95. Our Thoughts Initiate Our Actions
Posted 10-1-2018


My friends, I hope you are doing well! This post covers so many topics–I am sure you will be interested:

• Happy mindset, principles of thought control
• Yom Kippur, to repent and start anew
• Gratitude goes hand in hand with happiness
• Healing-adjusting the amount of light and love matter in healing
• Way of healing described
• Great importance for grown children to choose their own path
• Phases of aging and maturing
• Vision of the future calamities in the United States
• Vision of the flood, now is worse than today among the ungodly
• Love versus hate
• How exciting and new the experiences of couple gods really is
• How our thoughts initiate our actions
• Principle of faith, hope and charity
• Questions answered

Please continue to test all of these revelations. I would love to hear your questions or just hear from you!


P.S. I have included a few more pictures from a second hike in the woods in the Portland Oregon area with my sister and her granddaughter. I sure love trees!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 17, 2018 Monday

1. I awoke late and came into the adjacent room to pray. I reread my journal entries from yesterday. I am so glad to have connected on the Sabbath with my Gods.

I came this lovely day to the circling waters in heaven. I had the desire to repent of all my shortcomings, prior to tomorrow evening of the start of Yom Kippur. I want to be clean and pure before God and fully accepted of my Heavenly Parents. I knelt facing the water to the south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came to me from my right, from the path in the young forest. She was smiling and full of light and happiness it seemed. Her eternity eyes were sparkling!

2. She came directly in front of me and spoke:

'Raphael, you and your wife have been talking last night how you both have become very happy! This is because of your thoughts, which you have worked on changing, in minding your own business and not in being so involved with others' business or in God's business. You have come to realize that you only can control yourself, and not other people, including all your grown children. You have come to realize that whatever actions we may take with respect to these last days are also beyond your control. You have correctly dismissed feelings of worry or fretting about what we are doing to your society and to the earth in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.

3. This mindset you both have has greatly freed you of emotions of worry and concern that you both used to have. This is pleasing to me to see you both very happy! Continue to hearken to our commandments, to only worry about your own business that you yourself are able to change. Don't worry about what others may choose to do in their lives, for each has the precious gift of agency we have given them. They only may choose the life they wish to lead. Worry or trying to control them does not work but only gets you upset and fills you with an array of negative emotions. Happiness comes when you restrict your thoughts of controlling to yourself and not to others' business.

4. Raphael, also do not try to second-guess what we may do with regards to our strange work and strange acts in these last days (see Isaiah 28:21). Continue to live a happy life; seek to connect twice daily to us in prayer, seek to drop all expectations and to enjoy the privilege of living in such wonderful times. We will constantly be with you and our faithful. Continue to be humble and open and we will lead you in wonderful ways!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message to me this morning! I thanked her that I was so happy and that my wife was also so happy. Life is good!

Heavenly Mother smiled broadly, embraced me warmly and then vanished from before me! I felt so happy and ready to meet a new day and week!

At night–I just love cooler nights and all the cRets chirping! It is a wonderful time of day! The smoke from the fires is blowing to the northeast, making our skies much clearer.

I came to the fir forest just west of Heavenly Father's wheat field, in the mountain areas. I came near the overlook to the east, but I was still in the forest. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come

I waited and watched. I next saw my Heavenly Father to my left. He walked over to me and soon was before me! He was calm and very accepting and I could tell he was pleased to come to me tonight.

5. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, tomorrow at this time will begin Yom Kippur. We will accept those who truly repent and come to us in humility. We will forgive them of their sins and weaknesses by the virtue of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. However, once Yom Kippur comes and goes, a new year begins among our covenant people. This New Year will be well for those who took the time to remember us, their God, and sought for our forgiveness. For those who did not, we will continue to afflict them until they come unto us. These days ahead will be perilous for the wicked and the unrepentant. This coming Jewish year will be filled with more calamity and distress than the previous year for the unrepentant and the wicked.

6. Raphael, for those who come unto us in the sincerity of their whole soul, in humility and in seeking our guidance, we will teach them by revelation. We have taught you continually and have brought to you and your wife the principles of thought control that truly allow you to be very happy. You have been fully forgiven of your sins and weaknesses! We accept you and love you. We will continue to give you revelations as you continue to come unto us. We will be by your side continually, Raphael!'

I then stood and reached out in thankfulness and deep gratitude to my Father! He stepped forth and smiled and embraced me! I felt such strength and assurance that all would be well with me and with the righteous who repent, even during the difficult days ahead.

When we parted, he had a broad smile! He said he loved me and then he stepped back and began to fade from my view. I was then left standing in the fir forest alone, although I knew he was near me. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 18, 2018 Tuesday

1. This morning I feel great and am happy! Men are that they might have joy (2 Nephi 2:25). I have never been so much at peace and happiness. I love to be in this joyful state! I believe we may be happy in whatever circumstance we may be in. We may learn the patterns for being happy from God by control of our own thoughts and minding our own business.

Our Gods are so very happy! They choose the emotional state of happiness and joy by the way they control their thoughts, which produce these feelings of joy.

Anyway, this morning I came to the shores of the celestial ocean in heaven. I had been here several times. Here is where Heavenly Mother's water plant beds are growing. I knelt on a hill overlooking the shore and the ocean to my front and a freshwater lake to my left. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come to me.

Heavenly Mother then came to me from the sky directly in front of me! She was smiling when she arrived. She comes to me usually so very happy, full of joy and love.

2. She spoke to me immediately:

'Raphael, you are correct in writing that I am happy and full of joy and love! This is the best state in which to live! Your Heavenly Father and I choose to be happy. Even when we experience occasional negative emotions, we are quick to return to a happy life. The negative emotions are allowed in order for us to create actions that we need to do, attainable in no other way. As soon as the desired actions are in process, we quickly return to a happy emotional state.

Gratitude goes hand in hand with being happy. We give our children the fulness of the earth so that they might have joy (see D&C 59:13-19). All things are given to our children, to benefit and bless our children who live on the earth.

3. The great millennial day will be one of great happiness and joy! Alignment with our will and counsels brings the most joy, for this creates the most joyful and happy state of man. We have learned that the keys of being happy and we freely share these truths with our own children. The devils that follow Satan are the most miserable, for Lucifer seeks that all men and women might be miserable like himself (see 2 Nephi 2:27).

Raphael, I have asked you to come to this beautiful location in our celestial world this morning in your prayer. I love to feel and enjoy the steadiness and beauty of our celestial ocean. Come with me and let's walk barefoot on the sandy beach!'

I took her extended hand and the next thing I knew we were walking hand in hand on the celestial ocean beach!

4. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, doesn't this experience enliven your soul–walking with me on my celestial beach in heaven?'

I responded:

'My Mother, I could think of nothing that could bring me more joy than to be with thee, walking on such a lovely beach! I am filled with such peace and love too, which brings me great satisfaction and joy! I can hardly not keep from smiling!'

5. Heavenly Mother smiled back and squeezed my hand as we kept walking. Soon we saw another person coming to us on the sand! Heavenly Father soon greeted us and turned and walked with us. He kissed Heavenly Mother and put his right arm around me. Then together we three walked on the sand, with me in the middle. Soon, I saw another person coming on the beach! My loving wife D was next in front of us! I let go of my Heavenly Parents' hands and we both lovingly greeted each other! We then walked arm in arm, with our Heavenly Parents to our right also walking arm in arm.

6. Heavenly Father next broke the silence as he and Heavenly Mother faced my wife and I:

'We have designed the greatest happiness to be when you are each with the person you love. When all is well between you and your spouse, there is nothing better! We have planned that the greatest happiness is to be shared in a loving marriage relationship!'

He then put his arm around Heavenly Mother and she put her arm around his waist. They then floated together out over their beautiful peaceful ocean! We watched them until we saw them no longer.

I then was brought back to my conscious mind, in my adjacent bedroom, writing all of this beautiful experience down in my journal. I feel at peace, filled with contentment and joy! I love my life now! I feel so very happy.

I knelt and closed my prayer. I then came out of the bedroom and greeted my wife. I started another happy day.

7. Evening– Tonight I came in my prayer to the pocketed rock wall where there are lots of beautiful hanging flowers, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I knelt next to the stream facing the woods to the north. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited for one or both to come to me.

I then saw my Heavenly Mother come walking to me from a short ways in the forest! She was smiling broadly. She walked in the air several feet above the ground. Her person and robes were shining.

8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have been coming to you many times recently to help you give healing blessings to your own family members. Every time you have prayed and asked to be our conduit for healing, either your Heavenly Father or I have come. We had you do the healing work as our conduit and we guided you with our divine healing power. You have seen how we have sent to you our healing light and love to heal your children. This was actual light matter and love matter that came together as a healing influence from us through you to your children.

9. We adjust the ratio of light and love matter, depending what we wish to correct and heal. For example, if some tissue is inflamed, we add more love matter and less light matter in order to soothe the inflammation. If there is a brain injury or a cut, we usually add more light matter than love. Both of these ingredients are essential to our healing.

10. We also send with our light and love our intention and directions to the issue being healed. This message accompanies the light and love matter. The issue is able to recognize our directives and then, because of our faith and knowledge, it conforms to our direction. All of these healing messages are carried to our needy child through you who are our conduit. Because our healing messages from our thoughts are powerful because we are God, the affected issue complies with our commands and changes as we wish.

11. Sometimes we heal more the spirit and sometimes more the physical body. Both respond to our superior intelligence and the power that we possess because we are God. We have the power to organize elemental matter, to rearrange it, or to dissolve it, according to our purposes. We have been taught and ordained to use this power for the creation and healing of our children. We use our holy healing angels as our conduits of our power. Therefore, as they are directed by us to heal, they then heal with our power, acting as our conduits.

12. We also have many of our children who have developed skills as healers. These may heal to a limited ability by their own skills and merits. We are pleased if they are able to do so. The greatest of all healing by far is by our power and strength. We have several healing gifts we normally have our angels use as conduits of this healing power. You have correctly identified these and have taught them and given them on your website. These healing gifts are to be used by the healing angels in their administrations as the conduits of our power.

13. Raphael, whenever there is a healing issue you wish to correct, it pleases us when you call upon us in humility and faith. You may then exercise our Godly power of healing by acting as our conduit to our needy child. We will be quick to respond to you and to our other healing angels in these cases. Always act as we direct you to, and we will extend our healing power through you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I appreciate her clear meaning. I so love to learn from her mouth, from the revelations that come to me from her and Heavenly Father! I feel so honored to be the conduit of their healing power.

I then came to my conscious mind at this point. I realized my prayer was over. I closed my prayer and went to bed."

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 19, 2018 Wednesday

1. Yom Kippur started last night at sunset and is continuing today until sunset. My plane is scheduled to depart for Portland nine minutes after sunset.

This morning I came to the desert oasis. I drank some living water and returned to the bench. I felt very clear and ready to pray. I knelt and then I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came from the skies over the oasis and soon was in front of me! He was smiling! I gazed into his loving and accepting face. He was dressed in his royal, gold-trimmed robe. He was shrouded in light and very majestic!

2. I started the prayer:

'My Heavenly Father, I am so honored that thou has come before me this morning in answer to my prayer! I humbly seek forgiveness of all my sins and weaknesses, on this day of Yom Kippur. I ask thee to always be with me and this day to speak peace to my soul.'

3. Heavenly Father smiled and responded:

'Raphael, I forgive you and bring you back into my presence! You are made clean and pure by the merits of Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, who has wrought a perfect atonement for you. Your Heavenly Mother and I will always be with you!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words.

4. He spoke again:

'Raphael, we have accepted all those who humbly repent and come unto us in the sincerity of their souls. If they are open, we will lead them by revelation. Some things we tell them will counter their culture and religious views. If they have courage to follow us, we will lead them as we have led you.

5. Last night your Mother spoke to you about our healing methods. She said we combine light and love matter, together with healing instructions, to our children whom we wish to heal and bless. We do this through our healing angels. These angels fully transmit our healing to our children. Our angels act in secret usually, seeking only to be our conduit of healing. This is a great work we initiate for our needy children on earth. We will become more and more present among our elect children in their preservation and healing in these last days.

6. After the transition to the glorious millennium, we will ask our elect children on earth to change the way they seek for healing blessings from us. This will be during a period when they live on a terrestrial earth, and have terrestrial bodies. We will first expect them to take remedies of our plants primarily which are designed to heal and strengthen the body and spirit of man. Once they do this, if their ailment continues, we will respond with our healing power through our healing angels. We will also be pleased with those among them who have developed and exercise their own healing gifts that they may ask to help heal them.

7. There will also be a much higher level of acceptance and love among our elect during this millennial period! People will serve and freely succor each other, ministering to the needs of all. Most will be unacquainted even with the idea or thought of being judged unfairly by another. People will allow each other to act as they wish, within their own rights of stewardship and freedoms. Most of our children will be so very happy and contented in their lives.

8. The earth will also be at rest and will be very peaceful. Weather patterns will be predictable and regular. There will be no devastations of natural disasters like now is happening regularly on the earth’s surface. Great love and peace will pervade all mankind on the earth.

Our great temple work in the New Jerusalem celestial temple will begin even before the millennium is officially begun! This work will continue through the thousand years of peace on the earth. Our holy angels will administer these eternal ordinances to the faithful who are elected into our celestial Church of the Firstborn! This great activity will be the crowning work in the millennial day!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming and for his comforting words to me this morning! I asked humbly that I continue to be guided so that I always clearly hear and act in harmony with his and Heavenly Mother's will. I again told him how much I loved them and was honored by their very presence twice a day. I said I was very happy too.

Heavenly Father smiled and the countenance of his light and love engulfed me while I was kneeling before him! He then returned up in the celestial sky from where he had come.

I then concluded my prayer and began another day. I look forward to the rest of Yom Kippur and to fly to Portland tonight. I will miss my family here in Utah, but I trust they will be safe. I will return Saturday night.

9. At night– I came to the circling waters in heaven, knelt in front of the bench facing the water. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came quietly to me on the water. I looked up and she was standing in front of me!

10. She spoke:

'Raphael, we are pleased with what you have edited tonight on light energy and light matter in your post 94. This makes your journal entries consistent with what you have written previously. Most important, it is all correct as you have now written it!

We are going to let you visit with your family while you are here in Portland. You will not be receiving any major revelations until you leave on Saturday. We love you Raphael! Continue to check in with us in your personal prayers. We will bless your loved ones while you are away from them.'

I thanked my gracious Heavenly Mother for her loving words to me! I then said I loved her and closed my prayer and retired to bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 20, 2018 Thursday

1. I came again to the circling waters this morning to pray. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I looked up and Heavenly Mother was there again, like she was last night. She was smiling, seeming pleased. I would have time visiting my family who lived in the Beaverton, Oregon area.

2. She spoke:

'Raphael, I helped you comfort and heal your daughters last night in their physical troubles. I will continue to comfort them through your ministrations as a healing angel.'

I felt happy in this, for I had been concerned for them. One had been in an accident and one had a long-term kidney issue. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for watching over them. I then closed my prayer and got ready to eat breakfast with my mother.

3. Evening–I had a wonderful visiting day with my mother, my sister and her husband and my brother and his wife! I so enjoy being with them. K and my sister in law had a wonderful hike in the woods today near K's house! We plan to go on another one tomorrow.

Tonight I came again to the circling waters in the celestial world. I drank living water then knelt down and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came again to me, over the circling waters.

4. She spoke:

'Raphael, I am very glad that you are enjoying your visit with your family! You are really blessed to be with them in such favorable circumstances!'

This was all she spoke to me. I thanked her for her words and for this good visiting time in such favorable circumstances! I then told her I loved her and then closed my prayer and went to bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 21, 2018 Friday

I came again to the circling waters this morning. I have lots of visiting again today on my trip here to Portland!

I felt very clear and then immediately saw my Heavenly Mother again in front of me! She was smiling at me.

1. She spoke:

'Raphael, I am glad that you sent out your latest post 94 early this morning. We want our mortal angels on earth to read this and all those also in the celestial realms to read it also, or to comprehend it. We will continue to pour out upon you revelation upon revelation, or as fast as you are able to receive!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her promise. I also said I was glad that she was pleased that I got post 94 out already. I asked her Spirit to be with me throughout the day. I closed my prayer and started a new day!

2. In the evening– I came again tonight to the circling waters. I'm not sure, but it has been the same place in each prayer time while I've been here. I feel like I'm only in a "holding position" or something. I know my Heavenly Parents want me to fully enjoy my time with my family and not feel distracted.

At the circling waters tonight I felt very clear. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father came tonight alone.

3. He spoke:

'Raphael, we are glad you have spent uninterrupted time today with your family! Family relationships are so very important, even to the point of receiving no major revelations while you visit. Your visit means a lot to your mother and your family in Portland. We will start soon with more directions to you!'

I thanked my Father. I feel very blessed! I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 22, 2018 Saturday

1. I came to the circling waters in heaven. I believe that I have continued to be very active in the celestial realms in my unconscious mind, in all of my angel activity. However, it sure has been calm as far as revelation for me over the past few days.

I knelt facing the waters and prayed that my Heavenly Parents come. I received the visit of Heavenly Father! He looked majestic and very loving and accepting.

2. He spoke:

'Raphael, the fires in your area are now starting to die down. However, our people have not repented, and continue to follow worldly ways. We will continue to afflict the wicked and unrepentant in coming days!'

I thanked my Father for his words and for coming today. I thanked him that I could come into his very presence too. I asked he be with me today and to bless my family members. I then closed in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.

3. Later at night– Tonight I came again to the circling waters. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came and spoke to me:

'Raphael, we are glad you are back with your wife and family. We will speak with you when you fully get settled in. It is late now and you need some sleep. I love you, Raphael.'

I was a little surprised by her short message but at the same time I was very pleased! I missed being with my wife and wanted time to be together with her. We needed to talk. I felt this was very considerate of my loving Heavenly Mother! I responded that I thanked her and loved her. I so appreciate her tenderness! I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 23, 2018 Sunday

1. I felt to go to the desert oasis this morning. I came to the bench and just sat awhile. It feels good and normal to quietly meditate again! I look forward to really communing with my God(s) this day. I knelt next to the bench and faced the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.

I then saw my Heavenly Mother come to me! She wasn't really too clear at first. Maybe I am out of practice perceiving her or something? Anyway, soon she was right in front of me smiling. I saw her sparkling eyes and broad smile. It was so good to have her come to me! I spent some time gazing upon her! The countenance of her light shone upon me. The light engulfed me and passed through me, for it was like I was transparent somehow.

2. Heavenly Mother soon spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am glad to begin again blessing you with knowledge and truth from heaven above, now that you are home from your trip. You are correct that you feel transparent, even so that my light passes through you. You are, nonetheless, translated and enjoy a physical body in your replicated state. You are clean and clear before me.

You have remarked to your wife last night how you relaxed and just listened to your mother recounting her courtship and early married years. You said you could well imagine those times and the feelings of her heart. She has experienced a full life, through all the phases of life in mortality.

3. We give those who are young adults in any age of the earth's history a similar desire to marry and start a family. Your father and mother were very attracted to each other and began to love and care for each other as they dated and soon married. This experience is what we wish all our children to experience. We give them the desires to protect and rear their children in love, caring for their every need. Their roles as father and mother are ones of service and sacrifice, being filled with love and protection. These are wonderful times of growth for them as they learn selfless ways of loving others.

4. When their children become more capable and want to do things on their own, there is a gradual transition to letting them do things on their own. When they become older teenagers and young adults, they become fully capable to act for themselves without mother or father. This transition is sometimes hard for parents to let go and let their grown children become themselves and fully choose for themselves. These grown children cannot be controlled in a righteous way, for they are meant to have their full agency without parental controls anymore.

5. When the next generation comes forth as parents themselves, they may want advice and direction. It is wisdom not to seek to control them too much with advice and direction, for they have full responsibility now as young adults to forge their own lives. We, their Heavenly Parents, will gently speak to them and invite them to come unto us and follow our godly ways. The next generation thus shapes the course of humanity, and the previous generation becomes more mature, filled with more understanding, but also starts to fade in strength and importance. In not many years, they become the oldest generation living, and like your mother, are filled with memories and wisdom.

6. We have planned that the bulk of our mortal children experience these phases of aging and maturing. These experiences are very helpful in rounding out the mortal experience we wish them each to have. Those who don't receive the full cycle of life in mortality will receive these lessons in the world of the spirits or some time in other phases of progression. These phases of life greatly enhance the understanding of our children, preparing them for living in eternity in the life they have chosen, some to celestial, terrestrial and telestial.

7. Mortal life on an earth such as yours is the process that the non-rebellious children of God may all experience, in all galaxies of all the Gods. This pattern was established from the beginning with our first parent Gods, and will continue on in all times and places. It is our second probation phase where we may fully see what our children may choose to do without our continual presence. We only choose as our elect those who live in righteous ways and want to become like us, their Heavenly Parents, in eternity. These, our choice children, are more and more filled with light and love as we guide them into their own exaltation phase. They soon become Gods themselves, to repeat the same pattern of living we love so much.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her reflections and words she shared with me this morning! I am so glad I have the understanding of the overall plan. I am glad to progress step-by-step, even until I may partake of eternal life and exaltation with my loving wife.

I then closed my prayer, for I knew I was to start my Sabbath day.

8. After church–This afternoon my wife and I attended a local LDS Church. They seem all the same. However, my experience at sacrament meeting is always different. Today was no exception.

During the sacrament hymn I felt to go to the high mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper garden, to the southeast. I knelt there in prayer and both of my Heavenly Parents came. They did not speak until after I received the bread of the sacrament. I made my covenant with them.

9. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant that you have made with us today. Stand and come now between us and let us go into the eastern skies!'

I stood and came between them, taking each of their hands. We were immediately above the United States somewhere it looked like in the west. We were above the land I thought about 1000 feet up in the sky.

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, you have seen some spotty smokey fires in your land. However, in not many years your land will be filled with fires and smoke like we see below us. These fires will be burning all over the land and no one will attempt to stop them. These fires will burn unabated for months in the land. This is a result of the wicked people who do not repent of their gross sins and their love of Satan and his ways.'

11. We then went to a second scene: We were above the western beaches somewhere along the coast of the United States. There were great upheavals in the land, with areas that were sunken and some that were broken up because of the upheavals of the earth. I saw uninhabited cities and towns; all in fragments it seemed, on the land.

12. We then were in a third scene above the open ocean off the coast. There were no ships sailing, for the destroyer (Satan) was on the waters and made it unsafe for travel upon the waters (D&C 61:4-6, 14-19). The waters seemed turbulent and not passable.

13. The last scene we came upon was on the tops of the mountains in the west. We were again above the land and we saw the effects of the earthquakes and volcanoes on the land. The mountains were in many places made low and the valleys uplifted by the great quaking and movements on the earth (see Isaiah 40:4). This ended my vision during the sacrament.

14. I then heard Heavenly Mother speak again:

'We will protect and guide our own elect who repent. The wicked and unrepentant will perish in these calamities. Raphael, we will be with you and our faithful.'

The meeting then continued and I came back to my mortal conscious mind.

15. Evening–
I have been wondering about the dramatic four visions I have seen in my unconscious mind at the sacrament. I did not premeditate any of this–it just came. I keep my mind very open to whatever God shows me. I feel I have no expectations of the future. Of course, I see these visions and I believe they will all come to pass. However, I don't dwell on these at all. I try to live in the present and just be happy in my state of mind. I try to primarily think of near-term things or the calendar of the week. I don't feel upset now by anything of the calamities that may come on the earth and its peoples. I pretty much feel to roll along with whatever comes my way.

I decided to pray tonight at the granite cliff at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the temple in the distance to the west. I knelt on the granite and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then looked to my left and both of my Heavenly Parents came in a beam of light from the high mountaintop where I was during today's sacrament visions. They both came before me again and extended their hands. I stood and walked to them, turned and grasped their hands. We then beamed up into the light back to the high mountaintop! This time we went to the western skies. This morning we had gone to the eastern skies. We then went directly west, all three of us together!

16. I then heard my Heavenly Father speak:

'Raphael, we are going back in time to a period just before the flood, among the wicked of Noah's day.'

We then came above a large city, bustling with people. There were many walking around. I focused my attention on a group of rowdy people who were very angry at something. They were threatening others as they marched to a large central building in the city. A large fight began and many were injured and killed. It was a horrible scene!

I next saw many individuals doing immoral acts and living in a lascivious lifestyle. They seemed to care for nothing except their self-gratification. They truly were carnal, sensual and devilish!

I saw another group a little ways outside the city doing child sacrifice and devil worship! They had painted their faces in grotesque ways.

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we caused the waters of the flood to cover the great wickedness of Noah's day from before our eyes! All of these wicked people perished in the floods. Noah and his righteous family were saved in the ark, along with our many animals. This was a very difficult time of earth's history for the righteous! Those who remained, who were righteous and didn't board the ark, were translated and came to Enoch's city, which we had brought to ourselves in heaven.

18. In your day, even now, the wickedness of the ungodly surpasses those of Noah's day! You have seen the destructions that will come as a whirlwind upon the wicked today during your sacrament meeting. We will also preserve the righteous. These are those who humbly repent and come unto us. We will send our servants to gather them and our angels will protect them. There will be a few righteous who perish, but these will have a glorious resurrection at the second coming of our Son, Jesus Christ.

19. You are doing well to not fret about the coming calamities and devastations coming to the earth in a near day. We are pleased that you have dropped your expectations and remain open to us, to what we wish to show you, and how we wish to guide you. We desire all of our holy angels who live in mortality to do the same. We will lead all of these by our power!'

I looked into the tender eyes of my Heavenly Mother, then my Heavenly Father who stood before me. They were calm but resolved in what they plan to do in my day. I felt utmost security in their guidance! I felt very accepted and confident that all would be well for the repentant righteous, the elect of God.

I thanked them for this vision of the time just before the flood. I asked them to be near us who wanted to follow them. I prayed for them to help awaken the elect so that they could also avoid the personal devastations and have the blessing of protection. I said I loved them and would always come to them regularly, seeking their faces and seeking their will. They both smiled! I then saw a mist before them and I was immediately back in my home. I closed my prayer and spent time with the family.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 24, 2018 Monday

1. In one week we will begin another month–boy, time just seems to pass by so quickly! I reread my journal entry from yesterday. I so appreciate the perspective I receive in my prayers! I think so much wickedness is done in secret that we don't realize how evil many people of the earth are! I normally wouldn't see this, for I am in a good community and away from the populations. I also don't watch TV or event the news much.

Anyway, I decided to come for my morning prayer to the meandering desert stream. I came to the western bank and faced the distant oasis. I felt clear and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came to me immediately, gradually appearing to me above the stream. She was smiling and was radiant and beautiful! Oh, I love to be with her!

2. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have taken you yesterday to our high mountaintop to show you what we saw in Noah's day and what we see in your own future day. We see and perceive every one of our children and the actions they choose. In both periods of time the vast majority of the people

Follow Satan and the entrapments of the world. We have shown you the vision scenes since you need to know and document how wicked your society is becoming now.

3. We have waited for our elect to repent and to come unto us. However, there are also relatively few of the elect who have taken the time to really come to us, their Gods. Many of the elect are still snared in the ways of the world rather than the ways of God that we would show them. Many are oppressed with false religious concepts. This is why we allow calamities to come into their lives, to help awaken them to our holy ways and us.

4. You saw yesterday scenes of wickedness portrayed in the lives of our children. These have come about because Satan has tempted them with selfish desires that appeal to the natural man. They were inspired by Lucifer who is full of hate and anger.

5. Hate is the opposite of love. It engulfs our children who feed it and get angry at something others may do. Satan is able to inflame hatred in our children. All reason and civility tend to depart when one is consumed with hatred. The light and love that flows gently from our presence on all of our children is not able to find any place in their hearts, for they reject our ways and seek to elevate themselves in power and authority over others. They care not for what others may think, for they ignore the rights of choice of others, seeking to subjugate them in their own power and dominion. Satan promotes this behavior, for he knows they will become entrapped and they will perish in the end. He prides himself in his ability to carefully lead our children into their own destruction.

6. All that we promote and do, all our righteous ways, are countered by Lucifer and his minions. They have so long been engulfed in wickedness that they know no other way. They are fully deceived. They hearken not to anything we may say or do, unless they themselves feel threatened or shaken. Your powerful speech to the hosts of Lucifer has stirred them up, helping some repent and come to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Most of them have rejected your words, for they feed their hate and anger against anything that is reasonable and good. There has been a sharp reduction in the numbers coming into the group of the Refugees of Lucifer in recent weeks. Those who would have repented have already done so and have mostly been gathered.'

7. There will be another wave of converts from Satan's followers when you lock them up for the thousand years in the bottomless pit. When this last group repents and wants to change from their wickedness, you will send them to the light, even to Jesus Christ. They may then repent and avoid being cast into the bottomless pit again. This group who repents will be less in numbers than the first group of the Refugees of Lucifer who have now become a righteous and humble people.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation about hatred and those who become entrapped by the snares of Lucifer. I felt pleased to know there will be another group of repentant devils that will change and join their fellows, after they are cleansed and healed by Jesus Christ. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her light and love that she and Heavenly Father continue to shed forth on all of their children!

Heavenly Mother smiled and started to fade from my view. I found myself back in my conscious mind, writing all of this down in my journal. I then confirmed in prayer what I had received. I then closed my prayer and started a new week!

9. In the evening– I next came to heaven and went to the high mountaintop again tonight. I faced west and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I was kneeling on the ground and saw my Heavenly Mother come to me from the west!

10. She came to a point in front of me and spoke:

'Raphael, I have prompted you to come to me in order to show you more of what will happen in a future day. Come with me into the eastern skies behind you!'

She extended her hand and I arose and took hers in mind. We then went behind me to the eastern skies. In the vision, it seemed that my wife and I had just been ordained to our exalted roles as a couple God! All was new again for us, for the comprehension of our powers and roles had been greatly expanded. We had each been given a white stone with our new name on it. We also had been given a new land of inheritance on our same celestial earth where we had lived in mortality. We were very happy and so excited with our exalted lives together!

We then had the personal visit of our Heavenly Parents to our celestial home in the land of our inheritance.

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me while I was witnessing this vision of my future:

'Raphael, when our children press forth and prove themselves clean and worthy through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ their Redeemer, they become exalted and are like new children, open and prepared to receive further instructions and guidance. It is at this time that we, their Heavenly Parents, will spend more time instructing and showing each couple God the first essentials of their new position. They are shown the details of creation and how to use their expanded powers, new perceptions and abilities. The learning comes quickly as our open and extremely receptive exalted couple Gods are trained in their new roles.

12. The feelings and anticipation of learning how to be a couple God is an entirely new experience! It is akin to a new married couple on earth in mortality, not knowing much but determined to learn and grow in their new marriage relationship. There are lots of precious moments when our new couple Gods will be able to learn together all that is required to lead in their new role and position. There are eternities upon eternities to grow into their wonderful positions as a God and Goddess! We, as their parents, have utmost trust and confidence in these, our new couple gods! They have proven themselves worthy in their new position.

They will soon attend the next meeting of the Gods at our first parent Gods, at the center of our universe. Here they will receive their own seeded fruit of the tree of life to propagate back on the lands of their inheritance.

Raphael, all of your experiences with us up to this time will not compare to the grandeur of the experience of being a God! There will be nothing to compare with this wonderful life!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her exciting vision! I told her I was so pleased with the prospect of eternal life with my loving spouse! I closed my prayer and started getting ready for bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 25, 2018 Tuesday

1. I feel very happy this morning! I have had an amazing vision last night of my future and that of the future couple gods in my eternity. This reward of eternal life and exaltation will be so remarkable!

I recently received word that one of the mortal angels, J.D., passed away. She was in her seventies I believe. She died of cancer and its complications. She had asked a few months back not to receive my emails anymore. I trust she is now in the care of our Heavenly Parents.

I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I knelt next to the little stream facing the lake. This is such a lovely place! I drank some living water from the stream and felt very clear. I was prepared now to commune again with God. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched.

I next saw my Heavenly Parents walking around the lake to my right, in front of me. They were talking together. When they arrived in front of me, Heavenly Mother looked at me and smiled. She gave me the thought message to stand come to them and walk around the lake too! I stood and was soon by her left side! She took my hand and I started walking with them. They both looked at me and smiled.

2. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has shown you a future vision of the remarkable experience of becoming a couple god. You saw just a glimpse of this process of learning and training that we ourselves give to our faithful. It is a very extensive change for our new couple gods who prove themselves worthy and are ordained to the highest position they could ever receive. We are so pleased to have our elect children all ultimately receive such an exalted position! They will all become couple gods, to rule and reign in great power and righteousness in eternity! You may learn about this in such visions we give you, but you will never comprehend the grandeur until it actually happens to you!'

3. We walked a little further and then my Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, our children now living in mortality need to come unto us in mighty prayer in order to start the process towards their exaltation. It is a gradual progression and path wherein we lead them step-by-step, until we bring them into our presence. We teach them a little here and a little there, always nurturing and guiding them to as much as they are willing to receive. The more open and receptive they are, the more we will pour out blessings and revelation upon their heads.

4. We will lead them in ways they never before thought of! They will be able to see more and more clearly in celestial realms, even to where they commune with their Savior and are introduced again to us, their Heavenly Parents. All our richest blessings are reserved for these faithful children!

We require an open heart and mind and a willingness to be led by our still small voice. This is our Spirit, the light of truth! We send this to their unconscious minds in clarity and enshrouded in light and love. It is recognizable to them and becomes delicious to them! In all of their growth in mortality and in all of their experiences, this daily guidance from us becomes the most prized state and experience to enjoy.

5. The ultimate final objective of eternal life and exaltation is a worthy and proper goal to be kept ever most in the minds of our faithful. This is one expectation in their future that we wish them to think of and look forward to. This ultimate blessing is assured as long as they hear our voice and do as we direct. We always will lead them towards this ultimate objective and blessing of exaltation!'

We continued walking around the lake. I next spoke:

6. 'My Father and Mother, I feel so inordinately blessed to come into your presence today! It is such a blessing to receive so abundantly from you both, twice a day in person in these celestial realms, and from the Spirit you both send to me daily in my mortal life on earth! I am so very happy too, such a wonderful state that you both have taught me how to achieve, even in my telestial earthly experience and life!

My heart yearns for those around me who haven't found communion yet with you, their Gods! And yet I know they must choose for themselves. They each need to individually choose and receive, as they are willing. I, for one, feel so very privileged in receiving so very much continually!'

7. My Heavenly Parents stopped and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then faced me. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, each of our children need to find their own way and choose for themselves how attentive they will be to our gentle guidance. We will lead every son or daughter who openly and sincerely comes to us in prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We will send them our light and love, our gentle Spirit, and guide them back into our presence! Those who do so we will eventually elect into our kingdom, even to one day become even as we are!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their visions and their words! I said I would continue to follow them! I expressed my joy to be in such a wonderful state of peace and happiness!

I then closed my prayer, for I knew this was their will for me at this time. I was immediately back to my full conscious mind, writing all of this in my journal. I closed my journal, knelt down at my recliner chair, and confirmed all I had received, that it was true. I got up and started my new day.

8. Evening–I have enjoyed a very productive day today! I came tonight near the lake at God's Loving Healing Center on the overlook to the south. I could see the lake below and the temple to the north. This is where I thought to go tonight. The sky was still bright in the celestial world and all seemed serene and still. I felt clear and ready to receive my Heavenly Father or my Heavenly Mother. I knelt facing the north and prayed, asking one or both to come.

I then saw a bright column of light come from God's temple to me! In the light were both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were standing next to each other, right in front of me. They each wore a scarlet red sash and were smiling.

9. Heavenly Father first spoke to me:

'Raphael, we want to introduce a new topic tonight. This is how our thoughts initiate actions. You had just prayed to us tonight with your thoughts that came to us. These thoughts are energy, with no substance, and were directed with your intention to us. We hear or perceive all such directed thoughts of intention to us from our children, for this is our power of being a God. We may also hear or perceive all the thoughts of our children, but those that are intended for us come with an extra strength, for these are those we particularly want to hear.

10. Your thought intention, or thought energy, came to us. It doesn't matter how far the distance, we hear each prayer thought. We then responded with a desire to speak together to you. Your Heavenly Mother and I communicated together and both decided to come to you. We chose together to come in a beam of light from our temple to a place in front of you on the cliff overlooking the lake.

11. We then traveled in the light beam that we generated around our persons, from our ability to shine forth light energy and our ability to move. The light energy enshrouded us in light and conveyed us to you as we directed this light by our thoughts. All of our actions were created by our thoughts! You might ask how our thoughts create our actions, or by what mechanism are our thoughts so powerful?

12. You will find the answer in the way your own thoughts create action. For example, if you wish to walk into your kitchen, you first create a thought to do so. Once your intention was created, your mind directed your body to stand and walk into the kitchen. You hardly thought of all the steps required to do so, because it is normal and a routine you've done before. When you walk, you don't think to place one step in front of another–it just happens naturally. Your body has learned how to walk very well.

13. Similarly, we have traveled many times in light beams. Our minds know the sequence and when we initiate the action to travel in a light beam, our mind responds to our thought command to repeat this action and we do it. It takes little effort and is all controlled and initiated by our thoughts.

When there is initially an action that hasn't yet been done, like for you to first see our faces, it takes lots of faith. As you persist, you break through the veil and perceive our faces. This first time takes lots of faith energy to create the desired result. However, the second and subsequent times you do this are much easier, for you have great confidence that you can do this again.

14. Similarly, when we will train you as a couple God to do something for the first time with your godly power, it is the most difficult. You will see that creating light from elemental matter will be this way. However, to do this again, it is easier. After multiple times there is a routine and it is easily repeated.

We who are your Gods have done everything that we could ever do with our children or our creations multiple times. It is easy now for us to activate our godly powers and by our thoughts create any actions we desire. We are able to do multiple actions in our multiple replicated states, all at the same time. It is now easy for us to do this by our godly powers.

Again, the start of all action is our thought. This is the initiation of all action in all living beings.'

15. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, as we speak to you with our thoughts, you also receive these directed thoughts in your mind, into your own thoughts. What we think and direct to you comes into your mind as a thought or thoughts. These seem just the same as your own thoughts and therefore some of our children may feel that they are making up these thoughts themselves. In reality, they come from us into your mind as thoughts, and they did not originate from you, but from us.

16. When you receive these thoughts, you might ask how you can be assured that they are not your own thoughts, but from us. When wondering this question, ask this: "Did I create this or was this directed to me by my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother?" As you ask, you will know in your mind by a subtle but verifiable answer. It is either a positive feeling (true) or a negative or down feeling (false). Once you get acquainted with the origins of thoughts that come into your mind, you need not continually ask about its source, for you will know where the thoughts come from.

17. When you write my thoughts even now in your journal, the directed thoughts from me come into your conscious mind from your unconscious mind and are all relayed by thought energy. You know now how to discern my voice or thoughts from your own because of your long practice in doing so, and in repeatedly confirming my voice so many times. It is a sensitive and delicate way to discern our voice or thoughts from your own.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for both of their words (thoughts actually that flowed into my mind) that I received and wrote in my journal! I feel much more understanding of the fundamentals of thoughts creating all action, and of discerning thoughts coming into my mind from them. These are all such normal and yet amazing processes that just happen all the time, particularly in my prayer experiences. I expressed gratitude for their words on these thought concepts!

I then thought my time in prayer had ended. I smiled and expressed my love for my Heavenly Parents who had begun already to go back into the light beam and travel back to their distant temple! I confirmed what I wrote to be true doctrine. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 26, 2018 Wednesday

1. I came on this new chilly morning to the fountain of living water in heaven. I do not know why, but that is where I am directed to come. The thought of going there rings true, whereas going elsewhere feels not what I should do. I believe these are thoughts or directions given to me from my God(s) when I ask in my mind where I should pray. Anyway, I came to the fountain of living water, looking north, between the golden altar and the fountain. I drank some living water and felt refreshed. I then knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Next I had the impression in my thoughts that my Heavenly Mother was walking to me from the temple behind me. I waited, for these were my thoughts. She then came to me from my right side and turned and soon was standing in front of me. She was smiling and filled with light that glowed brightly from her.

In my thoughts, I felt so blessed to be in her presence! I thought she was a little too bright for my comfort and then she immediately reduced her brightness to a soft glow. All of these interchanges were in our thoughts, with no words spoken.

2. She next addressed me. Her words came as thoughts into my own mind, thoughts I knew came from her and not me:

'Raphael, we always communicate now by the interaction of our directed thoughts. Thought energies are created and sent to each other, similar to how you speak with another person. This is our normal way of communicating in our kingdom of glory! Unlike audibly speaking, I may direct my thoughts just to you, even though you may be with other people. The others won't perceive my thoughts, but you would. Were I to audibly speak, all would hear what I say. I may also transmit my thoughts to all in the group at the same time if I wanted to.

3. Thoughts may be directed across vast distances also. I have explained before that those may be enshrouded with light to make their transfer across the light matter webs instantaneous. If we are nearby, like you are before me, there is no reason to do this.

We don't create our thoughts from any substance, but they have always been part of our ability as intelligences. All intelligence has power to think. Some intelligences are more capable in their thoughts to reason or to think clearly. We who are Gods have been blessed with the greatest ability to think.

4. We think, reason and communicate together in our minds. Our minds are in our head as you know and control all our body. Our thoughts have been developed over our existence to become very powerful. These thoughts are inherent to our intelligence.

Our first parent Gods used the power of their thoughts to reason and create their desired actions, all in the beginning when nobody was yet created into spirits. All of us existed, but we were intelligences. We possessed no matter in our beings, for we were only intelligences. We were discernible, but were restricted to remain where we were located, for we had no power to move or travel.

5. However, our first parent Gods used their thought energies, coupled with their faith, to reason and think of creating something to encompass their intelligences from the elemental matter that was near them. They possessed superior intelligence, and by their thoughts created the first spirit creations that their own intelligences entered. They then found that they could have movement, since now they were inside a spirit of substance that they had created. The movement and actions of their spirits were all controlled by their thoughts that continued to come from their intelligence.

Since the beginning, all thought has been part of the innate skill or ability of the intelligences. Elemental matter does not have the power to think; only the intelligence has the ability. Intelligence was not created or made, but has always existed.

6. The intelligences outside our universe are unorganized, for they exist in distinct locations, unable to move. However, they may think. When we come to them, we communicate with them via our thoughts, for intelligences may think and communicate in their thoughts. We direct our thoughts to their thoughts, and they perceive clearly what we direct to them. They then communicate back to us by their directed thoughts. This ability to think and direct our thought energies has always been part of the intelligence's capability.

7. Your Heavenly Father explained to you last night how thought energies are the source of all actions in entities. All entities have both a spirit component and intelligence. Some also have a physical, or more course matter component. Spirit and physical components are made of elemental matter. The intelligence is enshrouded in one or both of these, as our first parent Gods designed. Their methods continue on and are perfect for their many creations.

I know you need to get ready for work now. Your Heavenly Father and I will answer any questions you may have about what we have revealed to you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful truths she revealed to me! I am so grateful for her presence before me. She said she would continue to be with me throughout my day today. I closed my prayer and got ready for the new day!

8. In the evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis in heaven. It was good to come back here again. I love the sweet contemplative feeling I receive here, probably since it is so quiet.

I came to the water's edge and drank from my cupped hand. I then felt even more clear and contemplative, particularly after the revelation on thoughts I have received. I came back to the bench and knelt in the sand facing the lake. When I did this I seemed to "see" my replicated self doing exactly these things. The actions of going for a drink at the oasis and then returning near the bench and kneeling came at first into my thoughts, then in a glimpse of a vision in my mind! Very interesting.

I then called upon my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father immediately appeared above the water and walked directly to me! He was smiling and stood majestic before me. I gazed momentarily into his eternity eyes. They were calm, deep, accepting and warm. I felt so blessed and secure to be kneeling before my Father!

9. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, I would now like to share with you the principle of faith, as it relates to our thoughts and all actions in intelligent beings. Faith is well defined in the scriptures and in the words of Joseph Smith.

10. Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

11. Joseph Smith Lectures on Faith, Lecture One, verses 9 & 10–

"From this (Hebrews 11:1) we learn, that faith is the assurance which men have of the existence of things which they have not seen; and the principle of action in all intelligent beings.

If men were duly to consider themselves, and turn their thoughts and reflections to the operations of their own minds, they would readily discover that it is faith, and faith only, which is the moving cause of all action in them; that without it both mind and body would be in a state of inactivity, and all their exertions would cease, both physical and mental."

12. When our first parent Gods thought to organize elemental matter into a form of man, a spirit man, they did so by exercising faith that they could do this. They directed their thoughts in great faith together to create the first spirit matter that they enshrouded over their intelligences. This was the first real act of faith in all of the eternities, even in the beginning of the Gods.

13. Every new action our first Gods did was created by their combined exceeding faith. Their first action of each new creation or activity was the most difficult to accomplish. Once done before, they had great assurance that they could do it again. Thus by degrees they created their first family and all of their creations. One success spawned new activity and success. Our first parent Gods were very determined and learned from each effort that they made and thus increased their faith that they could be more successful in the future.

14. We have followed this same pattern given by our first parent Gods in all of our godly works. We had assurance that we would be successful in all of our actions as Gods because 
other Gods had done these actions previously. We still had to exercise faith in our ability to repeat this for ourselves, however.

We have taught our beloved children to have faith in Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and in his power to redeem them of their sins and weaknesses. This great act of redemption is already fulfilled, but our children still need to activate this redemptive and cleansing power in their own lives. They need to repent and take upon them the name of Jesus Christ. As they do this they are exercising their faith by expressing their belief that forgiveness and redemption will happen.

15. I like this scripture found in Alma 32:27–

"But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."

16. When you came to us, seeking our faces, you were persistent in praying and visualizing that you would truly see us. You persisted for months, acting in faith. When we came to you in your energy class in 2013, you had displayed to us a great deal of faith, persistence and visualization. We rewarded you with a dramatic experience that day in your class when Heavenly Mother revealed to you one of our healing gifts.

All actions in our children are initiated by their directed thoughts and faith. This is how the infant learns and persists until they walk, even to the Gods who create and populate worlds. Faith is the driving force behind all action.

17. Raphael, you have conditioned your mind to be open and receptive to our revelations. We give them to you a little at a time. You have developed great faith, based on your previous experiences. You act with assurance, even though you don't know it will all turn out like you think. You have expectations that, even in unknown areas, and you have confidence that all will turn out as we will reveal to you. This attitude of faith allows us to continue to reveal more and greater things to you!

We encourage all to align their thoughts in great faith. This will act like the growing seed spoken of by Alma:

18. Alma 32:28–

"Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves–It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me." (see also verses 29-43)'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation on faith that we all need to exercise! I told him that I was determined to act in faith, believing that I would continue to receive and then act on God's direction in faith.

Heavenly Father smiled and then turned. He went back over the oasis and then vanished. I thanked him again and closed my prayer in Jesus' name. I then got ready for bed. At my bed, I knelt and confirmed all God had told me to be true. I also prayed for loved ones to be blessed before I ended my prayer.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 27, 2018 Thursday

1. I came in the celestial world to the horizontal log in God's Healing Center to the west of the switchback, down the little hill. It was lovely there, with the sun streaming through the trees to the north. I leaned upon the log and knelt on the ground. I asked my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me in prayer.

My Heavenly Mother appeared at the top of the hill to the east, very radiant in light! She floated in the air right behind the horizontal log where I could fully see her! She was smiling broadly, had sparkling eternity eyes and just exuded happiness and love!

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, your Father shared with you last night how important faith is in exercising our thoughts to act. We continue to exercise our faith continually in all of our actions. Faith is often described in the scriptures along with hope and charity:

3. D&C 18:19–

"And if you have not faith, hope, and charity, you can do nothing."

You understand how critical faith is to all action in intelligent beings, but what about hope? Hope has been described for the faithful by Nephi:

4. 2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. . ."

Hope is centered in Christ, with anticipation of eternal life.

5. Alma 13:29–

"Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."

6. When our children are able to lay hold upon the idea that they may progress and live in a happy, eternal state, even in eternal life, this hope is very motivating to their desires to persist in the path towards eternal life. It is hope that propels them forward in faith to do what they need to do in order to attain eternal life. They act in small steps towards their overall objective, in exercising their faith, being motivated by hope.

7. I like the phrase "having a perfect brightness of hope", for this is how our faithful believe and act. If there were no hope in our children, they would have no motivation to persist in faith, and therefore would take no action. Hope, coupled with strong faith, always produces action and improvement when focused on works we direct our children to accomplish.

Even after we ordain our children to be Gods, and ordain them with power to act like we act, the new gods need to act in faith and hope. These two attributes continue to propel them forward in all their actions.

8. Raphael, you have hope that all of the promises we are telling you by revelation are true. You act in faith, riveted by the hope swelling in your heart that they are true. As you move forward and progress, one step closer at a time, you are encouraged and generate more hope and assurance that you are on the correct path that leads to your own exaltation. You believe and hope that you are acting in harmony with our will. We give you more and more light and love to continue to feed your faith and hope. Soon your hope becomes a perfect brightness of hope!

9. Even now, Raphael, I am filled with hope and assurance that you will be motivated to do all we encourage you to do. I see your faith and hope growing stronger with each day. This confirms my own hope that you will press forward and attain all we command and encourage you to do!

I also have great hope in our holy angels–all of them! I see them acting in faith and hope to accomplish such great actions, even as we reveal to them! I desire each to press forward in hope, acting in faith, even until they fulfill all of our commands!'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words on hope! I told her that I am continually motivated by hope in being with them and my lovely wife and family in eternity and all the faithful. I am filled with joy and happiness that rewards my efforts!

She then pulled me forward to a standing position and then she lovingly embraced me! I felt her great love and acceptance of me! I felt her great hope and assurance I could and would be really able to do all that she and Heavenly Father asked of me! I too was filled with greater faith, hope and charity.

I then immediately came back to my own mortal conscious mind. What a great message I received today from my Heavenly Mother on hope! I closed my prayer and got ready for work.

10. Evening–Tonight I settled down in my recliner in my front room. I wanted to connect to my Heavenly Parents in prayer again. I had enjoyed a good day of work and was ready to switch gears and pray.

I came to the overlook at the edge of the fir forest looking out on the wheat fields of the Father. I love the serene beauty and peace of the celestial world! What we would call miracles on earth happen all the time here!

I knelt facing the fields below me, facing east. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came to me from under the oak tree at the end of the field below me! He stood majestically before me in the air. He was smiling and seemed ready to address me.

11. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you have received a number of questions yesterday from S.A. that I would like to answer:

Q1: After reading your posts, I have wondered about what this life is really all about, if summed up in the simplest form? Repentance? Love? Learning to hear and follow the Spirit? Faith in Christ?
A1: Raphael, there are many purposes of mortality. However, the biggest lessons we'd like to see our children learn are related to listening to us, their Heavenly Parents, and then in following our commandments. This one lifelong effort will allow them to become numbered among the elect of God. Once they pursue a life of dedication to hear and do our will, we will receive them unto ourselves to receive eternal life and exaltation. Our Beloved Son will redeem and cleanse them of all their sins, and will elect them to become members of the Church of the Firstborn, and ultimately become even as we are.

12. Q2: How about for people who are not religious or have very little knowledge of Heavenly Father and Jesus? What is the real test in their life? How are they to make it back home?
A2: At some point, each child of God who enters mortality or the world of the spirits will be faced with the information about Jesus Christ and the gospel plan. We will gently witness to their soul of its truthfulness. Those who hear and repent of their sins will be cleansed and receive more. If they are then baptised and align with our truths, we will heal and bless them. All will hear and have witnessed to them of these truths.

If our children reject the truth and won't hear, we will not continue to invite them with our Spirit and gentle proddings. They will receive the rewards they chose in life, by whom they listed to obey and follow.

13. Q3: What makes babies be born when they are? How come some babies are very early or very late? Is it their spirits' readiness or what are all of the factors? Or is their birthday so significant a day based on their personality and God's plan with the timing in their lives?
A3: The arrival of our children as mortal babies on earth is when we wish and plan for each to come. In many cases, we plan their lives to be intertwined with others of our children. In our great foreknowledge, we are able to plan the timing so that our plans for each child are fulfilled. This may be incomprehensible to you as a mortal, but we who have infinite capability plan all of the arrival and major events of our children. We act behind the scenes, and since it is so well orchestrated, it appears to man that we are not so involved in the planning of the lives of our children. We incorporate early birth and late birth information that we know in advance. We take advantage of the many situations and cultural norms of the society that we know our child will live in. We continue to speak and guide our children in their unconscious mind. Our great work is to provide for each of our children, somewhere along their journey, the many growth experiences and nudgings to entice them to hear us and obey our words.

14. To the world, the birthday and death day of our children seems very random, but for us, we know all and have made our plans for each child to accommodate their earth and spirit world journey.
We are able to raise up a generation of believers like we are now doing in preparation for the millennium. We also send those statesmen to establish a republic like the United States of America. We send choice individuals who shape the course of human events. We know all these things and plans from the beginning. In all of this planning, we allow for the full choice of our children. We know even how and when Satan will tempt and try them, for we see the future as clearly as the present.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for answers to these three questions! I feel inspired by his answers and am always grateful for his clear responses. I then knew my time was ending. I looked into his happy face. He was so full of knowledge, ability, intelligence and power! I felt so assured to be before him. I felt very accepted!

He then departed back to under his oak tree. I ended my prayer and got ready for bed.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 28, 2018 Friday

1. I came today to the celestial realms on the earth. I entered by thinking to be there and then I felt I was there. It is very nearby. I know we servants of God use this place as a base or platform to serve those on the earth.

I knelt on the grassy area, facing a little hill. This is the entrance that I have always come to. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came to me from on top of the grassy hill! She walked down to a place directly in front of me. She was smiling and seemed happy. She was beautiful and such a glorious being!

2. She extended her left hand and spoke:

'Raphael, stand and walk with me!'

I stood and took her hand in mine! We walked over the hill and started walking among the beautiful area of the celestial realms on the earth. We walked on a path next to some woods. We passed by meadows and a gurgling stream and a lake.

3. She spoke to me as we strolled together:

'Raphael, Heavenly Father answered one of S.A.'s questions last night about the main purpose of life. When our children learn to listen to our voice, the voice of the Spirit that we send to them, we will lead them in progressive steps. We always lead them to Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. We also teach them our ways and how we live.

We live in loving relationships. We love to serve each other and our many children. Our great work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men and women. We show forth great light and love to our children whom we are guiding to come to us and become like us.

Charity is often spoken in the scriptures together with faith and hope:

4. 1 Corinthians 13:13

"And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."

(see this entire chapter for the definition of charity).

5. In the instructions we continually give to our children who listen and follow us, we always act and speak in loving ways. We lead our children to serve one another in love and consideration. We teach them of the great importance of the moral agency of all of our children, so that they never seek to force others, gain power or control over them in any unrighteous way, or gain any advantage of others. Instead, we instill love, or charity in them:

6. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."

Moroni 7:46-48

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail–

But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

7. When our children on earth come unto us and seek our will, we gradually fill them more and more with our light and love. This tangible substance engenders feelings of all the godly virtues of charity spoken of in these scriptures. We also encourage them to care for and serve others, to act in kindness and think of others' needs, even before their own. We gradually tutor them to become filled with the godly love called charity.

8. As they act in obedience to our promptings, they are not only filled more and more with charity, but are becoming like us. When they eventually come into our presence, they are already filled with a large measure of our love. We continue then to shower upon them our love, and they witness of our abundant love and acceptance that we have for them. They also may see that our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has ransomed them because he loves them so fully. He has suffered for their own sins and weaknesses so that they don't need to suffer if they would repent. He cleanses and forgives them because he loves them each so fully.

9. Charity is something our children receive as their greatest attribute along their journey of a full life of seeking us and wanting to do our will. They act more and more from a place of love and acceptance of others. Their faith and hope is critical in their progress, but if they don't learn along the way to love and succor others, they have really missed the lessons of life. Our objectives are to mold them so that they are filled with love, even to think, and act lovingly of others and themselves. They love seeing others succeed and rejoice in their well being and happiness.

10. Satan and the devils cannot understand the motivations of love, for they possess none. They are continually filled with hate and all the evil attributes that attend hate. On the other hand, our elect children are filled more and more with charity, the pure love of Jesus Christ, and all the godly attributes that attend love.

11. Raphael, we are pleased when our children pray to us, in the energy of their hearts, to be filled with charity. We then lead them to act in ways that will strengthen their love in their actions. We fill them with the love of God that we shed forth upon the world. We gently and lovingly act in great love as we nurture and guide their lives.

Charity grows brighter and stronger in our faithful children as they mature through life's journey. Their faith and hope not only increases with their assurances gained in life, but they develop a strong love and bond of charity that covers them, even as a mantle or a cloak:

12. D&C 88:125

"And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace." '

13. Heavenly Mother then stopped walking and faced me. She spoke again:

'Raphael, oh how we love our children! We delight particularly in those who obey us and allow us to lead them. We will fill all our elect with our love and light, and bring them even to a place like we have done for you, even while they are on the journey of life. Please convey our deep love for them!'

I told her I would do so as often as I could! I said I loved her so very much! I thrill to be with her, to learn from her and that I love to be guided by her, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. I committed to seek them always, and to keep their commandments!

She started to embrace me as my vision closed. I felt her love in my heart as I came back to my mortal conscious mind. Oh, what a great prayer this morning!