173. The New Jerusalem Beginnings


This post has a lot of amazing (the only word I can think of that describes it) revelation of how quickly and wonderfully the New Jerusalem will take shape. I have reflected on these things time and time again. I have recently confirmed again that they are true.

I hope you enjoy a wonderful fall time! The leaves are changing and I love the cooler time that has come to our area.

Warm best wishes!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, September 18, 2020

1. Evening–We had lots of visitors today, I am ready to be alone and to commune with God in prayer. I came to my vision on the island of the New Jerusalem, to the fountain of living water. Heavenly Mother was there talking with my replicated self. I came consciously there and she spoke to me, both to my conscious and unconscious self.

2. 'Raphael, I have spent today with your unconscious self explaining the six days of planting that you will oversee here. I explained the various gardens, parks and fields that need to be planted with seeds and transplants from my celestial orb. You will recall all of these details when it comes time to actually work in person with these celestial servants, all whom will be resurrected. They will quickly be able to transport the seeds and plants from my designated areas on the celestial orb to the location of their planting on this island. These plants start as celestial seeds and transplants, but will quickly transition to terrestrial plants on the island. The one exception will be those seeds and plants I have designated for the temple square area next to our future temple and fountain. These plants will continue to grow into celestial plants since this will be the only celestial part of the physical earth.

3. Raphael, once planting is completed on this island, you will then turn your attention to building our holy celestial temple. Every plant, including the east and west tree of life, will be planted or transplanted as I have explained to you today. Once the plants start to grow from seeds or transplants, the living water will continue to mist these at night and our sun will shine down on them during the day. The soil will be either celestial soil in the temple block area, or terrestrial soil on the remainder of the island. Come tomorrow morning here at this fountain of living water, and your Father and I will describe more details about the beginning construction of our celestial temple. You will have many celestial servants who will assist you when they are needed, and later some of our mortal elect who will also assist you with our temple construction.

4. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanations. I said I was looking forward to more information on the temple construction during this early phase.

5. I then parted from my visionary experience, and came to my front room where I was recording all of this. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, September 19, 2020

1. I awoke this morning to a quiet house. I read from my post 136E17 through 136F33. This is where both Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father described to me about the walls, floors, and ceiling of the New Jerusalem temple which are already constructed and are located in the celestial realms of the earth. These were created on the celestial orb and permanently transferred to the stewardship of Mother Earth. I was glad to have refreshed my mind with these details.

2. I came to the future fountain of living water on the New Jerusalem island. Heavenly Father was standing in the air above the fountain waiting for me. I came before him in the air and knelt.

3. Heavenly Father spoke next: 'Raphael, this morning I wish to review with you the specific actions you will take next on this beautiful island, once all the seeds and transplants are planted, watered and growing, and once we bless this island to be a terrestrial land, and a celestial piece of land.

4. The land where you will start to build the temple will have the two trees of life growing, the fountain of living water constructed and flowing and all the temple gardens planted. All of the immediate land will have become changed to celestial land for those who come here who are celestial. Were a terrestrial elect person to come to this area, they would only see a grassy park that is terrestrial, for we will also have this terrestrial realm planted with grass, bushes and trees. The celestial land will be invisible to them, but it will be superimposed on the same locations and viewed and visited only by the celestial individuals who come.

5. Then the celestial land in the celestial realm on the temple block area will be ready for the temple construction. You will have purposefully not planted any of the flat area where the temple floors, lower edges of the walls, and steps will be placed, for this will be left as bare land. Under this thick layer of soil there is bedrock will be uneven from the earthquake and the devastation that will occur here.

6. Your first task is to ask Mother Earth to bring the bedrock to the surface where the temple floor, wall edges and steps will rest. Ask her to make the bedrock foundation flat and even, and to merge the soil into the bedrock so that all is flat and sturdy. This will be where you will bring the celestial floor slab.

7. I then spoke in an audible voice, and addressed Mother Earth: 'Mother Earth, I am Raphael again, and stand in the air next to your Father creator. I ask you by his authority, and in the name of Jesus Christ, to prepare the celestial ground on which the celestial temple will be placed. I ask you to remove all the loose soil and merge it into the bedrock below so that the bedrock is continuous, without cracks or seams, and very flat and even on its top surface. I need this surface to be continuous bedrock to meet with the floor and steps that are in your stewardship, in the celestial realms that were created and set aside by your creator Gods, for this very hour when the temple of God would be put together and constructed. Make the bedrock to perfectly match these bottom surfaces of the floor, bottom wall edges and steps.'

8. I stopped speaking, and Heavenly Father and I looked upon the area where the temple floor would be placed. As we watched, there was movement and noise. In a moment, Heavenly Father told me the change had been made, and for us to go down and walk on the surface of the new bedrock!

9. We both came to the bedrock and I was amazed! The entire ground was polished rock and smooth, continuous to the precise location where the celestial floor, bottom wall edges and steps would be placed. I knelt down and touched the bedrock with my hand. It was like a granite countertop I had in my house, but so very large and expansive! I thanked my Mother Earth for her great skill, and for making this amazing change. I felt so deeply impressed.

10. Heavenly Father reached out his hand, and I stood and took it. We then went back in the air above the fountain, and he turned and spoke to me: 'Raphael, now that the flat bedrock is ready, your next task is to enter the repository area where the temple floor and steps are located.'

11. He pointed to an area north of the future altar site, and we walked together to that location. There were large vertical doors and slots where the temple slabs were located. I had seen this area once before.

12. 'Raphael, first remove, by your intention, the floor slab and by my power, move this to the place on the bedrock where it goes. When done, come back and place the north and south steps in their place.'

13. I then reached my right hand forward, and intended the floor repository door to open. It opened, and then I moved, by my intention, the large floor slab out of its repository. This slab was very thick (about three feet thick), but moved easily under my control and intention. I maneuvered it out, tipped it on its side in the air, and brought it exactly above the bedrock. I lowered it to an inch above the bedrock, and then came above it and went around its perimeter to make sure it was perfectly in place. Then I lowered it slowly to contact the bedrock. I did this very slowly so all of the air would have time to escape. When it touched, I felt assured it would remain in place until it would rise at the end of the millennium again from the bedrock when the earth would burn and die. I knew this temple would not die at that time, but be raised up above the burning earth.

14. I then returned to the repository, shut the floor door, and retrieved the steps that face the fountain in the same manner as I did the floor. I repeated this finally for the steps to the south.

15. When all was in place, Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael you have done well! The floor and both steps of our celestial temple are spiritually now in place. You will repeat this in the physical realm in the future when it will be done again.

16. Come here tonight in your evening prayer and I will be next to you when you bring the temple walls and roof in place. You will have the assistance of our celestial craftsmen and workers tonight when you do this.'

17. I replied I would do so as he asked of me.

18. My vision then ended and I was writing all of this in my journal. I temporarily closed my prayer and started my mortal day on earth.

19. I received this email from S on 9-19-2020 and thought to share it:


I awoke this morning having turned 41 years old. As I was lying in bed, I let my thoughts wander to some recent things I have been considering. Yesterday, we had a chicken that we found suffering. It had not been moving in the nesting box and was close to death because it wasn't eating or drinking 2 weeks ago. We placed it in a cage in our barn for the last 2 weeks to nurse it back to health. We fed and watered it daily. We checked on its progress yesterday and when we removed it from the cage, the bottom half of its body was consumed in maggots and it was rotting, though still alive. I realized it would not live and so we mercifully killed the chicken and then I disposed of the body. As I walked to the garbage, I thanked the chicken for its life and told it that I did this to end its suffering. I felt the spirit strongly and realized many of God's children were suffering greatly spiritually and it will be a blessing to them to learn in the spirit world as they were not progressing in this life. There was a foul odor from the chicken as well that made me cringe. This made me think of the scent recorded in the Book of Mormon at the time of Ether among the Jaredites. I felt the spirit strong during this entire encounter with the chicken. I then read about "scent" references in the Book of Mormon and found two of them. Last, I thought of what S.A. recently recorded that the stone monument would be constructed after the Lord's design. I wondered what that entailed, and then I read in the Bible about the Israelites with Joshua constructing their monument with 12 stones. I wondered if the pattern would be similar or not.

This is a record of my prayer from this morning.

9-19-20 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I came to the fountain of living water where they both stood in the air above the water. This was above the future fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem. I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for my birth and subsequent learning on this earth as I turned 41 today. I asked about my questions I had been pondering this morning. Heavenly Father spoke, "As you awoke this morning, you thought about our children learning in their subconscious minds about Zion. There is a great teaching occurring at this time among our elect that your Heavenly Mother and I have selected. Each is being taught at this time principles of Zion. Some will cling to this knowledge more rapidly than others and progression will be staggered according to the receptiveness of our children. You wondered about the spirit you experienced after killing the chicken and then the stench of the rotting tissue as you carried it to the garbage. We will mercifully cause many to exit this earth before they heap more sins upon their own heads as they have embraced darkness. You also read in the Book of Mormon how the scent of dead bodies rent the air among the people of A.ihah and the Jaredites at the time of Ether. This will occur in your day too as the population has swelled and the majority of the population will be wiped clean from the face of the earth. Many on earth will be troubled by the scent day and night as occurred among the Jaredites (Ether 14:23).

You wondered about the formation of the stone monument in the New Jerusalem. The 12 tribes of Israel placed 12 stones in Gilgal in a circle. The shape and design your group constructs will be revealed to you later. However, instead of 12 stones from the dry river bed as in the day of Israel, you will have each member of your group from the youngest to the oldest grab a rock from the river bed to place on the monument. Each of our children has a unique journey to travel to the New Jerusalem and this will be represented by the corresponding size each may carry to the monument. The number traveling in your group will be significant and symbolic, but this will be revealed later as well.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for their answers to my questions and then I closed my prayer in Jesus' name."

20. Evening–I came again to the air above the fountain in a future visionary state. I saw Heavenly Father immediately in front of the north steps of the temple in the air! He was smiling and spoke:

21. 'Raphael, you have wondered how the walls will join the floor, and whether there will be fasteners used or not. Let us go and look carefully at the edge of the three foot thick floor of the temple.'

22. We came to the east side of the floor. I then saw that there were a number of approximately two-inch diameter holes that looked like they were threaded that went into the center edge of the floor side. I also saw that the floor slab was smaller than the bedrock by the width of the wall thickness around the entire perimeter. The stairs had been placed this morning apart from the floor in the front and back walls (north and south walls) by the thickness of the wall. I wondered why the stairs would be put in place before the north and south walls.

23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we had you place the front and back stairs in position by the wall thickness plus about an additional one inch offset space. When the front and back stairs are lowered in place, they need to slide over two large slots in the stairs from above, thereby securing the stairs to the front and back walls. When you lower the front wall, you will need to bring the front stairs in alignment also with the groove in the wall. You will need to move both the front wall and the front steps at the same time, so that it will fit correctly. This is why you moved first the front stairs near by where it will be finally positioned. This same procedure will occur in the placement of the rear wall with the rear stairs.

24. The front and rear walls will first be positioned and inserted into the two protruding slots in the steps that will fit into the corresponding wall grooves. Then the east wall protruding slots on the corners will slide from above into the corresponding corner grooves of the front and back walls. The placement will need to be precise so that the corner joints are tight from the top to the bottom. Once the outer walls are all in place, you will retrieve the large two inch diameter by two foot long bolts and give these to our celestial workmen to screw through the wall holes and into the threaded side wall edges of the floor. At that point, the walls will be entirely assembled and secured.

25. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his detailed instructions! He said that I should now assemble spiritually the front and rear walls to their positions.

26. I then came to the repository and retrieved the north front wall that would face the fountain of living water. I opened the repository door and moved the vast wall from storage with my intention, and by the power of the Father who was next to me.

27. I brought the wall above the front stairs and lowered it precisely next to the edge of the floor that was three feet thick. The wall was one foot thick, and I had to maneuver the inset grooves in the wall over the protruding slots in the stairs, and bring them both flush against the north edge of the floor. I used my intention to lower the front wall and move the front stairs slightly to accept the wall grooves. I lowered it slowly until the bottom edge of the wall sat firmly on the flat foundation. The front stairs were snugly attached to the wall and pressed tightly against the edge of the floor.

28. I then returned and repeated this procedure for the southern back wall and back steps. I also successfully navigated this insertion of the back wall.

29. I came next to the eastern wall and retrieved it from the repository. I needed to lower this one foot thick wall precisely into grooves in the front and back east corners. The slots and grooves extended the entire length of the corner joints. I lowered this wall precisely by my intention, using the power of the Father to lower this wall in place. After about 20 minutes, this east wall came to rest on the bedrock snugly next to the east edge side of the floor.

30. I then repeated this same procedure for the west wall. In the span of an hour all four walls were in place.

31. I then called upon celestial craftsmen workers to screw the walls into the floor with the massive bolts. These bolts had no head slot but were designed with cone-shaped heads (what we call flat head bolts) so they would be flush with the outside wall when inserted. They were screwed in by the intentions of the celestial servants until fully secured into each threaded hole of the floor. When done, it was almost impossible to see where the bolts had been inserted except for the different color of the bolt head, for all was very smooth. It was all so precise and well designed! There were four large bolts made of steel, for the front wall, four for the back, and eight for each side of the temple, on the east and west walls.

32. I turned and asked my Father if I could install the roof tomorrow morning in my prayer, for I was tired from this work tonight and wanted to be fresh and alert when I would do so.

33. Heavenly Father said that this was fine. He asked me to come to the top of these walls I had just installed when I would come tomorrow morning. He said that he and Heavenly Mother would meet me there.

34. I then came into my full conscious mind where I had been writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, September 20, 2020

1. I reread what I did last night and was impressed with the preciseness and grandeur of the temple construction to this point. I thought about how the temple floor, walled edges and steps were resting on the bedrock and were not fastened to the bedrock on the earth, but only sitting on it. The temple was effectively one piece that could elevate into the air when it needs to do so at the end of the earth.

2. I also knew this entire temple block area was both in the terrestrial and celestial realms. In the terrestrial realms there was a grassy park with bushes and trees. However, in the celestial realms, there was the fountain of living water, the two trees of life, and now the beautiful temple being constructed from celestial slabs mined from the celestial orb and precisely cut and prepared. I was very impressed with the detailed plans to make this all so perfect!

3. I reread sections of my post 54 where I had written about the temple construction. I read how the foundation rock would be 30 feet thick (see my post 54S2). I now see that this is the bedrock that Mother Earth had created as the flat surface on which the temple will rest.

4. I also read that there was one interior wall, one foot thick, and 200 feet tall to match the height of the outside walls. I read that the gutters that were on the roof would match up with internal holes or "pipes" in the outer walls that bring the rain water from the roof and spires to the grounds far below (see my post 54S4).

5. I came this morning to the future visionary experience at the top of the temple walls. I immediately saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother there. Both were smiling and full of light and glory.

6. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have been marvelling over the design and construction of the outer walls of our temple, and how it has so precisely fit together. We want you to assemble all of the slabs that were created on the celestial orb so that the entire temple structure is created. Then we will have our celestial servants and mortal elect craftsman, artisans and workers beautify the temple as we inspire you and them.

7. This morning we'd like you to first insert the interior wall of the temple, and then place the roof. The roof will then need to be secured. We will have you place the seven temple spires on the roof tonight in your prayer.

8. Come now and retrieve the inner wall from the repository. We will guide you in its installation and of securing it with bolts.

9. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for coming and walking me through every step of the temple assembly.

10. I then came to the repository and retrieved the internal wall from its storage. I brought it vertically above where it was to go, all with my intention, and waited for further instructions.

11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, there are grooves in the east and west walls for the protruding slots to fit into on this internal wall. Lower this wall slowly into these grooves until the bottom edge comes against the floor below.'

12. I lowered the wall slowly with my intention. I had my right hand extended while I mentally thought to move the wall vertically downward. In a short time the internal wall was fully inserted. I then knew there were no bolts required for this internal wall, for the roof would encapsulate this wall inside the temple.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'You have done well, Raphael, in placing the internal wall. Now return and retrieve the one piece roof. This structure is already created with large steel beams and a single one foot thick flat slab of stone that is secured on top of these beams. We used twelve steel beams that extend from the east and west external walls, plus the internal wall edge, to support the roof and the heavy spires that will be placed on top tonight.'

14. I then went with her and Heavenly Father to the repository and opened up the door where the roof was vertically placed. I removed the roof and brought it above the temple. I lowered it slowly into its place as I was directed by the Spirit. The steel beams were exposed on the ceiling and I knew these would later be covered by workmen and women beautifying the ceiling of the temple. There were matching gutter holes and bolt holes, for all had been planned in great detail.

15. When in place, Heavenly Mother asked me to retrieve the 24 bolts to secure the roof to the wall edges. I did so, and then called for celestial workmen to install these bolts in place. When done, the bolts were flush with the roof surface.

16. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, let us now go inspect the roof!'

17. He, Heavenly Mother and I came to the eastern edge of the rooftop. I could see the gutter grooves all over the surface roof. I also saw the steel color of the bolt heads that secured the massive roof in place. Other than the gutter grooves, I could see that the roof was perfectly flat from above. There were also attachment holes for the large bolts that would secure the spires in place.

18. We then went through the roof and inspected the ceiling and inside corners where the ceiling met the walls. These were precisely square and of great workmanship. The steel beams rested in precut slots on the top edges of the eastern and western walls. They extended about nine inches into the slot but did not protrude to the outer wall surface. From the outside wall one couldn't tell there were beams inside.

19. The inside of the temple was already shining with the celestial glow that came from these mighty slabs–the floor, walls and ceiling. It was already so beautifully assembled to me, and very much the work and creation of God!

20. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, we will continue to instruct you in your unconscious mind today about the placement of the temple spires that you will do tonight. If you have any questions during your mortal day, we will be ready to answer these.'

21. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for this wonderful experience this morning. I said I looked forward to coming to be with them again tonight.

22. I then exited their presence in my conscious mind and started my new Sabbath day on earth.

23. Evening–During my day today I pondered about the seven spires of the temple and how these would be attached to the flat roof. I knew these would be individually placed and I believed bolted from underneath with holes I saw earlier today in the ceiling of the roof slab. There probably will be a bolt on each of four corners of each of the seven spires, or 28 bolts, screwed in from the ceiling holes. I will see if I am correct when I go tonight in prayer.

24. I got in a meditative state and came to the roof of the celestial temple in my vision of the future. Both my Heavenly Parents were waiting for me here, and were shining in their glory. I was so glad to be again in their presence! I knelt before them on the roof.

25. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you are correct that the temple spires are all assembled, complete with their gold pyramids in place, (post 54S10), and only need to be set in place and bolted through from the temple ceiling. We want you to first place the tallest center spire, then the end spires, and finally the two shortest spires (see my post 54Q7 for these configurations). Come now Raphael, and we will inspire you in the placement of these spires.'

26. I then stood from my kneeling position, and went to the repository and opened the large door to the tallest spire. This was a very large storage place. I then moved this very large spire carefully out of its position with my intention to come above the temple roof. I saw the matching holes in the roof and aligned the spire with these holes. I gently set this tallest spire directly over the holes with my intention, so that the holes in the roof/ceiling would align with the threaded holes on the bottom side of the spire. I then set this spire on the roof and felt it was perfectly placed. I looked at my Father and he smiled in approval.

27. I then returned to the temple repository and retrieved the northeast corner spire and placed it in the same manner. I then did this again for each of the temple corner spires, and then the north short spire and the south short spire.

28. Now that all of the spires were in position, I came and retrieved the 28 bolts. These were also 2 inch diameter by 2 feet long steel bolts like the others that had been used. I called upon celestial servant workmen and they came and screwed these bolts from the ceiling through holes to the spire corner threaded hole on each spire, four holes per spire. When secured, the bolts were flush with the ceiling. These workmen worked together and soon had secured all 28 bolts to the spires. I then thanked and excused these celestial servants.

29. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, let's now inspect the spires and their connections on the roof and the flushness of the bolt heads on the ceiling.'

30. He, Heavenly Mother and I then came to the intersection of the spires to the roof for each spire. I saw there were gutter grooves at the edges of each intersection on the roof, allowing water from rain to be taken off to the gutter holes in the surrounding edges of the vertical outside walls. The seams were perfect and very tight. I wondered if any moisture could seep between the roof and the spire, or down the bolt holes into the roof.

31. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, the bolts have been sufficiently tightened to join these flat intersecting surfaces so that no moisture may penetrate. When you bless this temple upon its completion, the pieces that you have joined will become as one monolith piece of stone. These will no longer be joints but will become continuous stone. This temple will be forever joined as one piece of stone on a bedrock foundation.

32. You have spiritually completed the basic construction of the temple! All future additions will be created by our mortal craftsmen and artisans who are of our elect. They have learned well their respective trades and skills, and will have specific missions to create and build a portion of our celestial temple. All who contribute and adorn our holy temple on earth will be greatly blessed for their contributions. You, Raphael, will oversee all of their work. You will have foremen and women who will supervise different sections and attributes for the utility and beautification of our holy celestial temple.

33. Your Heavenly Mother and I have wanted you to know all of the details of the basic construction of our temple before you do this physically. We call this creation a spiritual construction. You will now be able to build our temple with confidence when you do this in physical reality. We know that you will do precisely as you have done in this spiritual construction. We both will be by your side again, and give you of our power in the physical construction of our holy temple.'

34. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their beautiful temple and for their confidence in me! I said I could only do as they ask of me by their sustaining power and presence. I said I would continue to do exactly as they would ask of me.

35. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then held hands and rose up into the celestial sky above the tallest spire of the temple. I then closed my prayer and came back to my mortal conscious self.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, September 21, 2020

1. I read this morning what I had typed up yesterday and what I had written yesterday in my journal. I was again impressed with the grandeur of God's temple and how it was placed on the New Jerusalem island!

2. I came again with my intention to the temple construction site. I walked around the temple, went inside the open doorways and walked around inside. I then thought to go to the roof and spires and was instantly there. I walked on the roof for a while and peered over the northern edge to the fountain of living water below. I saw the water from the fountain was exiting out the large pool area in four straight streams, one in each compass direction. I knew this water was to eventually flow in water channels around the trees of life, the altar, and the temple.

3. At this moment, Heavenly Mother appeared in the air in front of me! She was smiling and very radiant. She spoke: 'Raphael, we have asked you and our celestial resurrected servants to spiritually construct the temple and the temple grounds, and plant all of this island with seeds and transplants. You had also asked Mother Earth to create certain things. The remainder of the work of function and beauty will be done by our mortal elect who come here soon. We have designed their work to be within their ability and skill levels. The work that has been done so far has been outside of their capacity, so we had you and others do this.

4. In a few weeks time, from this time that the basic temple is built, our first travelers will arrive at the borders of Zion, on the other side of the mighty river. They will need to exercise their faith to cross the river. We will stop the flow of the waters so these firstcomers may walk through the river bed on dry ground.

5. As soon as this vanguard group of mortal elect come upon the island, we want you to greet them on the shores. This will be a joyous meeting for you and for them! This first group coming will be those of the northern tribes of Israel. Bring their prophet leader and the entire group onto the island and let them settle where they feel inspired. Let them eat and be replenished with the first fruits of the beautiful garden areas that our celestial servants have planted. Let them rest for a full week from their arduous journey before having them start to organize work projects and begin their labors. This week will be one of feasting and rest. They will remember this occasion of crossing the mighty river on dry ground, and entering the island paradise for generations. They will create a spiritual holiday to remember this great event each year thereafter, when they arrived at the New Jerusalem.

6. After eating terrestrial food for one week and drinking the terrestrial living water, this large group of our chosen elect will change more and more fully into terrestrial mortal beings. They will have more strength and stamina, and improved health and wellbeing.

7. After one week, meet with their prophet and other leaders and plan for the first work projects. These include the construction of the perimeter wall, four gates and roads, the building of four large bridges across the waters, and additional work on the temple square area in the celestial realm. We will give you and their prophet revelation on the priorities of this work to be done, and the manner we wish it to be done. All things will be done in order and according to our timetable. These will be memorable days for all the tribes of Israel!

8. In not many weeks after the arrival of this first group of travelers to Zion, other groups will arrive. We want the first group to create a group of welcoming hosts for these next groups. There will be many more coming that need to be housed, clothed and fed. After they rest and recuperate, they too will join Zion's work force in further building up the New Jerusalem in all its glory and splendor.'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words and description of such a happy time! I said I wanted to hear more details of this early stage of Zion's growth.

10. 'Raphael, stay here on this beautiful temple roof with me today and I will share these future events with you to your unconscious mind. You will remember all of my words in a coming day when your conscious and unconscious minds merge here at the New Jerusalem.'

11. I thanked her and sat at her feet as she explained further details to me. I then came immediately to my conscious mind on earth in my private room where I had been writing all of this in my journal. I then started my new day.

12. I read again my journal account of the finishing construction of the basic temple, and of the joyous arrival of the tribes of Israel. I know today my Heavenly Mother will show me more future events at the New Jerusalem, I am excited about the prospects of going there so soon!

13. I came to the temple roof tonight where I was with my Heavenly Mother this morning. When I came there was a beautiful sunset across the promised land. My Heavenly Mother was facing the sunset across the promised land with me to the west. She spoke:

14. 'Raphael, the early days of the building of the New Jerusalem on this river island will be very memorable! Each group of new arrivals who come will stir excitement among Zion's inhabitants. Soon they will be arriving most every day.

15. The remnant of Jacob, spoken of in the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 16:11-20; 3 Nephi 20:29-40, 46; 3 Nephi 21:22-29), will soon come in larger numbers to this city, after the northern tribes arrive. They will not be so organized nor have a prophet leader or such a large group. However, their men and women will be inspired by the spirit of revelation and prophecy, and will be led here. They will be our elect, although many will not understand much of the doctrine of the gospel. They will believe in Christ and exercise great faith.

16. You and other leaders will go among these, the remnant of Jacob, and teach them of our covenants we have renewed upon the prophet Joseph Smith and upon the new prophet of the Church of Christ. You will also share some of your own revelations and they will believe in your words, for my Spirit will witness of the truth of what you say to their hearts and minds. Many of these will come from the land of Mexico and Central and South America.

17. None of these new arrivals will see our holy celestial temple on the hill unless they are quickened by us, their Gods, as you have been. They will be our terrestrial elect. Some of them are called to work on the celestial temple, and we will quicken them when they come to the temple square area. They will take off their terrestrial robes they were given when they arrived on the island, and put on celestial workmen and women robes. These robes will have been prepared for them by our celestial servants. As they put on these celestial robes, they too will be able to enter upon the temple grounds in the celestial realms. We who are their Gods will then quicken them to a celestial glory, even while in the flesh. These are our elect whom we will have chosen to labor on our beautiful celestial temple! We will have no other mortals work on it except that they are properly clothed in celestial robes and quickened to a celestial glory. It will be in this state that our craftsmen and women, our artisans, our gardeners, and everyone who works on this 3,000 ft by 3,000 ft square area will labor. We will impart to them of our Spirit in abundance and our power as they exercise faith in us their Gods. Ofttimes your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and I will come in disguise among these workers on our holy temple, and work side by side with them. Oh, what a joyous time we all will have together in our celestial realms on this beautiful piece of land!'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful description of such a lovely place and work environment.

19. 'Raphael, meet your Father and I tomorrow morning on the eastern border of this temple square area. We will share more of these wonderful times with you, in your near future!'

20. I told her I would be there! I said I loved her so much, and was so deeply grateful and humbled to have been with her and Heavenly Father these past few days on their New Jerusalem island in this future vision.

21. She then touched both of my shoulders with her outstretched hands, and then faded quickly away. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and returned to my home in Utah.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, September 22, 2020

1. I had a restless sleep last night, for I kept dreaming or thinking I was in the New Jerusalem laboring with other elect individuals on the holy celestial temple. I started wondering where materials would come from for the temple, like the wood for the doors or floor area in the northern section of the temple. I wondered if these would be celestial materials retrieved from the celestial realms on the earth, or even from the celestial orb. I know that the seeds and plants will come from the celestial orb that will have been planted in the garden areas so why not the building materials? I had no idea, however,

2. I came this morning to the eastern border of the temple square area. I was on the place where the future 150 foot wide road would divide the telestial from the terrestrial realms. This area had remained dirt and had not been planted earlier by the celestial servants. I came to the edge of the celestial realm. I then looked upon this temple square area with intention to view it in the terrestrial realm. I saw a grassy park with trees and bushes.

3. I then sought to view this area in the celestial realm. I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother holding hands in front of me, and standing a little elevated in the air. I saw the basic temple structure behind them and a beautiful garden planted all around. I came to my knees before my Heavenly Parents and looked up into their smiling faces.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we are standing in the air above the edge of the temple square block, in the celestial realms on the earth. This area will remain a park area in the terrestrial realms, for it has been changed from a telestial realm. Those who are telestial will never be able to come here to this island, for in this future vision it is now all terrestrial and they are not able to enter. Those who are telestial and who seek to see it will not be able to, for it will appear to them as the mighty river only, with no island. We therefore will hide the New Jerusalem island from her enemies, and protect our elect who enter from anyone of a telestial nature, or from that realm.

5. Those who travel to Zion across the promised land will travel on the telestial land until they are permitted to enter the terrestrial realms at the New Jerusalem and other Zion cities that will also become terrestrial lands. The wicked will never enter or even see these transformed lands, for there will be a veil protecting these terrestrial realms from their view. At first, were they to wander to the terrestrial areas, they would see only flooded lands or wastelands.

6. When Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son comes in glory, there will be no more telestial realm on the earth's surface, for it will all be changed to terrestrial except for this temple block area which will be celestial. The wicked who die will be taken to the telestial realms of the dead under the earth, and not on her surface. The bottomless pit will be located even deeper in the earth near its center. On the surface of the earth, there will only be a terrestrial realm and a celestial physical realm, plus our highest celestial realm, where we who are Gods come.

7. There is currently in your present mortal world, four realms of glory on the surface of the earth: the highest celestial realm, the celestial realm, the terrestrial and the telestial. Your physical mortal world is now telestial, but this will all change to a terrestrial mortal world in phases. The first shift to the terrestrial world will occur on this island in the mighty river. As Zion grows, and settlements begin on either side of the river, these too will transition to terrestrial realms, supplanting the physical telestial realms. Eventually no telestial individual will be allowed upon these areas, for they will all become terrestrial realms of glory as Zion expands her borders. By this means we will primarily protect Zion and her cities from the wicked.

8. Raphael, you have wondered about the source of materials with which to further build our celestial temple, water channels and paths, and other structures in the celestial realm area of our temple square block.These will all be retrieved from celestial realms for we will not permit those of the lower realms to come here unless they are quickened. It is our plan to have all supplies and components used in this temple square area to come from the celestial realms on the earth or from the celestial orb itself.

9. There are vast forests already growing in the celestial realms on the earth. You have previously visited the entry to some of these areas in your conscious mind, and frequent these areas in your unconscious mind. There are abundant celestial materials in this realm with which our mortal skilled craftsmen will come and use on our temple. In our wisdom, these materials have been growing or placed in the celestial realms of the earth for this very purpose. These items are celestial physical materials, suitable for cutting and shaping into what will become part of our celestial temple.

10. We wish the temple portion that will become the front area, where you and Oriphiel will do the waters of separation ordinance, to be completed first. We will authorize you both to begin these ordinances for our faithful elect before the rest of the temple interior is completed. The temple completion and its dedication will be done after Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, returns to earth in glory. However, you and Oriphiel will be doing your vital ordinance work even before Jesus comes in glory.

11. Raphael, come now with your Heavenly Mother and me into the nearby celestial realms where the celestial forests are growing!'

12. I stood and took their extended hands. We turned and traveled further up in the air, above the temple spires, and into a beautiful grassy area.

13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this is the entrance to our celestial realms on the earth where our forests, and lands are located that will provide all the materials to continue building our temple. When our craftsmen are selected to work on our temple, you will ensure that they are robed in celestial robes. We will then quicken them to withstand our celestial glory. Then you will escort these to this very location with the green grass entrance. Once here, our celestial mortal workmen and women may enter on their own and select what materials they may need that is given them by my Spirit, even the Holy Ghost.

14. Raphael, come now with us and view this beautiful land!'

15. I continued holding their hands and we walked further on the grassy area to a nearby forest. There were many large hardwood and softwood trees, lovely streams and hilly areas, filled with plants and animals of all varieties.

16. 'Raphael, our elect workmen and women will know what trees to cut to make every needful wooden thing for our temple. They may also take of the vast resources of the ground to create paints or other coverings for the walls and ceilings. They may make curtains or windows from the resources here. There are also many precious metals and gemstones in abundance in the celestial area that they may be led to mine and use for our temple and grounds.

17. Each workday, Monday through Saturday, you will bring the assigned workers to the grassy area where we entered. They will follow my Spirit and do their work. They may come and go from here to our temple during the workday. They may take of these resources as they need to build our temple to its completion.

18. At the end of the day they will return to the road area, change from their celestial robes to terrestrial robes in changing rooms we will have them construct, one for men and one for women. They will then be free to return to their families on the island.

19. During their workday in our celestial realms, there will generally be no need to eat. However, our celestial workmen and women may eat freely of the celestial foods on the temple square area or in this celestial realm area within the forest. They may also drink freely of living water in either place.'

20. I marveled at the great beauty and grandeur of the trees in this area! I thanked my Heavenly Parents for showing me this celestial resource area. I knew that the elect workmen and women would have all they needed for completing the construction of the holy temple from these celestial resources.

21. I then had my vision abruptly closed. I felt great peace and clarity, however, and am so thankful for this vision. I knew I could come to this celestial forest anytime today to further commune with my Heavenly Parents.

22. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

23. Evening–During my day I wondered about the large trees that would be felled and cut into shapes for different areas in the temple. I wondered if these were physical trees that were not resurrected, akin to trees on earth in our mortal telestial world, only in a celestial realm.

24. I came tonight to this celestial forest and came in front of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I came to my knees before them on the soft forest floor.

25. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, these trees in this forest are unlike the trees on our celestial orb which are resurrected. These have been planted here in these celestial physical realms on the earth, and will all die in time, even as those in the telestial realm where you live. They have been planted in this celestial realm years ago specifically for providing wood with which to build the temple and other objects in the temple block of the New Jerusalem area on the earth. This forest will be here through the entire millennium in case building materials may be needed in that celestial temple area. There will be no other place where our servants will use to acquire materials for our temple except in this unique celestial realm.'

26. I asked my Heavenly Father about the building materials for the terrestrial earth as it expands across the promised land, and upon this New Jerusalem island.

27. 'Raphael, our elect will build new structures from the available wood and building materials in their local areas. Everything constructed on this island, except for the celestial temple area, will use resources that grow on this island that are terrestrial. There have been many fast growing trees that will be harvested to meet all the needs of the New Jerusalem itself. One exception is the embellishments brought for the temple to adorn it, that have been preserved for generations. These temple embellishments will be changed to a celestial nature on a one by one basis by us, your Gods.

28. Once Zion cities spread abroad, our people will use local resources which will have mostly been changed to a terrestrial realm. Were they to occupy an area of an abandoned city these cities were built from telestial resources which will change to become a terrestrial part of the earth as our elect children occupy it and bless the area with their presence and God's blessings. This will be the time when Isaiah 54:3 will be fulfilled, when our terrestrial elect will inherit the desolate cities of the gentiles.

29. We permit plants and animals to be propagated from a higher realm to a lower realm, but not the other way around, from a lower realm to a higher. This also includes resources to be used for buildings. We don't want telestial resources to be used to build up terrestrial cities, or terrestrial resources to be used in celestial realms. We keep the integrity of the spiritual realm by using the same realms or higher materials used in that realm.

30. We have also decided not to use any part of this celestial forest and surrounding celestial realm on any other area on earth except for the temple block area on this island. We could have done this to build up the New Jerusalem city and terrestrial temple since celestial resources could be used on terrestrial buildings but will instead bless the trees to grow extremely fast to meet the many needs of construction.'

31. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his understandable explanation! I said I loved to be here among these very tall and large majestic trees.

32. I asked why I needed to bring the workmen and women each day to the celestial resource area and forest.

33. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, our elect workers will be very unaccustomed to moving about in celestial realms at first. It is primarily for this reason, that they don't become lost or frustrated, that you will assemble them at the start of each workday and move them as a group to the grassy area entrance. Once they come here, they will be able to see down to the temple area and will be able to travel back and forth as needed to fulfill their work duties. You will also have an exact count on all the workers laboring on our temple by escorting them as a group in the morning. At first, during this early construction phase, you will be participating throughout the day in the construction, ensuring our designs are fulfilled and that all work is proceeding as scheduled.

34. In this celestial realm, you and our holy angels will always wear your angel vestures. Our celestial resurrected servants will wear their robes of celestial resurrection. Our mortal elect who work here will wear celestial robes specifically made just for them. These celestial clothes are only worn in celestial realms. In the terrestrial parts of this island, you and all of the others will wear similar terrestrial robes.'

35. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words to me tonight. I told them how excited I was for all of these things to come to pass in the near future.

36. I then left their presence and closed my prayer this day in the name of Jesus Christ.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, September 23, 2020

1. I am in my private room this morning in a meditative, prayerful state. I felt this morning to go to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I arrived by the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand. I then desired to eat of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, so I came there next and ate. I felt clarified and uplifted.

2. I knelt down before the tree of life to confirm all that I had received about the celestial forest and land for resources, and all that I had written about the New Jerusalem to date. I wanted to make sure I was spot on, and not misleading anyone, including myself, in any untruths.

3. As I knelt here, Jesus Christ stepped out from behind the tree of life! He was smiling and walked right up to me. I looked into his tender and very compassionate eyes, and knew that this was him.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you have received multiple visionary experiences of the future, during the time when our New Jerusalem island paradise would be formed and our temple built. You were in this future visionary state in prayer for multiple days, one after another. All that you received in this state is true, and was received from our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. You have also correctly written what you saw and experienced in your journal.

5. Our Heavenly Parents have given you these spiritual glimpses and experiences in the spiritual construction so that you would be able to know them consciously, and then be able to repeat the process in physical reality. Your words are also meant to buoy up the elect who read and ponder them, even on earth with your small group at first, and in heaven among all of our celestial servants who read these journal entries once they are posted on earth. Your record "Raphael" will become a very important and critical record in strengthening the faith and confidence of all our elect who read and ponder it throughout time.

6. Raphael, we, your Gods, are working together to build up Zion, the New Jerusalem, in our own way. These beautiful gems of celestial truths you have received will only be given to the terrestrial elect who will establish Zion, the pure in heart. They will not be read by the telestial mortals or spirit dead who have not been chosen as elect by our Heavenly Parents.

7. Our elect hear our voice, the voice of the Spirit, and yearn for a better world than the one in which you now live in mortality. These desires to be among the faithful elect with similar feeling will motivate our people to come unto us in mighty prayer and desires. We will inspire them with the truths of Zion and of the celestial principles, even as they are now being taught in the spirit realms in their unconscious minds. They will then be ready for Zion and our call to them to gather to Zion, for their hearts and minds will seek for this. I will cleanse and purify them as they exercise their faith and do the things we inspire them to do.

8. Raphael, our Heavenly Parents are waiting again for you in a future visionary experience. Look now upon your healing seer stone to come into their presence!'

9. I thanked my Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, for his witness to me and for coming to me! I told him that I loved him and cherished his cleansing power, and his atonement that he has wrought upon me. I said I felt so full of joy to be in his presence.

10. He smiled upon me and then walked behind the tree of life and was gone. I then looked with intention into my stone around my neck, and immediately came into the glorious presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! We were on the eastern road area that divides the celestial temple block from the terrestrial New Jerusalem. I saw the river of living water that was going to the west behind me.

11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, welcome back again to the future vision of the New Jeruslaem! Today I want to show you our garden area as it now has grown, following the plantings of our seeds and transplants, done by our celestial servants.'

12. We all three walked together to the northeastern garden area of the temple block. As I walked, I saw the very large temple with its seven spires to my southwest.

13. We came upon a beautiful garden with very lush vegetation all around. There were no paths but ample space to walk around the plants. The eastern stream of living water was flowing in its own stream bed it had made while traveling east. There were no straight or curved channels for the water to flow in as I had seen previously in vision (see my post 54U1 to 54U5).

14. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, you correctly saw in vision on July 29, 2017, the way our garden would be laid out. This work will be done by our mortal elect who come to this island and who are called to work in our celestial gardens. After being clothed in celestial robes, they will come here with you and others whom you will call as their foremen and women. These workers will have the responsibility to further beautify our celestial gardens to the design we have shown to you in 2017. In the process, they will place walking paths, benches, and channels for the living water to flow in a very organized and beautiful design. These workers will take all of their materials from the same celestial area where our celestial forest is located. These are also stone quarries there and precious metal mines where our servants may retrieve their resources to construct our garden areas. The only thing they won't have to do is to plant our beautiful bushes, flowers, fruiting vegetables and fruits, and trees. They may need to move these living plants temporarily until the construction is in place. These moved plants will then be given a permanent home in a perfected beautiful celestial garden that will last for the entire millennium.

15. Once all of the garden areas in our temple block area are completed, we will have certain of our celestial animals from our celestial orb come back and bare offspring that we will bring to our celestial gardens here. These celestial animals will remain celestial since they will confine themselves to this celestial area. We will have our resurrected celestial servants bring them and our mortal elect servants will care for them and our garden from then on. Our celestial animals will come once all construction in our garden areas is finished.

16. On our island paradise, we have also had our celestial servants plant seeds and transplants from our celestial orb. Once these are growing and thriving, and before our first arrivals come, our celestial servants will also bring the offspring of celestial animals from our celestial orb. These offspring will quickly change into terrestrial animals and will be such when the tribes of Israel arrive. If the tribes of Israel come with their own domesticated animals, these too will transform into terrestrial creatures once they eat the food and drink living water that will be plentiful by that time on the island.

17. All changes, construction and growth on this entire island is already pre planned in detail. You, Raphael, will be the overall mortal in charge of these things. Our servant John the Beloved will also soon come and ultimately become the king of the city of the New Jerusalem itself. Jesus Christ, his mortal father, will take up residence here in his city after he returns in glory to the earth.

18. Once John comes to this island paradise, you will coordinate with him on the construction of the city of the New Jerusalem. He, however, will be overall in charge of this construction and design. Your main responsibility will then be for the celestial temple construction and the temple block area.

19. Stay here in our celestial garden area today and your Heavenly Father and I will be here to further instruct you in your unconscious mind as you live in your conscious self in mortality. We want you to know of all our plans and then to see them spiritually being created, prior to their physical creation and physical reality.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instructions and for her offer for me to be with them all the day long here! I said I would seek to learn as fast as I was able, and to seek all of this up in my unconscious mind.

21. I then excited their presence in my conscious mind and returned to my room on earth where I was writing all of this down in my journal. I then started a new day on earth.

22. Evening–I came back to my vision in prayer tonight, at the north eastern garden sector of the temple block. My Heavenly Parents were both there by the eastern stream coming from the fountain of living water. I came to my knees when I approached them.

23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered about seasons on our New Jerusalem island. We will temper the weather on this entire promised land area, and there will not be harsh climate swings or violent weather patterns. The summers will rarely exceed 80 deg F and winters will not dip into freezing conditions. There will still be definite springtime and fall time, with great beauty that comes in these changing seasons.

24. Our plants will fruit or flower in their own particular seasons, and will be dormant during other times of the year. There will always be abundant free food at any time of the year on this beautiful island paradise.

25. The seasons will accent with their own coloring the temple and grounds. Our children who come to our celestial temple will remember with fondness the beauty of their particular season when they received their saving ordinances.'

26. I asked whether the celestial forest and area also had seasons?

27. Heavenly Father answered: 'Raphael, our celestial resource area will become an appendage of the temple square block, and will have the same weather as the temple area. It is elevated in the sky, in the celestial realms, and is a physical area. It is only reached with permission from you or one of your assigned leaders. It is to be visited and used as a resource center for our celestial temple block area on this island.

28. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I revealed to you all day long more details of our temple block gardens and designs. When you come here in person, and begin physical construction and layout, if ever you have questions we want you to ask of us. We will immediately bring to your recollection what we have shared with you today in your unconscious mind. You are now in a replicated state recording our words in your celestial journal that you keep in the domed room, so that you may read these one day. In all things, you will build and create according to our plans and designs, and not mans'.'

29. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words tonight, and those he and Heavenly Mother shared with me today. I then knew my time with them was nearing its close. I bid them farewell, told them I loved them, and closed my prayer in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, September 24, 2020

1. I came today in my prayer to the desert oasis. This is such a peaceful and quiet place! I came to the water's edge and drank. I then returned to the bench and sat down and pondered. I could of myself think of nothing else about the New Jerusalem to ask about, or whatever more might be revealed to me. I do know that God could reveal much more, but I have no idea what that would be.

2. I felt clarified and prepared to commune again with my Heavenly Parents. I then pulled up my healing seer stone and looked with intention into it. My intention was to come into the presence of one or both of them wherever they might choose to appear to me.

3. I then saw before me my glorious Heavenly Mother! She was smiling and began to speak to my mind:

4. 'Raphael, I am standing in front of some trees that our celestial servants had planted only six weeks earlier as saplings from our celestial orb. These have grown exceedingly fast since planted here on this island of the New Jerusalem. There is now an entire forest of these trees that are large and ready to be harvested and cut into boards for the necessary building materials for many structures.'

5. I looked around us and some of the trees were tall and about 2 ½ feet in diameter! I was very surprised how they grew so fast. I asked my Heavenly Mother how we would be able to cut these down and saw them into boards, for I knew most of Zion's residents would be lacking such tools or equipment.

6. She responded: 'Raphael, it is true that our elect who come to this island will have few possessions when they arrive. Many will, however, have had great experience in their lives and skills necessary to cut and saw these trees into boards for the many structures we wish them to build right away. As they pray to us, after you call and give them their assignments, they will exercise great faith in us, their Gods, to find ore that they might make the necessary tools they need. They will have the faith as Nephi of old, found in 1 Nephi 17: 9-11. Within days these craftsmen will have made tools they are familiar with, from the large deposits of surface ore that we will show them on this island. Many trees will then be cut into boards for the buildings we will ask of them to construct. Even the nails will be made from the ore they refine.

7. The tribes of Israel who are the mortal first comers to this island besides yourself will have both the varied skills and manpower to quickly make a civilized community including areas for privacy and sanitation, reception areas for new arrivals and food preparation areas. These people will by and large live in the tents they bring until more permanent housing may be constructed. All of them will be put to work to produce what is necessary from their own skills and labors. They will rejoice at the opportunity to be in Zion, the New Jerusalem, and to serve as they are able.

8. In order to quickly establish order and prepare every needful thing, we will inspire you and their prophet to divide up the labors into work preparation camps across the island. Some of these will create tools, some will prepare resources like lumber and stones from quarries we will show you, some will start the weaving of terrestrial robes for Zion's inhabitants, and some will be involved in harvesting and preparing foods for so many. Others who have skill in farming and gardening and will propagate seeds that they have brought or harvested from the island that will grow quickly into food for the people. Many will begin work on the wall that will surround the island perimeter. There will be many also who quarry the stones for the walls. All of our people will labor at the skill level they have developed in their lives, and all will contribute in their labors, and none will be idle. The spirit of preparing for others, and for those who will soon be coming will be the greatest desire of the people. Our Spirit will fill these, our elect, with great love and purpose. Their leaders will be a source of inspiration to the workers, and all will labor as one for the cause of building up a Zion community that will endure for the entire millennium.

9. After the close of the work day, and after the evening meal in families, we will cause the people to be taught more of the truths of the gospel as revealed by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, in the Bible, the Book of Momon, the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants. The people will learn in groups these truths from you and their leaders who will read these words to them from scriptures you bring. Your scriptures will be duplicated by our power so that they all will have access in the groups they attend for these evening teaching sessions. The scriptures will be in English but read by them in their native tongues. We want these eager people to be taught truths that have been withheld from them because they have been hid away in the inner earth for so long. They will be eager for our truths and receptive to all you share with them. Soon others will arrive at the island who will continue teaching gospel principles. However, as yet the Church of Christ will not be established until the newly called prophet of the Church of Christ comes to this island and formally organizes that church here. The people will continue in their same religious organization, under their current prophet leader, until the time of transition when they will be absorbed into the newly formed and organized Church of Christ, complete with prophets and apostles.

10. Raphael, there is much that your Heavenly Father and I wish to reveal to you about these early days of Zion's establishment on the New Jerusalem island. This will take much organization and inspiration on your part, and on the leaders who will work with you. Stay with me today, here at these large trees on the island, in a future visionary experience, and I will imbue you with the details of how to organize and move forward Zion in these early days.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations! I said I was eager to learn, and hoped I would recall all when I needed it in reality in the future.

12. I then exited her presence in my mortal conscious mind, and came back to my private room. I then started my new day on earth.

13. Evening–I came to the large, fast growing tree grove on the New Jerusalem island tonight. I came into the presence of my Heavenly Mother. I was very pleased to come before her!

14. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have wondered if the visions Spencer had, as recorded in the book "Visions of Glory", would really come to pass, and how these would fit in with what you have seen. Rather than to detail out a timeline, your Heavenly Father and I would rather give you visions as we wish of your own future, and not necessarily tie these into accounts from others. Once this time has passed, it will be much easier to see how the dreams and visions of others from us all fit together, and describe one great historical record. Some of our children see true accounts of specific areas and conditions of unknown times, and others see true accounts of other areas at different times. When all is past, it will be very faith promoting to see how they all frame together into one account.

15. You have also wondered when the Church of Christ would be brought forward on the earth. This will have new prophets and apostles, and will have our approval and authority. This church will come to the New Jerusalem island after many of our elect have already come here. The focus will not be at first to align with a particular church, which will be the Church of Christ, but to build up Zion, the New Jerusalem, in a quick and efficient manner. This community and the Zion cities that follow will protect our elect from the wicked, and from those in the telestial world who want them destroyed. We want a place of refuge quickly established in the center of our land of promise. This is where we will gather our people.

16. Then will this scripture be fulfilled:

D&C 45:68-71

"And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.

And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another.

And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand.

And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy." '

17. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the greater concerns for safety and peace among her elect children than for ensuring they are in the authorized Church of Christ when they first arrive. I see that conversion will happen once a person comes into the borders of Zion and is safe and secure. Joining the church would happen as a consequence of true conversion by the Spirit in their hearts and minds.

18. I told her I was so glad that there would be scripture study in groups after each workday.

19. I wondered about when and how my own record would be taught and accepted. She told me to come in the morning to the desert oasis and pray to the Father there. He would connect with me and reveal more about this at that time.

20. Heavenly Mother then stepped back among the large trees and left my view. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, September 25, 2020

1. I came to the desert oasis this morning anticipating to meet my Heavenly Father here.

2. I came first to the water's edge and drank living water. I knelt down and was drinking when a bright light appeared before me on the water. I looked up and saw my glorious Heavenly Father standing a little above the water! He extended his hand and said: 'Raphael, come with me and we will see how your record of Raphael is received among the elect on the New Jerusalem Island!'

3. I stood and walked out to him on the water, and when I touched his hand we were instantly in the air above one of the group gospel study meetings on the island. I saw that individuals and families were gathered and seated on the ground, with one man or woman reading the scriptures as they were inspired. I saw that these small groups of about 50 individuals each were gathered together all over the land at the same time. I also saw that the Spirit of God was strong among them, and that the Holy Ghost witnessed to the hearts and minds of the listeners the words of truth which were spoken in their native tongue.

4. Heavenly Father and I came to a group where a sister was about to read. One of the group stood and offered a prayer of supplication, seeking the Spirit to come mightily upon them as they heard the word of God together.

5. They were reading from the Book of Mormon. It was at this moment that a man came and gave this sister a copy of one of the volumes of Raphael, saying it was now time to introduce this to the many people in their study.

6. The sister thanked him and set aside the Book of Mormon and asked the group what they wanted to hear, if it would be from the new scripture she had just received, the Book of Raphael, or from the Book of Mormon where she had been reading.

7. One man stood and said he was impressed that she should read from the new scripture of Raphael. She responded that she also felt the same way.

8. She then opened up the Book of Raphael and skipped to pages in the volume where she felt to read. She started reading about the office of high priestess and of the seven mortal female archangels. She read about the calling of the 144,000 (This was in my post 24G10 to 24G32). She paused several times and was crying for joy. She was finally overcome when she read about how righteous women everywhere are now able to become members of the Church of the Firstborn, and some become high priestesses also, after the order of your Divine Mother, something never experienced on earth until this day. Only men have had the priesthood in the first 6,000 years of earth's temporal existence. Now, in a terrestrial existence, women too will have power and authority to act in the stead of their Divine Mother! It is a glorious day for women!" (see post 24G32).

9. I saw Heavenly Mother come behind her and touch her head, sending her Spirit in great abundance upon her and the entire group. Heavenly Mother couldn't be seen, but she too was crying and smiling broadly. This was an exceedingly tender moment for all. I too started crying, for the Spirit was intense and filled me with love and great joy!

10. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, when our children here read the scriptures, including your own record, they will receive abundantly from our Spirit and know of the many truths we have taught to you. This, our daughter, read what you recorded four years ago this month of September, and we bore witness to all of its truthfulness. This is how our children will be taught gospel truths in the New Jerusalem!'

11. I thanked him for sharing his future glimpse into how the scriptures and my own records will be shared. I then departed consciously from my Father and started my new day.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, September 26, 2020

1. Last night my wife and I went to bed early. I prayed in the dark and sought to confirm the truth of all the recent revelations I had received about the New Jerusalem. I had recently had Jesus come to me and confirm truths. Last night my Father spoke to me peace and assurance also that what I had written up to this point was also true. I met with him in the sky somewhere above the New Jerusalem island.

2. I am now feeling alert and ready again to commune with my Gods. M.A. had written me yesterday and asked two questions:

About the return of Enoch's city in the Gulf of Mexico. If it won't happen until right before the second coming, won't it displace a lot of water and cause flooding again even affecting the New Jerusalem area?

For you and the mortal angels who will live 1,000 years, will they still have all their teeth? Will drinking living water enhance your bodies so you don't lose them?

3. This morning I came to Heavenly Mother's upper garden at the knoll above the circling waters. I knelt there and asked to come into the presence of my Heavenly Mother. I felt she would visit with me today. She then came in a beam of light from her distant temple to the west! She was very radiant and filled me with her light and love. I felt very accepted and so very pleased to be in her presence. I was kneeling before her when she came.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, the return of Enoch's City and landmass to the present day Gulf of Mexico will not cause flooding up the mighty river at the New Jerusalem island. It will cause local flooding in the gulf where it will slowly descend and displace ocean waters.

5. The Tree of Life in Enoch's city will have earlier been transplanted to the eastern tree of life location at the New Jerusalem. The sapling tree of life that you planted will have been earlier transplanted at this same time to the western tree of life location at the New Jerusalem. These transplantings will be done by a group of the angels of God including you, Raphael. These two Trees of Life will be moved during the 6 days of the planting of our New Jerusalem with seeds and transplants from our celestial orb by our celestial servants.

6. There will be no transplant shock for either of these Trees of Life, and they will continue producing fruits, even at this early stage in the New Jerusalem before the other mortal elect come there. You, our angels and celestial servants, will be able to partake freely of the fruit of these trees once they are transplanted. You all will have earlier partaken of the fruit and leaf of the main Tree of Life on our celestial orb. However, we wish our mortal workmen and women who labor in the celestial gardens in the temple block area, to wait to partake until they themselves have made the journey from meeting Jesus Christ at the white gate on the celestial orb, and have walked down the narrow path to the main Tree of Life at the end of this path. Once they have partaken of that main Tree of LIfe fruit and leaf, they then will be able to partake of either the fruit and leaf from the western or eastern Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem. This same procedure will be followed by any of our elect who are later admitted to the temple block area at the New Jerusalem. We want each to be received by Jesus Christ, walk the straight and narrow path, and first partake of the fruit and leaf of our main Tree of Life on our celestial orb.

7. M.A. had another question about whether the teeth of our translated mortal angels will be preserved for the duration of the millennium. Their bodies will be renewed and preserved at the age when they arrive at the New Jerusalem, just like you. You will be the first one to have your conscious and unconscious mind merged, and your aging stopped. The other mortal angels will also receive a similar blessing. They too will have their mortal bodies preserved and renewed, even at the age when they arrived. Their teeth will be preserved as well as other body parts, organs, and their minds.

8. We will also have some of our holy angels who work in the New Jerusalem Temple to be resurrected, for some have already died. However, all those who labor there need to have physical bodies, and not be spirits only. Oriphiel will be the only one who will be a premortal spirit for part of the millennium. He will work only with you for the waters of separation ordinance.

9. The renewal and changes in your mortal bodies, for you who are translated and have a mission in our New Jerusalem temple, will be initiated by drinking living water. The living water coming from the underground cavern will come to the surface as celestial living water. When the fountain water flows out the fountain and throughout the gardens in channels in the celestial temple block area, it will remain celestial living water. Once the water travels under the perimeter road to the four rivers, it will change to terrestrial living water.

10. The large volume of living water coming up the cylindrical holes to the start of the four rivers, just at the outer edge of the road, will also change to be terrestrial living water when it reaches the surface.

11. In this way, there will only be celestial living water in our celestial temple block area, and only terrestrial living water on the rest of the island. We have asked the living water in the underground cavern to make this change as soon as it comes to a terrestrial environment.

12. When terrestrial living water comes upon a telestial environment, it will start changing this environment to a terrestrial environment. This will include the land, air, plants, animals, and our terrestrial elect. The wicked who are telestial will never be allowed to come in contact with the terrestrial environment that is changed by the living waters. We will ensure that the land is cleansed of the wicked before it transitions into a terrestrial environment. The transition of the land to a terrestrial nature will begin at this island of the New Jerusalem, and spread out over the promised land from there. The land will be cleansed of the wicked before being transitioned to a terrestrial environment. Cities of Zion will spread forth upon the land, starting at the centerplace of Zion, even the New Jerusalem.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations I received this morning. I knew she would remain with me here above the circling waters during this entire day. I then exited consciously from her presence and began my new day on earth.

14. Evening–I have worked hard today and that made me feel satisfied. I received a question today from M.A.. She wondered after I am finally in the New Jerusalem with my wife and son (no more replicated in my mortal body, for I would be in my single mortal person then), would I only replicate from that time forward in the celestial realms and no longer replicate again on earth? See my post 171A12 where Heavenly Mother stated to me of that time "You will then become one physical body, never to become replicated in a mortal physical body again."

15. I came to the knoll above the circling waters where I had been this morning. I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Mother. She then stepped out in front of me, like she had been waiting for me to come tonight.

16. She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, once your full conscious and unconscious minds have merged together at the New Jerusalem, you will still be able to replicate yourself and appear in your mortal world, and also replicate yourself in the celestial world. We will not restrict you by limiting your ability to replicate in the mortal world. However, your replication in your mortal world will be as your celestial replicated self and not as mortal man replication. In a celestial replication, you may then be able to withhold your glory and appear even as a mortal man, like a resurrected man or woman are able to do if they would appear among mortals and were to withhold their celestial glory. We will then allow you to withhold your own glory when replicated as a celestial physical man, because you will then have your minds merged. Therefore, any time you replicate yourself after your minds are merged, you will always replicate in your celestial body, and have the option to withhold your glory. Right now, before your minds are merged, you cannot hide your glory when you replicate as a celestial man.'

17. I thanked her for explaining this subtle change. I said I didn't understand why I would then be able to withhold my glory, because my unconscious and conscious minds would be merged.

18. She responded: 'Raphael, once your minds are merged you will have significantly more ability as a translated mortal man. Your aging will stop and your merged mind will have the new ability to hold back your glory when you replicate as a celestial man. When you replicate in the celestial realm, you may appear to others in lower spiritual realms, even where they live without showing your glory. You will understand this capability once this happens to you.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me today and sharing with me her revelations. I then knew my time with her had come to an end. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and ended my mortal day on earth.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, September 27, 2020

1. I glanced at the news this morning before praying. There is so much turmoil brewing in our land that I can easily see it erupting into civil war and bloodshed. I believe the threats of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa to create havoc at the time of the general election on November 3rd, 2020, may really happen. I believe they are armed by the hostile nation of communist China primarily, and that more and more senseless violence will happen in the next month until it explodes at the election time. At some point, foreign troops will also come on the streets of America and our freedoms will be even more restricted.

2. I have been trying to shore up my preparations here at my home. My wife and I are putting up much of our bounteous garden produce to preserve the food we grew. We are also planting our greenhouse and low to the ground greenhouses that I have built and my wife planted. These have a layer of glass above the growing greens that receive their warmth from the earth and the sun in the trapped greenhouse heat, even throughout the entire cold winter months. We have a solar venting system that works well so that the plants don't overheat when there is too much sunshine.

3. I also have every piece of the solar power system we will need to continue having electric power, even when we are cut off from outside utility power from a likely power grid failure in our area and nation. I just now need to assemble it all.

4. We have a backup water supply with our swimming pool. My wife and I have tried to think of everything that could go wrong. We have even brought our own online business into our home and are no longer needing to go to our outside warehouse, nor do we need any employees.

5. I know there will be some things that may require miracles to keep us going. I have confidence, since we have done all that we could think of to prepare for our own self-reliance, that God will further give us sustaining miracles as we may need and ask.

6. I often wonder "what could I do more?" to prepare for the unknown precarious future that is soon coming upon us. I try to keep spiritually in tune with my Gods so I may continue to receive revelations from them in prayer. I believe our spiritual preparation is of utmost importance.

7. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I came to the water's edge to drink living celestial water, and then felt more clarified and in tune with spiritual things.

8. I then continued kneeling at the shore and pulled up my healing seer stone. I looked in it with intention to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father.

9. I then came quickly into the brilliant surroundings of my Heavenly Father in the celestial skies above! He was smiling upon me and filling my being with his love and acceptance. I saw and felt all of these things in my unconscious mind. I knew in my heart these sensations and impressions were true.

10. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the very most important preparation that you or any of our children may do is to become spiritually in tune with us, their Heavenly Parents. We know that great upheavals are coming to your country and land, and will safely navigate our elect children who seek us and love us, in their times of trouble. We will not fail them, particularly those who have sought us diligently and have done what we have asked them to do in the past.

11. We have asked you to prepare every needful thing (see D&C 88:119), even against the day of want and privations that are soon coming upon the land. There is going to soon come a toppling of your society and nation, and it will be replaced with our beautiful Zion society, reserved for our righteous elect. All that we have revealed to you about its coming forth is true. The New Jerusalem will be the start of this new society that will spread around the globe and endure for a thousand years of peace and rest.

12. We will confirm to the humble seeker of truth what you have written about the coming forth of Zion. It is all vitally important to them and their posterity. Those now living in these last days of the telestial world on earth will truly be our transition elect to bring about these great changes to a terrestrial world according to our will and design.

13. Make this entry be the conclusion of your post 173. Entitle it "The New Jerusalem Beginnings".

14. You may remain with me here in the clouds above my desert oasis today in the attitude of constant prayer. I will continue to reveal more important information about these new times that are soon to come upon your world.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming to me! I said I would stay by his side and seek to understand and retain all he would show me.

16. I then exited his presence in my conscious mind, but remained there in my unconscious mind. I concluded my journal entry this morning and started my new Sabbath day.