Cascade Springs, Utah

93. Spiritual Sensitivities
Posted 9-14-2018

Hello again!

Summertime is waning, and the nights are cooling off. It is a beautiful time of year!

I hope each of you are doing well, and are happy! My wife, daughter and I recently hiked around Cascade Springs in the local Utah mountains. It was so pretty and reviving to our spirits. You will notice that the pictures in this post are from our trip to these beautiful springs.

Read all about my interaction with God this past week. There is always something new it seems, and this post is no exception. I would love to hear from you–your impressions, how life is going, etc. 

Have a beautiful week!


(Copyright © 2025 Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 1, 2018, Saturday

1. Evening–I have been discussing with my wife today about aging. It seems we get wiser and wiser, but then we get less and less able to do the things we have always done. If we were able to be wise and also have the energy of youth, we could really do well! But such is not the case in the normal progress of life in our mortal experience.

I wanted to come to heaven tonight and decided I should go to Heavenly Father's wheat field, near the river representing Heavenly Father that comes from the fountain of living water. There is a little road next to the river on the west side. I knelt in the field where this road intersected another little road on the north side of the wheat field. I faced the oak tree down the road in the distance. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

As I looked towards the oak tree, I was thinking to see one or more of my Heavenly Parents. Then on my right side, Heavenly Father appeared suddenly. He somewhat surprised me! He smiled and looked with me towards the oak tree in the distance.

2. He then spoke:

'Raphael, the oak tree in the corner of my wheat field is a place I often go to relax from my labors in my fields. It is one of my favorite places! I can look over my field while I relax under its canopy, thinking of the plentiful harvest of my wheat when it grows tall and ripe.

I have chosen to plant this oak tree since its wood is so very strong and durable. I am continually watching over my field from my oak tree. Your Heavenly Mother and I continually care for and do all we can to lead and direct our elect who are growing. These grow in their mortal life on earth. They cannot see us, for we speak to them in their unconscious mind. We whisper directions and seek to lead them in persuading ways. Our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments!'

3. Heavenly Father then turned to me and touched me with his right hand on my forehead. He then told me to look over his wheat field, which represents the current elect in mortality. As I looked on each blade of wheat, I saw an individual in my mind, which was represented by the wheat plant in this field! I saw them in their life, living mostly in our modern society in the world. They were of all ages, but accountable and free to choose their path in life. Some were burdened with many 'should beliefs' that weighed them down. Most were subjugated by others, either in family circles and traditions, in religious circles, and by the culture or society restraints. I saw that each of these elect would struggle to hear the voice of God as opposed to some constraint or practice or pattern they had learned to date in their mortal life. I saw that this struggle would be difficult for most of them! It would cause many to dismiss the tender and gentle voice of God who speaks to them frequently, trying to lead them to be obedient to God's voice within them.

I saw that two of the most needed traits for the elect would be to be very open and then to be very discerning of the voice of God.

4. I saw a time in the near future when the mortal world of these elect would become very difficult. I saw many crying out to God for help in the future, and then finally taking time in meditation to seek the direction from God. This happened differently with every person I saw. I saw that there was one event usually in each life of the elect that was a turning point where they rejected some norm of their previous life to date in order to obey the voice of God. I saw they needed to put obedience to God first in their life, more than other paths they might choose. For many, this was the hardest decision or time of their life!

5. I then turned to my Heavenly Father who had been watching me while I was looking at the wheat. He then spoke:

'Raphael, each of our elect will be tested to ensure that they are worthy of us, and will need to put us in front of their other voices from family, friends, religion, or the society in which they live. We will abundantly bless each one who chooses our ways and us! These are heirs of our Church of the Firstborn. Oh, we love our elect!'

I then was immediately back in my front room, writing all of what had happened in my journal. I remembered then the very difficult time I had during my "gethsemane" experience in the fall of 2012. It was so hard, and I cried out to God for help. I listened and was led, step-by-step, until I came to my experience in April 2013 during the energy class when I saw so clearly my Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ. I feel so glad for these experiences! I am where I am today because I was guided step-by-step, was very open, and placed God first in my life.

I thanked my Heavenly Father in prayer for this choice experience I had in my prayer tonight, all in my unconscious mind. I confirmed this all happened as I have written.

6. I remember the scripture spoken by the Savior in Matthew 10:37-39:

"He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

7. What Heavenly Father spoke to me tonight and what I was shown is exactly what Jesus Christ was talking about in this scripture. God needs to be our first priority in our life and we need to have courage and action to follow their voice to our soul. We then will become worthy of them as we continue to follow their gentle promptings.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 2, 2018, Sunday

1. I awoke early and reread the remarkable vision I had of seeing the actual elect in the wheat field! I feel so blessed to have seen these people and their struggles. I saw this all in my unconscious mind, and somehow I knew exactly what I was seeing in my conscious mind. The transfer from unconscious to conscious is very fragile, but it is still very real and verifiable! As always happens in my prayers, I had no idea what was to come in my prayer until it actually happened, for I did not premeditate anything.

Such is also the case this morning: I feel blank in my mind, and don't know what God will do or tell me in my morning prayer. This is always remarkable to me how it comes!

I came this morning to the beginning of the path that led from the green field, just north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I could see the temple in the distance. I felt pure and clean and even transparent in my being! I knelt facing the distant temple and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

My Heavenly Father appeared at my right side again, like he did last night in his wheat field.

2. He spoke:

'Raphael, look on the grassy field in front of us!'

I looked and saw my own family members with their struggles in life! I saw that God was continually guiding them by his unconscious voice to their souls. I saw they struggled in their effort to follow this voice. Some were more obedient than others, but all had the voice come to them frequently. Every one had different experiences, seemingly tailored to them.

3. The scene changed and I saw Lucifer and his evil minions trying to persuade my same family members. His voice seemed to come in their minds, their conscious minds. His voice of enticement seemed actually louder in most cases than the gentle, tender voice of God spoken to the soul. Satan's voice usually appealed to the natural man of each of my family members, whereas God's voice appealed to their higher spiritual selves. I could see the evil spirits come and go frequently, to and from all my family.

4. As a family member chose to listen and follow their higher self, the influences of the adversary seemed to lessen, even to where these evil spirits had no influence. If they found one of their luring temptations gained some attention, then they would continually repeat that temptation over and over again, with that same or similar thought into their conscious minds. These thoughts came literally as a whisper or a voice to their mind. I saw it was hard for my family member to entertain both the voice of God and the voice of Satan at the same time.

Heavenly Father then turned and addressed me:

'Raphael, you saw your own family members choosing day by day the spirit who they listed to obey:

5. Alma 3:26-27

". . . that they might reap their rewards according to their works, whether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery, according to the spirit which they listed to obey, whether it be a good spirit or a bad one.

For every man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey…"

Also 2 Nephi 2:16,27

"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.

Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

6. What you saw in your family members is common to all mankind, both men and women who are of age and accountable before us.

In the Day of Judgment, we will show each of our children a summary of their lives like we showed you, during their days of choosing when they became accountable before us. They will then see it was their own choices that determined their life. Some will listen and hearken to our still, small voice more than the enticements of the world, society and Satan. We will continue to gently lead those who hearken to our voice, even until we bring them unto us and to eternal life and exaltation. These are our elect! They choose to follow us regardless of the other voices they may hear.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this vision I saw today and the one last night too! I knew I was only responsible for myself, for everyone may choose for themselves. I could be a good example to those around me, and shower on them more light and love, and be very accepting of them–but it was really their life and their choices that determine what kind of a person they will be.

My time with my Father was ending. I expressed my deep love for him, my Heavenly Mother and my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I asked them to be close to me throughout my day. I then closed in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my Sabbath day.

7. After church–My wife and I attended a local ward. I felt a little disconnected with myself, but was successful in going to the desert oasis in heaven. I knelt and made my covenants after the priest blessed the bread. I then waited at the desert oasis and after I partook of the bread in the ward, Heavenly Mother came in glory to me.

She spoke:

'Raphael, on behalf of your Heavenly Father and I, I accept your covenant to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, and to always remember us and to keep our commandments.'

She then stood before me. I waited, but was not able to connect as I normally am. I then saw her talking to my replicated self. I couldn't hear her words. I then asked her why?

8. She responded:

'Raphael, you have been distracted, and have not been sufficiently clear to hear my words. You normally are able to meditate and connect to us so we are able to speak to you.'

I then tried to meditate more right then and concentrate, dropping my distractions. Then I heard my Heavenly Mother speak to my replicated self:

'Raphael, there are many here in this ward congregation that will not put us first in their lives. They will therefore be buffeted by the adversary and by man and the society of men all around them. There is no peace from these, but only from us, and only to those who listen to our voice and obey our commandments.

The elect hear our voice and obey our words. These also receive our peace that the world cannot give. This peaceful state of mind is reserved for the faithful who put us first in their lives:

9. John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." '

Heavenly Mother then smiled and my prayer was abruptly ended.

During the rest of the sacrament meeting, I read these other verses in John that were very clear:

10. John 14:23-24

"Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me."

11. In the evening– I came to the east shore of Lake Beautiful, right where the little stream comes out of the lake on its way to the City of Enoch. There was a beautiful sunset to the north, with the celestial sun reflecting on Lake Beautiful! I knelt on the shore and looked at it some more. Then I saw my Heavenly Parents in front of me, a little ways out over the water on the lake. They were holding hands, watching the sunset too.

Soon the sun had departed over the horizon. I then saw them turn and both come to me on the shore! They came right in front of me!

12. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, sometimes your life might feel very busy, and you might feel somewhat overwhelmed with all you need to do. At these times, take a deep breath and think of only one thing to do. You might also pause and look at the beauty all around you. We paused tonight to watch our celestial sun set in our northern sky on our celestial orb. This is important to pause and soak in the beauty!

You might also come to our celestial world and breathe in deeply. The celestial air has properties to enliven the soul of man and our creations that dwell here. You might even try this while in meditation on earth. This feeling of joy and elation will be felt in your unconscious mind and felt in your mortal body as well.'

13. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, your workload for us in the celestial realms will only increase. You need to learn to not allow your mind to become cluttered and yourself to become overwhelmed. Use these helps that your Father has just shared with you. They will help you to focus more effectively your energy and to still maintain your peace and tranquility.

In our celestial world, you will be able to replicate using our power as many times as you need. In your mortal world, use these methods to help you stay focused and to not get overwhelmed.'

I thanked her for her great counsel and for my Heavenly Father for his advice. I feel so loved and cared for! I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 3, 2018, Monday, Labor Day

1. Today I awoke a little before 7:00 a.m. and came quietly to the adjacent room to pray. I feel this is such a privilege to pray!

At church yesterday, there were many testimonies during the fast and testimony meeting where the people said "I know this church is true" and other words to that effect. I might hear these phrases thousands of times, but I need to find my own witness myself, and not lean upon others. There are sincere people in every religion that think theirs is the best one. It is only from God that we may receive our own witness and not from man who repeatedly tell us which way to believe.

In heaven this morning, I felt to go to the area just outside the north forest behind which the Refugees of Lucifer are located. I found a bench and a path, so I knelt by the bench, facing the Great Assembly Hall. I felt clear and prepared. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come to me.

Heavenly Father then came to me down the path, apparently from the hall. He stopped in front of me. He was smiling and seemed happy! He was very majestic and full of light and acceptance towards me!

2. He then spoke:

'Raphael, the Refugees of Lucifer have been greatly buoyed up by the recent general and smaller meetings that occurred in the Great Assembly Hall behind me. Those who have been helping them get established, who tirelessly have ministered to them, have also been greatly uplifted. We are pleased with all the service and love found among all of these! They are still living in the area north of the forest behind you.

3. There are still many of Satan's host who are repenting, coming to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and are swelling their numbers! The refugees are almost all exclusively ministering to these newcomers themselves. They are mostly healed of their trauma and wounds from Lucifer and are helping those who constantly come to them. They have fully turned to God, been redeemed of their many sins, and are clean before us. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I greatly rejoice at their conversion and service they now render!

4. Raphael, you have felt perplexed after attending the ward yesterday. You felt no spirit in the meeting and yearn to be with those who carry the Spirit of God with them. Your wife feels the same way. Oh, we wish there was a place of worship for you and our elect to go and

Worship where you could abundantly feel our Spirit. However, there is none except among the humble and meek who seek us and are open to our promptings. There are none in your area now.

5. However, we will pour out our Spirit upon you and our faithful in your quiet meditations and prayers. Wait for the day when you may be able to assemble with the elect on earth and feel our Spirit in abundance.

Some of our children mistake the Spirit for emotions they themselves feel. However, if they hold still, deeply ponder and sincerely ask if our Spirit is present, we will give them our witness to their unconscious mind. They will then be able to feel past their own emotions and feel our response. They need to drop all cultural religious pressure and become humble and open. Only in such a receptive state may they be able to hear our voice and feel our Spirit to answer their questions.

6. Raphael, you became distracted yesterday at the sacrament, and these distractions blocked your ability to hear our voice. Our elect need to also clear their minds of the cares of this world and fully seek us without their distractions. We will then graciously answer their requests.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his counsel. I told him that I gained so very much by communing with him and Heavenly Mother so often! I said I loved them so much and would continue to keep their commandments. What a blessing they are in my current mortal life!

7. Heavenly Father then came to me and took my hands. I stood as he lifted me up. He then spoke:

'Raphael, let's go through the forest now and look at the activities and the habitations of the Refugees of Lucifer!'

He then held my hand and we were immediately above the place where the Refugees of Lucifer now live. We were at the tree top level and those below us could not see us. I saw many houses, streets, buildings, and happy people walking around. It looked like there were groups of the faithful, pleasantly communing together. I saw them depart from each other only after they hugged each other, showing forth great love and acceptance towards all.

We came to one of their assembly halls for a work meeting. It was filled with the Spirit! There were tears of joy on the faces of many in the congregation! They seemed so very happy! They exemplified what this scripture states that happened to the Nephites in their meetings:

8. Moroni 6:9

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."

9. I turned to thank my Heavenly Father to have visited a place of true worship! I felt tears of joy swell in my eyes as we were there–this is where I yearned to be on my Sabbaths!

Heavenly Father smiled and told me I would have many meetings like this, but my wife and I would have to wait a season longer.

I then felt propelled from this beautiful scene to my room where I was praying in my house. I still felt the peace and joy of the Saints of the Refugees of Lucifer. I knelt and thanked my Heavenly Father for a glimpse into such a wonderful group of humble people who have truly been converted to God! I asked for strength to continue on in my Sabbath meetings, even though I feel no Spirit from the meetings.

I asked that my wife and I be filled with the love of God to bless and nourish all those around us. I then felt assurance that God would bless us to minister in love and joy to those around us–our family, friends, and people we might meet. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer.

10. In the evening–

Here is what we did with the chokecherries we picked!

Tonight I came to the circling waters in heaven. It is a very pretty mountain setting in a celestial environment. I do love the beautiful mountains!

I felt very clear and happy and then knelt in front of the bench, facing south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come. I then waited and observed. I turned my head and saw my glorious Heavenly Mother come down from the sky to the little outcropping to my left! She waved me to come to her! I immediately thought to come on my knees in front of her and then I came right in front of her. She was smiling and asked me to stand next to her which I did.

11. She then spoke:

'Raphael, come with me and let's walk up my stream to see again my beautiful mountain forest!'

I could tell she was excited about this lovely area on her celestial orb! I was so pleased to be invited to go with her, especially after I had just returned from the mountains of Utah!

We came together, holding hands, to the stream, a little above the water in the air. She pointed out the names of the trees, why she liked them, and some of their uses. She showed me the wild flowers and grasses and vegetation of all sorts. We passed small animals and a deer and a bear. The entire tour was so wonderful to me–all experienced in my unconscious mind. It is a little difficult to capture the full emotion I know I had when I try to think of it in my conscious mind. However, I know the highlights of what I experienced for these came freely into my conscious mind.

12. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, I was pleased that your wife and daughter and you were able to visit your own local mountains today too. This is such a beautiful time of year, with wild berries on the trees and bushes and leaves starting to change! I find joy in your happy experiences today on earth too! We have provided such a beautiful array of mountain vegetation and landscapes. It helps revive the soul of man when our children take time to visit us in lovely nature settings! When our children pray outside in nature, they may be able to experience our presence in abundance, for this setting helps them drop their earthly pressures and activities and meditate on us and seek to be close to God. We love the beauty of nature!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for providing such beauty on the earth! I loved also this celestial mountain forest and stream where I may come to commune with them frequently.

13. Heavenly Mother then said that she and Heavenly Father would provide protection of their faithful children in mountain areas like where I visited with my family today. She said she would help hide us when we get in a tight situation from our enemies in her mountains. She said her mountain terrain, plants and animals would all play a part in helping and protecting her elect in a future day.

Heavenly Mother then said for me to come again in the morning to her granite cliff at the top of her upper garden. She said she would meet me there and give me further instructions. I thanked her and knew it was time for me to go and end my prayer. I thanked her again for her tour, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 4, 2018, Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke early and came to the adjacent bedroom in my house. I slept reasonably well and feel ready to meet God in prayer. I came as instructed last night to the granite cliff at the upper end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It seemed like early morning in heaven too. The sun was already up and the heavenly world was quiet and still. I could see the distant temple of God to the west. I knelt on the top of the granite cliff, facing the distant temple. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I waited and watched.

I then saw a light come from Heavenly Mother's lower gardens and then make its way to me. Heavenly Mother was in the light! She came in front of me in the air. She was radiant and smiling!

2. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am glad you have come to this granite cliff at the top of my upper gardens! We have chosen to come to our humble children who pray to us, often in elevated areas, like on a mountaintop or somewhere we may overlook the land.

3. I want to speak to you this morning about the attitude and desires we want to see in our children who approach us in prayer. Sincere personal prayer is a time to drop all one's expectations, to be very open to our subtle impressions, and to leave behind the cares of the world. Right now you have no idea what I will say to you, and you are open, like an open empty book, ready for me to write my words. You wait upon me and don't expect any message in particular. You are ready to receive.

4. In such a meditative state, we may freely express our message. However, the great majority of our children in mortality have never come to us in such an open and receptive state. They make it impossible for us to respond to them since they expect a certain thing we will or will not do. Prayer for them is more of a one-way conversation. We therefore allow them to talk to themselves and don't reveal anything to them. We do observe them and their patterns in prayer. We yearn to reach out to them, but they won't let us in. Their motivation to pray is more from a should-belief instilled in them at church. It becomes a short routine effort to satisfy a nagging belief that they should pray.

5. Real effective prayer comes from our children who are motivated by something more than a routine habit. It comes when connection with God becomes more important than other events in their lives. We wait for this day and will respond when their attitude is open and humble. However, if this stance is unfamiliar to them, they often don't even recognize that we come and speak to them, to their inner soul. This is in their unconscious mind, reachable in meditation, openness and humility.

6. Sometimes our children project their own thoughts of how they think we should respond. They don't persist and aren't in a receptive mode. They think their own thoughts are our words. They have learned to discern the impressions we give them from their own emotions and thoughts. Satan is able to twist their perceptions if they are not connected to their own open spirit and aren't humble. One of the greatest deterrents of the adversary is their clear intention to connect to God, and being humble and open. He has no power over our child in prayer whose intentions are clear and pure, in the openness of their heart and mind. If such a clear intention consumes our child's desire, then we will come and Satan will depart.

7. Once we come, our humble child may also miss our revelations, since they are expecting more fanfare or revelation coming to them differently than we always do. However, we speak in soft words and thoughts to their inner soul, to their unconscious mind like we have always spoken to them. As they respond to our words, we will encourage them, teaching them that this is the manner in which we speak.

Once our praying child feels our words and responses, they are on the path to receiving more and more from us. As they obey, we give more. If our counsels are not followed, we give less.

I will come to those who are on this narrow path, for I am the Holy Ghost, Raphael! I will give them a new path and will show them all things they should do:

8. 2 Nephi 32:3-6–

"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.

Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark.

For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.

Behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and there will be no more doctrine given until after he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh. And when he shall manifest himself unto you in the flesh, the things which he shall say unto you shall ye observe to do."

9. As our children follow the example and teachings of our Beloved Son, as recorded in the scriptures, and as they feast upon his words, I will show them step-by-step the specific things they need to do next. Ultimately, Jesus Christ will show himself to our faithful, redeem them of their sins and weaknesses, and bring them to us, their Heavenly Parents. This is the ultimate objective of all prayer, to bring them into a personal relationship again with us, their Heavenly Parents. This is the state we now have with you!'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words! I feel so pleased to be able to hear her and Heavenly Father's words, and to be able to understand what they wish me to do in my mortal life! I am grateful to have the ability to write them down as they come to my inner soul (my unconscious mind) and then into my conscious mind in my mortal body. I am filled with assurance that she has spoken these words to me today!

Heavenly Mother smiled in acceptance of what I have written. She told me I have correctly written her words as she wanted them recorded. I knew she would then leave me, so that I could live my day. However, she will be with me continually today, as the Holy Ghost, and guide me in all things.

I closed my prayer and then started my new day.

11. At night– I have just now sat down to write in my journal and pray.

In my prayer tonight, I came to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens, near her glass table facing some beds of garden vegetables. I know how important her garden and herb beds are to her. I knelt facing her garden beds and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw a bed of plants up the slope of the lower garden, with Heavenly Mother looking and picking things from her garden. I felt to stand and walk up the path between the garden/herb beds until I would get to her. So I stood and walked to her. As I approached, she turned and watched me come. When I got before her, I knelt in the path and looked up at her, my glorious Heavenly Mother!

12. She spoke to me next:

'Raphael, I am glad you have come to me tonight! I want to show you more of my gardens. Last night we walked together in my upper gardens, above the mountain stream through the beautiful forest there. Tonight I would like to show you how my lower garden vegetables and herbs are progressing.'

I told her I would love to see! She extended her hand. I stood and took her hand and together we walked up further on the path. There were garden beds on both sides of us. Heavenly Mother showed me her ripe produce from her vegetable garden. She showed me a wide variety, from tomatoes, melons, peppers, squash of all varieties, beans, cabbage, broccoli, potatoes and many more I wasn't acquainted with. In another bed there were grapes, berries of all kinds, and lots of fruits from bushes and small plants. She said she grew her fruit trees in the orchard on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful. There were so many beautiful vegetables and fruits in her lower gardens! Heavenly Mother showed me her many plants and their uses. She also gave me some unusual veggies and fruits to try since they were ripe. They were all so delicious! I was very enthralled with the great care and beauty of her gardens, and how large and tasty these were!

13. She spoke again:

'Raphael, I always grew a garden when in mortality. It was particularly hard when our baby, in great need, wouldn't let us set her down, but even then we grew our own local vegetables and fruits. Your Heavenly Father helped me immensely in preparing the soil, planting seeds, weeding, harvesting and then processing the food we grew. This all entails a lot of dedication and work. However, I have always been richly rewarded with deep satisfaction in growing a garden.

14. Raphael, during times of economic distress in the land, a garden can be very helpful in sustaining a family. This will happen again in your day, in the years ahead. If you can eat what you grow, you can continue to have an excellent food source at little cost excepting your labor. In your day, the food in the grocery store is becoming more and more adulterated with poisons, chemical fertilizers, modified genetics, and so many additives that may enhance taste but burden the physical body. If one eats from their garden, like you do, Raphael, they will be able to keep a healthier body and spirit and the food will also taste so much better.

15. In the millennium, most of our elect will grow their own gardens, orchards, and vineyards. They will live providently, eating and using what they themselves produce. We will promote a self-reliant lifestyle as much as possible for all. There will also be lots of sharing among our elect of what they each produce. It will be a very happy place in which to raise a family!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her advice to grow our own food, particularly in coming days. I told her that my wife and I loved to garden. I said we are harvesting a lot of food right now, and are trying to preserve it for a time when we won't have a garden. I thanked her for her many wonderful plants, vegetables and fruits and more, that she and Heavenly Father have provided so abundantly for us!

She smiled and seemed to radiate acceptance to me. She started fading away before me and soon left me. I came back to my conscious mind and thanked her again in my prayer as I closed. I then got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 5, 2018, Wednesday

1. I came to the adjacent room a little after 7:00 a.m. to pray. I reread my entry from last night. I realized that my wife and I have also always grown a vegetable garden since we were married. We planted fifty or so fruit trees which have produced well for us in our orchard. We have tried to eat or give away all that we produce. We too, like Heavenly Mother, have felt so satisfied in growing our own food and preparing our meals now mostly from what we grow. I know our organic garden is providing a super source of wholesome food for our bodies. I truly feel so blessed!

This morning I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I felt to come by the side of the little stream that flowed into the lake. I knelt there and drank some living water. I was feeling very clear and prepared to pray. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw my Heavenly Parents holding hands, walking around the lake to my left. They were talking while strolling. I watched them as they came from the path and soon came right in front of me!

They were each smiling. I gazed into their loving faces. Heavenly Father's eyes were tender and deep. Heavenly Mother's eyes were bright and sparkling. They both seemed happy to be with me and with each other!

2. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we make time in our busy life to spend a lot of time together. This is what we wish to do, for we love being in each other's presence and to continually talk together. We have noticed that when you are able, you and your wife also love to be together. You said to your wife at bedtime last night that the very best time of the day was when you were with her! That is exactly how we feel too! Being together as much as possible engenders feelings of love and acceptance, as long as you each give room to allow your spouse to be whoever he/ she wishes to be. When a person seeks to control another, this creates feelings of subjugation and non-acceptance. The less one does this, the more love each will feel for each other.

3. Your wife has been studying a book entitled "Minding Your Own Business." This concept of seeking to control only your own life and not others will bring you the greatest happiness. You have noticed too that by letting your grown children be whoever they wish to be, and just accept them in their choices, brings both you and your child the greatest peace and happiness. Control, dominion, or compulsion over another brings unhappiness to both parties.

Speaking of my priesthood power, our prophet Joseph Smith received this good counsel from our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:

4. D&C 121:36-37

"That the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.

That this may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man."

5. Unfortunately, when my authority is given to my sons, so many begin to exercise unrighteous dominion (see verse 39). The powers of heaven are only brought upon our children as they act in righteous ways and allow all men and women the ability to choose for themselves. It is their business to choose how they wish to live, not anybody else.'

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, I act as the Holy Ghost among my children in mortality. I cannot bear to see my children subjugate each other under pretenses that they are helping others be righteous or by controlling them to choose the right. I always leave their presence under such conditions.

7. Instead, we wish our children to follow the loving example of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in accepting and freely loving others. This seems to be hardest for parents of grown children. When children are young, they need restraint and lots of loving guidance. But when they become accountable and reach their teenage years, they start to choose their own path and make their own choices. Parents need to let go of controlling their children as their children become more independent thinking and approach adulthood. These children should gradually have more and more freedom to choose until they fully act and choose on their own. By so doing, they will feel so much more accepted and loved that were their parents still trying to control them.

8. Acceptance and love for all is the correct pattern for interfacing with all people, and particularly is effective with grown children. It brings happiness and deep satisfaction to the parent and children alike. This is how we interact with all of our children.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their wonderful counsel! I told them that I felt so privileged to hear their advice this beautiful morning. Heavenly Mother extended her hand to me and I stood. She and Heavenly Father then started to stroll around the lake with me. I felt so honored to be so fully accepted and loved by them.

We talked more but I don't know in my conscious mind what we talked about. I gradually lost connection and came back to my conscious mind. I feel so much at peace and very happy! I will seek to have God's presence with me all the day long today! I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

9. Evening– I came to pray about 10:00 p.m. I came to the desert oasis tonight and it was dark. I could see a little from the stars since there was no moon up, but it was very dark. I knelt in front of the bench, facing the water. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then felt that my Heavenly Mother was walking to me from my right side, but I couldn't see her! She came up to me and stood. She didn't shine at all, but I could still perceive exactly what she was doing! She was smiling and then she transferred these thoughts to me.

10. 'Raphael, I have asked you to come here in the darkness and I have not emitted any light so that you could "see" me only with your spiritual perception. This spiritual perception is a skill you have developed by being in tune to your spirit self. Your spirit self has learned to perceive very well everything happening around you physically or spiritually, seen or unseen. With this spiritual perception, you may be aware of all things around you, in either a spiritual or physical environment. You can feel with your spiritual senses these things, just like you can perceive me and what I am doing and what thoughts I communicate to you.

If you are astute and perceptive, you may also sense thought energies and of course love and light energies. These energies are tangible, made up of elemental matter, and therefore they have substance that can be perceived.

You may also perceive spirits since these also have this more refined matter and are tangible. You may also still communicate with those around you through non-verbal means, through your own thoughts. These are transferred back and forth between spirits.'

Heavenly Mother then became illuminated with a soft glow of light so I could see her with my spirit eyes.

11. She spoke again:

'Raphael, it is good that you have developed your spiritual perception to a high degree. You also have developed your spirit sight with which you mainly now see me in your unconscious mind. You use both powers of spiritual perception and spiritual sight actually in every one of our encounters, to help you fully spiritually see me and then act on my words.

12. I have introduced the difference between spiritual perception and spiritual sight. It is our desire to have our elect children in mortality perceive both of these skills that they have developed in their premortal life. We also would like them to be in tune more and more to their unconscious minds. This will greatly help them in navigating through the spiritually treacherous days ahead. We will come to them, help guide them to us and to safety. We wish them to perceive us and our words so they can act on our directions.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words tonight and to learn more about spiritual perception and spiritual sight. I told her I loved her and was so grateful for perceiving her and her words tonight, even in the dark! She then became dark again. I perceived she turned and walked towards the water. She then disappeared. All this was perceived with my spiritual perception!

I closed my prayer and ended my day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 6, 2018, Thursday

1. I came this morning to the bench at the circling waters. This is such a lovely place and I love to come here. I knelt in front of the bench and felt very pure and clear. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Father came to me immediately, appearing in front of me, elevated a little above the shore of the water. He was smiling and spoke to me:

'Raphael, it takes practice to develop the spiritual perception and spiritual sight skills you use while in mortality. These two skills were developed by all, prior to coming to earth. They are part of your abilities as a celestial spirit.

The skill of connecting your conscious mind to your unconscious mind also takes practice. You now practice for several hours daily, in your meditations and prayers. This ability opens up your mortal conscious mind to the capabilities of your celestial spirit and to communion with us.

3. These abilities that you use in your mortal state need to be practiced for one to be able to connect with us and to use these spiritual gifts. We wish all of our elect to learn and develop a similar capacity in mortality as you have done. This comes by persistent practice, and can be achieved in no other way unless we remove or thin the veil over their unconscious mind. We do this occasionally perhaps, but expect our elect child to put forth effort as you have done to make this a daily practice and a new skill.

4. You have correctly thought that access to your unconscious mind brings you so much greater awareness of your spiritual perception and spiritual sight. We have tutored you in how to do this, from the beginning, over six and a half years ago. You have been very responsive and determined to learn. You have been open and were willing to question your past beliefs, including the religious norms and those of your culture. We patiently guided you, step-by-step, as we will for any of our children who sincerely and humbly come unto us.

5. All of these changes over the years have to be practiced and learned while in mortality. Similarly, when your Heavenly Mother birthed our spirit babies, they were innocent and had little skills and knowledge in their premortal spirit infancy. We both had the great pleasure to tutor our young innocent spirits, one step at a time, in learning their skills they eventually all came to use as spirits, our sons and daughters. Without our teachings, they would not have developed the spiritual perception and spiritual sight gifts that they all have developed.

We also taught them how to feel emotions, and how to develop these from their thoughts. Their thoughts came to them freely from their intelligence, which they always had thought, even before becoming a spirit.

6. Learning how to act and perceive as a spirit was a gradual process that all of our children learned. Once Lucifer and his followers were cast out for rebellion, their skill set as spirits progressed no further. However, our other children began an intensive training in preparation for mortality. They learned about the division of conscious and unconscious thoughts, about use of their spirit and future physical organs and functions, and all skills they would need to come to a fallen, telestial earth life. The devils never received this training or learned these skills.

7. Likewise, there are many of our children who have come to mortality who never developed the spiritual sensitivities that we expect of our elect. These include a self-motivated effort of our child to connect to us spiritually. We will then gradually tutor them, step-by-step as we have done for you. They will be able to reawaken to their spiritual perception and spiritual sight skills they developed in the premortal world. They too will learn how to pierce the veil, by connecting their conscious mind to their unconscious mind. This takes lots of practice, faith, and diligence. We gradually bless our children who put forth personal effort in these areas.

8. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have directed you to write all of this so that our elect children may progress and grow spiritually as have you. We will diligently lead each one back to us, in a similar process as we have led you. This is our desire for each of our elect children in mortality.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I felt guided as I wrote. I hope I have captured his words sufficiently well today and Heavenly Mother's words last night!

9. I asked my Heavenly Father if my journal entry was acceptable to him, for last night with Heavenly Mother and this morning with him. He responded:

'Raphael, we are both pleased with what you have written. Make this entry your last one in post 93. We desire our children to confirm all of your words with us in their own personal prayers. We both love you, Raphael, and we love each of our elect children in mortality!'

Heavenly Father then gradually faded away and was soon departed. I felt peace and assurance that I had written all correctly. I then closed my prayer and started another day.

(Note: I asked my Heavenly Father if I could include these next few journal entries also in this same post. He concurred that I could do so. This is why these next few pages are included in this post.)

10. In the evening–Tonight I came in the celestial world to commune with my loving Heavenly Parents. I came to the bottom pool of the waterfalls, next to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. It was still light and the mist from the falls felt good on my skin. I knew this was "living water mist". I drank some water from the waterfall pool and then knelt on the shore facing the falls. I then asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then perceived my Heavenly Mother in front of the falls, a few seconds before she came into view. I can only think this was because of the living water I drank and was sprayed with, that enhances my gift of foresight. Anyway, Heavenly Mother was soon in her radiant glory in front of me! She was smiling, had sparkling eyes, and was very beautiful. She wore a robe with gold trim it seemed, around the end of her sleeves and around her neck on her robe, and at the bottom hem next to her feet. She still wore the scarlet red sash around her waist.

11. She then spoke:

'Raphael, I want to address the two questions you recently received about the tree of life.

Q1–When Heavenly Father had the tree of life removed from the Garden of Eden and taken to the celestial realms, was it later transported to the city of Enoch? Or was there a new tree of life created or a sapling from the celestial realms brought down and planted in the city of Enoch?

Q2–About the tree of life: Aren't there several in the celestial orb? It seems there is one near the celestial temple area, Enoch has one, and didn't you plant one as a sapling? Where did the sapling come from?

12. A–Raphael, the first tree of life was created by our first parent Gods in order to send out to all of their children their abundant love. The tree was the main transmitter of this love of God. The love also plainly came from our first Gods themselves, and still does, from their very beings.

As they ordained some of their children to become Gods also, they each were given a seeded fruit from this original tree of life. This they each planted in their celestial resurrected earth, in the land of their inheritance. From this tree they planted more trees of life on their own celestial orb they would someday create. We have followed this same pattern.

13. Our own original tree of life grows on our celestial planet earth where we were given a celestial inheritance. From this tree of life, we planted a seeded fruit next to our celestial temple in our celestial orb. This was our second tree of life.

We have planted various trees on our celestial orb and later transplanted them as we required for different eternities. When these were brought to the current earth of that eternity, during the Garden of Eden phase, they only remained in the terrestrial garden area until the fall of man. We then took them back to our celestial orb.

14. We have also brought one or two trees of life back to the earth in each eternity at the phase of the millennium of that earth. This is our current plan for your earth. We will have our angels bring both trees and transplant them in the New Jerusalem area, a celestial area. One is the sapling you transplanted from under the tree of life by our temple, and is now growing to the west of this tree. The other will come from Enoch's city.

The one from Enoch's city is the very tree of life we had first placed in the garden of Eden. When we brought it to our celestial orb, after the fall of man, it remained near our temple until we received the city of Enoch to ourselves. We then transplanted it there for the use of his people.

15. In the millennial day, we will have two trees of life in the New Jerusalem area. These trees will be visited more than they would have been in heaven. They will see heavy use as our elect come and partake of their fruit and leaves. This will be a glorious garden area which will house our temple, the two trees of life, and our fountain of living water. We look forward to coming there frequently and visiting with our children in this celestial realm on the earth.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer tonight! I was so pleased with this interesting revelation on the two trees of life that we will one day hove together on the earth.

I closed my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, September 7, 2018 Friday

1. I awoke early and reread my journal entry from last night. It is quite fascinating about the trees of life in this eternity. I know there are multiple trees of life on each celestial earth on all of the inheritances of the gods there. These each also have been propagated to their own galaxies, wherever these may be.

I also wondered if our first Gods have a whole orchard of trees of life now that each produce seeded fruits for the new couple gods who need one for their own new original tree of life. It seems important somehow that these come from the residence of our first couple Gods.

Anyway, this morning I came to the meandering stream in the desert to pray in the celestial world. I felt pure and clear, so I knelt facing east towards the distant desert oasis. It was very still and quiet here. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

2. My Heavenly Father came to me, walking from my right above the stream in the air! He came in front of me, extended his hand and motioned for me to join him on his walk! I stood and joined him, taking his hand. We walked in silence together for a moment and then he spoke to me, all in my thoughts like he and Heavenly Mother normally do:

'Raphael, we are so glad for the miraculous trees of life we have growing in our own celestial domains! These trees of life all come from the seeded fruits from our original tree of life on our original land of our inheritance, on our celestial earth where we once lived on earth.

3. When your earth dies and then is resurrected, the two trees of life will then return for all eternity back to your own celestial earth in the New Jerusalem area. This temple square area will remain there throughout all eternity. In our celestial orb, we will then only have one tree of life at the start of the new next eternity. Other trees of life we may need will come from either our first inheritance tree or from the tree of life next to our temple.

4. These trees of life are both symbols of the love of God, spreading forth the love of God, and they are also transmitters of that love of God. They are all resurrected celestial trees, capable of producing regular fruits without seeds or seeded fruits for propagation of new trees of life.

5. We are so very pleased that these trees of life continue to be received from our first parent Gods for each of our new couple gods, who are our own children. You wondered if there is a whole orchard of the trees of life on the first celestial orb in the center of the universe. What actually happens is that our first parent Gods have allowed the first original tree of life to be replicated as much as is required to meet the demand for seeded fruits to be received by the new couple gods. There is a vast area now on their first celestial orb where these replicated trees grow. It is still the first tree, but only replicated now many times over. This is where you will one day receive your own seeded fruit from our first parent God's world, at the beginning of your first eternity as a couple god.

6. When you decide to populate your own new celestial orb, that you and your wife will create, you will also populate it from celestial offspring or celestial seeds from animals and plants. These will come from the celestial animals and plants of our own celestial orb, or from celestial orbs from other Gods. These will become your own animals and plants to grow and populate their own kind in your own world, or on the earths you will eventually create. You may also create your own plant or animal creations if you desire, for the power of creation will be given to you at that time. We have received many such new plants and animals that our fellow Gods have shared with us, for our own worlds. These come to us as celestial offspring or celestial seeds from the resurrected animals and plants on these other celestial orbs. These shared animals and plants are unique in that they themselves do not have a mortal experience. They are created or birthed as resurrected celestial entities with a spirit and a body that is fully resurrected as a new infant of that species. They are raised to their youth and then transferred to the new couple God who needs them to populate their own new celestial orb. These come as a male and female of their own kind or species so that they may multiply. Their offspring are most often spirit celestial offspring that receive a mortal experience. These in turn come forth on an earth. The first of these animals and plants are born again in terrestrial state by their celestial parents of their same kind. They then propagate on earth in a mortal experience their own offspring, just like what happens in your own telestial world.

7. The mortal experience of plants and animals is not for their own growth, but to support and enhance the world in which our own children receive a mortal experience. This is a probationary experience for our own children only and not for any others of our creations. We only judge our children and do not judge our other creations. Only our children have full agency and full choice. All our creations are to benefit and support our beloved children who one day may become even as we are.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words! I received them as we were strolling above the desert stream. We then stopped. He turned and looked at me and spoke:

'Raphael, these truths are common knowledge to us who live in our celestial worlds as the Gods. Your Heavenly Mother and I reveal them to you because we wish the millennial world to be filled with the knowledge of God. You live in a day when all such things will freely be revealed. Many of these truths will at first be revealed to you and then to whoever may ask of us. We will reveal all things as fast as you and our children may receive them!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for choosing me to be the recipient of such great truths from him and Heavenly Mother! I thanked him for his love and trust in me, his humble and open servant.

He told me he was going to leave me now and that he and Heavenly Mother would continue to be with me, unseen from my conscious view, during my upcoming mortal day on earth. He then departed. I closed my prayer and started my new day!