We have had great things happen last week! I have also been collecting more journal entries which I have included in today's post. Included is a summary of the general assembly of heaven's angels meeting on 11-25-2016, and our class on 11-26. I hope some of you were successful in feeling your way along the path to the white gate, the straight and narrow path, the tree of life, and to our Heavenly Parents on the other side. I would love to have you send me your comments, if you haven't already. We discussed this all in our class last Saturday also.
Please pray about these important events, and verify that they really have happened. There is some significant shifts in my paradigm of future 'expectations'. I now have surrendered all of my expectations. This has been the hardest shell to remove for me. It was the 7th shell, revealed to the class on Saturday.
Enjoy the journey of being a mortal angel. I think I am really going to like this!
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-25-2016, Friday, 7:37 am
1. Yesterday I felt direction from my Heavenly Parents. They told me to enjoy my Thanksgiving day with my family, and not try to teleport. I saw their eyes, and they were happy.
I had an encounter also with Michael, the archangel. I asked him to come to me as I found time. The day was very filled with family, so I didn't have a lot of conscious time. I wasn't able to really connect as I wanted with him yet.
2. This morning, I awoke a little after 7 am. My wife had already left our room. I meditated, and could feel the presence of my Heavenly Parents in my room. I spent time looking at them and they each had unique eternity eyes, as I had seen before.
I then went to the celestial world, and knew this was the day when all of the mortal angels, either consciously or unconsciously, would meet at the fountain of living waters. I would be welcoming them, encouraging them, and directing them to the path that leads west, to the white gate and to Jesus.
3. I then walked the path again myself, and went to the gate. Jesus Christ appeared, called me by name, and opened the gate to me, to enter the straight and narrow path. I walked the path, straight and narrow, up and down, in the dark and light, slippery and rough, until I saw the iron rod. I took hold of it and pulled myself at times, to the tree of life. I partook again of the same fruit and leaf. I then moved onto the beautiful garden where once had been a field. I knew it would probably be different for each angel, customized to each one.
4. I walked a ways in, and knew this was the place where I had struggled with my second and sixth shell. I knew where the sledge hammer and the shovel had been, although they were now gone.
I saw the pile of soil where I had buried the sixth shell of unbelief and lack of faith. I knelt on this soil, and prayed to my Heavenly Parents.
5. They both immediately appeared. I gazed into their faces, and they were happy! Their capes were blowing in the wind of change too. I prayed and talked with them about what would happen today and tomorrow.
I prayed for all the mortal angels, and the ones I knew about that were specifically having difficulties. I asked for their safety and such. I asked that we all receive great abundance and outpouring of God's blessings, according to their will at this time.
6. I said we had each come here, with anticipation and great hope. I said we had prepared as best we could, but all change now would need to come as a direct blessing and endowment from God. I asked humbly, that our efforts and sacrifice would be sufficient to merit and receive these blessings of heaven.
I then closed my prayer–having their views in my mind continually.
7. We headed back around 6:00 pm, and arrived home at 7:30 pm. I prepared for the general assembly of heaven's angels meeting tonight. I read part of my last two posts, and also tried to prepare what I would need for the class tomorrow.
I started getting a little headache, and retired to my bedroom a little before 9:00 pm. I lay in my bed, and meditated. I then felt I witnessed parts of the entire meeting. It took me from 9:00 to 10:00 pm, 1 hour exactly, to receive it all in.
8. (Note: When we had the class the next morning, there was more information that came out about the wonderful assembly that others observed. This information complimented what I heard and saw. I will share this at the end of this day's journal entry.)
9. The meeting was wonderful! I felt so gratified that we angels were all present, waiting for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to come. I was on the right side of the switchback, overlooking the lake below where the multitude of holy angels had gathered, each in their sections. I was in my place with the male archangels, in order standing, and the female archangels were on the north side of the same hill, on the other side of the switchback path. They were also standing in order.
10. At 9:00 pm, Michael, the chief archangel, told all of us that our God was coming. We each knelt on one knee it seemed, and bowed our head as God the Father, Heavenly Mother on his left side, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on his right, descended in a flame of glorious fire to the top of the switchback path, between us sets of archangels.
When they were in place, having touched the top of the golden path, Heavenly Father spoke. He asked us all to stand in our places.
11. The meeting proceeded much like I had written that it would, on my post on the tree of life, on my website.
Heavenly Father introduced himself and Heavenly Mother, and their Beloved Son, to all of the assembled. Then he introduced each male archangel, their children #2-8, on his right side. Heavenly Mother then introduced her female archangels on her left side in order, their children #9-15.
12. At this time, as I recall, Heavenly Father had me step forth. He asked all of the angels who were then in mortality to rise up in the air, a little higher than the rest, while he addressed them. He said that I, Raphael, would be the one through whom all the mortal angels would report and receive their overall direction. He asked them to sustain him in this directive. Each raised their right hands, lowered their heads, and said aloud 'yes!' I felt very humbled.
The mortal angels returned to their ranks.
13. Heavenly Father then addressed the overall plan of the last days–to eliminate evil from the world, and to save his elect whom he has personally, spiritually chosen. He talked about the parable of the wheat (the elect) and the tares (the wicked). He said that his Son Jesus, would return to the earth and cleanse the wicked (the tares) by fire.
14. He then spoke of the overall mission of the angels whom he and Heavenly Mother had chosen, who were there before him in the assembly. He told us that our missions were coordinated and planned in detail, to save their elect, their chosen children. He said that he and Heavenly Mother would inspire each one in their respective roles, at the correct time. He and Heavenly Mother would be fully in charge, as they orchestrated their work through their angels.
15. He also told us about the critical role that their Son, Jesus Christ, would play in the individual conversion, repentance, forgiveness and full qualification of each of their elect. Jesus Christ would be fully in charge of working with each soul, to bring them to the point of purification, sanctification, and justification. Once they were qualified for entrance into the church of the Firstborn, they would come to me, Raphael, in the city of the New Jerusalem, and receive the waters of separation ordinance. Oriphiel, the fifth male archangel, would faithfully record all of this in the Book of Life. They would thus be admitted into his church, the church of the Firstborn. Heavenly Father said this would also occur for each one of us angels in this vast assembly, for we were also their elect and chosen. Heavenly Father then ended his discussion.
16. Heavenly Mother then stood and spoke. She said that she and her female archangels, had to wait until the seventh seal was opened, when the earth would be elevated, cleansed, and purified, before they could make themselves appear. She said each of her female archangels would be each responsible for their particular pillar of strength. She would, in part, manifest herself through their ministry to the people of the earth. She also would manifest herself much more openly.
17. At this time, it seemed that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother together spoke directly to each angel, to their own child, about what they wanted them to do. This all happened at the same moment. I believe they expressed their love and confidence too. It was a very personal communication! During this, each angel, I believe, was able to see their eternity eyes, and reconnect fully with their Heavenly Parents!
18. When done, Heavenly Father asked that each leader of the sections of angels come and address the group. I, Raphael, spoke first, to the mortal angels, and then to the healing angels. Next R.B. spoke to the warrior angels. Next Uriel, the archangel, spoke to the angels of destruction. Finally, the proclamation angels and other miscellaneous angels were addressed by their leader, whom I cannot recall.
19. Heavenly Father thanked us, and then asked their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to address the group. He did so. He talked about the great importance of each of God's children, how precious that they are in the sight of God. He shared how he will reach these souls and minister to them in loving ways. When he finished, we all bowed the knee before him, our personal Redeemer and Savior, who had rescued and saved us!
20. At this time, all three–Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus, came to each one of us, and all three laid their hands on our heads. For me, Heavenly Father spoke as they empowered me in my full capacity as an archangel of God in the flesh. This happened for each angel at the same time too, to their various callings–all being fully empowered and charged to be an angel of God, with full capacity, in their mortal state.
When the blessing was finished, each of the Deity embraced their angel, one at a time! We then cried and perceived deeply our role, expressed our love, and I believe committed fully to God to be faithful and true.
21. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus then became very bright, again at the switchback path, and rose up in the sky in a blaze of fire! When they majestically parted, my vision ended, and I was back in my bed, lying on my back. I looked at clock and read 10:01 pm.
22. Note: The next day during our class, I read the account above. I asked for the comments of others. L, H.B. and C.G. shared some of their feelings. H.B. said her perceptive 5-year old daughter P.B. (one of the female archangels), told her that Jesus said that was going to be a party, not a meeting! L said that this was a celebration meeting also, including blowing of the trumpets at the beginning. There were also many notable people from all ages attending, including prophets of old and new. These lined behind their respective angel whom they would help empower in some way. We also felt impressed that the angel leader of the fourth group of angels was in our class, W.F.! I felt our entire discussion about the meeting was remarkable.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-26-2016, Saturday, 7:45 am
1. This morning I awoke and snuck out of the bedroom so my wife could continue sleeping. I prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the garden area, west of the tree of life. It all wasn't really clear, except for seeing the eternity eyes of both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were happy, full of brightness of hope.
2. I prayed that they bless us abundantly in our class today, so that we would be able to feel and see them more clearly. I prayed that each angel would be fully ramped-up to the full measure of the angelic calling, to feel significant changes and shifts in their bodies and spirits. I prayed for protection, for heavens blessings to be poured out in abundance. I told my Heavenly Parents that we all wanted to teleport, and asked for these miraculous events to happen today. I prayed for A.'s healing. I sought comfort in God's words that I hoped he would give me.
3. Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind, the following:
'Raphael, we will be with you and your class in abundance. We are pleased with you and the rest of the mortal angels. Great changes are coming. Be full of faith and of good cheer!'
4. Last night I also had a similar prayer before going to bed. I prayed for all these things too. I felt, at the end of my prayer, that all of my 'wish-list' would be fulfilled. I sure hope so!
I also confirmed that we had the glorious meeting in God's Loving Healing Center last night at 9 pm. I felt assured all was ready for our class this morning.
5. Later, in the evening, after the class: We had a good class today! We ended up having 20 people attending, including myself. I especially loved meeting the new people whom I had never met–M, C.G., A, B and W.F.. I think class members were pleased with all that we did. I, however, was feeling a big change from what I expected. We didn't end up teleporting with verifiable means, nor any further view of what teleporting means. It ended up a lot different than I thought.
6. My main things I learned were:
1) Helping A. and J.K. (J.K.'s mother) heal as a group–very kind of them!
2) Releasing all expectations (seventh shell)–we called this 'surrender'.
3) Be happy with whatever God reveals. Never place my own view and expectations on God!
4) How difficult it is, and how hard it is for a mortal to teleport! We probably didn't know even much about it. We tried a number of attempts, but were not successful in actual teleporting with verifiable, physical evidence. In attempting to teleport, we
• raised our vibrations to 2200x our baseline level of our transfigured bodies
• increased our faith
• focused our energy on me alone to teleport, and then also as group together
7. I think we got close to teleporting, but didn't do it yet. We found that service to others was a way to more effectively teleport, than to turn an object over which we attempted (a tray in the next room). We worked together to help heal both J.K.'s mom (J.K.) and my son (A.) who were both brain injured. We gave lots of focus, from our group of very gifted healers.
8. I was very tired at the end of the class. I feel happy now for these important lessons learned. I feel closer than ever to teleporting.
One of the more important things we did in the class was to review the events of yesterday, Friday November 25th, 2016. We talked about the journey of going to the tree of life, partaking of the fruit and leaf, and then embracing our Heavenly Parents. We also shared our experiences of the 9 pm meeting.
9. I read my journal account to the group. Then L shared some of her additional insights. These included that this was a celebration assembly, with lots and lots of non-angels: prominent people in the past (prophets, etc) who were lined up behind angles who would be doing their last-days missions. It was very big–so many people attending! Both C.G. and L saw a lot. I was glad to have this new information to add to mine.
I am tired now. I want to think and review more of what I felt I received.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-27-2016, Sunday
1. This last night I had a very tough time when I woke up around 3 am. I was squirming and shaking in my body! It reminded me of a B-vitamin deficiency. Here are some of my questions I asked after I finally went back to sleep and got up, later in the morning.
2. Q– Is my body being adversely affected by sugar which I ate, which causes these shaking/squirming reactions in my body?
A– No
Q– It seems that whenever I eat, my body reacts. What is happening?
A– Raphael, your physical body is changing, shifting to a higher state of being. The food you are eating is at a low-vibrational frequency, which is hard to assimilate, and this is the reason for your extreme shakiness and internal shaking.
3. Q– Do I stop eating, or ask for the food to be raised to the same vibrational frequency as my body?
A– No, you still need food as your body continues to transition. However, just like you bless the water you drink to become living water, now also bless the food you eat to be living food, to assimilate well into your changing physical body. This request in your prayer and blessing on your food, is now necessary for your changing body, in order to eliminate the shaking and internal wiggly feeling that your current food creates.
4. Q– So do I ask that the food I eat, and the water I drink, all be made living to me, at the vibrational level of my body or higher?
A– Yes. The tree of life fruit and leaf are living food examples. They are at the highest vibration level, and aid your transition in your physical body when you eat them. You can and should bless your food that you eat to be like unto the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life. This is what is meant by living food. This prayer request will only be effective for those whose bodies are changing. The blessing will have no affect on others whose bodies are not changing, and who eat this blessed living food, or drink this blessed living water.
Later, written shortly after the sacrament meeting in my pocket journal:
5. During the sacrament meeting today that my wife and I attended, I felt like I just needed to feel the love of God, and to be connected to both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and then I would be happy. My sister K then texted me, saying it takes time to gain confidence and perspective about teleporting. She felt we made good progress as a group in our class–line upon line. She said she thought that the full empowerment would take time to fully unfold.
6. I wrote back to her that I was learning all about the seventh shell–to surrender all expectations that I have. I wrote:
'the only thing I really need to know is that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother love me, and that they will likely reveal to me what I need to do, during the moment-of. That is how they like it. Nobody, save Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ knows what will happen and how things will unfold.'
'You are right. We love and serve and await their word and guidance. Surrender is such an important lesson to learn. We let go of control and see what arises.'
8. At this time, the music leader in the meeting had the congregation sing 'My Heavenly Father Loves Me', reprinted on the back of the program! I thought this was a timely message from God to me–to let me know that he and Heavenly Mother do love me, and that is what is really important. I can also let all of my expectations go. This song gives veritable signs of their love.
9. 1. Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by our lilac tree,
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heav'nly Father created for me.
2. He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:
I thank him rev'rently
For all his creations, of which I'm a part.
Yes, I know Heav'nly Father loves me.
Words and music: Clara W. McMaster, 1904-1997.
(c) 1961 IRI. Arr. (c) 1989 IRI
10. Earlier in the meeting, I had taken the sacrament. I envisioned myself in the air, above the switchback trail, facing the place where Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother stood, during the general assembly meeting on Friday, 11-25-2106.
I made my covenant with my Father, although he wasn't there before me. When I partook of the bread, I saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking towards me. They came from the meadow by the horizontal log, up the incline, and onto the golden path. They came directly in front of me. Heavenly Father was on my left front, and Heavenly Mother on my right front. They were holding hands.
'Raphael, I accept your covenant that you have made with me today. We have all enjoyed a great Friday and Saturday this week.
12. Friday was monumental, in that we blessed and empowered our angels, particularly our mortal angels. These are now poised for our service, now that they are fully blessed to their full capability and mantle of authority as our angels. They now need to accept and activate their callings. This will happen when we will, and according to their desires.
13. On Saturday, the class you held and we conducted, turned out just as we had wished. The seventh shell was particularly difficult for you to remove from yourself, Raphael. It is our desire that all of your expectations be fully surrendered. We want to have you, and each of our angels, to be responsive to our call at the time when action is needed. If you have pre-conceived ideas of how we will work, and what we will do in these last days, then this will circumvent you from being fully directed by us.
14. I had told you several days ago that the class would exceed your expectations. What this means is that you now should have no expectations. This should be extremely liberating to your mind and heart, for you only need to do as we direct you.
15. You need not to fret nor worry about anything else. This is true also for all our angels. You all should be ready to act when we inspire you, often at the moment-of, when the action is needed. This was also the message of your prayer-visions. Be ready to hear our voice, and act immediately when we prompt you to act.'
The sacrament ended. My Father had spoken. I saw them turn and walk directly back to the little meadow that was straight ahead of them, down the hill, and to the horizontal log.
16. I pondered this message. I am feeling way free now! All I really need to do is to be sure I hear the voice of God, and then to act. I need to be in a state of intuition and great perception. I don't need to worry about anything else in the future, for my God will do things on the schedule that they, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, have planned. We act on their direction in fulfilling that plan. Even if we angels could dream up what 'might' happen, and what our future role 'might' be, it is probably wrong, beyond what they have already revealed. So why engage in such speculative behavior? Live life fully, enjoy the journey of a mortal angel of God!
17. When God speaks to my heart and mind, then I need to act! That is all I need to do with regards to my calling. He will lead me, and lead us as angels, all along. In so doing, we'll do exactly as we should in fulfillment of their plan. We will have enough capacity to do whatever he asks us to do at the moment.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-28-2016, Monday
1. I awoke this morning, clear of shaking and wiggling! I had blessed my food yesterday to be living food to me. I ate, more as an experiment, ice cream and two kinds of pie leftovers from Thanksgiving. I didn't have any problems last night at all, but had a very restful sleep. Hurray!
In my morning prayer, I had a few questions:
2. Q– Have I really been fully empowered as an angel, even an archangel, since this was done in the general assembly of heaven's angels last Friday?
A– Yes
Q– Have I accepted this angelic mantle?
A– Yes
3. Q– Has it been fully implemented in my being yet?
A- No
Q– What do I need to do, to fully implement and claim my blessing, and this mantle of angelic authority?
A– Raphael, the implementation of the empowerment in your being will take time, as the transition occurs. This is on our timetable. However, you will be fully capable to do everything that we may ask of you in the future. This is also true of all our holy angels. They too are changing and transitioning to the stature of their full capacity and power, as our angels. The full awakening to your conscious minds, of all of our angels, will happen at different rates also, depending upon your individual level of intuition, and your desires that you each express to us in prayer.
4. Q– Have I released all of my shells except the fifth shell, which deals with my ongoing relationships?
A– Yes, you are clear of all the other shells now.
5. I feel happy, and almost giddy now! I feel like a little child, looking into the faces of my loving parents, ready for any verbal or facial cues from them, on what I should do next! In the past, I had a burden of wonder and worry about the future. I will now be content to be fully, 100%, in line to take their lead. I feel very content to be their child, to receive direction from their hand. I will act also, on my own intuition and using my own brain, on how I can be more in a ready state. I will serve others, love others and myself, think of others all the time. I will turn myself outward in love to everyone I encounter, particularly my closest family and friends. I will try in every way to be like Jesus.
6. Later: I was driving around today, and was thinking about the way God deals with man in his probationary state. The future has never been known by anyone, except as God reveals some of it to his people individually, or to his prophets.
I guess I have been thinking there has been something special, or different in the way he deals with us about the future, about these last days. I now believe I was mistaken. I had thought, with so many prophecies in the scriptures of our day (like most of the entire book of Revelation), that he would somehow act differently towards us.
7. To surrender one's expectations of their future, is what all of God's children have been asked to do in their mortal journeys. I imagine that Father Adam, the prophet Noah with the flood, and even Jesus Christ–all of these great men were led at the moment by the Father, like I am being asked to be led. When we fully surrender our expectations to God, then he fully determines our destiny and direction by his still, small voice to our heart and mind. This is how he has always wanted it to be. We trust fully in him, and he will lead us along–anytime we come into mortality, since the beginning.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-29-2016, Tuesday
1. Last night I went to bed around midnight. When I prayed, I saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother with their crowns on their brows, looking very much like a king and a queen. I asked them why they were wearing their crowns, which I rarely had seen before.
2. Heavenly Mother replied to me. I hope I can say it just as she spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are wearing our crowns to emphasize that we are fully in control. We know the end from the beginning. Our children who come to mortality, during anytime of earth's existence, are subjected to the experiences of earth life which we fully orchestrate. We watch and observe, and we prompt and set up situations, all to see how our children, whom we love, will respond. We are gratified and so pleased when they choose us and our ways! We are saddened when they follow after the enticings of the flesh, and evil ways. Without us being visible, or them being aware of our presence, we can truly see the true hearts and leanings of our children. Sadly, there are so many who will not follow us, their loving parents!
3. Our promptings and directions are very subtle and gentle. It is our happiest moments when our children hear and follow such quiet whisperings to their souls. These are our elect!
4. Raphael, you and our angels receive these quiet but clear directives, also from us, relating to your very important angelic missions. We will not be intrusive in our promptings, but give these in still and mild ways, yet sure. You will not know much of the future as we have planned it, for our wise purposes. But we will always guide you, and gently lead you to act in your magnificent callings as holy angels of God. This still, small voice is how we have always worked, and will continue to lead in our great work in these last days.
5. The continual removal of your seven shells will help you more clearly know our will. We are gratified when you release your expectations of how we may lead you, or how we may act in the unfolding drama of life that we have planned. As you surrender your own expectations, and listen and follow our quiet promptings, we are the happiest!
6. We lead the righteous a little here, a little there, until there is a significant change in their lives. This too is how we work. You have only come to this point in your own life by our continual shaping, and your continual responding and following.
We love you, our son! We love our holy angels, and we love our elect. These we will give crowns of glory because they follow us, their loving Heavenly Parents, and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'
7. I then could see the eternity eyes of my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother! They were sparkling with joy, which confirmed the message I just received from my Mother! This is very happy for me–to bask in their presence, to feel loved by them, and to trust all that they lead me to do.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-30-2016, Wednesday
1. Last night, and this morning in prayer, I have felt very clearly to have basked in the presence of my Heavenly Parents! Each time I felt I was in the garden area, west of the tree of life. This morning, I knelt atop the mound of soil under which I had dug the hole and buried the heavy shell #6–representing the combined lack of faith of all of us mortal angels. I am so glad that is buried!
2. When I saw my Heavenly Parents before me, they were holding hands–Heavenly Father on my front left, and Heavenly Mother on my front right. This morning when I addressed them from this mound of soil, I saw them walking together from the tree of life. They came up the path into the garden and stood before me.
3. I looked into their eternity eyes–such a good barometer of their feelings! They were both pleased and happy with me. I didn't notice anything unusual, like their blowing capes, crowns on their heads, a red sash, or anything else that I may have seen in the past. They appeared very interested in being near me, as I felt towards them. I did have some questions, and felt to write as the answers come, so here goes!
4. Q– Am I in a position, and a mental/emotional mindset now, that is pleasing to thee?
A– Yes!
Q– Are the holy mortal angels, including myself, still struggling with their seven shells?
A– From Heavenly Mother:
'Yes. For the most part, there is good progress towards shedding the ways of man, and accepting their roles as angels. This is mostly being done in their unconscious minds.'
5. Q– H.B. wrote me and said that she believed we all need to increase our vibrational frequencies to 50,000 times the baseline of our transfigured state. Is this true? And if it is true, may I know how we will do that?
A– Again from Heavenly Mother:
'Yes she is correct. The path to increasing one's vibrational level will take some time as several factors change you. First, you have been transfigured, and the physical changes are still happening in all the angels. Second, you have been blessed with the full mantle of your angelic callings, each of you. This acceptance also takes time. It requires knowing and believing that this high and holy calling is real, and that you each have been chosen. Many are still doubting, clinging to their old shells of a former life. Inwardly, each of our mortal angels need to grapple with this new position and view of themselves.
6. We desire each of our angels to see our face (see D&C 50:11; 67:12-12; 93:1). We want each to be continually before us also, as you are, Raphael. For when they come unto us in mighty prayer, and from our hand receive our love and directions, then we will be most happy with them. At that time, they will truly be those through whom we minister to our elect.'
7. Q– Shall I share all these things with them since my last email and web post, now one week ago?
A– Prepare what you can, but there will be more to share before your next post. We will lead you along, as we have always done.
8. I then felt very satisfied and content in my standing before God. I am so glad to be right before them! I feel so excited too, to participate in such grand experiences of personal change, and of serving the angels and the elect of God."
Note: I was listening to Handel's Messiah in our car CD player today. I was moved when the chorus sang 'He Trusted in God', taken from the Bible: 'He trusted in God that He would deliver Him; let Him deliver Him, if He Delight in Him.' (Psalm 22: 8).
9. This is exactly as I have felt about my current life! I trust in God that he will deliver me, similar to how he delivered and vindicated his Son, Jesus Christ, in being the Savior of mankind. God expects us to take the leap of faith, in fully trusting in him, in being fully led by him. We need to fully surrender to God, as Jesus did to his Father.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-1-2016, Thursday morning
1. Today I awoke and felt like I really connected in prayer with my Heavenly Parents. I shared with them that my greatest desire is to be loving, kind, considerate, and to act like their Beloved Son, my Savior. I shared with them my feelings on the wickedness I see all around me, and the wickedness of men and women. I said I didn't want to be so consumed with selfishness as I see all around me, but that I so desire to turn my thoughts and actions outward, in thinking and serving others. I prayed for those who were struggling.
I also thanked my Heavenly Parents for this mortal life. I remarked how clearly our lives turn either to them, our God, or to ourselves and the ways of man. I see how effective of a test the mortal life of man is.
2. Heavenly Father then asked to speak to me. Here are words he spoke, as best I can say them in my own words, and as I wrote them down in my journal in dictation from him:
'Raphael, we have designed the mortal experience for our children, to reveal to us and to our children their true natures. Without our presence before them continually, as they had in the pre-earth life, they are now truly able to choose good or evil, and exercise their full agency. They may choose our gentle, loving ways, or selfish actions and manners, which are carnal, sensual, and devilish, as spoken of in our scriptures (see Moses 5:13; 6:46; also Alma 42:10–'Therefore, as they had become carnal, sensual, and devilish, by nature, this probationary state became a state for them to prepare; it became a preparatory state.'). We allow sin to propagate in this mortal experience in order to test our children. Our elect hear our voice, and choose us, their parents and our Son, in the course of their lives. We know how they choose by how they choose to act and live.
3. Last night, you have read a little about how deeply entrenched evil is in your land and the world. Satan worship, dark and evil acts, are practiced in abundance at this time in high places, and among people of power. However, Satan's influence and the chains of hell, will be broken and destroyed, in our due time, as we will, to accomplish our purposes in this mortal probationary state.
4. You asked last night, what you could do to eradicate evil from this world. We know this is your desire, and therefore have chosen you to remove Lucifer himself, and his evil hosts from this world, as spoken of by John in the book of Revelation (see Revelation 20:1-3). The wicked will also be removed, according to the parable of the wheat and tares. We will preserve our angels and our elect, so that the world you live in will be patterned after our righteous ways, and the example of our Beloved Son.
5. The work of our angels is critical in fulfillment of our plan to create a beautiful world again, as it was in the beginning of man. Share with the mortal angels these words, and our trust in their willingness to hear our voice and act as we direct. We do love them so very much.'
I then looked upon my Father. His eternity eyes were soft and compassionate. His words greatly comforted me. Again, I fully realized the best thing I could do was to act in loving ways to those around me, and to be in tune with God. This is my greatest desire.
6. It seems that anytime during the day or night, I can think of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and I immediately 'see' them, in my minds' eye. They are before my mind continually. I feel this is how all of us angels should experience their presence with us always. (see Alma 34:27– 'Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.')
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-2-2016, Friday morning
1. This morning I experienced extreme peace and a feeling of quiet joy! I was in prayer. I felt to go to the river representing Jesus Christ, just north of the garden area, next to the tree of life. The river bank was elevated above the area of the garden and the tree of life. From this higher vantage point, I could see beyond the area where the white gate, the straight and narrow path, the tree and the garden were located. I was looking on the same level as the top branches of the large tree of life.
2. I received an email last night of a meeting in Rexburg, Idaho, where a number of our mortal angels were gathered in one of their homes. I was told that I was there too, which I knew immediately was true. This was in my unconscious state. Also present were Jesus, the other archangels, and our Heavenly Parents.
3. I prayed if I could find out what the meeting was all about. I saw some soberness and sadness a little in the eyes of both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Heavenly Father confirmed with me that the meeting was all about trying to encourage the mortal angels to connect with their Heavenly Parents, so that they would be raised in their vibration level. Jesus is the one to introduce the individual to the Father, and that is why he was also involved in the meeting.
4. The emphasis that God is making on wanting each mortal angel to approach them in prayer, is huge! This is practically the message of every prayer and communication I have received this week.
During my prayer tonight, after I relaxed and wound-down, I felt that both of my Heavenly Parents were pleased that I reconnected today. It takes meditation and relaxing ones body to really connect. If I tried to connect during the day when I was working so hard, I doubt if I could have been able to effectively pray.
5. I also tried to write up my journal entries a little today, in between my hectic times at work. I only was able to do a little transcription writing. I felt bad for not having done more, and in prayer tonight, Heavenly Mother told me it was ok, and to go watch the Christmas movie with my family. She had earlier said to get this post out now. I guess she knew I would suddenly become very busy, for she seemed to plan some relaxing and family time for me today also. Hopefully, I will get the newest post all done tomorrow."