201. Israel, Come Home to Zion!

Hello everyone,

I hope each of you are doing well, and feeling direction from God in your personal lives. I am receiving lots of direction and guidance, much of which is described in this post.

In this post, learn about the twelve work projects given to the tribes of Israel in the New Jerusalem. They are all working to prepare a place in Zion for those who will soon be arriving. They now also meet each evening for one hour of gospel study. There are lots of changes on this terrestrial sphere among these vetry faithful people!

At this end of this post, Heavenly Father directed me to blow my trumpet to call Israel, the elect of God, home to Zion at the New Jerusalem. I did this under the Father's direction and by the keys that he had previously given to me. He said that this my proclamation would be repeated to the faithful, from now on until the second coming of Christ. This is a significant event that was heard in the unconscious minds of the mortal righteous across the world.

Please pray about these important events, and confirm they are from God and not me.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 24, 2021

1. I am now waiting at the Portland International Airport for my flight back to Utah. I had a great visit with my earthly mother and my sister. It was all that I had hoped it would be! I spent most of yesterday and this morning being with my 100 year old mother. Almost all of my children and their families connected with her through a video app on my phone or computer, and it was almost like they were with us in person. I feel very satisfied in our cumulative visit.

2. At the end of my day, I had a prayer with my mom in which I asked for the blessings of God to be extended to her in these last few days of her life.

3. I now have over an hour in the airport and it is quiet -a perfect time to write in my journal.

4. I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I sought to commune with my Heavenly Father. I drank celestial living water, and then knelt facing north. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

5. He came walking from the path to my front left, and was soon standing before me. He was smiling and spoke: 'Raphael, when you approached Heavenly Mother and me last Thursday morning, we hadn't yet confirmed to you that it was time to go on the airplane to visit your earthly mother. You had thought our not answering you meant that you should not go. However, you kept discussing this with your wife and were open to our promptings. You then made up your mind that you should go to visit your ailing mother. Once you made this decision, based on all the circumstances and the support of your wife, you then prayed to us again and we confirmed this decision to you by our spirit. Without you stepping out and making a decision on your own, we would not have given to you our positive assurance and Spirit to confirm this was the right decision.

6. Such a process is how we will guide and give answers to you and our elect in the days ahead. We expect each of you to evaluate the situation and circumstances before you, and then to prayerfully make a decision, in all humility and openness of heart. Then when you pray to us, we will answer according to D&C 9:7-9. You will feel our confirming Spirit as enlightenment and peace, and a burning within you. If it is a wrong or incorrect decision, you shall have no such feelings, and even a stupor of thought. This stupor will often be strong enough to cause you to forget the thing or decision which is wrong.

7. Looking back with your present perspective, you can tell that you made the correct decision. This visit has greatly uplifted your mother and sister, and been a joy for you as well. Your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased in how it all worked out so well, despite your concerns during this time of the lingering pandemic declared in the land.

8. When our faithful children are soon confronted with all sorts of the effects of war, plague, disasters and upheavals in their lives of all kinds, we will be by their side to guide them. Without consulting us, they may make incorrect choices. However, when they reason out their decisions, using their best logic and feelings, and make a decision, we will then clearly confirm that what they have decided to be good for them or not. This will be revelation from us to their humble request as they wait upon us, we will surely answer.

9. There will be times when we confirm their decisions in the final hours and minutes. This is all part of our helping them to learn to listen to our voice, and patiently wait upon the Lord.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of truth. I felt very pleased to have renewed in my mind the approved way that revelations from God come to help us in our mortal decisions.

11. Heavenly Father then extended his hand and spoke: 'Come, Raphael, and let's go visit the tribes of Israel in the New Jerusalem island!'

12. I stood and took his hand. We then passed into a cloud and left the celestial orb. I felt that I would see all of these things later in vision, maybe tonight or tomorrow in my prayers.

13. My prayer then ended, and I came back to my mortal surroundings in the airport.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 25, 2021

1. I awoke to beautiful sunny skies this morning. I am very glad to be back home after my quick trip to Oregon, returning last night.

2. I came to the New Jerusalem island where I had last been taken by Heavenly Father yesterday. I thought that I would see in vision in my morning prayer today what I saw yesterday but not in my conscious mind. I immediately met with my Heavenly Father at the beautiful fountain of living water. We were holding hands like we were yesterday afternoon. We started moving above the land in the air, in the celestial realm. We could see down below us in the terrestrial realm.

3. I saw the tribes of Israel divided still in twelve groups. They had their tents facing the platforms in the middle of each group. Most people seemed to be gone, however.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the people had been gathered to their main tribal lineage of the father of each family. Since there are twelve tribes of Israel, this is how we inspired them to be organized. Each night they return to their tents to sleep and eat the evening meal. During the daytime, they have been roaming over the entire island paradise. It is so exciting for each one to be on this beautiful land, similar to the Garden of Eden in the outlying farmlands. When they come to the area of our celestial temple and gardens, there is a lovely terrestrial park that they may visit and walk upon. The twelve large areas where they have placed their tents is in the future city area of the New Jerusalem.

5. (R here: I later prayed and found out that all twelve tribes of Israel are represented in the lost tribes that came from the north. They were originally from the northern ten tribes as the Kingdom of Israel, with Joseph being counted as the two tribes of Ephraim and Manassah. Judah, Benjamin and Levi were predominantly in the southern Kingdom of Judah. However, when these tribes from the north returned, they had all of the 12 tribes represented. These are those who were divided into twelve large groups in the New Jerusalem.)

6. On Monday morning, July 26, 2021, you will address the main prophet and their leader prophets of each of the tribes of Israel. It will be time then for their entire people to start working and preparing for the others who will come. We will show you tonight in your prayer how this highly favored people will be put to work.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for greater understanding of God's plans. I said I looked forward to his revelations tonight. My prayer then ended.

8. Evening-I came to the fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem temple block. I drank from the pool of crystal clear living water, and then knelt facing the temple. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for this is what I felt I should do.

9. Heavenly Mother came to me from the temple in the air. She was soon in front of me, shining in her glory. She spoke:

'Raphael, call upon the prophets of the tribes of Israel to come with you tomorrow morning to the grassy park area in the terrestrial realm under this temple block. Charge them to organize their people into work groups. They will have rested for one full week on our island by that time. They have become rejuvenated and refreshed. They are energetic again, and will be able to fully carry the workload and heavy responsibilities that we will place upon them.

10. Their main tasks will be divided into the following twelve areas:

1) Prepare permanent shelters for themselves. Make plans for the relocation of the greater part of the people from the future city area of the New Jerusalem to the nearby barren lands that will soon become lush with vegetation. The New Jerusalem city construction will soon begin, and the area needs to be cleared for the building of our temples and other buildings. The people will have up to two months to all relocate except for a few. This later group will live with their families near the city construction site. Others who will work there will need to commute on a daily basis.

2) Prepare terrestrial clothing for themselves and others who will soon be coming. These are simple cotton robes made from the mature plants growing in the farmland area.

3) Bring seeds and seedlings from the New Jerusalem to plant on the barren lands on the opposite shores of the mighty river.

4) Start the planning and construction of the four walls around the island perimeter on the rock foundation that Mother Earth has created (see my post 194I35). Incorporate entry gates at the locations where the rivers will leave the island.

5) Explore the barren lands for the locations of the gold and silver mines to be used in building the New Jerusalem city. Once located, start the mining process of these precious metals and stockpile these.

6) Create new inlets and waterways into the barren land surrounding the New Jerusalem island. These will be created by those of great faith and vision.

7) Identify the location of a future bridge from the island to the barren land to the west. Make plans of several construction options, and present these to Raphael in the near future.

8) Layout and start the construction of eight roads, starting in the farmland areas. These eight roads will extend next to the four rivers to the north, south, east and west. There will be a road on each side of the rivers.

9) Construct boats and ferries for transportation and construction purposes to cross the mighty river to the barren terrestrial land.

10) Start the harvesting, sawing and drying of lumber for use in the New Jerusalem city from the forest areas that are mature on this island.

11) Make tools out of ore found on the island that will be needed for all of the construction needs.

12) Organize the children and youth into projects they are able to work and engage in, all in support of the intense work plans of the people.

11. Raphael, these are the main twelve work projects we wish you to assign the prophet leaders of this people. There will be other projects as the needs arise.

12. Give their head prophet until Wednesday morning to meet with you again. At that time, request a preliminary plan on how he proposes to implement these work projects. When approved, then the tribes of Israel should begin their God-directed assignments and missions.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear directions to me. I said I would call upon their head prophet and other leaders tomorrow morning.

14. Heavenly Mother smiled and departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 26, 2021

1. I came consciously to the terrestrial world on the New Jerusalem island. I found the head prophet in the future city area and asked him to gather his other prophet leaders and come with me to the grassy park at the center of the island. I walked around with him until all were gathered. I asked that they have some method of recording my words also.

2. We all soon were in the center of the terrestrial grassy park. I shared with them my experience from last night with our Heavenly Mother who appeared before me at that very location in the celestial realm. I told them of her directive to me to convey to them the twelve work projects that she and Heavenly Father wanted to have the tribes of Israel begin.

3. I also said that there was urgency in moving forward on these new assignments. I knew they would receive the inspiration of heaven to organize their people in the best way.

4. I said that they would have two full days to come up with a detailed plan to begin these work projects. They agreed to meet with me again on Wednesday morning, July 28th, 2021, at this same park area with their plans. I anticipated reviewing these, making any adjustments as necessary, and then to receive confirmation from God at that time so that they could begin.

5. After our meeting, I left their prophet and other leaders. They remained in the park discussing these twelve new assignments.

6. I then came to the fountain of living water in the celestial realm. I knelt near the pool of water, facing the temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

7. He appeared in front of me and immediately spoke:

'Raphael, you have done well to have given to the leaders of the tribes of Israel their twelve major work assignments. This will begin the start of mortal labors on this island and the nearby barren lands. We will abundantly bless our people in their actions to fulfill all that we desire. We want each of our sons and daughters to have some responsibility, and to use their skills and talents. There should be no idlers among them (see D&C 68:31 and D&C 75:29), but all need to be united in a common cause. Our Spirit will come among this humble and obedient people, so that they may magnify their callings. They will have great unity and purpose in building Zion in this beautiful terrestrial world we have created!'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming words. I said that I was so thankful for this very large group of his elect that would soon begin building up Zion, and preparing the way for the others that would soon be coming.

9. My Father then left, and I closed my prayer.

10. I received an email from S.A. this morning that I wanted to share. Below is our email conversation, dated 7-26-2021:

"Hello R,

I am happy for you getting to visit your mother and sister in Oregon. It is true what Heavenly Mother said, getting to have one of those last moments with a loved one are precious memories for us to cherish forever! That is very special for you.

I received in prayer some similar things to what you have recorded. I felt to share.


Heavenly Mother to me: 'This weekend you celebrate the 24th of July, when your pioneer ancestors first reached and then settled the Salt Lake valley. They endured great suffering and hardships along the way. There will also be a day dedicated to commemorate all those that sacrificed and left the telestial world, possessions, friends and family members behind, all to heed our Spirit's call to come to Zion. Their difficult journeys and this great transition will be remembered throughout the millennium, for all their descendants will respect the great faith and courage it took to make it. Similar to your feelings of deep respect and gratitude to your pioneer ancestors, so will your descendants feel about you and all of those who come to Zion.'


Heavenly Father to me: 'Tonight there is a flash flood warning in your area that came, telling those in the affected areas to leave in a moment's notice. Similarly, we will give you a short notice prompting when to leave your home in Snowflake to begin your trek. It will be needful to make your preparations accordingly so all is ready to go when that moment arrives, for there will not be time to gather and prepare further.'

Have a great week!

11. R's email back to S.A.:

"S.A., I loved what you said in your email! I enjoyed a couple of days of bliss while visiting my mother and sister. I am so, so glad for this opportunity!

Your other messages from our Heavenly Parents were ones I'd like to share with those on my email list. I feel all that you said is true. May I share this email in my post 201?

Thank you again for your email!


D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 27, 2021

1. I came this morning to the gardens on the temple block on the New Jerusalem. I looked around and I was alone. I walked around a little and then knelt by some flowers in front of the shore of a small lake. I drank living water and then asked for my Heavenly Mother to appear.

2. She appeared on the waters, and walked on the lake to a few feet in front of me. She was smiling and was shining her light all around. I felt her Spirit come into and through me. This was accompanied with her intense love for me that I felt.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, I am very pleased to come before you this morning. We have lots of activity on both the celestial realm and our terrestrial realm on the New Jerusalem. You and Oriphiel are bringing into our Church of the Firstborn, and recording the names in the Book of Life of many of our celestial elect in our temple. You do this from sunrise until sunset each day. Your actions bring deep joy to those who come, and are binding for eternity.

4. On the terrestrial realm, you have been mingling with the tribes of Israel, visiting their families and interacting with them. They have welcomed you with open arms into their tents in all their activities. They are discovering the wonders of their terrestrial realm, and have explored all of the island paradise.

5. Tomorrow morning you will meet with their prophets on the terrestrial grassy area on the center of the island. After our approval, they will begin their work as we have assigned. Please impress upon these leaders that there is no time to delay in their mission to prepare for the many elect who will be coming.

6. Once you arrive at the New Jerusalem in your own trek in one month, you will be able to cross the mighty river in boats or ferries that the tribes will have prepared. You will soon receive your merged mind, and gain awareness of your mortal being and replicated beings, and of your activities and actions in all your states of being. This will be a wonderful gift to you! This blessing will give you greater confidence and perspective. By thinking or wondering what you are doing in other states of being, you will immediately be there. You will be the first of many of our angels and celestial servants to receive your merged mind. We will do this for those who will labor in our New Jerusalem temple, and for other critical assignments for our mortal elect.

7. After you arrive at the New Jerusalem from your trek, and after receiving your merged mind, we will have you meet John the Beloved here in our celestial temple block. You will plan with him the layout and design of our New Jerusalem city the first part of September, 2021. Both of you will interface with the leaders of the tribes of Israel and other terrestrial mortals in starting the construction of our city. Our abundant blessings will come, and by the time you arrive with your wife and son the end of September, 2021, work crews will already be very busy on the city.

8. Raphael, we have orchestrated on a timetable of events, all that will be done in our terrestrial realm of the New Jerusalem. There will be a great amount of steady work for several years. As new arrivals come, they will find rest and then be put to work once they are recuperated from their journeys. We will imbue the Spirit of love and labor among all of the inhabitants of Zion. This will be such a wonderful place in which to live!'

9. My Heavenly Mother extended her hand and I stood and held it. We then walked around the lake and gardens of this beautiful temple block. I lost my connection and came back to where I was writing in my journal. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for a glimpse into their great plans today for the building up of the New Jerusalem. I then closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 28, 2021

1. I came this morning in my conscious mind to the grassy area at the top center of the New Jerusalem island, in the terrestrial realm. I was there when the prophets from the tribes of Israel walked to me upon the grass from the east.

2. I embraced the head prophet and then listened to his plan to implement the twelve tasks that he and his leaders had come up with. This was in response to our meeting last Monday to prepare the land and items for themselves and those who would be coming soon on the land.

3. These men had prayed for inspiration, and had come up with a way to allow each family or individual to choose where they wished to work. They decided to call a general meeting for the heads of households and their wives and all single adults and teenagers, 16 years and older. They would explain the twelve tasks given by God to this large group today. Then they would have their prophet leaders divide into twelve areas, each with an assigned task. The individuals would then be given half an hour to choose where they wished to serve, and then go to the prophet leader of the task they chose.

4. When all were divided up into groups the prophet leader would then explain more details of each assignment. Each leader would have multiple scribes to write the names of all their people who would work on these tasks. The prophet leader would then choose foremen and forewomen from these names to help him orchestrate the work force in a systematic and efficient manner. These would work with him directly.

5. The twelve groups would meet at 8 am each morning after breakfast, and work until 5 pm, with an hour for lunch at noon. If their task allowed little children and youth, these would come help also. If not, each of the twelve groups would have areas where the young children would come and play together, or do simple tasks that they could do to help. This would be a type of nursery for the small children, and an organized work camp for those who could work. Each morning they would begin with prayer, and conclude with prayer in the evening before being excused to return to their families for the evening meal.

6. The head prophet told me they would call the general meeting today at 2 pm in the future city area to the east. They would have runners announce this to all the families throughout the island. Work would begin tomorrow, July 29, 2021 at 8 am in the location each group would decide upon.

7. The head prophet said he had prayed and talked with his Father in heaven. He knew of the urgent nature of their work tasks. He said he explained all of these plans to his Father and received his approval before our meeting. This was his report.

8. I thanked him for preparing his plans so well! I asked that he and those leaders present join me in a kneeling prayer on the grass. We all then knelt and I prayed vocally so that they could hear:

9. 'Our Heavenly Father, we come before you with a plan to implement the twelve tasks given to me from Heavenly Mother a few days ago. I had explained these tasks to the prophets of the twelve tribes of Israel who are refreshed and now ready to work. We would like a confirmation of their well-thought-out plans. May we each receive a spiritual witness that you approve of these plans?'

10. At that moment I felt great enlightenment and an endowment from the Holy Spirit. The words of Heavenly Father then came in my mind: 'Raphael, these plans are accepted by your Heavenly Mother and me. We will bless these people in their work as they apply themselves to their tasks, with cheerful hearts and cooperation. We will send upon them our endowment of increased love which will be the hallmark of our Zion people.'

11. When we arose from our knees, I shared these words with the prophet leaders. I said I was very pleased with their plans, and knew that God had approved of these.

12. I embraced each man present, and gave them my love and blessing. We then parted and I ended my morning prayer.

13. Evening-Tonight I emailed out my post 200 to my small email list. I felt great relief in completing this documentation now for the events that transpired on July 18 to 19, 2021 at the New Jerusalem. This was a week and a half ago. Now that this is emailed, it may be read in the heavenly realms above, and distributed to those interested in the celestial world. This has all been like a marathon to get all caught up in my posts and index.

14. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake tonight and met with my Heavenly Mother. She smiled upon me and spoke: 'Rapahel, you are correct that those in the celestial realms may now read your latest posts. These are our celestial elect children who participated in the tours of the celestial New Jerusalem temple. They are very excited to enter into our Church of the Firstborn, and have their names recorded in the Lamb's book of Life. You and Oriphiel are working steadily every day, except the Sabbath, in administering these blessings. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I are very pleased that this is now started!

15. Meet with me tomorrow at the fountain of living water. Together we will visit the nearby organized work groups of the tribes of Israel. My spirit is resting upon them in power to motivate them and imbue them with the spirit of Zion!'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother, and said I would be there in the morning. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 29, 2021

1. I came this morning to the fountain of living water at the New Jerusalem. I drank living celestial water from the pool, and then felt refreshed. I knelt nearby and faced the golden altar. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. I then saw Heavenly Mother descend from the sky and come down next to the golden altar. She touched it with her hand and then walked to me next to the fountain.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, the ashes of the red heifer that are secured in the golden altar will last you for the entire millennium. Our celestial elect may come and view, or even touch this altar, but only you will be able to remove the ashes periodically as they are consumed in your administrations.

4. Likewise, the Book of Life will only be written in by our servant Oriphiel. He will give this book and pen each night and before the Sabbath to you to secure in the locked desk drawer in the font room office. Only you have a key, the black key, to this desk.

5. Each morning when you open the north temple doors with your black key, you will proceed to open the office door and the desk drawer. You will remove the pen and Book of Life, and bring these to the table where Oriphiel sits in his chair. He will then come and give you the list of names that you are to administer to that day. Upon verifying these names, you will then open the north doors of the temple, and call forth the first name or names of the same group. These individuals will be waiting and will follow you into the temple. You will continue doing this throughout the day until all the people on the list are administered to and have their names recorded.

6. You have been following this procedure for the past week and a half since you began. We wanted this process documented in your record.

7. Come now with me, and let us now go forth in the celestial realms so as not to be seen, and go to view the labors of the northern tribes!'

8. I stood, took my Heavenly Mother's hand, and together we moved up in the air. We first came to the place where wooden shelters were being constructed in the city area. These were simple houses with rooms in which to sleep, and living and dining rooms. There was also a kitchen with counters, but this room had no running water. There was a simple bathroom with a bucket of living water that would be available.

9. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this is like the simple house that the people will have built for you, your wife and son, when you arrive in two months. It will be entirely adequate and comfortable for you. It will have three bedrooms and one bathroom. Later, once a permanent house will be built in the residential area of the city, you will have running water and a larger dwelling, with a front and back yard. There will be lots of room for a garden and flower beds. When that house is completed, your previous wooden shelter will remain as a place for others to view and visit when they come as guests to the New Jerusalem City.'

10. I saw a number of individuals laying out stakes where these temporary shelters would be placed in the city area. Most who volunteered for this task were finding trees to use in the building process, or in making nails and tools from ore.

11. Heavenly Mother then directed me next to the area where mostly women were being instructed on making the simple robes for the inhabitants of Zion. They were being taught the process of making the cloth from cotton that grew on the island. They didn't have cloth yet, so their cumulative effort was to harvest and clean the cotton so it could be created. There were some that were planning how to create looms like their people had in the hollow earth to weave cloth. The cotton thread also had to be made after the harvesting and cleaning of the cotton. This people were familiar with all of these processes. Heavenly Mother said that after the robes were made from cotton, some would also be made of wool and other plant or animal materials. These would all be simple robes.

12. We then moved in the air to the farmland areas. We saw organized groups of people gathering seeds from various plants. These would be taken to the barren lands to plant. These were being staged and placed in containers for storage until the boats were constructed.

13. We then came to the forest areas where some men were already felling trees from tools they had brought on their long journey. Others were looking for signs of ore so that this could be mined and then ultimately made into tools needed to cut and saw the trees into lumber. Heavenly Mother said the trees were extremely fast growing and would be cut and replanted at a rate to ensure a continual supply of wood.

14. Heavenly Mother pointed out to me next those who had volunteered for the road construction along the rivers. They were marking the borders of the future roads. These would be first dug and then sand and rocks brought from the shores of the island. A type of cement would be made to hold the sand and rocks together to make a smooth road surface. The men working on this road project would use their existing carts and animals to haul these materials. There were many men who had volunteered on this road project. They were creating first one road, from the west shore to the city area where the four roads had already been made by Mother Earth.

15. Our final visit this morning was near the island shore where Mother Earth had created the rock foundation for the walls of the island. The volunteers for this work project were sweeping the foundation area of the future western wall which would be the first wall built. Others were starting to identify the location for making bRs for the wall. This would be on the western shore. Here is where uniform large bRs would be created and placed on the foundation. Mortar would be used between the large bRs so that the wall would be very strong, and last for the millennium. All of the work crews seemed well organized and were working steadily on their assignments.

16. Heavenly Mother then faced me and let go of my hand. 'Raphael, we are pleased in how well our people are being organized and are eager to shoulder the great burdens of hard work that is before them. They are fully refreshed and strong again, even after only one week of rest, drinking living terrestrial water, and eating of the abundance of terrestrial foods on this island. They will have many fond memories of being the first mortal laborers for Zion, to build up this community as we have desired. We will abundantly provide our Spirit as they apply themselves.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have shown me how they are organized. I was impressed at how quickly they were put to work in service for themselves and for those who would soon come.

18. Heavenly Mother then said she was going to depart from me, but that she would be lingering among her people continually as they labored. She was smiling broadly as she faded away from my view. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

19. Evening-My days are full of activity and living life to its fullest. I am not slowing down in any way except as my body gets too tired. It is in the morning and evening times that I slow down sufficiently to connect with my Gods in prayer. I imagine I will live a very active life with my wife right to the end when we are transported to the New Jerusalem.

20. I came this evening to the desert oasis to pray. I drank living water from the oasis, and then knelt on the shore. I prayed to my Heavenly Father, asking him to speak to me before I closed my day.

21. Heavenly Father appeared immediately before me. He spoke right away: 'Raphael; you have wondered about the religious instructions of the northern tribes of Israel, now that they are at the New Jerusalem. They have a rich heritage of religion and faith in us, their Gods. They revere and support their prophets. We wish all of this people now to open their minds to new revelations and truths, and to learn to test all things. This will help them individually know whether they are being led by their leaders correctly or not, and to know how to receive truth from us.

22. The people are generally literate, and most adults and teenagers can read and write, both male and female. They are very familiar with their own records that their own ancestors have passed down. Their prophets also receive current revelation that they have written recently, prior to their travels to the outer earth.

23. We want them to write the accounts of their own recent journey as a people. They have brought writing instruments and paper made from wood pulp, similar to what you are familiar with. Paper is something not many people possess. It is now used predominantly for recording the affairs of the people and for new scripture. We will be inspiring their prophets and scribes to record their momentous journey to the New Jerusalem within the next month.

24. We also want you to start sharing the religious history and truths of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want you to tell of Joseph Smith, our latter-day prophet, and the Book of Mormon. We want you to tell of the Bible, the advent, life and death of Jesus Christ, their Great Redeemer. Give them a foundation of these things so that they will be familiar with them when you start to share your own records.

25. When you arrive with your trek of twenty people in one month, we will then have you and others share passages from the standard works that you bring with you. When you arrive with your wife and son in two months, you will be able to also share with them your own records that you then bring.

26. We want you to begin sharing with a group of two hundred people each day at noon on the grassy area on the center of our island. This group will include their prophets and those whom they will select, both men and women. After dinner in the evening, these same two hundred people will share with their own larger groups of families and individuals what you have told them earlier in the day. There will be two hundred locations on the island where the people may come at 7 pm. These will normally last up to an hour. You will rotate around these groups, one per night. We will therefore begin to teach our people in Zion the truths from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Until these records are physically available, you will need to teach them from your memory. Once these records are on the island, you and others will then be able to read these to the people.

27. When you arrive permanently at the New Jerusalem in two months, you will start to share your own records of Raphael. These will be done sequentially, as we inspire you to share. In the span of a year and a half, you will have shared all of your records with this people. As other travelers arrive, other teachers will start sharing these same records in sequential order. For those unfamiliar with the standard works, there will be classes for these as well. We will continue to educate our people in gospel scholarship. These truths will be revealed from the housetops in certain groups, so that all may hear, in fulfillment of prophecy (see Luke 12:3 and D&C 1:3). These times of religious instruction will become a very beloved time of each day. This sort of instruction will continue daily, including the sabbath. We will continue in this manner until we formally organize the Church of Christ among the inhabitants of Zion.'

28. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this exciting revelation tonight! I said I was very pleased to know of his plan to teach the truths of our Gods among this people.

29. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 30, 2021

1. I came to the grassy park area this morning on the terrestrial New Jerusalem. I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Mother. As I did so, I came into the celestial realm, but still was able to view the terrestrial grassy park.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared before me in her celestial realm. She spoke: 'Raphael, look with me at a time in the near future after you have started the gospel instruction to the 200 people'

3. I looked with her and saw myself speaking to the teachers of the tribes of Israel. I was sharing with them the principle of the need of each person in Zion to verify the truths that they hear from their teachers and leaders. I told them that our Heavenly Parents are quick to reveal to each one the truth of all things. I told them of the importance to be open and humble, and to seek the Spirit of God. I shared with them from JST Mark 9:43-48, where Jesus spoke if thy hand, foot and eye offend thee, cut it off. I said we each were responsible to know if we are being led aright or not.

4. Heavenly Mother then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, last night you attended with your wife a wedding reception of the daughter of a long-term friend. The mother shared with you how each of her adult six children have been vaccinated because of the prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, had told them to do so. Her children accepted this without asking whether this was acceptable of God or not.'

5. Heavenly Mother said the following to me with great emphasis: 'Raphael, your wife said to you that President Nelson would be responsible for many people taking the vaccine. Even though he misled the people, the real responsibility falls upon the individual. They need to learn to receive the Spirit of God, and inquire of us, their Gods, to verify the truth of all things. If they don't, they are still responsible for how they act and what they choose, for they have choice. We will not hold one guiltless who blindly follows their brother, their standard, or him that is appointed to watch over them. "Let every man (and woman) stand or fall, by himself (or herself), and not for another; or not trusting another." (see JST Mark 9:44, words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

6. What your Heavenly Father revealed to you in your prayer last night about gospel instruction is true. You will meet with their head prophet today, and share with him what both Heavenly Father and I have shared with you. Ask the prophet to choose the other 199 prophets and teachers, and all to meet you here at this grassy park this Sunday, August 1, 2021 at noon. Teach them this principle and have them teach their people that evening at 7 pm in the 200 groups. This will begin the start of gospel instruction on this island paradise in Zion.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instruction to me this morning. I said I would meet with their head prophet today. I said I was eager to share the gospel truths with them and this people, starting this Sunday.

8. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me and said that this had greatly pleased Heavenly Father and her. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

9. Evening-Tonight I came to the western shore of the New Jerusalem island and faced west to the mighty river. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I looked up and saw a light across the river in the air. The voice of my Father then came to me in my mind: 'Rapahel, come in the air above the mighty river to me.'

10. I stood and intended to be transported in the air to my Father. I then found myself before him standing. He smiled and extended his hand and spoke: 'Raphael, let's both visit your own camp in the trek of twenty people you are traveling with.'

11. I took his hand and then we traveled in the air above the barren land to the west. We soon came to a lonely encampment on the barren land of promise. I noticed a pool of water near us. I believe this came about like the previous time I received a pool of water on the land.

12. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Your group of friends on your trek is now about one month out from the New Jerusalem. You continue to share your revelations with your fellow travelers, and they continue to confirm in prayer the truth of all things that you share with them. This is also how we wish each tribe of Israel to do. By testing these things for themselves in humble prayer, we will give each our revelations and confirmations of what you have already received. This process is very important for each of our inhabitants of Zion to know. They will thereby all know the Lord, and become accustomed to our Spirit. This is the high level of revelation that we desire the inhabitants of Zion to receive, each one by themselves, and not trusting their own salvation to another.

13. All of our elect who come to Zion, within her walls or in any cities of Zion, are to follow this law. They are all to be taught this law as one of their first lessons in Zion.

14. For those who trek to Zion, they would do well to practice this procedure on their trek if one, like you, were to teach their own revelations. This is how your own trek of twenty people is now doing. You have done well to teach them this principle.'

15. We looked down upon my camp, and we were all asleep from our day's journey. My vision then closed and my prayer ended.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 31, 2021

1. I came in prayer above my own trek of twenty people, on the barren land. I saw the people in this company finishing up their breakfast meal. There were some who then left the group and found seclusion behind rocks or distanced themselves from the others. They then prayed and sought to commune with their Gods. They also wrote in their journals. This was a time of being unencumbered with duties.

2. Heavenly Mother then came next to me in the air, where I was observing. I knelt before her, and thanked her for coming. She smiled and then spoke: 'Raphael, we are pleased that your trek of twenty people are more concerned in having open time for each person than in getting further in their travels each day. As they prepare individually their own hearts and minds to approach us in humble prayer, we in turn will endow them with our Spirit. They will, in this way, not only receive and confirm the truths you share with them, but they will repent and change. The changes we want will be to recognize the Spirit, to become more humble and open, and particularly more kind, loving and Christ-like. We will gauge their length of their journey yet ahead of them based on these attributes. For groups like yours, that are spiritually preparing themselves for entry into Zion, we will time their arrival to match their level of spirituality. If they are all ready to enter Zion, then we will move them closer to our New Jerusalem island by our miraculous power, even as we did in moving the tribes of Israel a thousand miles overnight. If the people in the trek are not yet ready, we will give them more experiences to cause them to come to us in prayer, to seek us humbly so that they might repent and overcome some of their major weaknesses.

3. Our intentions are for those who walk to Zion to become prepared for Zion in the experiences they have along their trek. If they are united in the cause of Zion, and bound together in love, one towards another, then they will be able to catch up in gospel scholarship and understanding once they arrive in Zion. The more important issue for us is the condition of their heart and mind.

4. There will be those like yourself, your wife and son who come to Zion without a trek. For these we will give them experiences in their mortal lives to prepare them for Zion. All whom we bring to Zion need to be prepared spiritually, and to be loving and willing to receive more. In time, as the telestial world falls apart and becomes a more hostile place, we will gather our humble and prepared elect by our 144,000 servants. They will bring them to Zion in their own portals, like you came here above your own camp by your intention, in your portal. These humble souls whom they will bring will have been prepared by the things they suffered, and by turning their hearts and minds to us, their Gods.

5. If an individual doesn't turn to us in their extremities, but fights God and seeks to elevate themselves above another, they are not our elect. Our elect hear our voice and obey our commandments. We will gather our elect together from the ends of the earth, even to Zion, the New Jerusalem. This will be the place for our saints of the most high. The word saints means those whom we sanctify by the reception of our Spirit. It does not mean formal membership in any church. Those who belong to our church repent and come unto our Beloved Son:

6. D&C 10: 67

"Behold, this is my doctrine-whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church.'

7. This revelation was given to Joseph Smith, our prophet, even one year before the Church of Christ was formally organized on the earth. Such will be the case in Zion, for the saints of God will repent and be gathered together into the church of God, even before our Church of Christ will be reestablished again among them in a formal setting.'

8. We continued looking upon my encampment. I saw the light of my Heavenly Mother come upon those who were praying to God, and seeking answers to their prayers. I knew this was the Spirit of God that had power to change their open hearts and minds.

9. Heavenly Mother then turned towards me and smiled. She spoke: 'Raphael, we will thus prepare our elect for Zion who seek us and repent. We will bring them to Zion when we will, even until all are safely gathered as Saints of the most high God.'

10. I thanked her for these beautiful truths she revealed to me this morning. I then closed my prayer as soon as she departed.

11. Evening-I came tonight to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I was tired from my day's activities. I came to the water's edge and knelt. Heavenly Father came to me, in the brightness of his glory. He came to my side and put his arm around my shoulders. We were both facing the desert oasis when he spoke:

12. 'Raphael, the 144,000 servants will largely come from the tribes of Israel who are already on the island of the New Jerusalem. Every tribe is represented in these tribes that have come, even as described in Revelation 7:4-8 and D&C 77:11. Their knowledge of the gospel truths that we have revealed on the earth will largely be taught to them during the evening gospel study classes on our island. They will soon be able to study these records for themselves, in addition to hearing these truths taught to them by the 200 men and women teachers. This people will become very understanding of the many truths that we have revealed to our children from the beginning of time. Hidden records will also come to light, and be taught in these groups. Their understanding will be great, and none will excel this people in gospel scholarship and knowledge. Each one attending these classes will know for themselves what they accept as true, for they will have verified all that they receive by our Spirit in prayer. The Holy Spirit will be in great abundance in all of these classes, even to great outpourings of truth to many, including secret things that have never yet been revealed to man.'

13. I then saw in vision upon the living water of the oasis these very classes that would start tomorrow. I saw the children of God thirsting for these truths from God, and eagerly accepting all that would be revealed once they confirmed it was all true and of God. I saw in their eyes a love for God and the many truths revealed to them.

14. When the vision ended, my Heavenly Father left and I closed my evening prayer.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 1, 2021

1. I came this morning to the fountain of living water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came to me from the east tree of life. She walked up to me, extended her hand, and I stood and took her hand. We started walking around her beautiful celestial garden in the temple block area. We walked in silence for some time, just enjoying the great beauty of her plants and animals.

2. When we arrived at the east street that divides the celestial from the terrestrial, she stopped, let go of my hand, faced me and spoke:

3. 'Raphael, today you will meet with the 200 teachers of the northern tribes of Israel at noon, here in the terrestrial realm (see your post 201G6). I will give you of my Holy Ghost when you teach them. You will teach them the great importance of testing all the information that they will be receiving from you and others who may teach them. I will witness to their minds and hearts what you teach to be of God. This is the same Spirit they are to seek when they teach later today and from now on every evening.

4. Have the teachers each open their own teaching session with kneeling, humble and open prayer with the people they teach. The people need to ask of us, their Gods, in order for us to abundantly pour out our blessings. As they do this daily at the beginning and end of their classes, we will always be with them in great abundance, and send our Spirit.'

5. Heavenly Mother then handed to me a large bell and a bell hammer. She spoke while she was giving these to me:

6. 'Give the head prophet of the tribes of Israel this bell that we have created on our celestial orb. This will ring to start the classes, and also to end. We don't want these classes to continue for a long time after the ending bell rings, for many have young children that need to be put to bed, and all should go home and ponder these teachings in their private places. We also want the people to get used to starting and ending on time.'

7. The bell was suspended from the top and could swing when struck with the hammer. Both seemed to be made of brass. The bell was about 12 inches tall by 7 inches wide, and the bell hammer was the size of a 12 inch hammer I was accustomed to. I thanked her very much for these two items. I knew the bell and hammer would be cherished by the prophet, and show the people the great importance of studying the word of God. Heavenly Mother said these should be placed in the center of the island, on the grassy park in a small memorial location that the people should construct. The hammer should be kept in a secure box below the bell, available only to be used by the one assigned to ring the bell. The sound would be heard when the bell was struck with the hammer. It would be heard all over the island at 7:00 pm each day to start the classes, and at the end of the classes at 8:00 pm. This bell would be heard in both the terrestrial and celestial realms in the New Jerusalem.

8. Heavenly Mother then departed into the celestial sky. I watched until she was no longer visible. I then walked to the temple and through the north doors. I brought the bell and bell hammer into the font room office, and set these on the desk until I was to give them at noon to the prophet. I closed my prayer here in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Evening-Tonight I came to my Heavenly Father at the fountain of living water on the island of the New Jerusalem. He appeared before me and spoke:

10. 'Raphael, you met with the prophet and the other teachers he approved for teaching the tribes of Israel. You introduced yourself and gave him the bell and bell hammer given to you this morning from your Heavenly Mother. You spoke to those 200 teachers assembled of your position as a mortal angel of God, and briefly related how you were called. You said your name was Raphael, the third male archangel of God, one of seven male angels who stands in the presence of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

11. You then gave them the first message we gave to you over the past few days about verifying to oneself in prayer the truthfulness of all things. Your entire message lasted almost one hour. We sent the Spirit of God upon all of those you addressed, so much that at the end of your message, they all came to their knees. They were overcome with the Spirit, and thanked us, their Gods, for this message from us that you relayed to them.

12. After you asked them to arise, you asked the prophet of the people to address the other teachers. He came by you and verified, as a second witness, that what you had shared with them was true. He said he was told beforehand by me, his Father in heaven, that you would speak on this topic. He also said he felt the burning of the Spirit again when you spoke. He asked each one of the teachers to pray to God and seek to confirm to themselves before they would teach tonight, the truthfulness of these things.

13. He then turned to you, Raphael, and said all of the tribes know of these 200 locations on the island. Those who were 16 years of age and older were instructed to come at 7:00 pm after dinner to one of these locations. They had already signed up where they would be attending. The prophet then thanked you and Heavenly Mother for the bell and hammer. He then said he would strike the heavenly bell at 6:30 pm three times. This would give all the people a warning to prepare their families and little ones so they could be in place at 7:00 pm. He would strike the bell once at 7:00 pm to start, and once at 8:00 pm to end. He said he would keep the bell and hammer safe until a suitable structure and monument could be designed and built to house the bell and hammer.

14. Raphael, you thanked their prophet, and then asked all the group to kneel while you prayed. They all knelt and you prayed to Heavenly Mother and me. The Holy Ghost from Heavenly Mother then came upon all and witnessed to their hearts and minds of the truths you spoke.

15. At the conclusion of your prayer, you dismissed the 200 teachers. You said you would join one of their groups each evening to listen and observe.

16. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I were pleased how the noon meeting transpired today.

17. This evening, the prophet rang the bell at 6:30 pm three times, and then at 7:00 pm to start the 200 classes across the island. They all began with a kneeling prayer, petitioning us that the Spirit of God would be present.

18. Each group teacher taught by the Spirit, and shared the message you had given earlier at noon to them. We were very pleased with the open and humble attitude of our elect children in these classes. They were each touched by the Spirit of God, for this is what we sent upon them. Only our truths were taught, and there were no falsehoods or untruths. Your Heavenly Mother and I were very pleased.

19. Continue meeting and teaching these 200 teachers daily at noon in the central grassy park in the terrestrial realm. Teach according to our Spirit, and we will witness to each teacher at noon, and each hearer later in the evening by our Spirit.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his account to me, and to have shared what happened to my conscious mind. I said I felt very humbled and full of joy at these things!

21. Heavenly Father then drew me close and embraced me, even while I was on my knees before him. He then smiled, stepped back and disappeared. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 2, 2021

1. I reread what I wrote last night and confirmed with God that it was true. This brought me a lot of joy. In the telestial world where I live, there is a lot of difficulty in finding the truth. We have so many falsehoods in the news, all which seem to be aimed to mislead us and entrap us in the snares of men and devils. Why don't the people ask God if they are being led in the right way?

2. D&C 46:7

"But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils."

3. I came this morning in my prayer to God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the little stream. I knelt and drank celestial living water and felt refreshed. I then faced the lake to the south, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

4. Heavenly Mother then appeared on the north shore of the lake, and walked to me in the air. When she came before me, she spoke:

5. 'Raphael, you wrote in your journal last night what your Heavenly Father spoke to you. The first classes of instruction were a great success. I sent my Holy Ghost in abundance to our humble and open people who attended. When they returned to their tents last night to their younger family members, they shared these truths with them. I bore witness to these little ones also of the truths of what their parents taught them. They were all uplifted, and generally felt this message was true and of God. They are now ready to hear more truths from us, through you and our teachers. We will inspire you to share with them today at noon when you speak to the 200 teachers.

6. Our people are working diligently on their twelve assignments I gave to you on July 25, 2021, over a week ago. They work with a purpose and happy heart to build up Zion, each laboring in their strength and with their might. We are pouring out our Spirit upon them while they work together, so that they receive joy in their labors. Your Father and I have come among them already in disguise. We do this to enjoy working side by side with our faithful children.

7. Last night before your evening prayer, you listened to some frightening videos on what evil men and women have put into the supposed vaccines. These are meant to kill the people. They also have nanoparticles that can one day be activated to control or destroy them. These sinister plans are meant to greatly reduce mankind on the earth.

8. We are preparing a place of refuge from this great evil and controlling society. Our people who live on the telestial mortal earth will find an escape if they pray to us and listen to our voice. We will guide them carefully, even to our place of gathering in our terrestrial mortal earth. Once they come to the New Jerusalem and our future Zion communities, they will be fully protected from the great evil and difficult calamities coming upon the fallen telestrial earth.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her messages to me this morning. I felt a great yearning to awaken those around me where I live, particularly my friends and family. I know I cannot do this in my telestial world. I will pray for these to turn to God for personal revelation. I fear many of them will, however, listen to those on earth who lead them without our guidance, and be led astray.

10. Heavenly Mother knew my thought and spoke: 'Raphael, you do well to pray for your brothers and sisters, but they need to choose to follow our gentle promptings themselves. You have no power to influence them except by showing love to them and accepting them as they are. You are not yet allowed to open your mouth except as we may occasionally give you direction to do so by our Spirit. This time is their time to be tested, to see if they will do what we gently prompt them to do.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother again. She smiled and then turned and walked back to her lake. She disappeared as she got to the shore. I then closed my morning prayer.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, August 3, 2021

1. This morning I came to the south cliff overlooking God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt and faced God's distant temple to the north. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me in the air. He was bright and glorious, and was smiling upon me. I felt fully accepted as I was, complete with all of my mortal weaknesses and foibles.

3. He spoke: 'Raphael, all men and women in mortality have weaknesses. You are no exception, for this is a condition of mortality. Your Heavenly Mother and I know that you are weak and frail in some areas more than other people might be. You may try to work on your weaknesses, and we will help you turn them into strengths as you humbly come to us in prayer. Your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen to work through you, our weak and humble servant, even with all of your mortal foibles. We will orchestrate much of the work in the New Jerusalem through you. This honor does not lift you in any way above your fellowman, but it does show to all that we call whom we will, and still can do great things through the weak among them who are humble and meek.

4. Do not be discouraged by your own weaknesses, for we have given them to you. We watch and observe what you do with these mortal foibles. In our celestial world, you don't have these weaknesses, but are strong and very capable. However, in the mortal telestial or terrestrial world, you will continue to have various weaknesses, even throughout the millennium.

5. My advice is to fully accept and recognize your weaknesses that we have given to you. Do not let these discourage you, for all have weakness to some degree. Instead accept these, and rejoice that we, your Gods, can still direct and inspire you as we do. Be happy with the many gifts and strengths we continually bless you with. We will sustain you in every time of trouble, even with the weaknesses that you personally struggle with. This is all part of our plan.

6. Accept now my Spirit, and feel sustained and uplifted by your Heavenly Mother and me. Recognize the great need to remain humble and open. We will magnify you far beyond your own capabilities. We will endow you with our Spirit and our mantle of authority. This is ours to give as we choose, and given to you because of your important calling. We choose to work through you and our other servants who are also weak and not yet perfected.

7. D&C 133:58-59

"To prepare the weak for those things which are coming on the earth, and for the Lord's errand in the day when the weak shall confound the wise, and a little one become a strong nation, and two shall put their tens of thousands to flight.

And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thresh the nations by the power of his Spirit."'

8. I bowed my head before my almighty and perfect God. I thanked him to have buoyed me up with his words of truth, and his Spirit. When I am weak, then am I strong. (see Corinthians chapter 12, particularly 2 Corinthians 12:5-10).

9. Heavenly Father smiled upon me in acceptance of me, just as I am. He slowly faded away. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, his Beloved Son.

10. "Email received from S on 8-3-2021 entitled "Road Construction":


I have enjoyed reading about the learning/teaching that is occurring in the evening with the 200 teachers, and all the 12 groups of laborers. I have confirmed that this is true. I am excited for truth to be poured out upon all the people in the New Jerusalem. I wanted to share my experience in prayer from this morning. My family and S.A.'s family are actively preparing needful items for our departure next month. We are trying to do so prayerfully and we have received answers and directions in our prayers. It all seems a little overwhelming as there are many unknowns in regards to our course, weather we will experience, amount of food needed, how to find water, and how to carry it all with young families. We are putting our trust in God and moving forward as we have felt led to do by the Spirit. This scripture brought comfort as I taught the youth in church on Sunday.

D&C 84:81-82 "Therefore, take ye no thought for the morrow, for what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, or wherewithal ye shall be clothed.

For, consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; and the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these."

8/3/21 AM

In prayer, I felt to call upon Heavenly Father. I expressed my gratitude to commune with my Heavenly Parents and for Jesus Christ's atonement. Heavenly Father called me to his side. He stood beside the current road being built in the New Jerusalem. The area was marked and there were loads of sand, followed by rock already placed in the area before us. I saw heavy carts loaded with the materials being drawn by horses to this area. The next step was for the cement to be placed in this area.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'You are currently laboring here on the road construction in your replicated self. This is arduous work and predominantly the young and strong men are laboring diligently in this construction. These roads will be needful in Zion. You recently had significant rains and flooding around your home that made the ground muddy. We will have many people traverse these areas and roadways are needful. The workers before you feel in their heart that they are preparing this city for the return of their king, even Jesus Christ, to the earth. There is a joy and purpose in their labors and they work hard without complaint. These days will hold a special place in the hearts of all those who labored abundantly to prepare this city from the foundation up.

You long to be here and participate too. You need to quickly repair your flooded basement that you may set out and organize your supplies for your journey. This will help you realize what you are to take and what is needful to obtain this month. Continue to speak to your wife and S.A. to bounce ideas off of each other regarding needful preparations. The time is short to complete all these tasks but we will bless you as you are diligent.'

I prayed for courage and faith for my journey ahead. I asked a blessing upon my extended family for whatever course lies ahead for them, that they may be directed by the spirit and heed its promptings. Heavenly Father departed from my side and I closed my prayer.



11. Evening-This morning just before I had my morning prayer, I received an email from S and S.A. (see S's email above). I have been thinking how near term going to Zion is all becoming! In our country, there is so much pressure for the people to get the COVID-19 injections. I believe these are blatant lies in their campaigns to hide the truth and try to persuade the people to be inoculated. It is all so very disgusting to me. I know this will all be part of us losing our freedoms, probably in the guise of a medical emergency. I am glad to soon depart this sinister world. I will terribly miss my loved ones, however.

12. I have been doing activities every day as if I were not going to the New Jerusalem any time soon. This is how I have been told to do. My preparations are already done I think, and I am watching events as things get worse in my telestial mortal world. I wonder how everything will all come about. Will it be much worse by the end of September when I leave to go to the New Jerusalem with my wife and son? I probably shouldn't speculate, for this will get me in trouble. I would then have expectations of what my mind had conjured up. I want instead to just observe as events happen. I know God has it all under control.

13. I came to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens tonight. I sought to connect with her in my personal prayer. I came to the east bank of the river representing Heavenly Mother. I was at the start of her lower gardens to my east.

14. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She then walked to me from her remedy beds. She came before me and stopped. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that events in your telestial world will continue to escalate, with more freedoms removed from the people. This is the beginning of severe troubles that have been brewing this entire year.

15. You are also correct to not conjecture how we might do our work in your own personal life, and that of your wife and son in coming to Zion. We recommend that you just observe our hand in your lives. What S referenced in his email to you this morning also refers to you (see D&C 84:81-85). "Take no thought for the morrow (verse 81), ...Therefore, let the morrow take thought for the things of itself (verse 84)." This means for you, and for our elect preparing to come to Zion, that we will order all things so you will be able to depart as we desire, even without you worrying. For those preparing to leave on a trek, as they pray to us, we will inspire them what to take with them. For you, Raphael, we want you to follow our instructions in verse 85: "Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto (you)..." (word in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

16. Therefore, don't conjecture about the future, whether you are here in the telestial mortal world or in the terrestrial mortal world. We will orchestrate all as we desire for you.

17. Each one planning to come to Zion may also pray to us, their Gods, and we will give them specific revelation for them.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. I said to her that I would continue living my life in my telestial world, taking no thought for my departure, but living life as if I were going to stay here for my entire life with my family. Whenever God would have us move, then we would be moved. I would seek to have no expectations more than this.

19. Heavenly Mother smiled and said that this would please her. She then turned and walked back into her lower garden and was gone. I closed my evening prayer.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, August 4, 2021

1. One of the medical doctors I follow online sent out an email and said all of his content on his website would be removed in 48 hours. Dr. Joseph Mercola has been one of twelve others targeted by the dark powers to remove his content or suffer the consequences. This violation of free speech is alarming to me! We are losing our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms very fast!

2. I came before my Heavenly Father at the circling waters on the celestial orb this morning. I felt at great peace, for my Father's light, love and protection flowed into me through the Holy Spirit. I will seek to maintain this great peace while living in my mortal world.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you and John the Beloved have been given by the laying on of my hands the keys of the gathering of Israel (see your post 51J10 to 51J11 and post 74G3). It is now time for both of you to exercise these keys.

4. For you, follow me to the topmost spire of the New Jerusalem temple that has now been erected upon that celestial spot on the physical earth. Blow your trumpet long and loud to the four quarters of the earth, to the north, then to the south, the east and the west. Then proclaim, with a loud voice in both the celestial and terrestrial realms, for Israel now to be gathered home to the New Jerusalem, even as I will inspire you by my Spirit.

5. Our elect who are upon the telestial earth, will hear your call in their unconscious minds. We will inspire them as they ponder in their hearts, in their prayers to us their Gods, their Heavenly Parents. We will give them revelation to prepare and soon depart Babylon and come to Zion.'

6. Heavenly Father extended to me his right hand, and I stood and took it in my left. We then were instantly above the top spire of the New Jerusalem temple. I saw Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ there. Heavenly Father let go of my hand and stood next to them. I also saw my archangel brothers and archangel sisters, gathered all before me, also above the top spire in the air. Other angels and celestial servants were also gathered above us in the celestial skies.

7. I then descended until my feet rested upon the gold top cap of the highest spire of the New Jerusalem temple. It was just after 9:00 am Utah time.

8. I withdrew my trumpet of God from under my angel vestures. I then blew to the north for about five seconds, then turned and blew to the south, east and finally the west for five seconds each. The notes were the same, and were higher in tone that I had previously heard from any trumpet of God.

9. I then replaced my trumpet behind my angel vestures. I withdrew my sword of Raphael high above my head. I faced west where I was last facing when I blew my trumpet. I spoke with my loudest voice:

10. "Israel, come home! Depart Babylon, the telestial world, and come to Zion, the pure in heart. Pray to God and they will give you personal revelation. In Zion there is peace and safety. God will send angels to go before you to prepare your way. Depart quickly, lest sudden destruction come upon you. This is your call to the New Jerusalem, located on the center of the land of promise."

11. I then came before my three Gods who were before me, and knelt in the air. My Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well! We will repeat this message to the unconscious minds of our chosen elect in the next days, weeks, months and years. Our call to Zion has now officially gone forth.

12. I then suddenly came back to my private room. I pondered what had happened, and confirmed it was true. I thanked my Gods for this experience. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. Evening-I have reread my blowing of the trumpet of God, and my proclamation from this morning. I reconfirmed it was true. I know that I have been given the keys of the gathering of Israel, along with John the Beloved. I am curious what more this entails, for myself and for John.

14. I came to the north gold temple steps at the New Jerusalem tonight. I knelt facing the fountain of living water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to answer my prayer. She immediately appeared in the air above the fountain, and made her way to me in a beam of light. She was beautiful and very bright and glorious! She spoke: 'Raphael, your mission to gather Israel will remain with you until the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. John's role with gathering is primarily with the 144,000 who are called to gather the elect from the four quarters of the earth. You will work together in this great effort. There will be many who will labor with both of you in this great work but you two are charged to do so and hold these keys. John will act under his Father, Jesus Christ. You will act under Heavenly Father and me.

15. All of the angels and celestial servants will be empowered through your commission. We will direct them through our Spirit and revelations, under your overall keys and commission. These will gather our elect one by one, even as we direct. Once they come to the New Jerusalem and cities of Zion, those who welcome them will do so under your direction, even until the Church of Christ is established in the land of Zion. When that happens, you will lay your hands on the president of that church and share with him the keys of gathering you have specifically been given by the Father and Jesus Christ in May, 2015. Joseph Smith will also lay his hands upon that man's head and give him the keys of gathering of Israel he received (he received these from Moses on April 3, 1836, D&C 110: 11). At that time, the welcoming to Zion and her cities will fall under the authority of the president and prophet of the Church of Christ. You will focus your energies on the Church of the Firstborn, even until Jesus Christ comes in glory and takes his rightful place as head of this celestial church.

16. This morning you made a trumpet proclamation to all the elect upon the earth. This is the start of more intensive gathering of Israel to the New Jerusalem and our Zion cities, even until the second coming of Jesus Christ. All that you recorded in your journal this morning is accurate and true.

17. Your Father, Jesus Christ and I are very pleased that this time has now come! We will now let fall the calamities upon the nations. This will stir our elect everywhere to call upon us, their Gods. We will give them direction to gather spiritually and physically to Zion, for this is in reality built up and soon will be prepared to receive these, our elect children.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. Her eyes were full of love as they seemed to sparkle before me. I loved being in her presence! I thanked her for this high commission to have received these keys of gathering Israel. I said I would follow all that they would direct me to do.

19. She departed into the celestial sky, and I closed my evening prayer.

20. I received this email on 8-4-2021 from S.A. after I asked if she would be willing to pray about what I recorded about my trumpet proclamation:

"Hello R! I'll share with you my journal of what I received in prayer today.

I came in prayer above the temple in the New Jerusalem with my Heavenly Parents. I saw the scene from this morning with Raphael standing above the temple and blowing his trumpet of God.

I wondered where and how it would really happen for their children to hear this message to come to Zion in their subconscious minds.

My Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Similar to when you felt drawn to move to Snowflake, by the inspiration of our Spirit given to you, so will our children feel when they hear this call from Raphael to come to Zion, in their subconscious minds. They will feel deeply moved by this and a great desire to flee for their safety where they can gather with the righteous.

We have a plan for each of our elect and will share this event and it's message to them in a timely manner, when it is needful for them to hear.

For some, it will be a trek by foot to Zion. Others will be gathered after they have begun their trek by the 144,000, and will then be brought to Zion. Some will feel a desire to be ready and will soon teleport there with the help of our called servants.'

I looked down and saw next Rapahel with his sword overhead, and lightning reaching upwards to the sky from it. It was quite dramatic and I thought it would leave a deep impression on those who witnessed or will witness this event. I saw myself below in the crowd of celestial servants.

I then wondered if the northern tribes in Zion saw this event.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Some will be able to see it in their subconscious minds and this will buoy them up in their efforts to build up Zion for the aid of their fellowman, and in preparation for the return of the Savior!'

I sensed a sacred reverence at the beginning of the event, with the blowing of the trumpet. After the final words were spoken by Raphael, there was great excitement, rejoicing and tears of joy in many eyes.

I then looked at my Heavenly Parents and felt that my Heavenly Father had an abundance of satisfaction in his fatherly role of providing for his children's needs and protecting them with his meticulously made upcoming plans for his elect who flee Babylon.

I looked at Heavenly Mother and could sense her happiness to be providing comfort, love, direction, and fulfilling her role as our Heavenly Mother by nurturing her children in gentle ways in their day of great distress soon coming.

I then gave thanks to my Heavenly Parents, and was full of great emotion as I felt of their great and deep love as the parents of us all, and of their divine roles as our Father and Mother. They are so true to these roles, and I felt very impressed by this realization of their great and specific work and roles they each have in providing for us during these last days. I then closed my prayer.

Sending my best,

21. Here is my email back to S.A. on 8-5-2021:

"Wow, what a second witness you received, S.A.! Thank you! I so appreciate you receiving such remarkable details, and being so observant in your prayer. You have truly a remarkable ability to connect in prayer to our Heavenly Parents, and receive revelation from our Gods.

May I share this at the end of post 201? Thanks again! I will reread this multiple times I know, for this was great!


22. Here is what S.A. wrote back to me:

"Yes you sure can! I was particularly moved by the words you spoke yesterday standing above their temple. "God will send angels to go before you to prepare your way. Depart quickly lest sudden destruction come upon you."

The song Come to Zion ran through my head and I began to sing it out loud as I pondered your message. I got emotional as I sang it, for I realized there would be great safety to follow the Spirit and flee, and no safety to remain.

Have a blessed day!

23. I also received this email from S entitled "Israel, Israel God is Calling" on 8-5-2021:


I read the invitation to the 12 tribes to come to Zion from yesterday. I felt great peace as I read this account. I wanted to pray and ask if it was true. Here is my account from this morning.

8/5/21 AM

In prayer, I desired to ask about Raphael's proclamation for the tribes of Israel to come to Zion, the New Jerusalem.

I heard my Heavenly Parents invite me to their sides above the spire of the celestial temple in the New Jerusalem. As I focused on this location, I came to their sides. They were both happy, smiling, and full of light. As I looked down, I saw green grass, green trees and plants surrounding this area. It all looked so beautiful and thriving.

Heavenly Father spoke first: 'This is the location where we directed Raphael to invite our elect to come to Zion yesterday. This call has now gone forth. In the coming days, weeks, months and years, many will heed this call. The hymn words "Come to zion, come to zion" (Hymn #7 Israel, Israel God is calling) are fitting for this exact time. The timing for each child to come is unique and personal for all will not come at once. Each is to wait for us, their Heavenly Parents, to direct them as to their timing for departure.'

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'You felt our spirit as you read the words I gave to Raphael about not worrying about your departure and that we would order all things so you will be able to depart as we desire. This message was intended for you too, and will bring you peace as you wait for our directive to you personally. We will order the events and circumstances in your life that you may freely leave your current life and travel. (I thought of how Jesus Christ completely trusted in his Heavenly Parents from day to day during his ministry and he did not worry but trusted in their care with great faith).

Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Be at peace and let your worries depart. We will be by your side. We will bless you and strengthen you to fulfill all that we direct you to do.'

I began to cry as I felt their love and warmth envelop me. This scene closed before me and I ended my prayer in Jesus name.


Your friend,


24. My email back to S:

"Thank you S for sharing such a beautiful experience you had in prayer! I felt the Spirit as I read what you wrote. Thank you for this additional witness!

2 Corinthians 13:1

". . . In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established"

Your sister S.A. also wrote to me this morning with her remarkable witness too. I expect she will give me permission to share it. I plan to put both of your accounts next to each other to close out my post 201.

I love how our Heavenly Parents uses both of us to answer each other's prayers, like in referencing D&C 84. Thank you again!
