138. Productive Days
Posted 10-14-2019


I recently returned from a trip to visit my 98-year old mother and my family in Oregon. I took my wife and son and we had a wonderful visit. On top of this, we moved our business to our home–very exhausting and a huge effort, but we are all moved! I have learned many things from this experience.

I hope you find this post interesting too. Like always, there are many tidbits of truth spread throughout its pages. Please confirm all that I write as revelation from God. This is the safe way for each of us.

Warmly, R

P.S. I snapped some pictures while visiting my sister from her lovely house and yard that I have included in this post. Enjoy!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal, September 20, 2019, Friday

1. Evening–I came this evening to the maple tree grove near the Great Assembly Hall on the west end of Lake Beautiful. Just before coming here I was talking with my wife about all the demands and pressures of a mortal life, of family, and of aging, of trying to keep abreast of the ever changing business culture we live in, and of our quickly changing society. It seems that long held values are being dumped in our world for that which money can buy and for what peoples' values now allow and want.

2. We went on our date night to the BYU Museum of Art where there was a party since their opening 15 years ago. It was very loud with their band and singers. I felt a little discouraged by the lessening of society's standards all around me there that seemed to have significantly degraded in the 45 years since I attended BYU. When leaving, I asked my wife how would the students who were on the campus 100 years ago feel about being in this place today? I would think they would have been very shocked and would have not believed they were of their same church or religion!

3. At the maple tree grove, I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I felt refreshed and uplifted. I was so glad to be here and not at the BYU Museum of Art! It was so peaceful and quiet here!

4. I came into the grove of very beautiful maple trees and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I felt in tune to the majesty of God that I would soon behold! Before I continue, one of the exhibits at the museum was on the connection between humans and deity. There were a few paintings depicting the First Vision to Joseph Smith, Gabriel showing himself to Mary, the future mother of Jesus, and more religious paintings. However, there were many college students in groups talking loudly and seeming to ignore the magnificence of the paintings showing communing with God or angels. I was not happy with this display of disrespect. I felt they should be in a quieter and more reverent mode.

5. Anyway, as I prayed, my Heavenly Mother came down through the beautiful and magnificent maple trees from the sky above. She was so full of light and so very loving and happy! I felt so much at peace to be in her presence. I could think of nowhere else I would rather be!

6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I love the beauty and the peace of nature. We are so pleased to commune with you and to share with you our truths and abundant revelations from above.

7. Your community where you visited in the museum tonight had many of our elect within the crowd. However, the environment wasn't conducive to connection with us, their Heavenly Parents. It is in the quiet meditative times in one's life on earth , in the secret chambers of the heart, that our sons and daughters really choose what they want in their lives. Oh, we wish so much to connect with them, but they are too distracted by the pull of society and the world to hear us. A party and a loud environment is never a place to hear our still small voice!

8. In the millennium, there will be celebrations and parties. However, these will enhance the soul and touch the sensitive natures of our children. There will not be loud music or such as is now found in your society. Our sons and daughters will have great respect for the divine, for the sacred, and will act in dignity and reverence. They will always be able to have our Spirit with them, even during their times of celebrations and parties.

9. Tonight you felt that our Spirit had long departed the festivities in the BYU Museum of Art. We find less and less places where we may come, except in the personal, humble and sincere prayers of the faithful. We will gradually come to those who will listen and hear us in ways like we have come to you. The remainder who do not want our higher ways and truths will receive a level of glory in the end, but will not receive of our fulness.'

10. Heavenly Mother reached her hand out and touched me on the forehead. She spoke again: 'Raphael, we are so glad you come to us in quiet places twice daily to commune with us so diligently. Continue to do so and we will continue to share with you all of our revelations!

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and insights. She then started to rise up into the treetops and was soon out of sight in the sky above.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 21. 2019, Saturday

1. Last night I had a disturbing dream that woke me up. The mountains all around me in Utah Valley suddenly all had large dark billowing clouds behind them, rising up into the air! It seemed like a volcano or oncoming huge billowing dust storm was rising high up into the skies right behind these mountains. I felt distressed and awoke. What was upsetting was every mountain that I looked at had the same large billowing gray clouds! It was evident these would very soon engulf the area where I was living. I am unsure if this dream had a meaning or not, but it did leave me upset.

2. This morning I came to the bench at the desert oasis. It was so beautiful and quiet here, with clear skies, and a bright radiating celestial sun warming up the entire area. I felt settled and clear in my mind.

3. I knelt in front of the bench and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came, walking together from the path around the oasis to my right, holding hands. I perceived this was a regular morning walk for them. Soon they came in front of me, stopped and both faced me! I gazed into both of their faces and saw concerned looks in their eyes.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your dream last night was from us, your Father and Mother. When worldwide calamities come to your area, they will come suddenly and all at once. There will be the portent of war on the news, economic collapse in the land, power grid failures, a seemingly quickly lessening of societies' values, with no regard for anything but peoples' own immediate needs and desires, and distress in peoples' lives all around you. It will come upon all the land quickly and at the same time. "As a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth." (see D&C 112:24)

5. Even though all these things will come upon you and your nation, we will be with the faithful who know us, and give them peace. We will fill them with assurances that they will be able to make it through these troubles, and soon they will have a glorious world ahead of them.

6. Ether 2:9

"And now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity."

7. There are many dark and ominous clouds on the horizon in your land and in the world. We will protect our own who come unto us, seek our faces in humble, sincere and connective prayers. We will pour out our peace to our faithful in a troubled world.'

8. The faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then brightened. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'During these difficult times, look to us in every time of trouble. We will fill your mind and heart with our love and our promises of a beautiful peaceful world that will soon blanket the earth. It will seem "for a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer." (see Isaiah 54: 7-8

9. Heavenly Mother extended her hand and I stood and took it. She then wrapped her arm through mine and we started walking in the same direction to my left. I felt very much protected and guided by them and filled with their peaceful assurance that all would be fine.

10. My prayer ended and I was writing all of this in my room at home. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for both coming to me and giving me this short vision and words of comfort. I then closed my prayer and started my day.

11. Evening–I feel pretty physically exhausted tonight after a hard day moving at work. I came home and started my evening prayer around 10 pm. I felt to go to the white gate not far from the southeastern side of God's temple. I came on the grassy area, in front of the gate, and knelt on the grass facing the gate. I felt I would meet Jesus Christ, my great Redeemer here since he is the keeper of the gate, "and employeth no servant there." (see 2 Nephi 9:41). I wondered why I was to come here?

12. I asked for Jesus to come in answer to my prayer, for I felt I would meet him. I waited and then saw the gate open and Jesus Christ, my Savior, come out onto the grass! He stood in front of me and spoke: 'Raphael, I have been asked of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to talk to you tonight. Come with me, through the gate, and I will take to you on the other side at the start of the straight and narrow path!'

13. I stood and we walked up to the gate. He opened it and motioned for me to go first through the gate. We then walked up to the start of the straight and narrow path. He spoke:

14. 'Raphael, I accept my elect into the area after having initially proven them in their lives, to see if they will follow the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost that we send to them. For those who are obedient to what we give them, and who hear us and want to be with us, their Gods, more than their own interests and the pull of the world or others, I will say to them: 'my son', or 'my daughter, come enter into my spiritual presence, and pass through this gate. Follow the path that I will lead you on to eternal life!'

15. I will then accept them into a much closer spiritual relationship with me. They will begin a more rigorous journey where they will be led onto the strait and narrow path that leads to the fruit of the tree of life. I will be with them in every time of trouble along their journey. At the end of this journey, I will introduce them to our Father and Mother, at the tree of life.

16. In the Book of Mormon, Nephi states that "the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and the Holy Ghost." (2 Nephi 31:17). To pass into the actual white gate where we have just entered, I judge more of God's children than receiving the outward ordinance of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. I watch how they have taken upon themselves my name, and how sincerely and obedient they are to follow me in their life. I see how quickly and diligently God's son or daughter listens and obeys our Spirit. At a certain point, I invite them into this white gate that represents a much closer relationship to me for our faithful children.

17. I then bring them symbolically to this straight and narrow path where I will further prove them to see if I may elect them into my Church of the Firstborn, and grant unto them eternal life.

18. 2 Nephi 31:19-20–

"And now, my beloved brethren (and sisters), after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.

Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

19. Raphael, it is after our son or daughter presses forward, walking on the straight and narrow path, all the while feasting upon my words and my guidance in their life, and holding onto the rod of iron (my gospel standards), that I will bring them forth from that straight and narrow path to the tree of life. Then will I say to them that they shall have eternal life! Then will their calling and election be made sure! Then will I appear finally to them, and introduce our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to them. Our son or daughter may then figuratively and in reality come to the tree of life and partake of its beautiful white fruit that is so delicious to the soul!

20. The journey to the tree of life is the way that our Father and Mother have ordained for everyone of their beloved children to travel on to where they will receive eternal life, even a glory in the celestial worlds!

21. 2 Nephi 31:21–

"And now, behold, my beloved brethren (and sisters), this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." (parenthesis added by Jesus Christ).

22. I thanked my blessed Redeemer who stood in great majesty before me! He was filled with compassion, for I saw in his eternity eyes so much love and desire to guide and uplift all of us, God's children, along our journey. He pointed his hand to the tree of life at the end of this path in front of me. I turned and looked and saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the canopy of the tree of life in the distance!

23. I then embraced my Redeemer, and he embraced me! He then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have already promised you eternal life and your exaltation! You have walked the straight and narrow path already. I have introduced you already to our glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Come now with me, and let's join them under the canopy of the tree of life!'

24. We then were instantly in front of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the tree of life! They were smiling at their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and at me.

25. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, only by unshaken faith and trust in our Son, Jesus Christ, may our children come back into our presence as have you. Come now and partake of the fruit of this tree of life which is symbolic of partaking with us of eternal life and exaltation!'

26. I then reached above our heads and plucked a white, shining fruit of the tree of life. I ate and was filled with great joy and light!

27. My vision then ended, and I was back on earth recording all of this in my journal. I thanked my Gods for this beautiful detailed explanation of the way that the faithful may receive eternal life. I humbly closed my prayer. I then reread my journal entry, and felt it was written just as I received it tonight.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 22. 2019, Sunday

1. This morning I came to the south side of the desert oasis, along the path that circles the water. I felt warmed by the celestial sun. There were wispy white clouds against a blue sky above. It felt like fall time on earth to me in the desert. I felt very comfortable and at peace.

I knelt on the path facing north to the oasis. I prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, asking them to come.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the water and walked up to the path where I was kneeling! She was filled with light, which engulfed me completely. I felt this intense light of the Holy Ghost pass through all of my being while knelt before her, so that I felt transparent before her. It was an exhilarating feeling!

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, my son, last night your Father and I asked Jesus Christ to come to you and explain the way that all of our faithful sons and daughters are brought into our presence. Some complete this journey in their mortal lives, and some in the world of the spirit dead. However, all who have come to earth who are faithful to the end have a journey to take that is narrow and strait, to prove them to see if they will do all things their Gods shall command them (see Abraham 3:25). On this journey, Jesus Christ speaks to them by his Holy Spirit, and I witness to them by the power of the Holy Ghost. These are baptized members of my true Church of Christ on the earth or in the world of the spirit dead. They have all passed by the gate and had their sins remitted by our Beloved Son and their Redeemer, Jesus Christ. They pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, and we answer their requests through an increased level of guidance in their lives. These are our candidates that we prove and watch carefully, making sure that they put us first in their lives. These are our elect sons and daughters who hear and respond to us, to whom we guide carefully through their own times of trouble and choice.

4. Once Jesus fully proves them, and brings them through their journey into our presence at the tree of life, his guiding stewardship for them is transferred to us, your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. We then continue to guide and direct them, our faithful elect sons and daughters.

5. Now when they partake of the Lord's sacrament they continue to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ, but then they will always remember us their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep our commandments. This sacrament covenant changes from obeying Jesus Christ to obeying us their Heavenly Father and me.

6. We will then continue to bless them with abundant revelations of truth and guidance in their lives. We will always be with them, whether with our Spirit or in our very persons like we have been with you.

7. It is at this time when our chosen son or daughter is elected into the Church of the Firstborn, where you and Oriphiel, our archangels, will receive them into our celestial church in the New Jerusalem temple. You will administer to each one the waters of separation ordinance, and Oriphiel will record this ordinance and write their pre-mortal name in the Lamb's Book of Life. They will be exalted in the future and become couple Gods in eternity, just like your Father and I are.

8. This process and journey, from the beginning by baptism in the Church of Christ to completion of their final binding ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple by the angels of God, and later by us their Gods on our celestial or and on their own resurrected celestial earth, is the way we exalt our beloved faithful children. We have done this for all of our children, for every previous eternity who have come into mortality and accepted our ways and truths. We do this again for our children in this your own eternity, and for all future eternities. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the path to eternal life.

9. 3 Nephi 27:13-21:

"Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.

And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil—

And for this cause have I been lifted up; therefore, according to the power of the Father I will draw all men unto me, that they may be judged according to their works.

And it shall come to pass, that whoso repenteth and is baptized in my name shall be filled; and if he endureth to the end, behold, him will I hold guiltless before my Father at that day when I shall stand to judge the world.

And he that endureth not unto the end, the same is he that is also hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence they can no more return, because of the justice of the Father.

And this is the word which he hath given unto the children of men. And for this cause he fulfilleth the words which he hath given, and he lieth not, but fulfilleth all his words.

And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end.

Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;"

10. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for explaining further the entire gospel of Jesus Christ to me this morning! I thanked her for her continual guidance and blessings to me in sharing such great truths to me. I committed to always obey her and Heavenly Father in my quest to return to them, and receive eternal life.

11. Heavenly Mother then smiled broadly and drew me near to her, even while I was kneeling on the path! Her very being seemed to enter into me somehow, so that I felt her deep love and acceptance for me, her son!

12. She then stepped back and returned over the oasis water, and went up into the sky, to the whispy clouds above. She then disappeared and was gone. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

13. In the evening–Tonight I was glad to sit and write my impressions from prayer. I have felt already pulled in many directions as my wife and I planned our moving days ahead, and other things we wanted to schedule this week. We are moving our business to our home, and hope our products and stuff will all fit!

14. I came this evening to the road heading north from the fountain of living water, next to the river representing Heavenly Father on my right. I could see the Father's fields of various grains on my left side. The wheat field and the fallen oak tree were some distance away to the northwest.

15. I was slowly walking down this dirt road, observing the beautiful fields of my Heavenly Father on my left side. Then quietly my Heavenly Father came on my right side, walking next to me!

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when you feel like you will have a hard time doing your plans ahead of you, think about our glorious creations and that we love you! We will help you do one thing at a time, and then another until soon you will be surprised by how much you have gotten accomplished! Being stressed will do you no good. Thinking to do one task at a time will help you relieve your stress and anxiety.

16. In our world on our celestial orb, we have lots of open time to plan and act. We replicate ourselves to be able to carefully nurture, inspire and teach each of our children. We always have enough time for them. This is unlike your mortal world, where there is only one of you and you have lots to do. However, our beautiful world of nature around you may help you feel settled and more focused in your life. Also, as you ask of us, we will send our calming spirit to help you be calm amid so much to do.

There will be times also that you will have trauma and turmoil all around you. We will also send our calming influence upon those who ask of us in these situations. Your anxiety, worry, and feeling like you cannot cope will be replaced with our calming assurance that all will be well.'

17. We were strolling along the dirt road. He then quietly disappeared, just like he came! I realized my short teaching moment from him was finished. I thanked him for his comforting message. I then got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 23, 2019, Monday

1. This morning I awoke ready to meet the challenges and work of the day. I came to the bench in front of the desert oasis. It was sunny and warm there already. I shuffled my feet in the sand a little, then knelt in front of the bench. My Heavenly Mother then came in front of me, even before I was able to address her!

2. She was smiling and very bright. I felt so uplifted in her presence! Her light came into me and filled me with assurance and confidence to meet any challenge that my day on earth might bring! I also felt she and Heavenly Father would be by my side, and their presence would buoy me up through the day.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, think on my visit today during the time you are facing challenges today, whatever they may be. Your thoughts will then convey to you strength and confidence, and an outlook and feeling that you will be able to meet any challenge.

4. Today and in the days ahead you are facing a task of moving large shelves, clearing off products you sell and transporting them to new locations at your home. You are doing this in a time of peace. You have means to hire helpers, and you feel strong and healthy. We will help you keep a good positive attitude, even though it might seem like an overwhelming task. Your wife will also be by your side.

5. The weeks ahead of you will be challenging but are very doable. Be glad you are not in distress like being forced from your home or having angry mobs or predators lurking around. The challenges of life give you experience and confidence that you can meet any difficulty with us by your side, even when you can't see how you can possibly get it all done as you desire. Think of one task at a time, and think of my confidence coming into you as it comes into you now. You will then find accomplishment in each step to meet your goal, and will find enjoyment in your work and accomplishment.

6. There will be future times where you will pass through tribulations like so many of the prophets before you have experienced. (see D&C 122:5-9). My counsel to you is the same what Jesus gave Joseph Smith the prophet, in every time of trouble or distress:

7. D&C 122:9–"Therefore, hold thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass. Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."'

8. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and then was gone. I felt her presence, however, remain with me. I thanked her for her message and short visit. I then closed my prayer and started my day and new week ahead.

9. Evening–I am pretty tired after a full and productive day. I was able to keep whistling a happy tune all day long even though we worked from sunup to sundown with hardly a break.

10. Tonight I came to the fir forest just before the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field and the fallen oak tree. I felt alert and ready to commune with my Gods. I knelt right at the large trunk of a very tall majestic fir tree, like a douglas fir (although I don't know the specific species). I faced away to the distant overlook. I asked for my Heavenly Father or my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

11. Heavenly Father appeared at the distant overlook and then immediately appeared right in front of me! He had quickly changed locations, for he was not at the overlook any longer.

He spoke: 'Raphael, we may immediately appear wherever we wish without the thought or process of travel between where we are and where we want to go. We may instantly be there in our same replicated self.

12. We may also stay where we are and replicate ourselves to another location instantly. All of this is controlled by our minds.

13. Our minds are all linked together as one as shared amongst all of our replicated selves. This means any of our replicated selves know what all the other replicated selves are doing and thinking. We are controlled by our intelligence that resides in all of our replicated selves.

14. Today you worked diligently on earth. You felt a need to be in multiple places at the same time, to make your work go faster and more efficiently. However, in mortality this is not possible. You learn and do by acting on one task at a time. There is much to learn in that single-minded state that will greatly benefit you in the celestial realms where you replicate as much as our work requires of you. Enjoy these experiences in your mortal body and be happy with a positive attitude. We will be by your side as you ask of us, giving you our support and light.'

15. Heavenly Father then looked up the very large trunk to the tree limbs and canopy way high up. He reached out and took my hand. We began elevating up in the air together, slowly along the trunk. When we got to a branch in our way, we both passed right through. I was impressed with how we didn't have any resistance of things like a large tree limb!

16. Soon we were above the treetops, in the air. There was a beautiful sunset to the north over Lake Beautiful.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, our celestial sun moves according to our intention. Your Heavenly Mother and I wanted a beautiful sunset tonight on our celestial orb when you and I would be here among the treetops.

17. We may pass through any of our creations, even here on our celestial orb. This tree is a resurrected celestial tree. When we pass through this tree like we did while coming up the tree, I thought to pass through it and we did. I could also have thought to meet with resistance and then we wouldn't have passed through. For example, if I wanted to have walked on the trail to you from the overlook to the tree trunk, I could have thought to have resistance to the ground and been pulled downward by the gravitational force. Then I could have walked normally on the ground like you walk in your mortal body on earth. I could have also walked in the air above the ground, or appeared instantly to you like I did. All is controlled by my mind, my intentions. Whenever we intend to do anything, it is always done even as we have thought.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation to me tonight! I felt very enlightened by his demonstration and explanation. I marvel at the wonderful body and mind of a resurrected celestial God!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 24, 2019, Tuesday

1. I awoke ready to meet a new day! I feel positive and look forward to my workday. I believe I will have a great sense of accomplishment at the end of today, for we have a great deal to do.

2. I came to the celestial orb to the little path that enters the fir forest where I was last night. The little path is from the overlook on the grassy hill and field. I could see God's temple to the southeast if I were to elevate myself a few feet over the underbrush around me.

3. I found a nice spot just off the trail and knelt. I raised both of my hands towards the sky and asked for Elohim to come, or my Heavenly Father or my Heavenly Mother.

Heavenly Mother came walking on the path in front of me, just a few steps, and then turned towards me! She was standing on the ground and was emitting bright light all around her. I could feel her light being directed to me and through me. Her light was accompanied by love, assurance that I could do anything I set my mind to do, and peace. I felt very happy to be kneeling before her this lovely new day!

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I also feel joy in coming to you like you have joy in being in my presence! I may direct any amount of light to wherever I wish. I can control the intensity of that light by my thoughts. I may also send particular emotions or feelings along with that light. I may also send my thoughts, even as I communicate to you now my words into your mind.

5. Whenever we create or heal something or someone, we also direct our light in the process of revamping or arranging the very elements to create or heal, which for us is the same process. For me, it is as easy to create a new arm as it is to heal the arm that is broken. When we do so, it is to create to its normal size and strength that normally would be in the being that needs healing.

6. You attended a Primary program at church last Sunday where the children sang "I Believe in Miracles." Some may feel this is wishful thinking and that our children are being brainwashed with false ideas. However, whenever we create or heal something that is broken, we are performing a miracle, particularly for those in mortality. For us in our celestial realm, we create and heal our creations as we desire in any of our realms, and it is a normal process for us as Gods. There are steps and processes we use that are understood by us, but not by others who are not in our position as a God. We create or heal by our intention, by the directed thoughts of our mind, and it is done. To us, all such things are possible, just like for you it is possible to walk or move as you desire, all directed by your thoughts and intentions.

7. When Jesus Christ was living in mortality on earth, he had been ordained as a god, having our power of creation and healing. He also gradually experienced this power in his mortal body, for he grew from grace to grace (see D&C 93:12-14). He also perceived gradually his full combined mind, conscious and unconscious, during his ministry. He gradually gained full recall of his pre-mortal experiences in his life. He was able, because of these things, to have sufficient faith and power to heal the blind and sick, and even raise the dead. We gave our Beloved Son this godly power in his flesh because of his very important calling as the Great Redeemer.

8. When you are ordained as a god one day in the future, you will be endowed with the power to create, heal, and perform all sorts of miracles. However, to you this process will become very natural, just as easy as it is for you now to walk. Our future children, like you are now, will need to depend upon your power to heal them. For them, this will be a miracle, for in their realm and of themselves, they will have no power to create or heal as do the gods.

9. We as Gods are able to see equally clearly the past and future as we do the present. We may therefore arrange events to happen in the present according to our foreknowledge, a power also of God. Usually we let things and events happen as we see them unfolding in mortality, unless our purposes would better be met by orchestrating the lives and circumstances of our children on earth. We watch and observe carefully all they do, act and think, so we may know how valiant they are in obeying and responding to our Spirit we send to them. This is the main purpose of earth life, in addition to receiving a physical body.

10. We hear and answer the prayers and inward desires of our children who ask of us, their Gods, even as we desire. We can perceive and understand the thoughts of our children in mortality. We communicate to them in the transfer of our thoughts to them by our Spirit which is our directed light, thoughts and emotions.

11. Jacob 4:8

"Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God."

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations to me this morning! I told her how I so love coming into her presence and to come to understand her and Heavenly Father's ways and powers. This all gives me so much more confidence when I know that they love me and are next to my side during all my mortal days.

13. My prayer ended and I felt strengthened and buoyed up! Heavenly Mother then gradually disappeared from me as she went into the highest celestial realm, out of my view. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 25, 2019, Wednesday

1. Last night after I had done all my work for the day and it was well past 11 pm, I talked with my wife for a while and then knelt by our bed in prayer.

2. I came to the circling waters where I met with Heavenly Mother. She said I was very exhausted and knew I had intensive work in my personal life at this time period. She smiled at me and then disappeared. I fell asleep quickly. I came to the circling waters again this morning. I only have about half an hour available to pray. I drank of living water here and felt refreshed, ready to meet a new day. I don't like how I am working so very much without much time to meditate and connect to God! It distresses me. But I know it will soon lessen and return to normal.

3. I knelt at the water's edge and asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. Heavenly Mother appeared to me again on the waters. She was very bright and shining. She was smiling. She spoke:

4. 'Raphael, I have come to you last night and this morning to be a support to you in what you have chosen to do with your wife to work hard moving your business home. We will be next to you and be with you throughout your day!

5. When your mortal conscious mind is very occupied with work tasks that relate to mortality, it is hard for you to mentally connect to us your Gods. We always wait upon our children in their mortal lives to open up their time to us, in order for us to connect to them. They need to slow down and make available their mortal mind in order to develop a relationship with us. When they put forth that effort regularly, we will help them meditate and connect in their own inner self, or their unconscious mind. This is the avenue through which we will help them hear our voice and know our will. This entire process requires them to pause in their busy lives, making room for us.

6. There are so very many of our sons and daughters who run around in mortality, doing important tasks as they judge, but never really connect with us. In many cases they don't know because they haven't been taught how. Your teachings that we have revealed to you in prayer will help those who read to know they need to put us high priority in their lives in order to receive our directions and revelations. You have given to us normally several hours morning and again at night in communion with us. This is why we have been able to reveal to you such great things, Raphael! We will do so for all our children who open up their time as have you, in connecting to us in meditation and prayer.

7. Some may be in situations where they cannot see how they could free up their precious time like have you. When raising children who are demanding with their needs, this is an intensive time in their lives to work on important earth tasks. There are many other times, like sustaining oneself and others in gainful employment. All these are very worth time commitments. However, even in all of this, our elect who love us may dedicate a portion of their personal time to connect to us in quiet, meaningful prayer every day. This is our desire for all of our elect who love us and want to keep our commandments.'

8. Heavenly Mother then smiled again and shone her intense light upon me! I felt very clear and filled with her light, love and supportive acceptance of me and my choices. She then quickly faded and was gone.

9. I closed my prayer. I thanked her for connecting to me, and for loving me! I closed in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

10. Evening–I came tonight to the celestial orb, to the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt on the rock facing the distant temple. It was nighttime and the temple was glowing in the dark, with its holy light radiating upward to the sky above in a soft glow. I thought it was very pretty!

11. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father next came in a beam of light from, I think, inside of the temple to a place in the air right in front of me! After he arrived, the light beam disappeared. He stood very majestic and powerful and was smiling at me. He was filled with light. I felt he was accepting of me.

12. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I live in eternity, from eternity to eternity, and our course is one eternal round. We have seen many eternities come in and out of their activity and will see many more. The needs and concerns of our children have always been a concern to us, for we love our children and want to answer their needs and help them in their situations they find themselves in.

13. You have had many concerns with your business move these last few days. Your business will pass and in the future it will hardly be a remembrance to you. However, now this is a concern to you, so we too want to help you. Your concerns, regardless of how inconsequential they might seem to you that they would be to us, are important to us too, since we love you and want to be helpful. We have been helping you and your wife in the move of your business.

14. Some things that seem very important, like the healing of a child who is injured or ill, we may decide to not heal, all according to our overall plan and purposes for that child. We choose how we wish to help our children in their mortal probation. We are not whimsical in our decisions, but are always careful in all that we do. We know all things, including the past, present and future state of our children. We base all of our decisions on our knowledge of all of our children, and what would help them grow into the most capable sons and daughters that they may become. All of our actions are based on our love for each one!'

15. Heavenly Father smiled again and the beam of light reappeared and he immediately traveled in the light right back into his beautiful temple, glowing in the distance.

16. I thanked him for his revelation to me tonight. I was so glad to connect to him and then I retired to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 26, 2019, Thursday

1. I awoke after a very good sleep. I came to the garden west of the tree of life where once I had buried my shells (see post 36). I could see the main tree of life in the distance. The sapling tree of life was next to me and had grown large with many fruits. I came under its canopy and plucked a fruit and leaf. They both gave me enlightenment and clarity. I also felt strengthened and filled with the love of God.

2. I trusted in what my Father told me last night, that he and Heavenly Mother had a plan for me and loved me. I believe they wanted to always help me and would do whatever I asked that was in agreement for their overall plan for my best growth and happiness. I know I didn't have knowledge of what might come my way. I hardly know what I would become! I just need to have full confidence and trust in them and accept always what comes.

3. Anyway, I was thinking these things and then knelt on the soft soil where I had buried my shells once, which represented weaknesses of my flesh. I faced the sapling tree of life and asked for my Heavenly Father and or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

4. Heavenly Mother then appeared before me under the canopy of this tree of life! She was shining brightly and was full of light and acceptance for me. I could feel her deep love from within me as the light came into me. I felt so very receptive to everything she would share with me.

5. She spoke in my thoughts: 'Raphael, we love our children more than they can imagine! Love means caring, nurturing, actively helping and watching out for them, and guiding them in areas that would bring them each their greatest growth and happiness. We know all things about them, more than they know themselves, for they cannot see their own past or future as can we.

6. Jesus Christ said this about our creations:

Matthew 6:26-30-

"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Wherefore, if God so clothes the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?"

7. We watch over our children and provide for their needs. However, we allow the rigors and consequences of mortality to come upon all, and do not always bail out our children in distressful conditions. We do all things we do for the benefit of our beloved children.

8. Satan rages on the earth and through his efforts persuades men and women to hurt and harm each other. Evil flourishes in your world now and causes great misery, suffering, and death. We allow evil to flourish to a point and then we will destroy the wicked to bring in a beautiful millennial era of peace. In this process there will be much tribulation upon the world, much fear and privations. We will allow these times of stress to come upon all so that we might prove our children and allow all to choose by their own agency whom they list to obey and follow.

9. Alma 41:10-11

"...Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.

And now, my son, all men that are in a state of nature, or I would say, in a carnal state, are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity; they are without God in the world, and they have gone contrary to the nature of happiness."

10. As our children on earth come to us, their Gods, in the humility of their souls, with open hearts and minds, we will lead them to a better place and provide abundantly for their wants and needs, as we are able. We care for and watch over those who seek us diligently. We give to them who ask of us, and will lead them beside still waters, that they might be comforted and feel of our love (see Psalms 23:2).

11. Our children come to earth with many weaknesses of the flesh and of their heritage. It is often not the best of situations in mortality, for if it were how could we see how they really act and whom they really choose to obey? There are hard times in the lives of all of our children at different times , and we watch them in these critical junctures. We extend to those who reach out to us in faith and yearning. We will guide all who allow us to, and who choose us over the temptations of the flesh and of that evil one.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning! I felt her and Heavenly Father's words last night show how loving and caring they are over their children in this mortal world. I expressed my gratitude to her for her watchful care over me and my loved ones. She then smiled and quickly left my side. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

13. Evening–This has been a very productive day for us. We are working hard every day, and today was the first of a 3-day moving sale. I am glad to relax now a bit and connect with my Gods in prayer.

14. I came tonight to the edge of the river representing Heavenly Mother, from the east side, or the side going up to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I sat on the grassy hill, looking at the majestic temple across the gentle-flowing river. I could see the glowing reflection of the temple walls on the water of the river. I then turned and walked up to a more level grassy area and knelt, facing the temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

15. While waiting, I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both holding hands. Their bare feet were on the grass, they wore matching brilliant white robes, and both were smiling.

16. I thanked them for my great day today, and how things turned out well for us. I said my wife and I worked very hard today and had so many people all day long for our moving sale. I thanked them for whatever they may have done to help us today.

17. I also thanked them to both have come to me tonight. I said I felt very privileged to be in their presence, here on the celestial orb.

18. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we did bless you in your sale today, for this was important to you and your wife, and therefore we wanted to bless you in your work in mortality. If our children pray to us in their employment, we will bless and prosper them as they do all they can to provide for their own. You and your wife have provided for your family in your family business for over 30 years. You have worked together in raising your seven children and we have prospered and blessed you as you put forth hard work. As you have prayed to us through the years, we have blessed you and guided you so you would be successful in having sufficient for your needs as a family.

19. We will bless any of our sons and daughters who seek to provide for themselves and their family and loved ones. As they work hard, and are open to our direction, we will help them learn and grow in whatever employment they desire, as long as it is wholesome and bettering humanity and their community.

20. When our first man and first woman came to earth, we instructed them how to farm and grow food for their family. In the beginning of the earth, when it fell from a terrestrial state to a telestial state, I cursed the ground (see Genesis 3:17). It became a fallen earth, and was a much more difficult world to raise a family in than would it have continued in the terrestrial state.

21. Genesis 3:18-19–"Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field.

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it was thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."

22. Moses 5:1–"And it came to pass that after I, the Lord God, had driven them out, that Adam began to till the earth, and to have dominion over all the beasts of the field, and to eat his bread by the sweat of his brow, as I the Lord had commanded him. And Eve, also, his wife, did labor with him."

23. Adam and Eve worked hard to provide food for their growing family, for shelter and for clothing, and other necessities of life. This same pattern has continued even until your day. You labor in a different way, but still provide for your own family needs. We will help all who call on us to help them provide for their own family.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his support, and for these words to me tonight. He and Heavenly Mother then turned and walked off into her lower garden, and were soon out of sight. I immediately went to bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 27, 2019, Friday

1. I came this morning to Heavenly Mother's glass table in her lower garden area. I knelt by one of her chairs that was around the table. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would come to me this morning.

2. She did come! She appeared to me at my side, next to the table. She was very bright and full of love. Oh, I love to be in her presence!

3. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, I have come to strengthen you and your wife physically and even so she is not with you here, I will bless and help her also to keep working hard, for you have both been exhausted each day this week at the end of each day, even though you have a lot of hired helpers.

Sit now up on the chair next to you, and I will feed you from my garden!'

4. I sat up and waited. She then placed a glass plate and a glass cup in front of me. She poured from a pitcher some liquid of some sort into the glass cup and placed some shelled pecans, peach slices, and some dark berries on the glass plate.

5. 'Raphael, I have given you a mild fruit drink and fresh fruit and nuts that you love. Eat and drink now, for these will sustain you to be able to continue your work both in mortality and in our celestial realm!'

6. I ate and she watched. She seemed very pleased to have provided a platter of foods I love. I thanked her for this meal.

When done, she spoke:

7. 'Raphael, sometimes our daughters cannot work side by side with their husbands like Eve did in the fields or like your wife does with you. Often there are little ones that consume her time while her husband labors in his employment to bring in the money to sustain them and their young family. Both our sons and daughters labor and work hard to sustain themselves and their loved ones. Sometimes they remain single or married without being blessed with children yet. In these instances, both may work outside the home for their individually or joint needs if they desire. We expect men and women to find joy in their labors, whatever they choose. Dependence upon others or the state is a lesser option that doesn't give the satisfaction like working for oneself brings.

8. You have hired both men and women to help you in your move. These have been great employees to you, and they are providing from your work and pay you give them. Some are youthful and some have older children who attend school, thereby freeing up their mother so she can work part time. We have blessed and prospered you with those you have chosen as hired help.

9. Abraham of old left Haran at sixty-two years old with his wife Sarah, Lot his brother's son, and "the souls that (they) had won in Haran". They came in a large caravan move to the land of Canaan and dwelt in tents along the way. (see Abraham 2:15). These souls that they had won were free hired servants that they employed who were willing to come with Abraham and his group.

10. We prospered Abraham in all his work. There was a severe famine in the land he left, and it was time for them to leave. We direct all of our sons and daughters who pray to us as do you and Abraham, as to what we may direct them in their lives. We counsel and prosper those who pay heed to our words.

11. There are so many varied situations in life that our children find themselves in, throughout the ages of the earth when they live.

12. In the beginning we cursed the land for the sake of Adam and Eve, so that they and their posterity would be propelled into a telestial world. At the end of the six thousand years of our children living in this fallen world, we will cleanse the world from sin and bless the earth for the sake of those elect millennial sons and daughters who follow, and for those who transition into the terrestrial world.

13. In this world of the millennium, there will still be need of hard work and productivity to sustain oneself. However, the earth will bring forth in much greater abundance and it will be easier to obtain more. There will be among our children a Zion society, where there will be no poor among them. The aggressive governments and nations will disappear, and our people will live in peaceful settlements. We will bless and prosper all who provide for their own wants and needs, and there will be enough for them to share of their abundance with those around them. They will share freely because of the love of God that is abundant in the land!"

14. Heavenly Mother walked next to me, extended her hand, and I stood and took her hand.

15. 'Raphael, let's stroll now through my garden behind you!'

16. We walked up paths next to her beautiful garden beds. They were so lush and produced whatever one could possibly grow from the ground for food for man. I know these were on the earth too.

17. D&C 59:18-20–"Yea, all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart.

18. Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul.

19. And it pleaseth God that he hath given all these things unto man; for unto this end were they all made to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion."

20. I then lost my connection with my unconscious mind, and found myself in my chair, writing all of this down.

21. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her meal she gave me this morning, and for her beautiful words! I told her how much I loved her and her ways. I thanked her for the earth in bringing forth in abundance as we labor.

22. I closed my prayer and started my day of work!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 28, 2019, Saturday

1. I am up an hour before I need to leave to work. It has been a very exhausting week, but today is the last hard working moving day before the Sabbath. I haven't looked forward to a day of rest like this one coming up for a long time!

2. I came last night to the little granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. Heavenly Mother came to me and I told her I was very, very tired (it was past midnight). I said I loved her and so appreciated her and Heavenly Father's support in my prayers and during my workdays this week.

3. Earlier in the evening, my wife had said I was working physically too hard and to spend more time supervising the move and not so much in my physical labor. I agreed with her and thanked her for her counsel. I thought forward to supervising the building of the New Jerusalem temple and how I should direct the work and not really do much of the actual labor.

4. Anyway, I came to Heavenly Mother last night in prayer and here is what she said as best I recall: 'Raphael, listen to your wife who has been working by your side all week long. Be more a director than a laborer in your move. She has been hiring temporary helpers to do the physical work. Let them do all the heavy lifting.

5. We want you to learn from this entire experience why it is so important for you to direct all the work and not to do it yourself. You are a very eager laborer, but you should conserve your strength and use your mind in planning and supervising.' I thanked her for her counsel! I then saw her return in a beam of light to her temple not far away.

6. This morning I came again to the granite cliff. I knelt facing the temple again. It was daytime and so restful and peaceful! I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

7. My Father then appeared on my right side! He was very majestic and bright. He spoke right away to my mind:

'Raphael, even though your move is very taxing on you, especially physically with long days, you are gaining good experience that will help you in a future day to do our work. You haven't been trained in orchestrating large projects and this will give you insight that you will be able to remember the importance to supervise and not to do so much of the manual work yourself.

8. When you come to the New Jerusalem, we will bring to you many humble and willing workers who will be very skilled in their labors they know how to do. There will not only be laborers for the construction of the temple building, but also craftsmen and artisans, men and women. These will recognize your great calling to build the celestial temple. We, your Heavenly Parents, will also be with you continually in orchestrating and directing through you the overall steps we want you to follow while directing the building of our holy temple on the earth.

9. The temple will endure forever and remain of celestial physical materials at all times during its construction. It will also be resurrected at the end of the millennium, along with your earth. Nothing else built by man will endure when the earth dies except this celestial temple. It will remain the same for our faithful couple gods who inherit the earth to visit and remember it was where their binding eternal ordinances were performed in the great millennial day.

10. On the resurrected celestial earth the remainder of the holy New Jerusalem city that will be built around the New Jerusalem temple will be all-celestial. It will be constructed on the celestial earth by those who inherit the earth and receive their eternal first inheritances there as couple gods. They will all participate in some way in helping build the celestial city seen by John the Revelator.

11. Revelation 21:1-3

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God." (see also Revelation 21:9-21; 22:1-5)

12. John was not shown the temple of the New Jerusalem, for that was first shown to you, Raphael, since you are the one appointed to build this temple. John recorded this in Revelation 21:22.

13. Revelation 21:22

"And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it."

14. We withheld the vision of the resurrected New Jerusalem temple from John during his vision.

15. Your Heavenly Mother and I will create for everyone of our faithful couple gods their first eternal lands of their own inheritance on our resurrected earth. This will be one of their great gifts we give to those who are celestial couple gods in eternity. We will select the land and adorn it with a mansion and a beautiful estate. This is where they each will be finally ordained as gods in eternity by their loving Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. Oh, what a glorious day this will be!'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words today! I said I loved him and Heavenly Mother so very much. My prayer ended and I then started my busy Saturday ahead!

17. Evening–I am so glad we have all our products and stuff to our home finally now–wow, what a big effort! I am so glad for the Sabbath tomorrow. It will be a day of rest for my hard-working wife and me!

18. Tonight I came to the desert oasis I sat on the bench awhile, and just tried to relax and soak in the beauty and peace of my surroundings.

19. I then knelt in the sand and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father appeared to me in the air just above the sand. He was shinning in brightness and seemed so in control of everything! I felt love and compassion from him. He smiled upon me and spoke:

20. 'Raphael, I am glad that you report back to your Heavenly Mother and I twice daily. It is our time to commune with you. We are pleased that you have made every effort to connect to us in morning and evening prayer, even when you worked so hard each day and your body wanted sleep. You also awoke early in the mornings and we talked to you each morning. We have been with you also throughout your day.

21. I will give no message to you tonight except love and acceptance. We will bless and prosper you because of your diligence to us, even in your tired and worn out days.

22. Come here tomorrow morning and your Heavenly Mother has told me she will then meet you in your prayers!'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 29, 2019, Sunday

1. I am up early today after a good sleep. I couldn't seem to sleep in, but got up early as ever. I came in my unconscious mind to the desert oasis where I plan to be visited by my Heavenly Father, as my Father told me last night. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and very perceptive.

2. I came back in front of the bench, faced the water and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

3. She appeared where I had knelt to drink water, and walked up to me in the air! She was very bright and so glorious looking, full of happiness and love. I felt her light penetrate and pass through me! I felt very pleased to be filled with this light, like being washed over and enlivened!

4. She then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you have your post 137 almost all completed, and yet you haven't been able to do final editing on these and to send these out. Take time before you go to visit your Mother and family in Oregon next Thursday to send these out, as you are able. You have written our communications in your journal, but have not yet sent them to your small group yet. We want you to keep up with the publications of your posts.

5. Fall time is coming soon upon your world. There is a continual change of seasons in your area that close one time of the year and introduce another. Your Father and I also love change and to see progression in our children as they move through their own seasons of change. We have designed these states to help our children learn and grow in new enviornments and when facing new challenges.

6. We have designed a series of such changes for each of our children's lives that will ulitimately come to Zion, our New Jerusalem. They need to think more on the needs of others and how they might serve them in love. They also need to put us their Gods first in their lives. When they do this, they will gradually become our Zion people, or the pure in heart.

7. Our faithful who are in their own mortal journey will need to experience changes in their lives in order to become the type of people we desire and require them to become. It is through their tribulations and changes in their lives that they will be able to grow into the Zion people we desire.

8. When Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, accepts a faithful son or daughter as a candidate into the Church of the Firstborn, he has thoroughly proven them. They will still progress and grow, however, and need to become more loving and determined then to learn directly from us, their Heavenly Parents in prayer. You will next receive these faithful souls into the Church of the Firstborn through the waters of separation ordinance. Our beloved elect son or daughter will then be on a higher level of progression to become a celestial child of the covenant, and to be on the pathway to become a god themselves in eternity.

9. You have experienced a taxing and difficult week. This move of your own business to your home will be a significant change in your employment. There is always change, new vistas and opportunities ahead for our children. Some tihngs may remain the same, but we desire our children to grow and progress through their seasons of life. We will always be with our faithful who seek us and desire to do our will.'

10. Heavenly Mother was done speaking to me. I expressed my deep love to her, and my determination to embrace change and growth in my own life. I then saw her fade away into her higher celestial realm. I was left alone at the desert oasis. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

11. At church–I came to our ward today. During the sacrament I came to the little outcropping above the circling waters, in the celestial orb. I knelt, and after the bread had been blessed by the priest, in the ward, I made my covenant. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father came to me directly from his temple in the near distance.

12. He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant, and in return will always be with you, both in person next to you always and with our Holy Spirit.'

13. At this time I felt to write what I had received above in my journal, for I had brought this with one today to church.

14. Heavenly Father continued: 'Raphael, events in your world, both in your personal life and in your nation particularly, will be changing. These changes may be difficult for many who do not yet have a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother or me. Many will feel like they are unprepared for that which will suddenly and steadily come upon them. The world at large will become in turmoil soon, with governments and industry becoming unpredictable in the actions in trying to gain, power, control or dominion over the people. They will do this in order to survive the times, regardless of the moral ethics they grew up knowing. Those who are in control of these governments and industry will compromise their own standards and do that which they never dreamed of doing. Many people will also be left without their own moral bearings, not knowing which way to turn.

15. Raphael, for those who come unto us, their Gods in humble and meaningful prayer, we will open up to them. We will guide them in these troubled times in every time of decision, need and want. In this process, we will test and try them to see if they will do all we command or inspire them, through our still small voice.

16. Abraham 3:25–"And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them."

17. It is through hardship and difficult changes that our chosen elect will be purified. They will seek us like never before, and exercise greater faith in us than ever before in their lives. In turn, we will bless, succor and protect our own who come unto us.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words at church today. He then returned back to his temple, and all was still and quiet around me.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 30, 2019, Monday

1. I was up very late last night and prayed next to my bed. Heavenly Father appeared to me under the canopy of the tree of life! He was so very loving and accepting of me. He remarked how much my wife and I had done in our move in one week. We are trying to have our final inspection of where we moved from today before another month's rent begins.

2. This morning I came again under the canopy of the tree of life. I ate one of the white fruits of the tree of life and a leaf. I felt greatly strengthened for my day ahead, for we have so much to do! My mind and body felt perceptive too.

3. I knelt under the canopy on the grassy area, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She immediately appeared in front of me, a little elevated in the air! She was beaming with light that flowed into me.

4. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, in your busy days ahead, your Heavenly Father and I will help you in your final efforts in your move, and in resetting everything at your home so it becomes functional again. You will then be an at-home business and not dependent on an outside location. We have been helping you make this decision and to make the transition.

5. I have brought you here to partake of the fruit of the tree of life to help you in the few days ahead before you go to Oregon later this week to visit your mother, your sister K and your family there. We will give you minimal revelations this week so that you can concentrate on getting your business ready before you go on your trip.'

6. Heavenly Mother smiled on me and I felt her acceptance, support and love! I expressed deep thanks for all her and Heavenly Father's support, and for their continued abundant revelations to me. I told her how much I loved her too.

7. She then immediately vanished, and I closed my prayer and got started on my new day.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 1, 2019, Tuesday

1. Yesterday we completely moved out and I took a truckload to Deseret Industries. It was very nice to be all done with our business move to home. Our house is a mess but we got all our systems back up again. I am relieved to now have a little more time back to myself!

2. Last night I came to the outcropping above the circling waters. It was past midnight again when I prayed. It was nighttime and I could see the glowing temple in the distance. I prayed on the knoll and I then heard Heavenly Father's voice in my mind:

'Raphael, I love you and we will be with you in all your times of need. Meet me here tomorrow morning when you are well rested and I will speak longer to you then.'

3. I thanked him and immediately went to sleep.

4. This morning I again came to the outcropping above the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. All was bright and morning time with the celestial sun above in the sky shining on all the lands around me.

5. I had received a few questions by email recently. I wondered if my Heavenly Father would answer these today. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.

6. Heavenly Father then came next to me, standing very majestic and full of light! I so loved being in his presence! He was smiling upon me and I felt his acceptance and love.

He spoke: 'Raphael, you will now be able to get back in a more normal routine in your life, now that you have completed your move. We are pleased with how you strove to connect to us during the move.

7. I will answer your questions you received:

Q 1–"What is the difference between asking Elohim to come and asking Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come, in answer to your prayers?"

A1–'There is no difference. Both your Heavenly Mother and I are named Elohim, for we are a couple god who are the ones who are the gods of this galaxy, our domain. We will respond whenever you call on us, by any of our names.'

8. Q2–from M.A.–"With all the sexual perversion on the earth today in this telestial world, once people go to a telestial kingdom of glory, will there no more sexual perversions there? No sinning anymore? Is it because of Satan that there is this type of sin? I know that there will be no children in the telestial kingdom, so is the desire just not part of that kingdom?"

A2–'In the eternal kingdoms of glory, both in the terrestrial and in the telestial worlds, there will be no reproduction, nor any means for our children to experience sexual relations. We will remove the interest, sexual drive, and capability in those kingdoms of glory towards any sexual relations. This will end any sexual perversions which have been inspired by Lucifer and his evil hosts. Their evil influence will be fully absent from any eternal kingdoms of glory. Our children in these kingdoms will be happy and live in peace among themselves.

9. During the millennium, when Satan and his hosts are departed, there will also be no sexual perversions, for these have been all inspired by the adversary. Our terrestrial world will have decent, upstanding children who will be respectful of our terrestrial laws and obey them. They will also grow and live without sin in their lives. The millennial society will be one of great peace and tranquility. The inhabitants of the earth will not steal from one another and not even think of the many ways to sin that are part of the natural man or woman in a fallen telestial world where Satan inspires our mortal children to sin. All things will be available for mankind, for the earth will produce in great abundance. Our children will have stewardship over their own possessions and properties, but will be very willing to share with those in need. This is according to the laws of the terrestrial kingdom that all will follow and obey. This is the era when children will grow up without sin to salvation.

10. D&C 45:58-59

"And the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.

For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his glory shall be upon them, and he will be their king and their lawgiver."'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me today! I felt so blessed to have received of his wisdom and truths. He then smiled and I saw him depart back into his highest celestial realms of glory. I ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and got started on my day.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 2, 2019, Wednesday

1. Last night was another late night until midnight. I wasn't so stressed by my move, but just had lots of work to do. I did send out my post 137 on the hollow earth, however. I think I have enough already for another post too!

2. Last night I prayed by my bed in the dark. I felt to come to God's temple, on the north side by the door. The door was closed, and I knelt just outside the door. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

3. The door opened and a very bright person appeared! Heavenly Mother stood before me, smiling. I immediately felt the intense light of the Holy Ghost from her presence penetrate into and through me. I also felt her love and acceptance in the light. She spoke to my mind:

4. 'Raphael, your Father and I are pleased with your personal progress, and your efforts to come to us. Come tomorrow at this same place in your morning prayer, and I will come speak to you again!'

5. She then stepped backwards into her temple and shut the doors. I remember seeing a glow in the temple doors as she shut them, for her light seemed to penetrate the doors and come out with a glow to the side facing me.

6. I thanked her for her light and comforting visit. I then closed my prayer and retired to bed.

7. This morning I came again to the front temple doors. I knelt where I had been last night, and asked for Heavenly Mother to come again.

8. This morning she appeared right in front of the temple doors, a little elevated in the air in front of me! She was very bright but her light did not shine through me like last night. I noticed her eyes were bright and sparkling, and she was smiling broadly.

9. She spoke to me: 'M.A. had a question about sin. She wondered if our children only sin because of Satan's influence? She wondered if there was no sin during the millennium.

10. I would like to elaborate more on what your Heavenly Father spoke to you yesterday morning about this topic.

11. There is a law given to each kingdom of glory. You now live in the mortal telestial world. In this world, our children who are living in sin are permitted to live, including Satan and his hosts. Speaking of the telestial, "These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie." (See D&C 76:103). These are all around you in your world now. They will steal and even murder for gain, and still be permitted to live in the telestial world. These telestial people are characterized by how they embrace sin, to one degree or another. They reject the gospel of Jesus Christ in their mortal lives, and those who remain on the telestial earth when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds of heaven, will be burned at his coming. They will then be transferred into the telestial world of the dead where their spirit lives on. They will mostly continue living in sin, for that is what they desire.

12. When the earth transitions full to a terrestrial earth, those who live a terrestrial law will be able to endure the burning and will largely be preserved. They will remain on the millennial earth with the celestial mortals who love us and obey our every commandment.

13. Satan and his evil hosts will then be locked up in the bottomless pit by you, Raphael. Their influence among mortal men and women will cease. The natural man in our terrestrial and celestial children will disappear, for they love goodness. These are they who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards received it.

These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men.

These are they who receive of his glory, but not of his fullness.

These are they who receive the presence of the Son, but not the fulness of the Father.

Wherefore, they are bodies terrestrial, and not bodies celestial, and differ in glory as the moon differs from the sun.

These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God." (D&C 76:74-79).

14. These sons and daughters who are of a terrestrial nature will find themselves free from Lucifer and his temptations, and largely free from the natural man and woman tendencies of the telestial world. If they had bad habits, lingering from their previous telestial environments, these they will soon drop, for there is no motivation to keep their old ways in such a wonderful terrestrial world.

15. They will repent and be forgiven and accepted by Jesus Christ. Most of them will join the Church of Christ at the beginning of the millennium. Others who don't join, will live according to the law of the terrestrial kingdom. There will be very little sin after this transition to the terrestrial world. All will recognize that Jesus Christ had come again to the earth, and dwells in Zion, the New Jerusalem. They will know he is their Great Redeemer, and that he loves them. They will accept his role as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

16. The terrestrial will die when they are old, and will be taken in to the terrestrial world of the dead, or the paradise of God there.

17. I then asked my Heavenly Mother about those who did not join the Church of Christ by baptism in their mortal life–How were these received into the terrestrial paradise of God in the world of the spirit dead? She answered:

18. 'Raphael, these who live laws of the terrestrial glory on earth, and live and die in the millennium on the earth, will be received into the terrestrial glory among the spirit dead. Even though they may not have been baptized, they still live the laws of the terrestrial. We would not want them to be sent to the world of the telestial dead, for they qualify to receive the higher glory.

19. There is a section of the terrestrial world of the spirit dead where they may come. They may also attend church meetings among the Church of Christ in that terrestrial world of the dead. They have all received Jesus Christ as their personal Redeemer, for they received of the presence of the Son while in mortality. Their world is one where they continue to be free from those in the telestial world of the dead.

20. This is a shift from the requirements of the terrestrial world of the dead in your day when you still live on the telestial mortal earth. In your day now, we do not have a way to determine their acceptance of Jesus Christ except through the covenant of a valid baptism on the earth. This ordinance shows to us they accept Jesus Christ as their Redeemer and that he accepts them as his sons and daughters (see Mosiah 5:6-10). For those in your day who receive or have received a valid baptism, and who sincerely repent and take upon them the name of Christ whether by proxy or in person, may enter into the terrestrial world of the dead. In the millennium, the fact those who abide the day of Christ's coming, and live in the new terrestrial world in mortality, is sufficient for them to be received into the terrestrial world of the dead. This is called the paradise of God, which is also what the great terrestrial mortal world in the millennium will be called. It is the same glory that the Garden of Eden was elevated to before the fall of man.

21. Those who are celestial and who live in the millennial day, will die and be resurrected immediately upon their death to a celestial glory. They will not go to the world of the spirit dead, for they are resurrected. They qualify to go to this celestial orb, awaiting their entrance into our Church of the Firstborn if they had not already been received into that celestial church during their mortal life.

22. All those who are accepted by Jesus Christ into the Church of the Firstborn are elected into this church by Jesus Christ himself. They will have proven to him their valiancy to follow him above the world, and to have accepted him as their personal Savior. When they come to you to be admitted into the Church of the Firstborn, through the ordinance of the waters of separation, they may be mortal, translated, or resurrected individuals. They all will have abided the laws of the celestial kingdom, and will have been elected to that celestial church by Jesus Christ himself.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful truths she gave to me this morning! I said I loved her so very much. She then smiled upon me, opened her temple doors and went inside. She shut the doors behind her. I then closed my prayer and started my new day!

24. Evening–Tonight I came by the little stream that flows into God's Healing Lake. The stream made a gurgling sound, it was very pretty all around and I felt to drink of the living water from the stream. I knelt and drank from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and clarified. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

25. Heavenly Father immediately appeared next to my side, looking at God's Loving Healing Lake into where the little stream flowed.

He spoke: 'Raphael, we want our elect sons and daughters to be like this little stream, continually flowing into the fountain of all righteousness (see Lehi's exhortation to Laman in 1 Nephi 2:9). This means that the desires and intents of the hearts of our righteous is to do good continually and to not be swayed away from their inner desires to come unto us, their God. when our elect quiet down, their natural desire is to be with us and to do well. They want to do our will and love to please us. We will guide them gently and bring them to the healing waters, even as this little stream steadily flows into this lake.'

26. He then turned and spoke to me face to face: 'Raphael, your words and revelations will only be read and pondered by our celestial elect. They will rejoice at our abundant revelations and confirm each one they receive. We will lead them here a little and there a little, even until we lead them into eternal life in our kingdom. Come here tomorrow morning and I will share more of my truths with you!'

27. Heavenly Father then turned and walked down the little stream towards the lake and disappeared. I thanked him in my mind for his beautiful words tonight. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 3, 2019, Thursday

1. I awoke early this morning ready for a new day. I came again to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt on the grass next to the grass and drank living water again and then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. I then saw him descend from the skies over the lake and then move towards me until he was immediately in front of me! He was very bright and full of glory and light. I felt his light come into me and enlighten my whole soul! I felt his great peace emanate from his presence.

3. I looked into his eternity eyes and they were so very deep, full of understanding and power. He smiled at me and then spoke:

'Raphael, after this morning's prayer, you will be on a trip with your family to visit your mother, sister and other family members in Oregon. As you pray to us, we will appear but not give you any significant direction. We want you to relax and enjoy your family.

4. M.A. asked you about the announcement that women and baptized children may now witness baptisms and sealings in the LDS Church. This church no longer holds our authority and its higher leaders no longer receive our revelations. Their decisions are entirely their own without our guidance.

In the future Church of Christ, the law of witnesses will continue to be operative in that church.

5. D&C 6:28

"...and in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."

6. Witnesses need not be a priesthood or high priestess holder, but should be a member of the Church of Christ in good standing. All members who are baptized may act in a witness capacity in whatever ordinance they may witness. We do not require anyone with any authority or special calling to be a witness. If needs be, they may stand at the judgment bar, stating what they witnessed in the flesh. We also have all ordinances written and properly recorded, both in the Church of Christ and in the Church of the Firstborn.

7. 3 Nephi 27:23-26

"Write the things which ye have seen and heard, save it be those which are forbidden.

Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been.

For behold, out of the books which have been written, and which shall be written, shall this people be judged, for by them shall their works be known unto men.

And behold, all things are written by the Father; therefore out of the books which shall be written shall the world be judged."

8. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen to have records written both on earth and in heaven, of the works of our children who live on the earth. We command every one of our children to record their own inspirations and revelations they receive from us, their Gods, in their own personal journals. We also have ordinances recorded in the organized churches we have established and sustain. These words are written on earth. If necessary, we may go back in time to the event that was recorded and see the records of that time, as written buy our faithful witness.

9. In the terrestrial realm of the spirit dead, we also have faithful elect assigned to write a record of the important events of our people in mortality. Those who record these things write them in a book that is preserved in that realm and stored in organized repositories. These records are those written in heaven of the proceedings of our children on earth. Those who record these things are given permission to view into the mortal lives of their assigned people. Those who witness and record the events of the people are not the same as those who are guardian spirits, which are usually of the same family line as the one they assist and protect on the earth.

10. The ultimate record of the faithful that will last into eternity is the Lamb's Book of Life. Only Oriphiel, our called and assigned archangel, will write in this Book of Life, save a few entries by your Heavenly Mother. We will keep this permanent record in eternity in the library in the New Jerusalem that will be constructed for the purpose to hold and keep the sacred records of this eternity.

11. All other important records, journals, and scriptures will also be preserved and held throughout eternity in the New Jerusalem library. These will be for the gods to review and read in eternity, even as they desire. They will be a record of all the important events, ordinances, and recordings of this entire eternity. Records from the pre-mortal life of our children will also be housed in that library. By this means, all things will be kept in order, for my house is a house of order. (see D&C 88:119).

12. All previous eternities also have their own set of records that now are housed in their own resurrected celestial earths. All records of the final judgments of each one of our children are also written and stored in their own library in their celestial city on their own earth. We know and remember all of their works and proceedings and know where the written records are kept. Such will be the case one day when your eternity is finally closed and your earth is resurrected.'

13. I thanked my beloved Heavenly Father for his revelation this morning! I felt what I had written was all-accurate. I felt his love and acceptance of me, his son.

14. He then slowly disappeared. I was then alone in the celestial realm above and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.