and I then saw Jesus give me a cup of wine. I drank there in heaven soon after my son drank from the cup in the Catholic Church.
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made as you drank from the cup that our Beloved Son gave you. We love you, our son!'
An angel statue in the Mission San Xavior Church
7. She smiled and all three stood before me. I felt very privileged and loved by God! I then listened to the remainder of the service in the historic Catholic mission. We stayed until the mass was finished and then roamed around the grounds and the museum. Later in the day we drove to S.A.sdale to a hotel. We plan to have my son's medical appointment tomorrow and fly back to Utah.
R. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 4, 2017 Monday
1. It's Monday morning and I wanted to write in here to record more info about our last day in Arizona. I had short prayers last night and this morning, both with my Heavenly Parents before me. They were pleased with me and my effort to reach them, with all the activities we were doing. I felt that my journal entry today would be the last one in a new post also. I met with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the circling water area last night and in God's Loving Healing Center this morning.
2. After praying this morning, I went swimming in our hotel outdoor pool (82 degrees) with my wife and soon joined by our son. We checked out and ate at a great Mexican restaurant before our 2:00 PM meeting in S.A.sdale. We went to our son's appointment and then to Papago's Park in Phoenix for a short hike before we left. It got to 73 degrees today and our kids said it had snowed in Utah! It was supposed to get down to the teens tonight.
3. I enjoyed being the Native Americans in the Catholic Church service yesterday. The people around me seemed humble and very sincere. We had also seen some neighborhoods in Tucson that were mostly inhabited by Latinos and Native American Indians. They lived very simply and in small houses with no lawns or even driveways. We heard their music on Sunday in the barrio where they lived. It was happy and upbeat with a bouncy sound like mariachi music. They didn't have many material possessions but the ones I saw were religious. I watched in the mission church as they lined up for the holy water and also to touch the crucifix of Jesus and the patron saint statue of the mission church. I could see a very simple faith in their eyes. I yearn to be around those who believe in God with simple faith and happy hearts.
Typical humble dwelling in the Indian Reservation in Tuscon