109. Changes in the Earth
Posted 2-3-2019
Hello again!
I have seen some pretty dynamic changes in the crust of the earth, happening in a day soon ahead. I hope you will confirm what I have seen with your Heavenly Parents, for they will impact all of us.
Read about God's perspective on energy testing, children who come into families, social life, plus lots of information about the elect of God in this post.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 23, 2019, Wednesday
1. This evening I came to the field of buttercups, such a cheery field not far from Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I came in the air above the yellow flowers so as to not crush their gentle stems. They gave me good cheer as I looked at this beautiful field of bright yellow buttercups! I knelt in the air and faced the path that I had taken before to get here. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came up the path, holding hands. They saw me and both turned and walked to me. They seemed radiant and very much enjoying their walk with each other.
2. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we wanted to meet you here tonight in this beautiful and happy field of buttercups. We have shared with you recently some parables of the last days that may have seemed grim for those who don't actively and openly pursue a relationship with us, their Heavenly Parents. However, our desires are that every one of our children will be rewarded for the happiness they were willing to receive during their probationary life. This means that the terrestrial people will be overjoyed in receiving an eternal glory in the terrestrial world and the telestial will be overjoyed in their final telestial glory. These final rewards will provide a very happy place for them! They would not be comfortable in either a higher or lower eternal kingdom.
3. For our celestial children, they too will be happiest in celestial glory in our kingdom. The couple Gods will become even as we are, which glory and happiness exceeds their greatest expectations, worlds without end! You will see that in the end, all of our children who receive a kingdom of glory will be very happy. Your Heavenly Father and I are so pleased to reward our children with the greatest gifts and level of happiness they can possibly receive!'
4. I looked on their robes and faces. The yellow petals of the field of buttercups was reflecting on them, giving them a slightly yellow glow! I could tell they were both very happy and assured in their great plans for each of their children who would receive a kingdom of glory. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, when you see one of our children rejecting us and our gentle happy ways, just think that he/ she are finding their most comfortable spot, or level of happiness. This is really what we want for them. We therefore have dropped our expectations for all but the elect of God. We still love and accept all the others. They may choose as they wish. If they qualify for entry into our millennium, then we will gladly receive them into that new world. However, if they don't qualify, we won't allow them to enter. In time, they will be rewarded their eternal glory in the telestial worlds.
5. We work carefully and tirelessly with our elect, those who will become candidates of our celestial kingdom. We continually strive to lead them along. We visit them, we protect them, and we make ourselves available to them at the time and place when they wish to connect to us in prayer. Our own joy and happiness is increased each time one of our elect repents, changes their lives and commits to live our ways and keep our commandments.'
6. I then had my mind enlightened by seeing through God's views of their children! I was impressed that they dropped their expectations for their non-elect children and just accepted their efforts to whatever level they wanted. Many are most comfortable in the lower kingdoms. However, I know I would only be comfortable in living in celestial glory where I love so much to be!
7. My Heavenly Parents looked at each other and then extended their hands to me! I arose and took their hands. We started walking back over the field of buttercups in the air to get back on the path they had come from. I then lost connection with where we went or what we did. I found myself writing in my journal in my front room. I thanked God for my experience in prayer tonight and closed my prayer.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 24, 2019, Thursday
1. I came this morning next to the northern forest near the Great Assembly Hall. Behind this forest are the refugees of Lucifer. I don't know why I am here. I came to the bench on the path next to the edge of the forest. I felt prepared to pray, so I knelt in front of the bench, facing north to the forest. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I have no idea what they might say to me. I am trying to be very perceptive and open.
2. Heavenly Father next came walking in the air, close to the ground, from the forest in front of me. He stopped at the bench and looked at me. He smiled and I looked into his loving and accepting face! He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have just come from my refugee children on the other side of this forest. They still are receiving more to their numbers daily, but the bulk of the newcomers won't be added until you give your last plea to the entire group of Satan's followers, just before you lock them in the bottomless pit. There are many who inwardly are feeling empty and wanting to escape Lucifer's subjugation. Once you lock them all in the bottomless pit, you will not revisit them again for about a thousand years. By then, all of the refugees of Lucifer will have come to earth for their mortal experience and will have been resurrected. We will not allow them to be mortals on the earth when Satan and his hosts are allowed to come back among our mortal children for the little season at the end of the millennium.
3. You and your wife have talked this week about how difficult it is to change. It has seemed to you that people pretty much stay the same during their entire mortal life. However, if the human spirit is convinced he/ she needs to make a course correction, and there is enough self-motivation, change is very possible. The deep-seated patterns our children learn while growing up in their mortal home, among parents who teach them by their example, are the hardest habits and patterns to change.
4. For example, even in your older age, you are still very competitive. This was instilled in you from your earthly father who placed high value and acceptance on sports and winning. You became ingrained with the attitude of competition by your involvement in athletic events during your youth. These attitudes have continued throughout your life. If you desire now to play pickleball for fun and exercise and want to drop all of your competitive nature, you may do so. However, you need to eliminate the competitive reaction you feel now that comes so natural to you. If you decide that competition is no longer serving you, you may create new thoughts that are true and believable by you and replace the old thoughts of competition. Once you accept your new mindset, your feelings of just wanting fun and exercise will naturally result.
5. A competitive nature is not necessarily harmful, but it may give you results in your life you do not want. In a similar way, these refugees behind this forest have had great struggles to change their habits and thoughts that replace their anger and hate with love and acceptance of all people. They have had an entire mind shift to correct! Jesus Christ has greatly helped them and motivated them to change, with his loving and accepting nature. They have struggled in the process of changing their entire mind. You can see how dramatic their change has been! They are now a very humble and loving people, eager to serve and help others.
6. Our elect that your Heavenly Mother and I have identified living on the earth have many attitudes and habits that need correcting. As they repent and look to new models and mentors as examples, they too will need to discard habits and thought patterns that have been ingrained for years. Changing these thoughts is possible but difficult. The situations our elect children will find themselves in will also make it more pressing for them to change into open and obedient, faithful children. This change needs, however, to come from their own desires and choices. We will send many of our angels and servants to our elect to help them transition and come to God in openness and humility. Sometimes the visit from an angel will be a sufficient experience to motivate them to change. Many times loving friends who accept them as they are will be their new models for changing. They need to know that changing their thoughts and discarding the old thoughts that keep them in habits and patterns of sin are no longer serving them. They need to gain hope that change is possible. Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, our Grace we extend to them, will lead them gently along as they come unto him.
7. Satan and his evil hosts promote the concept that people never change or are not able to change. This is a lie. Change and improvement is a continual process that all of the righteous experience all the time! We point them to our Beloved Son as the model and example for all, so that they may change into Christ-like people. Change and growth are essential to all.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his discussion today on change and growth! I want to identify in my own life, the only life I truly may change, ways I want to correct and change myself. I asked my Heavenly Father for his help in identifying these patterns and correcting them, one at a time. He smiled and nodded to me that this pleased him. I then knew our communion was done. I had received and now needed to act on this new knowledge.
9. Tonight I came to Heavenly Mother's upper garden, about halfway up the stream on the right side in a small group of young mountain trees. They were fully leafed out with green leaves. It looked like mid-Spring here! I knelt on the soft soil, facing the stream to my north. I then thought it best to take a drink of the living water from my cupped hand. As I came to the stream, I knelt to drink, and then I saw in the reflection my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, just above the water before me! I looked up and gazed at his smiling face! His eternity eyes were particularly compassionate and understanding!
10. Jesus spoke: 'Raphael, I have come to you tonight because our Heavenly Parents asked me to share with you my perspectives on what they shared with you last night. They both came to you in the field of yellow buttercups and Heavenly Mother addressed you. She talked about their great desire to have their children be happy. Raphael, I have suffered for the sins of every one of my brothers and sisters who have or will come to earth. These are the beloved children of our Heavenly Parents who have chosen to follow me and not Lucifer. In suffering for their sins and weaknesses, I have been able to see their inward desires. I used my power of foresight to see what they each really wanted. I suffered for all their weaknesses, regardless of the ultimate glory with which they would be rewarded.
11. I, too, want each of these choice children of our Heavenly Parents to attain the level of happiness that they truly want to receive, or the level of light and glory that they are most comfortable with. If they really don't relish godly practices, characteristics or glory, but are more comfortable with a terrestrial level of glory or happiness, for example, then that is what they will receive. I want them to be the happiest and most comfortable, even if they receive a telestial or a terrestrial glory, instead of a celestial glory. Each one of these kingdoms of glory is controlled by law and order that pertains to that kingdom, including entry requirements.
12. Our Heavenly Parents and I are the most pleased when their children choose our own paths and ways. They do this by obedience to the laws and ordinances of my gospel of peace and love. This is the doctrine and law of the celestial kingdom, long established by the Gods before us and adhered to by our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Entry into the celestial glory gives the recipients unlimited joy and happiness that only the Gods may experience.'
13. I looked into the eyes of my Savior, and saw the deep emotion he felt when he talked about these faithful! These are the elect of God, the ones that he chooses to have entered into his Church of the Firstborn. They are the ones to whom the Father and Mother will give all things. They will receive the highest glory, power, and light and love possible!
14. Jesus reached forth and lifted me up before him. He embraced me tenderly and said that he loved me! I knew he understood me so well and knew my true intentions and desires to live with him and our parents forever. I replied that I loved him so much also! Jesus then stepped back and spoke: 'Raphael, I know you desire to come to me and our Heavenly Parents in our glorious kingdom. After your great mission is complete, you will verily come into our celestial glory with your wife, to forever live in this kingdom!'
15. He then faded from my view and was soon gone. I felt so humbled, so blessed to have this wonderful encounter with my Great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ tonight! His renewed promise filled me with great hope and joy. I feel so much at peace. I closed my prayer and came back to my front room. I then got ready for bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 25, 2019, Friday
1. I did some remote energy testing on my pregnant daughter and then got ready for my prayer. I feel I am now ready to connect again to my Heavenly Parents. I came to the beautiful desert oasis this morning. I then paused and felt transparent and clear, ready to commune with God. I feel it such a privilege to come in contact with them, or one of them, so frequently! I do not consider this a routine, for to me every time is so diverse and revelatory. I never know what I will experience. Occasionally, I receive a hunch, a subtle feeling that they may address a certain topic when they come. When they tell me they will discuss something, I think on that topic in preparation for my prayer. Anyway, I consider this time with my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, or Jesus Christ such a precious time to be with them! They are all so full of love, light, and acceptance and seem so very much at peace. I know that they are the happiest beings that anyone can be.
2. I came back in front of the bench and knelt in the sand, facing the oasis. I raised my head towards the heavenly sky and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father then came to me from the sky! The sky somehow opened up, exposing a brilliant source of light, which descended upon me. My Father in heaven stood in the midst of the light and gradually came to me. He arrived a few feet in front of me and then reduced the intensity of the light coming from his being, even to a soft glow. I gazed on his loving face, his eternity eyes, that showed such understanding, power and self-control. I knew he was fully in charge of events as they would come together, in preparation for the return of his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I knew he and Heavenly Mother were working with the angels of God too, and were individually guiding their faithful in these troubled times.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad that our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, spoke to you last night in your prayer. We asked him to come and share with you his perspective about our intentions to please our children according to their desires of happiness. We honor their agency to choose whatever they want and we will reward them with kingdoms of glory to the level they are most comfortable to receive. This also makes us the happiest when they themselves choose their eternal destination.
4. You see then that our celestial children will have chosen us and our ways fully by their own choice. They respond to our gentle promptings. Their desires are evident to us, for we are very important to them. They make time in their lives to come to us, to act like us, and to change their lives to align with our ways of living and the attributes they see in us, their Heavenly Parents.
5. We love to guide our elect in their journey back into our presence. We love the humble and open of our children who diligently come to us in prayer. We help them live in harmony with our gospel of peace and love. We give them weaknesses, according to the flesh in their fallen world, so that they may struggle and grow to overcome these. We accept and love them and desire to help them in any way they may ask of us. Oh, we love our elect celestial children!
6. There are many of our children now living on earth who have chosen telestial and terrestrial ways of living. We will reward them according to their desires and works. We do this according to the law and order of the kingdom of glory they desire.
7. There will be a general cleansing of the wicked from the earth in preparation for the terrestrial glory of the millennium. Those who cannot abide this glory will be removed. This includes the telestial and Lucifer and his minions. All of these have a place we have prepared for them, while the terrestrial and celestial live on into the new world of peace and greater harmony. Even in their destruction, we are rewarding the telestial according to their desires, for they would not be comfortable in the elevated terrestrial environment of the millennial world.
8. We do not generally send to families on the earth only one type of our children, but frequently send a mixture of celestial, terrestrial or telestial children. Nobody knows what our children will become except for us, for we have the godly gift of foresight. Nevertheless, we wait and watch patiently for our children to choose whom they list to obey, as they grow up and discover the world and are exposed to all the enticements of the flesh.
9. We desire our children who bear and parent their own children to teach and train them in ways of integrity, honesty and to the level of goodness that they themselves know and have accepted in their lives. The righteous who dwell in various and diverse families will eventually desire wholesome lives and will be responsive to our promptings. We may therefore lead them to Jesus Christ, who will then cleanse and purify them, according to their own desires to repent and be faithful. He will eventually lead them to us, their Heavenly Parents. They may be the only one in their family who chooses us, and they come unto us because of their own desires and choices.
10. In my own family on my earth, when I was an earthly father and your Heavenly Mother was an earthly mother, we saw that in time certain of our children became celestial, and some terrestrial. We had none that were rewarded a telestial glory. However, if we had, it would have been because of their own choice and not ours. We taught and raised our own earthly family the same, teaching them principles of integrity, love, honesty, and all godly characteristics of honor and peaceful living. When our own children became adults, they then fully chose their own path, whether it was to follow in the ways of their parents or not. We still very much loved those who chose not to act in ways that we had chosen. We learned in time that their choices were their own and not a reflection of our neglect or ways we raised them.
11. We now have a continuing beautiful relationship with our exalted children who are also couple Gods. We visit with them frequently. We also have a relationship with our children who have chosen a terrestrial life in eternity. They are happy to the level that they have chosen. We meet with them infrequently, for there is not much in common with them anymore and they have chosen a different path than we have.'
12. I felt in awe of the revelation today that I received from my Heavenly Father! He was so open and clear and oh, I love him, and want to be like him! I can choose only for myself my own path and I love the celestial life and glory! I thanked my Heavenly Father for his thoughts he gave me in my mind this morning. These came clear and steady and I wrote his thoughts in my own personal journal as he gave them to me. I feel so blessed to have received them! Heavenly Father then ascended back into the celestial sky and was soon gone. I closed my prayer and started another day in mortality.
13. Evening–I came to the little path leading northwest to the horizontal log. I reached the horizontal log and knelt by it, next to the little iris on the ground. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come. I saw then my Heavenly Mother coming to me in the air from the path that I had just come from. She was smiling and seemed so loving and happy. Her eternity eyes were sparkling. She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, our life as the God of our creations brings us continual joys and happy experiences. We are both looking forward now to the awakening of our elect. Those awakening experiences are when our mortal children start to recognize our voice and start to change their lives to come in conformity to our will. This effort we see is very rewarding to your Heavenly Father and me. Soon their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, sufficiently proves them and introduces them again to us. At that time he also elects them into the celestial Church of the Firstborn. We then start interacting with our chosen son or daughter more, on a one on one basis. This journey for each of our beloved children is so very rewarding to us!
14. Your Father and I look forward to the great millennium. We are especially happy that the New Jerusalem temple and the temple square area, including the fountain of living waters, the two trees of life and the beautiful pathways and gardens will all be celestial in glory. This will be our portal in which to openly visit our elect and chosen children who have proven faithful to us. We know the great experiences you and our faithful will have in this beautiful heavenly area on the earth!
15. For us, one day in heaven in rotation of our celestial orb is as a thousand years of time in mortality. Time will pass quickly during this beautiful millennium. At the end of earth, after its resurrection is another thrilling and very happy time we look forward to. We will then seal our candidates to become Gods, and then in their individual lands of their inheritance, we will ordain both the man and the woman to be a God, to rule and reign forever. This joyful experience is among the most rewarding of all! I see it with my gift of foresight and linger in these visions, for they bring me so much joy!
16. This entire eternity has been so very enjoyable for me! My joys are being with my husband, your Heavenly Father and our beloved children. All of our creations support us in this great work and glory!' I saw my Heavenly Mother smiling ear to ear and tears in her eyes. Oh, she loves us, her children! She then disappeared from my presence. I felt like she was consumed in her happiness, and felt to go hide somewhere on her great celestial orb where she could cry for joy! I came back to my front room and closed my prayer. I then got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 26, 2019, Saturday
1. I awoke before the family again and came into the adjacent room. In this clear and open state, I did some more energy testing for my pregnant daughter remotely. I felt clear and unemotional, something required to attain accurate results. I felt good about what she wanted me to energy test.
2. Then I came to the desert oasis. It was very quiet here. I could easily hear the noise of my bare feet walking in the sand. I came to the water's edge and knelt there to drink some living water. I felt clear and even transparent. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared instantly directly in front of me. She was glowing in light and very beautiful! I gazed at her face for a moment and then I spoke: 'Heavenly Mother, I am so pleased and happy you came to me this morning in answer to my prayer! I feel your light and peace penetrate my very being. I feel so privileged to be in your holy presence. Are the results of my energy testing for my daughter and her baby she is pregnant with accurate?'
3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have written correctly, for you have been careful not to let emotions sway your answers. If one is not well-grounded, nor does not get in a clear, open state, not looking for a particular outcome, they may at times be swayed by their own emotions, thoughts, or that of the one being tested. I know you are wondering whether to share this information with your daughter. Feel free to share it with her today.
4. Energy testing, or muscle testing, as it is commonly called, is a way to access the unconscious mind of the one being tested. Some call this the subtle energy of the individual being tested (such as the meridians, the chakras, the aura, and the priorities of the energies). The knowledge of how to operate their own body was carefully learned in their pre-mortal state before your Heavenly Father and I allowed them to be born into mortality. Each learned well how to operate all of their body systems and functions so they could survive in the telestial world and in a new physical body. When you energy test, you are able to access this vast reservoir of knowledge. It is limited by what their spirit, or your spirit as a tester knows, and how accurate they are to retrieve this information. We do not interfere with any of the testing results, except to confirm them through prayer like you have done this morning.
5. We also inspire those who sincerely seek us for answers to health issues, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. We answer their queries through our Spirit and this may be felt and received by the humble, open, and receptive to our answers. Our answers are not limited to health issues, like energy testing is limited.
6. Our children who learned how to function and control their own body in the flesh do not consciously nor unconsciously know certain things if asked through energy testing. They would not know future events or things that may happen to them in the future. They would not know through energy testing alone non-health related issues.
7. You have asked a few things, however, regarding the future as they pertain to the baby's health and well being. This you were careful to ask about, and confirmed in prayer. You are always much more accurate about current health conditions and not those in a future state.
8. Sometimes you may ask what remedies the one being tested needs to take or use to correct a health condition. This knowledge is gained by two ways: first, your own, or from the one being tested, knowledge of the remedy and its uses. Secondly, from how the spirit of the one tested perceives how the remedy would help their own body. They have great capability, as our spirit son or daughter, to know what nutrients are needed that they may use to help naturally correct their physical issue. It is useful to have the actual remedy with you during your energy testing. However, as you have discovered, the tester's own knowledge may be spiritually shared, spirit to spirit, with the one being tested so they may, with greater confidence, respond to the health inquiry.
9. I would like to say how important it is that stewardship issues over one's own body is honored during energy testing. We have blessed our mortal children with a beautiful physical body, which is also very complex. This gift is a stewardship to our son or daughter, whose spirit resides in their physical body. They are charged to care for it and to honor and protect it, for their body is eternally their own. They should be careful in not letting other individuals' spirits intrude into their own space or protective aura of their spirit/body. They should repel any attempts by others to control their own spirit, often done by evil or manipulating individuals, or the followers of Lucifer. When being energy tested, we have asked that the tester receive permission of the one being tested. In addition, the tester should not delve into non-health related issues, for in doing so this opens up areas we do not wish to be asked about using energy testing. This also alerts false or evil spirits to come with hopes to bring the tester and/ or the one being tested into the domain of the dark arts, instead of the healing arts.
10. We encourage our children to learn energy testing methods so they may help their fellowman in need. We will help them grow in this skill as they persist and continue to ask of us to help. The procedures involve spirit-to-spirit communication in transferring and receiving valuable information concerning the current health and well being of the one being tested. We are pleased with our many children who have learned and continue to develop their talents in this area. Whether they call it "spirit testing" or "energy testing" or "muscle testing", or "kinesiology", it is all the same.
11. Raphael, you have developed your own energy testing skills to a high level. You have learned that remote testing is just as accurate as testing in the presence of the one being tested. As long as permission is received and you keep to health related issues, your results in testing will be identical. This is because spirits are not confined by distance, but have power to communicate together wherever they are located.
12. When an individual dies, their body is laid to rest in the earth. Energy testing should not be used to communicate with the deceased spirit, for there are no more health issues nor a living physical body to inquire about.
13. Inquiries about pre-mortal conditions that may affect the state of the emotions or spirit of the one in mortality need to be carefully worded. Generally, we don't want information about one's own pre-mortal experiences or trauma to be received through energy testing. However, there may be situations where this trauma or emotional issues are transferred into the mortal state of our child. These issues may be released if they are discovered through appropriate energy testing. However, delving into pre-mortal conditions should not regularly be done, but the conditions since conception are fully acceptable. If in question, always ask in humble and open prayer if the inquiry is appropriate with us, your Gods.
14. Information about one's own pre-mortal life may appropriately be received through direct revelation from us, your Gods, and not through other means or mediums. There are evil spirits who lie in wait to deceive if given the chance. Always confirm through humble, sincere, and open prayer with God and we will give you our own directions and answers.
15. You have also noticed, when you were learning how to energy test, that in time you received answers in your mind and not just through your own method of muscle testing. This is a natural ability that had been awakened in your own spirit. Since the basis of energy testing is spirit to spirit, your own spirit began to perceive the answers to questions in your mind. This correct communication in your mind is what happens to those skilled in energy testing.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelation to my inquiry this morning! I said how I love her clear and beautiful answers. 'Raphael, your time in prayer is now done for this morning. Ask of me throughout your day as you may have other questions or needs! I am with you always!' With that she disappeared. I came back to my adjacent room and completed my prayer and my entry in my journal.
17. Evening–I came to heaven tonight to the circling waters. I knelt down by the water's edge and drank from my cupped hand. I then returned to the bench and knelt in the grass, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. I waited. My Heavenly Mother came from the path that leads to the horizontal log. She quickly came up to me. She seemed very much at peace and had so much radiance.
18. She spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad you danced tonight in a line contra dance. We used to have a version of this on our earth when we were in mortality. I had always looked so forward to these local dances. I had met your Heavenly Father several times at dances like these before he became interested in me!' I responded: 'Heavenly Mother, it was so interactive and very fun. We danced at a very beginning level and we had so much fun. I can see how this helped young adults or teenagers meet lots of others in the surrounding countryside!'
19. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, in our millennial day there will be many social, fun and mingling dances and activities for families and some for the older teenagers and young adults. Our Spirit will attend these gatherings as our beloved children mingle and socialize together. This type of activity is very important to build up Zion, the pure in heart. In your day, our children are hard-pressed to find fun, exhilarating and happy events like the contra dancing you went to tonight. So much in your day, in the way of dances, is dark and void of our presence. Sporting events have also become very organized, with high pressures and competition. This intensity has never been in our plans. We love fun events that display strength and ability, but not with the focus so much on winning and lack of sportsmanship. There are many enjoyable social activities that families may do together, or in neighborhoods and communities. These that are wholesome and are uplifting we will always attend with our Spirit. "If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." (Articles of Faith 1:13) You are wise to fill your life with fun, social, and meaningful activities that are lovely and of good report. Exercise and activity is helpful to keep you physically healthy and emotionally balanced.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words tonight. I always love what she shares with me! 'Raphael, you are now tired and you have enjoyed a full day. It is time for me to go and for you to get rest for your body.' I thanked her again and she turned and left back down the path from which she came. I saw her leave and then closed my prayer.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 27, 2019, Sunday
1. I reflected on our fun contra dancing activity last night. I also thought about our Heavenly Parents' world where they enjoyed dances like this, a rural lifestyle, and country living. This sounds like a wonderful place to live, be married and to raise a family! I also wonder how it must have been in early colonial or pioneer times in America, living in small towns or communities like my ancestors did.
2. This morning I came to the flower pocketed wall, part way up the stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It is so very exciting for me to come each day where I have an impression to attend and then to commune and receive from my loving Heavenly Parents! I have seen glimpses into their past, into the lives of my Heavenly Parents so long ago. It seems so far in the past, yet so real and present to me also, as it is gradually unfolded to me.
3. At the rock-pocketed wall, I saw each hole in the wall, or divot, had a flower growing. It was very beautiful! The forest was to my right and the stream to my left as I faced the wall. I drank some living water and then returned in front of the pocketed flower wall and knelt on the ground. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.
4. Heavenly Father came from the air above the stream and took a few steps to be in front of me. He stood before me in majesty and acceptance of me, the two words that came to my mind. I felt relaxed and overjoyed to be in his presence! I gazed for a few seconds into his eternity eyes, so deep and loving to me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, it is uplifting to reflect on happy times of the past. Memories can be very choice when you do your best and enjoy yourself. The activities you are doing with your wife, family and neighbors may form a host of sweet memories to recall again and again. However, in all of these things, the very most enjoyable is in the present, and to enjoy life as it happens to you.
5. We recommend to you to plan and attend social activities that are wholesome and of good report, ones you would want to repeat again. As you have resources and available time, traveling to new areas can also be a fun and memorable experience. Tonight you are planning on sharing a travel slideshow of your recent trip with one of your son's family and to bring a Caribbean meal to enjoy together. These times together with your children and grandchildren will endear them to you.
6. We encourage our children to also develop and expand their own talents and gifts. These are meant to be shared, for the betterment of the entire society. Your interest and success in growing your own food, cooking and preparing beautiful and healthy meals and enjoying a self-reliant lifestyle is a wonderful talent your wife and you share together. The more talents and interests that can be shared with your spouse, the more your love and dependence will grow. This may then become a foundation for eternal work together as a future couple God, as you both progress and grow together.
7. In all of your living, seek to be positive, happy, and relish the moments when you are together with those you love to be with. Intersperse these times with private moments in a balance that fits you best. We also are so pleased when you regularly seek us, your Heavenly Parents, in times of personal prayer and meditation. We then are able to guide you as you are open and humble in living a life that is full of happiness and pleasant memories and activities.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his guidance in my life and his example and teachings! I feel more and more connected with him and my Heavenly Mother. They live a life of eternal happiness, one that I yearn to receive and live someday with my wife and loved ones. Until then, I will enjoy the present. I received the impression that my time with God was ending. I had another day before me to live and enjoy! I asked my Father to continue to guide me in my life. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I then started my Sabbath day.
9. After church–We attended a local ward for sacrament meeting today. During the sacrament hymn, I came to God's Loving Healing Lake. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came to me from the lake during the last verse. They came and stood before me. I made my covenant to them after the priests offered the blessing on the bread. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant today that you have made to us. By partaking of the bread and making a covenant to us, we will send to you our Spirit in more abundance. We will strengthen you beyond what you would normally receive. We not only bring to you our Holy Spirit in more abundance, but we increase your resolve to be strong and true to your covenant throughout the week in your telestial, fallen world.'
10. The priest then blessed the water. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, even though you normally make your covenant just before partaking of the broken bread, and even though we accept your covenant directly after you partake of the bread, this does not diminish the importance of the emblems of the water or wine. These emblems represent the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, who will truly cleanse you spiritually and make you pure and holy. Even though you may maintain your purity week to week, our Beloved Son continues to increase the clarity and light you possess. His atoning blood, represented by the water or wine of the sacrament, will continue to keep you clean and pure, acceptable before us based on his own purity and worthiness as the Great Redeemer.'
11. I then thought of this scripture: Moses 6:60 "For by the water ye keep the commandment; by the Spirit ye are justified, and by the blood ye are sanctified." I feel the water represents baptism (born by water), and the Holy Spirit is given at baptism and at the renewal at the sacrament, each time. The blood of Jesus Christ is represented by the sacrament water or wine, where Jesus Christ cleanses and sanctifies us, increasing clarity and light as we prove faithful and are steady. The speakers immediately began and I wrote all of this down in my pocket journal. I have just transcribed this into my personal journal.
12. Evening–I came to the area on the west side of the switchback path up from the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I went down the little grassy hill by the horizontal log (a different horizontal log than the one on the path from the circling waters). I used to come here a lot in my early days to be a conduit for healing.
13. I knelt by the horizontal log, facing east towards the little hill coming into the area where I was kneeling. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched. Heavenly Mother appeared at the top of the hill and then came to me directly in the air in a straight line. She was filled with light and radiant in her appearance. I loved her wide smile and sparkling eyes! She spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad you have heard my gentle prompting to come to this healing area. I first introduced you to our kingdom on the path that I came from, at the top of the hill. This has been about six years ago. You have been open and diligent since that time in receiving all that we have given to you. In the next six years, you will improve about the same increase of growth as you have in the past six years. This may be surprising to you, for you have seen how much you have improved in your awareness, clarity, and ability to hear and record our words in the past six years.
14. The next six years will also see a dramatic increase in the work of our angels and servants. All of the angels are now working in their unconscious minds, in the celestial realms, to follow our commands and to serve their fellowmen.
15. The 144,000 will be all called and become aware of their own missions and commissions in the next six years. These will become fully engaged in their labors, working from the terrestrial realms on the earth. They will be assisted by resurrected and translated beings that will have also been called. Many of these other servants will work from celestial realms of glory, even from the celestial orb and earth's celestial realm. All of these will take their direction from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. He, in turn, will receive his directions from your Heavenly Father and me.
16. The world will significantly degrade in its civility and goodness, for men and women will generally follow more and more Satan and his hosts. Their anger at the righteous elect, and those who have integrity and live honest lives will gradually increase. There will be a greater separation of the wicked from the righteous. Fear will grip many people, but among our elect who hear our voice and keep our commandments, we will send protection and peace.
17. Our message is always the same to all: Come to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the humility of your heart, repent of your sins and weaknesses, and act in ways the Spirit directs you to do. We will protect and give peace to our elect.
18. Soon Jesus will have proven the faithful and introduced each of you to us, your loving Heavenly Parents. As you persist in prayer, we will establish a loving relationship of trust and surety that will guide you through the storms of these last days. You will be numbered among the faithful in coming into the beautiful millennial day of peace and rest.'
19. I saw how simple the way is outlined for all men and women. I am so grateful for this simple and clear message. I am very thankful for the abundant guidance that God gives the faithful who try, day in and day out, to become more like God. Heavenly Mother smiled and turned to go up to the path at the top of the little hill. As she was returning back, she disappeared. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 28, 2019, Monday
1. Today I came to the base of the granite cliff at Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. The living water comes up from the ground here into a beautiful pool of water. There are lily pads, lots of vegetation and aquatic creatures like frogs. I knelt at the beginning of the path, facing west towards the path. I felt clear and able to perceive well my surroundings. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
2. Heavenly Father appeared directly in front of me! He was smiling as he usually does and seemed so accepting of me. I say accepting, for they, the Gods, never seem to judge me or correct my behavior, but just seem pleased how I am. This non-judging attitude is so refreshing to me! In turn, I want to act this way towards all others around me.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I want to answer a question from one of those who have emailed you four days ago:
Q1: "R, I was listening to a post on the creation this morning. I was wondering when did the earth's continents separate and were no longer one landmass? What caused the land to separate?
Q2: Also, what caused the flood during Noah's time? Was he really on the water for a year, and did the water cover the entire earth at that time?"
4. Here is what your scriptures record:
Genesis 10:25: "And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided…"
D&C 133:24: "And the land of Jerusalem and the land of Zion shall be turned back into their own place, and the earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided."
5. The continents used to be all linked together as one landmass. There was a sea east (see Moses 6:42). This was originally east of the Garden of Eden, in the area east of your current continent of North America. There were other landmasses connected to your current east coast. This sea was the original ocean. It was much smaller than the current wide expanses of oceans.
6. When Noah and his sons departed the ark, it was 110 years until Peleg was born. It was in his youth that the earth was divided, by breaking up the peoples of the earth into multiple nations. This was after the days of Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel. This was also after the people of Jared were safely across the Atlantic Ocean to the promised land, your land now called America. Many people interpret Genesis 10:25 to be the dividing of the physical continents on the earth's surface, whereas it was really the dividing up of peoples with similar languages that split up into the various lands of the earth. The people were confounded in their languages, so they kept together in large groups and traveled over the earth in search of lands to settle. Before this time, they spoke the same language.
7. The dividing of the physical continents occurred at the beginning and during the catastrophic worldwide flood. This great division of the surface of the earth into the current continents of your day is what initiated the flood. The sea east was extremely deep and when the earth moved upward under this ocean floor and the single landmass divided quickly, the earth was both completely covered with water in a worldwide flood, and the one continent became seven major continents as the earth is today.
8. At the beginning of the changes that are to again occur on the earth before the millennium, the continents will again move quickly into one major landmass, with the New Jerusalem at the center of this one continent. This was how it was in the beginning, with the Garden of Eden at the center of this one continent. This future change in the earth's surface will wreak havoc with the nations and peoples of the earth. However, our elect will be protected during this dramatic changing of events. This will be a time when "Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain." (Isaiah 40:4)
9. The flood that occurred in the days of Noah completely covered the earth. The account in Genesis chapter 8 is accurate from the time standpoint, showing how long Noah and his family were in the ark. By the time the ark rested on Mt. Ararat, the great upheavals on the earth had become settled and there were no more quaking and catastrophic changes. Mt. Ararat was formed during the great changes on the earth during the flood and used to be a flat plain before the flood.
10. From this area around Mt. Ararat, Noah and his family populated again the earth. It was soon after the Tower of Babel that I caused the languages of the people to be confounded, except for the brother of Jared and his people who came across the newly formed ocean and landed in the promised land (see Ether 1:33-37). The promised land they came to became a choice land, now separated from all other continents on the earth. I kept it hidden from the knowledge of the other nations that would form, for they would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance." (see 2 Nephi 1:8).'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear answer to these questions! During my prayer, I felt to look online on my phone and found this website. When I scanned this, I felt this was true, and that God had led me there. He then gave me his revelation as I have recorded. Here is the website.
I then closed my prayer, since Heavenly Father said I needed to begin my day. I told him I loved him.
12. Evening–Between all of my activities I have periodically thought of what Heavenly Father spoke to me about, with the flood of Noah and the dividing of the earth. It has been so interesting to me! Once again I am tired, but I want to connect with my Gods before I go to bed. I came to the same little pond at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank some living water and then knelt by the pond, looking at the lily pads in front of me. I asked in prayer for Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.
13. Heavenly Mother came to me, appearing as a light until she got brighter and brighter over the water. She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, this morning your Heavenly Father answered questions about the great flood and the dividing of the continents. Tonight I wish to answer your question from M.S.'s latest podcast, #23.
Q–"Do all God's children have to progress through a third estate, even a terrestrial estate towards godhood, like M.S. claims in his podcast #23, while speaking of 1 Nephi 22?"
14. 'Raphael, our scriptures describe a first and second estate in the progression of our children.'
Abraham 3:26 "And they who keep their first estate shall be added upon; and they who keep not their first estate shall not have glory in the same kingdom with those who keep their first estate; and they who keep their second estate shall have glory added upon their heads for ever and ever."
15. 'The first estate is the pre-mortal life when our children lived with us on our celestial orb as spirits. The second estate is the earthly mortal estate of man where they gain a body of flesh and bones. It doesn't matter whether these children come to a telestial earth, during its first six thousand years of its temporal existence, or during the millennium, the last thousand years in a terrestrial state.
16. Our children only come once to earth for their mortal probation, and if they come to the earth in its telestial state, they don't need to return to the earth in the millennium for another experience that they may need. All of the faithful who are the elect of God will come to the celestial New Jerusalem temple for their final and binding temple ordinances. There will be many who will have lived on the telestial earth and were resurrected to a celestial glory. These all will come to you and the holy angels at the New Jerusalem temple, but they will not be required to have a third estate in a terrestrial earth.
17. Raphael, we have commissioned you as our third archangel and the one who will establish the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. You have the stewardship to declare true doctrine and to correct any false ideas or misconceptions that may arise among our people. You will do this by writing or declaring our words, even as your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or I, give them to you. We have established you as the head of the Church of the Firstborn, until he whose right it is will come and reign as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords in that church, even Jesus Christ. Until that time, you will reveal many new truths never before revealed to our children on the earth, and many never ever revealed to man.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother who stood in great glory before me! Her light was radiant and reflected off the water before me. I knew she spoke the truth. I also felt so humbled to have received her word, and so privileged to have been in her presence tonight. I bowed my head and spoke: 'My beloved Heavenly Mother, I have recorded your words in my personal journal. Are my words I have written sufficiently clear and correct to share them in my next web post?'
19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, they are correct and true, as you have written them. Any of my children may humbly pray to the Father and me and we will reveal the truth of your words to them by my power, even by the power of the Holy Ghost.' Heavenly Mother then smiled. 'I love you, Raphael. Continue to stand strong and speak our words of truth to the world, now in secret and hidden but one day to be revealed upon the housetops to all people. (see Mormon 5:8). We will verify all your words you write that we have spoken to you.
20. Heavenly Mother reached her hand out to me and I reached out mine. We touched and then she was instantly gone and I came back to my front room where I had been writing all of this. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 29, 2019, Tuesday
1. I came this morning to the top of the switchback overlooking God's Loving Healing Lake below. I am now kneeling and have asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.
2. I saw a column of light coming from my left, from God's temple in the distance. I then saw this beam of light growing larger, like a pathway from the temple to me. I then received the impression in my mind to stand and step into the beam of light! I stood and walked into the light and was immediately projected into God's temple, before my loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! It seemed I was in the mortal probation room, in front of the last days' mural, with my Heavenly Parents on either side of me. I was standing.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your loving Mother and I have brought you again into our holy presence, to receive revelations and truths from God. Our truths will help dispense the many misguided thoughts and falsehoods that men and women have labored under. Look now with us on the last days' vision mural!' I looked upon the large mural and saw the earth from space. I saw it spiritually. I saw that it was under dark clouds of error and sin caused by the presence of the inhabitants on its surface. The earth seemed to be struggling under this oppression of sin and falsehoods.
4. I then saw my Heavenly Parents and me both come in space to a location above the earth. I heard my Heavenly Mother speak to me: 'Raphael, command the earth to now rid herself of the spiritual darkness, the shackles of falsehoods and the strong grip of sin that binds the people on earth. Ask her to now break up the boundaries of the lands on her surface and return to the days of one continent and one sea east.' I said to her that I would do so.
5. I faced the earth and raised both of my hands. I spoke: 'All holy angels, stand now in your stations upon Mother Earth to guard and protect the elect of God.' I then saw the holy angels disperse themselves to prearranged positions among all the elect on the earth. I saw that every angel had replicated multiple times to stand ready to protect the elect on the earth, wherever they might be located.
6. I then spoke to the earth: 'Our Mother Earth, I am Raphael, and stand in the presence of your creators, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They have commanded me to speak and direct you now to break the spiritual darkness upon your surface under which you are bound. You are to do this by moving the continents back to their original place as one landmass. Also move the ocean waters into one sea east, as it was in the beginning. This will be in preparation for the elect children of God to go forth upon your surface in the millennial day of peace and rest that you will enjoy!'
7. I then felt the light and power of the two Gods at my side confirm my words by flowing light into me and then sending a beam of light to the earth below. This light seemed to confirm my words to the earth and to start to break up the spiritual darkness on the earth's surface that held her tightly.
8. I then heard Mother Earth respond to me: 'Raphael, I have heard your directive to me and know that the promised day has finally come for great light and peace to abide on my surface! I will act in obedience to your words, as you have received them from my Father and Mother creators.' I stood in space between my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I lowered my arms and all three of us watched the earth below.
9. We then heard great sounds of the crust of the earth grinding together as we saw the continents start to move! The waters were heaving beyond their bounds and the mountains became smooth and the low valleys became flat again as they were in the beginning. It seemed to me that the great stresses on the crust of the earth were being relieved as the earth moved lands and oceans around! I knew that there was great calamity upon the peoples on the earth at this time. I also knew that angels of God were protecting the elect from death or harm, wherever they were physically gathered. However, upon the wicked there was great fear, destructions and very heavy quaking for many hours while the earth's surface moved.
10. My Heavenly Parents and I kept standing in space above the earth until all was completed and the earth was again at rest. We could see a single landmass below us that extended to our left around what part of the earth we could see. We also saw a blue ocean to our right on the earth. I knew this was the sea east. Heavenly Father turned and spoke to me: 'Raphael, the earth below is now ready for her final terrestrial state where she and our elect will rest a thousand years. Many of the wicked are destroyed from the great upheavals upon the earth's surface. Soon our Beloved Son will come in his glory to gather the elect in the clouds of heaven and destroy with fire those wicked who remain on the earth.'
11. I then somehow came out of the presence of the earth, back before the last days mural. My Heavenly Parents were next to my sides. They then both came in front of me, in front of the mural. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have correctly written what you have both seen and experienced in vision of things that will happen in a day soon to come. We will work our power through you and our other angels as you have seen!'
12. I then saw the beam of light next to us. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their kindness to the elect in preserving them with the power of God. I also thanked them for freeing the earth from spiritual darkness. I then stepped into the beam of light and was immediately kneeling on the path next to the switchback in God's Loving Healing Center. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
13. Evening–Tonight I am going to the little stream going to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I drank some living water and felt rejuvenated. I knelt on the grass and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer request.
14. Heavenly Father then appeared before me, a little above the ground in the air! He gradually appeared brighter and brighter before me. I gazed into his eternity eyes and his loving face. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, you had a question about whether the return of Nibiru to the earth would cause the continents to come back together again and the oceans to gather to the original sea east. The timing of your command to the earth to come back again to its original state is indeed timed with the return of Nibiru! We will command you and you will command the earth and then Nibiru will come in its pass above the earth. The gravitational pull of this binary sun in your solar system will cause great movements in the tectonic plates on the upper crust of the earth. The stresses in these plates will be loosed so that they relieve themselves of the high pressures that have been there since the continents divided, during the days of Noah.
15. Raphael, there are many events like this that we have timed to occur upon our commands. We work often through natural means, like the visit of Nibiru. These are planned in a sequence of events, leading up to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. Once the earth is relieved from the build up of high pressures and stresses on her crust and surface, she will then be able to relax for the thousand years of peace. This state of the earth will be like the earth was in the beginning when Adam and Eve lived on her surface.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering this question I had! I felt clarified in my understanding of this one event. I am sure there are many things that I won't know will happen until they occur. This is as it should be. I want to not worry or wonder about all these changes and events that will come upon the earth and its inhabitants. I truly now don't worry, for I know all will turn out well for the righteous and those who put their trust in the hands of God.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 30, 2019, Wednesday
1. I came this morning to the exceedingly high mountain, above Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced west and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, for thus was I inspired to come and do. These are very subtle impressions that come at the moment and then I verify once I receive them. I then waited and observed. Heavenly Mother came to my side, on my right and said: 'Raphael, look with me into the western skies!'
2. We both looked and I saw on the current land of America a very large structure made of wood. I immediately knew it was the ark of Noah! This was a vision of the past that I was witnessing! Noah and his sons and wife and daughters in law (eight total) were helping the last of the animals onto the ark that he and his sons had made. We watched until the last ones had entered. Then the two great sides of the door were pulled shut from ropes on the inside and a large wooden bar was lowered in place to secure the doors. All of the animals and the eight people were now safely in the ark.
3. That evening in prayer in my vision, I saw that Noah, whose name was also the angel Gabriel, came in spirit to the same location I was yesterday morning in my prayer, at the top of the switchback on the path. Gabriel knelt on the path and faced the distant temple and prayed to God. There was a bright column of light that appeared from the temple and Gabriel stepped into the column of light. He was immediately projected into the mortal probation room before your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
4. Heavenly Father spoke to Gabriel: 'Gabriel, come now with us to the earth!' He stood and took their hands. They all three were before the earth in space! The earth was dark like I had seen her yesterday morning in vision. I also could see Nibiru close to the earth, like in our day! Heavenly Father then commanded Gabriel, his second archangel son, to command Nibiru to sweep down close to the earth. He also told Gabriel to command the earth to break up the fountains of waters and to divide the great landmass below. Gabriel then turned and faced Mother Earth and commanded her and Nibiru, saying words like this: 'Our Mother Earth and Nibiru, I am Gabriel that stands in the presence of your creators, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The Father has commanded me to speak to you both and direct you both to act together to break up the chains of darkness and evil that grip the earth and cause wickedness to flourish everywhere on your surface. Nibiru, it is now time for you to sweep down near the earth and to disrupt the surface of the earth with your very large gravitational pull. Mother Earth, when this happens it is then time to break up the fountains of waters in the sea east and break up the landmass into seven continents so that your surface is completely changed. In doing so, bring forth waters from the great deep to entirely cover the earth in a worldwide flood. Cause the windows of heaven to pour down rain on the waters, to sweep away iniquity from your surface!'
5. I then heard both Nibiru and then the earth speak to Gabriel that they would do so according to his command as he was directed by their Father creator. I then saw the fulfillment of this scripture: Genesis 7:10-11 "And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."
6. Heavenly Mother then turned to me, on the high mountaintop where we were observing this in vision: 'Raphael, you see that Noah, our great second archangel, commanded the earth and Nibiru as you will command the earth and Nibiru. Yesterday in your vision you saw on the mural, you didn't see the part where you commanded Nibiru to sweep down on the earth. However, this also will occur at another time directly after you will have commanded the earth. You will thus have followed the same pattern established by Gabriel, as we have commanded him and as we will command you.
7. In Noah's day, there was exceedingly great wickedness, and all of the righteous had been removed from the earth, to be with Enoch and his people. The earth was ripe for destruction. In your day, the peoples of the earth will even be more wicked and dark, and the earth will be gripped with evil that abounds on her surface. Mother Earth will again do as she did once before, in moving her crust to transform the continents, only she will reverse her actions of the former days to bring the seven continents back together into one landmass and cause the oceans to be gathered into one sea east. Nibiru will come again near her surface to initiate all of these dramatic actions and cataclysmic movements. This time, however, there will be gathered many pockets of the righteous elect all over the surface of the earth. These will be protected by the angels of God so that they will yet live and be able to transition into our great millennial day, where the earth may rest and be relieved of wickedness on her surface.
8. After Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, returns in glory, you will again be commanded by us through Jesus Christ, to take Lucifer and his evil followers, and to lock them in the bottomless pit, deep in the earth. There will then be peace upon the earth's surface for a thousand years.'
9. I spoke to my Mother in front of me: 'My beloved Heavenly Mother, I thank you for showing me this vision of Noah, or Gabriel, my older brother and what he did to initiate the great flood! I am humbled to be chosen to act as he did in these last days that will cause such changes on the earth. I will act in full obedience to all that Heavenly Father and you may direct me!'
10. Heavenly Mother smiled and reached her hand towards me and placed it on my shoulder: 'Raphael, Noah was 600 years old when we brought forth the floods on the earth. You have additional growth and learning to do before we will command you to act as he did. Continue to come to us, twice a day, to prepare yourself and the angels for the great work we will command you to do in these last days.'
11. I told her I would continue to pray to her and Heavenly Father as she asked of me. I thanked her for her abundant revelations! I then suddenly came to my adjacent room in my conscious mind, where I had been writing all of this. I closed my prayer and started a new happy day!
12. Evening- I came to heaven at the circling waters. I smelled some flowers and knelt next to the waters in front of the bench. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the waters. She was radiant and very beautiful! I saw she was smiling and was sparkling in her eyes. She seemed so happy!
13. She spoke: 'Raphael, we would that all people who would be open to receive our revelations that you have written may have access to them. However, in our wisdom, we wish to keep those who have access to your journal entries to be kept small for now. We are pleased with the few in numbers that you email your posts to and to whom you share access to the restricted portion of your website.
14. You have received an email request from one who is faithful who wants to read your words. She had some emails shared with her early on from one who receives your posts. She will have to wait patiently until the time comes when many may be able to read our words through you. We will let you know when this time comes. If one of those fifteen recipients feels a need to share a portion of your posts with another, they should petition either Heavenly Father or me whether we agree with their petition. If they receive confirmation from me, the Holy Spirit, then they may share that portion they have asked to share.
15. You may wonder why we are still secretive about your revelations. This is all based on our plan to reveal your standing and those of other mortal angels, and the works you have written by revelation from us. We have a particular time in which these will best be shared. You also need to become more strengthened to accept the barrage of interest that others will give you when you will share more openly. We desire you to mature in spiritual strength and insight, and also to be filled more with the light and love of God before you share openly. You are now doing precisely as we desire, in coming before your Heavenly Father and me in humble, open prayer, morning and night.'
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words tonight! I so appreciate all her directions. She smiled and was instantly gone. I came back to my front room and closed my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, January 31, 2019, Thursday
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis. It is bright and sunny already here. Here in Utah the sun is just starting to brighten the sky. I felt a desire to walk around the path at this oasis so I headed to my right and started walking. It was very quiet. As I was walking, Heavenly Father came next to me, also walking. He asked if he could join me in my morning walk! I said I would be honored to walk with him.
2. We walked in silence for a few seconds and then he spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have wondered about your experiences here in our celestial world, and wondered if you receive these experiences here only in your unconscious mind and not in your conscious mind. You are correct in that our thoughts that we speak to you openly come into your unconscious mind. However, you are also here in your replicated translated body with us each time you come. As for now, you are able to be here and perceive us in your unconscious mind only.
3. Your experiences are what the prophets have called a vision in your scriptures. These are all seen and perceived through their unconscious minds. This is very real and true and seems to be in a different realm that you perceive and see in your physical telestial world. What you perceive in your mortal world is with your conscious mind. Your unconscious mind is more trustworthy and sure.
4. The day will come when your conscious and unconscious mind are fully joined. This is the experience you had in your pre-mortal life and will be returned to those who die and go into the world of the spirits. It is wisdom in us that our mortal children don't have easy access to their unconscious minds. They may, however, have experiences like you in a visionary way, which is received through their unconscious mind. This is generally how we speak to all of our children.
5. When our children come in a mode of prayer and meditation, they may leave their conscious minds and transition into their unconscious minds. This is when we may more easily communicate with them through the thoughts we transfer to their minds. If they are perceptive and believe that these are not their own thoughts, or the imaginations of their hearts, they may then commune with us. It can also be face to face, even as I am talking to you while walking around our desert oasis.
6. When Joseph Smith, as a young boy, saw my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ and me in his first vision experience in the woods, he saw and perceived us in his unconscious mind. This was a very real experience for him. When the heavens open up to our children, they always see us and hear us with their unconscious mind. This is in a spiritual realm and becomes very strongly imprinted on their spirit and their memory, more so even than what they see and hear day to day with their conscious minds.
7. Even when Jesus appeared in the flesh to his apostles (see 3 Nephi 27:2 and Luke 24:36-51), the disciples saw him, felt his wounds, and perceived and heard all in their unconscious mind. It was a very tangible visionary experience, all in their unconscious minds. One might think this had to be in their conscious minds, but that is incorrect. The unconscious is more real and the impressions, hearing, and feeling are more real and long lasting than what the conscious mind could record and perceive. The disciples felt in their flesh the nail imprints in the hands and feet of their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and they perceived this all in their unconscious minds. The veil was lifted which shrouds their unconscious minds so that they could see and be in the celestial presence of Jesus Christ. Were the veil not lifted, they would not be able to see and perceive Jesus. They would be like the men which journeyed with Saul on the road to Damascus who only heard a voice, understood not the voice, and saw no man (see Acts 9:7). Saul saw and heard in a vision the voice of Jesus in heaven, for Saul had the veil lifted and saw and perceived with his unconscious mind. The others only perceived something was happening and remained in their conscious minds.
8. When our children pray to us, they need to quiet down their minds and be still so that their conscious mind may fade away and their unconscious mind may become activated. This transition is what we call the lifting of the veil from their minds. When we speak to them in this state of reception, they hear our words in their minds, their unconscious minds, for this is how we always communicate with them in prayer. They may hear and commune with us, even as one man speaks and communes with another.'
9. We reached the area next to the bench, having walked all around the oasis. Heavenly Father stopped and I stopped. He turned and spoke: 'Raphael, make this entry the last one for your next post #109. We have revealed again many new things to you this past week. We will continue to pour down our revelations upon you and all who humbly and openly seek us, as have you. For the others and you we will freely speak to your unconscious minds and lift the veil so that you may know it is us who speaks. This experience you may receive daily in prayer will help lead and guide you, for we truly speak to you. You will hear our voice, even our voice by the Spirit that we communicate to you in your unconscious mind. Your hearts will also confirm what we speak to you in your minds so that your mind and heart will be one.'
10. Heavenly Father then rose up in the sky in a bright light. He was soon departed. I knelt on the sand and thanked him for my wonderful communion with him today. I closed my prayer and came back to my mortal world and my conscious mind.