69. The Shields of the Father
Posted 2-18-2018

Hello my friends,

I hope each of you are doing well. I have heard several reports of sickness and health problems of you or your loved ones this past week. I pray for your recovery and added strength!

This post will give you some very happy news about additional protection from our Heavenly Father! You have all received this great blessing now, as well as practically all of the elect of God. These are the shields of the Father to protect us from the personal intrusions of Satan and his evil devices in our beings! Read all about these in this post.

Please confirm this great news with your Father in Heaven. When confirmed, this information of your own protection will become a great blessing to you!

At the end of my post, I also shared a memory blessing that each of you may also receive from our Heavenly Mother. This pre-mortal memory will greatly strengthen you to "hang in there" during the coming battle with the adversary.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 6, 2018 Tuesday (continued)

1. Later, at evening prayer: I came to bed early, before my wife retired. I felt to go to the oasis at night! My sister had said she had done this. She said God told her they might create any environment in their world they wish, for their pleasure and enjoyment.

So I tried to come here at night. The moon was out, a full moon, and it was so serene and still! I drank of the water from the oasis in the moonlight. I then knelt on the sand next to the water's edge, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. I saw a subdued light come from the full moon it seemed. Soon Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came above the lake and then in front of me. There was light immediately around their persons, but it was dark everywhere else, just lightened by the moonlight. My Heavenly Parents were smiling broadly and seemed very pleased.

I thanked them to come before them in this extremely still location! It was warm still, clear sky and moonlight everywhere. I could see my moon shadow and I had seen the reflection of my Heavenly Parents on the waters as they gradually descended to me.

3. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we come here at night sometimes to enjoy these silent moments. It is so enjoyable to share these together! We walk or float above our desert creations at night, arm in arm. We talk and relish this time together!'

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, we will give you no revelation or new doctrine tonight. We hardly want to disturb the serenity and silence of our oasis, moon and desert at night!'

She then leaned her head on Heavenly Father's shoulder and they quietly floated away, arm in arm, over their beautiful world! I could see the subtle light coming from them as they faded away in the distance!

5. Such was my unique prayer tonight! Heavenly Mother had said one thing as she departed:

'Raphael, relish the great peace and quietness of our world at the oasis! You will find tranquility and deep satisfaction that you rarely can receive in any other place!'

I then sat on the bench and listened and observed. I could almost hear my heartbeat! So still and peaceful!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 7, 2018, Wednesday

1. I had some early morning errands, and awoke for my prayer around 6:00 AM. I prayed again at the oasis and found it was sunrise! There were desert birds chirping and it seemed more desert creatures were starting to awaken. There was a crispness in the air.

I drank of the cool water from the oasis and then knelt, facing south. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I saw one light grow over the water and my glorious Heavenly Mother was there. She came close to me, smiling! She seemed happy.

2. She asked me to go to the adjacent room and write her words:

'Raphael, we may create any climate or situation we desire in our heavenly world. Last night we caused a full moon to arise in the clear sky and this morning we are in a sunrise, with a bright sun arising from the east. We may change the environment as we wish to meet our needs or desires. We have also created different sections of our wilderness area to reflect the various eco climate we desire: this area is the desert, the circling water is usually spring time, my lower gardens are summer for growing of my fruits, vegetables and flowers. I often create a fall climate in some of our forests to experience that season- for I so love the fall time!

We also may experience any kind of weather we desire. You have seen clear skies, wispy clouds, and even very dark rain clouds and lightning in our world. We control all by our power and according to our desires.

3. There are many in your area on earth that are praying to us for more winter snows and rain. They fear for a dry summer and are concerned for lack of water to grow their crops. You attended a fast and testimony meeting in Payson, Utah last week where the Stake President asked all of his stake members to pray and fast for moisture now. In that meeting, you inquired of us if you should join their prayers, but thought that an angel was behind this dry winter change, on our command.

4. Raphael, you were correct that angels are now fully controlling weather across your planet, on our command. We are changing weather patterns, and execute our own plans. We use our holy angels to command the weather, the earth and the heavenly orbs in your solar system to do as we wish. These unusual patterns of climate and weather are our doing through our angels who act as our conduits of power.

5. Some of the earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean tsunamis and other earth and water actions are due to Mother Earth revolting at the wickedness of our children on her surface. Other activity that is unusual is by our direct command to our angels. You will see increasing cataclysmic upheavals of the earth this year–all part of the cleansing of the wicked from her surface, to prepare for a happier future world.

6. In the millennial day, the earth will finally rest, for her inhabitants will live in peace and love. There will be regular seasons and resplendent beauty on her surface. When our people pray for increased rain, we will gladly answer their prayers. There will be a very happy earth and world in which to live during those future days.

7. So for now, it will have no effect for our people to pray to change the weather and earth changes. We desire they pray for personal improvement in ridding sin from their lives, increasing their love and service to others, and to guard themselves from the increase of evil all around them. We will hear every plea that is sincere to come unto us, their God, and to repent and be open to our promptings. We will pour light and knowledge on our elect who humble themselves before us, and openly ask for our guidance and direction.

8. The religion of the day in your area, our Latter-day Saints Church, is now restrictive on its members to believe a certain way. This pattern of belief, always trying to confirm with present or past leaders who speak and give church doctrine and policies, is now very restrictive and oppressive for our people. There are many truths mixed with errors that confuse our elect, and keep them in a state of fear and close-mindedness. We need them to be humble and open, but find few that will venture out of their restrictive thought patterns. Our people are oppressed with their own "should beliefs". They lead many to judgment of others, if they don't conform their distorted thoughts of how they should act.

9. Raphael, we will shake these, our elect, with change so they may become open and questioning, and hopefully will approach us in humility and the sincerity of their souls. We cannot reach them if they continue to act in their same darkened ways.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning! It had now become brighter in the day during our visit at the oasis this morning. Oh, how I love to discover the wonders of God's world on this celestial orb!

I concluded my prayer. I sought to have my Heavenly Parents with me continually today. I felt so much at peace, in order, and full of love and happiness today!

11. Later–I entered into prayer tonight in the privacy of my bedroom. I came to God's Loving Healing Center, just opposite the switchback path in the little meadow by the horizontal log. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came at the top of the hill to the east, by the top of the switchback. They didn't come to me further than this location. I felt to go closer to them, so I went to the bottom of the little hill and looked up at them. They were both dressed in regal robes and were smiling! I asked for them to speak. Heavenly Father asked that I write his words:

12. 'Raphael, we have just come from a meeting with our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the domed room to our left. We have assessed the state of the earth and its inhabitants. We have reviewed our plans to reach our elect in more dramatic ways. We know this will augment the activity of our holy angels to at least double of what they are accustomed to do. Their time of preparation is running out, as we will keep them now very active in the celestial realms of the earth. Each is now required to replicate many times in order to keep up with our commands. This is now only going to increase until our Son, Jesus Christ, comes again to the earth.

13. We will keep you very busy also, Raphael, as a leader of our servants in the celestial realms, in our celestial world here and on the earth. We will also increase revelation to you of our truths and directions from heaven. We like your increased availability now also, so we may more extensively speak to you at night in your prayers. Keep your journal handy so you may record all we give to you!

14. Tonight, in preparation for your prayer, you cleared your mind and thoughts by your own willpower in your mind, and not by drinking living water in our kingdom. These are now equivalent for you. You may use the same willpower to clear your mind at any time of the day as you live on the earth. You have full power to quiet your mind and clear your mind in order to be receptive to our words. We will also frequently now speak to you during the day, between your prayers. Every time we communicate with you, record the prompting and our words in your journal as you feel them in your mind and heart. You have developed a very good sense of intuition and the ability to listen to us, however soft we speak to you. By this means you will daily, at all times, be in a state of communication with us, your Gods.

15. It is now time for you to get rest and sleep. Even though in your sleep you rest your body and your conscious mind, we will continue to have you serve us, as we direct you in your unconscious mind. Such is also the case for all the mortal angels as well. Usually you will have no recollections of your activities in our celestial realms, day or night. If you do, write these also down in your journal. This will constitute your record of your activities in your conscious mind on earth and our revelations to you in your translated mortal body. You are also recording in our celestial realms the activities you do there, that we give you to do in your unconscious mind. These records are kept in heaven.

16. We encourage each of our mortal angels to keep their own records in their own journals, as they become more and more aware of their progress and activity as holy angels.

We love each mortal angel with a great love and patience! We will help each grow into the angelic man or woman we know they will become!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful words. I expressed gratitude to be in their service and to commune with them tonight. I then closed my prayer and returned to bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 8, 2018, Thursday

1. I awoke refreshed, ready to meet a new day! I came to my adjacent room to pray, and felt to go to the end of the small mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens, next to the granite cliff. I drank 2 times from the living water at the beginning of the stream, and then the last time I cleared my mind by my own willpower. I do feel more empowered now somehow.

2. I then knelt facing west towards the upper falls down the stream. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both soon appeared, walking up the path, hand in hand to me!

I thanked them for the amazing blessing to be again in their presence! I gazed on them and saw their happy faces and eternity eyes. Being in their presence is so, so very important to me!

I thanked them too that inflammation had so greatly reduced in my right knee and that it is healing well. I love praying!

3. I asked for them to speak if they wanted. Heavenly Mother smiled and asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, we are pleased also to come to you in our morning communion this lovely day! I have designed this mountain stream setting, with the beautiful trees, water plants and abundant mountain flowers all around. This is one of my favorite places to enjoy our creations and in being together with your Father and my children.

4. Today, I wish to speak to you about our eternity eyes, and how your own eyes will develop into eyes of deep understanding, compassion and strength.

We have created our children in our image. They see and perceive through their eyes. Their eyes move to reflect their thoughts. You can see so much by looking into the eyes of our children on earth. The eyes also reflect the goodness and well being of their spirits. Timidity or confidence is depicted in the eyes. Love and hate, opposite emotions, are seen in the eyes.

5. As you change your thoughts, likewise your eyes change to reflect your thinking, just like your feelings flow from your thoughts. When you pray to us and gaze upon our eternity eyes, you know the nature of our thoughts. We can be so tender, compassionate or patient that you can detect in our eyes, or you can see anger and righteous vengeance–all in our eyes.

When you feel an emotion, it is directly expressed in your eyes. This is by our design so our children may be able to personally judge character and intentions of their fellowman.

6. However, you may consciously mask your thoughts so that they are not showing in your eyes. This sometimes is how deceivers trick people with different emotions than their real feelings or thoughts. Some people are more adept to doing deception through their eyes.

7. I am telling you this because we will increase the depth of your eyes more and more now as you continually serve us and commune with us. This change will come gradually but steadily. It will be a result of your service to us and to the elect of God. As your mind expands with greater understanding, your eyes will also deepen with clearness and love, the primary two most noticeable features that will develop in your eyes.

8. Raphael, as you look now into my eyes with your spiritual eyes, you can see my deep love and tenderness. This cannot be created except by my continually loving and tenderly caring for my children. My eternity eyes have developed over time because of who I am and what I continually do.

9. You have seen in the eyes of our Beloved Son a particular depth of compassion and love. This has come because of his individual sacrifice in atoning for the sins and weaknesses of our sons and daughters. These eyes cannot be duplicated in another, for they are uniquely his eyes.

10. Likewise, your changing eyes will become uniquely yours because of the service and love you render to our children. These eyes will become uniquely yours. There will be a significant change in your eyes by the time you come to the New Jerusalem, and at the beginning of the millennial day. By the end of the thousand years of service you do, in serving our children with the waters of separation ordinance, your eyes will be much deeper with love and joy, having yourself experienced this over so long a period. You will have developed your own eternity eyes!

11. Each angel, each servant, and each of our elect also will develop eternity eyes of their own, based on how they served their fellowman. As they change in their view of our children, being filled with more love and a desire to serve them selflessly, their eyes will become more deep and loving too. All of our angels will continue to serve the elect in our celestial temple each day except on the Sabbath in the New Jerusalem, giving them opportunity to love extensively in their service. By the end of the millennium, their eyes, too, will have developed to be deep with love.

12. Raphael, we consider you our friend, our choice son, one with whom we feel confident to share our inward emotions and truths. We will have this feeling for each one who so faithfully comes unto us, seeking our guidance as do you.'

13. I gazed into my Heavenly Mother's eyes. It seemed that I could see her countless acts of love and service in her eternity eyes! She continually deepens her eyes by her continually, ever expanding tender heart that overflows with love! Oh, I love her so much! I love to be in her presence! I feel so honored to be her son!

I asked that she and Heavenly Father be with me through today during my life on earth, and in all of my celestial activities. I feel they both will be next to me.

I then closed my prayer in the holy name of their Son, Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

14. Later, 1:45 PM: This afternoon I found myself alone at home, so I went into the bedroom to pray. I prayed at the same source of the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I asked Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. Heavenly Father came and when asked, he said he would speak to me. Here are his words he asked me to write:

'Raphael, I am pleased to speak to you mid-day. I have come alone to share with you some of our truths from heaven.'

15. At this point, as is normal, I had no idea what God will say. He continued:

'I want to share with you our plan to save our elect, prior to the second coming of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible contains the Book of Revelation, and your many other scriptures refer to the saving of the righteous in the last time before the destruction of the wicked. Many have tried to link these scriptures together, for we have spoken about these things on many occasions. We have spoken through our Son, Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost (who is your Heavenly Mother) to prophets and inspired men and women, since the world began. However, no one has really been revealed our plan of exact sequence of how we will save our elect in these last days. We guard the details close to us and reveal only a little here and a little there to our children.

16. Yesterday evening you saw that your Heavenly Mother and I had just come from a meeting in the domed room with our Beloved Son. We were dressed in regal robes, as was Jesus Christ. We reviewed the details of all of our plans for the next few years. We shared these together and discussed how we would implement these with those, our servants, who are now or are being awakened.

17. You, Raphael, have many critical roles and challenges in the next few years. Your calling is great, and will encompass gathering many more of the elect of God on the earth, in the world of the dead among the pre-mortal spirits, and among Lucifer and his hosts. Many will turn to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, because of your strong and clear words to them! You will also rally many of our servants to greater efforts to connect to us in mighty prayer. Your actions will motivate and encourage all of these. This is our great effort, to save our choice elect of God!

18. While we plan to use you extensively, you have no idea now how this will be done. This is as we want it to be. We want you to have a clear and very open mind so we may direct you and reveal to you our will, as we want it to happen. There is nobody who knows our plan more than you and you have no idea of how we will act. Only we three Gods know and openly converse on our strange act and strange work.

19. Our elect are so varied and in so many different stages of life and progression. Almost all are asleep to our plans for their personal salvation and rescue. However, as they become aware of our love and powerful arm we extend to them, most will be overcome with desire to come to our Beloved Son and obey our gentle commands. We value each one, and our plans encompass the best way in our Godly perspective to save and bless each. In our great wisdom, love, and power, we will gently lead them one by one, to progress even as we have led you. Our plans and actions are eternal and great! We dwell on all aspects of our divine plan all of the time, to ensure we fulfill every part of our designs to save our elect children!

20. When I selected these elect, as I harvested my wheat field, I saw in my Godly perspective each life, and how our child would choose. I saw and weighed their actions to that point, and foresaw all of their life, past, present and future. I connected with your Heavenly Mother on each one, so that we both concurred on our joint plan. We care for and love each one with our Godly parental love!

21. In all of our plans and actions, we never over step the moral agency of our children. We allow them full choice, but make them accountable for their actions. We extend to them, however, our love and enticements to choose us, and our loving and peaceful ways. We encourage them when they temporarily fall; we whisper to them our belief in them, and we walk beside them in their heavy trials and difficult moments. We do all we can for their greatest happiness! These are our most obedient children, those who have lingered around us and have longed to be with us in the pre-mortal worlds. These are our leaders and our elect we have chosen. Oh, we love them so!'

I finished writing. I could see my Father with heartfelt tears in his eyes. I feel so privileged to be his son to witness his love, and to be part of their work.

22. Later- at 9:30 PM: Tonight, I left the front room and quietly slipped into the back room where I initiated a prayer. I came to the birch tree forest on the slopes going to Enoch's city. I faced north and prayed. I then saw bright lights coming from my left, up the valley hill to Lake Beautiful. Heavenly Father came first through the trees to me, then Heavenly Mother. Soon they were both before me, above the stream, in light and power! They were both smiling and seemed happy to be with me again. I gazed into their faces.

23. I then asked if one or both of them had a message for me. Heavenly Mother indicated she wanted me to write her words, as she would give them to me. I asked if I could go out in the front room again and she agreed. Here are her words that came into my mind:

'Raphael, you have been thinking about Elijah the past few days, and your future role that may be like our ancient prophet. We had given you these thoughts. Tonight, I will share with you more about your "Elijah" mission in these last days.

24. Elijah disregarded all the norms of his time, particularly in the religious and political arenas. He only wanted to do our will and not man's. He was fearless as he fulfilled our commands to King Ahab. He was a man of strength and valor. He was human too, and needed us to boost his morale at times.

25. You will similarly go against the religions and established norms of your day. You will follow us and our commands strictly. Like Elijah, you value what we reveal to you and our actions we may ask of you, more than man.

26. However, you are also an angel of God in the flesh, and it is our desire to keep your works hidden from those around you. You will therefore do our will in the spiritual realms, and not be confrontive in person in your mortal body like Elijah did. Nobody will know of your mortal state where you live, and your connection to Raphael.

27. You will also go before kings and rulers of nations, delivering our messages. You will also visit religious leaders and deliver messages we want an archangel of God to deliver to them. In all of these missions, you will be clothed in your glorious angelic vestures, and speak with our power and authority, as we direct you.

28. You have already visited two leaders in their dreams recently. We will continue sending you in this format and stance, but we will also have you appear in daylight hours before those we send you to. You will speak boldly to them, telling them you are sent from the presence of God and that your name is Raphael. You will deliver our message to all of those we send you at the time we send you.'

This was her message for me tonight. I thanked her for her directions, and to have given me notice of my upcoming visits. I said I would do all they asked of me, whether in my conscious and/ or unconscious mind.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 9, 2018, Friday

1. In my prayer, I went to the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I drank of living water, and then knelt facing the water (south) in front of the bench there. I raised my arms and invited Elohim to come to me.

A bright column of light came in front of me next, from high in the sky. Immediately, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared in glory. They were each smiling. I gazed on them for some time.

2. I opened our conversation, telling them how grateful I was to be there before them. I thanked them again for my future "Elijah" role. I asked for confirmation I had written all correctly last night in my journal. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you have written the message correctly about your "Elijah" role you will be given, as you received from your Heavenly Mother. Some of your appearances will be done in your full conscious mind awareness and others will not yet be revealed to you in your mortal mind. All will be recorded, whether by you on earth or in heaven by you.

3. Please write my words that I will now say to you.'

I then wrote to this point.

'Raphael, I want to talk to you about the way false or evil spirits are able to harbor in our children on earth without the recipient's awareness. M.A. has said she detected attached spirits in one or more of the mortal angels that used to support you. She is correct in her assessment.

4. Lucifer and his minions are very aggressive at this time! They are full of wrath, anger and trickery. You have been removing many of them to the prison orb recently. This has kept their activities in check, making them, however, even more angered at you and us.

5. When an unembodied fallen spirit enters into one of our mortal children on earth, their influence can be greatly varied. Sometimes they may cause an entire change of behavior, making it obvious to those close to their host, that they are not themselves.

6. Sometimes, and more commonly, those who are hosts to one or more fallen spirits are not aware of the change, nor even those who know them well. Sometimes, as in your case, you harbored an evil spirit for years in your left shoulder area. Lucifer himself was removed from you in your energy class in May 2016. He had a cord attached to you wherein he could come and go at will. You need to deal with these sinister tricks of the evil one thoroughly in order to be assured they are fully removed.

7. Sometimes, there are evil spiritual tools and weapons. You had some embedded in your body for many years which lay dormant, undetected until recently. The people your son has read from, who created the Spirit Code, have generally correctly written about all of this, for we have revealed much to them of the sinister ways of the evil ones and how to remove them.

8. However, our angels now do not need to use all the methods of the Spirit Code, but have our direct power to detect and remove all evil spirits and their devices. We have allowed you to keep some of these evil devices until recently, for your training. Now, however, you are fully clear of these spirits and their devices! As such, you have felt an increase in strength once all of Satan's influence was removed from your person.

9. It is sufficient now for our holy angels to ask us, their God, if they may remove an evil spirit and all of their attachments, devices and weapons from a particular person. If we agree, we will confirm this to our angel and also give them power to remove these. The host, or recipient of the evil spirit and his/ her tools, will also need to want these removed. If they don't have this desire to be free of the evil one(s), these will return after initially casting them from that person. It is sufficient to ask the spirit of the host if they are willing to have the evil spirit and their devices removed. If they are in agreement, and if we are also, than our angel may cast them out by our power.

10. The method of casting or removing an evil spirit may vary for the particular situation. However, each angel, and each mortal too, has power over the evil ones as they exercise faith in God and do so in the name of Jesus Christ. A male or female angel may raise their right arm to the square and command the intrusive spirits and their devices to be removed in the name of Jesus Christ. Many healers now on the earth also have this power. This is a skill and a gift, given to many of our faithful, and to all our angels of God.

11. It is now time to fully empower our angels to have this power and actively use it! We will no longer allow Satan's intrusions into our elect children to linger and remain, if the host is desirous they depart. We want our angels to fully remove all evil spirits and their devices from the bodies of the elect, as fast as they are able. This will allow our elect child to more fully choose on their own, without internal voices, or Lucifer's tricks, to influence them.

12. Satan will still entice and lure our elect, but not have place in the faithful if they truly desire to be rid of his influence. This is a major shift we are making in our battle against evil! Our angels will now have increased power to detect and eliminate all of these internal tricks and deceptions of the adversary.

13. This change in our battle plan will make Lucifer and his host more angered than ever! However, their anger and malice will only cause a more clear line of good and evil to be evident to our faithful elect. The power of God will become clearer to all the humble and open elect of God, and effectively make Satan's power over them diminished.

14. We will command, in the coming days, our angels to one-by-one go through all of our elect on earth and in the spirit world. We will assess each one and remove Satan's influence as much as we can from their own spirit and physical bodies. We will actively protect many with greater shields against the adversary also. All this will be done by our angels who will act as our holy conduits to the faithful elect on the earth.'

15. I was very impressed by this new shift in the battle plan of our Heavenly Parents, as delivered to me by the Father! I immediately confirmed I had written all of this correctly, and I believe I had- for I felt the surge of peace and assurance from God.

I then looked into the eyes of my Father. He was serene, very firm, and smiled slightly in his full agreement in what I had written.

16. I replied:

'My Father, I thank thee for this change in restricting Satan and his devices from the spirits and bodies of thy faithful elect! I will do all I can to alert the angels to our new change in the fight against Lucifer and his host. We will all rise up and follow thy new adjusted plan to save the elect of God!'

17. Heavenly Father replied:

'Raphael, call now all the holy angels to come to the top of the switchback path, in God's Loving Healing Center. There address all of them with this new change that I have revealed to you this morning. We will confirm to each angel that your words are true and from us.'

18. I said I would do so!

I then teleported to the top of the switchback path in God's Loving Healing Center. I raised my sword of Raphael high in the air, and spoke in a loud voice:

'All holy angels, assemble yourselves before me!'

Soon all the angels came, in their ranks and by their positions. I spoke again and kept my sword high.

'The Father has just informed me of a shift in the battle with Lucifer and his host! God now wants us, who are the angels of God, to go to each of the elect of God and remove all evil spirits and their evil devices from those who may be hosting them. We will do this as God directs each one of us.

19. When you receive such a direction from God, ask the host elect spirit if you are allowed to remove all evil spirits and their evil devices from their persons. When confirmed, then raise your right arm to the square, and command Satan and his spirits and all his evil devices to fully depart. Do so in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Wait and make sure this removal occurs. Then verify that this elect person is fully clear of any false or fallen spirits or their evil devices. Once removed, shield them with the power of God within you, as you feel inspired. This will complete your assignment from God for that one individual elect of God.

We will go forth now in the power and strength of God, fully acting on their commands as we each receive them!

20. Lucifer and his minions will be angered by our actions. However, they will have no power to counter our actions except to lure and persuade the elect more and more with their enticements. In the future, these enticements will come from outside the elect, and not reside or come from within their persons.'

I then moved my sword slightly forward and said:

'All in favor of my words, respond with a mighty amen!'

21. I then saw those with swords raise them high, and then the entire group said in unison 'AMEN'. Silver lightning then came from my Sword of Raphael and filled the entire area of God's Loving Healing Center with bright light!!

This ended my morning prayer in a very dramatic way! I concluded my prayer and started my day. However, I knelt down to confirm that my actions at God's Loving Healing Center pleased my Heavenly Parents. I gazed again upon the faces of God before me. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Yes, Raphael, we accept what you did and are pleased with your actions!'

I thanked her and said I loved them.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 10, 2018, Saturday

1. I prayed at bedtime at the oval gold steps facing north in the future New Jerusalem temple where I will someday perform the waters of separation ordinance. When I prayed, the large doors opened and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came inside the temple, in the air above the oval! They were both smiling. I gazed on them for some time.

2. I asked that my son and my wife be blessed. I then thanked them both for the amazing blessing to the faithful they had extended–to remove Satan and his minions and any evil devices from the elect of God. I confirmed that this all was true again and had happened like I wrote in my journal that morning. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, we have been greatly distressed at Lucifer's recent push beyond the rules of how he is to interact with our children. You have removed many of his evil ones to the prison orb now. Because of this intrusion beyond his bounds, we are now extending to all our elect and faithful children an added protection against Satan's intrusions. This is what you learned about and implemented with our holy angels this morning.

3. Once each of our elect have had removed the attachment or possession of evil spirits, and any tools or evil devices of the adversary, our angels will protect these with a Godly shield. This unseen protection will prevent any false spirit from entering ever again into our elect. They may externally whisper and tempt them, but no longer possess or internally place their evil devices. This is contingent on the free will desire of our elect child. Most by far will greatly rejoice at this additional shielding we give them.

4. The protective blessing and removal has immediately started once you informed our angels this morning and once we gave commands, one by one, for this to be done. We are very pleased at your swift action, followed by the decisive and responsive action of our angels. This will continue into this coming week before it is all completed.'

I felt so glad for her remarks! I thanked my Heavenly Parents again for this amazing gift they have offered to the elect of God, in our battle with Lucifer and his hosts! I then ended my prayer last night and went to sleep.

5. This morning I prayed at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. My Heavenly Parents came from a mist above the water. I gazed on them and spoke a few words. I asked for their words, if they wanted to speak. Heavenly Father then indicated for me to write his words:

'Raphael, we have had our angels very active yesterday and this morning in further protecting our elect. This protection does not limit the free temptations on them by the evil ones. It will, however, allow these elect to be now free of many evil spirit attachments and evil devices they have unknowingly carried for years. This extra protection, and the elimination of Satan's hosts from them will boost their awareness of the power of God and our loving hand in their lives. It will also further anger Satan. He will take vengeance upon the rest of humanity on the earth. Your work and effort in removing Satan's minions to the distant prison orb will also increase, Raphael.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and that we have such a great gift extended to the faithful and us.

I then closed my prayer since I had an early morning appointment. I asked my Heavenly Parents to continue to be with me.

6. Later at night–I came to the oasis and prayed tonight. My Heavenly Parents came from the east (my left) and gradually moved to a point over the water, facing me. It was a very calm and serene setting again with a full moon out!

I shared with them my account of my day. I thanked them for me being with my wife all day long and I prayed for her health and happiness. We also watched the last part of "Music Man" tonight. We talked for a while and went to bed.

7. In my late prayer, I asked my Heavenly Parents to share with me. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words. I came into the adjacent room and have written all of this so far. Here are his words as I received them tonight:

'Raphael, we are delighted again to come before you on such a lovely evening! We never need to rest nor sleep and we enjoy the night and the day equally. We love the quiet stillness of this lovely oasis at night!

8. As we have explained earlier, we have you and all our celestial servants, including our holy angels, labor day and night for us. While your physical body sleeps, your replicated self acts and does our will in the celestial realms, whether on the earth or in heaven. You replicate your self as many times as needed to keep up with the increased workload we place on you.

You and our servants love to do our bidding. You never tire of the service you render us! Your minds and hearts thrive on the love you are able to share now with our elect. This greatly satisfies your soul!

9. Over half of the elect are now cleared of the attachment of evil spirits or evil devices placed by Lucifer and his hosts! These are all shielded who have had these removed. Soon our entire group of the elect will be fully protected internally from the evil practices of the adversary to their souls! This will greatly enhance their receptivity to our words to them in leading them along as they listen and follow our promptings.

We will now leave you to sleep in the slumbers of the night on earth Raphael. We want your celestial replicated self to come with us, however, and help us orchestrate more work we have planned for our elect!'

I then stood and took each of their hands in mine. We strolled under the light of the moon and talked. I then faded out of my connection with my unconscious self. I conclude now in my journal at 12:30 AM and am going to sleep!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 11, 2018, Sunday

1. I plan to send out my post 68 today. I call it 'The Fire of the Battle'. I will confirm this morning that it is sufficiently good to send.

I felt to go to the pocketed flower wall in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I was in that beautiful scene, facing west, as the mountain stream gurgled next to me. I was facing the flowers in the pocketed rock wall.

I asked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. I then saw a light coming from the rock wall and soon my Heavenly Parents came from within the rock! They emerged and stood smiling before me! I gazed on their faces and their glory. I felt so pleased to be with them again.

2. I spoke:

'Oh my Heavenly Parents, I am so glad to be in thy presence! I love to be with thee, and love to be in thy creations! All is so lovely and peaceful in thy kingdom! I particularly love hearing from thee directions and truths that are revealed to me. I love acting on thy commands, and doing everything I can do to please thee and to keep thy commandments!

May I again hear thy voice connect with my unconscious mind and thrill me today?'

3. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, we love to come and share with you the mysteries of our world. We love to have you awakened and so receptive to our messages!

You have asked whether your Post 68 entitled 'The Fire of the Battle' is acceptable to us. We are pleased with what you have written. Please send it out today if possible to those angels who sustain you.

4. When you email your posts to these few angels, you also make it available for the angels and other servants to read in the celestial world. These love to follow what you write as well! Many truths are revealed to all of these in your words, as you have received these from us. These new revelations are thereby revealed to our faithful servants first on earth and then in our celestial sphere where all of these labor for us. In a future day, your words will be read openly in the world. This will be in the millennial day, after Lucifer and his hosts are confined in regions where they cannot influence our elect.

5. Raphael, the fire of the battle with Lucifer and his evil spirits, and with those he influences on earth will continue to intensify until the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ in glory. Satan knows his time is short.

There are other battle plans we have devised to insure our success in this fight for the very souls of our elect. We revealed these to you last night as we strolled with you arm-in-arm in our desert oasis area in heaven. You needed to know our tactics so you could do preparatory work. This will be kept secret in your unconscious mind, and you won't know in your mortal conscious mind until it's revealing.

6. We share with you and our faithful at the moment we need you to know our plans. Usually this is at the moment of the required action. Such was the case with removing Satan's influence from the internal spirits and bodies of our elect. Had we revealed this beforehand, our enemy may have countered us in some way. We always keep them in the dark in this battle.

7. Our work in these last days to save our elect is more complex than we have ever executed in the past with this eternity. We have more faithful servants called and activated to help us in our strange work and strange act. Our servants need to be ever alert and responsive to our commands. They need to act when we prompt them, without hesitation.

8. Once the angels remove Lucifer and his evil spirits and their evil devices from our elect, these elect receive a shield against the evil ones. There are multiple varieties of shields. However, these will all protect our elect child from ever receiving Satan or his devices into their being again. Try as they might, these evil ones will not be able to penetrate these shields, for they are all created by the power of God, never before revealed or used for the protection of the faithful in this eternity.

9. The only way for Satan to enter into our elect will be by the invitation of our elect child. This choice only will remove this Godly shield which serves as their protection. There will only be a few who choose this course of action.

10. All of our mortal servants who do our work are fully shielded already. We are quickly moving to complete the removal and shielding of the remainder of our elect sons and daughters this upcoming week. When done, our choice sons and daughters will be armed with much greater power to overcome the wiles of the devil and to be clothed upon with glory and greater enlightenment. You will then see many more numbers of our elect come to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to be further cleansed and strengthened.'

11. My Heavenly Mother stopped speaking. She was radiating love and light more and more. She then held hands with Heavenly Father next to her and then they together backed up into the pocketed rock flower wall, as they had come. Soon they disappeared and the rock was lit up in the area where they had gone. Next the rock was normal again and I was alone.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message. She wasn't before me anymore. I then closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

12. After I wrote the above paragraph, I knelt down and completed and ended my prayer. This thought came to me–the rock wall that our Heavenly Parents came and left through is akin to the shield that the elect receive against Satan. As a mortal, I cannot penetrate this rock wall, for it is not possible. This will be this way for Satan and his hosts–they cannot penetrate these shields created for and protecting the elect. Satan may entice and whisper to these elect of God, but this will be like talking to the rock wall. His influence will be greatly lessened on the elect. He will know they are behind the shield, but he will be powerless to go in after them as he has done in the past. I hope to receive more enlightenment on these shields in the future.

13. Later, after church–my wife and I came to a nearby ward for sacrament meeting. We walked in during the opening hymn. During the sacrament, I envisioned myself on top of the granite cliff, facing the temple to the west in the distance.

Once I made my covenant, I had the impression to go to the base of the granite cliff and face the granite rock rising out of the pool of water. I then saw three beings come out of the rock before me! These were Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus Christ on his right.

14. I partook of the bread and then Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments.'

15. The priest then offered a blessing on the water. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have come out of the rock today, both at the pocketed flower rock wall downstream, and then from this granite cliff. We do this to signify the strength of the shielding we are giving to our servants on earth and to all the elect of God on the earth. This rock is impenetrable unless one uses the power of God, as we have shown you today. Satan and his evil spirits have no power to penetrate these shields we provide the faithful. There are many types of shields, created for the various types of the elect that we have chosen. These shields all will have the same effect, to keep Lucifer and his fallen spirits from entering into their being. These elect will therefore be free from all the influences and devices that used to come inside of their beings. Now Satan's influence will only be able to be whispered in a temptation from outside of their beings.

16. Because of this increased freedom from the grasp of the adversary, our elect will see more clearly who it is that entices them to do evil or to do good. Our servants will also have more success in leading them to our Son, Jesus Christ. Our elect who come unto us in the humility of their souls will be led to do our will. Even though heavy laden, we will give them rest!'

17. Then Jesus Christ spoke to me:

'Raphael, I will have a great increase from the chosen elect who will come unto me, their Redeemer. I will then cleanse them of their sins and some of their weaknesses. I will make them clean, for those who come unto me. Thus they will be greatly strengthened and be able to move forward in their progression towards eternal life. We will make it more feasible to navigate to us in this darkened world, now that these have Satan and his devices removed, and an impenetrable shield to protect them from then on.'

18. I gazed on them and thanked each of these three beings before me. They then began to back up into the granite cliff behind them. Soon they had completely left from my visible presence and I was left alone.

I then returned to the sacrament meeting, and listened to the speakers and wrote this all down in my pocket journal.

19. Later, 8:30 PM-I was with the family tonight and slipped out for a prayer in my bedroom. I came to the top of the granite cliff and faced the distant temple of God to the west. I prayed for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.

They both came in a beam of light from their temple and stood in front of me in the air. I gazed on their happy faces and asked if they had a message for me. Heavenly Mother spoke, and asked me to write her words. She also said I could go back out with the family and write her words. Here is what she gave to me:

20. 'Raphael, we are glad you have sent our your recent post 68 tonight entitled "The Fire of the Battle". We have increased the activity of our servants and holy angels with this recent change in removing Satan and his devices and of giving each a shield or of protection.

This next post should not be so long, which will require you to send it out sooner. The frequency of your posts will, of necessity, need to be more often since we are only planning on increasing the flow of revelation to you!

21. Tonight I would like to share with you the great importance of being open to our spirit and the intimations we give all of our children.

Most in their mortal estate feel that these small impressions are not from us, their God, but from their own minds or thoughts. However, we want our children to become tuned into our still small voice, for that is normally how we speak to our children, whether on earth or any time during our long association with them.

22. When you were first born, for example, we spoke in our thoughts, in a whisper almost to you, our newly born spirit infant. You recognized our still small voice then, and became accustomed to our ways of communication. We continued this same pattern with all our children. Why would we suddenly change our methods once our children entered mortality? You have more difficulty hearing us now, however, in your physical body, fallen to a telestial state. We continue to speak by our thoughts and promptings to your unconscious mind, just like we have always done. Before you came to earth life, your mind was one (conscious and unconscious) but now there is a veil between them. Our voice that still speaks to you is now more difficult to hear because of the division of your mind and this veil. As you attenuate your conscience mind to that unconscious mind to which we speak, you will again hear our words and know our familiar voice that speaks. It is our voice, and not just your thoughts or your own impressions as many think.

23. When our child becomes aware of how we speak to them, they will recognize the difference between these soft whispers from us, and their own thoughts and feelings. Many of our children never rise to see this difference, but our astute spiritually inclined children learn the difference. For some, this takes them a lifetime to quiet down sufficiently to hear us again. For others, they immediately seem in tune to their intuitions and our voice.

24. We lead our children gently along, if they are open to follow and obey our promptings. If they are open, and hear our voice, we lead them all to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Only he can cleanse our children from their sins, which will allow them to more fully come unto us, their God. Our children may not come again into our presence unless they have been cleansed and purified by their Redeemer.

25. Without an open nature, our child on earth will usually follow the norms of their culture and society. These are highly diverse, riddled often with false notions and belief systems instilled by the adversary. Therefore, without an open inquisitive mind, our child won't change their ways. When they hear our voice and it conflicts with their upbringing and society, they may reject us unless they further press us for more confirmations. We will always confirm truth. We also will carefully lead our child to our ways, if they are sufficiently open to change and want to obey our promptings.

26. We speak to each one separately, and may challenge their belief to see if they will obey us rather than fall back into the easy path of following others. Of course, Satan and his evil spirits also come and whisper their temptations to our child, leading them in other directions. These are situations where we really see who our child wants to follow–us and our still small voice, or Satan, or others and the society and the culture around them. Our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments.

27. The belief of following a religious leader without verifying with us that they speak the truth is false doctrine. Our child always should verify with us in prayer the directions from their leaders. Our child is solely responsible for their own salvation and their path back to us, their God. The notion of "follow the prophet" and that "he won't lead us astray" is unstable thinking. We desire instead our child to pray to us and confirm all pertinent doctrines and teachings of others who seek to lead them, particularly in religious matters.

28. Our child's choice to follow our promptings at some point will require great moral courage and determination. We like to see this tenacity they have in following our voice. These are those whom we can quickly lead to greater happiness and joy.'

I will now re-read what I wrote, and then seek to confirm that I correctly heard what my Heavenly Mother conveyed to me.

29. I have just read what I wrote and corrected a few grammatical things. I have prayed and confirmed what I wrote is sufficiently clear for all to understand. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, you have portrayed my thoughts in your own language and style. I am pleased with what you have written!'

I thanked her for her clear words that I wrote. I feel at peace and am assured this is true. I thanked her for this prayer tonight and for her communication to me, her son.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 12, 2018, Monday

1. This morning I awoke early to do an errand, and returned to have a morning prayer afterwards. I went into the adjacent room and knelt by my recliner there. I felt to go to the high mountaintop, above Heavenly Mother's upper gardens to the south. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came alone, appearing behind me. I turned and faced him. He was smiling and I recognized again his distinct eternity eyes, so penetrating and deep!

2. He said we would go into the eastern skies soon, but he wanted to show me something in the past in the western skies first. I next stood and we came into the western skies together, next to a man who was in a royal court of his country. I knew this was the prophet Elijah, before King Ahab. He was telling the king boldly his message he had received from God, as recorded in 1 Kings 17:1–"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

3. I saw this was done in the king's palace and was very risky for Elijah, for Ahab and Jezebel loved the prophets of Baal, and had sought to kill the true prophets of God. I saw that Elijah risked his life to deliver his message to Ahab the king.

Then I saw that Elijah left quickly from the court and the presence of Ahab, and went to hide himself from the wrath of the king and queen (see 1 Kings 17:2-3). I saw Elijah was bold and had some fear, but still obeyed God in delivering his message. God also protected him in his escape.

4. Then Heavenly Father said we would now depart this scene and go into the eastern skies.

We came to the eastern skies and I saw myself delivering a series of messages from my Heavenly Parents to leaders and rulers in the world, each at some future day. Every time I appeared in my angel vestures, in power. I stated I came from the presence of God and that my name was Raphael, an archangel of God. I then stated the message I was sent to deliver. I then departed.

This was the pattern of how I gave these messages from God. I saw I went in the spirit of Elijah, with similar boldness and faith.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, you are our angelic messenger to give our messages to leaders of nations and religions in your day. We will have you deliver in person our messages so that these leaders will know and fully understand our will for them. There will be no doubt when an angel delivers our message to them, particularly an angel who stands in the presence of God!'

We then had a change of scene. We came to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. As we descended, I saw my Heavenly Mother by her table, looking up as Heavenly Father and I came to her.

6. Heavenly Father came next to Heavenly Mother. Then she spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Father has brought you to my table for me to feed you again! This also is akin to the experience of Elijah in 1 Kings 17:4 when we had ravens feed him by the brook. For you, I am feeding you at my table. Come, eat and drink!'

I saw some bread and a cup of water. I came to the table and ate and drank all and was filled.

7. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, famine will come to your own land in a coming day, similar to the time of Elijah as recorded in the bible. At that time, you will not be required to eat any longer on the earth, but you may choose to do so. Until this time, it is our desire that you and our holy mortal angels still eat of food, so as to blend in with society and with your friends and families.

8. We have invited, in the past, each mortal angel to come and eat at my glass table. As of yet, only a few have come, or even attempted to come! We desire to feed each one, and for them to attempt to come to us here, in their meditation and prayers. As they exercise their faith to do so, we will bring their replicated selves here to feed them, one by one. The foods I prepare for them will strengthen their particular weaknesses, as we have strengthened you in your weakness in feeling the lack of assurance and boldness, and in controlling your thoughts and improving your unconscious beliefs. We will also strengthen their physical bodies so they may go without food once the famine comes upon their own land.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words, and I thanked Heavenly Father for showing me the past and future in vision this morning on the high mountaintop. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we will now end your conscious prayer, but we will remain on your right side and on your left side, unseen to those around you. However, you will feel our presence and our direction through all of your days, during each day from now on. We will do so also for each mortal angel who exercises faith in us, their God.'

I then embraced first Heavenly Mother then Heavenly Father. I smiled and they smiled back, giving me assurance that all would be as they said. I then felt them fade away and myself becoming more and more aware of the room on earth that I was in.

I knelt down, confirmed all in prayer, and that I had written this correctly. I then started my day!

10. Later, in the evening: I slipped out of my family circle and started a prayer in my bedroom. I came out to write what I had received, and to continue to commune with God in prayer.

I prayed at the fountain of living water, facing south towards the temple. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I asked them this question:

'If we who have had Satan and all his devices removed from our own person on earth, and then we sin or succumb to Satan's whispers, does the shield we have been given still hold fast against the adversary?'

11. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, if you sin, or succumb to Satan's temptations after you have had Satan removed and been protected by our impenetrable shield, the shield will still remain strong. However, you have succumbed to Satan's whispers and temptations given to you from outside your body. He still doesn't have the power to enter into you, even though you may have sinned.

12. If you repeatedly were to follow Satan's temptations, of your own free will and choice, you may get to the point to invite him and his evil spirits into your own being on earth. If you were to do so, the shield that I have given you as a gift will no longer work, and the evil spirits and their devices will be allowed to enter. Your state will also be worse than before the first time you were protected.

13. The only way these evil spirits are to be eliminated again is by sincere repentance and humility of he or she who once had our extra protection. If we accept their repentance, and they are cleansed by our Beloved Son, then we will send an angel again to eliminate Satan, his evil spirits and all evil devices. The angel will then bring again the shield around that person to protect them from Satan's entry into their being in the future.

14. The actions of succumbing to the whisperings of Satan, and inviting him into your person again is a very serious offense to us, once we have cleansed you and protected you. However, we will forgive our son or daughter who may do so if they are deeply repentant and humble before us.

15. We know our mortal servants and our elect sons and daughters are in a fallen state, and are subject to sins, errors and weaknesses because of their flesh. What we are offering these with the elimination of Satan's internal influences, and our protective shield is a very significant gift we offer our faithful! We do so to bless our children to see more clearly their choices, and to have greater power over the adversary to their soul.'

16. I thanked again my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their love, kindness and mercy in extending to us such a wonderful gift! I asked that they forgive me of my foibles, my sins and weaknesses. I only want to follow them, but I know at times I am weak and may falter here or there. I asked for strength and courage in this huge battle we have with Satan and his followers.

I looked into the eyes and faces of God in front of me. They were compassionate and loving towards me, and seemed filled with understanding. I then closed my prayer and went to bed with my wife.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 13, 2018, Tuesday

1. This morning in my prayer, I determined to return to the oasis, west of God's temple mezzanine area. I then saw myself walking on the desert ground, coming to the oasis. I stopped when I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother sitting on the bench before the water, talking together. I knelt where I was and voiced a quiet prayer:

2. 'My Father and Mother, I see thee in front of the oasis on the bench, and do not want to disturb your conversation together! I do wish to commune with both of you this morning. Please let me know when you are able to talk with me. I will wait here until I see thy signal to come.'

I looked up and saw them stand, still talking. They then both stopped speaking and turned towards me. Heavenly Mother looked at me and waved me to come to them. I stood and quickly walked to a place right before them. I then knelt down and gazed into their happy faces. They were smiling very much it seemed.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we were discussing together the foibles of being in mortality. We were talking about how obedient many of our spirit children were before they were born, but then when they came to earth they vacillated a lot, not knowing how to live and what to do. Many just followed their cultural norms. We wondered what more we could do for these, our faithful. We then talked together about what a great blessing it is for our elect now to be internally protected from Lucifer and his evil spirits and their devices, and to be so fully shielded. We feel now that the battle for the souls of our elect children will be more on equal grounds. Satan still has immense power over the weak and vacillating souls of many of our children. They are so inclined to heed his trickery and temptations! There are many among our elect who are still foolish and vain, prideful and stubborn to hear our voice and gentle promptings!'

4. I then asked my Mother if I might write her words before I lose them in my mind. She said I could then write them, and after continue writing her words. I have come to this point.
She continued speaking:

'Raphael, you have written well my thoughts and words in your journal just now. Come, let us all together stroll around the oasis!'

I took hands in mind from each of my Heavenly Parents, and we started walking towards the water's edge. We then turned and walked west around the water.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we watch our children when they think no one is watching them. However, we see all. We see them in their secret moments. We see them often struggle within themselves with temptation from the whisperings of the evil one. There is no sin in this struggle, for how could they have choice without being enticed by the evil one and then by our voice? (see 2 Nephi 2:16–"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.")

6. At these times, we gently speak to them to choose the right and to honor their higher self and to be strong in being virtuous and obedient. Some of our children linger in their decisions, playing between choosing good or evil. We are so pleased when there is a quick decision to hear our voice and follow our gentle words to their heart and mind!

7. As we said before, our elect will now be able to detect more quickly the enticements of the enemy of their soul, even Lucifer and his band. Our elect will no longer have internal voices and devices of these evil ones, but will only hear their temptations from without their persons. This greatly lessens the intensity of the temptation and makes the view of the tempter clearer.

8. Our voice of goodness and peace still comes to these, our elect, in their hearts and minds, internal to their persons. This is how they have always heard us. We haven't changed how we continue to speak to them.

We also send our heavenly servants, goodly spirits, angels, and others to persuade and speak to our elect, as we direct them to do. These are very often instrumental in turning our choice elect sons and daughters to choose us and our happy ways.

9. When great difficulty comes into the lives of our elect, we will frequently ask our resurrected and/or translated servants to bring the replicated spirits of our elect to Lake Beautiful, to be strengthened by our converted Refugees of Lucifer. This will be so very strengthening to the core being of our elect son or daughter!

10. In these multiple ways we are blessing and encouraging our elect to stay close to us in this battle for their souls. They won't know how intense the battle is until they see their past life in vision, in a future day. They will then be eternally grateful to us and our helpers to have rescued their souls from the evil one. However, it will have been also their free will choice to have chosen good over evil in their struggles. We are always so careful to preserve their agency and choice.'

11. I looked to my right into the eyes of my Heavenly Father who was looking into my very soul. I knew he saw all; he saw my personal struggles and weaknesses. He saw me to my core, and smiled. I knew I was so weak in many ways. However, my core being wanted to always be strong and to always follow his ways and directions. I then spoke:

'Heavenly Father, please help me to act with quicker decisions in following thee in my temptations! Help me not to linger long in hearing the tempter's voice or thoughts in my mind and heart! Help me to be strong, to put off the carnal and natural man, and to become a saint of God before thee always! Help me quickly yield to thy enticings and put off my natural man, thereby becoming "as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things" which thou and Heavenly Mother will see to give me, even as a child submits to his father (see Mosiah 3:19–"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.").'

12. Heavenly Father smiled and said Heavenly Mother and he would make me stronger and stronger, as I listened to their soft, still voice. He said this change into a stronger, more valiant man would happen gradually, until I became the mighty angel they knew I was to become.

We stopped and I embraced my Father, thanking him profusely for his love for me! I felt so strong too, in his presence. I felt his deep strength and power. He is everything that I ever want to become!

I then realized I was back in my chair, writing all this down in my journal!

I then knew Heavenly Father was still by my right side, and Heavenly Mother was on my left side. I was ready now to formally end my prayer. I did so, and then started my day.

13. Later, 9:25 PM- After washing dishes, I went into my bedroom to get ready for bed and to pray. I came to the pool under the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens and prayed facing south. Heavenly Father came from my left and then stood right in front of me! He was smiling and seemed happy with me.

14. I asked him to help me see my protective shield and maybe some of the other varieties that various people have. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, come with me and we will go to your mortal self on the earth!'

I stood and came with Heavenly Father to my room where I was praying in the bedroom. I then asked if I could go join my wife and son in my front room and write what happens next. Heavenly Father said I could go and write the remainder in my journal.

15. I am now in my recliner writing. I am now in my earth self in the recliner and with my Heavenly Father in my replicated self, looking down at me writing. I then asked my Heavenly Father next to me to be able to see my protective shield. He said it was invisible, but he would show me the boundaries of it.

16. I then had the thought that my particular protective shield was in the shape of my pendant, which was in the shape of the domed room! I then saw that my entire mortal body moved and had its full mobility inside of this invisible protective shield in the shape of the domed room. At the shield boundary, there was a very rigid and strong crystal-like structure, which had the shape of a half-dome, or the domed room. My feet were generally on the base of this shield whenever I was standing. It would move wherever I moved, and always protected me and entirely surrounded my person.

I saw too that I probably no longer needed the 24 warrior angels. I then asked Heavenly Father if these angels had been dismissed already, or if not, could they be dismissed?

17. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, your new protective shield is sufficiently strong enough to keep out any evil spirits or their evil devices. This is actually better protection than when you only had 24 warrior angels. Once we enveloped you in your dome-shaped shield, we already dismissed your 24 warrior angels, since their service to you was now finished. They have been very faithful to you since May 2016 when they agreed to come and protect you, nearly two years ago. They have gone to join their fellow warrior angels and to do the work they have been newly assigned.

Such protection will now be afforded to every servant and elect of God! This blessing is very significant and powerful!

18. Satan and his evil hosts can immediately see, once these protective shields are in place, who have been selected as the elect of God. They will not be able to penetrate their personal shields, but they will be able to focus more evil ones to continually whisper and tempt them from any area outside of their shields. This will not be nearly as strong a temptation as before, when they were freer to enter internally into the spirits and bodies of our elect. We should have the protective shields of all of our mortal servants and the elect of God completed by tomorrow, 2-14-2018. This will be a great day of rejoicing for all of these, for the battle is God's and has turned now to our favor! (see 1 Samuel 17:47: "And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands.")

19. There are many other shapes of protective shields around our faithful. I have created these from spirit matter gathered from our celestial world. I created them alone. I made them in advance, having foreknowledge of our future actions. These protective shields will be returned to me in my kingdom once Satan is bound and our servants and our elect no longer need them. These shields are used in each eternity that may need them. Your shield, Raphael, has been used for our archangel in charge of the last days in every eternity that needed one. They too have had the domed rooms as their room in our kingdom. They have not all been the third archangel, but they have all been a male archangel. Never has the Satan of these earths been successful in penetrating these protective shields, worlds without number to you, but all known to us!

20. I have sufficient protective shields to be given to every mortal servant and every mortal elect child. I assign each of these shields to a particular faithful child, one by one. If our child wants to know the particular shape and design of their shield, they may inquire of me and I will reveal this to them, in my own way and time.

21. There is no problem in our servants or elect to come close together, or to others without shields, for their shields easily go into each other and still protect the one they are assigned to. Our faithful child with a shield is rarely aware of it surrounding them. This is a hidden nature–much like their own portal. Their portal, however, always stays with them whereas the shields are returned for reuse in a future day.'

22. I then saw the shapes of these protective shields were greatly varied, just like each son or daughter of God is so varied. I saw too that the intensity of the battle with Lucifer and his hosts had to reach a high level of intensity in order for the Father to shield his faithful children with these amazing protective shields. We have now reached this high level of intensity in the battle!

23. I believe, too, that once Satan's hosts fully realize how futile their evil ways and tools will now be to entrap the elect of God, that there will be many more of Satan's numbers to come to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. These will join their brothers and sisters, the Refugees of Lucifer, in a day soon at hand. They know they will need to make their final decision before the return of Jesus Christ, else I will lock them up in the bottomless pit for one thousand years.

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great wisdom and foresight in providing these protective shields for us! I then looked from my mortal body perspective and could visualize a dome around me, free inside from Satan and any evil device! It was invisible, but I was still aware of its shape now and its exact boundaries. It seemed to be able to expand or contract in size too, according to my thoughts. I could expand this domed protective shield to a maximum size of about 50 feet in a radius around me, down to about a 7-foot radius around me. I am not sure why I wouldn't want it expanded as far as I can make it, to a 50-foot radius. I believe the factor in the closeness of this shield to my person is how much attention I pay to the whisperings of Satan. If I give no heed the radius is larger to 50 feet; if I consider the whisperings of Satan, the domed shell contracts closer to my person, only about 7 feet in radius. I therefore determine in my own mind how close I want Satan to tempt me. I pray for strength to always keep him as far as possible now! Right now, the boundary is at 50-foot radius, or a diameter of the dome shell is 100 feet.

I closed my prayer to my Father. I saw myself fading from God's presence and coming to myself again in my recliner. I soon went to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 14, 2018, Wednesday

1. Valentine's Day, and the day of shielding to be completed. This morning I awoke and came to my adjacent room. I re-read my journal account of last night, and was again impressed by the great gift of God in providing these amazing protective shields for us!

I recall now my final prayer of last evening on my knees by my bed. I was before Heavenly Father and he invited me to go see the place in his celestial world where he kept all of these shields! They were located in the uninhabited region of the celestial world. We came there to a very expansive field with shields of every kind and shape! These were quickly being reduced in number, for he was assigning these to his angels to protect now the remainder of the elect of God.

2. This morning before my prayer, I had the impression also that angels, good servants, and non-evil friends could easily penetrate the shields of another who possessed it. If there were attached spirits or devices to these friends, they would be required to depart when coming into the presence of the elect of God who possessed the shield. This shield fully protected the one possessing it from all evil spirits and their evil devices!

I also thought it interesting that the Father's work of love, to fully shield the elect of God whom he selected, would be completed today, on Valentine's Day! This is another symbol of the love he has for his children and of his great power to protect us against the evil one!

3. In my morning prayer this day, I came to the bench in front of the oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank three times. The water cleared my head, ever so gently but just as clearly as ever before. I also noticed how still and quiet it was in the desert!

I came back near the bench and prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking them to come. I then saw a person coming in a light from the far corner where I initially entered into the desert area from the western mezzanine. It was Heavenly Mother in the light! She was so beautiful, full of sparkling eyes and such a wide smile. My heart leaped inside of me at her glorious presence!

4. I asked her to deliver her message if she had one. She then asked me to write her words. I am now at this point where she is speaking to my mind:

'Raphael, you have seen the great power of your Father in giving the servants, the elect and you such a remarkable gift of protection with his shields. He loves you all so deeply! All that you have written in your journal last night and this morning is also true and well written.

We would like this entry to complete the current post 69. Name it "The Father's Protective Shields".

5. I, too, have a gift for my faithful elect and servants of God: I will make myself known in more powerful ways to these, my faithful children! When they pray to God, many will now be answered by me directly like I am doing for you today. They may not see my being, but they will feel my presence and my great love for them! I will rekindle in them distant memories of our previous interactions when they were continually in my presence as a spirit child. These memories may be fleeting thoughts, or a distant memory of some sort, but this will be sufficient to be an anchor to their souls of my love, the love of God for them. As they come unto us in the energy and yearning of their souls, I will lift their burdens so they are light. They will be light because of the love of God they will feel as I come unto them, each in my own way. See Matthew 11:28 "come unto me, all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."'

6. Heavenly Mother then reached to me with her right hand and touched my head. I then had the distinct memory of playing a game of hide and seek with her, as a tiny spirit boy (like about 2 years old in mortality, see picture below). I remember her laughing and then me excitedly finding her. I jumped into her arms and she twirled around with me in her arms, me giggling and so ecstatically happy! She smiled now before me with that same huge smile and those sparkling eyes that I can never forget! Oh, I love her so much; I adore her!!

7. I jumped up and ran to her, my eternal heavenly Mother! I embraced and kissed her, as she did me. She again twirled me in her arms, as she did when I was a small spirit boy. She laughed and I laughed!

I next found myself crying for unspeakable joy! I was just thinking about this memory in the recliner. I was back in life on earth. My prayer was ended. I am writing this now through moistened eyes. Oh, what a great encounter with God today!

8. I believe such a choice memory is available too, for the asking, by each of us who are the servants and the elect of God. This is a promised gift from Heavenly Mother to all her faithful children on earth now! I know my memory of playing hide and seek with her is now deeply in my soul, for my frequent recollection and to strengthen me. This memory has struck a deep chord in me, to my core, which is so tender and sweet! What a great valentine's gift for me today!