165. Blessings for the Celestial Servants
Hello my friends!
Read in this post the grand event of Uriel blowing his trumpet of God, and the immediate thick darkness that covered the land. There is also a lot of instruction and revelation that you would be well to pray about to confirm this is all true. Finally, read about the overflowing meeting of celestial servants in heaven, and the great blessing extended to those in attendance by Jesus Christ.
We are at a new normal now, and will soon reset to another new normal, never to go back to the one we knew only a few months ago.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, June 29, 2020
1. Evening-I plan to go to bed early tonight so that I am alert and ready at 6am when Uriel blows his trumpet of God tomorrow morning.
2. I came tonight in the air above the east spire of the Salt Lake temple. This is where the statue of Moroni was removed from, and where Uriel will sound his trumpet tomorrow morning.
3. It was dark in the telestial world, but I was in the celestial realm, which was brighter. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He appeared in front of me and immediately spoke:
4. 'Raphael, when Uriel blows his trumpet tomorrow morning, there will be many heavenly observers. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I will be east of this location, higher up in the air. Outside the circle of my male archangels, behind them and elevated in the air in the celestial realm on the earth, we have invited many premortal, postmortal, resurrected and translated celestial individuals to attend and witness this event. All of our mortal angels will also be gathered there. Come a little earlier then 6 a.m. so you may witness this celestial host arrive and come in place, even before the circle of male archangels is formed.'
5. I said I would be present at 5:45 a.m. He smiled and then departed. I thanked him in my mind, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday Morning, 6:25 AM, June 30, 2020
1. This morning I awoke at 5:30 a.m. and prepared myself to observe and participate in Uriel's blowing of the trumpet of God. I drank from my water bottle and asked that it be living water for me, to clarify my mind so that I would be receptive to see and remember the events this morning. I sat up in my bed, and got in a meditative state.
2. I came to the area just east of the spire on the Salt Lake temple where the statue of the Angel Moroni had been removed. It was 5:45 a.m. when I arrived. None of my archangel brothers were yet present. However, I could see and perceive a large array of people in a circle above me, spread out in tiers or rows around the temple, high up in the air. I could see all the mortal angels gathered in their places, and many celestial servants. There was a quiet hush among them, and nobody was speaking. It was a very reverent occasion in the celestial realm around the temple!
3. I perceived all the invited celestial attendees were in place and were silently waiting. It was 5:53 approximately when I saw Uriel descend from the sky above the temple. He saw me and our eyes met and he smiled at me. He came about 5 feet below me in the air, directly above the east spire. He withdrew the trump of God from under his robe, and held it vertically. He faced me, to the east and stood.
4. I then saw my archangel brothers also descend and take their places to form a circle around Uriel who would blow his trumpet. Michael came first and withdrew his sword of Michael, held it high in the air and forward, then turned to the west.
5. I next saw Raguel come next to me on my right side (I was still facing west towards Uriel) and face northeast, and raise his right arm to the square. Next was Oriphiel who did the same except he faced northwest. Simiel was the next to descend. He turned to the southwest and raised his right arm to the square. Finally Gabriel came, faced southeast, and raised his right arm to the square. I then withdrew my sword of Raphael and turned about directly east, and raised my sword above my head and slightly forward.
6. All of us seven brothers, the male archangels of God, were now ready and in position. Six of us surrounded Uriel in a circle and faced outwards, like we had done before when Raguel, Oriphiel and Simiel had previously sounded their trumpets of God.
7. I then looked up and saw a bright light coming from the eastern skies above. I saw three beings descend and come before me in the air, elevated about 20 feet and to the east. Heavenly Father was in the middle, Heavenly Mother to his left, and Jesus Christ to his right!
8. At this moment a breeze came from the west and blew east. I saw my own cape and those of the three Gods before me, blow to the east. I remembered the scripture that the east wind brought immediate destruction (Mosiah 7:31).
9. The wind subsided, and then I heard four consecutive notes of Uriel's trumpet. The notes were each about 5 seconds long, and separated by about 5 seconds. I knew he blew first east, then west, then north and finally south.
10. When he had finished, I glanced at my clock in my bedroom and it was 6:08 AM.
11. My six brothers and I then lined up before the three Gods to our east, from the left to right were Michael, Gabriel, me (Raphael), Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel. We knelt on bended left knees, and looked up to our Heavenly Father.
12. Heavenly Father then addressed us:
'Uriel, you have successfully blown the trumpet of God that I have given to you. You have blown in four directions, for all the peoples of the earth to hear. You have blown in the celestial, terrestrial and telestial realms above and in the earth.
13. The spiritual darkness prophesied in Revelation 8:12 will now come upon the earth and upon her inhabitants!'
Heavenly Father then raised his right hand and the light of the sky started dimming, even until there was darkness all around us! I could still see our three Gods, for they were shining in the darkness. I knew that the spiritual darkness on the earth had begun. I knew also that the east wind brought immediate change, which Heavenly Father initiated when he raised his arm and spiritual darkness fell upon the earth.
14. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ then started moving backwards into the east sky, and were gone in a few seconds. My archangel brothers then left. I turned and saw the hosts of heaven then disperse. I was left alone near the spire of the temple. I then came back to my room in my house in Utah, and wrote this account. It is now 7:15 AM when I completed my journal entry.
15. I believe I have recorded my account I witnessed accurately. Those who read this should also verify in their heart and mind that this is all real and true.
16. Evening -I received some emails from those on my list saying that they didn't hear anything when Uriel blew his trumpet. I know he blew in the celestial, terrestrial and telestial realms, for all to hear who were perceptive and sufficiently clear. I definitely heard him this morning, in the celestial realms on the earth. I heard him with my physical ears in my replicated body. This could also be called in the spiritual realms, since I heard this in my celestial state, and not in my mortal.
17. I believe anyone may hear his trumpet call by praying to Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother and humbly asking them to let them hear it, even in the flesh. Time is not a factor, for God can go back and replay what happened so we may hear.
18. Tonight I came to the area above the Salt Lake temple again, like I did this morning. As I came, I perceived thick darkness all around that had settled in on the earth! It looked like fog that had completely filled in the land, but with dark clouds, not light clouds like fog.
19. I came above the dark fog so that I could see the moon and stars. It was clear above the darkness, and very lovely.
20. I prayed to my Heavenly Mother tonight. She came right away, in bright light and glory. All around me was bright with her light. When the light entered the dark fog below us, it was quickly absorbed, so that the people on earth couldn't perceive the light above the darkness. I thought to myself that the only way for them to receive her light was to pray in humility and openness of heart.
21. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that my intense light is absorbed by the dark fog below us, so that it doesn't reach the people anymore. However, we will part the blackness were our elect to pray to us, in humility and a desire to act on whatever we may say to them. We might also send an angel, or celestial servant to enlighten them in their spiritual confusion and darkness.
22. This morning you heard your archangel brother, Uriel, blow his trumpet of God in the celestial realm. This was such a significant signal that your Heavenly Father and I invited many of the hosts of heaven, in our celestial realms on the earth, to come and hear. He also blew the trumpet of God in the terrestrial and telestial realms. There were many in those realms that also heard. We will honor the request of those who come to us, in petitioning prayer in any of these three realms, and allow them to hear what you and the others heard.
23. This prevalent darkness that fills your land like dark fog is a spiritual darkness. The people will not receive my spiritual light like they had before. They will run to and fro, and many will casually seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it (see Amos 8:12). To receive my light and our revelation, they need to approach us in great humility and agree to keep our commandments and follow our directions when we reveal them.
24. However, even with this thick darkness, my corona fire will still burn within our elect and protect them. We will minister more and more to them through our angels and celestial servants. We are determined to help them in the struggle they will have in the midst of this darkness.'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her confirming words. I felt her light penetrate my being and bring me joy and peace. She then rose up into the night sky on the earth and was gone. I closed my prayer and completed my day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 1, 2020
1. This morning I started meditating after I read my previous journal entry above. I wanted to see if I could really hear Uriel's trumpet call again. I came in humble and open prayer where I was seated, and prayed to be able to perceive and hear. I then viewed myself in the air just east of the Salt Lake temple spire, where I was early yesterday morning. I was facing east, with my sword of Raphael held high above my head and forward. I then heard four distinct notes from behind me, for about five seconds, and separated by about five seconds of silence each.
2. I then saw briefly again all seven of us male archangels kneeling before our three Gods, all in a line.
3. I then thought, or asked in my mind, whether I was imagining all of this or not? I do not want to ever be deceived! I then felt a clear confirmation of peace that I really did hear, and this wasn't my imagination. I then wrote all of this experience down in my journal.
4. I believe my perceptions are accurate, that I distinctly heard Uriel's trumpet sound again this morning. This is confirmed in my heart and mind!
5. I always want to be sure, and never lead anyone astray! I continually ask them to confirm everything I say that I receive, and never to believe me without such a spiritual confirmation. I feel open and receptive and not seeking my own agenda. I honestly don't know, for instance, what God might reveal to me this morning. I trust and have faith that whatever God wants to reveal to me will flow freely into my heart and mind so that I may write it down. I then review what I have written and I feel peace, enlightened, and sure.
6. I then move forward in my day and act and do as a normal person does. When I come back later, and reread what I wrote, I feel confirmed again it is all true. I feel in complete control of my mind, with no inkling of being possessed by a false spirit, or influenced by devils, or any such deception. Instead, I feel clear, happy, and in control of my thoughts and actions.
7. In this manner I have received over 3,000 typewritten pages consisting of what I call the Book of Raphael. It is a compilation of my journal entries received in meditation and prayer over the past seven plus years. At times I have felt very intense and filled with emotion as I have received these great truths from my Gods. Other times it seems very normal, but clear and full of peace, when I receive. I just write what comes!
8. I have been blessed with those few whom God has also inspired who help me type and compile my journal entries. I take full responsibility for what I have written, however. My story is very unique I feel, and remarkable too.
9. I stand as a humble witness that God answers our prayers, and reveals gradually over time his/her direction in our lives as we press forward, being diligent and persistent in approaching God in prayer. This is how I have received what I have written during these years.
10. I have felt the support of corroborating witnesses of what I receive, from the few people on my email list who support me. Many times their words, too, have been included in my typewritten account, giving their own impressions and revelations. These all form a compelling account, I feel, of the truthfulness of what we have received from God.
11. This morning I came to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I perceive this heavenly place in my mind, and see and view it. I see what I am doing there in my replicated body. All is very real to me, even though I am still writing this down in my private room in my home in Utah.
12. Anyway, I came here and walked to the shore. I knelt so as to drink living water from the oasis from my cupped hand. I felt the intensity of the celestial sun on my back. I then looked up and saw my beautiful Heavenly Mother standing before me on the water! She was brilliant in her light, yet so "soft" and pleasing in my view. She was smiling broadly, with sparkling eyes that seemed to know all that I had just written, and all of my thoughts. She poured into me her acceptance and love!
13. 'Raphael, your witness of your account that you have just written is true. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I have appeared to you daily over the years, and you have faithfully and accurately recorded our words. We have found in you a way to convey to you and others of our children who read your account, our great truths and revelations. We shower you and others with our truths freely. These combined records give a clear view of who we are and the way we interact with our children on earth, and of our truths and revelations.
14. You have written about the thick dark fog that now has settled in over all the world. This spiritual darkness is very real and palpable, and spiritually perceived by those who are able to rise above and view it like you did last night when I came to you. In such a state of darkness, we who are your Gods will come quicker than ever before to our humble, sincere, open and pleading child who approaches us in prayer. We will pour upon them our light, send our messengers, and carefully lead them along in their darkened world. We will not leave those who diligently come to us without guidance and direction.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words that flowed freely and clearly into my mind. I felt to bask in her presence for this moment that I was in her presence! She smiled again and then pulled me gently up to stand before her. She then pulled me close, kissed me on my lips and cheeks, and embraced me. I could see me, in my replicated being, starting to cry for joy! Oh, what a sweet and tender moment I felt.
16. My vision then abruptly ended, and I now finish my account from this morning. I feel it is all true and so very clear, for my heart and mind are filled with light, peace and clarity. I bear witness of God's great love for me, and for all of us mortals on earth!
17. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer. I then reread what I had written, and then started my new day in this month of July, 2020.
18. Evening-This morning my immediate family went on a bike ride. On the ride, we went down a steep slope to the local river, and my wife slipped and hit her head on a tree! She was hurting pretty badly, and I sat behind her doing energy work on her head. She also asked me to give her a priesthood blessing that I did. I detected energetically a large pain in her head, and tried to remove it. I then saw myself as Raphael come to us, and touch my wife on her head with the sword of Raphael! I then resumed trying to remove with both of my "spirit hands" the pain obstruction but was still having a problem removing this from my wife's head. I then called upon my Heavenly Mother who immediately came and placed her hands behind mine, and easily removed the pain from her head.
19. Once I had the pain outside of her head, I was able to move it in my hands intact to a goodly distance from us, where we were sitting on the ground. I then just held this pain in my hands, and I could perceive it was gradually dissolving away. I waited about 5 minutes until it was all gone.
20. I went back and did an energy swipe with my spirit hands and no longer could detect pain or inflammation in her head. I felt very pleased and relieved that this pain that I perceived was gone!
21. We rode our bikes back home, and during the remainder of the day she was quite tired. She slept for a long time and then did her normal activities afterwards. She had a good-sized bump on the back of her head, but seemed okay.
22. I have reflected on this experience several times today. I felt so glad to have the know-how to have helped her in her time of need. I was glad too that I could perceive pain and inflammation and with God's help, to remove it.
23. I came tonight to the celestial orb, to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt and drank some water, and then prayed to my Heavenly Father, asking him to come.
24. He then came to my right side, and I turned on my knees to face him. I felt so grateful to be in his presence. He smiled at me and spoke: 'Raphael, you are able to perceive pain, inflammation, obstructions, bleeding, or any defect in the physical body of the one you seek to bless and heal. You do this by our power. We may send a celestial angel too, like we did when Raphael, who is you as a replicated celestial being, came and blessed your wife from the celestial realms of glory, or one of us to assist as you may request.
25. In that celestial realm, the power of healing we extend to our healing angels is much more pronounced than for those who do so on earth in your telestial or soon terrestrial realm.
26. We desire that you call upon us, your Heavenly Parents, when you do healing work, so that we may send our power of healing to you like happened today for your wife.'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great power to bless and heal, and that we may ask of him, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus for healing. I feel so grateful!
28. Heavenly Father left my side. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 2, 2020
1. M.A. wrote me and asked a few questions, including why there hasn't been more deaths in Utah from the new virus. She also asked about teleporting for someone in the terrestrial realm: "as I understand this, teleporting for a translated terrestrial person like the 144,000 must be different from that of a translated celestial person because the terrestrial translated person cannot replicate. Is this why they use portals to teleport?"
2. These were the thoughts in my mind this morning as I began my prayer. I came to the granite cliff, at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I then felt to go to the tree of life where I plucked a fruit and a leaf. I wanted to be clear and filled with the love of God. I came back to the granite cliff and knelt there, and ate the fruit and leaf. I felt open and one with God as I began my prayer.
3. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, in answer to my prayer. She then descended from the sky in front of me! She arrived in a beam of light from the sky, and soon stood in the air in front of me. She was smiling, and so full of light.
4. 'Raphael, the new virus was planted by aerosol spraying from an airplane on 4-21-2020, over two months ago (See your post 157E17). You have wondered why those who have contracted this virus haven't died yet, or why the numbers of dead in Utah haven't significantly increased. We told you the incubation time was normally 10 to 30 days before symptoms appear. We also said that doctors would see this virus with purple bleeding spots on the skin, and internal organ bleeding (see your post 158C8).
5. Since that time there have been many who have contracted this virus. However, by our power we have delayed the symptoms in the people, who have contracted it, for our own purposes. By now there would have been hundreds of new deaths in the western part of the United States and particularly in Utah. Those who are our elect and who have contracted this new virus have my corona fire that has since destroyed the virus in their bodies.
6. Your Heavenly Father and I have allowed the virus to spread as it would normally do, but without symptoms in the people after the normal incubation period. However, we want to delay further the panic among the people that would occur, and the greatly increased death rate in your state for now. We so desire our people to repent and come unto us so that we may bless them with our presence and Spirit!
7. Those responsible who spread the new virus from the airplane are baffled why it hasn't shown up among the people. They will soon launch additional aerosol attacks in other cities of the United States. Their desire is to destroy the people of your land, yet leave the infrastructure in place so that they may one day invade and move their own people as the new population.
8. You might also wonder if you recorded the arrival of this new virus by mistake. However, you had both M.A. and S as additional witnesses to your own account (see post 158A2). Your account is accurate. We will try the faith of you and your small group to verify in prayer what I have said to you about delaying the eruption of the new virus among the people. We who are your Gods have power to delay, postpone, or change our minds, for we are fully in charge of all of these last days' events. Be glad you have more time before this desolating plague and sickness appear among the people, seemingly out of nowhere.
9. M.A.'s second question relates to teleporting, or movement of our children in the terrestrial realms. She is correct that our terrestrial cannot replicate like the celestial, and must use another means of movement. We have given them each a portal to pass through for movement on the earth, and for all mankind to return to us in our kingdom. This portal each has both tethers them to us, and allows them movement according to our desires.
10. We have granted our translated terrestrial children to move through their own portals when they desire, in fulfillment of their respective missions. Their movement is controlled by their thoughts, even as is the movement of celestial beings in the celestial realms. However, in the celestial realms, movement can be also controlled by using replication which is more commonly done by our angels and celestial servants.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words today. I said to her that there is no question we may ask that she, Heavenly Father, or Jesus Christ cannot immediately answer! I also felt assured that I had written all that she said to me correctly, for I have verified this by the Spirit. I said I would believe and follow whatever they may reveal and confirm to me.
12. I then saw Heavenly Mother depart in the light to her distant temple. I thought that those who read my account today about the new virus would do well to verify in prayer that it is accurate, and not rely on my words only.
13. M.A. wrote me back on 7-5-2020 about what I received:
"I have to learn to let go of expectations of what or how God may do something. Our Heavenly Parents may do whatever suits their plan best. I need to just trust and have faith."
14. S.A. also wrote me a day later on 7-6-2020:
"I prayed and received confirmation of the new virus symptoms being halted by our Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Mother told me everything they do, when they make plans or change them, is for the overall purpose of helping their children to grow. They are so full of love for us!
I was told to share this with you-anyway I hope you have a great week!"
15. Evening-I had a good heart to heart phone call with my sister K. She said she didn't hear Uriel's trump, and felt she was prepared and ready. S.A. and S didn't hear it also. This is between them and God, but it still makes me a little distressed. I wrote about this on 6-30-2020 in the evening, and also the next morning 7-1-2020. I suggested to K to pray twice a day and seek audience again with either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, petitioning them to be able to hear the trumpet sound, and have this all confirmed whether or not it is true. I never want to lead anyone astray if I am wrong!
16. This evening we harvested a whole wheelbarrow full of jumbo garlic from our one garlic bed. It was exciting to have such a bountiful harvest! They are all drying out now in our old play fort, above the sprinklers that water the lawn.
17. These summer days have been so enjoyable for me! I have worked outside most of the day, and get so many things done. I am loving life!
18. I came to the quiet desert oasis tonight. The celestial sun was still up in the sky, and I felt the warm sun on my back. I felt so comfortable coming here to my happy place, in my meditation and prayer!
I came to the shore and drank living water with my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and clear in my mind and in my heart. I felt I was prepared to come to my Heavenly Father tonight, for I felt I should pray to him tonight.
19. He soon appeared in the oasis, at the center, and moved in the air to a place right in front of me. I thanked him to have come!
20. I asked him to bless some family members who were struggling. I asked him to help me always speak kindly to every one of those close to me, all of the time. I thanked him for my blessings. When I was done, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, there is now a very thick layer of spiritual darkness that covers the entire earth. In order to break through the discouragement and gross deception, our elect children will need to pray with greater faith and diligence. We will answer their prayers quicker with more intensity, but they must press forward in faith, with a determination to receive instructions from our hands. One personal prayer a day is not sufficient nowadays. Meditation and prayer, sincerely entered into with an open heart and mind, will be required for all.'
21. I asked my Father if this thick darkness was from Satan, or what the purpose was?
'Raphael, the thick spiritual darkness is from our children on earth rejecting our light and truths. There is so much quarrelling and fighting, and distrust of each other. The people are divided into sides, and they are akin to the Nephites when they divided up into tribes (3 Nephi 7). This will do more to destroy the government of your own country than even the insurrections and attack from a foreign power. The people are not united, but have allowed themselves to yield to Satan and his ways. There are numerous secret combinations in the land, and this has also caused us to withdraw our Holy Spirit from the people. We have waited until Uriel blew his trumpet of God, and then have removed our light to a large degree. In its place, darkness has come, like the thick dark fog that you saw covering the earth.
22. In the book of 3 Nephi, the direct events following a similar spiritual darkness on the land described fire, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals that came upon the land. There followed three days of physical darkness that covered that land. In that day, the people who survived the calamities could feel the vapor of darkness (3 Nephi 8:20). In your day, the darkness is spiritual. It will be likewise followed by great calamities upon your land.'
23. I thanked my Father for his message tonight. I told him that I would continue to pray twice a day to my Gods, and wait upon them, receiving their light and directions. I asked that I would not be overtaken with the spiritual darkness that has descended upon the earth.
24. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, fear not, for we will enlighten you even more. For those who sincerely come unto us, we will visit them by the power of the Spirit of God, even as happened when Nephi began to preach with more diligence among the people of his day (3 Nephi 7:16). There were but few who were converted to the Lord, "But as many as were converted did truly signify unto the people that they had been visited by the power and Spirit of God, which was in Jesus Christ, in whom they believed." (3 Nephi 7:21). Likewise, in your day, there will be relatively few who will be converted to the Lord.'
25. My Heavenly Father's eyes were full of compassion. He started going backwards over the oasis, and soon departed into the higher celestial realm from whence he came. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 3, 2020
1. This morning I awoke refreshed. I came into my private room where sunshine was streaming through the east window. I reread my account from last night. I am impressed that a similar darkness came upon the Nephites as is now happening in our day to us, only we are experiencing spiritual darkness, and not physical darkness.
2. I received an email recently from C.G. who used to be on our email list. She wants to receive my emails again. She hadn't responded to my email since May, 2017, now over three years ago. I hope my Heavenly Parents will enlighten me what to say to C.G.. I had only sent out links to 51 posts at that time, and now I am writing post 165, 114 posts later and over 3 years later.
3. I came to the little knoll above the circling waters. I knelt and faced the distant temple. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer.
4. Heavenly Mother came then in a beam of light from her beautiful temple to the west! She stood before me smiling, and full of light and glory.
5. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, you have correctly written the words of your Heavenly Father about the thick darkness that now covers your land. This is a spiritual darkness, but the comparison to the physical darkness in the Nephites' day, in 3 Nephi 8, is true.
6. Our daughter C.G. is sincere in her request to receive again your emails. She never did reject you as the prophet of the Church of the Firstborn but just got carried away in the business of life. You may send to her batches of emails starting with post 52, in increments of batches of ten posts each. Send her the links to posts 52 to 61, and then await her response that she read them and believed, and is ready for more. In this way she may eventually receive all, if she is diligent, as you and the others on your email list have been.'
7. I thanked her for her messages. I excused myself from prayer, saying I had an early morning appointment today. I said also how much I loved her, and appreciated her kindness in always coming.
8. My prayer ended and I closed my prayer.
9. Evening-I came this evening to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. It was dusk, and I made my way to the shore. I drank living water there, and decided to pray to my Heavenly Mother here. I prayed to her for she is whom I felt to pray to.
10. There was a bright light upon the water, and I saw my Heavenly Mother descend from the celestial sky to a place right in front of me! She was smiling and appeared in great glory and majesty.
11. I gazed into my Heavenly Mother's eyes, and sought to be one with her, in my mind and heart. I felt her concern for her elect on the earth, and of us who are her mortal angels and celestial mortal servants, for we have to endure the spiritual darkness around us. I feel her compassion for those of us now living in these darkened times.
12. I also kept having the lunar eclipse play through my mind like I had just watched online. We should be able to see this starting tomorrow evening at 9:07 pm. The climax will be around 10:30 pm.
13. I thought how since this is a partial lunar eclipse, our liberties in the country I live in will also be partially removed for a season. As we will be patient, during the season when our freedoms will be curtailed, our liberties will be restored in a few years.
14. Heavenly Mother read my thoughts, and spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that the partial lunar eclipse tomorrow at this time will be our sign that your liberties in your country will also be partially removed for a season. This is our sign on your celebrations, even with fireworks for the freedoms and choice privileges you now enjoy. The ominous lunar eclipse will be a significant sign, a backdrop to your celebrations, for what is to shortly come upon your land.'
15. I thought about how the fireworks we are planning to watch in Provo, Utah at Utah Lake will start around 10 pm and end at 10:30 pm, even as we should be able to see the partial lunar eclipse. This timing couldn't be made more precise!
16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her witness to me tonight of her and Heavenly Father's sign coming tomorrow upon the earth, particularly in our United States of America.
17. Heavenly Mother then came to my side and we watched together the closing of a celestial day, with the celestial sun setting on Lake Beautiful! I know this wasn't technically the closing of a celestial day, for the days on the celestial orb are much longer then ours on earth. To me this was a choice experience to watch the celestial sun set on Lake Beautiful next to my glorious Heavenly Mother!
18. My prayer ended. I felt great peace and assurance that God was in charge of all the details coming our way as the earth changes into the terrestrial earth. I loved my gentle communion and experience with my Heavenly Mother tonight.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 4, 2020, Independence Day
1. I am awake early and reviewed in my mind the events of my life starting at the energy class I attended in April 2013 when Heavenly Mother came. This was so impactful to me, and still remains so very burned in my memory as so real and authentic. I reviewed other revelations in my mind since that time also. I know I have been guided by God.
2. I fully believe I have continued to be blessed with great truth from my Heavenly Parents. It is all so remarkable to me!
3. I also looked on the news just now and read some scary things happening to our country. This all comes when the lunar eclipse will occur tonight across America. I believe our freedoms are about to be taken away to a significant degree.
4. With all of this going through my mind, I started to pray and meditate. I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and a leaf. I ate these right away. I had the intention to be more clear in my mind, and to be filled with the love of God. I felt peaceful and settled, and more prepared to come into God's presence.
5. I faced the lake and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me. He then appeared directly in front of me, standing on the grass! His eyes were tender, his whole being was full of light, and I felt great peace and assurance being in his presence.
6. I expressed joy to be again in the presence of my Heavenly Father. I said I had prepared myself to hear his words in my mind that he would give to me. I asked that the thick spiritual darkness on the earth would not affect me in being able to see and perceive him.
7. He then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, peace be to your soul! I am aware of your desires to hear again from me words of consolation and peace. I give them to you individually, for you have diligently sought your Heavenly Mother and me. We have such peace and assurance also for our faithful elect who seek us in humility, diligence, and with an open mind and heart. However, to those who do not approach us, or who are not vigilant in their spiritual lives, they may become overtaken by the confusion, doubt, complacency and fear that accompanies the spiritual darkness that has now filled your own land of America, and spread even all over the earth.
8. Time has run out for your country, the enemy is at your doors, and the promised consequences await your land. The destruction of the wicked, the ungodly, the proud and arrogant, and those who are at ease will come quickly. You yourself will feel like the lone proclaimer of these destructive events that we have shown to you, that are coming.
9. 2 Nephi 30: 10
"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."
10. Hold your peace, and be assured that I have spoken clearly to you! Your compilations of the revelations that we, your Gods, have shown to you and others on your small email list are true. We have spoken, and you have diligently written these down and sent them out as posts to those who sustain you. This is as we desire it now to be.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of assurance. I could tell Heavenly Father was very clear telling me what he would do, by bringing on greater tribulations upon the earth, to cleanse the nation, and prepare it to one day receive the righteous who would ultimately inhabit the land.
12. I then knew he had given his message, and that I had correctly written it. He turned and started walking away and then disappeared. I reread what I had written, and started my new day on earth.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 5, 2020
1. Last night, after a family swim party, we all headed to a park near Utah Lake where we watched fireworks to the north and the full moon to the south. I was for some reason disturbed that I could not view the lunar eclipse, for the moon was very bright and had no indication at all that there was a lunar eclipse happening.
2. I then wondered why, and also wondered if this disappointment I felt was akin to that which my sister K expressed to me in not hearing Uriel's trumpet sound. Both events, the lunar eclipse and Uriel's trumpet sounding, were signs from God.
3. I came to the domed room in my mind this morning, after I had been refreshed from a good night's sleep. I knelt by my recliner, and then knelt inside the domed room. There was nobody inside this room but me. I petitioned my Heavenly Father to come, after explaining how I was disturbed in not being able to see his sign in the heavens of the partial lunar eclipse. This seemed a little silly to me, but it was for some reason upsetting to me.
4. Heavenly Father then appeared in a bright light in front of me! His face and eyes were at first only visible, and I could tell he was understanding and compassionate towards me. I kept gazing on his being and soon saw him entirely, clothed in a white robe. His eyes and face also became more clear as I continued to look upon him, and to view him before me. I knew I was seeing him with my spiritual eyes and perception.
5. He then spoke to me in my thoughts. I did not initiate these thoughts, but they were small and still, and I needed me to be in tune to him and open up to hear:
6. 'Raphael, my son, my sign was given last night of the partial lunar eclipse, even though you could not see any dimming of the full, bright moon from your location. By you not seeing my sign, it did not diminish its occurrence. The lunar eclipse that occurred across your nation last night might have also been hid from many others, but it was nevertheless a lunar eclipse. Some might say that this was a hidden sign. There will now come the promised events where your country will no longer be protected for a season, by our matchless power. We will allow foreign powers to overtake your land, and allow some of your liberties to be curtailed. The people of your nation have largely rejected my Son, Jesus Christ, and the gospel that he preached and taught.
7. Likewise, your sister K and many others did not hear my archangel Uriel blow his trumpet of God as you did. They may each hear this in the future if they come unto us, their Heavenly Parents, in humble, petitioning prayer. They may hear this as if they had heard it for the first time. Nevertheless, if they don't hear, or don't petition us, this does not mean it did not happen. Uriel did blow my trumpet of God that I had given to him on 6-30-2020 at 6:00 am. This was a real sign from God, and the prophesied event of gross spiritual darkness has now come upon the earth, and particularly upon your nation, on our promised land of America.
8. There may be other signs too that you anticipate to come upon the people on your land, that do not meet your expectations. For example, your Heavenly Mother and I have chosen to delay the new virus from erupting among those in your state and country. By our power, we have postponed this deadly virus for our own purposes. However, you and others have been disturbed by this not yet coming among the people, for you have anticipated that it would come right away. This postponement did not make the initial aerosol spraying of the new virus less real, for this event occurred in the skies above the Salt Lake Valley on 4-21-2020 (see your post 158B5).
9. We desire you to continue to have faith in our many signs and wonders, and to accept what comes your way, without restricting us, your Gods, in how we execute these signs or when they might come and appear. We want you to fully drop your expectations, and yet steadily look for these signs, waiting upon us in faith. We want you to accept what comes, and record these events in your personal journal. We want you to continue to be open and humble servants of us, your loving and gracious Heavenly Parents.
10. Whatever our elect sons and daughters may not yet understand, because we have not yet revealed all things to them, should not discourage or distress them because they expected something else. We are trying their faith and patience, even when we use them as our heavenly servants to do many things for us.
11. We have created in our children on earth a conscious mortal mind, and an unconscious mind. We may reveal great things to them in their unconscious state, where they receive a fuller understanding of our signs, wonders and truths. They are still living in a probationary state, in their mortal bodies and conscious minds. There is great purpose and wisdom in testing our children in this way. We test and try our elect servants also, and allow them to participate fully in their own mortal limitations.
12. Oh, how we love you and our faithful! Please encourage those who follow you on your email list, with our strong reasoning, our love, and what we choose to slowly reveal to them, even though at times they need to bridge uncertainties with their faith and hope!'
13. I felt so much better after receiving my Heavenly Father's words, spoken so clearly in my mind, and flowing from my pen into my journal account! I expressed to him my deep gratitude and love for his presence and beautiful message.
14. My view of us in the domed room faded quickly, and I now conclude my prayer. I have found again the joys of connecting to my gracious and loving God, my Heavenly Father!
15. Evening-Tonight I came to the birch tree grove on the hill going down to Enoch's city. I was kneeling by the little stream, drinking living water. I felt settled and spiritually clear.
16. I then humbly petitioned my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I saw myself there kneeling, and my petition come to God, on behalf of the righteous elect now living on the earth.
17. Heavenly Mother then stepped out of the birch trees and stood before me! She was very brilliant and smiling broadly at me. She was filled with love, which overflowed to me, kneeling before her. I looked into her gentle face, so accepting and bright.
18. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I have our celestial servants and angels ministering to the elect of God for whom you were praying. We have in place now many others who support the elect in celestial and terrestrial realms of glory as they attempt to live and survive in your spiritually darkened earth. We will give them a few months to pray and connect to us, their Gods, before the intense calamities come, one after another in the fall of this year. Brace yourself for that which is coming!
19. You saw a video tonight from a humble pastor of a Christian church who had a recent series of dreams. These dreams were from us, his Heavenly Parents. We are revealing these same warnings to as many as will hear and prepare themselves to receive our revelations. We are no respecter of persons, but come to those who are truly open, sincere, and will do the things we say.
20. In Pastor Dana Coverstone's second series of dreams, he saw massive destructions coming upon your land in November. The vultures he saw were those of Satan's evil hosts who had captured the souls of the wicked and were acting more aggressive than ever before. At that time, we will have you stop removing any of Satan's hosts to the prison orb for a season. We have now protected our elect in so many ways, but the mortal wicked who dwell on the earth will be very vulnerable to Satan's power of spiritual and temporal captivity.
21. The great division your Heavenly Father spoke of on 7/4/2020, spoken of in 2 Nephi 30:10, is coming literally upon your land in the near future:
22. 1 Nephi 14:7
"For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvelous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other-either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken."
23. Raphael, the marvelous work among the children of men spoken of by Nephi above refers in part to the great protection and strength that we have now shielded our elect with, that we have just recently revealed to you. This holy work will preserve the righteous and bring them into the great millennial day!
24. However, for the wicked, they will be subjugated, both temporally and spiritually, to the captivity of the devil. These will ultimately all be cleansed from the earth, making way for a happier and peaceful terrestrial world ahead.'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her new insights on 1 Nephi 14, particularly in these verses she highlighted. I thanked her for her matchless power in saving the elect in the days ahead, even when Satan and his hosts rage in the hearts of mankind with more ferocity.
26. My Heavenly Mother then vanished from my presence. Her acceptance, love, and peace have lingered with me, and give me assurance this was all a true vision and a true revelation from God.
27. I later received this email from S.A. when she watched the video from Pastor Coverstone, dated 7-8-2020:
"I felt the spirit as I watched this. It was a second witness to what you have recorded about the events coming this year. I am feeling so blessed to know what's coming, for I continue to make preparations accordingly."
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 6, 2020
1. In preparation for my morning prayer, I read 1 Nephi 13 and 14. I felt like the events that Nephi saw in chapter 14 were those happening right now! I remember also that M.S. said in one of his podcasts several years ago that the Church of the Lamb of God (1 Nephi 14:14) was not the LDS Church, but instead what he called the Church of the Firstborn (I believe that is what he said). I remember that this resonated with me at the time.
2. Nephi received his message while carried away on an exceedingly high mountain (see 1 Nephi 11:1). I believe this high mountain was the high mountain to the southeast of the granite cliff, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I had been here many times, particularly when I saw the future (looking east from that high mountain top) or the past (looking west).
3. I therefore decided to go to that high mountain this morning. Before I did, however, I came to the tree of life and plucked a fruit and leaf of the tree. I took these with me and headed to the high mountaintop where Nephi saw his vision in 1 Nephi chapters 11-14.
4. I knelt on the high mountaintop and faced east. I desired to understand the meaning of what Nephi saw, particularly in 1 Nephi 14:13-14.
5. "And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.
And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth: and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." (1 Nephi 14:13-14)
6. I really want to know who were these people who were "armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." I thought that they were most likely the elect of God who now have amazing protection and help to endure the spiritual darkness now upon the earth. I wanted to ask God to tell me if my hunch was true.
7. I ate the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life that I had brought. I felt in tune and filled with the love of God. I also saw a snow bank nearby, and ate some snow, which turned into living water in my mouth. I felt even more prepared to commune with God.
8. I knelt again, facing east, and asked in faith for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately came from the eastern skies, and stood in the air before me! He was full of power and understanding, for this is what I sensed.
9. He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I will show you what Nephi saw when Heavenly Mother (the Holy Spirit in 1 Nephi 11:1-12) and the angel appeared to him and interpreted what he saw.'
10. I then saw one of the very scenes where Nephi described the saints of the Church of the Lamb. I immediately recognized this group as the elect of God, for I saw they each possessed the corona flame of Heavenly Mother to an intensity of about 8-9 inches coming out of their physical bodies. I saw that this fire protected them from the pandemic upon all the face of the earth, and other dangers that might come their way. When they contracted these viruses, the coronavirus being the first of several, the flame increased and destroyed the invading virus.
11. I also saw that these "saints" were really the elect of God who would one day in their future enter into the Church of the Firstborn. This is what Nephi meant by the church of the Lamb in 1 Nephi 14:14. Not only did they have the power of God in the corona fire, but they had great protection from unseen individuals, who consisted of me, Raphael, with my sword unsheathed in the celestial realms, various other holy angels and celestial servants coming frequently from the presence of God on assignment, a host of future progenitors from the premortal world who were also guardians, a host of righteous ancestor guardian spirits who came from the terrestrial realm, and the 144,000 who ministered in the terrestrial realms, and the Refugees of Lucifer who would occasionally minister to them when they would be brought to Lake Beautiful to be encouraged and buoyed up. I saw that these elect of God were also able to commune directly with Jesus, Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, were they to humbly and openly petition their Gods.
12. This entire group of the elect of God were truly "armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." (1 Nephi 14:14) I saw that Satan could not get at them much, so he caused those in his church of the devil (see 1 Nephi 14:10), which consisted of governments, organizations, industries, armies and people to fight against these chosen elect and against the Lamb of God, or Jesus Christ.
13. I saw one more scene in the eastern skies, and that was that those of the lost tribes of Israel, in the inner earth were preparing their boats with provisions to soon come out to the northern oceans.
14. This was also seen by Nephi in 1 Nephi 14:17.
".….at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."
15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, after the destruction that is coming upon your land in the latter end of this year and next, we will then inspire these tribes of Israel to start their trek next year, in 2021, to the outer earth. Our servants John and S will both be with them in their journey, eventually coming to the New Jerusalem. They will come after your own country is invaded by foreign troops who destroy many of the wicked in your own land of America. These tribes of Israel will come upon the outer earth armed with a similar power of God as those elect living on the outer earth.
16. Then shall the scripture in D&C 133:26-29 be fulfilled when these lost tribes of Israel will make their grand appearance in the north countries:
17. D&C 133:26-
"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.
And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.
Their enemies shall become a prey unto them,
And in the barren desserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land."'
18. I then saw this large group of Israel coming out upon the Arctic Ocean, and traveling by boat to the northernmost shores on the land. They then traveled by foot southward, and were fully sustained by the provisions they brought and by the protection God gave to them.
19. When they were attacked, or attempted by evil powers to be destroyed, these enemies became a prey to them. Thus they were protected along their journey and sustained, even until they reached the New Jerusalem that would be started in its construction. Their arrival would greatly strengthen and speed up the building of that holy city.
20. Heavenly Father then directly looked upon me, turning from the scene that we had been viewing in the eastern skies:
'Raphael, the timing of all the events coming quickly upon your earth is all coordinated by us, your Gods. We see the end from the beginning. We are employing all of our righteous children in our great effort to bring about the promised millennial day. This is our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21) in these last days of great change and transition.'
21. I deeply thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelations this morning. I thanked him to have fully answered my questions. I said I felt very humbled to have part in this great effort in helping protect and save the elect from Satan and his powers.
22. Heavenly Father smiled and then moved back a few feet in the air and departed. I reread what I had just written and confirmed that what I had written all rang true. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
23. Evening-I had a very productive day today. I keep myself busy and active around our land. We also connect with family, neighbors and friends as much as possible. It is certainly a new normal, however, we are blessed to still use our phones, computers, and we can drive our car around. Life is good!
24. Tonight I came to the little cliff to the south of God's Loving Healing Lake. I could see the temple in the distance. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
25. She immediately came to me in front of me! She was smiling and loving, like I had seen her every time recently.
26. I asked her for clarification of what the great pit was which had been digged for the destruction of man in 1 Nephi 14:3. I had relistened to the video from Pastor Dana Coverstone again (see it here) where he mentioned the vultures were like gargoyles that were attacking mercilessly people from the ground. I wanted clarification if this was a true description of what would happen. I thought that the devil and his angels would have greater power for a season over the wicked, even to lead them to hell, and both temporal and spiritual captivity. I asked my Heavenly Mother for clarification.
27. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that before the time that you remove Lucifer and his evil spirits into the bottomless pit, Satan will rage in more power among the wicked.
28. 2 Nephi 28:20-"For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good." He will do so, more than he has in the past.
29. He will also have greater power to captivate those who do not repent. There will be a greater division among the people, so that the righteous, or the elect of God, will be more fully protected, and the wicked who do not repent will be more greatly subjugated to the power of the devil.
30. The great pit spoken of in 1 Nephi 14:3 consists of the sinister and evil plans of conspiring men and women, organizations, industries, armies, and governments to entrap and enslave the people.
31. These have all been inspired and directed by Satan, for he has led those who laid those evil plans with thoughts of greater power, wealth and control over the masses. This great evil will be turned upon those who planned it, and they will fall by the trickery and captivity of the devil, both temporally and spiritually. Those who work wickedness will be destroyed, and their spirits will be cast down to dark spirit places of the dead where they will be spiritually held captive.
32. 1 Nephi 14:3; "And that great pit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell-yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end."
33. Raphael, the vultures that Pastor Coverstone saw that were flying low above the earth and going after people on the ground was figurative. He recorded what he saw correctly. This manner of attacking people on the ground is akin to how Satan will captivate the wicked, temporally and spiritually, by possessing their bodies, by causing his dark conspiratorial organizations to lead those away to captivity and death, and to ultimately lead them into hell in the world of the spirit dead. These will reap the rewards of him whom they listed to obey in life, for they loved evil more than good, and did not repent or come to God.'
34. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanations to my questions. I said I knew she could clarify my understandings and wonderings. My prayer then ended, and I reviewed my journal. I believe what I had written was truly what my Heavenly Mother gave to me tonight in my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 7, 2020
1. I have read carefully my last three entries this morning in my journal. Last night I was pretty tired, and there were lots of distractions around me, but I was surprised how clear I heard the message from Heavenly Mother.
2. My scripture searching this morning brought me to Revelation chapter 9, where I, as Raphael, blow my trumpet of God. I thought part of this was already fulfilled in a spiritual sense, with the great smoke coming out of the bottomless pit when Satan and his evil hosts were again loosed upon the earth (see Revelation 9:2). These evil spirits were given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power." I thought that this extra power given to Satan was exactly what Heavenly Mother spoke to me about last night.
3. These invading armies will want for themselves the land of America intact, with the farms, natural preserves, etc. left alone. This is explained in Revelation 9:4. The men (and women) which have the seal of God in their foreheads are the elect of God who are translated to a terrestrial mortal state, and have possession in their physical bodies the corona fire of Heavenly Mother. Speaking of this army that was controlled by Satan, John wrote,
Revelation 9:4: "And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads."
4. John then records that this army will torment the people for five months, even as a scorpion (Revelation 9:5-6).
5. I wondered about these things that would happen after I, Raphael, blow my trumpet of God on 7-31-2020. I also wondered about the coming of Nibiru, this star that would fall from heaven (Revelation 9:1, which was the temporal part of the fulfillment of this prophecy. The first part was fulfilled with me receiving my black key to the bottomless pit (see my post 21)).
6. I came again to the very high mountaintop on the celestial orb, and faced east. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me and answer my questions.
7. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then both appeared together, in a blaze of glory and light! Their eyes were firm and seemed to be on fire. I humbly bowed before my very powerful Heavenly Parents.
8. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when you blow the trumpet of God that I have given to you on 7-31-2020 in 3 ½ weeks, the earth and its inhabitants will then be ready to have the physical fulfillment of Revelation 9:1-11. The spiritual fulfillment has already happened when you released Satan and his hosts upon the earth from the bottomless pit as explained in your post 21.
9. After you blow your trumpet, then Nibiru will come close to the earth and cause a very large earthquake and then will the invading armies from China and Russia invade your land. We will not give you the timing exactly of these two events, but brace yourself, for they will be at your doors, even this year. The magnitude of these two physical events will constitute the first woe spoken of by the angel of God who has already flown through the midst of heaven across your land, even at the time of your recent hidden lunar eclipse on 7-4-2020.
Revelation 8:13-"And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"'
10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, be of comfort, but prepare yourself more for that which is to come! These events are truly coming, and will reset your new normal life to another new normal life. These events will be added to the second wave of the virus that will sweep through your own land. You will do well to stay in place in your home and on your property during these uncertain times. Wintertime will also come, and it will be more difficult emotionally and socially to be confined than it has been so far this year.'
11. I asked my Heavenly Mother if this would be a very cold winter, or a mild one coming to North America. She answered:
'Raphael, we will have mercy upon our people, and cause this to be a mild winter. This was explained in Spencer's book 'Visions of Glory', for at one time he explained that the weather seemed to be tempered in the winter. You will be able to grow many greens in your greenhouse and in your ground greenhouse, to sustain you. Your chickens will continue to lay eggs into and through the winter. You will be able to leave your potatoes and carrots in the ground, for it will generally not be so frozen for long periods as in the past. You will also continue to work outside on your land more than you have in the past.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her encouraging words! I also thanked my Heavenly Father for his additional revelation to me on what to expect after I blow my trumpet of God at the end of this month! I was so pleased to receive their presence and to record their words.
13. I asked if I had written their words correctly today. Heavenly Mother said it was pleasing to them, and conveyed correctly their message.
14. They then smiled upon me and filled me with their assurance and comfort! Their robes started to blow to the east from a wind that arose behind me, to the west. They then moved backwards into the eastern skies, and soon were gone from my presence. I know that the winds of change would bring about new changes in the near future.
15. I then knelt in my private room by my recliner. I confirmed what I received to be of God, to my satisfaction. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
16. Evening-I have been listening to my past posts when I am alone doing projects. It has been very enlightening to hear all the revelations I have received, and about so many topics! I am humbled to have received so many!
17. When I receive revelations from God, it is like there is a steady flow of words and sentences that come into my mind and I write fast and without much interruption. It doesn't seem unusual, but comes each time I pray and when God speaks to me. This is a remarkable process!
18. Tonight I came to the circling waters where I knelt and drank living water. I looked up after drinking and saw my Heavenly Father standing on the opposite shore!
He spoke to me: 'Raphael, come here tomorrow morning and I will address you. I would like to address more about the fulfillment of certain scriptures in your Bible at that time.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming! I said I would come here in the morning to hear his counsel and revelation.
20. He then disappeared and I closed my prayer. I rather quickly became very tired and went to bed.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 8, 2020
1. I got up this morning and quickly read the Book of Daniel. I had felt like Heavenly Father would address part of the visions given to Daniel to me.
2. I then came to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf of that tree. I came to the circling waters and knelt by the shore and drank living water. I finally asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. For some reason it was hard for me to connect to my Heavenly Father this morning. I then saw myself with Heavenly Father speaking to me at the circling waters. I saw him revealing something to me, but I was not aware what he was saying, for I was observing this from a distance. I didn't know why I couldn't hear.
4. I then remembered that I hadn't looked into my seer stone last Sunday like I had planned to do weekly. I looked back at my journal just to make sure that I hadn't. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and gazed into it, with the intention to hear what Heavenly Father was saying to me at the circling waters.
5. I then felt like I was immediately in my replicated celestial being in front of my Father, kneeling before him on the shore of the circling waters. I could see him smiling at me and I could see his very deep and all knowing eternity eyes.
6. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, we have revealed many visions, dreams, and truths to our holy prophets that are recorded in your Bible. Daniel was one of these, our faithful servants. He was shown that in your day the world would be in great turmoil and all peoples would be distressed. There would also arise kings and leaders who were deceptive, and lied to both the people and other leaders of nations that they made alliances with. All of these were controlled by Satan, for he is the father of all lies and desires to destroy our children in mortality and lead them away captive, temporally and spiritually.
7. Those who will be destroyed in the last days are the wicked who have demonstrated they won't come to us, their God, or desire not the things of God that you cherish. There will be many devastations caused by these wicked leaders that will kill much of humanity, even until only the elect are saved, and they are barely spared many of these devastations. We will protect and preserve them by our matchless power, working through our servants whom we have assigned to bless them and protect them by our power.
8. When you read quickly the Book of Daniel this morning, you wondered who these various leaders were that Daniel saw in his visions. Some of these won't be identified by us until after they come and go, after nations arise and fall.
9. However, the main message of all his visions is that these will be very difficult days ahead for all mankind. His visions of the leaders and nations, and their actions, are sealed up until the time of the end. I have prepared one who will in the future interpret correctly his many visions and link them to the various leaders and nations that are in your current and future days.
10. What the messenger said I say to you also:
Daniel 12:9-10
"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me! I will now go my way and realize Daniel's visions are closed to me, in a large part, until the one chosen by God correctly interprets them, at some point in the future.
12. I felt at peace and confirmed this was the correct message from my Heavenly Father this morning. I then looked up from my seer stone and I was in my private room where I was writing all of this. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
13. Evening-S.A. had asked me if an elect person now can possibly be subjected or possessed by an evil spirit? I wasn't sure since they now have so much protection.
14. I came to the little fountain feeding into the stream going to God's Loving Healing Lake. It was very peaceful here, with the sound of gurgling water. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.
15. She immediately appeared by my side facing me! I turned on my knees to face her. She was filled with light, and was very loving and accepting of me. I felt so pleased to be in her presence!
16. I asked her to please bless a few of my family and extended family members. I said some were struggling with physical and emotional issues.
17. After that, I asked about S.A.'s question. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, once we have chosen one of our sons or daughters to be an elect person, we then changed them from a telestial to a terrestrial mortal. They have your protection with your sword of Raphael, my corona flame, and now a host of assigned individuals to guide them and be their guardians.
18. It is possible even with all of this protection and guidance, for these individuals to want Satan and his evil spirits more than God, by allowing these by his/her own choice, to influence them or to possess their body. Were our elect to do so, they would turn aside from God's protection and care to them. They would then be subject to Satan's buffetings, only because they desired this more than they desired God. They would be in a very dire state. By our foresight, we have nonetheless chosen these individuals, with a hope that they will sorely repent and turn back again to our protection. They still have their agency to choose whom they list to obey and follow. We will deal with these few who may take this path in opposition to us, their Gods. Their repentance must be genuine and very sincere for us to reinstate their former blessings and protection.
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear answer. I told her how remarkable I felt her protection was that she and Heavenly Father provide for their elect who are now in mortality.
20. Heavenly Mother then extended her hand and I stood and took it with my hand. We then walked along the stream, and then in the air just above her beautiful healing lake. When we arrived near the center of the lake, we stopped and she turned and spoke to me: 'Raphael, most likely if you detect someone who harbors an evil spirit now, then they had not been chosen as one of our elect. There may be some in your own family who are not elect. We purposefully do not reveal to you or other family members their status in their conscious mind. More likely you may be told they are our elect, but not if they are not numbered among our elect. Were you to see our corona flame sustained in their bodies for several days, then this also is a sign they are numbered among our elect.
21. We do not want you to ask of us whether an individual is one of our elect or not, unless you specifically receive a prompting from our Spirit to ask. Of you, it is required to treat all men and women in similar ways, without regard to whether you believe or know they are elect or not.'
22. I replied that this reasoning seemed very reasonable to me. I asked her to fill me with a portion of her love she had for all of her children.
23. She smiled at me, and then rose up in the celestial sky above the lake and was gone. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 9, 2020
1. This is another beautiful and sunny day! For me personally, I love these summer days, and the slowdown I have experienced in my life. I don't feel nearly so pressed upon by demands of life, and primarily because our activities have slowed down due to Covid-19. This seems to be society wide. I am doing things and activities now that I never really had time to do in the past. I am enjoying refinishing our daughter's and our kitchen tables, and finding enjoyment in this wood-working project.
2. This morning I came to the bench just north of the eastern doors of the Great Assembly Hall. I could see that the doors of this vast building were closed. I had the impression there was a meeting being held inside wherein I was involved.
3. I decided to kneel on the pavement, and address my Heavenly Father in prayer. He came quickly, and asked me to come with him to join the meeting inside! I stood and took his hand. We then were instantly in the top southwest corner of this hall, next to my Heavenly Mother who was also there. I believe we were in the highest celestial realm so that others couldn't see us.
4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael your impressions are correct, for there is a meeting now just starting in our Great Assembly Hall! You are conducting the meeting below us. Let's watch and listen.'
5. I then turned and saw my replicated celestial being below us. I was starting a meeting with all of the celestial servants and angels, and also all of the premortal spirit children who had come in the air above the assembly hall for miles around! These were all invited guests of our Heavenly Parents. I was aware these were all living and laboring in the celestial realms of the earth now, with powers of replication given them from our Heavenly Parents.
6. I then consciously came into my being on the stand in front of this large audience. Behind me were assembled the speakers sitting in their places. I realized we had just sung the opening hymn and prayed.
7. I glanced up at my Heavenly Parents and my replicated self in the top corner to my right backside. I saw them all smiling at me. I then turned and opened the meeting with my remarks:
8. 'Welcome to our celestial meeting of God's servants, held in this Great Assembly Hall on the western shores of Lake Beautiful! We are all gathered here to be buoyed up in our callings to minister to the elect of God now living on the earth in their recently changed terrestrial mortal bodies.
9. Each of us has been called by our glorious Heavenly Parents who are unseen but present in our meeting. Our vast multitude includes all of the premortal spirits who will yet come forth on the earth for their probationary experience. These will include the ever growing numbers of the Refugees of Lucifer who have since turned to their great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and been received by him back into this celestial world. They reside to our north beyond the forest. They are a very humble and grateful people, who want to serve our Heavenly Parents and Jesus in any way they can. They are located in a group in the air above this assembly hall to our north, and are fully participating in this meeting.
10. The other premortal elect children of our Heavenly Parents are also assembled to our east and south, and above us. They are all here too, for they have been prepared by our Heavenly Parents in the lands where they live on this celestial orb. They have all eagerly agreed to serve their own elect future ancestors now living on the mortal earth. These act as additional spirit guardians, each assigned to one individual on earth. Their role is to act as spiritual conduits for our Heavenly Parents to remain continually with their assigned ancestor, to help God direct, guide and protect them. They are all in place now, and have been replicated here by the power of God to be in our celestial meeting. They have possession of their fully merged minds, and are aware of all of their service on earth and this meeting where they listen and participate. This is the first time when they have come with such a large assembly of God's celestial children, both resurrected and in the spirit, in one location.
11. Assembled below me in seats or standing in the vast assembly are resurrected and translated children of our Heavenly Parents who have already lived on earth. They have proven to be obedient to God, and are full participants in the great effort to save the elect on the mortal earth. These act as celestial servants, and are given direction from either our Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother in being their representatives in the celestial realms, mostly on the earth. They provide the bulk of this celestial ministering to whomever they may be called upon to visit. Among this group are those in Enoch's band of translated celestial servants, and the resurrected host of the dead who have been resurrected to a celestial glory, all awaiting entrance into the Church of the Firstborn that will soon come forth upon the terrestrial earth.
12. We also have with us other celestial servants who are not yet resurrected but who are dead, who are destined to labor for those in mortality. Some also of these are mortals who currently live on earth, fulfilling special missions assigned by God.
13. Lastly, we have all of the holy angels of God, some mortal still like myself, or some yet unborn, some resurrected, or some in their postmortal spirit bodies. These are all continuing the labors of love to those on the earth, both in mortality and those among the spirit dead. Most of these have multiple assignments in the celestial realms, requiring replication.
14. We are all laborers in the celestial realms on the earth. We are a vast array of righteous men and women with one purpose -to do as we are directed by either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, to rescue our brother and sister elect who now live in mortality! Never before has there been such a large and strong force for good as we who now minister to our elect brothers and sisters!
15. There is also a large array of servants laboring, or soon to labor, in the terrestrial realm on the earth. These are headed up and directed by Jesus Christ, our great Redeemer and Savior. We all will work in a different realm than these, but our efforts are all coordinated by our three great Gods -Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ.
16. As an army of righteous servants, we are opposed by Lucifer and his hosts. They are rebellious spirits who work tirelessly in the dark regions of the telestial realm confined on the earth. They know their time is short. Up to this point I, Raphael, have been removing those of their number who trespass their bounds of decorum, to the distant prison orb. This planet is very filled now with many of their most aggressive members.
17. In a future near day, I will be asked to no more remove to the prison orb these evil spirits who don't follow God's rules. This will be a very dark day on the earth, even when Satan and his minions will have greater powers to overcome and captivate the wicked living on the earth. They will act like vultures for the wicked who have not known God, and want to continue in their wickedness. This will only last a short season, for soon I will be commanded of our Heavenly Parents to lock Lucifer and all his followers who will not repent, into the bottomless pit for one thousand years. We will then finally have peace from our enemies!'
18. At this moment I heard a beautiful "sigh" come from the vast array of attendees! It was spiritually discerned, but very real.
19. I then continued my address, mostly expressing the great need to minister in Christ-like ways. These include kindness, non judgment and acceptance, great compassion and love, and continually pointing our person to whom we minister to come unto God in mighty prayer and supplication. I further said these times of great tribulation coming on the earth would be very difficult and severe, requiring all of our service and labors to rescue and save each soul who passes through these dark days ahead.
20. I then said this: 'We will be victorious for we are on the errand of God! Our elect to whom we minister will know God is protecting and blessing them, but will not realize the extent of God's many helpers. Soon we will have our elect who live on earth come forth into the great millennial day of peace and rest, fully transitioned into a terrestrial earth. Jesus Christ will be the king in Zion, and will reign personally upon the earth in glory. Oh, how happy we will be! We may then appear to our elect to whom we have labored and ministered to, in their visions and dreams, and express our love for them at that time!'
21. I then was brought in my conscious mind before my Father and Mother, in the top corner of the assembly hall. Heavenly Father then addressed me: 'Raphael, you have spoken our words correctly before our vast assembly of celestial servants today. Your Mother and I will reveal to you the remainder of our meeting tonight and tomorrow morning, for you are now needed in your own mortal life to carry on your activities there.'
22. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his and Heavenly Mother's great support and love! I said I would come tonight here again.
23. My vision then ended, and I am now consciously in my private room, writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
24. Evening-It is late and I am just now settling down to pray. I immediately came again to the Great Assembly Hall. I arrived again at the top southwest corner of the hall, between my Heavenly Parents where we were standing there watching the meeting.
25. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, welcome back to the meeting where you have been the first speaker to all our celestial servants and angels. Let's listen in to what happens next!'
26. I turned and saw me at the stand turning and sitting down.
27. Gabriel, the second mighty male archangel, then arose to his feet and came in front of the congregation at the podium! He appeared very seasoned from his mortal experience, having bridged both sides of the flood. His majestic cape started blowing to the east, towards the congregation, as he approached the stand. He was bright and very powerful looking. I was impressed!
28. Gabriel, known as Noah on earth, spoke about the great transition it was for him and his family as they went from the earth before the flood to the earth after the flood. He said all the wicked were destroyed, which consisted of every living soul on the earth. Those who were righteous had sought heaven and had been translated and moved to live with Enoch and the people in his city in this celestial orb, on the east side of Lake Beautiful, in the valley below.
29. When he, Noah, and his wife and their three sons and their wives (eight total), entered into the ark, there were only the wicked then living in the flesh on the earth. He said he acted in faith, for he obeyed God in all things. He told how it was very miraculous how he and his family actually built the ark, and gathered the animals in time, and then shut the great doors just in time before the great floods came, and the fountains of waters burst forth.
30. Gabriel then said we are approaching another juncture when the wicked living on the earth will again all be destroyed in their flesh. He said this will all come about as all of us, who are celestial servants of the living God, obey with exactness all that we are asked to do. There will be at this time an innumerable company of the righteous who are God's servants, as Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother orchestrate their great work. We won't often know why we do certain things, for we cannot see the great plan of God, but only our little part. However, all of us working in harmony together will bring about a marvelous change on the earth, bringing about the temporal salvation for all of the elect, moving them into the new terrestrial earth and glorious millennium!
31. I was very impressed with Gabriel's address! He spoke powerfully and with an abundance of the Spirit. We were all motivated after he spoke to ensure we act in obedience in all things when God, our Heavenly Parents, give us directions.
32. Gabriel came back to his seat.
33. At this time a very sweet and bright premortal spirit came to the podium. She was beaming with cheerfulness and abundant light. I glanced over at my Heavenly Mother and saw her smiling broadly as her elect premortal daughter spoke. It seemed like a channel of light then flowed from Heavenly Mother to this beautiful daughter at the stand. She then spoke the very words given her from our Heavenly Mother! It was so remarkable to witness. It almost seemed that Heavenly Motherwas speaking to the vast congregation, through this spirit daughter.
34. She expressed great joy and anticipation in serving her ancestor who now was living on the earth. This was one of her great grandparents of many generations before she would come as a newborn to the terrestrial earth. She spoke of how amazed she had already been in seeing the telestial world through her living ancestor, She reported the deep emotions of uncertainty and wonder this elect son was experiencing, now in his thirties, with a young family. He was struggling with on and off employment, a pregnant wife, and a young child already born. This premortal guardian spirit spoke of her deep love for this man, his wife and struggling family. She spoke of her need, with the other celestial servants, to keep in the shadows, and to help but not be recognized by this man, except that God was blessing them. She told how she tried to infuse great hope and purpose in him, but how he was totally involved in his fallen telestial world and needs. She told how she and the others assigned to this wonderful man were coordinating their efforts of protecting and inspiring him to act in the best ways possible, to help him awaken unto God.
35. I was so touched by her sincerity and very real and humble address. The spirit was very strong.
36. She then closed in the name of Jesus Christ, and then moved right up through the ceiling where she continued watching and participating in this meeting with other premortal spirits.
37. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, we will resume this in the morning, for you have recorded enough for tonight. Come back in the morning and we will conclude this meeting.'
38. I thanked him and Heavenly Mother for this beautiful prayer tonight. I said how honored I felt to be in their presence! I then closed my prayer and went to bed.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 10, 2020
1. I awoke after a good sleep, feeling refreshed. I immediately came to the room where I pray, and then came to the Great Assembly Hall on the celestial orb. I was again next to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I saw myself, in a replicated state, coming to the podium below us. I thanked both Gabriel and Anne (that was the premortal woman's name) to have spoken to us.
2. At this moment, Jesus Christ came to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the top corner! I knew that the others couldn't see him come.
3. Heavenly Father spoke to their Beloved Son: 'Our Only Begotten Son, we are glad that you have come to join us for this meeting! Your Heavenly Mother and I wish you to be the concluding speaker in our meeting. We will have Raphael announce your arrival, having the entire congregation greet you on bended knee. Once you arrive in glory below, as your desire, have them resume sitting or standing, and then address the activities of the group of servants you are managing and directing in the terrestrial realms on the earth. When finished, then return to us here.'
4. Jesus Christ said he would do so.
5. I then was consciously immediately at the podium. I said to the audience these words:
'My beloved brothers and sisters who serve tirelessly our Heavenly Parents in the celestial realms on the earth, we will have one last speaker before concluding this wonderful meeting.
6. Will all of you come to your knees to greet Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer, who will shortly arrive before us and address us?
7. The entire congregation then knelt in place, anticipating the appearance of Jesus Christ! I stepped back to my place on the stand and knelt also. I then saw Jesus come in a bright column of light from the ceiling directly above me! He descended slowly until his feet touched the top of the podium. The entire assembly hall, the ceiling and walls, then became transparent as Jesus Christ increased in light and radiance! All of us who were called and chosen celestial servants of God surrounded our glorious Redeemer, from in front and behind, and above him. His radiant light, accompanied by great love and acceptance, filled our hearts. When he then spoke, he was speaking as if he was only addressing each one of us.
8. He called me by name and spoke to me. I knew he was individually speaking also to each one in this assembly by their premortal name, at the same moment!
'Raphael, I love you, and wish to share with you the great love that your Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and I have for you! We are very pleased that you too are chosen and elected, and have eagerly agreed to serve and help us rescue your fellow elect brothers and sisters who are now living on the mortal earth. They are the recipients of your constant care and service now. Oh how we love you as our servant, and them as our mortal children!
9. His light started to diminish, and he then asked each of us to resume standing or sitting as we had done before he came. He then came behind the podium and spoke again:
10. 'My fellow servants, I have been asked of our Heavenly Parents to share with you the great work that I am directing in the terrestrial realms on the earth. Our elect, whom we both serve and love, are terrestrial mortal beings now, although few of them realize this. They are protected by the corona fire of our Heavenly Mother, and are easily distinguished by us who work in their behalf in either the celestial or terrestrial realms on the earth. They are in all varied conditions now as the tribulations coming upon them are set to increase in intensity. Our mission is to jointly help influence and entice them to pray, in humility and openness of heart, to our Heavenly Father and/or our Heavenly Mother, in my name, calling upon us from the depths of their heart for protection and direction. In return, our Heavenly Parents will send us, their fellow elect servants, to minister to them as we are directed. Our Heavenly Parents and I will also reveal ourselves gradually to them, in our own way, in order to reestablish a goodly connection with them. In time, I will also come to each one individually, accept and redeem them fully, and introduce them to their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother again. I will also elect them into my Church of the Firstborn, each at their own time and condition as agreed upon between our Heavenly Parents and myself.
11. I have a large body of servants who labor like you do in this celestial realm, but who labor for me in the terrestrial realm on the earth. There is a veil between us and the mortal elect, so they cannot see us unless we choose to show ourselves to them.
12. Our terrestrial group of servants consist of the host of the righteous dead who dwell in the paradise of God in the world of the spirits surrounding the earth, and other mortal elect who are living on earth and called as part of the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe of the house of Israel. This latter group is now organized, taught and empowered to act under my direction, and that of my called leaders in that group. They work side by side with those who have been also called as terrestrial servants from the paradise of God. They also together help guard and protect, influence for good, and inspire the host of terrestrial mortal elect on the earth. Those who are servants and recipients generally cannot see you in the celestial realm, for there is a veil that prevents them from seeing you. However, the mortal elect can feel the combined influence of both the terrestrial and celestial servants. Were there a need to transport our mortal elect out of their circumstance, this generally would be done with those I direct in the terrestrial realm. We will move many as the circumstances worsen on earth, all in an attempt to save our elect so they might continue to grow in their experience, and ultimately be brought into the terrestrial millennial world coming to the earth. For those who desire and are chosen, we may also bring them to Zion, the New Jerusalem, even the place where Raphael will have established the celestial Church of the Firstborn, with the help of many of you who labor in the celestial realms.
13, This is my celestial church, even named after me who am the Firstborn of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I have redeemed and sanctified each one of you to also come to my church, and receive in your own time the glory of the kingdom of God, even of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and dwell with us in the celestial glory in eternity!'
14. Jesus stopped and looked around. He then spoke to each of us individually in our thoughts, and asked of us what he might do for us. This was surprising to me, but I immediately responded back to him in my thoughts, to strengthen my loved ones in my earthly family, and to help me in my service as Raphael as our Heavenly Parents would ask of me. I then felt the smile of Jesus come upon me, for I could envision this in my mind also!
15. I know Jesus had done the same for each one in our large congregation. I thought of the scripture in 3 Nephi 28:1–
"And it came to pass when Jesus had said these words, he spake unto his disciples, one by one, saying unto them: What is it that ye desire of me, after I am gone to the Father?"
I then returned to the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Jesus then soon returned and reported back to both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Once done, Heavenly Mother spoke to him:
16. 'Our Beloved Son, we are pleased how you have interacted with and blessed our elect servants in the celestial realms in this meeting! Oh, we so love you, our Son!'
17. She then reached forward and embraced Jesus, her Firstborn Son. I felt her and Heavenly Father's deep love for their Beloved Son at that moment! Oh, what care and love they have for him!
18. My vision then closed. I asked in my mind and heart if this view of the meeting in the Great Assembly Hall was all true, and whether I accurately recorded it. Heavenly Father's voice spoke to me: 'Yes, Raphael, you have written what happened. Please have this entry be the last one for this post 165, and entitle the post "Blessings for the Celestial Servants".
19. I thanked him and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.