198. Building the New Jerusalem, part 4

Hello my friends!

I have been receiving so much information that I lagged behind a little in publishing my posts. Therefore, you will receive post 198 and 199 one after another. They should be read sequentially, for they tell the saga of the continual building of the New Jerusalem.

Please pray about these, and consider the marvelous blessing God has poured out upon all of us!

Warmly, as ever,

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, June 24, 2021

1. Evening-I worked until late on post 196 tonight. I find it difficult to keep up on my evening prayers and get my posts ready during the same time period. I know God understands.

2. I have felt so much more comfortable today in just trusting God as to how I will be led in bringing my wife, son and myself, in physical reality to the New Jerusalem. Come what may, I will flow with God's plans. I know that they have it all planned out, and they are perfect in their plans and purposes.

3. I knelt tonight by my bed and asked for the blessings of God to be with all of us who seek for Zion. Heavenly Father said to meet him in the morning on the barren land on the western side of the mighty river in my prayer. I thanked him and said I would come.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, June 25, 2021

1. I came this morning to the western side of the mighty river on the barren land of promise. There was no vegetation yet, and the weather was pleasant. I knelt near the shore of the river and faced northwest to where the tribes of Israel would one day likely come. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. Soon I saw a man walking to me on the ground. I knew it was my Heavenly Father. He did not show his glory, and he was in a plain terrestrial robe, like I had seen the future inhabitants of Zion wear. I looked into his eyes when he stopped in front of me, and recognized him as my Father in heaven.'

3. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, when you arrive at the New Jerusalem with your wife and son in September 2021, we will have you all immediately change from your telestial clothes into terrestrial robes like I am wearing. You will arrive inside the temporary house that the tribes of Israel will have built for you. They will have prepared undergarments and robes like the one I am wearing. After dressing in these, then you may leave the house to go outside to visit the New Jerusalem.

4. Those who come on foot to Zion will be greeted by a welcoming group of people. They will clothe and feed them, and make them feel comfortable. Some will spend time being their guides in this new land of Zion. Soon the new arrivals will become involved in building up the New Jerusalem and receive work assignments. There will be a very organized and purposeful labor of all to create the city of the New Jerusalem. Everyone will be given a calling to labor, mostly with the skills they have developed in their lifetime.

5. You have wondered what you could possibly return to your telestial mortal home to bring back to Zion. You have thought that you would most likely not have the opportunity to bring your Raphael records when you come with your wife and son. This is correct. You will need to bring these revelations with you to share with others. You will bring your handwritten journals since the time you started numbering them in 2010. You will also bring the printed volumes of Raphael through your current volume 14.

6. In Zion there will be no computers or digital records at first, and no electricity. However, in time these will be introduced. We have inspired those who invented modern conveniences and technologies in your telestial world. Some of these will be introduced at a later date, in different forms, in the New Jerusalem and in Zion. Therefore we wish you to bring your digital hard drive backup, microdisks and thumbdrives of your records. These may be transferred at a later date to useful and readable records. Do not bring your cell phone or computer. When you bring your written, printed, and digital records to the New Jerusalem, keep them at first in your temporary house. When the library is built in the city, these original records will be transferred to safe repositories there.

7. Your printed records of Raphael and the index will be reproduced shortly after you arrive with them. These will be distributed to study group leaders in the New Jerusalem. They will be read and discussed in evening scripture study groups across the island of the New Jerusalem, and in the expanding cities of Zion. We will also gather and reproduce other records of scripture from various sources. These will include the current approved standard works of the LDS church, records from the ten northern tribes, the record of John (see D&C 93:18 and D&C 7, including the header), and other records that have been hidden that will be brought to light. In time, the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, and other sealed records will be revealed (see your post 123G8). These records will be read freely in study groups and individually, even from the housetops (see 2 Nephi 27:11).'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for clearing up my questions, and for the opportunity to meet him in my prayer this morning.

9. He then started shining and changed into his normal glory. He rose up into the sky and was soon gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. Evening-I came in prayer tonight to the camp of my own trek to the New Jerusalem. I knelt in the air above the camp. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came immediately in subdued light. She spoke: 'Raphael, your camp of twenty people has retired for the night below us. They cannot see us, for they are in the terrestrial realm, and we are in the celestial realm.

11. Your religious discussions with them have continued every day while you have walked. All that we have revealed to you except that you are our archangel is what we have allowed you to tell them. Our Spirit has accompanied you, and they have learned to listen when you speak. You have asked them not to trust your words, or you, but to petition us, their Gods, in humble and open prayer to confirm all of these teachings. Most of the members of your small group have done this at least once. You continually encourage each one to increase their meditation and prayers to God, and to ask of us.

12. You have recently explained about the spiritual realms of the telestial, terrestrial and celestial, and the veils of each one. You spoke about how you are walking with them in the physical terrestrial realm and how they are thus God's terrestrial elect beings. You have described the great details about the two realms in the New Jerusalem island. You spoke of the northern tribes coming onto the great highway in the terrestrial realm, and being no longer seen from those in the telestial world.

13. Those in your group have listened intently, and most have received their own confirmations from our Spirit. They are eager each day to hear more, and they have many questions.'

14. I asked my Heavenly Mother if I might start sharing more openly with my wife and family who may be inclined to hear. She said that my wife is open, but the influence of the LDS church and its doctrine make the others in my family who are active LDS members, mostly not open to their revelations. She said that if anything contradicts what the prevailing LDS church doctrine is, or if it hasn't yet been revealed by the heads of the church, they will think it is not true or not to be listened to. She said that this situation is a clever technique and ploy of the adversary, and keeps the LDS people in deep spiritual bondage. It is only when they will pray openly, and consider all possibilities of the truth, regardless of what the LDS church leaders have said, that real revelation can flow from God to them. She further said that the chaos and disruptions in the world and soon in the LDS church will help break down the spiritual darkness that grips the minds and hearts of the LDS people.

15. She then said that my time with her had ended. I thanked her for telling me about me sharing the gospel tonight. I said I would seek to keep the Spirit with me always, and only say what I am prompted to share.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, June 26, 2021

1. I received an email from my sister K this morning. She wanted me to ask my Heavenly Parents If I could be allowed to visit her after I have come to Zion with my wife and son. I have been told I could visit each one of my children and their families who were left behind to say my goodbyes. I will inquire this morning.

2. I knelt in the barren land of the physical terrestrial earth. I felt I was in the path of my small caravan that would soon be passing by my location. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come.

3. He came immediately to me. He said that the small caravan would come by us soon, but wouldn't be able to see us except for me in my replicated state among them.

4. I thanked him, and then asked if I might visit my sister K after I said my goodbyes to my own children and their families.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, after you visit the last of your remaining six children in the telestial mortal world, you may also visit with your sister in Oregon, as she has requested. This will be very comforting to both of you, and will buoy up her faith and encourage her.

6. Your visit with her will give her the necessary faith to soon come to the New Jerusalem herself, even in her physical body. This increased faith will be the case for M.A. too, for neither K nor M.A. will trek to Zion, but will come there by their intention, in their portals, even as you will have come. We will reveal to each of them more details of their individual movements to the New Jerusalem.

7. There are others in your small group of supporters on your email list that may soon come to the New Jerusalem, either by walking there in a group, or by coming there immediately by their intention. This will require the faith of each one to grow, and be strengthened. As they each pray to us for increased faith, we will come to them and help them.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for answering my sister's question, and for allowing me to visit her.

9. If my mother was still alive at that time, I wondered if both of us might visit her at her assisted living home. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, ask of us at that time, and we will respond, based on the circumstances.'

10. I said that I would ask him at that time.

11. At that moment I looked up and saw my small caravan heading our way! As they got closer, I heard my replicated self among them, teaching them more about the lost tribes of Israel to our north, and some of their experiences. I said I had seen this group several times in vision, in their struggles, and was very impressed with their faith and determination. I told them that one day soon the northern tribes would hold a fast, and pray for a solution to arriving at Zion, somehow faster than their current speed would allow. I shared with my small group of the miracle they would experience in waking up the next morning and being near the New Jerusalem, having instantly traveled 3,000 or so miles (see my post 191K5). I said that they would be the very first caravan to arrive at the mighty river, outside of the New Jerusalem. I asked those in my small group what they thought would happen next?

12. A young girl responded that she thought that they would walk on the water of the river, like Jesus walked on the water. Her brother said he thought that God would stop the mighty river so that they could walk across on dry ground.

13. I responded that they would have enough faith to walk on the water if need be, but that they would cross the mighty river, even as Moses and their ancestors crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. When they arrive on the other side, an angel of God will welcome them to the island of the New Jerusalem.

14. My entire small caravan then came to a stop in front of my Heavenly Father and me who were in the celestial realm and couldn't be seen. My replicated self among them then explained how the northern tribes will rejoice and celebrate their arrival for a full week. After this, they will set to work preparing for others who will be coming soon. I told my group all about the manner of dress, the unique ways of sanitation, and of the terrestrial and celestial living water on the island. I said that food is now growing in great abundance, and that there will be plenty for this very large group of travelers, as well as for us when we arrive at the end of next month.

15. There were many in my small caravan that were crying for joy. I was very emotional too, in both of my replicated states, terrestrial and celestial.

16. My Heavenly Father faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, our great blessings will be poured out upon all who have faith to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem. We will buoy up their faith, and bless them in their testimonies of us, and give them personal revelation, even glimpses of Zion as we have given to you. Oh, how your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I love our elect children!'

17. My prayer then suddenly ended. I found myself in my private room in my house in Utah where I had been writing all of this in my journal. I knelt and thanked my Father for this choice experience, and then closed my morning prayer.

18. Evening-I came in the air near the ceiling in the southern 600 foot by 600 foot square room in the New Jerusalem temple tonight. I was not seen by the workers below me. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She immediately came to my side, looking down on the celestial construction workers who were below us.

19. She spoke: 'Raphael, these workers will be dismissed in one hour for a sabbath day of rest. Next week is their last week of construction in this large south room of our temple. There will then be two full weeks of beautification created by other servants before the dedication of the north end of our temple.

20. Come here tomorrow morning and I will meet you here again. We will review all of the work that has been done to date in the southern end of our temple at that time.'

21. She smiled and departed. I worked late on my post 196 tonight, and plan to send it out tomorrow to my small email group. I welcomed her words and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, June 27, 2021

1. I came this beautiful morning near the ceiling in the large south room of the New Jerusalem temple. I was very interested to see the progress in the room below me. I knelt in the air over the northern entrance, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She immediately appeared in her bright light and glory before me, and began to speak: 'Raphael, come down with me and let's walk through the construction site.'

2. She took my hand and we were immediately in the entry room on the north side. The floor was silver plated with seven descending silver steps on the south side. These steps came to a 5 ½ foot lower silver plated landing from which one could enter the men's dressing room on the left (to the east), and women's dressing room on the right (west). The walls and northern doors to the dressing rooms were constructed of beautiful light colored wood. I knew the ceiling height was fifty feet from the landing floor. The light wood walls had crown molding where they intersected the white ceiling. I asked my Heavenly Mother what material the ceiling was made from.

3. She answered me: 'Raphael, the ceiling is made of wood that has a plaster textured surface adhered on it. It will be painted and decorated by our servants who come here a week from tomorrow, starting on July 5, 2021. The materials for the wooden walls and ceiling have all been taken from the celestial forest resource area. The walls and ceiling are similar to those found in the adjacent washing, anointing and robing rooms. This area is mostly completed except for the ceiling areas in the robing rooms in the east and west corners. These will be completed by our skilled construction servants this coming week.'

4. The entry room we were in had no light source except for the silver floors, walls and ceiling that seemed to glow with a pleasant soft light. Heavenly Mother said these were celestial materials and would always glow sufficiently bright to provide light for those rooms.

5. Heavenly Mother then walked me into the men's dressing room door to our left front. The door was also made of light colored wood, and was beautifully carved around the edges. There were no lockers, but chairs and benches in an open room.

6. She spoke: 'Raphael, our design for this room has multiple small doored rooms along the sides in which our resurrected sons who come may change from their robes. These robes were given at the time of their resurrection. They will change from these robes to the cloth full length shields that our angels will give them. Once this shield is on their bodies, our elect sons will step out of these small rooms and be guided by our male angels through that door into the men's washing room.' She pointed through a door to our east. We then walked through this door into the men's washing room. There were multiple stalls in this room along the four side walls, with white curtains that hung in front of the stalls. We walked over to one and Heavenly Mother took me inside the stall.

7. 'Raphael, here is where our male angel will administer the washing ordinance to our celestial elect son. The angel will symbolically wash different parts of our son's resurrected body with living celestial water, in preparation for his robing in an exaltation robe. This will be administered in the last room to our east. A similar set of rooms exist on the west of the entry room for our elect daughters. Once robed in an exaltation robe, they will then exit into the men and women's endowment room to the south.'

8. We then walked from the washing room through a door to the anointing room. This room looked identical to the washing room.

9. We then walked through a door from the anointing room to the robing room. This room had rooms along all the four walls similar to the men's dressing rooms. There were doors instead of curtains on all the small rooms along the four walls.

10. 'Raphael, in this robing room, our washed and anointed elect men are given a robe of exaltation. He puts on this robe in one of these small rooms after removing the shield. He will leave the shield behind in the room and open the door. The male angel will then give this robed resurrected man a blessing, and another male angel will seal the blessing, for all eternity. They will ensure this resurrected patron has received the Melchizedek Priesthood, or the Father's priesthood. If not, they will have conferred this priesthood upon him in the anointing room (see your 54X15). When robed in his exaltation robe, he will then be guided into the endowment room through this door' (she pointed to a gold plated door).

11. We then walked through that gold door into the endowment room. Heavenly Mother said that the women would enter from the western door into this room, from a similar robing room on the women's side.

12. There was one row of seats that were arranged in a curved arch, matching the curve of the seven pillars and future veil (see my post 54V14 for a drawing of this area). The room had a silver floor, and I could see that beyond the seven pillars the floor was a gold floor. The seats were all installed but the pillars and the film were not yet installed.

13. Heavenly Mother: 'Raphael, the seven pillars of stone are completed and will be gold plated with a one inch covering this next week in the forest resource area. They will then be installed in this room, floor to ceiling. They are each 200 feet long, twelve inches in diameter at the base narrowing to nine inches at the top or ceiling. These will all be in place by this Tuesday, and then our servants will install the portal film between the pillars.'

14. We then walked past this area of the future pillars into where the future portal of the temple will be. This third portal will connect this area in the New Jerusalem temple to the front entry room of God's temple on the celestial orb. Heavenly Mother said that this portal connection would be completed after the second temple dedication is done, and then the south large room will become fully functional.

15. We then moved through the wooden wall to the exit room to our south. This room was elevated 5 ½ feet above the portal room, and was gold plated over a wooden structure. It looked all constructed to me, including the furniture. We then came to the large gold south exit doors and Heavenly Mother opened them by her intention. We walked together down the beautiful seven gold descending steps to the outside of the temple.

16. Heavenly Mother turned, faced me, and spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I are very pleased with the progress of our New Jerusalem temple! We have our celestial servants laboring day and night, and they will meet all of our schedule requirements. Their workmanship is exquisite and of the highest celestial quality. You have been very involved as your celestial replicated being in orchestrating and directing all of our work here. One day, after you receive your merged mind, you will recall all of the work you did in our celestial New Jerusalem temple.'

17. I thanked her for this beautiful prayer time, and for the walk through to view the progress of the south large room of the temple.

18. She then rose up in the sky, and I closed my prayer.

19. Evening-I came tonight to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I drank living water and then knelt on the shore facing the oasis. I asked humbly for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

20. I saw him in the air, a little elevated above the oasis and then he took a few steps to me and stopped. He was smiling and immediately spoke:

'Raphael, my son, the coming to Zion, in either a trek or by intention in coming immediately into the borders of the New Jerusalem, will cause many of our elect sons and daughters emotional distress. This will be because of their loved ones that are left behind, or who choose not to seek to come to Zion for some reason. This will be in fulfillment of the words of Jesus Christ to his early apostles.

21. JS Matthew 1:42-48

"For it shall be with them, as it was in the days which were before the flood; for until the day that Noah entered into the ark they were eating and drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage;

And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.

Then shall be fulfilled that which is written, that in the last days, two shall be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left;

Two shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken, and the other left;

And what I say unto one, I say unto all men; watch therefore, for you know not at what hour your Lord doth come.

But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to have been broken up, but would have been ready.

Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh."

22. Raphael, the coming of the Son of Man will come in different ways, at different times, for our elect. This timing includes coming to Zion and leaving behind loved ones in the telestial world. For our elect who are thus called to come to Zion, their departure will usually be quietly done, while loved ones are left behind.

23. Our elect hear our voice and respond to our call. To our elect, it will be as the coming of the Son of Man at the time of their departure.

24. The Christian churches in your land call the scripture in Matthew 24:40-41 and Luke 17:34-36 a justification for what they call the rapture. They believe that they will suddenly at one time all be taken, and some left behind. However, this is not how this prophecy will be fulfilled, but it will be done quietly as our call to Zion, the New Jerusalem goes out by our Spirit to our faithful elect. They will depart, all at different times, over a several year period. They will enter into the physical terrestrial realm at some point and make their way to the New Jerusalem, and the neighboring Zion communities.

25. When our Beloved Son comes in glory in his second coming to the earth, the final mortal elect remnant in the telestial world will be caught up to meet him. However, a much larger group of our mortal elect will by then be in the terrestrial world, and will be caught up to meet him in the clouds of heaven.'

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his remarkable words. He smiled and departed and I closed my evening prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 28, 2021

1. I reread what my Heavenly Father revealed to me last night. I knew what he said about the quiet departure of the elect from their loved ones, into the terrestrial world where Zion and the New Jerusalem is, was true. My mind has been further opened up. I love the enlightenment that God gives to me!

2. I began thinking about the words in D&C 64:22-24. I looked up this scripture, and then looked in the index to Raphael and found my entry in post 158F6 where this same scripture is found. At that time, in April 2020, Heavenly Mother gave her insights to this scripture. I now understand that "today" in D&C 64:23 means the time of gathering to Zion. This is a several year period of time which has just recently begun, for the New Jerusalem has just been built up, starting on May 17, 2021. This was when the New Jerusalem island came up out of the great deep on the physical terrestrial earth.

3. Today, speaking after the manner of the Lord (see D&C 64:24), means the time when God's elect are physically gathered, one by one, or in small groups, to the New Jerusalem, or nearby Zion communities. During this gathering, some will be left behind, and some will be gathered to that location on the terrestrial earth.

4. I came this morning to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared before me on the water and spoke:'Raphael, I gave you the correct interpretation of D&C 64:22-24 last year in your post 158F6. The further enlightenment that you received and wrote in your journal this morning is also true, and was given to you of my Spirit.

5. Your Father, Jesus Christ and I require the heart of our elect children. If they do not have an open heart, they will not be admitted to the land of Zion. They need to be humble and open for us to reveal to them our truths so they may transition into this new environment and way of living, even according to the laws of the terrestrial kingdom. We will not allow any who spiritually remain in Babylon to come into Zion's borders.

6. The condition of the hearts of our beloved children is how your Father and I have judged who are the elect. We send forth our Spirit in this period of time called "today" (speaking after the manner of the Lord, see D&C 64:24) to awaken the hearts and minds of our elect. We ultimately prompt them to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem. This is where we will physically gather our righteous elect from the ravages of Babylon in their current telestial world.

7. D&C 101:16-20

"Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.

Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered.

They that remain, and are pure in heart, shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy, to build up the waste places of Zion--

And, behold, there is none other place appointed than that which I have appointed; neither shall there be any other place appointed than that which I have appointed, for the work of the gathering of my saints--"

8. Raphael, "today" has begun for the physical gathering of our elect. We will carefully lead our elect, one by one, to the New Jerusalem and to the glories of Zion.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words. My prayer then ended and I left her presence.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, June 29, 2021

1. I enjoyed a short prayer last night with my Heavenly Mother after I went to my dark bedroom. I am refreshed this morning, and had inspired to read and ponder 3 Nephi chapters 16, 20, and 21. These are speaking of our day, when the New Jerusalem is starting to be built up. I feel very privileged to be able to come there very early in its establishment!

2. I also read most of the references in the index of Raphael on these same chapters in the Book of Mormon. I am excited to live in these remarkable days when the fulness of the gospel (the higher truths which Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have largely revealed to me in the Book of Raphael, now almost 4,000 pages long) will soon be revealed to those who come to the New Jerusalem. They will then see eye to eye when the Lord again brings Zion (3 Nephi 16:18, 3 Nephi 20:32). These chapters in the Book of Mormon contain great truths that I know I don't yet fully comprehend.

3. I came to the north entrance of God's temple on the celestial orb. I came in the open doors of the temple, and knelt in the middle of the large entry room. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

4. She immediately appeared before me. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I inspired you last night and this morning to read again the words of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the Nephites as recorded in 3 Nephi chapters 16, 20, and 21. I also prompted you to review your previous posts that referenced these chapters. There is yet new revelation that I will reveal to you from these chapters that relates to the gathering of our elect to the New Jerusalem.

5. I would like you to write these verses in your journal again, even in more detail. You know that the gathering of Israel and our elect will occur in the terrestrial realms of the mortal earth. This will be happening even while the land of America on the telestial mortal realm will experience more calamities, destruction and wars. We are using these two realms in which to both gather our people and destroy the wicked. In the end, only the righteous elect and Zion will remain.

6. Turn now to 3 Nephi chapter 21, and record in your journal the words of Jesus starting in verse 1. I will inspire you to add my comments in parenthesis.

3 Nephi 21:1-2,4,6-7

v1. "And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a sign, that ye may know the time when these things shall be about to take place--that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion; (Raphael, this time of gathering is in reality about to begin! The northern tribes of Israel will soon arrive in their large caravan, and you will greet them into our prepared island of the New Jerusalem. They will be the first arriving of many groups of travelers, all who have been chosen as our elect. They will all start from this time forward to be gathered into the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial realm on the physical earth. You will then come with your wife and son next, and then some of the descendants of the ancient Nephite and Lamanite people whom Jesus addressed in 3rd Nephi will come. This is now the very time that Jesus spoke of in verse one.)

v2. And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign--for verily I say unto you that when these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be given unto you of the Father, (Raphael, Jesus saw that I would speak to you at this very time in these last days about these signs and prophecies, even by the Holy Ghost who is me. He said that I would further elucidate his words so that the great mysteries in his words contained in the Book of Mormon would become clear, even in combination with your current understanding of how we would gather our people in the terrestrial realm) shall be made known unto the gentiles…

v4. For it is wisdom in the Father (and Mother) that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father (and Mother), that these things might come forth from them (these things are found in the Book of Mormon which was brought forth by way of the gentile, and found in your record of Raphael by you, who are also among the gentile nation) unto a remnant of your seed (these are 1-the northern tribes who are now coming across the barren land of promise on the terrestrial earth, who have much of the seed of the Nephites among them from Hagoth and his people, and also 2-the large groups of illegal aliens that are flooding into your country across your southern borders. These latter groups have many of our chosen elect among them who will find their way soon to the New Jerusalem, for they will hear my voice and be guided there by the Father and me by our Spirit. These, our elect, are open and humble, and have very little in the way of material possessions, for they have forsaken all, seeking for freedom and asylum in the land of promise, which has before been given to them by Jesus Christ by covenant), that the covenant of the Father (and Mother) may be fulfilled which he (they) hath covenanted with his (their) people, O house of Israel;

v6. For thus it behooveth the Father (and Mother) that it (the fulness of the gospel) should come forth from the Gentiles, that he (the Father and the Mother) may show forth his (their) power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine (these are the elect of God), that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel. (Raphael, we will call our elect from your nation and many other gentile nations where they are currently living, to come to Zion. They will need to become open and humble, like those of the house of Israel from the north and south who will come. All who come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, need a receptive mind and heart, and a willingness to receive and obey what we tell them by our Spirit.

v7. And when these things come to pass that thy seed shall begin to know these things--it shall be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father (and Mother) hath already commenced unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he (they) hath made unto the people who are of the house of Israel."

7. Raphael, meet me here again tonight in your prayer, and I will continue with this chapter of 3 Nephi 21 with my commentary.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and interpretations. I said I would come here to her temple again tonight.

9. She departed and I closed my prayer.

10. Evening-I came later than I expected tonight to visit with my Heavenly Mother in her temple on the celestial orb, even as she had requested. I knelt and asked for her to come.

11. She appeared before me. She said she would continue with 3 Nephi 21:9-11

v9. "For in that day, for my sake shall the Father (and Mother) work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them. (Raphael, this man is you, for you have written the details of the building of the New Jerusalem which is our great and marvelous work that Jesus is referring to. Those who will not believe and won't come to the New Jerusalem are those who will be left behind when their friends and family depart to go to Zion.)

v10. But Behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. (This is the servant John the Beloved. See your post 53T9 to 53T10. John will be healed by his Father Jesus Christ. He will come to the New Jerusalem soon after you arrive there with your wife and son in September, 2021. He will be in charge of the design and construction of the New Jerusalem city. With your help and many others, this terrestrial city will be part of the great and marvelous work Jesus Christ referred to in verse 9 above. In your post 54L7 I spoke to you that you will be in charge of building the celestial city. This should have written as 'in charge of the celestial temple and temple block area plus the entire island.' This includes the terrestrial city to some degree, but John the Beloved is the head one in charge. He will ask for your assistance which you will freely give.)

Yet I will heal him for I will show unto them (those who come to the New Jerusalem) that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.

v11. Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant. (Raphael, our servant John the Beloved has brought forth the Book of Revelation found in every complete Bible on the earth. This is the record Jesus is referring to. If the elect will not believe these signs and wonders given in this book of Revelation, as we shall impress upon them by our Spirit, that it is time to gather to the New Jerusalem and to Zion spoken of in this book of scripture, they shall be left behind. See Revelation 3:12 where John speaks of the righteous being gathered to the New Jerusalem. However, the wicked, who won't believe and just can't decide on their own to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem, but follow Babylon and the wicked, will be left behind, and will be figuratively "spued out of my mouth" (see Revelation 3:16). These will not come to Zion, for they hear but will not take action.)"
(words in parentheses given by Heavenly Mother).

12. Raphael, it is late, but I have more to interpret. Come here tomorrow morning again, and I will conclude my comments on 3 Nephi chapter 21.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and I said I would return in the morning. I closed my prayer when she departed.

14. I received this email from S.A. on 6-29-2021 entitled "Journey Ahead":

"Hello R,

I was told to share this with you today. Here is my journal entry from last night, 6-28-2021.

Tonight I came in prayer excited to seek answers to my questions. I spoke with S today and he shared that he was told in prayer that he would be leaving his home in Snowflake to trek to Zion this year, 2021, and he would arrive before the end of the year!

I came to the same glowing fountain of living waters tonight that S came to. The fountain was splashing high and it was truly beautiful! I drank from the water then knelt down in prayer.

My Heavenly Mother came before me and I asked her if I could know more regarding what S and I discussed today. She spoke: 'What Heavenly Father spoke to S about trekking to Zion this year, 2021, from his Snowflake residence is true. It is also true for you. You and your family, as well as S and his family, and others who are not known to you at this time, will travel together, departing from Snowflake this year.

We will directly guide and inspire you where to go, for we have included in your mission, a routed course that will lead you to specific people we have prepared that will join your group and travel with you to Zion.

There are many of those that will join your group with whom you shared special, close relationships with premortally. You made promises with each other, and with us, that you would find one another and make the trek to Zion together. We approved of this decision, and will guide you to fulfill all that has been planned.'

I then asked if it was true, S's impression that we would leave in September.

She spoke, 'Yes, September is the month you will begin your physical trek to the New Jerusalem. Prepare and plan accordingly, considering any specific things you may want to have for your journey.

When the time draws nearer, we will specifically direct you to clearly know what to bring and what to leave behind.'

I then asked if I could share this with Tate (my husband) now?

'Not now, but we will let you know when the time is right for we will impress upon your mind to tell him, and you may also confirm the timing with us in prayer.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message, I feel beyond grateful to have received so much information about my journey ahead! I am so excited, I can hardly wait! I confirmed that what I wrote is true and correctly written from my Heavenly Mother. My soul is full of peace, assurance, gratitude and light.

I will move forward with faith, trusting in my Gods to guide me directly in their specific plans for my family and I, as well as our group trekking to Zion. I know they will let me know when the time is right, and any other things I may need to know, so I will put my trust in their counsel to me.

These are sure exciting times to be living in, I am still in awe at all of the great changes happening now, and in the near future. I am eager for all of the elect to unite together in the beautiful land of Zion.

Have a blessed day!

Your dear friend,

15. Here is my response to S.A.:


Thank you for your very informative email, S.A., and for sharing this freely with me! I am very excited for you, S and your families. I think this will be so very wonderful to see you there at the New Jerusalem in 2021! What a great reunion we will have.

I have prayed about this and have felt the truthfulness of the answers you received in your prayers. I am intrigued with Heavenly Mother's comments about those with whom you promised premortally to trek together to Zion. It also is very interesting how we all need to wait until the correct moment to tell our spouses of what we received in prayer.

I further prayed about this and felt that others in our small email list will also leave this September and October 2021. I believe we will all be the early first comers to the New Jerusalem. We each will most likely have specific missions to assist others, and to build up the waste places of the New Jerusalem (see D&C 101:18). I think this means the actual city of the New Jerusalem which is still a barren land, with no buildings or plants.

May I share your email on the current post? I think what you and S have planned will help others think about their own plans, and connect with God to confirm these things. We all would do well to be very sensitive to the Spirit, and specifically ask details of how our Heavenly Parents want us to come to Zion.

Thanks again, and please keep me posted on all of your plans, S.A.!


16. Response from S.A. to R:

"Yes, you're welcome to share it. Thanks for confirming it in prayer. I hope it helps those on your email list. I was excited to read what you received about those on your list who will soon be making their journeys!

I loved the scriptures Heavenly Mother elaborated upon in 3 Nephi from your post today. It was so powerful to read the deeper meaning behind these scriptures, and she confirmed that you recorded her words correctly to me. I love knowing the scriptures regarding Zion's gathering and establishment are happening NOW! Even in the terrestrial realm! And we are privileged to be among the first to arrive there! My heart yearns for all of the elect everywhere to listen and obey the Spirit's promptings and direction. I can't wait til all of the elect are gathered together, to rest from their telestial worldly cares, and enjoy the great freedom, peace, love, and spreading of the gospel truths during the millennium!

These revelations just keep coming, and we are so richly blessed to be communing with our loving Heavenly Parents on a daily basis!

Sending my best,

17. I received this email from S on 7-1-2021 entitled "New Jerusalem construction and departure"


I received this in prayer three days ago. This morning as I read your entry from yesterday, I felt to share this information.

6/28/21 AM

In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Father. I asked if what I was reading and learning about was true in Raphael's record about the New Jerusalem and temple construction.

Heavenly Father called me to his side. He was standing above the celestial temple being constructed upon the New Jerusalem island. The temple was still under construction but near completion. Heavenly Father spoke: 'As I have created worlds without end and the inhabitants thereof, so am I currently causing the celestial temple to be constructed by our celestial servants. Your Heavenly Mother and I have planned for this time well in advance to bless our faithful children who have come to earth during this eternity. This is truth and no religious leader on earth is aware of this construction nor will they share anything in regards to this process for they are unaware of its construction from the top leaders of the LDS church to the local leaders. However, we, your Heavenly Parents, will reveal to each humble soul who petitions us in the meekness and fervor of their hearts that this is true.'

I looked upon Heavenly Father and desired confirmation of what he spoke to me yesterday about my personal travels to Zion.

Heavenly Father looked me in my eyes and spoke, 'You will begin your travels to Zion and will arrive there before the close of the 2021 calendar year. You will leave your telestial residence in Snowflake and travel to Zion and the New Jerusalem located in the terrestrial realm. You will leave under the direction and guidance of our Holy Spirit and you will be led and directed by our hands. Prior to your departure, great changes will come to your land. Hidden secrets of darkness will come to light and evil will be exposed both in the leaders of your land and religious leaders too. With this darkness brought to light, many will reel and stumble. Those who call upon us, their Gods, will receive greater light and direction. For we will never cease to guide our children who come unto us in the sincerity of their hearts, in meekness and humility. Watch, for these truths have been discovered and soon darkness will be exposed to light that all may see it in the coming days and weeks ahead of you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. He departed and I closed my prayer.


I called upon my Heavenly Mother in prayer. Immediately I felt her love for me. She called me to her side. I perceived that she was beside the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem. I came there by my intention. She was there and had a subdued light about her presence. There was a glow of light that illuminated the living waters in the fountain as the waters sprayed into the air. The glow of light from the waters was beautiful.

Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'You have never witnessed the fountain of living waters in the New Jerusalem at night. You were previously unaware that light glistened from these waters at night, illuminating the area surrounding the fountain. This light will be present every night to see in the New Jerusalem.

You desired to confirm the words of Heavenly Father regarding your departure to the New Jerusalem this year. You will come to this fountain and place your physical hand in this location to drink these waters from your cupped hand. You previously considered your extended family traveling with you. You will travel with those who are guided by our Spirit to depart. You will discover that all these things will occur as we have planned but you are to have no expectations in who will go with you. Your sister S.A. is praying regarding this journey tonight and also tomorrow morning and we will give her further insight and understanding in regards to your journey too. We will direct you in all these matters and give you further understanding when it is necessary to know.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I drank water from the fountain as she departed. I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.


These messages have brought great joy to my heart as I have pondered them over the last few days.

Your friend,


G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, June 30, 2021

1. I received a wonderful email from S.A. yesterday about her upcoming trek with S and their families in September 2021, just a few months away. I felt the confirmation of the Spirit as I read and pondered her email and response back to me when I asked her if I might share it. These are certainly exciting times! I have included this email conversation above this entry.

2. I came this morning to the north entry of God's temple on the celestial orb. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

3. She came in great light and glory. She stood before me smiling, and spoke: 'Raphael, I will conclude my interpretation of 3 Nephi 21 this morning. I have previously given my comments to 3 Nephi 21:11-29 in your post 143B10 to 143B13. I had said that the tribes of Israel who come from the north and the remnants of Jacob from the south would be full of the power of God to destroy the wicked in the telestial world, including the occupying armies in your land. These armies are largely in place, and control most of your American society. They have infiltrated your federal and state governments, industry, the universities, the social media outlets, including news agencies, and the military complex in your country. These are those we call the standing or occupying armies in your land. These tribes of Israel who are now on the barren terrestrial land of promise will smite these occupying armies and the wicked in your land, even though they are traveling in a higher realm on the earth (see your post 190J30). Those who come from the south will also do so, for both groups will trample the wicked in your gentile nation under their feet, even "as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver" (see 3 Nephi 21:12).

4. This morning I will conclude my interpretation with 3 Nephi 21:19-29

v19. "And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceiving, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away. (Raphael, your nation has become now one of the very most wicked countries of the world, and is full of lyings and deceptions of all sorts. There is no major news source that reports the truth, for they are full of lies and falsehoods aimed to deceive the people and influence them to do harm to themselves and accept evil practices. The cities of your land are full of crime, great wickedness, and abominations. All areas of your once great nation are infiltrated, with great divisions among all people in all sectors of society. We can no more tolerate this gross wickedness, but will destroy these telestial people, cities and lands.)

v20. For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel.

v21. And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard. (Raphael, those who hear our voice and obey, will be our elect who make their way to the place of gathering, even to the New Jerusalem. Those who reject our voice when they hear, will be left behind and reap the whirlwinds of destruction. This will fulfill the prophecy of the great divisions in your land once the righteous depart (see 2 Nephi 30:10 "For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.")

v22. But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among them, (this is the restored Church of Christ, with a new prophet and new apostles, for the former LDS church has gone astray and no longer has our power and authority) and they shall come in unto the covenant and be numbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their inheritance; (the covenant is the covenant of Zion, to live the laws of the terrestrial realm, and to live peaceably, one with another. All who come into the borders of Zion and the New Jerusalem will need to accept this covenant.)

v23. And they (those elect who shall come to the New Jerusalem) shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem. (Raphael, you have already built up the celestial realm of the New Jerusalem and the outlying farmlands of the island. What is left to build up is the city with its buildings, gardens, parks, and 24 terrestrial temples. All of our elect who come will be given assignments to build up this city section of our New Jerusalem island.)

v24. And then they shall assist my people (the elect of God) that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem. (This is happening even now Raphael, with your own trek of twenty people to arrive at the New Jerusalem in August 2021 (see your post 197G10). Others will start their own treks by walking to Zion as they are inspired by our Spirit and gentle whisperings. They will begin this summer and fall. The next month of September 2021, you will arrive with your wife and son at the New Jerusalem (see your post 197L6). Others will also come to the New Jerusalem in their own portal by their intention, starting in September and October of 2021, just months away.)

v25. And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in their midst (as well as your Father and I, for we will come in disguise frequently among our people. We will come among them during their journeys, even as you and I have come among your own trek currently on its way to Zion).

v26. And then shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people (this includes the teachings at night while our people slumber, even in the celestial realms, and also when the new arrivals come to Zion and read or have read to them our scriptures in the evenings after their daily labors.). Verily, I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father (and Mother) hath led away out of Jerusalem.

v27.Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father (and Mother) to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father (and also the Mother) in my name.

v28. Yea, and then (even now, in your summer of 2021) shall the work commence, with the Father (and Mother) in preparing the way whereby his (their) people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance. (Raphael, the land of inheritance for our elect whom we have chosen is the land of the New Jerusalem and the surrounding future cities of Zion on the promised land.)

v29. And they shall go out from all nations; (they will largely come by the way of the 144,000 who will transport them to the New Jerusalem and to Zion) and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight (in modern airplanes), for I will go before them, saith the Father (and Mother), and I (we) will be their rearward." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

5. Raphael, come here tonight and your Father will review 3 Nephi 16 with you, giving our true perspective on this chapter in the Book of Mormon.'

6. I deeply thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable words of clarity this morning and yesterday. I expressed my deep love for her.

7. She then rose up in the air and departed through the ceiling of her celestial temple. I reviewed what I had written, and closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ.

8. Evening-Prior to my prayer tonight, I read again 3 Nephi 16 and my posts that referenced this chapter (see my post 100E15, 141D2 (from S), and 174C2). I had read the interpretations of these verses in chapter 16. I thought that the verses in 3 Nephi 16:17-20 had not been adequately addressed in the past. I referenced this in my post 174C7, but there were no comments from either of my Heavenly Parents on these verses. Heavenly Mother had said that Heavenly Father would address 3 Nephi 16.

9. I knelt in prayer in the north entry of the celestial temple on the celestial orb. I humbly asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

10. He appeared before me, shining brightly. He was smiling, and I could tell that he accepted me, and loved me. I felt great peace being in his presence.

11. He spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to address the words of Isaiah that my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, spoke to the Nephite people found in 3 Nephi 16: 17-20. I will read these words of Isaiah found in Isaiah 52: 6-10, starting two verses earlier than quoted by Jesus. I will add my comments to these verses.

12. Isaiah 52: 6-10 (see also 3 Nephi 16: 18-20):

v6. "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I. (Raphael, our elect hear our voice and obey our promptings. They will pray for an escape from the hardships and oppressions they will experience in their fallen telestial world (see Isaiah 52: 5, the previous verse). In their distress they will begin to hear my voice, and the voice of Heavenly Mother through the Holy Ghost. They will know that it is God who speaks to them in that day. We will then speak peace to them, and prompt them to come to Zion, where there is peace, safety, and protection. They will then yearn to come there. Groups of them will embark on a journey to that holy place, and we will inspire them to walk in the correct direction. For those who cannot travel by foot, or who are sick or afflicted, we will send our servants to transport them to Zion.)

v7. How beautiful upon the mountains (Zion, the New Jerusalem, will be a large hill or even called a mountain on an island, even in the central part of the barren land of promise. It will be the most elevated place in the land of promise) are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Raphael, this refers to two of our servants who have built up this waste place on the barren land and great deep. One of these is you, our Branch! You have been given by ordination the keys of the gathering of our elect along with John the Beloved (see your post 53A14, 53T7). You have received these keys from Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, the Prince of Peace. You and John the Beloved both possess the keys of gathering in these last days. The feet of him that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings, that publishes salvation are both the feet of you, Raphael, and John the Beloved. The salvation you both will publish is that given by Jesus Christ. You will both be our main leaders in our New Jerusalem and will gather our elect to come there, through many of our angels and other celestial and terrestrial servants. The great beauty of the hill of Zion, the mountain of the New Jerusalem, will be the result of you and John acting upon our revelations. Through both of you, this island of the New Jerusalem will become completed, ready for her great Redeemer, Jesus Christ to one day come. Oh, how beautiful our New Jerusalem will be! There is both a celestial realm where our holy celestial temple is located and the terrestrial city and outlying terrestrial farmlands. All of the celestial areas will be like unto our celestial orb, the residence of God, and all of the terrestrial will be like a garden of Eden, in paradisiacal glory. This will be such a beautiful place for our weary elect to come to at the end of their journeys!)

v8. Thy watchmen (these are those who allow entrance into the island paradise of the New Jerusalem. Gideon (S), our captain of the guard, is their leader. He and those at the future gates of Zion, and in all of her cities, will rejoice together, and like the other inhabitants of Zion, will see eye to eye) shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.

v9. Break forth into joy; sing together, ye waste places of (the New) Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed (the New) Jerusalem. (Raphael, the watchmen shall join with the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem, and sing anthems of praise to us, their Gods, for comforting them, and for redeeming and rescuing them from Babylon and the telestial world. Oh, how happy all of the inhabitants of Zion shall be!).

v10. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God." (The nations refer to the many multitudes of our elect who will flee to Zion in our terrestrial world. These people, eventually from all nations, will see the great salvation, protection, glory and beauty of the New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion. For these, the arm of the Lord will be made bare, or be very powerful.)

13. Heavenly Father stopped speaking. I felt great reverence for his remarkable words of revelation and interpretation of these words of Isaiah. I can see why Jesus Christ quoted this to the Nephites in 3 Nephi 16: 17-20. I bowed my head before my Father and thanked him for his revelation to me tonight. He smiled upon me, and then departed into the ceiling of his temple above us. I then closed my evening prayer.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 1, 2021

1. I reread what I received last night in my prayer with my Heavenly Father. I felt confirmation from the Spirit it was true, and that I wrote correctly the words from my Heavenly Father. The interpretations from Heavenly Father on the words of Isaiah are remarkable to me!

2. I received a very uplifting email from S.A. about the New Jerusalem construction and his upcoming trek with S.A. to the New Jerusalem. I will include it after S's email that she wrote to me (these are both above). This is all true, for I have felt the confirmation from the Spirit of God.

3. Both S.A. and S in their emails said that they saw the fountain of living water sending forth its living water high into the air. I believe that currently this fountain is filled with water and is still, for the four rivers now have their gravity sideways just before they come to the mighty river. This is because living water does not yet flow into the mighty river. Once it does, then the water flow from the fountain of living water will greatly increase, and freely shoot up into the air, and living water will flow out to all the terrestrial earth.

4. I also know that there are great multitudes around the fountain for the tours. When I attempt to come here for my prayer, I see the crowds and go somewhere else which is secluded.

5. I came this morning in the future, after the temple dedication, to the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. There were no longer crowds from the many tours, and the living water was shooting up into the air. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

6. She immediately came to my side and spoke: 'Raphael, both S and S.A. came to this same fountain of living water in the near future, even after the first temple dedication later this month. The water will be by then be coming forth abundantly into the pool and be flowing into the channels and also shooting up into the air even as you see it now. We may have our children come to any visionary experience in the past, present or future, for these are all continually before us as we desire. I am here at the fountain with you, and this is a vision in the future when the water is freely flowing.

7. We may also give a visionary experience for multiple people at the same time, and yet they don't see the others. This happens here or in any place in a celestial environment, such as on our celestial orb. This is a feature of our celestial realms

8. Raphael, the email accounts of S.A. and S were given to them from us, their Heavenly Parents. This year, in 2021, the first arrivals of our elect will come to the New Jerusalem. They will each have specific missions to further prepare the New Jerusalem, and to welcome the flood of new arrivals next year in 2022. To them, this will be such a beautiful paradise in which to dwell! The scripture in Isaiah 52: 7, for all those who come to Zion, interpreted by your Heavenly Father, will be fulfilled:

9. Isaiah 52:7

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"

10. All that your Heavenly Father spoke to you last night, that you wrote in your journal, is true and of him. We will wipe away their tears when they arrive here at the New Jerusalem (see Isaiah 25: 8). These will be such glorious days ahead!'

11. Heavenly Mother then embraced me and I was filled with her great light and Spirit. My vision then ended and I was back in my private room at home on earth. I closed my prayer with a grateful heart.

12. Evening-I worked on post 197 tonight, and listened to post 197 and the 198 partial post during my workday outside. I am so amazed at how rapidly the New Jerusalem has come about. I believe our telestial world could quickly turn into war and calamity, at a similar speed. I am trying not to expect anything that may happen except what I have been told will occur. Even with these upcoming events, they will likely come about much differently than I would expect.

13. We are very much enjoying our lives on our property in Utah County, Utah. My wife and I swim most every day, and we try to serve others, particularly our own children and grandchildren. I really like our life this summer.

14. I came in prayer tonight to the sky above God's temple on the celestial orb. My Heavenly Father came to my side and spoke to me while we were both looking down on his celestial creations: 'Raphael, in every eternity in which our children have lived, we have brought them forth on a mortal telestial earth. There has always been a transition prophet to bridge the telestial to the terrestrial mortal spheres of their earth. In this eternity, this individual is you, Raphael.

15. Do not be surprised when we point out to you familiar scriptures that involve you, like I did in your prayer last night. At this great time of transition, there will be many remarkable events and experiences that have never yet happened in your eternity. Once these occur, they will seem so reasonable and natural, and almost obvious it would happen in the way it did. However, your perspective is narrow now since these have not yet come to pass. No man or woman now living could possibly dream up these grand works that you will continue to see and orchestrate in our behalf. Our work is a strange work, and a strange act, many of which works have never before been done in your eternity (see Isaiah 28:21).'

16. He turned to me and smiled. He said for me to meet my Heavenly Mother tomorrow at the circling waters in her upper gardens.

17. I said I would come to her there in the morning. I then felt like I was falling back to earth. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 2, 2021

1. I came this morning to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I drank celestial living water. I then read D&C 133 with a new perspective. My new understanding is of how God will use the telestial and the terrestrial realms to save their elect and punish or destroy the wicked. Many of these verses were made much more plain to me.

2. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came from the celestial sky, and descended upon the waters before me. Her glory was very bright, and I felt her spirit shine into and through me. I was so privileged to come into her presence!

3. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you read scriptures now about the gathering of our elect, you can see much more clearly how they will be fulfilled. As you read section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants, I enlightened your mind to see a second deeper meaning of some of these verses:

4. D&C 133:2-3,5-7,9-15

v2. "The Lord who shall suddenly come to his temple: (see your post 189F10 to 189F12). The Lord, Jesus Christ, will come to his celestial temple on July 19, 2021, a little over two weeks away, and administer to you the waters of separation ordinance. This will begin the great entry of our beloved elect children into the Church of the Firstborn. Jesus Christ will come to his temple of the New Jerusalem that you have built with the help of thousands of our celstails servants. You are the messenger of the covenant referred to in the LDS footnote in this verse, Raphael. Once you are given entry into the Church of the Firstborn, and begin administering with Oriphiel this great gift to others, then will our son Jesus Christ come down in greater judgment upon the telestial world) the Lord who shall come down upon the world with a curse to judgment; yea, upon all the nations that forget God, and upon all the ungodly among you.

v3. For he shall make bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, (this means upon the wicked nations in your telestial world, and the gathered elect who will come from all nations to the New Jerusalem in the terrestrial world) and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of their God (this refers to those who are celestial elect, from all the ends of the earth, or from all time, who come to our celestial temple in the New Jerusalem and receive from you and Oriphiel their further significant step in their eternal salvation).

v5. Go yet out from Babylon. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord (this command is given again, now specifically to our elect who live in the telestial world that is being overtaken by Babylon, the wicked. Our call is to gather to Zion, the New Jerusalem.).

v6. Call your solemn assemblies, and speak often one to another (like the pattern you are doing on your own trek, in talking daily to your fellow travelers about our true doctrines and the great events coming to the earth, particularly about Zion.). And let every man, (woman and child) call upon the name of the Lord (and receive and confirm our revelations of these things. We will give each our revelation to gather to Zion and to come to the New Jerusalem.).

v7. Yea, verily I say unto you again, the time has come when the voice of the Lord (through our Spirit, by the promptings and guidance of angels, and soon by the 144,000 who are commissioned to gather our elect) is unto you: Go ye out of Babylon (the telestial world in which you live); gather ye out from among the nations, from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (this includes all of our celestial elect from the hosts of our children who will be called and gathered to our celestial New Jerusalem temple, and receive our eternal ordinances there from the angels of God).

v9. And behold, and lo, this shall by their cry, and the voice of the Lord unto all people: Go ye forth unto the land of Zion (at first this was to the telestial church, even the LDS church to build it up. However, now in the latter phase, it will be a call to come forth to the actual land of Zion, the New Jerusalem.), that the borders of my people may be enlarged (even to surrounding cities of Zion), and that her stakes may be strengthened (stakes of the terrestrial Church of Christ, to be headquartered in the terrestrial city of the New Jerusalem), and that Zion may go forth unto the regions round about.

v10. Yea, let the cry go forth among all people: Awake and arise and go forth to meet the Bridegroom (even Jesus Christ, who will accept them into his Church of the Firstborn, and greatly reward each one who hears our voice and keeps our commandments); behold and lo, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Prepare yourselves for the great day of the Lord (when Jesus Christ comes again to the earth in great glory).

v11. Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour.

v12. Let them, therefore, who are among the Gentiles flee unto Zion (the New Jerusalem).

v13. And let them who be of Judah flee unto Jeruslaem (the New Jerusalem), unto the mountains of the Lord's house (where our temple has been erected on the celestial land of the earth.).

v14. Go ye out from among the nations, even from Babylon, from the midst of wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon.

v15. But verily, thus saith the Lord, let not your flight be in haste, but let all things be prepared before you; and he that goeth, let him not look back lest sudden destruction shall come upon him (for the telestial mortal world will break down into chaos and destruction quickly, and there is no returning.)." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable interpretations of this scripture to me! I expressed my love for her truths that she brought to light.

6. She then disappeared from my view. I reread what I had written, and closed my prayer.

7. Email from S received on 7-2-2021, entitled eye to eye:


I read last night your entry from the previous night regarding the watchmen referred to by Isaiah. I went to pray asking for further light and understanding. Here is the record from my journal.

7/1/21 PM

Tonight I read Raphael's entry from last night about the scriptures referring to the watchmen lifting up their voice and seeing eye to eye when the Lord brings forth Zion.

In prayer, I called upon Heavenly Father for I felt he would speak with me tonight. I came to meet him on top of the future wall surrounding the New Jerusalem. Heavenly Father was there, dressed in white robes. He stood in front of me and we looked down towards the ground from the raised wall.

I asked Heavenly Father why there would be walls surrounding Zion if it is in a terrestrial realm and protected from the wicked in the telestial realm.

Heavenly Father spoke, 'There will be many of our children who will live a law consistent with the terrestrial kingdom, but who are not yet prepared for Zion. The inhabitants of Zion live a higher law that pertains to their testimony of Jesus and obedience to higher laws. Joseph Smith recorded that there would be inhabitants on the earth during the millennium that would not join Christ's church, but they would follow the laws of a terrestrial realm. In order for our children to enter the walls of the New Jerusalem, they must live according to our higher laws.'

The phrase "for they shall see eye to eye" in Isaiah 52:8 came to my mind. I asked Heavenly Father what this pertained to or what it meant.

Heavenly Father spoke, 'As a watchman, you shall stand guard at the gate entering into the New Jerusalem. You will look into the eyes of those who will enter. The eyes are the doorway to the soul of men and women. We will bless you with our Godly gift to perceive the faithfulness and readiness of each individual to enter into Zion. Both you and the person being evaluated will know the answer together by the spirit whether they are prepared to enter or not. Some will not be permitted to enter at first, but may enter with time, preparation and a change within their being or soul. Your role, along with all the other watchmen or guards, is symbolic of the person's standing before God. The scripture in D&C 76: 94 is representative of this future interaction they may one day have with us their Gods, "and they see as they are seen, and know as they are known." This interaction for entry into the walls of the New Jerusalem is preparatory in the same way the temple prepares our children for future events.

This is sufficient information for tonight. Record my words and share them in the morning with Raphael.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message and closed my prayer.

After I recorded this prayer, I pondered if all who enter Zion would need to commune with a guard before entry. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, 'It is needful for each future inhabitant of the New Jerusalem or Zion community to have this interaction with a guard prior to entry.'

I thought of the temple phrase regarding being able to pass by the guards or sentinels and giving them the key words, signs or tokens.




8. R's Email back to S dated 7-2-2021:

"Thank you S! I will pray more about the entry requirements for entering the New Jerusalem. It rings true to me, and I know it is of God, but I have never considered what Heavenly Father spoke to you about. Thank you so much for sharing this!

I am putting this in my post 198. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Warm regards,
your friend,

9. Evening-My wife and I made a list of what of our possessions that would be wanted by our children if we were to both die. We really have so very little except our computers, car, house, and money in the bank. All else could be easily sold off at a garage sale, or given to a place like a thrift store. I really have so few possessions that my children would want. There is so little I would leave behind of any worth except our larger possessions like houses and lands. In our departure in September, we will be leaving behind memories and the opportunity to share our lives with the rest of our family.

10. I came to the desert oasis tonight. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He came to me upon the waters, and stood before me in the air. He spoke: 'Raphael, the truly important things that you will leave behind for your children are their memories of your kindly acts of love towards them. All material possessions will soon be forgotten, but who you are and the sort of man you are will linger with them their entire lives.

11. When you, your wife and son come to the New Jerusalem, you will begin a new life in that realm. You will have an entirely new set of friends and acquaintances than you have now, except for the few you knew before who will also come there. You will become so happy with the many new relationships you will develop there, and with your new life. Your health concerns will be healed and your vitality and strength will surprise you. The terrestrial environment will bring deep contentment and joy to your souls. Do not worry about your earthly attachments that you will leave behind. Some in your own family will eventually make their way also to the New Jerusalem, and some will not. We have planned this sort of probationary test for all, and will reward our humble and diligent elect children who follow us. These will be the ones that you will associate with in your Zion community.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words, felt his peace flow to me, and was glad. I closed my prayer in the name of his Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 3, 2021

1. Last night my wife and I spoke about our relationship and our children. We chose each other, and were blessed with our children who passed through our lives, and now that they are gone from our home, they have their own lives. Some of them are married, some have children of their own, but all are independent and can live on their own in this world except for my brain injured son, A.. This is one of the reasons why he will go with us to the New Jerusalem. All the rest of our children are fully launched in life, and will survive just fine, I believe. This is how it is supposed to be.

2. I reread S's email he sent me yesterday entitled "eye to eye". I want to understand the truth from God more, for I am still confused about the additional requirements for entering the New Jerusalem. I wonder if these are the same for other Zion cities in the land. Will there also be guards in those cities, and walls that surround them?

3. I came this morning to the future wall of the New Jerusalem. This is where S met with our Heavenly Father who shared with him his revelation. I knelt on the wall and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

4. I then saw Heavenly Father descend from the sky and step onto the wall next to me. He stood in bright glory, and his light filled my mind and heart. I waited until he spoke.

5. 'Raphael, what I shared with S, my servant and captain of the guard, is true. There is a requirement to live the law of the terrestrial kingdom that all who enter this terrestrial earth will need to comply with. When our children trek to Zion and enter the terrestrial earthly realm, they will have met the requirements of this law. This includes having no wicked desires to use other people for their own gain, to allow others to choose for themselves and to promote the principles of freedom and liberty as described in the founding documents of your once great Republic. These include the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. These all protect the freedoms of each of our mortal children so they may act in the fair liberty of choice.

6. D&C 98: 5,8

"And that law of the land which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind, and is justifiable before me.

I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free."

7. When our elect come into the terrestrial earth they must obey this law in all of their interactions with others. They must not use others or manipulate others, or usurp others' freedoms to choose for themselves.

8. In your current society and country, there are many of these freedoms that have in practice been overturned. There is now much deceit, lying, fraud, and unrighteous removal of liberty from the lives of the citizens of the land. This will not be tolerated in our terrestrial world. Were any to begin to impose coercion or unrighteous dominion upon another, or groups of others, our Beloved Son, the king over the earth, would have this corrected immediately, for this action of unrighteous behavior is not allowed in a terrestrial sphere. The "exercise (of) control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men (and women), in any degree of unrighteousness" (see D&C 121: 37, words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Father), is not allowed in our terrestrial spheres.

9. The freedoms protected in the terrestrial millennial world will give all of the inhabitants on the earth a feeling of security and great safety. It will be a wonderful world in which to flourish and grow.

10. There will be cities in the terrestrial world where our children will live that will not be cities of Zion. Those who live in these cities will be good freedom loving men, women and children. They will flourish and grow, but may not be members of our Church of Christ if they choose not to do so. They are described in D&C 76: 75 as honorable men (and women), who receive of the presence of the Son, but not of the fulness of the Father (see D&C 76: 77). "They are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God (D&C 76: 79).

11. Those who live in these non Zion cities are not allowed to enter into the New Jerusalem city, or other cities of Zion upon the terrestrial earth until they individually conform to the higher entry requirements of these cities. The other Zion cities are terrestrial locations, but have a higher level of unity and belief. They have all things common among them, even according to the law of consecration and stewardship. They are all members of the Church of Christ. They have all made a covenant to live these (the) higher laws of Zion that our righteous live. These include giving freely of their substance to those in need or want, and living in great love and harmony with their neighbors. They fully live their baptismal covenants as members of the Church of Christ, found in the Book of Mormon.

12. Mosiah 18: 8-10

"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life--

Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptised in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?"

13. Raphael, those who live in Zion, and come within her walls and gates, have the great desire to live this covenant of Zion, even as the people of Alma did. The scripture says when they "heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: this is the desire of our hearts." (Mosiah 18:11).

14. The desires of their hearts include a humble heart, an open mind, and a great willingness to serve and love their fellowman. When our grown children make this covenant of Zion, they are allowed entry into the New Jerusalem and the cities of Zion.

15. You may wonder why we would not allow the others who haven't made such a covenant access to Zion, even to visit. We have chosen to keep a higher standard for Zion than for the rest of the millennial world, in order to preserve the holiness of Zion and to keep in the minds of the inhabitants of Zion the great importance of their active covenant. This entry restriction in Zion will keep a higher quality of love, safety and peace among all who dwell there. They will have full assurance that all their Zion neighbors also believe and act as they do.

16. If there are children in Zion that wish to live in non Zion communities, they are free to depart. They will still be required to live the basic laws of the terrestrial kingdom that relate to the free liberty of choice for all, without dominion or compulsion upon any other soul.

17. When S (Gideon) and the guards evaluate those at Zion's gates who seek entry, they will see them as they are seen, and know them as they are known. They will see eye to eye with them, having this great discernment of God given to them, so that they may allow only the pure in heart entrance to Zion and only the holy covenant keepers within her walls.'

18. I now understand the great importance of having guards at the entrance of the cities of Zion. I yearn to be part of this covenant people. I want to live in the New Jerusalem.

19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful revelations to me. He smiled upon me, and then departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ, the mighty king in Zion.