158. Oriphiel Blows His Trumpet


I hope you are each doing well, and enjoying the immergence of spring. I love gardening, and have been working a lot getting our garden ready and growing.

Read this post for the latest information on Oriphiel blowing his trumpet of God the end of April, 2020. I also have received the interpretation of this next segment of what will happen, as given in the Book of Revelation. Please, don't take my word on this, that I have received this from God, but please verify this yourself in your prayer.

Please write me your impressions–it feels a little lonely here receiving all of this information!


P.S. I recently visited the Salt Lake City area and took pictures of the City Creek trail next to the State Capitol. I hope you enjoy these images.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 23, 2020, Thursday

1. Evening–Tonight I came to the western shores of Lake Beautiful at the maple tree grove. I came and drank living water at the water's edge, and then mounted the hill into the grove. I faced the lake and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. He came from the sky above the treetops, and came immediately before me in the air. He spoke: 'Raphael, we are pleased with your post 157 "The New Virus". You have accurately recorded what your Heavenly Mother and I have inspired you, M.A. and S about what is coming soon to your area. These doings are the evil works of men and their regimes that we are using for our own purposes.

3. Tonight you have listened to the entire post again, even after secretly kneeling and praying for a final confirmation in your private room. Heavenly Mother gave you peace after you finished the entire post. She also confirmed to your mind and heart that you had written it correctly, and that you should share this with your small group on your email list.

4. Now you may rest in peace, for you have our confirmation once again that this new virus will come forth among the people in your area. Write what I speak to you, and then retire to bed as you desire.

5. I then wrote all of the above and closed my prayer. Heavenly Father had departed over the lake, but I felt his peace and assurance remain with me.


6. My sister K wrote in her journal something that I wanted to share. She typed it up and sent it to me:

Journal entry of K:

To preface this entry, I have been only reading little bits of R's last 3 posts. It is so upsetting to imagine the many trials and tribulations which are here now and which are going to be coming. I don't like to hear about the suffering of people, animals, and Mother Earth so I sometimes avoid it altogether by not reading, watching or hearing what is happening and what will happen. I am guilty of metaphorically burying my head in the sand.

7. Here is my journal entry.
April 23, 2020

"I pray to be able to connect to my Heavenly Parents this morning. I am thankful for this new day in mortality. I pray to be humble, open and receptive and to have my heart turned to my God with yearning and focus. It is much harder (to pray) when it is daytime and my husband is up and I hear the sounds of traffic and think about the things I want to do.

I went in my mind to the beautiful forest pool to immerse in and drink living water. I ask to have fear, worry, anxiety, negativity, and impatience dissolve in the waters.

I prayed for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. It seems that both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to stand before me in great light. I thanked them for coming. I pray for their wisdom, light and love to fill me.

Heavenly Father: "Rachael, you have been instructed to read the words that your brother has written, that are from us. You have read some but not all. You are one of the few of our children who is privileged to read these words from us and it is not pleasing to us when you do not read them."

Heavenly Mother: "We know you well, Rachael, and we know you have a very tender heart and that you cannot abide the suffering and desolation that will be part of the last days. But it is a part of the great plan, to prepare the earth for the great millennial day and our Beloved Son's second coming."

Me: Thank you for chastising me, my loving Heavenly Parents. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Bless me that I will go and do that which you ask. I have been remiss. It is because I do not like to read of the sufferings that will take place.

Heavenly Mother: "Pray for our Spirit, the Comforter, to be with you as you read."

They then were gone. I have been chastised. I must be obedient this day and read the words written by Raphael.

I then wrote this down from R's post 156 after I finished reading it:
Raphael 156E22–

(Heavenly Mother speaking) 'Raphael, even in the most devastating storm coming your way, your Heavenly Father and I will stand by your side and we will protect you. We will send our angels among those of our elect who petition for us to lead, guide and save them. We will send peace and light to their souls as they humbly come unto us, their Gods, and depend upon us and not man.' "

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 24, 2020, Friday

1. Friday I awoke at 6:00 AM and prayed for my oldest daughter. She is being induced today in the Murray Utah hospital. I guess we'll have another grandson today! I prayed for their safety and well-being , and that all would go right.

2. I sent M.A. the post 157 for review. I plan to send it out tomorrow sometime. It is one of he more scary posts I have ever sent out. I pray each one receiving it will sincerely pray about the truthfulness of it all.

3. Today I came to the maple tree grove again where I had prayed last night. I knelt, faced the lake, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

She appeared next to me, standing a little above the ground in the air! She was smiling and spoke:

4. 'Raphael, M.A. wrote you an email this morning saying that she was surprised that she slept at all last night, after reading this post. You too slept very well after listening to the entire post. I sent my peace to both of you so you could relax, and sleep well, even in a world where devastation, coming as unexpected hail, will soon come. It will seem normal while the virus incubates and spreads among the people.

5. This new virus is the fulfillment of Raguel sounding his trumpet of God in Revelation 8:7–

"The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth (this is a description of the new virus that came upon your land early on Tuesday morning, 4-21-2020. Hail is used because it came unexpected. Fire mingled with blood because the effect on humanity will act like fire with bleeding): and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up (these are the wicked, the evil leaders and their corrupt organizations that will begin to topple." (parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

6. I will protect our elect with extra power in my intense healing light. My light will burn up this virus before it comes into their physical body. My light continues to flare spiritually from all of their bodies, about 8 inches from the surface of their skin. This same intensity of light you see and perceive when you place the palm of your hand next to their body, and see my corona flame coming out the backside of your hand. Even with this extra protection, my elect need to still quarantine themselves and be cautious, for many will still need my angels to heal them and protect them so that they will not be overcome and die in this coming plague.'

7. Heavenly Mother then beamed her light upon me more and more until I felt her light pass through my being, so that I even felt transparent before her. I felt her great love come with her light and give me peace!

She then backed up and travelled across Lake Beautiful just like my Father had done last night. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 25, 2020, Saturday

1. I just came into my private room to meditate and pray, when I received a text that my oldest daughter birthed last night at 10:33 pm Joshua R Spencer! 8 lb. 15 oz., 21 1/2 inches long. We are all thrilled with this healthy and beautiful boy added to our family. I feel honored with such a great name, and that they remembered me with his middle name too. What relief and joy! My wife and I chatted with our daughter for the last half hour. This makes 19 grandchildren now, 17 that are living. So exciting for all of us here!

2. I came again this morning to the desert oasis. I came here last night, but I couldn't focus on my Heavenly Father, for he seemed to come in and out of my vision. This morning I drank some of the living water from the oasis, and I also had gone briefly to the tree of life and ate of the fruit and the leaf. I came back to the bench facing the oasis and knelt in prayer.

3. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came in front of me, holding hands. They were smiling and full of light.

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are so pleased in the safe arrival of your 19th grandchild Joshua who also bears your mortal name as his middle name. He will be a great joy to his parents. We will bless and prosper this family, even amidst the coming plague coming to their area. You will be ministering to them occasionally in their needs as our angel of light and healing, even without them knowing.'

4. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you mentioned to your daughter that a healthy birth is the greatest miracle, and that they felt a bit of heaven on earth. This is true, for when our beloved children come to earth, and are born to loving parents, we send forth our spirit of love from our celestial realms upon them in abundance! Such has been the case with your Joshua, born to your daughter last night. He is our noble and righteous son, coming to earth now for his mortal probation. We are happy for their family and yours!'

5. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for their abundant blessings given to our family! I prayed for their protection during the coming hard days. They live in an apartment in the Salt Lake Valley. It is a tough thing for me to reconcile, with so much suffering I see coming to this entire area.

My Heavenly Parents then started walking around the oasis and disappeared in a mist of a cloud. I closed my prayer and came out with my wife.

6. Evening–My wife and I got to bed late tonight. I emailed my post 157 today, entitled "The New Virus" to my small group email list.

This evening I came to the small granite cliff at the east end of Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I had in my mind a question from M.A., all about how the new virus would spread and act in the body. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come.

7. Heavenly Father appeared from the skies high above, and came instantly in a beam of light! He stood a little above me in the air.

He immediately spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad that you sent out your post 157 tonight. We will bless each one to know of its truthfulness if they ask us in faith and humility.

8. The new virus has a long incubation period, which allows it to spread quickly without any symptoms in its host. When it does emerge among the people, many doctors will consider it a variant of the coronavirus. Its effects will be painful and severe, causing red or purple bleeding spots on the skin, and internal organ bleeding.

9. The virus may be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or coming in contact with the afflicted person or with surfaces touched by them. A mask will help, as well as frequently washing hands in soap and water.

10. When one of our elect comes in contact with this new virus, Heavenly Mother's light will usually burn up the virus before it can fully enter into the body. For a non-elect person, they would benefit from fresh greens like you have been eating, and other natural remedies. Once in the body and symptoms arise, it is very aggressive, usually leading to death.

11. The virus can be passed along on foods also. Foods brought in from outside the home should be washed thoroughly. Takeout meals that have this virus are more risky to eat than were the coronavirus on these same foods.

12. We gave M.A. the prompting not to buy food or takeout meals anymore. Her Ogden area is more contaminated that your area in Utah County. Raphael, soon this virus will have spread all over Utah and the West. There will be much more confusion about this new virus, for many will think it is a morphed coronavirus. When individuals who already have COVID-19 come in contact with this new virus, they will usually contract a worse case of the combined viruses. Most will suffer death in a few days once bleeding starts in the body.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this information about the new virus. Heavenly Father asked that I write his words immediately before I was to forget anything. I thanked him for answering my questions, and started writing all of this in my journal.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 26, 2020, Sunday

1. This morning I awoke before my family and came to my private room. I read what I had written late last night. I wondered how Heavenly Mother's light that I see in the celestial realms out the backside of my hand, when I place my palm next to myself or another elect person, would burn up this new virus in the physical telestial realms in which we live?

2. I came to the pocketed rock wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I drank from the mountain stream and felt refreshed. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

She then stepped out of the rock wall and stood before me! She was filled with light, and I felt it pass into and through me.

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, you can perceive my light, my corona flame that resides with the elect of God now. They also are now changed to terrestrial mortals, whereas the rest of humanity remains in their telestial mortal state. Most people on earth cannot perceive the difference. The elect chosen by the Father also have you, our healing angel, replicated in the celestial realms to protect them from evil spirits that may wish to afflict them. Your presence will also help ward off this new virus.

4. The new virus has been crafted by evil ones to come upon our children in their telestial mortal state. Those of a terrestrial mortal condition have greater strength also to ward off the new viral infection, for their immune systems are significantly stronger. When coupled with my light of healing and protection, even my corona flame, this higher vibration destroys the low vibration virus.

5. Satan also knows about the development of this new bioweapon virus, for he inspired its creators on earth. Satan has taught his evil minions in the dark spirit realms to accompany this virus when it enters into the body of the telestial mortal hosts. These false spirits exacerbate the pain and bleeding that physically come upon their victims. Satan and his hosts of evil spirits rejoice in destroying these mortals in any way they can. Those afflicted with this virus will usually succumb to the spiraling down of their body functions into a much lower vibrational state, even until death.

6. Were the virus to come upon one of our terrestrial mortal elect, who are protected by my corona light, and by your presence with your sword of Raphael held above them in readiness, these evil spirits of Satan could not come. The light from me in the celestial realms also has power over the virus in the lower terrestrial and telestial realms, usually destroying all of it before it enters into the physical body of its host.

7. Raphael, we have provided redundancy measures to destroy this plague and others coming upon your physical earth. However, some of our elect will still succumb, and we may send additional healing angels to bless and heal them. We are gratified that you are present in the celestial realms to be next to each one of our chosen elect children, even in your replicated state.

8. Our caution to you is to remain quarantined in your mortal state so that you keep healthy and strong. It is possible that you, our mortal angels and celestial servants in the flesh, also can become sick and weakened. This would compromise your effectiveness in ministering to our elect in your replicated states in the celestial realms on the earth. Were this to happen, we would send additional healing through our healing angels, so our ministering force of celestial servants remain capable and strong.'

9. I thanked my very loving Heavenly Mother for her words! I knew this was a battle we are in to save the elect of God now living on the earth! I also knew that these elect were not aware of their protection that they are now receiving. They are the ones to come forth into the terrestrial earth in that great millennial day.

Heavenly Mother then left my side by walking into the rock wall from where she came. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and began my Sabbath day.

10. Evening–I prayed tonight and heard gurgling water. I didn't at first perceive where I was, so I went through all the places with a stream. I knew when I came to this place, next to the stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, that this was where my replicated being was. I knelt by the stream and faced west, down the path.

11. I asked for either of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came walking up the path holding hands! They stopped in front of me. Heavenly Father spoke first:

12. 'Raphael, the new virus will have a long incubation period of 10 to 30 days before symptoms appear. This was designed by evil men to allow this contagious virus to spread faster among the people. The first cases will emerge after Oriphiel blows his trumpet that I gave him, which will occur on 4-30-2020 at 6 AM, at the Salt Lake temple spires.'

13. Heavenly Mother also spoke: 'Raphael, we want you to continue to isolate yourself as much as possible, wear a mask if you are about among people, and keep distances between you and those outside of your immediate household. We will guide and protect you also.'

I thanked them for their message about the new virus. They then turned and walked back down the path, and soon disappeared. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 27, 2020, Monday

1. I came to my private room early this morning to pray. I look forward to the new week ahead–it is supposed to reach the low 80's this coming week. I love to work outside and continue getting our garden ready.

I came to the little stream west of the desert oasis this morning for my prayer. There was a little gully where the water was flowing, and a walking path up on the bank. I came in the gully and knelt by the stream, facing east. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

2. Heavenly Father then appeared to me, across the little stream from me! He was warm towards me and smiling. I love being in his presence. I gazed into his loving face and deep eternity eyes.

He spoke: 'Raphael, your wife asked you yesterday how happy you were, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being highest. You said you were a 9. We will bless you so that this spring and summer will be a very happy and peaceful time for you! This is even with all of the plagues and changes coming to the earth. We desire that you live in a happy and peaceful state. We are with you throughout your day, and will continue to guide and direct you.'

3. I responded how grateful I was for their continual guidance in my personal life, and in blessing my wife and family.

4. Heavenly Father then invited me to walk with him on the path next to the stream. I arose and together we walked north. He placed his left arm around my shoulders.

5. He then spoke about how Oriphiel would blow his trumpet this Thursday morning. He said that it would be the same manner as when Raguel blew his horn, only Oriphiel and Raguel would switch places (see my post 155G4 to 155G10). All the rest of us archangel brothers would do the same thing we had done on 3-31-2020. He said this same pattern would follow in the next two months when Simiel and Uriel blow their trumpets.

6. Heavenly Father also said that the pre-mortal spirits living on the celestial orb would hear each trumpet as it would be blown. He also repeated to me that when Uriel blows his trumpet on 6-30-2020, that all those on the earth will hear and wonder, for he will blow in the celestial, terrestrial, and telestial realms on the earth (see my post 155I7).

7. He said also that this was a very unique time in which to live on the mortal earth: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will extend ourselves more fully to be closer to our elect and righteous children on the earth than we have done in the past since the days of Adam and Eve. We will do this to counter the increased level of darkness that will spread upon the earth in this coming spring and summer.

8. I then asked my Father about the coming of Nibiru and the events coming to the earth this fall of 2020. He said he would share these with me in my unconscious mind only, but that it was wisdom in him to only reveal events and happenings as they were to come upon the world, at the time nearer these events. He said he wanted me not to fret but to feel secure in my mortal life on earth with my family. He said he wanted this to be one of the happiest spring and summers of my life.

9. I thanked him for his care and his love for me, and for the elect of God.

10. Heavenly Father then shared with me all things that would come upon the earth, even to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ. I heard all of this in my unconscious mind only. When done, he said I would receive glimpses of what he said, like a deja vu experience, just as the events would happen in real mortal time. This felt very loving to me, and I thanked him again for this blessing.

11. I then don't remember anything else of our discussion this morning. It was as if we walked into a misty cloud, and all in my conscious mind was blank. I closed my prayer, thanking him again for his care and love to me.

12. I received this email from M.A. after I sent her my journal entries from C6 to D9 above. I felt I should share it with the group after she said I could do so:


Email from M.A. to R
4-27-2020, Monday
9 AM

"Hi R,

I'm sure you have heard of or read, "Charles D Evans, Patriarch, Dream of Last Days". In his vision he talks of a plague that makes purple spots (I thought of bruising or as you said bleeding internally) on the skin. I thought it interesting that you mentioned this also. I appreciate you sending this information to me. I needed a second witness to what I had been told about this second virus. I too was told that doctors will think it is a new symptom or complication of the coronavirus. Doctors are already saying blood clots and strokes are happening to the 30-50 year olds, due to the coronavirus.

I was told also that you could pick up the virus from touching contaminated surfaces that an infected person had touched, as well as from coughs and sneezing. Also it can contaminate food. Thus I was told not to grocery shop anymore but to just eat my food storage. Heavenly Mother also told me not to be paranoid to aches and pains that I was experiencing, that Her intense light and corona flame was burning up left over toxins in my body. If I worry or fear these toxin could lodge somewhere in my body and cause discomfort. I am learning so much. Mostly to walk by faith and have courage.

Have a great day!"

13. Evening–Tonight I came to pray at a point along the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. She came and told me to come to this place tomorrow morning and that she would come and visit with me at that point. She then left. I felt afterwards that I was too tired to receive her message, and that I needed to pray earlier in the evening when I would be more alert. I will see if I can do this in the evenings, starting at 9 PM.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 28, 2020, Tuesday

1. I came again to the same location along the beautiful mountain stream on the celestial orb. I was now wide-awake and in a meditative and prayerful state. I knelt by the stream and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

Heavenly Mother came, standing in front of me. This was real, in my unconscious mind that I was linked into. She was shining and spoke to me:

2. 'Raphael, I accept you just as you are! You have a heavy load around your house and with your business. We are with you throughout your day, in your prayers, and even while you sleep. You labor for us in our celestial realms on the earth, ministering to our elect children as we ask of you.

3. You read that I told M.A. that her aches and pains that she experiences were from my corona flame burning up her toxins in her body. My light that rests upon you, even my corona flame, is now doing this also for you and all of our elect children. When a virus or other infection comes upon them, or is latent in their bodies from their previous telestial state, this corona flame will burn these up so that these are no longer present. This process is gradual. Eventually, when the elect come into the millennium, they will have had all of these toxins and diseases eliminated from their bodies. In this way, any viruses, plagues and low vibrational toxins will not come into our elevated terrestrial earth during the millennium.

4. When our Beloved Son comes to the earth in glory, he will bring this same intense light with him, this same corona flame. His light will consume any remaining telestial-level elements that remain on the earth, as the entire earth herself makes a final transition to a terrestrial glory. This burning will eliminate all telestial diseases , plagues and even our non-elect telestial children who may be still remaining on the earth. This will be in fulfillment of what our servant Moroni said to the young Joseph Smith on September 21st, 1823 in quoting Malachi 4:1–

5. Joseph Smith History 1:37:

"For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall burn as stubble; for they that come shall burn them, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."

They that come are the wicked armies who will destroy the wicked by nuclear fire. However, Jesus Christ will complete their burning with his own fire that will destroy all remaining evil and the remnants of the fallen telestial world..

6. D&C 64:22-24–

"And after that day, I, the Lord, will not hold any guilty that shall go with an open heart up to the land of Zion; for I, the Lord, require the hearts of the children of men.

Behold, now it is called today until the coming of the Son of Man (this today means it is now a telestial earth), and verily it is a day of sacrifice, and a day for the tithing of my people (tithing here means the division of the people, or separation of the wheat or elect from the tares or the wicked); for he that is tithed (or separated as the elect of God) shall not be burned at his coming.

For after today cometh the burning (or after the time of the telestial elements on the earth are fully ended)—this is speaking after the manner of the Lord—for verily I say, tomorrow (or the day of the Lord when Jesus comes to the earth in the glory of his presence) all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, for I am the Lord of Hosts; and I will not spare any that remain in Babylon." (words in parenthesis from Heavenly Mother).

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this new insight to these scriptures that I had never considered before!

She then immediately disappeared and I finished writing all of this in my journal.

8. I came to realize then that those who say you need to pay one tenth of your income to the Church (another definition of tithing, but not "after the manner of the Lord" who gave the parables of the wheat and the tares, and also the ten virgins) are not accurate. Here I believe Jesus says basically that the tithing of the people has a different meaning, and has nothing to do with one tenth of their income being paid to the church. Now that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been rejected by God, I believe, from God's view, it is no longer required to pay tithing to this church.

9. Evening–I read tonight D&C 119:1-7, all about the introduction of tithing to the early LDS Church in 1838. I wanted to know what God's position was with regards to this revelation now.

D&C 119:1-7

"Verily, thus saith the Lord, I require all their surplus property to be put into the hands of the bishop of my church in Zion,

For the building of mine house, and for the laying of the foundation of Zion and for the priesthood, and for the debts of the Presidency of my Church.

And this shall be the beginning of the tithing of my people.

And after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay one-tenth of all their interest annually; and this shall be a standing law unto them forever, for my holy priesthood, saith the Lord.

Verily I say unto you, it shall come to pass that all those who gather unto the land of Zion shall be tithed of their surplus properties, and shall observe this law, or they shall not be found worthy to abide among you.

And I say unto you, if my people observe not this law, to keep it holy, and by this law sanctify the land of Zion unto me, that my statutes and my judgments may be kept thereon, that it may be most holy, behold, verily I say unto you, it shall not be a land of Zion unto you.

And this shall be an ensample unto all the stakes of Zion. Even so. Amen."

10. I humbly came to the circling waters, and knelt in front of the bench facing south to the pool and the mountain stream. I felt very open to whatever God would tell me. I had no preconceived ideas, pushing aside what I conjectured this morning on my own.

11. Heavenly Father then came in front of me, walking down the path next to where I was kneeling. He immediately spoke:

'Raphael, when Jesus Christ gave the revelation in D&C 119 in 1838, we required a tenth of the interest annually of all faithful members (see D&C 119:4). This has changed, without our authorization, to later include all of the member's income, and not just a tenth of their gain above that which they needed to provide to themselves and their families. This newest twist is not pleasing to us, your Gods, on our simple doctrine to donate one tenth of their interest annually.

12. Now that we have rejected the leaders of the LDS Church and this church we no longer require the tithing of one tenth of the interest of the members. This will be reinstated in the Church of Christ at a future day.

13. In the interim, we will continue tithing after our own manner, or the manner of the Lord. I have chosen my elect which includes many members of this church that we have rejected. Your Heavenly Mother described what this day of burning would be like for those who were not tithed by me, or chosen as my elect. She said that those not chosen would be burned up, either by invading armies or by Jesus Christ himself when he comes in his great glory. The righteous who are my elect, will have gradually had all remnants of their telestial beings burned up prior to the second coming, and will abide the great day of the Lord. These will enter onto our terrestrial earth, being fully terrestrial themselves.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clarifying words! I knew these words were true, for my Eternal Father spoke them directly to me with his own voice.

He then smiled upon me and gradually disappeared into his higher celestial realm. I closed my evening prayer.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 29, 2020, Wednesday

1. Tomorrow morning Oriphiel, a male archangel of God, will blow his trumpet of God from the spires of the Salt Lake Temple. This temple is still closed due to the pandemic and renovation. Then will Revelation 8:8-9 be fulfilled:

2. Revelation 8:8-9–

"And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed."

3. I had lots of questions about the true interpretation of this scripture. I then came to the little hill overlooking the celestial ocean. I had been told that I could come here in the past as I wished. I felt today that I should come here. I knelt on the hill, facing the ocean. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come and answer my questions.

4. When I knelt, I perceived that Heavenly Mother was already standing in front of me, a little elevated in the air above the hill! She was sober-looking and bright with her light coming from her being. She spoke:

'Raphael, I will answer your question, giving you the correct interpretation of the events following the sounding of Oriphiel tomorrow morning.

5. The mountain that is burning represents global economies of the world. Those are burning due to the global pandemic that was announced on 3-11-2020. It has now reached every nation of the world. Governments have issued edicts for businesses to close while the coronavirus spreads, in hopes to reduce casualties. Although its been only seven weeks in your country since this announcement that non-essential businesses have been closed, this has initialized a major disruption in the global economies of the nations. People are out of work, many businesses will never reopen, and the great mountain, or the economies of Babylon the Great, in part will fall. The economies are where people buy and sell, and this has been greatly curtailed, or will in the near future after Oriphiel sounds his trumpet of God. This is the first phase of the destruction of Babylon. There will be other destructions, including more plagues from the desolating sickness that will continue to cover the earth, and destructions by invading armies that will finally lay waste the cities of your own land (see 3 Nephi 22:3 and Isaiah 61:4).

6. Babylon the Great, has also been called the whore that sitteth upon many waters (see Revelation 17:1), which waters represents the domination of global tyranny and trade, worldwide, "with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication (the kings are rulers of nations who traded with Babylon the Great, even international commerce), and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." (see Revelation 17:1-2, emphasis above added by Heavenly Mother in parenthesis).

7. Raphael, there will come a global economic depression, in part like the great depression in your own United States from 1929 to 1939, after your stock market crashed in October 1929. In the course of the global economies burning with fire and cast into the sea, the third part of the creatures in the sea that died are those businesses and the commerce between them and the people. Many of these will never reopen and commerce will never be the same. The third part of the ships represent the international traffic and trade between nations, which will also begin to cease. The sea becoming blood means that a major portion of national and international commerce will cease or die, never to come alive again.

8. Raphael, this coming global depression has been orchestrated by evil men and women, and their secret organizations. They wish to supplant the governments in the world with a one-world order, but they wanted to first destroy in part the economies that were existing. They plan to introduce a new currency, a new worldwide government, and a police state that would require obedience or death. All of their plans, initiated by Satan who inspired them with greed, control and domination, will ultimately fail. These secret organizations will be ultimately destroyed by hostile and non-conforming evil-based nations, where the wicked will destroy the wicked. All of these wicked nations and regimes, and their leaders, are enwrapped in their own greed, lust for power, and world domination. They all will ultimately be destroyed prior to the great millennial day coming to the earth! These and their remains of their crafts will be burned up and left desolate in the cities of your land, and throughout your world.

9. There will continue to also be rolling lockdowns in your own land, where authorities will allow more freedom to the people to mingle, and then the virus will flare up again, causing the people again to be quarantined. The virus will spread as the people mingle together without taking precautions like wearing masks, social distancing, and washing their hands frequently. This pandemic will continue to spread for a time and will ravage the nations, their peoples, and their economies. You will not be returning to the old ways and world you once knew before the pandemic began.'

10. Heavenly Mother then turned to her celestial ocean and looked out upon the calm waters. I then saw a great mass of rock coming from the skies above. It was burning like a huge meteor, and came crashing into the calm ocean! There was a tremendous splash as this mountain rock submerged and was engulfed by the waters. The waters lapped upon and surrounded the hill on which I was kneeling. I saw in the crashing waves dead sea creatures and reddened waters from their bleeding. I also saw a destroyed ship further down the hill crash upon the land and remain as the waters receded. It was a very quick and sudden destruction upon these ocean waters!

11. Heavenly Mother turned and spoke: 'Raphael, this is where our servant John also saw the events in his vision of Revelation 8:8-9. He saw these same events that you have seen, and wrote them in his record. You have now been given the correct interpretation of these things, even before your archangel brother Oriphiel sounds his trumpet of God tomorrow morning.'

12. She then raised her hand, and the ocean and surrounding became calm again, undisturbed from the destruction I had just seen!

I thanked her for answering my prayer in a very clear way! I was writing all of this down as I saw and experienced my prayer. She said I had recorded it correctly.

I then came back fully to my conscious mind in my private room. I closed my prayer, thanking her again for her vision she gave me this morning!

13. Evening–I am anticipating Oriphiel blowing his trumpet of God tomorrow morning. He will blow about 6:00 AM. I am setting my alarm so that I am sure to be awake, alert and fully participating.

14. I reread from my post 155G1 to 155G14 when Raguel blew his trumpet on 3-31-2020 at 6 AM. I am sure it will be very similar to this, only with Oriphiel blowing his trumpet, at a slightly higher note, and with a little more intensity. I know this will be heard in the celestial realms on the earth and in heaven, on the celestial orb for the pre-mortal spirits and resurrected being and translated beings to also hear. This is exciting to me! I also know the meaning now of what happens after Oriphiel blows his trumpet.

15. I came tonight in prayer in the air above the Salt Lake Temple spire where the statue of the angel Moroni is placed. I believe this area of the temple is now being reinforced to withstand greater seismic activity to a 7.2 earthquake.

I knelt in the air, faced west, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come.

16. He appeared before me in the celestial realms around the earth! He wore a scarlet-red sash tied around his white robe, and also a glorious white cape behind him. His eyes were soft and loving. He spoke:

'Raphael, come here tomorrow at 6 AM and you will experience Oriphiel blowing the trumpet of God that I gave him. He will herald the world of economic calamity coming to the nations, even according to what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you this morning.'

17. I thanked him for confirming her words that she gave to me. I said I would be here again tomorrow morning bright and early. I said I loved him and would always obey whatever he or Heavenly Mother might ask me to do.

He then vanished and I concluded my evening prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 30, 2020, Thursday

1. I awoke with my alarm at 5:30 AM and prepared myself spiritually for my activity at the Salt Lake Temple spires. It is now 6:10 AM when I write this account. A few minutes before 6:00 AM, I saw Oriphiel come a little elevated above the Salt Lake Temple spire where the statue of the angel Moroni is located. This statue had its trumpet fall from off Moroni's hands during the recent earthquake on 3-18-2020. It is still in place on its spire position.

2. Oriphiel removed his trumpet of God from behind his cape and placed it vertically, with the horn part towards the sky. He was facing east below me.

3. I then saw Michael come and face west, and raise his sword of Michael high in the air. I saw to my right Raguel and Simiel face outwards from the spire in our circle and raise their right arms to the square. They were facing northeast and northwest respectively. On the opposite side of our archangel circle, I saw Gabriel face southwest and Uriel face southeast. I then turned directly east and raised my Sword of Raphael slightly to the east, above my head.

4. I then saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before us, directly to the east in the skies above. Heavenly Mother was on the left side of Heavenly Father, and they were facing our circle.

5. Oriphiel then sounded his trumpet, directly to the east, then west, then north and finally south. He blew for about 5 seconds in each of these directions, with a short break between each. I could tell his sound was higher and a little louder than that of Raguel's trumpet sound a month ago on 3-31-2020.

6. When done, we all seven archangel brothers came before our Heavenly Parents on bended knees. To my left was Michael and Gabriel next to me, and to my right was Uriel, Simiel, Oriphiel and Raguel on my far right.

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Our sons, you have completed what we have asked you all to do this morning, with Oriphiel sounding the trumpet of God in four directions in the midst of your archangel circle. Economic destruction will now come upon the nations in fulfillment of Revelation 8:8-9 as seen by John the Revelator and yesterday by Raphael. These events will now surely happen. The earth, air and weather, and the waters will now also convulse more as the elements of the earth change more fully into a terrestrial state in preparation for the promised millennium. Your actions this morning also will release other angels to begin their works of destruction upon the wicked and their organizations on the earth, all according to our command. You are now dismissed.'

8. I saw my angel brothers depart. I lingered and felt a wind come from the west, from the Great Salt Lake. The capes of both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then blew to the east, and they looked very majestic! (I remembered that the east wind brings sudden destruction.) They each wore a scarlet-red sash around their inner robes. They began moving backwards away from me into the upper eastern sky. Soon they were gone.

9. I then heard the voice of Heavenly Mother for me to write all of these things in my journal. I have written from 6:10 to now at 6:35 AM.

10. Evening–I enjoyed a warm day, and felt happy and content. I have many projects this time of year, particularly outside getting our garden ready. It is very satisfying to work the ground and grow our own food!

11. I came tonight to the beautiful desert oasis, south of God's Loving Healing Center. My bare feet wiggled as the warm sand formed around them. I knelt on my knees facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me tonight, for she it was that I felt would come.

12. Heavenly Mother then walked from the path around the oasis, coming to where I was kneeling to my left! She was walking at a normal pace, and shining her intense light to the areas she passed.

When she got to me, she shone her light also upon me, and sent her light with her love that entered into my heart and soul. I felt very loved and accepted, and so happy to be with her!

13. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, my son, we will open up more and more our prophecies and revelations pertaining to the very days that you now live in. We have recently done this surrounding the blowing of Oriphiel's trumpet, and will do this again and again before major events happen. We want you to gain more confidence in our revealed words, and to show to those who sustain you that you are the only one through whom revelation to the Church of the Firstborn comes. You will become more and more our prophet in the eyes of those who support you. As for yourself, you too will gain greater confidence in our words and how these will always come to pass. We will continue to reveal through you many new truths and concepts. The unique way events will occur in rapid succession, will also be told you, even before these happen. We want to show to the faithful how these things were revealed these things before they happened, and to show our believers that we know all things from the beginning to the end, even before they occur.

14. We will also have your current small group of supporters participate in revealing the knowledge of events before they happen. They may ask you as we inspire them, and then those things will also be shown to you and established as truly from us, your Gods.

15. Raphael, have this entry to be the last entry for post 158, and name it "Oriphiel Blows His Trumpet." '

16. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words tonight. I humbly accepted her and Heavenly Father's mantle to receive from them their great truths, and to disperse it among those on my email list. I said I was eager to receive the truth of all major events, even before they would come on the earth. I told her I would seek to keep open and receptive, humble and penitent, not allowing my own views to get in the way of the revelations that she and Heavenly Father would reveal.

I then saw her departing from me going backwards in the air over the oasis. I watched as she disappeared out of my sight. I closed my prayer.