Another Hill Cumorah?
29. Another Hill Cumorah?
Posted 10-11-2016
I have assembled more tidbits this past week that I felt to share with each of you. The things that I come up with–Wow! This one will also really open your mind, so read on! Please read with a questioning and inquisitive mind. Always challenge everything I say here too. Try to envision if what I say is from God . . . and please, don't trust me, but lean unto your Father who will graciously answer your every humble request.
I am feeling that what I am being led into is in fulfillment of D&C 101:95–
That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God."
Have a good week!
(Copyright © 2025 Images in this post were drawn or taken by R, credited under the image or downloaded from
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-6-2016, Thursday
1. Q- Will there be devastations happening soon?
A– Yes. Hurricanes and earthquakes, financial collapse and attack. All sorts of destructions will also occur. For this is the end of the Jubilee year on Tuesday.
Note: I was misinformed last week about the end of the Hebrew Jubilee year. Here is what I found: The Yuval (Jubilee) ends on Yom ha Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is on October 11th at sundown, not on October 2nd, which is Rosh Hashanah. The Shemitah always ends on Yom ha Teruah (Day of Trumpets), Yom ha Din (Day of Judgement) and Rosh Hashanah (Head Year), which are all on the same day, but not the Jubilee. It ends ten days later after the ten days of awe.
2. Q– Are the elements of the planets, sun, moon, and the earth all on high alert now, after the blessing of K and I?
A– Yes
Q– Will there be angels going to these terrestrial orbs, and giving them God's instruction for wrecking physical calamities on the earth?
A– Yes!
3. Q– Will it be by me, Raphael, who will do this?
A– No. Your responsibility has now focused on healing issues, for much is needed in these difficult times.
Q– Why was I, Raphael, chosen to bless the solar system, the sun, moon and earth? And why was my sister Rachael chosen to bless the earth also?
A– You are the most senior archangel who is in mortality, so this is why you were chosen. Your sister Rachael was also chosen since she is the female archangel over the elements, nature and the earth.
4. Q– Am I all done with my last-minute preparations?
A– Yes. All is now in place for the destruction and plagues to begin by the angels of heaven.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-7-2016, Friday
1. I have mixed feelings about the cleansing of the earth. I want the plagues and devastations to begin, since I know these will be to fulfill the parable of the wheat and tares, and ultimately will purify the earth of the wickedness on her surface. However, I yearn for the people and their loves ones who will be soon be traumatized, hurt, and killed in these events! Last night I read about Hurricane Matthew, which today and tomorrow is heading up the Florida coast, wrecking destructive winds and wave surges on the land. I heard about earthquake dreams from people, to happen in California and Utah. I heard of attacks on the US soil, probably by Russia–again in dreams of random people.
2. I feel we are on the brink of a lot of the wrath of God, orchestrated by the angels of God. I know that the sun, moon and earth, in particular, are poised and ready to respond to commands of these angels to cleanse the world as we know it. I pray for protection upon all of us who seek to follow God, and to come to him.

C. R's Personal Journal 10-8-2016, Saturday
1. Today we had a relaxing day. My wife and our two youngest daughters went to a baby shower, and my son was gone to work, and I started watching several Youtube videos when they were gone. The one that I enjoyed the most was about 'flying saucers', and was a documentary about how they work. It was very interesting to me, having an analytical mind, and being a mechanical engineer by training. Then I listened a little to a video about a secret underground Nevada base with aliens. This all brought up lots of questions, that I addressed to my Father in Heaven:
2. Q– Are the anti-gravity flying machines (UFO's, or flying saucers), which I saw depicted on the documentary real?
A– Yes
Q– Is the technology in the hands of friendly or unfriendly forces to God?
A– These are unfriendly forces, not of God.
3. Q– Will this technology be used during the era of peace, in the millennium?
A– Yes, in the hands of the righteous at that time.
Q– Was I led to see this documentary about the technology of anti-gravity flying vehicles?
A– Yes
4. Q– Why should I know about this?
A– This information will help you identify the enemy that will be introduced to the world in the near future. See Revelation 13:13-14–
"And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast"
5. These miracles include technologies about anti-gravity machines, which will be able to deceive men on the earth. This technology is in the hands of wicked men, whose ambition it is to gain power and control over mankind.
6. In Revelation 13:4–
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"
7. They will say this about controlling governments, partly because of the high technology that they possess, which has heretofore been kept secret. It will be difficult, or impossible in the eyes of the peoples of the earth, to fight against their sinister war and surveillance machines, aimed at controlling and using mankind.
8. However, God is powerful, and the power of his angels, and of the earth, are all more powerful than Satan and his sinister plans. God will come out of his hiding place, and vex the nations of the earth. (See D&C 123:6; 121:4 and 101:89-91–
D&C 121:4–
"let thy hiding place no longer be covered; let thine ear be inclined; let thine heart be softened, and thy bowels moved with compassion toward us."
9. D&C 101:89-91–
"And if the president heed them not, then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his hiding place, and in his fury vex the nation;
And in his hot displeasure, and in his fierce anger, in his time, will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards, and appoint them their portion among hypocrites, and unbelievers;
Even in outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.")
10. Q– Will I ever be confronted, or will healing angels, or other angels be confronted with abduction or destruction by these forces or machines?
A– Yes
Q– What do we do in that instance?
A– Raphael, you will come on the scene, after they petition the Father for you to come. Then raise your sword of Raphael above your head and forward. The silver lightning will disable the technology of man so that their plans will be frustrated.
11. Q– Will the angels who are mortal or translated, have the means also of teleporting to other locations, either in their movement to avoid confrontations, or to meet together, or to assist other people in need, or to travel to locations like the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes
Q– Should we try to learn how to do this now, as a skill, so that we will be prepared when we need to do it regularly?
A– Yes. However, always ask me if it is the correct timing.
12. Q– Is everything now in place for this to happen, including the elements of the earth (which compose also our physical bodies), being now on high alert for commands from God or angels that they recognize?
A– Yes
Q– What is yet to be needed for this to happen? And for us to learn how to teleport our entire physical/spririt self?
A– What is left is your faith and the timing and approval of God
13. Q– How then do we proceed?
A– Confirm that you can learn now. You must have the faith–and be persistent. Ask for guidance. Seek to teleport.

Other topics–
14. Q– About the aging process: Will I, and other angels who are mortal or translated, have the aging process continue in their bodies, or will it be arrested?
A– In some cases it will continue so that the full experience of mortality may be realized, and maturing continue to occur, which will aid them in their wisdom and understanding. For you, Raphael, aging will continue until you drink of the living waters in the New Jerusalem, and then aging will stop. This will also occur for all other angels, except for those who have reached or exceeded their adult maturity. For the younger ones, once they reach adulthood, and are fully physically grown, their aging will stop.
15. Q– For those like myself, Raphael, who are older, will there a reversal in our aging so we will become younger?
A– No, not as long as you are in mortality or translated. However, once you and others who are older are resurrected, then you will gain again the age of a young adult, which is the stature and countenance of all resurrected beings. Raphael, in the millennial period, before your resurrection, you will look the age of a mature man. This is the age you will remain as the mortal prophet of the church of the Firstborn. This has been by design, for God wants you to have the visage of a mature man, filled with wisdom, as you perform your duties in the New Jerusalem.
16. Q– About teleporting: Is this something I should learn now? Is it the will of God that I learn now?
A– Learn all you can now. Ask me if it is the right timing always and I will lead you along. Right now, wait for a little time to actually practice.
I will therefore keep asking, and not proceeding further until I received a yes answer.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-9-2016, Sunday
1. Today my wife and I went to a sacrament meeting in Mapleton, Utah. We got there early enough that I was able to review the hymns posted on the board in the front of the chapel. The closing hymn that I saw was 13, but later in the meeting, when we sang it, it appeared as 130. I initially read it as 13, and when I looked it up, I was impressed by what I read. This hymn is 'An Angel From on High.' More about this hymn later.
Soon the sacrament meeting started. I found my mind going to God's Loving Healing Center, outside the domed room, on the gold path leading northward. I knelt there while the priest offered the sacrament prayer.
2. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Mother. They have both been before me when I pray now, and this is how I felt to recommit to God at the sacrament. I remained on my knees on the path while the Deacons passed the bread.
Soon the door opened to the domed room, and a majestic and glorious couple walked out and turned in front of me! They were my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They were holding hands.
3. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, please stand before us.'
I stood on my feet, on the gold path. They were a little elevated above the path (in the 'air'), facing me.
4. Then my Divine Mother took one step forward and addressed me:
'Raphael, our son, we are pleased that you have come before us today while you partake of the sacrament. We accept your covenant to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments that either of us give you.
5. Raphael, you are the most senior archangel and angel now on the earth. This carries with it a responsibility to be extensions of our hands, and to do the work we deem you only should do. This includes supervising of the healing angels, providing protection for those who come unto us and whom we ask you to protect from Satan. In addition, we will ask you to increasingly act as our conduit for healing our children in mortality, to a much higher level now, that will extend you to your limit. This will also be true of the other healing angels as well.
6. Raphael, there are sacred records which we will be asking you to transport to the New Jerusalem once a structure is built there and a protective border is constructed. This will happen when we tell you, in the future. In addition, you will bring precious stones, jewels, and precious metal artifacts to the New Jerusalem. These are now in the hill name Cumorah that is not far from your home. There are two hill Cumorahs–one in New York state where our young prophet Joseph was given the golden plates containing the Book of Mormon, and the other hill near you. These records Joseph had have been relocated to a hill north of one called 'Tower Mountain', as it is it called, to the southeast of your home. There are many Nephite and Jaredite records, including their precious things, located there. All of these items need to be transported, in time, to the New Jerusalem. You will have the blessing of taking these records and precious things, and transporting them to the New Jerusalem. The precious things were placed there by the righteous Nephites who were promised that their creations and most precious items would one day adorn the temples in the New Jerusalem.
7. There are other angels who live next to gold and precious metal mines at this time. They too will be able to bring the wealth of the earth from their areas to the New Jerusalem as well, for the craftsmen to use in their construction of our celestial city. All of you will have learned how to teleport yourselves and items like these by that time. These actions will continue to be performed in secret, outside of the eyes of the world.
8. Raphael, your Father and I are extremely pleased with the blessings that you and your sister Rachael gave to the earth last Monday, on October 3rd, 2016, and which you also gave to the solar system, sun and moon. All of the elements of these, our creations, are now awakened. They are poised to respond now, when you or our ordained angels speak under our authority as we may inspire them. The elements will recognize your authority and act immediately, when you act in faith and at the time we will inspire you to do so.'
9. At this moment, the sacrament ended. I then saw Heavenly Mother step back, take Heavenly Father's hand, and then both walked back to the domed room through a doorway, which was opened.
I felt myself coming fully back to the meeting I was in.
I want to now include below the words of An Angel From on High.
10. from the hymnbook, #13. Pay particular attention to stanzas 4 and 5, which will soon happen!
"An angel from on high,
The long, long silence broke;
Descending from the sky,
These gracious words he spoke:
Lo! in Cumorah's lonely hill
A sacred record lies concealed.
Lo! in Cumorah's lonely hill
A sacred record lies concealed.
Sealed by Moroni's hand,
It has for ages lain
To wait the Lord's command,
From dust to speak again.
It shall again to light come forth
To usher in Christ's reign on earth.
It shall again to light come forth
To usher in Christ's reign on earth.
It speaks of Joseph's seed
And makes the remnant known
Of nations long since dead,
Who once had dwelt alone.
The fulness of the gospel, too,
Its pages will reveal to view.
The fulness of the gospel, too,
Its pages will reveal to view.
The time is now fulfilled,
The long-expected day;
Let earth obedience yield
And darkness flee away.
Remove the seals; be wide unfurled
Its light and glory to the world.
Remove the seals; be wide unfurled
Its light and glory to the world.
Lo! Israel filled with joy
Shall now be gathered home,
Their wealth and means employ
To build Jerusalem,
While Zion shall arise and shine
And fill the earth with truth divine.
While Zion shall arise and shine
And fill the earth with truth divine."
Text: Parley P. Pratt, 1807-1857
Music: John E. Tullidge, 1806-1873
11. Q– D&C 27:5 states that the Book of Mormon "contains the fulness of my everlasting gospel", and D&C 133:36-37 states this:
"And now, verily saith the Lord, that these things might be known among you, O inhabitants of the earth, I have sent forth mine angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, who hath appeared unto some and hath committed it unto man, who shall appear unto many that dwell on the earth.
And this gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people."
Also, President Gordon B. Hinckley stated in 1995 (Ensign, November 1995, page 70):
12. "John the Revelator saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people (Revelation 14:6). That angel has come. His name is Moroni. His is a voice bringing another witness of the living reality of the Lord Jesus Christ."
On October 3rd, 2016, at the mouth of the Provo Canyon, I proclaimed that this angel in Revelation 14:6 was me, Raphael, bringing the everlasting gospel of the church of the Firstborn, through the 144,000.
13. What am I to understand by all this, for it seems contradictory? I am confused.
A– Today you have been told that you, Raphael, will transport the golden plates, as an angel of God, from the hill Cumorah, to the New Jerusalem. The Book of Mormon contains the fulness of the gospel, for the inhabitants of the earth. Moroni, the angel, initially gave to Joseph the golden plates in September 1827 (JSH 1:59). This was the first fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 14:6, as President Gordon B. Hinckley accurately stated in 1995.
14. The second fulfillment of this scripture, in Revelation 14:6, occurred on October 3, 2016 when you, Raphael, an angel of God, flew in the midst of heaven, with all the holy angels around you, at Mount Zion. At that time, you proclaimed in the spirit to the 144,000 who were gathered on the slopes of Mount Zion, that their commission would be to proclaim the everlasting gospel unto those that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. You said to them that when they would go into the white cloud, to the summit of Mount Zion, that Jesus Christ would himself give them this commission and charge directly from his own mouth. This soon happened as you had said it would. (See Revelation 14:1).
15. You then said, with a loud voice in the spirit, to all the inhabitants of the earth, as well as to those angels and the 144,000 on the slopes of Mount Zion, in the Provo Canyon: "Fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." (Revelation 14:7)
16. You, Raphael, will also soon carry the golden plates, including the sealed portion of that ancient book, to its final resting spot in the New Jerusalem. This will also be in fulfillment of Revelation 14:6, where you, as an archangel of God, will fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel , or the fulness of the gospel (the Book of Mormon), in your hands, against your bosom. This is the gospel that will be preached by the 144,000 to the inhabitants of the earth. This is the missionary force that will fully penetrate every nation kindred, tongue and people.
17. The missionary effort of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the preparatory missionary force, bringing their converts to the LDS church, in the telestial world. The final missionary force will be the 144,000 who will do so in a terrestrial world, and bring their converts to the church of the Firstborn. This record of the Book of Mormon, containing the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in used by both missionary forces. The first use the Book of Mormon that is now published; the second missionary force will also have the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, truly the fulness of the gospel, to help convince their converts, and bring them to Zion, the pure in heart, to the New Jerusalem.
18. Q– Who will translate the sealed portion of the golden plates, and when?
A– This will be done in the New Jerusalem, after the record is brought there by you, Raphael. The person who translates this sealed record is the fifth archangel Simiel, who is now in the spirit world. Once the sealed part is read, translated and published, the 144,000 will have access to this record and use its powerful content, as they feel inspired, in converting the elect and bring them to the church of the Firstborn.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry 10-10-2016, Monday
1. Q– How will Simiel 'translate' the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?
A– He will first read it in the New Jerusalem. All the angels and all the 144,000 will hear this in their own tongue by the gift of the interpretation of tongues. The record will later also be published for all to read. The 144,000 and angels will be able to recall the words, and the power that they were given from Simiel, and from the words themselves, when they go forth to gather the elect from the earth to the New Jerusalem. (R: Ether 12:24 says that the words of the sealed portion, which the brother of Jared wrote, 'were mighty even as thou art, unto the overpowering of man to read them.' Such will be the affect on those who hear these words from Simiel, the fifth archangel.)
Interesting side note: while visiting an online LDS website last night, I viewed a poll entitled 'Has Revelation 14:6 been fulfilled?' How coincidental (or is it) is that!

2. Q- Is the 'hill' north of Tower Mountain where the records and precious things are located?
A– Yes
Q– This is the hill where the Relief Mine is located. Is where I get the records and precious items for the New Jerusalem temple, connected with this mining effort, led by Bishop John Koyle (deceased)?
A– Yes, John Koyle had seen in vision, the rooms where these items are located. You will enter from the south side of this hill, by teleporting, into an entrance that has since been covered by a landslide. You will not be entering through any part of the Relief Mine tunnels or excavations."
3. The Interesting Record from Bishop John Koyle
About 25 years ago, I would guess, not long after we moved to our current home in the Utah County area, I had an interest in the Relief Mine on the mountain near us. It is in our ward boundaries, and I know many of the people who are still in charge of keeping the records and renting some of the houses on the 'Dream Mine' property. Back when I was intently interested, I even did some work in the Relief Mine office, and received some mining shares for my labor (to be redeemed for gold when the mine were to 'come in'). I believe it was at that time I had received a prompting from God that the Relief Mine hill was actually the Hill Cumorah! I have since forgotten entirely about this entirely over the years. I now remember writing it my journal at the time.

4. I have a book in my possession named "The Gold of Carre-Sinob", by Kerry and L Boren. I have typed below several pages from this book, from pages 52-54, which relate very well to what Heavenly Mother told me last Sunday, 10-9-2016:
John H. Koyle professed that on a night in later August of 1894, he had been visited by a heavenly messenger, an exalted personal from another world, who was attired in a brilliant white garment. This personnage informed Koyle that he was named Moroni, and was the same resurrected Nephite prophet who had visited the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1823 and revealed the location of the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated.
5. 'Moroni' further revealed to Koyle that he had shown Joseph Smith a cavern filled with great ancient treasures and relics of the Nephite people, and much gold. Then this messenger allegedly conducted Koyle 'in the spirit' from his home in Leland, Utah, to a crest of a high mountain where, at a certain point, they entered directly into the stone of the mountain itself without the slightest resistance, and traveled downward towards the core.
6. The heavenly messenger took Koyle along a cream-colored seam which led downward nearly a thousand feet into the mountain, and he told Koyle that this would be the seam Koyle would have to follow if he accepted the divine calling to dig a mine for the gold. At the end of the thousand foot seam they came to a hard capstone, beneath which was a large mass of white quartz containing beautiful leaf gold.
7. At 175 feet below this capstone, at the very heart of the mountain itself, the messenger led Koyle into nine spacious caverns, part of an original mine worked ages ago by vanished and ancient people. Here in these caverns were artifacts of this people in the form of gold ornaments, one entire room filled with gold coins in vases three feet high, and stacks of gold and brass plates with engravings on them which the messenger said was the history of this ancient civilization which would come forth one day when a worthy man would be shown these things. The center of the caverns were supported by huge stone pillars, covered with pounded leaf gold, into which were carved and painted hieroglyphics of curious workmanship.
8. The heavenly messenger revealed to Koyle that he had been chosen to open the mine, but that it would not come forth until certain prophecies had been fulfilled. It would be opened at a time of world-wide crisis when the people would be in need or relief, and so he was told it should one day be called The Relief Mine.
The purpose of the gold would be to redeem Zion, said the messenger, and he predicted it would come about in a day when horseless carriages streaked the highways at great speeds and with brilliant lights, and these vehicles would replace the trolley cars in Salt Lake City.

The 'processing plant' of the Relief Mine as it now appears on the
north-west side of the Hill Cumorah #2
Image courtesy of Duane R Hurst as source,
9. Bishop Koyle reported this 'divine experience' in these words:
When I was taken thru the mine for the first time in 1894, after being shown the body of rich ore beneath the capstone, I was told that the ancient inhabitants of this land had one time discovered these riches, and had mined out these nine large caverns which form the southwest portion of the great body of gold ore. Then the values (gold) had been shut off from them, and would also be shut off from us, too, if we became lifted up in pride and hardhearted, and stiff-necked, using this wealth for our own self-gratification only.
10. The messenger then showed me how this great wealth could be lost to us. 'Look!' he commanded, and immediately there followed a tremor of the earth, and shifting took place in front of us.
'Now set your men to work,' he said, and I saw that dig as we would, we could find nothing but valueless rock. The white ore filled with gold, which had been there but a moment before, could no longer be found. 'Now you can see,' said the messenger, 'how easy it is for the riches of the earth to be taken from you; yet there is much more than you can take out in several generations.'
11. The messenger then showed me the nine large rooms from which the ore had been mined. The pillars standing in the middle of the rooms supporting the roof were also filled with gold and beautifully carved and engraved. There was other gold, both mined and refined and coined and there were implements and relics which they had left there, as well as great treasures–and many precious records containing the word of God in great power. . .
12. This messenger talked to me freely, and answered my questions as one man would talk to another. He was exceedingly anxious that all the details of the mine be fixed clearly in my mind, as we went along, he pointed out all of these ore bodies so plainly that I can never forget them, nor where they are located. He promised me success according to my faithfulness. It was clear to me that this heavenly messenger was the Angel Moroni, the same who was and is the custodian of the gold plates of the Book of Mormon. [Norman C. Pierce treatise on Bishop Koyle, Utah State Historical Society]
13. The story is almost identical in detail to that reported by the Prophet Joseph Smith a generation earlier. The visitations of the Angel Moroni to Smith allegedly occurred three times, and Koyle's alleged visitations occurred three nights in a row, exactly repeating themselves (as in the case of Smith), from about 25 August to 27 August, 1894.
14. For comparison purposes, note the following account by Brigham Young, claiming that there was a secret cave inside the Hill Cumorah:
When Joseph got the plates, the angel instructed him to carry them back to the hill Cumorah, which he did. Oliver (Cowdery) says that when Joseph and Oliver went there, the hill opened, and they walked into a cave, in which there was a large and spacious room. He says he did not think, at that time, whether they had the light of the sun or artificial light; but that it was just as light as day. They laid the plates on a table; it was a large table that stood in the room. Under this table there was a pile of plates as much as two feet high, and there were altogether in this room more plates than probably many wagon loads, they were piled up in the corners high along the walls. The first time they went there the sword of Laban hung upon the wall; but when they went again it had been taken down and laid upon the table across the gold plates; it was unsheathed, and on it was written these words: 'This sword will never be sheathed again until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and his Christ.' [Journal of Discourses, 19:38]
Heber C. Kimball also spoke of this cave:
15. "How does it compare with the vision that Joseph and others had, when they went into a cave in the hill Cumorah, and saw more records than ten men could carry? There were books piled up on tables, book upon book." [Journal of Discourses, 4:105]
16. Mormon writer Edward Stevenson added some information above this cave which sounds remarkably similar to the claims made by Bishop Koyle:
It was likewise stated to me by David Whitmer in the year 1877 that Oliver Cowdery told him that the Prophet Joseph and himself had seen this room and that it was filled with treasure, and on a table therein were the breastplate and the sword of Laban, as well as the portion of gold plates, not yet translated, and that these plates were bound by three small gold rings, and would also be translated, as was the first portion in the days of Joseph. When they are translated much useful information will be brought to light. But till that day arrives, no Rochester adventurers shall ever see them or the treasures, although science and mineral rods testify that they are there. At the proper time when greed, selfishness and corruption shall cease to reign in the hearts of the people, these vast hoards of hidden treasure shall be brought forth to be used for the cause and kingdom of Jesus Christ. [Reminiscences of Joseph Prophet, Edward Stevenson, Salt Lake City, 1893, pp. 14-15]"
17. After typing all this down, I felt to inquire to God, to see if this were really all true:
Q– What I have typed above, concerning the angel Moroni appearing to Bishop Koyle–has this really happened?
A– Yes!
Q– In the above reference, when the angel Moroni said the treasures would come forth 'one day when a worthy man would be shown these things', who is this man?
A– This worthy man is you, Raphael.
18. Q– Will I transport all of the records from this Hill Cumorah to the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes, all of them.
Q– Will I be able to have others help me in moving the records and precious things to the New Jerusalem?
A– Yes. Call upon R.B., the chief of the warrior angels for protection, and solicit as many of the healing angels and warrior angels as you may need to help you move the items. You will have many who would love to help you! Take away all of the precious things from all of the nine rooms and move these to locations in the New Jerusalem.

19. I also went online and searched for information about the Nephite Tunnel from water canyon (see, which is located between Tower Mountain and the next mountain north (that I now call the Hill Cumorah #2). Here is what I found that might be interesting to you:
Continuing through this rich gold quartz for about 175 feet, Koyle and his companion came to what was the remains of an ancient Nephite tunnel which ran in a southwest direction and came out in Water Canyon. Going down this tunnel for a short distance, he was shown into nine large rooms from which the ore had been mined. The pillars, standing in the middle of the rooms and supporting the roof, were filled with gold. He was then taken out through the above mentioned tunnel, coming out in Water Canyon."
From these rooms Koyle recounted that he was taken southwest through a steep tunnel that had been made by the same ancients. This tunnel came out in Water Canyon, which is the first large canyon south of the mill. From this canyon, the remains of an ancient Nephite highway running south in a huge crescent over to the point of Payson Canyon were shown Koyle."
There’s where the old Nephite highway ran from the Dream Mine to the smelter over in Payson Canyon," Norman Pierce
20. Here is from another online source:
The nine rooms were separated by pillars supporting the roof. The wealth from this area was so fabulously rich that it appeared that the ore was mostly gold. As they passed through the nine rooms, Koyle was led out through the old Nephite tunnel which came out into Water Canyon."
Here is a aerial black and white picture of the old Nephite mining road, coming from water canyon and heading towards Payson, Utah. It contains this caption:
From lower left corner to upper right there is a ridge that runs from Water Canyon very near Koyles' hole. It is not a bonneville shelf, as it doesn't follow the contour of the land and is quite straight for a natural formation, and when your closer, it looks man-made."
21. Here is from another online source:
From these rooms Koyle recounted that he was taken southwest through a steep tunnel that had been made by the same ancients. This tunnel came out in Water Canyon, which is the first large canyon south of the mill. From this canyon, the remains of an ancient Nephite highway running south in a huge crescent over to the point of Payson Canyon were shown Koyle."
22. Here is another interesting source: THE MINE TURNS OUT IN THE FALL
The overnight crash would occur on a holiday weekend where the holiday falls on a monday."
The U.S. Government will keep propping up the economy as if it were on stilts, until finally it would suddenly collapse overnight"
The mine would pay it's first dividends or relief from the mine in November or December."
Bishop Koyle tells of most important things to do to prepare.
You should have your houses filled with a large amount of food, and go inside
After you get inside your houses, you will be in there for quite some time"

Here are two emails I wrote tonight that I thought I should share with everyone:
23. From R and others:
During sacrament I had a book come into my mind. It was actually a specific chapter in a book that I hadn’t read in years. It took me the rest of church to remember what book it was. Funny I could remember the chapter and its content quite clearly. It is from the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Have you read it. If you do remember the first 12 chapters are all about the character you need to build and have to be able to participate effectively in the 13th chapter. As I re-read the chapter it gave me chills in that he almost use the same words page 214 “This much the author does know—that there is a power, or a First Cause, or an Intelligence, which permeates every atom of matter, and embraces every unit of energy perceptible to man—that this Infinite Intelligence converts acorns into oak trees, causes water to flow down hill in response to the law of gravity, follows night with day, and winter with summer, each maintaining its proper place and relationship to the other. This Intelligence may through the principles of this philosophy, be induced to aid in transmuting desires into concrete, or material form. The author has this knowledge, because he has experimented with it—and has experienced it.” This paragraph woke me up. This is exactly what we have been talking about, with the need to understand and control the elements. He goes on to talk about how at first he would have imaginary counsels with great men for the purpose of improving his character. Then those spirits actually do visit him. That freaks him out because he is a scientist and not one to believe in such things, but he eventually succumbed to the truth of what he experienced. I know one complaint others are having is their challenge and difficulty with seeing the things you have been experiencing when they are there for them all to experience. I believe as he states in his book, that what prevents us is a lack or block in our character. Focus on our Character and then practice imagining you are meeting with certain people and before long you will actually call those spirits to you, as he outlines in the book. Let me know your thoughts. I could even set up a webinar just for the healing angels and it could be a great way to get together and discuss this and other topics."

24. From R to J.K.on 10-11-2016
Hi J.K.,
Thank you for that very informative email, and for sharing so fully! It sounds like you have such an open and fun family. I am sure it is so nice to be able to share so fully with A too!
I did read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" book. I recall reading this in high school I believe, and I was very impressed. As you described how the intelligence in the elements can and do respond to us, I immediately began trying to 'synch up' with the elements in my surroundings. I asked, in my mind, to 'see' what they were like before L's awakening blessing on the elements, and then after her blessing, and then finally after my sister K and my blessings. I saw distinctly the shift in the elements before and after each of these blessings. They were at first droopy, but L awakened them, ready to hear instruction. Now, all the elements are on very high alert, all the time! It has been so remarkably for me to 'see' this. I went to elements of my mortal body, then elements in the ground around me, and then of our house. Then I went to the sun, and then to the moon, and then to the solar system, and ALL of the elements were awakened, on high alert status! I also went to the celestial world, and felt to connect to the elements there. These elements seemed very happy, and so pleased to be in contact with me. They were at peace, completely at peace and enjoyment! This is not the same as those of the earth, sun, moon, and solar system. These later ones here are seemingly 'standing straight up', and alert, and poised, ready to jump if we ask them too.
25. Then I thought about how we would transport ourselves, with physical bodies and all, made from the elements of this earth. I thought that the elements around us would rotate sideways, and that the elements in our bodies would also rotate sideways, and then the elements of our bodies would pass right between the elements of the earth, sliding right past them in the open spaces that exist between the elements.
26. Right now, we who are mortal, when we lean on a wall, for example, the elements of our bodies and those of the wall are both standing upright, and there is no space for any passing. This is why we are stopped, and can't pass through the wall. If we need to move through the wall, and it is ok with God, we command the elements in the wall and in our body to tilt sideways, and then we can pass through. I now believe that this is how it is done, even though the commands are in the background, and we simply desire to move through the wall.
27. The block in our character, that Napoleon Hill talks about, is most likely the need for us to purify ourselves, and to have sufficient faith to control the elements. It is also our being able to link-up with God, so that Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and/or Jesus are before us, in our mind's eye at least, and we feel the connection with them. I really do feel this connection, and can know quickly even, what they want to say to me, and how they want me to act. This is such a blessing!
28. I have asked, and feel it is not time for me to learn teleporting right yet, for they haven't given their full approval yet. I am content to wait, and to learn on their timetable. I feel so overwhelmingly blessed and happy to be in such a state. My only desire is to please them and to do their will."
I got another email from (10-12-2016). He has great thoughts about learning to control matter and rise it to a higher vibration, with pure character, and more. I think it is by several of us being inspired that we will figure the keys of teleporting!
29. An email sent to S.A. on 10-11-2016:
Now, onto your questions!
Have you felt more emotionally prepared since you found out that was what you need to do, how can we get emotionally prepared?
Yes, I guess I have felt more emotionally prepared and ready. It seems like I have taken a view to stand back, and let God do what he needs to do, and for me to be just like a bystander that rushes in and tries to serve and help. I have recently been told that I will be pressed to my limit of what I can do. I have felt this already, for yesterday and today I have gotten a migraine headache, something that I haven't experienced in months. I took a nap yesterday too, which I haven't done in the afternoon for a long time. I think my body is being pushed, like I was told it would be. I think this will also happen to most of us healing angels, as more and more is required of us.
30. When you say reside in the New Jerusalem next year, do you mean that is where you will spend most of your time? Do you think you will build a house there? How are things going with your family?
Yes, I imagine that I will spend more and more of my time there. I don't really know, though, for this hasn't been revealed to me. I think there will be a place that the craftsmen and builders will construct for us who will live there, or who visit there a lot. I can't wait!
31. Do you think what you'll do in the last days will be, in large part, with your family, or mostly the work of The Church of the Firstborn, and leading the Healing Angels?
I think it will involve my close immediate family, whom I hope and think will accompany me to the New Jerusalem too. From there I think there will be administrative work, but what I really want to do is healing work for God for the children of God who are suffering out in the dark and dreary world.
32. Do you think something is going to happen this month, like the female archangels talked about at Thanksgiving Point? Have you seen anything in the world news that shows what you've been told, or does it still seem subtle?
Yes, I think something will break. We have already seen Hurricane Matthew, and all the severe water damage up to 80 miles inland it gave, and we will probably see more calamity or possibly war too–who knows? Predictions of all sorts are all over the internet too. I know it is coming, but not sure when or what or where.
33. When you have your Q and A's with Deity, how do you do it, does it just come to your heart and mind as you meditate? Are you able to do this daily? How did it all come to be?
When I ask a question, it is either 1) received in my mind, and then I write later what comes to me, or flows into my mind, or 2) more frequently, I write my question in my journal, and then have a prayer in my heart when I write the answer. Often, for the bigger responses, I am in very much engulfed in the spirit of revelation mode, where I just write, and write, quickly. I sometimes have scriptures come to my mind, and I look them up as part of the answer. When I am done, I go back and read what I write, fix any grammar etc., but then that is what stands. It is such a blessing to receive direction and revelation from God!
There you go! I hope these answers are satisfying. If not, ask more questions."