189. A Calling with Full Agency
Hello my friends,
I hope each of you are doing well, and are still enjoying my journal entries. I would love to hear from you when you get a chance.
There are several important truths taught in this post. One of them is that when even someone with a critical calling and mission, such as Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Parents give them wide agency to accept and fulfill. They test and prepare them to ensure success, that they will complete their calling. However, at any time they may choose not to continue to fulfill God's calling, and there may be no backup. Read about the details of this remarkable truth.
Read also how our Gods are no respecter of persons, and about the true meaning of the messenger of the covenant (Malachi 3:1). As always, don't take my word for these things, but please pray to receive the truth directly from God.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, March 9, 2021
1. Evening– I worked late tonight on the latest post and the ledgers for our upcoming taxes. I came to the base of the waterfall that comes from Heavenly Mother's upper garden river. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come. He came and told me to meet him here in the morning and that he would address me then. He came and departed rather quickly. I feel I came too late to my prayer to really be able to connect with him very much. I will seek to make myself more available in the evenings for open and meditative praying. I then closed my prayer and ended my day.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, March 10, 2021
1. I came again to the base of the waterfall where I had come last night. I came to the pool under the falls and drank living water and felt alert and aware of my surroundings. I faced the falls on the shore, knelt, and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me.
2. Heavenly Father walked to me right through the falls, and stood a little elevated over the water. He was dressed in a white robe and was very majestic. I felt very happy to be again in his presence. I told him that I was sorry to pray so late. I said I would seek to pray earlier in the evening.
3. He then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we will come to you as often as you come to us in prayer. You are the one who determines how frequently you wish to approach us, your Heavenly Parents, in prayer, We are pleased when you come morning and evening, but this is by your choice.
4. Your Heavenly Mother and I know that you are involved in many activities, and necessarily need to do these in your current mortal life. When you make time in your schedule, and set aside time for prayerful meditation and focus in order to connect with us, your Gods, we may then come to you and give you personal revelation. You therefore determine the balance you need to set aside for living in your realm and connecting with us in this celestial realm.
5. As I said earlier, it takes your concentration and mental focus to come here in the celestial realms, and to see us and to hear us. We speak to you in your unconscious mind. Connecting your conscious mind to your unconscious mind is not easy to do when you are living on the mortal earth in a lower realm.
6. This morning I wish to speak to you about service to others. You discussed this with your wife last night. She went on a walk with a neighbor who only talked about herself and never once even thought about asking how your wife was doing. Your wife was gracious and listened to her for the 45 minute walk.
7. On the other hand, another neighbor hadn't seen your wife walking past her house for the past two days, and thought she was sick. She prepared soup and brought it over to your wife after her walk. This loving neighbor is constantly thinking of others, and wondering how to serve and help them in their lives.
8. While both neighbors visited with your wife, you were with a fellow ward member who brought his machine earth mover to help get your garden area finished after your fire in the fall. This man has a large family, and came after a full day's work to help for a few hours. He wouldn't take any payment, but cheerfully helped in what would take you weeks to shovel manually. You felt very kindly towards him, and were amazed at the willing service he gave you.
9. The neighbor who brought soup and the man with his earth mover served you unselfishly. They sought no reward, and loved you as themselves. This is true neighborliness and Christian service. We love to see such selfless love and actions among our mortal children. This sort of godly service will be typical of what neighbors will do for each other in our millennial world. They truly will love their neighbor as themselves.
10. Matthew 5:43-48
"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil, and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
11. In this teaching, Jesus Christ taught that you should not only serve those in your circle of friendship, but those also who are counted to you as enemies. Your love and service should not be restricted to any class of people, or just to your friends, but to all in need that you may be able to help.
12. Jesus also taught the parable of the Good Samaritan (see Luke 10:29-37). The compassionate and kindly Samaritan had never seen the one whom he helped, but served him even as he would want to be served and loved himself. This sort of thought and intention is truly loving one's neighbor as yourself. It is one of the principles that is lived in fulness in the terrestrial world. It is a requirement for building and sustaining Zion, the pure in heart, where there are no poor or those in want among them (see Moses 7:18).'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his teachings today. I yearn to serve my fellowman by starting in my own neighborhood. This is truly the sign of a Christian.
14. Heavenly Father smiled and parted my presence. I closed my prayer and began my new day.
15. Evening-I received a sweet note from S.A. today about my entries on 3-9-2021 and 3-10-2021. I have included it at the end of my entry tonight. Like her, I too have been thinking how Jesus Christ must have struggled in the flesh in preparation for his ministry. I myself can relate to how difficult it was for me to accept my own role as Raphael, an archangel of God. It took me several years to think of me having this high calling. I still wonder and question this at times. I can only wonder how Jesus Christ must have felt with his very essential mission as the great Redeemer of all mankind for this eternity.
16. What I received from my Heavenly Father on 3-9-2021 and Heavenly Mother on 3-8-2021, was that Jesus came to earth as a mortal baby with a veil over his mind, just like all of us. He had to strive and struggle, just as we do, to reconnect to his Heavenly Parents. I believe he really didn't exercise his power and authority of being a God until the time he started his earthly ministry. He had thirty years of preparation from his birth to being a man who knew his mission and role. I believe he was taught extensively by his Heavenly Parents years prior to the start of this earthly mission.
17. These are the thoughts I had in my mind as I came to my prayer tonight. I came to the circling waters, and knelt there facing the bench to the north. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
18. She immediately came in a bright light which remained around her being while she spoke to me. She said these words to my mind: 'Raphael, you are correct that our Beloved Son came with a veil over his mind, just like other infants have. He grew into a young man and then questioned his position as our son, just as our other children might do. He was taught privately by his earthly mother and father, and wondered about these great signs of his birth. This is when he humbly and openly asked of us about who he really was. We revealed ourselves to him just like we do to our other sons and daughters, here a little and there a little, and line upon line. As he exercised faith and showed us his persistent diligence, we opened up more and more to him, revealing to his unconscious mind gradually his role and mission, and foreordained calling as our only Begotten Son in the flesh.
19. Jesus Christ grew very rapidly in spiritual things, and accepted all we gave him by personal revelation. He always sought to learn more from us, and obeyed all of our words. Thus by his diligence he grew grace for grace.
20. Luke 2:40
"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God (this was our response to his inquiring and open meditative prayer) was upon him." (words in parentheses added by Heavenly Mother).
21. Raphael, we are no respecter of persons, even of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We respond to every one of our humble inquiring children in the same way. The path to becoming perfected, even as Jesus Christ became perfect, is the same. It is by precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little (Isaiah 28: 10). Our children need to follow the example of the Son of God, and then they too will gradually receive grace for grace, even until they receive all things in time, because of their diligence.'
22. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the additional details of the life of Jesus, even when he was a young boy and man. I felt very encouraged that as I am persistent, God will lead me too, even as fast as I might receive.
23. She then smiled upon me and suddenly disappeared. I closed my prayer in the blessed name of Jesus Christ.
24. I received this email on 3-10-2021 from S.A.:
"I confirmed yesterday's message as true, about Christ growing from grace to grace. I hadn't really considered this before, how he truly had to work through weaknesses and doubt, and also he had to struggle to develop great faith. It resonates with me.
The pattern of us following in his footsteps brings this concept into light, which includes growing into perfection. As a child, I thought Christ was just born perfect.
As I thought of him not really knowing for certain who he was, or what he was to do at first, I was wowed by the powerful insight that really is. It helped me really appreciate how hard it would be to do all that he did, without a perfect knowledge at first. It fills me with hope and courage to know that by struggling from grace to grace, we are on the path that the Savior himself walked!
I also loved today's message of finding ways to serve others selflessly. It was very uplifting and inspiring to me. These are the fruits of truth.
Thanks for all you do!
Have a blessed day,
25. I also received this email on 3-12-2021 from S:
It resonates with my heart that each child of God may have a personal relationship with God according to their efforts as God is no respecter of person. I have great respect and appreciation for Jesus Christ who had to connect with God through the veil that covers each of us who comes to earth.
Your Friend,
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, March 11, 2021
1. I listened to my posts up through post 4 from the beginning yesterday. I realized how I incrementally received the healing gifts from God, even up to what I was able to receive at the time. Were I to try to do too much, I would get headaches or become too tired. I don't have this now, and don't believe I am limited in how many healing gifts I do in a day (see my post 10G2). My changes came gradually.
2. We all grow into the awareness of our callings and missions gradually. So much is revealed because of us pressing forth with a steadfastness in Christ, and "press(ing) forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endur(ing) to the end" (see 2 Nephi 31:20).
3. We each need "to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life", and to learn of our place and calling before God (see D&C 84: 43).
4. I came today to the domed room for my prayer. I entered and knelt near the center of the room, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He descended to me through the ceiling and stood before me. I was very pleased to be in his presence!
5. He spoke to my mind: "Raphael, when our sons and daughters, created in our very image, come to the earth for their mortal experience. We respond to them based on the effort and diligence they have in coming unto us in prayer and mediation. We give our Spirit to all our children equally, based on how they hearken to the voice of this Spirit. We are no respecter of persons, and do the same for each one, according to their diligence and obedience.
6. Some respond very quickly, even as Jesus Christ did, who was foreordained from the beginning. However, we revealed ourselves to him based on his heed and diligence in exercising faith in our Spirit, even as we do for all our mortal children.
7. D&C 84: 46-47
"And the Spirit giveth light to every man (and woman and child) that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man, (woman and child) through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit.
And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father." Words in parentheses from Heavenly Father).
8. Some think that one of our children had or have extra access to our Spirit from the beginning more than another, but this is not true. We know, however, beforehand the hearts of all of our children, and know who will respond and who will not, and how diligent each will press forward when we reveal ourselves gradually to them. The righteous come unto me, but the wicked do not, for "they receiveth not my voice, (and are) not acquainted with my voice, and (are) not of me." (D&C 84:52)
9. Raphael, we knew you well before you were born in the flesh. We had planned to awaken you to your great calling later in life, even as we did. We orchestrated events and taught you, gradually revealing ourselves to you as you diligently inquired of us in faith. You are where you are today because of your efforts in coming unto us, your Gods, and in following our Spirit as we gradually revealed ourselves to you. Thus may all men and women also receive from us, and learn of their own standing and calling before us.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his and Heavenly Mother's extreme fairness to each of their mortal children. They give it free to all of their children (2 Nephi 26: 27), and "all men are privileged the one like unto another, and none are forbidden" (verse 28), and "he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembered the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile." (verse 33).
11. I said to my Father that my mind has been expanded and enlightened with his and Heavenly Mother's teachings on this topic! I expressed my deep love to him.
12. He then pulled me close to his body in a full embrace. He spoke quietly to my mind: 'Raphael, oh we would that all would hearken to us, their Heavenly Parents, even as you have done and as the great exemplar our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has done! The way is straight before each one if they will only listen and obey our gentle promptings and nudges we give them through our Spirit!'
13. I looked upon his face and saw tears in his loving eyes. I know he and Heavenly Mother yearn to reconnect to each one of their beloved children, but many reject their voice, and only languish in unbelief and estrangement from God.
14. My prayer then ended, and I found myself writing all these words in my private room. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus, our great example, and started my new day.
15. Evening-I came this evening to pray after a good day. I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank from the stream, and knelt facing the lake. I thought of how my old expectations for these past few months have been dashed, for life seems to go on despite what I thought would have happened by now. I have really let my expectations flee away now. Sometimes I wonder, but then catch myself, for I wish to drop all my expectations.
16. In many ways, we are enduring in patience and faith. If we hold out faithful to the end, we shall inherit Zion, and ultimately eternal life:
17. 1 Nephi 13:37
"And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be."
18. I, for one, am determined to endure unto the end!
19. I then lifted up my eyes to the red sky above the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my request. The red sky parted, and a glorious beam of white light with blue skies opened up to my view! The light shone upon the lake and she asked me to come to her.
20. I quickly stood and intended to move to a kneeling position in front of her. I was then quickly there, and looked up into her bright face and sparkling eyes.
21. She spoke to my unconscious mind:
'Raphael, if you endure all things, and continue to come to us and obey our commandments, you will surely enter Zion. In the end, you will have eternal life with all the faithful saints who have endured to the end.
22. Along the way, we strengthen and encourage every one of our elect. We want them to continue to have faith and not be discouraged in their efforts to progress and endure.
23. In our estimation, "endure to the end" does not mean just hanging on. Instead, it embodies growth and progression, and a greater measure of our Spirit to enlighten their minds. Endurance means to grow, one step at a time, even by grace for grace. Endurance demonstrates to us the determination of their souls, and the inner desire to never give up. It requires our son or daughter to make available a good part of their lives in putting us first and dropping earthly concerns. Another synonym for endurance is feasting upon the word of God, and pressing forward in consistent faith and good works (2 Nephi 31:20).
24. We will reward our faithful saints, our righteous elect, with more revelation and truth, and continually more and more enlightenment. In such an upward growth state, our elect will be continually filled and spiritually fed. They will have deep reservoirs of spiritual nourishment and abiding peace. They will feel satisfied, and possess an ever binding level of confidence, trust and faith in us, their Gods. This is the "well of water springing up unto everlasting life" (see John 4:14).
25. Those who are unaquainted with the fruits of the Spirit, and who have rejected our gentle promptings, know no part of the meaning of enduring to the end, for it seems foolish to them. They can't understand how faithful Christians maintain their peace and happiness, even in the midst of difficult circumstances and trials. None of the princes of your fallen world know this, for they have succumbed to the natural man, and cannot know these things (see 1 Corinthians 2:8,14).
26. Raphael, we will surely lead our open and humble followers, even as fast as they wish to receive and conform their lives to our desires. We will always lead them into life eternal, by the gospel standards and truths we reveal and confirm to their souls.'
27. My Heavenly Mother then rose upwards into her glorious higher celestial realm. I watched until the red sky closed up again and she was gone. I then came back to my private setting at home, and closed my prayer.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, March 12, 2021
1. I came to pray and meditate this morning at the top of the switchback path on the celestial orb. I could view God's Loving Healing Lake below me to the east. I knelt here and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
2. He suddenly appeared to be in my presence. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, you have read some opinions of others that our elect were all chosen before they were born in mortality. Some of these were chosen from their godly works in that realm, and our foreknowledge of what they would do on earth.
3. However, by far most of those who were or are born into the telestial mortal world were chosen by Heavenly Mother and me because of their cumulative works in their first and second estates. This was both in the premortal and mortal world. We wait as long as we can to judge them, whether they are our elect sons or daughters or not, by their actions and the desires of their hearts.
4. We have also chosen those coming to the future terrestrial mortal world as our elect. These have not yet had an earthly experience so we have judged them based on their first estate only, and our foreknowledge of what we could foresee them doing in their second estate on the mortal earth. We will hold all further judgment for them based on their additional actions and desires in their mortal second estate.
5. There is a thought that we predestine our children to different final realms of glory, based on their premortal first estate. This is not true, for we wait and see how they act in their mortal estate, whether in the flesh or in the spirit world. If they prematurely die before the age of accountability, then the explanation given by the prophet Mormon found in Moroni chapter 8 applies.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his succinct and clear message to me this morning. He then departed and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
7. Evening-I thought a lot today of what I really want in life. Here are my conclusions: I really want to be right with God, connecting with my Heavenly Parents twice daily, and being taught by them. I also want to do whatever they may ask of me. This is the great desire of my heart!
8. I love being with my wife and family who are open and nice back to us. I can't control any of their behaviors, but I always want to be gracious and accepting.
9. I love being with honest and wholesome people. It is very satisfying to me to be friends with such people. I love the faithful who are humble, open, and also eager to follow the gospel and the Spirit.
10. This evening I came to the cliff overlooking God's Loving Healing Lake to the north. I could see God's temple glowing in the distance.
11. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She then gradually appeared in front of me in the air. She was smiling as she almost always does. I loved being in her presence! This is really one of my greatest joys in life, to come into the glorious presence of my Gods, and to be taught by them.
12. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I love to be with our receptive and obedient children who look to us in their daily lives. We receive great joy in leading our sons and daughters, who like you, are open and seek us diligently. We thrill when they follow what we say. We guide them by our Spirit in ways they would have never considered on their own. They find great peace and satisfaction in following our gospel plan, and walking in obedience to our laws and guidance. When they respond in these ways, we too receive a deep increase of joy and contentment! There is hardly anything better than this happiness for your Father and me.
13. When we first chose our children from the vast array of intelligences, we had hopes that they would each become an elect son or daughter. However, we always allow them their own agency. They may therefore fully choose whom they list to obey and follow. There are relatively few among the vast numbers of intelligences we create into our own children who will follow us and endure to the end. These will become even as we are, couple Gods in eternity. All of our other children are rewarded to the level of glory that they were willing to receive.
14. Raphael, as you think of what things or experiences you may want to have and do in your mortal telestial world, there are many options to choose from. You have been blessed with riches so you do not have want of any essential physical need. You do not allow your heart to dwell on your riches, but are generous with your family and those around you.
15. When you come to Zion, you will of necessity have to leave all your physical treasures, accumulated in your telestial world, behind. None of these can you bring to Zion or to the New Jerusalem. This will be a new start and new life for you and for our elect. You will live under the terrestrial law where you will all have a different mindset than those who live in your current telestial world. In your new millennial world, your views of material things will first be to ensure that those around you have their needs met. You will share freely with those in want, and as the entire society of our elect does this, there will be no poor among you. This will not be orchestrated by any mandate, but will come out of the goodness of your hearts. The love of God will be freely shared among all peoples. Our Spirit of service, love, compassion and generosity will be poured out in abundance.
16. Keep your eye on Zion, and let the things and riches of your current telestial world have no effect on your mind and heart. Only let your riches bless others around you and meet your needs and wants!
17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her advice and truths tonight that she shared with me. I felt very much at peace with her words to me. She then departed and I closed my prayer.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, March 13, 2021
1. I came today to the gold path just outside the domed room. I had just read what I wrote last night. I had received from my Heavenly Mother the view and attitude of those in the terrestrial realms on the earth towards riches. Here in the celestial realm, there are even more riches all around, such as the gold path I am next to. These have the effect of adding beauty to these celestial surroundings. I do not think of them as riches, but more as beautiful adornments and enhancements to the very lovely world I am in. My mind is one of celestial thought, and not one who thinks of gain or the value of riches as in the mind of a telestial man. Here on the celestial orb, these rich embellishments to a beautiful environment add to the grandness and splendor of the celestial world.
2. I then knelt on the gold path and faced north. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
3. Heavenly Father walked to me from the top of the switchback path to my north. He walked directly on the gold path until he stood in front of me. He spoke: 'Raphael, when your Heavenly Mother and I created our beautiful celestial orb, we had unlimited amounts of every precious stone or metal to choose from. We also could use any of our own creations in their celestial state to beautify and inhabit our celestial orb. We could build vast structures, or could create beautiful nature vistas depicting any season or environment we wished. We could also change what we created from time to time, all according to our desires. The result was is a beautiful celestial orb that was designed to enhance the glory of this celestial realm. This is "the glory of the celestial, which excels in all things-where God, even the Father, reigns upon his throne forever and ever." (D&C 76:92)
4. All of this kingdom is to bring joy, happiness, peace, and a place to enliven the soul of man and beast. The heavens and the creations and riches of eternity are all mine to give, even as seems good to me (D&C 67:2). Your Heavenly Mother and I desire to share all of this, even to the fulness of our highest celestial glory, with everyone of our faithful who endure to the end. These ultimately receive all that we have, even celestial glory forever.
5. Even with all of this wealth and unlimited beauty, our greatest satisfactions and joys are creating our own children and seeing them eventually become even as we are, Gods throughout eternity! There is no greater experience or thing we wish to do. This is why we continue in giving birth to our vast amount of children, one eternity after eternity, to share with them our life and to thrill in the process of bringing them into a glorious state like we enjoy.
6. Moses 1:39
"For behold, this is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
7. The progress of our beloved sons and daughters is our great work. We are continually involved in this, and never tire of the process. Our children, like you, who are our creations and who follow our divine plan, bring us great joy and eternal rewards. Even those who are willing to receive only a lesser degree of glory bring us satisfaction, for they choose on their own part of our glory that we are willing to share. Those who receive no kingdom of glory, who rebel and fight against us continually, bring us sadness. The heights of our joy necessarily also bring the possibilities of these great disappointments. However, by far the joys outweigh the sorrows in the entire process of bringing forth and creating our own children.
8. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are very pleased to give all to you, and to our faithful elect, as you all prove to us you can receive and handle it. By our methods of gradually helping our children progress, we are assured they will be where they truly desire to be. Those who ultimately become as we are, Gods in eternity, are those that give us the greatest joy.
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths. I told him I love being in his and Heavenly Mother's presence. I said I was so very thankful for his plan for us, their children, to progress and grow like them. I told him I love him.
10. Heavenly Father then departed. I was left there on the gold path to ponder on his words, and the grandeur of his kingdom. I soon closed my payer and returned to the earth.
11. Evening–I worked hard outside in the falling light snow and mud. My son and I got a lot done with moving fences and getting our garden beds ready for planting this coming spring. I thought that the satisfaction of accomplishing these things today brought me lots of contentment, probably even more than going on a trip, being entertained with a movie, or eating at a restaurant. I think work accomplishment is a form of creation and planning coming to fruition. Anyway, this makes me feel pretty good, and I think this is true of all people when a project they have planned gets completed. This is better than having riches in many ways, although one who has riches may be able to create more and fulfill many more projects and activities.
12. I came this evening to the future pond or lake in the New Jerusalem temple celestial area. I was on the garden path in that beautiful area. I knelt and faced the pond and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
13. Heavenly Mother then walked to me on the path to my right. I rotated on my knees to face her. She was smiling and very full of light.
14. She spoke: 'Raphael, you felt today the reward and satisfaction of completing a hard work project. We have given all of our sons and daughters this same joy from their sense of accomplishment. There is usually relief and the contentment of completion, both which add joy to the soul.
15. On the other hand, when one acquires riches, he/she also feels a sense of satisfaction. Our child then has a stewardship to use these riches, either for himself or herself, or to bless others. There are certain needs everyone requires which riches may help acquire. However, excess riches may corrupt the souls of our children when they are not shared and given in love and generosity to those in need. After this, the rich who do not share freely, begin to think that they are better than the others in need around them because they have more.
16. Alma 5:53
". . . yea, can ye be puffed up in the pride of your hearts; yea, will ye still persist in the wearing of costly apparel and setting your hearts upon the vain things of the world, upon your riches?"
17. This change of heart which is pride and being puffed up, begins to allow iniquity in their souls to grow.
18. Helaman 7:21
"But behold, it is to get gain, to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon the riches and the vain things of this world, for the which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity."
19. Well did Jesus Christ say of those who have riches and have allowed pride, iniquity, and selfishness to take a prominent place in their lives:
20. Mark 10:23
"And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!"
21. Raphael, when you first come here to this flooded area of the future New Jerusalem, you will have a determination to fulfill our plan to create this island and the New Jerusalem temple. You will do exactly in the physical that you already have done in the spirit (see your posts 172 and 173). This will give you exceedingly great satisfaction to witness these creative events being fulfilled. This will bring you great joy to participate in this plan we have for building the New Jerusalem temple on the celestial realm of the earth, and the surrounding terrestrial island of the New Jerusalem. You will reflect on this accomplishment all throughout the millennium, which reflection will continue to fill you with happy memories.
22. All the riches of man will perish on the earth, when there will be a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1), except for our celestial temple. This structure will already be celestial, and will not be consumed when the earth shall pass away. This temple will stand as a memorial for our exalted children forever.
23. Revelation 21:2
"And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem (the temple of the New Jerusalem in its midst), coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her teachings on riches and on the sense of accomplishment I will have with others in constructing the New Jerusalem. I told her I looked forward to all these events, even soon to happen on the earth. I told her I was so happy to meet with her tonight on the celestial grounds of the New Jerusalem temple.
25. My vision closed, and I ended my prayer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, March 14, 2021
1. I came this Sabbath day to the desert oasis. I drank living water, and knelt on the shore, facing the water.
2. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared to me over the water and spoke to my unconscious mind:
3. 'Raphael, last night your Mother taught you about how riches can canker the soul. This happens frequently in the telestial world in which you live. However, in the terrestrial millennial world, all peoples will be rich with the many things they need in their lives, yet these riches will not canker their souls. They will have the great desire to make sure those around them have their basic needs and wants met, and will share freely of their own riches with them.
4. As we said before, this will create a Zion society where there is no poor among the people. They will all grow in riches, for we will abundantly bless and flourish these, our loving and generous children.
5. Your Heavenly Mother also told you that you will frequently reflect on the great creation and construction project that you will have participated in, in the construction of the New Jerusalem. Your sense of accomplishment and awe that you will continually feel will bring you deep joy and satisfaction. You will also feel very humbled to have participated.
6. Raphael, you will do all of these things by our power and authority, acting as our Branch as spoken in the scriptures. A branch of a tree cannot be sustained without the main trunk. Similarly, we, your Gods, will sustain you in all of the creation work and basic construction you will do. It will all be a very great miracle, for no man on earth could possibly do such great things without the power of God.
7. The changes of the earth to a terrestrial state will also be a great miracle, wrought by our power. We will call upon you and our celestial servants to help us do this great thing, also by our power and authority.
8. All of these and many more changes will be brought about by our great power, all according to our plans for the well being of our celestial elect.
9. Raphael, when our angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith, he first quoted the third chapter of Malachi (see Joseph Smith History 1:36).
10. Malachi 3:1
"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts."
11. The LDS Church leaders have interpreted the messenger of the covenant to be Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. However, how can Jesus prepare the way before himself, for this is inconsistent with our ways of doing things. There is another who prepares the way when the Lord comes to his temple. The temple referred to is the New Jerusalem temple.
12. Raphael, you are the messenger of the covenant. The covenant is in part the ordinance of the waters of separation that you will administer to everyone of our celestial elect, which brings them into the Church of the Firstborn. These, our proven and faithful sons and daughters, will then be able to proceed to receive all of the covenants and ordinances in our New Jerusalem temple for their exaltation, even from the angels of God.
13. Our beloved celestial elect will greatly delight in you, the messenger of the covenant, and of that glorious ordinance that brings them into our celestial church. Our holy angels will also administer to these, our celestial elect, in the New Jerusalem temple. This is the true meaning of Malachi 3:1. You are our Branch, and the messenger of the beginning covenant of eternal life and exaltation, and their eventual exaltation.'
14. I humbly thanked my Father for having me, his lowly servant and messenger, to receive this calling. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother guide me in fully doing his will and calling.
15. He then smiled and left the desert oasis. I lingered in meditation a little longer, and then returned in my mind to my private room in my home where I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
16. Evening-I enjoyed a nice day with my family today. Tonight I came to the outcropping above the circling waters. I faced the temple in the distance. I had not been able to take the sacrament today, and desired to renew my covenants here tonight.
17. I then offered my prayer while on my knees: 'Oh God, the Eternal Father, I ask you, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, to provide the emblems of the sacrament, the bread and water or wine, to me, so that I can renew my covenants today.'
18. I waited and then Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, appeared on my right! He spoke: 'Raphael, I have blessed this bread as a token of my body. Take, eat.'
19. I took of the bread that he gave to me. It was a whole grain torn piece of bread.
20. He then gave me a silver cup, with liquid in it. He spoke: 'Raphael, I have blessed this wine as a token of my blood that was spilt, which was shed for many for the remission of sins. (see Matthew 26:26-28) Take, drink.'
21. I then drank of the wine from the cup.
22. At this moment, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared before me, and Jesus Christ stepped to the side of Heavenly Father so that they were all three facing me. I then spoke: 'Oh, my Heavenly Parents, I covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember you, and to keep your commandments.'
23. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant this evening. We promise you that our Spirit will always be with you, even our very presence.'
24. I gazed upon all three of my Gods before me in the air in front of the outcropping. I felt so uplifted and full of light when I was before them. I felt great peace!
25. At this moment, a bright beam from their distant temple came upon them. They then all three started moving backwards in the beam to the temple. They soon were gone, and the beam left.
26. I thanked my three Gods to have come to me tonight. I felt very pleased that I had received the sacrament on this sabbath day.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, March 15, 2021
1. I pondered how I received the sacrament last night from Jesus Christ who came to me. To me it seemed remarkable! I confirmed this all happened, and wasn't from my wishful thinking. I felt so cared for and blessed!
2. I came to the circling waters this morning, under where my Gods came to me last night. I drank living celestial water and felt clarified in my mind. I then pondered about the great gift of moral agency that God gives each one of us, their children. I thought of how Jesus Christ, our Savior, could have chosen to bail at the last moment and not have gone through with his suffering for sins of each one of us. He wasn't constrained to do so, but freely chose, on his own, to suffer, bleed and die. I believe also that there was no back out in the plans of God, were Christ to do this.
3. I thought too how tenuous it may seem, how each of us, with a calling, may ditch our important mission and choose not to fulfill it. This seems like the whole future fabric of God's plans is based on the willingness of God's chosen and foreordained children to fulfill their callings, for our Gods use their children to act in their name.
4. I was pondering this when my Heavenly Mother appeared before me on the circling waters! She was bright and smiling, and immediately spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I, and all the gods in this great universe, follow the same pattern of calling our children to grow into their callings, and to act in our names. This is a tenuous extension of our power, for any of them have choice to not fulfill the assignments we give them. In some like that of the Great Redeemer, their actions are critical for the salvation of all the other faithful sons and daughters. Nevertheless, we trust in our chosen ones to come through and obey.
5. When we chose to issue a demanding and critical calling, like that of the mediator for our eternity, we choose based upon the assurances we have to that point. We also view with our gift of foresight, the future events where our child fulfills and completes their calling. Even though we do all of this, there is a possibility, because of agency, that our chosen ones could turn away and not fulfill their assignments and callings.
6. We foresaw these actions in our prophet Jonah, but his actions of running away from his calling did not affect anyone at that time except himself. We then allowed what happened to come to pass, in order to teach and help Jonah himself.
7. Concerning the callings of our Redeemers for each eternity, every one of the millions of eternities we have experienced have had every one of our chosen Redeemers fulfill their essential calling. Each suffered, bled and died for all of their brothers and sisters, just like Jesus Christ of this eternity did for all of his brothers and sisters. For us and all the hosts of heaven, these are some anxious moments. We feel these deep emotions of wondering, but continue in faith and support. There is a very real possibility that one of our Christs that we have chosen, could choose not to fulfill their great mission.
8. In such a case where one of our chosen critical callings may not be fulfilled, we would continue to have our callings as Gods. We would have to make some adjustments. However, as yet, we have not had this experience.
9. In your case, Raphael, you have complete choice to turn and not fulfill your critical calling. However, we have taken every precautionary step to assure to our own minds that you will fulfill your high calling, and will measure up and fulfill all that we may ask you to do. We are careful to prepare and train, gradually and thoroughly, all those with such critical callings.
10. In your case, Raphael, there is no backup to your own calling and mission. We are fully relying on you to fulfill the calling and mission we have chosen you to fulfill. These include establishing the Church of the Firstborn on the earth, building the New Jerusalem temple and island of the New Jerusalem, and to administer the waters of separation ordinances to all of our celestial elect. There are other assignments, such as using the black key to gather and lock up Lucifer and his evil spirits, receiving our glorious revelations, and recording them in the Book of Raphael, and performing numerous other assignments from our hand. All of these you have agreed to fulfill, and we will sustain and strengthen you to perform and complete. Yet, in all of these, you still act in your full liberty to do as you choose.
11. When we view you or others of our children with weaknesses that are not yet overcome, we may bring about experiences to help our child overcome these. We have done this for you, and will continue to refine and shape you, as you are willing, even as a potter shapes his clay into his masterpiece.
12. Raphael, have faith and assurance that we fully believe in you and in your capabilities. We foresee that you will honorably fulfill all that we have commissioned you to do, even as we have shown to you. You are our chosen branch and our messenger of the covenant.'
13. I humbly thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering some of my questions so quickly and thoroughly. I told her I would fulfill all I was asked to do. I said I knew it was them, my Gods, who have called me, and not myself or any other. I asked that they continue to help me and mold me as clay, in order that I might act as their capable and faithful servant.
14. Heavenly Mother then parted as quietly as she came. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
15. Evening-I am thankful for the extreme trust that my Heavenly Parents have in me to fulfill this, my very important calling. I am awed at the great assurances they seem to have in my calling, greater than I can seem to possibly muster. I seem to "see through a glass darkly" (1 Cornithians 13:12), and sometimes doubt myself. I am determined to endure to the end, come what may, and be true to myself, and my calling, and what my Gods have asked me to do.
16. I came in prayer tonight to the pool under the waterfall from Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced the crashing waters, on the shore of the pool, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
17. He walked to me from behind the falls, enshrouded in a bright light that reflected upon the clear pool.
18. When he arrived in front of me, he spoke: 'Raphael, today you climbed high up your cottonwood tree in order to throw a rope over the high central trunk. You have plans to extend a wire rope from the tree to your field, and attach a rope swing over your swimming pool.
19. As you climbed the tree, you asked if you were foolish, or whether you would be able to get this rope over the top central trunk. We assured you that all would be fine, and then you proceeded and were successful with your project.
20. We are glad that you asked of us whether your planned actions were foolish or not. Continue to involve us in all varieties of questions like this, that we may guide you. We will forewarn you when you get in dangerous situations, or prompt you to do something different were you planning a risky action.
21. When you come to Zion, by foot in your replicated self, you will become very accustomed to asking of us during your day for guidance in your travels with your group. We will lighten the way before you, even so you may see light in the route you should take. We will always give you our godly perspective in all your prayers and requests. We will protect and lead you in safety.
22. We will do this same sort of guidance for every one of our elect who humbly asks of us. If they ask in faith, we will respond and give each one answers to their prayers, usually by our still small voice.
23. You wondered today if you did something foolish or not, if you could die from an accident in your mortal telestial world. We, your Gods, are protecting you and most of our elect so you and they will be preserved. You in particular will not die, for you have an important and critical mission in the days ahead. However, it pleases us that you are wise in caring for your life by not getting into high risk situations. This is the same reason why we are pleased that you continue to social distance, even when there remains a pandemic in the land that is transmitted mostly through the air.
24. Finally, I want to confirm the truth of what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you this morning and that you recorded in your journal. We honor explicitly the agency and freedom of choice of all of our children. We are very careful in pre-approving our elect children. Jesus Christ is also thorough in how he chooses those who will become member candidates for the Church of the Firstborn. He counsels with us about each one, and only moves forward when we are all in agreement. As you know, becoming a member of the Church of the Firstborn is the guarantee of eternal life and exaltation forever as Gods in eternity. Even after you complete an ordinance of the waters of separation for one of our chosen celestial elect, that individual still has full agency to do as they wish. This freedom to choose remains with all, even to them becoming couple gods in eternity.'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words and witness. I asked him for blessings on certain of my family members. He then disappeared and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, March 19, 2021
1. I returned late last night with my wife and two adult children from a wonderful trip. It was such a good break. feel revived today in so many ways. While gone, our second son's wife had their 8th baby on our youngest daughter's birthday. We will go see her today.
2. I came late last night to the desert oasis. Heavenly Father told me to come there this morning, but didn't give me any message last night. I am at the water's edge this morning, drinking living water from my cupped hand. I knelt on the stand and faced the desert oasis, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
3. He stepped out of his highest celestial realm, and stood before me in the air. I was so very glad to be again in his presence!
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad you enjoyed your short vacation with your wife and two children. These sorts of trips help give you perspective and give you a fresh start in life sometimes.
5. Just before you left, you watched a video about the new vaccines. This is mostly true, and reveals the evil plan of wicked men and women to destroy and kill many of the inhabitants of the earth.
6. The plan has been to create a worldwide pandemic so that people would ultimately receive the vaccination. Once received, the natural immunity of the people would be compromised so that they would soon die from other mutations of the virus, and other viruses that may also be introduced.
7. We caution again not to accept any vaccination for the COVID-19 or other manmade viral bioweapons. It is all part of the plan to destroy much of mankind.
8. For the elect who receive the vaccination, their Heavenly Mother's corona flame will keep most of them protected from these harmful viruses, even though their natural immune system is compromised. However, for those who are not part of the elect, they will mostly die off in the months and years to come.
9. These very harmful viruses and last days' pandemics and plagues will not be part of the terrestrial world. Once our children come into that realm, their health will greatly improve as they drink living water and eat terrestrial food.
10. Come here tonight, and your Heavenly Mother will reveal more to you at that time about these things.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. I said I was so glad to be back home, and to receive his and Heavenly Mother's revelations again.
12. Heavenly Father smiled and left. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
13. Evening-I came this evening to the desert oasis as I was instructed this morning. I came in front of the beach and knelt, facing the water. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
14. She immediately appeared at the water's edge in a bright light that lit up the entire region. She waved for me to come to her. I stood and walked on the sand until I was right in front of her. I knelt and looked up into her beautiful face.
15. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father revealed to you this morning one of the ways that the evil men and women will seek to depopulate the human race off much of your earth. Their efforts with using the COVID-19 vaccination will be one of their ploys. You now know what they have conceived is destroying the natural immunity of those who accept the vaccine. Those who are thus compromised will help breed much more deadly mutations of the viruses that will quickly spread among the world's populations. Only those who have their own functional natural immunity and those whom we have chosen as our elect and whom I will protect with my corona flame, will survive this first phase.
16. There are other phases that they have planned which include destructions by severe weather, earthquakes, food shortages which bring starvation, pestilences and war. At one point we, who are the true Gods of the earth, will also create natural calamities. This will surprise these evil ones, for they think that they are in full control of the earth and its destiny. We have their days numbered, and will stop them in their ambitious world domination at the time of our choosing.
17. We are having you, Raphael, prepare early the New Jerusalem area so that we may start bringing our elect to this safe haven. Once our elect enter into Zion and her cities, they will be brought into the terrestrial realms of the physical earth. Those who are telestial will not be able to follow them into this higher realm, nor be able to even see them. To those in this lower telestial realm, the landscape of the earth will look flooded, barren, or generally uninhabited. However, in the terrestrial world, where our elect will enter, the earth will be beautiful and produce in abundance food for our elect.
18. Isaiah 54: 17
"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord."
19. D&C 45: 66-71
"And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God;
And the glory of the Lord (that of the terrestrial world) shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called Zion.
And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.
And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.
And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand. (At times there will be a glow on the telestial land from the terrestrial Zion communities while there is yet a telestial earth. The enemies will know where Zion is located, but cannot penetrate the borders of Zion with their weapons, for they are in a different realm. Even if they were to bomb the land where Zion is superimposed upon, these weapons would have no effect.)
And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother.)
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her additional explanations, particularly of how Zion will be kept safe from the wicked on the earth.
21. My vision ended and I closed my prayer tonight.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, March 20, 2021
1. I reread my entries in my journal since I returned from my recent trip. I have felt the truth of what was revealed to me. I am very glad to receive the truth, even though it is pretty dire for mankind. I do know that God is in charge of all nations, even the destinies of all the armies of the nations of the earth (D&C 117: 6)
2. I came to the fountain of living water near the temple doors on the celestial orb. I drank living water, knelt on the ground, and then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He then stepped out of the misty spray from the fountain, and stood before me: 'Raphael, what we have revealed to you of the last day is very good news for the righteous elect, and very bad news for the wicked.
3. Joel 2:11
"And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army (our angels and celestial servants): for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and terrible; and who can abide it?"
4. Our intent is to completely convert the entire earth into a terrestrial world that will house our chosen elect, while the telestial wicked will perish. This will all be completed when Jesus Christ comes again in glory to the earth.
5. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I are in charge of the destinies of all our children who now live among the wicked nations of the earth. The future earth will be a safe haven for these that we have chosen. Keep your mind and heart set upon Zion, for these truths we have revealed to you surely shall be. All of our words we have revealed through you and our prophets will be fulfilled.'
6. Heavenly Father then faded back into the mist of the fountain and was gone. I reread his message I wrote, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. Evening–I came tonight to the east side of God's temple. I came to the river representing Heavenly Mother at the edge of the grassy area, and drank some living water. I then came back to the center of the grass. I faced the fountain of living water to my north and knelt.
8. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to appear. She immediately came before me, and Iooked upon me. I then opened my mouth and poured out my feelings of deep gratitude to her and Heavenly Father, for all that they have given to me. I prayed for their protection and awakenings to come upon their mortal elect in the telestial world. I knew these were very difficult times we were entering into. I asked that God's servants who are sent to bless, comfort, strengthen and inspire the elect would be given the voice of God, even an abundance of the Spirit, in all of their administrations.
9. I thanked her for a longer time than I had previously thought possible in which to better prepare myself and family for that which was to come. I asked to continue to drop any expectation of the timetable of actions that they might do. I asked to be more ready and guided to serve them faithfully to the end.
10. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and spoke: 'Raphael, we will answer your heartfelt prayer by sending our Spirit through our messengers and servants in more abundance. We cannot make any of our elect children listen more attentively, but we can cause circumstances to be such that they will most likely open up their hearts and minds to us. You are correct that these are very difficult times spiritually and temporally that all of the inhabitants of the temporal earth are now entering into.
11. The best way that you can prepare is to fill your heart and mind with perfect love, even as you have listened to today in your post 188 (see post 188B11). Continue to pray to the Father and me, "with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ." (see Moroni 7:48). We require the heart and a willing mind, and then we will endow our petitioning son or daughter with our perfect love, gradually and finally in a fulness.
12. In order to have our blessing of perfect love, you need to drop all judgment and just accept the individual that you wish to love and minister to. Acceptance is very disarming. Service, in any form, shows care, attention, and concern. As you seek to do this in your mortal estate on earth and in the heavenly realms, you will receive more of our love and of our Spirit. As is common to our ways, we will gradually impart these heavenly gifts in incremental ways, even as you persist until you receive a fulness of our perfect love.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer to my prayer. I was encouraged to pray more constantly with this full purpose of heart. I told her I would seek to accept those that I minister to, and try to feel greater love for them.
14. Heavenly Mother told me this was the correct approach. She then turned and walked a few feet from me on the grass and disappeared. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, March 21, 2021
1. It is somewhat difficult to live in our telestial world as we have always known it, and also have a mindset of a new changed world of Zion in a different spiritual realm. This is truly a remarkable time when we bridge between both worlds. We are on the cusp of lots of changes!
2. I reread my post 188 and some of post 189 this morning before praying. I was reminded that I was identified by God in my prayers as God's servant (see Jacob 5:70, D&C 101:44, 103:22, post 189C22 and 189D22 above in this post), the messenger of the covenant (see Malachi 3:1, post 189F12 to 189F13 above), and the Branch (see post 54B3-54B14, post 121E22-121E27, post 136E18-136E23, and post 170J7 to 170J15). This is all quite overwhelming if I think of it much! I feel very ordinary and normal. I am filled with wonder frequently about these things, and about my commission that I have received (see my post 74G1-74G4).
3. I have chosen not to think of these callings so much now, for they seem too great. I instead try to think of my current day, and my daily prayers. I have no ambition for any such great callings, but only to act and do as my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother may direct me.
4. I came this new Sabbath to the little stream next to God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt there, drank living water, and prayed. I asked that one or both of my Heavenly Parents would come.
5. They both appeared to me on the other side of the stream, full of grandeur and great light! I felt their light come into me, accompanied by their love and acceptance of me. I was very enveloped in this experience.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have been somewhat overwhelmed by our callings to you this morning. You are truly commissioned by us to be our servant, our messenger of the covenant, and our Branch in these last days. We depend upon you acting as our prophet and steward, and in fulfilling these critical roles in our behalf.
7. You need not be overwhelmed, however. Just take one day at a time and follow our Spirit and our voice that will constantly guide and direct you. We are beside you constantly, and will lead you along in helping us orchestrate this great latter-day work. There is no need to feel overwhelmed, but instead to feel guided every step of the way. You are becoming the man of God we have envisioned you to become. We are molding you like clay to fill these critical roles in our great work and act.'
8. She and Heavenly Father then extended their hands to me. I stood and we started walking around the lake. Heavenly Father then started speaking to me about my future mission in detail. However, his words immediately began fading from my mind so that I couldn't hold onto them. I knew he was buoying me up and revealing more particulars to me.
9. I then saw us three from a distance walking slowly around their lake. I felt greatly comforted by this view! I came back to my private room and closed my prayer.
10. Evening-I enjoyed a very nice sabbath day today. During our home sacrament we held, Jesus Christ came before me as I was blessing the bread, showing his approval of what my son and I were doing in our priesthood administrations. I then made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who next came before me. Heavenly Father accepted my covenant today.
11. Yesterday was the first day of spring. I am very ready to break out of the isolation and cold of this past winter. We have managed to walk on our street for exercise and work outside a lot this relatively mild winter. We already have daffodils popping up in our flower beds!
12. I came this evening to the pocketed rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was so lovely here, with pretty spring flowers coming out of the wall. The mountain stream was gurgling and the mountain trees were budding with new leaves.
13. I knelt, faced the stream, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came from behind a sapling tree and stood before me in her glory! She spoke immediately to my mind: 'Raphael, we are glad that you feel very normal and ordinary, as you wrote earlier today. Were you to allow the knowledge of our great commission to puff you up in your mind and heart, we would not be happy. Instead, you have continually questioned our calling, and have felt very humble and inadequate. This is exactly the condition of the heart that we wish you to have in order to fulfill your assignments. You will be bold, however, in addressing others, and fulfilling our will even as we direct you. Nevertheless, inside your heart and mind, you feel very inadequate and meek. We are pleased with open, humble and obedient state you present yourself before us in.
14. It is when our chosen servants start to act proud in any way that we become concerned. Once they might think that they are better than the next person, or when they feel they are more qualified or more special in our eyes than those we ask them to serve, is when we become concerned. Pride in one's heart restricts the flow of our Spirit.
15. It is impossible to be endowed with perfect love in its fulness with a puffed up attitude. How can one who thinks so highly of himself or herself become a servant to the one they administer to? All our leaders are called to be servants, and need to be very open, humble, loving, and to deliver our message or act in our assignments just as we desire. They should not think of themselves except as God's servants. They should seek to be transparent in God's service, fully returning the full measure of praise and acknowledgment to God, and none to themselves.
16. This is the attitude all who serve with love in Zion must have. It requires purity of their minds and heart, always returning thanks to God for any blessing. These, our loyal servants, act as conduits of our Spirit to those they serve.
17. What a great privilege it is to serve God, in whatsoever capacity we might call these, our son and daughter leaders! These, our chosen elect leaders, are called and chosen, even according to the pattern set forth in D&C 121:34-46. This instruction pertains equally to my daughters as well as my sons who hold the Father's priesthood.
18. We have carefully called and then chosen our celestial leaders in these last days who have consistently obeyed us in humility so as to not grieve our Spirit. These we have chosen to be our representatives, to carry forth an abundance of our Spirit to those they diligently serve.
19. To these, our faithful servants, I will send my Holy Ghost as a constant companion (see D&C 121:46). This Spirit will provide great inspiration and guidance to them in all of their administrations. Truly, it will flow to them forever and ever as they remain humble, obedient and open.'
20. I thanked my very loving Heavenly Mother to have come tonight and given her beautiful message. She smiled and stepped back into her mountain forest where she turned and walked away. When gone, I closed my prayer and retired for the day.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, March 22, 2021
1. I came this beautiful morning to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank living water and then knelt next to the bench, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
2. He came next to my right side, also facing the water. His feet were on the ground, and the light of his glory was contained to his body so it didn't shine all around like usually happens.
3. He spoke to me, even while looking at the circling waters. 'Raphael, my son, your Mother and I choose the meek and lowly to be our servants. They know, that of themselves, they have no power or authority, and they consider themselves very ordinary, as the rest of mankind whom they serve.
4. Our Son, Jesus Christ, said "Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (see Matthew 18:4)
5. The natural man tendencies that our mortal telestial children experience, gets them in trouble, for they sometimes think that they are better than their brothers and sisters. In reality, only the humble are exalted (see Matthew 23:12). We require all to whom we reveal ourselves, to be open, malleable, and humble.
6. 2 Nephi 9:42
"And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches--yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them."'
7. Heavenly Father then turned and faced me. He spoke again: 'Raphael, when a proud person comes before one of us, their Gods, they often think that they already know our mind and will. They think that they know our truths of themselves, and are almost always wrong in their views and perspectives. They are of the telestial, and we are of the celestial, and our ways, thoughts, and intentions are hid from them until they come in humility before us.
8. Isaiah 55:6-9
"Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
9. When our elect come to inherit the terrestrial earth, even to the land of Zion, they must needs be humble and open. We will teach them our abundant truths, even until they shall all see eye to eye, and we bring again Zion. They will all know that access to God is through humility, openness, meekness of heart, and an open mind.'
10. My Heavenly Father then rose up into the air, and his light started shining upon all the region I was in. He stopped some distance above and again spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, all of the gods are humble and open. None of us are proud, or think among ourselves that our ways are any better than the others. We are thereby filled with the power and views of our first parent Gods, and see eye to eye. We are all united and of one heart and one mind. We live even in a higher celestial realm, akin to the Zion that will come forth in the coming millennial day.'
11. He then continued ascending up into the sky and was soon gone. The red celestial skies then closed again around him. I thanked my Heavenly Father in my mind and heart for his message. I closed my prayer and then started my new day on the earth.
12. Evening-I came to pray tonight at the forest pool near the pyramid room on the celestial orb. I sought to clear my mind of earthly things, and then drank living water. I knelt by the pool's edge and prayed to my Heavenly Mother. She came under the pool's surface, bright and shining. She asked for me to come before her in the pool.
13. I stood and intended to come in front of her. I was immediately kneeling in her presence, looking up into her smiling face! I could see the top surface of the water above us. Neither of us were in any way wet. Instead, it felt like we were in a room of sorts with a rocky surface and protrusions on the walls like I would imagine a pool to have. The pool was very bright from the light coming from my Heavenly Mother.
14. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I may bring you into this beautiful forest pool in the water, or in any other place on, in, or above our celestial orb. The surrounding matter is of no consequence to us, for we may be in, above and through all things. We are fully aware of everything that we have created, and visit all of these regularly. We discern all things and comprehend all. (see D&C 88:6-13).
15. We also know the laws of each spiritual realm by which all things are governed. You, who are in a lower telestial realm, may not even be aware that such higher realms and laws for their control and order exist. We know all kingdoms, realms, orders, and laws, We dwell in the midst of eternity in our power and dominion of all these things.
16. We have called you and our other celestial servants to help us administer to all of these, our creations, in all of our realms. We also call terrestrial servants, and call and ordain many in these various kingdoms to bring about our great work. We give our servants knowledge and authority to act in their callings, and watch how they serve. We reward those who are obedient to us, and who are humble and open to us. We withdraw our power and authority from those who are not obedient, or think they know better than our counsels. We withdraw our Spirit from those who seek to exercise unrighteous dominions, or seek to control or force others, even as they may act in our service as our servants.
17. Raphael, your Father and I are in continual communication with each other in our evaluation of how our great work is moving forward in all of our kingdoms and realms. We continually access how our called servants are doing in the assignments we give them. We are aware of all of these.
18. We will impart to you and to every one of our elect children, who are leaders or not, all of our truths and powers, even as fast as they prove able to receive and bear these. Continue to be very open and receptive to whatever we may reveal to you. Seek the confirmations of our Spirit in all that we show to you. We will never lead you or any of our other open and humble elect astray! Instead, we will carefully nurture and guide them, even until they receive a fulness of all truth and understanding as they are able to receive.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have brought me here to her forest pool, and to have shared with me her beautiful truths.
20. She then told me to come again to this pool's edge tomorrow morning, and that Heavenly Father would speak to me then. I said I would come.
21. My vision ended and I was finishing up writing this in my personal journal. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, March 23, 2021
1. I came this morning to the forest pool as I was instructed to do last night. I knelt by the water's edge and prayed to my Heavenly Father. I asked him to come to me.
2. Heavenly Father appeared before me, standing on the water. I looked up in his eyes and face-he was smiling upon me. I felt his light and acceptance come into me.
3. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are improving in your perceptions and of viewing me before you. This has come after many years of persistently seeking my face, and that of your Heavenly Mother. We still appear to you in your unconscious mind, but you are better able to connect your conscious to your unconscious minds, so that you see and hear us more clearly. The merging of your mind will come gradually as you improve more and more in your perceptions.
4. It has been over one year since the worldwide pandemic was announced (see your post 153I2). At that time I told you it was now time for you to stay at home (see your post 153I6, on March 12, 2020). During the past year, many nations of the world have locked down their countries, causing many businesses to close forever. There has been a wide divergence of opinion whether the actions that governments took was really necessary to limit the spread of infection. Some feel that the COVID-19 panic was a ploy by the leaders of government and industry in order to change the mindset of the people so that they would line up to receive the vaccinations. This belief is accurate in many ways, for the vaccinations will prove to be more deadly than the virus itself which it is attempting to remove.
5. There have been many deaths from the man-made bioweapon virus COVID-19, and there will continue to be deaths by this and other bioweapon viruses and mutations of these viruses. The world is proclaiming that these are going away as the population is vaccinated. Many also claim the vaccinations are not harmful. However, all these vaccines, in the long term, are not helpful, but will prove to destroy many lives since they eliminate the natural immunity of the people. This is dangerous since deadly viral mutations will be spread in vaccinated people, and thereby will spread across the population. Our children will need their natural immunity more than ever in these last days. You have wondered what you should now do. You know many people who are being vaccinated, and you know many who have recovered now from the COVID-19 virus. You long to return to a more open society where you feel free to mingle in your own community, without fear of contracting these infections.
6. You have also seen that the COVID-19 virus has mostly been a killer of the elderly, but not of the youth or adults in good health. Recently you have felt that only those in their later years, and those with compromised health, should be very cautious, while the younger group should return to a more normal way of living without social distancing nor wearing masks. At this time, when so many are becoming vaccinated, this option is only temporarily viable, since soon deaths from vaccinations will occur and more rampant, deadly viral mutations will be introduced into the population.
7. Raphael, the measure of precaution that each of our mortal children should take in this changing pandemic is now based on many factors. Many of these factors are unknown to our children on earth. There is no one general policy or method of protection that fits all.
8. As our children pray to us about these issues, we will guide them, day by day, in how they may safely act and integrate back into their own community. We will whisper to each who inquires of us, in the sincerity of their heart, the direction they might take to remain safe and protected. They should regularly ask again and again of us, and we will change our direction as situations in their community change. We will guide them by our Holy Spirit:
9. D&C 45:57
"For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived--verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day."
10. In all of these difficult times, we will train our elect to listen more carefully to our Spirit that we will impart to their inquiring minds. For those of our elect who make mistakes in hearing our promptings, we will protect them with Heavenly Mother's corona fire to route out the deadly infections that they might be exposed to. In almost all cases, we will save and preserve our elect temporally from the plagues of your day.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his much needed direction in my own life, and guidance to others who may read these words. I said I would seek continually directions and guidance from them, in this ever changing hostile world we live in.
12. Heavenly Father smiled upon me and then left my presence. I felt his presence, however, linger with me, and felt his Spirit in my heart. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
13. I received the following email from S.A. on 3-24-2021 and insert it here as it relates to the above entry:
"Hello R,
I thought about what I typed up yesterday about COVID-19, and thought it was interesting. I have also wondered whether it's mostly the elderly who need to be so precautious.
I asked Heavenly Father about it in prayer last night. He spoke, 'What I told Raphael is true. We want all of our elect to seek our guidance for their safety and protection. We will guide you as you counsel with us in how to keep you and your family safe and protected. Continually pray and ask of us, for things can change by the day or situation.'
I then asked about all of their elect who won't be asking in prayer for specific guidance for protection? The scripture 'forgive them for they know not what they do' came to mind. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind: 'Those without the thought to pray and ask for specific guidance will be given mercy and receive protection out of our wisdom and love, for they know not, or think not to pray about it. But, for those who do know, and hear and feel our Spirit lead them to pray and ask, it is needful to act on it and obtain personal revelation on the matter.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message to me, and prayed to remember to continually seek direction in all matters of how to act for my protection and safety in the days ahead.
Thanks R, I appreciate all you do!!
14. Evening-I came this evening to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water, and sought to drop all my earthly cares, for they can be put aside when I commune with God. I have worries, concerns, ambitions, and more in my own mortal world. I can put aside all of these with my intentions, and just think of heavenly things for this part of the day when I pray to my Gods.
15. I knelt and faced the beautiful lake. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
16. I then saw the lake aglow in bright light. It was shining up into the sky and all around me on the land. I then heard the clear voice of my Heavenly Mother: 'Raphael, come to me now.'
17. I knew she was in the lake, like she had been last night in the forest pool. I knew she could easily be in all things and through all things, even as she desired.
18. I stood and intended to come before her in a kneeling position, wherever she might be in the lake. I was then immediately in front of her, kneeling in the sand on the bottom of God's Loving Healing Lake! This might seem peculiar to some, but it seemed very normal to me. I looked up and saw, some thirty to forty feet above the sand the surface of the lake. It didn't seem like earthly water, since I wasn't wet. I could still breathe, and was fully aware of all my surroundings. Mostly I was so pleased to be in front of my glorious Heavenly Mother who was so filled with bright, shining light! I looked into her sparkling eyes, and waited with anticipation for her message.
19. She spoke to my mind:
'Raphael, come let us walk together up to the shore of the lake while I talk to you.'
20. I took her extended hand, stood, and together we started walking slowly.
21. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father gave you wonderful advice this morning on how our elect need to develop in these troubled times dependence upon us, even through our Holy Spirit. We have many situations that will perplex them that we wish them to ask us about. As they are open and humble, we will give them truth and direction, so that they need not be deceived. I will give them my Holy Ghost as their guide, and they will be numbered among our faithful elect, even as were the five wise virgins in the parable of the ten virgins.
22. Tonight after you dropped your mortal concerns, and humbly and openly prayed to me, you heard my familiar voice speaking to your unconscious mind. You immediately followed my promptings, regardless of how odd or silly it may have seemed to you to come to the bottom of this, our healing lake. You will act on whatever we may ask of you to do, even without hesitation or fear. You continually test, in your mind, whether this is really your Father or me speaking to you. This is a wise action to do, and when convinced, you then obey. In this way you will never be deceived, for we will carefully guide you through all the ups and downs of life. You are of our elect, for our elect hear our voice and obey, just as the five virgins did in the parable of Jesus.'
23. We were then coming to the surface of the lake, and continued walking towards the shore. We stopped when waist deep in the water and Heavenly Mother faced me. Neither she nor I were at all wet, but looked clean and both were full of light.
24. She continued speaking: 'Raphael, you have observed that when you immerse yourself in our healing lake, you become clean and full of light. I will impart of this same experience with any of my elect who come to this lake, and immerse themselves in my living water of my healing lake. I need not be visible to them as I was to you, but I will be next to them and fill them with my light. I will thus strengthen and heal each one, even as I will.'
25. Heavenly Mother then looked over to where I was initially kneeling at the little stream. I too looked, and then I saw her and me talking there. I next found myself at the stream standing, with her on the other side of the stream facing me!
26. She continued speaking:
'Raphael, this little stream flows living water into my healing lake. Each one of our elect will be guided into an abundance of knowledge and truth, even as this stream flows into our large healing lake. The water is guided by the path wrought previously by the water, and all the water will flow into our lake. So will we carefully guide and direct each of our elect sons and daughters to a better world, even into the millennium where abundant knowledge and truth will be everywhere!'
27. She then asked me to drink again of the living water in the stream. I knelt down and cupped my right hand. I brought living water in my hand to my lips and drank. Heavenly Mother was watching me. I then felt the water enter into my mouth, throat, and then to all parts of my body, but particularly to my head area. I felt very, very clarified and filled with light in my mind! I smiled and thanked her for this remarkable experience.
28. 'Raphael, what you have done in drinking living water before me, I will also do for everyone of my elect who comes here to this little stream, and does as you have done today. Whether I am seen before them or not will not matter, for if they humbly ask for me to come, I will be there. I desire each one to be filled with my light and clarity of thought, even as you have experienced tonight.
29. Raphael, difficult times are increasing in your telestial world. I desire each of our elect to be strengthened and healed by immersion in my healing lake. I also desire each of our elect to be very clarified and filled with my light as they drink living water from this stream, with me before them. These great gifts from me will encourage and buoy all of our elect who do these two things, even as you have done.'
30. She smiled broadly upon me! I then was filled even to overflowing in her light, so that I felt one with her. Oh what joy and peace filled my soul as I stood before her!
31. I then came consciously to my front room where I had been writing all of this while it happened to me. I confirmed in my mind, by God's Spirit, that this happened even as I have written. I thanked my Heavenly Mother in my mind for their exceedingly rich outpourings of light upon me tonight in my prayer. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, March 24, 2021
1. I came this morning to the center of the domed room. My intentions were to come before my Heavenly Father in prayer. I knelt and asked him to come to me.
2. Heavenly Father then appeared to me, a little elevated in the air. He was smiling and spoke to me:
'Raphael, you and your wife are trying to spend your money more freely, and not be so frugal. You have plenty of resources to buy what you desire.
3. In our world, we don't use money as you know. However, he or she that has eternal life is rich (see D&C 11:7). You have not sought for the riches that we have blessed you with, but we have richly blessed you with abundance. You have sought instead for communion with us, your Gods, and we have abundantly given to you the mysteries of eternity. Whatever you may want or need, we will give to you.'
4. We then were both transported to a very lovely spot on the celestial orb, above a beautiful forest, lake, and a stream that I could see. I saw mountains in the distance.
5. Heavenly Father waved his arm in front of him and spoke: 'Raphael, we give eternal life to all of our faithful children. They then are able to create vast worlds, even as have your Heavenly Mother and I, without any regard to money. All the resources they might need in creating and populating their worlds are theirs. There is no limit to these resources for our exalted children who become new Gods in eternity.
6. We will freely impart of all we may have, and of our abundant powers and resources, to our lowly and humble followers on the earth. We will bless them to have sufficient for their needs as they seek first the kingdom of God in their lives. Because their hearts are not set upon riches, they will receive in time all that we have, even in an unlimited abundance.
7. While you live on earth, we are pleased when you share of your riches freely with those around you. We are pleased when you do not focus on your riches, but focus on what money cannot buy which is a relationship with us, your Gods. We will then richly bless you to become even as us. We will share freely all we have with you.'
8. Heavenly Father then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, you may ask of us what you might want, and with our gentle confirmations, we will give it to you. We will do so for every one of our elect who first comes to us, and puts us first in their lives.'
9. He then departed. I thanked him in my mind for the great blessing of coming into his presence, and receiving so abundantly his knowledge and truths. I thanked him for his riches which he freely imparts to me. I feel so richly blessed!
10. I closed my prayer and started my new day.