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Once I finished post 205 in volume 1, I was ready to go to Zion with my wife D and my son A who lives with us. This never happened, and was a huge transition in my life, and for those who had supported me (K,S.A., S, and M.A.). For me, it was a very big faith test of my religious convictions and understanding of who God is and their revelations to me.

I have written below all of my pertinent journal entries during this time that will convey this great transition in my life. Once several months had elapsed, I continued living in my same home, living my life the same, but without such religious fervor as before. After some months, I again approached my Heavenly Parents with real intent and started again receiving more clear connections and revelations from them. I felt peace again, but kept everything to myself. I no longer wrote in my journal, but was given direction to write my impressions and revelations in the LDS Gospel Doctrine app. This method in time became a wonderful tool for me to receive and write my revelations in. I could access this easily from my computer and my phone. These are all recorded as the Book of Raphael volume 2.

The accounts below are my typed up accounts, witten in my journal, that detail the events of my life during my transition to volume 2.

R's Journal Entry, September 20, 2021
Evening– D and I worked all day in preparing for our departure and working on our lists we made. We divided up our silver, gold, cash and coins, into six bins. We have save this for our own use as an emergency preparedness resources. We had prepared it so when and if the money supply were to collapse, or there was big trouble in our land, that we might be able to barter and buy what we would need during these times.

Today D listened to a conference talk from President Spencer W. Kimball where he talked about welfare principles, that all need to work at least some for what they receive. She wondered if we are doing wrong to freely give our emergency preparedness, our savings, and our inheritance to our children upon our departure.

I brought this up to my Heavenly Father in prayer. I was tired, but asked him to answer our questions tonight. He was in a cloud, and I was before him kneeling in the air. He asked me to write his words. I have written up to this point. He then spoke:

'Raphael, my son, I am glad you and your wife have asked me about whether giving your resources and inheritance to your children is wise to do. You have amassed emergency preparedness items, including financial resources, both for rainy day savings and long-term retirement resources were you to remain in your telestial world and were it to continue in a similar way.

In reality, there will be a monetary crash soon, in some months, that will remove your asets in the bank and in the stock market. You have known this, but you felt to still move your financial wealth from the bank to the stocks and bonds in your nation and in your real estate. In either case, this money will collapse. What will be more needful at that time will be precious metals and printed cash, at least for a time. You have prepared well. Your own children will be faced with these calamities, and it will be a blessing to them to keep your shared resources as a preparedness items to use in such conditions. You cannot tell them how to use their money, however, for they will do with it as they wish.

Nonetheless, it is pleasing to me that you give them your preparedness wealth and other resources like food and garden resources, and all types of provident living and storage that they may need. Some of your children may use your money to prepare to come to Zion, by spending more time in prayer and service to others (thereby developing a Zion heart and mindset). Some of your children may squander your resources, or use it in other ways they desire. This will all be their choice. For these latter ones, in the day of need, they will wish they still had your silver, gold and cash.

My recommendation is to give your entire resources to your children as their inheritance. If they come to us in prayer, we will share with them how to prepare for the hardships ahead, even in using your resources you will have shared with them. This money and wealth you have will become their stewardship. We will watch to see if they become wise stewards of what you have carefully and by hard work labored with your wife to store away.

President Kimball is correct about not giving generally to others of your wealth without them working for it, to preserve their dignity and honor. The dole is not part of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the idler shall not eat the bread of the laborer (see D&C 56:7 and D&C 68:31). However, for your children whom you have raised in the work ethic, and in gospel principles, giving them an inheritance of what you have labored for is acceptable to me. This has been done anciently among our chosen people, and is still done in your day. The law of the birthright son that receives all is akin to this practice of an inheritance. However, the wealth passed onto your children then becomes their own individual stewardship, and each is responsible how they manage these resources. We will hold our children responsible for their own stewardship, whether they worked for it themselves or whether this was worked and earned by their parents. An inheritance should be used to enhance one's life, and be used with care, and not used frivolously.

See also D&C 70:4 where it says that I, God, will require and account of their stewardship at the day of judgment. Faithful and wise stewards shall inherit all things, even in eternity (see D&C 78:22).'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wisdom and revelation to me tonight. He departed and I closed my prayer.

September 21, 2021, Tuesday

I shared my journal entry above with my wife when I awoke. I reread also what I wrote from Heavenly Father: "My recommendation is to give your entire resources to your children as their inheritance." We wondered if we should now liquidate all our stocks and bonds, and place them in our trust account where we could have this money dispersed into their own bank accounts. They could then use this money to pay off their houses or prepare better for the days ahead. It would then be in their hands, and they could become full stewards of these resources.

I came this morning before my portal. I felt it with my physical hands somehow, even though I didn't see it before me. I knew my replicated being before me then stepped through the portal film, and onto the shore of God's Loving Healing Lake on the celestial orb. I knelt and drank some living water from the lake. I then asked in my mind that Heavenly Mother come to me. She then immediately appeared in some clouds on the center of the lake a little above the water. She walked to me while her body moved quickly to me.

She stood before me in her royal majesty! I sought to see her, but although she wasn't real clear, I saw parts of her face and robes. After gazing on her for a moment, she asked that I write her words:

'Raphael, there will come upon your nation, and even upon many nations of the world, a day soon at hand when the financial institutions will fail and close. You have a window in which to transfer your money to your trust account, and then have checks written to your children after you leave. This will disperse your funds before the financial crash when the money is still available to use to its fullest. Your children then may pay off their home mortgages or prepare for resources to trek to Zion if that is what they are impressed to do in consultation with us, their Gods. Or they might buy food to store or needed supplies. They will then become our stewards of the wealth we have blessed you with.

As far as your own portal goes, you were this morning able to tangibly feel it's perimeter with you physical hands which ere linked to your replicated hands. You did not see clearly, however, your portal. This will be hidden until this evening when you will start to view it in your normal vision.This will be our sign to you.

Prepare the last few items on your list today and then enjoy the visit with your son and his family as you have planned tonight for dinner. Your Father and I will will be near you, even that you can see us in your mind's eye on either side of you. This will be like you was when you first talked to D on the morning of September 15, on week ago tomorrow.'

I bowed my head in extreme gratitude to my Heavenly Mother for her counsel. I said I would talk to my wife and move forward in unity with her on our decision.

Shen then started fading away from my view. SHe then departed and I closed my morning prayer.

Evening–It is now 10:05 pm and I haven't yet seen my portal. I have been busy and occupied, so maybe this is why. I desire to get in a very calm and peaceful state. I desire to connect to one or both of my Heavenly Parents tonight in prayer.

I received word from S.A. that she and S were all packed, patiently waiting on God, and were told to be ready. I hope I receive another email from her.

I am now in my front room with my wife. I desire to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents, one or both of them, and to receive some guidance.

About 10:30 pm, I saw with my spiritual eyes my own portal before my replicated being. My portal was very bright and shining. I could feel its shape towards me with the three bumps, and could also feel the intense light coming from the portal perimeter shining through my hand. I saw a profile of me standing in my replicated state before my portal, all so filled with white heavenly light.

I then decided to stp through the portal and came before my glorious Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right, in the domed room. I knelt before them and asked them to please bring the sign of my portal to my physical vision while I looked around my house. I asked it they would be giving me this sign.

Heavenly Father asked to to write his words. He spoke: 'Raphael, my son, we will now illuminate your portal with our bright heavenly light, so it is very shining before you, even as our beings are bright and shining before you now. When the portals of our children are called to come across the realms permanently, to reside in the new realm, we send forth our intense light of our Spirit to illuminate their portal. This is our signal to them that we, their Heavenly Parents, and calling them into their new realm to live. In your case, we are calling you to bring D and A and move into Zion, our terrestrial realm from the telestial realm.

Your portal is now ablaze with our Spirit, and appears now behind you in great brightness. It will still move with your intention. You will soon start to view your very bright portal, even with your vison in your mortal eyes.'

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I will give you great peace and continual assurance that all will go according to our will. You, of yourself, have no power to change anything except for moving your portal by your intentions.

Come back to us tomorrow morning and we will speak to you again in this domed room.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words. I sought to be buoyed up and to see them more clearly before I would depart their presence. I felt I saw their tender faces and then I came back tinto my conscious mind in my front room. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

September 22, 2021

I enjoyed a restul and calm sleep. My wife D and I are both up. I have come into my private room to ponder and pray. I have read all of my journal entries since Sunday evening. I am calm and desire to come again into the presence of my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother as they have instructed me to do.

I came in my replicated state before myself praying. I was standing and felt my portal, but it wasn't so bright before me as last night. I stepped through this portal and came into a blazing fiery presence of my Heavenly Parents. I gazed upon them, first my Heavenly Father and then my Heavenly Mother. I humbly sought, with all my heart, to know I was in their presence and that I could see them in greater clearness, and to hear their eternal words and directions to me. I felt peace and assurance, trusting in my God.

Heavenly Father spoke and asked me to write his words: 'Raphael, we have spoken to you on and off in great clarity and power over the past several years. You see your own portal to your left, also ablaze with our bright light and Spirit. You feel in your being before us our heavenly light and Spirit flowing through you, even from our presence through your body and to the area behind you. You know this is only by our power that these feelings and sensations of great light, peace and love would come to you in this way.

Today I will come in the way you now see me in your mind to your left side, and your Heavenly Mother to your right side. We will help you as you speak to your son A. We will help you and D transfer your beliefs that you are all three going through your portal today. You will also be able to bring your blazing portal in front of your mind's eye, even in front of your physical vision as you speak to A.

You and your loving wife D have prepared well for your departure. You will need to give A some time too to get ready mentally for leaving. Once you are all three ready, come to your side where you talked with D on September 25, 2021. We will then bring your portal before you again. even as we did last night in your spiritual vision. Bring your portal before you so that it is resting on the ground, and wide enough for all three of you to pass through. Hold hands and walk through your portal file and you will come into your temporary house in the New Jerusalem.'

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, this all takes your faith and action to fulfill, and to come to the New Jerusalem. You three must be united in your desire to come together into this terrestrial realm, and it must be by our will and permission. We will do this today and you will come!

Be encouraged and be buoyed up in your spirits. Let things just happen and don't try to force them, or force trying to see your bright portal before you. We will send it to you with our Sprit and light throughout the day, even as we desire.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words. IO was kneeling before them. I asked that I might view this portal ablaze, even in my private room to give me encouragement and to buoy me up in confidence.

Heavenly Mother smiled and reached over three separate times, touching my eyes with her finger. I saw the bright portal before me, but when I opened my eyes I didn't see it when in my private room. I said I was trying to see it, but didn't want to force somehow my vision.

I am now in my recliner chair, feeling intent to view my bright portal. I will stay here for several minutes and then close my prayer. I will seek to see my Heavenly Father on my left, and Heavenly Mother on my right. I will go forward in faith, and continue to pray for Gods will to be fulfilled, for I have no power on myu own except for believing and acting in faith.

2:00 PM. My wife and I talked to A shortly before noon. He received it well, and agreed to prayer for confirmation. We all showered and dressed, and locked the house us, with a spare key hidden. We then went into the side yard and prayed in turn. A said he would pray on the other side of the portal. We walked through it once with no success, then each prayed and tried walking through again. This also didn't work, for we stayed in the backyard. We talked and D was so full of faith and had no doubt, I was full of faith, but didn't have as much faith as she did. I felt any disbelief I had would not prevent me from moving forward through the portal. A expressed disbelief that, even though God could do anything, going through a portal was very unusual, and God would work through natural means. We talked to him, and then we all came inside our home again.

A has only had two hours to mull over this and he said the Spirit wasn't much with him. He wanted to dig potatoes, a chore that we had earlier given to him. He said he felt he could connect with God as he worked.

D and I came inside and talked a bit. She was emotionally charged, wanting so much to leave this telestial mortal world! I said I wanted to pray. She wanted me to do so also. I came into my private room to write in my journal and to pray.

I should add that while outside on the side of our house, I felt and saw distinctly my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother by the sides of my head. I closed my eyes and saw and heart my portal (sounding like a fire burning). I could bring it close to me, and I felt the film and the side posts of the portal. It was about 10 feet wide, and I brought it onto the ground so that the fil edge was against the grass on the lawn.

Heavenly Mother spoke to me while I was there: 'Raphael, all is prepared for you to walk with your wife and son through your portal. Have faith, and be believing@

I then in prayer asked if D was ready, and felt assured she was very ready. I asked about me, if I was ready, and assured I was also, even though I had been pushing away doubts. I tried to be full of faith, and go forward with confidence, believing in my higher self and God's revelations.

I finally asked if A was ready. I felt he was marginally ready, probably because he had known about this for two hours, and it was all so very new.

It was then that we three prayed and then attempted to pass through my portal twice.

I am here in my private room. I will see to connect again to my Gods, and see what we should now be doing.

My Heavenly Father, who was on my left side, asked me to write his words that he would speak to me:

'Raphael, my son, we are so pleased how full of faith D is. She is very ready to pass into our terrestrial realm. You and her could do so on your own through your portal. However, it is our desire that A, your son, also come with both of you.

Since this is the first time we have authorized our mortal children in modern times to pass from a lower mortal realm to a hight mortal realm, there is difficulty doing so until one has done this. When another will have done so, it generates faith in the next person to also do so.

Let A work by digging potatoes. When he is done, talk with him again, and see where he is in his faith and belief. We desire all three of you still to come together. During all this time, after all is ready and prepared, you will need patience with him.'

Two options seem to emerge:
1) D and I depart together without A.
2) We wait and go with him when he is ready.

D is not entertaining any doubts. We both want so much to come to Zion! We are tired of this fallen mortal world, and feel so ready to depart! We both feel our misions are there, and not longer here.

Now we wait in patience. What if A doesn't want to leave, and instead to stay? Would God allow us to leave without A? I know Heavenly Mother has siad twice "We can wait no longer for your to come". Do I leave alone and then come back for A and D? I sought my Heavenly Mother's advice on these options, if she had anything to add to what my Heavenly Father already said.

She then spoke: 'Raphael, if A doesn't want to come, or refuses, after this evening is completed, then come with D and you together in the morning, as you three attempted today. You will then be able to still visit your children, and A would stay in your home. He might choose at the end of your Thursday visits, to come with both of you to the New Jerusalem.'

I thanked her for her counsel, and Heavenly Father for his advice to me. I closed my afternoon prayer and talked more with my wife.

R's Journal Entry, October 2, 2021

Today is ten days after September 22, 2021 when I attempted to go through the portal with D and A. It didn't work, and was a great disappointment to me. I have since been talking a lot with my wife D. I've felt very bad about what I subjected both of them to. It adversely affected my son A who lost trust in me I believe. D and I are planning to to to a psychologist in Springville that came recommended from A's psychiatrist. I have been looking at many YouTube videos on delusion disorders, and hallucinations. A delusion is a fixed false belief that doesn't change in light of conflicting evidence, seen over time. A hallucination is to sense something from our five sense that other people cannot see or sense. Sometimes hallucinations reinforce the delusion. The treatment involves gathering conflicting evidence, seeking doubt, and generating a list of alternative views. Treatment might also involve deactivating the need for the delusion. This all takes time.2021

I truly only want to know and embrace the truth. I want to live a Christian life of love and service to my family, friends and fellowmen and women.

I have prayed morning and night each day since my failure to go through my portal to the New Jerusalem. I have mostly reverted to simple, yearning prayers, but not prayers where I would solicit revelation, except for the evening of September 22nd and last night, October 1, 2021.

On September 22, 2021, I pleaded with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother why we couldn't go through the portal. Heavenly father told me it was needful that I be tested, even as was Abraham. They needed to know I was completely obedient (which D and I were), and that I wouldn't abandon all of my revelations. I have boxed up all my previous journals and posts, written, typed and digital, and they are sealed up where I was instructed to leave them, ready to come back for them.

I felt abandoned and even tricked at first by God. D, who had fully believed me, dropped all her beliefs and returned to her previous state of one week earlier before I had told her of my revelations. I called my sister K after my evening prayer of September 22nd, and upon her recommendation, also called S. He had also received many revelations from God, and had verified many of my own revelations. I talked to him the following Monday, September 27, 2022. This was very helpful, for he felt just like me. He and S.A., his sister, had prepared to leave Arizona on September 21st, 2021, but on that day were both told to wait for further instructions. S told me he was questioning things he had received, and even reverted to more simplistic prayers, and not writing much in his journal. S.A. was also questioning and wondering, as was my sister K.

I refrained from emailing M.A. who was the last of our small group who had been involved actively with us. I wrote her on October 1, 2021, for she had said she was to receive a messenger to take her in September to the New Jerusalem. This didn't work out either. She thought she needed more refinement, and to gain more patience.

Last night, on October 1st, Friday, I prayed to my Heavenly Father and asked him to give me direction. I had waited ten days to ask for direct revelation. I was hesitant, not knowing if I had been deceived, had delusions or hallucinations, or if I truly had been tested and it was all true. I still didn't know.

I believe I received my Heavenly Father's voice in my mind, the same way I had received revelations over the past six years or more. I call this my "spirit sense", a spiritual connection I have developed with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. It is truly a sixth sense, outside of my five physical senses (small, sight, taste, touch, hearing). My mind was open during my prayer. I was praying in the dark after my wife D went to sleep.

Here are the points I remember Heavenly Father speak to me:

• He called me Raphael, not R. This is how he and Heavenly Mother have called me since they had revealed to me that this was my premortal name.
• He said all that they had revealed to me in the past since they appeared to me in the energy class I attended in April, 2013 was true.
• He said that he and Heavenly Mother knew beforehand that I wouldn't walk thought he portal that they had said I should walk through.
• He said this was to prove me, to see what I would do at that moment and afterwards.
• He said I had successfully passed the test, or at least done so up to this point.
• What M.A. had said to me, that I should have patience was correct. I was to let time pass and wait. I was not to reject what he and Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ had revealed to me the past 8 1/2 years.

I asked if I should continue to seek to become more grounded, and seek for evidence on how I received direction from God, or it I am deceived or deluded in my communications with God.

Heavenly Father said it was good for me to evaluate myself, and to determine evidence on which I could reasonably choose the sources for my beliefs.

R's Journal Entry, October 3, 2021, Sunday

I prayed to Heavenly Mother last night and felt her words of comfort. I prayed this morning and opened up my mind and heart to my Heavenly Father, after explaining again my search for how I receive my direction I asked for enlightenment. He spoke to my mind, in my thoughts. This is how he and Heavenly Mother have always spoken to me. This is what they call "spirit sense". This is the same as the still, small voice of the Spirit.

In the course of his communication to me, he said that it was by this means of the spirit sense that God communicates to me. If I were to cut off this source, I would cut off my communion with God. If I were to believe this was a delusion or hallucination, then I would become like the bulk of men and women who have rejected the voice of God in their minds and hearts. I would again be left without direction for which I have pleaded for so diligently years ago when I thought to "see" God and commune with Jesus.

I thanked my Heavenly Father for these words. I began to write all of this down so I would have it recorded. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

I should add that Heavenly Father said that if I sincerely, openly and humbly prayed, both he and Heavenly Mother would guide me and not allow me to be deceived with delusions or hallucinations when I would "hear" their voice.

R's Journal Entry, October 4, 2021, Monday

I came in prayer before my Heavenly Mother this morning. I opened up my mind and heart to her, and sought her voice, the voice of the Spirit in my mind. I knew this was through my spirit sense, and not through my normal physical senses. I sought to have her come to my private room where I was kneeling.

Heavenly Mother came to me and I felt her presence! This was a spiritual connection. I knew she was near me, and could view her face with my spiritual eyes, even as Moses described seeing God with his spiritual eyes in Moses 1:11.

I then asked my Heavenly Mother if she had any instructions for me. I waited, and then I heard, through the Spirit, her voice in my mind. This was also through my spirit sense, and not through my physical ears. Nevertheless, it was very real, and not initiated from me. She spoke:

'Raphael, write the words that I will speak to you.'

I have written to this point in my journal, in the quietness of my private room.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me in my mind. Here are her words:

'Raphael, my son, you are correctly hearing my words through the voice of my Spirit. This voice is not part of the natural man on earth, or the physical senses you possess. It is the Spirit of God that your Father, Jesus Christ and I send abroad among our children who dwell on the earth and who seek us in the humility of their hearts. They need to seek us in openness with great desire. As they do so, they will one day experience our presence, coming to them by our Spirit. They may hear our voice in their minds and hearts, and see us with their spiritual sense that we will awaken in them. This is overall what we have said in the past is our "spirit sense". It is the way we communicate to all intelligence, even before we create these into our creations, making them live entities and beings, clothed with matter, either in tabernacles of spirit or flesh.

The spirit sense includes being able to see and hear spiritual things not possible in the physical man or woman. We also call this the still small voice, or voice of the Spirit. It is the way we have always communicated with all of our creations. For our own children, they know this as the Spirit of God that spiritually enlightens their minds and hearts. You are now hearing my words in your mind, and you are writing these in your journal as they are dictated to you. This is by this spirit sense that you have become attuned to in your life.

You wonder about what happened on September 22nd, 2021, when you couldn't go through your portal. We prevented you from doing so, in order that you be tested and tried. You have withdrawn from us, only having simple prayers, and didn't seek our voice or direction for a time. You never lost your faith in us, but wondered deeply if you had heard us correctly. You analyzed whether or not the previous words you had received from us were from another source that from us, your Gods. You wondered if you were deceived by the adversary which you discounted, for you had always been enlightened and frequently felt great peace in our words and the spiritual experiences we gave to you. You then wondered if you had hallucinations or delusions of your mind, and were thereby misled. You may continue pursuing this avenue, and should not be afraid of the truth. We want you to absolutely know that whet we reveal to you is not a delusion or a hallucination that the world of psychology had identified. You may go to the psychologist with your wife and meet with her or another, and question all of the possible sources for how you have received our words.

In the end, you will conclude that you have been correctly enlightened by the Spirit of God. You will conclude that your mind and heart have become awakened to a spirit sense in which we, your Gods, have revealed to you great things.

Do not be disheartened by the test that you have experienced. We did this to prove you and to ultimately strengthen you in times of the future when you will need to be very strong and sure of the source of your revelations. You hadn't had this sure conviction up to this point. There was no other way for us to have you gain this sureness except to be tested in such a manner. You will see in time the wisdom of our doing this thing.

Now, proceed in your daily life, grounding yourself to your mortal telestial earth as you have chosen to do. Seek communion with your Father and me. Be open and humble in seeking to understand all the ways you could have received such great truths. You will soon become very convinced it is all from us, your Gods, and from no other source.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I felt enlightened and at peace. I was very glad to have been so near to her, and to have received of her Spirit and this direction.

She left and I closed my morning prayer.

R's Journal Entry, October 5, 2021 Tuesday

I listened yesterday to a short podcast from M.S. He spoke about being one with Jesus Christ, and seeking his face. I yearned again to know of my status before God or to know if I was redeemed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I therefore prayed this morning to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and sought that Jesus come to me. In a few minutes I felt his presence, and could see his face and his eternity eyes, so soft and tender. I then felt he spoke to me words of comfort and cheer.

I felt he spoke to me that my sins had been forgiven, and that I was fully redeemed and clean before him. He said it was this redemption that allowed me access to the presence of my Heavenly Parents. He siad my heart was right before him.

I then had the thought of Jesus by the gate that led to the path to the tree of life. I felt peace and the love of God.

This was my morning prayer. I felt very grateful to my Jesus, my Redeemer. I have hope in him. I can be patient, knowing my sins are remitted and I am clean and accepted before God.

R's Journal Entry, October 7, 2021 Thursday

I reread my last two journal entries above. I have been praying to my Heavenly Mother this morning, and have felt what I wrote on October 4th, 2021 to be true. I also felt I should share this with my friends K, S.A., S and M.A. I want to share it also with D and see what she things. I didn't receive any other directions or feelings to act except on this today. I plan therefore to type up my entry and share this by email.

R's Journal Entry, October 8, 2021

I prayed last night whether I could ask and record in my journal answers to some questions. I felt Heavenly Father spoke "Raphael, ask your questions in the morning and I will answer them."

I currently have a list of ten questions that I would love to ask and receive guidance on I feel the presence of my Heavenly Father, and will ask now. I will write the words that may come into my mind.

Q1–Do I need to be in this telestial world during some of the tribulations?

A1–From my Heavenly Father (I felt his light flow into me as he came before me, all detected with the Spirt of God, and my spirit sense): 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I want you to be several places at once during the times of tribulation as they descend more heavily upon your mortal telestial world. For a time, we wish you to remain in your mortal body in Utah. However, we currently have you also replicated in your physical body in the New Jerusalem, both among the terrestrial inhabitants there, and in doing work in the New Jerusalem celestial temple as a replicated celestial being. We will therefore have you be of service to us in all three realms, all in your physical replicated body. You will also be replicated as our angel of healing and protection in multiple areas and to multiple people to whom we may send you.

You also have achieved, with our blessing, a merged mind. To understand what you may be doing in your replicated beings, you need to enter into a meditative state and ask of us to view or "see" in your mind's eye what you are doing. We will give you the view in your mind what you are doing there. It will become very real, as if you are there in your conscious self.

Q2-Will I be acting as Raphael on earth to help and comfort others, even as described in part in my prayer visions post? (33 My Prayer Visions)

A2–'Yes, we gave you this revelation years ago so that you would know of our powers that we would extend through you. As long as you are open and humble and obedient, we will do a great work through you to those who dwell on the earth who are our elect. We may do this through your replicated or actual physical being in yoru mortal body. In all cases, you will be extended our power as we may direct you. You will need to have no expectations, but act at the moment according to our revelations to your heart and mind.

Q3–Do I need to go back and listen or read to my posts that I have written"

A3–'Yes, you may do so with our blessing It is our desire that you no longer type up or have typed up your journal entries, except as you may feel inspired for passages to share with others. We want you to still conclude your journal entires every approximately thirty pages, and mark them as consecutive posts. We will then make these available to the waiting hosts of heaven as we have revealed to them before in your previous posts. We will no longer require that they be typed up or shared with anyone on an email list. Keep what you have boxed up as your previous journals and posts 1 to 124. Make this next post number 205. It should include the few pages of your previous journal that was only partially written in but then boxed away with your other journals. Keep all of your digital files boxed as you have done. You may copy these onto new digital media for your own personal use, and then re-box these original digital sources. As you conclude a journal, box these with those currently boxed. At some point in the future we will have these transported to the New Jerusalem.'

Q4–Is what I was told to be doing in the New Jerusalem (helping John the Beloved plan the city layout, teaching the 144,000 about their missions, etc.) still happening?

A4–'Yes, you have been doing this as Raphael in your current replicated state among them.'

Q5–How do I drop all of my expectations?

A5–'Raphael, you have been shaken in your faith by the test that we have given to you and to your friends that you now correspond with by email and on the phone. We want you to continue to validate to your self that we truly speak to your through our Spirit and through your spirit sense. You may use all powers of reasoning and worldly evaluations in your ability, as with your upcoming appointment with a trained psychologist.

To drop all expectations, do not conjure up any thoughts of what may happen in the future. Be obedient to whatever we may reveal to you, and allow us the freedom to direct you to do as we wish, moment by moment, without any of your own thoughts that may confine our revelations to your heart, mind and soul. Live each day in the present, and continue to be very open and humble.'

Q6–Was this experience on September 22, 2021 and the days that followed surely a test for me and the others involved? Are these events geared to ensure that I will be fully obedient, and not pull away from you, even when I don't understand your motives or reasons for such a test?

A6–'Yes, this has all been a test, particularly for you to ensure that you will still seek us without understanding why we have appeared to you to be fickle, mean and appear to have tricked you. This the very hardest of all tests that we could have given to you. This test was aimed at ultimately strengthening your faith which understandably faltered for a time, but will be greatly strengthened in time. You will also learn finally to drop all expectations of what we may do, and receive with greater confidence our future revelations to you. You have passed the test, not that you are actively seeking your Heavenly Mother and me in giving you active revelations.

Q7–Will D, A and I go to the New Jerusalem at any time soon?

A7–'We will bring you three there according to our own timetable. However, you will not know of this timing, for we desire that you live in the present and have no expectations in this final departure from you telestial world into our terrestrial mortal world.'

Q8–Was it necessary for S and S.A. to be ready at a moment's notice? Is that still in effect for them?

A8–'Yes, they are in a position to now be ready to depart when we given them revelation to leave on their trek to the New Jerusalem. They too need to have no expectation, and to come to us in personal prayer and daily communion.'

Q9–Do we need to keep our journal accounts more private, intended for personal revelation not to be shared? Was I mistaken to have included these in the Book of Raphael?

A9–'We want your friends to continue to receive personal revelation, and to share with you as they may feel inspired from us. You correctly placed their accounts in your own record also, for we inspired you to do so, for they contained many truths and were second witnesses as we desired them to do.'

Q10–Did we feed off each other and depend upon man and not God? Did we lean upon each other too much?

A10–'There was some of this that happened. However, we expect each man and woman to receive their own confirmations and revelations from us, and not to trust another. This is the law of Zion and of the millennial world that is coming to the earth, and is to be practiced among all the faithful elect, particularly in the troubled times coming.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelations, answers to my questions this morning! I felt deep peace and enlightenment during my prayer. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

R's Journal Entry, October 14, 2021, Thursday

Each day I have been trying to read about the difference between psychosis and a spiritual event. The literature calls the latter a "spiritual emergency". This come from divine sources, and greatly enhances the individual and society. Even Socrates mentioned this in his writings.

I was praying to my Heavenly Father this morning. I felt I could perceive him in my spirit sense next to me in my room. When I asked if he would enlighten my understanding, he spoke to my thoughts, and asked me to write his words. I felt very much in my right mind, and the thoughts to write was in distinct words, not from me. Whether this directive to write came from my unconscious mind, of from an outside source, I wasn't able to determine.

I am now ready to write the words that come into my mind which I believe are from an outside being, even my Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are near you when you pray to su, and also during our day. We come near you in our highest celestial realm, and allow you to view us in this realm when we will. It is by your own intention to see us, particularly our faces, in a state of meditation usually when you focus in addressing us, and in waiting for us to respond. This viewing of our faces, and the hearing of our words to your mind, comes to you in your mind and heart, through a spirit sense that is not associated with your mortal five senses in your physical body. It is our Spirit, our still small voice, that we speak to you in this way. This is how we have always spoken to you, even in the premortal life and in your mortal life over these past eight and a half years since you prayed to us in your energy class and we appeared to you.

The event of us appearing to your view, and of you healing us in your energy class of 2013, was a very dramatic and impactful experience for you. Your spirit sense was again activated at that time, even in a very real and familiar way. You knew where we stood and what we were doing, particularly your Heavenly Mother. We were among those in the class in a celestial realm. Only your spiritual eyes and ears were opened to us, and not to the others. We gave you such a very real experience to awaken you to us, your Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, for our own purposes. We have eld you gradually through the years since that time, revealing to you the visions of eternity, and many of our truths. You have faitHeavenly Faithfully recorded all of these events and spiritual experiences in your multiple journals.

You have repeatedly wondered about the test we recently gave to you and the others (S, S.A., M.A. and K). You have just read again the words from your Heavenly Mother on the morning of October 4, 2021 that your wrote in your journal. You correctly wrote her words. I want you to repeat what she said that there was no other way to strengthen you to believe and know that our words to you were definitely not from any other sources except from us. What you have written over the years in your journals is all true and from us, your Gods. We love you and the four others who have also been tested with which you have communicated with . This experience will ultimately strengthen all.

We would like you to take pictures of your journal entries and email these to S, S.A., M.A., and K. They may read these accounts that we have spoken to you. This may help them in their own path to understand our reasons to have dealt with them in such ways that they may not have understood.

Keep trying to understand and prove the source of our revelations, that these truly are from us and from no other source. We will continue to be near you, and the others also, in strengthening you in the path we have chosen for you each to take. We love you and will give you revelation as frequently as you come to us in humble and open personal, meditative prayer.' I thanked my Father for his words. I felt at peace and enlightened in my prayer this morning. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

R's Journal Entry, October 17, 2021, Sunday

I received in prayer some more answers to questions I had. I have mulled over these new directions for two days now, and the shift seems right to me. I am excited to proceed on my new path of serving others and focusing on their needs and wants.

Here is what I wrote down after my prayer on Friday, October 15, 2021. I wrote this the next day:

Q1–How long will I (we) stay in our house in Utah County, Utah?

A1-(From Heavenly Father) 'You will remain there for at least eight months' (this is through June 2022).

Q2–Will I not be sharing my personal journal entries with others, with whatever directions and revelations I may receive?

A2–'Yes, you should not need to share your journal entries, but may keep them private while your remain in your Utah County home.

Q3–Will all that I was told that is currently happening in the unseen realms continue with my replicated beings activities?

A3–'Yes, this will continue without you needing to do anything about your activity there.'

Q4–Do I have any specific mission to do while I am here in Utah, in the telestial world?

A4-'You need to expand your service to others, to love and serve others who are in your sphere of influence. Act as Jesus would act and serve. Think of others more than your own needs and self. Love yourself in loving and caring for others. This is why we have given you this time to continue living on the mortal telestial earth.'

Q5–Will I receive more revelations that will be added to my previous posts?

A5–'No, this will be a respite or rest from what you have already written and done. We are pleased in what has been written to date. We want you now to shift your focus to helping others around you–family, friends, neighbors. Do this service with your wife as occasion allows, and initiate much on your own also. Keep looking around to seek those in need and to help and serve them.'

Q6–What do I do with my boxed up records of Raphael?

A6–'Place them in a safe place in your house and keep them boxed up. We will call for them later. Have no expectations.'

Q7–Should I request a ministering assignment from my local LDS ward?

A7–'No, but serve without assignment to any who are in need. Don't follow the regulated pattern of your ward, but seek to find those in need that may need a phone call, visit, text or some service.'

R's Journal Entry, October 19, 2021, Tuesday

This morning I prayed to my Heavenly Father and sought the blessings of heaven upon all those in need around me. I prayed for them specifically. I asked to hear his direction for me. This is what then came into my mind:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased your efforts in reaching out to those in need around you. We hear your prayers to us in their behalf. We are glad that you are shifting your focus to others around you. We will bless you in your efforts to be of assistance to them,to be kindly and compassionate, and to do what you can to lift their heavy burdens. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be near you throughout your days.'

I thanked him for his directions. I closed my prayer and started my day.

R's Journal Entry, October 26, 2021, Tuesday

At the encouragement of my wife D, I have pondered over three questions. These are about if my 8 1/2 years of connection with God were or were not true. I have listed my responses to these questions, ranking them high (H), medium (M), or low (L) in importance [, at the beginning of each response that I came up with].

Q1–What would I lose if my revelations were not true?

H–A. My built up relationship and connection with God whom I had thought I was led by all along.

M–B. My acceptance from God whom I thought fully loved and accepted me just as I was, with all my weaknesses and flaws.

L–C. My efforts to serve people in another realm that gives me satisfaction.

L–D. My position before God, my calling of serving people and pleasing God.

M–E. The way that peace, clarity and revelations came to me. I loved the feeling of thinking I was a conduit for God when I would write his/her words in my journal. The enlightenment of truth and knowledge that flowed into me during the times when I wrote the words I heard in my mind quickly without hardly any correction.

M–F. My association with S, S.A., and M.A.

H–G. Feeling very wary and seeking God's presence again and not trusting myself again.

H–H. Dashed hopes in prospects of going to Zion at all, or at any time in the near future.

H–J. Great wonder about my own salvation.

H-K. Glad I found out before I were to die and find out in the spirit world.

M–L, Confused in my mind about the myriads of concepts that I had taken as true.

M–M, Lost 8 1/2 years of my life consumed in writing spurious ideas and made-up revelations.

H–N. Feeling like I had no anchor to God or truth in this life now.

Q2–What do I hav left without my revelations and conviction to God like I thought I had?

H–A. Unconnected with God in this world–so lonely!

M–B. Feels like I can't find out who I am.

H–C. Having done as the scriptures exactly encouraged me todo, and then realizing I failed in the process after giving it my 100% effort. I would feel that there is no hope for me connecting with God in the future.

M–D. I feel I am doomed to remain in darkness in the world in which I live with no wat to connect with God or find the truth.

H–E. I feel like there is no other way to be open, humble, sincere, seeking after the truth, diligent and very patient that I have been even over 8 1/2 years of constant effort with high priority in my life to seeking God and the truth.

M–F. Left without the gifts of clarity, vision, peace that God had repeatedly given to me multiple times of the years. "Ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth."" (see Timothy 3:7).

Q3– What would I gain in knowing this was all true?

H–A. A greater confidence in God and the direction I had received through the spirit sense, or what I call the Spirit or the still small voice.

H–B. Excited about the time now, to not have to receive so many truths and the time this takes, and that I can just spend my time more in loving [ways] and serving others.

M–C. Grateful for having documented over the past 8 1/2 years what God wanted me to write, and that this first chapter is closed in my life and accepted to God.

H–D. Excitement about my future with my wife, family and the elect of God to be gathered to Zion and of our salvation.

M–E. Not fearing death or what might happen to me or my loved ones, since my confidence in God and the future is sure, even though I have no day-to-day expectations.

Heavenly Father. The assurance that God loves me and is pleased with my efforts to follow him–a confirmation that my life is acceptable to God,

M–G. Clarity and understanding in my mind of the many truths that God has revealed to me.

R's Journal Entry, November 2, 2021, Tuesday

I am now back with some time to write what impressions I had received from my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The most remarkable one is that our psychologist diagnosed me, or suggested to me, that I had signs of Aspergers Syndrome, and was on the autism scale. I somehow felt great relief at this, and D and I have talked about this a lot, and have been reading/studying about this. I am fitting the signs that many of those Aspergers have, although I am quite functioning and have been hard to diagnose. This whole experience has been very eye-opening to us!

One of the things or traits of one who has Aspergers is that I have focused in on one area (religion/spirit realm/connection with God) that has allowed me to press forth with lots of fervor in my prayers. I probably wouldn't have had the ability to connect so deeply with my Heavenly Parents had I not been so able to see and feel spiritual things, and had I not been able to focus my mind on God so much. Because I am mentally wired so uniquely, compared to other normal neurofunctioning individuals around me, I am very open and sensitive to the things of God and the Spirit. This is what I think now. It has been a blessing!

One major downside is that I am deficit in my mind/brain in the emotional/social areas. This has been difficult in my life, a significant weakness that has plagued me, particularly in my close relationships in my marriage and with my children. This is very common in those with Aspergers.

I feel God loves me, and that whatever I have been given as my "stamp" or personality and weakness at birth is for a reason, known to God only. I take comfort in Ether 12:27 where Jesus says he gives men (and women) weaknesses, and will help the humble who come to him, so that their weaknesses will become strengths in time.

I have also felt that God now wants me to use my healing gifts more for those around me in my mortal telestial world. I want to use these gifts, and actually think that they will become more active in my life. I want to feel to keep these hidden, or my being as Raphael hidden. I feel I can have my angel self Raphael come before me in a replicated state, and with all the authority of a healing angel, bless others from the celestial realm. I feel too that Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother or Jesus will come and help assist or do the healing. I feel I will use the five healing gifts I have been shown from God to heal others. I won't need to learn any other modality, but will rely upon God for the healing. In 'God's Loving Healing Hands', God does the healing and we are the conduits, even if an angel. Sometimes I may extend my healing sword of Raphael, or use my hands or intentions to heal. In all cases, it will be from God and not me. It needs no special training,only petitioning God to heal with their authority or person the one being in need of healing. This is a great relief to me–to not have to learn any new modality for healing–for it all resides with God upon their intention to heal. God is the master healing.

R's Journal Entry, November 9, 2021, Tuesday

. . . I have been thinking more about what I wrote about last Tuesday in this journal. I prayed about specific questions, and felt like I have received some answers. I will write down in here these questions and answers. I felt like Heavenly Mother gave me these answers over a several day period.

Q1–Was I born with Aspergers?


Q2–Was my mind 'enhanced' to receive spiritual connections from my Handl Syndrome (in 2008, this was a severe illness of my brain)?


Q3–Was my mind able to focus to receive revelation from God because of my Aspergers brain wiring, more than a neurotypical person?

A3–'Yes' I had a greater ability to a)focus, to b)think visually, with images that I could see in my mind's eye, with c)imaginative views that initially propelled me to be able to see God and receive from him. This was that state I was in on April 2013 when Heavenly Mother came to the energy class I was attending (see When Heavenly Mother Came)

Q4–Will I lose some 'closeness' or connection with God if I have simpler prayers? Without much revelation now?


Q5–As I attempt to balance my emotional/social/physical/spiritual/mental lives with each other, will I lose my ability to perceive or view spiritual things?


Q6–Am I to focus my efforts of being balanced in my life now?


Q7–Am I to work at using my healing fits, energy gifts now?


Q8–What realm should I focus in on the use my healing gifts?

A8–'Ranked by importance, 10 being the most important– 2/10 telestial, mortal realm
1/10 terrestrial, replicated being
10/10 celestial replicated being as Raphael.

Q9–Should I use my spiritual view of my replicated celestial being in acting with the healing gifts I have been given?

A9–'Yes'. I should view Raphael doing the healing in the celestial realm, in my mortal mind's eye. This is not using any modality except by my intention, using light and healing energy, and any of God's Loving Healing Hands Gifts that were revealed to me, or as directed by God.

Q10–Where will my healing work take me? or where will it be done, or for whom?

A10–'You will be given specific people to protect and help heal, as also those you might ask from your mortal self, in your mind, and those God would direct you to do in your unconscious mind.'

R's Journal Entry, December 1, 2021

I desire to dream an answer to my current mortal mission–chapter 2 of my life.

R's Journal Entry, Dec 2, 2021, 4:30 am

In my repeated dream, there was a large and very heavy train on the tracks that slowed to a stop. The tracks were circular at the end. I contemplated sitting next to the tracks, with the anticipated severe noise and rumbling of the screeching train, or in a field nearby which was not so close. I was intent of removing from the tracks some vials of liquid herbs before the train ran over them. If I sat next to the circular tracks I was fearful that the train might smash the vials of herbs with its weight and noise. Alternatively, I could have the same vials with me in the field which wouldn't be in danger of being destroyed the the heavy and noisy train. I could be in either place, and was unsure where to be. If I would choose next to the circular tracks I thought the entire noisy and scary experience of the train might cause me to bolt in front of the oncoming train.

Somehow I knew the vial of liquid herbs would be better because of the proximity of the train were I to choose the scarier position next to the circular tracks. I wondered also is the train, going so fast, would derail and sash me too if this derailing were to happen. If I sat in the field and watched the train slow down from a distance, my vials of liquid herbs would somehow be preserved but not be as refined and prepared as if I was right next to the train.

I saw the train coming down the tracks and had to make an immediate decision where to sit: next to the circular track, or in the field a safe distance away. This dilemma kept me awake for some time as I stressed out where to go.

Interpretation: The oncoming, fast moving train is unstoppable. It is slowing down as it starts going into the circular tracks. This represents the end of our telestial world. The train will finally stop, representing the destruction of the telestial world with all of its horrors of war, intrigue, famine, pestilence, and self-destruction. I had a chose to be in this world to the end, or be a safe distance away. The vial of herbs represents my healing ability to help those in need (the elect of God) to live in the telestial mortal world.

My decision is not just about my safety, but about actively helping those in need of healing who are in danger. Were I to go to Zion (in the field, a safe distance away), I would be safe and the people who need the vial of liquid herbs could not benefit from the healing properties of the herbs. Were I to locate myself in harms way with the elect in the telestial mortal world, I could help them, but also be in danger myself. It was my decision and I had to choose now.

I was just stopped in going to Zion on September 22, 2021 when I attempted to pass through with my wife D and son A. Maybe the decision to permanently go there (the safe field in this dream) was made unconsciously by me just moments before. I had made the choice to remain with those in the telestial mortal world: my family, friends, neighbors, and those I would meet in the future, to share with them my healing fits (represented by the vial of liquid herbs).

I believe I made the decision to remain in my telestial society rather than go to Zion. This same decision was reached by D, A, and those on my same course who were planning to trek to Zion (S and S.A.) or M.A. who was to be taken to Zion by a messenger. All of our conscious thoughts of not remaining but going to Zion were circumvented by our own decisions in the celestial realms to remain and help our fellowman on earth. I this new chapter of our lives, we were to help those around us with no regards to our own safety. We chose to remain behind instead of going to Zion, with the intentions to help others. Eventually, when the train would stop, we would then be all able to go to Zion with those we would help.

I had received in November 2016 a series of prayer experiences where I was actively helping those around me to be safe in a future day. I was unseen by the elect whom I was helping. They were all in great danger, and by miraculous means I helped them escape to safety. These were the elect. I called this post my "prayer visions" (33 My Prayer Visions). I was told by Heavenly Father at the time that I would be involved with them, with God and the 144,000, in their journey back to God (Zion). I was to be involved with those who would come to God. Our work as angels is to be kept in secret, so that the elect who would be protected in the trek to Zion would give thanks and glory to God for their rescue, and not to any man or woman or angel.

I was told in 2016 that I would be filled with God's light and love when I act in behalf of God to help rescue their children on earth, and to help bring them to Zion. I was told I would be able to give to others a healing blessing to those in my family and circle of influence.

Now, after this dream tonight in December 2021, I realize that I made the decision to come next to the circular tracks, in the dangers of our telestial world, to help those around me with the gifts God has given to me. My wife D is trying to help me magnify my healing gifts so we both can be of service to others, to help them heal. D has a vast knowledge of herbal remedies, and I have the gift of healing with Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, or Jesus Christ being the healers and myself as the healing conduit. Together, we can act as a team in rescuing those who are sick to come well again through remedies and healing gifts. It seems that this is the path we are to pursue for now.

When I finished writing all of this, I prayed and Heavenly Mother told me that what I had written in my dream journal above was true and from God. She said to my mind that the interpretation of my vivid dream was correct. I had made my personal decision to stay in this mortal telestial world rather than go to Zion! This decision was made in my unconscious mind by me. Consciously, I was bewildered by not being able to go through my portal with my wife and son to Zion. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father prevented me from passing through the portal at the final moments because of the unconscious decisions we made in the celestial reams on that very day. We are here in mortality in the telestial world to help others, even during times of great danger.

Raphael Volume One Index to the Book
Index of Posts 1-204

Book of Raphael Volume Two
References in the Book of Mormon
References in the Doctrine & Covenants
References in the Pearl of Great Price
References in the Joseph Smith Translation
References in the Old Testament
References in the New Testament