177. Peace Taken from the Earth


I hope each of you are bracing yourself for that which is to come. Heavenly Father told me that on 11-4-2020, peace was taken from the earth. This is in fulfillment of 
D&C 1:35-36.

This post has other information that you will be interested in preparing for the changes ahead. Please verify in prayer that what I speak rings true, and that you confirm all of this with your God.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, October 28, 2020

1. 1. Evening–Tonight I came to the forest pool by the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center. I know that my sister likes to come here too. I came because this is where I felt to come tonight. The pool edges seemed dark, but the center was light and glowing. I wondered how this was to be, and if my Heavenly Father was behind this light in the pool.

2. As I was pondering this, I heard his voice: 'Raphael, touch your hand to the edge of the pool.'

3. I did so and came immediately in front of my Father! I looked back over my shoulder and saw the edge of the pool above and behind me up in the air. I must have come into this location under the pool.

4. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have brought you into my highest celestial realm tonight. I gave to you the quiet prompting to come here at the edge of our forest pool. We may choose any place in which to bring you into our highest celestial realm, for we are in all things and through all things.

5. D&C 88:41

"He (God) comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all things are round about him; and he is above all things, and is round about all things; and all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever."

6. We are physically below the forest pool, inside the rock under the pool, which is part of the celestial orb. We may come into anything that is our creation in our galaxy, and there abide in our higher celestial orb. As the scripture states, we are "in all things", for we comprehend all things and all realms within our creations.

7. We know each kingdom or realm and know the laws, limitations, and capabilities of these kingdoms. With our superior knowledge, for we are "above all things", we may plan for the growth, progress and glory of our children. We love each of our children, and seek to bring them to their highest potential, according to their own choosing and desires.

8. We are now revealing some of the laws of the telestial, terrestrial and celestial kingdoms to you. We do so gradually, by demonstrating our truths even as I am doing before you tonight, inside of our celestial orb. We plan to reveal all things to our elect children, even as fast as they will be able to receive. This is why we have called you, Raphael, to show to you our great truths and revelations, so that you might write these and then share them in time with our faithful elect in the terrestrial kingdom. It will be in this realm of glory, and in the higher celestial glory, where they may be fully understood and received with joy. These revelations were never intended to be shared in your telestial mortal world except with a choice few.'

9. Heavenly Father then reached over to me and touched me on my shoulder with his hand. We were then instantly standing next to the forest pool, with the pyramid room behind us. 'Raphael, I may show you all things that I desire, and have you write my words. Then you will one day share your record with our faithful who will read and ponder your words with anticipation and joy, even as you are filled with my light as I share these with you. In time, the revelations that Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I give to you, and to others of our faithful servants, will create a very cohesive network of truth that will be so marvelous for all to understand. We have chosen to build upon our previous revelations gradually, line upon line, until you understand more and more, and even one day to a fullness. This process of revealing the fullness of the gospel will create in you and our faithful a great storehouse of knowledge and a cohesive understanding of all truth. We will not limit the breadth of knowledge to you and our other faithful sons and daughters, for all things will be revealed!'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great blessings to me, to reveal all things gradually, building knowledge upon knowledge. I thought of the scripture in D&C 42: 61-

"If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things–that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."

11. I then found myself writing in my front room, in my prayer. I felt peace and assurance in what had been revealed to me tonight.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, October 29, 2020

1. This morning I awoke refreshed and clear. I am grateful to be in the midst of my probationary experience in this telestial mortal world. I keep getting the impression I will soon be living in the terrestrial mortal world, and that things here won't be with me for long. Mentally I think I have about a year left before I fully transition, with my wife and son, to the terrestrial world. I have the faith and trust that all of this will come to pass as has been revealed to me in my unconscious mind through prayer.

2. When something breaks down, like our vacuum cleaner did this week, and we need a replacement, I think that I only need one for a year or so. With our recent greenhouse and chicken coop burn, I don't want to go to all the trouble of building it up like it was before, to last for years ahead, but to only replace what will get us by. My attachment to things is lessening too. I have seen this pattern in people who get ready to die, and move onto the world of the spirit dead. I am having this same "letting go" feeling more and more now too.

3. I see now that so much of the protection that my Heavenly Parents speak of for the elect is really transitioning them into a higher realm of glory, even into the terrestrial mortal world where the wicked cannot go. The wicked therefore have no power to harm or hurt the elect who have transitioned into this higher realm of glory.

4. I came this new day to the entry lobby area of God's Temple on the celestial orb. I came near a pine tree and a little stream of water in a channel by the tree. I drank of living water, and then knelt facing the center of the large room. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me, in answer to my prayer.

5. She then walked down the hall to my left into the lobby, and came to me! She was smiling upon me, and her eternity eyes seemed to sparkle. I felt great joy to be in her presence!

6. She spoke: 'Rapahel, my son, whenever our children come to know they are to soon transition into a different realm, like getting ready for death, we give them an awareness that their time in mortality is short. They then lose the desire to hold onto material things.

7. Likewise, we have given to you the knowledge that you will soon transition into a higher mortal realm, to be among the first ones of our elect children to do so. Your attachment to material things therefore is lessening even now. This is all true and will happen within a year's time.

8. We have a scheduled transition for the mortal world to change gradually from a telestial to a terrestrial state. This will begin fully in the New Jerusalem area, and spread forth upon the land of promise from the center of the land. We will allow the telestial to remain for a season, even while the terrestrial is being built up, in the same location. However, soon we will remove the telestial realm as the terrestrial realm becomes populated with our elect children. When that happens, the wicked who inhabit the telestial world will not be able to pass beyond the receding borders of their mortal telestial world.

9. You have prepared the earth for this transition with your blessing at Utah Lake during your energy class on 8-20-2016. (see your ppost 23B-E1 to post 23B-E6). This was over four years ago. The earth is now prepared to make the transition as she is directed to do so by you and our other faithful servants, even as we inspire and direct them to do so.

10. Raphael, great events and blessings await our faithful as they trust in us, their Gods, and follow my Holy Ghost that shall lead them along. In this way our people will be armed with righteousness, and have our power in great glory, even to come into the realms of Zion in the terrestrial world on earth. This is what Nephi saw and wrote about in his true record:

11. 1 Nephi 14: 13-14

"And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among the nations of the gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.

And it came to pass that I Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord (these are our elect who will eventually be all gathered and come to Zion), who were scattered upon all the face of the earth, and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory (even to becoming transitioned into a terrestrial mortal realm of the New Jerusalem and her surrounding communities of Zion, where the wicked cannot penetrate or come)." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifying words to me this morning! I felt excited and buoyed up with her spirit and her revelations today. I thanked her for coming to me in her temple.

13. She then turned and returned down the hallway from where she came. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, October 30, 2020

1. Today my wife and our two youngest children and I are going for an overnight trip to Arches National Park in southern Utah. We are planning to be back on Saturday evening. We haven't really traveled anywhere since last March, particularly overnight. We will sanitize the hotel rooms and keep our distances, wear masks, etc.

2. Last night I completed post 175 except for the video and files I normally send. I probably won't have time to send this out until Sunday or Monday.

3. I prayed late last night and communed with my Heavenly Mother. She heard my prayers and spoke peace to my soul.

4. This morning I am rushed again, for we are leaving soon. I know my Gods would want me to relax and enjoy my family. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother are always so considerate, and place high value on personal family relationships.

5. I see in my mind's eye both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother smiling upon me, wishing me to enjoy a wonderful getaway. They are at a distance, but yet will be by my side as I may request. I feel very happy in the relationship I have with them.

I closed my short prayer and meditation and began my new day.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, October 31, 2020

1. Evening–My family and I just returned from a very fun and safe getaway trip to Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, and Dead Horse Point State Park. It was just wonderful, and the weather was perfect!

2. I felt close to my Heavenly Parents during my trip, but I didn't write down a thing in my journal. We were constantly on the move, and enjoyed each other a lot.

3. Tonight I prayed late after my wife and I got things back in order from our two day trip. I came to the bench at the desert oasis, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came right away and appeared in front of me above the sand. I was kneeling before her.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are glad you had a very enjoyable trip with your wife and children. We are glad to resume more instruction with you tomorrow morning. Come here as your Heavenly Father plans to come and speak to you at that time.

5. He also gave S a witness about leaving all possessions behind when going to Zion, even as we both had revealed to you. We provide witnesses to testify of certain truths like we did for these truths, revealing them also to S. Include his email in your record for others to also read.'

6. I told her I would come here again in the morning and be ready to pray to my Father. I also said I would include S's email after tonight's entry.

7. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and then departed. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

8. I received this email from S while on my family getaway, the email was entitled "Giving Up Riches", dated 10-31-2020:


I read and pondered the portion of your entry about giving up riches to enter the New Jerusalem and how this is a principle followed as we leave the telestial realm to enter the terrestrial realm, or leave the terrestrial realm to enter the celestial.

I prayed to confirm these things and recorded what I received.


In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father called me to come to his side near the circling waters. I came and sat beside him on a bench as he watched the circling waters. I felt great joy and peace to be in his presence.

I shared with him that I read from Raphael's record about leaving behind and giving up all our possessions of the telestial world to enter the New Jerusalem terrestrial environment. I felt this was a true principle.

Heavenly Father responded, 'Your society, culture and world has been heavily influenced by Satan. Many inventions and advancements for good, Satan has used to corrupt the souls of mankind. He has done this since the days of Adam and Eve, but his power, control and dominion are greatest now among the hearts of the children of men. The elect include those who listen to our spirit and obey. The remainder of our children prefer to use their agency to follow Lucifer and his ways when given the choice. These children who follow Lucifer will seek riches and the things of the world until the end of this mortal estate. Our elect will give up riches, the honors of men, and the corruption of a fallen world for the blessing to enter Zion. You have felt many times that you would gladly walk away from all your possessions and journey to Zion. The only exception being your journals that will be a treasured record of your interaction with us your Heavenly Parents in prayer.

At this time Heavenly Father stood and took me by the hand. He said, 'Let us go see the future inhabitants in Zion.' We were next in the future walking the streets in the New Jerusalem but we were not seen. I saw men, women, and children clothed in simple, but elegant robes. There was a uniformity of dress that was pleasant. People were not elevated above each other with riches, honors of men, or any outward differences to separate themselves. I perceived the people wearing plain, simple sandals. I asked Heavenly Father about this because I have flat feet from birth that cause significant pain and discomfort if I walk barefoot or with sandals for any distance other than a few feet. I become almost crippled and unable to walk if I do not have good arch supports. Heavenly Father spoke, 'Raphael recorded a promise that his son's brain injury would steadily heal as he lives in the New Jerusalem and partakes of the living water and terrestrial foods. This same healing will impact all of our children in this setting. You will be able to walk in sandals without this pain you now experience.'

My heart was full and I knelt at his feet and placed my face near his feet. I expressed my joy and gladness to one day be able to live in this society. Heavenly Father directed me to stand, he faced me and placed both his hands upon my shoulders. He spoke, 'I bless you now to begin the transition in your heart to leave behind all the vestiges of your fallen telestial world and to embrace with your soul all that pertains to Zion and this higher terrestrial realm.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. He departed as I remained in the streets of Zion, watching the people and perceiving their great joy. I longed to be there.

I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Enjoy your camping trip with your family,


E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, November 1, 2020

1. I awoke to beautiful sunshine this morning. I love the clear skies and sunny days here in Utah!

2. I began meditating and praying. I came to the desert oasis and came to the water's edge to drink living water. I felt refreshed and ready to commune again with my Heavenly Father.

3. I returned to the bench and knelt in the sand, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came from the water, gradually appearing before me as he walked in the air a little elevated above the sand. Soon he was right in front of me, shining in his normal glory.

4. He then spoke: 'Raphael, S.A. wrote to you a few days ago about her experience confirming truth from her Heavenly Mother and me, by having the palms of her hands up and testing for truth. I would like you to share her comments about this experience in your journal for all to read.

5. Yesterday evening you were alternating your hands with the palms up. You could instantly feel the light of truth in your heart and mind when you asked or thought of previous things we had revealed to you. You could also ask about current questions and receive our guidance in this same way. We will give this same experience to any of our children who humbly and openly ask of us, and await for increased enlightenment when true, or a definite decrease of light when not true.

6. This simple method should not supplant deeper meditation and prayer, but is an easy and quicker way for our elect to confirm the great volumes of truth they may receive from your records or others that we are now pouring out upon the faithful.

7. Secondly, M.A. wrote to you also recently about the new aerosol virus, and wondered when it would become manifest. We had told her it would start appearing in 14 more days. You had written to her that you felt she was correct. You had quickly confirmed this by holding your palms up and asking me to confirm or deny this. I gave you at that time an increase of light coming through your entire body, and particularly enlightening your mind.

8. Raphael, what I had given M.A. three days ago in answer to her prayer is true. This newest virus will start manifesting itself among the population. This will come, even as the COVID-19 virus spreads quickly among the people. The members of your nation of all ages have become very careless, even though their elected leaders and health workers have increasingly warned them and given clear instructions. This new virus has and will also continue to spread in the same manner but be more lethal. The corona flame from your Heavenly Mother will protect our elect from a severe case. However, we wish our elect to continue to be cautious and use the guidelines of washing their hands frequently, keeping social distances, and wearing a mask when out among people or in crowds that come closer then six feet. You have done well, even on your recent trip to Arches National Park, by keeping these standards.

9. To determine whether the corona flame of your Heavenly Mother is active, turn one of your hands, palms down, with the back of the hand facing up. Then ask in your mind to "view" or perceive this flame. Your Heavenly Mother will then give you, and any of our elect who may do this, an impression or spiritual view of the height of this flame, coming out the backside of your hand. Yours is now about 8 to 10 inches in height, even as you have just confirmed.

10. Raphael, by these simple means of confirming truth with the palm up, or seeing the corona flame from the back of the hand, we will give simple confirmations and views to our elect children.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words to me. I said I had used these methods often in the past, and was very glad that others can also experience this. I thanked him for these simple gifts he and Heavenly Mother give the faithful.

12. Heavenly Father then faded away and was gone. I closed my prayers in the name of Jesus and started my Sabbath day.

13. Here is a portion of S.A.'s email on 10-29-2020:

"I also have been practicing having my palms up and testing for truth. It has been very neat to experience truth confirmed to me in this way. I have confirmed many things that I have received through prayer, and have wondered if they were really true for me, in regards to my future missions. These include being part of the 144,000, helping and welcoming new coming people into Zion, and serving in the New Jerusalem temple. I wondered if all of this was possible (for it seems like a lot), or even correct, but when I asked while holding my palms out I received a light and lifting feeling in my heart and mind."

14. Evening–I have thought more about what I received this morning concerning the new aerosol virus. I saw an airplane emitting an aerosol of this virus on 4/21/2020 (post 157E17). Then this was delayed by the power of God. I was told it would come out among the people as symptoms and deaths in those who contracted it (see post 165D4 to 165D7). What M.A. and I received was an indication that in about eleven days from today, on 11/12/2020, some people will start showing symptoms. Those who are the elect will have the corona flame from Heavenly Mother to combat it in their bodies. (R here later on 11/18/2020: When I was editing this entry, I looked back and saw that Utah's Governor Gary Herbert spoke on 11/12/2020 and said Utah was at the breaking point, and that we were at a critical moment in the state. He issued a mask mandate for two weeks until about Thanksgiving throughout the state in hopes to slow the spread of the virus. That same day Utah experienced nearly 5,000 positive coronavirus cases which was nearly double of what had occurred previously. There is a current 7-day running average of over 3,000 positive cases in Utah, which is causing the hospital ICU beds to be at near capacity. This same increase in the COVID-19 spread is occurring all over the United States and the world. I believe that this new virus will come on top of the COVID-19 problems we are experiencing in these winter months, and be thought to be part of that virus).

15. I have thought about this outbreak that we were both told would occur. How will these people be diagnosed, and will it erupt in a quick way among the people? I wondered all about these things.

16. Tonight I came to the edge of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I saw the water falling quickly over the edge and crashing into the pool below. I knelt and asked for Heavenly Mother to come.

17. Heavenly Mother came quickly in a beam of light from her temple to the southwest. She stood in the air above the falling water and immediately spoke:

'Raphael, you heard and wrote correctly what your Heavenly Father spoke this morning. Your Heavenly Father and I have held back the symptoms and lethal nature of this new virus until a few days from now. The infection, however, has been allowed to spread among the population and become widespread, even without any symptoms appearing. However, we will no longer protect the population from this deadly virus that started in Utah. The new virus will run its course among those who are not our elect.

18. This virus will cause great calamity among the people. It will at first be named a version of Covid-19, or a variant of this first virus. There will be no cure that the physicians and health practitioners may do to stop its deadly spread among the people. The only cure will be my corona fire that will burn up the virus before it takes hold in the bodies of my elect. In these cases, the height of my flame will intensify and grow in order to defeat the invading infection.'

19. I told her I appreciated her confirmation of this new virus among the people. I prayed for the protection of the elect in these treacherous times! I also confirmed with my palms up that I heard her correctly and wrote her words as she spoke them to me.

20. She spoke again: 'Raphael, you have written correctly my words and earlier today your Father's words. We will protect our own with my corona fire I shed forth upon the elect we have chosen.'

21. She then started returning back to her temple while still facing me. Then she was gone. I looked down the waterfall and thought of the lives of the people who may soon die from this new virus. I read again D&C 112:24-26, and was sobered by its message. I knew that this scripture would soon be fulfilled once the new virus and increased calamities come upon the land.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, November 2, 2020

1. Last Saturday my family and I looked down from an overlook to the green river at the very bottom of Dead Horse Point. We were some 2,000 feet above the river I believe, and it was very quiet and so vast. It reminded me of the Grand Canyon. While looking down, I noticed several small squirrels chirping and racing on the ledge of the cliff, very oblivious of the precipice below them. One false move and they would fall to their death, and yet they were racing around like there was no danger.

2. It seemed to me that the population now in the land are like these squirrels, with no idea what lies ahead. I can only say so much to my neighbors and family. Like my sister K, thinking about this makes me feel anxious and upset. I choose to think instead of Zion and the wonderful visions I've received of these people and their elevated state. I feel very sober and like there is impending danger ahead for many.

3. I came to the tree of life on the celestial orb this morning. I felt very enlightened. I then came to the desert oasis and drank living water from my cupped hands. As I did so, I looked up and saw my Heavenly Father on the water before me! He was smiling and extended his hand. I stood and he put his arm around my shoulder. He then started walking with me on the water of the oasis.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have been reading about many distressing things in the news recently. There is so much anxiousness and worry among the people, and so much division in their opinions. Your Heavenly Mother and I have shown you great things of the future which include calamity and severe tribulations that will come upon your land and upon the people. These things need to come so our Zion and the righteous elect may be further refined and transitioned into a world of peace and happiness.

5. You also do well to think of the lovely, peaceful things in your world, rather than dwell too much on the state of your country, the wicked, or the judgments coming upon the wicked. We wish you to continue to remain balanced and inwardly at peace. It is in this state of mind that you will be clear and settled to continue to receive our words and revelations.'

6. We had reached the other end of the oasis, and continued walking straight south into the desert. I felt greatly comforted to be guided by my Heavenly Father on our walk!

7. We soon were walking above the land in the sky. We then came to some misty clouds where Heavenly Father stopped. At this time my glorious Heavenly Mother appeared before us! Heavenly Father came to her side and they both faced me.

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I will continue to pour out upon you, and upon our faithful elect, my Holy Ghost. My Spirit will comfort you and settle your anxious feelings. Be of good cheer, for we will both be by your side, and will help you navigate through the difficult days ahead. Think on us, and we will be there instantly by your side.

9. Isaiah 30:19-21

"For the people (our elect) shall dwell in Zion at (the New) Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he (we) will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he (we) shall hear it, he (we) will answer thee.

And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother)

10. I then saw both of them smiling upon me. I felt their abundant light, accompanied by peace and tranquility, come upon me. I felt great comfort in their presence!

11. I then was immediately in my private room writing this experience. I read the rest of the verses in Isaiah chapter 30, and knew this was spoken by the prophet about our day. I really like the words in verse 15–"in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: (Isaiah 30:15). The entire chapter speaks of Egypt, our United States, and the times we live in.

12. I humbly closed my prayer today in the name of Jesus Christ, and started another day.

13. S's email entitled "Guided by light", 11-3-2020


Last night I prayed and received insights into our travels. I had not considered receiving guidance towards Zion in this way beforehand. Months ago I had pondered on the lands being disrupted from earthquakes, Nibiru etc. and thinking a regular map might be insufficient. I was directed to study in my morning scriptures today to look for similar accounts of this guidance. I am always amazed at how much the scriptures contain that shed new light on your own situation when you apply the scriptures to yourself.

Here is my prayer from last night and afterwards I share the scriptures I found and pondered this morning.

11/2/20 PM

In prayer, I came to the fountain of living water and it was nighttime. The moon was out and its reflection glowed upon the water's surface. Heavenly Mother appeared with a soft glow of light radiating from her being as she stood in the air above me. She spoke, ' You do not see into the hearts, rooms and houses of our children throughout your nation. There are many actions transpiring daily that would bring great pain to your heart and soul. We see all these evil works and the great destruction soon pending to be released upon your nation will cause the cries of the defenseless and pure children to cease before our ears. All that lack light will be cut off among the people. The light of Christ will dwell in the hearts and minds of those who eventually remain. There will be a literal light from Christ that will direct your path to Zion and lead the way. This will become more prominent as the faith and knowledge of your group grows as you travel. This light will be similar to what you read in Visions of Glory. Search the scriptures tomorrow in your study for similar occurrences recorded by our prophets.' To my mind's eye I then saw a light directly in front of us directing the way on our journey to Zion.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message and closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Ether 2: 5

"And it came to pass that the Lord commanded them that they should go forth into the wilderness, yea, into that quarter where there never had man been. And it came to pass that the Lord did go before them, and did talk with them as he stood in a cloud, and gave directions whither they should travel."

Exodus 13: 21 -22

"And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people."

I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter,

Your friend, S"

14. Evening–This was a beautiful pleasant day. I worked outside with my wife and son, putting our garden to bed. It feels so good to work outside and to be productive.

15. I thought to come again where I last was in the presence of my Heavenly Parents in the clouds above the desert oasis. I found myself before them, just as I left this morning! I knelt in front of them and prayed for some needy family members. I prayed specifically for each one of my children, and for their families. I prayed that God's will be done for each one, and that we all would be made strong to handle all of the upheavals coming in a near future day. I expressed my humility at being in their glorious presence, even on their celestial orb.

16. I then felt very open and receptive to whatever they might share with me. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have been with you in some difficult decisions today. You are blessed to have a loving companion with whom you consulted. We initially gave you the strong feeling to listen to your wife, which you did. As you came to a resolution this evening, you felt a surge of assurance that you acted correctly before us.

17. You may always have our counsel and guidance! We will let you struggle to find the correct answer, and then you will know that you reached our approval with the confirmation of our Spirit, coming to your heart and mind.

18. This is how we, as your Heavenly Parents, guide and direct you. We will not make your decisions for you, but will confirm your choice and proposed actions by a confirmation from our Holy Spirit.

19. You, as a mortal parent, may do that same sort of guidance with your own children, particularly those who are grown and launched into life. You should never make their decisions for them, but be a support and provide guidance as they may come to you and ask for help. Even suggesting that they do a certain thing may usurp their own agency. Ultimately, they need to choose how they will live their own life. Your responsibility for their wellbeing and happiness ends once they become an adult and fully make their own way in life.

20. Relationships with grown children become on a more equal basis once they leave your home and become independent. They still are commanded to honor their parents, and you continue to love and support them emotionally in their journey through life. Your main role then as a parent is to continue to love and accept them, regardless of their choices in life. You might think they should make other choices or actions, but these are fully their choices. You may support and accept, and be available if they ask for your counsel and advice. Judging or being critical of them never is justified. You may discuss their choices with your spouse in private, but that is where such open talk should end.

21. Remember, their choices and actions are fully their own, and do not reflect on you. As you continue to love and accept them they will be most open to fully make their own way in life, and also feel your support and be connected with you.That is how we wish them to be, to fulfill the measure of their mortal probationary life on earth.'

22. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, being a parent is hard, particularly knowing when to lessen the control in raising children and transitioning into their own independence. At this point, a wise parent will accept and love their adult child, and maintain the best relationship with them as possible. There is no obligation to financially support adult children, but you should emotionally support and love them once they are launched into life, for we view them as fully responsible for their own actions and choices. We want to see what they will do when on their own, with full agency to do as they desire. It is in this state that we, as their Heavenly Parents, determine if they are our elect or not. We view their entire premortal and mortal journey up to this point. We are so pleased when our older children who are their parents, release them into life, prepared by their own training at home to be good citizens in their community, and have taught them Christian values. Whether they accept these values taught in their youth is entirely up to them.

23. You may be assured that your wife and you have raised your children in this way, and that we are pleased. They now are making their own way in their mortal life. They all know you love and accept them how they are.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their very wise counsel tonight! I felt their love and acceptance of me. I felt their light flow freely into my being before them, kneeling in the air.

25. They both then smiled upon me and then turned and walked into the clouds behind them. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, November 3, 2020

1. Today promises to be another beautiful day in my area. I came to the fountain of living water next to God's temple on the celestial orb this morning. I drink of living water and knelt, facing the temple. My Heavenly Mother walked from around the temple and faced me! She was full of light and was smiling as she usually does. Her eyes were sparkling and full of light too.

2. She stood in front of me, a little elevated in the air.

She spoke: 'Raphael, S wrote you an email this morning. I appeared to him here yesterday and answered his questions in part by directing him to study the scriptures. He was concerned about his travel to Zion with his group during a time of great upheaval in the land. You read in his account that he saw light before him where he and his group were to travel. This light he saw was from us, his Heavenly Parents. We will lead our faithful, like S, who pray humbly to us, by showing them the way to travel by lighting the way before them. They will see literally a lightened path or direction. This was similar to how we guided the children of Israel through the desert on their way to the promised land.

3. We also led Lehi and his group by the Liahona. This was a tangible object that they saw and followed. The spindles pointed the way they should travel.

4. In these last days, we will guide the path to follow mostly by the light we show our children, in their mind's eye. Multiple people in a group may see this direction if they are humble, prayerful and open. This will be an individual view, for we want to individually guide our elect to Zion. We will gradually lead them by our revelations to prepare them to receive all that is required of them in this new realm in Zion. I will pour out upon our elect my Holy Ghost in great abundance. They will view the light to travel by my light from the Holy Ghost, even by my power. We will also guide them by our words coming into their ears and minds, even as Isaiah speaks of in Isaiah 30:21. We will greatly bless and guide our humble elct with our revelations as they seek us and come to Zion!'

5. Heavenly Mother reached out with her hand to me and touched my head. She then touched my eyes, and then my ears.

6. 'Raphael, I have touched your head, eyes and ears. What I have done to you I will also do to my elect, so that they too may feel, see and hear my voice and light, as they are guided in their future. We will walk with and guide our elect!'

7. She then turned and walked around the fountain of living water and was gone. I thanked her in my mind and started my new day.

8. Evening–This has been a relatively difficult day for me emotionally, and I am very glad to have some time to myself to feel quietness and peace. Tonight is a major US Presidential election. I read how this should be a record turnout, with so much controversy along party lines. We will see what happens next. I will continue to prepare quietly at home to do what I can to be spiritually connected with God and physically ready.

9. I came tonight in my meditations to the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden on the celestial orb. I knelt and my Heavenly Father came. His light shone into me constantly, and soothed my emotions. I shut my eyes and felt his light penetrate every part of my being. The light was accompanied by peace, tranquility, and assurance that all would be right and well. I soaked up my Father's light until I felt very calm and clear. I stayed in place for a least ten minutes. I felt so much better in my Father's presence!

10. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, whenever you are triggered by something, or become emotionally charged or upset like you did today, then come before your Mother or me in prayer. We will come and shine our Godly light upon you, settle your emotions and create peace in you.

11. The feelings you experience occasionally in life that get you upset or emotionally distraught are part of living in mortality and being human. We desire to help you in times of trouble, and will comfort and strengthen you.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his light that kept beaming into me and comforting me. I didn't feel at all anxious, but was instead filled more and more with peace.

13. I then thought of the scripture in D&C 1:35-36, where God states that "peace shall be taken from the earth":

D&C 1:35-36

"For I am no respecter of persons, and will that all men shall know that the day speedily cometh; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion

And also the Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst, and shall come down in judgment upon Idumea, or the world."

14. Father then spoke to me again:

'Raphael, tomorrow peace will be taken off the earth. This will fulfill the prophecy in D&C 1:35. You had difficulties today, not only with those whom you love that are close to you, but also in the premonition that there would be no more peace except among the faithful elect, among our Zion communities, or in the millennial day coming soon to the earth. Your Heavenly Mother and I will bring peace to our elect, even in times of unrest when there is no peace on the earth. We will give them peace as they humbly come to us in prayer, and allow us to fill them with our light, even as I have done for you tonight.'

15. I greatly thanked my Heavenly Father for the great calmness and peace I received tonight while being before him! I thanked him that he and Heavenly Mother would do this for any of the elect who seek God for comfort and peace.

16. Heavenly Father then reached out to me and lifted me to my feet. He tenderly embraced me, and said he loved me. I felt such love and assurance from him that all would be right in my life and for the righteous. I yearned for all who could to also receive this beautiful experience from the Gods.

17. He then stepped back and moved into his highest celestial realm. He was gone but left his peace and love with me in my heart and soul. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, November 4, 2020

1. I awoke and came to my private room to meditate and pray. The sunshine coming in the east window was very pleasing to my soul. I love the bright sunny days of fall!

2. I came this morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt to drink living water from my cupped hand. As I looked up, I saw my Heavenly Mother standing opposite me in the air! She was filling me with her light and was smiling!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have come to bear witness of what your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night that peace has now been taken off the earth. We have done this by drawing away, in a large measure, our Spirit from the wicked and those who have rejected us. We have repeatedly tried to reach them, but they would rather follow their own paths and not those we have given to them.

4. By withdrawing our Spirit today in a great measure, Satan will have power over his own dominion with increasing intensity and control. Men and women who are not inspired by us, their Heavenly Parents, or by Jesus Christ, their Great Mediator and Redeemer, will act more and more in ungodly and harsh ways.

5. On the other hand, our elect will continue to be taught in our celestial realms and their hearts will become more and more open to our truths. We will send our light upon them, comfort them and give them peace in their world of increasing turmoil that surrounds them. We will educate their feelings by giving them the peaceable things of our kingdom.

6. D&C 42:61

"And if thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things–that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal."

7. We will whisper to their hearts the way they should go. Our elect will hear our voice and keep our commandments.

8. We will lighten the path that is safe before them, even so that they may see the way to proceed in their life. Lucifer cannot give light, for he has none to give. However, even as you feel my light abundantly coming into you at this time from my being, even so will we illuminate our elect. We will not only shine a light spiritually before them, but we will send our feelings to guide them that will accompany this light. Our elect will feel more and more our holy presence, even while we withdraw our presence from the wicked more and more.

9. Jacob 5:65-67

"And as they (the branches that bear natural fruit, even the elect of God) grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit (these are the wicked, or the ungodly from whom we have withdrawn our Spirit and who love Satan more than God), according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof should be too strong for the graft (the natural good fruit, or the elect), and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of my vineyard.

For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; wherefore ye shall clear away the bad, according as the good shall grow, that the roots and top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground (the earth that will soon transition into a terrestrial sphere) of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard.

And the branches of the natural tree will I graft in again into the natural tree." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

10. You see that the removal of the wicked on the earth will be gradual, even as our elect awaken unto God and allow us to fully guide and bless them. In the end, the elect will be saved in the terrestrial world, even in Zion, while the wicked who remain in the telestial world on earth will systematically be removed until all are gone.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and for her abundant light and truth that continued to flow into me!

12. She asked me to stand, which I did. She then came across the stream and embraced me fully! I felt her abundant love that filled my being! She said she loved me, and that she and Father loved their elect. I knew that they would do all things for the wellbeing and growth of the elect, and lead them gradually to the light, even to be in Zion.

13. My Mother then gradually faded away, and stepped back across the stream. I saw her smile and sparkling eyes as she disappeared from my view.

14. I then knelt down again and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

15. Evening–Tonight I am tired after working most of the day outside. It was unseasonably warm and very sunny.

16. S.A. wrote me an email wherein she was told by Heavenly Father about those who journey from the south to the New Jerusalem. I felt her answer was correct, and that their burdens will be made light. They too will "see" the light from their Heavenly Parents to guide them. (See S.A.'s email at the end of my entry tonight).

17. I came tonight to the horizontal log in the meadow west of the switchback path. It was all so green with pretty flowers all around. I prayed to my Heavenly Father, seeking that he would come to me tonight.

18. Heavenly Father appeared at the top of the little hill and descended in the air to me. He spoke to me when he arrived in front of me: 'Raphael, I spoke to S.A. in answer to her question about the journey that our elect will make to Zion, the New Jerusalem. What she wrote was accurately recorded. We want all our faithful to be encouraged by the light they will see, in their mind's eye, for the path they are to follow to Zion. We will also uplift them and strengthen them physically, even that they may "bear their journeyings without murmurings" (see 1 Nephi 17:2). In this way we will "strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which (we have) commanded them;" (see 1 Nephi 17:3).'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for making the path and journey to the New Jerusalem entirely possible for those elect who feel inspired to walk there.

20. Email from S.A., 11-4-2020

"After typing up these journal entries, I was discussing them with my brother. We were wondering how those traveling to Zion from South America, the remnants of Jacob, would be able to make such a long trek. We are wondering how our group including young children will make it, and we have a much shorter distance than they do.

In prayer tonight, Heavenly Father told me those coming from the south will also have their (our Heavenly Parents) perceptible light guiding their journey, just as S and you were taught about in prayer. He said by this light they would be specifically led to food, water, and places of safety. He also said they would make their burdens light, and their journey wouldn't seem so long and arduous as it would otherwise be. Their journey will provide enough trials for their needed growth, but they would be greatly uplifted to make the long journey less tiresome and troubling for them.

I felt to share this with you, have a great night!


I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, November 5, 2020

1. I was interrupted last night in my evening prayer. I am now well rested and ready to meet a new day.

2. I came this morning to the domed room to pray. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, or both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I was yearning to hear their voice again, and to again come into their presence. I knelt in the center of the room, facing the door that had shut. Heavenly Mother then descended in front of me from the ceiling above. She was smiling and full of light. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I will bless you in the answer to the pleadings of your heart, particularly for your family. I will fill those in your family with peace and healing. I will help you in your efforts also to finish up your preparations before winter sets in.

3. Now that peace has been taken from the earth, we will counter the unrest in the souls of men and women in the world by pouring out additional blessings upon our elect. They will feel our increased blessings of peace and protection in their lives.

4. When these, our elect, pray to us, we will return blessings upon their heads and answer their prayers. We will hear them, even as our prophet Zenos wrote that is recorded in the Book of Mormon:

5. Alma 33: 4-11

"For he said: Thou art merciful, O God, for thou hast heard my prayer, even when I was in the wilderness; yea, thou wast merciful when I prayed concerning those who were mine enemies, and thou didst turn them to me.

Yea, O God, and thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto thee in my field; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou didst hear me.

And again, O God, when I did turn to my house thou didst hear me in my prayer.

And when I did turn unto my closet, O Lord, and prayed unto thee, thou didst hear me.

Yea, thou art merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear them.

Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my cries in the midst of thy congregations.

Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.

And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son."

6. We will respond to the prayers of our elect, even as is recorded by Zenos, the prophet of old.'

7. I thanked her to have come, and to have heard my own pleadings in behalf of my family. I thanked her for the revelations from her and Heavenly Father to know of the state of my country, and that things would start to degrade quickly in the world. I prayed to her for the faithful, that they would receive these great outpourings and blessings from God, even as she promised when they pray to God in the sincerity of their hearts. Heavenly Mother then gradually rose up through the ceiling of the domed room and was gone. I then started my new day on earth.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, November 6, 2020

1. Last night I didn't write down my prayer. I was praying to my Heavenly Mother and I wasn't sure where I was. She listened to my prayer and came to me. She comforted me and filled me with her light.

2. This morning I came to pray to my Heavenly Father. I came to the overlook next to the fallen oak tree and the Father's wheat field. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me, in answer to my prayer.

3. Heavenly Father appeared before me in the air! He was smiling and full of light. I asked him for blessings upon my family, that we would be strengthened and become comforted and blessed. I said that our son A. was having a very difficult time in becoming mentally and emotionally stable and well. I pled for his and Heavenly Mother's blessings of healing to come upon him and us as his caretakers.

4. Upon finishing my pleas before me Father, my Heavenly Father extended his hand and asked me to stand and walk with him. I stood and he put his arm around my shoulders. He then walked with me towards his wheat field. We came to the road on the north side of his field, and then he turned towards me.

5. He spoke these words to me: 'Raphael, daily living has been difficult recently for you, your wife and your son. These ups and downs in life are part of the telestial mortal world experiences. Your Heavenly Mother and I will not take away the difficulties in your lives, but will strengthen you in your mortal struggles and difficulties. All of our elect children will face tribulations in their lives, and will pass through hardships that come before them. In all of these difficulties we will be by your side and help you. All of these experiences will help you grow and gain needful understanding and maturity, even as came upon the prophet Joseph Smith:

6. D&C 121:7

"My Son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment."

7. D&C 122:7,9

"...Know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.

...fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."'

8. I felt supported and greatly loved by my Father. I felt his light come into me, accompanied by his compassion and love. I thanked him for being close to me, and helping us in our struggles.

9. Heavenly Father said he would stay by my side, next to his wheat field on the celestial orb, during my day on earth today. I thanked him again for his comfort and for his presence. I then closed my prayer and got started on my new day.

10. Evening–Tonight I came to the small outcropping above the circling waters. I felt so glad to be in a pure and protected world where the wicked and unjust cannot come. Only the celestial are allowed to come here. In my world on earth, it seems that we are in the beginning of the tribulations coming upon our land to usurp our freedoms. Evil and conspiring men and women, influenced by Satan and his followers in the dark work of spirits, all wrecking havoc. I believe they will soon erupt in great disturbance, anarchy, and war-like behavior across the land of America.

11. Even though I know these things are all coming, and a glorious Zion follows, it is still emotionally distressing to me! I have hope somehow that all the good, the lovely, and the beautiful will somehow endure in the telestial world we live in. However, it all needs to be replaced with a new beautiful terrestrial world. All that remains will need to transition or be destroyed by the fire of Jesus Christ, and the higher glory of the terrestrial realm that the telestial cannot endure.

12. Tonight I knelt on the knoll facing God's temple to the west. I asked for both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. While I waited, a bright light came in front of me, and the higher veil peeled away to reveal my loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were majestically standing before me in the air, very bright in their glory.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, in every eternity from the beginning of our time as a couple God, we reached a point like you on your own earth when the righteous were at the cusp of a new terrestrial earth. This transition from a telestial to a terrestrial state is always chaotic, with the Satan of that eternity gathering up all his forces, and cleverly tricking and deceiving the people, leading many to the depths of hell.

14. In these times, our righteous have taken encouragement from the increased revelations, of us pouring out greater light and Spirit among the elect, and us leading them carefully to safety. Your Father and I know how to lead our elect, how to comfort and bless the faithful, and how to prepare them for the glories that are soon coming on the earth.

15. Raphael, do not sorrow for what in your telestial world will soon be replaced with the millennial world. Think not on the old that must fall, but instead dwell on the new and the beauties of Zion. Don't lament for the greatness of your country, for that is now a thing of the past, and we have judged the people of your land, for the greater part have rejected us, their Gods.

16. Those in the telestial world will soon cry for your country when she is destroyed. Instead, "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets (these are referring to our righteous elect, and not the no longer apostles and prophets of the LDS church); for God hath avenged you on her." (Revelation 18:20; words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

17. Read the words of John the Beloved, when he saw the fall of Babylon, the mother of harlots and abominations. This is even what will happen shortly in your own country that will also fall:

18. Revelation 18: 2-9

"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird (this is what will soon happen among the wicked in your land).

For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning, and famine: and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'

19. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, there has been a certain amount of grieving you have experienced for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that we cut off. Now you will finish grieving for the loss of your own country, the United States of America. She has become corrupt and is now becoming the "habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

20. Once your grief is completed for your nation and the wicked inhabitants in your land, then turn your mind and heart fully to building up Zion, the pure in heart. The New Jerusalem and our Zion communities in the terrestrial realm will soon replace the wicked in this, the land of promise.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their uplifting messages to me. I knew that my country was on its way out, regardless of who wins the presidential election. I know that the decrees of God will be fulfilled.

22. I asked my Heavenly Parents to help me settle the saddened emotions in my heart, and to think of Zion and the glories coming upon this promised land. I said I loved them for coming to me in prayer tonight.

23. My prayer ended and I closed in the name of Jesus Christ.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, November 7, 2020

1. I awoke and came to my private room before my family awoke. I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf from its branches. I sat under its canopy and ate. I felt refreshed and clear. I then confirmed what I had received last night from my Heavenly Parents. I felt confirmed in my heart that the fall of Babylon would coincide with the fall of the United States of America. Sometimes these are spoken separately, like in Isaiah 13 (fall of Babylon) and Isaiah 19 (fall of Egypt, or the United States). Last night my Heavenly Parents referred to Revelation 18 as the fall of Babylon and the fall of the United States. They referred to this as one event, or series of events.

2. I now want to complete my grief and the loss of my country, and allow these feelings to be fulfilled and to depart. I know that grieving takes time. I will just allow things to progress in my heart I guess.

3. In my country, the elect are being gathered out and the wicked will soon be removed from the land. The beautiful landscape like the national parks will transition into the terrestrial world, and should be preserved. The large cities will become uninhabited but will be built up at least in part by the elect in a future day (see 3 Nephi 22:3) I know that the decrees of God will be fulfilled in this land.

4. Ether 2: 8-9

"And he had sworn in his wrath unto the brother of Jared, that whoso should possess the land of promise from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fullness of his wrath should come upon them.

...And the fullness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity."

5. I came this morning to the circling waters. I looked upon the water's movement, coming from the small river in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The water comes into a calm pool and circles before exiting. This flow of water coming into the calm pool reminds me of many people that have come into this land of promise, with new people coming all the time. There are many more elect coming to this land that will be born into a terrestrial world. These will be among those who will worship the true and only Gods of the land. The wicked will be replaced with the new.

6. I then got on my knees and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately appeared, smiling upon me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the wicked in your land have reached a point where they are ripened in iniquity. You can see this simply from the falsified reporting of the counting of ballots during the election in your land. There are very many who have hid and deceived the people. Although many of the people know they are deceived, they either want that system of corruption, or are so angry that they will take up arms against those who are deceivers. The wicked love Satan more than God, and are full of mischief, trickery and deceits. They seek to control and dominate one another, even to suppression, captivity and death.

7. We, your Gods, have judged this people, and have determined the time has come to remove your nation and the wicked from the face of the land. We will preserve the righteous elect, and protect them by our matchless power. We will have you establish the New Jerusalem and the start of Zion on a new terrestrial earth.'

8. I thanked my Father for his simple message this morning. I am so happy for his and Heavenly Mother's continual guidance in my life.

9. Heavenly Father said it was now time for him to depart, and for me to start my new day. I said I loved him and would always obey him and Heavenly Mother.

10. He then left and I concluded my prayer.

11. I have been thinking of the prophet Ether. He lived in the days of Coriantumr, the king over all the land. He was given great revelations from God on the New Jerusalem, the house of Israel, the seed of Joseph, the Jerusalem of old, and much more. He saw our day and I believe knew of the great turmoil coming to the earth in our day. His own day was filled with war, and he had to escape for years and live in the cavity of a rock. He was the author of records that Limhi and his people found.

12. I don't know why I have been thinking of Ether. I read Ether chapters 12 through 15 to refresh my mind on the history of this prophet and his people. All of his people were slain except for Coriantumr who was discovered and buried by the people of Zarahemla.

13. Evening-Tonight I came to my Heavenly Father at the east end of Lake Beautiful, where the little stream exits and flows down the hillside to the city of Enoch. I knelt in prayer on the shore in prayer.

14. Heavenly Father then came walking up to me with a man on his right side. They came before me and Heavenly Father asked me to stand.

15. I stood and listened to the words of my Father:

'Raphael, I have come to you this evening with the ancient Jaredite prophet named Ether. I have asked him to come meet you, and for you to meet him.'

16. I smiled upon Ether and he smiled back. He was a resurrected man with a celestial white resurrection robe. He had a beard and his eyes were particularly clear.

17. Heavenly Father continued:

'Raphael, I have asked Ether to minister to you during these early days of the tribulation and hardships in your land. You will both meet with him on earth and on this celestial orb, each in the celestial realms. He has much experience from his life in being diligent to our commandments, and for being extremely receptive to the Holy Ghost, or the great light of your Heavenly Mother. He is assigned as your guardian during the times of transition for you until you fully arrive with your wife and son at the New Jerusalem. His ministry will be in the celestial realms. You also have several of your ancestors who are guardian spirits, working as spirits in the terrestrial realms on the earth.

18. Once you come to the New Jerusalem in the fall of next year, I will also have Melchizedek, another of my ancient prophets, come to you. He will help you and be a counselor for you in the construction phase of the New Jerusalem.'

19. At this time Melchizedek appeared on the other side of my Father. I had met him before and talked briefly with him (see my post 119E18). We exchanged smiles between us too.

20. 'Raphael,' continued our Heavenly Father, 'I have asked these two noble and skilled prophets to come at different times to be your counselors, and to help you in anything you may ask of them. If there are others you may wish to have help you, then ask it of me or your Heavenly Mother.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father and these two special men for coming, and for him apprising me of the guidance they would give me in the days ahead.

My vision then closed and I ended my prayer.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, November 8, 2020

1. I prayed this morning about what I received and wrote last night when Ether and Melchizedek were brought to me. I felt that this was all true. I am very pleased to be counseled by seasoned prophets who want to help me navigate through life and help ensure I have access to their added wisdom. This will be a great blessing to me I am sure!

2. S wrote me an email this morning about solemn feasts and assemblies that will be instituted in the New Jerusalem. According to Heavenly Father, the purpose will be for "each one who participates to reflect on God in their lives, and come to us in their own personal way during these celebrations." (see S's email after this morning's entry).

3. I really like a few of the celebrations in our own country: Easter in March or April, Independence Day in July, Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December. I do not like how commercialized some of these and other holidays have become. I am sure the ones established in the New Jerusalem will not be this way, and will become very beloved by the people.

4. When the lost tribes of Israel arrive as a group to the New Jerusalem, they will feast and rest for a full week (see my post 173D5). I am sure that this will become one of these special religious feast days to be kept in remembrance each year.

5. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake next to the bench facing the lake. I walked to the water's edge and knelt to drink living water. Heavenly Mother then appeared to me there at the shore! I felt her intense light flow through me. I also felt great acceptance and love from her.

6. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, last night your Father introduced to you Ether and again Mechizedek, both who were our prophets of old. They will counsel and help guide you in the intense days ahead. Your Heavenly Father also shared with S that there would be solemn feasts and solemn assemblies. Most of these will be held yearly. We will reveal to you and others when those should be established.

7. In the millennial days ahead, each year there will be seven such times of feasting. These will include remembrances and celebrating the goodness of God in bringing the elect into the terrestrial world from the fallen telestial world, of the great protection and guidance we extended to each one, and of our new covenants we established for their progress towards exaltation. Some will be celebrated and organized in the Church of Christ, some among certain groups like the lost tribes of Israel, and some for the overall benefit of each of the inhabitants of Zion. All of these will help focus the minds of our children on their history and of the goodness and blessings of God.'

8. Heavenly Mother then reached forth her hand and I stood. She slipped her arm in mine, and we started walking on the path around the beautiful lake. I quickly lost connection with what she was saying to me. However, I believe she was describing each of the seven solemn feasts and assemblies that would become established in the millennium. I felt that what she told me would all come back to my mind, once my unconscious and conscious minds became one.

9. I closed my prayer and started my new Sabbath day.

10. Email from S on 11-8-2020 entitled "Solemn Feasts"


I read a recent post of yours that had a scriptural reference to Ezekiel 36: 38. The words "solemn feasts" caught my attention in the verse.

During my prayer that morning, I learned more about this topic.

Here is a portion of my journal from that day.

11-6-20 AM

...Heavenly Father then spoke, 'You read today in Ezekiel 36: 38 that spoke of solemn feasts in Jerusalem. Jesus directed Moses to celebrate certain days of feast to remember God's miracles and deliverance in their lives. They received specific guidance on what events to celebrate and how to do it. We did not reveal to Joseph Smith any specific holidays to observe or how to celebrate them. In the New Jerusalem there will be solemn feasts and solemn assemblies. We will teach our children what to celebrate and how to perform this according to our will. Each child may reflect on us in their lives and come to us in their own personal way during these celebrations. Your society's holiday celebrations have been heavily influenced by the world's view and not our view. You will find great joy and be blessed by the feasts and celebrations that bring our people closer to us their Heavenly Parents as they participate in them.'

I am excited to learn more about these "solemn feasts" that will be part of the celebrations and culture taught during the millennium.

Have a wonderful Sabbath day,


11. Evening–I enjoyed a nice sabbath day today. I am so grateful for a day of rest. I also was able to send out post 176 tonight. I wonder at times when the volume of revelation will slow down. I am very very pleased with what God reveals to me so much, but I wonder if there will be a time when the flow will slow down. Maybe when then the grid or the internet goes down?

12. I came tonight to pray at the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand and then returned to the bench. I knelt in the sand with my elbows on the bench. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.

13. My attention then focused on an area of the sand to my north. I felt my God or Gods would come from here. I then saw a figure walking to me from an area above the sand in the distance. I waited and watched.

14. Soon it became apparent my Heavenly Mother was coming to me! As she became closer, her brightness increased significantly. In a moment she stood directly in front of me above the sand.

15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I have abundant revelations to give you and will never slow down until Jesus Christ comes in his glory. Even when the electric power goes out, you will continue to receive our abundant words.

16. M.A. asked a question of you by email today. She wondered why the New Jerusalem temple would need to rise up in the air when the earth burns with fire. She reasoned that the burning will be a celestial burning, and that the temple and grounds would be able to endure such celestial fire and not burn.

17. We have created the temple to never die, but remain as it is into eternity. The basic structure is from the celestial orb, which is a resurrected orb. Therefore, the temple is also resurrected.

18. However, the earth will die, even the portion of the earth that is in the celestial temple grounds. All the earth will die and be resurrected to a celestial glory. The temple is already from celestial resurrected materials, having been quarried on the resurrected celestial orb. We want the temple to rise up in the sky above the earth while the earth dies and is resurrected to a celestial glory. After being resurrected, the temple will descend to its final resting spot on the celestial earth. It will no longer have the same temple grounds, for they will all have died with the earth. The new temple grounds will be a resurrected area, suitable for eternally housing the New Jerusalem temple throughout eternity. This temple will serve as a memorial for all those who have gone through it and received their eternal ordinances from the angels of God. It will no longer be used for ordinance work after the earth is resurrected and becomes the final resting place for our celestial temple.

19. All of our elect who prove faithful will have received admission into the Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church. They will all remain active members of this church throughout eternity as well. All other organizations on the earth will pass except this one celestial church. Our faithful couple gods will also hold a regular solemn celebration on the resurrected earth in memory of the path they made through the New Jerusalem temple on their way to their exaltation and eternal lives together. This celebration will coincide with the beginning of each eternity of these, our exalted couple gods.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her mind expanding revelation tonight! I asked if she and Heavenly Father celebrated with individuals from their own eternity that they came from with such a solemn celebration.

21. She responded: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I return to the resurrected earth of our first inheritance at the beginning of each eternity. Here we celebrate with our fellow exalted brother and sister couple gods in the area of our own celestial temple. We received our own ordinances in this temple during the terrestrial millennial stage of our own earth's temporal existence. We have so many fond memories of those times on our earth! We still maintain our own land and home of our first inheritance on our own earth that we were given by our own parent Gods.

22. Raphael, all of the gods across the universe begin their next eternities at the approximate same time. All gods return to their own earths to celebrate this solemn assembly and festivity, all at the same time. It is an amazing experience that happens throughout our first parent Gods' universe!'

23. My prayer then abruptly ended and I found myself writing all of this down in my personal journal. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

24. I received this email from S on 11-11-2020, entitled "One Eternal Round"


I read your recent account from this last Sunday evening about a solemn assembly at the end of each eternity prior to the beginning of the next eternity. I wanted to share my experience as I asked if this was true.

11/10/20 AM

This morning during my study, I read Raphael's entry from 2 days ago on Sunday evening. It discussed each couple God from this eternity returning at the end of each future eternity for a solemn assembly. This same pattern occurs for our Heavenly Parents with their brothers and sisters from their eternity, and so forth among all the couple Gods from our first parent Gods. I felt great joy as I read this entry.

It made me think of a large Thanksgiving on earth surrounded by family.

While I read this, I asked in my mind if this was true. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind immediately, 'This is true and accurate of what occurs throughout the universe at the ending of each eternity and prior to the beginning of the next eternity. This creates a wonderful union among all of the couple Gods from each eternity and serves as a link to our First Parent Gods who instituted the plan of salvation even from the beginning. It is also a memorial to our First Parent Gods for their great love and sacrifice in behalf of each one of us. This pattern of love and sacrifice continues through their posterity.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering this question.

After recording this message, I went to my closet to pray.

I called upon my Heavenly Parents and shared that I understand better why we have been taught to honor our parents, our ancestors and forbearers, and to do genealogy work. I felt this was an eternal pattern of reverence to those who gave us life. Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father were standing beside one another in front of their celestial temple. They were smiling and full of light. I rejoiced to be in their presence and knelt before them. Heavenly Mother spoke, 'You are correct. Our genealogy is one eternal round. Each parent God traced back from us your Heavenly Parents all the way to our First Parent Gods is in part responsible for your growth to one day become as us. You may then one day continue to love, guide, and bless other intelligences to reach this same potential. Thus this pattern of love and helping intelligences progress never ends and continues from all eternity to all eternity.'

I was humbled and grateful for my Heavenly Parents's great love and all the love of each parent God back to our first Parent Gods. My mortal heart burned with joy.

This scene closed to my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.



M. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, November 9, 2020

1. I came this morning to the celestial orb. I came to the grassy area just south of the white gate. The gate was shut but I knew Jesus was behind the gate. I had faith he would open the gate for me if I came up to it and desired to enter.

2. I knelt on the green grass and prayed to my Father in Heaven. I felt connected with him and was given the direction to seek entrance past the white gate from Jesus Christ.

3. I then stood and walked up to the gate. I touched it and then the gate opened. Jesus Christ stood by the gate and then invited me to enter. I stepped past the white gate and Jesus shut it behind me.

4. He then faced me and spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am glad that you have come to visit me here at the gate that leads to the straight and narrow path. Hear again the words of Jacob.

5. 2 Nephi 9:41-43

"O then, my beloved brethren, come unto the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that his paths are righteous. Behold, the way for man is narrow, but it lieth in a straight course before him, and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.

And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches--yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever--yea, that happiness which is prepared for the saints."

6. Raphael, these words of Jacob, the brother of Nephi, are true, for they were given by revelation to him directly from me. All of my faithful who are the elect of the Father and Mother, will need , at some point in their lives, to come to me and enter into this gate and the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life and exaltation. These are the ones who will be allowed to come into the higher terrestrial realm, even to Zion. The great mysteries and happiness that await them are hidden from those who refuse to come to me in the humble and sincere way I prescribe.

7. My labor among the humble elect in your world is my great redemptive work now on the earth. I prepare them and carefully lead them to the point that they will come unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. When they have been sufficiently diligent and sincere, I will come to them and make myself known to them. I am the only way to the Father and Mother, for I will redeem each one by my power, and introduce them again to their Heavenly Parents, in my own way and time.

8. John 14:6,23

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

...Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."'

9. Jesus then took my hand and led me to the start of the path that leads to the tree of life, that is narrow and straight.

10. He pointed the way to the tree of life and spoke again: 'Raphael, all men and women who are accepted and redeemed by me may walk this straight and narrow path, even to the tree of life. This tree represents eternal life and their glory forever, being redeemed by me and coming to our heavenly parents. Walk now again along this straight way to visit with our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who will pluck for you of the fruit of the tree of life.'

11. I thanked Jesus, my Redeemer, for his words of eternal truth, and parted his presence. I then walked along the path that only allowed one person at a time. As I walked, I kept my focus on the tree of life. As I got closer, I could see my Heavenly Parents under the beautiful canopy of that majestic tree. I soon came before them and knelt at their feet. I was filled with the light of their countenance!

12. Heavenly Father reached out and helped me to my feet. Then Heavenly Mother plucked a fruit of the tree and gave it to me. I ate all and was filled with light and great joy.

13. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, our son, we have walked you through the journey again this morning that each of our beloved children must needs take in order to be brought again into our presence, and to partake of eternal life with us. You are clean before us, having been redeemed and cleansed by the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are overjoyed to have you before us now in our kingdom!

14. Thus may each one of our children come unto us, by following this same path and journey to us. All will need to come through the white gate and walk the narrow path to the tree of life where we will be. This is our plan of salvation for each one of our faithful children, through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'

15. My Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have great plans in sharing our happiness and joy with our faithful elect. What you have done in your journey this morning in coming to us is what each one needs to do in their own journey. We individually customize the path along the narrow path, so that they will be strengthened along the way to us. It is through their tribulations and hardships in life that they grow and become the strong and valiant sons and daughters of our kingdom, even in Zion.

16. Raphael, conclude your current post 177 this morning with this journal entry. We are pleased in the way you have recorded our revelations and how K, S.A., S and M.A. are all helping you publish these posts on a regular basis. Your records will be cherished by our faithful in the days to come.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for bringing me here, under the canopy of their tree of life, where there was so much peace, love, acceptance and great joy in being with them. I felt very humbled and happy!

18. My vision then faded away, and I had the sensation of falling back to my mortal earth. I then came fully into my private room in my conscious mind, writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.