Post 127. Time and Length
Posted 7-13-2019


There have been so many topics included in this post that I hardly know what to title it! Here are some of the topics I just jotted down:
• raising children
• temple covenants
• Jesus mournful over Jerusalem
• necessity to remain hidden from the world
• judgment
• music
• celebrations in heaven
• time and length the same in heaven
• growth of tame olives
• the labor of angels
• here a little, there a little so necessary
• need for elect to cast away their false beliefs and false traditions
• broken branch of the fallen oak tree

I hope you enjoy this! I feel so blessed to connect up with our very loving Heavenly Parents every day! Please follow the Spirit in judging that what I have recorded is correct.

Have a wonderful summer!


P.S. I took the picture of the butterfly above, but not the other beautiful pictures that follow. I love this time of year!

(Copyright © 2025 Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 29, 2019, Saturday

1. I came back late last night and prayed by my bed. I was so tired I don't even remember what happened! Anyway, I slept well and am up and alert this new day.

2. This morning I came to the lovely and quiet desert oasis. This is such a calming place for me! I am glad that there is a place like this on our heavenly home! I walked to the shore to drink living water. I paused and couldn't see anyone around. I knelt by the shore and faced the water asking my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.

3. My Heavenly Mother came to me from a cloud that formed above the water! She came quietly but full of light. I felt very happy to be in her wonderful presence. I felt her love, acceptance and peace come into me, accompanying her intense light that flowed through me.

She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you and your wife enjoyed visiting your new grandson Elijah yesterday. He is happy and learning so quickly the new world and environment he finds himself in! When your children enter into a new physical body, they had previously practiced and gained proficiency how to operate their body systems sufficiently. They had learned fully, in simulated ways, during their pre-mortal training. However, when they are on their own with their very own body, it is a brand new experience! This is a new adventure with many new sensations. They operate all of their body functions with their unconscious mind. Their conscious mind is very subject to becoming tired with the stimuli of a new world. They constantly are learning and growing! They still retain all of their pre-mortal memories, but these are kept in their unconscious mind. These memories also gradually fade from inactivity. Within a few years they have forgotten all about their heavenly home and are little children who continue to be dependent upon their parents. They accept whatever comes their way as normal. These perceptions of their new world become their reality. They are innocent and pure, fully growing and learning about their new world.

4. D&C 68:25-28, 31

"And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents.

For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized.

And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.

Now, I, the Lord, am not well pleased with the inhabitants of Zion, for there are idlers among them; and their children are also growing up in wickedness; they also seek not earnestly the riches of eternity, but their eyes are full of greediness."

5. Raphael, it is a grave responsibility to be a parent and to raise a new innocent child! The child is so very dependent upon their parents or caretakers for their growing belief system, habits and patterns of living. They unquestionably follow whatever they see and experience from their parents, not able to yet discern good or evil. These habits and patterns of their parents become so ingrained as young children that they are very difficult to change, even as an adult later in life.

6. We visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of those who do not follow our ways (see Exodus 20:5). Thus the weaknesses of the parents are perpetuated upon their children. However, "The sins of the parents cannot be answered upon the heads of the children, for they are whole from the foundation of the world" (see Moses 6:54), for Jesus Christ, the great redeemer, has atoned for their sins. The children are expected, however, to repent of their sins and weaknesses of the flesh they inherited and were taught. We help them view their own weaknesses, and will help them as they humble themselves before us and have faith in Jesus Christ. (see Ether 12:27)

7. This process of changing patterns and beliefs that are learned as children can be a very difficult process. Many in your day go to therapy and professionals trained to help them know what normal behavior is. Satan rages in the hearts of our children, once they become accountable before us. It is hardly known in many places on earth now what is normal and what is sinful or perverted! The world in which you live is a dark and difficult environment, in many areas, in which to raise children.

8. We have sent forth our gospel of Jesus Christ into the world to save the peoples of the world from their wayward ways. We send our Holy Spirit to confirm to the hearts and minds of our mortal children so that they may be led and receive our guidance. It will be particularly important for our faithful children to follow our Spirit in these last days. Without our guidance, it will not be possible to navigate their lives in such a difficult environment.

9. D&C 45:57

"For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived–verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day."

10. We generously send our Spirit upon the inhabitants of the earth to enlighten and bless them. Those of our children, from all circumstances and from any walk of life, will be enlightened and blessed as they follow their inner conscience. As they seek the good, we will give them more guidance. We will not leave them alone, but will comfort and guide them. It will not be easy, but will be possible.

11. Raphael, we have our holy angels and heavenly servants sent forth upon the world to help rescue those who will follow us. We will bring those of a Christ-like nature into our millennial day, when Satan will be bound and not able to influence them to do evil. Their posterity will soon have children that "shall grow up without sin unto salvation." (see D&C 45:58)) Oh, what a wonderful happy day for me that will be!'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words! I thanked her for our children who have been raised correctly, to the best of our ability, and to our grandchildren who are also being raised by good and well-meaning, responsive parents who are trying their best. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to be abundantly poured out upon the honest and sincere people of the world who seek to do what is right and good. I committed to act and do whatever she and Heavenly Father inspire me, whether in the celestial realms on the earth, or in my mortal state where I live. I told her I loved her.

13. Evening–I came to the celestial orb this evening and arrived at the desert oasis again, like I did this morning. This time I felt that Heavenly Father would come and speak with me. I came to the water's edge and prayed there, facing the water. I asked for my Father or Mother to come. I waited and watched.

14. Heavenly Father then appeared next to me on the shore, on my left side! He was smiling and stood majestic and very powerful as he always does. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to talk to me.

He spoke:

'Raphael, you had a question this afternoon about the temple covenants you have made in the LDS temple in 1969 when you were endowed and in 1975 when you were married and your wife was sealed to you. You wondered if these ordinances will continue in the Church of Christ once it is reestablished and whether the temple garment you currently wear is pleasing to us, your Heavenly Parents.

15. Raphael, your covenants in the LDS temple at those times were accepted by us as preparatory ordinances and will be eternally done in the Church of the Firstborn (see your post 82L1-82L2, and 83A8). As part of the washing and anointing ceremony in the LDS Church, you were given a garment representing the garment given to Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden. This you were commanded to wear throughout your mortal life.

16. Raphael, we accept you wearing this garment in remembrance of your preparatory covenants, and in looking forward to your robes of exaltation you will receive with the faithful in the New Jerusalem temple. Your current temple garments are worn by our faithful also to look forward to these future eternal covenants they will receive there, which will be forever binding. These are the only ordinances in your endowment that we will accept in the celestial worlds and only done in the Church of the Firstborn by our holy angels.

17. Sealing of a man to a woman and a woman to a man in the Church of Christ is also a temporary or preparatory ordinance. The final binding ordinance will be done by either your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me in the celestial temple sealing rooms on the upper floor of that temple. We will do this once most of our children will have received their temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple by the angels of God. The temple sealings of the spouses to each other in the Church of Christ is a preparatory sealing and is a binding marriage in the eyes of God.

18. In the LDS Church, the sealing of the husband to his wife was discontinued early on and then became only the sealing of the wife to her husband. This will be corrected at the beginning of the millennium to how we originally revealed this preparatory ordinance to the prophet Joseph Smith.

19. Raphael, we are pleased when you and our faithful are true to your covenants and continue to wear the temple garments. It covers your nakedness and provides a protection by our Holy Spirit to the faithful who wear it, who have a hope to receive their permanent robes of exaltation under the hands of our holy angels. If they honor their covenant, we will honor them at the last day.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words on my questions! I told him I understood his answer and will honor my own covenants.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 30, 2019, Sunday

1. Today marks the completion of half of the 2019 year passing! It seems to me to have gone by so very fast. No man or woman may slow down the inevitable progress of time. We all mature and age like clockwork too.

2. I came to my quiet room in my house to pray. I seem to immediately tune into my unconscious mind, for I have trained myself over the years in doing this. I am so grateful for quiet, meditative and open prayer! This is now so much a part of me.

3. This morning I came to the side of the uprooted live oak tree. I came near and the branches were dry and brittle and the leaves that remained were also dry and lifeless. Even the roots that were in the air were brittle and dry! This tree was surely dead that was exposed to the air. I knew that there would be a few live roots still buried in the ground that had moisture and were hidden and yet alive.

4. I walked down the road to the beginning of the wheat field. I knelt on the road facing the waving grain in this field. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared at the overlook to my immediate west and were shining brightly! I received the impression to come before them in the air. I then stood and traveled in the air to a place right before them in the air, on my knees. They were both smiling. I felt the radiant light of their persons shining into and through me. I love to feel their Holy Spirit beaming from their very presence into me! I felt very loved and accepted.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you can see that the oak tree portions that are above the ground in the air have dried out and no longer has life. This is analogous to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that you attend each Sunday. We have removed the priesthood and keys from the apostles and prophets in this church. They are now without our heavenly guidance to lead this church by revelation. They would feign to profess they still receive our light, but we do not witness to the sincere, open, and humble followers of Christ that they are speaking the truth. However, you are still blessed if you attend sacrament meetings in this church and receive the emblems of the sacrament with your neighbors there. You may still participate as much as you wish with fellow members of this church, for they are our children whom we love, and many are our elect. There are many services this church still offers you that are helpful, such as online scriptures and distribution services from which you may purchase temple garments and helpful media and scriptures. Always confirm everything you do buy our Holy Spirit that we will send upon you.

6. This same sort of situation existed in the Jewish religion and church in the days that Jesus Christ lived on the earth. He was open and forthright in his declarations that he was the Messiah, the promised redeemer of the world. Many of the Jews sought to kill him, but before his time of death he eluded their efforts and taught our truths to the believing people of the house of Israel, to whom he was sent. He visited their synagogues and temple as much as he was able.

7. He mournfully spoke these words during his ministry on earth:

Luke 13:34-35

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killeth the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."

8. Raphael, such also will be the state of this Church and people. Were you to become public, and outwardly reveal even a part of what we have shown and revealed to you, you would be labeled as a false teacher or false prophet and be cut off from the LDS Church. You would be excommunicated like M.S. or many others who believe other than the current dictated doctrine from the church.

9. We desire that you and our holy mortal angels continue to act and work in secret before the world, and not reveal our precious truths to them except to whom we tell you. The wheat and the tares must needs still remain for now.

10. D&C 86:7-11

"Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and the field remaineth to be burned.

Therefore, thus saith the Lord unto you, with whom the priesthood hath continued through the lineage of your fathers–

For ye are lawful heirs, according to the flesh, and have been hid from the world with Christ in God–

Therefore your life and the priesthood have remained, and must needs remain through you and your lineage until the restoration of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began.

Therefore, blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness, a light unto the Gentiles, and through this priesthood, a savior unto my people Israel. The Lord had said it, Amen."

11. Raphael, you and our holy angels and celestial servants who live in the flesh are to be kept hidden from the world (see verse 9) until we do all of our great restorative work, and bring upon the world its very destruction. Your priesthood remains with you, and our high priestesses are now beginning to be ordained among you by your Heavenly Mother herself. Our power will be made manifest through you all in our own way as we begin to restore all things, and prepare the elect to receive their great redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ.

12. We will be with you and our elect servants continually during this difficult transition to the millennial world. We will restore our Church of Christ in our own way, and again bring forth the hidden and still alive roots of the live oak tree that haven't withered in the dry air.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation to me! I feel greatly comforted in his care and guidance. I told him and Heavenly Mother how much I loved them and that I would do as they direct me. I closed my prayer, for I was thus told to do so and to now start my Sabbath day with my wife.

14. Evening–I went to our own ward with my wife today. We attended sacrament meeting. During the sacrament, I came to the same overlook where I was this morning. I was on the ground of the overlook, facing the fallen oak tree. After I made my covenant, I partook of the bread. Heavenly Father appeared and spoke to me (he was above the tree near me in the air).

15. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant and will always be with you, even with our very presence and also with our spirit. We will always be with you to guide you and be with you in every time of need!'

16. I then drank the water that was blessed and passed. Heavenly Mother then came next to Heavenly Father, and began shining the intense light of the Holy Ghost upon me. She sent this light through me, and I felt her presence in abundance!

17. She spoke: 'Raphael, I confirm all that your Father has spoken to you this morning. He spoke to you about your covenants in the LDS church. The most important covenant you make in this church is baptism (of the water and the spirit) and the sacrament you make weekly. The sacrament extends to you your covenant of baptism that you received in 1967. The sacrament is now the most important covenant you make in your current life. Baptism is performed only in the church of Christ, and not in the Church of the Firstborn. It is a necessary eternally binding covenant we require for all our faithful elect who are admitted into the celestial Church of the Firstborn.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words and promises and then saw them leave and disappear. The meeting continued with the talked.

19. Later–I enjoyed a good afternoon and evening with my family. It is now late and I just finished writing in my journal about what happened at church. At church, and afterwards, my wife and I were talking about some of the people who acted very religious at church and yet had slighted our family and us at different times in the past. It is hard for us to see these people acting pious and yet we know how they act, even recently. I suggested at first we find another sacrament meeting to attend, but then we thought it best to work on our own thoughts in this way:

1. Adults may act and think as they wish. Just because they attend the same church as us, and live in the same neighborhood doesn't mean we too need to shun or avoid them. They are free to come to church and act however they may. They may treat me one way and others differently.

2. My view of these people who seem hypocritical is only in my own mind. They may act offensively to me, like berating, shouting, or accusing talk, but I may choose to think independent of their actions. If I control my mind to think of them as children of God, with weaknesses, and want to think loving, compassionate thoughts towards them, I have the power within me to do so. It is all my choice! I might also feel judged and want to shun them, or feel hurt by something they have done. This choice is also up to me, and is in my mind only. I choose how I want to think.

20. My wife and I thought to work on our own minds, and try to think better of those who have acted in ways to us that we wouldn't do to them.

21. I wondered if this was the correct approach. I came this evening to the granite cliff on Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced west, towards the distant temple, and asked for God to come.

22. Heavenly Mother came in a beam of light from her far distant temple, and soon stood right in front of me, in the air! I felt again her intense light of the Holy Ghost beam into me, and fill me with love and compassion! She then spoke:

'Raphael, you are correct that your thoughts about how others act and think are really created by you. They may act hostile, argumentative, and even rude, but you still may choose to think loving and compassionate thoughts about them. You may also react and feel like they are your enemy. This is all determined by you in your thoughts.

23. Two people may see and feel entirely different about the same circumstance. You also might see more clearly than another, or vice versa.

24. When a neighbor who has acted hostile towards you speaks at church, acting like they are very religious and Christian, you may still think positively of that person. You may understand that he/she has weaknesses and is still trying to do well, for they come to church, every one of our children is free to choose whatever they may do. You too may also think of them however you wish.

25. One perspective that may help you is to think of your fellow man as intelligences that we chose to become our son or daughter. They each would have different circumstances and upbringing in their future journey and each would have different weaknesses, most of these weaknesses in the flesh are inherited in their family they would grow up in. Thinking in this way helps you have more understanding and compassion, so that you are not so judging of their behavior, for much is foisted upon them because of their circumstances.

26. Another way to think of your thoughts about the person is to imagine you see them in a car with their windows up. As they pass by you, working in the field, they may say whatever they want about you, and you can't hear it. Therefore, your thoughts towards them are unaffected. However, if they rolled down the window and shouted at you a negative thing about you, you may then think badly about them. The only difference is that you heard them the second time and not the first. Think of yourself not hearing them, for you may choose what you think. You may allow any person to think of you what they wish, but really they have no power to change how you think of them, for it is only you who has that power to control your mind.

27. You may also do as Jesus Christ taught in the sermon on the mount: Matthew 5:25–"Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison."

28. This means that if someone accuses you of something, rather than get upset, agree with your accuser that you have that fault. This helps diffuse their accusation, and helps them no longer see themselves as your enemy. Your genuine and humble response may be often so disarming to them that they will stop their negative talk about you. They will tend to think more positively of you, for you are hard to offend. They may also not get the satisfaction of someone to banter or argue with, for it takes two persons to quarrel. If you agree with them quickly, then this may also quickly end their accusation talk.

29. When you think positively of an accusing person, you are not faking reality. Reality is only how you perceive things. It is better to diffuse the negative talk of others about you than considering them as your enemy. If you consider your neighbor as your friends, the world is a happier place!

30. There may be some neighbors that truly aim to do you harm. In these more rare cases, you may feel to stay away from them and not associate. However, if you see them at church, which is a congregation of sinners, be happy that they appear to be making an effort to change and improve. Perhaps they will be touched by our spirit, and will become more Christ like. Forgive them freely of past grievances, for that is our hope. They are each our son or daughter whom we have chosen to come into your life at this time. Maybe you may learn from them, and may even learn from them how to be more loving and accepting.

31. I thanked my loving and accepting Heavenly Mother to have come to me tonight! I humbly admitted to her my weakness at times to have become offended by others. I want to be never offended, but to be accepting and compassionate to all people, particularly my family members and neighbors.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 1, 2019, Monday

1. I have been thinking this morning of becoming the person who doesn't take offense. I want to agree with my accusers, whether it is a member of my family, a neighbor, or the stranger. I believe Jesus Christ was that way in his life, for it was hard for others to invoke in him anger or retaliation of any sort. He took the abuse, and did not revile. He still extended love, even to the ones who accused him and killed him! He offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice for every sinner, for he loved all.

2. To become Christ-like means that we act more like him. This includes thinking and acting lovingly of those who may be negative to us in any way.

3. This morning I came to the lovely pocketed rock wall that had beautiful fragrant flowers growing. It was half way up Heavenly Mother's upper garden on the north side of the path. I felt so very blessed to be able to come here!

4. I knelt facing the wall, which was about ten feet in front of me. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

I then heard my Heavenly Parents talking together as they came up the path from the west, or from the waterfall area. Then I saw them, holding hands and walking towards me! When they arrived, they stopped talking, and both faced me. I felt so happy and comfortable to be in their presence.

5. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your main mission is not one of judgment, but of acceptance and love. You are also a healing angel, and send our gift of healing to whomever we desire. When you vanquish Satan and his hosts, either to the distant prison orb or to the bottomless pit, you do this because of our commands, and not by judgment on your part.

6. We will send to you every one of our elect who is judged by Jesus Christ as a candidate for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. You are to receive them with loving, open arms, and freely offer to them the blessings of the waters of separation. You do this in the spirit of love and acceptance. This very deed will fill them with loving memories and such happy moments! You will administer to those who were faithful to us during all of their lives, and also to those who lived in sin and finally repented and were cleansed by Jesus Christ. All are accepted and loved! Your mission in this ordinance is to reflect to them our love and joy that they have chosen to live righteously, and that Jesus Christ has chosen them to enter into his church. All of these will be candidates for entry into our celestial worlds, and will receive their exaltation!'

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, when we choose an intelligence to become one of our sons or daughters, we know they would experience a unique journey. Some would wander in the ways of sins, and then humbly repent and come to their Great Redeemer, seeking his forgiveness. He would accept these freely, just as he accepted the ones who were always faithful. Once accepted of him, all of our elect children are considered equal in status and election. This is a free gift to each one.

8. Some of these elect may have been the most vile sinners and accusers. Some will have allowed themselves to be subjugated to Lucifer for many long-periods of their lives. However, once they truly repent and are forgiven, all are accepted equally into our kingdom.

9. This process is the way we Gods have chosen. We know all things from the beginning, even the future paths of our wayward children who ultimately choose to follow us, their loving Heavenly Parents and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. This is our way and our gospel plan.'

10. I thanked my gracious and loving Heavenly Parents for their words to me this morning! I told them how much I wanted to be like them, and that I loved them.

11. My prayer ended with me coming to my awareness of being in my home, and no longer on the celestial orb. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day, week and month!

12. Evening–I received an email from M.A. about music, asking me to help understand how music affects us or helps us in learning and comprehending. She wrote: "We do a lot of singing in our worshipping at church and lyrics also teach messages, but I feel there is more to it. Heavenly Mother wanted me to ask you to ask them, or I guess they will tell you, but it needs to come through you." I wrote her back that I would inquire about music and its effect on their children.

13. I came to Heavenly Mother's lower garden, next to her glass table. It was still light and very pretty outside and so beautiful with flowers and plants all around! I knelt facing the path leading to the distant pool under the waterfall, which heads north. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched for someone to come.

14. Heavenly Mother came from the south side of the arbor next to the glass table, and walked up next to where I was kneeling. She was smiling and full of light! I loved to be in her presence and to feel enlightenment.

15. I asked her if she could answer M.A.'s question about music. She responded:

'Raphael, there is very much your Heavenly Father and I wish to speak to you about, and music's influence in the heavens and how music effects our children, is one of these topics.

16. Our beloved Son, Jesus Christ, spoke these words to the prophet Joseph Smith to his wife Emma:

D&C 25:11-12

"And it shall be given thee, also, to make a selection of sacred hymns, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church.

For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads."

17. Music in our celestial world is beautiful and uplifting to the souls of those who dwell there. We love particularly the song of the heart that is full of joy and happiness, or other sincere deep emotions. Words sung with music are usually well thought out and meaningful, accompanied by a beautiful melody that greatly deepens the message. Choice words, sung to beautiful music, often lingers in the heart and helps our children relive the impact of the moment and the meaning of the message. Your Father and I send our Spirit to accompany these beautiful celestial songs, making the imprint on our children very tender when they hear them. Our Holy Spirit, which is our light we send, is coupled with the message and melody, bringing the music to the heart, mind and entire being or soul of the open recipient.

18. If we don't send our Spirit to accompany the music to a particular individual, they may still be impacted by the music and its message, but when the Holy Spirit carries it to them, it is so much more deeply impactful. We may selectively send our Holy Spirit with the music to whom we will, or we may send our Spirit upon all the people in a congregation. Those who are open and receptive to our Spirit will be able to receive what we wanted to send, whereas those who are closed may claim they feel nothing. Our Holy Spirit only is able to penetrate and move the open and humble, the seeking and prayerful child. The others consider these things as foolishness, for the things given by our Spirit are subtle and sensitive.

19. We may speak emotion and love, along with the beautiful music and its message, and thus fill our receptive child with light, all at the same time. These experiences often are never forgotten.

We have found that beautiful music has the ability to open up the hearts and minds of our children. Therefore, when we send the Holy Spirit to accompany the music, along with a particular message to our child, we may be able to touch them in ways otherwise not possible. Music is the catalyst in all of this.

20. Raphael, I love beautiful music! I particularly love my children who sing to us, their Gods, in praise, prayer, and petitions. We consider the song of the heartfelt righteous soul as a prayer to us, and answer that prayer with a blessing upon their head. Beautiful prose, or poetry, set to refined music that uplifts, is welcomed in our courts above.

21. There is much in your fallen world that people call music that is degrading and harmful to the souls of our children. Satan knows this and seeks to destroy our mortal children with sinful lyrics, with jarring noise that is completely opposite to the lovely gentleness of celestial music. Whenever this is played, performed, or sung, I quickly depart. I withdraw immediately my Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit. Our children who are sensitive should receive the clear message that they, too, should leave and depart from all such evil influence.

22. You can tell what music is of good report, or lovely, for I will be there with music that uplifts and brings peace, enjoyment, and godly rejoicing along with the music and lyrics. My Spirit will abide in your hearts if the music is praiseworthy and uplifting. You will know that we approve since you will be enlightened by our Holy Spirit.

23. Raphael, once you remove Satan and his hosts, the caliber of music in your world will vastly improve. Our children will enjoy all varieties of fine arts that are uplifting and godly. The vile and base will no longer be a part of the new terrestrial world, and will be a thing of the past. Our children in the millennium will hardly believe that the world was once engulfed in such sin and such degrading music, inspired by Satan or his devils!

24. In the eternal realms, we have celestial orchestras that play sacred hymns and music to meet every occasion. We frequently sing with our beloved children, bringing to them and to us a love of music that uplifts and enhances our lives. We encourage those who develop their musical talents, and endow them with these gifts in mortality and in other phases of their progression.

25. When we hold a meeting, we almost always begin with prayer and singing. If the music is appropriate to the message or meeting, it can open up the hearts of our children so that they are in readiness for the message we wish to have delivered. At the meetings' end, we often also close with a hymn and a prayer, which may seal the message in the hearts of our children who attend.

26. We particularly love the baptism and sacrament hymns for those occasions. Music, set to meaningful words and a sweet tune brings our Holy Spirit and my Holy Ghost.'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words on the importance and blessing of good, uplifting music! I told her I only wanted to listen to and sing or play uplifting, wholesome and reverent music. I asked that she always attend me so that I could be tutored in all her godly ways, including choosing the best music to inspire my family and me. I closed my prayer and prepared for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 2, 2019, Tuesday

1. I have thought that there are times to sing or play music and times to remain quiet. I appreciate, for instance, the quiet time in my meditations and prayers and the quiet time during the sacrament. There is sacred quietness and sacred music time.

2. I find some music is appropriate as a background, making the ambience and mood a certain way. Some music I cannot casually listen to, for it seems to demand my attention. I feel George Frideric Handel's "Messiah" is this way. When I listen to the Messiah, I feel a need to stop and draw in the message. The hymns at church, sung in the congregation, are also to prepare the minds and hearts of the congregation and prepare them for worship. Those who then speak have a solemn responsibility to uplift and seek to invite the Spirit by their words and demeanor.

3. We have attended a number of Christian churches in the past few years. My biggest problem with their worship service is the choice of their music. I have thought that a strong beat, or use of drums, loud guitars, etc., is distracting to the messages or the words of the music. I remember the olden days when I was a child and the music was played on the organ or piano and was from familiar hymns that seemed to enhance the feeling of worship. I particularly remember with fondness the Christian hymns of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Some of these are sung in LDS churches as well. They have come from sincere and talented individuals like Martin Luther, John Wesley, and others of the reformation which are inspired and gifted. I love sacred music also, like Mozart, Bach and more that we are blessed to have in abundance, even on our digital devices. This is such an amazing time in which we live!

4. I came this morning to the beautiful circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. It was so peaceful here with the white noise of trickling water from the gurgling stream, and occasional singing birds. Nature itself is so very settling to the human soul and is like music in that way to us who seek God in prayer and worship!

5. I came to the water's edge and knelt. I drank living water from my cupped hand and felt refreshed. I then bowed my head and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father appeared out of the air in front of me gradually. He seemed to step out of the higher celestial realm into the celestial realm in which I was kneeling. He smiled and shone in light and peace.

6. He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, all that your Heavenly Mother has spoken last night and all that you have written in your journal last night and this morning I approve. I too love the beautiful sacred music that fills our courts above. I love to send our Holy Spirit whenever I feel it would enhance and bless my children.

7. John 3:8

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit."

8. We bless our children with our light, our Holy Spirit, as it seems to us good. We love to enhance and strengthen our children with our Spirit. You cannot tell when we will do so, but this is always from us, your Gods. We inspire our children with beautiful music that uplifts and sets the tone for our message, or that prepares our children for our Holy Spirit.

9. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I work as one when we send our Spirit. We have one purpose and objective in sending our Holy Spirit upon the children of this eternity, and that is to lead them to us, to instruct them and guide them into all truth, and to comfort and bless them.

10. Just as we receive the light from our first parent Gods that comes through our parent Gods to us, we send this same light onto our children. You who are our celestial messengers and servants are also filled with our light. When you go on our errands to deliver our works and messages to our children, you always have our Holy Spirit to attend you, as you are humble, loving and receptive to our voice. We will therefore send through you our light in abundance, so that our children who receive your message of your acts will know you come from God. This is how we operate in our kingdom. We are the Gods of light (see John 1:5), and in us there is no darkness. Our faithful know us and may discern clearly between light and darkness, and always seek and choose our light.

11. D&C 50:24

"That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

12. Even as light fills our celestial world on this heavenly sphere, so also we use beautiful music at times to enhance our world. Celestial music is the creation of ourselves and our talented children who sing or play harmonious melodies. It is almost always part of our assemblies and meetings, for uplifting music so prepares and attunes our children to understand more fully our messages. We have also created our birds to sing beautiful music in their chirps and tweets. These songbirds are so beautiful to hear in the forests and lands where they live! Their mission is to uplift through beautiful songs our children and fill them with awe and enjoyment at the sounds.

13. Raphael, we will guide each of our open and sincere children, in helping them choose music that uplifts and helps them in their lives. They need to humbly seek us, and we will send our witnessing Spirit to guide them in all of their queries. Beautiful music should be a part of their lives, sung, played, or heard at different times on their mortal journey back to us.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his message. He smiled and then I heard the song of a meadowlark in Heavenly Mother's upper garden in a nearby tree! I knew he sent that music from the bird to me, to uplift me and bring me joy and a thrill! I thanked him for all the beautiful music all around me!

15. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis where I sat on the bench, looking over the sand to the oasis in front of me. The sun was going down which I watched while sitting on the bench. I wiggled my toes in the sand, and felt very grounded.

16. When the sun was down, I came to the water's edge where I knelt to pray. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited, with no expectations.

17. Soon my Heavenly Mother came to me on the water! She was shining, but more subdued than normal. I could still see the surrounding desert and water, but she was much brighter than all of our surrounding area. Anyway, I was so glad to have her before me.

18. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have come to you because you prayed to me. You have worked very hard today, and now are very tired. I want to address you on a new topic, but feel to do that tomorrow morning. Meet me here at the oasis water's edge in the morning, and I will meet you here.'

19. Heavenly Mother smiled and then disappeared. I felt so grateful to have just met her for a moment. I felt her spirit and love. I will come here in the morning.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 3, 2019, Wednesday

1. I am awake and alert today, feeling refreshed and ready to connect again with my Heavenly Mother! I came to the desert oasis and came immediately to the water's edge. I drank living water from the oasis with my cupped hand. I felt clarified and clear in my mind. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. She soon came, very much brighter than she was last night! The sun was up too in the celestial sky, and I felt so blessed and enlivened to be in her presence! The light of her countenance was intensely flowing into me, along with feelings of love and acceptance from her, my glorious Heavenly Mother!

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, yesterday you listened to post 53 "Two Council Meetings" and post 54 "Expansion of the Work" given to you nearly 2 years ago. Since then you and our mortal angels have matured and grown. There were many more who subscribed to your web post email notifications at that time, and have decided not to support you as the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn would come.

4. Since this time we have continued to give you nearly 75 revelation posts, each post about a week and a half apart. You have learned wonderful truths from our mouths as you have diligently sought us. These are our revelations to you and the world! We will continue over the next years that come, to pour out abundant truths and revelations from heaven upon you! Your records and revelations will become very great! We will not hold back our truths from you, as you continue to be humble and ever seeking for our words.

5. We mentions the 144,000 in your web post that you listened to yesterday. This group has been all called and commissioned by Jesus Christ on Mount Zion, as you have described in your post 28, given in October 2-16. We have guided each of them and they know of their callings. Their spiritual awakenings are still in secret, as is yours. They wait as a group for us to inspire their leaders to call them into service, in their mortal life. We are continuing to guide and train them independently. They are, as a group, progressing as we wish.

6. Their leaders, Phillip and Rebecca Johnson, are also being prepared. Your interaction with all of these, their leaders and the group of 144,000, is basically completed except in overall instructions that may occur in a future day.

7. You also heard about John the Beloved who is the prophesied fulfillment of the rod and the root of Jesse. You were also identified as the branch spoken of in Isaiah 11:1-2 (see your post 54B5, post 54C6, post 54K10, post 54I7, post 54M3-54M7). You are in preparation now in your life to be ready to fulfill your great mission! All of the 144,000, John the Beloved, you and all the holy angels and servants are being prepared and groomed for your important service that will become more open to the world once calamities and destructions on the entire earth become more frequent. The phase we are now in is one of spiritually gathering and preparing our elect leaders for their callings and service.

8. It will seem to the world that we, their Gods are silent as the world free-falls into sin and worldwide calamities. However, our work is merely in the preparation state, in secret, until we reveal our strange work and our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21). We will allow this time of preparation to continue in secret, away from the scrutiny of man, until our revealing. Each one who is being prepared is able to see only their own path, or that which we individually reveal to them. Your views are the broadcast and most expansive, for you have an overall leadership role in orchestrating many of our works.

9. Your role will continue to be done from celestial realms on the earth, as will be the holy angels whom we have called. This will continue to be done in your unconscious minds, in celestial realms. On earth, in your mortal state, you and our mortal angels will continue living quiet lives. In heaven you will continue to act and work in increasing amounts, with multiple replications, until you are able to do all of our work we ask of you.

10. Part of building a Zion society is to have Zion leaders and servants who will gather our elect, the pure in heart. You, who are our leaders, need to be very humble and learn individually from us, your Heavenly Parents. We desire each of you to be diligent in seeking our Holy Spirit, and in being quick to respond to our directions. Our voice needs to be very familiar to you. Upon you I will also pour out my Holy Ghost, a more intense form of our Spirit. You will each be led to act, to learn and grow into your glorious callings! Our army will therefore become very great, all hidden and poised for the great day of our revealing:

11. Joel 2:11,15-18–"And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible, and who can abide it?

...Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly. (see post 25A1, post 25B22-25B24)

Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.

Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord (Raphael, these are our holy angels and all our elect servants we have called to gather Israel), weep between the porch and the altar (or between their mortal dwellings and the spiritual realms where they work and labor), and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage a reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, where is their God? (Many will wonder where God is when calamity comes.)

Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people." (comments in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

12. Raphael, we encourage you and our elect servants to continue in humility and prayer, seeking continually, on a steady and regular basis, the face of God. We will give each of you revelation, and help you to grow into your individually callings and commissions. We have full confidence and trust in you!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful encouraging words! I said 'Heavenly Mother, I will continue to be humble and diligent in seeking your face, and the face of my Heavenly Father. I will be steady in my efforts, and make time in my busy life for my Gods. I will seek to grow into the Raphael that you envision me to become!'

14. Heavenly Mother then embraced me, pulling me close to her bosom, for I was still kneeling before her. She then started to rise up in the celestial sky, and was soon gone into the higher celestial realms. I reviewed my journal entry, and then started my new day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 4, 2019, Thursday

1. I am up early before the family awakens. I went out with my wife last night and prayed around 11:30 p.m. I came to the circling waters and Heavenly Father met me there. He said to meet him this morning there and he would deliver his message there to me.

2. I came this morning to the circling waters as I did last night. It was early morning here too, with the celestial sun up in the northern sky. Songbirds were singing in the nearby trees and the flowers around me were blooming! I came to the shore of the water and drank living water. I then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come as he promised last night.

3. Soon he was before me on the other side of the river! He walked in the air to the place where I stood. He was filled with light and was smiling. He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, your sister Rachael (K) had wondered if the hymns in the celestial realms were more inspiring that the ones you sing from the current LDS hymnbooks. Please assure her that these celestial hymns we sing are compiled from multiple eternities and passed down to the present. We have collected our favorite ones, created and composed by our talented children. We have also received some favorites of other gods who have shared these with us. These hymns all move the soul of man and bring a certain desired emotion. We love our celestial hymns! She has heard them all in our pre-mortal realms above and loves them too. They are far superior to the music found in your hymnbooks of today. They teach many truths, some which are not revealed to you yet, but will be soon. These celestial tunes and music continue to move my own soul and greatly inspire me!

4. I would like to now share with you about the celebrations we have and will establish in heaven. These are patterns we wish to occur on the earth. In the millennial day, there will be yearly holiday celebrations that are similar to what we do in our celestial realms above.

5. As you know, there is no set or precise day and night in our celestial orb. When we desire it to be day, we bring our celestial sun overhead. When we want night, we send our sun to the other side of our celestial orb and often bring up in the sky our celestial moon. These movements are based on our desires.

6. Our celestial orb, however, does have a regular rotation around Kolob, our central governing kokaubeam. This provides a sense of time that is repetitive, like the years on your earth, which repeat as your earth returns to her same location in the skies as she rotates around your sun.

7. The rotations of our celestial orb around Kolob, our chief governing kokaubeam, are seven rotations per eternity, or seven celestial years. We are now on our last rotation, for this current eternity has been established for a long time. These seven rotations do not correspond to the seven epochs spoken of in your post 122A5 to 122A17. We base our celestial celebrations on the repetitive period of a rotation of our celestial orb around Kolob.

8. For example, when we chose Immanuel, our future great Redeemer and beloved Son, the eternity really began. He was birthed from your Heavenly Mother as the first spirit child, beginning this current eternity. We celebrated with all of our children living at the time when our celestial orb comes to the precise same location in our galaxy around Kolob when Immanuel was born. There are a total of seven celestial years for this eternity. We have already celebrated six times the birth of Immanuel and the start of this eternity. When we celebrate the seventh time, the eternity will end. This will be when all of our children will have gone to their eternal reward.

9. Our second celebration is a remembrance of the announcement of Immanuel as our chosen Savior, when his name was changed from Immanuel to Jehovah. The third celebration is when Lucifer was cast to the earth with his followers, for rebellion. This division of our children brings both a remembrance of sorrow for their loss and of joy for the choice of the remaining spirits to have accepted the great Jehovah as their promised Redeemer.

10. There are other celebrations or dates that haven't happened yet that will be remembered in eternity on the resurrected earth, but these will occur after the sixth celestial year. These four remaining celebrations will be when the celestial exalted gods remember the fall of Adam, the great atonement of Jesus, the second coming of Jesus Christ, and the individual day of their becoming ordained as a couple god. There will be seven total celestial celebrations that will continue for this eternity, all remembered on the celestial earth in the celestial city of the New Jerusalem.

11. Each celebration will occur on the precise moment when the location of that event occurred when our celestial orb was rotating around Kolob. This is akin to celebrations on the earth that come once a year. These seven celebrations are remembered and repeated in eternity, forever and ever by all the future gods of this eternity.

12. During each celebration in heaven, we meet and remember the event we are celebrating. We sing, and view the event usually in vision together. We also celebrate with feasting and performances, with music, dancing and fine art performances. All is done with great respect and honor of the event we are celebrating. It is a choice time to rejoice together and take moments to mingle, laugh, smile and remember.

13. Our millennial celebrations will be held yearly and be established by the people of that day to remember great events such as the fall of man, the birth and atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second coming of Jesus Christ, and other such significant events. These will approach the beauty and grandeur of our celestial celebrations in heaven.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelations this morning, early on the Fourth of July! I told him I would remember today the birth of my own nation and the freedom we still enjoy in our land. I thanked him for his abundant blessings upon us and our families. I closed my prayer, for I am off soon to go with my family to the big Fourth of July parade in Provo, Utah.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 5, 2019, Friday

1. Yesterday we celebrated non-stop with family Independence Day for 12 straight hours! When we got home late I was very tired. I connected with my Heavenly Father last night at the circling waters. He came momentarily, told me to come back in the morning, and then he quickly left. I have slept well and feel refreshed now. I am again at the circling waters ready to connect and receive from one or both of my loving Heavenly Parents. I knelt in front of the bench and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I was facing the water.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, a little elevated in the air! She was very bright and smiling. She was shining her intense light of the Holy Ghost into and through me. I feel her love and acceptance in the light coming into me!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have pondered over your celebrations yesterday during your fourth of July Independence Day. We are glad that you have been with you wife, children and grandchildren all day long. You and your wife are instilling many fond memories in their minds, and these form healthy traditions they will recall in future years.

4. This morning you recited the scripture in Joseph Smith Translation 2 Peter 3:8–

"But concerning the coming of the Lord, beloved, I would not have you ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

5. Yesterday your Father spoke to you about our seven major celebrations in heaven. These occur when our celestial orb comes back to the same location in its orbit around Kolob. These celebrations are remembered every celestial year for that particular eternity.

6. There is a link in time also between your mortal earth and our celestial orb. "The measurement according to celestial time, which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit, One day in Kolob is equal to a thousand years according to the measurement of this earth." (Pearl of Great Price, Facsimile 2, Figure 1. See also Abraham 3:4).

7. These scriptures mean that full rotation of our celestial orb, as well as one full rotation of Kolob, are identical, and are exactly one thousand years on the earth upon which you stand. The temporal existence (telestial and terrestrial states) from the fall of man to the death of the earth at the end of the millennium is seven thousand years long. This will have therefore been a total of seven days on our celestial orb, or one week of our celestial time. There are on our celestial orb exactly 52 weeks, whereas on your earth there are more than 52 weeks per year. The extra quarter day per year shows that your earth is in a fallen telestial condition state. When the earth is resurrected, and placed in our celestial skies above, she will then rotate precisely as our celestial orb in her revolutions, with 52 weeks in each celestial year. This will synch her time to our complete celestial time so that her celebrations in eternity are identical to those measured on our celestial orb.'

8. I then had to interrupt my morning prayer with family issues. Heavenly Mother said to me that this was fine, and that she would resume when I was available.

I came back to my prayer at the circling waters in my early afternoon. I had resolved things, and now felt connection again with my Heavenly Mother. She then stood before me again. She spoke to me:

9. 'Raphael, in the Facsimile 2, figure 1 that you quoted in your journal this morning, it states which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit." The image in Facsimile 2, Figure 7 shows God the Father on his throne with his arm extended, revealing through the heavens the Grand Key-words of the Priesthood. I am depicted in front of the Father, also with my arm extended. I am in "the sign of the Holy Ghost unto Abraham, in the form of a dove." (figure 7 wording). Both your Father and I have our arms extended, from our elbows to the longest tip of our fingers. This is a cubit, and represents that our arm is extended to our people, all the day long, particularly to our house of Israel who are upon the earth (see Jacob 6:4). This is the meaning of one day to a cubit, or that our forearm is extended outwards to our people all the day long, even every celestial day. There are seven celestial days where we extend our arms out to our people, or seven-thousand years of earth's temporal existence. As many as will not harden their hearts to us will be saved in the kingdom of God.

10. Notice also that time in our celestial worlds is compared to a length measurement of a cubit. To us, whether a length measurement of an object, or a time measurement of a duration it is the same. This is hard for you to understand, for in your telestial world they are very different sorts of measurements. We may freely go forward or backwards in time, just as freely as you are able to make measurements along an object in your telestial world. We are always extending to our beloved children in the flesh our spirit, and freely offer to them our guidance and direction, all during the time that it is called today. (see D&C 45:6).'

11. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her mind-expanding words! I told her that I have much to think about today!

12. Evening–Tonight I started my prayer at a reasonable time, and I felt awake and alert. When I became aware of where I was, I felt I was walking among some olive trees in the grassy field north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I was walking all over the field and not sure why. I decided to pray on the grass next to (I think) an olive tree and facing God's temple to the southwest. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come.

13. I then saw, with my spiritual celestial eyes, someone coming from inside the temple to me. I recognized this person as Heavenly Father! He came quickly in front of me and stood before me in the air. I gazed upon him, with his happy countenance and slight smile. I felt very glad to be before him and knew he had some important words for me tonight.

14. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are among the trees of my vineyard as you saw and wrote about in your post 108F2 through 108G11. I have brought you here to look more closely at the tame fruit of this olive tree.'

He then extended his hand to me and I took it and stood before him. He then led me to the tame olive tree.

15. 'Raphael, I will show you the tame fruit at different stages of growth.'

Heavenly Father then touched the mature olive tree and then it instantly became much smaller, with smaller branches and no visible fruit. 'Raphael, the olive fruit does not yet emerge when the tree is young. After several years, the flowers will emerge. This is akin to our children beginning to choose on their own, independent of their parents or traditions, habits and teachings that they may have received. They start to flower on their own and develop a fruit. It is all up to them what manner of fruit they will become, whether a plump and tame fruit, or whether a shriveled or small wild fruit. They often are encouraged by family and friends to do what is right or to take another path. The nourishment from the branch is the same, or the opportunity to grow and receive the good word of God. We send forth our Holy Spirit to all the flowers as they grow.

16. The tame olives usually grow in groups and the wild olives grow in groups too, even on the same tree. When a wild branch is cast off and more nourishment is given to the tree, sometimes tame olives start to grow. This is described in the allegory of the olive tree in Jacob, chapter 5. It is important that the one who seeks to follow our Holy Spirit, and acts as we inspire, have good friends and companions with similar desires. He or she will likely continue to thrive with good companions and encouraging friends. We have established our Church of Christ to establish congregations of like-minded, wholesome people who may encourage each other and support and love each other. True friends look out for each other and sincerely inquire after and serve one another. They don't abandon each other, even in difficult times.

17. Mosiah 18:7-11

And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord

And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;

Yea, and are able to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—

Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?

('Raphael, once our elect make a covenant to obey us, and keep our commandments, and to love and serve one another, they greatly increase as tame olives on our olive tree. They continue to cluster together on the vine in support and love.')–(Note: emphasis in parenthesis by Heavenly Father).

And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts."

'The true desire and motives of our tame olives, or our elect of God, grow as they continue to be nourished.'

18. Heavenly Father then touched the tree again and the same branch with those small tame olives became a thicker, stronger branch! The tame olives also became bigger, more plump and nearly ready to harvest. It was very remarkable to see the growth in these tame olives with the sudden change in the tree!

19. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, as our elect children are nourished and grow, their desires become more refined and pure. They become more sensitive and caring towards each other too. They truly begin to fulfill their baptism covenant of mourning with those who mourn, and comforting those who stand in need of comfort. Their diligence and love grows as they regularly partake of the sacrament with real intent, renewing weekly their baptismal covenant. We lead them along as they grow into our fully tame and ripe olives, or our elect of God.'

20. I thanked Heavenly Father for his wonderful explanation of how we who are tame olives grow and are nourished! I thanked him for my family and friends who support and love me and I them. In this safety net, we may all grow together and increase in the joy of our God and our feelings for each other.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 6, 2019, Saturday

1. I awoke refreshed this morning, ready again to hear the words of God. I have thought about why mingling with supportive family and friends really helps us keep the faith better and become the tame olives that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother want. I very much miss in my own life church friends that are in my neighborhood who care and love. This would be so nice to have accepting, open and trusted individuals with whom I could more openly share! I am grateful for my mortal angel friends and associates, for their support and effort they make to help move forth this work that we are in. I feel we are laying the foundation of great things:

2. D&C 64: 33-36

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.

Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days.

And the rebellious shall be cut off out of the land of Zion, and shall be sent away, and shall not inherit the land.

For, verily I say that the rebellious are not of the blood of Ephraim, wherefore they shall be plucked out."

3. I came this new morning to the overlook to the north of this same grassy field where the tame and wild olive trees were located, where I came last night. I saw the trees again growing. I knelt and faced south to the trees and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited and observed.

4. Heavenly Mother then immediately appeared on my left side! She too was facing the field and the olive trees. She was looking at them when she talked to me:

'Raphael, the angels of God are among the servants that we have called to labor together to save the natural or tame fruit of our olive trees. Now the entire vineyard of trees are all wild, and it appears that practically all of the olives are also wild on our trees.

5. Jacob 5:61-66

"Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shall prune my vineyard.

Graft in the branches; begin at the last that they may be first, and that the first may be last, and dig about the trees, both old and young, the first and the last; and the last and the first, that all may be nourished once again for the last time.

Wherefore, dig about them, and prune them, and dung them once more, for the last time, for the end draweth nigh. And if it be so that these last grafts shall grow, and bring forth the natural fruit, then shall ye prepare the way for them, that they may grow.

And as they begin to grow ye shall clear away the branches which bring forth bitter fruit, according to the strength of the good and the size thereof; and ye shall not clear away the bad thereof all at once, lest the roots thereof shall be too strong for the graft, and the graft thereof shall perish, and I lose the trees of the vineyard.

For it grieveth me that I should lose the trees of my vineyard; therefore ye shall clear away the bad according as the good shall grow, that the root and the top may be equal in strength, until the good shall overcome the bad, and the bad be hewn down and cast into the fire, that they cumber not the ground of my vineyard; and thus will I sweep away the bad out of my vineyard."

6. Raphael, this is the precise time in which you are now living! The good are beginning to grow by degrees in our vineyard, the house of Israel. We cannot reveal yet to them the glorious revelations that we have revealed to you, and yet will reveal to you and our other servants, for this would overpower them. We need to be careful to gently nourish the faithful, line upon line, here a little and there a little, and thus gradually let them absorb our truths slowly. This is what the allegory of the olive tree in Jacob 5:66 means, "that the root and the top may be equal in strength."

7. Thus, by gradual and careful means we will inspire our elect to accept more of our words and to gradually realize that their wild tree does not provide the nourishment from us their God. This means that our elect, the natural fruit of our vineyard, need now look to us, their true masters of the vineyard, and not to establishments of men that have had their beginnings from us, but now are wayward and teach for doctrines more and more the ways of man. Our once true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is now no longer supported by us, for we no longer are giving the central leadership our revelations, nor do we inspire or direct them.

8. Our truths and nourishment will now come directly from us, through our Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, and through our angels and servants of God from higher spiritual realms. We will gently lead them to us, so that they don't become overwhelmed with too much nourishment all at once.'

9. Heavenly Mother then faced me and spoke: 'Raphael, we desire that your revelations which are and will become very great, are gradually introduced to our faithful, by degrees. We will show you how this is to be done in the future. You are doing well now to write all of our words and have them typed up, put into sequential web posts, and also indexed. The full availability of your records will not be revealed to our elect as a group, for this would be overwhelming and cause many to reject all of our revelations. Instead, we will gradually reveal our words through you by degrees.

10. We love our elect, those tame olive fruits that we need to gently nourish. Tell our angels and heavenly servants to strictly follow all our directions as they nourish and prune the olive trees of our vineyard!

11. Jacob 5:72

"And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things."'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her commentary and revelation on these words in the scriptures, on the olive trees in Jacob 5. I said her words were delicious to me and I would obey all her and Heavenly Father's directions and commandments!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 7, 2019, Sunday

1. Today I am going with my family to bless our latest newborn in our family at noon. I am glad that all of our children live in Utah and most live nearby.

2. Last night I prayed at the outlook overlooking the grassy area where the olive trees were. Heavenly Father came last night and told me to meet him there in the morning. I had done heavy work and was very tired last night when I prayed, so he excused me from our regular session. I am feeling alert and ready to meet with him there this morning.

3. I came to this location and looked over the grassy field from the outlook and saw no olive trees. There was only grass and a green hill. I saw the distant temple glimmer to my southwest. I felt ready to commune with my God. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for he said he would meet me here last night. I then perceived that both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother opened the north door of their temple and together came to me in the air. They were in front of me in a few seconds, brightly shining and smiling before me! I looked into each of their loving faces and was filled with the joy of their countenances. I also felt the light that was in them shine upon me. I felt transparent as I could tell that the light passed right through me. I truly felt so uplifted and exhilarated to be in their presence.

4. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have shown you the olive trees the last two days in order to teach you important information about gently leading our receptive elect children. So much imagery and lessons may be taught with such allegories and parables.

5. In preparing our beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for his mortal ministry, we restored to him gradually his full unconscious mind. He therefore had no veil of forgetfulness over his mind during his ministry. He remembered our teachings in the pre-mortal life where we taught often with parables. He then taught these same truths to our children on the earth.

6. John 8:28-30

"Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.

And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.

As he spake these words, many believed on him."

7. Raphael, we taught all of our children many truths from the beginning in their pre-mortal life. Jesus Christ also taught what to say to the people in his future ministry. Your Mother and I taught him and commissioned him in our temple and on this celestial orb. He was obedient and very prepared to fulfill his critical mission when he came to the earth.'

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, our Son, Jesus Christ, had been equally taught by both your Father and me. However, we gave him a charge to keep my presence and influence among our children on the earth hidden, and to refer to me as the Holy Ghost, and call me a man. He was true to all we commanded him.

9. We were both always with Jesus Christ, even as we are now always with you. He lived in a fallen world, as do you, but we were next to him in our higher celestial realm. His mind was fully activated with no veil of division between his conscious and unconscious mind since the Mount of Temptation. He saw us frequently and saw the spirits who surrounded our mortal children. He had been given our power and authority, and had exercised this godly power in his pre-mortal life. He continued to act in his power and authority on the earth, performing great miracles and teaching our truths with our Holy Spirit. We gave him abundantly of our light and supported him continually.

10. Even so, Jesus Christ "received not the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace" and gradually became more filled with our power. (D&C 93:12-14). At the end of his earthly ministry, he received a fulness of our glory, even all power in heaven and on earth. (D&C 93:16-17) He had the veil removed from his mind, but still he was subjected fully to the mortal, fallen, telestial world. It took him effort to connect to us and to his pre-mortal teachings and memories. He was very diligent in seeking us, his Father and Mother. We revealed to him our presence and revelations through his unconscious mind just as we do to you and to all of our children.'

11. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had been holding hands while talking to me. They then both reached out to me who was on my knees, and lifted me up. I stood between them and we turned and started walking up the path from the overlook that leads into the large fir forest to the northeast. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were on each side of me.

12. Heavenly Father then spoke again: 'Raphael, we have learned that we have most success in influencing our mortal children as we gradually and steadily lead them along. If we push our truths and revelations too fast, our receptive child isn't able to understand as well as we would hope. We therefore daily give here a little, and there a little. We give our child time to think about our truths, and then we enlighten him or her a little more. Thus, by degrees, we lead them even to a fulness of our truths.

13. We have revealed to you the maximum amount of our revelations as fast as we feel that will allow you and our holy angels and servants time to absorb and understand them. Were we to go faster, you would miss important concepts and not be able to even record what you see and hear. We are very pleased that you have been diligent in reviewing our revelations that we have given to you in your recent past. These web posts will continue to build upon each other, giving you and those who read and ponder them, a gradual foundation of knowledge.'

14. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, once your words become compiled and indexed, and very great, we will reveal them to our faithful. We will do this by degrees and gradually, so that they too may understand and have time to absorb our new truths. For those who diligently seek us, and who are ready and study your words, we will reveal them from the beginning, even as we revealed them to you and our mortal angels. This will necessitate dividing your revelations into sections. The first section will be revealed to all of our diligent and elect children, but the following sections will not. It will be only when each child believes, understands, and is receptive to that which they have received, that they may proceed to higher sections, given one at a time. We will do this by revealing to them the next link to the next section of your revelations by personal revelation. They will thus be able to study our words through you from the beginning, and gradually accept and absorb our truths as fast as they wish, and by their own diligence. At a certain point, we will reveal to them the first index. This will include only the posts you have written to a point. Subsequent indexes will have more references, including later posts.

15. When our children have studied and understood all of our words through you, they will have access to all of your posts and the highest most inclusive index. They will have accepted and confirmed our truths to that point. We control access to your later revelations to them by these methods. We are the ones who will reveal to them the newest web links that they desire to read and study more. Those who are not diligent or inquiring will never have access to your full revelations.

16. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for their beautiful and clear revelations to me this morning! We had arrived in the fir forest by this time. They both dropped my hands and then held each other's hands. They smiled and then gradually ascended up into the treetops and into the sky.

17. At church–I wrote the following at the sacrament meeting today: Today we came to my son's ward for his baby blessing of their seventh child. During this blessing I was next to my son who voiced the blessing. I perceived Jesus Christ directly behind him, not with his hands extended, but with a strong beam of light that came into him. I also saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother at the top corner of the chapel. They smiled at me during the blessing. When ordinance part was voiced, then he gave his Father's blessing. At this time Jesus then went above the circle in air, after he was finished, Jesus went next to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the upper corner and remained there.

18. During the sacrament prayer, I came before my Gods in the corner of the chapel, for they had remained there. I believe they were in the celestial realms, for I could see them there, and I couldn't if they were in the highest celestial realms.

19. After the Priests blessed the bread, I then made my covenant with my Father and Mother. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke:

"Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant. We will always be with you. You see us and hear us before you, for you are spiritually in tune to us, and are spiritually sensitive.'

20. The water was then blessed, and I drank. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you feel our Holy Spirit, and my Holy Ghost, because you are diligent and are sensitive to our still small voice. We will always be with you.

21. There are many in the congregation who we visit, but most will not hear us, for they are so preoccupied with the things of the world. They will hear us by our still small voice, if they would only slow down and in a meditative state and listen. Then they will hear our voice in their thoughts and in their hearts.'

22. Jesus Christ then spoke to me:

'Raphael, this morning in your prayer our Heavenly Parents talked to you about my ministry, and how I received my full unconscious mind and pre-mortal memories. This was a great blessing to me in my mortal ministry among mankind. My unconscious mind was fully available to me, but required that I be very sensitive to spiritual impressions and intimations. As I was involved and immersed in the fallen telestial world, I had to slow down, meditate and then reconnect in my unconscious mind. I was then able to see without the veil. This was a great blessing to me, and became an important part of my mortal mission. I also became more and more aware of my unconscious mind, and grew from grace to grace, so that I was very practiced at the end of my mortal ministry.

23. You will also have a similar transition to being fully aware of your unconscious mind when you arrive at the New Jerusalem. You will learn how to see more and more clearly without the veil too, as your Heavenly Parents desire. Your connections with us, your Gods, will become very great in time.'

24. I thanked them for coming to our ward in this chapel, during this our family day event! They then disappeared and the meeting went on. I even bore my testimony about the birth blessing and the great importance of listening to the spirit.

25. Evening–This has been a good day! I visited with family and relaxed. Tonight I came to the fir forest where I had last seen this morning my Heavenly Parents leave up into the tall trees. I knelt in the soft forest ground, and faced the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field in the not too far distant. The forest was light enough to plainly see all around me. I asked for my loving Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

26. Heavenly Father came directly in front of me, stepping out of his higher celestial realm! He was brightly shining and very majestic. He immediately spoke.

27. 'Raphael, you are becoming practiced in listening to our voice that comes to you in your unconscious mind. When you have your mind opened up to your unconscious mind, you will transition relatively quickly to hearing our words more clearly, and also see us more clearly. All will be gradual, and will transition to you as you apply yourself.

28. All of the growth of our children is by small means. You watched your grandchildren today, and saw how they have grown taller steadily towards adulthood. Their minds are shaped daily by their teachings and experiences. We influence all our children gradually also. By the time another year has passed, or our children have reached older age, so much has shaped and influenced them, for good or evil. We extend to our children who desire to follow our promises, even eternal life if they prove faithful in following our guidance.

29. It takes time for our mortal children to absorb our truths and change their mindsets, particularly if they are in a fallen telestial world. In the millennial state, in the terrestrial world, our children will understand quicker and absorb our ways much faster. In the celestial world the truth is clearly taught and immediately accepted. Even for our Beloved Son, when he was in mortality, he was subjugated to the telestial world and experienced the slowness that comes upon our children as they desire to change but are restricted greatly by their weaknesses in the flesh. It is a struggle in the telestial world for all to connect to us, their Heavenly Parents, and to hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit.'

30. You bore your testimony today with our Holy Spirit, even as you were moved upon to speak. You said that we frequently come to our children, but that they can't hear, for they are so consumed with their own lives and what is happening in their world all around them. You said correctly that they won't hear us, because they don't slow down enough and seek us above their own pleasures and life. If they were to pray and meditate, they too would hear our voice. If they follow those soft and quiet intimations of our Holy Spirit, that comes with our light into their minds and hearts, they would be led in the right ways.'

31. Heavenly Father smiled again, and turned and walked back into the higher celestial realm, and was gone from my view! I closed my prayer, thanking him for his words to me tonight.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 8, 2019, Monday

1. Monday–I awoke early this morning and came to the overlook near where I was last night, overseeing the fallen oak tree and the Father's wheat field. I felt alert and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents who might come to me. I knelt and prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Mother came to me, right in front of where I was kneeling on the ground! She was bright and glorious. Her light beamed into and through me. I felt peace and love come into me from her light. I knew I was receiving the Holy Ghost.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you received a question by email yesterday from R.S.. He wondered about how the Father and Son appeared to Joseph in a vision. Joseph was in a meditative state, full of faith at the time. Therefore the Father and Son could actually appear to him in celestial glory. Both stepped out of the higher celestial realms and gradually ascended in a cloud of light, down through the trees, where Joseph was kneeling on the ground. They quickened Joseph to the celestial glory, and he saw these Gods with his spiritual eyes, even in his unconscious mind. The vision was very real and impactful to the young believing boy!

4. He conversed with them in the celestial vision, just as he said in his account in JS History 1:15-20. Joseph had seen bright celestial light in his vision. He saw into the celestial realm where his Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him in the grove of trees. Joseph received the answer to his prayer, and was lead line upon line, here a little and there a little, just like we guide each of our children in mortality. Joseph was foreordained to be the prophet of the restoration, and received a great and glorious vision because we chose to deliver to him his answer in this way, to open up the new dispensation of God to man in our celestial realm on the earth.

5. Raphael, you also saw me descending into your energy class on 4-20-2013, in Provo, Utah. This appearance to you was also in the celestial realms, just like Joseph saw God the Father and the Son. You saw them too, but they were above you in the celestial realms. You clearly saw me, your Heavenly Mother, come from behind your Heavenly Father, and stand next to him. I then came forward and entered into the room next to you. This entire vision was real, and you were quickened to our celestial glory, for how else could you see God who appeared to you in this celestial realm on earth? This is the same celestial realm in which Joseph earlier had seen the Father and the Son. The spiritual impact for you was just as great as was the spiritual impact upon Joseph Smith in 1820.

6. You were both foreordained in the pre-mortal life to open up the heavens and reveal our truths to mankind. He was to establish the Church of Christ on the earth, which he did in 1830, and you were foreordained to establish the Church of the Firstborn at the beginning of the Millennium. You will also yet build the New Jerusalem with the help of many of our righteous servants, and bring everyone into the Church of the Firstborn who is accepted by Jesus Christ, through the waters of separation ordinance. Joseph established a telestial church, and you will establish a celestial church. He is a prophet of God, and you are an archangel of God, and a prophet also.

7. Raphael, all that you have claimed you saw and did, in your journal entries since 2013 until now, is true! I will witness to the humble and open children of God who ask sincerely, with real intent of us. I will bear witness to their souls that this is all true, and that we did reveal to you out of our heavenly realms the things you claim to have seen and the truths you revealed. Your truths will be kept in secret until the time of their revealing to our faithful. The wicked will never hear or read your words, for they are reserved for those who accept Jesus Christ as their true Redeemer, and both their Father and Mother in heaven as their true Heavenly Parents. We will lead them gradually along, just like we have led you, in small steps as just as the are able to understand and receive, and obey our commandments.'

8. She turned and looked upon the fallen oak tree in front of us. 'Raphael, our elect will need to cast off their beliefs that are not true, and become humble, open, malleable and receptive to our still, small voice. It is only in this state of openness that the Father and I will witness to them of our truths that we have revealed to you, that you received directly from us. This is our work, and not of man!'

9. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother who stood in great light and majesty before me! I felt very humbled to have been chosen by her and Heavenly Father to do their great work for them in my day! I told her that I would continue to obey their words, and to keep their directions and commandments.

10. Heavenly Mother turned towards me, and then embraced me warmly! I felt her deep love for me, and for all of her faithful children! Her light infused me with her love and acceptance!

11. This is how my morning prayer ended! I felt so filled with peace and assurance, even now that I am consciously back in my chair writing all of this in my journal. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 9, 2019, Tuesday

1. I volunteered today to be one of the guards at our stake girls' camp and came up with a fellow ward member. I have a 12-hour shift, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. It is quiet and I am in the lodge now.

2. Last night we concluded another busy day. I came to Heavenly Father at the overlook to his wheat field on the celestial orb. He excused me from prayer and asked me to come this morning and he would come to me.

3. I came this morning to the overlook again, where I had come last night. I felt clear and perceptive. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I waited and watched.

4. Heavenly Father came to me from above the fallen tree, from the higher celestial realms. He came in front of me in the air and his light shone down on me. I could see he was smiling and pleased to be with me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, this morning you are up in the woods, in the beauty of our wilderness area on the earth. In the valley from where you came this morning, there are more and more of our children living, in ever increasing numbers. Many of these are our elect children who want to do right, and to follow our Holy Spirit. If they truly knew the truth, they would follow our directions, although this would be a difficult path for many, since they are fully immersed in traditions and in some false beliefs. We are planning to help them break these, and will orchestrate events in their lives that bring them to a point to be open to our truths and our Holy Spirit. If they follow us, we will lead them along. They will recognize our familiar voice, for it is the same voice that we have always spoken to them in. This is our Holy Spirit, and is our light that will enlighten their souls.'

5. Heavenly Father then motioned for me to come with him. I stood and came by his side! We both turned and came to the highest branch of the fallen oak tree. Heavenly Father reached out and broke the brittle and dry branch in his hand! He then asked me to gaze upon the branch.

6. I looked and gazed, with intent upon the branch. Soon I saw many elect sons and daughters of my Heavenly Parents, even within the branch! They were in great turmoil for the most part, in their individual lives. Many were in trauma and desperate to know what God would have them do to better their lives. When they came to a point of acceptance of what God would lead them to do and not by any leader or other friend or family, but directly from God, then they were in a state to receive the directions from God. I saw in the branch, among these humbled people, that the Holy Spirit of God came upon them, and gave them a little personal revelation! Some received this with joy, some questioned it because the direction was not what they were expecting or wanted to hear, and some thought these were from their own thoughts and not from God. However, those who acted on their promptings received a little more, and were gradually led, here a little and there a little. These became more and more dependent upon the still small voice from God.

7. Some individuals in the broken branch still stayed in their old belief patterns and their false traditions. These were the hardest ones to accept the Holy Spirit in their lives. Many were afraid to change their minds' view, and to consider some other religious perspective other than the "LDS Church is true". When they truly cast away all that they believed they knew, and considered themselves "fools before God", he only would open up to them and give them personal revelation.

8. 2 Nephi 9:42-43

"And whoso knocketh to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches–yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them.

But the things of the wise and the prudent shall be hid from them forever–yea, that happiness which is prepared for my saints."

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this simple vision into all the reasons why his children reject the Holy Spirit, or the still small voice. I realized that only the truly penitent and open could receive personal revelation from God!

10. Heavenly Father then was gone, the tree and the broken branch were gone. I then closed my prayer and started my day.