53. Two Council Meetings
Posted Saturday, 7-8-2017

Hello my friends!

I hope all is going well with each of you! It has been a little over three weeks since I last wrote to you. So much has happened!

I would like to share with you what I have already partly shared with a small group of mortal angels, eleven individuals. We all have already attended a council meeting a week ago on Friday, 6-30-2017 in Ogden Utah. I, for one, have learned so many lessons from our meeting. It has been a time when I realized the great need of interacting like those do in a Zion society: where we think of our neighbors truly as ourselves, and listen to them and love them. We seek humbly the direction and guidance of God in our interactions, and not our own agendas. These lessons need to be shared with all of you, so you too can benefit from our experience. There were other important understandings we also learned that I shared.

During my journal entries below, you will also read about the experience I had at an earlier council meeting, at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, done on a celestial spiritual plane. Many new directions have been given, and keys bestowed.

Please read and ponder the things I talk about in this post. It is imperative that each of us feel whether this direction is approved of God or not.

I am asking each of you who receive this post to respond to me by email that you agree or are open to my views, and still want to receive these emails from me. I will keep tally, and send more only to those who respond. I have been told to ask each mortal angel to sustain me as the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn will come and be verified. Please see the details in my journal entry on 7-6-2017.

There needs to be more unity among us, and especially that there are no purported revelations that affect the group that are not cleared by me. If you feel you have revelation or new truth for the group, write me by email. I will pray about this to determine if it is true, and if so when it is to be shared with the group.

Much love,

P.S. I found this little silent video below, which shows wildflowers blowing in the breeze. Imagine that each of us is like one of these wildflowers, and we are blowing a little differently, but our movement comes from the same wind. Each receives revelation from God (the wind), that affects us differently than our neighbor.

Please share how you feel you are being moved with me, so that we may all be edified.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-17-2017 Friday morning

1. I awoke after a wonderful sleep. I remember last night to have gone again to the high mountaintop, after preparing myself for prayer. I did so again this morning. As I looked over the regions of the celestial world, there were no more clouds–but clear skies.

I prayed for Elohim to come, and my Heavenly Parents came. Jesus was not there this time. I looked into their eyes and faces–they were so comforting to me, just to have them before me!

2. I thanked them for my abundant blessings, particularly to be in their presence. I again confirmed that the web post #52 that I sent last night was pleasing to them.
I asked some questions about what L mentioned in an email to me on 6-15-2017. She said in her email that "some significant ordinances have taken place this week regarding the opening of Adam-Ondi- Ahman." I prayed about what she said. 

3. Here is what I received, about Adam-Ondi-Ahman:

• There was already a meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman on 6-7-2017, in the morning! I was there in my unconscious mind, but it hadn't been revealed to me until L tipped me off. I was an active participant in the meeting.

• There were also heads of dispensations attending too, including Michael or Adam, Noah or Gabriel, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith were there.

4. • This meeting was in fulfillment of Daniel 7:13-14 and D&C 116:1

Daniel 7:13-14–

"I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

5. D&C 116:1–

"Spring Hill is named by the Lord Adam-Ondi-Ahman, because, said he, it is the place where Adam shall come to visit his people, or the Ancient of Days shall sit, as spoken of by Daniel the prophet."

6. • There were no leader representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there, except for Joseph Smith the prophet.

• There were angels about us too, on the 'sidelines', watching and recording the events. All the remaining male and all the female archangels were there.

7. • In this small meeting, Michael asked those attending to sustain him as the head of the human family, and one also possessing all the keys to all dispensations since his day on the earth to the present day. All raised their right arm to the square, and said yes. I noted that I did the same.

8. • Michael then came before Jesus Christ, our Savior, and bent his right knee and bowed his head before Jesus Christ. He then said:

'My Savior, Jesus Christ, I come to thee now requesting the privilege to return to thee, all the keys of the human family and the keys of all dispensations, that I possess.'

9. • The great Jehovah then spoke:

'Yes, Michael my son, it is time to return them back to me, as directed by our Father.'

10. • Adam or Michael then stood, and Jesus then knelt before him, and Michael returned his keys back to Jesus Christ, by the laying on of hands, using words like this:

'Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer of mankind, I return the keys of the human family, and all the keys of dispensations, back to thee, as directed by the Father. In the name of the Father, in the name of the Mother, and in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.'

11. • At that time our glorious Father and Mother in heaven appeared above their Beloved Son, and Heavenly Father spoke these words:

'All the keys are now returned again upon our Beloved Son on the earth. He now has the full commission and authority to gather our elect from all the ends of the earth, preparatory to returning to the earth in great glory.'

12. • All of us in the meeting then knelt before Jesus Christ, Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father who then stood together in the air before us.

• The three Deity then ascended up in the sky together. We then all dispersed from Adam-Ondi-Ahman. The meeting was concluded.

13. I then returned, in my mind, to my location on the mountaintop before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I asked my Father:

'Oh, my Father, did I accurately record the events of the meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman properly in my journal this morning?'

Heavenly Father confirmed that I had recorded all correctly, and that I did not leave out any significant thing that I should know about at that time.

14. I then asked him if I held any keys of any dispensation. He then spoke:

'Yes, Raphael, you have been commissioned to be the one who holds the keys to the establishment of the New Jerusalem and to the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. Even though you have agreed to return these back to Michael and then to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, you still also actively possess this commission and these priesthood keys. This is also true with our servant Joseph Smith Junior, through whom we will establish again the Church of Christ on the earth.'

15. I then thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for the great privilege to receive this revelation today in my prayer. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Later, at evening prayer: I have wondered during the day when I received the keys from God or anyone else, that Heavenly Father told me this morning that I had been given. I reread again my journal entry this morning, and my commission from my journal entry on 5-15-2017.

16. Here is my question:

Q– Was I bestowed keys during the commission blessing on 5-14-2017, when Heavenly Father said he was empowering me to direct God's affairs as he stated?
A– No, the Firstborn, even Jesus Christ, conferred these keys earlier that same morning before the great commission blessing. Jesus Christ conferred these keys on you in your unconscious mind in heaven, in the temple of God. He is the rightful one to confer these keys to his church, the Church of the Firstborn.

17. Q– So am I a head of a gospel dispensation?
A– Yes. There were eight dispensation heads at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, and you were one of them. Your dispensation falls within that dispensation conferred on Joseph Smith the prophet, and is of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. However, your work will far exceed the Church of Christ, established through the prophet Joseph Smith. Your work will be in the establishment of the celestial city, called the New Jerusalem, and in the establishment of the Church of the Firstborn in the New Jerusalem. This is a new dispensation in conjuction with the one established by Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith the prophet. It does not have a separate name than the one already established, but is of such significance that new keys and empowerment from God were conferred upon you. You will keep and exercise all of these keys throughout the entire Millennium, and they will not be delegated to another.

18. I then humbly submitted myself to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I thanked them for their great trust in me, their son. I expressed my feeling of not knowing much of what I was doing, at least in my conscious state. I felt their approval upon me. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

19. Note: I believe that the above event at Adam-Ondi-Ahman was done on a celestial spiritual plane on the earth, and was not visible to mortals. I also believe that this event will be repeated someday in the future in the telestial/terrestrial sphere. I believe too that Adam still retained his standing as the head of the human family, even though he returned all of the keys of the human family and keys of all dispensations to Jesus Christ. 

Also note that I had originally left off Moses from the list of active participants, but have since been directed to correct this.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-18-2017 Sunday

1. Last night I had a hard time going to sleep. I was continually thinking of what had occurred yesterday, and greatly feeling my inadequacy. I seemed to do better when I didn't think on it!

2. I also wondered why I kept returning to the high mountain, in the celestial world, and wondered also why the cloudy skies up there are now all clear. Usually I don't revisit a location where I commune with God more than a few times in a row. This has been for several days now–and again this morning in my prayer. I go where I feel impressed to go, which I have thought is where my unconscious self goes and determines, not my conscious self.

3. Yesterday evening, and this morning, I drank of the living water in the entry floor of God's temple, on the east side. I also felt that this is where I received the priesthood keys from my Savior Jesus Christ, prior to my commission voiced by Heavenly Father on 5-14-2017, one month ago today.

4. I then went to the tree of life and partook of the fruit of the tree and the leaf of the tree of life. I next went to the once sapling tree of life, and saw it had grown now to about 9 inches in diameter in the trunk, and 35 feet tall! It is so fast growing!

5. I also realized there are two trees of life that will be planted in the New Jerusalem area: this one before me, and the one east of the tree of life in Enoch's city, which was also planted for the purpose of moving to the New Jerusalem. The one in Enoch's city is about 14 inches in diameter, and already has fruit growing on it.

6. I then returned to the highest point on the celestial orb that I knew of, and knelt down. I saw the skies now glowing with light all around me, and very clear. I raised both of my hands, high above my head in prayer, and sought for God in prayer.

7. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came again, from across the skies before me, from the east. They were majestic in their arrival, in a blaze of glory and fire it seemed. I looked into their glorious faces, and saw their compassionate eyes, and their brilliance. They wore regal robes, both trimmed in gold cloth, with matching gold sashes tied on the right sides. The gold trim was around their necks, at their wrists, and near their bare feet at the end of their robes.

8. I addressed them in humility, thanking them profusely for the great privilege to again be in their presence. I asked them why I could see the skies so clearly now, why I had repeatedly come to this high location, and especially why they were wearing such regal gold-trimmed robes?

9. Heavenly Mother asked me to write as she spoke to my mind. Here is what she said:

'Raphael, we have come to you in great majesty this morning, to this glorious area in our kingdom to enlighten your mind and to reveal to you the future of our celestial city, the New Jerusalem! Look eastward into the horizon of the sky now!'

10. I looked eastward into the sky, and saw a glorious city before me! I could see a temple complex, a beautiful fountain of living water, and two trees of life on either side, east and west of the fountain. I saw these, my holy parents, walking on the streets, which appeared like gold, before the people who were kneeling before them in this city.

My Heavenly Parents were walking towards the temple. They were going to meet their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ at the temple.

11. When they arrived at the steps of the main temple, their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, came down the steps and knelt before them. He raised his head and said:

'Oh, my Father and my Mother, this is thy glorious celestial city, the New Jerusalem, where I have come to dwell on the earth preparatory to my return in glory to the inhabitants of the earth. I am among these, thy chosen elect, who have entered into my Church of the Firstborn, who are kneeling before thee now with me.'

12. The Father then took his Son and raised him up with his right hand. He then spoke:

'Our Beloved Son, we accept this glorious celestial city wherein you now dwell on earth. Our presence and power will frequently come here, to commune with you and our people.'

13. At that moment, Heavenly Mother embraced her Son, her Beloved Son, followed by Heavenly Father embracing his Beloved Son. All three of the Deity were wearing the regal robes I saw this morning in my prayer, only Jesus had a scarlet red sash instead of a gold sash, for his great work was not yet finished.

14. These three then turned and walked among their people, and visited and communed with each, one by one. All of God's holy angels filled the sky and the city glowed with fire and exquisite beauty!

15. My attention then returned to my Heavenly Mother before me, on the mountaintop. She spoke again:

'Raphael, you are responsible to act as our agent in constructing and beautifying this, the New Jerusalem to the glory that you have just seen in vision. We will direct you in every action you take, and you will have our power to do all that is required to create the New Jerusalem. This will be our abode forever on the earth, whereon you dwell.'

16. I then thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for showing me the city of my God, the New Jerusalem! I thanked her and my Father for their continual direction in leading me to do their will. I acknowledged that I was, of myself, nothing without them, but with them I had all capability and strength to orchestrate this great mission they wanted me to do.

17. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael come here to this mountaintop in our celestial world, whenever you are uncertain what to do in planning and creating our celestial city on the earth. We will be here too, and the vision of the New Jerusalem will open up to you in the eastern skies, as you have seen this morning. In this way, you will build our city just like you see in vision.'

18. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, you are also charged to establish the Church of the Firstborn on the earth. We will guide you also in how to do this, in every detail. Look now to the western sky!'

19. I then turned and looked westward, and saw another scene before me. I was in this vision, receiving the waters of separation ordinance from my Savior Jesus Christ himself! He was instructing me how to administer this ordinance to all the elect of God who had or would be gathered to the New Jerusalem. In so doing, he was also performing this ordinance for my own entry into the Church of the Firstborn, his church.

20. I also saw my archangel brother Oriphiel record my own premortal name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Once recorded, Jesus Christ embraced me and said:

'Raphael, welcome to my church and the presence and glory of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!'

21. I then thanked him, and turned and saw my Heavenly Parents before me. I walked quickly to them and embraced both of them, with tears in my eyes. Heavenly Father then said:

'Raphael, do this, what our Beloved Son has done for you, for the elect of God who have been approved by him for entrance into his church and our kingdom!'

22. I then said:

'My Father, I will do all that I have been shown according to thy word!'

I then saw myself, performing the ordinance of the waters of separation, for the elect of God. I saw myself do this for Father Adam and Mother Eve. I saw myself replicated and performing this for the host of the righteous who had been approved and gathered before me. Many tears of joy were shed as Oriphiel recorded their premortal names in the Book of Life, and these elect of God were ushered into the presence of God.

23. I saw that this great work continued throughout the millennium, as God's children came into the Church of the Firstborn. I saw that I was so very satisfied in doing this work for each of God's elect.

24. I then looked at my Heavenly Mother before me on the mountaintop. She spoke again:

'Raphael, we will be with you continually in doing this great work, along with our son Oriphiel, in ushering in our chosen sons and daughters into our celestial church, the Church of the Firstborn.'

25. She then drew me close, and we tearfully embraced! I could feel her love for each of her noble children, for whom I would administer this ordinance with my brother Oriphiel. I felt her deep satisfaction in our meeting this morning on that mountaintop!

I then embraced my glorious Father! I felt his assurance that he and Heavenly Mother would lead me along, and for me to have no fear or anxiety. I felt imbued with confidence before him, as he held me close.

26. We separated, and I spoke these final words:

'My Father and Mother, I accept again, with more comprehension now, my commission to act in thy stead. I humbly ask for thy continual guidance in acting in all that thou has shown me to accomplish.'

27. I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother smile with acceptance. They moved backwards, across the eastern skies until they had vanished before me. I was alone, but now more confident and aware of my mission before me. I returned to earth, where I had been writing in my journal the entire time. I feel so blessed!

I got up from my prayer after 1 1/2 hours. It is now 9:30 am. Today is Father's Day, a Sabbath day also.

28. Later:

My wife and I attended sacrament meeting today at 1:00 pm. It was interesting that the opening hymn was page 83 'Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah'. Verse 2 was particularly meaningful to me, with my latest revelations today:

"Open, Jesus, Zion's fountains;
Let her richest blessings come.
Let the fiery, cloudy pillar
Guard us to this holy home.
Great Redeemer, Great Redeemer,
Bring, oh, bring the welcome day,
Bring, oh, bring the welcome day!"

29. After the sacrament hymn, I found myself again on the high mountaintop in the celestial world. I was kneeling there during the priests' prayer and blessing on the bread.

After his prayer, I made my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep their commandments. They both came immediately in front of me, and stood in the eastern sky before me. I then partook of the bread, and then Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'My son Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made before us this day. We covenant with you that we will always be with you.

30. This morning, on this mount, you received great views and revelations of your future mission. We have utmost confidence in you, in assisting us in our strange work, and our strange act, in these last days (see Isaiah 28:21). You will have the hosts of heaven, and many on earth who have foreordained missions, to be part of this great work, at your disposal. These will respond to the call of the Spirit as you give them their direction. You will speak and act in power and great authority, in humility and clarity, in moving forth the cause of Zion. You will speak with the voice of our archangel, even the voice and power of God. We will be on your right hand and on your left hand.'

31. At this time, the priest started blessing the water for the sacrament. Once done, Heavenly Mother started talking to me:

'Raphael, our son, we will endow you with our love for our sons and daughters who follow us, and seek to obey our voice. These will rally behind your direction, as you receive it from us. We will test and then strengthen these, our elect children, as they come unto us.

Now Raphael, stand and walk with us, to the city of the New Jerusalem!'

32. I then stood and walked with my Heavenly Father on my left side, and my Heavenly Mother on my right. We moved into the eastern skies, and came to the New Jerusalem that I had seen in vision this morning! We came to the fountain of living waters in the center of this city. We stood together before the fountain. To our west, or left, was the tree of life transplanted from Enoch's city of Zion in heaven, and to our east or right the now grown-up sapling tree of life near God's temple in heaven. These two majestic and now full-grown trees had lots of white fruit and many leaves.

33. The fountain was just as large and spectacular as the fountain of living waters in the celestial world. It divided, however, into four rivers or large streams, which headed north, west, south and east. The streams going west and east formed a circle of flow around each of the two trees of life. The rivers were slowly moving at first, but became more flowing as the boundaries of Zion expanded. The waters would eventually reach all of now North America from this, the center of the land.

34. I continued gazing around, and saw a major temple structure due south of the fountain. I then realized that the sacrament had ended back in the meeting I was attending in the ward, and I then lost my concentration and vision! I had lost track of my tour of the future New Jerusalem with my Heavenly Parents! I believe I continued my tour with them, in my unconscious mind, even though my conscious mind shifted back to my earthly surroundings.

35. I do know that I can always return to the high mountaintop in the celestial world, and see again in vision the wonderful city of the New Jerusalem!

When we ended church today, we visited our neighbor who is now in a rest home, and then came home to eat with three of our children. Later that day, being Father's Day, two more our oldest children and their families came also! It was a great day for me.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-19-2017 Monday

1. I had a very happy day yesterday, with my experiences on the celestial mountaintop, and with my family who gathered around me and came and honored me on Father's Day.

This morning in my prayer, I didn't go to the mountaintop anymore, but to the trail south of Heavenly Father's fields, overlooking to the southeast of the glorious temple and lands. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came, and I communed with them there. I prayed for every family member and for my neighbors, for those in need that I knew in my circle of influence.

2. I asked this question, and was asked by Heavenly Mother to start writing her response in my journal:

Q– When I am relocated to the New Jerusalem, will I also be living here in Utah, living my quiet life with my wife?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Yes, Raphael, our intent is to continue to keep your identity on earth hidden from the world. You will appear in your unconscious, replicated self to those who are the first ones coming to the New Jerusalem area as truly an angel from heaven who has been commissioned of God to build the New Jerusalem. Your main conscious self will be in Utah for a while, whereas your unconscious replicated self will be in the New Jerusalem area. We are doing this for a time in order to continue to test our elect, who are around you now, and for our own purposes. This is part of our strange work and our strange act.

3. This same pattern will be used for the other mortal angels for a time. There will be a juncture when you all will gather also in your physical conscious selves to the New Jerusalem area. Many of you will walk to Zion with groups of people, still keeping your identity hidden from view. It is only when you arrive in the New Jerusalem that your conscious and unconscious selves will merge and become one again. We have many purposes in acting in these ways, mostly to test and try our people who are the elect of God. Your presence among our chosen elect will serve to help heal and protect them in their journeys. We will guide and direct each of you, our mortal angels, as you are among our people in disguise. You too will gain valuable experience in your journeyings to the land of promise.'

4. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this new insight, and my mind seemed to open to the idea to continue to mingle among the elect of God in disguise, all according the directions of God.

5. Q– Will we, who are mortal angels, be able to effectively communicate with each other during times when there may be no electricity or known communication methods we now use?

6. A– You will all be able to commune with us, your Heavenly Parents. We will give you inspirations and directions by revelation from heaven. To commune with each other, go to the celestial worlds, to the wilderness area, where you are free to interact in your unconscious selves. This is already your base where you work from, in the celestial realms, in serving our children on earth. Your ability as mortal angels to connect to your unconscious replicated selves will be more critical if you want to consciously be aware of what you are doing in your roles as angels of God. Each one of the mortal angels will have different abilities, based on their own effort to spend time in personal meditation and prayer. What you, Raphael, have described to the mortal angels in your website posts, will serve as an example of how they too may connect to their own unconscious selves, in their heavenly roles as angels of God.

7. Q– Will my conscious self make the walking trek to the New Jerusalem with any of my loved ones?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, much of the future is purposefully hidden from you and others of our children on earth, for our wise purposes. At one point you will make the journey by foot to the New Jerusalem area, in your conscious self. You will go with a group of people from your area. To them, you will be a seasoned older man, filled with wisdom, but not real robust and strong as the younger ones who travel in your group. You will provide needed guidance and protection to those in your group as you all grow together in your journeyings.'

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-20-2017 Tuesday

1. I awoke and prepared myself for my prayer in the usual way. I went to the sapling tree, now nearly 9 1/2 inches in diameter. I faced the large mother tree of life and prayed. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came, and again I gazed into their faces and so enjoyed their presence. I prayed for my business, for my family, for the holy angels. I prayed to know if I should petition the mortal angels more to write me, for I feel that I spend lots of time in preparing a web post, and hear nothing back from hardly any of those I send this to. I know they are busy in living. Heavenly Father said to me to continue to write and document all I receive, regardless if any write me their comments or not.

2. I have yet to hear from Phillip and Rebekah Johnson. Heavenly Father also said to not write them, but to move on with other things that he and Heavenly Mother show me, and continue writing all of this down. He will deal with each person, including the Johnsons and the mortal angels. He said that I am doing well before him, in writing my experiences in my journal and posting them on my website.

3. I also prayed for the well being of my lovely wife. She and I share so much, and grow and experience our mortal lives together. I prayed for her well being, health and happiness.

4. I then asked this question:

Q– L said to me, in a recent email, that some significant ordinances have taken place this week regarding the opening of Adam-Ondi-Ahman. She thought we needed to get together soon regarding Adam-Ondi-Ahman. She thought we need to get together a small number, in person if at all possible. She wanted me to get back to her. Has this meeting already occurred on 6-7-2017 at Adam-Ondi-Ahman?
5. A– Yes. The meeting for this small group of angels were all the archangels, three as active participants (Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael), and the remaining eleven male and female archangels. These eleven watching on the sidelines, and taking notes for the record of heaven, has already happened. This has all been fulfilled.

6. Q– L also mentioned that the date of September 23, 2017 would be a time when John the Beloved would start to lead the lost tribes of Israel and the 144,000. May I have clarification on this?
A– From Heavenly Father:

7. 'Raphael, the date of September 23, 2017 will end the current Jubilee year of the Shemitah. Once complete, great tribulations will be unleashed on the world. After this date, those in the "north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves" (see D&C 133:26-34, given below). My servant John will be among them in their journey to Zion, the New Jerusalem.

There will also be great signs in heaven to initiate these events. All men's hearts will be in turmoil, during these times.'

8. D&C 133:26-34–

"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.

And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.

Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,

And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.

And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.

And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.

And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.

And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.

Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessing upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows."

9. I then thanked my Father for his answer and clarification to my question. I realized this is about three months away! I believe significant happenings will continue to rock the world until we are in full tribulation of war, famine, pestilence, and calamities of all types. These events will be initiated by the angels, each who receive their directions from God who is orchestrating all of this.

10. I then prayed for the safety and protection of the holy angels, the 144,000, and the elect of God during these troubled times ahead.

I also thanked Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to have inspired L to have written me about these events.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-21-2017 Wednesday

1. I awoke after a great sleep. I also had a communicative prayer, at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden on the granite cliff. I am always amazed that my Heavenly Parents always come to me when I pray. They don't send a messenger, but they come themselves, usually together.

2. I spent most of my time asking for blessings on other people. For myself, I asked to be filled more and more with this love of God, so that I would know how to succor and interact with God's children. I also prayed that I would be alerted to major events, in God's eyes, that needed to be recorded. I have been told that I would be doing this. I don't want to miss anything!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-22-2017 Thursday

1. This morning I received another email from L. I went to the 2nd Estate Chapel in the temple in the celestial world, and faced the mural now being fulfilled. I had previously drank of living water, ate of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life.

2. My Heavenly Parents came to me in the chapel. I addressed my Heavenly Mother, asking her about L's email. She asked me to write these words:

Q– Is what L said about an organization of the First Presidency of the Church of the Firstborn correct? She says it happened on 6-13-2017, which is a week ago Tuesday.
3. A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, the Church of the Firstborn has been more organized since you attended the meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman on 6-7-2017. You are the one holding the keys of power in the Church of the Firstborn, and have chosen and approved other angels in that church for leadership positions. These names will be revealed to you, in your conscious mind later on. You laid your hands on their heads, in this room, on 6-13-2017, as we revealed some of this to L.

4. The work of building the New Jerusalem and more fully moving forward the Church of the Firstborn on the earth, is now not solely on you. You have others who support and receive revelation also, with regards to these important things. More will be given to you later.'

5. Q– Should I now restrict my website posts to a smaller number of mortal angels, as L said I should? These include eleven individuals now: K, R.B., H.B., M.A., K.P., W.F. F, J.W., S.A., J.D., L and S.G.. With myself this is twelve individuals.

6. A– From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, L is correct in her email. You should now limit certain information that you send out to these individuals that you have written down.'

During my morning prayer, L texted me. We agree to talk around 10:15 am on the phone this morning. I look forward to that call.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-23-2017 Friday

1. Lots happened yesterday, but I plan to write about this later. I am now in prayer this morning, and am before my Heavenly Parents next to the sapling tree of life (it is now 10 inches in diameter!). I have already asked them for blessings upon those I care about and love, and some of my concerns.

2. I now have some questions from my one-hour phone discussion with L yesterday.

Q– Should I change the word 'confer' to 'receive' pertaining to the keys, when Adam gave these back to Christ at Adam-Ondi-Ahman?
3. A– From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, those who held keys, as they were originally conferred upon them, who are heads of dispensations, now have fully returned them back to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, except for you, Joseph Smith Junior, and Enoch. The reason why you three still retain your keys is because your work is not yet finished or completed. The other dispensation heads, have completed their work, except in the case of you three. Enoch's work will not be completed until the gathering of my elect is completed, at the second coming of Jesus Christ. Joseph's work is not yet completed, since he needs to re-establish the Church of Christ again on the earth, before the second coming of our Beloved Son to the earth. Your keys have just been conferred on you, and will remain active until the end of the millennium. Our Beloved Son has now all the keys returned to him, in his possession.'

4. Q– May I confirm the men who have received dispensation keys? There are eight total, is that correct?
A– Yes, there are eight men who have received dispensation keys. These are the men, and the status of their dispensation priesthood keys:

Adam– keys are fully returned
Enoch– keys are active
Noah– keys are fully returned
Abraham– keys are fully returned
Moses– keys are fully returned
Jesus Christ– keys are active
Joseph Smith– keys are active
Raphael– keys are active

5. When I had at first received the understanding of Adam-Ondi-Ahman being accomplished, I felt there were seven dispensation heads. Now I realize Moses was there too, and there were eight men with priesthood keys and seven dispensations. Joseph Smith is the head of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, and my dispensation falls within this one. I have received a few little adjustments like this–adding Moses in the meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, and using the word confer instead of return. I think my record is now corrected, and meets the Father's approval.

6. I also have this question–

Q– Was the meeting at Adam-Ondi-Ahman done on a celestial spiritual plane on the earth, on 6-7-2017?
7. A– From Heavenly Father:

'Yes, all events of significance like this important event are done spiritually before being done temporally, on the earth. In this case, the meeting of Adam-Ondi-Ahman occurred in a celestial spiritual plane on the earth at Adam-Ondi-Ahman on 6-7-2017. It will one day be repeated in the terrestrial and telestial environment on the earth. There will be gathered a larger crowd of invited onlooking guests, but the active participants will be the same. All power and keys have, however, now been fully returned to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who now may act in his redeeming and gathering role for the elect of God. He also retains all power to vanquish Satan and his hosts in the great battle for the souls of men and women.'

8. Q L said, when I talked to her yesterday, that there was an organization of the presidency of the Church of the Firstborn. Is this true?
A– From Heavenly Mother–

'Raphael, L speaks correctly and has wisdom. There is so much happening in the celestial realms, that you are not able to adequately absorb it, categorize it and then document it only by yourself, in your mortal conscious mind.'

9. At this precise moment, I received a text from L on my cell phone next to me! Here is what we discussed back and forth:

L: Ok so there is no first presidency. It is about an order for distribution and return of Gods power through His Son Jesus Christ, through His son John to us. Order and distribution of power, not hierarchy. That seems more correct to me.

R: So you think there is no presidency in the church of the firstborn?

L: I think it's more of an order. I'm not sure anyone is ready for more information at this time. It may take a month for things to sink in and settle down.

L: People are starting to feel like it's a hierarchy, and we could be being deceived.

R: Yes, it takes time to sink in. What do you mean by hierarchy?

L: I'm not really sure, but kind of like how man views the LDS church hierarchy, people that are better than or more important than.

R: Thank you for your insights!

L: You bet!

10. After I thanked her for her insights, I felt that her texts were answers from my Heavenly Mother through her.

(Note: I think that when Heavenly Mother said that L speaking correctly and has wisdom, that this was a verification of what L immediately texted me as being true. This was the further clarification of the organization not being a hierarchy like in the LDS church, nor having any First Presidency in the Church of the Firstborn.)

11. Q– May I be enlightened more on the order of the Church of the Firstborn?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

'The Church of the Firstborn has a very limited leadership. You have keys, Raphael, given to you by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. These keys allow you to act in authority and power to perform the ordinance of the waters of separation. You will do this for everyone who is admitted to the Church of the Firstborn, who are approved by our Son Jesus Christ.

12. There are others too in authority who are high priests (male) and high priestesses (female). These too are angels of God, who have authority and who have received this from you by the laying on of hands. You hold these keys on the earth. These angels now have power to perform the final temple ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn, in our temple at the New Jerusalem, which are binding for eternity. These ordinances include washings, anointings, and endowments, similar to what you have received in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, those ordinances that you have received in that church are preparatory to those that you will receive in the New Jerusalem Celestial Temple. The angels assigned to perform these ordinances will be revealed to your conscious mind, in due time. Their binding actions will be performed so that our elect will be fully able to enter into our presence, and with us share eternal life and exaltation.

13. There is no hierarchy for leadership in the Church of the Firstborn, except that Jesus, our Beloved, is the head of this church, and has conferred on you, being a mortal, the keys to preside and conduct all of the affairs of this church. There is no First Presidency and no quorums. Instead, there are high priests (after the order of Heavenly Father) and high priestesses (after the order of Heavenly Mother), all who are angels of God, who work in these celestial realms and who perform saving eternal ordinances to bring our chosen elect into our presence. This is all done by angels of God, whom we have chosen before this world was created. This is the culmination of all our work to exalt and save our beloved children who will listen to us and follow what we say.'

14. I immediately thanked my Beloved Heavenly Mother for this great enlightenment! I felt so clear about this now. It is delicious to me, and true! Oh, I thank God for these types of clear revelations to my heart and mind. I am very pleased and excited to have this enlightenment now.

I then looked into the faces and pleasing eyes of my Heavenly Parents. They were smiling at me, as they held hands and ascended up into the celestial sky, next to the sapling tree of life by which I was kneeling.

This concluded my morning prayer and devotion today. It is nearly 11 AM, and I have been at this for the past two hours.

H, R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-24-2017 Saturday

1. Last night and again this morning I have received some great insights and revelations in my prayers. I pray to be able to convey them by the Spirit of God, in written form in my journal this morning.

2. I first inquired of the general procedure of entry into the Church of the Firstborn. This has several steps"

1. Acceptance of the individual by Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, into his church.

2. Waters of separation ordinance performed by Raphael and Oriphiel.

3. Temple ordinance for exaltation, all done by the holy angels of God. All of the angels will be involved in the temple ordinances except Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Oriphiel. This includes all the healing angels, warrior angels, proclamation angels, and all others. These will have appointments and responsibilities to participate in the all of the ordinances, all performed in certain areas of the New Jerusalem temple complex:

3. 4. The order of the ordinances are

a. Washings–cleansing from the blood and sins of earth life.

b. Anointings to become Gods and Goddesses.

c. Placement of robes of exaltation on the candidate, all made by Heavenly Parents.

d. Endowment ceremony which teaches about the power and principles of Godhood. Included are tokens and signs and a prayer circle in the true order of prayer. Also included are essential truths taught by the holy angels.

e. Passing through the veil–the candidates and the angels are on one side of the veil, and either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother are on the other side of the veil. When the robed candidate passes through the veil, they enter into the presence of their Heavenly Parents again.

f. Sealing, all done by Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ. The husband is sealed to the wife, and the wife is sealed to the husband. This is done in the temple in heaven in one of three special sealing rooms on the same floor as the throne room (4th floor).

4. At this point, the exalted couple are both full members of the Church of the Firstborn. They become high priests and high priestesses. They then begin the process of learning how to become a God together and how to rule and reign in their own kingdom. I believe a lot of this teaching begins at the end of the millennium.

5. I had been listening to Julie Rowe's podcasts, and wondered how she seemed so correct in many areas, but not correct in the callout, in my opinion. She says there will be a general callout by the prophet of the LDS Church, which I can never get as true in my prayers, as much as I try. It always has been incorrect in my mind.

6. In my prayer, I felt there will be a general callout issued, but by the prophet of the Church of the Firstborn, even Raphael the archangel. Jesus Christ has given me the keys of gathering for the elect of God on 5-14-2017.

These keys were originally conferred on the prophet Joseph Smith, from Moses (see D&C 110:11), but have recently been taken away from President Monson and all of the twelve apostles. However, the keys of gathering Israel have been conferred now on me, Raphael, in the celestial temple on 5-14-2017.

7. One day in the future, I believe I will make a call to all of the elect to gather to places of safety, and ultimately to Zion, the New Jerusalem. I imagine this will be by the voice of an angel, to their unconscious mind. This will officially initiate the gathering done by the angels of God, Enoch's group, and the 144,000. I will do this in authority since I had the keys of gathering conferred on me by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus also will exercise fully the keys of gathering as he works closely with the 144,000 by individually working with the elect of God, who have been hand-chosen by the Father.

8. If by chance, the First Presidency of the LDS Church issues a call to gather (a callout), it will not have the authority since the keys of gathering have now been removed. This would not be recognized by God or the spirits of the elect of God.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-25-2017 Sunday

1. This morning I awoke around 7:30 am. My wife was up, and I was able to pray in my bedroom undisturbed.

I partook of the living water by the fountain of living water, in front of the celestial temple, and ate of the tree of life–the fruit and the leaf. I do this now before connecting with my Heavenly Parents twice a day.

2. I approached my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother near the sapling tree of life, having prepared myself beforehand. My glorious Heavenly Parents came to me. I gazed into their faces and eyes, and knew it was them before me.

I thanked them for this great opportunity to approach them and be in their presence. They were both smiling at me.

I asked this question, after which Heavenly Mother wanted me to write her response.

3. Q– Do all the holy angels work in the temple in the New Jerusalem, as translated or resurrected mortals, through the end of the millennium, until the last person passes into the Church of the Firstborn? And then, when do they themselves go through for their own temple ordinances?

4. A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, you and our holy angels go through the temple after the last mortal or resurrected individual passes through. You do this because of this great mission and charge you have for our beloved children who are the elect of God. This is of the highest form of love–to serve faithfully your fellow brothers and sisters before you yourselves are served!

5. Once they are all passed through, then we will choose a small number of our children who have received their full temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple, to act as officiators for our beloved angels. All of you will have previously received the waters of separation ordinance at the beginning of the millennium. Now you will each receive all of your temple ordinances for your own exaltation, which you have so lovingly administered to all of our elect children.

6. Raphael, our son, you will be the first one to receive the waters of separation ordinance from our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ himself. You will also be the last one to receive your own temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first (see Matthew 20:16).

7. All of our elect children will greatly rejoice when you and our holy angels complete and receive your own temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple! This will be at the end of the millennium, just prior to the great battle with Satan and his hosts.

8. Once you and all of our elect children have received their temple ordinances, we will then seal them as husband and wife, in the temple in heaven. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus, our Beloved Son, and I will do this in the three sealing rooms in our temple in heaven. We will then begin the process of teaching you, our exalted children, how to become as we are, Gods in your own kingdom.

9. The earth on which you lived in mortality will die and be resurrected, a celestial orb itself. You who are our exalted children will then receive your inheritances on the celestial earth.

10. The events spoken of in Revelation chapters 21 and 22 will be fulfilled. We will assist each of you as you learn of your new eternal roles as exalted fathers and mothers to your own children. Our joy will be full as we complete this process for this eternity! Oh how we will all rejoice together on the blessed celestial earth and in heaven where we dwell!'

11. I then thanked my Beloved Mother for this wonderful revelation. I saw her crying for joy, in describing these final events for her exalted children! We embraced and held our embrace for some time, during which time I too cried for joy in her arms. When we finally separated, we were both teary-eyed.

12. She then said:

'Raphael, walk with us!'

I then took my Heavenly Mother in my right hand, and my Heavenly Father in my left, and we immediately came to the mountaintop in their celestial world. Without speaking a word, we went again to the New Jerusalem in the eastern skies, this time in the distant future on the celestial earth. I knew we were walking among the exalted elect who had received their own inheritances on the earth as Gods.

13. We then passed over many lands whose exalted couples had received as inheritances. There was so much light, joy and peace! Then we came to my own inheritance and mansion on the celestial earth! There was an eastern mountain and lands before me. There was a stream of water flowing through the land from the slopes of the mountain. My mother then spoke:

14. 'Raphael, here with your beloved wife, you will start your own heavenly kingdom. This is located near Salem, Utah, the city of peace. It will then also be a place of great peace and beauty in the eternities!'

15. I saw myself with my wife, holding hands as we strolled over this land of ours on the exalted earth! My Heavenly Parents had left me there, and I was filled with such joy and satisfaction!

I then lost the vision. I remember clearly however, the deep peace and joy of walking, hand in hand, with my exalted wife on our own inheritance on the exalted earth.

This concluded my morning prayer this Sabbath morning. It is almost 9:00 AM.

16. Later, after sacrament meeting:

My wife and I attended a sacrament meeting in a Utah County, Utah ward. A. went to his singles' ward, and we went to ours. I had a unique experience during the sacrament that I want to record here.

17. We sang 'Come Sing to the Lord' (Hymns, page 10) as an opening song. The third verse was impressive to me, since I had just typed into the computer my journal entries, all about the keys to gathering Israel that I now possessed. Here is verse 3:

"The keys of the priesthood of our Lord
To us in fulness are restored,
Their blessings to bestow,
And pow’rs divine are manifest.
Come, sing to the Lord, his name be blessed!"

18. We started the sacrament by singing in the congregation 'There is a Green Hill Far away (Hymns 194). As I started meditating during the hymn, I felt that my replicated self was in the Great Assembly Hall, located just northwest of Lake Beautiful, in the celestial world! I was seated on the stand, next to Enoch, the ancient prophet. Before us were gathered in the hall, all of Enoch's people. I was wearing my angel vestures. We were all singing 'There is a Green Hill Far Away' also, just like we were singing in the ward on the earth! I could hear the music in both locations, and I too was singing in both places.

19. Then in the ward in Utah County, the priest blessed the bread in the sacrament. In the Great Assembly Hall, priesthood brethren were also blessing broken bread. The first fifty or so rows in this hall had other priesthood bearers who were to pass the bread to the vast congregation. The sacrament was blessed both on earth and in heaven at the same time, and passed at the same time too!

20. The bread came to me first in the Great Assembly Hall in heaven. I partook, as others looked on. Then Enoch partook, and then everyone else started partaking too. When the bread was being passed to the congregation, I saw my Heavenly Parents before me, in the air near the ceiling of the hall. They beckoned to me to come to them, and join them above the assembly hall, in the sky above.

I replicated myself, and moved with them to the area above the Great Assembly Hall.

21. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then stood before me. I made my weekly covenant with them, face to face. Then my Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, and we will always be with you.

22. You are in a sacrament meeting in Utah County, Utah on the earth, and also in a sacrament meeting in the Great Assembly Hall below. The reason why you are with Enoch and his people is to speak to them after the sacrament. Tell them what I tell you now:

23. You, Raphael, have received the priesthood keys of gathering our elect. You are the only one in mortality now holding these keys of the priesthood on earth. In the meeting in the Great Assembly Hall below, address the people that they are now sufficiently schooled in their replication skills, and now they are to act boldly and diligently in the gathering and awakening of the 144,000, and then the elect of God on the earth. The people of Enoch work in the celestial realms, as do the angels of God, and need to keep hidden from the people. However, they are to act in decisiveness and boldness in their efforts to awaken the 144,000 and gather the elect of God.

24. Declare this message to them with clearness, even with the voice of an angel having authority from God! They will listen to you and their leader Enoch, as you declare my words to them.'

25. The priest then blessed the water. I saw myself come down into the Great Assembly Hall, on the stand in the front, and drink of the cup of the sacrament. Once I drank, the others then drank also. I observed the vast congregation in front of me, and marveled how efficiently and quickly the priesthood passed the emblems of the sacrament to all that were assembled.

26. When the sacrament ended in the ward, it also ended in the assembly hall. I then saw Enoch stand and address his people. He then immediately introduced me to speak to them. I saw myself then stand up and speak to the people. Here is what I said:

'My brothers and sisters, I feel deeply humbled to address you today! I just realized in my conscious mind, that I was going to address you in this magnificent Great Assembly Hall, next to Lake Beautiful.

27. I feel very privileged also to partake of the sacrament with you and Enoch, your prophet. I am a translated mortal, and live a quiet life on earth with my wife and family there. My wife and I are in sacrament meeting there as I speak to you here. We enjoyed the same hymn, and I partook of the sacrament of our Lord Jesus Christ in both locations as well.

28. While I was partaking of the bread, just moments ago in this assembly hall, I saw our Heavenly Parents before me, near the ceiling. They beckoned me to come join them in the sky above this building. I immediately replicated myself and came before them there. I made a covenant with them, to take upon me the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember my Heavenly Father and Mother, and to keep their commandments. Heavenly Father addressed me, and accepted my covenant. He said that he and our wonderful Heavenly Mother would always be with me.

29. He then gave me a message to deliver to you today. This message is one of urgency. He said you have learned very well how to replicate yourselves in your expanded missions to the earth, as he or Heavenly Mother direct you individually. However, now is the time to act in boldness and with great diligence to awaken the 144,000, and then the elect of God. You will need to act in secret, hidden from the people you seek to influence. Your mission is to act immediately, from all of your impressions. You will know how to prompt and encourage these choice people, for you each have had so many experiences in doing so from your many years of service.

30. I have received from Jesus Christ, our Savior, the priesthood keys of gathering all of Israel, in these last days. I received these a little over one month ago. Now I charge you, with the authority of God, to go forth and fulfill your foreordained missions to awaken and gather the elect of God!'

At this time, the ward back on earth sang an interlude hymn 'Hope of Israel' (Hymns page 259, given below). The congregation in heaven also arose spontaneously, and all sang along with the ward congregation on the earth!

31. Lyrics to 'Hope of Israel' (Hymns 259)

1. Hope of Israel, Zion’s army,
Children of the promised day,
See, the Chieftain signals onward,
And the battle’s in array!
Hope of Israel, rise in might
With the sword of truth and right;
Sound the war-cry, “Watch and pray!”
Vanquish ev’ry foe today.

2. See the foe in countless numbers,
Marshaled in the ranks of sin.
Hope of Israel, on to battle;
Now the vict’ry we must win!
Hope of Israel, rise in might
With the sword of truth and right;
Sound the war-cry, “Watch and pray!”
Vanquish ev’ry foe today.

3. Strike for Zion, down with error;
Flash the sword above the foe!
Ev’ry stroke disarms a foeman;
Ev’ry step we conq’ring go.
Hope of Israel, rise in might
With the sword of truth and right;
Sound the war-cry, “Watch and pray!”
Vanquish ev’ry foe today.

4. Soon the battle will be over;
Ev’ry foe of truth be down.
Onward, onward, youth of Zion;
Thy reward the victor’s crown.
Hope of Israel, rise in might
With the sword of truth and right;
Sound the war-cry, “Watch and pray!”
Vanquish ev’ry foe today.

Text: Joseph L. Townsend, 1849–1942
Music: William Clayson, 1840–1887

32. When we were done singing, I asked all to sit down for a moment. I addressed them again:

'My brothers and sisters, you will encounter the hosts of Satan in countless numbers. They are more organized and marshaled, in the ranks of sin, than ever before. They desire to destroy the elect of God. I know that you, the choice people of Enoch, do not have swords or weapons to fight them. However, many of us, who are angels of God, have swords that we wield in defense of truth, and to protect the elect. Please feel free to call on us to vanquish every foe from the elect you are seeking to influence. We will come, at a moment's notice, to flash our swords above the foe, so that your efforts will be effective.

Hope of Israel, rise in might!'

33. At that moment, the congregation all stood together, and the room was filled with the angels of God! Many angels had their swords raised high above their heads, in battle array! I then raised my Sword of Raphael, and moved it forward. Silver lightning came forth and lit up the entire assembly hall! In that instant, all the angels departed with the flash of silver lightning! Enoch and his people were left alone, all standing.

34. I inquired afterwards, if this dramatic exit impressed all of the people of the city of Enoch. Enoch spoke to me, and said that they all felt the call to action, particularly with the final exit of the angels, with the silver lightning. I felt gratified, and thanked my Heavenly Parents for this amazing display of power that I had witnessed today, in the Great Assembly Hall with the people of Enoch.

35. Later, at evening prayer:

I received an email from L, stating her opinion that there was a counsel of 8 to 12 high priests, high priestesses, who are members of this counsel. These consult together and provide guidance to the Church of the Firstborn. I asked my Heavenly Parents if this concept was correct. Here is from my impressions, which I believe came from Heavenly Mother:

36. 'Raphael, L and H.B. are correct–there is an advisory counsel in the Church of the Firstborn. This is composed of 12 high priests and high priestesses total, including you. These have been ordained by yourself in conducting many of the affairs of the Church of the Firstborn. The outward leadership from you, but you meet in counsel with these 11 other individuals. These people are all holy angels, who are now having a mortal experience. Their input is very valuable in shaping the affairs and direction of the Church of the Firstborn.'

37. I believe we need to discuss more fully this concept, until we are all satisfied with the structure and purpose. I believe that the inspiration of each of these individuals needs to be part of the input on decisions made by the whole, and by myself.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-26-2017 Monday

1. Continuing where I left off last night: I think the counsel of twelve should be called the 'Council of Angels', or something like this. This is technically not a leadership council, in my opinion, for these lead no one, but are more an advisory council. The angels have been gathered together to enhance revelation on important subjects. Now the subject is organization and first items of agenda. I believe those on this council will be with me in the establishment of the foundations of the New Jerusalem. We may be able to all go together to visit this glorious city in vision at the mountaintop in the celestial world, where I recently visited with our Heavenly Parents."

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-27-2017 Tuesday

1. Last night in my prayer, I had a very interesting experience. I had gone to the borders of Lake Beautiful to drink of the living water from the lake. Then I thought of going into the future, to go to the New Jerusalem, and eat the fruit and leaves of one of the trees of life there. I went to the high mountaintop and saw the New Jerusalem in vision again, in the eastern skies. I then went there, and found myself in front of the fountain of living water. I walked to the tree of life to my right, and plucked one fruit and one leaf. I took these to the golden doors of the temple behind me.

2. I ate on the temple steps, the fruit of the tree of life, and then I ate the leaf of the tree of life.

I asked about these temple doors, and felt that behind these was the place I would do the waters of separation ordinance! I entered and saw the entry to the temple–in an area where I knew I would be located often to perform this ordinance. I also knew that the areas further into this temple were for the ordinances of exaltation, to be performed by the angels for the elect members of the Church of the Firstborn. This was mostly to be done in the millennium.

3. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents on the steps in this entry area. They came before me, in gold-trimmed regal robes! They seemed especially happy. I asked them why they were wearing these robes. Heavenly Mother replied:

'Raphael, we have come to you here, representing a future day, when you would go through the temple area in front of you, and be the last one to receive your glorious temple ordinances in the Church of the Firstborn! All of our exalted children and us, have been waiting for this final day!'

4. I then saw myself exiting the other end of this New Jerusalem temple, and being whisked away into the throne room in the celestial temple in heaven, along with all of the rest of the exalted children of our Heavenly Parents. These were waiting for their own sealings in the three rooms at the east end of this throne room.

5. I saw that these sealings began once I had received my own temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple, and that all had received these ordinances. I also saw that each of us assembled were wearing our new robes of exaltation. I too had this robe on, and no longer was wearing my angel vestures. I knew I still had to fight Satan, in the last battle back on earth, with these, the righteous hosts of heaven.

6. I saw also the death and birth of the earth into a celestial orb, with a rotation around Kolob, near the celestial orb and home of God. I saw again the inheritances we would all receive, once we were sealed by either Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother or Jesus Christ, to our spouse, and our spouse to us. It was a wonderful visionary experience I had last night!

7. This morning I confirmed again that the 12-member counsel was to receive revelation and direction for the Church of the Firstborn, and for the New Jerusalem. I asked if this group were leaders in this church, and felt they were equal with the other angels who would also participate. We all had the feeling of all being equal heirs in the Church of the Firstborn. I felt that L was correct in that this was not a hierarchy, but a council of angels who met occasionally for revelation and understanding, and not so much on leadership. Each angel already had responsibilities, for which they would have stewardship. This stewardship was their primary calling, besides working in the temple for those who came into the Church of the Firstborn.

8. This morning, I felt I prayed to my Heavenly Parents on the inheritance land on the future celestial earth, that my wife and I would receive. I communed with my Heavenly Parents there, in this lovely celestial place! I knew we no longer were in our old eternity, but in the eternity of my wife and I. My Heavenly Parents looked exactly the same. It was all very exciting to me!

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-29-2017 Thursday

1. Added to the end of this web post, after I sent this out by email:

I have been mulling over in my mind what we will be doing in our meeting tomorrow at M.A.'s family clubhouse near Ogden, Utah. I am planning to go via the Front Runner train. This goes from Provo to Ogden and back. I plan to take my computer, phone, and a large flip chart easel pad to wrote on so the entire group may see.

I also emailed to us twelve individuals coming or calling in to the meeting tomorrow, my latest post 'Adam-Ondi-Ahman'. I asked them to come seeking revelation.

2. This morning I prepared myself for prayer. I felt to go to the New Jerusalem area in the eastern sky from the mountaintop.

I entered the golden door of the temple, and descended into the area where I was to perform the waters of separation ordinance. I came here last night also in my prayer.

3. At this location inside the New Jerusalem temple, I met in prayer with my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I thanked them for the privilege again to be in their presence, in this celestial sphere. I then asked them again, as I did yesterday, to bless the others who would be coming or calling in to the meeting, with abundant revelation. The information they received is what I felt we would be discussing during this meeting.

4. I asked again this morning if there was an agenda or a plan to the meeting, and how we should proceed. Heavenly Mother answered me:

'Raphael, we are very pleased that you will be meeting tomorrow as a group of mortal angels! When you open the meeting, kneel together in prayer before us. Your Heavenly Father, our Son Jesus Christ and myself will be in attendance as we are invited to come in your prayer. Raphael, please conduct the meeting yourself, and also offer the opening prayer for the group. Dialogue what you see and experience in your prayer for the benefit of the others.

5. The plan for the council of angels meeting will not be given to you now, but will be given during the prayer and after the prayer. We desire that all come into the celestial plane or environment with us, so that revelation may freely flow to each one.'

I again felt to bring the large easel pad of paper and some markers, plus my computer and phone. This is all I know about what we are doing tomorrow for the meeting.

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this direction. I said that I would have no further expectations. I again prayed that each of us prepare ourselves to be in a worthy state before them, so that we all would be humble and open to the inspiration they will give us.

I also felt to share these thoughts with the others, by email today.

7. I asked about my most recent post to these eleven others, and found that it was pleasing to my Heavenly Parents.

I then looked again into the faces of my Heavenly Parents. I next found them embracing me, Heavenly Father first then Heavenly Mother! I felt their love and understanding, and great control in orchestrating all that is happening in the world now. They each smiled at me. Heavenly Father placed his hands on both of my shoulders as he stood before me (I was also standing).

8. When Heavenly Mother was done embracing me, she held both of my hands in front of us, as we faced each other. They then both came together, and held adjacent hands together, and went up into the sky in the temple, until I saw them no more.

9. I then looked around and observed. There were seven descending steps into the area where I was, that I would perform the waters of separation ordinance with Oriphiel. The area was oval shaped from above, and was of a polished stone like marble it seemed.

I then started writing this all down, and realized my prayer had ended this morning. I feel ready to start my day now.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 6-30-2017 Friday

1. Last night in my prayer, I was next to the sapling tree of life. I asked about the seven descending steps into the oval-shaped area in the temple. I asked my Heavenly Parents if there was significance in this.

Heavenly Father asked me to write in my journal the answer. However, my wife came in the bedroom where I was praying at this time, and I was never able to get the answer from my Heavenly Father. I was also extremely tired. Now it is the next morning, about one hour before my alarm was set. I awoke and felt it was more important to get this answer from Heavenly Father than to sleep another hour.

2. Here is what I feel impressed to write from Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, there is significance in the seven descending steps into the oval-shaped area in the temple. You will be doing this sacred ordinance with Oriphiel for all mankind. These, our children, have come to the earth during its seven thousand years of her temporal existence. These steps represent this period of time, one step for each 1000 years.

3. There are also seven ascending steps the newly separated elect child then needs to climb to enter the remainder of the temple ordinances. There are seven steps of progression also, in order for our child to become as we are:

1. Waters of separation ordinance, including having their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. This will have just been completed as our child ascends this first step.

2. Washing of their body and spirit.

3. Anointing of their body and spirit.

4. Receipt of their robe of exaltation.

5. Endowment of knowledge and power.

6. Sealing to their spouse, and of their spouse to themself.

7. Final ordination as a couple to be a God and Goddess in the eternities.

4. Step seven above will be done once they have learned all they need to know as a couple how to rule and reign in righteousness forever and ever. Your Heavenly Mother and I will do this jointly for the exalted couple together, who will then become as we are.

5. The oval shape of the area where you perform the waters of separation ordinance also has significance. It is in the shape of an egg, which represents a new life, or a new beginning. Each of those admitted into the Church of the Firstborn have a new identity and a new life and a new perspective.

6. J.W. was also correct in saying there was a key to the seven descending steps to what would further be revealed to you as a group of twelve angels today in your council meeting. Be attentive to what transpires today in order to understand further significance in these seven descending steps.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this instruction.

Then I prepared myself for the day by drinking from the living waters of Lake Beautiful, three times from my cupped hand. I then went to the city of Enoch and went to the larger tree of life there, and ate of the fruit of the tree of life and then the leaf. As I was just finished eating, Enoch came to me there next to the tree of life. He said:

'Raphael, I too will be with the group of twelve angels at one time in today's council meeting.'

8. I thanked him for letting me know. I felt he would be part of understanding the messages we would need to learn today, somehow relating to the seven descending steps.

9. I then realized I needed to do some of my necessary morning chores, including turning off the field irrigation water. I went outside and waited until the rotating sprinkler spray was just past. I ducked between the barbed wire and the fence, and walked quickly to the turnoff valve, located in the pasture grass. I then knelt down, opened the green cover, and then as I was shutting off the water lines, the water sprinkled me just as I turned off the water! I then had the strong impression that this is how one will receive the waters of separation ordinance–by kneeling and then getting sprinkled by me, Raphael.

10. I then watched everything I did this morning, as a clue or a sign perhaps, to something the class or I are supposed to learn today.

I next walked with my chicken bucket to my greenhouse. I dumped the green drink remnants that A. had juiced last night, down the slide to the chickens. I rinsed out the pail in the greenhouse and then pulled out the seven-day old tray of barley sprouts. I then dumped all of these too down the slide to the chickens. I came back to the greenhouse and washed out the sprouting tray in the sink, and then washed out the soaking barley in the bucket. The water foamed under the high-pressure water. I poured off the foamy water into another bucket, and then shook the soaked barley into the sprouting tray I just had washed. I placed the newly filled sprouting tray into the rack and closed the door. I dumped the sprouting water into my greenhouse beds, where I had let many lettuce and other plants go to seed. I then dipped into my dry barley grain bucket with a small bowl (the day's measurement of dry barley). I dumped this into the empty soaking bucket and rinsed this new bath of dry barley with my pressurized water hose. When part way full of water, I replaced the bucket lid on this barley to soak a full day until tomorrow morning.

11. Before leaving the greenhouse, I watered it all with pond water where I have my goldfish, which water is pumped into a hose when I flip the switch. I then turned off the pump, grabbed a sprig of stevia and ate it. I exited the greenhouse, heading for the chicken coop.

12. In the chicken coop, I gathered all the eggs, seven eggs today! I also fed the fish with goldfish food. I rinsed off the little waterfall aerator I had with a brush.

13. I then left the coop area, saying goodbye to my chickens. I had to lock them up in their coop for a month now because we have a neighborhood fox, which has been taking away many chickens in the neighborhood. I have 14 chickens left, I had lost 10. There are also skunks, raccoons, hawks and dogs that have killed my free-range chickens. These predators are a constant problem for the chickens, and a continual threat. However, my chickens are now safe in their large coop. I have chicken wire on all sides and on top, plus heavy gauge wire buried in the ground all around. I keep all doors shut and locked.

14. I raced to get into the house now to quickly change and grab my bag to drive to Provo. My wife had just awoken and we hugged and kissed goodbye. I grabbed my things and got to my car at 6:45 am.

15. I drove to the Provo Front Runner Station, arriving at 7:00 am. I bought a senior round trip pass to Ogden for $7.20. The train left at 7:20 am for Ogden. I sat in the upper level on the west side. I had a great view of Utah Valley, then Salt Lake Valley, and then Ogden Valley as I traveled. I saw Utah Lake on the left, then the Jordan River with large fish, which were swimming near the surface. Salt Lake City was pretty grungy and dirty. As I neared Ogden, I could see the Great Salt Lake to the west. It has been a great trip, and is such a beautiful day.

16. Later: I'm on the train now, heading back home. There is lots of traffic on the freeway, and we're zipping by them all fast.

I really enjoyed the meeting, particularly in the afternoon. There was a lot of energy, lots of individuals finding their missions and more of their roles. I felt lots of support, and all felt that too I believe. I mostly sat and listened to others. We were able to have K all morning long, and S.A. all day long, on a computer or phone connection.

17. I really had no expectation for the meeting. I am pleased how it turned out, as I believe God is (although I haven't asked as yet). After two hymns, I led the group in a visualization prayer. I think it got us started on the right foot, since we hopefully had the presence of our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ in our meeting from that time on.

18. I was a conduit for the healing of H.B. and her dying father. We all held hands and connected the light and healing energy given from our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ in a God's Loving Healing Hands gift. I think this blessing from God also greatly increased the verve we each felt for our particular responsibilities. All seemed to feel a surge of light in our circle.

19. I really liked what R.B. said when it was his turn to speak. He told about how he was a Lieutenant in Satan's army, and read Satan's handbook. This was very difficult for him to share. He realized that he was being deceived and that all the others in Satan's army were too, and then he came to the light. With that understanding he has been writing the Warrior Handbook, which is to expose Satan's battle plan. This will be used both for those in mortality who have gone to the dark side, and for those amongst the 1/3 who followed Satan and who are greatly deceived. We then found out that W.F. too had been on the dark side and since has come to the light. They are both saved from Satan, and are leading the fight against Satan now.

20. R.B.talked about how easily it was for warrior-type individuals to go to the dark side. They can, however, be warriors for Christ (warrior angels) who fight Satan. We all had a good hug and lots of tears as we found out certain issues like sending some of Satan's hosts, part of the 1/3, to Christ.

21. I enjoyed talking to K.P. who took me to the train station. She has a very interesting background, with the new circular periodic table of the atom that she has been involved in. She talked about very interesting happenings in the heavens. She feels things might well happen on September 23rd, 2017, with the coming forth of John the Beloved. This might be when tribulation turns to judgment.

22. I am happy that R.B. is going to connect us all up on a Google Hangouts system where we can share together our thoughts.

I like how J.W. was able to tie everyone's comments together. His strength is to see the strengths in others and link them together.

23. I also really enjoyed talking to W.F.. He spoke up a lot, and knows the scriptures well. He seems to be really energized in what he learned and shared in our meeting. One time I felt Enoch was behind him, as a sign of strength and solidarity to W.F..

24. M.A. shared her experience with emotional healing. Her comment fit in well with what R.B. was saying.

I could comment on the others too, and I wish I could, but am running out of time. I would really like a list of each participant and their roles and missions.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-1-2017 Saturday

1. I went to the mountaintop again this morning in my prayer. I was able to come into the presence of my Heavenly Parents, who were so loving and kind to me. I asked them about their view of the meeting yesterday.

2. Q– Is what we did in the meeting acceptable to them?
A– Yes
3. Q– Was there more that they would have desired we had done in the class?
A– Yes

This last response left me wondering what we did to miss out on information we could and should have received!

4. I received an email from J.D. this morning (and from M.A. later on) where she (J.D.) wondered if we had missed important information. She referred to my email that morning.

From J.D.:

"I have read the email and felt very sad that we did not get to discuss it. I hope we had not missed the opportunity to have that discussion and receive the knowledge that was in store for us."

5. Q– Is J.D. right in her assessment, thinking that we might have missed something important?
A From Heavenly Mother

'Raphael, J.D. is correct. There were important revelations that you as a group could have received but didn't. You all need to have greater decorum in your meetings together. There was an attitude among some to speak over others, and to have multiple conversations at the same time. Some wanted so badly to say their own agenda, without intently listening to the one speaking. Remember, in Zion, we all seek the well-being and view of our neighbor, and such should be the case in your meetings together.

6. When you converse and share together, whether in-person or online over the sharing system that will be established, strive to keep these same views of intently listening to another, rather than promoting your own agenda you may feel is inspired. We speak usually softly and quietly to the souls of our children, in sometimes imperceptible impressions at first. We were available to all in the meeting, but at times couldn't get through.

7. In future meetings you may have together, we desire that you, Raphael, take more charge of the meeting, and where it is going in conversation and direction, according to out subtle promptings to your mind and heart.

8. We are pleased that some information was revealed, but we had more significant items for you to receive, had you together been in the spiritual state to receive. Our desire is for you to follow our Spirit, and to forget any other rules or procedures other than following the gentle lead of the Spirit of God, that will speak to all of the souls in the meeting. Each needs to be open and not intent on a certain plan or agenda, or their own special interest. Drop all expectations, and let us gently guide you along.

9. We love each of you immensely! You are our beautiful and magnificent angels. Have heart, for we will teach you more fully our ways of interaction as you are open and willing.'

10. I thanked my kind and loving Heavenly Mother. I begged for her forgiveness for not taking more charge of the meeting, and for not being in tune to their gentle nudges.

I felt this was a necessary lesson for me, and also for the group. I hope each will ponder and pray about their role and actions, in settings like this, so that we truly can be of one heart and one mind.

11. I feel to share this journal entry soon with the group. It is meant to help correct, and not to chastise or offend. We all want to move forward this great work. We each just need some 'tweaking' so that we are acting fully in the way our Heavenly Parents direct.

O. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-2-2017 Sunday

1. I am now praying in the grove of birch trees, on the slope going into the valley where the city of Enoch is located. Before me are my Heavenly Parents. I asked them again to forgive me for not following their promptings in the meeting of angels on Friday, and steering it in a direction they fully wanted. I feel we had some good things accomplished, but I feel bad we missed some of the subtle information and revelation they wanted to share with us. I feel we need to school our feelings, and think of our neighbor and of what God wants us to do and say, at the moment of.

2. I've learned some things. I pray to be more attentive to the Spirit of God in the future, and in conducting such gatherings with the Spirit. It would have been good for me to keep asking 'Is this meeting going in a direction we should go, that is pleasing before God?' Also 'Does God want to speak and communicate to us as a group something now? If so, what should we do to lead us there?' Listening humbly to the subtle promptings is what I always want to do. These questions will help us to be led by the Spirit in our meetings.

3. Moroni 6:9–

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

4. Later, after sacrament meeting:

We attended a ward in Mapleton, Utah today. There was a baby blessing, and I looked for the presence of Jesus Christ, or either or both of my Heavenly Parents. None were there! This left me pondering since the last blessing of my own grandbaby recently, I witnessed Jesus Christ behind and above my son, blessing his baby girl, and my Heavenly Parents also near.

5. I then received the impression that God now only comes to his elect, either to the baby who might be of the elect, or the one giving the blessing. I now believe that God does not come to the unfaithful that are not the elect of God.

In the sacrament, I was visualizing myself in the birch tree grove on the slopes of the valley where the city of Enoch is located.

6. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents who came before me. I partook of the bread. Heavenly Mother then spoke, and accepted the covenant I made with them. She also said she loved each of us who came to the council of angels meeting on Friday. We are considered the weak and the meek of the earth, as the world sees us. Before God, however, we are powerful and blessed angels of God. She also said the Heavenly Father and she will be leading us along, so that we become the noble angels that they see us becoming.

7. The priest then blessed the water. Heavenly Father then spoke similar words as Heavenly Mother. He expressed his love to each of us, as his twelve angels in this council. He expressed support and watchful care over each of us, and reiterated that they would lead us along.

I then partook of the water.

8. Then my Heavenly Mother spoke again, in words like this that I wrote down at the time:

'Raphael, I would like to share with you one of the revelations we wanted to give to you last Friday in your meeting.

9. The seven steps inside the gold temple doors, where you will perform the ordinance of the separation of waters, are also represented by the seven eggs you gathered Friday morning from your chickens. The shape of the depressed oval font is represented by the egg, a new birth for the new creation of those who become members of the Church of the Firstborn. Once the chosen person kneels before you, either on one or both knees, he or she becomes a member of the Church of the Firstborn upon completion of the ordinance, and completion of their name being written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

10. We have already shared with you the meaning of the seven descending and seven ascending steps. We desire our holy angels to strive now to become new creations, new in their behaviors and concerns, just like the new members of the Church of the Firstborn become on the day they enter into our celestial church. Mortality has brought many weaknesses to each of you, for our own purposes, particularly to help you become humble and open to our gentle ways.

11. In the depressed font, we desire all to shed their old ways, and to look to us to guide and teach them in our Godly ways. This is particularly needful now among our mortal angels, who are weak and frail in many ways. Rise up, and be angels of God! Look to us in every thought, and heed our quiet promptings, that are so gentle and like a whisper. This is the spirit that all who come into the Church of the Firstborn need to possess.

12. Going down into the sprinkling font, represents leaving behind our old self, and accepting living the new life of how God lives. In this way, it is akin to the baptism by immersion in water, for the remission of sins in the Church of Christ.

13. Also, Raphael, the notion that you heard on Friday in your meeting about a presidency in the Church of the Firstborn is not true. All are considered the same, as a Zion people think of each other as equals. You angels work together as needed, but have no assigned organization in this church, other than the council of twelve angels, who are also equal with each other and with all other angels.

14. Raphael, you hold keys and, as such, have a leadership role in regards to the Church of the Firstborn and the New Jerusalem. Please let others of the council of angels know that it is our will that they work together, and counsel together in love and cooperation, with no concern for hierarchy or further organizational concerns.

15. There also are no members yet in the Church of the Firstborn, but those who have assurances they are members, or those mentioned in scripture, are really heirs of this church and kingdom. There has been no presidency of the Church of the Firstborn with ancient prophets, nor will there be any presidency in the future. Our intention is that all are equal, being high priests or high priestesses in our church and kingdom.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this information, and marveled at how clear she was to me about these many things she mentioned.

As a closing hymn today, we sang 'American the Beautiful' (Hymns, page 338). I was impressed with the future state of America in my mind, when the New Jerusalem would be established in the center of this land of America.

17. Here are verses that impressed me:

Stanza 2
God mend thine ev'ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self control"

18. This is exactly how God wants us to act as angels–to change our behavior, by humbly making changes in correcting our weaknesses and flaws. We need to exercise self-control in promoting our own agenda, and think more of the feelings and needs of others.

19. Stanza 3
Till all success be nobleness
And ev'ry gain divine."

As we become new creations in the inner man or woman, we will become noble angels and our gain will be by the divine, even from God.

20. Later at evening prayer:

I came in my evening prayer to the cliff overlooking the valley of the city of Enoch, looking north from a distance. I was directly north of the circling waters. I had prepared myself for my prayer as I always do now a days.

21. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from the north, and both of their capes were blowing behind them. Their countenances were sober–no longer smiling nor with peaceful, loving faces.

I asked them why their capes where blowing so much behind them, and why they were so sober looking.

22. Heavenly Father asked me to write the words in my journal that he would give me. Here is what he said:

'Raphael, we are displeased with the inhabitants of the earth upon which you dwell. They have gone astray, and are turning away from us and our counsels in ever increasing numbers. We are hastening our work of awakening our elect, and of initiating calamities upon the wicked. The time of preparation is past, and the time of calamities that have been prophesied for these last days is at hand. Very soon days of trouble will begin with ever increasingly great speed and frequency. The inhabitants of the earth will feel the chastening hand of an offended God in not many days!

23. This is the reason why our capes are blowing in the wind of change, and the cause of our great soberness.

You have felt increasing fatigue recently. This will continue, as your services in the celestial realms are magnified with the demand we place upon you. The holy angels will also feel an increase in their labors as well.

24. Listen to our subtle promptings, and act immediately on all the directions we give to you. This is imperative for all the mortal angels as well. Watch, and be ready!'

25. I then thanked my Father for his answer. I committed to him that I would do all he directs me. I said I would strive to not get overloaded with the cares of life, so that I could hear his voice, and that of Heavenly Mother and the Spirit of God. I also asked for increased strength in these days ahead. I asked for added blessings to be poured out upon the mortal angels to act in obedience to all the commands of God. I prayed for the gatherers to be ready and prepared. I prayed for the elect of God, scattered upon all the earth, to be protected.

26. This was their sole message for me tonight. I closed my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I then felt that I was falling back to the earth. I then retired to bed.

P. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-3-2017 Monday

1. I awoke thinking about the depressed sprinkling font, and the seven steps going down and the seven steps going up. I felt that my sprouted barley in the seven trays I use has significance too, and is filled with meaning. I water the barley automatically four times a day in these seven trays. The transformation in the barley is remarkable after seven days of sprouting! The dry grain is likened to us coming from a temporal and fallen telestial state. However, once we are sprouted (following the analogy), we are truly new creations, not even remotely looking or acting like we did before. We have been enlivened with water, just like the elect person is sprinkled with water in the waters of separation ordinance. The seven ascending steps are likened to the seven days of sprouting. This process fully changes our very nature and behavior. We are truly shaped and formed into the new creation of a God in nature.

2. In my morning prayer today, I felt confirmed that this sprouting symbolism is a true symbol of how God wants us to change into a Zion-like person. The main behavioral changes are to think of others as ourselves (equal status) and to act in loving ways. This attitude shift changes our desire from promoting ourselves to instead promoting and loving others.

3. There is one other significant symbol from my Friday morning experience: I bought a ticket to board the train. I needed approval to board, and this ticket represented this approval. Likewise, many are called, but few are chosen by the Savior, Jesus Christ, to be accepted into his church, the Church of the Firstborn. Once each receives approval from Jesus Christ, they may be admitted through the golden doors of the temple in the New Jerusalem, and start receiving their changing ordinances.

4. See D&C 121:34-46 below. This is rather long, but so important. President David O. McKay said that this was the greatest revelation of all time to mankind, or words to that affect. We need to become changed to become new creations. The priesthood order which is referred to in verse 45, that distills upon our souls and changes us, can be replaced, for women, with high priestesses after the order of Heavenly Mother. We change and become new.

5. D&C 121:34-46–

"Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?

Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson—

That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.

That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man.

Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pRs, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God.

We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.

Hence many are called, but few are chosen.

No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;

By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile—

Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;

That he may know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death.
45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.

The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever."

6. In my morning prayer, at the circling waters, Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, what you have written last night and this morning captures the symbols and key meanings we were trying to show you on Friday. The waters of separation ordinance, when they kneel before you when they are sprinkled with the special water, is to separate our child from their previous life. We need a new creation, described in the Doctrine and Covenants section 121 verses you have referenced.

7. We desire first that our mortal angels lead the way, by themselves becoming more and more this type of person in their own lives. They are to become more and more like us, shedding their old selves.'

8. I feel so glad for this continual direction and guidance from my loving Heavenly Parents! I want to become more and more Godly in my daily walk. I want to be angelic in my mortal conscious self, more like my unconscious replicated self I see in the celestial realms above."


9. My sister K and I volleyed back and forth via email this morning about the meeting last Friday. It seems now that it has been a few days, my perspective is more clear than ever. I personally don't want any part of interactions where there is loud and self-promoting agendas, that are often so dogmatic that there is no wiggle room to discuss. I want the same feelings that I get whenever I visit heaven, and interact with my Heavenly Parents–always so gentle and mild, and kind and loving. If we do have further meetings, they have to be in this manner or I will bow out.

10. Here are some of the comments from my sister K's emails today:

"Hi R,
I was so glad to read these words. I had been confused at the session of the meeting that I was there for as it felt, indeed, like a ship without a helm and certain people clamoring for the chance to be heard. It didn't feel humble in nature nor entreating the Lord for guidance. I wanted you to speak up but you were allowing it to go the way some said it needed to go. I felt confused by the general feel of the discussion (other than your words and prayer). I didn't understand many of the things spoken about and would love to hear your thoughts. I felt so out of the loop! Then I had to leave. I am glad (I think) that we will have the google hangout.

I really think a more humble, open, receptive, teachable, seeking spirit needs to be present in our group."

11. and later:

R, regarding what I said about the meeting, I feel that my words to the group were also not necessarily in keeping with the spirit I was hoping we'd achieve together. I babbled on about rats and so forth and wish I hadn't. I think we all need to be much more receptive and humble in our approach and ask and listen constantly to see if we can obtain the divine spirit in our midst. Hopefully we can all humble ourselves and learn from this first experience. We need a measure of meekness and not go barreling around thinking we know everything!!!

Here is my journal entry of today, before I send this out:

Q. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-4-2017 Tuesday

1. . . . I connected with my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father this morning. I asked if I should send out the meeting post today. Heavenly Mother said this to me, for I was worried about upsetting some people who attended:

2. 'Raphael, send it out today as you have time, along with your sister Rachael's (K's) comments and edits. We will have a humble and Spirit-seeking group of angels in future meetings, and in all of your interactions together.'

3. I thanked her, and felt boosted in my confidence by her. I also greatly appreciated the email from my sister K after reading it briefly this morning. I do love peace and contemplative feelings, both in my prayers and in our meetings.

4. It seems there has been lots of new ideas that need confirmation by me, and each one of us too, that were brought up in the meeting. I have confidence I will find and confirm the truth of all things as I ask in humble and quiet prayer before God. I feel so blessed and guided!

R. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-5-2017 Wednesday

1. Today I prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in front of the fountain of living water, looking north from before the temple in heaven. I had prepared myself and felt their closeness as we communed.

2. I asked if I should send out the Adam-Ondi-Ahman post (dated 6-28-2017) to all the angels, which I felt I should. I also felt I should send out my latest journal entries about the 6-30-2017 meeting (sent out 7-4-2017), but without the audio links. I feel I need to share all this, and these experiences that I gained from the meeting last Friday.

3. I also felt that the council of twelve angels might well change for who attends such meetings in the future. These are NOT permanent positions in this council of angels, but these were the initial attendees. Some may rotate out, and others rotate in. We all need to be humble enough to accept this. We are all equal before God, and some might have other gifts that will be called on in the future, in these council meetings.

4. What is important to our God is that there is an active council of angels, who are able to work together without contention, without bullying others with any dogmatic stance, or their own agendas. What IS important is for those who attend such meetings to be humble, to seek guidance during the meeting from the Spirit of God and our Heavenly Parents. This really can't be done as a larger group–we need this smaller group of twelve mortal angels. The information from these meetings is to be shared with all the group, once we are determined that our information comes from God and not ourselves.

5. I feel it is good for R.B. to continue to connect us in a group of twelves to communicate with each other in the future. We cannot push agendas in the future, unless these are truly given by God and there is a consensus among us twelve mortal angels that these are truthful. Each has to confirm the truth before weighing in, or taking action. . . But we need God's direction, as a group of twelve, and not as individuals, with the Spirit attending us. We will see how this goes.

6. I will continue sharing to the larger group of mortal angels, if they agree with me, how I feel and what I receive from God. Each person is responsible to find out for themselves, whether I speak the truth or not.

7. I am determined to move this work forward as I feel inspired. Whoever wants to join me may do so or not. I do believe we are all angels having our mortal experience, and most of us are deeply flawed in the weaknesses of the flesh. I hope each will strive now to be the new creation God has intended, rather than grovel in our past earthly weaknesses. Put off the natural man and woman, and become a Saint, humbly receiving direction from God! This is the spirit that I will be conducting all meetings and events that we may be involved in, in a future day.

8. I just now asked my Heavenly Parents to let me know if what I just wrote above was correct. I feel confirmed it is true and acceptable with God, our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Mother.

IMPORTANT: I need to have each mortal angel weigh in on this, by writing me if they are in agreement or not. If I don't hear back from them, by email in one month, I will no longer send them these posts.

S. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-6-2017 Thursday

1. Last night I had a prayer where my Heavenly Father spoke to me, but I didn't write it down yet. I was anticipating writing it in my journal this morning.

I was kneeling next to the bench, by the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I was in a very contemplative state. I had just entered into the presence of my Heavenly Parents. I was kneeling before them. I asked this question:

2. Q– How do we keep the doctrine and revelations pure among the mortal angels, and in the Church of the Firstborn?
A– Given to me by Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, you have been placed at the head of the mortal angels, as a mortal angel yourself on earth. You have also been given keys that will not be shared with anyone else in the future.

3. You are the one appointed who will confirm all truth as it relates to doctrine, organization or commandments in the Church of the Firstborn until Jesus Christ comes to rule and reign personally on the earth. You will confirm all that will be constructed in the New Jerusalem. Through you we will approve all major items and doctrines that affect the whole. You, Raphael, are to the Church of the Firstborn, as Joseph Smith was for the Church of Christ when he was alive, as described in D&C 28:1-7 (see below). The counsel to Oliver Cowdery (verses 1-8) and to Hiram Page (verses 11-12) is also true for the other mortal angels. See verses 2, 12-13. For these things, pertaining to revelations and commandments, shall not be given to any one except to you, Raphael. Other mortal angels may suggest to you certain issues they believe are true, and if you confirm these with your Heavenly Mother or me, that they are true, then and only then will they be accepted as true and binding for the Church of the Firstborn.'

4. D&C 28:1-7, 11-13–

"Behold, I say unto thee, Oliver, that it shall be given unto thee that thou shalt be heard by the church in all things whatsoever thou shalt teach them by the Comforter, concerning the revelations and commandments which I have given.

But, behold, verily, verily, I say unto thee, no one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church excepting my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., for he receiveth them even as Moses.

And thou shalt be obedient unto the things which I shall give unto him, even as Aaron, to declare faithfully the commandments and the revelations, with power and authority unto the church.

And if thou art led at any time by the Comforter to speak or teach, or at all times by the way of commandment unto the church, thou mayest do it.

But thou shalt not write by way of commandment, but by wisdom;

And thou shalt not command him who is at thy head, and at the head of the church;

For I have given him the keys of the mysteries, and the revelations which are sealed, until I shall appoint unto them another in his stead.

And again, thou shalt take thy brother, Hiram Page, between him and thee alone, and tell him that those things which he hath written from that stone are not of me and that Satan deceiveth him;

For, behold, these things have not been appointed unto him, neither shall anything be appointed unto any of this church contrary to the church covenants.

For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith."

5. In my morning prayer, I confirmed the truthfulness of what I have written above, as coming from Heavenly Father's mouth to me last night in my prayer. Heavenly Mother then wanted to also speak to me this morning, and asked me to write her words as she would speak to me:

6. 'Raphael, what you have written in your journal, as coming from your Father is true. You will be as was given to Joseph Smith the prophet, in D&C 21:4-9 (see below). You are our chosen vessel, our archangel of light and healing, and leadership, through whom we will administer and reveal our will to our Church of the Firstborn, and to Zion, until our Beloved Son Jesus Christ comes personally to the earth to rule and reign. This is your commission.

Your Heavenly Father and I will be on your right hand and on your left hand and will direct all the affairs of our church and kingdom through you, as we have stated.'

7. D&C 21:4-9–

"Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me;

For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.

For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory.

For thus saith the Lord God: Him have I inspired to move the cause of Zion in mighty power for good, and his diligence I know, and his prayers I have heard.

Yea, his weeping for Zion I have seen, and I will cause that he shall mourn for her no longer; for his days of rejoicing are come unto the remission of his sins, and the manifestations of my blessings upon his works.

For, behold, I will bless all those who labor in my vineyard with a mighty blessing, and they shall believe on his words, which are given him through me by the Comforter, which manifesteth that Jesus was crucified by sinful men for the sins of the world, yea, for the remission of sins unto the contrite heart."

8. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for the clarity they have given to me this day, about my role. I humbly asked them to strengthen me to hear always their voice, clearly, and to act as they direct me.

9. Q– Shall I share all of this, and my recent posts that I shared to the eleven other angels who participated in the first council of angels, with all the other angels on my email list?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

'You, Raphael, should do this. Ask each mortal angel to sustain you as the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn will come and be verified. If they agree, then continue sending them your emails and continue allowing them access to your past and future website posts. They each have many gifts and strengths, but need to work within these parameters now. Give them one month from tomorrow, 7-7-2017, to make their decision. We will bless and confirm to each one the truthfulness of what you say, so they can be confirmed and be sure of their decision.'

10. I again thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer. I will act as she has directed me. I feel clarified in my understanding today! I know that the revelations and doctrines need to be kept pure and all have the approval of my Heavenly Parents. I believe this does not deny anyone of their own revelations and directions. They may confirm these with me, and I will confirm these with my Heavenly Parents. Everything any mortal angel may have said or stated as truth, for the group as truth for others in the group of angels, that has not already been confirmed by me, needs to be filtered through me, as stated by our Heavenly Parents. This will continue to be the process of verifying all truth for this group of mortal angels. I believe this is what Heavenly Mother meant when she told me each mortal angel needs to accept if they are to continue in this great work.

T. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-7-2017 Friday

1. It is early morning now, and the house is quiet since the others are all asleep. I am communing with my Heavenly Parents just west of the tree of life, near God's temple. I want to verify some things, to know if these are from God or not.

2. Q– In Isaiah 11:1, when it speaks of a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch growing out of his roots–is this John the Beloved, the literal son of Jesus Christ in the flesh?

3. Isaiah 11:1– "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots"

A– Yes, this is John the Beloved. See also D&C 113:1-6. Jesus Christ is the stem of Jesse, and the rod spoken of in Isaiah 11:1 is correctly described in D&C 113:3-4–

4. "What is the rod spoken of in the first verse of the 11th chapter of Isaiah, that should come of the Stem of Jesse?

Behold, thus saith the Lord: It is a servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a descendant of Jesse as well as of Ephraim, or of the house of Joseph, on whom there is laid much power."

5. Q– What is the root of Jesse spoken of in D&C 113:6? Is this also John the Beloved?
A– Yes. The rod of Jesse and the root of Jesse are the same man even John the Beloved. The reason why these are two different names, a rod and a root, is because John has two missions in these last days. The rod refers to his power in slaying the wicked as described in Isaiah 11:4, when he John will smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall slay the wicked. This is all done prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth in glory.

6. The root of Jesse, also John the Beloved, will be a mission of gathering the elect of God from the dispersed of Israel from the four quarters of the earth. John will also lead the lost ten tribes from the land of the north, as referred to in Isaiah 11:16–"And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt."

7. Q– What does D&C 113:6 mean when talking about the root of Jesse (John the Beloved), that he has the rights of the priesthood and keys of the kingdom?
A– From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, there was one other person who was an active participant at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, in the celestial spirit realms, and this was John the Beloved. In order for him to also hold the keys of gathering of Israel, which John will do in his role as a root of Jesse (see Isaiah 11:10-12 and D&C 113:5-6), he needs to also receive these keys. You were bestowed the keys of the gathering of Israel, from our Beloved Son Jesus Christ in June 2017. When you returned these keys back to Jesus Christ, you returned all of these keys and also retained them. However, you separately conferred the keys of the gathering of Israel at Adam-Ondi-Ahman to John the Beloved, who then returned them to Jesus Christ. John the Beloved now also holds the keys of the gathering of Israel, as do you, and does Jesus Christ, our Beloved. It was needful for John the Beloved to receive these keys of the gathering of Israel in order for him to fulfill his role as the root of Jesse.'

8. Q– What then will be the stewardship role of the head of the 144,000, Phillip and Rebekah Johnson, and to whom do they report?
A– They are specifically in charge of the 144,000. They do not hold keys of the priesthood, but report on earth to John the Beloved. They receive their direction from both Jesus Christ and his son, John the Beloved. They have also now received their commission in the celestial realms, from you acting as voice, as you have previous stated would happen. Your direct involvement with the Johnson's has now been completed.

9. Q– Who is the servant spoken of by Jesus Christ in 3 Nephi 21:9-11–

"For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.

But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant."

10. A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, this servant of Jesus Christ is his own beloved son, John the Beloved. He too will be wounded as our own Beloved Son, Jesus Christ was wounded. This will not be unto death, however, but he will be marred, and then healed. The healing will come from Jesus Christ, his father and our Beloved Son, through you, Raphael, as his conduit for healing. This is spoken of in verse 10 above. This healing will allow John the Beloved to continue in his roles as both the rod and the root of Jesse, as spoken of in Isaiah chapter 11.'

11. I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their revelations this morning, in my prayer. I feel confirmed that what I have received is true, and is from them, my Heavenly Parents.

12. Later: While typing this journal entry about the keys conferred upon John the Beloved, into the computer this afternoon, I had the strong impression that Ondi is another name for John the Beloved. Here is my question:

13. Q– Is the name of John the Revelator also Ondi? Please elaborate also about the name of Adam-Ondi-Ahman.
(Note: I was told by L, even before the council of angels meeting, that this was the case. Thank you, L, for your insights, and for giving me heads-up on these things!)

14. A– From Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, one of the names of John the Beloved is Ondi. The name Adam-Ondi-Ahman was originally given in anticipation of this meeting that has just occurred in Missouri, in the celestial realms. Adam is Michael, the first of all men, Ondi is John the Beloved, the firstborn of Jesus Christ, and Ahman is another name for our own Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (see D&C 78:20 and D&C 95:17). All three persons would be at this significant meeting in the last days, in the same area where Adam lived. The returning of all the keys of the dispensations back to Jesus Christ was a very important part for Jesus Christ to fulfill his role in gathering the elect of God before his return to the earth in glory. In addition, another part of this meeting that is now being revealed to you, was for John the Beloved (Ondi) to receive priesthood keys from you, Raphael. You conferred the keys of gathering of Israel to John, by the laying on of hands. He returned them to his father Jesus Christ, also by the laying on of hands. He also retained them to be able to fulfill his own mission. Adam first returned his keys back to Jesus Christ, by the laying on of hands, and then John next returned his keys. Once all the keys were returned to Jesus Christ, I spoke and confirmed all this from above, as you have stated earlier.'

U. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-8-2017 Saturday

1. I have prepared my 7-8-2017 post for sending out today. I have been at a point of decision, a juncture in my mind about my role as Raphael the archangel, in these last days. I have solicited the support of my sister, who gave me love and support in an email this morning.

2. Here is part of my email to K last night:

"Thank you for your email, and for the corrections. This is a hard post for me to do, for it seems like I am doing some monumental thing in declaring that I need all the others to sustain me as the only one to receive and/or confirm revelation for the Church of the Firstborn. This is scary to me. I have to be very, very sure of myself, and I consider myself still just an ordinary guy, in so many ways, subject to all the foibles of man. I was, nevertheless, told to do so by my Heavenly Parents. I am needing some additional fortification from God tonight and tomorrow to do this all I think."

3. Here is K's email to me this morning:

"I concur that this must be very hard for you to proclaim your role and ask that people run their revelations by you. I am glad you added the quote to Oliver Cowdery regarding Joseph Smith as the true revelator. You never asked for this enormous responsibility and certainly didn't seek for a leadership role such as you've been given. The role of Raphael is very complex and has many facets.

4. What I'm trying to say is, you, a humble man with a quiet lifestyle would never seek the limelight. It is not your nature. And yet, you have been given this huge responsibility and the role of Raphael. It testifies to me that it is true since I know you and know you would never conjure it up or invent any of this. So if you, as Raphael, are truly called to establish the Church of the Firstborn, be in charge of the keys of the gathering of Israel, construct and beautify the New Jerusalem, be in charge of the healing angels, administer the waters of separation ordinance to the elect at the New Jerusalem (did I leave anything out?), then you have every right to be the true spokesperson for those things. Others can get guidance and revelation, but you are the official one who has been called and ordained. And I know you are not making it all up.

5. I support you and hope it goes well. People may drop out who just can't take it all in or who may feel other motives. I don't know. . .

This is a significant turning point. Sending my love and blessings."

I then solicited the strength and support of my Heavenly Parents, in my morning prayer today.

6. I prepared for my prayer, I read back over my journal to my commission, which occurred on 5-14-2017, in the skies above Lake Beautiful. This was a Sunday. I had received that morning three separate keys of the priesthood, by the laying on of hands, conferred upon me by Jesus Christ in the celestial temple in heaven. These keys are
1) Key to the gathering of Israel
2) Key to establishing the Church of the Firstborn on the earth
3) Key to planning and construction of the New Jerusalem in Jackson County, Missouri.

7. These are part of my commission. I too am in charge of the wilderness area in the celestial world, and on the earth also, until Jesus Christ comes in his glory. All activity in the celestial realms, with all the holy angels, all resurrected beings, all translated and transfigured beings, will be orchestrated from Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother through me, as they stated to me on 5-14-2017

8. This all is VERY overwhelming to me! I also know that I have been chosen, with Oriphiel, to perform the waters of separation ordinance for all mankind who are accepted and qualified into the Church of the Firstborn by our Savior Jesus Christ. I will do this great work through the end of the millennium.

9. So, I feel I am at a juncture now, seeking the support of the mortal angels, and all angels, and all translated beings too in heaven and on earth. I can't do my commissioned work without being sustained by these who work in the celestial and terrestrial realms. Many will not know anything of this, who are mortal, in their conscious minds. But I believe most of these will know and sustain me in their unconscious minds–for how can the work of the Father and Mother move forward as they have explained to me–to work through me without their support?

10. In my prayer this morning, I was on the steps leading from the Great Assembly Hall to Lake Beautiful. My Heavenly Parents came in a pillar of light from the sky above, until they were before me, standing in the air a little above these steps. I spent time gazing into their faces and eyes, and looking at their glorious beings!

The next thing I knew, my Heavenly Mother was embracing me, whispering to me her support and love to me! Her face was against mine, and her overflowing confidence filled me!

11. Next my Heavenly Father came, and placed his hands on my shoulders and faced me. I knew I was part of their plan in orchestrating many of the events of these last days. He then drew me close, and firmly embraced me! I felt his support and love, and that I could do all things through him and Heavenly Mother.

12. They stepped back, and I saw us three from another vantage point–me standing now before them, and these two glorious beings emanating light, love and confidence to me! I felt determined to humbly go forth and continue my mission as Raphael, their archangel, as they have directed me to date.

13. This prayer and communion with my Heavenly Parents took about 1 1/2 hours total, from my preparations to approach them to now, when my prayer ended and I wrote in my journal. I have a new, more confident heart and mind now. I have sought my God, and they have come and helped me move forward in my commission and mission!"