103. More Light and Revelations
Posted 12-8-2018

Hi my dear friends,

I have been so enlightened by all the many revelations I have received this last week, since the last post. Here is a list of these I quickly wrote down as I scanned over this post:

Please open up your hearts and minds to the great revelations our Gods will pour out upon the faithful, especially upon you their servants and handmaids! This is so overwhelmingly amazing to me, and so enlightening!!

Have a wonderful week!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 29, 2018, Wednesday

1. Evening–I enjoyed a good day relaxing with my wife and visiting daughter. We went shopping and enjoyed each other a lot.

I came to the little forest by the horizontal log just northwest of the circling waters. I knelt by the log, leaning upon it. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I felt prepared and receptive for my prayer. As I waited, I saw my Heavenly Mother appear to me near the trees to my right. She stood in the air 6-8 feet up in front of the tree. She stayed there rather than coming down to me near the ground.

She then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I want you to come next to me. I want to show you something.'

I arose from my knees and came in front of her. She smiled, reached out to my hand, and said 'Come with me, Raphael!' We immediately left and then it seemed were in a space above the earth.

Heavenly Mother turned to me:

2. 'Raphael, let us go down to visit my children on earth at this time.'

We then traveled to the earth, up in a beautiful mountain meadow. I immediately thought of the novel I had read once named "H.B.". There were mountain flowers, sunshine everywhere, mountain goats and sheep grazing nearby. I wondered why we had come here.

Heavenly Mother spoke:

3. 'Raphael, this beautiful mountain scene is on your earth now. It is so beautiful and clean! These flowers and grasses are fed by rich topsoil, which has accumulated over centuries, and are all now melting glacial waters rich in minerals. These animals eat the grasses and flowers, concentrating the nutrients from these plants into their system. The local villages milk these goats and make milk, butter and cheese, also rich in nutrition. These villagers hardly ever have any health issues, for they are robust and strong!'

4. Heavenly Mother then took my hand again. We were in a grocery aisle in one of the modern grocery stores in my community. I recognized this place quickly, for I had been there today shopping with my wife and daughter. We moved above the aisles without being seen. I saw rows and rows of packaged foods. There were multiple rows of cereals, candies, frozen treats and prepared meals intended for a quick breakfast, lunch or dinner. We saw the cheese aisle, with some packaged cheese spreads and lots of jams, jellies and crackers. We also saw packaged cheeses in the refrigerated area, next to pasteurized milk products.

Heavenly Mother then faced me, touched my eyes with her fingers and then spoke:

'Raphael, look now on the nutritional level of these prepared foods below us in this modern grocery store!'

5. I looked down and realized I could see the nutritional value of the foods in this store by how much light or vibrational energy came from them. I looked up and down the aisles and saw mostly no good vibrational foods that could adequately sustain men and women and their families! The only section that seemed vibrant at all was in the produce section with carrots, the organic vegetables, and some fruit. Virtually everything else seemed like filler foods that didn't really feed the human body.

6. I then thought of the mountain village cheese that I had seen in my mind moments earlier. I looked at these cheeses and raw milk from those mountain meadows in my mind. These foods were brilliantly shining and vibrating at a very high frequency, so far above any foods I had seen in my local grocery store.

7. As we left the store, I saw a new secondary local hospital in the construction stages across the street. I thought that our food supply had become so poor that the people were getting sick. They were weak and had low levels of vitality, even so that more hospitals were being built to treat their illnesses. I thought this was mostly due to our poor food supply.

Heavenly Mother then spoke again:

8. 'Raphael, you have seen correctly that your neighbors in your community are sickly with low vitality because of the poor food supply. We have designed the earth to be rich and abundant like the mountain valley you saw at first. We have designed the foods they commonly eat to be very nutritious, full of strength and vitality. There is not a need for hospitals or medical doctors, for their bodies hardly ever get sick and are strong.

9. All this great weakness in your community will change in our coming millennial day. The plants will be even more nutritious than what you saw in the mountain meadow village. Our people will grow up having hardly any disease. Their bodies and minds will be clear and active. This is how we have designed the entire millennial day!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful message tonight, shown to me by visiting two areas on the earth. I feel determined to eat the best foods I can find that are full of vitality and health. I want to be strong and clear in my mind. I yearn to have this robust state of health!

Heavenly Mother then took my hand and we were back in heaven by the horizontal log. She spoke:

10. 'Raphael, you will be privileged to see the great changes in the food supply from what it is like now in your community to one of very high vitality in the millennial day.'

I thanked her and said I was feeling very privileged to see this transition. I said I loved her and her glorious plan to provide for the health and well being of us, her children.

I then knew my prayer was ending. I told her goodbye and thanked her again for the precious gift of living on earth. I closed my prayer and started for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 30, 2018, Thursday

1. I prayed about the message I received last night and feel confirmed it is all true. I am somewhat saddened by the conspiring men who are in charge of our food supply, those that are more interested in their abundant money they receive than the health and well-being of the people. Many of those working with them are innocent, not seeing the overall picture. However, there are some who will do anything to make more money at the sacrifice of the health in our society.

2. D&C 89:4

"Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation–"

This current food problem was known about back in 1833 when the Word of Wisdom was revealed to Joseph Smith, the prophet. I can easily see the effects of these conspiring men with our current food supply!

3. I next wanted to pray to my Heavenly Parents. I came to the beautiful meadow of buttercups that I had visited several times before. I felt cheered up when I came here, for it was so lovely and uplifting to be here! I went to the center of this meadow of buttercups, knelt in the air above them so as not to crush their tender flowers and stems. I then prayed to both my Heavenly Parents, asking one or both to come to me. I then saw a bright light in the sky above me. Both of my Heavenly Parents came to me, descending to me in a column of bright light. They soon were both standing before me, holding hands. They wore gold-trimmed robes. They both were filled with light, which shone over all the meadow and distant trees. They both were smiling. I felt so honored to be again in their glorious presence!

Heavenly Father spoke to me, with his words that flowed into my mind, in my thoughts:

4. 'Raphael, you have seen correctly last night how compromised the food supply in your own local area is. You have been blessed in growing your own produce in your garden and greenhouse. You have not used chemical fertilizers or poisons, but have grown organic foods. This is the best food you have available to you and your family on earth. These foods and ones that you and your wife buy that are the most vital, will sustain you in your mortal life.

5. When you pray over your food, don't ask your Heavenly Mother or I to bless it, but do so by your own intention and faith. You may say words like this: "I bless this food before us to be as vital and strong as possible to give us nourishment and health." In your prayer on the food, you express thanksgiving to us, but use your own power we have given to you to bless your own food. This is akin to you blessing someone with your priesthood: you don't ask us to bless the person, but you bless them by virtue of the priesthood you hold and exercise.

6. Also, during your group prayers, be sincere and accurate in asking of us to do anything, always keeping in mind that you are petitioning and imploring us to do something. We will respond to your humble and sincere prayers.'

7. I gazed upon my Father. He stood in majesty next to my loving Heavenly Mother! They were both accepting of me, in my humble and open condition. I saw that they wanted me to act in as much authority and ability as I had become aware of. They wanted me to become more active in blessing and serving others, in my prayers and my actions, than I had previously done.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

8. 'Raphael, your whole community who pray to us, want us to do everything and themselves to be the recipients. We wish them to be proactive, becoming more capable in and of themselves, and by the blessings we have given to them. What they can do for themselves, by their own abilities and power, we wish them to do. This includes their prayers and petitions to us, their Gods.

9. You have a quote on your website from Brigham Young who speaks about the self reliance that our people should have. I like what he said:

Journal of Discourses 4:24

"You may go to some people here and ask what ails them. And the answer 'I don't know, but we have a dreadful distress in the stomach and in the back. We feel all out of order and wish you to lay hands on us.' 'Have you used any remedies?' 'No, we wish the elders to lay hands upon us. We have faith that we will be healed.' That is very inconsistent according to my faith. If we are sick and ask the Lord to heal, to do all for us that is necessary to be done, according to my understanding of the gospel of salvation, I might as well ask the Lord to ask my wheat and corn to grow without my plowing the ground and casting in the seeds. It appears consistent to me to apply every remedy that comes within the range of my knowledge and to ask my Father in heaven in the name of Christ to sanctify that application to the healing of my body...but it is my duty to do when I have it in my power to do."

10. Raphael, we have reserved the power to fully heal our people, to return them to their full vitality and bodily strength. This is why we ask you and our healing angels to be our conduits. We alone know the mortal plan of testing for each of our children, and will heal them accordingly.

11. We have blessed many of our healers who have come to earth to be able to help remove the cause of disease too. However, we who are your Gods still retain the ultimate power to fully heal their bodies.

12. We now wish to exercise our Godly powers of healing for your second daughter. Ask her now to come here, to this beautiful meadow of buttercups. Have her lay on her back in the air above these flowers. We will not at first be visible to her. Come behind her head and lay your hands on her head. We will then together give her our healing gift you have called "God's Loving Embrace".'

13. I then stood before them and asked my daughter to come. She came up the path behind me, saw me and came over to me. After an embrace, I instructed her to lie down, face up, above these beautiful buttercups. I said, if she was willing, that I would act as a conduit for God in administering a healing gift to her. She smiled and agreed, for she said she trusted in me and what I said. She laid down and I got behind her. I placed my hands on her head and invited God to come and do their amazing work of healing.

14. Both Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father then came behind me, with their outside hands placed on my shoulders. I then saw the golden ring of fire come on my daughter's forehead and slowly proceed down her body as I have described on my website. I saw her body was somehow changed after this golden ring of fire passed by. It took several minutes for the ring to exit her feet. As it did so, I saw dark energy come forth from both her feet and leave her body. Soon the fire was gone.

15. I then felt abundant light and love pour through me into my daughter so that she glowed in her body with this healing energy. When that was finished after a few minutes, I saw her seven chakras start to light up, starting at her crown chakra. Each chakra grew bright and then subsided in a heavenly pulse. As another one next started pulsing, the previous chakra continued to pulse with it. Soon all of my daughter's chakras were pulsing together, growing bright with each pulse. When all were pulsing together, they continued shining for a few more times of pulsing and then stopped altogether.

16. I then felt to remove my hands from my daughter's head. My Heavenly Parents also removed their hands from my shoulders. My daughter sat up and stood. She turned to me, thanking me for the healing session. Then our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to my left side and my daughter saw them both! She embraced first her Heavenly Mother, and then her Heavenly Father! There were lots of tears–such a tender moment! Then my daughter turned to me and hugged me again. I thanked her for coming. She said it was all so wonderful! She then immediately left. My Heavenly Parents were still standing before me.

Heavenly Father spoke:

17. 'Raphael, this completes the healing sessions for your beloved daughter. On earth she will not remember any of this healing work. Today she is scheduled to go to a specialist. Her overall health will gradually return, all according to our healing gifts to her. She will attribute much of her healing and return to health to the other health care practitioners she has visited that have helped her heal. However, the far greater healing has been through the administration of our healing through you acting as our conduit of healing.

18. Raphael, this procedure of healing for our children is how it should be, and how we desire. We want our healing angels to act in the background, outside of the view of our children in need of healing. We use our healing angels to augment the healing process that our needy children require. We are glad when our children, like your daughter, are diligent in seeking help to be healed. This shows us that they are doing all they can in trying to improve their own situation.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents before me! I said I so appreciated them healing my daughter over the past few days and today. I then closed my prayer and started a new day.

19. Tonight I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the little cliff on the south end, overlooking the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come or one to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came to me from the distant temple to the north, in a flash of light! She stood before me, enveloped with light that came from her being. She seemed happy since she was smiling broadly.

She spoke to me:

20. 'Raphael, grandparents can play a very influential part in the young lives of their growing grandchildren. Once these trusting and accepting relationships are established, by time spent together, they will generally remain and be an anchor in the grandchild's life. It is important to always be accepting and to be kind-hearted, spreading love and spending time together.

21. This is a favorite time of year in your culture where you live. Christmas memories can be very pleasant and happy. Even though there are concerns by some of the true foundations of some holidays, these holidays may be adapted for you to flow with your culture celebrations and be very positive. In all your celebrations, spread love and acceptance for all. Your children are so pleased when you shower love on their children.

22. Your children and grandchildren are eager for your recognition and support. You already have a number of concerts you plan to attend that your loved ones will be in. This involvement is important to them. You show your loyalty and love to them when you support them like this.

23. At all stages of life, healthy relationships are so needed in your world! Rather than do errands or work alone, see if there is a way to involve your family in your endeavors. Spending time in the garden with a child or grandchild, or working side by side with them in any way will pay back with rich dividends. Sometimes the work may be more quickly finished and done more effectively when you do it alone, but involving a young family relation will help them learn your ways and transfer your values. You will be all nourished in a growing relationship.

24. Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I have all the time in our world for you! We desire to involve you in our great work, laboring patiently with you in all we want to do with you. This is our intent for all of our children too. We want to spend time, one-on-one with each of our children. We almost never do anything alone without our children. We have sufficient time to labor with our children in helping their brothers and sisters, or in any of the other vital work we may do. This is the very purpose of us calling angels, servants, and even our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We extensively work with our children for the immortality and eternal lives of our other children. When we have our children with us, they too are drawn closer to us as we labor together in a growing relationship of love and trust.

25. Our lives as your Heavenly Parents are extensions of the relationship we created in our own family when we lived in mortality. We have just kept doing what we learned on our own earth, only now we do this in eternity. This is the pattern for all the Gods. It can be learned even now by you while living on your own earth in your own family.'

26. I thanked my wise and loving Heavenly Mother before me! I felt such love for her for taking time with me so often in developing a tender relationship with me, her very son. She smiled and said she needed to depart. She reached out, smiled, and squeezed my hand and then returned in a flash, back to her temple home. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 30, 2018, Friday

1. This morning I felt to come to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. It is so interesting that I feel to go to different locations at different times when I seek to meet them and be with them. I have thought too that prayer is really my effort in being connected with my Gods and developing a stronger relationship with my Heavenly Parents. I have a daughter and a son who live in their own houses and who make an effort to come visit with my wife and I each week. This regular pattern is one I look forward to each Wednesday. I have become much closer to them because of our regular visits.

2. This is akin to connective prayers. We become much closer to our Heavenly Parents when we seek their presence frequently. They are also able to impart to us their values and revelations. We gradually develop a deep love and desire to be with them more and more. This is how I feel. I look forward to being again with one or both of my Heavenly Parents this morning. It is such a real experience nowadays too. Their presence feeds my being and is shaping me greatly. My eyes are being opened and I yearn to be more and more like them. I seek their counsel and direction.

3. I came to the east side of the glass table and knelt on the path in front of the table facing it. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come to me. My Heavenly Father came walking to me on the same path I was kneeling on, from my right side. He seemed happy to come to me, for he was smiling. He extended his hand and I arose and took it. He asked that we walk around Heavenly Mother's lower garden together.

4. I then remembered the scripture in Moses 6:39, speaking about Enoch the ancient prophet:

"And it came to pass when they heard him, no man laid hands on him, for fear came on all them that heard him; for he walked with God."

I, too, was having a similar experience this morning!

Heavenly Father then spoke to me as we walked:

5. 'Raphael, our greatest desire is to establish a close relationship with you. We are so pleased that you make time for us in your busy days on earth. Because you do, we are able to become close to you, our son.'

6. As we walked, we passed beautiful flowerbeds, all planted and designed by my Heavenly Mother. We paused and smelled the flowers, remarked how beautiful they were and which ones were our favorites. As we were doing this, my Heavenly Mother came walking down the path! She was so happy and radiant! She came first to my Father and they warmly embraced. She then turned to me and pulled me close in a warm embrace too! She kissed me on my right cheek and we hugged. She then put her arm around my shoulders, took my Father's right hand in hers and then we started walking together to more flowerbeds.

She spoke:

7. 'Raphael, I can think of nothing that brings me greater happiness than being here with your Father and you! Come look at this next flowerbed on our left- these beautiful flowers are my most recent favorites, although I am thrilled with all of my flowers!'

8. We came together to her favorite flowerbed. She bent over and smelled them, one at a time. I too bent over and smelled their heavenly fragrance. I was amazed at the tender smell of this, her amazing creation! I had never seen a flower like this ever. I asked if she had a name for it.

She responded:

9. 'No, Raphael, I haven't chosen a name yet. Would you like to give me a suggestion?'

I felt so honored that she had asked me to give her my opinion on her newly created flowers. I said I would think on this. The flowers were purple, lavender and yellow, with green stems and leaves.

She said more:

'Raphael, whatever you name it will be its name in heaven!'

Father then spoke:

10. 'Raphael, we yearn to be close to each one of our beloved children too. We extend to each one, in the ways we have always done. However, so very few hear or feel us near! This saddens us, so we seek other ways to reach them. One of the ways is to speak to you and walk with you in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens like we are doing today. You record all of this very personal experience you have and then we plan to bring forth these records so our children may read your account. We are hopeful they, also, will then quiet down their lives so that we may very personally walk and talk with them too. We will love and accept them as we have been doing with you. We will continue to share with them our heavens, our ways, and all things like we have been sharing with you.'

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, you have decided upon a name, haven't you, for my new flowers?'

I responded:

11. 'I love the name "Heaven's Breath" for the fragrance is so heavenly and I feel it represents all I feel when I am with you both in heaven! Breathing in the fragrance brings me so many heavenly memories!'

Heavenly Mother smiled, as did my Heavenly Father. She spoke again:

'Raphael, this is the perfect name! Thank you for helping me decide the new name of my flowers'

12. At this time, she and I bent over these beautiful flowers again and breathed in the fragrance of her Heaven's Breath flowers. As we did so, a flood of memories came to me from my pre-mortal life! I was here, in her lower gardens, with both my Heavenly Parents like I was today in my prayer. I was also with my chosen wife in mortality, my wife D. She was a pre-mortal spirit too, so beautiful and lovely. I asked Heavenly Mother if I might take one of these flowers and pluck it for my future wife. Heavenly Mother nodded. I plucked a beautiful flower of Heaven's Breath and placed it over her right ear, in her hair. My companion smiled and we embraced.

13. I then came back to my prayer with my Heavenly Parents. I said I was a real tender guy back then! I was touched by this memory so much that I asked my Heavenly Parents to help me now in my mortal life to be so sensitive to my wife and loved ones as I was back then when we lived in heaven.

Heavenly Father responded:

14. 'Raphael, you are gradually overcoming your weaknesses of the flesh, inherited from the long line of your ancestors and parents, which weaknesses we give to all our children. We will assist you as you seek to become the sensitive and loving man you really are and were in your pre-mortal life.'

I then thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were now in front of me standing by her flowerbed of Heaven's Breath. I felt so happy!

I then started falling back, a sensation I have sometimes when I leave the heavenly realm. I was then immediately back in my adjacent bedroom in our house writing all of this experience down. I feel such peace and love! I know this was a very real experience today for me in heaven. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

15. Evening–Tonight I came to pray at the desert oasis. I prayed as I was in my front room on earth, writing in my journal. In heaven, my replicated self was sitting on the bench looking out over the water. I came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I felt clear and ready to visit with my Heavenly Parents. As I turned from the oasis, I saw both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother sitting on the bench where I had just sat! They were smiling at me. I thought to come before them and kneel, showing my deep respect and reverence. I walked up to them and as I did they slid apart and my Father motioned with his hand for me to sit between them. I came and then sat between them. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both put their hands on my legs. I looked at each and felt very pleased to be with them.

Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, look out on the water in front of us!'

16. I looked and at first didn't see anything special. Then I saw a young man swimming across the oasis! I looked closer and saw it was me, when I was a pre-mortal spirit!

Heavenly Mother spoke:

17. 'Raphael, we had lots of room for young men and women, our children, to run, exercise, play, and learn in this world before they came to earth. In this scene you were training to swim fast, for you wanted to be in a race with some of your siblings in your spirit world.'

I asked here if there were similar activities and sporting events like we have in mortality.

18. 'Yes, we exposed all of our children to athletic activities that you all participated in. In the swim race you were asked not to use your ability to beam across the water, but to strictly use swim strokes to reach the finish line. It was all in fun! You also had races of all kinds, accuracy games like throwing a ball into a target area or a goal and various games you devised. For all of these you couldn't use your spiritual powers to enhance your winning the match. It was all done in fun and for recreation. You were told that on earth you would not have the capability to guide the ball to the target or use powers of your spirit to speed ahead. On earth you would rely solely on your strength, developed skills and coordination that take lots of practice to learn with proficiency.

19. Some of our children loved these sporting events whereas others were more studious, and still others more interested in developing relationships by sharing their feelings with trusted friends. In many ways, living in the pre-mortal realms was much like living in mortality.'

20. Heavenly Father stood and then Heavenly Mother and I stood. He said we would now go to their classroom areas in their temple on the southeastern side, opposite the chapel rooms. We suddenly were in the library area on the first floor of their temple. We saw many of their children studying books. Heavenly Mother said they were all free to gain knowledge about all sorts of things, reading and seeking the information from celestial books, which acted like a seer stone for them. They could look into the books and they would go as deep as one wanted in exploring a certain subject. This was a very fascinating way to learn. I could tell I loved to come here or take some of these books to my room so I could learn great things. I felt I had spent many hours in study! I then asked my Heavenly Parents about what we did most of each day and if there was ever a quiet time, like where we would sleep on earth.

Heavenly Father responded:

21. 'Raphael, most of our spirit children did the things that most interested them. We were very free with our children. Some planned expeditions to explore our lands on our celestial orb. Others were interested in organizing the people in cities and countries. Some were interested in music and the fine arts and held regular concerts. Some were interested in growing plants and others in working with animals. The interests of our children were so very diverse. We were happy as long as everyone got along well together.

22. There were a few squabbles, but usually all was peaceful and they got along well. There was a great division of our children when Lucifer rebelled, bringing many with him, who believed his ideas. However, before this time all of our children interacted so very well together.'

23. I received a clearer awareness of the extensive life and world we once lived in! It was nearly idyllic until Lucifer rebelled. After he and his hosts were cast out of heaven for rebellion, I saw that we all focused our attention on preparing for our entry into mortality. This was a clear shift once the family was divided.

My Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and I then came back to the bench next to the desert oasis. I found myself standing before them. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were facing me.

Heavenly Father put his hand on my shoulder and spoke:

24. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I wanted to show you tonight how extensive our pre-mortal world was for our spirit children. This was the first and only world everyone knew about. Only a handful knew at first about the future mortal life they would live, for we didn't bring it up until near the time we explained the need for a Savior, the great Redeemer.'

My Heavenly Parents then held hands and departed from me, going up into the sky above. I was left alone standing at the bench in the desert oasis. I thanked them in my mind for this great experience in prayer and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I then came to myself in my front room and went to bed with my wife.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 1, 2018, Saturday

1. I received an email yesterday from one of the recipients of my email posts. Here is what she asked in her email:

'I have a question. I was listening to an older post and it got me wondering. If mortal angels work in/on the celestial level, whom are we actually working with or helping? I was thinking maybe the elect at night when their spirits replicate and come to a celestial level? Do you have any insights to this?'

2. I came to the beautiful circling waters area this morning for my prayer. I pulled up my angel vestures a ways and walked into the water. It was cool and refreshing, yet didn't feel wet. I also drank some living water and felt clear and receptive. This had taken me a moment since I had just read the top news stories on my phone. I guess I had to first clear my mind of these stories before I was able to feel perceptive and ready to receive my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I feel so grateful for this time each day to commune with God.

As I was ready to get out of the water, I looked up and saw my Heavenly Mother on the south side of the mountain stream in front of me! I walked across the water and knelt in front of her on the ground.

She spoke:

3. 'Raphael, there are so many stories in the news. Some of them come with an agenda to sway the public to a particular viewpoint and are not fully truthful. No one has our perspective on what will happen in your world.

4. Our holy angels work in the celestial realms on the earth and in our celestial orb in heaven where we live. They are able to freely travel back and forth in their replicated angel state. For those who are mortal angels, they live normal lives on earth and fully experience a mortal probation. They are usually now also replicated, working in the celestial realms. While there, they are able to commune with us who also live and work in these celestial realms. We interface with them and they work with other angels, all doing the work we ask of them. This is all done in their unconscious state that has great power and capability, even as we have blessed them.

5. These angels primarily work with the elect who are living on earth, either in their mortal state or in the world of the spirits, which surrounds the earth. This activity is fully hidden from the mortals, but is usually seen by those in the spirit world. However, since the angels work in the celestial realms, and because the spirit world is in both the celestial and terrestrial states (the latter being in the paradise of God), our angels may also choose to do their work hidden from the view of those spirits. This capability is only available for all the higher states: the celestial may do their works in secret from the telestial and terrestrial, and the terrestrial may also hide their actions while laboring in the telestial if they wish. Many times we will request those who labor in the world of the spirits to keep hidden from the view of those they may be serving. This is all done with the intent to serve and bless, to heal those in need, to protect, to inspire, and to influence in positive ways, and to bring those they serve to a better state.

6. We too, the Heavenly Parents of all, visit frequently with those in their mortal state or in the world of the spirits on the earth. We usually keep ourselves hidden from the view of others, for our own purposes. We, who are Gods, may also hide ourselves at will from any of our children, including you and those with you who work in our celestial realms. We see all that happens, and are very involved in the personal lives of our many children. We never feel overwhelmed by all of this, for we have the large capacity to replicate and be connected with all of our activities whatever they are.

7. We have other righteous servants who also labor for us, some in the terrestrial states on the earth and some in the celestial states of the earth and/ or in heaven. They usually have specific missions that we assign them. They too are replicated to the level we desire so they may fulfill their work. There is a large amount of activity in these spiritual realms on the earth and in our celestial heaven area. This will increase until the glorious return of Jesus Christ to the earth.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words, in answering our questions. I felt very connected to her while receiving her responses. She then smiled and vanished. I knew she was still near. I said I loved her. I then started my new day on earth.

8. Evening–my wife and I returned from square dancing in Springville, Utah. It was very fun but I got way tired at the end. It is 10:00 p.m. and I am now in my front room writing and praying. It has been a good day with light snow on and off.

In heaven, I arrived at the maple tree grove for my evening prayer. I felt prepared to pray, in a meditative and receptive state. I knelt facing the Great Assembly Hall to my southwest. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

9. I then heard a voice from the hall; it was soft but sure. The voice was in my thoughts and I knew it was my Heavenly Parents, both calling me to come to the eastern facing doors next to the lake. As I came to the assembly hall door, I remembered that M.A. had written me about the meeting she attended here this morning. I wondered if this was that same meeting? I opened the door and saw the assembly hall filled with many people. I saw my Heavenly Parents in the far corner of the room like I often see them during such meetings. I heard the voice of my Father again in my mind to come to the stand. I immediately beamed myself in front of him and Heavenly Mother who were both in the top upper corner to my left, near the podium (southwest corner). I came before them both on bended knee.

Heavenly Father spoke to me:

10. 'Raphael, M.A. is right that there is a meeting today for instruction of the angels, Enoch's people, and the 144,000. These are all assembled in the Great Assembly Hall. We will remain unseen in this location while you conduct the meeting. M.A. saw that we assembled this meeting and that you conducted it. We have assembled on the stand all the male archangels, six of the female archangels, Enoch, John the Beloved and the Johnsons who are assigned to lead the 144,000. This is a very large assembly of the angles, the people of Enoch and the 144,000. Will you now go and start this meeting? It is time now to begin, for everyone is assembled.'

11. I told my Heavenly Father I would be honored to conduct this meeting. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother guide me in what I was to do and say. He said they would inspire me. I then descended from the above corner to the podium so that all could see me. They hadn't seen me up to this point. The vast congregation grew silent, looking upon me.

I spoke:

12. 'My beloved brothers and sisters, my name is Raphael, the archangel. I have been asked by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to conduct our meeting today. You each have been assembled here for more instruction on how to gather the elect. In this meeting we will all learn a little bit more of the plan of our Heavenly Parents to gather the elect of God, those who are living on the earth and in the spirit world.

13. We will open with a familiar hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers". This is found in the current hymnbooks of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on page 246. We will have those assigned to lead us and to direct the heavenly orchestra to accompany our singing. After this, I have asked Noah, or Gabriel, the second archangel of God, to offer our invocation.'

A beautiful young angel came forth and led us all in singing all four verses of Onward Christian Soldiers, accompanied by a heavenly orchestra. Afterward, Gabriel offered the opening prayer.

I then stood and announced the remainder of the meeting:

14. 'Thank you all for adding your voices to this rousing hymn. We have just fulfilled the last verse where it states "men and angels sing". The cross of Jesus that we bear is our actions in fulfilling all that our Gods ask us to do in these great last days. After I address you briefly, we will hear from Brother Johnson who is a joint leader of the 144,000 with his wife. They are living in mortality now. After he speaks to us, we will hear from Enoch, the ancient prophet. He has all of his people gathered with us today, all who are translated to a celestial level of translation.

15. The concluding speaker will be John the Beloved. He will speak to us of his mission to gather Israel and how we may participate in fulfilling his great mission. When he is finished, we will be privileged to receive the visit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! His visit will conclude our meeting I believe. We will go to that point and see how this all develops under his direction.'

16. I paused and looked up at my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the corner. They were both smiling. Heavenly Father filled me with his words in my thoughts. I turned again to the congregation and spoke his words to those assembled:

17. 'It is now my privilege to speak to you briefly. I speak under the direction of our Heavenly Father who is giving me his words. He and our beloved Heavenly Mother are in the corner to my back right side, in the ceiling area. His words are flowing into my thoughts as I speak to you.

18. It is such a privilege to serve our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, the three Gods we worship! Their words will flow into your mind clearly as you seek to hear their words and immediately act on any actions they may ask of you. They all are so very involved in this great work of gathering our brothers and sisters in a fallen world. They are orchestrating all of our actions so that they use our great force of servants to do all they wish to happen. They trust and accept each of us so fully. Oh, how they love us!

19. As we act under their inspiration and authority, doing our little part, they advance their plan in saving the elect of God. Most of us will work one on one with a particular elect person, one of their beloved children who hears the voice of God and keeps their commandments, or will soon keep their commandments. We may receive assignments to heal, bless and protect the elect or to influence in hidden ways, or maybe to even be seen by them next to them in mortality or in the spirit world, and to help them along.

20. We all have power to vanquish Lucifer and his evil hosts. If you feel you need help, call upon me and I will vanquish Satan from your midst and from the elect you are seeking to help. I have been commissioned of God to vanquish the evil ones who overstep their bounds. I will hear your requests made to your Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother and will immediately come.

21. In addition, all of you in mortality have received the shields of the Father. This will protect you from Lucifer's influence on your immediate person. These may or may not yet be given to everyone of the elect. They will be given according to the due time of God, according to the will of our Heavenly Parents. The angels of God may administer these shields to the elect according to the directions we receive of God.

22. Finally, I want to convey how much your Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ love you! They accept you as you are, complete with your weaknesses and foibles you might have. As you act in openness and humility, you will be able to receive the power of God in fulfilling each assignment you are given. God bless you, my wonderful servants!'

23. I then sat down in a chair on the stand. At this time, Brother Phillip Johnson (not his real name) came to the stand. He spoke about the manner that each of us would receive the power of God in fulfilling each assignment we would be given, through the Spirit of God in our heart and mind. He emphasized how important it was to act in faith on the very gentle and soft impressions we receive. He bore a very strong testimony of the work of the Father and Mother. He encouraged all of us to act in complete obedience.

24. Next Enoch, the ancient prophet, spoke. He said that the great work of assisting and blessing the elect of God has never been so demanding as today. He spoke of replication and the need to work tirelessly for this little season prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. He said that now the Refugees of Lucifer were governing themselves, with their own righteous leaders. They were assisting them, the people of Enoch, in administering to the elect of God.

25. Enoch spoke of the current tactics of Lucifer. He said any of us who were God's servants, could act in faith under the inspiration of God and be one step ahead of the trickeries of the adversary. He said each of us would be pushed to act in more holiness, in more strength and in more steadiness in fulfilling our assignments. Enoch also bore a very dynamic testimony. It was very moving!

26. Finally, John the Beloved came to the podium. He wore his red angled sash and held his silver rod. He spoke of many new twists in the battle with Satan and his hosts. He said his mission was to thrash the nations and to act with great power in their destruction. John also spoke extensively on the gathering of the elect. He said we were all committed to serve our God and our fellow elect. Each one was so very important! The battle would be won in the secret chambers of their hearts with Satan and his hosts on one side, and the servants of God and God themselves on the other side. The intensity of the battle would be difficult, but we would be strengthened greatly by our God in all our labors.

27. John then said it was time now for his Beloved father in the flesh, even Jesus Christ, to come. He asked that we bend the knee in honor of our great Redeemer who would now appear!

The entire congregation knelt where they were. Jesus Christ then descended in a brilliant light, coming through the ceiling and gradually descending to the side of the podium! When he stood before the rostrum he smiled and looked around.

He spoke:

'My beloved servants: arise and sit down in your chairs.'

We all then sat in our chairs.

He continued:

28. 'I am Jesus Christ, the Firstborn of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I have completed the work of redemption for each of you, for you are now again in my presence and are again here in heaven. You each have the promise of eternal life! You each are redeemed by my blood, which was shed. However, there are many more who believe in me who are still in the grasp of sin, who are subject to Satan and whom I have also redeemed. However, they have not been gathered, as have you. Your great mission is to help them awaken to God, to repent, and to be gathered home. My great work of gathering the elect will be done one at a time. My sheep hear my voice and will follow me. I will use each of you in this great work of gathering! Thus have the Father and Mother commanded me, to gather Israel, the elect of God!'

29. Jesus then paused as he looked over the vast congregation of his servants. He then spoke peace to each of our souls, individually addressing us and giving a personal message to the heart and mind of all who were present! I believe we each saw ourselves as he saw us, serving and laboring for the souls of the men and women who were the elect of God, in a visionary experience. We saw our labors up to his glorious return when all of us and the elect on the earth and in the world of spirits, and also all the pre-mortal spirits would come with him in the clouds of heaven above the earth.

At the end of our visions, which only a God could give us, Jesus spoke:

'Behold, our Father and our Mother!'

30. At that time, he looked up to the corner of the Great Assembly Hall to his right back side. A brilliant light appeared and we all saw together our beloved Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descend to the stand, next to their Beloved Son!

We all again bent the knee before our loving Heavenly Parents who were standing above the podium in the air, facing the congregation. Jesus came before them, standing.

He spoke:

31. 'My Father and my Mother, here are all our servants who are commissioned to gather your elect children, so we may all be one. I have redeemed all of these servants, thy choice children, who keep thy commandments and are filled with love for their fellowman. We have each done all that you have commanded us up to this time.'

Heavenly Father then responded:

'You have done well, our Son!'

The Father then turned and spoke:

32. 'Our beloved children, your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased with your efforts to hear our words as we speak to you. We love each of you so very much! We will send to you our love and light to fill you as you labor tirelessly for your other brothers and sisters who will also hear us and keep our commandments.'

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

33. 'Our dear children, listen carefully to our directions as we inspire you. Humbly and quickly follow our gentle words and we will bless you with our power and Spirit. Our elect children will then recognize that we, their Heavenly Parents, have sent you to gather them home again. You will have the great honor to witness their awakening to God! Bring them to their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who will complete their redemption and then gather them back to us. In our own time and way we will individually come to them as we are now before you, in our very persons!'

34. At that time, our Heavenly Parents increased in brilliance and love flowing from them. Each of us attending was filled with their light and their love, which came from their very presence. The intensity was great and we were all so filled with their great perspective, that deep love they had for each of their children.

35. At this time I came back into my mortal conscious mind. My great vision of this meeting in the Great Assembly Hall had ended. I felt deep peace and love for my fellowman. I was no longer tired, but energized by God! My wife then said she was going to bed. I closed my journal and said I was coming too. This concluded my prayer. I have written most of this as it happened and the last part in the morning.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 2, 2018, Sunday

1. I have reread the amazing account of the meeting in the Great Assembly Hall last night. I am impressed with all that happened. It is now time for me to go out with my family, for I have spent much of my prayer time finishing writing that important account from last night.

I feel the peace of God now. I feel I have already communed with them while finishing up my journal entry from last night. I will now go out and start my new day.

At church–
It is a fast and testimony meeting in this ward today. I am planning on partaking of the sacrament and then going back home before the testimonies are given. I am sitting in the back of the chapel now, trying to connect to my Heavenly Parents.

2. I came to the Great Assembly Hall again and am outside the east doors that face the lake. There are many of the servants of God who were attending the meeting. I apparently have been mingling with the people after the meeting last night. We have been here for several hours of my earth time. I was curious about how time works in heaven. M.A. had seen this meeting on Saturday morning, I had been there on Saturday night, and I am here again this morning, just a short time after the general meeting. This is hard for me to understand with my mortal perspective on time.

3. Just now in the ward I am in we are singing the opening hymn page 202 "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful". I love singing these traditional Christmas hymn! Jesus is called in this hymn "Born the king of angels". Also, it refers to choirs of angels in the second verse–"Sing, choirs of angels". I had participated in the great meeting last night in singing with the great choir of angels and other servants! It was so remarkable to me.

4. The sacrament song has just ended. I found myself at the east doors of the Great Assembly Hall facing Lake Beautiful. The crowds had all dispersed. I then saw the doors open and Jesus Christ came in front of me. I looked into his very deep and compassionate eternity eyes, so warm and accepting of me!

The priest then offered the blessing of the bread in the ward I was in. I partook and looked upon Jesus again. I then looked to his right, into the air, and spoke to my Heavenly Parents who were unseen:

5. 'Oh my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember you both and to keep your commandments.'

I then heard the voice of God the Father in my mind, although I did not see him:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today and will send our Spirit to always be with you.'

I then looked at Jesus and he smiled at me and spoke:

'Raphael, write now my words.'

Jesus continued

6. 'Raphael, our Heavenly Parents and I are very pleased with the assembly meeting you conducted yesterday. This has been a very important meeting for those servants who attended. We will imbue these servants with our Spirit as they come unto us in humility and determination to serve us to the end. Our Spirit will be abundantly poured out upon them like has never happened before. This will be surprising to all.

7. All of our efforts in influencing our elect will be prepared ahead by you, our servants. Many of our great works will be through you. You will be the ones through whom our light and love that we shed forth upon the elect on the earth will come. Great will be your blessings too!

8. You wondered about time in heaven. We do not measure time or sequence of events as are measured on earth. Time is more fluid and can be viewed in the past, present or future, by different people at the same time. Do not worry when you see or participate in various activities like the meeting yesterday, for they are all true, even as you see them. M.A. saw the same meeting, as did you. You were also there moments ago according to earth time. However, in heaven these events all occurred smoothly without interruption. We love you, Raphael! You are fulfilling all we are asking of you to do.'

I thanked Jesus who stood before me. He drew me close and embraced me! I felt his deep love for me! I felt determined to continue to do all I can to further the work of God, as I am able.

9. At night–It is late again and I still haven't prayed tonight. I just sent out post 102 however. I do feel glad for this. We have enjoyed a calm evening together. We watched the movie "Luther", all about Martin Luther (2003 release date, we skipped a few scenes of the great leveling in Germany during his life). I was very inspired by his clear thinking and bravery. It was well portrayed in the movie I think.

10. Tonight I came to the desert oasis to pray. I came to the water's edge and drank some clarifying living water. I was feeling clear and ready to meet my Gods. I knelt by the water facing the oasis and asked for my Gods, or one, to come to me tonight. I waited and watched. From my right I heard someone audibly calling my name. I stood and saw my Father at the winding serpentine creek not far away. I immediately started running towards him and soon I was traveling much faster than I could run! I got to Heavenly Father in a few seconds it seemed.

He was on the east side of the stream, on the bank. I came below him, next to the creek. I knelt on the sand and looked up at him. He was smiling at me, looking with love and understanding it seemed. I was impressed with how majestic he appeared to me tonight.

Heavenly Father then spoke:

11. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have watched you today, how you have worked at putting us first in your life and then how you have served your wife and family. This has been the Sabbath day, our holy day.

12. We want you and all of our children who honor us to keep the Sabbath day holy. This means you normally don't do your regular work, but instead, fill your time in worship of us, your Gods, in meditation and prayer, in partaking of the emblems of the sacrament if possible, and of talking and discussing with each other our ways of living. It is a good time to serve each other, to strengthen your family relationships, and to seek to do things that bring more love, light and peace into your life.

13. Anciently, during the days of Moses, we gave him a strict law, which monitored the activities of our children more closely. However, we really desire our children to judge for themselves what activities will best bring them closer to God and man, and bring light, love and peace into their lives. We, and the leaders of our church, are not going to judge them, but wish them to judge whether their own actions and activities bring to them the desired results on our holy day.

14. We have always had a sacred day of rest that we have asked our faithful children to respect, in all of our eternities. If they honor us on our holy day, we promise to pour out abundant blessings in their lives. We do not want our children to become too strict with their Sabbath day observance, so that they become rigid and unyielding to the spirit of this law. Our Beloved Son wisely said, "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath." (see Mark 2:22)

Isaiah 58:13-14

15. "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:

Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy Father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."

16. Our elect all honor us on our Sabbath day. In the great millennium, itself a seventh period, or Sabbath to us your Gods, all the earth will honor us on the Sabbath day. We will not even have the temple ordinances performed on our Sabbath, for all need to rest and be refreshed on our holy day.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his perspective on the Sabbath. I feel grateful to have this wonderful day of rest and recuperation for my soul. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the Sabbath and said I truly can call it a delight. I said I loved him and would keep his law of the Sabbath.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 3, 2018, Monday

1. I came this morning to the orchard on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. I found myself in the midst of the trees looking back at the lake to the south. I felt clear and prepared for communion with my Gods. I knelt while looking over the lake. I then asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then saw with my spiritual eyes, as I always see in heaven, my Heavenly Mother coming from the lake. She was on the shore, coming to me in the air. Soon she was in front of me, beaming with light! I gazed upon her lovely face and she was broadly smiling. Her eyes were so accepting of me, and full of clarity and love. I felt so enlivened by her presence!

My Divine Mother then spoke to me:

2. 'Raphael, last night you received direction from your Father about the Sabbath day. You wondered if we were going to speak to you on most of the gospel subjects. In answer, we want to reveal again our preferred way to live for our elect children. They will come to us from all situations and all walks of life. Many will not have definitive ways they know how to live. Therefore, we are gradually revealing them anew to you, even as part of the restoration of all things as spoken of in the scriptures.

3. There will be many more records we will cause to come forth in your day, and during the beginning of the great millennial era. Most will be records of the lives of our people who knew their records would be preserved and not come forth until wickedness would be removed from the people. They will be profitable to read and study, for many of our revelations are contained in them.

4. 2 Nephi 29:10-13

"Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written.

For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written.

For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.

5. And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews."

6. Soon the acceptable canon of scriptures from those we asked to write our words will be great. These will fill volumes of corroborating scriptures, all gathered in one for the benefit and enlightenment of our people who will come forth in the great millennial day. Your records, Raphael, and those of our other servants and angels who are living now in mortality, will also be part of these records.

7. While living in the flesh for our own mortal experience, your Heavenly Father and I were asked by our own Heavenly Parents to write of our experiences and of our impressions and revelations. We did so, and these records of our own journals are now housed in the library on our own celestial earth, along with other records written in our own eternity.

8. If our people do not record their proceedings, how will the upcoming generations be taught and continue on without these inspired teachings? Remember what happened to the people of Zarahemla that King Mosiah discovered:

9. Omni 1:17-18

"And at the time that Mosiah discovered them, they had become exceedingly numerous. Nevertheless, they had had many wars and serious contentions, and had fallen by the sword from time to time; and their language had become corrupted; and they had brought no records with them; and they denied the being of their Creator; and Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, could understand them.

But it came to pass that Mosiah caused that they should be taught in his language. And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers, according to his memory; and they are written, but not in these plates."

10. Raphael, rather than trying to remember what we say to you, we desire you and our elect to write our words as they receive them. This makes the record more believable and true. You record your account as we reveal it to you. You would not be able to recall all the details of the circumstances and surroundings, nor our words if you were even to write them hours later, for you write them while in your conscious mind, in your mortal state on earth. You also record them in heaven, but these words often contain a different perspective than what you record on earth, not having gone through your mortal conscious mind.

11. We desire all our elect to write of their experiences in their life on earth and of our revelations to them. They will treasure these records and these will serve to inspire many of their posterity and others as they themselves seek to make sense of their own mortal condition.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her wonderful words this morning. She then took my hand and we strolled through her orchard. The trees were in their cycle of rest, not flowering nor fruiting yet. I so enjoyed my stroll with her! I remember only the great love and peace she gave to me, but not her words. I then concluded my prayer and started a new day.

Evening–I had a hard-working day at work. We had over 650 online orders! All of us were working hard.

12. Tonight I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I didn't think I was to act as a conduit for somebody, but I will see. I came to the little stream next to the bench and knelt on the ground. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then waited to see what would happen. Heavenly Mother came up to me from my right side. She came quietly and was smiling as she came up to me. Her light lit up the entire area around me. I so looked forward to her message! She came right in front of me and spoke to my mind in my thoughts:

13. 'Raphael, you heard a podcast from M.S. today and have been thinking about one thing he said. He said that trials prepare a person for their mission by refining them. This is a true principle. Before we appeared to you in your energy class, you had a year and a half of severe trials and trauma. You had never experienced anything like this before! We gradually opened up to you as you sought us in the energy of your soul. However, we knew we had to leave you alone during your Gethsemane experience, for nearly a full year. It was very difficult for you. However, without this refinement to your soul, you couldn't have been prepared to be transfigured to a celestial level where you could be again in our presence. When I first came to you during the opening prayer of the energy class on April 10, 2013, you were then ready to be transfigured to come into our presence!

14. On this, our first meeting in your mortal state, I came to you like I come to you now, appearing to you in your unconscious mind. This experience was very dramatic to you and almost overcoming. This is why I did not speak much to you except in brief sentences. You would not have been able to receive so great of a revelation at first, if I were to speak much to you, for it would have been too much.

15. Since that time, you have greatly grown to accept the reality of our being and now you can discern clearly what we do, how we act, and all that we say. You will continue to be refined and purified in the flesh, even to the point where all of your unconscious and conscious mind will act again as one. This will be at the time you arrive in the New Jerusalem. This will also be a very dramatic juncture for you, similar to our first appearance to you in April 2013.

16. The refinement and preparation process for one whose mission is so great as yours, takes time. You can't hurry it along, but you may do all you can each day to connect with us. We will then be able to gradually prepare you with the spiritual gifts that we plan to give to you.

17. We want you to live a normal life now so that we may teach you how to face your trials, disappointments, opportunities for spreading our love and light to those around you, and a host of experiences that are only available in a fallen telestial state. Once you have completed your telestial training, we will bring you into the terrestrial world with the rest of our elect who survive the day and qualify for living in the millennium. Your work in the New Jerusalem will then be in the celestial realms on the earth. Your calling will be great, for we will trust you and Oriphiel, our archangels, to bring our candidate sons and daughters into the Church of the Firstborn. This is a very high honor and trust for each of you, our noble son!'

I bowed my head before my Heavenly Mother. I felt so weak and not qualified for such a high calling! I spoke:

18. 'My Beloved Mother, I feel so inadequate before thee today. I hope I can meet thy expectations and become the noble son that thou would have me be! Please help my growth and progress!'

She smiled at me again, reached down with her hand and lifted up my chin so I could look into her eyes.

She then spoke again:

19. 'Raphael, you will become all that we want you to become! You are not there yet, but in time will serve us with our Godly power and strength!'

She drew me near in a Godly embrace! I felt her reassurance and acceptance! I felt her love penetrate all of my being. I knew she could do whatever she and Heavenly Father wanted to do and that I would be the recipient of their great work. I felt they would mold me like clay.

I then quickly faded away and came to the chair where I was sitting in and writing from on the earth. I thanked my Heavenly Mother again for her confidence in me and then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 4, 2018, Tuesday

1. I reread what I received in prayer last night. I felt it was all true. Boy, I have a long way to go! I wonder what kind of refinement I will receive between now and the New Jerusalem to complete my telestial training? I wonder how each servant and mortal angel will also be trained and prepared, for their callings are also great.

2. This morning I came to the granite cliff at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the distant temple to the west. I felt clear and receptive to receive the presence of my God(s) again. I knelt on the rock and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

I then thought my Heavenly Father would come, but I didn't see him. Then a bright light appeared at the base of the granite cliff and gradually arose in the air before me, even until Heavenly Father was in glory before me! He was smiling at me. His eyes were so clear and penetrating–for I could tell he saw all of me, all of my thoughts. I also felt he was so accepting of me, just as I am, complete with all my weaknesses.

He spoke to me:

3. 'Raphael, you recorded properly in your journal what your Mother spoke to you last night! We have chosen you, a rough stone that we will continue to polish from the experiences in your life in mortality, and the revelations we will pour down upon you. You will have a purifying process akin to that we gave Joseph Smith, the prophet:

4. From Joseph's Discourse to the Saints, May 1843; DHC 5:401–

"I am like a huge, rough stone rolling down from a high mountain, and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against religious bigotry, priestcraft, lawyer-craft, doctor-craft, lying editors, suborned judges and jurors, and the authority of perjured executives, backed by mobs, blasphemers, licentious and corrupt men and women–all hell knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus I will become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty, who will give me dominion over all and every one of them, when their refuge of lies shall fail, and their hiding place shall be destroyed."

5. Your own trials and refinement will continue of necessity, but they will not be out in the open like Joseph's, but will largely be in secret, away from the world's view. We do it this way for your mission as our archangel needs to be kept away from the views of all people except for a few trusted souls.

6. I cannot tell you ahead what comes, but all you need to know is that as you put your trust in us, your Gods, we will guide and direct you through every trouble. Your work in the celestial realms will continue unabated, as you are refined in your telestial earth experiences. We will continue to pour out our revelations upon you that will shape your mind and heart to be one with us, your Heavenly Parents and your Gods.

7. The events, which will come upon your telestial world, will serve to refine and purify all of our latter-day servants and mortal angels. The fall of the second Church of Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will be especially difficult for many. In their distress, they will not know where to turn, or how they can ever trust God or religious leaders again.

8. There will be calamity and distressful conditions that will affect all. Each of our elect will have to choose who they want to trust. As they come unto us, their Gods, we will gently lead them to find themselves and our plans for each of them, our wonderful sons and daughters. We can act in no other way, for the glories they will receive require this refinement process. During their refining events, they too may receive our revelations and directions. We will abundantly pour out our blessings amidst their trials.

9. Raphael, there is a decree, made by our first parent Gods, that those who receive the great glories of the celestial worlds in eternity, need to be refined during their mortal experience. Without trials there is no growth. However, after the trial there is much deeper understanding and a broader compassion for those who struggle with similar situations. Your Heavenly Mother and I will have a tried people, a purified people. There is no other way.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. They all rang true to me. I don't want to know of the future trials I may have, but I do want the end result of purity, greater capacity and understanding that comes at the end of the afflictions.

I then spoke:

10. 'My Father, help me to learn as much as I can from these upcoming trials, and to be refined even according to thy desires. Help me become the man that thou and Heavenly Mother wish me to become. I submit myself into thy hands!'

My Father smiled at me. I knew he would do as he said. I plan to stay close to my Heavenly Parents and learn all I can from the refinement process. I then started my day.

11. Evening– I then came to my recliner chair and am now interested in communing with my God.

I came to the fountain of living water in front of God's temple in heaven. I could feel the mist of water from the fountain of water in the air. I came to the golden altar and knelt, facing the fountain. I felt clear and ready to meet my Heavenly Parents tonight. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw Heavenly Father come from around the east side of the fountain of living water. He was walking on the ground and came up to me by the altar.

He spoke:

12. 'Raphael, I have whispered to you to come here to this area tonight to meet with me. I want to talk to you about the golden altar tonight and its significance to you. This altar is similar to the one that will be used to burn the red heifer in the New Jerusalem. This altar in the New Jerusalem will have these purposes: to be used to make an offering to your Heavenly Mother and I, to burn the red heifer, and then to pour living water over its ashes, thereby making the waters of separation. This process will be done by you, who is the chosen one who is clean (see Numbers 19:7-10). You will then take a hyssop branch and immerse it in these waters of separation, and sprinkle these waters of separation upon the New Jerusalem temple. This is to be done with intention to sanctify the celestial house of the Lord for all the ordinances that will be done in this house of God. This needs to be done by you, our holy archangel, before we accept any of the ordinances that will be done therein. You will also sprinkle with a hyssop branch all those who are received into the Church of the Firstborn, according to that ordinance. These ordinances will be a statute forever (see Numbers 19:10).

13. The golden altar in the New Jerusalem temple is meant to be identical to the one here next to you in our celestial world. The one here is also a replica of the golden altar used in our first parent God's first creation. Our first parent Gods wanted a set procedure for the one who would be performing the ordinance of the waters of separation for entry into their own Church of the Firstborn. This person was declared as clean and was set apart to both prepare the water and to perform the entry ordinance for all new members of the Church of the Firstborn.

14. Your Heavenly Mother and I have made this golden altar, the exact size and look as this first golden altar on the celestial world of our first parent Gods. We have followed the same procedures our first Gods initiated, in honor of them. We have then modeled all golden altars used in each of our eternities after this golden altar we have next to our temple here in our celestial world

15. There is also only one son that we have chosen to perform this waters of separation ordinance for entry to the Church of the Firstborn in each eternity. Raphael, for this eternity, we have chosen you to be the one to do this ordinance.

16. There is also only one son who reads the names in the Book of Life, once this ordinance is done for our faithful and that is Oriphiel, your archangel brother.

17. We did not want either the one who would perform the waters of separation ordinance, or the one who would record the names of the faithful in the Book of Life to be shared between more than one person. This adds continuity and sureness that these are done according to our desires.

18. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, will communicate to you and Oriphiel who are the candidates for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. Jesus will be the one who approves each of our children for entrance into his own celestial church. He is the only one who is worthy to choose, for he has willingly suffered for their sins and weaknesses. He alone is the great Redeemer of all our children. We have named both the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn after him, our Beloved Son.

19. There was an ancient golden altar in the days of Moses when the law was given through him to our people Israel. This golden altar was a type of our far greater and more important golden altar that is here in our celestial orb, and the one that will be in the New Jerusalem temple area that you will use in your responsibilities. We had Moses write the procedures in the Book of Numbers for one who is clean to do the waters of separation as a forerunner ordinance to the one that you would perform in the New Jerusalem temple.

20. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will continue to help you prepare yourself for performing these ordinances for the faithful in our temple. Keep humble and diligent and all will happen as I say.'

I thanked my Father for his trust in me! I said I would do all he asks of me and would do my best to prepare myself for my responsibilities in the house of God.

Heavenly Father smiled and then walked back to the fountain of living waters. As he walked, he disappeared from my view. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 5, 2018, Wednesday

1. I reread my journal account of last night. I feel that I have a long way to improve to be ready to administer the waters of separation ordinance. However, I also believe what God declares to be clean is clean, and when he/she says I am clean and prepared, then I will be ready. I fully rely on the merits of Jesus Christ to be clean and found prepared, and upon my efforts to be prepared.

2. I came to the desert oasis this morning. I felt clear and ready this morning to meet my God. I truly want to do all God wants me to do and to hear his/ her voice this morning. I came to the water's edge and drank of living water. I then knelt on the sandy shore and asked my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.

I then beheld my beautiful Heavenly Mother who appeared before me across the oasis waters! She slowly came to me, being a little above the waters. She was smiling broadly as she came. I felt excitement as I looked upon her and as her light and love penetrated my being.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

3. 'Raphael, I am glad that you have met me at these quiet waters, so serene and still here in our southern desert! You have a consistent daily practice to pray to us and then to commune with us, twice each day. We are gradually refining your heart and mind, by the light, love and revelations we pour out upon you. The cumulative experiences of this daily practice are shaping your mind to think and see, even as we think and see:

4. Isaiah 55:8-13

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."

5. Raphael, you will know and accept our ways, and become yourself well-watered, even so that you become fully prepared and clean before us, prepared to do our great work we have for you to do in our millennium. The earth will be renewed as this verse refers to, and you will be renewed also. Don't worry about not being prepared enough to perform our holy ordinance in the New Jerusalem temple. We have desired that you will do this and you will be clean and ready.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her consoling words to me today. I said I looked forward to more refinement and renewal. I felt then so clear and enlightened before her! Her countenance shone on me and into me; I felt her light penetrate all of me. I could perceive I was clear and even transparent before her. I felt so refreshed and well-watered!

My Mother spoke again:

7. 'We are preparing and strengthening you, Raphael. We will likewise prepare and strengthen all of our elect who come unto us, as have you. We will cleanse and strengthen them too, as they come unto us through our great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. He will bring these diligent souls unto us, and we will teach them of our ways, and they will walk in joy and happiness before us. Oh, we love our elect so fully!'

8. Heavenly Mother then reached out and took both of my hands. I stood and we walked over the oasis waters together, arm in arm. She smiled and looked at me lovingly! I too couldn't keep from smiling broadly, for I was filled with joy! I felt so invigorated by being in her loving presence! I was so satisfied and at peace.

My mind then fell back to my mortal conscious state, writing all the while all of this in my personal journal. I feel tender and at peace. I have communed again with my God and have felt so satisfied, full of hope and joy.

I thanked again my beautiful Heavenly Mother, my Comforter, even she who is my Holy Ghost! I closed my prayer and started another day.

9. Evening–
Tonight I wanted to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I feel settled and warm in our cozy house. I came to heaven in front of the fountain of living water, kneeling and facing this from the north with the temple to the south not far away. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

10. My Heavenly Mother came to me from the left or east side of the fountain! Last night Heavenly Father came to me also from the east end of the fountain. She came walking on the ground to a point just in front of me. She was smiling and greatly shining with light. She had come to me at the oasis this morning in the same way. I felt so glad to be in her presence!

She spoke to me while we were both next to the fountain:

11. 'Raphael, last night your Heavenly Father talked to you about the significance of the golden altar behind us. Tonight I would like to talk about the importance of this fountain of living water. This fountain is one of the best ways for us to display the living water we have created here in heaven. We also have living water in our oceans, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, streams, ponds, oasis, snowfields, underground tunnels, rain and other atmospheric conditions. One of the most magnificent ways for living water to be seen is in this beautiful fountain of living water!

12. Living water is unique in its properties in this celestial world. Our first parent Gods created living water in the very beginning and it has continued on for every creation of the Gods. Each of these dwelling places of the Gods also has at least one fountain of living water, as does our first parent Gods'. The designs of the fountains vary greatly, but all display our beautiful living waters in much the same way, as the water rises up majestically into the air and then falls back upon the fountain and the surrounding ground.

13. We will ask you to create the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem temple area just like the fountain appears before you here. This one you will build will be our main fountain of living water on the earth in the millennial day and the only celestial fountain to be found on the earth at that day. Other fountains will bring forth living water, but they will be created on the terrestrial earth.

14. We have asked our elect leaders on other earths, during their millennial state, to pattern their own celestial fountain of living water also after this one next to me, on our celestial orb. This has always been our pattern. This fountain, duplicated in its design, will continue to remain on your earth after it will become resurrected to a celestial glory. The fountain next to me was designed and created by your Heavenly Father and I when we began` our celestial orb, in its beginning. We control the water flow from this fountain, its pressure and height of water shooting up into the air.

15. The celestial living water on our celestial orb is so very enlivening and healing to every creature and plant, which drinks of it. It is also so revitalizing to the souls of all of our children. In your earthly environment, you drink water. However, it is not living water. It may be blessed by you or any of our children to become healing to some degree, like our celestial living water in our heaven. This transformation may occur through your own faith and intention, through your blessing that the water become healing living water as much as possible. It will then be better able to heal and vitalize the human body. This process of blessing with intention will be to raise the vibrational energy or frequency of the water.

16. When you make the waters of separation, you will take the celestial living water and pour it over the ashes of the burnt red heifer. The water in the ashes will then be acceptable as the waters you may use for the waters of separation ordinance, and for sprinkling the temple for its sanctification before us. The fuel you burn in the sacrifice are branches from one of our trees of life. These ashes of that tree are completely consumed in the burning, leaving only the ashes from the red heifer.

17. The red heifer you will use also needs to be a mortal cow, fully red in color, without blemish, and it must not have been used to perform work. The ashes from the sacrificial burning, once cooled, are to remain in a vessel containing the celestial living water. As this water is used up, it may be replenished by adding more living water to the vessel. In this way, you will have sufficient living water for all the waters of separation ordinances you will need to perform in the temple of the New Jerusalem.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear instructions tonight. I am so blessed to have received all of her revelations tonight relating to living water and the fountain of living waters, as well as more about the preparation of the waters of separation! I have no questions at this time.

She then smiled at me and turned to walk back around the east side of the fountain. Just like my Heavenly Father last night did, as she walked, she disappeared from my view. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 6, 2018, Thursday

1. I came early to the adjacent bedroom to pray. I read an email from S, a brother of S.A., whom I had invited to receive my email posts. He and S.A. live near each other in Arizona.

1) Anyway, S had asked me about Revelation 21:16, about the height of the New Jerusalem when it comes down from heaven on the newly resurrected earth. The height, width and length are record by John the Revelator as equal, about 1500 miles each.

2) I had received an email moments earlier from M.A. about blessing water on earth"

Can you use your hands to put intentions of healing into a glass of water and then drink it? I've been reading that water has memory so with intention you can hold the glass of water, state your intention, and then drink it. What do you think? Is this true or not? What I read said our intention can be for anything, not just health. I was wondering if it is just magical thinking?

3) One more question: Earlier, awhile ago, weren't we told we could bless our food and water to be like living water coming from the fountain of living water, and living food found on the tree of life? To raise its vibrational level?"

I have just numbered these questions above to keep them more organized. We'll see if any are answered this morning.

2. In heaven this morning, I came to the little outcropping above the circling waters. I had just drank from living water at the circling waters and now felt clear and ready to receive more truths in heaven from my God, were they willing. I knelt facing the distant temple to the west. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

3. While I was looking at the temple, my Heavenly Parents came below the outcropping to my right. I detected them, for they were talking and I could perceive their beings. They then paused and rose up a little in the air to a level a little above me. They were still holding hands. They were both smiling and turned their attention to me.

4. I looked at my Heavenly Father, for his eyes captured my attention. These eyes were very penetrating, so very revealing, like I could somehow see into his very soul! I then looked at my Heavenly Mother's eternity eyes and they too were so very deep and so fully accepting. I felt very transparent in their presence, even to where their light and love passed into and through me, like I wasn't even there! And yes, I was tangible and felt my hands and upper legs as I knelt before them.

Heavenly Father spoke next:

5. 'Raphael, our son, we are from eternity to eternity and our words are one eternal round. We want to share with you our great mysteries, yet we are held back only by your ability to receive. We have no restrictions on ourselves, of what we may reveal to you.

6. I will now address the first of your
three questions this morning: John the revelator saw the death of the earth and then its resurrection to a celestial glory. It would come forth as a new earth and be taken into the bosom of God, even of your Heavenly Mother and I, near unto this celestial orb on which you now kneel.

John saw that the New Jerusalem would be taken up into the sky before the earth would die. After it was resurrected, he wrote the following:

Revelation 21:5-6 (Heavenly Father's words in parenthesis)
"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write; for these words are true and faithful (this was me speaking to our servant John).

And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. (This is another name of God, for we are from eternity to eternity). I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely (this is another name for our eternal fountain of living waters that your Heavenly Mother told you about last night)."

7. John then was shown a great and high mountain on the newly resurrected celestial earth. This mountain is a real mountain, which far exceeds those now found on your earth. It will tower over all the other lands on the earth.

8. Then John saw the New Jerusalem that had been taken up into heaven while the earth died and was resurrected. He saw that the New Jerusalem temple square area, that which was celestial on the earth, had been added upon while waiting for the resurrection of the earth. There were other buildings and walls, each wall adorned with names, gates and precious stones. This newly refurbished celestial city and the same glorious celestial temple that was used during the entire millennium by you and our holy angels in the Church of the Firstborn, now descended next to the exceedingly high mountain on the resurrected earth. There was a level place for this city prepared so that the newly enhanced New Jerusalem city could be placed securely on the new earth. John saw the celestial city, even the New Jerusalem, descend into its new place next to the exceedingly high mountain. After in place, the new city dwarfed the high mountain next to it.

9. John was given a golden reed to measure the city, and he accurately measured the city as is recorded in Revelation 21:15-17. John was very taken by the beauty of the city and its grandeur. The height, length and breadth of the city are equal, a little under 1500 miles each as S (Gideon, his pre-mortal name) has written you. There is no city, even on our celestial orb, with such height as this celestial city that will permanently come to your earth in its glory!

10. We have created this new heaven and new earth (these are one and the same, for the new heaven is the resurrected celestial earth with its celestial city, newly added to, next to the high mountain). We will then divide up the remainder of your earth into inheritances for our faithful elect who are exalted as couple Gods. They will all be able to meet and commune together in the large and glorious city of the New Jerusalem.

11. Raphael, we have also a glorious city like unto this New Jerusalem on our own resurrected celestial earth. We have been given by our own Heavenly Parents an inheritance on this, our own earth. We too may visit and commune with others of our own generation who are exalted in that glorious city. This practice of establishing such a glorious city on the resurrected celestial earth is common to every earth of our creations. We will embellish your earth like those of previous earths in this same manner. We do this, for your earth is the habitation of the Gods, where they are first given their inheritance, and where they may mingle and commune together, worlds without end.

12. On the other hand, our own celestial orb is used for each eternity for the abode of our many children that come and go in the process of becoming who they will one day be. However, on your future resurrected earth, the habitation in the New Jerusalem is only for the Gods, and not their progressing children. The city serves as another reward from us, your parent Gods, for the faithful who have become even as we are, Gods themselves. It stands as a monument to the faithful children throughout all eternity.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this amazing revelation on the future state of our earth and of the New Jerusalem! I am so grateful that S asked the question!

I now need to scurry off to work. I then closed my prayer and got ready for the day."