116. The Light of Christ
Posted 4-7-2019

Hello again!

I hope you are enjoying the awaking of our earth to springtime!

This post centers a lot concerning the flow of light matter, called the Light of Christ and the light of the Holy Ghost. I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving all of this new revelation!

Please pray about what I receive. You each need to know for yourselves that you are being led aright, and in accordance with God's will.


P.S. I have the remainder of my Oregon forest pictures in this post, carried over from last week's post.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 24, 2019, Sunday (continued)

1. After church–I attended my son's local sacrament meeting with my wife today. Our oldest granddaughter was giving a youth talk in that meeting. It was enjoyable to be with them.

2. During the sacrament, I came to the bluff above God's Healing Lake, facing the temple to the distance to the north after the hymn, I knelt there and made my weekly sacrament covenant. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother (Heavenly Mother on Heavenly Father's left) appeared before me. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, your father and I accept your covenant you have made. We will always be with you!

3. I want to answer your correct thoughts about the sequence of the judgment and resurrection, that were stirred by M.S.'s latest podcast that you listened to this morning (post 34, 2 Nephi 9 part 2). He gave evidence from the Book of Mormon that the resurrection of all our children happens before the final judgment. However, the celestial, terrestrial and telestial all each are judged before their resurrection. How could they be resurrected to a particular glory without a judgment?

4. In the celestial, they are first judged of Jesus Christ and elected to the Church of the Firstborn or chosen because of their celestial nature. These receive no further judgment. They are all resurrected to a celestial glory by the time they receive their ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple from the angels, after the waters of separation ordinance. The terrestrial and telestial are judged by those commissioned of Jesus Christ, and agree to their judgments, and then are resurrected to that glory by the power of Jesus Christ.

5. The celestial will all be resurrected before the terrestrial and telestial, but the terrestrial and telestial receive their eternal inheritance on their world of glory before the celestial receive their inheritance. The celestial will be the very last of our children to receive their inheritance on the celestial resurrected earth, and be ordained by us to be gods, even a couple god in eternity.

What your Heavenly Father spoke to you this morning, and what you have written in your journal is accurate.'

6. Evening –I came this evening to God's loving healing lake, near the bench by the little stream that flows into the lake. I faced the lake and knelt on the grassy area next to the stream. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came upon the lake and walked to me in a beam of light, she came directly in from of me, smiling! Her light passed into and through me. I felt very enlivened and full of light! Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have come to you at this time in my glory, with my light shining upon you. This is my normal glory that I express. I no longer need to reduce my normal glory when I come to you. I am able, however, to reduce my glory, or the light coming from my being, or increase the light to a level far more than my normal glory. When your Father and I are together, my normal glory is the glory we usually have.

7. I want you to continue swallowing your coconut oil twice a day, and seek to reflect my light from your heart area to all parts of your body. Do this in your conscious mind so that you too will be able to decrease or increase the light coming from you. As you swallow the coconut oil, visualize my light coming into your body as you have felt tonight, and then being emitted from your heart. As you gain skill in your practice, next direct my light from your heart to your hands so that your hands are able to emit my light. These hands will become healing hands the healing light all from me, your Heavenly Mother. As you direct light to your hands, coupled with the directions for healing that I will give to you, then you will be my conduit for healing through my healing light and love that comes through your hands.

8. Raphael, this is a skill we wish you to gain, through your diligent twice a day practice. We also will answer the individual prayers of our healing angels to be able to develop this same capacity in their hands. All of our celestial servants will be able to petition me to shine forth my light from their own heart like I have explained to you.

9. One of the most important qualities of our servants and our elect children is to be very open and receptive to our Spirit. My spirit is full of light and truth, and is the spirit of the Holy Ghost. It is this same spirit that I wish you to reflect in your heart, and to come into your hands and heal as I direct you. Without being open, dropping all of your preconceptions, and seeking our faces and listening to our words, you will not be led aright. Many of our elect children are so ingrained with their own beliefs that they harbor that they restrict our true light and spirit that we send to them. We desire all expectations, traditions, and beliefs of how it "should" be to be dropped. We desire our children to be open to us, to be receptive to our spirit and words, and then to act as we direct them. They will, in this way, have our protection and assurance of not being deceived.

10. There will be a large body of our righteous children that will remain in their locked traditions and beliefs, that they will be deceived by the clever manipulations of the adversary and false teachings. These may also come from false prophets who are misinformed and deceived themselves.

11. Now I want you to practice what I have asked you to do twice a day. Stand, and come with me to the shores of God's Loving Healing Lake!'

I stood and walked with my Heavenly Mother to the shore of the lake. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, I will rise in the air above you and first direct you to reflect my light coming into you from your heart. Send these rays outward to the surrounding area.'

12. Heavenly Mother then rose about 20 feet above the lake and shine her light to me. I felt it pass through me as I normally do. I then consciously visualized her light gathering at my heart, and then shining forth brilliantly to the surrounding area from me. It took me about 10 seconds or so until I became successful in redirecting her light to my heart, and then shining forth that light from my heart. I found I could tangibly feel and see this reflected or gathered light come into my heart and then to shine forth. I looked and verified that her light shone from my heart to my surroundings.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke again, 'Raphael, you have done what I asked, and have been successful in shining my light from your heart. Continue to practice this twice a day for the coming week. Now, do the same thing, except gather my light I send to you and redirect this light into both of your stretched out arms. Visualize my light coming from the palms of your hands into the lake in front of you!

14. I then stretched out my arms in front of me. Heavenly Mother sent me again her light and I quietly visualized this light being gathered and directed down my arms into my hands, and from my palms into the lake. As I thought this, I could see light coming from both palms of my hands, and going into the water in front of me! I found I could decrease or increase the flow of the healing light by my thoughts.

15. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, you have succeeded in directing my light into your hands. In one week, start doing this instead of directing my light into your heart and shining. We want you to practice until it becomes automatic, according to our directions to you. Then repeat this starting in one week while you direct my light into your hands. After this second week, report back to me.'

Heavenly Mother then rose up in the air and was gone. I then knelt on the shore of God's loving healing lake and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelations tonight, and my experiences on the lake!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry March 25, 2019, Monday

1. Monday, I awoke early and came to my adjacent bedroom where I prayed. I came to the fir forest just west of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. The forest reminded me of the redwood grove of trees that I had visited last week up in Oregon. There was a very still and majestic feeling here in heaven, on the celestial orb!

2. I knelt on the soft ground, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father immediately came in front of me, radiating his spirit and light! I could tell it was he because how the light came from his heart area, like how the light came from Heavenly Mother, from all her body. Heavenly Father was smiling and seemed so accepting of me. I gazed into his eternity eyes and felt so much assurance and confidence in him, that all was somehow controlled by him among his creations. I knew he gave his children the wide latitude of choice, but somehow I felt he knew all what his children would do, and how things and events would transpire in the future.

3. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, and I dwell in the higher celestial realms where past, present, and future are always before us. Time is not linear like it is in your world, but is expressed in one eternal round. When I see you before me, kneeling, I also just as easily see you as an intelligence, before we chose you, as a pre-mortal spirit created in our image, in your mortal life, and in your millennial state when you do your important mission in our New Jerusalem temple. I also may see you in your future state as a god. All of these stages that you have or will pass through and become are always before me when I look upon you, or think of you. They are all present as if they are all here now. This is because we have godly capabilities, and dwell in a higher celestial realm where all such things are continually before us.

4. These views contain great secrets that we keep private to ourselves, for we may see through our godly gift of foresight, everything that may happen in your life. We purposefully don't reveal all to you, for then you would act differently in your present life. You are still acting in your full agency to choose what you want to do, and were you to see fully what I see, you might want to change your future by adjusting your current actions. However, we give you little glimpses into your past and future that will strengthen you and let you know who you are, but we don't give you too much that would cause you to dwell too much on them.

5. This is the great day of your mortal probation, a time of testing and of gaining invaluable experience and maturity, It is only gained by coming into a lower telestial or terrestrial glory, and having a veil over your mind. This veil assures us that you don't see the past or the future, and that you focus on the present. This is how we designed the probationary state of our children.

6. Time is not so important for us who dwell in eternity, with all things before us. For you, it is very much part of your world. You see your life in mortality as a continuum of the past, present, and an unknown future. This perspective gives you motivation to become different in the future by how you choose to act in the present. You may thus improve yourself in the present to become a better more capable person in the future.

7. Before you came to earth, you lived in a spiritual realm of glory, even a celestial realm. In this realm you had full capacity of your conscious and unconscious mind, for they acted as one. You also did not have a veil over your mind, but fully remembered all of your past, even back to your state as a single intelligence before we came to you. You also had limited views of your future, but not all of your future. You could see what you would be doing in your future mortal state, whom you were going to marry, and what children we would send to you. You were able to accept conditions we would give to you in your future mortal life that we felt would help you grow and become a more mature and capable son, and able to prepare for your important calling and future mission.

8. For example, Raphael, you knew that you would awaken to your angelic mission later in your mortal life. You saw how this would come about. You also saw the training and the experiences we would give you in your life that would shape you into our very capable archangel on the earth. You saw yourself work during the entire millennium in your future role in serving our elect children. This same perspective was given to each of our sons and daughters, as we desired to show them. It was a limited view, and not our full past-present-future view that we see in our higher celestial realm. We showed each of our children some of their future in mortality in order to gain their permission for certain future events that would happen to them in mortality. Once all was planned and accepted, we sent each one to earth. They each come with the veil over their mind into their probationary estate. This would be a very intense time of growth and learning, only available in such a state where they lived in the present, and would only remember their past since their mortal birth. These, our beloved mortal children, would not know of their future either unless we revealed some of it to them.

9. When our children die a mortal death, they leave their physical bodies on the earth and their eternal spirits go into the spiritual realms of the dead. The knowledge of their past pre-mortal life may be returned to them, based on their perceptions and awareness. However, they still would have limited view of their future state. They would remember all that happened to them and also those they experienced in mortality. Since their future views were still restricted, they were still in a state of probation, or an extension of their mortal probationary state. These our spirit children could still act for themselves and choose the paths they would live and whom they would follow. Our elect children would still hear our voice, the voice of our Spirit, and obey. The wicked would still refuse to hear us, but would want to choose their own paths, based upon their own desires and selfish interests. As they continued in works of darkness, they would forget more and more their past pre-mortal state of glory, and their previous actions to be aligned with Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer. We would continue to try to reach those, either by our own voice or by visitations from servants commissioned to share the gospel, our way of living a happy and peaceful life.

10. Raphael, we are pleased with your prayers that you have made up to this point in your mortal life. As situations change in your mortal life, and as you experience new events as they unfold we will continue to be by your side, guiding you, for we will always be with you, even in every time of good or in times of trouble. It is in these future circumstances, experiences in your present state at the time, that you will be able to make the most growth and learn the most.'

I thanked my very gracious and loving Heavenly Father for this wonderful revelation about time, and how we all see our past, present and future so differently. He then departed, leaving me kneeling in this very peaceful celestial forest.

11. Evening–This evening I was eager to connect again to one or more of my Heavenly Parents. I had worked hard today and been very involved with my life on earth. I came tonight to the small forest of mountain trees just northeast of the circling waters. I got there by the trail leading there from the circling waters.

I then knelt on the leaves on the forest floor and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I realized I now feel so comfortable communing with them, hearing their beautiful words and truths they share with me! I waited and watched.

12. I then saw Heavenly Mother walk down the path to me from the direction of the circling waters. She was walking in the leaves and they were crunching under her feet! She came in front of me and spoke to me:

'Raphael, I love walking in leaves in the forest, particularly in the mountain forest! Every part of our celestial orb has great memories for me that I have gathered over the millions of eternities we have enjoyed. Each one is so memorable to me! Your Father and I have bright recollections of each one and know still each of our billions of children in each eternity. This may seem so difficult for you to comprehend–how we keep track of all of these in our minds, and how we remember each one of our beloved children from each eternity. However, we are able to do this, keep the eternities separate, and know each of our children so well!

13. Raphael, we who are your Gods have limitless capacity to store and retrieve any past information from our memory, and are able to see into the lives of our children in the future. We are able to see even into future eternities if we wish to. Our course is one eternal round, all spent focused on serving and blessing our beloved children whom I have birthed and created with your Heavenly Father. We never tire of what we do, but find immense joy and satisfaction in our great work. All who have received a degree of glory have made us happy, particularly those, our elect children, who have now entered into their exaltation and become gods themselves in eternity. We still feel saddened by those whom we have chosen who, like Lucifer, have fully rejected our plan of happiness. These have all gone onto their eternal misery, for this is what they each chose.

14. We highly respect the individual agency and choice of each of our children and our creations. Our children who are made in our image have their full agency in every step of their progression or experiences we give to them. We never force or pressure any of our children. We also always tell them the truth. Although we might share only part of our knowledge and understanding with them, we never lie. We give them our light and love freely, according to their ability to receive. We always watch and are sensitive to the amount our children want to follow us and obey our Spirit.

15. When one of our children is so diligent in keeping our words and seeking to know our revelations, as are you, we become more delighted. There are a great number of our elect now on the earth that fall into this category. We love to serve and bless them, to inspire and guide them carefully back into our presence. They receive great joy in time, and we find immediate happiness in seeing them choosing to follow us and to keep our commandments.

16. When our children in the flesh seek us sincerely, with a determination to follow us and to be open to our direction over that of their own culture or even their own learnings and beliefs, we will always come to them, and in our own way and time give them confirmations and guidance. We will not let them be deceived if they sincerely approach us in this manner. Oh, we love our elect children!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words! I felt clearly, during all of her communion with me, her light passing into and through me. It was such a wonderful experience again to kneel before her as she spoke so deliberately and clearly to my open mind! I love her so very much!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry March 26, 2019, Tuesday

1. I found my replicated being on the bench at the desert oasis. I am impressed at the words of time and memory that my Heavenly Mother shared with me last night and that my Heavenly Father shared with me yesterday morning. My heart ponders all of these revelations and wonders at the grandeur of what God has shared with me! I have such a different perspective about who God is than the years before they spoke to me so directly. I feel exceedingly blessed to have such new enlightenment and knowledge!

2. I came to the water's edge and knelt to drink living water. I felt clear and very open and very receptive to what I might receive today from my Heavenly Parents. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me in answer to my prayer.

I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come to me from my left side. They were walking around the oasis, walking hand in hand. As they approached me, Heavenly Mother, who was on my right, extended her hand to me. I stood and came to her and took her hand. We all three continued walking around the oasis. We were walking a little above the path in the air.

3. Heavenly Father broke the silence in a moment: 'Raphael, as we are here walking with each other and you, we are very focused on you and are so pleased to be able to walk with you. This experience brings us lots of pleasure and joy. We are very glad you have chosen to come to us in our celestial world!

4. One day in the future, you too will comprehend and experience similar happiness in your eternal station as a Heavenly Father to your own children who choose to follow you. We find great satisfaction in leading you, day by day, with our abundant revelations. We are happy that you come here and call upon us for revelations and guidance!

5. When you think to judge one of our many children who live in your mortal world, it would do you well to think of the time that they lived as intelligences only. Think of your Heavenly Mother and me choosing them to become one of our beloved children. Think of their intelligences filling their spirits and choosing what they want to do. As you think these thoughts, all judgment will flee away and you will instead be filled with compassion, and not judgment. This little procedure I have explained will release all ideas of judging them for something they may choose to do now. Think of them as trying to navigate to their best ability in the mortal probationary estate that they have entered into.'

6. We then entered into a foggy area. I was still holding my Heavenly Mother's hand. I then lost my connection to both of them visually. I felt, however, that they were continuing to be right next to me! Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, although you won't see us during your day, we are right next to you in all you do today. I will continue to hold your hand and I will lovingly guide you in your life.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their words. I really so enjoyed being with them on this lovely walk around the oasis this morning!

7. Evening-Tonight I came to the celestial orb, at the desert oasis, the water seemed sparkling with lights somehow. I came closer to the water and took a look I saw the water glistening with light! I looked up and saw my Heavenly Mother above the water, shining her light into the water, shore, and all the regions round about! She was descending slowly. I could then tell that the light in the water was a reflection of her coming to me at the oasis. She was soon in front of me, smiling broadly and shining forth her love and light! I felt immediately her light beaming through my body. I felt very clear and perceptive and I felt joy in being in her presence. I only felt love, the absence of fear, and so much acceptance from my mother!

8. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you were talking today with your wife about guilt. This is an emotion that normally comes when one of our children sins or breaks a commandment of God. It is often associated with a remorse of conscience. The person you were talking about feels guilt from a whole array of "should beliefs" that she has learned in her life, beliefs that are not associated with sin or remorse of conscience. Instead she is wracked with feelings of guilt over ideas she has enlarged in her own mind that she should do. There are so many should beliefs she has created that she lives in a state of fear, guilt and bondage to these false beliefs in her mind.

9. Unfortunately, there are many who consider themselves religious who fall into this trap of guilt and fear. They falsely associate their leaders to speak in our behalf, their Gods. They even see them as representing God. This is unfortunate, for we act and believe so differently than these religious leaders who tell the people what their followers should be doing. Their subjects in their churches often become filled with guilt and fear that they are somehow offending God if they don't follow their leaders' every command.

10. Some of our children are overly attentive to rules, laws, and procedures imposed by others that make no sense. They feel guilty if they don't exactly follow these directions thinking that they are not being law abiding. We see many of our children who are held back by their own beliefs so that they cannot be free to act independently, even though they are not breaking any of the laws of God. If our children are questioning what would be appropriate before us, their Gods, they may ask of us and we will inspire them which way to act that would be acceptable before us. The best form of government, and the best form of religion are those that allow freedom of expression and choice, while insuring the safety and wellbeing of others in their organization. There are leaders who seek to add more policies, more procedures, and more restrictions that are not needed. We wish that they would be as free as we are with allowing our children to choose as they desire, within liberal bounds set by the overall rules of their organization.

11. For example, in the Church of Christ, our leaders allow a wide choice of belief systems, as long as the members may sincerely follow their covenants made at baptism and renewed during the sacrament each week. There are general rules of conduct to eliminate sinful practices, so that the church may be a safe place for its members and so that my presence of the Holy Ghost may freely come.

12. In a free government, the leaders of the area being governed help make and enforce civility between their constituents, the rules of government are very limited in order to allow freedom to flourish and work and innovation and generosity to be rewarded without interference from government leaders. Our children will rise to fulfill the social programs by themselves, rather than allow the government to regulate such affairs.

13. We wish our people would become freethinking and not burdened under false beliefs that cause guilt and fear. We want our mortal children to be happy, and friendly to all. We wish them to be unencumbered with worry, guilt, false beliefs of all kinds, and instead be open to the sweet inspirations of heaven that we will pour out upon them!

14. Heavenly Mother was smiling broadly, and reached out her hand to me. I took her hand in mine. 'Raphael, remember that I will continue to hold your hand frequently each day, and lead and guide you. I will extend that same promise to all the elect who are open and choose to hear us their Gods, and to follow our gentle ways. They need to be particularly unencumbered with guilt and fear so that we may be able to come to them and lead them gently with our hands!'

I thanked my beautiful and loving Heavenly Mother for her words tonight. I told her I loved her so very much, and would follow her gentle lead.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry March 27, 2019, Wednesday

1. I came again to the desert oasis by the beach facing the water. I was alert and well rested, and felt prepared to commune with my loving Heavenly Parents.

I received a short email from a fellow mortal angel last night. She said the church theme is 'Come Follow Me', when it really should be 'Come Unto Me'. Satan has everyone following the LDS leaders, instead of the Savior who would redeem them. It's so sad. When I think about it, our Gods really do have a great plan in place in allowing a false prophet, to see whom we come to, men or God!

2. This morning I did a search of the scriptures and found that Jesus had recorded come follow me in all four of the gospels in the New Testament. He said to individuals that he was ministering to 'Come and follow me'. (Luke 18:23, John 21:22, Mark 10:21, and Matthew 19:21). When I searched the phrase 'Come unto me' there was a very large list of scriptures. This is far more of a common phrase from Jesus Christ. Jesus was directly telling the people to come to him as a direct result because of his atonement for their sins, or come upon his invitation to drink living water, eat bread of life freely, repent, or to come into his kingdom. I think it is a small nuance to shift the idea in the minds of the people from coming to the Savior to the idea of coming and following procedures and leaders. I am not sure if this was intentional on the part of those who planned this all in the LDS church or not.

3. Anyway, I had these thoughts in my mind when I came to pray before my Heavenly Father this morning. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then knelt and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

I then saw a man walking to me on the path that goes around the oasis. As he approached, I saw that he was Jesus Christ, my Redeemer!

He stopped to my side, and I continued kneeling but faced him. I saw his deep and compassionate eternity eyes, uniquely his own! He was smiling at me, and then spoke these words:

4. 'Raphael, I have been asked by my Father to come and address your concern about the difference in "come follow me" and "come unto me". We, who are your Gods, can see into the near future, and can see how small things or changes may influence and change behavior in the people.

I did invite those I spoke to while on earth in my ministry to both follow me and to come unto me. However, I have repeatedly inspired my prophets who have recorded my invitations in their scriptural accounts to say, "come unto me," or when speaking about my invitations to my people. When they use this phrase, it is more explicit in coming only to me, their Redeemer.

5. The other phrase 'come follow me' can be switched to invite others to follow a prophet, leader of the people, or a group of leaders in the church. This clever shift is what Lucifer plans to do, in a quiet and unobtrusive way. He will inspire those who lead the LDS church to have the following allegiance to be more and more to them and away from me, their true Redeemer. This shift will occur more and more frequently in the minds of the people. It will grow into a false belief in many, this false belief that will be that if they follow their leaders and prophet, all will be well and that they are really following what God wants them to do. The people will soon see more and more that their prophet is like a God to them, and whatever he says they should unquestionably do. The emphasis to pray and confirm that God is truly leading them will vanish and be replaced with following their prophets and leaders. There will be greater fear in the minds of the members too, for they feel that they might make a mistake if they don't strictly follow their prophet and leader.

6. This ploy will become more discernible to those who truly question their leaders and come unto me in prayer to the Father. The Holy Ghost will confirm their suspicions so that they will know that their leaders are leading them astray.

7. When the people sincerely pray to the Father, in my name, and openly questions and ask of us, we will gently lead them to the true path that leads to eternal life. This includes first repenting and coming unto me, their true Savior. My people need to first follow me, and know what man may say that counters my words. I will come to them and bring them to my Father and Mother, as they continue in diligence in obeying my counsels and keeping my commandments. I will fill them with joy and freedom, with acceptance and love. They will have no fear when they come unto me, or that fear will be replaced with joy, light and love. We are very open and accepting of our children who progress and come unto me in this manner. We allow them their full agency to act as they wish without any forcing, fear, or restriction in their beliefs, we will teach them by our spirit, even the Holy Ghost, that will confirm all truth and comfort them.

8. The shift towards following strictly the false prophet in the LDS church, even President Russell M. Nelson, will become more and more a theme in this church. The people at large will be like sheep that follow blindly their leader, who at first unknowingly follow Lucifer. President Nelson's voices and revelations he receives from Satan will be continued and sure to him and he at first will believe it is God who leads him. At a point he will realize that his master is Lucifer, but he will continue even at that point to receive his direction from Lucifer himself. He will then fully reject us, his true God, and become fully the false prophet that John my Beloved speaks about in the Book of Revelation (see Revelation 16:19, 19:20, and 20:10).'

9. Jesus Christ then reached out his right hand and placed it on my left shoulder. 'Raphael, the revelations that you continually receive are great and are from us, your Gods! We want each of those who read your words to fully question all that you write. They may confirm the truth of what we reveal to you by praying to the Father, in my name. We will then confirm to them the truth of your revelations by our words to them and by the Spirit, even the Holy Ghost who is our Heavenly Mother. For those of God's children whom I have elected into the Church of the Firstborn, or given them a promise of eternal life, they may pray to both Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother in my name, as do you. We will reveal to them all and confirm to them all the truth that we have revealed to you.

10. By this means our elect may know that they are not being deceived by you or by any other man or woman, for we will directly confirm our words to them as they sincerely and openly come unto us, their Gods.'

I reached over with my right hand and touched Jesus' hand on my shoulder. I thanked him for his clear words to me today. I told him I so much was filled with enlightenment and truth that I felt come from him. I told him how much I loved him, and that I would always remember him as my Great Redeemer!

Jesus then smiled, squeezed my hand in acceptance of my words, and then turned and walked away a few steps later he had vanished into the higher celestial realm.

11. Evening–Tonight I came to the celestial orb. I came to God's Loving Healing Lake and waded into the water up to my neck. My intentions were to settle my heart and mind from some deep and uncomfortable thoughts of seeing myself in reality. I see myself so full of weaknesses and misconceptions. I was hoping the living water would settle me and help me.

Heavenly Mother then came to the shore of the lake. I turned and saw her there. She asked me in my thoughts to come to the shore before her and to sit on the bench. I then came out of the water and walked to the bench to where she had moved. After I sat down, I felt her great love permeate my being! As her light came into me, I felt great love and acceptance and peace come into my being! Heavenly Mother was smiling at me.

She then spoke: 'Raphael, you have many weaknesses because of your flesh, in living in a telestial mortal condition. This is true of every one of our children who have come to earth and grown to be an adult. You have expressed a desire to change some of your weaknesses, to work on eliminating them. This has pleased us. You have thought that changing your behaviors and overcoming your weaknesses would be easier than it really is! You need a shift in your mind that will motivate you enough to change your actions. Once you consistently change your actions, then, over time, you will lose the desire of staying in old habits and will replace them with better behaviors and actions. This process needs to happen for each of your weaknesses, by a changed behavior. This can be discouraging, but it is how it must be. Change to act in improved or better ways is always hard at first. Change won't happen until you see the reality of how you really are, complete with your own weakness. Until you shift your mind, and become motivated to change, change will not happen, but you will remain with your weakness. To make your weakness become strengths, you have to initiate the change by your own desires and shifted mindset. We who are your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me, will help you as you follow these steps. Growth and progress come out of struggling and facing reality, then changing your heart and mind, and then being diligent to affect a change. We will help you in all the steps of this process.'

12. My Heavenly Mother then pulled me up to a standing position before her and embraced and kissed me! She so fully loved and accepted me, just as I was. It felt so good to me! I told her I loved her and that I felt so much better about myself. I closed my prayer and went to bed, for it was very late.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry March 28, 2019, Thursday

1. I received the typing of S.A. of my journal entry yesterday morning. S.A. inserted a question in her typing: "This was very interesting! (about President Nelson thinking he was hearing words from God and then later realizing it was from Lucifer who was deceiving him). Very sad, honestly. I prayed and confirmed that yes, this is really true. My question: Why will he openly choose to follow Satan at this point if for so long he thought he was following God? Will he be too embarrassed to back track all that he had led the church to do by Lucifer at that point?"

2. I have been pondering her question. I also have myself become more aware of some of my own weaknesses of the flesh and an inability to see them in myself. My wife sees them clearly in me, as usually happens because she knows me so well. She thinks I can see my foibles, but I have a hard time seeing myself in reality sometimes in my mortal mind. I think I am a more attentive husband and father than I really am and coming to the reality that I am not chagrins me and makes me so very aware of my weaknesses.

3. I think in a similar way, President Nelson will have told himself a story that he was being fully led by God. When he finally sees himself as not being led by God, but by Lucifer, it will be so shocking and uncomfortable that he won't be able to stand seeing himself in reality. He will feel far more comfortable in believing a false story that is not true but that feels so much more comfortable to him. It would be also very difficult to change his image of himself as being led by Satan than all that time in recent days not being led by God. It may feel too big for him to correct or to admit to his wrongdoing? I know how hard it is to change weaknesses into strengths. This may become just too difficult for him to do. I will see if my Heavenly Parents will address this issue this morning in my prayer.

4. I came to the tall tree fir forest just west of the overlook of Heavenly Father's wheat field. I was among very tall and majestic straight trees, with most of their branches very high above the ground. I knelt in the soft forest floor, faced the distant opening of the overlook and asked for Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

Heavenly Father then appeared at the overlook to my east! I saw him then start to walk on the forest floor to me. Soon he was right in front of me, shining in his glory and smiling.

Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have given you some great weaknesses that have come to you because of your flesh. This is common to all mankind on the earth. These weaknesses are not a reflection of who you were before in your pre-mortal state, but were given to you to help you grow and change, in your struggles to do so. We will help you as you come unto us.

5. Ether 12:27-28

"And if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope, and charity bringeth unto me–the fountain of all righteousness."

6. Raphael, you have received a view last night of the reality of how you have acted in your weakness you inherited in your family and from life that you have never corrected. This has been painful for you to see yourself in your weakness! You then became motivated to correct your longstanding weaknesses, by first recognizing you are weak, and secondly making a plan to change. As you start to take corrective action, we will come and encourage you in your efforts. As you begin change for the better, you will feel better about yourself, being encouraged by our Spirit. When you consistently act in this better way, you lose any desire to be your old self. You have then made the change and have learned the process of changing your ways. You are then able to see the fact of your changed actions and receive the rewards of being a more kind, loving and sensitive person.

7. In verse 28 of Ether 12, Jesus Christ, who is speaking to Moroni, states that the fountain of all righteousness is faith, hope and charity. He says it right after saying the he would show the Gentiles (that is you and those who live in your day) their weakness. We have given you great weaknesses. We are still able to reveal to you such great revelations, even though you are not perfect, but still have these great weaknesses. This alone is a witness of our truth, for it is a marvel that we could get you to the point that you become so capable in one area of receiving our revelations, and yet you are so weak and vulnerable in another area. As you see yourself in clarity, with all of your foibles and weaknesses, it is very uncomfortable, and you feel more motivated than ever to finally work on these particular weaknesses. As you gradually and slowly change, you become even more of a capable and wise servant to us.

8. President Nelson was a good man who has rejected our counsels and commandments in a few areas. He also has created a story of how he has always followed us. He now truly believes he has lived an exemplary life and that he has always followed our gentle directions. He now has many supporters and followers who continually buoy him up in believing and confirming his story about himself. However, the circumstances and facts are against him, and unless he faces reality, he will fall. It is hard to face reality, of seeing oneself in sin or with the weaknesses we have given to our children in mortality. As our children are humble, open, and seek to see themselves as we see them, then we will help them see themselves in reality.

9. President Russell M. Nelson has not humbled himself before us, coming to us in the openness and sincerity of his heart. He has covered up his disobedience and will not admit he rejected our higher counsel and direction. His story is that he has been continually directed by us all along. This false belief has opened him up to the clever deceptions of the adversary. Satan wants to play along with President Nelson's false belief and false story. Lucifer is an expert at lying, deceiving, and leading carefully those who aren't willing to see themselves clearly, thinking they are innocent. The careful manipulations of the adversary will not only continue to lead President Nelson in forbidden paths, but will be the means of leading the gullible and non-questioning Latter-day Saints into the same false beliefs and paths. There will be a time when many reject the truth we gently give them through our Spirit, for they will have been deceived by the deceptions of the evil one and his evil hosts.

10. The trees of this forest are very tall and straight. As young saplings, these trees reached upwards to our celestial sun overhead. They have now grown tall and straight. If there was a branch that grew sideways, the sapling gave its nourishment to the leader branch that grew upwards. This self corrected of the growth of this young tree, keeping it from growing sideways. Eventually the side branches withered and fell off. Now there are no branches on this mature tree until the top portion of the tree.

11. There is a lesson we can learn from these straight and tall trees in this mature fir forest. Our children on earth are like sapling trees with weaknesses, like the side branches of these trees when they, too, were saplings. We want our children to grow straight and tall, or be able to gradually eliminate their weaknesses we have given them by their own work and choices. We want them to give strength to their central leader branch of faith, hope and charity, so that this branch will grow straight and tall and become a dominant strength to them. We want their side branches, or the weaknesses of the flesh, to wither and fall off in the process of time. They will eventually thus become our very strong and capable elect children. Their wisdom and strength will become great. It is by overcoming their weaknesses and giving nourishment or attention to the core of our gospel living (faith, hope and charity), that they can become so strong and capable!'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me this morning! I expressed my deep love and commitment to him, in keeping these higher commandments and eliminating my own weaknesses.

He then reached out with his hand, and I took it and stood. Then together we gradually rose up next to several very straight and tall fir trees in his forest. I could see little mark in the bark of these trees that were healed over, where once grew the side branches. I thought that these were like my weaknesses would one day appear, to be just a little memory in my future perfected self.

13. We rose up into the overhead branches. They were very green and soft. These needles were so clean and fresh, soaking up the sunshine and light from above! We soon exited the tops of the trees. They were gently swaying slowly, from side to side. They seemed so happy and strong! This high structure of the swaying trees was firmly rooted in the forest floor, just as we should be rooted in God's counsels and directions, and in constant gospel living.

I then came back to myself in my mortal conscious mind. I feel so humbled and blessed. I have learned some great lessons today from my loving Heavenly Father!

14. Evening–Tonight I came to the pool of living water under the waterfall, from Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I felt invigorated by the living water spray that came up from the falls upon the pool of water. I then walked up the path to the south of the path, I found some grass with spring flowers scattered around. I faced the fall, and knelt here, and asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

15. I then realized that Heavenly Mother's voice was speaking to me in my mind. I turned and looked to the south, up the path behind me. I stood up and walked towards the glass table. As I approached I saw Heavenly Mother appear to me in the path! She was very radiant and so full of light. I dropped to my knees to worship her, and to receive instructions from her hands.

16. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, what one calls intuition in your world is really the subtle connections to your unconscious mind. Because you live with your conscious mind directing your actions in your telestial mortal world, your unconscious mind is what you normally don't perceive. It works hidden or behind your conscious awareness.

17. Tonight I spoke directly to your unconscious mind from the area on the path south of where you were kneeling. Your intuition came to you, and you felt you should stand and walk to me. This direction from me was not real clear, but was fully understandable to your unconscious mind. I am glad you followed your intuition and came to me here.

18. I might also give witness to your being, in your unconscious mind, from the Holy Ghost. This is my spirit, or light that I send to enlighten your mind and heart. It also comes principally to your unconscious mind. When you feel my light coming into your entire body, this too is equivalent to my spirit, or my light of the Holy Ghost that permeates and flows into you. This comes from me. When you confirm the truth of something, this light of the Holy Ghost from me will enlighten your heart, causing your bosom to burn or shine within you if it is right or true. If it is not right, you will have no such feeling, but you will have the absence of my light, or even a stupor of thought.

19. When you go outside and hold still, and try to perceive the light matter coming from space to the earth, you are able to feel light matter. It feels like little particles of light, all flowing in the same direction. This is what is called the light of Christ. It is defined in D&C 88:6-7,11-13–"...the light of truth; which truth shineth, this is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made…

20. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings'

Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space–

The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things."

21. The light of Christ is the light matter that comes from our first parent Gods to proceed forth to all of their creations. When it comes into our galaxy, we receive this same light to fill our beings and send this forth to sustain all of our creations in the great domain of our galaxy. This is also called the light of Christ, the light of truth, the spirit of God, the spirit of the Lord, or the light of life, or light matter. It is real and tangible matter, even that which you can perceive and feel coming down from the sky from space. It is this light that quickens your understanding, that enlightens your mind. It enlivens your conscious and that of every man and woman that comes into the world.

22. When you feel my light from my presence, this also is light, even the light and spirit of the Holy Ghost. It is much more concentrated light matter that comes from my presence. My spirit of the Holy Ghost comes to you as intense light that penetrates and flows completely through you. I direct this light to witness and comfort you, to be accompanied by love, peace, sureness and acceptance, among other positive emotions. This is the intense light I want you to reflect and shine forth from your heart that ultimately comes from me. This is the light of the Holy Ghost.

23. All people, all creations receive the light of Christ. It flows to all things through the immensity of space. However, my Holy Ghost light comes with more intensity and focus, even with strong emotions that are attached to this light, all controlled by me in my role of the Holy Ghost. This comes to my faithful who have the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to those I may choose to send the Holy Ghost's influence.

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelation on light, and the differences between the light of Christ and the light of the Holy Ghost.

F. Rs Personal Journal Entry. March 29, 2019, Friday

1. It seems that days and weeks flow into one another and proceed so fast these days! I am often uncertain even what day it is.

I also feel that the truths from God are coming to me so fast that I hardly have ability to retain them all! I review them usually each day when I go feed my chickens, or when I have longer periods of isolating work like alone in my rental property I am still fixing up. I have also tried to find some time to listen to the Book of Mormon commentary podcast by M.S..

2. This morning I came to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I felt awake and clear. I knelt on the granite, facing the distant temple of God to the west. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

My Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother appeared from a cloud that gradually appeared before me. I felt so honored and excited to be once again in their presence! Heavenly Mother was on the left side of Heavenly Father. Both were shining their intense light to me and to all the surrounding area. I felt both of the presence by their light, from each coming into me! It is such an amazing experience to feel their light come into me and penetrate into my body, and pass through me!

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the source of all our light that we are filled with in abundance comes to us from our first Parent Gods. They live in a galaxy in the center of our universe. It was the very first galaxy created. Our first Heavenly Father and first Heavenly Mother created themselves, and send this forth to all of their creations and their children's creations, or to the entire universe where there are their creations that are organized.

4. In each of the galaxies of all the exalted children couple gods, this light flows into the center of their own galaxy, to the very couple gods. This is where the light comes into your Heavenly Mother and me; we disperse this light to all of our creations in our own galaxy. It passes through us and out from us. This is the source of the light that you see and feel coming from our very presence. There is also less intense light that we send forth from our presence to fill our galaxy, to all of our creations within our domain.

5. This is the light of Christ, as we call it. It is light matter that comes through us, from our parent gods, and ultimately from our first parent gods in the center of our universe. It filters onto and passes upon all of our creations. It sustains and enlivens all of these, and is the very light that enters and reflects from them. This light is in these creations, and the very power by which they were created, when we their creators first chose them from the intelligences that we gathered, and the elemental matter we used to create them.

6. The power of God is a great mystery, and has only been revealed to a few. We now reveal it to you in more clarity and description!'

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I want now to explain how we use our ordained powers of godliness in creation, in overseeing, and in sustaining all of our creations in our own galaxy or domain.

8. We were each ordained to be couple gods by our own parent gods, on our own resurrected celestial earth. This followed our completion of all phases of our progression, and by us proving to ourselves and our Heavenly Parents that we would continue to follow them and keep their commandments, as a culminating ordinance, they both laid their hands on each of our heads, one at a time, an ordained us to be gods, to have the same powers of creating, organizing and sustaining ourselves and our creations we would create, just like they did. We were given at this time the power to do all of these actions. I was ordained a high priestess, possessing all the same powers, gifts and keys held by all the female gods. Your Heavenly Father was ordained to the highest priesthood, also possessing all the same powers, gifts and keys held by all the male gods, since the beginning when our first parent gods set up these powers. We knew so very little of how to actually create and govern our own domains at that time, as compared to what we know now. However, we began learning and growing in our position and power of being gods in eternity. We were each given a white stone, even the urim and thummim, on which was engraved with our own new name. (See D&C 130:10-11). We learned and grew by either receiving instructions via our own white stone, or by asking our own parent gods and being instructed and tutored by them directly.

9. The power or means of us fulfilling our desires to create and watch over our creations is accompanied by light that we receive from our immediate parent gods. They transmitted this light that they in turn had received from their parent gods, and so forth back to our first parent gods who created this light. This is the means by which we act in our ordained power and authority of a god. This is stated in D&C 88:7-13. In these verses it reads, "and the power there by which they were made," or words to that effect. We used the light that flowed to us as a mechanism or a means to use our power of creation with the day we created the stars, moon, sun, and the earth upon which you stand. We created our celestial orb using this heavenly light, our knowledge and power we were given in creation. We create and organize, oversee and govern all using this light. This is the ever-present medium we use in all of our activities. We are continually filled with this light in great amounts. This light flows through us, just like you feel the light flowing into you, penetrating all of your being, and passing through you. You have the light at some level, but not the ordination and knowledge yet. You will receive this power in time as you continue to progress through all the steps and phases needed to receive your exaltation. In all of godly activity, light is ever- and essential in fulfilling our desires and actions.'

10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents this morning for the great truths they taught me! I felt this was all I could now comprehend, but that they had much more to share with me. I expressed deep appreciation for receiving a little here and a little there, so that in my mind I might absorb and understand it better.

My Heavenly Parents then smiled again, and the cloud came around them. They disappeared in the cloud, and then the cloud disappeared. I came back to my mortal body where I was writing all of this down. I then started my day.

G. Rs Personal Journal Entry. March 30, 2019, Saturday

1. When we got home from a date it was getting late. My wife was then eager to see a movie. I asked in my mind if I could forgo a meaningful prayer since it would be around midnight when we would get done with the movie and I knew I would be very tired. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, enjoy your time with your loving wife tonight! Developing and sustaining a meaningful relationship with her is very important, and we can wait.'

I watched half of the documentary with her and kept falling asleep in the show! When we finally stopped the movie part way through and went to bed, I again prayed while lying down in the bed when we were both going to sleep. In my mind I came to the small outcropping above the circling waters and knelt. I asked for one of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw the face of Heavenly Father in my mind. He was smiling and spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have chosen to enjoy the time with your wife instead of praying like you normally do. It was good that you have regular dates with her and spend time with her strengthening your relationship! We will speak with you in the morning after you have enjoyed a good sleep!'

2. I am now awake and it is early, with the household still sleeping. I am ready to start my morning prayer.

I came in my mind to the desert oasis. There was a fog over the water so that I couldn't see the other side of the oasis. I looked around and noticed it was pleasantly warm, with the sun shining on me next to the bench. There was patchy fog around me.

I then made my way to the water's edge. I knelt and drank living water from the oasis with my cupped hand. I soon felt extremely clear in my head area. I looked up and peered into the fog upon the oasis. I thought I saw the outline of two people moving towards me. Soon I saw both of my Heavenly Parents, walking hand in hand towards me on the water! They stopped when they came in front of me. Both were smiling and radiating abundant light! The light soon dispersed all of the fog and it was clear as if the sun were up at noonday.

3. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have many activities and projects that keep you busy every day. Even with all that fills your schedule, you have put praying to us as a first priority in your life. You usually pray and write it all in your journal, twice a day. Because of your state of being redeemed by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, and because of your openness and sincerity and great diligence, we have come to you each time you pray to us.

There are times in your life when you are spending very quality time visiting with your family on vacation, or spending time on weekly dates with your wife that may preclude our revelations from freely flowing from us to you. These are very important times to strengthen marriage and family ties. These are priority times in the lives of our children whom we have sent to the earth.

4. We have had S share two emails with you this morning. In these emails, he shared with you a dream about how the churches in your world today are each somehow holding back our people from the further light and knowledge we wish to share with them. Our elect are scattered over all the earth, in all religious organizations on the earth. We are opening their minds and hearts now through the light of Christ. This heavenly light and spirit flows continually upon all the earth, upon the hearts and minds of all our children. We will continue to lead those who listen to our greater truths. However, once the Church of Christ is fully restored, as our elect come into our true church, we will pour out upon these faithful the abundant revelations like we have been giving you. The earth will then start to be filled up with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. (see Isaiah 11:9)'

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have just spoken to S at the steps to our temple. I had him look into his heart to see this light of Christ within him. He felt it glow and fill his whole body.

I would now like you to experience first this light of Christ like S felt, and then the enhanced gift of the Holy Ghost, so that you may perceive the differences between these lights that illuminate your heart and body.

6. First there is the light of Christ. It will flow to you from all around you. You may feel it glow in your heart.'

I then perceived little light particles all around me, flowing freely and abundantly to this celestial orb where I was kneeling. I saw it coming from the sky, from space above, even from a place I knew was ultimately from our first parent Gods at the center of the universe, that flowed to all of their creations and to all of their exalted children's creations too.

I then perceived this light of Christ gathering to my heart and making it glow. I saw this light of Christ also gather and concentrate in my own head, in my mind. It too began to glow with the light of Christ. I felt clarified and encouraged, even guided gently to think and act in more holy and pure ways.

7. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, this is the light of Christ as we call it, which is the light matter that freely flows to all our creations and to each of our beloved children who dwell on the earth or in the world of the dead around the earth. This light of Christ also flows abundantly to all of our creations on our celestial orb as you have felt and perceived. It also flows to every world, every creation in our great galaxy. This light first comes to this, our celestial orb and to us, the Gods of our creations. From us it flows to all the rest of our creations in a constant and gentle stream of heavenly light. It does not flow from us to anywhere outside of our creations, for our creations are confined to our own galaxy.

8. The rebellious intelligences, like Lucifer will continue to be, are located in their final state in places between the galaxies of exalted couple gods. There is no light of Christ that flows to these dark regions. These are also never visited by the gods.

9. Now, I would like you to experience the flow of this same light that comes to you from my very presence, that is the light of the Holy Ghost. This light also comes from our first parent Gods, and is the same light that we redirect as the light of Christ to all of our creations. The light comes into your Father and me. We glow brightly and intensely with this light. As the Holy Ghost, I then share this intense light from my very being to my elect children who have been given by ordination the gift of the Holy Ghost. I also may direct this light of the Holy Ghost to whomever I wish, at any time. The light from my presence, even the light of the Holy Ghost, is far more intense than the gentle flow of the light of Christ that flows upon all of our creations.'

10. I then saw my Heavenly Mother before me start to flow her intense light of the Holy Ghost to me. I felt it come into all parts of my body and penetrate me and pass through me. I felt extremely enlightened and illuminated, even all of me! I looked at my heart and it was very bright as were all parts of my body. I looked at my mind in my head and saw the light flow intensely into it, just like a heavy shower of water like under a waterfall, but it all passed into me and through me.

'Raphael, this intense light is the light of the Holy Ghost. When you question something, and I confirm it is true, then your heart and mind will be further illuminated.'

11. I then felt what she was saying or meaning, for I looked again at my heart and it started shining intensely, like a bright light, inside of my body. This light flowed from my heart to all other parts of my body, and then outward from me to the surrounding area. This is the same type of intensity I seek to feel each time I swallow my coconut oil this week.

I then looked at my head area, or my mind. I saw it very clear and transparent, even like crystal or pure water. I knew my entire mind was very activated and full of intense light. My mind was quick and clear and so very perceptive! I felt like my conscious and unconscious minds were merged at this time and working as one mind. It was a very exhilarating feeling!

12. 'Raphael, the light of my presence, even the light of the Holy Ghost, is confirming all that I am saying is true. Your heart is shining and your mind is extremely enlightened, and even as you have written, is one, both your conscious and unconscious mind. This time of confirmation may only last for a short time, for it will not always be like this while you are in the flesh and in your state of progressing.

My light of the Holy Ghost may be accompanied with any emotion I feel to send with it. These might be intense love, acceptance, gratitude, peace, comfort, assurance, understanding, clearness of direction, and more. This is the great power, spirit and light of the Holy Ghost!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother abundantly for these vivid demonstrations of the light of Christ and the light of the Holy Ghost! I thanked her and Heavenly Father for their clear revelations to me this morning too.

Then both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother extended their hands to me! I stood and came between them. We rotated and walked together on the water of the desert oasis. A fog again came upon us as we walked. I then lost my connection with them and found myself writing quickly in my journal, recording all of this.

14. Dream on 3/30/19, from S:

"We were in a rental house and all my kids and their cousins were sitting in a circle in the main room to play games together. The room was dark. I noticed two big windows with wooden shutters that were closed. I went to the first window to open it while another adult went to open the other window shutters. In front of my shutters was a large porcelain church, at the top of this church was a figurine of the suffering Christ on the cross. I thought, Oh, that looks like a Catholic depiction of the suffering Savior on the top, but the bottom looked like it could be any church. I tried to open the wooden blinds to let the light in, but the porcelain church was blocking me from opening the blinds. I tried to scoot it to the edge of the ledge it was on, but there still wasn't enough room to open the wooden shutters to let the light in. I picked it up with both my hands to place it on a nearby table so that I could then open the blinds to let light in. As I picked it up, the base fell off onto the ground and broke into many pieces. I was worried because it was a rental and not mine. Then, as I was holding the top half I looked at the wood shutters and they fell off the window completely onto the ground and full light came into the room. I was still holding the top half of porcelain in my hands and thought I could maybe salvage this for the owners of the rental. I looked down at it and instantly it began to turn into powder or dust so that soon I was cradling with both arms a big mound of dust with nothing left distinguishable of the porcelain I had been holding. I asked my daughter to get a garbage to throw this into before I got the dust all over the house. She did, and I emptied my armload of dust into the garbage.

Then I awoke.

Have a blessed day,


In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I felt directed to the front steps to Their Temple. Both of my Heavenly Parents were there, standing side by side. Heavenly Father spoke to me," What you dreamed is the fate of all churches on the earth. Each is in some way holding back Our children from further light and knowledge. Our elect are scattered among all religions. They question the doctrine that is not true and seek Us out for greater truth. We will lead all these to greater truth. Soon will come the day where Jesus Christ will restore His church upon the earth in the Millennial day. Truth and light will pour out upon Our children as never before. Be patient, for all these things will happen according to Our timing and plan."

Heavenly Mother then spoke, "Before this day comes, the hearts of all Our children will be tested. There is the light of Christ that is within you. As all seek out this Light of Christ within them, they will be guided and directed. See this light within you now, (I looked into my heart and saw it glow brightly and fill my whole body). All are born with a portion of this light so that none can stand guiltless or blameless at the last day. Our children need to not trust in the arm of flesh but to follow the light of Christ within them. "

Have a blessed day,

15. Evening–I listened to the first part of M.S.'s oldest post on the Spirit (podcast 01 of his old posts that is currently on his website). He basically explained the light of Christ in the same way I explained it. He did mention something I have thought about however–that the light of Christ gives "life to all things and is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things." (D&C 88:13)

I assume that by the light which proceeds forth from our first parent Gods sustains all the other Gods in their creations, and provides the law and power for them each ruling in their kingdoms. I will see if God will address this issue tonight.

16. I came to the open grassy field just northwest of God's holy temple. I was in the middle of this field. It was sunset and I could see the stars starting to emerge in the sky above. I knelt facing the temple in the distance.

I then asked for either my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I waited. Heavenly Father appeared next to me on my right side! As he did, the sun quickly set and the stars above became very bright. There was no moon. Heavenly Father was gently glowing and the temple in the distance was also glowing. These were the only two lights around me–all else was dark except for the distant stars.

17. Heavenly Father was smiling. He spoke: 'Raphael, the light from our first parent Gods is created by them and proceeds from their central galaxy to the surrounding galaxies. All of these are governed by couple gods who are one of the posterity, who has become even as they are. All are capable to create this same light themselves, but in respect and honor, we each decided to have our first parent Gods create this light that comes from their presence to us. This enables all of the God's creations to be tied together in light that comes from a higher, or older, order to us. We, in turn, pass it on to each of our children who are also gods in their own galaxies. This continues to every one of the couple gods in this vast universe.

18. The light that comes in our galaxy comes from our first parent Gods and eventually comes to each parent-child connection until it comes to our immediate parent Gods. Our own Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother pass the light onto each of their exalted children, including your own Heavenly Mother and me. This light of Christ, the Spirit, the light of truth, is what sustains us, provides the laws of God to us and that gives life to all of our creations with the same laws and orders as our first parent Gods possess.

19. For example, the law of gravity is operational with our first parent Gods, in their own galaxy. They have established this law and all of their immediate creations comply with this law. The light that our first parent Gods sent forth contains this same law of gravity. The law is encapsulated or imprinted in the light that our first parent Gods created. When this light exits their immediate galaxy, it contains all such laws imprinted in its light structure. Therefore, when it arrives at the first generation children in their galaxies, their children Gods then operate under the same rules and laws conveyed to them in this light. The light also gives to their children their continual source of power or means they use to govern, create, and sustain their own creations in their own respective galaxies. Although these children are ordained to act in great power and authority, the light provides to them the means to fulfill their commands and control. Without this light, all creations and galaxies and gods would not be sustained, for they would have no medium to extend and use their power.

20. This same light comes to your Heavenly Mother and I in our own galaxy, via all our ancestral gods back to our first parent Gods. We are filled with the light ourselves, and shine from the light coming from us and being converted to brightness and light energy. Much of the light is also transmitted through us intact to our creations and our children. It contains the same laws and means by which we extend our power to our creations, all in order and law. Therefore, light not only shines when it is converted to light energy, shown by the brightness coming from the light, but also came as light matter containing all the imprints of law and order. We use this light to use our God ordained powers in governing our creations in our own galaxy. For example, when we command our new creations to grow, we send forth the light matter to these creations when we command them. The light enlivens, sustains and causes to grow our creation, based on our will and commands. The intelligence of our creation understands the imprints of the laws and of our commands that accompany the light. Therefore it grows and is sustained by the laws and commands to God. It is by this means by which our commands are fulfilled. Our creation knows the laws, or acts under the laws based on these laws that are imprinted or encapsulated in the light matter.

21. You can see that with the light we have ability to extend our power to all of our creations. Without this light continually flowing into us, we would just be isolated, not having a means to extend our commandments to any of our creations. Light from our parent Gods is the great binding force between all the gods of the universe and also our means of extending our power to our own creations and to our posterity who are gods themselves.'

22. I saw that this was a very deep doctrine that I received tonight! I had a hard time wrapping my finite mind around this explanation of the light matter, or the light of Christ that comes to our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother from their ancestral gods, even back to their first parent Gods who created this light.

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful words! I told him I admired so much his deep understanding and that I felt so privileged to receive his words!

23. Father then put his arm around my shoulder and pointed up to the stars of the sky. He continued: 'Raphael, that is where our light comes from! It is the next higher order of galaxy where my own Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother live. They transmit to your Heavenly Mother and me a goodly portion of their light matter that they have received from their own immediate parent gods. This light comes to our celestial orb upon which we stand and to the very beings of your Heavenly Mother and me, in great abundance. We use this light of Christ in all we do and transmit much onto our posterity who are also gods, in their own galaxies and creations. This is a grand secret that sustains and links all of the gods!'

24. I gazed up at where my Heavenly Father was pointing. I felt so enlightened by this great discourse on light! I knew this web of light flowed through the entire universe connecting galaxies and gods together, and uniting all creations under one law.

I turned and embraced my Heavenly Father! I felt so close to him. I admired his great love and knowledge! I told him again I loved him very much. My prayer then ended. I was back on my recliner, writing all of this down. I will have to reread this entry several times to really understand it all!

H. Rs Personal Journal Entry. March 31, 2019, Sunday

1. I had a portion of my sleep last night where I was awake, so I listened from my cell phone to the remainder of M.S.'s podcast on the Holy Spirit. This is the light of Christ. He quoted other scriptures, including D&C 84:46 "And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit", and D&C 93:2 "And that I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world."

2. M.S. also said that the Spirit that is promised in the sacrament prayer (see D&C 20:77, 79) is this light of Christ, also called the Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit that is given to those who hearken to the voice of the Spirit and are true to their sacrament covenant.

3. I was curious when this sacrament prayer changes for the faithful and when, like for me, I am told the presence of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother will always be with me, not just the Holy Spirit or the light of Christ. I started my prayer this morning at the granite cliff at the upper east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I was facing God's temple to my west. It was early morning here. I could hear the mountain birds chirping in the trees below me. I knelt and asked for my loving Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come to me in answer to my prayer.

4. I then saw a column of light, or a beam of light come directly from the distant temple directly to me! Heavenly Mother immediately appeared before me at the end of this light channel in which she traveled to me.

She was bright and glorious! Her hair was gently blowing and her eyes were sparkling. She was smiling broadly too. I felt so much love and acceptance in her presence!

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you are again feeling the intense light coming from my presence, even the light of the Holy Ghost. The light matter and light energy you feel and perceive is the same source of light that flows to all of our creations as the Holy Spirit, or the light of Christ. As you can tell, when I shine and project this light upon you as the Holy Ghost, it is much more intense and is accompanied by my emotion of love and acceptance, like I sent to you today, or other emotions that I may send.

6. When the newly baptized members of the Church of Christ partake of the sacrament, they follow the prayers given by the priesthood holder who administers the sacrament. If sincere and faithful to their covenants, we, in turn, send to them the Holy Spirit, or the light of Christ in more abundance. This is the Spirit spoken of in the sacrament prayers given each week.

7. There is a time in the lives of our elect when they have proven faithful and Jesus Christ elects them into the Church of the Firstborn, and appears unto them and promises them eternal life. This is making their calling and election sure. At that point, Jesus Christ then may introduce our elect child to us again. We then come to him or her and renew our relationship with them. At that point, the prayer of the sacrament will change for them. They will continue taking upon them the name of Jesus Christ, and then will always remember us, their Heavenly Parents, and will keep our commandments we give to them. We in turn will send to them the higher light, or the light and presence of the Holy Ghost, or our very presence to be with them. We covenant directly with them at that time with this slightly changed wording and covenant.

8. We have Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer and our Beloved Son, to bring our faithful to that point and then they are brought into our very presence. Once this is done, he has fully judged and redeemed them, for they could not come into our presences without being fully cleansed and purified by Jesus Christ. We then covenant directly with our elect son or daughter as they continue making this new covenant at the sacrament in their own mind. We begin promising that both Heavenly Father and I will always be with them.

9. Once our son or daughter is finally admitted into the Church of the Firstborn by the waters of separation ordinance, they may continue partaking of the sacrament given in the Church of Christ, as they are able. The Church of Christ and the sacrament are part of the mortal earth. We may occasionally have the sacrament blessed and passed to our faithful on our celestial orb or on the future earth in its celestial resurrected state, but on a regular basis it is administered by the Church of Christ on the mortal earth.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words today! I thanked her and Heavenly Father to have come to me each time I pray to them and invite them to come to me in my prayer. I acknowledged that it was only through their Son, Jesus Christ, that I knew this was possible.

Heavenly Mother smiled and said she was going to return to her temple then. She then departed the same way she arrived, in the beam of light. The beam then disappeared and she too was gone. I then started my Sabbath day.