171. Coming to the New Jerusalem, part 1


This post has 63 references to the New Jerusalem, and 60 references to Zion. Others and I are receiving now a flood of new revelation about Zion, building up of the New Jerusalem, and our part in all of this. Read about this in two parts, this post and the next one. Please pray about your participation in coming to Zion, and what God has in store for you!

Warmly as ever,


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, August 30, 2020

1. This morning I came again to the celestial orb, even to the bench at the desert oasis. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand.

2. I returned to the bench and knelt. I then intended in my heart and mind to come into the glorious presence of my Heavenly Parents. I was then transported to the top of some trees, with a forest below me, before my Heavenly Mother! She was very full of love and acceptance for me, her mortal son who am by no means close to perfect. I felt very humbled to be in her presence!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have received a blessing from S and us three Gods this morning (see this blessing in post 170N10). What you have written about the construction of the New Jerusalem temple is accurate. We gradually reveal our plans to you and others, partly so that they may better absorb them in their mortal hearts and minds. We also buoy them up with our abundant blessings, particularly at this time in the earth's history when the calamities and tribulations in their personal lives will increase.

4. Come here today, among the treetops of our fir forest, just north of our temple, and I will commune with you today again. You have much to do in preparing your most recent post 170 for publication.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words and her additional witness. I felt assured that all would work out as she and Heavenly Father have planned.

6. I then left her presence in my conscious mind, and began my new Sabbath day.

7. Evening–I came to the treetops this evening and met my Heavenly Mother. My sister had asked me the particulars about me walking on foot to the New Jerusalem. She wondered if the group I travel with would know I was married. I wondered where I would leave from and when. I wondered more about the May 2021 date that I had thought I would arrive at the New Jerusalem area. I had lots of questions.

8. Today I was visiting with family and working on post 170 already. These posts come up very quickly these days!

9. Heavenly Mother replied to my questions: 'Raphael, you will arrive next May 2021 at the New Jerusalem area in your first replicated physical body. It will be at that same time period that your second replicated physical body will leave Utah with a group of Latter-day Saints. You will be your same age in both locations, even as you will be in your Utah County, Utah home.

10. For your trek to Zion in your second replicated body, you will come as a widowed man whose wife will have died in the devastating earthquake. In reality, you will be living with her and your son in your home. In the group that you will travel with, you will be the oldest person, and will be like a wise patriarch to the others.

11. When you go immediately to the New Jerusalem area in your first replicated body, you will only stay during the daytime for your work at first, and then return back to your own self in your home in Utah each evening. This process of reappearing there each day will repeat itself every day except on the Sabbath, even until the foundations are laid as we direct you. Once the tribes of Israel from the north come, and the remnants of Israel come from the south, you will then take up residency there with these groups in your first replicated body.

12. When your second replicated body finally arrives in the fall of 2021, you will then become one physical replicated body at the New Jerusalem. It is at this time that your mortal body in Utah will come with your wife and son, all three of you arriving there in your own portal. You will then become one physical body, never to become replicated in a mortal physical body again. However, you will continue to be replicated frequently as the glorious celestial archangel whom you are, just like how you have come to me tonight above these trees on my celestial orb. We will explain at that time how to transport your wife and son with you to the New Jerusalem.

13. Everyone who comes to the New Jerusalem will be tried and tested, and will have their own journey of growth and faith.

14. D&C 105: 5-6, 31-32

"And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself.

And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer.

But first let my army become very great (the army consists of the tribes of Israel from the north and the remnants of Jacob from the south, and as many others of my elect that may come to the New Jerusalem by foot primarily), and let it be sanctified before me, that it may become fair as the sun, and clear as the moon, and that her banners may be terrible unto all nations;

That the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed the kingdom of our God and his Christ; therefore, let us become subject unto her laws."' (words in parenthesis given by Heavenly Mother).

15. Heavenly Mother ended speaking, standing before me in great majesty and power! She then immediately disappeared, and I thanked her in my mind for her marvelou revelation. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, August 31, 2020

1. I reread what I had written last night. I felt confirmed in my heart and mind it was true, even by the Spirit of God.

2. I then received on my phone another very uplifting email from S (see this at the end of my journal entry this morning). I rejoice in what he receives! I am so pleased that he is a second witness to these things, and is a clear conduit of the revelations of God.

3. I know that when we come to Zion we will all need to be humble and obedient to God, and willing to receive the laws of the celestial kingdom. I am excited for these times ahead!

4. This morning I came to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I knelt by the water's edge and drank living water. I then bowed down on the sand, and sought to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father.

5. Heavenly Father then came upon those waters in his glory. I could feel clearly feel his presence, so I lifted up my eyes and saw him smiling before me. He spoke,

6. 'Raphael, you have written correctly your Heavenly Mother's words she gave you last night in your evening prayer. You wondered about your disguise as a widowed man which will not really be true. However, this is how we wish you to appear and be accepted by the group of faithful travelers to Zion, the New Jerusalem. This is part of your disguise you will maintain among them, for we will also be trying their faith when an Angel of God comes among them in disguise.

7. You also received an email with words correctly written by our servant S. He is a faithful witness, and his heart is pure and prepared for Zion, even according to the laws and principles of the celestial kingdom. The trek that he and S.A. and their families and friends experience will be to help refine and purify those in their group that come to Zion.

8. We will have a pure and holy people who arrive at the borders of the land of Zion, the New Jerusalem, seeking entry. You will welcome all, or have others assigned to do this, and only allow the pure and humble to enter. We will protect this entire area by our Godly power.

9. S wrote that there is much more we have to reveal to you before the internet is removed. Once this happens, you will continue receiving but won't be sharing your records as you do now. You will continue to write your words in your journals in your home in Utah. You will bring these records with you to Zion when you come with your wife and son.

10. Your account of each of your mortal physical replications will be in records that you write in separate records in your replicated bodies. These journals will all be gathered in one place when you finally come with your wife and son. These records will be soon published at the New Jerusalem and will be available for those who have qualified to enter into our glorious city. S is correct in what he wrote, that your record will bridge the telestial to the terrestrial world. Your record will be a link between these worlds, "as a witness and testimony of God's great labor among the children of men." (from his email.)

11. D&C 101: 65-66

"Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be;

While the tares shall be bound in bundles, and their bands made strong, that they may be burned with unquenchable fire."

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words! I thanked him for coming to me when I prayed for him to come. I said I wished to remain with him here at the water's edge throughout my mortal day in constant prayer. He nodded his approval to me.

13. I then left his presence in my conscious mind, and began my new week.


I received this email from S the morning of 8-31-2020:

"R, this was the follow up message from my prayer after I responded to you by email yesterday. It pertains to others of the small group receiving Raphael's record.

8-30-20 AM

I sent my record to Raphael this morning as I felt directed by the spirit to do.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the tree of life and knelt under its canopy. Heavenly Mother's presence came, and though I could not see her, her presence was beside me and I heard her words come directly to my mind. She said, 'It is well you sent your record of the blessing to Raphael. He also prays for each one of you to be blessed and strengthened in your faith. You have previously wondered a while ago why this record is received by so few of our children. These things were never intended to be had by a large portion of our children prior to the New Jerusalem being built and the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. We could have revealed many of these things to Joseph Smith but it was not our plan. Our children were not ready to receive such truths and it was needful to try their faith. There is now a small group who receive this record and they will stand as a witness to its truthfulness even before all these things occur. This group's faith has also been tested and tried. There is no other group coming to Zion, the New Jerusalem that has received the full view of what will transpire. There are even many more things that will be revealed in short order because the internet will soon be eliminated. We will cause Raphael to record many great things up until that time, and then the remainder of his record will come forth later, for only he will possess it at that time until he brings it to Zion. Our children will be ready to receive this record because of what they pass through and witness that will bring them to humility. Those who come to Zion will humbly receive these things in due time and witness before their creators that they are true. Truth and knowledge will cover the earth as a flood during the millennium. Raphael's record will be the link between the telestial and terrestrial earth as a witness and testimony of God's great labor among the children of men. If more of our children were ready to receive Raphael's record, it would have been given, but the number who have accepted it as truth will suffice for now until all may buy milk and honey without money and without price (2 Nephi 26:25).

Continue in constant prayer with me this day and I will be by your side.'

Your friend,

14. Evening–I have been pondering on an issue about how God plans to accommodate all the people who will be constantly coming to the New Jerusalem. What about the food and water to sustain them? What about sanitation and disposal of waste? What about housing? When I first come to the New Jerusalem in May 2021, what will be the general order of events I will be doing? S had written me a short email wondering about how the many people would be fed at first, particularly if the land is muddy or filled with lots of water.

15. I came again this evening with these thoughts in my mind, to the desert oasis at the water's edge. Heavenly Father was still standing above the water as he was this morning! He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, you will be the first one to come to the New Jerusalem area, even when it is under water and muddy from the devastating earthquake in your land. Your first work will be to drain the water and to make dry land appear. Once this is initiated, you will secure the entire area of the city and surrounding future fields up to the borders that we have previously shown to you in your post 54Q1 to 54Q4. This area is 26 square miles. You will at first call upon R.B. who is still the leader of the warrior angels, to place sentinels on the border of this center place of Zion. When the tribes of Israel come, they will be charged in building these walls around the land, 5.1 miles per side, in a square shape.

16. Raphael, you will be doing this work alone, with the help of celestial angels at first, to protect the area and to drain the land. You will come as a mortal replicated man, but have all the authority of Raphael, our archangel, who will build the New Jerusalem temple. Each day for about two weeks you will come and go as a replicated mortal, from your home in Utah to the area of the New Jerusalem, before any other mortals arrive. Our intention is that you and the celestial angels and servants prepare the land for the arrival of those mortals coming on foot.

17. After the land is becoming drained and boundaries are being protected, then we wish you and other celestial servants to plant seeds in the recently drained lands inside the borders. There will be a constant flow of living water to the recently drained lands inside the borders. There will be a constant flow of living water from the fissure that is created to the underground cavern of living water (see your post 49 when the angels blessed the waters in the cavern and poured living water in it from pails they took from Lake Beautiful on our celestial orb). In the process of draining the land for habitation, you will direct the angels and celestial servants to make the smaller canals for the living water to flow from the larger canals going to the north, south, east and west. This water will later be used to irrigate the fields where the parks, fields of grain, and garden areas are planted. Much of this layout work, within the borders of the New Jerusalem land, will be done by our celestial servants under your direction and before any other mortal man or woman comes to the area.

18. The seeds will be brought from our celestial orb from plants we wish to grow in this area. These will grow extremely quickly with the spring sun and warmer weather, and the living water used to irrigate.

19. After one month of doing this work of draining the land, creating canals, planting and irrigating the seeds, the first harvest of food will be ready. It is at this time that we will be able to feed our first mortal residents from the terrestrial foods grown there.

20. About this time in June and July 2021, the tribes of Israel from the north will arrive and the remnants of Jacob from the south will start to arrive. You, Raphael, will go out and welcome them as the first groups come to the New Jerusalem! Many will camp inside the borders of the land who will be the craftsmen, artisans, and builders and their families. Others will camp in the lands round about. They too will have access to the living waters that flow out from the fissure to the canals and to areas beyond the immediate borders of the New Jerusalem. This living water will cause whatever they plant to grow exceedingly quickly and become terrestrial food for all, to be eaten by our elect who arrive at the New Jerusalem.

21. It will be at this time that construction of the New Jerusalem temple will truly take shape. Prior to this, you will elevate the outside walls of the temple on their sure foundations, but not much more than this outside structure will be built. The skilled builders and craftsmen will have every talent and skill to create the interior of the temple, and the exterior grounds. Our celestial angels and servants will continue to assist you in all your labors. All throughout this early construction period, you will be a replicated terrestrial mortal man, and will be active in directing all of this work, even as we inspire and direct you.

22. The climate in this area will be beautiful and pleasant so that our mortal residents of the greater New Jerusalem area will sleep in peace and safety in their camps. You will direct those who are skilled to create beautiful areas for these residents to temporarily dwell in, complete with toilet and garbage facilities. Our people will all live in great harmony together, and live simply without many possessions. The land will soon transform to a choice terrestrial spot on the earth, allowing food to be grown in great abundance, and the land and climate to be tempered from its previous telestial state.

23. In a matter of a few months, the land will be entirely transformed to a place similar to the Garden of Eden! There will be enough and plenty for all who come to thrive, and for our temple and city to be quickly built according to our plans and revelations.'

24. I thanked my Father for his amazing revelation he gave me tonight! I said I was eager to get started next spring.

25. I then realized my evening prayer time was completed. I told my Father I loved him and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, September 1, 2020

1. I reread my entry above last night and again this morning. I felt I had recorded correctly Heavenly Father's remarkable words. I was impressed with how quickly the lands will transform and become very beautiful and abundant with living terrestrial food, suited perfectly for the terrestrial elect of God. I am sure I will love doing this work, and witnessing this amazing change.

2. I am excited that we will plant seeds in the boundaries of the New Jerusalem taken from the celestial plants in the celestial orb. This is one reason I'm sure why the angels and celestial servants will plant these on the earth, for they will have permission to access the celestial plants.

3. I believe these celestial seeds will grow into terrestrial plants and fruits, for this is the destiny of the whole earth. I think this will be the first place on earth where the transition to a terrestrial world will occur. I'm sure this will be so exciting to all of us who labor and witness!

4. I came this new sunny day on earth to the cliff overlooking the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. It was clear and I could see God's temple to the far north. I knelt and in my mind intended to come into God's presence. I felt that I was immediately kneeling before my glorious Heavenly Mother in a beautiful meadow setting! She was standing in front of me, a little elevated in the air. I felt her intense light come into me and clarify me! I also felt her deep love for me and all of her elect.

5. She spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, my son, you are correct in what you have written last night from your Heavenly Father. The transition from a muddy and flooded area to one like the garden of Eden will be very quick and remarkable!

6. Your two older archangel brothers experienced something akin to this. Michael came to earth as Adam, and with his wife Eve was placed in a beautiful garden east in Eden. Gabriel and his wife and three sons and wives left the ark and came to an area recently flooded, with many muddy areas that needed to be drained so they could plant and start anew a world where our children could live and flourish again. You, Raphael, will be privileged to begin the start of the terrestrial earth in the New Jerusalem area. You will direct many celestial and mortal men and women to help transform the muddy flooded land into a terrestrial heaven on earth. This is your mission we have been preparing you to do!

7. We are allowing our celestial servants to gather and plant seeds grown on our celestial orb. This was most recently done to prepare the garden of Eden before Adam and Eve came. These plants will be selected for their beauty and their ability to feed and satisfy the hunger of the many who will soon come to the centerplace of Zion, even the New Jerusalem.

8. We want the land to the borders of the New Jerusalem to be filled with beauty and abundant growing food for the weary travelers to Zion to finally rest and eat their fill. We want them to drink freely of the living terrestrial waters that will flow from the fissure at the center spot of Zion. This food and drink will greatly revive them and further change their bodies to become strong, terrestrial mortal beings, filled with the love of God and for their fellow elect who are gathered there.

9. We will protect all with our Godly powers, for "no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord" (Isaiah 54:17).

10. Your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and I will come among the newcomers to the land of Zion in disguise frequently, to welcome and work side by side with them. This experience for us will bring great joy and satisfaction. All will live in love and harmony.

11. Speaking on this very land in Jackson County, Missouri, Joseph Smith our prophet received this revelation in 1831, one hundred ninety years earlier than its fulfillment.

D&C 59:1-3

"Behold, blessed, saith the Lord, are they who have come up unto this land with an eye single to my glory, according to my commandments.

For those that live shall inherit the earth, and those that die shall rest from all their labors, and their works shall follow them; and they shall receive a crown in the mansions of my Father, which I have prepared for them.

Yea, blessed are they whose feet stand upon the land of Zion, who have obeyed my gospel, for they shall receive for their reward the good things of the earth, and it shall bring forth in its strength."

12. Raphael, we are in a meadow on the celestial orb now, where you have never visited before. When you come today, in constant prayer, to think and muse on these things, I will be here to answer any questions you may have. Oh, these times of the start of the New Jerusalem thrill my soul and give me much joy!'

13. I said I would come to this meadow to think on these beautiful thoughts, and perhaps to receive her further explanations! I said how pleased I was with this revelation, and how much I loved her too!

14. I then came back in my conscious mind to my private room where I was writing all of this in my journal and then started my new day, on this, the first day of September 2020.

15. Evening–Tonight I came again to the new meadow and met with my Heavenly Mother. I didn't really know where I was going, but since my replicated celestial self was already there, I came there right away.

16. Heavenly Mother greeted me with a smile! I had spoken with her throughout the day I know, in my unconscious mind. However, I don't know the details of what we talked about.

17. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what I shared with you this morning about your travels and actions in the New Jerusalem next spring is sufficient for you to know in your conscious mind now. I have shared much more with you today, however, in your unconscious mind, here at my meadow. This meadow is on the way up to the high mountaintop to the southeast of my upper gardens. It is not far away from the meadow of buttercups that you have been to before.

18. There will be others in your small email group besides you, S and S.A. that come to Zion this next spring in 2021. They may each ask of us and either their Heavenly Father or I will answer. We have detailed experiences we want each of our elect to gain before coming to Zion, the New Jerusalem. If any ask of us, we will lead them to understand our will for their journey. Some may come to other cities that will be later established across the promised land. Some may be there with you as a mortal angel or mortal celestial servant to help in the work you will begin. Some of the elect on your land, called the Gentiles by Mormon in the Book of Mormon, will come to the New Jerusalem also, and assist the remnant of Jacob and the tribes which have been lost:

19. 3 Nephi 21: 23-26

"And they (the elect Gentiles) shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob (the elect descendents of the Nephite and Lamanite nations), and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem.

And then shall they assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem.

And then shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst.

And then shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day, shall the work of the Father (and Mother) commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father (and Mother) hath led away out of Jerusalem." (words in parenthesis by Heavenly Mother).

20. Whenever this and other scriptures say "the Father's work", it is also my work, for the Father and I are one, and I am now being revealed among our elect as an equal and prominent God with the Father. Up until this point, I have been purposefully hidden, but now no longer. In the millennial day, our children on earth will commune with the Father as frequently as they do with me.

21. Raphael, it is late and you are tired. Come here again to this meadow and your Heavenly Father and I will instruct you further.'

22. I thanked her for her words, and said I loved her and would obey her. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, September 2, 2020

1. I have been having a hard time being able to get to sleep in the past few weeks. It is hard for me to quiet down my mind, for I have many thoughts racing through my mind. I wondered if my Gods are filling my unconscious mind with lots of truths that I am not consciously aware of.

2. When I awoke this morning I read a short grateful email from S.A., and a longer email from S (see at the end of my entry this morning). In this email he wondered about how we can be prepared for Zion, in such a short time frame. He wondered how we could change from being raised in a culture and modern society that is far from a heavenly society, in so short a time. S also shared his own experience in prayer where I called him to be the spiritual captain of his group who would travel to Zion with him. Heavenly Mother told him he was to teach each one in his group in their unconscious mind, while they were asleep, the truths of Zion. This would change their conscious heart and mind, having first been spiritually taught in their unconscious spirit. Heavenly Mother told him that their elect children will more speedily transition and be quickened in their learning process than would otherwise be possible.

3. I have myself been receiving many more truths and conditioning of my heart and mind in my unconscious mind. I believe I have been receiving these teachings from our Gods during my constant prayer time and now also at night when I (try) to sleep. I usually fall asleep to Mormon Tabernacle Choir music that I find restful that helps me relax into a slumber.

4. These are the thoughts I had when I began my morning prayer today.

5. I came again to the new meadow where my Heavenly Mother had directed me to come last night. As I came into the meadow from the nearby forest, I saw a small stream of living water next to me. I knelt by it and drank from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and clarified in my mind and receptive to whatever God might tell me.

6. I then walked into the meadow along a grassy path with no flowers. All around me were beautiful arrays of flowers of every color and hue. The grass path led me to my Heavenly Parents who were shining brightly in their light. I approached them with a joyful heart to be again in their presence! I knelt in front of them and looked up into their smiling and accepting faces.

7. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I want to share with you how we are conditioning each one of our elect children on earth to change their hearts and minds to be receptive to our voice and Spirit.

8. We have recently asked each of our seven male archangels and seven female archangels to come into our throne room in our celestial temple. We have instructed them to call and commission certain individuals among them to be spiritual teachers of others. We inspire each of these called to teach the other elect in small groups, in their unconscious minds, mostly in the time their bodies rest while they are sleeping.

9. All of these spiritual instructors have now been chosen and called to instruct every night. These all come to places of instruction on our celestial orb or in areas on the celestial realms on the earth. We have guided each one to be able to enter these celestial realms, for they were not yet all clean and pure. They were also prepared in their hearts and minds to receive the truths and laws of the celestial kingdom, for they have been living in a fallen world where darkness and falsehoods have been taught them from their youth. Come with us now, Raphael, as we visit a group who is being taught by one of our elect daughters.'

10. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother extended their outside hands to me, for they were standing next to each other facing me. I stood and took their hands. They then turned and together we elevated into the celestial sky above the meadow and nearby forest. We then traveled with great speed to another part of the celestial orb that I recognized. We descended to God's Loving Healing Lake slowly as we came down, I saw several groups of the elect gathered in various areas. We came to one where a woman was teaching a dozen or so others who were sitting on the grass, listening to her. I could see she was filled with the Holy Ghost, for the light from my Heavenly Mother whom I was holding hands, arched over to this woman's head and filled her entire being! She was teaching by the Comforter, even from my Heavenly Mother, the great truths of the gospel and principles of the celestial kingdom that are necessary to accept to establish Zion, the pure in heart.

11. At this moment I yearned to know whether my once wayward last daughter, who now has amazed my wife and I with her dramatic change in heart, and her recent actions of being very open and receptive to the things of God, has been prepared and taught in a similar group of instruction.

12. Heavenly Mother knew my feelings and spoke to me: 'Raphael, look among the group that this instructor is teaching!'

13. I looked and then recognized my own daughter among the group! I could see that she was very receptive to the words and teachings from this sister who was speaking to her. I saw the light from my Heavenly Mother flowing from the teacher into my daughter, and being fully received and the teachings believed.

14. I started crying for joy to see this, for my daughter had only recently been in a very bad situation and was even contemplating suicide at times. She had since moved back to Utah County, gotten into an apartment of girls next to Brigham Young University, and goes now to every church meeting and activity. She visits us frequently, and we are amazed at her changes, and rejoice at her openness.

15. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, your daughter is one of our elect children whom we have chosen! She is very receptive to our truths and will be numbered among those who come to Zion. She may have strayed from us in the past, but she is now receptive to my Spirit and is very motivated to change her life. As you have seen, she keeps surprising you and your wife with her actions to be more aligned with gospel teachings that you both have so well taught in all her growing up years.

16. Raphael, there are many of our elect in all walks of life, in all situations, that are now being taught in our celestial realms here or on the earth. Each one is now being conditioned in their heart and mind, even by the power of the Holy Ghost, who is me, their eternal Heavenly Mother. Our celestial truths are being poured into their receptive and hungry souls, and they are being led and prepared to come to Zion.

17. S is correct in his email to you wherein he wondered why it took our prophet Enoch many years to prepare his people for Zion, whereas in your day this preparation will happen very quickly. The way we are affecting this great change and receptiveness in the hearts and minds of our beloved elect children is by having them taught in their unconscious minds in our celestial realms of glory. We are bringing all of our elect into our celestial environment by quickening them to be able to enter. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has fully pronounced them clean and forgiven them so that they may enter. This is why S saw Jesus as the keeper of the gate speak: "Arise, take up thy bed and walk. Whether I say take up thy bed and walk, or thy sins are forgiven you, it is the same. You are cleansed through faith in me and my atonement." (see S's email below).

18. Jesus Christ, our great mediator for all mankind, has pronounced that these elect are clean and forgiven. They are now commanded to take up their beds and walk, or to come to these groups and be taught, even in our celestial realms of glory. Finally, all of these, our elect, are being taught directly from me through our called spiritual instructors, like this woman who has been teaching your daughter. This is the way we are preparing the hearts and minds of our elect children in so short of a time.

19. Raphael, were this not so, the world you now live in would self-destruct in the war, evil and calamity coming upon the earth. We are very actively preparing our elect to receive, even in their conscious mortal selves, the call to Zion. They will recognize this call, for they will have been taught from me the glorious truths of the celestial kingdom that will exist in Zion. The changes in your mortal world will dramatically change! In not many months, you will be laying the foundations of Zion in the very center of your land of promise!'

20. I bowed my head in great awe and reverence for these truths I had just received from my Heavenly Parents who were before me! I felt overcome with joy and happiness for the elect who were now being prepared to receive, in the flesh, the true principles of Zion. I knew they would have great faith sufficient to make their journey to Zion however that would come to them in the near future.

21. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, stay with us in our meadow today in constant prayer. We will continue to teach you even in your unconscious mind many of these truths that our groups are teaching in our celestial realms. We are teaching and preparing you also how to shoulder your leadership responsibilities that will be heavy, but made light through our constant direction to you.'

22. I thanked my Heavenly Father. I said I would stay by their sides and be trained and tutored today at the meadow.

23. My prayer then abruptly ended in my conscious mind. I then started my new day on earth.


24. I received this email from S on 9-2-2020:


Yesterday, as I drove home from work I spoke to my sister S.A. about what we have recently typed up. We both wondered aloud the same question. Our question was how people traveling to Zion could be ready spiritually in such a short time as it may take to journey there. (We were thinking of our own selves, family and children whom we try to teach love and kindness to each other DAILY!! We could see how the tribes from the inner earth were already humble and preparing for Zion at this time) We felt our culture and what we have experienced and learned in modern society is likely far from a heavenly society or one that would dwell in Zion. Enoch worked with the people for hundreds of years to get them to a Zion society. We have seen our own growth in the last several years as we have read, pondered, and prayed about the words recorded in the book of Raphael. We have rejoiced to learn how to come to our Heavenly Parents in prayer. We have recognized our own progress, but also see our weakness and shortcomings. It appeared to us that change can be a slow process.

With that in mind, I would like to share what I received last night and hear your thoughts and input. I was not specifically thinking of any question as I went to pray, but I was simply excited to feel their love and be in their presence.

25. 9/1/20 PM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to the gate leading to the tree of life. Jesus Christ stood before me as the keeper of the gate. I knelt before him and expressed my love and gratitude for his atonement. I was aware of my weaknesses and shortcomings as I knelt before him. He spoke to me, 'Arise, take up thy bed and walk.' I stood before him and he continued, 'whether I say take up thy bed and walk or thy sins are forgiven you, it is the same. You are cleansed through faith in me and my atonement. Continue on your journey to the tree of life.'

I next was there at the tree of life partaking of the fruit and a leaf. I felt at peace and full of light. I then was directed to the Temple throne room. My Heavenly Parents were both seated before me. As I looked around, I saw the seven archangels were standing in a semi-circle in front of me. Raphael came and stood before me. He spoke, "I have been directed to call you as a spiritual captain to the group who will journey to Zion with you.' (I wondered what that meant) At this time Heavenly Mother spoke, "You questioned how such great spiritual growth would occur quickly for those traveling by foot to Zion. You will begin to teach each one in your group in their unconscious, while they sleep, the truths of Zion. They will have a change of heart and mind that will begin in their spirit and impact their true desires and heart. Their spirits will first awaken to the grandeur of Zion and they will change physically in their minds and hearts second. Our elect hear our voice and obey. They will more speedily transition as their unconscious mind learns and grows in the light of Zion. They will have an enhanced and quickened learning process much faster than would otherwise be possible. This will be a great blessing and gift to our children.

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this great blessing as this scene closed to my view.

26. Afterwards as I pondered this message, I thought of your numerous entries where you stayed to commune with our Heavenly Parents but did not have a conscious recollection of what was said. Even recently you wrote that this occurred at night when you were taught a new concept, and when you awoke you had a greater understanding and acceptance of the truth you were taught.

I would appreciate your thoughts and insight into this matter.

Your friend,


27. Evening–I have enjoyed a very busy day and got a lot done. I know at the same time my Heavenly Parents were instructing me on my new leadership role in my unconscious mind. If they will be constantly beside me, why do I need to wonder or fear? I will be in constant communion with them in a constant prayer mode, and just need to connect to my unconscious mind to hear what they say to me.

28. I shared with my wife all about my experience in seeing our youngest daughter being taught by the woman in my vision. I told her that the light of God was flowing into our daughter and that she was accepting this as one who was truly hungry would gobble up their food. I started crying as I was relaying this, and overcome with emotion. She hugged me, then asked if I had seen anything with regards to our other daughter, which I had not.

29. I had these thoughts in my mind when I came again to the beautiful meadow to visit with my Heavenly Parents.

30. I immediately came before both my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who were standing above the flowers of the meadow in the air. I was kneeling before them.

31. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Mother and I have taught you here all day long since you left us this morning. We are showing you different situations that you will encounter, that would be difficult to solve except for our guidance. When these situations arise, you will unconsciously know what to do. When you ask of us, we will tell you again and then you will remember all the details we had previously shared with you.

32. You have wondered about your second daughter. She will be away for a short season, and return more healed and settled. Fear not for her, for she is in our hands and is also being instructed in our celestial realms!

33. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this tidbit of information and felt great relief. I told him that being a parent to grown children is difficult since we can no longer tell them what to do, or in any way govern their actions. We can pray for them, accept them and love them, even as they will allow.

34. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, your youngest son, A., who lives with you will not get appreciably better from his brain injury that he sustained on his LDS mission until he drinks living water and eats the terrestrial foods and herbs grown in the New Jerusalem. In time, while living there, he will gradually gain full operation again of all the mental faculties he had before his injury!'

35. I thanked my Heavenly Mother profusely for sharing this with me tonight! I felt so full of joy to have this hope in his full healing, someday in the future.

36. She continued: 'Raphael, many of our elect have loved ones who have been injured or are crippled by the seemingly random consequences of living in a fallen telestial world. When they bring to Zion these injured loved one, most will receive great blessings including restoration of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functions. Our many healing plants and foods, plus the terrestrial living water, will have a remarkable effect on their mortal body. Many will be healed and become whole again. Oh what joy will fill their hearts, and those of their loved ones, who witness and experience these changes!

37. D&C 59:3

"Yea, blessed are they whose feet stand upon the land of Zion, who have obeyed my gospel; for they shall receive for their reward the good things of the earth, and it shall bring forth in its strength."

38. The good things of the earth, in its strength in Zion, the New Jerusalem, will be sufficient to correct human ailments, diseases, and body systems and organs that need correcting, in most instances.'

39. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their beautiful revelations they gave to me tonight! I said I was so pleased with my visit in my conscious mind this evening, and for my instructions today in my unconscious mind.

40. They then gradually both started ascending into the celestial sky above, and soon were departed. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, September 3, 2020

1. I came this morning to my private room in which to meditate and pray. I came to the fir forest next to the overlook by the fallen oak tree. I knelt on the soft forest floor. I pulled up my healing seer stone and it was glowing. I was curious why? I knew it shone when, in the past, I completed healing sessions for the complete healing methods (see my post 7B1). I gazed into my healing seer stone and desired to come into the presence of one or both of my Heavenly Parents.

2. I then realized I was surrounded by intense bright light. I asked in my mind that I might see more clearly, for the light was so intense that I was temporarily blinded. The light then lessened for me, and I saw my beautiful Heavenly Mother before me standing! She was on a gold path I thought, and there were trees on either side of her with beautiful vegetation around.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me in my mind: 'Raphael, your healing seer stone was glowing when you looked into it this morning. My light that is shining came through to your stone, for it was here that you were to come and I called you forth. You came here through my channel of light that you saw in your stone, even into my presence, here in front of the domed room.

4. I have given you the experience of being blinded temporarily with the light of my presence for you to see again how different the shift from your telestial world is to the celestial world. All of our elect on the earth are now being taught by me through this intense light of the Holy Ghost that I am sending to them, even in my celestial realms in their unconscious minds. My revelation and truths are being infused into them, accompanying this light. To those who receive this light and truth, it is such a remarkable shift from their world they are used to in mortality. Like your daughters, they are thirsting for my truths and receiving as much light and knowledge as they can absorb. Being the elect of God, they desire the things of God that come by way of my Holy Spirit.

5. 1 Corinthians 2: 9-11, 14

"But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (This is what our elect are now receiving and being taught)

But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (I send my truths to them by the light of the Holy Ghost).

For what man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even to the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."(Raphael, these truths from me can only be understood by our elect who hunger after these truths, and are illuminated by my light that teaches them, even through my Spirit. These elect are quickened by the Father and I, and come into our celestial realms to be capable of fully understanding these things of God. We know each one, and we see how they have been willing to receive and obey our truths. Those who are not our elect, or the natural man or woman, would not receive them, or understand them, or value our truths. Our "elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts." (D&C 29:7)).(words in parentheses given by Heavenly Mother)!

6. I told my Heavenly Mother I cherished her words, I write them down so as not to forget them, and I look to obey her and Heavenly Father in all things. I said I loved the truth and would seek her revelations always.

7. 'Raphael, this is how our elect feel and how they will act, even in mortality when they again receive in the flesh our Spirit to direct them. They may not remember consciously what I have taught them in the celestial realms, but their hearts and minds will be drawn to the directions our Spirit gives them. When they come to Zion, their hearts and minds will thus be conditioned to drop the things of their past and receive fully the things of God. They will receive the laws of the celestial kingdom gladly.

8. D&C 88:22

"For he who is not able to abide the law of the celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory."

9. All those who are quickened by the Father and I and come into our celestial realms in their spirit to be taught, already abide the law of the celestial kingdom. This is what they are willing and eager to receive.

10. Raphael, I will be here on the golden path outside the domed room all the day long for you. I will continue to teach you directly here, even while you labor and live your day on earth. You are replicated before me and gladly receive my teachings, for you are one of the elect whom the Father and I have chosen.'

11. I thanked her for the new insights she gave to me, and for her offer to be with me today in constant prayer. I told her how much I loved her.

12. I then consciously left her presence, came back to my private room on earth, and started my new day.

13. I worked hard physically today. It was warm and sunny. I have four hats I rotate, and when the headband of one gets wet with my sweaty head, I use another. Today I went through three hats. I feel pretty tired now after a hard day's work.

14. I worked on post 170 today and almost have it ready to email to my small group. These take me hours to create, but I hope the finished product is acceptable to God and enjoyed by those who read and ponder over these revelations.

15. I came to my Heavenly Mother on the golden path near the domed room tonight. She was smiling and extended her hand to me. I stood and we walked together to the north down this golden path.

16. She spoke while we walked: 'Raphael, this is the same path we took years ago when I was showing you our celestial orb for the very first time. At that time you couldn't see anything spiritual, but relied on my word only. I told you where we were and what I saw, but you couldn't see anything. Your connection between your conscious mortal mind and your unconscious mind was very weak. Since that time you have grown a great amount in your spiritual perception and the clarity of your vision.

17. Your Father and I wish to push your spiritual perception to another level, even before your conscious and unconscious minds merge. We will reveal a great deal to you over the coming month, and in this process you will be blessed to see even more clearly spiritual things from us, and hear with more clarity.'

18. We were now at the top of the switchback path, and turned to see God's Loving Lake below us.

19. Heavenly Mother then reached over to my eyes with her fingers and touched each one. Her fingers went into my eyes, and this surprised me, but then I knew she was appearing to me in her spirit. When she removed her fingers, my eyes seemed to have been cleared of something, for I saw her more clearly!

20. 'Raphael, your Father and I will repeat this process several times this month of September 2020. Each time we do, we will remove some obstacles in your sight so that you will see more clearly spiritual things.'

21. She then took her index fingers and placed them in my right and left ears. She removed them and spoke:

'Raphael, I have also cleared your spiritual hearing so that you might hear our words with more clearness and be assured you have heard us speak to your mind, and not from yourself.'

22. She then took my hand again and we started walking hand in hand in the air over the path leading down to the lake. When we were over the lake we stopped. She faced me and then spoke:

23. 'Raphael, meet your Heavenly Father here tomorrow, over our beautiful healing lake, in the morning. He will speak to you then.'

24. I thanked her for her words, and for helping me see and hear spiritual things more clearly! I said I loved to be in her presence.

25. As I gazed upon her, I saw more clearly her lovely face, her hair, and her eternity eyes than I think I have ever seen before! I expressed joy in my new sight. She smiled and then said she had to leave. She let go of my hand, turned and was gone!

26. I thanked her again for this wonderful vision of her face! I closed my prayer in Jesus Christ's name, and retired to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, September 4, 2020

1. I mused over my experience at the end of my prayer while I fell asleep last night. I felt so pleased to have seen my Heavenly Mother at an age probably in her twenties that we would consider on the earth. I believe she has chosen this age to appear to me, and probably to others as well I assume. In the past I have seen her eternity eyes, so cheery and sparkling, but somehow her face was somewhat blurred to me. Last night I saw her long brown hair, a few inches beyond shoulder length, and a beautiful youthful adult face. This was so exciting for me to see her more clearly!

2. I generally see my Heavenly Father, however, as a bearded man with a white beard and white head of hair. I have also seen him as what I think would be a twenty to thirty year old adult man. Maybe they appear differently to us mortals as they desire, or as the circumstance merits.

3. I came to the area in the celestial sky over God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt in the air and asked in my mind for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

4. In a few moments my Heavenly Father stood in glory before me! He was smiling and appeared to me as a mature man with white hair and a trimmed short beard. His eternity eyes were very deep and full of confidence and power.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, when your beautiful Heavenly Mother removed obstacles from your eyes last night, you could see more clearly spiritual things. You saw her also more clearly than you have in the past. This was her replicated spirit, for that is how she usually appears to our children. She also prefers to appear as a young adult woman like in her twenties on earth.

6. I prefer to generally appear as a more seasoned mature man, even as you see me now with white hair. However, either your Mother or I may appear at any age we wish to our children. You may always recognize us through our eternity eyes which remain the same. I usually appear to you as a white haired mature man, and your Heavenly Mother usually appears to you as a younger adult woman.

7. When we will come among our children on earth in disguise without our glory, we may appear at any age, or even change the look of our faces. However, for those who know us and would recognize us, as you would, you can always tell who we are by our unique eternity eyes.

8. The ability to disguise ourselves is one of the capabilities we have as Gods. We occasionally allow some of our celestial servants, or even our mortal servants or angels, to disguise themselves in similar ways as we may do. When you walk to Zion, you will have no need to be disguised to your small group of travelers, for they will not have known you before. Once you arrive at the New Jerusalem, your two physical bodies will become one, and each group of people who recognized you will continue to recognize you. Soon your traveling group will realize that you also are in charge of the building up of the New Jerusalem. They will then realize that you must have been replicated in your travels with them.

9. We rarely allow our children to see us in two places at the same time. We did this for you to teach you about replication. It now seems very natural to see us singly or replicated, for you understand this capability we have as Gods.

10. Most any of our attributes and abilities we may share with you or our children temporarily, by our power, such as replication or disguise. It is only through our power that you are replicated in your celestial translated physical body before me now while also writing this experience in your mortal terrestrial state on the earth.

11. We may show you the past or the future as we will, all by our power, for we see all the past, present and future thoughts and actions of our children. Your Mother and I are always aware of all, and fully in charge of what may come to you and each of our children.

12. We also may sustain you in your mortal body so that you don't need food for a season. We may heal your ailments, or sustain you at any age we wish, even through the millennium. We are fully capable to adjust such things by our will and inherent powers.

13. Meet with me today, here above our healing lake in the air, in our celestial orb, in constant prayer. I will also be teaching you more about your upcoming mission, even in your unconscious mind.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for being by my side all the day long! I then exited consciously his presence, and finish now my journal entry until later today.

15. Evening–My wife and I went on a bike ride this evening and it was so pleasant. There was a nip of coolness in the air. We could see trees on our mountain changing colors and I knew fall was around the corner.

16. Today M.A. sent to me another video from Pastor Dana Cornerstone where he talks of more visions he had about December and the New Year. What he has seen fits in very well with what I have seen and been told.

17. I also read briefly the account of Sara Menet's vision of the near future. What she saw in vision is also very aligned to what I saw and received. I wondered about the "tremendously long winter that caught everyone by surprise following the siege of sickness." I had heard from my Heavenly Mother that we would have a mild winter this coming year. I wanted to ask my Heavenly Father about these winters and how they would come upon us in America. I think the winters in Visions of Glory was mild when the earthquake came to Utah and the troops appeared.
Sara Menet vision

18. I came and knelt in the air above God's Loving Healing Lake. My Heavenly Father was standing before me in glory, with his light shining all around.

19. He immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, this coming winter will be mild as your Heavenly Mother has told you. However, there will be a very intense winter the following year. This is the winter that Sarah Menet saw in her vision of America and the world, which is mostly a true account. There were a few details that need correcting, but she was seeing in vision one scene then another, in different parts of the world, in quick succession, but a few items are out of order or timed wrong. Overall it is a very good account of what will come to the world.

20. During the upcoming cold winter, the people who will have come to the New Jerusalem area will not experience this severe winter, for the earth will have been tempered and already changed to a terrestrial glory in that vicinity. Our work will continue in this region during the same time as the rest of the promised land will experience this very cold winter.

21. The cold winter, diseases, and famine will be difficult tribulations for those who are our elect, but who have not come to Zion this coming summer of 2021. The tribes of Israel from the north and the remnants of Jacob from the south will all have been gathered into the safe garners of the New Jerusalem area, along with as many of the elect gentiles as will come this first year. After the cold winter, others will also come in the following summers primarily by foot.

22. Raphael, you were listening to your post 109 and heard about the shifting of the earth during the future time when Nibiru will again come close by the earth (see your post 109G10). You will command Nibiru to come and initiate the devastation upon the earth, according to our commands (see your post 109H1 to 109H11, particularly post 109H6), even as Gabriel did anciently to initiate the worldwide flood. Your Heavenly Mother and I will let you know when to command Nibiru to come near the earth this coming year, but we won't let you know until it is time.

23. There will be many such timely revelations and directions we will give to you when it is fully accomplished for the action to be taken. You will keep a faithful record of our directions to you and of your actions. Many of these will not be able to be shared on your email list until you meet again in the New Jerusalem with your records. We want each one of our elect to write their own accounts in their separate journals, one day to share with their posterity and the faithful.

24. It is now time to end our constant prayer tonight. Come again in the morning and we will tell you then where your Heavenly Mother and I will meet with you.'

25. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelations of truth I received tonight. He then ascended up into the sky and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, September 5, 2020

1. I have been thinking about how God has his mortal prophets initiate the coming of Nibiru and its destructions upon the land at different times. This happened during the great flood when Gabriel commanded Nibiru to come near the earth and release the waters of the great deep. It next happened when Moses raised his staff above the Red Sea and it divided allowing Israel and the armies of Pharaoh to pass initially on dry ground, and then close again over the invading armies. And thirdly, it will happen again when I, Raphael, command Nibiru to come again near the earth to cause great devastation again, to reattach the dipole masses to initiate the continents to move back to one continent, and to cause a very large earthquake in America. God uses his servants to act as they are prompted to initiate great changes on the land.

2. I suspect the prompting I will receive as Raphael to initiate Nibiru coming will be at the moment of it happening. This will probably be by a still small voice like Moses received:

3. D&C 8: 2-3

"Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind, and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.

Now behold, this is the spirit of revelation, behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."

4. I want to be continually in tune to my Gods so that if they wish to share anything with me, or want me to do anything, I will be able to hear them and initiate the actions that they request.

5. I came this lovely new day into my private room in my house to pray and meditate. My wife and son are both up and doing things. This practice is commonplace every day while I remain secluded for a time.

6. I came to the desert oasis this morning and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and came back to the bench to pray. I asked that I come to my Heavenly Parents where I might commune with them in constant prayer. I then came before them in their throne room in their temple on the celestial orb! I was standing before them. They were both sitting but Heavenly Mother arose when I appeared and stood in front of them.

7. My Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have confirmed what your Father revealed to you last night after he departed, and felt assured that you had perceived and written correctly his words. In your post entry, insert the website links to Pastor Dana's dream and Sara Menet's vision of 1979. There may be some who will want to watch or read these.

8. We give our dreams, visions and revelations to our humble servants whom we desire, at the time of our choosing. You are correct that you won't know the timing of the coming of Nibiru until this small glowing star needs to come near the earth. I will prompt you, by the Holy Ghost, to come into our presence and command Nibiru to make its descent near the earth at the moment it needs to happen.

9. We tutor and train our servants, test and watch them, until we ask them to do some great thing by our command. At the time you command Nibiru in our name and by our power, you will have been thoroughly trained, tested and prepared. Shortly after this you will arrive in the New Jerusalem area in your replicated physical being and follow exactly our directions, even as our Branch, our prophet to change this area into the New Jerusalem. Many others will know we inspire you and have chosen you, and will help in this extensive effort.

10. Until that time, continue coming to us in constant prayer as you are doing today. We will give to you our abundant revelations and you will act on what we ask you to do.'

11. Heavenly Father then stood and came next to Heavenly Mother. They held hands and he spoke: 'Raphael, you have learned that mortality has both positive and happy moments, and those that are negative and sad or disappointing. We want you and our elect children to accept what comes to them, both the good and bad, and to roll with these changes and the ups and downs in their lives. We want them to come to us in prayer, that we may clear the way for them to accomplish whatever we ask of them. We want them to ask of us in prayer what they would desire, and to be open to our directions. We will then bless them with our miracles in their lives. They will know we are the Gods of miracles, and in due time will bless them with every good thing.

12. Come here to our throne room as you desire today, into our presence, to be with us in constant prayer. We will be close to you and will guide and inspire you as you live today.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their messages today, and to be in their presence. I then came back to my mortal self, writing in my journal. I then started my new day on earth.

14. Evening–After dinner tonight I felt very exhausted, for I had worked in the sun with my son preparing our ground greenhouses. We sifted all of the soil after adding about 2-3 inches of compost from the bottom of our compost pile. It is now ready to plant our greens for winter!

15. I was relaxing on the couch after dinner and thought to myself: 'Why am I not stronger to work outside all day long without getting so fatigued?" Immediately my Heavenly Mother answered in her voice I am familiar with, in my mind:

'Raphael, you are 69 years old now and a mortal man. You are subject to all the mortal body 'conditions such as getting tired and sleep. You will continue to get tired throughout your mortal life, even into the millennial terrestrial world. We may suspend your mortal aging, but you will still be subject to needs of the mortal body such as needing food, water and sleep.'

16. I was impressed to have heard my Heavenly Mother in my everyday life without me making an effort to connect with my unconscious mind.

17. Later–My son wanted to build a campfire after dark and we both went out to our fire ring. It was relaxing just to sit and watch the fire. I could see the milky way and the constellations scorpius and sagittarius, towards the center of the galaxy where the celestial orb is located. I knew I came there frequently, yet it is so far away.

18. I came to the celestial orb tonight in my unconscious mind, even to the throne room in God's temple. I was standing before my Heavenly Parents, who were standing in front of their throne chairs.

19. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you come here to our celestial orb in your replicated physical body each time you pray to us. You are correct that the center of our galaxy is next to where our celestial orb is actually located. We give you our power to move across our galaxy in an instant, and to come before us in constant prayer.

20. You have wondered why you need to be a mortal man to build the temple at the New Jerusalem, or to perform the waters of separation ordinances for our elect in that temple.

21. We required your two archangel brothers, Michael and Gabriel, to be mortal men when they did their important work on the earth. Adam brought forth the start of all the children of men in a mortal world, and Noah brought forth the great flood and saved his seven other family members in the ark, and started anew a new world while in mortality.

22. Similarly, the telestial to the terrestrial change will be a new start for our children who come into the millennial world for their mortal probation. You will be instrumental in this transition for our elect mortal children. We require you to be a mortal man in doing this work, and to be one of those who live on the transitioning earth. We will arrest your aging that you would normally experience so that your service will remain at your future age of 70 years old. You will remain at your vitality and strength level that you will have attained on your 70th year throughout the millennium. This arresting of your age and strength ability will be by virtue of your own celestial translation.

23. Although a mortal man, you will administer the waters of separation ordinance with Oriphiel to celestial resurrected beings, translated beings, and mortal beings. Each one will need to have been thoroughly tested and accepted by Jesus Christ for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn. You will come to the candidates in your celestial translated being state when administering this entry ordinance. You will be wearing your celestial angel vestures. However, you will still be a mortal man, for you will not yet have died and will be living as a mortal terrestrial man in the city of the New Jerusalem. This is the state we want you to serve our children who enter into our celestial Church of the Firstborn.'

24. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words, and for Heavenly Mother to have spoken to me in my mind so clearly earlier in the evening.

I knew my time in prayer was finished. I closed my prayer and returned to earth to retire to bed after a hard work day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, September 6, 2020

1. I am ready to have a Sabbath day. I came to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden and knelt to drink of the living water there. There is such peace here! I felt refreshed, and intended to come again before my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother in constant prayer. I then came into the clouds, somewhere above the land on the celestial orb. I was kneeling before my Heavenly Mother. I did not see my Heavenly Father.

2. My Heavenly Mother was smiling and very accepting of me, for I felt her intense love come into me. I saw with clarity her beautiful face at an age like she would be in her twenties on her earth. Her eternity eyes were sparkling and brought me joy just to see them. I loved being in her presence!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, in the days of Lehi while he was still living in Jerusalem, "in that same year there came many prophets prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed." (1 Nephi 1:4). Just before the great calamity in the promised land during an earlier day, we also inspired many prophets to do the same to the Jaredite people, and to prophesy to them to repent or they would be destroyed (Ether 11:1).

4. Now, in your day, we have warned many humble men and women to also warn the people of destructions coming upon your land. In your day, the wicked people also do not repent, but scoff at the warning voices of these modern-day prophets whom we have inspired.

5. M.A. wrote you yesterday after watching Pastor Dana's newest video warning that it was interesting that leaders in the LDS Church are not raising the warning voice. This is because they are not true prophets of God and are no longer inspired by our Spirit. Her perception is correct. We will continue to inspire our humble and open elect to raise the warning voice across your land. They need not be LDS, but good and humble men and women who hear our voice and are courageous to share our words in dreams, visions and other ways.

6. For you, Raphael, we do not want you to warn those around you, but to write all of our revelations in your journal as you now do. We are pleased that these are typed up and shared only for now with your small group of supporters. Your record is meant to come forth among the elect in a future day, once you arrive in the New Jerusalem. We will not share your words with the wicked who would scoff and ridicule them. Instead, we will have you share them only with the open and humble elect who will believe them, and will ask of us in prayer about their truthfulness.'

7. Heavenly Mother then reached out her hand and asked me to walk with her. I took her hand and together we walked down from the clouds to her lovely upper garden, starting at the trail at the circling waters. We strolled up the river trail when I lost my conscious connection. I knew I was in the state of constant prayer with her today.

8. I now conclude my morning experience with her in my unconscious mind, and return to my conscious mind on earth and start my new Sabbath day.

9. Evening–Today I had the start of a migraine twice, with visual disturbance. I hadn't had one in a couple months. While I was lying with my eyes shut, I asked my Heavenly Mother if I would continue to have such ailments in my body, once I would come to the New Jerusalem.

10. Heavenly Mother replied immediately to my mind: 'Raphael, once you start eating terrestrial food and drinking terrestrial living water in your mortal body, your ailments will soon depart, as it will for most of our terrestrial elect. You will quickly integrate in your physical body to be a fully transitioned terrestrial mortal. You will not die until your appointed time at the end of the millennium.'

11. Tonight I came again to Heavenly Mother's upper garden, and came in front of her at the far east end on the granite cliff. We were still holding hands and facing her temple to the west.

12. She then spoke: 'Raphael, we have been counseling with you for over seven years now during your prayers. You have made much progress and have been pushed by us to grow. You have responded well and at no time have you been unable to fulfill our will. There have been challenges, but we have helped you through every obstacle.

13. When you come to the New Jerusalem, the process you have learned in communicating with us will be the same. You will come to know our will and then you will be obedient. You will have many helpers to prepare the land and to build our temple. We will direct you daily on what needs to be done for that day. Each day you will then fulfill our will. You may not know much of the future at that time, but for the work day at hand, you will know what needs to be done.

14. You will have access to our many celestial servants and holy angels, either resurrected, translated, or mortal. You will have large groups of artisans and craftsmen, gardeners and planners, foremen and many others who will seek to do their little part in the building up of our temple and the area within the walls of the New Jerusalem.

15. In this leadership role, we will be with you in abundance as you keep open and humble. My Spirit will witness, to all who labor with you, of the decisions and direction you give to them. They will know that this work is from God and not from you. In this role, you will continue to act as our conduit to the people.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her assurance that I will be able to act as her and Heavenly Father's leader in this very overwhelming mission. I said I would just do one day at a time. I said I knew I could just work one day at a time and finish what she and Father would ask me to do. I felt relieved by her words tonight. I expressed my great love to her and appreciation for being with me all day long.

17. Heavenly Mother then smiled upon me and let go of my hand. She slowly rose up in the air and departed from me into her highest celestial realm. I closed my prayer and came back to the earth.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, Labor Day, September 7, 2020

1. I slept in today and awoke refreshed. I feel so grateful for my physical body that resets and repairs itself.

2. I received an email from S who read my journal entries from Saturday night and Sunday morning. He also received a message about the humble and open people coming to the New Jerusalem (see his email below). I believe they will only come there by the guidance of the Spirit.

3. I came this morning to the granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I faced the temple and prayed to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father, for it was he that I felt I would meet.

4. I then met him in the air above the land of promise where I live, but at a future day. I then thought of S's email he sent this morning where he spoke of meeting with Heavenly Father at the New Jerusalem and saw the groups of people walking by foot there. He had seen that they were humble and open.

5. Heavenly Father was dressed like a traveler coming to Zion, as was I. We came down among several groups of weary travelers who were approaching the land of Zion, the New Jerusalem. They were so glad to finally come to the end of their journey, and were very tired! My Father came up to a group and spoke to them. He was not recognized, and showed them the way to enter into the beautiful land. There was a city wall at the perimeter, and an entry gate. This group came there and they were spoken to by those guarding the entrance. I saw them enter by foot and be greeted by others inside the walls. My Heavenly Father and I were above this group in the air and were not seen.

6. I saw there were facilities in which to shower and dress in new clothes that would replace their tattered ones. Once redressed with new clothes and some food, this group continued on a path to the center of the land where they were shown where to lodge and camp. Again, there were facilities and a beautiful area for them to rest and recuperate. There were helpers and guides all along the way that were cheery and sensitive to their needs.

7. There didn't seem to be a barrier of language, for they spoke in different languages, but understood perfectly what was said. I felt great unity among the people and the spirit of Zion, the pure in heart, among all the people who were coming and who were helping.

8. Heavenly Father then turned to me: 'Raphael, these elect have experienced a trial of their faith in coming here, each trial particularly designed by us, their Heavenly Parents, to help them grow spiritually. When they finally reach our Zion, they will have learned to be very open and humble. Most will have nothing but the clothes on their backs and a few simple possessions. We require all to share and to think of their neighbor as themselves.

9. Though they come weary and poor, they soon become refreshed, filled with the bounties of Zion, and become rich and without any wants. If they need something, it is perceived and given to them. There truly are no poor among them!

10. I will share with you how your records of Raphael will be shared among them today, during your constant prayer. We will remain above our New Jerusalem area in the near future in your unconscious mind.

11. Now I wish you to mingle with your family who have come to celebrate your Labor Day holiday with you on earth.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his vision I was receiving! I said I would come consciously here as I was able today. I very much look forward to receiving more truths today!

13. I then left his presence in my conscious mind and began my new day with my family on earth.

14. Email from S on 9-7-2020:


Yesterday morning on Sunday, I typed up your Saturday message. I then went to pray. Later in the afternoon I rechecked my typing for errors and noticed that you had typed up your Sunday morning record. You wrote that the wicked who scoff at Raphael's record would not receive it. And you recorded it would come forth in the New Jerusalem to the "open and humble elect" who would ask in prayer about the truth of them.

I thought it was interesting that I was shown a similar message on the same morning before your record was transcribed.

9-6-20 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Father, for I felt he would converse with me today. I came beside him as he walked on the ground. As I looked around, I saw empty buildings and skyscrapers that were destroyed, and no inhabitants. There was debris in the streets. Heavenly Father spoke, 'Many of these large cities will be completely destroyed and left without inhabitants. This will come because of the great wickedness of the people.'

Next we came to the sky above the New Jerusalem. We saw groups traveling by foot to enter the city. Heavenly Father and I came and stood among them in their groups but we were not seen. I looked into their hearts and saw humility and openness. Heavenly Father spoke, 'These children who come are open to truth and are humble. They are ready to receive greater light and truth from us. These receptive children will come from many different church organizations, nations and backgrounds. We will guide these to receive greater and greater light until they eventually may become as us, their Heavenly Parents. You read and then confirm in prayer whether the things you read are true. When you ask or confirm truth in prayer, we also provide even greater insight and truth into the matter you seek. You receive even more than you asked for. This will be the pattern in Zion. Some will seek light and truth more rapidly than others. We do not control our children's desires, so each will progress at their own pace. Our children will each need to be open to the fact that some of their belief sets are incorrect and be humble to change these beliefs as we give them greater light and understanding.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for this glimpse into the mindset and behavior that should exist among the people of Zion. I desired to know where I could commune with my Heavenly Parents today. Heavenly Father said he and Heavenly Mother would be at the fountain of living waters to commune with me today. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.


I thought it was interesting that I was shown the two extreme dichotomies of the future. Those who are wicked and reject light will be destroyed. Those who are humble and open to light and truth will be welcomed into Zion to receive more and more. It seems that the remaining groups will eventually need to come to this state of openness and humility to progress.

Have a great Labor Day!


J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, September 8, 2020

1. We enjoyed a full day with our family until after dark. I knew it would be likely be our last day swimming for the year in our pool, since now the weather would get too cold to swim. Our neighbor then texted my wife that there was a fire in Springville where two of our sons and their families live. The fire was very close to one of them. Then our electric power went off after a short burst of wind. It was off all night until this morning.

2. Last night I prayed in the dark to my Heavenly Father. I asked that I be able to come again this morning to the New Jerusalem area with him, and receive what I would have received in the evening. He agreed. This morning after our electric power was restored, I came in my private room and prayed where I was last with Heavenly Father, in the celestial sky unseen above the New Jerusalem area.

3. When I came here, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were there, smiling upon me. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, you were prepared to sustain yourself for a short period when your electric power went out last night. We will help you get your backup power in place, for soon your electric power coming to your house will be off for longer periods, and then off permanently. We will protect your electronic devices from the EMP coming to your entire country in a few months, even as you have prayed and asked of us.

4. In the New Jerusalem below us, there will not be electric power created for some time. You and those who build our temple and city will do so by our heavenly power, and not with the machines or processes of men used in your current society. The craftsmen and artisans will do their work by hand. Our heavenly light will illuminate the inside of our temple.

5. I asked my Heavenly Mother how the revelations that she and Heavenly Father gave to me and others would be dispersed among these open and humble people. I asked also if these records would be translated into their native written languages.

6. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, when you come with your wife and son to the New Jerusalem, bring with you your currently printed record of Raphael. Bring all of the volumes from the beginning until your current journal entry at the time. These last records you will need to type into the Book of Raphael yourself, since there will not be internet connection with those who now assist you.

7. When you bring your volumes of Raphael, you will use our power to duplicate the record as many times as you wish. This power to duplicate will be extended to you from us your Gods since you will not have any other means to reprint these records at that time. We always prefer our children to do all within their power for themselves, but in this case you will have no means at that time, and we will want to share our words that we have given to you with our open and humble elect that we have gathered to the New Jerusalem.

8. The records will be duplicated in English as you print them and then given freely to our elect who wish to read them. If they speak and read in a different language, and ask of us to be able to read and understand your record, we will give them the gift of the interpretation of tongues. Those who seek this gift will read your words, and they will read these in their native language. Come now, Raphael, with us and let's see this happening!'

9. My Heavenly Parents extended their hands to me and we came above a large group of the tribes of Israel from the north. We were in the celestial realms and unseen.

10. I saw a man among them reading my records to a group who were sitting on the ground. The man reading was standing and had created a makeshift podium to hold the record while he read and spoke to the people. I saw that the Spirit of the Holy Ghost was abundant among them and witnessing the truth of the words he spoke.

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, these who gather to hear our revelations do so daily after their day's work is done. There are many in the group who have been assigned to labor in the New Jerusalem area. All are contributing and cheerfully helping to do their part. There are no idlers among them as there were in previous times when some sought to create a Zion society (see D&C 68:31). We will create Zion, the pure in heart, by bringing these (she pointed to those below us) through tribulations that will shape them and create a humble and open people!'

12. I asked her if there would be restrictions on who could read my record, or what they could read in this record.

13. 'Raphael, we will place no further restrictions on your records as we have in the past, for we have fully proven those who come to Zion. They will all gladly receive your account and believe. They will also be taught to confirm all truth and will petition us and we will send our Spirit upon them and witness to them of all truth. These are all our elect, inhabitants of Zion, who have one heart and one mind, and dwell in righteousness (see Moses 7:18). They eagerly receive all that we have previously revealed to you and to our other prophets.

14. Raphael, have this journal entry conclude your current post 171. As you read over it, you will know what to name this post.

15. Meet with us throughout your day here in your constant prayer. We will answer all of your questions, and will be next to you throughout your day.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this beautiful vision of Zion at the New Jerusalem area! I said I looked forward to being with so many of her elect gathered in one place.

17. I then came back to my private room and began my new day on earth.