144. Hagoth
Posted 11-20-2019
Have you ever read about Hagoth who built ships in the Book of Mormon, and sailed to the land northward? The answer to this mystery of where he went is contained in this post. I think you will find this very fascinating!
Please pray about this and confirm with your Gods that what I speak is the truth.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 10, 2019, Sunday
1. Afternoon–My wife and I attended our own ward. The music leaders opened up with a hymn so fast that I felt it was an affront to me. I couldn't even sing, so I just followed the words. At that time I sure hoped that the sacrament hymn would be slower, and help the congregation and me get into a meditative state.
2. At the sacrament I enjoyed the sacrament music. I came to the grassy area outside the white gate, to the south on the celestial orb. I knelt on the grass, and after the blessing on the bread in the ward I made my covenant in my conscious mind.
3. Heavenly Father appeared before me, and I gazed into his pleasing and happy face! After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant, and will always be with you, in our very persons and with our Spirit.
You may look around on all those in the congregation, who are our children in mortality. They each are also intelligences that we have chosen as our spirit offspring. These never had a beginning, but have always existed as individual intelligences, for they were all in the beginning.
4. It is not possible for you to now look around the congregation and determine which of these individuals were the first ones chosen. We know, since we chose each one as our son or daughter, one at a time. You, Raphael, were the first intelligence chosen in this eternity among those now living in mortality on the earth.
5. However, the order of the choosing of our children in the spirit does not at all affect their valiancy and believing heart in mortality. The first one or the last one chosen may be just as faithful as each other.
6. In mortality, in this telestial fallen world, we are truly able to see who will follow our still, small voice where there is truth and safety. We prove all of our beloved children in this probationary estate. It is their base intelligence within them that makes these decisions.
7. We have reared them in our celestial world in their spirits, where they have passed their first estate. However, they are now in the much more difficult second estate. These all came as infant mortals born to earthly parents, all innocent in the beginning of their mortal life. They have been fully redeemed by their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, prior to coming to earth. He redeemed them of all their weaknesses, mistakes and sins, so that they could become pure and innocent again before us their Gods, as in the beginning when we chose them as intelligences to be our own children.
8. D&C 93:38–"Every spirit man was innocent in the beginning; and God having redeemed man from the fall, men became again, in their infant state, innocent before God."
9. Evening–Tonight I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. It was still light outside with very beautiful surrounding. I felt very much at peace and clear in my mind.
10. I knelt on the edge of the water and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She appeared immediately before me smiling and emitting great light! I felt very happy to be in her presence.
11. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you received an email from R.S. today. He asked what was the true meaning to speak with tongues (see D&C 46:24). I would also like to address when the scriptures mention "the tongue of angels" (see 2 Nephi 31:13).
12. I am the Holy Ghost among my children on earth. I dispense the gifts of the spirit to my children D&C 46:11-12,26-
"For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man (and woman) is given a gift by the Spirit of God.
To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.
...And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).
13. Raphael, I give to our children various gifts. There will be a time when I bestow the gift of tongues on large groups of our children at the same time who come from various lands. This gift will enable our people Israel to communicate with each other when these groups all are assembled in your land, prior to and during the building up of Zion.
14. My gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues will enable my righteous children on the land to hear the words of those who don't speak their same language, in their minds, and in their own language. This gift also will enable those to read scriptures or your words in their own language and understanding. The words will be in English and not yet available in their own written language. Conversely, their records will be available to you and others who don't read or speak their language.
15. These gifts are available to my children, as I desire. However, I more freely dispensed these gifts among those who are our terrestrial elect, for they have been chosen of the Father.
16. Moroni 10:7-8,15-16
"And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for (God) worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, (and women), the same today and tomorrow, and forever.
And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto man, to profit them.
...And again, to another, all kinds of tongues;
And again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of diverse kinds of tongues."
(words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).
17. Your scriptures and your words, Raphael, will be written in the languages of those who come, and their scriptures, particularly from the lost tribes of Israel coming from the North, will be translated into English. Those who translate these records will have my gift of the interpretation of tongues. When these records are finally published in their native tongues, then will my gifts of tongues and the interpretation of tongues also be removed. By that time, many will also speak English or the language of those who come.
18. For some, like you, the angels, and those who come to the New Jerusalem temple, I will bestow the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues during the entire millennium. There will be no language barriers in our celestial holy temple!
19. Whenever we send our angels to minister to our children, they speak to them in their own native tongue. This is called the tongue of angels. The gift of tongues is when one speaks in their own native language, and the one receiving is able to interpret it in their own native language, in their minds. The gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues work in harmony in this instance, so that both understand each other, and both are edified and uplifted by my Spirit, even by the Power of the Holy Ghost.
20. When angels minister and speak to our children, they speak by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the language of the one receiving the message. The angel is on the errand of God, and is our conduit and servant, and bears our name and power of delivery.
21. When one speaks by tongues of angels, the power of the Holy Ghost, my power, delivers the message by the Holy Ghost to the hearts of the men and women who receive it.
22. 2 Nephi 32:2-3
"Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost?
23. Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother, who delivers the Holy Ghost to her sons and daughters on earth, and her abundant gifts of the Spirit! I loved my visit with her tonight at these circling waters in heaven.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 11, 2019, Monday
1. I was interrupted last night in my prayer and talked until late with my wife. This morning when I awoke and came to pray and write in my journal, I finished the prayer from last night. The last part of my entry from last night was written this morning.
2. I am curious why Heavenly Father chooses the elect, in consultation with your Heavenly Mother, and why Heavenly Mother dispense the gifts of the Spirit to their children? I wonder if Heavenly Father dispenses any gifts of the Spirit; or if she chooses any of the elect?
3. I came again to the circling waters this morning. Heavenly Father was already there, standing in the air a little above the shore! I knelt before him. He was smiling and full of light.
4. 'Raphael, there are different roles that your Heavenly Mother and I do with regards to our sons and daughters who come to earth. These roles may change from eternity to the next eternity. In this eternity, I am the one to whom our children are to pray to, in the name of Christ, before they are sanctified and accepted by Jesus Christ. Once this is done, and once he introduces our son or daughter to us their Heavenly Parents, then they may address either one of us freely.
5. I am the one who selects our elect. I do so after consulting about each one with your Heavenly Mother, for these are both of our children. We spend much time communicating about all of our children.
6. Your Heavenly Mother is the Holy Ghost for this eternity. She carries with her the responsibility to bring her more intense light of the Holy Ghost upon our children, as she determines and as given by the gift of the Holy Ghost at their baptism of the Holy Ghost, or of fire.
7. She also dispenses the gifts of the spirit, or of the Holy Ghost, upon our children, even as she desires. We also discuss which gifts she will endow and bless our children with, but she takes the action of giving them these several gifts. Your Heavenly Mother also chooses which of our children will receive the highest gift of the Fulness of the Holy Ghost. This is where her intense light of the Holy Ghost flows into and through our son or daughter, even to becoming transparent and full of her light and love (see post 131H11-131H19).
8. I confer my priesthood on our obedient sons, and she confers her office of High Priestess upon her faithful daughters.
Your Heavenly Mother and I work together as a couple and as parents in administering the ordinances of salvation to our redeemed sons and daughters. We also both call and direct our angels and celestial servants to be our representatives to our elect children.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his witness and words of truth to me this morning! I told him I so loved him and my Heavenly Mother , and would follow all they told me to do. I said I loved the truth.
10. Heavenly Father then departed. I lingered a little bit longer at the circling waters, and then ended my prayer and departed.
11. Evening–I received an email from S this morning about impressions he had when listening to one of M.S.'s podcast:
12. "R,
I was listening to M.S. on my way to work. The podcast was from the words of Mormon lecture after Omni. The phrase struck me that some of the Nephites were led to the land of the North and some went in ships. I wondered if some could have been led to the hollow earth and will return from "the North" in a coming day. Just like the Lord led many different groups to North America, i.e. Lehi family and Mulek family.
It was the words "north" and "northward" that caught my attention because that is the location given for the return of the lost tribes of Israel.
Ether 13:11
"And then also cometh the Jerusalem of old; and the inhabitants thereof, blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; and they are they who were scattered and gathered in from the four quarters of the earth, and from the north countries, and are partakers of the fulfilling of the covenant which God made with their father, Abraham."
Alma 63:4-5
"And it came to pass that in the thirty and seventh year of the reign of the judges, there was a large company of men, even to the amount of five thousand and four hundred men, with their wives and their children, departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward.
And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward."
Those were my thoughts this morning.
Have a great day.
13. I said I was curious too, where they went to the land northwards. I said maybe they became the eskimos, or maybe travelled to the hollow earth.
14. I came this evening to the northern shores of Lake Beautiful, not far from the orchard that I had previously visited. I knelt on a grassy area with many surrounding flowers, near the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.
15. I then looked to my right, over a little hill filled with yellow and purple flowers on green stems. I saw a bright light coming over this hill, and soon Heavenly Mother came walking a few feet above her flowers in the air! She was coming to me, and was smiling, radiating so much light to me and to all of the surrounding area!
I felt so excited to be in her wonderful presence! She stopped in front of me, and raised her right hand towards me:
16. 'Raphael, turn around and you will see the exceedingly large ship that Hagoth built to take many of the Nephite families to the land northward!'
I turned and saw a very large wooden ship on Lake Beautiful! I saw many people all around on the deck looking overboard. I saw next large chunks of ice in the water as the ship passed us.
17. Heavenly Mother then was next to me on my right side, also looking at the ship. She spoke again:
'Raphael, Hagoth led these people to the far northern extremities of the earth, and sailed around the cusp of the northern hole into the inside of the earth. Hagoth was a very curious man and God-fearing, as were his people. He led the people to this land by the inspirations given to him by me, the Holy Ghost and by my directions.
18. After they landed on the shores of the inside earth, he and his people came ashore and met and mingled with the northern tribes of Israel that I had previously brought there by my inspiration to their spiritual leaders centuries before.
19. Once Hagoth's people desired to stay with the other tribes of Israel, Hagoth departed again in his ship back to the land of the Nephites, even as is recorded in Alma 63:7-9–
"And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward.
And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither she did go we know not.
And it came to pass that in this year there were many people who went forth into the land northward. And thus ended the thirty and eighth year."
20. Raphael, all those ships that left the Nephite civilization ultimately came to the inner earth. They mixed with the peoples that I had previously brought there. They are all descendants of the house of Israel. We inspired Mormon, who compiled the Nephite record of Alma, not to include information of where Hagoth landed. We wished to reveal this information to you, and not in the Book of Mormon account.
21. Those who traveled northward by foot came to the northernmost areas of North America. Their descendants mixed with the people they came upon in the northern regions. Some also built boats as they could, and a few also came into the inner hollow earth, traveling on the waters. This was the only way for this ancient people to arrive or depart this region, through the northern hole on the earth.
22. The Nephite nation was mostly in North America, where your country is now located. Some also travelled south to Central and South America. Hagoth departed from the area north of Zarahemla, and launched his ships from the land Bountiful, in the narrow neck of land area, into what they called the west seas, or into the Great Lakes region. He travelled north along what is now called the St Laurence River to the Atlantic Ocean. From here he travelled northward to the Arctic Ocean.
23. I led Hagoth on his ships towards the northern hole in the Arctic Ocean. On their journey they passed areas of ice in the ocean, but the ocean path was navigable with open waters. I have shown you on Lake Beautiful this ship as it would have appeared from the shore, passing chunks of ice in the open waters.'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation, and to have answered S's and my curiosity!
25. She spoke again:
'Raphael, the descendants of these tribes of Israel, who mingled and mixed with Hagoth's people, will come as a group in a future day to your land of America again, from lands of the north where I have led them. Your land of America is actually the land where many of their ancient ancestors of their Nephite civilization once lived. They know of their history, and of Hagoth's journey to the land northward. They will bring their records which attests of this migration, and of the appearance of Jesus Christ to them after he visited the Americas (see 3 Nephi 17:4–"But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them").
26. I turned toward my Heavenly Mother, thanking her for revealing to me this remarkable journey of this part of the Nephite people! I said I loved her so much, and was so appreciative of her revealing this great truth to me tonight!
She smiled and then departed again over the hill of flowers. As she was walking she disappeared. I closed my prayer and also closed my day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 12, 2019, Tuesday
1. Last night at the end of my prayer with my Heavenly Mother I went to my bookshelf and pulled off a book that I hadn't read in many years. The book was entitled "This Land, Zarahemla and the Nephite Nations", by Edwin G. Goble and Wayne N. May, printed in 2002 (ISBN 0-9703985-1-4). It is a fascinating read, and on page 70-89 the authors talk about Hagoth. They conclude that Hagoth came to the Atlantic Ocean and then headed to the Hawaiian Islands by going around the tip of Africa to the south. The author's have some evidence that Hagoth's people came to Hawaii. However, when I skimmed this part of the book, I felt very much a negative feeling, and that this was incorrect. I felt so much assurance, on the other hand, that these Nephite expeditions went northward, even into the hollow earth. I wrote as I was inspired by my Heavenly Mother last night. I felt her influence, and wrote as she inspired me, word by word.
2. I also distinctly saw, in my unconscious mind, the large ship and large ice chunks, like icebergs, in the waters of the lake.
It is all so revelatory to me! I have confirmed what I wrote this morning also, before my morning prayer. I love learning of fascinating journeys like this one that has been hidden from the world for so long!
3. Not only did I receive a confirmation of Hagoth's journeys, but also in the main location of the Nephite nation in North America, even as is described so well in the book I have. I know one of the ladies that comes to our folk dances had recently gone on a tour with Brother May, one of the authors, I believe to visit areas of the ancient Nephite civilization in the Ohio area. Joseph Smith even called the settlement across the Mississippi River from Nauvoo "Zarahemla". I believe this is the location of that Nephite city.
4. Anyway, this morning I came again to the celestial orb, to the rocky cliffs that overlook the city of Enoch to the north. The sky was clear and the celestial sun was shining. I could see many forested lands below me, and part of the city of Enoch in the distance. I then knelt on the rock and asked my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would come this morning.
Heavenly Father then descended from his higher celestial realm right in front of me! He stood on the rock surface and immediately spoke:
5. 'Raphael, the account of Hagoth's journey to the land northward and to the inside lands of the earth is true. You have written it correctly from your prayer last night with Heavenly Mother.
6. There have been many people who loved us and to whom your Heavenly Mother led by the Holy Ghost to distant lands. She inspired Lehi in his journey across the waters to the promised land where you now live. Your Heavenly Mother and I consult about all of our children, and at times we lead them to new areas of habitation. We inspired Enoch, Noah, the Jaredites, the Nephites, Columbus and more in all of their travels. We preserve lands of promise for those we will lead in future years. We know of all civilizations over all the earth, since the beginning when Adam and Eve first came into the lone and dreary telestial realms on the earth on which you dwell. All of these migrations required great faith of those being led by the one inspired by the Holy Ghost. We use my Holy Spirit to inspire and support the people in their journeyings, and the stronger enlightenment of the Holy Ghost to inspire the spiritual leader of the group. When the new colony arrives in the land to where we have led them, they usually are very faithful and grateful for our mighty power in leading them to their new lands of inheritance. Since the beginning, Satan has come among every group and tried to dissuade them, or has caused contentions and strife among their ranks, to thwart our migratory efforts.
7. In the days of Seth and Enos, in the current continent of America where you live, Satan had great power over the people:
8. Moses 6:15–
"And the children of men were numerous upon all the face of the land. And in those days Satan had great dominion among men, and raged in their hearts; and from thenceforth came wars and bloodshed; and a man's hand was against his own brother, in administering death, because of secret works, seeking for power."
9. We inspired Enos to depart this land and come over to a new land of promise named Cainan, apart from the wicked inhabitants of the land. This is the land where Enoch, the descendant of Enos, was born (see Moses 8:17-25).
10. We occasionally reveal ourselves with great power to one of our sons on earth. Such was the experience with Enoch when he journeyed in the land, as recorded in Moses 6:26-27. Enoch was called of God to initiate a new dispensation of God to mankind on the earth. Jehovah, our Beloved Son, revealed himself to Enoch and directed his ministry among all the peoples of the earth.
11. Moses 6:39
"And it came to pass when they heard him, no man laid hands on him; for fear came on all them that heard him; for he walked with God."
12. Enoch gathered the righteous from the nations of the earth in his days.
Moses 7:17-21–
"The fear of the Lord was upon all nations, so great was the glory of the Lord, which was upon his people. And the Lord blessed the land, and they were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish.
And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.
And Enoch continued his preaching in righteousness unto the people of God. And it came to pass in his days, that he built a city that was called the City of Holiness, even Zion.
And it came to pass that Enoch talked with the Lord; and he said unto the Lord: Surely Zion shall dwell in safety forever. But the Lord said unto Enoch: Zion have I blessed, but the residue of the people have I cursed.
And it came to pass that the Lord showed unto Enoch all the inhabitants of the earth; and he beheld, and lo, Zion, in process of time, was taken up into heaven. And the Lord said unto Enoch: Behold mine abode forever."
13. Raphael, we brought that city of Zion to our celestial orb, to the land in front of us.'
He pointed to the valley to the north of us where I saw the current city of Zion.
14. 'We translated these people, all of Enoch's people who dwelt in Zion, to a celestial translation. They have since ministered to our children, even to your day. They were translated to a celestial glory, for they all and their entire city came and dwelt on this celestial orb, in the valley before us.
15. We have previously shown you the city (see your post 47). This migration and removal of our righteous elect has been the most dramatic so far, for we brought them to our heavenly abode, rather than remaining on the earth. We brought them here because the earth was soon to be covered with a flood, and all flesh would be slain except for Noah and those in the ark.
16. The events in your day of establishing Zion again on the earth will come with great power, in a much shorter time frame that Enoch had to gather and preach to his people. We will be with you, Raphael, as you lead the people of God that we will bring on this land, to build our Zion, the New Jerusalem. This Zion will remain on the earth one thousand years during the great millennium. You will bind Satan, the same who inspired and tempted our mortal children for the past 6,000 years, and cast him and his evil spirits into the bottomless pit. We will not have the devil continue to wreck havoc on our Zion that you help us establish!'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words today, and for his additional witness to what I had received last night from my Heavenly Mother!
18. I then found myself in my room where I had been writing all of this in my journal. I was no longer in heaven, but fully on earth in my mind and body. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, the great Jehovah, and started my new day.
19. Evening–I came this evening to the celestial orb, to the beautiful desert oasis. I felt the warm sand under my feet, and was very happy to be here. I sat on the bench, pondering over the great revelations I had recently received. I thought of my attachments to my culture and society in which I live. I thought of the great conveniences that mankind has never had until recently, like computers, cell phones, cars and airplane travel, and all sorts of machinery and laborsaving devices. I thought of forced air heating and air conditioning, power tools of all varieties, and of printed books and movies, and the internet.
20. I then thought of the intrusions that my own society, government and large corporations use to survey the people. My wife just started reading Edward Snowden's book "Permanent Record" about the intrusions of our government surveillance on all of its citizens. I went to my sleep doctor today, and he knew all about my past, and had read about how I got the flu last year. I felt like my life is very exposed to all, even to the government's National Security Agency that tracks and compiles a record on each one of its citizens. Scary!
21. I thought of the impending destruction upon the land, government, all businesses, and people. I thought of my money in the bank that would likely perish, and of our preparations to become self-reliant. I wondered if my wife and I should do anything else to prepare for the destruction of the current civilization we now live in?
22. I was pondering all of this while sitting on the bench, facing the oasis in the desert. I then realized there was a bright light on the water, and that my Heavenly Mother was coming! I came to my knees and anticipated her arrival.
23. She was soon in front of me, shining her intense light of the Holy Ghost into and through me! I felt so uplifted to be in her glorious presence!
She spoke:
'Raphael, you have prepared well for your own well-being for your wife, family and you, in days ahead when calamity and war will sweep the land. You have much storage of food and supplies, and know-how necessary to grow food to eat or to make much of what you may need.
It is true that there will be money and other things that you use all the time now that will no longer be of use or importance. Were I in your place, I would continue preparing spiritually and temporally, and in preparing every needful thing (see D&C 88:119).
24. When your current American Society is destroyed by a financial collapse, by natural or man-made calamities, and by invasion from foreign armies, you will want to let it go and your link to this modern Babylon nation. You love the founding of your nation, and the principles of freedom established in its founding documents. These truths of limited government will be re-established again, and maintained by our terrestrial elect who will come and dwell in the land. The wickedness of spiritual Babylon will be destroyed, along with corrupt government leaders, agencies, and conspiring industries. You will be happy to see these all destroyed.
25. Much of the modern inventions and methods created in recent times will again come forth after the wicked are destroyed in the land. We will introduce many new gifts and blessings for our terrestrial people that will exceed what you now consider as modern conveniences. Our land of Zion will be the first one cleansed and the first land established in righteousness, on the entire earth. It will become known as a place of refuge and safety, while in surrounding lands, continents and everywhere that people live, will be in great upheaval and distress. Our 144,000 will bring the righteous from all over the earth to safety here in your future land of freedom, even to the promised land.'
26. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words. I guess not knowing the details of how America will fall creates apprehension in me. I want to feel ready to give away all my vestiges to modern Babylon. I want to lead out in establishing Zion, even in the beautiful promised land!
27. Heavenly Mother then extended her hand and I arose from my knees and took her hand! I felt so very happy to be next to her. We then walked to the water's edge and then I lost connection with both of us. I believed we walked on the oasis and then into the celestial sky.
28. I have great hope in the cleaning and building of the righteous upon this land of promise! I trust in all God has revealed to me! I will take my entire lead from them, my Gods, and will do whatever they may lead me to do.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 13, 2019, Wednesday
1. I reread over my journal entries this morning before my prayer. I felt inspired again, and assured of the truthfulness of what I had written. I also received an email from S, saying that he too confirmed what Heavenly Mother had revealed to me about Hagoth's journey to the inner earth. This is comforting to me to receive confirmations of others.
2. This morning I came to the water's edge again on the shore next to the maple tree grove on the celestial orb. I chose to kneel on the shore, and then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.
3. Heavenly Father then appeared next to me on my left side. He was looking out over the waters of the lake to the east. He spoke:
'Raphael, look with me on the waters, and you will see reenacted the first landing of Hagoth in his large ship that landed on the shores of the inner earth!'
4. I looked and saw the same ship I saw earlier on this lake then come near the shore. I saw that ropes were lowered with anchors to keep the large ship from coming ashore. Then I saw a few smaller boats being lowered and people descending into them. They rowed these boats ashore and landed. I saw the boats return and soon the entire boat seemed to be emptied.
5. The now large group on the shore then all knelt together in a prayer of thanksgiving to God I felt moved by their gratitude to have been preserved by the hand of God in coming across the northern waters to these inland shores!
6. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, these humble people had great faith in God, and know we guided them to their new lands of inheritance. Let us now go above them in the air, out of their sight, as they meet and mingle with our ancient people from the tribes of Israel whom we had previously led to this land!'
7. I stood and took my Father's hand. We were immediately inland above the large group of people who were walking as a group from the ship. They soon saw a city on a hill not far away. I saw Hagoth, their leader, turn and address the large group. He told them that this was a friendly city and not to fear, for he had been impressed by the Holy Ghost that these too were God-fearing people, and worshiped the same God as they did as he was talking, I saw a group of emissaries from the city approaching the group.
8. Hagoth and two others came apart from the group and stood with open arms held downward. The emissaries came and stopped in front of them. They didn't understand each other's language, but after a moment, with hand signals and Hagoth drawing in the dirt with a stick, the newcomers were welcomed! The emissaries from the city embraced Hagoth and the two others he had brought. They communicated to them to walk with them into their city while the group behind them from the ship stay in place.
9. Hagoth returned and told his people that the men from the city were friendly, and for them to wait there until he would return. He said he and the other two leaders were going into the city with their escorts.
10. Heavenly Father spoke next:
'Raphael, the people of the city opened their homes to these new refugees, and they fed and housed them for many days. They soon all learned to communicate, and learned each other's language eventually. They had an original similar language in the beginning, but both peoples had modified their spoken and written words.
11. Hagoth met again with his group in a few weeks and found they wanted to stay in this new land. They were assisted by these welcoming and loving people to establish a settlement not far away for these Nephite explorers. Here they set up camp and soon built houses, with the help of the tribes of Israel living in that land.'
12. Hagoth returned with a small group of the Nephites and some of the city that had welcomed them. They relied on the city that had welcomed them. They relied on the inspirations and revelations from God to navigate back to the land of Bountiful . There they gathered more people and provisions and additional ships, and departed again to the lands of the north. They never returned again to North America.
13. Raphael, most of the descendants of our people Israel, who live in the inner earth, are still God fearing. There are very many among them whom I have chosen as my elect. These are now also being changed to terrestrial mortals, as those on the outer surface of the earth whom I have selected are being changed.
14. The peoples inside the earth have an active church organization and prophets. They were formally organized by Jesus Christ when he visited those people after his resurrection. They had twelve disciples whom Jesus ordained as his apostles, similar to what he earlier did among the Nephites:
15. 3 Nephi 12:1 "And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words unto Nephi, and to those whom had been called, (now the number of them who had been called, and received power and authority to baptize was twelve), and behold, he stretched forth his hand unto the multitude, and cried unto them saying: Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be our servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and the Holy Ghost; therefore, blessed are ye if ye shall believe in me and be baptized, after that ye have seen me and know that I am."
16. These people still have their original Church of Christ intact, over all the centuries from the time Jesus Christ visited them. They are now preparing, as a people, to migrate out of their lands to come again to the north countries in North America. Their prophets are inspired by us their Gods, and receive true revelation. When the correct time comes for their departure, we will lead them forth with our power.
17. In that day will be fulfilled the promise we made to our prophet Joseph Smith, Jun-
D&C 133:26-34
"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves' and they shall smite the rocks, and ice shall flow down at their presence.
And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep. Their enemies shall become a prey unto them. And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land.
And they shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants.
And the boundaries of the everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence.
And there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim.
And they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy.
Behold, this is the blessing of the everlasting God upon the tribes of Israel, and the richer blessings upon the head of Ephraim and his fellows."
18. Raphael, you and our holy angels are those who will administer to these, the tribes of Israel who will come from the north and from the south, and eventually from the entire world as we gather our elect upon the face of this, your promised land of America. We will establish again the Church of Christ in this land, and then the Church of the Firstborn that we will establish through you. You will receive all of our elect as they become ready and prepared, into the New Jerusalem temple, to "be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim" (see verse 32 above).'
19. I bowed my head and thanked my Father for his marvelous words, vision and revelation to me this morning! I said I would do all he and Heavenly Mother would command me to do.
20. Heavenly Father smiled and we both departed the scene, and I as back in my private room, writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer and started my day.
21. Evening–I had received a question from M.A. about the millennium:
22. Q1–She asked will those who are terrestrial in nature and not redeemed yet, be able to see Jesus? And will other resurrected people be seen on the terrestrial earth by those not yet on a celestial level yet? Do resurrected people live on the terrestrial earth or on the celestial orb?
23. Q2–She also had a question about D&C 89:15, and wondered if the word "these" in "these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger." refer to animals? What about grains being the staff of life–should we eat a lot of them when we need extra strength? She wondered about a lot of people who have gluten intolerance nowadays.
24. I came this evening to the celestial orb, at the cliff overlooking God's healing lake. I could also see the distant temple to the north. It was clear and still light outside. I knelt and asked God to come in answer to my prayer.
25. Heavenly Mother then came in a beam of light from her distant temple! Her light radiated to the entire region, and filled me with joy and anticipation of being near her and hearing her words.
26. She smiles upon me and then spoke:
'Raphael, I would like to address M.A.'s questions:
27. A1–Those who are resurrected on the terrestrial earth in the millennium will be resurrected to a celestial glory, for they are of the First Resurrection, or the resurrection of the just.
28. When they first resurrect, they will usually appear to those of their family who gather at the time of their death. Their terrestrial body dies, and will be resurrected gradually to a celestial glory. In this process there is a transition from the terrestrial state to a celestial state, for they will be resurrected in the state that they were when they died. Their body will first be therefore resurrected as it was laid down, or in a terrestrial glory. It then will change rather quickly to a celestial state from a terrestrial state.
29. For those who are buried in your earth, in your current telestial world, they will be resurrected first in their telestial state, as they were laid down in the grave, at the age and physical appearance that they died. They then will also be changed from their age to their ideal age of a resurrected person, and be changed to a celestial resurrected being. The ideal age is usually around twenty-five years old.
30. Those around them who witness their resurrection on earth may see them resurrect and then, as they transition to a celestial state, they will also transition into the celestial realm from the terrestrial realm. When in the celestial realm, those in lower realms will not be able to view them.
31. A celestial resurrected person may come into a lower realm of glory and, if approved, appear to those in that realm. The angel Moroni appeared to the young Joseph Smith in Joseph's room. His room was in the telestial realm, but Moroni came into that realm from the celestial realm where he lives. (see Joseph Smith History 1:30-44).
32. Sometimes we quicken one in a lower realm to come into a higher realm, usually when one of us three Gods appear to one of our children in a lower realm. This happened when Joseph Smith earlier saw the Father and the Son in the grove of trees in 1820.
33. In the millennium, Jesus Christ may choose which realm he may wish to show himself in. He may walk among our terrestrial children on the earth and not be seen, for he would then be in the celestial or higher celestial realm. If he chose to appear to those who were in the terrestrial realm, he could appear to them in that realm, or have them quickened to a higher celestial realm.
34. There will not generally be resurrected celestial beings living on the terrestrial millennial earth. Their abode will be on the celestial orb. We make exceptions for spouses who may be resurrected and live with mortal translated angels who labor for us in our New Jerusalem temple. When appearing to other terrestrial inhabitants of the earth, these resurrected ones would normally appear in a lower terrestrial state.
35. A celestial resurrected being may also appear as a normal person in a lower realm, and hide their glory. This will be the condition of the resurrected spouses of our mortal angels when they mingle with family and friends on the earth who are mortal.
36. A2–The wording of "these" in D&C 89:15 refers to animals spoken of in the previous verse. In a telestial world, our sons and daughters may need meat in times of famine, winter, or excess hunger. Once the earth transitions to a terrestrial realm, the need for meat will also no longer be required.
37. The grains spoken of in D&C 89:14 and 17 were the grains available to the people in 1833 when this revelation was given. Since then many of these grains have been severely modified in terms of gluten and nutrition, and digestive ability in our people. Wheat, for example, has been hybridized and changed for modern combine harvesting machines, and have been changed to contain much more gluten. The original einkorn that you have in some of your storage is the same type of wheat that we were referring to in D&C 89.
38. There have been some genetically engineered wheat and other grains that have been modified to change their assimilation into the human body. These have caused many digestive concerns in sensitive people, and usually disrupt the gut microbiome.
39. In your day, there are also many fertilizers, pesticides, and drying agents used in the farming and harvesting of grains. These also are not good for the body, and may cause many food sensitivities, allergies, and diseases.
40. None of these factors were existent in Joseph Smith's day when the Word of Wisdom was received by revelation. It is because "of conspiring men in these last days" (D&C 89:4–that the original grains and many other wholesome foods have been dramatically changed.)
41. The best source of grains is organically grown and of the original non-hybrid grain that we have created for food which have been on your earth since the beginning. Raising your own organic food is ideal, or buying or trading for organically grown foods is your next best options. A provident life style will also help our faithful live in healthy ways now and in the days ahead.
42. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instructive words this evening! I am so glad to have received so much from my Gods!
43. She then smiles and immediately disappeared. I ended my prayer and retired to bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 14, 2019, Thursday
1. This morning I came to the celestial orb on the north side of God's Loving Healing Lake, next to the little stream that flows into the lake.
2. I read in my post 129B12 that the holy angels should be done shining the intense light of the Holy Ghost on the earth, to help cleanse the earth of her pollutions, by November 2019. If we were to continue at the same rate that we had started with, back in April 2019, we should soon be completed.
3. I knelt by the little stream, faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.
She appeared next to me, a little elevated above the ground! I immediately felt so happy to be again in her presence. I loved being in her light that was streaming into me.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, the work of helping cleanse the entire earth of her pollutions is almost completed by our holy angels! I have been transmitting the intense light of the Holy Ghost from my being through my angels to the earth. This great effort in removing the many pollutants will be completed next Tuesday, November 19th, 2019. The entire earth by then will have been immersed in my light with the intention to removed much of the toxic pollutions on the earth's surface and in the waters and air. I have been very pleased with the diligent effort of my holy angels in this great work they have been doing since April 2019. It will have been seven months since I have shed forth my light onto the earth through my holy angels.
5. Our people will now be spared many sicknesses and weakened immune systems from the pollutions found on the earth, in the waters, and in the air. However, they still need to be careful of what they eat and drink, for we did not eliminate all pollutions, and they are rapidly being produced and recklessly used over all the earth. We expect our terrestrial elect to be wise and selective in their food sources, and in the water or liquids they drink and the air quality they breathe.
6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message about cleansing the toxic pollutions on the earth. I thanked her for being able to participate with her in shining her intense light on the earth. I felt that we angels did this on the outer surface of the earth, and not inside the hollow earth.
7. She responded: 'Raphael, our people Israel who live on the inner surface of the earth have not polluted their lands. The ice barrier at both the north and south holes prevent pollutions from the outer surface from coming into the inner surface by water or air. These, our people, living inside the earth are a healthy and strong people. They will be able to withstand the rigors of travel by foot or boat to your land of America which will be their destination.
8. I have given you guidance on eating organically grown foods as much as possible and those not adversely hybridized or poisoned or preserved to high levels like is so common in your grocery stores. Were I among you, living in mortality, I would regularly energy test the foods I eat and the water I drink for toxicity. I would seek to eat the foods that are best assimilated into my mortal body.
9. Raphael, there will be physical rigors required of our terrestrial elect in the days ahead. It is best for our people to pay attention to their physical vitality and strength, and to take measures to be healthy. We will help those who help themselves, and pay heed to my counsels. I will inspire them by my Spirit in these things, and what they each may specifically do to improve and sustain their own physical health.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and counsels. I said I would seek to eat more wholesome foods, and take into my body that which sustains and strengthens me. I also said I would be active in my daily work to keep my body fit and strong.
11. She smiled upon me and then departed. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
12. Evening–Today my wife and I attended the funeral of a close family relation. During the funeral services in their LDS chapel, I really enjoyed the talks of each of her surviving children. Then a neighbor spoke who was a long-term family friend. Soon after he began, I felt very uneasy. My wife felt this also. The conclusion of his talk he sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives". I couldn't even look at him! I felt like leaving, and I squirmed in my seat. My wife leaned over and whispered to me the same feeling! Others in the congregation seemed to be very much enjoying his talk and song.
13. I know he didn't have the Spirit, for I could tell that. However, he seemed to have a lying or manipulative spirit that made me want to leave. I wondered if this discernment was a gift my wife and I both had. She was curious too why we both felt this, but others didn't and loved his words and song.
14. Anyway, I came to the horizontal log near the switchback in God's Loving Healing Center. I came west down the little hill to the meadow where the horizontal log was located. I knelt next to the log and faced the hill, and then asked for one of my Gods to come to me.
15. Heavenly Father appeared at the top of the hill, and then suddenly was right next to me! He was smiling and so accepting of me, for I felt this when I came into his presence. I loved being next to him, and gazing into his very calm and gentle face.
16. He spoke: 'Raphael, one of the gifts of the Spirit is the discerning of spirits (see D&C 46:23). Both your wife and you have this gift. You knew when the last speaker at the funeral today spoke and later sang that he was not speaking the truth from his heart. He captured many with his words, for he spoke smoothly and eloquently. He did not carry the Spirit of God with him.
17. Your role in the church of the Firstborn will be as spoken in D&C 46:27-29:
"And unto the bishop of the church, and unto such as God shall appoint and ordain to watch over the church and to elders unto the church (Raphael, you have been appointed and ordained to do so in the Church of the Firstborn), are to have it given unto them to discern all those gifts lest there shall be any among you professing and yet not be of God.
And it shall come to pass that he that asketh in Spirit shall receive in Spirit.
That unto some it may be given to have all those gifts, that there may be a head, in order that every member may be profited thereby (words in parenthesis by Heavenly Father).
18. Your wife also has the gift of discernment, because she has this gift of the spirit that her Heavenly Mother has given to her.
19. It would have been far better that this man had not spoken at the funeral, for he did not carry with him our Spirit. We desire only those who teach or expound to have the Spirit of God with them (D&C 42:14).
20. M.A. had a few questions that you answered well in your email to her for her first question, and left the second question to be answered by us.'
21. Here is what M.A. wrote and what answered back:
M.A.: #1–I'm curious, does Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother quote all of the scriptures to you or just give you references to look up. There are a lot of scriptures in this post 143.
Also I have a new question: In heaven all are dressed in white. What is the significance of being dressed in white, or are we not capable of seeing the colors? I love colors and wondered if we just don't wear colored clothes? '
22. R's email response: 'My answer: I get the impression in my mind what to look up, and I open up my LDS app for the scriptures and find it. I then write it all down in my journal, and that is when I get inspiration what comments if any to add, and which verses to write."
23. 'Raphael, here is my answer to her question about clothing in heaven: We love color also, and use color as accents on our clothing of those of our children. These accent pieces give our children power to do certain things. For example, our holy angels have sashes, pendants with seer stones, inner or outer robes, all of which usually have color and meaning. Your green sash, holds your black key and your sword of Raphael. Your angled scarlet red sash gives you power over the evil spirits, to take them to the prison orb and in the future to the bottomless pit.
24. We have chosen to add color to the white robes of our children to show the authority we have invested in them as we give them special callings. Our angels have outer robes or capes to give them power of movement. These also may be colored as we desire.
25. Those who receive robes of exaltation are given white robes. These robes are worn by the exalted and facilitate them in exercising their power of being a God. They may clothe their children in the spirit with whatever type of clothing they may desire.
26. Once a man and woman couple are clothed in robes of exaltation, they may choose to wear whatever robes, clothes or colors they wish in their own domain. They will still retain all their power as Gods and creators over their own domain and creations, even with colored robes.
27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear answers. I said I loved him, and I loved the truth!
He then departed and I closed my prayer.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 15, 2019, Friday
1. This morning I came again to the celestial orb to pray. I am very grateful to be able to come here and commune each time with one or both of my Gods. The entire experience is so very revelatory to me.
2. This morning before prayer I saw I had received another question from M.A.. I am so glad to have great questions, and to receive answers to these. I usually have no idea what the answers will be, like I am feeling this morning.
3. Here is what M.A. wrote to me:
"Hi R,
Question, was Brigham Young called of God to be a prophet after Joseph Smith died? So many of his teachings were not true. If not, what were God's intentions for the restored church? Was it just to test us to see if we would follow blindly or go to God and ask in prayer?
Also was it intended that each succeeding prophet would be the senior apostle? This doesn't seem correct to me. Shouldn't a prophet be chosen according to his righteousness and his connection to God?
Example, Lehi was not a prophet in his day but because he connected with God in prayer and received revelation we considered him a prophet.
I ask these questions because I was reading an article that quoted Brigham Young as saying that this was the last dispensation and the gospel would never be taken away again.
Have a blessed day,
4. I came this morning to the base of the fallen oak tree next to the Father's wheat field. I knelt on a road facing the river in the distance to the east. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me.
5. Heavenly Father appeared before me, next to the oak tree! He was so majestic and full of light and understanding, for his face seemed full of great understanding, power, and fully in charge of all of his creations, and all-knowing.
6. He extended his left arm and touched the fallen oak tree with his hand. He spoke:
'Raphael, I would like to answer M.A.'s questions this morning.
We call prophets who are open and humble men in the Church of Christ. Joseph Smith asked us in the sincerity and openness of heart which church to join. Both my Beloved Son and I came to Joseph in the grove of trees, and revealed us to him. We opened up a new dispensation for our children on earth, and called Joseph as the prophet of the new restored Church of Christ.
7. Before he died, Joseph was inspired to organize the twelve apostles in their quorum and for them to receive all the keys of the kingdom of God that he had received. Were he to die, this quorum would act as the presiding body in the church. We did this so that there would be continuity in the church upon the death of the president and prophet in the church.
8. At the time of Joseph's death, Brigham Young held the position of president of the quorum of the twelve apostles. The manner of succession of the prophet was then established by Brigham Young, our new prophet. He was humble and open before us at the time, and led the church to the west as we desired. We blessed and inspired him.
9. There were false doctrines that he again began to espouse and teach in not many years after being selected as our prophet. These he purported as from us his Gods. We inspired him otherwise, but he still taught these falsehoods he proposed were from God and not himself. He fabricated section 132 in the Doctrine and Covenants when assembling the revelations, saying this was all revealed to Joseph Smith years earlier before his death. There were other purported doctrines besides plural marriage he taught that were false also.
10. We decided to still have Brigham Young and the Church of Jesus Christ to still be our prophet and our church. We still have our children confirm by our Spirit any truth to those who asked of us. We continued to not confirm the falsehoods promoted by Brigham Young and other future church leaders.
11. We wanted this church to continue to operate, as much as possible with our truths and spirit, even though Satan worked hard on introducing many falsehoods. We wanted a priesthood line of authority to continue through the years even until we decided to sever the church and its leaders.
12. Over the years, since Brigham Young, our faithful Saints had to struggle with what their leaders taught at times and with what the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit of God confirmed to their own soul. We allowed falsehoods to continue in this telestial church, for Satan was abroad and was so successful in leading astray the priesthood leaders often with falsehoods. The more modern-day leaders, even though they received a witness at times that a certain doctrine was false, chose to just let that falsehood remain in the church so as not to shake the faith of the Saints from believing earlier leaders who had taught the false doctrine in the beginning. They felt by so doing they would bring into question their own authority which had been passed down from earlier leaders. They felt that they themselves were rightful priesthood leaders who had been called of God by revelation.
13. Raphael, our Son Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Mother acting as the Holy Ghost, and I who also endowed all our children with the Spirit of God, did all we could to inspire and guide the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it's members. We suffered false doctrines and beliefs to continue in this church, and continually persuaded and inspired each one who would hearken to our voice.
14. Our doctrine is and has always been that each of our beloved children need to choose for themselves whom they will follow and obey. It became difficult in recent years when temple recommend questions required one to sustain members of the First Presidency as prophets, seers, and revelators. There were other questions they added to ensure compliance to the total dedication of the current doctrines and teachings of the church, even those from the past or the present that were false and with which we would not confirm to be true.
15. When we finally decided to cut off the church priesthood leaders, when they rejected our revelation to introduce the office of High Priestess, we then removed my priesthood and priesthood keys from those who were apostles. They still professed revelation, but we had withdrawn fully our Spirit and revelations.
16. Raphael, we could have done this same action to Brigham Young within a few years of him becoming the ordained president and prophet of the LDS church. However, we wanted to still establish a base of good and faithful believers who accepted our doctrines of the restoration. We revealed in purity to Joseph Smith, and to following leaders as they became open and accepting of our revelations to them. The Church of Jesus Christ has continued since the days of Brigham Young with truths mixed with false teachings.
17. We witnessed to you in 1967 when you were baptized into the LDS church that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that the Book of Mormon was a true record. We witnessed to you of the many truths found in this church. You grew up in the teachings of the church, and yet struggled with some difficult doctrines like plural marriage. You decided to "shelve" the questionable things, for they did not ring true, but most everything else did. This shelving practice is still true with active members of the church. Some doctrines we have witnessed and confirmed to them, and others we have not. We desire each one to be open and humble, and to ask us in the sincerity of heart whether any doctrine is from us or not. We will confirm all truths to our children.
18. In the future Church of Christ, we will reinstate the practice of succession upon the death of the president and prophet. We position our new prophet leader to be the senior apostle. This is our practice and true doctrine in the organized Church of Christ.
19. Lehi was our prophet but was not a head of a church. We had continued to call prophets among our people who were isolated from an organized church that were established by Jesus Christ himself. We will have all Israel come under the Church of Christ as it will soon be restored. The church of the Firstborn will be by invitation personally from Jesus Christ for those whom he has fully redeemed and chosen. The former will be a terrestrial church and the latter a celestial church. Our doctrines and practices in these churches will be pure and kept that way through the millennium. Satan will be bound and will no longer be able to introduce falsehoods into our church again.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great explanations. I am so grateful to be the recipient of these truths from my Father himself!
21. I then found myself in my private room in my house, and no longer in heaven. I confirmed what I had written to be true, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 16, 2019, Saturday
1. Last night my wife and I returned very late from an excursion and date from Salt Lake City. We were both so very tired, but I missed writing in my journal.
This morning I came to the circling waters. I am eager to commune with my gods. I knelt by the edge of the water and prayed, asking for my Heavenly Mother to com, for I felt she would come visit me today.
2. Heavenly Mother then came in bright glory from the sky upon the waters! She was beautiful and very intense in her love and light. I felt so happy to be in her presence!
3. She spoke to me: "Raphael, I am very glad you enjoyed visiting family and enjoying the companionship of your wife last night. Sometimes trials come with the death of one of the spouses, and this creates loneliness and other personal difficulties in the remaining spouse. Your Heavenly Father died before me, and left me a widow. I experienced the greater trial of separation and loneliness. However, in those few short years of separation I grew in much greater understanding of many things. We wish to provide a full learning experience for our children, and sometimes this is difficult to pass through.
4. It is well that you regularly visit your widowed neighbors and call your mother frequently. They very much appreciate your visits and calls. Connection with others is very helpful in their struggle with health issues, loneliness, and feeling of being abandoned or neglected, particularly from their children and descendants.
5. Yesterday you played and visited with your daughter and one of your youngest grandchildren. Planning for and spending quality time like you did builds lasting connections and love. You need not give advice or in any way seek to change their behavior or actions, but just show up and accept them. They will appreciate your love and acceptance, and begin to treasure your visits more and your relationships.
6. Mortal life is all about change and adjustment. This is how we wish it to be, for how would our children in their earthly experience gain new experiences and learn from them? It is important to be flexible and accept whatever may come your way. There are many lessons our children learn in their mortal experience that they couldn't ever learn in any other way. Not only will they learn these lessons that mature them and give them wisdom, but they will gain valuable understanding and empathy for others who may be having a similar journey.
7. Your Father and I understand the rigors, the ups and downs that come from living in a fallen telestial world, for we have experienced it during our own mortal journey. These experiences are vital to the eternal progress and growth of all of our children!
8. I thanked my loving and understanding Heavenly Mother for coming and sharing her Godly perspective with me. I said I would seek to adjust to whatever comes my way. I said I would seek to accept reality and seek their guidance in all of my journey. I thanked her for the experiences of my own mortal life, and for their continued guidance.
9. Heavenly Mother then smiled at me and drew me close to her in a Godly embrace! I felt so much love and acceptance from her! She understands me so fully and is my guiding and loving eternal Mother!
She then departed and I ended my prayer. I got started on my new day.
10. At night–This evening I came to the birch tree grove in the celestial orb. I knelt by the little stream in the grove and drank some living water. I felt clarified in my mind. I held still and felt the celestial light and peace permeate my body, mind and heart.
11. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking one or both to come to me in answer to my prayer.
There was a wind that then arose and the yellow birch tree leaves that come in the fall time started blowing all around me! Soon there were so many leaves in the air blowing all around that I knew this was a sign from God.
12. The leaves then formed a funnel right up in the air, like a mini tornado! I then saw a bright light in the sky, between the trees at the top of this tornado of leaves. Heavenly Father then descended in this funnel of leaves and as he descended the leaves stopped swirling around him.
13. When he reached me, a little elevated in the air in front of me, all the leaves had come to rest upon the forest floor. It was very pretty and yellow all around. Heavenly Father was very bright, shining upon me and all the birch trees and yellow leaves on the ground. He was in perfect control it seemed, and was smiling upon me.
14. He spoke: "Raphael, when the calamities start upon your land in not many days, they will descend upon your land as a whirlwind. When our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, finally descends upon the earth, all of the tribulations will transition to a very beautiful and peaceful earth, like what happened with the leaves when they all finally settled on the ground in this birch tree grove.
15. The leaves each represent a separate tribulation, each erupting and moving at the same time in great fury and action. We have orchestrated the combined events that will occur at the same time, even as a whirlwind upon the earth.
16. D&C 63:5-6:
"Behold, I, the Lord, utter my voice, and it shall be obeyed.
Wherefore, verily I say, let the wicked take heed, and let the rebellious fear and tremble; and let the unbelieving hold their lips, for the day of wrath shall come upon them as a whirlwind, and all flesh shall know that I am God.
17. We will transition all of our elect who are upon the earth to a terrestrial state before the whirlwind begins. This will give them strength and protection against the storm that will descend with fury upon the face of the whole earth.
18. 3 Nephi 21:19-21:
"And it shall come to pass that all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts, and whoredoms, shall be done away.
For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that day whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I cut off from among my people, O house of Israel;
And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them, even as upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.
19. Heavenly Father stopped talking and started rising up into the sky. He rose up past the treetops and was soon out of my sight.
I thanked him in my mind and closed my prayer.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 17, 2019, Sunday
1. Today we are going to attend another primary children's program in one of my sons' home wards. I enjoy living close enough to them to see them often. We will also be attending a large family get-together tonight at one of the homes of our children.
2. I have been thinking of the swirling leaves that I was immersed in my prayer last night. I then thought of the great storm that came upon the land of America among the Nephites, just prior to the appearance of Jesus Christ.
3. 3 Nephi 8:5
And it came to pass in the thirty and fourth year, in the first month, on the fourth day of the month, there arose a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land.
4. This storm came suddenly, and if their calendar coincides with ours, it was January 4th. I wonder why this date was given in the Book of Mormon record?
5. It seems too that in our current land there are "great doubtings and disputations among the people (previous verse, 3 Nephi 8:4), even as we see today. There are impeachment hearings and it seems in the world all it needs is a spark of some kind for war to erupt almost anywhere! There are senseless shootings at schools and public places. There are lots of divided opinions. It seems most people don't trust the government nor big industries like Google or online sources. The climate of our society seems to have changed. Even as I glanced at my email this morning, there was an email from Dr. Mercola about Google whistleblower Zach Yorkies who has released 950 pages of Google documents that paint a comprehensive picture of how Google is manipulating public opinion and the political landscape. Wow, what kind of world do we really live in?
6. Anyways, I came this morning to the bench in front of the desert oasis. I felt very safe and secure here, far away from the troubles on earth and in my own land! I knelt in the sand and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would be visiting me this morning.
7. I then saw Heavenly Mother descend upon the oasis, so very bright in her glory! The reflected light off the water was exceedingly bright, and I felt to cover my eyes for a moment.
8. When Heavenly Mother was a little above the water, she walked in the air to me and came right in front of me. Her light seemed to penetrate everything–myself, the sand, bench, water–like we all became transparent somehow!
9. She then spoke to me: "Raphael, my son, your land is in turmoil, and there are many disputations and harsh arguments across your land. Industries and groups of similar minded people have largely dropped their personal values of integrity and honesty, and the people in your land are hardly caring much anymore about all of this, as long as they have their cell phones.
10. You live in the time spoken of by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:
Joseph Smith Matthew 1:28-30.
"And they shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars.
Behold I speak for mine elect's sake; for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
And again, because iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax cold; but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved.
11. We purposefully don't reveal precise dates when calamities will come like the whirlwind of leaves that you experienced last night in the birch tree grove. We do, however, give many signs that our elect may clearly see.
12. Joseph Smith Matthew 1: 39-40,46-48,55-
So likewise, mine elect, when they shall see all these things, they shall know that he is near, even at the doors;
But of that day, and hour, no one knoweth; no, not the angels of God in heaven, but my Father only.
And what I say unto one, I say unto all men; watch, therefore, for you know not at what hour your Lord doth come.
But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to have been broken up, but would have been ready.
Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.
13. When the days of calamity erupt on the earth, like the tornado of leaves you saw last night in your prayer, our disciples will be ready. Their bodies will be changed to a terrestrial level, and most of them will "stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die." (see D&C 45: 32).
14. The holy places are where our elect are located and gathered, for they hear our voice, our still small voice, and keep our commandments. We will preserve them by our matchless power and protection!
15. Raphael, continue what you are doing, by steadily receiving our revelations and recording them in your posts. We wish you to print up your posts by the end of the year also, and then share your printable PDF's with those of your small group of followers. They then will each have opportunity to refer back to our words we have revealed to you.
16. Let every one of our faithful sons and daughters prepare every needful thing, even as we will inspire them!"
17. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her visit and her words of support and truth today. I still was very transparent before her intense light, as was all the surrounding area at this desert oasis.
18. She then rose up in the air and was soon gone! I returned to my normal state, as did the surrounding area, like it was before she came. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.