185. One with God

Hello my friends,

The process that our Heavenly Parents desire is for each of us is to become one with them. This is not immediate, but requires our diligent efforts, putting God first in our lives, and doing what they may ask of us. In this process, we may become one with them, even to where we know them and they dwell with us throughout our day. Their thoughts are merged into our thoughts, and we truly become their servants and they become our Gods.

Please pray about this and other things in this post. I pray for each of you, that you will find the great joy that comes as you fully align yourself with God, and become one with them. They will then extend to your their great revelations and their power to do whatever they may ask of you to do.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, January 27, 2021

1. I came this new day to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. I am looking forward to communing with one or both of my Heavenly Parents here. I entered the room and asked for one or both to come to me.

2. They both then descended through the roof and came before me in the air! Heavenly Mother was on Heavenly Father's left side, and spoke to me first:

3. 'Raphael, we have both come to you today to discuss our elect who live in your land. There will be an influx of believers in Jesus Christ across your nation, for they are being awakened to the precarious situation in your government and industry, with leaders who are trying to cover up their misdeeds and who are deceiving the people. As your nation moves to a more totalitarian state, which restricts freedom and seeks to manipulate the thoughts and actions of the governed, many will be more and more uncomfortable. They will start more diligently to call upon God and seek to connect with a higher power.

4. The christian churches of the land will experience a large influx of new converts seeking true religion. The people will be wary of control tactics they are experiencing in the government and industry. They will seek our Son, Jesus Christ, in a revival across America. Most who thus awaken will be our elect whose spirits are being prepared in classes in the spirit realms while they slumber. Their hearts are being prepared to receive our truths, and to seek Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer of mankind.

5. Pastor Dana Coverstone mentions his opinion about this influx into the church in his recent dream entitled "They Don't Hate me, They Hate You" dream.

6. We have many of our celestial premortal spirits actively guiding their future ancestors who now live on earth. We also have other celestial servants and our angels very active in doing our work as we direct them to. This will be called the great day of awakening.'

7. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, while our righteous servants are helping prepare the hearts of our elect and guiding them to our Beloved Son, the wicked who want no part of religion or God will become more controlled by the devil and his minions. They will be led, mostly unknowingly, by these evil spirits, and be carefully led to their destruction.

8. At this time is this scripture being fulfilled:

1 Nephi 14:17

"And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."

9. The house of Israel includes the tribes of the north and the remnants coming from the south, but it also includes a great number of the elect who live in the land of promise. These are those who are now awakening to God. The fulfillment of my covenants means that those who are coming to us, their Heavenly Parents, in the name of our Son, Jesus Christ, will seek to align themselves to us by their promises to keep our commandments. They will make their true covenants with us, their Gods, when given the opportunity, even in the true Church of Christ, and later in the Church of the Firstborn. They will find great satisfaction and peace to their souls.

10. On the other hand, those who choose evil and fight against Zion, and "distress her, shall be as a dream in a night vision, yea, it shall be unto them, even as a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth, but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion." (see 2 Nephi 27:3).

11. Raphael, come here again tonight and we will share more with you about an awakening coming to your land.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their messages, and said I would be here tonight. They then ascended back through the domed room ceiling and were gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.

13. Evening-I listened to post 183 on my phone today while working outside. I noticed in S's email found in post 183K13, Heavenly Mother referred to the same scripture in 2 Nephi 27:3 that Heavenly Father had referred me to this morning. Both I believe were referencing the wicked in our very day, and those who fight against Zion. I believe S's email in that entry should say "Those who don't seek to uphold the republic," instead of how it now reads "Those who seek to uphold…" a small correction I believe, but it makes a lot of difference. Then these references to 2 Nephi 27:3 are congruent and speak of the same group of people who fight against Zion.

14. Tonight I came again to the domed room. When the doorway opened and I entered, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both were already standing there, waiting for me to come before them!

15. I entered and knelt before them. I looked upon their bright, smiling faces. I said I was ready for their directions and revelations that they had said I would receive tonight. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are pleased that you have come before us to receive our word on the awakening that is beginning among our elect on the earth. Without us teaching them through our servants in the night time while they slumber, they would not know which way to turn in their mortal lives. However, we are priming their minds by teaching them our truths, and witnessing to their hearts and minds by our Holy Spirit. Therefore, when they hear these truths again, in their conscious mortal life, they will recognize that which they have so readily accepted in our spiritual realms, in their unconscious mind.

16. In this way we are going to be leading them in ways that they never before considered (see 3 Nephi 20:45). They will feel great impressions when they again hear these truths, witnessed to them by the promptings of our Spirit. These directions will become a solid truth on which they will feel they need to act upon. There will be many who have such confirmations, thus strengthening them in their resolve to wait upon the Lord, and to follow our promptings.

17. All the while that we are giving revelations and promptings to our chosen elect, their tribulations and privations will increase. This will combine with our increased promptings, and will bring our elect to a state of humility and dependency upon God. In this process, all remnants of Babylon will be dropped from their current lives, and they will live a much simpler and humbler existence. It is in these times of privation that they will more fully open their hearts to us, and seek us diligently in very heartfelt prayer. At this point, we will inspire many to come to Zion, the city of the New Jerusalem.

18. When our elect come to the city on the island that you prepare for them, they will be mostly destitute, for they will have given away all that they possess, and all their sins and follies to know us and their Lord Jesus Christ. This is exactly the humble and open state we want them to be in, in order to fully accept the higher laws of the terrestrial kingdom in Zion.

19. As they enter and are lovingly welcomed and received as Saints in Zion, they will need to be taught our truths. These humble elect will be very open and receptive to our truths that we witness to them by our Spirit. Thus by "precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little and there a little." (see Isaiah 28:13) will our word come to our elect who must then prove our truths by the Spirit of God that comes from us. They will gradually come to know of the many truths we have revealed to you, and will have fully embraced these truths. They will then become one with our people in Zion, the pure in heart.'

20. I was thrilled to receive Heavenly Mother's words tonight about how her and Heavenly Father's elect will be awakened, ultimately becoming as one in Zion. I thanked her for her beautiful saga she described for the elect. I said I felt so honored to know of these precious truths now.

21. She and Heavenly Father began rising up in the air towards the ceiling. They stopped for a moment, and Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, come here again in the morning and I will enlighten you with more of our truths of this awakening and of Zion!'

22. I said I would come here again. They then continued rising up in the sky that was now open through the domed room ceiling. Their sky was bright and blue, and not reddened. I believe they were going into their own highest celestial realm.

23. I watched until they were out of sight, and then closed my prayer with a grateful heart.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, January 28, 2021

1. I awoke late this morning and feel refreshed. I came to the domed room as I was directed by my Heavenly Father last night. I came through the doorway that opened, and knelt near the center of the room. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

2. Heavenly Father then came alone, appearing to me in the domed room! He was bright and seemed very happy. He spoke: 'Raphael, we have sent our elect to the earth in many families that are not necessarily religious or God-fearing. There are many who will need to fully reverse the direction that they are currently living in. They have been born into circumstances foreign to a humble, open and prayerful life. They will need to make great changes in how they currently live.

3. Others of our elect are already believing in us, their Gods. However, there are many ideas they yet will need to discard as the knowledge of God fills their minds and hearts.

4. The one characteristic of our elect is that they all hear our voice and want to obey our words when they receive them. We are not doing any coercive methods to influence them to change, but are filling them with new truths and ideas that they before had never heard nor considered. They are being taught by our own servants who gradually introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ, from simple truths to a more detailed base of knowledge. They are taught in small groups, but to them it will seem that they are being taught individually and not as part of a group of very interested individuals. They are our elect that your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen, and are our receptive children that we know.

5. Raphael, there has never been a time in the history of your mortal earth where the hearts and minds of so many need to be prepared so quickly! Never before has a new spiritual realm been coming so soon, where almost all of the previous realm needs to be dropped, and a new elevation in thought, in desires of the heart, and in obedience will be required. And yet, this is the path for all of our elect. They will desire to live in this higher spiritual state once they know it is coming. They will be willing to sacrifice all they possess in order to become part of Zion in the terrestrial world. We will enliven their entire souls with the fire of our Spirit, and they will gladly and willingly accept these truths and a new perspective and life.

6. When these, our humble elect, come to Zion, they will truly have become as children. Thus will the scripture given by Jesus Christ be fulfilled:

7. Luke 18:16-17

"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."

8. Our Beloved Son saw the day when the kingdom of God would come in terrestrial glory upon the earth, and when he would reign personally among men and women in the millennium. He referred to our elect who would be invited to enter the gates of Zion in this scripture. Each would need to be like a little child, with nothing from their previous life except their physical body and a great desire to please God and conform to the laws of Zion. In this way, the entire society of Zion will be childlike and very teachable. They will all know the Lord, from the least to the greatest:

9. Jeremiah 24:7

"And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart."

10. Jeremiah 31:34

"And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional clarification on the awakening of his elect in the coming days. I felt the spirit in abundance as he spoke to me and instructed me this morning.

12. I next found myself back in my private room writing all of this down during my prayer. I felt peace and the Spirit witness to me of the truths I had received. I humbly and thankfully closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. Evening-I enjoyed a good day, visiting family and working on projects. My wife and I like it quiet around the house after the hubbub of family leaves. It is not very exciting I'm sure for our son who likes his music and activity happening much of the day. I also like quiet time to meditate and to think, and to relax at night.

14. Tonight I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water from the stream, and then came to the shore of the lake. I knelt there and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. The sky was red, reminding me of the imminent war and tribulations we would soon have.

15. Heavenly Mother came in a brilliant opening of the sky! The red color seemed to peel back from the heavens as she descended upon the water. It was soon all so very bright and white all around me, as she stood and smiled before me.

16. I looked up into her pleasing face! She spoke: 'Raphael, as our children age on earth, they naturally like quieter times than when young children were bustling around in their home when they were young parents. It is also natural for our children to seek for more periods of relaxation and meditation. When they come around lots of family with high energy, they usually tire quicker and want to return to quieter surroundings.

17. This is all part of aging, and eventually separating from the earth before death. At death, all is left behind except their immortal spirit that moves into the world of the spirits. In the millennium, our celestial elect are immediately resurrected to the glory of a celestial resurrection. Once resurrected, their vitality and strength are returned, and they never tire again. They keep their mortal maturity and all their full mind's capacity and memories, even that of a merged mind in eternity.

18. We now have many of our elect who once lived on earth who are celestial translated and resurrected individuals. They act as our celestial servants who are now able to serve their fellow mortal descendants, their spirit brothers and sisters on earth. We have all of our celestial servants very active in blessing those elect in mortality and in the spirit world, according to our directions. We have mustered the legions of heaven, those celestial servants, those yet unborn, and those awaiting their own resurrection in the world of the spirit dead, and those like you who are living in mortality on earth. All of these are helping us awaken and lead the elect to their transition into the terrestrial mortal world. It will be an intense time of change for many of our children.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I thanked her or giving me little bits of truth, here a little and there a little, so that I could absorb them more fully and record them completely.

20. My prayer then ended. I am back in my home, concluding my last prayer of the day.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, January 29, 2021

1. I came this morning to the forest pool near the pyramid room. I love the feeling of a dense forest, and a crystal clear pool sequestered in this forest. I knelt at the shore of the pool and drank living water. I sought to be clear and very perceptive in my meditations and prayer.

2. I then opened a prayer to my Heavenly Father. I sought for his presence before me. I then prayed for certain family members, all of my immediate family, one by one. When done, I looked up and my Heavenly Father was standing above the water smiling! He said that he, Heavenly Mother and their son Jesus Christ, would bless and guide them in their lives. I felt glad at his words.

3. Heavenly Father then continued speaking to me: 'Raphael, you are doing well in dropping your expectations of whatever may come into your world and into your family. We will guide and bless those in your family who come to us in humble prayer, and who are open to our influence.'

4. I enjoyed my short visit with my Father this morning! I felt his love and concern for each of my immediate family members whom I care for and love.

5. He then parted and I started my new day.

6. Evening-I came to a grassy area on the hill behind, or to the northwest, of the maple tree grove. I don't know why I came here. I could see Lake Beautiful to the east. With the celestial sun setting, and the red sky, the lake seemed ablaze with a red reflection.

7. I knelt on the grass and asked for Heavenly Father to come. He immediately appeared before me in the air above the grass. He spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you above Lake Beautiful to see the red sky and red reflection on our lake. You have wondered a few times if the sky was really red every time you came to the celestial orb this past week.

8. From our view you can clearly see the deep red sky in front of you, and the brilliant red reflection on our very large lake. There is currently a great stillness in both the sky and on our lake.

9. The coming attack on your land has already begun with Chinese troops coming from Canada across your borders. Other armies will be coming from both the east and west shores of the United States and later from the south. Your federal government leaders will do nothing to prevent their arrival and entry into your country, for they have planned this with these foreign powers, particularly with communist China.

10. The federal government and the occupying armies will seek to make no fanfare of their arrival, for they want the people to get used to these new inhabitants in your land. They will call this a peaceful presence all the while these foreign troops will start occupying the United States in different encampments. Their missiles and large weapons will be strategically placed and aimed at critical places such as power grids, the US military installations, and large population centers.

11. At some point, the citizenry of your country will become very alarmed, but will not be able to get their elected leaders who are in power to stop the influx of these troops. Many Americans will become upset and afraid of the seeming takeover in the country and government.

12. Soon your nation will be like the oppressive red view of the sky and lake in front of you, being red above and below. There will be no place to become free of this infiltrated foreign presence on your soil.

13. Your new president Biden will welcome these foreign armies, but will not have control over your own US military. There will come a flash point where war will explode in your land between these foreign aggressors and your own US military. The foreign troops and their military will overpower your own US military and then gain full control over all your land and people. It is at this point that they will doublecross President Biden and the corrupt leaders who have sought to overthrow this constitutional republic. They will find soon that they have no power to oust the occupying troops in your land. They will lose their power of influence over these invaders. They will have sold out America and destroyed the nation!'

14. Heavenly Father then turned and looked upon the red sky and red lake before us. It was a very oppressing scene to me, and felt to me like there was no escaping from the red presence. I felt this is how it would soon be in our country. The redness of everything became very pervading and uncomfortable.

15. Heavenly Father then rose up into the air and in a few seconds was gone.

16. I looked over on the grass where I was kneeling and there was a very distinct reddish hue on the grass, and on my angel vestures and my skin. I then closed my upsetting prayer.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, January 30, 2021

1. I reread what I wrote down last night. Although I didn't record dates when all would happen, I did write specifics about sequences of events with the overthrow and destruction of our nation. One part of me says I am going out again on a limb in predicting the future, and another part of me says it is not from me but from my Heavenly Father. I just wrote what came to me!

2. I need to verify what I received and wrote, and whether it is from God or from me somehow, or from some other source.

3. First, I never sought to give such dire prophetic warnings. I am only a conduit of what God may say to me, and have no control, nor do I want any control, on what he may inspire me to write.

4. I feel a great need to confirm my words from last night, from my Heavenly Father. I came this morning to the maple tree grove, just below the grassy hill where I was last night. I first came to the shore and drank living water from Lake Beautiful, and then returned to the grove. I knelt on the soft soil between some majestic trees, and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me to confirm or deny my entry from last night.

5. Heavenly Mother then came from her higher celestial realm, and parted the red sky as she descended! Her bright light shone all around. She was soon in front of me, in great radiant light. I felt her love and acceptance of me.

6. She spoke: 'Raphael, be not afraid to send your record from last night to S to type up, for you have recorded all the words of Heavenly Father correctly. You are to be true to what you received, regardless of the perceived consequences of publishing them to your group and placing Heavenly Father's words in your post 185. We have charged you to record anything he or I may speak to you, and to never hold back.

7. I do not condemn you at all for your thoughts of great wonder, nor of your intentions to confirm all you have written last night. On the contrary, we want you to confirm all of our words, and then if given as true by the other one of us, and confirmed by our Holy Spirit, to release our words of truth. This is the role of a true prophet of God. We are responsible for what we speak to you, and you are responsible to write and publish our words.'

8. I looked upon her pleasing face, and felt her Spirit flow into and through me. I felt the confirming witness of my Heavenly Mother come into me and give me peace and assurance.

9. I then responded to my Heavenly Mother: 'My Heavenly Mother, I will release my journal entry from last night as true and confirmed before God, and will let my Heavenly Father's words stand as I have written them. I will also release all my doubts and wonderings, and accept this as all from God. I will be true to my confirmed revelation!

10. I so much appreciate the added witness from you, and of your and Heavenly Father's continual support and revelations! I know also that I couldn't come up with any of your revelations by myself.'

11. Heavenly Mother smiled upon me. She then rose up in the air as my Heavenly Father did last night, into her higher celestial realm. She was gone in a few seconds.

12. I thanked her in my heart and mind again, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

13. Evening–I came tonight to the outcropping above the circling waters. I could see the beautiful temple to the west. I felt happy inside, and hoped to commune with one or both of my Heavenly Parents.

14. I have thought more today about how remarkable it is that I am so privileged to connect with my Heavenly Parents twice daily in prayer! This has been going on for years. It seems normal and natural now. I feel very much like I am still having a very mortal experience, and then I pause and receive their revelations twice a day. I feel so honored to receive so very much and in such a steady manner!

15. I knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me tonight.

16. He came immediately from his temple and was soon right in front of me in the air! I was very pleased to again be in his presence!

17. He spoke to my unconscious mind: 'Raphael, I gave you very specific events that would happen in my revelation to you last night. You were not expecting any such prophecies. I revealed this in part to make sure that you and those few mortals who support you would test out my words in sincere and humble prayer. You have done this during your morning prayer today. Others will need revelation to confirm to their own souls that it was me who revealed those words to you and that all of this wasn't from you.

18. On the surface, these words may seem to some as idle tales that could not possibly be true, for they could not envision how the US President nor the US Military could allow foreign troops to come into encampments within the United States. We will therefore see who will continue to support and believe your words, and who will confirm all of this from us, your Gods, and who doesn't.

19. We want our elect and you, our leaders in this great latter-day work, to know for certain when you hear and confirm our truths. You each need to know our voice above any other you might hear, even above the logical thoughts of your brain that might discount these things.

20. When you receive our revelations in your unconscious mind, it is not always so very clear for you, but you write your impressions and the words you perceive that we give to you. These entries in your journal have always been true, even though you yourself may have questions or wonderings. This is because you live and think all day long in your conscious mind, but we normally speak to you in your unconscious mind, and by our Spirit to your mind and heart. You have been able to correctly bridge the veil barrier between your unconscious and conscious mortal mind. You have become very accustomed to linking these two sections of your mortal mind, and flowing with the impressions you receive, without questioning. You do this in a very open and meditative state. We are pleased with the manner in which you receive and then record our words.

21. It is incumbent for each of our elect children to find their own method of unlocking the veil between their unconscious and conscious mind, and to allow our truths and revelations to flow into their souls. This all requires practice and lots of effort in an open and meditative state. We will work side by side with each one of our children who are determined to connect fully with us, their Gods, and with our Holy Spirit. We will lead them each gradually and steadily, even as we have done for you.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his uplifting words and teachings to me tonight! I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for having always witnessed of their truths to me when I asked in faith. I asked him to please continue to help me grow into the man of God he and Heavenly Mother wish me to become.

23. He smiled upon me and said that they would continue to mold me as clay.

24. He then returned to his temple. I felt at peace, and felt a portion of his Spirit continue to dwell with me. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, January 31, 2021

1. This day and the next three days promise to be milder and more spring-like. The weather is supposed to be in the low fifties. I am happy for sunshine and warmer weather.

2. I came this morning to the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake, near the shore. I came and drank living water and then knelt by the path that circles the lake. I faced north and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

3. I then saw her walking to me on the path to my right. She was walking but was a few feet above the ground as she walked. I turned to face her. She was shining her bright light all around her.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, you received this morning an email from S who transcribed your recent journal entries (see below). Your Heavenly Father and I met S on the beach of our celestial ocean today. During our conversation, I told S to "hold onto the information (of the Chinese invasion and occupation) in your heart and watch its fulfillment." I told him to be believing and watch for the fulfillment of these things, with a believing heart.

5. This is the same recommendation I give to you now. You have very humbly and openly asked of us for confirmations, which we have given to you. Now you need to hold onto our words and witnesses in your heart, and be believing. You will shortly see all of our words fulfilled.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her confirming words, and to have given to S a witness that I am not alone in saying these things. I said I would hold her and Heavenly Father's promises in my heart, and be believing.

7. She smiled upon me, and I felt her great love and acceptance flow into my body and spirit. I felt deeply connected to her, and rejoiced to be "one" with her. She then extended her hand and I arose and took it. We then walked around the lake on the path, holding hands. I viewed us from another vantage point, but I couldn't hear what she was saying to me.

8. My prayer faded, and I came back to my private room where I had been writing all of this. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

9. Email from S on 1-31-2021, entitled "Great Fish"


I would like to share my experience in prayer that occurred after I finished transcribing your record from this morning.

1-31-21 AM

This morning I read Raphael's account regarding the invasion of Chinese troops into our country being simply allowed by President Biden. Even though he is a wicked leader, it was hard to imagine that he would be accepting of foreign invasion. I thought that if I was writing a book, this would not be a very plausible plot in critics' minds. I also believe evil will betray and double-cross according to the master deceiver who would love to destroy the U.S. to seek control of the whole earth, so anything could be possible.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents, wondering about what I had transcribed from Raphael's record. I felt to come to the seashore beside the ocean on the celestial orb. Both my Heavenly Parents were walking beside each other barefoot in the sand. Heavenly Mother directed me to join them. The celestial sky was red. As we walked, I looked to the ocean and saw a large humpback whale breach the water and rise up with its body and then crash down causing a large splash. It was a beautiful scene that I have witnessed on the nature channel before, but I have never seen in person. Heavenly Mother asked, 'What does this whale eat on the celestial orb?' I responded, 'I don't know, I have never considered this. I know in the terrestrial kingdom the scriptures say the animals will eat grass on the land and not eat each other. However, I do not know regarding the fish on the terrestrial or celestial kingdom.'

Heavenly Mother spoke, 'You may have never conceived the truth before in your mind, but this does not change the truth of what occurs. In the celestial kingdom, the great fish of the sea derive all their body's needs from the living water that surrounds them. Raphael recorded a message from Heavenly Father with many specifics regarding the invasion of China into your land. This information is much different than you would have imagined. Simply hold onto this information in your heart and watch for its fulfillment. This is similar to Mary who received great truths regarding Jesus Christ and his mission from angels, Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna. She believed in these words, but also held onto them in her heart until they were fulfilled. She did share her witness later or it would not be present in the New Testament records. You may be believing as was Mary and await their fulfillment before your eyes. You will not have to wait long, for our words will shortly come to pass.

Only Heavenly Mother spoke, but I felt this message came from both my Heavenly Parents who walked beside me. I knew this was my message for today and I knelt down to give thanks to them, and then I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

I have received a similar message previously to be believing as was Mary that I recorded in a previous journal entry regarding something else. I am grateful for her example.

Have a wonderful Sabbath day,

10. I enjoyed my sabbath day today and now want to commune with my Heavenly Father. I came to the entry area inside God's temple tonight. It was very beautiful and I tried to take it all in. I came to the east side of the room where there were some trees next to the water channels. I drank living water and then knelt by one of these trees. I felt somewhat out of sight, but I knew Heavenly Father would come to find me. I knelt and asked him to come to me.

11. He then stepped out of his higher celestial realm and stood before me, smiling. I was very pleased to again be in his glorious presence.

12. He spoke: 'Raphael, when there is a law or imposed requirement that limits the freedom of our mortal children, most will find excuses to throw off the regulation, make excuses for themselves, and opt for their personal freedom. This has been true for the Covid-19 regulations imposed by government leaders. It is particularly true for those who feel the restrictions are just too great. For some, they could follow the restrictions to a point, but now it is almost a year that this has been in your country. The mask wearing, social distancing, and staying out of crowds and not being with people, especially loved ones, is very wearing.

13. Your Heavenly Mother and I know of the distress this has caused to many of our children on earth. We commiserate with those who feel they can bear it no longer, and are going about their normal life with no regard to these restrictions.

14. Some also feel that the new vaccine will change all of these restrictions and allow them to return to a more normal situation in being with people. Some feel this virus scare is all made up by the government, or by those leaders who wish to control the masses, or get them used to being subjugated to their lockdowns or similar restriction requirements.

15. Your Heavenly Mother and I have known about this from the beginning. We continue to protect our elect with our corona flame, given by your Heavenly Mother. This will burn out the virus and other mutants that may come upon our elect.

16. I told you that this light and fire would protect our elect from the plagues and toxins coming upon all humanity (see your < ="../Posts/150-the-corona.html#150H24">post 150H24). This was almost a year ago when you first saw and experienced this.

17. Your wife fell ill one year ago tonight with a very severe viral infection. You stayed by her side and continued to nurse her to health in the subsequent weeks. During this experience, we taught and revealed to you the power of Heavenly Mother's corona flame.

18. Now, one year later, you wonder if you can lessen your vigilance in protecting yourselves from others who might themselves be carriers of this very infectious disease that has spread now across your world. Come here tomorrow morning and your Heavenly Mother and I will address this topic to you, here in our celestial temple.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the prospect to hear what he and/or Heavenly Mother would reveal to me tomorrow. I said I was very pleased that they would address this at the one year point from when the corona flame was first introduced to me.

20. Heavenly Father then stepped back one step and was out of my sight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, February 1, 2021

1. I came to God's temple in the celestial world this morning to the same spot where Heavenly Father appeared to me last night. I drank again living water from my cupped hand. I then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, even as my Heavenly Father had promised last night. I believed they would both come, and I had absolutely no idea what they might speak to me. I felt open and humble.

2. I then saw them enter the room from the hallway in front of me. They were holding hands and walked right up to me. I was thrilled to be in their glorious presence. I gazed into their loving and smiling faces. The brightness of their light filled up the room I was in, and completely filled me, and passed through me!

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, raise your right hand in front of you and look on the backside of your hand.' I raised my hand and looked on the backside, and saw a large 8-10 inch corona flame coming out my hand on the backside.

4. 'This is my corona flame that will protect you from the virus plague that has swept your earth and will protect you from any variants of this illness. I have given this to our elect to protect them in their mortal bodies. My fire will burn up the infection and prevent it from entering and taking hold of their body systems. There will be a few of our elect that I will allow the virus to enter, and for them to struggle or even die, but by far in most cases our elect will be fully protected.

5. You, your wife and your son, A., have been very diligent in keeping away from people who might carry this disease. You have worn masks, social distanced, not gone in the homes or buildings where others have been, except on rare occasions and for brief periods. You have visited with others outside and at a distance. You have created a bubble shield between you and your daughter in your vehicle and in your dining room area, so you don't share the same air. You have been very diligent to prevent any possibility of contracting this airborne virus. You have done this, all the while knowing that I would protect you with my corona flame, for you wanted to do all in your own power also to prevent contracting the illness. You have done all of your precautions, even at the ridicule and dismay of others, family, associates, and neighbors, who long before have chosen not to be so cautious.

6. Your Heavenly Father and I have been pleased with your effort during this past year. You have honored and obeyed what we have said.

7. In many areas of your country, the Covid-19 and variants have raged, even to where they are more severe than before. There are more deaths now than before, and more suffering from the complications associated with this virus.

8. In mercy, your Father and I have continued to hold at bay the more deadly new virus from the population, even though it is widespread now across your nation and much of the world. This is the new virus that came upon your state from airplanes from foreign powers who desired to kill many people. We have purposefully delayed this from its deadly effect again. This virus is also airborne, and my corona flame will also destroy it before it overtakes our elect (see your post 157E16 to 157E22). Your Heavenly Father and I have delayed the entry of this virus onto the population again, for our own purposes. This is our prerogative, and we are able to do this by our power. We have full control over this and other plagues coming upon the people, even as we desire.

9. Because of these and other tribulations coming upon your land and upon the entire earth, we desire our elect to continue in great patience and faith, maintaining their caution and care in protecting themselves. We are very understanding of the difficulties that this presents, especially of isolation and loneliness. You have been very creative in keeping standards of caution, yet still getting around, to keep from having greater mental anxiety and isolation. We are very sorry and understand these difficulties.

10. As far as our elect may follow guidelines of social distancing, staying away from crowds, and minimizing their risk of contracting these airborne infections, the better. My intention with my corona flame is to also protect them, even as a backup in many cases, because they themselves are doing all in their own power to keep the virus away from their mortal bodies. Every one of our elect will have different abilities and power to do so, and therefore may be cautious to their varying abilities. We understand this variance. Above all, we don't want any of our elect to judge each other because they might be more cautious than another. There should be great respect for the choices and beliefs of all, and for their varying levels of caution.

11. Our scripture will therefore still apply in the near future.

D&C 45:32

"But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved, but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die." (see also D&C 87:8)

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning. I felt peace with what she said to me. I said I would continue to be cautious and stay mostly at home, my safe place, and maintain our level of diligence. I thanked them for the mild winter which allowed us to be outside more often than in previous winters. I felt so grateful for her direction and guidance!

13. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then started to fade from my presence, and were soon departed. I closed my prayer in their temple, returned to earth, and then started my new day.

14. Evening-I have kept myself busy and involved today with projects and my close family. It looks like isolation and social distancing will continue to be the norm. I feel so blessed to have my wife and son living with me, and lots to do outside. I am so glad that I live in the countryside and not in the city.

15. By the time I started writing in my journal tonight it was late. I was involved in a business project and just now stopped. I came to the celestial orb at the desert oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer to commune with him. It may seem that I take this lightly because it is so common for me, but I am always reverent and open, full of faith and seeking in my prayers.

16. Heavenly Father appeared and stood before me, above the sand between the water and me. He spoke immediately: 'Raphael, you are tired, and have worked hard today. Come here in the morning when you are fresh and alert, and I will meet with you then.'

17. He immediately departed. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, February 2, 2021

1. I came to the desert oasis this morning and communed again with my Heavenly Father. He came to me as he said last night.

2. Here are his words he spoke to me: 'Raphael, yesterday morning your Heavenly Mother spoke to you about staying in holy places, and not exposing yourself to others who potentially might infect you with a contagious virus that may be very harmful. She said that those of our elect who safeguard themselves by minimizing their risks are pleasing to us. It has always been our intention to help those who are trying to help themselves, and provide the corona flame as a secondary backup protection in order to preserve our elect.

3. I want to also reiterate, during these uncertain times, that we want our elect to act in nonjudgmental and compassionate ways, and extend themselves to help those in need without compromising their own health. They may ask of us in their sincerity, and we will give them of our Spirit for answering their questions on how to act and what is reasonable and cautious enough. There is no answer that fits all circumstances. These times require wide judgment and sensitivity to our Spirit in order to remain protected and safe from this potentially dangerous plague.

4. What you wrote from Heavenly Mother yesterday are her words and not your words. You are our conduit and have been able to separate your own opinions from the words we reveal to you in your meditative prayers.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional witness. I also thanked him to know I wasn't adding my own opinions on the things that I write.

6. My prayer then ended, and I started my day.

7. Email from S.A. on 2-2-2021 entitled "Invading Troops" which she gave me permission to share:

"Hello R,

I prayed to ask about the invading troops as you recorded in post 185. Heavenly Father told me to share with you what I received in prayer. Here is what he said:

'What Raphael recorded about the foreign invaders is correct. Some of the military leaders in your country are being funded also by communist China and because of this they won't initially fight them off. Once these US military leaders realize that their own personal lives are at stake or being disturbed, they will start to retaliate, but it will be too late and the US already in the hands of the foreign military while their own military is powerless to stop them.'

I hesitated to send that to you, yesterday. I wondered if I had recorded it correctly. Last night in prayer, as I pondered what I had recorded in prayer by Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind and confirmed what I had received from Heavenly Father. She also added, 'Some of the US military leaders have been directly bribed by communist China, while other leaders will be carrying out their orders and have no direct affiliation with China.

Once the US military decides to retaliate, some will engage in war against them and quickly be beaten, while others will realize it is too late and they are already powerless to stop them in the war.'

This morning in prayer, I was taught by Heavenly Mother about receiving revelation. She taught me about what I had questioned in prayer. She spoke, 'You have been contemplating how revelation comes in the quiet moments of prayer, and then when things aren't fulfilled how you expected, doubt may set in. Being led by us, through revelation most often comes in a still, quiet and subtle way. It is accompanied with a gentle peace. We want you to think back to the way you felt when you received our words when you may question them, for that assurance and peace was your answer. You have felt the truthfulness of our message to ponder and keep these revelations from us in your heart and watch our great work unfold in these last days.

Our chosen prophets have had moments of doubt, for it can be easy to dismiss the quiet, peaceful words one receives in prayer.

Learn to trust this, our peaceful voice you hear in prayer, for this is us. We want our elect children to learn to constantly receive our direction and obey quickly. We want to give them our words in a moment's notice. We are working to get you and our elect to learn how to get to this level, and one important part of this lesson is to drop all expectations.'

What I received about personal revelation seemed to be a very similar message to what you have recorded recently in prayer. I wanted to share my additional witness of the truthfulness of how we are to proceed with the words we receive from them. I pray I can always be true to the quiet, gentle words they speak to me, and move forward with faith in all of their directions!"

8. Email from R to S.A. on 2-2-2021:

"S.A., thank you so much for this email! This is a supporting email that I feel I need, for this buoys me up a lot, and gives my heart courage. I am so glad you also received extra details on the reasons behind the actions of our leaders and the military. You are good to share this with me, even as our Heavenly Parents have asked you to do. Thank you so much!

Finally, may I share this with the others?

Warmly, as ever,

9. Evening-I received a heartwarming and confirming email from S.A. today (see above). It is confirming to what I initially received, and then what S received, about foreign military troops in our country. I really liked what S.A. was taught about how revelation comes to us. It is accompanied by peace and assurance that we feel. We are to treasure these messages from God, and if of a predictive nature, wait and watch it all be fulfilled and be unfolded. We are not to dismiss the quiet, peaceful words we receive in prayer. I have thought about what Heavenly Mother related to S.A. today, after I received her email.

10. I came tonight to a secluded place next to the stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt by some small saplings and faced the stream. I prayed humbly, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

11. She appeared directly over the stream, in the air. I was so pleased to see her and to have her come to me! I felt her great light and love flow into me. It seemed to push away all of my mortal thoughts, concerns and preoccupations. I soon was fully enveloped in her presence, and felt one with her. She spoke to my mind:

12. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I are giving you our witness of each other's words that you receive in prayer. We are also giving other witnesses through S, S.A. and M.A., and any others of those who support you were they to inquire of us and then share with you. We want to establish our truths by multiple witnesses and confirmations.

13. I shared with S.A. some information about how we give our revelation to our elect children on earth. My words to her were written correctly in her email and she received these from me in quietness and peace at the time that I gave these to her. This is a sure sign of these things coming from us. Were any of our children to pretend to receive our revelations, our peace, assurance, gentle feeling and clarity would not accompany them. They would soon be left on their own, for our "heavens would withdraw themselves, (our) Spirit would be grieved," and they would find they have no authority. They will be "left unto (themselves), to kick against the pRs, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God." (see D&C 121:37-38).

14. On the other hand, when it is one of us who speaks or reveals one of our truths to our children, we send our peace and our Spirit, which confirms through serene and gentle feelings. We send multiple witnesses often, from both of us, and perhaps also from others on earth. We speak the same words to one as to another, and are congruent in what we speak. Our ways are higher than man's ways, even as the heavens are higher than the earth. (see Isaiah 55:9).

15. I told S.A. that we want our elect to constantly receive our directions, so that they may hear our promptings on a moment's notice and recognize that this is from us. This is the level we are seeking to bring our elect. One important part of this is for our elect children to drop their expectations, as I told S.A. Another part is to be courageous and to believe and trust in what we speak to your mind and heart, in quietness and in peace. For many, our revelations are personal and they may have no need to share. However, for you, Raphael, you share all we give you with those who support and sustain you. You need to take courage and be more believing and trusting in our words. You should verify these and confirm you have received our peace and clarity, which is our witness, and then share without hesitancy unless we tell you otherwise. You may then hold these, our revelations, in your heart, and watch for their fulfillment, or for more witnesses to come forth. By these means we will continue to shape you and our elect leaders to act in faith and be believing, when they know that one of us has spoken.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear teachings! I asked to be strengthened to be immediately responsive and courageous in receiving their revelations.

17. She then departed, and I closed my evening prayer.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, February 3, 2020

1. I reread what I wrote last night when Heavenly Mother communed with me. I feel her words are all true, and that I need to have more courage and be more believing. I tend to question all I receive. However, once I receive a confirmation, and write it down as from God, I need to fully trust my judgment and hold this revelation in my heart, waiting upon God for its fulfillment.

2. It also occurred to me that God is revealing their truths to the small group of us in a way to strengthen and train us in receiving and trusting in our revelations we receive from God. This pattern of training us, testing us, and strengthening us while we receive new revelations makes perfect sense.

3. This morning I came to the south end of the desert oasis, just off the path. There was desert all around me. I knelt in prayer, in a meditative and open state, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

4. Heavenly Father appeared before me on the path, and extended his hand to me. I stood and he put his arm around my shoulder and we started walking to the east on the trail around the oasis.

5. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, you are correct that your Heavenly Mother and I are not only interested in sharing our many truths with you and our elect, but we do so in a manner to train and mature those receiving our words. Our overall objective is for each to learn to recognize and accept our revelations, and be sure in their hearts and minds that these are from us. We then want them to be full of courage, and to be true to themselves that they should heed and hold sacred our revelations in their minds and hearts.

6. Were we to tell you that an event would happen tomorrow and then it was fulfilled, this would be one way to reveal this to you. However, were we to couch this revelation in more unknowns, like not giving the exact time or circumstances, it would develop in you the need to drop all of your expectations of when and in what way our revelation might be fulfilled. This is the way we have generally been giving you our words, for we want to train you to drop your expectations.

7. Our mortal children are very creative in scheming upon our words, imagining up all sorts of ways for our predictive revelations to come about. This scheming gets them in trouble, for they get in their minds only one way that they think our prophecies will be fulfilled. This is dangerous to their budding faith, and can easily destroy confidence in us were the event not to come to pass like they think it will. It is far better for our open and receptive elect child to just hold our revelations in their heart, and wait upon us in faith and patience.

8. When the prophecy we give finally comes to pass, those who have had no expectations feel a surge of gratefulness and increased faith. They are then more full of faith, and tend to be more receptive to other promptings and revelations we then may reveal to them. This is just how we like it. We thus may lead our elect to be more responsive to us, even in a moment's notice, in this state of constant prayer and revelation.'

9. I felt very pleased to have this teaching clearly laid out by my Father today! I feel great clarity and understanding. I want to be more trusting, having no expectations of the way God's revelations may come about. I want to be more courageous and trusting of all that God confirms to me.

10. I then came back in my mind to my private room. I feel assured this was all from God, for I feel clarity, peace and comfort that it was given to me from God. I then closed my prayer with a thankful heart.

11. Evening-I received an email from S.A. today about what I wrote above. She mentioned it will be important to develop the faith wherein we will be able to do all things according to the will of God. She referenced Jacob 4:6 -"Wherefore, we search the prophets and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy, and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea."

12. Like S.A., I am wondering about the process required to develop such great faith.

13. I came tonight to the north side of the fountain of living water. I drank some water, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

14. He then walked a few feet from my right, from behind the fountain. He came up to me and began to speak to my mind: 'Raphael, there is a sequence of steps that each of our children need to follow in order to develop the faith necessary to fulfill our every desire for them to do on earth.

15. The first step is for them to come in constant communication with us, their Gods. This is the level we are working on with you. This requires that you receive our word, our mind and will, and recognize for sure this is from us your Gods. Once you know our mind and will, if there is some step or action we wish you to fulfill, then you need to make sure you do all in your power to accomplish this. We will prepare and open up the way to make it so that you can fulfill our will (see 1 Nephi 3:7).

16. Once this becomes a standard behavior or practice, of you hearing our voice and then acting on whatever we direct you to do, then you will be our true and faithful servant! In continuing in this way of living, your faith will continue to grow, even to where you are exceedingly full of faith and action. You will have confidence in our presence, and our revelations will flow continually into your heart and mind, and will distill upon you as the dews from heaven. This connection between you, our child, and us, your Gods, will be constant, and will flow easily from us to you without any degree of compulsion or restriction. In addition, your desires will flow also to us, and we will order all things for your good (see D&C 121: 45-46, and D&C 111:11). In this state of oneness, whatever you ask of us you shall receive; if you knock it shall; be opened unto you (D&C 11:5).

17. It is in this state of full connection with us, your Gods, that you will develop the faith necessary to do as the ancients did, in commanding nature or the elements, and having them obey. We hold out this promise to act in our name not only to our faithful sons who are ordained after my order of the priesthood, but to our faithful daughters who are ordained after Heavenly Mother's order to a high priestess. Both are given access to our Godly power as they become one with us, and are ordained to this authority with our approval. They then may exercise our power on the earth, even as did Melchizedek and Enoch:

18. JST Genesis 14:26,29-31

"Now Melchizedek was a man of faith, who wrought righteousness; and when a child he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire.

And it was delivered unto men by the calling of his own voice, according to his own will, unto as many as believed on his name.

For God having sworn unto Enoch and unto his seed with an oath by himself; that every one being ordained after this order and calling should have power, by faith, to break mountains, to divide the seas, to dry up waters, to turn them out of their course.

To put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the earth, to break up every band, to stand in the presence of God; to do all things according to his will, according to his command, subdue principalities and powers; and this by the will of the Son of God, which was from before the foundation of the world."

19. Raphael, once you and our faithful sons and daughters become one with us, our very servants, we will command you to act and do according to our desire. You will exercise the faith to act and to do our will. You will be courageous, and full of faith and confidence. At such a time, even the elements and all nature will obey your words, for you will be commanding even in the name of God and by our direct authority. Of yourself, you will do nothing except as a normal man. But in our behalf, you will act fully in our power and authority.'

20. I bowed my head before my Father, and asked him to please continue to purify, strengthen, and empower me to know his and Heavenly Mother's will, and then to act in all diligence, with all holiness of heart (see D&C 46:7) in doing their will. He then touched my head and I lifted it up. I then felt like I came back to the earth and ended my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, February 3, 2020

1. I awoke and read my above entry. While reading one of the scriptures, I referenced, I read this passage in JST Matthew 14:34-35. When speaking of the latter-days, Joseph Smith wrote:

"And his people wrought righteousness, and obtained heaven, and sought for the city of Enoch which God had before taken, separating it from the earth, having reserved it unto the latter days, or the end of the world;

And hath said, and sworn with an oath, that the heavens and the earth should come together; and the sons of God should be tried so as by fire."

2. I take it, from this scripture, that in these last days heaven and earth should come together, as the great change in the earth to a terrestrial state, and the New Jerusalem temple area to a celestial state. This will truly be a coming together of the heavens and the earth.

3. In addition, the sons (and daughters) of God living on the earth will be tried so as by fire. Is the process and path of refining and growth that we are now on, actually a trial by fire? I feel it is, and is a growth and refinement by fire. See 3 Nephi 24:3:

"And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them (in the fire) as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord and offering in righteousness."

4. Also Isaiah 48:10

"Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction."

5. These were my thoughts this morning before my personal prayer.

6. I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake, on the celestial orb. I knelt and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then remained kneeling, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

7. She appeared across the stream, a little elevated above the ground. She was full of light and great glory. I felt her light and intense love flow into me She spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that your Heavenly Father and I have agreed to refine our servants, and our celestial elect, by the fire of affliction and the furnace of experience that will bring them to a state of oneness with us, their Father and Mother. We will refine and try them.

8. These will be our third part of our elect who attain our celestial glory, even as we have revealed to you in the past, during the great millennial day when the earth all becomes a terrestrial sphere (see your post 178C4-178C17). Of this third, they will be chosen by Jesus Christ to enter into our celestial temple at the New Jerusalem to be received into our celestial Church of the Firstborn. They will not die, but will be resurrected to a celestial glory upon their completion of their mortal journey. Those elect who do not obtain this level of oneness with us will die when they have completed their mortal estate.

9. Zachariah, our prophet, spoke of this separation in the millennium of our celestial elect from the rest of the terrestrial then living on the earth:

10. Zachariah 13:8-9

"And it shall come to pass, that in all the land (all on the terrestrial earth in the great millennial day), saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein (these are those who will be chosen and will enter the Church of the Firstborn).

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God." (words in parentheses from Heavenly Mother).

11. Raphael, you are now being tried and refined as gold and silver. You are doing well in your progress and growth. When you become fully refined, thereby becoming one with us, then "all things (will be yours), whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are (yours) and (you) are Christ's, and Christ is God's. And (you) shall overcome all things, (and become one with us, your Gods)" (D&C 76:59-60, words added by Heavenly Mother).

12. When in this state of oneness with us, whatever we direct or command, then you and our sons or daughters, will act and do, even by our power and authority. We will act through you, our servants, and do our great work on the earth and in heaven. This is where you and our celestial elect are heading, and is our plan for you, our elect sons and daughters!'

13. I felt Heavenly Mother's light and clarity streaming through me in constant power and enlightenment as she spoke! I felt a great amount of peace and expansion of my mind also. I knew this was my witness from God that her words were true and sure.

14. In this state I felt I could do "all things through Christ which strengthens me" (Phillipians 4:13). I truly felt one with her! Oh, how I seek to keep her constantly by my side, so I can be continually connected with her, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! I so desire to be their celestial servant, to be one with God.

15. My prayer abruptly ended, and I found myself writing all of this down in my personal journal. I felt so good and happy that I am on the path to become one with God!

J. Personal Journal Entry, Friday, February 5, 2021

1. I sent out post 184 last night and didn't give myself time to pray after I backed up my files. I prayed in the dark and spoke with my Heavenly Father. I felt chagrined that I hadn't planned better.

2. I am up before the rest of the family this morning. I came today to the small grove of trees to the northwest of the circling waters. This is where I had first partaken of the sacrament as a premortal spirit. I knelt in the center of the grove and prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. He came and stood before me, a little elevated in the air. His robes were exceedingly white and shining it seemed to me. I gazed into his kindly face and into his eternity eyes. He had a great feeling of peace and serenity about him.

4. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you are able to view and perceive in my mind my peace and serenity, in your mind's eye as you are now doing, you may be assured that you are in my presence. You cannot perceive this feeling and view without being before me.

5. This view comes to you in your unconscious mind which you may perceive even in your mortal mind in your quiet and meditative states. You are now in this state of stillness and meditation where you may perceive and even view these things in your mind.

6. Since your Heavenly Mother and I are by your side continually, what you need to do to behold our faces is to slow down your life to the point where you enter into this prayerful and meditative state. You may be able to do this even during your mortal day, even in the midst of other events and activities. This takes practice, and it requires you to slow down and concentrate in your mind what you desire to behold, even our faces and presence. In this way you will know and be connected to us, your Heavenly Parents, at all times.'

7. I then asked my Father if I had to possess the greater priesthood which "holds the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God" (see D&C 84:19).

8. I said that I had read D&C 84:21-24 the following:

"And without the ordinances thereof (of the higher priesthood of Melchizedek), and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifested unto men in the flesh;

For without this no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live.

Now this Moses plainly taught to the children of Israel in the wilderness, and sought diligently to sanctify his people that they might behold the face of God;

But they hardened their hearts and could not endure his presence;"

9. Heavenly Father responded to my question: 'Raphael, you live in the day when my higher priesthood has been restored to the earth, even through Joseph Smith my seer. You have been ordained to my priesthood and it is active in you. Therefore you may, as you are open and diligent in seeking to behold my face, see me even as I am.

10. The children of Israel hardened their hearts and would not seek my face. They did not pray to me in faith as they were instructed to do, and would not even get in a quiet and meditative state so that our Spirit could lead and guide them. They did not follow the admonition of their priesthood leader Moses, but allowed their minds to continue to grovel in the mortal cares of their day.

11. In your day, with the priesthood active in your life, and upon the earth, we again are extending to everyone of our chosen elect, the opportunity to progress in their lives and to ultimately behold our faces, even the faces of God. This applies to every one of our elect sons and daughters. We will gladly lead each one along to one day come into our presence and behold our faces. We will reward their diligent effort in pressing forth in faith to invite us into their lives. We will sanctify each one, through the merits of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who will cleanse them and bring them, when they are proven ready, into our presence. They then will behold our faces even as you behold me today.

12. We will lead our faithful elect, even as we have led you, into our presence so that they too might have us continually by their sides. They too will need to quiet down their mortal lives, be diligent in meditation and prayer, and rend that veil that obscured their unconscious mind. Once they come into our presence, we will lift this veil and allow them to see us even as you see us. At first, it will be like seeing "through a glass darkly" (1 Corinthians 13:12), but eventually "face to face".

13. Once they are privileged to view our faces, they will feel the great light, peace and serenity that comes from us. This will be a witness to them that they are truly in our presence, and will assure them that what we communicate to them is from us, their Gods.

14. In this way their faith will grow by degrees, even until their faith and assurance becomes sure knowledge. Then, were we to ask them to do something in our behalf, they would have the faith necessary to activate our power and authority to have it be done, even according to our will. This is the state that some of our ancients arrived at when they could command the elements and nature, and they would obey their commands.'

15. I then gazed upon my Father in my meditation and in my prayer. I paused from writing, and just sought to muster and sharpen my vision so it became clearer. My Heavenly Father had all the time needed for me to survey him with my spiritual eyes (see Moses 1:27-28), and gave to me of his Holy Spirit so that these channels of sight could be more clear to me. I particularly was drawn into my Father's face, where I beheld him smiling. I loved his eternity eyes that were so deep and full of peace and control! I felt his peace, love and acceptance flow into me with the light that came from him. I felt very complete and whole, like I was doing what he wanted me to do, and becoming more and more one with him.

16. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, what you are experiencing is part of the process and path we want each of our elect sons and daughters to have. We want them to press forward in faith "with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope" (2 Nephi 31:20). In this steadiness and increasing faith, they may be led to behold our faces and ultimately to have eternal life.

17. This is the true path and process:

2 Nephi 31:21

"And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (who is your Heavenly Mother), which is one God, without end. Amen." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Father).'

18. I continued to look upon the face of my Heavenly Father. I then realized I was in my private room, still beholding his face before my mind, in a sort of visionary view. He smiled again and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus. Even after I closed my prayer, I could still see him before me, in my mind's "spiritual" eye. I felt his peace still in my heart.

19. I then ended writing, and started my new day.

20. Evening-Tonight I came to the outcropping above the circling waters. I was eager to visit and receive from my Heavenly Mother tonight. I faced the temple and knelt on the ground. I could hear the gurgling water from the circling waters below me. The sky was red, but I was trying not to think about the impending war and occupation it stood for.

21. I then prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come. She instantly was in front of me, in the air above the circling waters! I gazed into her loving and smiling face, like I did this morning for my Heavenly Father. Her eyes were bright and almost sparkling, and her brightness and beauty was very wonderful.

22. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father spoke to you this morning about a step by step path we have our elect children follow as they seek to come into our presence and come to see our face and our beings. We want them to have such an experience, as a highlight of their sure knowledge that we live and are their loving Gods. We want them to frequently have experiences with us, and to often commune with us. Ultimately, in their journey to be permanently back with us and to be in our highest celestial realms as couple Gods, we want them to be able to view us even during their day, in their mind's eye. This will be a constant prayer experience, for we will be by them, our proven celestial elect, and will become one with them.

23. All that your Father spoke to you this morning is true, and was given by the revelations of our Holy Spirit. This Spirit is the medium through which our revelations and our words and thoughts are transferred to you and to each of our elect.

24. In all of our eternities, we have used these same steps of progression for each of our mortal elect children. Whether they are in their mortal probation, in the spirit world, or in another state of progression, these principles are the same. We make sure they grow strong in each step of their progression, here a little and there a little, even until they receive of our fulness.

25. Every person's progress is slightly different, but in the end each one has experiences that are similar to another. We develop them into the noble son or daughter servant we desire. We mold each one like clay, and as they respond, they gradually change by their own choosing, to become whom we wish them to become. There develops a greater and greater trust in us as they change, and a greater faith and strength in their character. They become more faithful stewards, and more obedient. As this occurs, we confer upon each one more and more of our authority and power, even to act in our holy name.

26. Your Heavenly Father and I thrill to witness these changes in our beloved children! This involvement with them in such a personal tutoring manner brings us both such joy and satisfaction! This truly is our great work and glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (see Moses 1:39).'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words, and for this choice experience to be again in her presence tonight. I told her how grateful I was to be with her and to be a recipient of these great truths.

28. She then departed and I came back to my home where I finished my journal entry. I closed my prayer and got ready to end my day.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, February 6, 2021

1. I received a wonderful email from S this morning about dropping our expectations. It is heartwarming to know that we all received from our Gods the same teachings. See S's email at the end of this morning's entry.

2. It has been very cloudy and even dark during the day the past two days. However, this morning in my Utah area, the sky is clear and blue, and the sun is shining. This enlivens my soul and brings me happiness and excitement. I spiritually am looking forward to wonderful days ahead, with so many great promises from God. I don't know how each promise will be fulfilled, but I do know God will fulfill each one. I seek to have no expectations on how these promises may each be fulfilled.

3. This morning I came to the celestial sky above the celestial orb. I somehow was above the red coloring in the sky, and could see blue sky reaching out into the dark space. I was above most of the clouds too. I had never remembered being so high up above the celestial orb. I saw the curvature of the great globe below me, and in the far distance, the great celestial sun.

4. I bent my knees and knelt in space, facing the distant celestial sun. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

5. At this instant, he and Heavenly Mother both came to me in the brightness of their glory. Their light far outshone the celestial sun, and fully entered into me. I felt immediately one with both of them!

6. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, make this entry your final one for your post 185. Name it "One with God." This will be the last post many will read before major events in your land shift.

7. Your Heavenly Mother and I are hastening the changes and progression of our elect sons and daughters. This necessitates tribulations coming more fully into their personal lives, for as they will have difficulties come, they will yearn to be closer to us and to receive of us. We in turn will be quickening our connections with them, as well as their progression to be more one with us.

8. We have brought you above the red skies this morning, into the beauty of our skies and celestial space above our celestial orb. This is akin to what we will do with each of our elect sons and daughters who are experiencing great tribulations in their lives. As these events and circumstances bear down on and restrict their freedoms, we will at the same time speed up their progression to become one with us, their Gods. This growth will bring them great hope and assurance in us, and will greatly increase their faith.'

9. He stopped speaking, and both he and Heavenly Mother looked down on the celestial orb below. I looked too, and was taken with its great glory and beauty, shining so brightly in the celestial space of the heavens!

10. My prayer then ended, and I thankfully expressed my love to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who were now in my mind's eye. I then started my new day on earth.

11. I received this email from S entitled "No Expectations":


I wanted to share what I received and learned regarding no expectations. It is one thing to learn about it and another to practice this concept. This was enlightening to me and helped me as I am learning to confirm truth and watch for its fulfillment that may not occur as I expected.

2/4/22 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I shared what I learned in Luke 2. Simeon was promised by the Holy Ghost to see Jesus Christ. He came as directed by the spirit and held baby Jesus in his arms. I wondered if he may have expected or thought he would meet the adult Jesus when he first felt the witness and promise from the spirit.

I heard Heavenly Mother's voice call me to the domed room. I came next to her and knelt at her feet. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'You are learning to not have any expectations regarding how our words will be fulfilled. Any time your Heavenly Father or I may speak to any of our children from countless eternities, each may interpret or make expectations in their mind of how this will come to pass. The error in this process is many can lose faith or stumble if the event happened differently from what they conceived. When any promise or revelation is given and millions read or hear it, they may each expect a different manner of its fulfillment. When Jonah was told to prophesy to the city of Nineveh that they should repent or be destroyed, he fully expected the city would be destroyed. Even after they repented, his expectations that he would see the city destroyed by the hand of God caused him to stumble in his faith. He wrestled with God and his faith because of the expectations he had created in his mind. (see Jonah 4)

There are many prophecies and promises you have read and received by our Spirit. Await their fulfillment with no expectations.

At this time I saw on the dome, Raphael blowing his trumpet with the light of a thousand suns and angels behind him. Heavenly Mother spoke, 'We have shown you this event in the future. You know your replicated celestial self will be there. You do not know whether your mortal physical being will witness this event or not. It mattereth not, for one day your merged minds will have a complete recollection and understanding of this event. However, with no expectations, you may wait and watch for its fulfillment whether you hear of this event from others and confirm it by our Spirit, or if you witness the event yourself. Either way your faith will continue to increase and you will become the faithful servant we desire you to be.'

The scene on the dome closed and I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her message. I desired to have no expectations and wait for the fulfillment of god's words. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

