172. Coming to the New Jerusalem part 2
Here is installment 2 of "Coming to the New Jerusalem". I am actually receiving many more revelations even now on the New Jerusalem temple and it's construction–these will be coming in post 173. Aren't these exciting times?!
Please pray about these important revelations and confirm they are from God and not from me. Each of us may know for ourselves, and not trust another with such weighty matters. There is so much deception these days, and so many divergent voices. God will always confirm to the humble and truth seeker if they truly come to him/her in open and persistent prayer.
Please let me know of your feelings about all of this, or about how you are doing in these turbulent times. I'd love to hear!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, September 8, 2020
1. Evening–I came to the celestial realms above the New Jerusalem area, in a coming future day tonight. This is where I had been this morning with my Heavenly Parents. I had no idea what I could learn tonight, but I had faith that my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother would be there and reveal to me of their truths.
2. I came before my Heavenly Parents and knelt before them. They seemed very glad to see me again, coming to them in my conscious mind.
3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, today you have wondered about the clothing of those who are accepted into the New Jerusalem area. I would like to describe this to you, and some more information on the climate there.
4. The area of the New Jerusalem will be a central gathering place for our elect from a world in turmoil, destruction and war. Satan will be out in the telestial world and will wreak havoc among the wicked. However, neither he nor any of his evil hosts will enter into Zion or any of her cities, for these will be terrestrial abodes for our elect who have sought refuge from the world they came from.
5. Those who admit the humble traveler to Zion will be filled with the spirit. As such, they will only allow the elect of God who are the truly humble and open. There will be some who may not qualify but seek entrance. Our guards will detect these, and prevent any of the wicked, or those possessed by evil spirits from entering.
6. Once admitted, we will have many who welcome and greet our newly admitted elect individuals. As part of their acceptance of the law of Zion, they will wash and dress in new clothes prepared for them. These will be simple robes having full length sleeves and simple undergarments. These robes will be tied with a waist sash. There will be variation in the robes, but the intent is that everyone will be considered a brother and a sister, with no distinguishing clothing or rank. Raphael, you will also wear such clothes of Zion except when you labor in the celestial temple, at which time you will wear your full angel vestures.
7. Among the inhabitants of Zion, one will not be able to distinguish by their clothing whether they are from the Northern tribes, the remnants of Jacob, or the other elect who have come out of the telestial world. All will be blessed with the spirit in abundance, and will serve, love and care for each other. The languages that will be spoken will be wide and varied, but each will understand another by the gift of tongues that will be with everyone.
8. Zion, our centerplace of the New Jerusalem, will be the first location on earth to become a terrestrial earth. As such, Zion will receive her paradisiacal glory only after a week or so after living water flows from the fissure. This fissure soon will become the fountain of living water.
9. Once the land becomes a terrestrial abode for those who dwell there, the air and climate will also become terrestrial. This will temper the harsh climate formed in the telestial earth. This temperate climate will be like the Garden of Eden was at the beginning of man's creation. Our citizens of Zion will never need a coat because of being too cold, or feel the need to shed their robes, for the weather will be very tolerant for all.
10. The sun and moon will shine as they do now upon your telestial earth. The intensity of the sun's rays in the summer will be perfect for working outside for the entire day. In times of winter, the terrestrial sky above the New Jerusalem will protect the land from freezing and the harsh winters common to this area when it was in the telestial sphere of the earth.
11. As new cities of Zion are established, this same pattern of being renewed to a terrestrial earth will repeat for them.
12. There will be no weapon from the outside telestial earth that may penetrate the airspace above Zion, or come over her walls. We will protect all of the inhabitants of Zion by our great power:
13. D&C 45:66-71-
"And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the most High God.
And the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called Zion.
And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword must needs flee unto Zion for safety.
And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.
And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand.
And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy."
14. The inhabitants of Zion, our proven elect, will all be saints, for Jesus Christ our Beloved Son will have ransomed them from their previous sins, and made them all clean and pure. Oh, what a happy place this will be!'
15. I expressed my deep gratitude to my Father to have shared his truths with me tonight. Oh, I yearn for Zion, the pure in heart! These will be my people, and together we will serve our Gods.
16. My Heavenly Parents then rose up in the celestial sky and were soon gone from my view. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, September 9, 2020
1. I wondered last night after my prayer if the inhabitants of Zion would wash their clothes, for surely they get dirty. I wondered if they are given two sets of clothes, or how exactly this all works. In our telestial world it is a big effort to wash and dry the clothes we wear, so we have a clean set each day.
2. I also wondered about overpopulating the area of the New Jerusalem. What happens when there becomes too many people within the walls of this center city of Zion?
3. I came this morning to the fountain of living water near God's temple on the celestial orb. I drank of living water and felt refreshed and clarified in my mind. I then knelt facing God's temple on the southwest side of the fountain. I pulled up my healing seer stone and gazed upon it with intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Mother, for I felt I would commune with her this morning.
4. As I was kneeling, I heard to my right the footsteps of someone coming to me. I turned and my Heavenly Mother was walking around the fountain to a place in front of me! I immediately felt such gladness to be again in her presence.
5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you have very good questions in your mind about the clothing of Zion and about her overcrowding. I will answer these today.
6. Raphael, stand now and walk into the river that represents me to your east.'
7. I said I would do so. I stood and came to the head of the river that was flowing quickly and walked into the water up to my neck. The temperature was pleasant to my body and, like on earth, the water completely moved on all sides of my body.
8. Heavenly Mother asked me to now come out of the water and stand in front of her. I came out and then stood in front of her. By the time I was standing I was completely dry again!
9. 'Raphael, our children in Zion will do as you have just done to refresh their bodies and renew their clothing. The properties of the living water will completely immerse all their clothing and touch all of their skin. This will be sufficient to remove all sweat, body odors, stains and dirt from the bodies, the robes, and the undergarments of our elect in the terrestrial world in which they live. The living water will have power to dilute and eliminate all dirt and such that it comes in contact with. Within a few seconds of removing these unwanted elements from their bodies and clothing, the living water will be refreshed again and pure. The unwanted elements will fall out of the water solution and return to the ground under the water, just like they have done for you on our celestial orb when you immersed yourself in the living water of my river.'
10. I looked upon my angel vestures and they were brilliant, clean and dry. This was such a different way to wash clothes than we do on earth now in our telestial world!
11. 'Raphael, our living water at the New Jerusalem will be terrestrial living water, and will be somewhat different than the celestial living water here. However, the property of cleansing and purifying itself is the same for both celestial and terrestrial living water.
12. As our living water flows out of the fissure on earth, it will flow in channels to all areas within the New Jerusalem. Our people will have ready access to the flowing living water in that entire area.
13. From here in the New Jerusalem, this living water will flow under the walls and bridges of the city to the land round about, and gradually the earth outside the city walls will become terrestrial also. The water will continue to flow in rivers from Zion to the north, south, east and west.
14. The inhabitants of Zion will soon fill the land inside the walls, and be encouraged to venture forth to establish other cities of Zion in the surrounding lands. Then will be fulfilled this scripture in Isaiah:
15. Isaiah 49:19-20
"For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction (this is a description of the land of the New Jerusalem immediately after the very large earthquake hits before you will arrive, Raphael, to make it a beautiful place), shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, (this means too populated) and they that swallowed thee up (the wicked and the invading armies) shall be far away.
16. The children which thou shalt have (the inhabitants of Zion), after thou hast lost the other (those who remained among the wicked and did not come to Zion), shall say again in thine ears, "The place is too strait for me (too many people, and the land is being filled so there is not enough land to build a house and have land to grow our own food): give place to me that I may dwell." ' (words in parentheses by Heavenly Mother).
17. When this happens, you will encourage those in Zion who do not work directly on the temple, the temple square area, and on the city, to migrate out upon the promised land and establish other cities of Zion. Your enemies by this time will be gone, and the living waters will be flowing across the land outside of the New Jerusalem area. The promised land will fill with other terrestrial cities of Zion until the entire land has become a land of Zion.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable answers to my questions! I knew I could ask her anything and she would give me a truthful answer.
19. 'Raphael, come here today by my fountain of living water on my celestial orb, and I will answer more of your questions and wonderings. I will be with you here today in constant prayer!'
20. I thanked her, and said I would remain by her side all day long, in my unconscious mind. I then left in my conscious mind to my private room on earth where I was writing all of this in my journal. I then began my new day on earth.
21. Evening–I came again to the fountain of living water and met up again in my conscious mind with my Heavenly Mother. I found myself kneeling before her, and she was standing in front of me, slightly elevated in the air.
22. I had two questions that I had been thinking about. My first question was regarding Zion, how do wives and husbands care for babies who make messes; do they wear diapers? I don't know why this question kept coming up in my mind today, but it did!
23. My second question was related to our properties that we leave behind in the telestial world–lands, possessions, bank accounts, etc. Do we ever come back to visit, or are these ultimately destroyed and replaced when the terrestrial earth comes to these areas? I wondered what would happen to the communities in my state. Would they eventually become Zion communities also?
24. My Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to answer your questions tonight. When a couple in Zion bares a child, the child is entirely dependent upon its parents, just like in your telestial world. Babies of necessity wear cloth diapers until trained, and these diapers are washed out and become clean in living water. Unlike in your terrestrial world, there are no swamps, polluted waters, or fetid land or water sources. The living water separates the dirt or waste products and these fall to the bottom of the water source or container. The clean and pure water remains on the top and may even be drunk or used in all applications it is normally used for. This living water is a marvelous extractor or diluter for dirt or waste, and then is self purifying.
25. Animal and human waste is also quickly absorbed into the earth by covering this with a layer of soil. This terrestrial soil quickly absorbs these waste products and is soon ready for its normal usage such as planting. There are no long term compost piles as in your current garden, for the fallen leaves and food scraps are quickly composted into rich soil. This process also includes animal manures and human waste.
26. Raphael, when you finally bring your wife and son to Zion, you will leave your current home and property behind. All of your possessions will also remain there, for you will only be able to bring a limited amount with you. However, if you forget something, or are in need of an item because of your quick departure, you may return and retrieve it. This travel is immediate and will be like going from one room into another.
27. Soon however, you will have all of your family's needs provided for in your new terrestrial Zion, and you will hardly think of returning. On your several return visits, you might want to share your chickens, garden area, lands, or home to those in need, or to a family member who may remain there. You would visit with them in your translated body without any glory. We may not want them to know where you are located, depending upon our direction to you for that particular individual. Follow our Spirit in all things.
28. The building up of Zion in the New Jerusalem area and in surrounding areas will take several years. You going back to your house in Utah County will be limited to only a few visits since all your needs will be met in your new terrestrial world. This revisiting of your old telestial life and home will be rarely done by others since most of our elect will have left all when they departed and have not the ability to travel as you will have developed by your faith and diligence. The move for your wife and son will be more abrupt than for you since you will have already walked to Zion in a replicated state. In general, by the time our elect arrive in Zion, they will have left willingly or fled from the wicked to come to a land of peace and security. They will have developed the change in their minds to leave all behind in their old life.
29. Your area in Utah will have its share of upheavals from the calamities and marauding troops, but towns and cities will largely be intact. Many of the elect will have departed, but some will remain in certain areas that we will inspire them to group together in. The area will, however, be largely unsafe from lawless gangs and calamities that will still grip the land and the people. The only place that will have peace and safety will be in the center of the land in the cities of Zion.
30. This will be the time when the 144,000 servants will search out the elect and bring them to Zion, the New Jerusalem, before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. These ministers will go over all the earth in search of the elect, and will bring them to the Church of the Firstborn:
31. D&C 77:11-
"Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel—twelve thousand out of every tribe?
A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests (and high priestesses), ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn." (to Zion, the New Jerusalem). (Words in parentheses by Heavenly Mother). (see also post 24A1-24A4, and search in "144,000" in your posts index.)
32. Raphael, these 144,000 will be sent forth from the New Jerusalem into all nations and lands on the earth to gather our elect to one place, preparatory to the second coming of Jesus Christ:
33. D&C 101: 12-13, 17-20
"And in that day all who are found upon the watch-tower, or in other words, all mine Israel, shall be saved.
And they that have been scattered shall be gathered."
"Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered.
They that remain, and are pure in heart, shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy, to build up the waste places of Zion—
And all these things that the prophets might be fulfilled.
And, behold, there is none other place appointed than that which I have appointed; neither shall there be any other place appointed than that which I have appointed, for the work of the gathering of my saints--"
34. Raphael, come here again tomorrow morning, at this fountain of living water, and your Heavenly Father will meet you here. He will share more with you about the 144,000.'
35. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great truths she shared with me! I told her how much I loved her, and would obey her and Heavenly Father in all things.
36. I then closed my prayer and retired to bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, September 10, 2020
1. I reread what I had received and written last night. I prayed about these things and confirmed in my mind and heart that they were true. I am impressed with how marvelous the terrestrial world will be, above the telestial world where we now live! I find myself yearning to go there.
2. I wondered if the work of gathering by the 144,000 will need to be accomplished before the second coming of Jesus Christ, so that all of the elect are in one place in Zion. I then remembered the scripture of the Jews who would be in their holy land and would be converted in one day at the return of Jesus Christ. I guess there will be two places of gathering at the second coming, one at the old Jerusalem, and one in the center place of Zion and surrounding Zion cities in our land of promise.
3. D&C 45: 51-53
"And then shall the Jews look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?
Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them: These wounds are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. I am he who was lifted up. I am Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son of God.
And then shall they weep because of their iniquities; then shall they lament because they persecuted their king."
4. I came to the fountain of living water in the celestial orb, and saw my Heavenly Parents there waiting for me! I approached them and knelt before them. I looked up into the accepting faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me, for they were both smiling upon me.
5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that the 144,000 will gather all of the elect who will come to the New Jerusalem where will be the Church of the Firstborn. These will come out of all nations on the earth.
6. Many of the Jews will also be numbered among our elect, and many will be gathered to modern-day Israel. They will see a great war and calamity, but our Son Jesus Christ will deliver them when the Mount of Olives will cleave in twain by a large earthquake in that area (D&C 45: 48). This will be the day of their deliverance by Jesus Christ.
7. Others of the elect who are scattered upon the face of the earth will be gathered one by one by the 144,000 servants who will go forth from the New Jerusalem. They will bring as many as will come to that great city, even to the terrestrial earth in that area. They too will be purified and made clean in the blood of Jesus Christ, for he will cleanse them and accept them into this city of peace and safety. They will be escorted there by a member of the 144,000 who will be given power to travel with them through the portal of that member of the 144,000 in the terrestrial realms of the earth (see your post 139E33).
8. The rescue effort of the 144,000 will be great! We will work together with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to inspire them where to find our elect. These elect will be in all situations, and will eagerly hear the words of our 144,000 servants who will physically come among them. They will speak their language, and persuade them by our Spirit to come with them to an area of peace and safety, to our New Jerusalem and Church of the Firstborn. Our elect will recognize our voice of the Spirit that accompanies their words of encouragement and truth. After agreeing to come, they will leave all behind and come to the gates of the New Jerusalem where they will be accepted and received into our Zion, the pure in heart. They will then become part of the citizenry of our pure and holy people and land.
9. When all of the elect are safely gathered, all who will come, then Jesus Christ will come in the clouds of heaven. The prophecies concerning his coming will then be fulfilled. The wicked in the world will be burned at his presence, and the elect will be lifted up in the clouds of heaven with Jesus (see D&C 76: 63). This will be the day that the entire earth will transform to a terrestrial world, and the millennium will begin. Jesus Christ will descend with his elect to a new earth and reign as their king for a thousand years.
10. Raphael, the 144,000 have a vital role in the gathering process. They will be inspired where to find our elect and to bring them from among the wicked in their telestial world, to our place of gathering.'
11. I thanked my Father for his revelation on the 144,000. I thanked him and my Heavenly Mother for coming. I knew I could visit with them here throughout my mortal day in constant prayer.
12. I then consciously left their presence and started my new day on earth.
13. Evening–I received an email today from S.A. where she asked these two questions: 1) What happens to the elect who get vaccinated?
2) What will happen after the 3 ½ years that Russia is ruling over the world? What will topple them, or how will this end? (see my post 168N19).
14. I reviewed Revelation chapters 9 to 16, and felt like the earthquake would be at the time that the Russian rule will end, as explained in Revelation 11:13-15-
"And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
The second woe is past: and, behold the third woe cometh quickly.
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever."
15. I believe this seventh angel is Michael, the mighty archangel, who will blow his trumpet.
16. D&C 88:106
"And again, another angel shall sound his trump, which is the seventh angel saying: It is finished; it is finished! The Lamb of God hath overcome and trodden the wine-press alone, even the wine-press of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God."
17. I felt clarified by these scriptures in Revelation and in the D&C. I wondered if what I have just written was correct, and given me under the inspiration of God.
18. I came to the fountain of living water on the celestial orb. I came immediately into the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! Heavenly Mother spoke to me when I arrived:
19. 'Raphael, you have correctly answered in part S.A.'s question about the demise of Russia after it is in power for 3 ½ years. Russia and all other nations will be destroyed by Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, in his glorious second coming. He alone will tread the winepress of the wrath of God by destroying all the wicked and their nations that exist still on the earth at that time. This will be proclaimed by the sounding of our seventh archangel Michael, which will be the seventh and final woe upon the earth and her inhabitants.
20. During the period that Russia controls much of the earthly nations, you will continue to build up the New Jerusalem temple, grounds and cities of Zion in the promised land. The 144,000 will have completed their mission of gathering all of our elect from every nation, and the end of all nations will soon happen. All of the scriptures that speak of the day prior to the second advent of the Son of Man will have been fulfilled.
21. As you can see, in not many years the righteous will all be gathered and the wicked will all be destroyed. Jesus, our Beloved Son, will then begin his reign on the earth for the thousand years of peace.'
22. I asked her about the scripture in D&C 49:7–"I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes."
23. She responded: 'Raphael, our elect will know the season of the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, but not the specific hour or day. I have given you a timetable that gives you the season, but not more details.'
24. I thanked her for her witness to me!
25. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'When any of our elect get vaccinated and receive an RFID chip, they will suffer the consequences of the injection. They may experience greater health compromised in their body, and may also be subject to more control by a government agency for a period of time. However, we will still preserve our elect, regardless of the bad decisions that they may make in life.
26. For our elect who choose not to gather to Zion, even after being impressed by our Spirit and invited to come along with a member of the 144,000 ministers, they will be buffeted by those in the telestial world where they live until the second coming of Jesus Christ. They will then come up to the clouds of heaven and meet Christ and the faithful there, while their telestial world and the ungodly are burned at his coming. They will then descend with Jesus Christ and the faithful to a new terrestrial earth, and be received into the millennium.'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words of truth tonight. I felt so comfortable and pleased to be in their presence!
28. They then held hands and disappeared quickly from my view. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, September 11, 2020
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I have been quite tired recently, and wondered why. I felt so happy to just relax on the bench facing the oasis that I sat for some time. I then arose and walked to the water's edge where I drank living water. When I turned to return to the bench, my Heavenly Father was standing on the sand in front of me!
2. He spoke: 'Raphael, you are tired because of your abundant revelations being received in our presence during your days, in your unconscious mind. You cannot as yet recall these in your mortal mind, for they are to be recalled in a future day once you come to the New Jerusalem area.
3. The past two days you had been feeling emotionally saddened also. This was because we had been showing you much of the wickedness that is now scouring your own land, and the plans of the evil one to destroy the people. This has been affecting your spirit. We will no longer give you such revelations, but give you more information on your mission and leadership role in the New Jerusalem.
4. You have also been successful in coming before us in the state of constant prayer for several weeks, with or without your healing seer stone. Your intention is very powerful and will serve you well.
5. What your Heavenly Mother revealed to you last night about the second coming timing to destroy the beast (Russia) is true. You were impressed how short the time before Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, will be coming to the earth. For those who are not spiritually prepared, he will still come as a thief in the night, for they will not be looking forward to his coming, but will be thinking more of themselves (see 1 Theselonians 5:2-3). However, for our faithful, they will be watching and know the season he will be coming.
6. Raphael, I will stay with you here at the desert oasis all day long today. I will remain by your side and be here, my son!'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father and then began my day on earth.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, September 12, 2020
1. Last night I prayed in the dark when I went to bed late. I came to the desert oasis and Heavenly Father spoke to me. He was understanding of the changes in my life and of my society. He said that within one year's time I would be in the New Jerusalem with my wife and son in a terrestrial environment. This thought was one I tried to hold onto, for I have been yearning to fast forward to this time. My daydreams and yearnings seem to bring me to this beautiful world that is coming. I know we need to still live through difficulty in our telestial world before arriving in Zion. However, my discontent living in the fallen telestial society I am in sometimes gets to me. I then think of my abundant blessings and feel very privileged and blessed! I am sure my life will never go back to the old life we all used to live, even before I would be going to Zion, and that there will be lots of continual change as we enter into greater tumultuous times.
2. This morning I prayed in my quiet peaceful private room. Sunlight was streaming through the east window, and I felt a great desire to connect with my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I came to the overlook to God's wheat field, looking east. I knelt in humble and open prayer, seeking to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I then seemed to move in the air, past the fallen oak tree below me to a place above the road that is next to the river representing Heavenly Father. I was kneeling in the air, probably 50 feet above the ground.
3. I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother step out of their higher celestial realm and stand in front of me! They were radiant and smiling, and were very accepting of me, for this is the feeling I received in their presence.
4. Heavenly Mother spoke next: 'Raphael, when you and your wife yearn for diversion, and feel discontent in the life you are living day in and day out, pray to us for coping ideas. We understand the difficulties of earth life in a telestial world, and wish to buoy you up in your perspective. We will give you ideas of actions you may do to help you accept your circumstances, and to have patience. All of these feelings you have are from your own mind that you may control. You do well with projects and meaningful activities to shift your mindset and give you satisfaction. We will help you keep your mind focused on your blessings and goals to work on, which will will change your mind and bring you joy and contentment.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouragement, and for her understanding of how I have been feeling at times. I said I would pray to them to help me better control my mind. I said that I knew I craved a boost in my perspective to live with meaningful purpose.
6. I asked her if her children in the terrestrial world in the millennial day would experience feelings of discontent, or yearning for change, or newness in their perspective.
7. She replied: 'Raphael, the telestial world you now live in is greatly fallen from the celestial glories that our premortal children live in. This new telestial earth environment has been difficult emotionally and spiritually for many of our beloved children. It is meant to be difficult so that we may see how they act and what they choose to do with their time. There is no other way to determine this except in a fallen environment.
8. When the millennium comes, and our children live in a terrestrial world, they may still experience negative emotions and feelings of loneliness, despair, grief, and discontent. This also will be a fallen world, but so much less fallen compared with your darkened world where Satan is free in the land and where there is so much evil about. In the terrestrial world, Satan will not be there to tempt mankind, for he will be bound and you will have removed him to the bottomless pit. The love of men will be abundant, much different than your unique day when so many are thinking only of themselves and how they may elevate themselves above another, and are filled with vain ambition, or seek "to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men"(see D&C 121: 37).
9. In the millennial day, our children will love and care for each other! They will visit and serve one another, and uplift those they visit by their kindness, service and love. The animosity of mankind will cease, and be replaced with much greater freedom and acceptance. Our children will open up their social circles to others and feel welcoming to all. Genuine interest and caring will abound among each one. They will exemplify and finally live the teachings of Jesus Christ that he taught in his ministry on earth. Our spirit will abound, and I will feel comfortable in visiting my people and remaining with them, for they will be filled with the love of God. They will follow our promptings and will keep our commandments. The telestial natural man will largely be replaced with the godly man and woman.
10. These will be our elect who come to this millennial terrestrial earth for their mortal experience. We will be able to see how they choose and what they desire in their fallen world, for there will still be a veil over their minds. Their probationary estate will not be as fallen as you have experienced in your telestial world, but it will still be easy for us to know what they choose to do with their time, and whether they will obey us and keep our commandments. We have chosen those with sensitive natures and yielding hearts to come forth in our future terrestrial fallen world for their mortal probation.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her description of the differences of the telestial and terrestrial mortal worlds. I said I felt much better and loved to be in her and Heavenly Father's presence. I said I yearned to come into their terrestrial world, and to depart this telestial world.
12. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, we will help you to endure these tribulations coming upon your telestial world this next year. Pray to us for miracles and blessings, and we will graciously pour these out upon you and your loved ones, and strengthen you. We will also do this for all our elect who ask of us.
13. We will also continue to teach and train you in our celestial realms to grow into the man of God we wish you to become, even as our Branch. Stay with us here today for more revelations we will give to you on your leadership role. We will be here all day also for you in constant prayer.'
14. I thanked them for all their directions and their abundant blessings. I then exited their presence in my conscious mind and started my new day on earth.
15. Evening–I came again to the place in the air above the road where I was this morning. I came immediately before my Heavenly Parents who were standing there, talking to me. I knew they had been helping me learn my role and mission. I did not know what they had related to me, for this was in my unconscious mind.
When I came into my replicated celestial self, in my conscious mind, my Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
16. 'Raphael, you have been well taught today on the details of your mission when you will arrive in the New Jerusalem. We will bless you to accomplish all we desire you to do each day during the early times in that location. All that we have taught you today and at other times in your unconscious mind will return to you and it will seem like a high flow of revelation to you. This will have all been described in detail, however, months before you actually will fulfill your assignments.
17. There is nothing to worry about, for you only need to follow our Spirit and the flow of revelation that comes into your mind. You are tired from the day's activities, and we will end your prayer now. Come tomorrow morning to the little stream by God's Loving Healing Lake and I will meet you there. I will give you more directions at that time.
18. I thanked her for teaching me all day long. I said I would come in the morning as she requested. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, September 13, 2020
1. I am very glad to have a day of rest today! Yesterday I built a ground greenhouse for our winter greens, but today I want to just relax.
2. This morning I received an email from S that contained two of his journal entries. I really like his experience with Heavenly Mother on miracles created with our faith and intention, according to the will of God (see his email at the end of this mornings' entry). I wondered if when I come as the first one to the New Jerusalem area, if I will be inspired to do many miracles to clear the mud and water from that devastated land. I have a sense that this is what I have been shown recently about my early work in that area.
3. I came this morning to the small fountain and little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake on the celestial orb. I knelt and drank living water from the stream in my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and clarified. I then pulled up my healing seer stone from around my neck and looked into it, with intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Mother.
4. I immediately felt I was sometime in the near future in 2021, even at the devastated area in the Jackson County, Missouri area, soon after the great earthquake. I was in this area directly above a large expanse of water. Heavenly Mother then descended to me from above! We were in the celestial realms above the earth.
5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this is the area that you will build our celestial temple! It is now flooded by these expansive waters below us. I have brought you here to show you in part what you will do by our Godly power to prepare the land.'
6. She reached over and touched my head. I then saw a vision of how I was to drain the water by my intention, even as I was recently shown by my Heavenly Parents in my unconscious mind.
7. I looked at my Heavenly Mother and asked if I might then practice what I would do to gain more confidence in the miracles she had shown me I would do in vision. She smiled in her approval. She stayed next to me as I practiced spiritually what would one day in 2021 actually happen.
I then raised my right arm forward and extended my right fingers as I viewed the land beneath the waters to slowly rise above the waters, for this is what was shown me in my vision. I kept my hand extended as I saw the waters part and the muddy land appear.
8. I spoke: 'Mother Earth, I am Raphael who stands in the presence of God. I ask you now to bring forth the land below us to become a gentle hill, so that the fissure that goes to the underground cavern is at the highest and center point of this hill. Bring this hill upward until I release my hand in front of me. I ask you to do this by authority of your Mother God Creator who stands next to my side, in the name of her Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'
9. The land started to rise and the waters receded, making an island appear in the waters. I left my hand in place until there was a very large gentle hill below us, and until I felt the hill boundaries formed by the shoreline were sufficiently elevated. When I dropped my hand in front of me, the earth stopped bringing forth the land out of the water.
10. I then looked around and saw that the waters had receded to an area just beyond the 26 square miles where the walls of the new Jerusalem city would be built.
11. I then thought of the four openings in the future walls, and how there would be four rivers that would come out of the waters, each next to a road that would lead to the top of the gentle hill (see my post 54Q2 and my sketch of the exiting rivers and roads from each of the four openings in the wall).
12. I then extended my right hand again and spoke to Mother Earth: 'Mother Earth, now make four channel depressions for rivers to flow, one to the north of the fissure, one to the south, one to the east and finally one to the west. Make the banks of these channels where the river will flow to gently slope to the channel. Make these channels straight along these depressions so that they ultimately intersect with the ring of water that surrounds this large hill.'
13. My Heavenly Mother and I watched until Mother Earth created the four channels for the living water from the fissure to flow into the surrounding ring of water. We waited until all the channels were created.
14. I then knew that the surrounding waters of this hill would remain until some time in the future. I knew too that the first visitors to the New Jerusalem would come to these expansive waters that entirely encircled the city of the New Jerusalem area. It wasn't until the walls around the city would all be built that I would have constructed four roads into the city, along with four mighty bridges over the waters. This would allow the city to remain surrounded by the mighty river, causing it to be a great island of the New Jerusalem. The great river that surrounds the city would flow from the north to the south, and provide protection for the city from intruders. The walls would also provide a second level of protection, so that only the elect could enter after they would be permitted access by the guards.
15. I realized too that the first mortal visitors to the New Jerusalem would need to exercise their faith to cross this mighty river. God would open the river up at different times so that the humble elect of God, who exercised faith, could pass across the river on dry ground, just like Joshua and the children of Israel came into the promised land (see Joshua chapter 3). I saw that the tribes of Israel from the north and the remnants of Jacob from the south would come into the island of the New Jerusalem in this way. I then reread S's email from today, and knew that he and his group would also pass through this mighty surrounding river from the west! His vision of the parting of a river so that they could walk across the river area on dry land was here! On the other side would be the New Jerusalem island.
16. I saw too that S and his group that walked to Zion would make a rock memorial on the New Jerusalem side of the river after the waters came back together again. His memorial would be similar to what the ancient prophet Joshua did (see Joshua chapter 4).
17. Heavenly Mother then turned to me: 'Raphael, after you type up your journal entry from this morning, email S about your experience. I gave him his vision of crossing these waters yesterday, and would like you to share your concluding vision with him today.'
I said I would do so.
18. She said she would remain with me today above the future New Jerusalem island in constant prayer. She said she would be with me if I had any further questions.
19. I then came back to my private room in my home where I began my Sabbath day.
20. Here is S's email I received on 9-13-2020:
I completed the typing and felt to share messages along a similar vein to what I just transcribed from your recent record in the last few days.
In prayer, I saw in my mind's eye Heavenly Father working in his field. He was harvesting the wheat and wore work clothes. He invited me to assist in the harvest. We labored side by side for a time. When we stopped working, he spoke to me, 'The earth and its inhabitants are now ready for the harvest. My angels will gather the wheat and the tares will be burned. What you see occurring among the people happened previously in the pre-mortal realm. Our children became firmly planted either on the side of Lucifer or Jesus Christ. A similar pattern occurred pre-mortally where those who sought our guidance and direction were led to Jesus Christ. Others did not seek our guidance and found themselves in Lucifer's group. This is also happening in your day. Those who are not actively seeking us their Gods are being sifted by deceit and lies to follow Satan and his ideals. He is cunning and never ceases to lead astray the children of men. Our children who seek us will find safety and refuge as they did in the pre-mortal realm too. You wondered how the 26 square miles of Zion would accommodate all the people coming to this area. That is the initial boundaries for our great city. Quickly the numbers will exceed these bounds and growth will continue in the surrounding lands. This was our intent from the beginning. You will soon rejoice in this glorious city and its surrounding communities. Your Heavenly Mother and I rejoice in this glorious time that will come to pass in 2021. You will soon rejoice within the safety of its walls and sing praise to our names both day and night. Let your heart rejoice for this glorious day that is now nigh at hand!
My heart swelled with joy and anticipation. I desired to be ready and humble to be received into this glorious city where the pure in heart dwell.
Heavenly Father departed and I closed my prayer.
21. 9-12-20
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to a larger waterfall and I stood at the base, listening to the loud water sounds crashing down. The sound was thunderous. At this time, Heavenly Mother approached from behind me, but I sensed her presence. I turned to face her and knelt at her feet. She smiled and caused the waterfall to stop flowing and the water stood still in the air. She then caused the waters to flow backward up the waterfall into the sky, then she paused the waters again, and it was quiet. She spoke to me, 'I have done all these things by my intention. As I have thought and desired for the waters, so it came to pass. In the day at hand, we will cause great miracles to occur on behalf of our elect. This will happen on an individual scale and for large groups of our children too. As we may fulfill our intentions and desires in all things in your world, seek our Spirit to know our directions for you in any given circumstance. If we did not come out and manifest our mighty power, but few of our elect would be saved. Yet a day of miracles is at hand and our great power will be manifest openly. It will counterbalance the great evil and wickedness throughout the earth. No weapons formed against our elect shall prosper.'
At this time she placed her left hand upon my forehead. I was shown a vision of the future. I saw myself kneeling at a large river of water that needed to be crossed on our journey to Zion. ( I had seen this previously and recorded it in my journal but I did not know how it would be crossed) I was wondering how we would cross for the waters were deep and powerful and we had no means to cross. As I prayed, the spirit witnessed that it was God's will and intention to pass on dry ground. I asked that it be so according to God's will. The waters separated and dry earth appeared for my group to pass through on foot and then the waters continued flowing again. Heavenly Mother then removed her hand from my forehead and the vision ceased.
At this time, Heavenly Mother caused the waterfall to flow again. I expressed my love and gratitude towards her and Heavenly Father for their saving hand in the lives of their children. She then departed and I closed my prayer.
Your friend,
22. Evening–I enjoyed a very filled and happy sabbath today. I am eager now to come again to my Heavenly Mother, for I have more questions about the early days of creating the New Jerusalem.
23. I came immediately to the celestial sky in the future, where I was this morning. Heavenly Mother was before me and I was kneeling before her. I looked down and saw the bare land of the island of the future New Jerusalem. The sun was shining on the land and drying it all out after being under the water for a few weeks (at least that was my impression of how long it had been since the earthquake hit and I came to this area).
24. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you will come 14 days after the major earthquake rocks the center of your land causing a great division into two halves of your continent. Water will come up from the south and from the Mississippi River from the north. The water will be vast, but will all be drained back to become a mighty river that flows from the north to the south. Our New Jerusalem will be located on the island that our Mother Earth will create under your direction, which is spiritually seen directly below us now.
25. You have correctly followed my instructions to create this island and the four river canals, all in a practice visionary or spiritual creation. When you do this on the physical earth, you will repeat what you did this morning, with me by your side again.
26. It is the desire of your Heavenly Father and me to have you direct the land masses of the earth to move into the shape and form like you did in part this morning. The second part will be for you to command again Mother Earth to raise the land on the western and eastern sides of this island across the waters, thereby bringing in the water boundaries to become a great river that flows from the north to the south, with the New Jerusalem being on a large island in this river. We want you to do this tomorrow morning in a similar visionary spiritual experience so that you will only need to repeat this again in the future on the physical earth.
27. It is our will to reform and shape the land to our liking after the massive earthquake. We want Zion cities to eventually begin being built across the great river that forms around this island, to the west and to the east. The New Jerusalem will continue to be in the center of this river on the island as below.
28. We also want you to command Mother Earth like you did this morning, to create a center hill, the four river channels and the eastern and western lands with their shores on this mighty river. We want our elect who come to the New Jerusalem to then labor with their hands and faith to create the temple grounds and city center area, the walls, the roads and bridges, and smaller channels to irrigate the land, within the city walls. Your main first purpose is to move the land and configure it according to our overall design and plans.
29. When our mortal elect start coming, we want all of the island below us already planted by the angels and celestial servants in grasses, trees, bushes, and edible foods. Much of this will be planted by seeds, but some from transplants from our celestial orb. Living water will then flow from the fissure to these plants. These plants will greatly thrive, providing shelter, enjoyment and much food for those who will be shortly arriving.
30. The timing of events in on our New Jerusalem will be given to you so that when our elect arrive, they may immediately be accommodated and put to work. The city will literally rise out of the water and be our new creation. Our celestial temple, amid a terrestrial earth, will be similar to the Garden of Eden in glory, beauty and abundance!'
31. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the marvelous vision she gave to me today of her and Heavenly Father's plans, and of my involvement! I felt very humbled to be with her and to hear of these heavenly plans. She told me these had not been revealed to man yet on earth, but now it was time to reveal some of these grandiose plans to me.
32. She smiled upon me and her light shone all around me. Then she rose up in the celestial realms above the sky where I was still kneeling. As she left, she spoke to my mind to return here in the morning for the forming of the great river to its future banks and design.
33. I watched as she left. When gone, I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus and came back to my home on earth.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, September 14, 2020
1. I awoke and came to my private room where I began my meditation and prayer. I came in my mind's eye to the celestial realms above the island where I had been yesterday. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father then walked a few steps out of their highest celestial realm to a place directly in front of me! I so love being in their presence. I knew that I was in a future visionary spiritual state, for I saw the island hill formed below us. I knelt before them.
2. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have come next to your side to walk you through a spiritual creation of the mighty river and the eastern and western banks and lands. Rise up now on your feet between us and follow our instructions that we will give to you!'
3. I then stood and thanked him for this practice session to move these lands into their configuration that they wished. I came between them and faced the island and the vast surrounding waters below us that extended all around the island as far as my eyes could see.
4. I brought my right arm forward, placed my hand towards the waters below, and spoke: 'Mother Earth, I am Raphael who stands in the presence of your creator Father and Mother Gods. I ask you now, by their authority and in the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son, to again move lands under the waters below us. Bring upwards gradually the western and eastern lands under these waters so a mighty river is formed. Make the river come from the north, go around the island, and then come back together as one river to the south of the island. Cause the waters on the eastern and western banks of this land to completely recede into the river area so that dry land appears across the continent of this promised land, both to the east and to the west. Push back the ocean waters of the Gulf of Mexico to the south to where they were so that the river is composed of fresh water flowing from the north only.
5. Finally, once all these lands and waters are moved into position, bring forth the living water from deep in the ground up to the fissure exposed at the center of the island. Cause the living water to start flowing out the channels to the north, south, east and west. Cause this living water to then exit in these directions into the river that you have formed.'
6. I kept my arm extended as my Heavenly Parents and I watched the earth come up out of the waters below us. We saw the gradual formation of the river and its eastern and western banks. We saw the waters recede from the land that came up out of the waters. The land was muddy and clear of any former inhabitants or the structures they had built, for it was all bare land.
7. I waited about 10 minutes it seemed while Mother Earth moved the land according to my directions. When everything was as it should be, I lowered my arm and spoke again: 'Mother Earth, thank you for moving the lands on your surface as I have asked of you according to the great plans of your creator Gods. All of this land will soon become the first terrestrial earth on your surface, and will eventually come upon all of your surface once Jesus Christ returns in glory in the skies above your surface. In addition, the area around the fissure will become a celestial area on the earth, with a glorious celestial temple structure soon to be built there. What you have formed is the beginning of these great changes to your surface!'
8. I then heard Mother Earth reply to me, by her spiritual way of communicating: 'Raphael, and my Father and Mother creator Gods, I am relieved to have a new start, and to change into a terrestrial earth for a thousand years of peace and rest! I have been very weary of the great wickedness on my surface, and have so looked forward to this great change and the day of rest when righteousness will again come upon my lands. I will follow your commands, and those of the angels of God and other celestial servants, as they direct me in future changes, according to God's will!'
9. I then turned to my Heavenly Father and asked if I had correctly commanded the earth according to their directions this morning.
10. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done exactly as we have directed you in your mind and heart, even by our Spirit. Look below us now and view the lands and the mighty river that are formed. After our angels and celestial servants come next and plant our celestial seeds and transplants from our celestial orb, the lands will eventually become like the garden of Eden, starting on the island of the future location of our New Jerusalem!
11. Come here with us today in your mind, and we will be by your side and quickly answer any questions or wonderings you may have.'
12. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for this amazing experience in my spiritual future vision this morning. I said I already have a lot of confidence and assurance to one day repeat these actions on the physical earth.
13. I then knew I was to begin my day on earth. I told them I loved them so very much. I then left their celestial presence in my conscious mind and began my day on earth.
14. S's email to R on 9-15-2020, entitled "Monument of Stones":
"Yesterday, on Monday morning I read your record about the rock monument that you recorded on Sunday. Afterwards I went to ask in prayer if it was true. This my journal record following the prayer.
This morning I felt to read 3 Nephi 16, and then afterwards I read Raphael's record that discussed my group traveling to Zion and crossing the parted river West of New Jerusalem. We then built a stone monument similar to the Israelites after crossing the river Jordan with Joshua.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to an open area that was covered with mostly water. I was standing in the air. There was a mighty wind that whistled in my ears. Heavenly Father then appeared in white robes filled with glory as he stood beside me. He spoke to me, 'You see more clearly now how the Savior's words spoken in 3 Nephi 16 will all be fulfilled. Raphael's writings concerning the return of the lost tribes to this land are fulfillment to what Jesus spoke among the Nephites. You have confirmed the truthfulness of these writings in prayer. Before you is the land where the New Jerusalem will be built immediately after Nibiru comes near the earth. It is wiped clean of the population and would be uninhabitable for years. Watch its transformation. As I looked down, I saw the ground rise up and the waters recede to the surrounding lower lands. I saw living waters form a barrier in the form of rivers that encircled the land of New Jerusalem. I saw that the lands were then ready to build the New Jerusalem. I then asked if what Raphael recorded about my group crossing this west river and building a stone monument was true.
I saw at present my group having crossed the river and having entered the borders of the city New Jerusalem. I perceived we had tattered clothing, were dirty and hungry, but we knelt as a group to thank God for our deliverance. We were crying and humbled by God's great blessings and goodness. Though thirsty, hungry and tired, we did not want to leave that spot until we had built a memorial to our God. Our lives no longer meant anything to us, for our souls desired to do all things in accordance to God's will. I saw us on our knees moving dirt to make a flat area to construct a monument of stones with our bare hands. We did not want to proceed until this was erected. I saw that we began to place stones one upon another until this was erected. I wondered what type of stones these were. (In my mind I wondered if the land would be transitioned to terrestrial completely and these would be gold or something like this.) Heavenly Father responded, 'John recorded that the walls of the New Jerusalem would be filled with beautiful celestial stones. However these stones will be regular rock from your telestial world. It will serve as a reminder to the many generations that follow of the great deliverance of your Heavenly Mother and I in behalf of our children, bringing them into the Terrestrial Millennium. It will be a reminder of the telestial world from which you came and God's great deliverance to all mankind.'
I saw tears in our eyes as we humbly and thankfully placed stones upon each other as a monument to our Gods.
This scene closed and Heavenly Father departed. I was once again standing in the air alone above the flooded plains where the New Jerusalem would be built. I then closed my prayer.
I shared this experience with S.A. yesterday, and we both were overcome with the spirit and were unable to speak for a time as we cried together. Both of our hearts filled with joy and anticipation of this great day!
Your friend,
15. Evening–Tonight I came again to the celestial skies above the New Jerusalem island and river that flows around it. When I came tonight it appeared that water was flowing from the fresh water to the north and to the gulf of Mexico to the south. The spiritual forming of the earth's surface and river here was remarkable to me! I believe this is how the geography of the land will remain through the millennium and into eternity when the earth becomes a celestial earth.
16. I then met again with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They smiled upon me and shone their light upon me.
Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, look now upon the island river, and surrounding land, on each side of the river. This is how we want you to make the topography of the earth in this area, at the center of our promised land. When you do this on the physical earth, both your Heavenly Father and I will be next to you, giving you our authority and power.'
17. I looked down on the topography of my Mother Earth below us. I thanked them both to have allowed me to use their power to ask the earth to change into such a beautiful place. I then asked if they would allow me to see a future day when this area would house the New Jerusalem and be surrounded by cities of Zion.
18. Heavenly Mother then reached over to me and placed her spirit finger into my right eye, and then my left eye! She had done this a few weeks ago in helping me see more clearly. She spoke again: 'Raphal, I am touching both of your eyes to see more clearly, even in a future day in the millennium when the land will be filled with our elect.'
19. She then moved her hand forward toward the land below us, and said 'Look!'
20. I looked and saw a very beautiful land filled with spread out cities and rural farmland areas. I saw then the beautiful island city of the New Jerusalem! The celestial temple was in the center of the city area, shining in celestial light up into the sky. It was shining far more than any part of the land below us. I saw the four rivers flowing from the fountain of living water in their channels to the mighty river to the north, to the east and west, and to the south. I saw that the land was green and greatly flourishing. From my vantage point, I could see buildings and housing areas, particularly in the city center areas, all surrounded by cultivated lands. I could feel that Mother Earth was finally at rest and enjoying her time of great beauty and peace!
21. I turned to my Mother and Father who were now next to me holding hands: 'Thank you for showing me the beauty of the millennial day, my Father and Mother! I love seeing the New Jerusalem and her temple below us, shining into the sky with celestial light! I now also know how Zion, the New Jerusalem and the many towns of Zion will dot the land across your promised land! Thank you for this very beautiful vision of our future.'
22. Heavenly Father smiled and spoke: 'Raphael, we also love looking down upon our elect in these places of refuge, even in the cities of Zion! We love to dwell on such future millennial scenes too.
23. It is now late, so we will depart and meet you in the morning by the maple tree grove. Goodnight our son!'
24. He and Heavenly Mother then faded away into their highest celestial realm. I then said goodnight back to them and closed my evening prayer.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, September 15, 2020
1. I reread the account I wrote last night. I am impressed with the great beauty of the land of promise that will be transformed from a flooded area into such a beautiful New Jerusalem island, a mighty river that flows around it, and the beautiful surrounding lands. I wondered about how miraculous the previous inhabitants and their buildings and structures would be removed by the coming of Nibiru and the great earthquake in the center of our continent, followed by extensive flooding. The transformation will be remarkable! I was told the water will remain upon the land after the earthquake for two weeks. I don't know if the waters will deeply cover the structures with mud, or if these will be swept away by the turbulent waters towards the Gulf of Mexico. In any regard, when the gentle hill comes up out of these vast waters there will be no structure or any remaining life on its surface. I wonder if there will be any structures on the surrounding lands that emerge when these lands are brought up out of the vast water?
2. This morning I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came to the water's edge and drank of living water, and continued kneeling there. I intended to come again before my Heavenly Parents, even as I would do had I looked into my healing seer stone.
3. I immediately felt lifted up in the air above my location on the shore, and came in front of my glorious Heavenly Father! We were up in the celestial sky above the grove and the beautiful lake below us.
4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you see below us our celestial Lake Beautiful. I will show you in this lake how the promised land will be destroyed by the earthquake caused by Nibiru, and then quickly covered by the mighty rushing floods of water that will cover it. Once the earthquake and flooding comes, nothing built by man will remain, for so mighty will be the rushing of waters that these structures will be toppled, destroyed and buried deep in the ground. Look now below us and watch what will happen in the area of Jackson County, Missouri where the New Jerusalem will be built!'
5. I then saw a very large celestial body approaching us from the sky. I knew it represented Nibiru. It was glowing orange. It swept over us from the west and went east over the sky above Lake Beautiful. It's gravitational pull made the waters recede so that the floor of Lake Beautiful was fully exposed for miles in front of us.
6. I then heard a very large cracking of the celestial orb and a large fissure opened up in the bare lake bed. I saw a lot of the lake bed fall into the crack in the celestial orb and just disappear. There was severe quaking over all the land.
7. Next I looked up and the celestial body was going back out into space from where it came. I heard another loud sound, this time of rushing water of the lake that was now released of the gravitational pull from the large celestial body. The water was like a huge tsunami coming up the evacuated lake bed. It came with great intensity and strength, and completely crashed the maple tree grove below us and filled it with high floodwaters. I heard great noise as the waters completely covered the land.
8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I have asked our celestial orb and the waters of Lake Beautiful to illustrate the great destruction that will likewise come to the center of your land, once Nibiru comes and passes over. In the center of your land, this destruction will destroy most cities, structures, and all man made things on the earth's surface so they are no longer there or there are only a few unrecognizable parts of structures.
9. This will be the day when the scripture will be fulfilled; spoken of by Jesus Christ:
3 Nephi 21:14-21
"Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots (this is the destruction of the invading armies that will occupy our promised land);
And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds;
And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thy land, and thou shalt have no more soothsayers (all the wicked who follow Satan and his host will be destroyed);
Thy graven images I will also cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee, and thou shalt no more worship the works of thy hands;
And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee; so will I destroy thy cities.
And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.
For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;
And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).'
10. Heavenly Father then turned and extended his arm over the flooded lake and surrounding area below us. It was instantly changed back to the maple tree grove, the calm Lake Beautiful, and everything was as it was before the destruction came!
11. My Father then faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, such will be the vengeance and fury I will have upon the people in your land who will not repent. Your land will be greatly changed, and in the center of your land the great waters of the southern gulf of Mexico will flow northward as a tsunami and destroy the land, wiping it clean of inhabitants and anything man made. All vegetation will be destroyed, and the land will shake mightily and be greatly changed. The vast waters will then cover the bruised and torn land, even until you arrive with us and create beauty out of the devastation.'
12. I knelt before my Father and thanked him for showing me the great power of his fury that would come upon my land. I thanked him for protecting the elect, and for preserving us spiritually and physically for what is to come. I thanked him for wiping clear the land so that the new terrestrial earth may come forth out of the waters and become the beautiful city of the New Jerusalem.
13. I was shaking from the total fury and devastation I witnessed! Heavenly Father then reached over and touched my shoulders, and I then calmed down. I stood before him, for he asked me to stand.
14. 'Raphael, you will indeed ask Mother Earth to bring forth a new creation out of the waters, even by our power. Mother Earth will respond and create exactly what we desire. This new beginning in the promised land will soon spread across the land, and fill the entire earth in her new future. The earth will then finally rest and our inhabitants enjoy peace and safety.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father again. I knew I could come here today and be further instructed. I also knew my time in prayer was completed in my conscious mind, but that I would remain here with my Father in my unconscious mind in constant prayer. I came consciously back to my private room and started my new day.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, September 16, 2020
1. I came this new day to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I drank living water from the stream and felt clarified in my mind. I knelt and intended to come again into the presence of either or both of my Heavenly Parents. I then seemed to have passed into the higher celestial realm, for things looked different, even though I stayed kneeling in place. I then saw Heavenly Mother some from my right side and stand above the circling waters in front of me.
2. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you into my higher celestial realm today so that we could travel to places where I want to take you without being seen by those in the celestial realms. Stand now, take my hand, and let's go!'
3. I immediately stood and took her hand. My Heavenly Mother and I were then instantly on the recently formed island where the New Jerusalem would one day be built. We stood in front of the fissure in the ground in the center of the island.
4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you haven't yet asked Mother Earth at this time in the future to cause the living water from the underground cavern to come forth upon the surface of this fissure. We want you and our celestial servants to create the fountain of living water here before water starts to flow. You will have to do this before our mortal elect come since they will need food once they arrive, and the living waters will need to have been flowing across the land first.
5. You will need to orchestrate the construction of the entire fountain and pool of water as described in your post 55E18-55E21, and the sketches you have drawn. We have craftsmen who are resurrected celestial servants who will be able to form the gold pipes and cap, and the smaller gold fountain that will be attached to its top. The gold will be taken from the precious metal mine next to the fissure from this fountain area where the gold pails were placed when our angels brought living water from Lake Beautiful to our underground cavern below us, deep in the earth. (see post 49H4 and post 49J11).
6. Raphael, let's now watch this time in the future when you and our archangels, and our celestial servants, create the top of the fountain of living water where the water will soon shoot forth into the air!'
7. My Heavenly Mother moved up in the air, out of sight. I then saw me, Raphael, come with half a dozen or so resurrected celestial servants. We came to the open fissure and I spoke to them. I explained that this was where the fountain of living water was to be constructed. I said we needed it completed so that Mother Earth could be asked to bring forth the living water from her deep cavern below us in the ground.
8. We looked nearby and saw the gold and silver deposited in the earth. This precious metal mine was created by the gold and silver pails that were placed there when the living waters were poured into the cavern by the angels.
9. I then made assignments to the celestial servant craftsmen. There were several women among the group, but mostly men. I assigned several to make the long gold pipe that would extend into the fissure at its deepest point. I assigned others to make the gold washer, and another group to make the smaller two gold pipes that would be visible above the fountain from where the water would shoot upward. I described the dimensions to them and its construction.
10. These craftsmen then went to work and manufactured these items out of the gold from the nearby precious metal mine. They used the skills they had learned on earth to form gold, and now the power of God to create the pipes and washer to a beautiful shape, without any imperfections that I could see.
11. When finished, I inspected these three parts and was very pleased. I then had the craftsmen weld or merge these pieces together into one long golden fountain. I asked one of them to go into the earth and break away the rocks so that the lower large pipe portion would slide into the fissure. When done, all of the celestial servants then lowered the gold pipe into the fissure until I told them to stop, and saw that it was placed correctly.
12. I then asked Mother Earth to close the rocks around the gold pipe so it would be completely sealed. We then heard the rocks move, and I saw that molten rock came up the fissure to encase the gold pipe entirely in rock. I then asked two of the celestial servants to go into the rock and inspect that the magna sealed correctly around the gold pipe, and that there was a rock opening all the way to the deep cavern below. They left and, since they were resurrected, they moved into the ground below for a few minutes to inspect the lower parts of the fountain. Soon they came back and reported all was perfect below the ground, and there were no apparent leaks, but all was sealed properly.
13. I then thanked these craftsmen and craftswomen, and excused them. I then audibly thanked Mother Earth for the part she did in sealing the pipe to the rock.
14. I next called forth other craftsmen who were also resurrected celestial servants. I explained to them about the newly made fountain, and that it needed a reservoir 33 feet in diameter by 5 feet deep. All around the reservoir would be three steps measuring 3 feet high, all made of stone and capped with gold from the mine.
15. I also described how the living water would need to empty out the reservoir under the steps to the north, south, east and west in nearby channels. These would continually drain the fountain as it was continually filled from the water shooting up 50 feet in the air. We discussed the design and then the craftsmen went to work. I left them while they labored.
16. Heavenly Mother spoke to me next: 'Raphael, you see that our fountain of living water will become entirely constructed by you and our celestial resurrected servants very early in the building up of the New Jerusalem. When this fountain is all built, you will then again ask Mother Earth to exert pressure on the cavern walls so that water will project up into the fountain. This will start the flow of living water on our island.
17. Before water flows, you will also have asked Mother Earth to make the four large canals for living water to move out to the rest of the island and then to the mighty river. Everything that we will ask you to do will be done in a very orderly and planned manner. We want seeds and transplants also thriving and bearing fruit by the time our first mortal travelers arrive at the New Jerusalem.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable plans. I said I was very impressed with the high quality of work and craftsmanship in the construction of the fountain of living water! I thanked her for this future vision I saw today.
19. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, come here in your conscious mind anytime today, in constant prayer. I will be with your unconscious mind and self all the day long here!'
20. I smiled upon her loving and tender face. I then exited consciously and began my new day on earth.
21. I received this email from S.A. on 9-17-2020 that she said I could share:
"September 16, 2020
I asked in prayer if I could see the river that S and R saw, surrounding the New Jerusalem. When S shared his vision of the event of us crossing and building a monument, I had a strong spiritual confirmation of the truthfulness that I will one day be crossing this large river with a group, and building a rock monument to forever remember the great miracles from our Heavenly Parents in bringing us to Zion.
I saw we were traveling with a large group of people. There seemed to be around 100 of us. I thought I saw C.G. and her small family with us, amongst many others. I was told by Heavenly Father that we would be instructed by the spirit how to construct the rock monument, and that it won't be our own design. There will be a specific way we build it that will be directed to us by them through the Spirit. I was not able to see the monument in my prayer this morning, but it was a special experience to see myself looking back at many people caravanning behind me on a long trail, with very little possessions, on our last stretch to the New Jerusalem!
I also recorded this in my journal on September 13.
In prayer, Heavenly Mother and I were above the waterfall near her garden area. She told me I work in tandem with S in teaching a group of their elect the laws of Zion. She said it isn't only the group we caravan with that we will be teaching in their subconscious mind, but there is a specific group of individuals that we have been assigned to teach.
I thought this was interesting, and hadn't thought of these things beforehand.
I hope you have a wonderful day. I enjoyed chatting with you last night too!
22. Evening –I have pondered about the way the fountain of living water will be constructed. Today I have wondered what else the celestial servants will do besides maybe diverting water from the canals and planting seeds and transplants on the island in the river that the celestial servants will do. This is all very exciting to me.
23. This week I have been unusually tired in my physical body. I asked out loud today while working outside 'Why am I so tired all the time?'
24. Heavenly Mother immediately responded to my mind: 'Raphael, you are tired because your Father and I are spending so much of our day instructing you in your unconscious mind about the first things we want you to do once you arrive in the New Jerusalem area. This intense spiritual training is causing you to tire quickly during your normal day.'
25. I thanked her for this explanation. Today I worked outside for 2-3 hours, something I usually would be fine with, but I am so very tired. I guess I will just work as I am able. I do not want to slow down the flow of revelation about the New Jerusalem!
26. I came this evening to the fountain of living water. Heavenly Mother was standing above the fountain. The workmen had spiritually finished the beautiful reservoir around the fountain, complete with the three gold cover stone steps all around the outside. I saw that there were four channels where the water flowed away from the fountain, even as is depicted in my post 54H9. I wondered how these small channels that would flow around the western and eastern tree of life, around the altar to the north, and the future temple to the south could be sufficiently filled with water and a high flow rate to fill the four main rivers going out over the island. I knew these rivers would become mighty rivers as they left the temple square area across the island.
27. I asked Heavenly Mother how the small volume of water that came out of the fountain could possibly fill up four rivers. I asked her if there were other sources of living water coming up from underground that she and Heavenly Father had planned for.
28. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that the water flow from the fountain of living water itself is insufficient to supply the high volume and flow rate in the four rivers. This fountain will be patterned after our fountain of living waters in our celestial orb, where there are underground large cylindrical holes in the rock that bring water into start of the three rivers. The volume of water flows quickly underground into the head of each of these three rivers next to the fountain on our celestial orb.
29. Similarly, after you and our craftsmen physically create the fountain, we want you to ask Mother Earth to open up the fissure well below the fountain into four new cylindrical holes that will extend up into the heads of each of the four rivers. As the water from the cavern comes towards the surface, it will then be divided into the connection to the gold pipe at the base of the fountain plus the four much larger holes that extend to each of the four rivers. Once all of these cylinder holes are formed, and the holes connect to the base of the formed channels, then you will again ask Mother Earth to pressurize the water in the cavern and cause living water to come to the surface.
30. Raphael, come here again tomorrow morning to finish the spiritual creation of these four cylindrical holes. Your Heavenly Father will come here and meet you then.'
31. Heavenly Mother then leaned forward and embraced me! Then she slowly ascended into her celestial sky and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, September 17, 2020
1. I awoke before anyone else in the house, and it was very quiet. I came to my private room and prayed that I would be able to come to my Heavenly Father in a future vision above the fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem island. I then came into the presence of my Heavenly Father at the point in the future just after the fountain was all constructed! Heavenly Father was smiling and full of light, a little elevated in the air.
2. He spoke: 'Raphael, my son, this morning I want you to spiritually form and create the four cylindrical holes in the rock below us, and make sure they lead to the base of the channels where the four rivers will begin.
3. You have already asked Mother Earth to create this island, the river that surrounds it, and the eastern and western banks and lands on the other sides of the mighty river. You have also had the earth create the four channels in the ground where the future water will flow in the rivers.
4. If we look closely, the channels that Mother Earth formed don't begin at the fountain, but outside of the future temple block area. There will be a 150 foot wide road that will be constructed around this temple block which itself is 3000 foot wide in a square shape (see post 54P1 to 54P5). The rivers will each begin on the side of the road opposite the temple block area. This is where the channels have been started to be formed by Mother Earth, and this is where the large cylindrical holes from deep in the ground need to intersect. There will be four of these large 15 foot diameter cylinder holes that come from deep in the earth, in the bedrock. These four holes are to be created at a point 3,000 foot under the fountain where the fissure has extended to. These cylindrical holes in the rock will act as large pipes for the water to come to each of the four channels, just on the outside point of the road. The holes need to be formed in a straight line from the large underground fissure to these four points at the beginning of the channels.
5. Raphael, come up in the air above our fountain, and then ask Mother Earth to create these four large cylindrical holes in the rock as I have explained.'
6. We rose up in the air above the island. I could envision the future temple block that measures 3000 foot on each side of its square shape, for I saw clearly the beginning of the large indented channels that had been formed to the north, south, east and west. I saw that these channels each went in a straight line to the surrounding river at the edge of the island. I saw that these channels all flowed gradually downward from the top of this large hill. Everything was very symmetric and beautifully laid out.
7. Heavenly Father was on my right side. I then spoke in an audible voice: 'Mother Earth, this is Raphael again, and I wish you to make more modifications in the island hill that you have created. Your Father creator is standing next to me, and I ask you to do this by his authority and in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. Now create four 15 foot diameter cylindrical holes in the rock, starting 3,000 feet below the fountain that is now completed in the center of the island. Create these four large holes in a straight line in the rock to the beginning point of each of the four channels you previously formed. The point of intersection for these holes or pipes in the rock to the channel beginnings is to be 1,650 feet from the center of the fountain to the north, 1,650 feet to the south, 1,650 feet to the east, and 1,650 feet to the west.
9. Once completed, there should only be five holes from the fissure that connects to the underground cavern of living water: one that comes to the fountain straight above, and the four large cylindrical holes that intersect with the beginning of the channels as I have explained. All excess rock that you remove may be consumed into your underground fissure or even into the underground cavern where the water is located.
10. Mother Earth, there are many instructions I have asked you to precisely follow. Do you understand this request?'
11. I waited a moment and then heard, with my spirit sense, these words:
12. 'Raphael and my creator Father God, I understand your request and will create the large cylindrical holes now in the rock under the fountain.'
13. I then heard a very large grinding noise as Mother Earth removed rock creating the four large cylindrical underground holes! I saw first the large northern hole appear at the beginning of the north channel, then the hole at the south channel, then the hole at the east channel, and finally the hole appeared at the west channel.
14. I heard for about five minutes the grinding of rock and rumbling of the earth below us. After this all was quiet.
15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the earth has completed creating the four large holes! Take my hand and let's go inspect each of these holes!'
16. I took my Heavenly Father's hand and we first came to the northern hole. It had smooth sides in the rock and looked like a large mine shaft going into the rock below! We then descended down the hole together. I could see the sky at the top of the hole as we descended so I knew this was a straight cylindrical hole. We soon reached the point where all four holes emerged from the fissure. I was surprised how smoothly and straight Mother Earth had made the cylindrical holes! In each one I could see the far sky above, so I knew they were straight. I then looked for the fissure above us and saw a large crack in the rock from the earthquake that led to the fountain of living water. Below my Father and I was a very large fissure or crack opening in the rock. Heavenly Father said this led directly to the underground cavern where the living water was stored. I was so pleased with the work that Mother Earth had done. I then audibly spoke: 'Mother Earth, my Father God and I have inspected your work and are both very pleased with your work. Thank you for fulfilling my request!'
17. I then heard the earth respond, in my mind: 'Raphael and my Father Creator God, I am very pleased to do whatever you may ask of me!'
18. Heavenly Father and I then came again to the surface of the earth and looked at the exit point of the northern hole. It intersected perfectly at the beginning of the northern channel! I could envision water coming up this hole and completely filling up the river in the channel, and gently flowing down the hill to the mighty river surrounding the island. I looked back towards the fountain direction at the top of the gentle slope, and saw that the beginning of the northern channel shape prevented any water from going to the center of the island.
19. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, the water that will exit the fountain of living water will come to this point in small channels made by our mortal elect (he pointed to the edge of the future road). The open channel will become a pipe under the 150 feet wide road and then exit into the beginning of this large channel and into the river going to the north. This same design will be identical for all smaller channels coming to the road in the other directions.
20. The smaller open channels of living water in the temple block area will create much beauty to those in our celestial temple area and grounds. This living water will also water by a mist from the small channels, the vegetation in this area.
21. Raphael, come here to this beautiful area during your day as you may desire. I will be here instructing you and showing you more of the construction details of our temple block area today.'
22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable vision of the beauty of his and Heavenly Mother's design, and how Mother Earth formed so perfectly the holes and channels.
23. I then exited his presence consciously, and started my new day on earth.
24. Evening–I have been thinking about the precision with which Mother Earth had spiritually created the island, the channels, the fountain and now the large cylindrical holes that come to the head of the channels. It is all so remarkable to me! I can envision how the water from the underground cavern comes to the surface and fills these channels, but how will it water the land between the channels? I have thought of all possibilities, but I don't know what will really happen
25. I came to my Father in the future vision that I was in this morning. I came right to the intersection of the cylindrical hole and the start of the eastern channel by the road area. Heavenly Father was standing next to the head of the channel in the air. I came up to him and knelt before him in the air. I was so glad to see him again.
26. I spoke: 'My Heavenly Father, how will the living water come upon the land on this island between the four large channels of water?'
27. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Each night on the entire island of the New Jerusalem, there will be a mist that rises from the rivers and spreads over the lands between the rivers. Your Heavenly Mother had said this misting is how watering would be done for the temple square area (see your post 54U3). She explained how this misting would be done in the celestial temple block and garden area, before the road. We also have planned a similar watering to happen by misting of living waters to the remainder of the island at night. In the celestial temple square area the misting comes from the smaller channels of water that are fed from the fountain of living water and will last for three hours. On the remainder of the island, which will be terrestrial land, this misting will last twice as long, or six hours, so that the entire surface of the ground will be moistened and nourished by living water each night except during the Sabbath.
28. The misting of living water will enliven and strengthen all plants or seeds growing in the ground of the island. The living water mist has the properties of sensing which plants might need more watering than others. It will adjust the amount each night, depending also upon the season of the plants needs. Some plants will need more living water in the sprouting state, or more during fruit production. The terrestrial plants are capable of communicating its own moisture needs to the living water mist that comes each night except the Sabbath.
29. Our elect who plant, cultivate and harvest from our fast growing and vigorous plants, may also communicate to the living water if they do not need the nightly misting done. They may use sprinkling or flood irrigating, or perhaps another method to manually water their plants with their own stewardship.
30. Raphael, when you initially ask the earth to bring forth the living water up the fissure to the surface, planting will have been just begun on the island by our celestial servants. The planting will take seven days to complete, and each night the living water will mist those areas that will have been planted. By the end of the sixth day, the labor of planting will be completed, and on the seventh day, the Sabbath, all servants will rest from their labors and tour the planted fields with us, their Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ. We will bless the earth on this seventh day with our presence and blessings. This will be the time that this island will be pronounced a terrestrial earth, the first terrestrial changed earth across Mother Earth's surface.
31. From this moment onward, our plants will grow vigorously and be ready for the arrival of our mortal elect travelers who may come within a few weeks time.'
32. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful message and answer to my question.
33. I asked him if living water would leave the island and go into the surrounding river around this same time.
34. He responded: 'Raphael, we desire all of the living water to remain on the New Jerusalem island until the vegetation is vigorously growing and the first fruits of our terrestrial edible plants are ripe. To do this, we will have you ask Mother Earth to block the exits of her four rivers that will have filled up the large channels to the north, south, east, and west. These rivers will fill up the channels and water all the ground until the vegetation is to this state. You will ask the earth to adjust her gravitational force to be perpendicular to the channels for this time period, thereby keeping the water to the brim of these channels. You will also ask Mother Earth to reduce the water flow so that these river channels won't overflow their banks.
35. After the first fruits come, you will then ask Mother Earth to unlock the river exits and have gravitational forces become as they are normally on the earth. The flow of living water will also increase so that the rivers will exit living water into the mighty river that flows to the south. From this river, other lands will also be able to be supplied with living water as this water starts to gradually circle the globe over time. Wherever this living water comes in contact with the vegetation and animal life, all will flourish and that area will become a terrestrial earth. In the millennium, all of the waters on the earth will become living water, and all the earth will become terrestrial earth.'
36. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional answers! I felt so blessed to have been with him tonight in this future visionary experience. I thanked him abundantly.
37. I then knew my time in prayer was completed. I felt myself leaving this future vision and then coming back to my telestial mortal world. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 18, 2020, Friday
1. I just reread my account from last night and was so very impressed with the capabilities of working together that terrestrial plants and living terrestrial water will have. I struggle now in my own garden and lands continually in watering just the right amount, and usually I am not correct. For instance, an eggplant needs less water than a melon or a tomato plant. How could I also know about the water needs as the plant matures? This will be a wonderful thing to have the plants be able to commune with the living water for their own watering needs!
2. This morning I had lots of thoughts about the planting of seeds and transplants on the island. S wrote and also wondered when the trees of life (east and west) will come to be transplanted from the celestial orb.
3. I came again to the future island this morning. Heavenly Mother was there to greet me! She was standing next to the fountain of living water.
4. She spoke immediately: 'Raphael, this morning I will explain how you will orchestrate the celestial servants who will plant seeds and transplants from my garden areas on my lower and upper gardens, and from a few other areas we will designate. Our intention is to make the New Jerusalem island an entire area like the garden of Eden was in the beginning before the fall of man. All of the same vegetation that it possessed will be planted on our beautiful island paradise.
5. Some of our seeds take longer to germinate then others, and some need special care during planting. I will be located in all places on our celestial orb that our many celestial servants come when they obtain seeds and/or transplants. I will instruct them on any particular details of planting.
6. We desire that planting on the island be done per our detailed plans. I am even now instructing our celestial servants who will be planting where to plant what so the overall beauty and effect will be maximized. You are also being taught to oversee the planting process and the details of my planting program. This island will be very renowned for its splendor and beauty, above anywhere else on earth, and will be known as my garden, for it will be my designs and plans that will be followed!
7. On this garden island will be planted vegetation from every climate on the earth. There will not only be celestial plants in the temple square area around our celestial temple, but gardens of every sort and clime in various sections of our terrestrial lands between the rivers. The city will also be adorned with lovely flowers, bushes and growing plants of every kind, to please the eye and gladden the heart.
8. Raphael, over the next few days I will share my garden plans for our island to your unconscious mind. You will not know of these detailed plans in your conscious mind, for you have enough to occupy your mind in your fallen telestial world for now, along with other preparations you'll need to make.
9. I will increase your ability to absorb all of these instructions from us, your Gods, without becoming so tired in the flesh as you have recently been.
10. Stay here today with me and I will begin my instruction. Make this entry the last one in post 172, and call it "Coming to the New Jerusalem, Part 2."'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her time and great care to plan in such detail her island garden! I said I was eager to get started.
12. I then faded away consciously and started my new day on earth.