160. The Light of God's Countenance
Posted 5-28-2020

Hello my friends!

This post has the interpretation of what happens after the next two archangels sound their trumpets. Please pray about this, and verify that I have written the truth. 

Our Heavenly Parents want their elect children now to seek them, more than ever before, and to enjoy the light of their countenance! They have said they will more quickly come to them as they seek them diligently, in these hard times. As the darkness closes around all of us more, God has promised to open up to us more. What a great blessing we all may each receive at this time!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 13, 2020, Wednesday

1. Evening–Tonight I came to the mortal probation chapel, and came before the last days mural. I don't know why I came here. I knelt facing the mural, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

2. Heavenly Mother then stepped out of the mural and stood before me! She was smiling and pleased to see me here in this chapel I believe. She immediately spoke:

'Raphael, I have inspired you to come here tonight and again tomorrow morning. I want you to witness some of the events soon to come upon your world.'

3. She then faced the mural where she had come through, and together we looked upon the mural.

4. I saw Raguel blow his trumpet, then Oriphiel blow his trumpet. I knew this had already occurred on March 31st and April 30th of this year, respectively. I then knew I was watching current events, in mid-May of 2020.

5. I saw my country of the United States become more and more divided on how to handle the lockdowns and the reopening of businesses, churches and social gatherings. Many people were saying the coronavirus was a hoax, and others said it was a very dangerous virus. There were lots of contentions in the land, and rioting, demonstrations, and many groups of people defying government restrictions. It seemed this would be a very difficult summer, with these contentions and the ever increasing jobless people becoming more desperate, not being able to pay for food or housing. People were becoming very tired of the quarantines, and it seemed all were on edge.

6. I then saw Simiel blow his trumpet of God from the Salt Lake Temple spire (to occur on 5-31-2020). He blew exactly like both Raguel and Oriphiel did, except the sound was a little more elevated in tone, and louder.

7. I then saw the words of Revelation 8:10-11 appear before us on the mural, just like they are in the Bible:

Revelation 8:10-11–

"And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."

8. Heavenly Mother then turned to me, asking me what was the interpretation of this prophecy of the star named wormwood, and what the waters represented meant. I said I did not know, for I had never been told their meaning.

9. She then told me to come again tomorrow morning and she would share with me the interpretation of this prophecy.

10. I thanked her, and was now very curious! I then had the sensation of falling backwards from her presence until I was in my front room writing all of this down in my journal.

I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and retired to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 14, 2020, Thursday

1. I awoke and came refreshed after a good sleep to my private room this morning. I had read a couple of articles online about the pandemic last night after my prayer, and then gone to sleep. I wondered what the "great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp" represented?

2. This morning I first came to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and the leaf. I felt alert and in tune to spiritual impressions. I then came into God's temple in heaven, and in the entry walked to the little stream of water by the pine tree on the east, or left side. I knelt there and cupped my hand and drank living water. I felt connected to my unconscious self. I then stood and walked down the hall to the mortal probation chapel. The door was opened and I entered and walked to the last days mural. The words I read on the mural last night from Revelation 8:10-11 were still written on the mural.

3. I read again the words from Revelation, and knelt on the floor in front of the mural. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

Heavenly Mother then came again through the mural and stood before me! As she did, the mural changed to an image of the earth from space. It stayed this same way while she then spoke to me:

4. 'Raphael, I have come today to reveal to you the interpretation of Revelation 8:10-11 that follows the blowing of the third angel's trumpet, who is Simiel our archangel.

5. The great star, burning as it were a lamp represents a great nation on your earth, even Red China. This is where the coronavirus was created by wicked men in the bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China. The very flag of communist China depicts a large yellow star on the left top corner, and partially circled by four other smaller yellow stars, all on a red background. The large star represents the nation of communist China and the little yellow stars all those organizations that are political puppets of this regime.

6. The star burning like a lamp is a yellow five-pointed star burning like a yellow pointed star. Many Chinese lamps are made of thin red paper with a yellow light that shines through the paper. This was the appropriate description of John the Revelator, who actually saw this yellow five-pointed star falling from heaven against a reddened sky. He also saw the image of a paper Chinese lamp as the star descending towards the earth.

7. John saw that when the lamp hit the earth it came to the waters on the earth, not to the dry ground. These waters in rivers and fountains are similar to the ocean as when Oriphiel blew his trumpet last month, and you saw the economies of the world compared to the burning of a mountain that plunged into the ocean. The mountain represented Babylon the Great, which trades among all nations, and the ocean waters represented many waters of global tyranny and trade, worldwide. The waters of the ocean are all interconnected. Similarly, when Simiel blows his trumpet, the yellow star falls upon many waters, specifically rivers and fountains of waters. These waters in the rivers and fountains are in the entire world also, representing those organizations that had direct ties to communist China. When the economy and regime of the current communist China dies, like the burning yellow star falling from heaven to the waters on the earth, all of these waters will also die and become very bitter over their dashed hopes for China and its evil, communist regime and principles of suppression and goals of world supremacy through tyranny. In your own country communist China has infiltrated all of the tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter who have systematically adapted communist China's ideals, and have censored more and more free speech and conservative values. The universities in your land and your very congress are riddled with secret and open supporters of communist China and its ideals. The World Health Organization is controlled by communist China. The leaders of this evil country dictate rivers and fountains that the burning yellow star has fallen into. The economies and political destruction of the current Chinese communist party and its leaders will make these organizations who have close ties with communist China to become very bitter and distraught, even as wormwood is very bitter. These organizations will become jolted as their source of infiltration dies. This is what is meant by "many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter."

8. The bitterness of these organizations that had been infiltrated by the Chinese communist party will not turn them to change to freedom-loving principles, but will, on the contrary, make them even more intrusive and harsh with their constituents whom they are supposed to serve. All of these actions are done in secret so that the general public unknowingly follow them. These organizations now control much of the general ideas and practices of the population.

9. Raphael, as the economy and current political regime in China fails and loses control, they will be desperate for war, for they will feel this would save their country from ruin. There will be others in China who volley for power and thrust China into war with your own country. The Chinese, the corrupt government and secret powers and secret combinations in your own land, and Russia will all be involved in war and aggression in your own land, and will ultimately cleanse the wicked and topple your nation. These are all controlled and greatly influenced by Satan. This is what is meant by the wicked destroying the wicked.'

10. Heavenly Mother then turned to the mural where we saw an image of the earth from space. As I then looked into the mural, I was somehow next to her side above the earth, above communist China! I then saw the image of a single yellow five-pointed star projected upon the entire land of this, the most populated country in the world.

11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, the communist leaders have dominion and control of all the provinces and peoples within their borders. This is the large yellow star represented on their flag.'

12. I then saw many other parts of the earth with smaller yellow stars projected on their countries and organizations. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'These smaller yellow stars are the countries and organizations that are sympathetic to the Red China communist ideals, and have become controlled by the current communist regime in China.'

13. I then saw a burning yellow star, very bright coming from space to the earth! As it collided with the earth it shattered into many pieces, each piece moving into the rivers and fountains of waters. These little burning lamp-like pieces then merged into the waters over all the earth and turned them bitter. These waters were all very bitter to those who had previously been infiltrated and controlled by their communist leaders. I saw these people all over the earth, very angry, bitter and distraught that their hopes had been dashed. In their bitterness, I saw Satan and his minions of evil spirits flock to them and connive in their souls plans to further control and subjugate those who were in their influence. I then saw these organizations become even more intrusive and harsh, and very unfeeling in their interactions with their constituents.

14. The entire waters on the earth, especially rivers, then appeared glowing in "yellow bubbling bitterness" it seemed, for this was the emotion I felt and the view I saw. The earth seemed to groan under the great wickedness upon the waters.

15. I then thought of the scripture in D&C 61:4-5, 14-19–

"Nevertheless, I suffered it that ye might bear record; behold, there are many dangers upon the waters, and more especially hereafter;

For I, the Lord, have decreed in mine anger many destructions upon the waters; yea, and especially upon these waters. . .

Behold, I, the Lord, in the beginning blessed the waters; but in the last days, by the mouth of my servant John, I cursed the waters.

Wherefore, the days will come that no flesh shall be safe upon the waters.

And it shall be said in days to come that none is able to go up to the land of Zion upon the waters, but he that is upright in heart.

And, as I, the Lord, in the beginning cursed the land, even so in the last days have I blessed it, in its time, for the use of my saints, that they may partake the fatness thereof.

And now I give unto you a commandment that what I say unto one I say unto all, that you shall forewarn your brethren concerning these waters, that they come not in journeying upon them, lest their faith fail and they are caught in snares;

I, the Lord, have decreed, and the destroyer rideth upon the face thereof, and I revoke not the decree."

16. Heavenly Mother then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, this scripture will be fulfilled soon after Simiel blows his trumpet. The rivers and fountains of waters are what is meant by Satan riding upon the waters. This refers to Satan and his evil national leaders in communist China who seek the sinister infiltration and the corruption of their minds with communist dogmas, which are the dogmas and continual religion of Lucifer, for he desires to entrap, control and dominate all men and women, and carefully lead them down to hell (see 2 Nephi 28:20-24).'

17. Suddenly my Heavenly Mother and I were in front of the last days mural in the mortal probation chapel. The mural was blank, and Heavenly Mother was sober-looking.

18. Raphael, read over your journal entry that you have written and correct any small words or sentences, and then let my words stand as the correct interpretation of Revelation 8:10-11. This has never before been revealed to man, but now it is time to show it to my children. We will let you know when to share it with those on your email list in your future post 160.'

19. She then turned and walked into the mural and was gone! I thanked her for her amazing revelation this morning. I knew what I wrote to be from her and not from me.

20. Evening-I was working today and listening to my current post 158 to catch edits, and this scripture came to mind:

Ether 4:16–

"And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed."

21. Some of these revelations given to John have been shown to me before they come to pass. The people in the world see the things he prophesied about, in very deed, like the coronavirus, or the China flag with the yellow star, and the news reports of the growing tensions between the United States and China. I feel humbled to receive the words of our Heavenly Parents as the events unfold. I feel so blessed!

22. I came to the rocky pit this evening, at the end of the river representing Jesus Christ. I knelt on the ground on the east end of the pit. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

23. Heavenly Father appeared before me, standing a little ways from the edge in the air over the pit. He was smiling and glowing in light. He spoke to me:

'Raphael, the vision you received this morning on the last days mural from Heavenly Mother was truly given by her, and none of it was from your own imaginations. You have written her interpretation correctly.

24. All the wicked that fight against Zion, shall ultimately be cast into a pit like unto this pit before me. I have prepared a hell for them to keep them away from those elect on the earth that will come into the millennium.

25. In this spirit prison they will remain until they repent and progress. If they do not repent, they will come before me or my servants in the Day of Judgment and receive their eternal reward.

26. Once these pass into the prison that I have prepared, through death, they cannot return to disturb my righteous ones in the millennial day on the terrestrial earth.

27. 1 Nephi 15:28-30–

"And I said unto them that it was an awful gulf, which separated the wicked from the tree of life, and also from the saints of God.

And I said unto them that it was a representation of that awful hell, which the angel said unto me was prepared for the wicked.

And I said unto them that our father also saw that the justice of God did also divide the wicked from the righteous; and the brightness thereof was like unto the brightness of a flaming fire, which ascendeth up unto God forever and ever, and hath no end."

28. The flaming fire is the glory of the terrestrial realm that will keep the wicked from coming into the millennium. This is similar fire to the corona flame that is now burning within our elect to help protect them from the plagues in these days.'

29. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his witness of what I received from Heavenly Mother this morning. I also thanked him for more information on hell and the gulf between the wicked and the righteous.

Heavenly Father then departed up into the sky in a beam of light. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 15, 2020, Friday

1. This morning I awoke early in order to commune with my God on the celestial orb. I have been impressed with the breadth of revelations I have received.

2. When my son A. was injured on his mission, it took me a long time to accept reality, that he was really so injured in his brain and his life would be different. I have wondered if the coming changes in the world will also be almost surreal and be hard to accept as reality. When I am in the New Jerusalem, will I have to pinch myself to verify that I am not in a dream? These changes in the world are now quickly happening, and our reality is changing. The world will never be the same as the old life we led when we mingled together without any thoughts of social distancing, or wearing masks or gloves.

3. I came to pray this morning at the bench facing God's Loving Healing Lake. It seemed so gorgeous here, with blooming flowers, a glistening lake, and a celestial aura over everything.

4. I knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come. I then saw a bright light reflected upon the waters, and a few seconds later Heavenly Mother descended from the celestial sky to the lake, and then walked a little above its surface to me. She was bright and her light and love filled me with joy to be in her presence. I could feel her intense light pass through every part of me, for when I thought of a particular body part like my knee, or head, the light I felt was passing through me to an area behind me. This was a remarkable feeling that I couldn't duplicate on my own!

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, some of our children are able to quickly accept changes in their new environment, and others feel like it is a dream they are experiencing. There are many changes that are coming quickly to your world, and these will change reality in the telestial realm of your earth.

6. There is a reality in each realm that is different to those who experience living: the new terrestrial earth will appear surreal to the newcomers, but it is still reality. Once they become adjusted to their new reality, they will gradually accept this new norm as reality to them.

7. Your Father and I dwell in the highest celestial realm. We see all the lower realms in their full realities as those who dwell there see things. We are able to move from our realm to another and adjust our view according to what is real, and how our children in these lower realms view life and their surroundings.

8. When there is a shift or change, it takes our children varying amounts of time to also shift their mindset and thinking. The changes coming to the earth will come quickly, one after another. You will often have the feelings that there is a new norm, or a new environment in your mortal world, for it is changing. These changes will ultimately bring into existence our millennial world and the elimination of all things telestial. We will help you shift your mind to more quickly change your paradigm of how things really are, even as they happen.

9. For those who pray to us, asking for our help to see what they might need in a future reality in their world, we will inspire them to prepare. This might be storing food, planting a garden, or anticipating shortages or a needful thing. This provident and preparedness mindset is very helpful to develop.

10. Raphael, your reality will also change as you actively make changes. You have dramatically changed the reality of your garden area, all by you and your family's hard work. Soon it will also transform into delicious foods you may eat and enjoy. We will help you envision what needs to be done by your hard work, so life in a future day will be pleasing to you. Planning and work create new norms and environments that you desire and will enjoy.

11. Such is also true in spiritual things, and how you choose to live, and to interact with others. You may develop godly attributes and become more Christ like, or choose to follow the natural man and continue in life without progress.

12. Alma 9:28–

"Therefore, prepare ye the way of the Lord, for the time is at hand that all men shall reap a reward of their works, according to that which they have been—if they have been righteous they shall reap the salvation of their souls, according to the power and deliverance of Jesus Christ; and if they have been evil they shall reap the damnation of their souls, according to the power and captivation of the devil."'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and promised blessings upon me as I worked to change my reality. She then smiled upon me and gradually faded away. I knew she had gone into her higher celestial realm where the Gods dwell. I closed my prayer and started my day.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 16, 2020, Saturday

1. All day yesterday I felt very tired and drained of my energy. When I prayed last night I came to a cloud in the sky above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I met with my Heavenly Father who asked me to come there again this morning. He accepted me how I was, in a state where I felt I couldn't receive anything from him. He left quickly and I went to sleep.

2. I feel more refreshed this morning. I came to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf, and then came to the pool below the waterfall and drank living water. I felt clarified and alert to spiritual impressions. I then came above the waterfall in the sky and knelt there, among some wispy clouds. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

3. Heavenly Father walked to me from one of the clouds nearby! He was full of light and smiling. I instantly felt at peace in his presence.

4. He asked me what I wanted. I replied that I desired to have more energy today to be able to accomplish my many tasks on earth around my home. I also asked for blessings upon some of my loved ones who are struggling.

5. Finally, I asked that I be able to hear him more clearly in my conscious mind so that I could record his revelations he might give to me. I said I wanted to always do his will and to know and then keep his commandments.

6. My Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you have desired good things. I will bless you with greater capacity, and with a lucid mind to be able to hear our words and revelations. As men and women in mortality come to me in humble and open prayer, I will also grant to them the desires of their hearts, and give them revelations.'

7. I then asked my Father the meaning of Revelation 8:12–

"And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise."

8. I said I knew Uriel would blow his trumpet of God on June 30th, 2020 which would bring about these events. I asked if this was going to be fulfilled literally or figuratively on the earth, or with some other meaning?

9. Heavenly Father then said he would answer my question. He then turned to the west, and I looked with him to the west. A breeze started blowing towards us (an east wind. I thought of the "east wind, that bringeth immediate destruction" (see Mosiah 7:31). I looked and saw dark clouds moving quickly in our direction.

10. As the dark clouds moved towards us, we could see the dark shadow of the clouds moving on the ground also, on the surface of the celestial orb.

11. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, June and July in your area on the earth are known for beautiful summer months, with lots of sunshine. The longest day of the year will be on the summer solstice, on June 20th, 2020, just days before Uriel blows the trumpet of God that I gave to him.

12. During this summer, however, the earth skies will be spiritually darkened with black, heavy clouds like you see before us. Your land, and all of the inhabitants on the earth, will be darkened by reason of the clouds that will come over the earth, so that the people won't see one third of the light from the sun, moon and stars. Those who pray to us, their Heavenly Parents, will however, still be able to see clearly our light that continues to shine above the clouds, for we will disperse the clouds of falsehoods and Lucifer's stories and deceptions from their minds.

13. The darkness from the clouds will be spiritual darkness and confusion, misguided thinking, and darkened beliefs in following man, Satan, and the norms of society. Mankind who are not spiritually connected to us will have their minds darkened so much that they will ignore truth and light that we send down to them from the heavens. We will continue to seek to enlighten them, but the thick clouds of unbelief, falsehoods, improper thinking, and a belief in what their society and leaders tell them will confuse their minds so much that they won't listen to us anymore.

14. In order to break through the darkness coming to the earth, our mortal children will need to open their minds and hearts, cast aside the current beliefs and practices of their fellowman, and ask for the light of our inspiration to enlighten their minds and hearts. This will be a day of the awakening of some of our elect, but also a day of more darkened minds of the wicked.

15. The fraction of one third is also figurative, and means a large portion. When used in this scripture, a large portion of society on your earth will be deceived by reason of the spiritual darkness coming with more intensity to the earth.

16. At the conclusion of Uriel's sounding of the trumpet of God, I will send an angel, flying through the midst of the celestial skies above the earth that will pronounce three woes to the inhabitants of the earth:

17. Revelation 8:13

"And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

18. The months of June and July will continue to be darkened with spiritual darkness to most of the inhabitants on the earth. These, our children will feel that much has returned back to normal, even though the pandemic will still rage and won't be in control. In the fall, a second wave of the viral pandemic will emerge with more vengeance than ever before, and catch those off-guard who were deceived during their darkened spiritual summer months, summer in the northern hemisphere. The pandemic will worsen worldwide, with some areas erupting into great chaos and devastation. This will also be the time when Nibiru will descend from space as heralded by the sounding of your trumpet, Raphael, on July 31st, 2020 (see Revelation 9:1).'

19. The dark clouds we saw coming to us from the west now engulfed us entirely! I could still see my Father, for he was full of light and shining. However, all our surroundings were dark and the air felt moist and heavy.

20. 'Raphael, the spiritual darkness coming to the earth in these, your summer months will be more intense than has ever come before to the earth. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and I will therefore redouble our efforts in trying to enlighten our elect, to counter this coming spiritual darkness. We will be quicker to answer the prayers of the people, and guide them to our truths and to safety, even among the darkness of the day.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear explanation of the verses in the book of Revelation I asked about. I said I would always seek to be near him and to follow his directions.

My vision then ended. I conclude this entry at 9:00 am, with the east sun streaming through my window. I am eager now to get up and work during much of my day ahead.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 17, 2020, Sunday

1. This morning I came to the circling waters to meet with my Heavenly Mother. I had already been to the tree of life and eaten of a fruit and a leaf from this tree. I drank also from the living waters at the circling waters. I felt clear and ready to meet with my Heavenly Mother. I knelt and prayed that she would come to me.

2. Last night I met Heavenly Mother here too. She accepted me and just how I was–very tired from the hard labors of the day in the garden, pulling out aspen roots from an old raspberry bed. I had also worked late on getting post 159 out. I finally got it emailed early this morning.

3. Anyway, this morning I waited for her arrival again on my knees while next to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. She then appeared a little above the water in her brightness and beauty! She was smiling and her eyes were sparkling. I momentarily saw a rainbow appear over her head too!

4. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are pleasing your Heavenly Father and I by diligently doing what we say, to the best of your ability. When you were pondering last night about the new virus coming to the Salt Lake area, you inquired of us if there were any who were infected by the new virus. I told you there were 32 who were actively carrying the disease and who were contagious, and 2 who had recovered after 2 days of contracting it. These 2 were my elect, and my corona flame had destroyed the intruding virus within the 2 days. The other 32 have this disease and will continue to worsen. Some received it from the initial fallout of the virus from the sky, and some from contact with others who had it. The authorities will not discover that this is a new virus for some time, but will think this is the coronavirus.

5. You also remarked to your wife yesterday how you had lots of energy to clear part of your garden area of aspen roots. We gave you strength according to your request in prayer. You used your pick axe for hours and had a lot of energy.

6. When you need our divine help, even in simple tasks such as clearing your garden soil of intrusive roots, we will answer your requests. We will do so for the requests of our elect who sincerely come to us and seek our guidance and blessings. Pray for your land to be productive, and for your chickens to produce well. Do all you can to be self-reliant, and we will bless and prosper you!'

7. Heavenly Mother was smiling upon me! I felt her love come into and pass through me. I felt more capable, to do whatever she or Heavenly Father might ask of me, for they would strengthen me. I then remembered Nephi's words:

8. 1 Nephi 3:7–

"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

9. Heavenly Mother then departed into the sky. I thanked her in my mind and heart for her great blessings that she had given to me. I closed my prayer and began my Sabbath day.

10. Evening–We were gone all day to visit our family today. We had a wonderful time, kept our distances, and so enjoyed visiting!

11. Tonight I came to the western mezzanine next to God's temple. I came to the end garden area and knelt next to a bench there, and faced the temple. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

12. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came walking towards me, up the mezzanine, hand-in-hand. They were talking and then faced me as they got next to me.

13. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we relax most evenings by taking a walk on our celestial orb together. We have come to you since you prayed to us, asking us to come. We will always hear your prayers and respond to your requests.

14. While visiting your children this afternoon, you discussed how long this pandemic would likely remain. This disease will be still ravaging in the world, even at Christmastime in seven more months. Your Heavenly Mother told you last Christmas that "it was the last Christmas before the whirlwind of destruction would come to the earth." (see post 146B3). You will see many changes in your world in these next seven months, and your world will never be the same.

15. Fear not, Raphael, for we will reveal all things to you before each new major event comes as a whirlwind on the earth. You will continue to receive your revelations in the same way you now hear and commune with me, by your spiritual perceptions, received in your unconscious mind and transferred to your conscious mind.

16. Take one day at a time, and work steadily on your goals and projects. Time will be thereby filled with happiness and accomplishment. We will lead you along!'

17. He and Heavenly Mother then continued on their walk, past me and vanished from my sight. I thanked them for their visit and for Heavenly Father's message.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 18, 2020, Monday

1. I am happy to start a new week, and to get my many projects completed. I love this time of year, and the opportunity to work and produce on the land. I also love the new knowledge I seem to constantly receive from heaven.

2. I checked the corona flame on my wife, son and myself. It was 7-8 inches in height, and as I saw it off the backside of my hand I felt assured that all would be well with us as we keep living in this increasingly lethal virus-filled environment.

3. This morning in my prayer I came to the eastern side of God's temple, facing the river representing Heavenly Mother. I was on a grassy slope. On the other side of this river was Heavenly Mother's lower garden.

4. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I asked in faith, and fully expected her to come. As I waited, I thought to drink of the living water from the river. I drank from my cupped hand, and as I was doing so, Heavenly Mother appeared to me on the water! She was shining brightly her light all around. I could feel her light before I saw her appear.

5. I knelt upright on the shore, and looked up into the smiling face of my glorious Heavenly Mother! She was so bright and beautiful! She immediately spoke to me:

6. 'Raphael, you have correctly written the words last night from your Heavenly Father, about the long duration of the pandemic being in your land. You can face each day with happy anticipation as you work on needful projects and goals. Don't dwell much on the upcoming months of the calamities coming, but just the coming day and week ahead. Seek to enjoy what you face each day, and rejoice in the beauty and life you daily live. There is so much to be grateful for, even among the tribulations, which are upon the people of your world.

7. This is also a perfect time for our elect to consider their own ways, and look to us, their Gods, in humble and open prayer. We will come quickly to them and give those who are receptive our revelations. We will be by their side in every time of trouble and need.

8. In less than two weeks Simiel will blow his trumpet of God on May 31st, 2020. You have correctly recorded this interpretation of Revelation 8:10-11 that will occur after Simiel blows his trumpet. Uriel will blow one month later. Heavenly Father told you last Saturday the meaning of the darkness coming to the earth after he blew, and you have written all of this correctly. These revelations are coming quickly to you, even so fast that it is hard for you to absorb them. We are glad you type these up on your computer yourself, so as to review these great revelations, and relive your own experiences with us in prayer as we revealed them to you. It will seem to you that you are receiving a steady stream of new truths and revelations from us. We will send them to you as you ask, as fast as you are mortally capable to receive them. This is why we are pleased that you live a quiet, peaceful life in your home, making time for us each morning and evening in prayer. Were you to be involved in much else, it would be hard for you to receive our steady flow of revelations.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me this morning, on this beautiful, peaceful celestial river that represents her. I told her how much I love her and want to obey her every command and suggestion.

10. She then smiled and turned, then floated in the air up to her lower garden area across the river. I watched her as she moved up the gentle slope of her cultivated gardens, and was soon out of sight. I then concluded my prayer and started my new day.

11. Evening–Today I was working in the garden listening to post 66 "Messages for the New Year 2018", and I was wondering if I had been safe enough while earlier going today to a sprinkler supply store. I kept my distance, wore a mask, and talked through the doorway, but stayed outside except for about 10 seconds or so while coming to a counter. While I waited outside, I wondered if I could increase my corona flame to double what I already had, which was about 7-8 inches high. I then saw my corona flame instantly jump to about 15 inches! I was surprised.

12. While listening to post 66, I heard the audio voice of Jesus Christ on that post giving me a blessing that related to my ability to increase the light in my own body with my mind! Here is what I heard from January 5, 2018 Friday, post entry 66I8:

13. "8. Jesus Christ, my Savior, then placed his hands on my head and spoke a blessing:

'Raphael, my son, I bless you to have greater power to see evil and the negative with objective eyes so that you are shielded. I bless you to keep at peace during these times when you are immersed in unwanted energy that may be all around you. All of your own feelings are fully controlled by your mind and heart, which you may protect. I bless you to be able to control your own light and love that you have within yourself and desire to emanate to others around you. This power will increase your light and love inside you. This ability will also gradually increase, particularly as you visit with us, who are your Gods, regularly in our kingdom. You have a high commission and calling in these last days, and need this extra blessing of protection and shielding. I bless you with this added protection and gradual increase in light and love. Amen.'"

14. The increased corona flame kept at 15 inches for about 4-5 hours after I had asked if it could be increased, then it returned to about 8 inches again afterwards.

15. I wonder if this corona flame helped extinguish some bad virus, during it's elevated and increased amount?

I came to the desert oasis and asked for Jesus to come. He was the one who had given me a blessing nearly 2 1/2 years ago.

16. Jesus Christ immediately came in front of me! I was kneeling on the shore next to the water's edge. He spoke right away:

17. 'Raphael, the blessing I gave to you on January 5, 2018 is now fully active in your body. You may ask of Heavenly Mother to increase her corona flame that is upon all of your body now, and it will instantly increase. This is what you experienced today. If you state for what purpose this flame should be used for, then that too will come to pass. You had thought of the increased corona flame to destroy any invading virus like the coronavirus, and it will also be done according to your desires and your thoughts. You may also ask the corona flame to increase in any of our elect, whom the Father has chosen, and this also will be done according to your desires.'

18. I thanked Jesus for activating this blessing he gave to me, and in so describing it to me now!

19. I looked into the tender and compassionate eyes of Jesus Christ, and felt so happy to be in his presence! He smiled and then embraced me. He said he loved me, and that our Heavenly Parents were pleased with my actions.

He then moved backwards over the water, and then ascended quickly up into the sky. I then prepared myself for bed and went to sleep.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 19, 2020, Tuesday

1. I came this morning to the desert oasis again. I drank living water from the water's edge, and came back to the bench and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I asked him to come since that is whom I felt I should pray to come. This is how I usually do. If I don't know who will come, then I ask for either of my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Father appeared before me elevated in the air a little over the sand in front of me. He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, last night Jesus Christ came to you and spoke to you about a blessing he gave you nearly 2 1/2 years ago. His words are true, and you have written them correctly. Even though you may increase the corona flame within you by your thoughts and intentions, you still need to be very cautious of where you go in your telestial world, in light of the pandemic. You also need to wear a mask and gloves as you have been doing, and stay out of stores and places of business. Social distancing outside with those you interact with is the preferred method of communicating to others, including with your own family.

3. You experienced yesterday that you had the ability to increase the corona flame that Heavenly Mother has given to you as a constant gift. You also saw that you were able to increase this same protection on your wife. You may also do this for others of our elect who also have this corona flame. We are now extending this same gift of increasing their own corona flame to every one of our elect. Although each one has the corona flame with them, most cannot detect that they possess it, for this is a gift that they may see in the terrestrial realm that your Heavenly Mother extends to every one of our elect. She is extending this powerful protective light to our chosen elect until you vanquish Satan and all of his evil spirits to the bottomless pit, even after the second coming of Jesus Christ.

4. In a situation where our elect feel that they need additional protection, like you felt yesterday, they may think or intend that this light be increased or expanded in their own mortal body. We will honor their intention and the purpose of their intention to add an increased layer of protection upon them.

5. Raphael, we are granting this great gift because of the future needs of protection that each one of our elect will require to endure the tribulations coming on the earth. This corona flame from their Heavenly Mother will not only be effective in fighting illness and pandemics, but it will strengthen their bodies and help them mentally endure the long day of these last days calamities. We desire that they also live one day at a time, taking what comes to them, and not dwelling much on their view of their own future hardships. We will buoy them up with our light and encourage them in serving others and working on projects that will prepare them, and their loved ones and friends to also endure the difficulties of the day. We love all of our elect children on earth, and will provide a way for their personal happiness and contentment in these difficult times.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his very encouraging message! I told him how kind he, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ are to us who live in mortality who are their elect children.

He then quickly disappeared. I closed my prayer and started again a new day in mortality.

7. Evening–I came tonight to the sapling tree of life and ate of the fruit and the leaf. I then came into the pretty garden area next to this tree. I knelt on the soil where I had buried my shells (see my post 113E13 and post 36). I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

8. Heavenly Mother came to me, walking down a garden path! She stopped in front of me and seemed so tender and caring of me. She then spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, you have been enjoying working outside each day. We have strengthened you so you can prepare your garden and orchard, doing all of the manual work yourself. This is very enjoyable to you, your wife and son. You have never been so free to work the land like you have been doing It is deeply satisfying.

9. There is a connection you are all three making with your earth, by working in the soil. This greatly enhances your health too, and your emotional and physical grounding.

10. When Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden (a terrestrial environment), they came to the telestial earth and began to till the ground:

11. Moses 5:1–

"And it came to pass that after I, the Lord God, had driven them out, that Adam began to till the earth, and to have dominion over all the beasts of the field, and to eat his bread by the sweat of his brow, as I the Lord had commanded him. And Eve, also, his wife, did labor with him."

12. In the beginning of man, they had to labor on the ground in order to eat what the ground produced. In your day, many people no longer work or till the ground as you have been diligently doing. Instead, they buy food from a store and have lost the connection to the land. There are many blessings of laboring on the soil and producing your own food from the land.

13. In the coming millennial day, our people will work again their own lands. Their gardens and orchards will produce in abundance, for the living terrestrial water will transform the terrestrial earth, and bring forth tenfold in more abundance. Man will not need to labor so extensively as Adam did and you do in bringing forth food to eat, for the earth will change from a telestial earth to a terrestrial earth.

14. Since you are now a terrestrial mortal, as are all of our elect on the earth, the foods you eat will be better assimilated, and your health and vitality will be enhanced. As you work the land, and grow your own food, this process will also enhance your immunity and ground your body to the earth itself.

15. The effects of aging will slow down, and your strength will last longer than had you not labored to till the earth.

16. Raphael, pray that your garden beds and your orchard and fields become transformed to a terrestrial piece of land. We will be changing all of the earth to becoming terrestrial, and will speed up this change on your own land if you ask this of us. This promise is also true for all of our elect, for they are heirs of our abundant promises and blessings, even a fulness of the future terrestrial earth!'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I asked her to change and transform my land that I work on to become terrestrial land, and to produce terrestrial food for us who live here. In turn, I asked her to bless our terrestrial mortal bodies to change as we eat more from our own land, instead of the food from the store. I said I was excited to see this transformation in our own bodies.

18. My vision closed. I felt very grateful for the new mindset I knew I had been enlightened with! I will think and ask for these blessings to come our way, even as we work the soil as Adam and Eve did at the beginning of man on the earth's telestial existence. I closed my prayer and retired to bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 20, 2020, Wednesday

1. I received an email last night from M.A. wherein she thought there was a meeting at the Great Assembly Hall on the celestial orb. She thought all the angels and celestial servants were gathered, ready to bless the elect who would be infected with this new virus, for it would start manifesting. She wondered if she was imagining all of this, or if it was real?

2. I came this morning again to the sapling tree of life where I had been last night. I ate of the fruit and of the leaf, I felt more connected with my celestial world. I then came to the water's edge of Lake Beautiful near the maple tree grove. I drank of living water from this lake. I thought to be enlivened and perceptive to hear my Gods. I remained in place kneeling on the shore, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

3. He immediately came and held out his left hand. I stood and took his hand. We were then immediately at the front of the Great Assembly Hall, in the top left corner as we faced, the stand area. We joined my Heavenly Mother there. Heavenly Father spoke:

4. 'Raphael, M.A. is correct. There is a meeting now happening in this assembly hall wherein are gathered all the angels and our chosen celestial servants. You have been conducting this meeting. What we are seeing happened last night, and I am bringing it now to your conscious mind. Let's listen in:'

5. I then turned and viewed the vast assembly of the active servants of God in the hallway. I also observed several seated on the stand, and I saw me, in a replicated state, conducting at that moment, this meeting! We had just finished the opening hymn and prayer, and I was the first speaker. Here is a summary of what I said:

6. I welcomed all who had been invited to serve their fellowmen and women who were now dwelling on the earth. I said that there were now a handful of people in the Salt Lake area and surroundings in Utah that had contracted this newest virus. This would spread from those who were still mostly asymptomatic, or who didn't realize they had contracted this usually fatal illness. I said that our effort would be to minister to the elect of God who might contract this virus, and to heighten the corona flame in their bodies to fight and destroy this new virus before it would get ahold of their bodies. These elect would not know that they would be getting this virus in their body from somebody else. All of this action by us, who are angels and chosen celestial servants of God, would be directed by our Heavenly Parents when we work from the celestial realms on the earth. I said as we would be prompted by our Heavenly Parents to minister to a particular elect individual, we were to go to them, unseen and in the celestial realm on the earth. Then by our intention and command, we were to activate the normal corona flame in their bodies to double or even triple its magnitude and intensity. This would instantly happen, with the intent that this intruding virus would be destroyed from their bodies in a few hours to a few days.

7. I then related how earlier this week I had an experience in my conscious mind of increasing the corona flame in my wife and me (see my journal evening entry of 5-18-2020 Monday, and from 5-19-2020 morning on Tuesday.) I had written that Heavenly Mother had spoken to me on that Tuesday morning that I could do this for others of the elect who already had this corona flame burning inside their bodies. I was also told this same gift of increasing the corona flame was extended to all of the elect.

8. The problem was that the terrestrial mortal elect don't realize they even have this corona flame. This is where we, who work in their behalf in the celestial realms on the earth, will be directed by God to increase this flame in those who have contracted this virus. Once the corona flame is increased significantly to destroy the virus, it will remain at this intensity until it is all destroyed.

9. I also said that this virus is very contagious. An elect person may contract the illness several times and not know it, if we increase their corona flame each time to destroy the newly attached virus.

10. I said that there were already two elect individuals in the Salt Lake City area who had received this virus in their bodies. I was summoned to each one by our Heavenly Mother and directed their corona flame to increase to the point where it would completely destroy the intruding virus. Within a day, each one of these two elect individuals no longer had the destroying virus in their bodies.

11. I instructed the assembled group of angels and celestial servants how to increase the corona flame in the ones they would be directed to help. I said we should stand near them, unseen from the celestial realms, and think in our minds for their corona flame to increase. We could then place one or both hands next to their physical body and observe the flame passing through our hands, and out the backside of our hands. We should also intend that this flame increase to a point when it would be sufficient to destroy all of the virus over the next few hours or few days. When we would feel this increased flame was intense enough to destroy the virus, we should then stop increasing the flame. Usually an increase of 2-3 times the original height of the flame, coming out the backside of their hands, would be sufficient.

12. I cautioned them that they should not overdo the intensity of the corona flame beyond what they felt would destroy the entire lethal virus. This would be too difficult for most to accept in the their terrestrial mortal bodies at this stage of their progression, and make them more non-functional in their mortal life. I said all of this would be done in their own unconscious awareness, but not in their conscious mind. These elect individuals would be aware of being attacked by a very strong intruding virus only in their unconscious mind, but not in their mortal conscious mind.

13. I said that we, who would minister to these elect of God on the earth, would have been sufficiently instructed how to increase their corona flame, but these attacked individuals would not know what to do. In this way, we would be servants of God who would literally save their lives from a sure mortal death.

14. When I was done with my instructional talk, I asked everyone in that vast assembly to stand and accept this charge, by saying "yes". There was a resounding "yes" heard at that time from the angels and celestial servants. I thanked them and sat down.

15. I then saw others come to the stand and speak. I was, however, directed to face my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the top southwest corner of the assembly hall.

16. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have correctly written in your journal all of the basic instructions you gave our beloved servants. They will act now with knowledge of what to do when your Heavenly Father and I direct them by our voice of the Spirit to eliminate this virus from our elect who receive it in their bodies. In this way we will preserve the elect, chosen by the Father, to be protected and destined to come into our future terrestrial millennial world.'

17. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their well thought out plan to save their elect. I then thought of this scripture in Joseph Smith Matthew 1:29-30, which are the words of Jesus Christ–

18. "Behold I speak for mine elect's sake (or, of God's plan to save the elect); for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (this manmade bioweaponized new virus was created by an evil nation against other nations, even as an act of war); there shall be famines, and pestilences (this new viral pandemic would be included in this category), and earthquakes, in divers places.

And again, because iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax cold; but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved (this is a direct reference to the chosen elect who are largely spared and preserved from events like this new virus attacking their bodies, destroyed by the corona flame of Heavenly Mother that she has shed forth upon them, and increased by the timely ministrations of angels and celestial servants of God)."

19. Also look at Joseph Smith Matthew 1:20–

"And except those days should be shortened, there should none of their flesh be saved; but for the elect's sake, according to the covenant (the covenant of the Father and Mother to preserve these elect and to bring them into the terrestrial world of the millennium), those days shall be shortened." (words in parenthesis by me, Raphael, as I was inspired in the presence of my Heavenly Parents).

20. My Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, you have correctly quoted and commented on those scriptural verses, as spoken by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, in the book of Matthew. I will protect the elect chosen by the Father with my corona flame that each one now possesses!'

21. I looked into her steady, loving and powerful eternity eyes. I had no doubt that she and Father would save their chosen elect from this new virus, and from other calamities coming to the earth before the full transition to the terrestrial earth is completed.

22. My vision then ended. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for showing me this great meeting today, and for what occurred last night when it took place. I am grateful to have been alerted to this by M.A. , who is not too imaginative as she wondered!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 21, 2020, Thursday

1. Today is our 45th wedding anniversary! I love my wife D, and am so happy to spend abundant time with her everyday. She brightens my day and is my best earthly friend. We have some fun events planned later today together.

2. This morning I came to the golden altar, and knelt facing the temple doors. I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me.

The doors facing north in the temple were already open. As I was looking at the doors, both of my glorious Heavenly Parents appeared in front of me, from their higher celestial realm! They were holding hands and both smiling. I was very happy to be in their presence. I felt clear and prepared to receive whatever they might want to share with me.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are pleased to both come before you on this, your wedding anniversary! Married life is the happiest state for a man and a woman who love and care for each other, as do you and your wife. You are blessed to be companions together, even in your later years. This is a choice time when you may share your interests together and not have to worry about providing an income for your sustenance. You have mostly learned to let your grown children choose their own lives without your interference, or even giving them your opinion. This is still a struggle for both of you, for you have matured together in seeing how choices bring about consequences, and have views that your growing adult children don't see or haven't yet learned. However, they need to choose on their own.

4. Once your own children reach adulthood, and are living on their own, it is then important to completely love and accept them, and let them solve their own issues without you trying to solve them, even with your increased perspective and maturity. When they may ask for advice, they really want to solve their own problems and struggles, and find their own solutions. When you accept them, have confidence in them, and actively listen to their struggles without voicing your own opinions, this will bind them closer to you and help them reach their own solutions. They will value you, and make you more part of their lives. You may share how you solved a similar issue, but be cautious not to suggest they do the same as you did, for you really don't know and should want them to act on their own, finding their own solutions. Giving them confidence and love is a wonderful gift you may give to them.

5. There are also some children who live more apart from you emotionally, and don't want to be close to you and your wife. That too is their own decision. Although you may offer to them connection, don't ever press yourself onto them. All need to be independent and find and live life how they desire. This is the environment we want to create in order to see what each will do with their own choices. Some may want daily connection with you and to be close, and others may rarely come visit or connect with you. You may extend an openness to all, but only a few or maybe none of your children may respond. Whatever happens, this will be their choice. My advice is not to push yourself on any of your grown children beyond what relationship they currently desire.

6. Your Father and I have many children who desire to live their lives without much connection with us. We still come to them, and are open at any moment for them when they think of us, talk to us, or seek to develop a relationship of closeness with us. There are relatively few, like yourself, who love to be by us, and to learn our gentle ways and seek our counsels. This is true in the pre-mortal life, in mortality, or in the world of the spirit dead. If a child loves us, he or she will seek us out and seek a relationship. We are always ready to match the closeness they desire with our ever increasing presence. We will lead and guide them, even according to their heed and diligence in coming to us and seeking us.

7. We recommend a similar approach to your own adult children that we have blessed you with. After they are adults and are launched to be able to live a life apart from you, take the cues from them how close they wish to be to you. Always be open and accepting of what they may choose in their lives, loving them individually and allowing them freedom to choose on their own without your control. If you think you have control over their actions, this is not the case, for they will choose what they want to do, with or without your acceptance and love. By continuing to be accepting and non-judging of their behavior, you act in the most open way to encourage a relationship with them that will satisfy both of you. Let them determine the strength of the relationship and bonds you may share, but be ever willing to increase your closeness to them based on their willingness to have you be a part of their life.

8. Your Heavenly Father and I are very happy that you seek us out, morning and night, and give heed to our counsels. We have much to share with you, our prophet, but only reveal to you, even on behalf of many others, according to your own diligence to be close to us and to make time for us in your busy life. When we share our precious truths with you, we trust that you will carefully record these and share them according to our will and timetable, even as we have directed you. We will not be intrusive at all in your life, but will take your lead in the amount of closeness you desire. In this setting and according to these principles, we will direct many of the last days events through you and others who similarly want to be close to us and to follow our gentle promptings. This same pattern is how we give directions to our angels and celestial servants, and to our elect scattered over all the earth, in the spirit world, or in our pre-mortal world. We are always ready to develop a relationship of trust and love with each of our children!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of great truth and counsel this morning! I said I loved her words, and cherished her truths she shared with me. I said I loved her and my Father, and would continue to seek a close relationship with them. I will do as they direct and guide me, and seek their face and presence continually.

My Heavenly Parents then faded away, just like they came this morning. Oh, I am so grateful to be close to them and to gain their presence so often in my own life!

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 22, 2020, Friday

1. I came to the circling waters this morning. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me this very beautiful day. I was kneeling in front of the bench, facing the water.

2. Heavenly Father then came a little above the shore, standing and facing me. He was smiling at me, and holding still while I focused on him, trying to connect with him in my conscious mind. His eyes were so very deep and all knowing.

3. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, we are pleased that you enjoyed such a full day celebrating with your wife on your 45th wedding anniversary yesterday. Events like birth and marriage are very wonderful to celebrate and remember.

4. Our purposes in bringing together a man and a woman in marriage is for them to love each other, and to grow closer together as the years pass. They learn to serve each other in so many varied conditions, even as they age and mature. If they are blessed with children, these add a new dimension of learning and service. Earth life is always full of surprises, and those who come to mortality never know what is coming next. This is by our design, for we want to have lots of growth and learning come to our beloved children, and this will come in no other way.

5. When a couple marry, they marry for the duration of their probationary state, which includes mortality and the spirit world. Even those who have been sealed in the LDS temples before we cut off our church from our priesthood and revelation, or even in the future Church of Christ in the millennium–all of these marriages in the telestial or terrestrial world are temporary. It is a hope for many thus married that they will eventually qualify for an eternal celestial sealing, but this is only done in the Church of the Firstborn, by one of us three who are their Gods: Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or myself. We will have proven them up to that point so that we are assured they are fully qualified and accepted for eternal sealing and marriage, with the sealing done on our celestial orb. They will then be like your Heavenly Mother and me, forever married and sealed together. All previous marriages or sealings that were done on earth will then be dissolved.'

6. Heavenly Father then faded away, and I knew his message had been given. I thanked him, and said I hoped that my own marriage would ultimately be fully approved of him, so that my wife and I could be sealed by the authority of God, so that we both would ultimately become even as he and Heavenly Mother are. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 23, 2020, Saturday

1. Today it is raining outside and chilly. I am glad to have a cozy home and shelter! Next weekend it is supposed to be in the nineties and very hot.

My daughter has been struggling with life, and it worries me a lot. I prayed for her well being with much faith yesterday, and asked my Heavenly Mother to send her light to help her reason better than she was then doing. My daughter was in a very bad state yesterday.

2. I wonder how much God may interfere with wayward children who have chosen or been subjected to a path in sin? I know they are responsible for their own choices, but can we petition God in their behalf?

3. I remember Alma praying for his wayward son Alma the younger. An angel came to his son when he was with the four sons of King Mosiah. Their behavior was no doubt very upsetting to their parents!

4. Mosiah 27:14–

"And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith."

5. I came with these thoughts in my mind, as I went to the desert oasis this morning. I was yearning to have additional light and love to be poured out upon my wayward daughter!

I came and drank living water at the water's edge, and felt clarified. I then knelt on the sand, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me and to calm my mind, and answer my specific prayer.

6. Heavenly Mother then descended upon the waters in front of me, shining her resplendent light all over the entire area! She walked to me above the water in the air, and then stopped before me. She was so full of light and acceptance of me!

7. She spoke: 'Raphael, my son, I will answer your petition to us for your daughter in sending her more of my light upon her. My light will be accompanied by my love and acceptance of her, my daughter who feels despondent with life. I do this because of your pleadings to your Heavenly Father and me, for you have prayed to us in much faith. You have asked that, because of your closeness to us, your Heavenly Parents, that we do this thing for you, and not because of any reason of her own actions.

8. Alma prayed in faith for his wayward son, Alma the younger also. We sent an angel of God to Alma the younger and the four sons of King Mosiah, to convince them of the power of God. This we granted to Alma, the father, his request because of his great faith in us his Gods.

9. We still allowed those, our rebellious sons of Alma and Mosiah, to choose how they would react to the strong message from the angel of God. Likewise, we will still fully allow your daughter to choose what she may do in her life, even though we are sending to her a great abundance of my light and love to her at this time, even after she has chosen paths in her life that would bring sin, darkness and sorrow into her life. You and your wife have taught her clearly, but she has chosen another way. It is because of your prayers and those of your beloved wife that I am extending to her my steady and abundant light that will give her greater reasoning and increased desire to choose the right way. She still has her own full choice, for we have not taken away her moral agency. We too hope she will turn and heal, and come to us! We will then be able to bless her more abundantly, and lead her gently to us, if she chooses to follow our ways.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my prayerful petitions to her and Heavenly Father last night, in sending more light to my daughter! I too want her to choose her own path, and to have a greater amount of enlightenment sent from her own Heavenly Mother. How glad I am that God has heard my prayers!

11. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me. She then said this:

'Raphael, as our servants who love us and have faith in us, pray to us for their loved ones, we will hear their prayers! If these requests are aligned with our plans for the mortal journey of the one for whom they are praying, we will usually grant their petition. However, we will never force any of our children in choosing our ways, or accepting our light or our admonitions. We will always honor their own choices.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear answer to me this morning! I so love her, and told her so. She then faded away and left me. I closed my prayer and got started on my new day.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 24, 2020, Sunday

1. Last night I got to bed late and I hadn't yet communed with my Heavenly Parents! I felt bad, for I could have done so earlier. I had, on the other hand, been typing up my journal entries, and putting in edits that I had found needed fixing. I felt like I couldn't do all that I was expected to do! Earlier in the day, I had worked with my family in our garden, even until late in the evening. This was my state when I went before God in prayer last night.

2. In my prayer last night, Heavenly Mother came next to me, smiling and shining her light and love emanating from her upon me! She spoke peace to my soul:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I love you just as you are, even if you feel you aren't doing all that you might feel we expect of you. We love and accept you just as your are!'

3. She then quickly left and I felt very comforted! I then went to sleep.

4. This morning I awoke refreshed and came to my private room. Sunshine from the east was beaming through my window and brightened up the room. I felt a lot of peace just in being here.

5. I then came before God at the healing lake where I had been last night in my prayer. I came next to the stream on the north side, and drank three times from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and prepared to receive from my Heavenly Parents.

I knelt and asked my Heavenly Father to come to me. He appeared from a misty cloud that appeared. He then walked forward a few steps and was brightly shining before me! I gazed upon his smiling face, and was filled with the joy of his countenance.

6. He then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, you are leading a life that greatly pleases me. I also love you just as you are! All of the things you expect of yourself to do can be done in their own time, as you have time in mortality. Right now you are doing the actions and events that are most important in our celestial realms on the earth. The other things on your list will get done in mortality in their own time.

7. Your mission that you currently fulfill in our celestial realms is by far the most important work and action for you to do now. Those things you do in your conscious mind are not as important to us, your Gods. You will get to everything you have planned to do in your mortal life, in its own time.

8. S wrote you an email this morning that you have read over twice. He wrote about first perceiving me spiritually only in his prayer, then through a glass darkly, and finally in my full countenance and glory, even as you see me now. This is a process we take each of our mortal children through who diligently seek us with humble, sincere and open hearts. You have sought us diligently and continue to do so. We have gradually come to you, even until we regularly visit with you twice a day. We will do so for everyone of our children who approach us with all of their hearts and minds. Everyone who comes to us will receive of our countenance in their own order and time.

9. Ask S to share his email on your post, and then conclude your post 160 with his email. We want you to name this post "The Light of God's Countenance".'

The scripture found in D&C 88:63 then came into my mind from my Father:

10. "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

11. Heavenly Father then stepped closer and embraced me! I felt the joy of his countenance come into me, and fill me with his peace and acceptance!

My vision closed and I now conclude my prayer. I then started my Sabbath day.

12. Here is S's email from this morning:


I hope all is well with you and your family. I wanted to share two recent journals.


In prayer I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I felt to pray that I might be humble and be led by god in my life. I desired my heart to be meek and lowly before god so that I might follow god with all my being. I immediately began to hear Heavenly Father speak to my mind, but I could not see him. He said, "It is I, your Heavenly Father who speaks to your mind clearly. You cannot see me now, but you spiritually perceive me in front of you and my words come clearly to your mind. Consider your prayers earlier in your life when you often repeated thoughts or rote phrases and then went to bed or went on with your day. It took time, practice, and a desire to commune with us your Heavenly Parents. Many are not aware that such communications is even possible. Many records will come forth in Zion as an example of such communion. These records will bolster the faith and give an example for many to follow." At this point I saw Heavenly Father's silhouette behind a thick, dark glass. He continued speaking, "Many of our elect are complacent in their current world. As their expectations for their world and future shatter before their very eyes, many will begin to seek us openly, with no expectations. As their ability to provide for themselves or their family crumbles before them, and their future looks bleak or unsustainable, they will then come before us with open hearts, open minds, and we can then lead them along. Many will come to a point where their only desire is to follow our directions in their life. At this time the glass between us shattered and I saw great light and love beaming from the very presence of my Heavenly Father. He was smiling at me. He spoke, "I long for the day when many of my children may seek my face, desire to enter my presence, and have the light of my countenance to shine upon them!" I thanked my Heavenly Father for his love and message to me this morning. I prayed to recall his message as best I could and record it accurately. I then embraced my Heavenly Father and felt his great love for me. This scene faded from my mind's view as I closed my prayer.

13. 1 Corinthians 13:12

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.


14. D&C 88:51-63. The phrase "light of my countenance" came to my mind, and I searched and found this parable)

"Behold, I will liken these kingdoms unto a man having a field, and he sent forth his servants into the field to dig in the field.

And he said unto the first: Go ye and labor in the field, and in the first hour I will come unto you, and ye shall behold the joy of my countenance.

And he said unto the second: Go ye also into the field, and in the second hour I will visit you with the joy of my countenance.

And also unto the third, saying: I will visit you;

And unto the fourth, and so on unto the twelfth.

And the lord of the field went unto the first in the first hour, and tarried with him all that hour, and he was made glad with the light of the countenance of his lord.

And then he withdrew from the first that he might visit the second also, and the third, and the fourth, and so on unto the twelfth.

And thus they all received the light of the countenance of their lord, every man in his hour, and in his time, and in his season—

Beginning at the first, and so on unto the last, and from the last unto the first, and from the first unto the last;

Every man in his own order, until his hour was finished, even according as his lord had commanded him, that his lord might be glorified in him, and he in his lord, that they all might be glorified.

Therefore, unto this parable I will liken all these kingdoms, and the inhabitants thereof—every kingdom in its hour, and in its time, and in its season, even according to the decree which God hath made.

And again, verily I say unto you, my friends, I leave these sayings with you to ponder in your hearts, with this commandment which I give unto you, that ye shall call upon me while I am near—

Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."


15. 5/22/20:

In scripture study, I reread D&C 88: 51-63 and I pondered its meaning. The phrase "light of my countenance" was spoken by Heavenly Father in my recent prayer and a similar phrase is found in those verses. Each child was promised to receive this gift in their hour on earth if they seek it.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents for one or both to speak to me. I was directed immediately to the space above the earth where I saw Heavenly Father. He was beaming with bright light all about him and I felt great warmth in my heart to be in his presence. He spoke to me, during your last prayer, you perceived my silhouette darkly through the glass, whereas today you perceive my great light shining forth, even my glory. You have sought to seek the lord with all your heart and it is your greatest desire. The promise in Doctrine and Covenants 88:63 is true. Where you stand next to me now, you have never experienced physically but you have seen it in movies. Space has no oxygen, it is cold without the earth's atmosphere to hold in warmth. It lacks the essential elements for our children to survive and flourish. We have provided and control all these things for our children: warmth, light, air, food, water, and all the elements needed to progress. The only thing we do not control is man's agency. We allow each to seek us or to seek Lucifer. We freely allow them to choose for themselves. Those who seek us diligently may knock and experience our voice and our love even as you are doing now, but they must seek it themselves. This is the element in their progression that we do not control."

I felt Heavenly Father's great love for me and all his children. I humbly thanked him for his message as my heart was filled with joy to hear his voice and be in his presence. This scene closed before my view and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.

Have a wonderful Sabbath day with your family,