124. Dreams and Visions

Posted 6-18-2019


In this post you will read about how dreams and visions work–whether they are all from God, your own imaginations, or whether they are visions seen into the eternal worlds or if they are only representations. This is so very interesting to me, and I think it will be for you too!

Please pray about all of what I share with you, and ensure they are from God. 

There is also lots more in this post too. Enjoy!

Enjoy your summer!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 1, 2019, Saturday

1. I have been thoroughly enjoying myself on my trip to Oregon. I have communicated only briefly with my Heavenly Parents over the past few days. They have come to me quickly still, but also departed quickly. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have come. I so appreciate them!

2. This morning I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank of living water and then knelt at the shore and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came quietly in front of me! She was smiling and her eternity eyes were sparkling. I felt her intense light stream through me and fill me with her love.

3. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are glad that you are spending quality time with your family! Family relations and love is very much a precious gift you each may share with each other. These relationships are meant to help you and all of our children feel supported, accepted and loved in their mortal journey. These choice relationships are meant to continue into the spirit world and beyond as you progress and grow. You are each our precious children! We are so very pleased when you love and care for each other in loving relationships!'

4. She smiled at me and then faded quickly away. This has been the pattern of the appearances and messages that they both have been giving to me while I have been visiting with my family. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her love and Spirit she sent to me. I closed my prayer and went out to spend more time with my loved ones.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 4, 2019, Tuesday

1. This lovely sunny morning I came again to the circling waters. I was sitting on the bench, facing the circling waters. The celestial sun was up and was shining. I had come here several times during my recent trip to commune with God. The visits were always short and no doctrine or significant revelations were given. Instead, I felt complete support in all my family activity that I was doing.

2. I came to the shore and drank some living water from my cupped hand. I felt clarified in my mind. I then knelt and faced the water, asking for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came in a brilliant splash of light from the sky to stand before me above the water! She was smiling and radiating large amounts of intense light that streamed through me. I felt very uplifted and was filled with so much peace and love!

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I are very glad that you have enjoyed a rich and fulfilling visit with your mother and family in Oregon! They are all our children who are now experiencing their own mortal life. Many experience similar ups and downs in life and all are fully immersed in their own mortal journey. We watch over and care for all, for they are each our beloved children.

4. You enjoyed happy moments of joy in being with your loved ones, but you also had moments of sadness for some of your own that are struggling with their own issues. You have re-learned that adults are responsible for their own actions and that you have no ability to control or influence them for good except through love and acceptance. They are fully the only ones who may choose how they wish to act and what light and truth they are willing to accept. Your influence for good may be felt by how much you accept and love them.

5. You may also feel the emotions of sadness come through you as you see those you love choose harmful paths that will bring them misery. It is helpful to feel these negative emotions and then to set them aside after some time and choose to think upon brighter, happier thoughts. You also have power to think what you choose. You will know how long to remain sad or to experience another negative emotion before choosing to set this aside and feel bright and positive again.

6. Your Father and I will come to you tonight at the desert oasis. By then you should be settled in your life again in your Utah home. We will continue to be with you throughout your day.

7. Evening–I am at the desert oasis now, and am anticipating meeting my Heavenly Parents here, as promised by my Heavenly Mother this morning. I came to the oasis shore and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt clearer in my head area after drinking and then I knelt on the sand on the shore. It was clear and near dusk outside. I could still see the entire surrounding desert just fine, but the celestial sun was in the northern horizon. I was feeling very connected to God and then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

8. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared immediately before me! They were emitting soft light, and were strikingly impressive! They wore matching gold-trimmed robes. They stood several feet above the water.

9. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when you were visiting your family in Oregon, you observed many different yet seemingly happy marriages among your family. We never dictate the way a married couple lives in their marriage, for if they care and love each other, they may have exquisite joy and happiness in their marriage.

10. In eternity, among all of the couple gods, there is also not a "correct" way to be married companions, except for having love, consideration, and being true to the understandings of the marriage that they create.

11. For example, your Heavenly Mother has continued mostly creating the healing plants, and acts as the Holy Ghost. I have been the focus of our children when they have prayed to us over the past 6,000 years. These are responsibilities we have each agreed upon for this eternity. We are always very considerate of each other's desires. We love to be together, and often work together in blessing and strengthening our own children. We consider each other fully as equal in power, authority and share in all major decisions. Neither of us dominates or controls the other in any way. We are always united, and continually communicate together, even in all of our replicated states wherever we may be located. We have a very deep and abiding love and dependence. We do all things as much as possible together. Our united focus is the happiness of each other and our beloved children in our large family.'

12. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, there are differences in a male god and a female god, in the way we each approach a situation or solve a problem. We know how each other will respond, and these differences make our joint actions, decisions and methods more complete.

13. Even though your Heavenly Father was more logic-based in mortality, and I was more emotion-centered while living on our own earth, we have both grown to be very capable and strong in all areas. When we are together, we continue to allow each other to magnify our original earthly strengths, even though we now have a fulness of understanding and ability in all areas.

14. I am extremely capable in all farming skills, for example, but your Father loves this skill and does this in his alone time. I love planting in my garden and in creating flowers and other plants. We are both fully capable and know all things. We are both inordinately happy and have great peace and contentment. Our lives constitute a fulness of joy!

15. We spend many moments together alone in our higher celestial realms. We take time together to enjoy our eternities together. There is never a feeling of being rushed, or longing for a different present moment, for all are so very enjoyable for us. Our love and appreciation for each other knows no bounds. We consider our marriage and partnership the very highest priority in our lives!'

16. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for sharing with me the wonderful highlights of their eternal marriage and relationship together! I want so much to become a more loving husband, more sensitive and understanding to my wife. My Heavenly Parents are such amazing examples to me of what I wish to become!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 5, 2019, Wednesday

1. This morning the sun is streaming through the window as I prepare to meditate and pray. I am so grateful that I know how to quiet myself down and enter into prayer on the celestial orb! I have no idea what today's revelations will be when I go there to commune with God.

2. I came this morning to the northern shore of God's Loving Healing Lake. I was sitting on the bench there, next to the little stream trickling into the lake. There was almost a surreal look to the lake as it glistened in the sunlight. As I was looking on it, my Heavenly Mother appeared on my right side! I was so pleased that she came to me! I turned towards her and came to my knees. I looked up into her loving eyes, so full of light and acceptance! I wish my loved ones could experience her love in their mortal lives!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have only become who I am and how I appear to you by my choice to be happy and full of light. I gradually changed and grew into my current state. I find great joy in remaining in the positive and happy emotions that continually fill my being!'

4. She then extended her right hand and I stood and took it. She then directed me down to the beautiful path that goes around the lake. We walked in silence for a moment, hand in hand. I felt her intense light penetrating into me from her being on my left side as we walked. The light passed right into me and through me. It was a beautiful sensation!

5. She spoke again: 'Raphael, we know how to gradually lead our children in gentle ways that they are most likely to accept. We have many eternities of experience. Inner personal relationships, and how to approach our sons and daughters particularly in their mortal state, is our great strength!

6. Raphael, you have wondered about the great variety of healing gifts our healing angels and healers exercise while in their flesh. Their gifts and talents in correcting physical, spiritual, emotional and mental issues in our children are so varied! You yourself have many healing gifts that you use in administering to our children that we send you to. You come to them as a holy angel of light. You continue to act as our healing angel, even though much of your time is spend in following our directions in administering and managing our great work in these last days.

7. As far as your mortal conscious self goes, you may find relaxation and enjoyment with your wife and family, and in receiving and recording our revelations. You might think you don't do much healing energy work, but in reality you are doing more than ever before in the celestial realms! This is also true of the other mortal angels too.'

We were now on the path, walking around the lake. I felt very connected to my Mother. Oh, I love and adore her so very much!

8. 'Raphael, even while we walk, I am aware of all of my multiple replicated states and what I am thinking and doing wherever my beings may be. I am also in continual communication with my loving husband, your Heavenly Father. We are both together and apart, and I am able to sort and know all of the circumstances, my thoughts and emotions of each place I am in. Every one of my replicated states shares the same full awareness of what I do and think in all of my other replicated states. There is no limit on how many times I replicate, and how much I may have going on in each of my states. They are all continually before me! And yet I may be fully connected with you while all of this happens in my mind. This continual activity brings me great satisfaction, for I am continually serving and blessing my husband and my children.

9. Heavenly Father also does the same things as do I, only in his own replicated states. I am aware of all he is doing too, but do not know all of his thoughts unless he shares them with me. We have ultimate trust and love for each other. Our lives as gods in our galaxy is continually enjoyable and satisfying to us!

10. Only the gods may replicate as do we, and those of our children that we allow to also replicate by our power we extend to them. We therefore may multiply our small group of angels and other celestial servants to become as multiplied and capable as we desire. We limit replication ability to those who labor and minister for us in the celestial realms on the earth or on our celestial orb.

11. Raphael, we have you replicate as much as your service is needed. You replicate by thinking to do so, and it is done. Your Heavenly Father and I are in continual communication with you, in all of your replicated states. You are not consciously aware of all of this, since it is all done in your unconscious state. Time constraints are not a big issue either, for we allow you and our holy angels and other celestial servants to go forwards or backwards in time, by our power, as we may direct. Your angel and celestial robes give you power to go into the future or past, according to our directions. However, most of your ministering is done in the present.

12. In your conscious, mortal mind, you will continue to live a quiet and peaceful life. However, in the celestial realms, your activities and service will be great. Such is also the case for all of our other holy angels now, and our celestial servants whom we have called and chosen.'

13. We walked together in silence for a little bit. I tried to comprehend, in my mortal conscious mind, the many places where my replicated beings were in, and what I was doing there. However, I could only consciously connect to my walk and conversation with my loving Heavenly Mother then as we walked around God's Loving Healing Lake.

14. I expressed deep gratitude to her to be able to receive from her and Heavenly Father so frequently. I also thanked her for more information about replication and how it works. I told her how much I loved her. My mortal mind then came back to my mortal body, sitting and writing all of this down in my recliner with the sunlight pouring through the window.

15. As I was closing my morning prayer, I received a remarkable email from S. He talked about a sign from God given to our people at the time of the solar eclipse a few years ago.

I prayed about his email and message, and received a witness it is true.

16. I also wondered about the desolating sickness that would cover the land, and about the virus that would start upon the members of the LDS Church. Here is what my Heavenly Mother, who was before me now at the bench next to God's Loving Healing Lake said:

17. 'Raphael, the message from S is true, and was given to him from us. The desolating sickness is as we described in your post 123, and is going to affect all peoples in your country, and around the world. It is from the poisoning of your foods, the genetically modified foods, and the great pollutions in your land. The virus that will afflict first the members of the LDS Church in Utah will be classified as a plague that will also eventually spread to many people. All this will be initiated by our angels and heavenly messengers, even as we direct. We have all in control, and will let you and our servants know when the calamities are upon you, even as we wish.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I so love and appreciate the revelations that we, their servants, receive so abundantly now!

I will ask S if I may share his email here in post 124.

19. Later-I did receive S's permission, and here are a series of his emails below:

From an email from S on 5-25-2019:

20. "R,

I was reading in 2 Nephi 18:1-4 about Isaiah naming his son yesterday.

He named his son : Maher-shalal-hash-baz. "Destruction is imminent." It has kept coming back to my mind yesterday and today. I know that Isaiah's prophecies have dual meaning to Jews of his time and us in the latter day. As I was pondering the modern day equivalent of naming his son, I felt prompted to ask you this question of the modern day counterpart if there is one?

I will also pray about it too.

Have a blessed day,


I received this email on 6-5-2019 from S who said I could share this:

21. "R,

I am in between trips and pulled my computer out of storage. I wanted to share what I learned about Isaiah's sons' names. You previously asked me to share what I found. It came from prayers over a couple of days. I hope you have a blessed week with your family. We are kind of homeless this month with the move and vacations, but I pulled my computer out of storage from the trailer last night so I could type this.

Here are my journal entries:

22. 5/24/19, AM

I have been working around the clock trying to get our house ready to sell and move. It has been a lot of work.

I read in 2 Nephi Chapter 18 of Isaiah's words. The name of Isaiah's son caught my attention, Maher-shalal-hash-baz. "Destruction is imminent." I found myself wondering about the modern day equivalent of this prophecy that already had an ancient day fulfillment.

In prayer, I came to the desert oasis and called upon my Heavenly Parents. I saw Both standing above me in the air. Heavenly Mother said, "Stay here and feel the peace that abides here." They departed and I felt peace within that is wonderful and priceless.

I couldn't help wondering how much of the culture and life I've learned from 21st century living that is counter to the culture of heaven. I felt a desire to depart from these cultures and customs that distance me from what we experienced with our Heavenly Parents pre-mortally. I then closed my prayer.

I needed to feel that peace and calm because my life is very busy right now with a lot of moving parts from moving and starting a new job and ending my job here.

23. 5/25/19, AM

Today we worked like crazy packing for the move. We are almost done!

In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the front steps of the Temple. I noted smoke billowing up into the skies. I waited and Heavenly Mother appeared before me. She appeared somber and solemn. I knelt before Her. She spoke to me, "We inspired you to feel the Spirit and ponder the message given to Isaiah for the Jews of the naming of his son. Their destruction was imminent. If Our children of today would repent, We would stay Our hand. However, they will not repent. Destruction will begin upon Our house and from thence go to many people." I perceived a virus or illness overtake many people, even in our church. Many died from the virus and there was great mourning and sadness all around. She continued, "All is not well in Zion, and upon My house will it begin."

I asked about timing and whether we had a sign similar to Isaiah's son that either occurred or will occur in the future.

Heavenly Mother continued, "The solar eclipse that crossed the entire continental United States is the sign that corresponds to Isaiah's son being a sign by virtue of his name. The timing of this sign given to its fulfillment will be almost identical to the time frame of Isaiah's sons birth and then leading up to the sign's fulfillment in his day." Her message to me had ended and She departed. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

24. 5/26/19

I knelt to pray and drank of water, and I prayed that it be living water through Jesus Christ. In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I waited for further direction. In my heart I felt that I would wait as long as needful to commune with my Gods, for it brings me so much joy. I was grateful to kneel in prayer and all my earthly concerns melted away. I was directed to Heavenly Father's wheat field where the Oak tree lay on the ground with a portion of the roots pointing up into the air. I was standing next to the trunk between the roots and the branches. My Heavenly Father appeared in glory and bright light was beaming from His entire person. I knelt before Him, humbled and grateful to be in His presence. Heavenly Father spoke, " My son, We have brought you here for this morning's message. Your Heavenly Mother is watching Us from above in the Celestial sphere. You recall Her powerful message to you years ago in the Temple in Gilbert where She testified that Isaiah saw your day as did Nephi who recorded in 2 Nephi 28:24, Wo to him that is at ease in Zion, that sayeth all is well in Zion, Zion prospereth. We have judged the hearts and intents of Our people, and many have been found lacking. Judgment is Ours and only We can see the hearts, desires, and intents of Our children. We love all Our children on earth, particularly those of the LDS faith who have been given so much truth. They are as the Jews who we loved deeply and had many of Our truths as a foundation more than any other group at that time except for the Nephites. They (the Jews) set their hearts upon the things of this world more than God and for this Jesus Christ lamented their fallen state. You will live to see the fulfillment of D & C 112: 24-25, destruction will come and upon my house will it begin. Teach your family to look to God and live in the humility of their hearts. For I, God, looketh on the hearts of each child. Those whose hearts are set upon Christ will be preserved for His glorious return. Your Heavenly Mother spoke and answered your question about Isaiah's second son's name, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, "destruction is imminent." I witness as She did that the sign to your generation was the solar eclipse that crossed your entire nation. It witnessed to your entire nation that the judgment of God has come and your nation's destruction is imminent. Our righteous We will preserve and spare, that a remnant will remain to meet their glorious King, Our Son Jesus Christ. This remnant is the promise from Isaiah's first son's name." I perceived that His message to me had ended.

I asked that I would recall and faithfully record what I received and felt His assurance that my mind would be quickened to recall His words. He departed up into the sky before me and I closed my prayer.

R, that was what I received in prayer.
Let me know what you think,


25. Evening: Today I came to the young forest along the path from the circling waters heading west. This is where I had taken the sacrament when I was a young spirit. I knelt off the path to the north by the horizontal log. I prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come to me. Heavenly Father then came walking down the path from the west! He approached me and stopped to my left and immediately spoke:

26. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother confirmed that a deadly virus would soon spread among the people in your area who are predominantly LDS. They have rejected me and the gospel that we had our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, teach when he was on the earth and again in the Book of Mormon and also through the prophet Joseph Smith. They have now gone far astray. The podcast you listened to today by M.S. (#051 2 Nephi 28) expressed my sentiments about the members of this church. There are few who truly follow the teachings of our Son. They have rejected us and we have withdrawn our Spirit from the members by degrees. There are a few humble followers of Jesus Christ, but most are thinking that all is well in Zion and have rejected us. They are mostly closed to our words and promptings!

27. As a result, the deadly virus that we have told S about is imminent upon your land! When this comes, it will spread fast and bring destruction. It will begin in the midst of our house that we have also rejected (see D&C 112:24-26). From this central hub of the LDS Church, it will spread as a whirlwind upon the inhabitants of the earth. The antidote to this virulent virus will be for the people to purify their hearts and to cleanse themselves through the atoning blood of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, also the blood of this generation will be required at their hands (D&C 112:33).

28. Raphael, you have been true and faithful to us, your Gods. We will send you and our holy healing angels to those who truly repent and come unto their Savior, and we will heal them through your ministrations.'

29. Heavenly Father then suddenly left and I immediately was back in my chair writing all of this as it quickly came to me by revelation from him. I confirmed that this message was true and that what I wrote was from my Heavenly Father.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 6, 2019, Thursday

1. This morning I awoke early and sent out post 123 on the Spirit of God. I also made the index available online, down to post 42. M.A. has really worked hard on these!

2. This morning I came to the quiet desert oasis on the celestial orb. I sat on the bench just a few seconds it seemed and my Heavenly Father then appeared directly in front of me! I quickly came to my knees. He was full of light and smiling. He looked so majestic!

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I am pleased how you are getting your posts on your website available online. Your index is also a good start to help those who receive your posts to be able to find things quickly. When we say that destruction is imminent, the word imminent means soon. This is because exact time for us, who are your Gods, is not so important since we see past, present and future so easily. Our desire is that you, who are mortal, prepare yourselves and be ready whenever the very moment arrives for our revelations to be fulfilled. When the destruction that is prophesied comes upon the people, it will be too late to prepare.

4. This virus that brings destruction upon many people in the LDS Church at first, and then upon the world, may be cured, even after being contracted. This is a different virus, for the cure will be for the ones afflicted to repent and come unto Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. In this way, it will be akin to the brazen serpent that Moses put on a pole (see Numbers 21:9). If the people were bitten by an actual poisonous serpent, they would only have to look upon the brazen serpent on the pole to live and be healed. For those who didn't believe enough to even look, they suffered and died from the poison in their bodies. Likewise, for those who contract the deadly virus in a day soon at hand, if they will humbly and sincerely repent, open their hearts to us, their Gods, and come to Jesus Christ in prayer, seeking to change their lives and accept our promptings, they will be healed. For those that do this, we will send our healing angels from the celestial realms to bless and heal them of the viral infection in their body. Your Heavenly Mother and I will send our angels to whom we will, for we know the hearts and minds of our children. We will preserve and protect our own who are our elect. There may be a few casualties from the viral plague we cause to come upon the people, even from among our elect, but these will be relatively few in number.

5. D&C 97:22-28

"For behold, and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly as the whirlwind; and who shall escape it?

The Lord's scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come;

For the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works.

Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her.

But if she observe not to do whatsoever I have commanded her, I will visit her according to all her works, with sore affliction, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance, with devouring fire.

Nevertheless, let it be read this once to her ears, that I, the Lord, have accepted of her offering; and if she sin no more none of these things shall come upon her;

And I will bless her with blessings, and multiply a multiplicity of blessings upon her, and upon her generations forever and ever, saith the Lord your God. Amen."

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me this lovely morning! I am so glad to be bathed in his light and love, and to be at peace.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 7, 2019, Friday

1. Last night I prayed by my bed in the dark, and did not write it down. I hope I will be able to remember all and record what Heavenly Mother told me.

2. I came to the cliff to the south overlooking God's Loving Healing Lake, on the celestial orb, I saw the lake below and knelt. Heavenly Mother came to me from her temple to the north. She was beaming with light–I loved being in her presence! Here is what she said: 'Raphael, your health receives a boost with intermittent fasting like you did today. Drink plenty of water during your health fast so that your body may clear itself of toxins without having to spend energy on digestion.

3. You have many greens from your garden that are also wonderful to increase your physical well-being. When you eat the spring herbs from your garden and greenhouse, and those you have planted around your yard, your body also is greatly boosted. Eating fresh herbs that cleans and strengthen has been so helpful, and has been the main reason why you have had no grass allergies like before when you weed-wacked the tall grasses on your property today. You were amazed that you didn't even have a sniffle during the two hours you cut down your tall grasses and weeds. You regularly eat freshly picked parsley, rosemary, oregano, and comfrey. Add also fresh cilantro and other greens you grow and this will help protect your immunity and cleanse your physical body. Eat them fresh without washing them so that you receive the helpful microbes abundant on your organic plants.

4. D&C 89:10-11–"And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature and use of man-

Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving."'

5. I then asked my Heavenly Mother about the occasional ache and pain I still experience in my left shoulder, in the backside. I know this is where Lucifer had hidden when he was extracted in the class I conducted, by the healing angels in the room in May 2016. This is when I was first given my sword of Raphael, and fought with Satan and his hosts. (See "The Conversion of Raphael" in post 16 on 5-13-2016). My question now was this; I know Lucifer is gone from his hidden area in my shoulder, but did he somehow poison that area of my body that still remains?

6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, Lucifer is no more hiding in your body, but before he left he did leave behind poisons in your body tissues. You may be able to remove the last of these toxins that still remain in your muscles, by continuing to ingest the cleansing herbs and fruits from your garden, greenhouse, orchard and fields. As you eat these daily, think of them removing these latent poisons in your left shoulder area. They will be able to cleanse the area in several months. Then your shoulder pain and aches will depart.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her advice. I feel so happy to have the natural remedies all around me that grow here, in this spring and summer season!

8. Heavenly Mother then pulled me off my knees and fully embraced me! I felt her intense light, that was filled with love and acceptance, and also healing, pour into and through me. I felt transparent again and was very uplifted! I could tell there was a darkened area on my left back shoulder area. This was also filled with light, which passed through these muscle tissues. I believe this helps remove these poisons that are lodged there also.

9. My prayer ended and I went to bed. I felt very alive and strong after my prayer! I had worked hard physically during the day in the garden and around the house today. I felt tired and quickly went to sleep.

10. This morning, after I wrote the above, I came to the bench next to the little stream of water that flowed into God's Loving Healing Lake. I then stood and walked to the water's edge, and then continued walking into the lake, even until I was fully immersed. I tried to sense what I felt. The living water was somehow helping me settle mental and emotional stresses I receive in my mortal life. While under water, I drank a little too ad felt clarified in my head area.

11. I returned to the shore, but I wasn't wet. This is a property also of celestial living water!

12. I knelt by the shore, facing the healing lake, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father then appeared before me, a little elevated above the water in the air! He was smiling and was filled with light that I felt. I felt very secure and protected in being in his presence. I know too I can feel this same sensation when living in mortality, when I asked for his presence and protection.

13. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have recorded correctly your prayer experience from last night in your journal this morning. We desire that you record all interactions with deity in your journal so others who read your accounts may also benefit, and apply the principles we reveal to you to themselves. We will lead the faithful as we lead you, through personal revelation.

14. When I talk to you now, I don't use audible communication, but instead thought transfer from my mind to your mind. You receive these thoughts that accompany the light that I send to you. This is my Spirit. The light may be also imbued with emotions or feelings of love and acceptance, or other feelings we may generate and send to you in the same light. Light from God, accompanied by thoughts or emotions from us, is the predominant way we speak to our children. When you pray, we send our Spirit, our light coupled with thoughts and emotions, to your mind and heart. You perceive and accept our Spirit and know our message, for you are open and practiced in communing with us and in receiving our light. We are pleased when you write our words we send to you in your journal. This becomes a record of our revelations to you.

15. When Lucifer or any of his evil spirits speak to our children, to tempt and lure them to do evil, they come close to our mortal children. These devils don't have the capacity any more to communicate by sending their messages in the light that we used to speak to them, for there is very little light in them. Instead, Satan's host come next or into our children and think thoughts that come into the minds of our children. These thoughts from the adversary are not sent with light, but are sent since the evil ones are very close to the minds and hearts of our children in the flesh. Our children often don't realize that these thoughts are from Satan or his minions. These thoughts from the adversary seem like they are their own thoughts. However, were they astute, they could feel that these thoughts are not accompanied by light. This is a signal to our children that the message they are receiving is not from us, their Gods or our true messengers.

16. We Gods speak to our children with our Spirit, but Satan speaks by his thoughts, which are void of light. The Spirit is light, and therefore you may clearly discern if the message you received is of God or not. If the message comes with light, then you know it is from God. If there is no light, it is sent from the devil.

17. The light we use to send our messages is the same light that comes to us from our first parent Gods. This light is also called the Light of Christ, or the Spirit of Christ.

Moroni 7:16-19

"For behold, the spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge, for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil, for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one, neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.

And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully, for what that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.

Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ."

18. Raphael, we lead our children gradually, as they accept, receive and act on our messages and Spirit. As they do so, we give them more. We thus may lead them in our light and Spirit from one truth to another. Therefore, as they lay hold upon every good thing we send to them, that is accompanied by our light, they will receive more and more from us.

19. D&C 50:23-25–"And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.

That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may know the truth, that you may chase darkness from among you."

20. When someone says that he/she is religious and follows God, but is closed to the truths we send to them, he/she is in reality rejecting our Spirit. They close themselves to the light because of their own beliefs and strongly held traditions that are not true. They also may desire not to hear the truth, for they love the natural man and listen to the promptings of the adversary. (see D&C 93:39)

21. This is why we desire our children to be very open to the light or Spirit we may send to them. If they accept light from us, and act on our counsels, they will receive more. If they are closed, and reject us and our messages from the Spirit, then we withdraw and they are left to themselves. They are then open to the temptations of the devil.

22. In the end, it is very clear who of our children have humbly accepted our light and truths, for they are filled with light themselves. Those of our children who are dark, have rejected our Spirit and light, and have also rejected us their God. Judgment of our children will be very clear at the last day, for we may see how much light they are filled with. The elect of God receive our light and keep our commandments. These are those whom our Beloved Son accepts into the Church of the Firstborn, who are heirs to our celestial glory, worlds without end!'

23. I thanked my majestic Heavenly Father before me for his clear message! Like Nephi of old, I delight in plainess! (2 Nephi 25:4). I feel enlightened and uplifted by God's message to me today.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 8, 2019, Saturday

1. This morning I came to the overlook from the edge of the fir forest where I could see the fallen oak tree and the Father's wheat field beyond. It was sunny outside with a slight haze in the air. The branches of the fallen tree had no more leaves for these had withered and fallen to the earth. The entire tree looked much more dead and even brittle.

2. I knelt on the ground and prayed for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father then came to me from behind me on my left side! He was directly to my side, standing on the ground. We were both facing the fallen live oak tree with its withered branches. He reached his right hand and placed in on my shoulder. I looked again at the fallen tree and saw members of the LDS Church! I saw them in their activities and in their worship. They seemed very pacified and comfortable in their own lifestyle and in the LDS culture. They were lulled away in carnal security (see 2 Nephi 28:21). They were content to go through the motions of worship, but they rejected attempts by God, who sent to them the Spirit, for they rejected the light. They had no desire to open their hearts and consider other ways of worship. They seemed lulled into a deep sleep of going through motions that once had brought the Spirit but now no longer did. Their lives were empty of the Spirit, but they still attended church meetings and said in their testimony meetings that they knew the church was true. They seemed intent on trying to convince each other that they were very religious and listening to God. However, I saw that they rejected God.

3. I then saw Satan quietly surrounding them in spiritual chains! These were transparent to them, for they could not see them, but to me they were very real and seemed to wrap around them. The devil and his fallen angels wrapped these tighter and tighter, particularly around their minds. I felt sad these active Latter-day Saints couldn't see what was happening! They truly were just like Nephi described:

4. 2 Nephi 28:21-22
"And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.
And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none–and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance."

5. Heavenly Father then removed his hand from my shoulder and faced me. I turned and looked to my left upon him. He spoke to me:

6. 'Raphael, it saddens your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and me how quickly these Latter-day Saints have rejected our Spirit in place of their traditions of worship, the ways of falseness, and worldliness! They are more concerned how they appear to other members, both in their apparel, their vain worship, and in acting without deeply thinking that there is more to religion than they experience. They are caught up in procedures and false patterns of worship that allow Satan to carefully further wrap their minds and hearts in his awful chains, that they themselves cannot see. When we send our light to them, they are so closed that our light hardly enters into their soul!

7. Chapter 28 of 2 Nephi is addressed to these members of our once Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our Beloved Son had shown Nephi this same vision of the fallen oak tree and Nephi also saw the emptiness of the worship of the current day Latter-day Saints! He saw their spiritually empty sacrament meetings. He saw them in their Sunday School meetings, contending with each other over points of doctrine that they did not even understand, for they denied the power of the Holy Ghost that would give them utterance. Many were intellectual in their approach and beliefs and they denied the power of God, thinking that we had done our work and now power was given to man, particularly to their own leaders. They blindly followed their apostles and prophet without even asking if they were being led in the right way. Satan had brought them to believe they should never ask God about such things, for they were a special people with the truth and a true prophet.

8. There were no miracles among them, but only fables and false notions that they believed in and construed in their minds that were evidence that God was leading them in the details of their lives. They completely believed false, vain, and foolish doctrines and were puffed up in their hearts. Their works were in the dark and many committed sins and sought to hide them from their family and friends at church.

9. Raphael, the fall of this oak tree has not only been in the leaders losing their priesthood power and keys, but in the members also becoming corrupted. They are lifted up in the pride and arrogance of their hearts! I cannot reach them for they will not repent (see D&C 29:17).

10. Raphael, I will now show you the true Church of Christ as it will be established in the millennium.'

11. Heavenly Father then placed his hand again on my shoulder. I turned and looked upon the tree. The old, brittle tree then vanished and in its place was a very healthy looking and strong live oak tree! The leaves were vibrant green and there was lots of new growth. I saw lots of acorns all over the tree.

12. I then saw in my mind the Saints of this restored millennial Church of Christ. They were each very open and humble and fully receptive to the Holy Spirit of God! They were all beaming with light and sought the interest and wellbeing of each other. There was great love and peace among them! They didn't wait for their leaders to tell them what to do, but they followed the Spirit. They were like the Nephites of old:

13. Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

14. And again, they were happy, and the love of God and the light of God shone through them to all other people. This was also like had happened to the Nephites.

15. 4 Nephi 1:15-16

"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.
And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God."

16. For these reasons, I will now prepare the earth and its inhabitants for that which is to come. I will take vengeance upon those who reject me and blaspheme me in the midst of my house that I had once accepted (see D&C 112:24-26). Some of the Latter-day Saints will awaken and begin to follow our Spirit we continually send among them. However, those who are not my elect among them will perish, for they will further reject me, even in their times of trial and hardships.'

17. I thanked my Father for his words and visions he had showed to my mind and heart! I thanked him for coming to me today in answer to my prayer.

18. I came to the desert oasis tonight. It was still light outside and the celestial sun was at an angle in the sky and it was evening. I walked on the sand to the water's edge and drank living water. I felt clarified in my mind. I then knelt by the shore and asked for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come.

19. Heavenly Mother came to me above the water and was smiling at me. I immediately felt her Spirit come into me. The rays of light were accompanied by feeling acceptance and peace. I felt clarified in my head too.

20. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I have tried to give you revelation through my Spirit of the Holy Ghost. You have been unable to receive and process my message. You are very tired after working so hard outside. Come back tomorrow morning here at this desert oasis and I will meet you here.'

21. I told her that I was sad that I wasn't more alert tonight. I said I loved her. She then vanished into the higher celestial realm. I immediately went to bed and to sleep.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 9, 2019, Sunday

1. I am very stiff in my body from working so hard yesterday! I was rototilling soil that was not very moist and had lots of rocks. I slept well and now feel much better.

2. I came again to the desert oasis this morning. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I then knelt on the sand and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared again above the water before me! She was bright and glorious. I felt fully accepted and loved! She was smiling. This time I believed I could hear her words:

3. 'Raphael, I tried several times to speak to you via my Spirit last night, but you couldn't hear me. You just sat in your chair unable to write anything from me! This was because you were so deeply tired from the physical work of the day. You are now much more refreshed and my words are flowing into your conscious mind steadily, from your unconscious mind.

4. The subtle intimations of the Spirit can only be felt by one who is in a meditative or a quiet state. They also should eliminate distractions so that they may focus on what comes into their minds. My thoughts and words come in the light that I send into your being. Last night you couldn't feel my words for 15 minutes or so because of your inability to be in a quiet state and a receptive state. Your mind was not capable of receiving much!

5. This morning I would like to talk about water and how it is like our light or Spirit. When you were finished rototilling your ground yesterday, you had soft soil to about 6" deep. This was ready for you to plant your squash and melon seeds in. When you deeply water this soil, the water will penetrate and fully wet all the ground. If you water long enough, all of the soil will turn from dry to wet soil.

6. This same phenomenon happens when we send to you our light. Light matter enters into your physical body and your spirit. As we send more, and as you are receptive, the light infuses into all of your being. As we continue to send our light, it continues to come into all of your being, and you feel full of light, or enlightened. This is akin to your ground being fully wet from watering. When your body is fully saturated with our light, then it starts flowing through you.

7. Raphael, when I send forth the intense light of my Holy Ghost, this quickly saturates your physical body and spirit and begins flowing through you. If I continue bathing you in my Spirit, this flow into you and out of you becomes constant and flows at a steady rate. You then feel very transparent, for this light is continually flowing into and through you. The transparent feeling comes predominantly from your spirit that is full of our light and Spirit. Your spirit is where your feelings and emotions are centered.

8. When you feel this light flowing into and through you, I then add my thoughts and/ or feelings to the light. These thoughts and emotions remain in you, even though the light continues to come into and through you. You are very receptive to my thoughts and feelings, and you can understand these, for they predominantly enter into your unconscious mind and into your heart area. In your mortal body, you perceive these if you have quieted down sufficiently. If you can't perceive them, like last night, it will be because you are either too tired, too distracted by the things that occupy your conscious mind, or you consciously reject our Spirit. Were you to reject our Spirit, this choice would repel the light we send to you and the light would be unable to come into your physical body or spirit body. If that were the case, you would "receive it not; for you (would) perceive not the light, and you (would" turn your heart from me because of the precepts of men," and because of your choice to reject the light and truth from God. (see D&C 45:29).

9. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, sends forth this same light into a darkened world, and the darkness comprehends it not (D&C 10:58). The world, or the darkness that are of our children receive not our light because of their choice to reject our light. They love the things of this world, and the evil or carnality of the natural man. They could be compared to hard soil like you had before tilling your ground. The water would not penetrate and wet this soil, for it is hard and compact. Likewise, our Spirit requires our children to be receptive and open for the light from us to penetrate into their beings.

10. When you are full of the Spirit, you are filled with light matter, for that is the base component of our Spirit. This light remains in you and dwells in you continually. We also send you more light to keep you replenished and full. Openness and humility are main factors in receiving our continual light we send upon you. Were you to allow pride to enter, or become spiritually closed for some reason, like not being open to new ideas and truths, the light from us would not enter in so fully, or even be rejected so it couldn't enter. There are many who reject us because they are not humble or open, and think they have enough and need no more. There are many in the LDS Church who once were open and humble to some extent, but now are closed and will not receive more.

11. Nephi spoke of these in 2 Nephi 28:12, 14

"Because of pride, and because of false teachers, and false doctrine, their churches have become corrupted, and their churches are lifted up; because of pride they are puffed up…

They wear stiff necks and high heads; yea, and because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and whoredoms, they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men."

12. We will have a humble people, and an open people, for without these attributes our Spirit may not be able to be fully received by them. If this were the case, how could we lead them? They need to love our words and purify themselves by fully accepting what we send to them. They are then in the state for our Beloved Son to cleanse and heal them. As they become sanctified and holy, they are even more capable to receive our Spirit to a higher level and receive our revelations and truths. These truths become delicious to them (see Alma 32:28). They become our elect, and our children who will establish Zion and move into the millennial day of peace and light.'

13. Heavenly Mother was beaming brightly and her beautiful eyes were very bright and sparkling! I felt her light flowing into and through me and I felt very transparent, open and receptive! I knew I was fully synched to her and receiving her truths and revelations.

14. I thanked her humbly for sending me so much! She responded: 'Raphael, I will send the abundant light of the Holy Ghost, with my revelations, upon my humble and open children who quietly seek me, in the name of Jesus Christ. I will confirm to each one the truths that I have sent to you. They will know this by the power of the Holy Ghost.'

15. At church–I attended my own ward sacrament meeting today. My wife was not able to attend, so I came alone and wrote directly in my journal.

16. At the sacrament, I was on the little knoll above the circling waters to the east. I could see the temple of God in the west, in the distance. I partook of the bread in my ward, and then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother while kneeling on the knoll. I waited, and then my Heavenly Father came in front of me! His eyes were so very deep, and he was smiling. He spoke:

17. 'Raphael, in behalf of your Heavenly Mother and me, we accept your covenant, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We covenant to send our Spirit to you, to always be with you.

Write now my words in your journal that you have brought with you.'

18. I then pulled out my journal and have written to this point. He then continued-

'Raphael, the last time you attended church was two weeks ago, and it was to a Christian church in Payson. It has been three weeks since you have partaken of the sacrament until today.

It is our will that if you miss partaking of the bread and water of the sacrament, that you come here to this knoll, above the circling waters, and kneel before us, facing our distant temple. Make your covenant before us as you have done this afternoon. We will come to you from our holy temple to the west of us, either your Heavenly Mother, myself, or both of us. If your heart is pure before us, and you are sincere in making your covenant, we will accept your promise and will give you our Spirit, to be with you always.

19. When you are able in person to partake of the sacrament in the Church of Christ, or in the LDS church while it still remains on the earth, then come to a location where you feel impressed on our celestial orb. After partaking of the emblems of the bread, then make your covenant to both your Heavenly Mother and me, your Heavenly Father. We may or may not yet be before you. Approach us humbly in prayer on your knees that shows deference and a worshipful attitude. One or both of us will then come to you and accept your covenant. We will likewise make a covenant with you that we will give you our Spirit.

20. Raphael, there will be extended periods of time that you or our holy angels and celestial servants who are now living in mortality, will not have the opportunity to partake of the weekly sacrament. It is our desire that you all do as I have described each week. You all will need the blessings of the sacrament each week during the time from now until the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son.

21. In the millennium, we will give our children in the Church of Christ the opportunity to partake of the sacrament each week. This ordinance done in this meeting is more important than any other meeting in the Church of Christ, including conferences or other meetings. The ordinance of baptism (of water and the Spirit) and of the sacrament are the most important ordinances in the Church of Christ. During the millennium, we desire our elect to make their covenant at the sacrament to both their Heavenly Mother and me, their Heavenly Father. They may wish to follow the pattern I have described to you today. We will, in turn, pour out our Spirit upon you in abundance.'

22. This concluded the words of my Heavenly Father to me today at my sacrament meeting. I wrote all of this down and concluded my writing at the closing of the meeting.

23. Evening–Tonight I came to the maple tree grove near the great assembly hall, on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the shore and drank living water. As I was thinking of how the water affected me, I saw the reflection of two glorious beings on Lake Beautiful before me! The reflection was very bright. I knelt on the shore and then looked up in the sky. I anticipated a heavenly apparition momentarily, since I sometimes see reflections of things on living water that will momentarily occur.

24. I then saw a glorious opening of the celestial sky! Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came before me in a brilliant display of light! They travelled in the air, holding hands and soon were before me, standing a little above the water in the air! I bowed my head and then lifted it up to gaze on their holy beings before me. They were both sober and beaming with light.

25. Heavenly Mother spoke first: 'Raphael, we have both come to you today to further instruct you on some things, relating to the events of these last days: 1) S referred to a sign that we had before all people, on Aug 21, 2017. This was the solar eclipse that initiated the time of tribulations upon your world, particularly upon your country. It will start upon the LDS church, and spread forth upon all the nation and world. (see your post 56E4, and 56G5). This tribulation will start as a deadly viral infection. The cure to this virus will be to repent and come to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and seek for our Spirit on a one-by-one basis. This will be a unique virus that will not respond to other cures or natural remedies.

26. 2) While we were giving the vision to S, about the sign of the solar eclipse, and of Maher-shalal-hash-baz, he saw billowing smoke on our celestial orb. This smoke also was a sign that "destruction is eminent", and this sign of billowing smoke will be repeated numbers of times during the intense time of tribulations on the earth. The smoke on the earth will be from different occasions of volcanoes, fires on the land, bombs and warfare, and destruction of cities and lands by your enemies and civil war from your own people.

27. 3) There will be other plagues and health-related illness among the people. These will respond to other forms of healing including Priesthood or high priestess blessings, fasting for health, eating organic and non-GMO foods, and a whole host of natural remedies. As our children sincerely pray to us in the name of Jesus Christ we will send our healing angels and other healers to bless and help them heal, on an individual basis.

28. 4) The desolating plague that will cover the land will be from poisons that have been gradually used more and more in your food supply that you purchase in grocery stores and restaurants. The cure for this plague is to eat foods that are not poisoned or genetically engineered. The safest source will be goods you grow yourself on your own land. The next best is from organic foods and non-GMO food sources. Pure water that is not contaminated will also be critical in eliminated the sources of poisons. We have also initiated our angels to cleanse some of the poisons of the lands by shedding forth my intense light of the Holy Ghost upon the lands. Were this effort not to happen, the desolating sickness would be far more severe, with many more deaths.'

29. Heavenly Mother then looked at Heavenly Father, and then Heavenly Father spoke: 5) Raphael, in post 29 we answered a number of questions about teleporting. This was over 2 ½ years ago, and a lot more information has been revealed to you since then. You and our angels and celestial servants regularly move around in our celestial realms by teleporting. This is initiated by your thoughts to relocate to a new location. This is done immediately by the folding of the location on top of each other and then stepping from one location to another. You do this regularly in all of your celestial travels.

30. However, in your base mortal self you do not yet teleport. This will happen when the need arises. There is no need now to try to practice teleporting in the flesh either, for you and our mortal angels will do this with our power as we need you to do so, at the moment of need.

31. This was to answer a question poised by M.A. that she wrote to you today.

6) Finally, as far as the indexing of your posts goes, a) we desire you to have someone edit the index when it is complete back to post 1. b) Once editing is completed, then create the links to the post references. c) Once these are done, then have someone test each link to make sure it works properly. This will make the index with hyperlinks functional. d) As edits or additions are found, they can then be corrected. e) Whenever a new post is published, you should again have it indexed and then hyperlinked to the actual post references, done each time. This can then be live or functional online. In this manner, every post will be added to the index as it is received and published.'

32. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their instructions to me tonight! I know there are lots of details for us to know and also act upon.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 10, 2019, Monday

1. I have thought about how much detailed information needs to be revealed to me and others to orchestrate the events coming upon the world! I know this is done abundantly in the celestial realms already. I think there are not nearly so many instructional revelations given in our mortal telestial world, for we who are mortal will generally just act as normal people in the places we currently live. As we need guidance, I know this too will be given. I believe most of the revelations I will receive in the flesh will be revelations on truths and doctrines that God wishes to have revealed at this time.

2. These are very exciting days for me to be at the center of all of these happenings as we move deeper into the last days events.'

3. This new morning I found myself facing God's Loving Healing Lake. I was facing south to the lake, next to the little stream that flowed into the lake. I knelt on the grass facing the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

4. I then turned to see my Heavenly Parents sitting on the bench to my right side! She motioned with her hand for me to come sit with her. I then immediately got up and walked to her and sat on the bench next to her.

5. She was looking on the lake in front of us, so I also looked upon the lake. I then saw momentarily a huge snake appear on the lake! This was frightening to me! The snake then circled around the lake, in the depths of the water and also on top. The snake has all searching red eyes, which were very scary-looking. The vision then stopped and I looked to my Heavenly Mother for the interpretation of that I had seen.

6. Heavenly Mother: 'Raphael, I have showed to you a huge snake with red eyes that circled around the beautiful lake in front of us. This was a vision, and there really is no snake in this healing lake. The snake represents Satan and his power over the nations of the earth at this present time. He has full domination over all nations, kindreds and people on the earth except for a few humble followers of Christ, our elect. He continually patrols his dominion and whispers to all people in an effort to bring about his master plan of world domination. He and his evil spirit hosts have manipulated many people to be led to follow his will and plan. However, your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I know his evil desire and will not allow him to fulfill his sinister plans!'

7. She then turned her head and looked again on the lake. I looked also and saw the huge snake writhing in pain and death on the lake. It then slithered away on the distant shore and went into a large cave where it soon disappeared from my view. I realized it then died in the cave.

8. 'Raphael, the vision of the death of the snake represents the full end of Satan's domination on the world. His evil plans will be cut short and never fulfilled. These include his plans for a one-world government that would control the actions, minds and hearts of the people on the earth. Satan's desires are to dominate and control all people, their actions and thoughts. He desires to destroy the agency of man, even as he desired in the beginning. He then wants full control over all the works and hearts of our children who dwell on earth.

9. Much of Satan's plan involves replacing worship of us, their true Gods, to worship of him. The people will not know that they are actually worshipping Satan, but they will desire that which turns them away from God, and true religion. Satan will promote all activities of false worship and practices that lead the people away from Jesus Christ. The people will get used to being subjugated so that they don't know how to think on their own and be freedom-loving. He will seek to divert all people with non-important dribble that will occupy their minds and attention. He wants the people to be closed-minded and to not question what is happening to them, the control of their minds and hearts, and that all of this is leading to their own captivity. Satan is promoting all things that are carnal, sensual and devilish, even as he did in the beginning of the world (see Moses 6:49). This cuts the people off from our presence, for they reject our Spirit and accept the ways of Lucifer.

10. All those who choose to follow Satan and his evil ways will also die along with the snake. When Jesus Christ comes again in glory to the earth, he will complete the final destruction of the wicked. There will then be a full-end to the nations, for all have been controlled to some degree by Satan. You, Raphael, will then take Lucifer and his evil spirits to the bottomless pit and lock them up for a thousand years. You will put a seal on this pit so that Lucifer will no longer be able to come among the people to lure them away, and cause havoc for our new beautiful millennial world of peace and righteousness.

11. Satan works in secret, with secret combinations that he establishes in religion, government, and intends to control mankind (see Ether 8:22-23). These combinations now penetrate your society and that of the entire world. The purpose of the last days tribulations, plagues, war and pestilence will be to destroy these secret combinations and the wicked that love and support them. These trials will also serve to awaken our elect to receive directions and guidance from our Holy Spirit, so they might repent and be led to places of safety and ultimately to a better world.'

12. Heavenly Mother then stood, so I too stood. She faced me and placed her hands on my shoulders. She spoke again:

'Raphael, much of our great work will be orchestrated through you and our holy angels! I give you greater confidence and strength now to no longer be afraid of the huge snake that represents Satan. You have all power over Satan and his hosts. They are very misguided, small and weak against the power we will give you and our angels to reduce their control of the nations and peoples of the world!'

13. With these words, Heavenly Mother quickly disappeared. I was left with greater confidence and strength in not being afraid of anything that may come among us and the world, for all is in God's overall control and plan, not in Satan's plan.

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her unique visions she gave me this morning! I told her in my mind how much I loved her, and felt so much love and peace when I was with her. I closed my prayer and started my new day and week.

15. Evening–This evening I came to the celestial orb to the birch tree grove along the stream flowing east from Lake Beautiful, down the hill to Enoch's city. I was in my normal place I come in the grove of trees. It was quiet and the trees were still. I could hear water trickling down the stream.

16. I knelt by the stream and drank living water. It was clear and almost sweet tasting, yet so pure and enlivening! I knelt by this stream facing north and asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, or both, to come to me. I waited and watched. As I waited, I thought of how lovely this earth really is! I am so glad to be grounded to our mother earth, and to know of her destiny! I wondered how she must feel her intelligence in her spirit earth, and the spirit earth in the physical earth. I only know how it feels to be me, my intelligence in my own spirit body and the spirit in my physical body.

17. While thinking on these things, Heavenly Father quietly appeared to my front, on the other side of the narrow stream! Hew was smiling and I know he had understood my thoughts. He spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I don't know exactly how it might feel to be another one of our creations, like the earth, water, plants or animals. However, we have created each one by our power and know how each creation acts and responds. We give each one a limited amount of sensations, such as thoughts and emotions, but to a much smaller degree than our very capable children possess. We may communicate with each of our creations using the spirit sense that our intelligences know.

18. Each of our creations also has various amounts of awareness and thought capability. In higher spheres, they are on a significantly higher plane of understanding than they on the next lower spiritual sphere. Your earth will progress from her telestial to a terrestrial and finally a celestial state of glory. In each progressively higher sphere, she will comprehend more and correspondingly be more articulate in her communication ability. Before she was created into an earth, she was lucid and very communicative as an intelligence. She will come back into her very capable state once she reaches a celestial state, as a glorious earth for the gods who once lived on her surface in mortality.

19. All of our creations that reach a high celestial state will have the full clarity that they once possessed as intelligence. Our own children, however, who become couple gods, will greatly exceed their previous capability as intelligences. Those of our children who are telestial or terrestrial will have the experience of their pre-mortal and mortal lives to add to their capability they used to possess as an intelligence. In their resurrected states in the telestial or terrestrial kingdoms of glory, they will have well exceeded their capability of being only an intelligence.

20. We only allow our own offspring to surpass their intelligence only state prior to their birth as spirits. Therefore it is a great honor to be chosen as a son or daughter of us, their Gods, even if they attain in the end only a telestial glory.

21. For all other creations that are not our own children, they may have joy in their creation, which was not possible only as an intelligence. However, they are limited in their understanding and clarity to that which they possessed originally as intelligences. In eternity, when these creations are in their telestial, terrestrial and celestial gory as resurrected beings, they will have similar clarity and understanding as they once possessed in their intelligence-only state. However, their eternal joy and satisfaction will far exceed what they could have ever possessed prior to their creation. They do have a limit, and never can have a fulness of joy as our exalted children possess.'

22. Heavenly Father then placed his hand on the trunk of a nearby birch tree. 'Raphael, the thought capability of this intelligence that we created into this birch tree is the same as it was when only an intelligence. However, it is enjoying eternal felicity in being such a beautiful celestial tree on our celestial orb! It could never have experienced such satisfaction, peace and joy had it remained only an intelligence.'

23. He then placed his same hand on my shoulder. 'Raphael, you will far exceed your capability as an intelligence, and receive a fulness of joy like we possess. You will enjoy eternal progression and gain all knowledge and possess all power, even to create worlds and everything to populate those worlds.

24. This is the heritage of our beloved children who are faithful to us and receive their exaltation in eternal celestial kingdoms of glory!'

25. I looked into my Father's deep eternity eyes–they were so all knowing and conveyed to me his great power and capability in being a God in eternity! I thanked him humbly for choosing me to become his son and to be receiving so much from his hand and that from my Heavenly Mother. I told him I would always honor him and keep his counsels and commandments.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 11, 2019, Tuesday

1. Yesterday I received a text from my oldest daughter thanking me for choosing to be baptized in the LDS Church 53 years ago! I am so very grateful too for the journey I have experienced in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so pleased to have met my wife at BYU, to have married and enjoyed and loved seven children that came into our home since that time. The youngest is now 23 and they are all grown up. My wife and I are happier too.

2. As far as my own personal progress goes, I have learned and grown spiritually so very much. In recent years, since the injury of our 6th child on his mission nearly seven and a half years ago, I have grown by leaps and bounds. I know so much more of God, their truths and how things work beyond my little mortal sphere! This is because God has revealed to me, line upon line, here a little and there a little, even until I know and act more and more like God knows and acts. I want to receive a fulness of all knowledge and full godly behavior. I know it will gradually come as I receive and live the ways of God.

3. This morning I came to the switchback path to the west of God's Loving Healing Lake. I had a beautiful view of the lake and surrounding healing area. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

4. Heavenly Mother appeared immediately in front of me! She was brightly shining and smiling! I felt her intense light of the Holy Ghost flow into and through me. It was accompanied with love and acceptance that filled my mind and heart with joy and satisfaction.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have received as much light and truth from us as you were able over these past 53 years since your baptism. At that time I became your constant companion, as you had received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

6. Prior to your baptism of water and baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, I had come to you and did witness to you the truth of the Book of Mormon, a sacred record written by prophets and leaders of a fallen people. I then left, for you hadn't yet received the gift of the Holy Ghost, or my constant companionship. This same Spirit you feel today from me here is the same Spirit of the Holy Ghost that you received when you first read the Book of Mormon prior to your baptism. You knew the Book of Mormon was a true book. You were receptive and open spiritually to my promptings and the intimations of the Spirit. We have led you over these many years to where you are today.

7. We lead all of our children through the workings of our Spirit. As they are open and accept our truths, and listen to and follow our directions, we give them more, a little here and a little there. This slow but steady process proves our children, and in the end only the attentive and diligent receive eventually all that we have and possess. They are our elect, and in a future day will become even as we are. Their minds and hearts grow into our celestial nature. They fully choose us, their Gods, and our ways of love and peace. Oh, how we love our elect children!

8. Raphael, the nature and disposition to be open and receptive lies with the intelligence and spirit of our child. We cannot change their receptivity, for this is inherent in their very believing and accepting nature. Some will accept from us only so much, and some will reject us, and others, our elect, will be open and fully receptive to accept and live all of our truths and ways. These elect hear our voice and keep our commandments. They love us above the pull of the mortal world. They will be led, gently and carefully by us, to safe places, for we seek to protect and guide all of our children, but they are the only ones who fully hear and obey us.

9. Always test and confirm our voice, making sure it is from us, and recognizable to you by our accompanying light. We will always lead you by our light and Spirit. We will never lead you astray! Oh, we love our obedient children so very much!'

10. Heavenly Mother took my hand and together we then walked down to God's Loving Healing Lake. She had all the time in the world for me! We walked and talked openly and freely. I don't know what we shared, but I know the feelings of love, peace, and acceptance from her! I feel so honored, so blessed, to commune with her and my Heavenly Father so regularly! I will always follow them!

11. Evening–Tonight I came to the south end of God's Loving Healing Lake. I walked along the path and looked for the cave where the large snake crawled in and died. There was no cave, but only a rock wall that extended up to a cliff. I then realized that the vision I saw yesterday morning from the other side of the lake was only a vision in my mind, given to me by my Heavenly Mother. It was not a real snake, but a representation of what I saw in my mind, given to me by my Heavenly Mother.

12. I wondered about visions and dreams–how these really occur. Sometimes they seem so real and are truly from God, but they are not real, nor I believe are "acted out" by real people or with real things.

13. I then knelt down on the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I no sooner asked than my loving Heavenly Mother appeared before me on the lake! She was brightly shining her glorious light all around, and that light poured into me! I felt her love come into me and fill me with peace. She then spoke:

14. 'Raphael, the vision I gave you yesterday morning from the other side of this lake was only a vision in your mind. What you see now is reality, with me before you. However, we can touch your mind and give you dreams and visions as we wish, without the actions in the visions or dreams being something that is real. When King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream as recorded in Daniel chapter 2, Daniel our servant interpreted the dream. In the dream, the king saw a great image, whose head was of fine gold, his breasts and arms were of silver, his belly and thighs of brass, his legs of iron, and his feet part of iron and part of clay. This image was given to King Nebuchadnezzar as a vision or dream only in his mind, and not in reality. We did not create such an image and then show it in a dream to the king. We made this image appear in his mind only, and later in Daniel's mind with the interpretation.

15. We give such visions and dreams to many of our children on the earth. These are not reality, but appear only in the minds of those who receive. However, there are other visions or dreams that our children may behold that are seen in reality, such as Lehi's vision of the tree of life. He saw in reality the straight and narrow path, the rod of iron, and the tree of life. We adapted the area around the tree of life in his mind only to also show to him a dark and dreary wilderness, a river of water, a mist of darkness, a great and spacious building, forbidden paths, and people including Lehi's family and those in the large and spacious building (see 1 Nephi 8).

16. The path, rod and tree exist in reality located on our celestial orb, but the other items only appeared in Lehi and Nephi's minds, and were not in reality. They were created for a particular message or enlightenment of these two men, and contained much symbolism.

17. When you come to our celestial orb, you see in reality all of the locations and events in the area around our tree of life, we adapt this setting to the particular needs of our child, adapted to their needs and our desires. Each may see this differently, all in their own minds, yet given directly from us to the by revelation. This is how you saw the large snake on God's Loving Healing Lake yesterday morning–only in your own mind.

18. The way we create these mind only visions or dreams is something that your Heavenly Father will explain to you tomorrow morning. Come here to the lake again, next to the stream on the other side of the lake, and he will explain this to you.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her amazing message to me tonight! I said I was eager to return tomorrow and receive more.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 12, 2019, Wednesday

1. I got to bed late last night after watching a documentary on cancer with my wife. I awoke early, refreshed after a good sleep. I am amazed how well a good sleep really helps me!

2. At night I had a vivid dream involving people who were hiding from society. I am curious about if this dream involved real people, or if my Heavenly Parents brought it to my mind only.

3. Anyway, I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center, next to the little stream on the north end. All was calm and beautiful. The celestial sun was shining and the flowers were blooming.

4. I drank some living water from my cupped hand, and knelt, facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

5. Heavenly Father immediately appeared directly in front of me, a little elevated in the air! He was smiling and full of light. I knew he was in reality before me, although I had this experience in my unconscious mind only. I looked into his deep eternity eyes–they were so loving and clear! I felt love and acceptance from my Father.

6. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that you see me directly before you. You see me with your spiritual eyes, in your unconscious mind. We give our children revelations, visions and dreams mostly in their unconscious minds. Their conscious mind, a part of their mind, is divided from their unconscious mind while they are in mortality, and from some while they live in the spirit world that is in the spiritual spheres around the earth, where their spirit goes after death. We have placed a veil between these two sectors of their mind. It is difficult for most of our children to view with their unconscious minds.

7. We have the ability to show vivid images in their unconscious mind, and even in their conscious mind. You yourself experiences the hallucinatory effect created by your Handle Syndrome illness in 2008. You described once to your family that you could see, when you shut your eyes, a wild cat running through an African field somewhere. You were able to zoom up and see details of this wild animal, even seeing its eyes and hair in detail. Then when you opened your eyes, you no longer could see this animal. This was an image in your unconscious mind created by chemicals in your brain caused by the illness. This hallucinatory ability of your mind is similar to the ability and affect we may use in giving you a non-real dream or vision. We usually give it to you in your unconscious mind, but may also give it in your conscious mind, These would both be very real to you, but are not something your physical eye actually sees before you.

8. When your Heavenly Mother showed you a vision of the large snake on the lake behind me, you only saw this in your unconscious mind. You were able to see details of its scary red eyes. This was an image in your mind only, as she told you after the vision.

9. We may create any image in your unconscious or conscious mind as we desire. We do this by the power of God. When we showed King Nebuchadnezzar the image of a state of a man before him, he saw this in his unconscious mind during his quiet, nighttime dream. It was very real to him, and troubled his soul until Daniel interpreted this dream. We also showed this same vision to Daniel. We may show anything we wish to create to our children in their minds.

10. When we create a vision, we first determine what we want the purpose or direction or message we wish to create for our mortal child. Then we decide how we want to present this message. We next create in our minds the vision, just like we wish it to be shown to our child. This we create by our power of being a God. The visions may involve real things or items/people that do not exist in reality. Once we are satisfied with the vision, we transfer this to our child at the time of our choosing. They then behold the vision exactly as we first create it in our own mind, with our godly ability.

11. When you saw the snake on this lake, the lake was really there but the snake was not. Heavenly Mother created this vision just for you by her power of being a God. You saw exactly what she created in her mind once she transferred to you the vision. You in turn saw it all as if it was reality, and you could not distinguish the unreal snake from the real lake.

12. When Lehi saw the vision of the tree of life, he saw his own family in the dream or vision. They were not really there, but they were sleeping in tents near him and were not replicated to be in the dream. The images in his mind were created by me, his Heavenly Father, first in my mind and then transferred to his unconscious mind.

13. We create the visions first in our own mind. Once satisfied, we transfer this to our child whom we wish to see the same vision or dream. The vision is a spiritually created material thing that we may move and preserve, as we desire. It is created in our mind from elemental matter, and has no intelligence. We create this vision just like we have capability to create light matter. Emotions also are tangible, real matter. All of the visions and emotions are refined matter, but are not similar to physical matter like you have all around you in your fallen telestial mortal world. These refined particles of matter in visions are created by the power of God in our minds with elemental matter, and once created, are moved into the portion of the mind of our child as real and tangible objects. Once viewed, we may change the visions back into raw elemental matter again, ready to be created into anything else we may desire.

14. We taught our beloved spirit children how to create emotions in their mind and even how to transfer these tangible feelings to another. They became very skilled in communicating their feelings to each other, even before coming to the earth for their mortal experiences. These emotions or feelings are all tangible matter, and are transferable to another by the intent of the one sending and the openness of the one receiving. We gave our own offspring this capability to a high degree. Our other creations have limited ability to share any emotions or feelings that they may possess.

15. However, we did not grant our children the ability to create visions and to transfer these to others. We reserved this power to ourselves. We are therefore the only ones who may create and transfer these visions or the dreams to our children.

16. Sometimes our children dream things that are not from us. You did this last night when you saw or imagined people who were hiding from society. This was not from us, but from your own capability of your unconscious mind to work through issues or have your own thoughts. Sometimes these may seem like fantasies, for they are also not reality, just like your vivid dream last night involved no real people, but was imagined.

17. In order to know if the dream or vision was from us or ourselves, you may inquire of us in prayer. We will give you a clear message or feeling from our Spirit whether it is of God or not.

18. If ever you desire to transfer your own vision we may have given to you to another, you would need our permission. Elisha our prophet saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire about him (see 2 Kings 6:17). He asked of us to show this same vision to the servant of the king of Syria, and we then showed this vision to the servant. This was not a vision of reality with horses and chariots, but that is what Elisha and this servant would understand. We did have our angels round about to protect Elisha in reality, however. We transferred this vision to the servant because Elisha asked of us in faith, and his request was given to him by our Spirit.

19. Satan does not have power to create visions or dreams for our children in mortality. He and his hosts may whisper to them, or convey strong emotions such as fear and hate. They are not capable any more to convey feelings of love and acceptance, for they have none to share.

20. The messages from us, your Gods, may come in revelations like I am giving to you while standing before you, through our Spirit, or by visions or dreams. In all of these, we desire you to verify in open and humble prayer whether they are of God or from your own thoughts or imaginations. We will confirm all to you by our Spirit. You will know it is our Spirit, for this witness enlightens your mind and heart with light and truth.'

21. I thanked my loving Heavenly Father before me for his remarkable revelation on dreams and visions! There was a lot he shared with me. I feel also that this message should conclude my post 124, and that I should share this as soon as I am able, and those who type it up are able.

22. I told my Heavenly Father how much I love him and his wonderful truths he shared with me! I confirmed that all of this I wrote was true and of God, for thus the Spirit witnessed to my mind and heart.

23. Evening–I came to the celestial orb tonight to the circling waters. I sat on the bench facing the water. I felt very happy to come to my heavenly home tonight! I smelled some flowering irises and then came by the water's edge where I then knelt. I raised my head to the heavenly sky above and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

24. Heavenly Mother came to me from above and descended right upon the water in front of me! She was so bright and full of happiness tonight when she came. She was beaming her intense light of the Holy Ghost upon me.

25. She spoke: 'Raphael, I am always glad to come before you when you pray to your Heavenly Father and me. We sometimes come together or alone, depending upon what we want to convey to you and who of us will be addressing you.

26. Your Heavenly Father and I address each of our children in their personal lives, as often as they may be open to our light and Spirit. We give them dreams, visions, or our Spirit to help them be guided in their lives. They may recognize our Spirit or our dream or vision from all others of their own thoughts or dreams by asking of us. We will always confirm our revelations to them when they ask of us in faith.

27. What your Heavenly Father revealed to you this morning was our true revelation on visions and dreams. I witness to you, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that this is true.'

28. I then felt the intense power of her light come into and through me, accompanied by a feeling of real enlightenment and clarity! I knew Heavenly Mother was bearing witness to me of the revelation from Heavenly Father on visions and dreams that I received this morning!

29. She spoke again: 'Raphael, when I bear witness of a particular truth from us, like the revelation you received today, I will send this same enlightenment and clarity feeling, accompanied by my light that will fill up your being. This is my Holy Ghost, and the power of the Holy Ghost to witness of all truth.

30. Every creation we form from elemental matter remains a material creation. This includes light, visions or dreams we create and transfer to our children, all emotions and feelings and spirits of our children and all other of our creations. There is no such thing as immaterial matter (see D&C 131:7).

31. Any creation that has a living being is composed of elemental matter and intelligence. Whenever we ask the intelligence if it would like to become one of our creations and we receive their permission, we combine elemental matter in the form of our creation and then place the intelligence in that material creation. Some material creations therefore have an intelligence that we have placed within it and some material creations do not have an intelligence. In all cases, the material creation follows laws that our first parent gods created that the creation needs to follow. This law becomes the boundary within which our material creation is to act.

32. For example, the dreams and visions that are not representing real things, but are for the mind only, are governed by law. These dreams or visions are real material creations for the mind only and are created by us, your Heavenly Parents. Without us placing these in the mind of man, they would not be viewed or understood. These dreams and visions are very real to the person viewing them, for they activate all senses that our children normally use to judge if something is real.

33. We are careful not to overwhelm our children with dreams or visions of terror, for example, that would overcome them, or of anything that we know would be too much for their state of understanding. We follow specific that your Heavenly Father described to you that best convey our message to the minds and hearts of our children. The dream or vision becomes a part of the memory of our children who viewed them, and in this way may be recalled in the future by our children.'

34. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this witness she bore and the further enlightenment by the power of the Holy Ghost. I asked that she and Heavenly Father continue sending upon me their great revelations!