104. Revelation Upon Revelation
Posted 12-18-2018


Christmas is around the corner when we all celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I wish each of you a very wonderful Christmas!!

I hope your year has been as full as mine! I also wish you an even better, more fulfilling, and satisfying year ahead in 2019. There are many ominous signs for this next year I have read about. However, we may each have peace in this troubled world. I pray for God's greatest blessings to be poured out upon you and your loved ones as you follow the directions and assignments that we now receive from God.

Please read this very interesting post. Write me with your questions if you have any. I love hearing from you!

Also, please confirm all is true of what I say with your Heavenly Parents.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn or taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 6, 2018, Thursday

1. I came to the top of the waterfall at the west end of Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I felt transparent again and ready to meet my Heavenly Father and / or my Heavenly Mother. I knelt facing east, towards the river coming at me, and asked for Elohim to come. I raised my hands high up in the air and lowered them slowly. My Heavenly Parents both immediately came to me, standing to my right a little ways above the river.

Heavenly Mother addressed me:

'Raphael, we both came to you this morning at the little outcropping behind us. We ran out of time to give you answers to your questions 2 and 3. I will answer these both now:

2. You may take water in your telestial world and bless it with your intention that it becomes more like living water. This blessing will raise the energy or vibration level of the water. Depending upon your faith and your ability to bless it with your intention, the water will truly change. This is the purpose of blessing your food also. Both food and drink may be altered for the better with your sincere and faithful efforts.

3. There is no particular set way to bless your food and/or water. You have the ability to bless both by virtue of you being our child. You do not need to hold any particular office or authority, but simply bless these in faith. Make sure you bless what you eat or drink by your own strength and ability and do not ask us to do this for you. Bless these in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. The time is now at hand for all our elect children to exercise more outwardly the enlightenment and power within them. As they do so, we will bring more of our light and love to flow through them in the simple act of blessing. We desire all our children to thereby act as our agents to bless and enhance the food and drink before they partake.

4. You may follow this same pattern too in order to bless plants, animals, the earth and the elements. We desire our children do this all, initiated by their own good works, and not to wait for us, or call upon us to do what they may do for themselves. We want our children to do all in their power first and then wait in confidence for us to fulfill the blessing our children have pronounced.

5. For our holy angels, we ask that they follow their own promptings we give them and act in confidence to bless, protect, act as our conduits, and perform any other action we may ask of them. We want them each to act directly, to be proactive, and not to wait or deliberate. This same sentiment is expressed to you in the church hymn #224 "I Have Work Enough to Do". There is ample work for all. He who acts quickly, to him/her will be given more, for we have work enough to do! We desire to share this great work of labor among all our servants and angels.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great words. I feel motivated to hear clearly, then act without delay on what I see or hear. I am so glad for this direction!

I next closed my prayer. I asked my Heavenly Parents to continue to remain next to me, in all the labor I would be doing and also in my sleep tonight. I desire them to be by me all of the time!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 7, 2018, Friday

1. This morning I came to my adjacent bedroom to pray. I envisioned coming to the south side of the desert oasis. There was no bench there, but a path around the water. I came to the shore and drank several times from living water. I felt clear and receptive. Last night I now recall when I went to bed, I felt extremely activated in my hands. I ate a small spoonful of coconut oil and when I swallowed it, I focused my hands on my head with intention to enliven my brain.

I had never been able to get my head so bright and full of light as last night! It was very enlightening! This was all from the light that came from both of the palms of my hands! I felt so enlivened!

2. This morning on the sandy shore of the desert oasis, I also felt so enlivened before my prayer. It was in my entire body now and not just my head. This is all not my imagination, but very real and it feels so tangible! Anyway, I knelt in this state on the sand. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come and was fully expecting a visit from them. I felt like I could perceive all things around me as I prayed. I was facing the water just a few steps north of the path. I had my eyes closed but I could sense all around me. I could tell my Heavenly Father come onto the path to my right, not far away. He then walked in the air directly to me and stopped. I knew he was there before me so I opened my eyes and saw him smiling! I turned a little on my knees to fully face him. He was glorious full of light, and so warm and accepting of me!

He spoke:

3. 'Raphael, we will appear to everyone of our elect children as I now appear to you, according to their desires. You are clear and so perceptive now! We have led you to the point where your whole body is open to us, to perceive and hear us. This is a very real sensation you have and is due to our quickening influence on your soul as you come to us in such faith. In this state, I am able to show you all things whatever I wish to share with you.

4. This is the same state that a few of my ancients have been in, to come unto our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ:

Ether 3:26-28 (Heavenly Father's comments in parenthesis)

"For he had said unto him (the Brother of Jared) in times before, that if he would believe in him that he could show unto him all things–it should be shown unto him; therefore the Lord could not withhold anything from him, for he knew that the Lord could show him all things.

And the Lord said unto him: Write these things and seal them up; and I will show them in mine own due time unto the children of men.

And it came to pass that the Lord commanded him that he should seal up the two stones which he had received, (the Urim and Thummin) and show them not, until the Lord should show them unto the children of men."

5. Raphael, the Brother of Jared received the Urim and Thummin from Jesus Christ for the aid in translating these great revelations when needed in your day. You do not need any such implement, for you are writing my words in a language easily read and understood in your day. Your revelations are greater than those revealed to the Brother of Jared, however. They are also given to you gradually, over the many days and weeks we come unto you and that you write them. They are part of this era when all things will be revealed to man on the earth:

D&C 121:28-32

"A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.

All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And also, if there be bounds set to the heavens or to the seas, or to the dry land, or to the sun, moon, or stars–

All the times of their revolutions, all the appointed days, months, and years, and all the days of their days, months, and years, and all their glories, laws, and set times, shall be revealed in the days of the dispensation of the fullness of times–

According to that which was ordained in the midst of the Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was, that should be reserved unto the finishing and the end thereof, when every man shall enter into his eternal presence and into his immortal rest."

6. Raphael, we have held back some of our revelation to come forth through you at this time, never before revealed. Now all of our secrets will be revealed to man, all done as we desire prior to the great return in glory of our Beloved Son, again to the earth.

Joel 2: 28-29

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit."

7. Raphael, the enlightenment from our Spirit into your soul that you wrote about in your journal this morning is very real and true! We will pour this same Spirit out upon all our elect who come unto us as have you, being open and diligent in seeking us. Nothing will be withheld in these days. Great are your blessings to receive these wonderful truths!'

8. I bowed my head and thanked my Father deeply who stood before me in great light and majesty! I feel very honored and humble to be one of those old men that Joel prophesied of. I am so energized to receive so much from my Gods! I knew my prayer had come to an end. I then closed my prayer and got started on my busy day ahead.

9. I am ready now to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I want to continually be near them, especially in the morning and evening. I look forward to new revelations each time!

Tonight I came up the little path past the green hill, north of the river representing Jesus Christ. I passed the overlook and headed a little further up the path. I looked over the spacious field behind me to my south. I was right in the path just before going into the fir forest, which eventually came out over Heavenly Father's wheat field on the other side. I knelt and faced the woods. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then waited and anticipated seeing the presence of God. This is my Heavenly Parents' world, and they come quickly now to me here. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came walking from deeper in the forest to me. They walked up to me, holding hands, both were smiling and glowing in light and excitement it seems.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we are now reaching out to a number of our elect children and they are recognizing our voice and feeling the surge of recognition that we are speaking to them. Raphael, this is thrilling to us! We love our children and love when they awaken to us as more and more are doing. Your sister, Rachael, had a wonderful experience with us when you acted as our conduit for removing a block from her. She was elated to name the lake at God's Healing Center as "God's Loving Healing Lake". She and all our holy angels and servants will begin receiving great revelations as do you in this new era when all things will be revealed.

I asked my sister K if she would share her experience. Here is what she wrote me:

"December 6, 2018

11. I drank living water at the north end of Lake Beautiful then I went to the west shore near the Great Assembly Hall to pray for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to commune with me. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared walking together along the path leading from the south along the lake. They came before me. I thanked them for coming and thanked them for this new day in mortality and prayed for my family and those in need etc.

Heavenly Father spoke:

'Rachael, you are learning to transcribe the thoughts we send to you into your journal record. This is very pleasing to us.'


'Thank you. I wish to receive whatever it is that you feel I am prepared to learn from you. I believe I have a block of some kind that does not want deeper light and knowledge because of a feeling that either:

1) I am not worthy

2) It won't really be revealed or

3) that I am just too "elementary" or not as developed as I "should" be to receive more.

Heavenly Father:

'Yes, you do have a block and we would like it to be lifted.'

12. He then called upon Raphael to come, who instantly came. He asked Raphael to put his hands on my head and then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother put their hands upon Raphael, one hand of each on his head and one hand of each on his shoulder. I sat on a bench or something. Raphael said a prayer asking that he be a conduit for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother's blessing to me.

13. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'We now, with our Godly power, remove the block that is in our daughter Rachael, which has prevented her from knowing her worth and has blocked our further light and knowledge to her.'

I felt or sensed a stubborn energy leave me from my head I think. It is not totally clear to me but it seems that more was said.

14. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Our daughter Rachael, we bless you to be fully open, receptive and humble and receive all we have to teach you. We love you our daughter. You are worthy of our love, acceptance and guidance.'

They released their hands and I embraced Raphael (my brother in mortality), Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. I felt loved and very humble. They all then departed."

Later, I read this to R (Raphael) over the phone. He immediately saw the block depart and he saw me filled with transparency. He said that was the last part of the healing wherein we talked and he could see it leave."

15. (R here: when talking with K on the phone, I immediately could tell she spoke with lots of emotion about this block. I could also tell she still had some of it left. While she talked, I took both of my spirit hands and placed them into her spirit. I could tell when I was up against the boundaries of her block that she was talking about. I silently asked for my Heavenly Mother to help me move K's block out of her body. I then saw that the block started to move as I moved my hands slowly up and out of her body. Soon I felt my Heavenly Mother's hands on the outside of mine, helping me move my own hands and the block. All the while, K kept talking to me about her block. When the block was outside of K's body, I could see it was dark and heavy. I then held it all in my right hand, and swiped it off into space with the side of my left hand, opposite my thumb. I then watched as the block fully departed from us. I looked next at K and saw she was transparent, very clear! I then told K about some of this experience.) 

16. Raphael, we would like them to share their choice accounts with you as they feel impressed. Then share these with those on your email list for all to be edified by. They need also to write their own details of their own accounts in their journals. These will also write these in heaven, just like your own accounts are written in heaven. We want all our revelations that our servants receive to be recorded and preserved.'

Heavenly Father then spoke:

17. 'Raphael, we have noticed that various people address your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me in different ways, in their own manners and language. Some use the language of scripture (thee, thou, etc.) and some use more informal language (you, your). We want our children to be the most comfortable they can be, as a son or daughter would approach and talk to a loving parent. We love gratitude and respectful feelings and attitudes. We want our children especially to recognize our hand in guiding their lives:

D&C 59:21

"And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments."

18. We communicate to the heart and mind of our child, and they may commune back with us. When they receive and don't make the effort to write or record our words, we are displeased. How can we give them more if they haven't properly treasured and recorded our words we have given them in the past? You have learned it is best to write our words as you receive them. This makes any memory lag not an issue, for you write our revelations immediately. Raphael, stand now, and walk with your Mother and I in the shade of our beautiful forest!'

I stood and smiled from ear to ear! I took their hands in mine and we all turned and walked into their beautiful mature fir forest! I yearned to hear what they would say, but I heard nothing in my conscious mind.

19. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we will share more with you later what we are talking about, maybe tomorrow. It has been a long day for you and it is late now.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents for what revelations I did hear. I said I loved them so very much. I closed my mortal prayer and retired to bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 8, 2018, Saturday

1. Today is another winter day- cloudy, foggy and cold. However, whether I like or don't like the weather, which can be sometimes oppressive to me, I am thrilled with the prospect of hearing again from my loving Heavenly Parents! I feel very motivated to learn and progress before them. I came to the other side of the deep mature fir forest where I was with my Heavenly Parents last night. I was next to the overlook above Heavenly Father's wheat fields. The deep forest was beautiful and lovely. I knelt facing the east, or the opening by the overlook. I felt clear and ready to pray.

2. As I was ready to invite my Heavenly Parents to come, I sensed my Heavenly Mother near. I turned around and she was standing next to me! She extended her hand and walked to my front. She pulled me up and said "Let's walk again, Raphael!'

I stood and we turned back into the forest and started walking. She was smiling and so accepting of me!

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

3. 'Raphael, we talked last night together in this forest of how our elect children are awakening to us, their Gods, in greater and greater numbers. They are finally hearing our thoughts as we share with them. They are realizing that we talk to their minds, in their thoughts and impressions, by our Spirit, which feels like they themselves are conjuring this all up.

4. So many will now awaken from the spiritual slumber they have been in all of their lives. We are pouring out in greater abundance our Spirit now so that they will hear us if they seek us. Their minds will become more enlightened and aware of our presence. This change is happening all over the earth. As our children open up their minds and hearts to us, we will begin the process of leading them to our ways and us. What we have revealed to you and others we will gradually unfold to them. If they are humble, open and receptive, we will eventually lead them to all truths, and all of our revelations.

5. It takes trust and faith to let go of previously held views of us, their Gods. Sometimes they have great misconceptions of what we have said or what is true. Satan tries to keep them in ignorance, confusing and darkening their minds. However, we will continually speak and gently lead them if they are determined and truly desire to come unto us.'

We then came up to a magnificent redwood. Heavenly Mother stopped and touched the bark. The tree was very majestic, tall and seemed so strong.

She then turned to me and spoke:

6. 'Raphael, as our children continue to come unto us, hear our voice and keep our commandments, we will greatly strengthen them. They will become more and more sure, continually enlightened by our heavenly light and love. They will then grow up in a sure faith that they are on the path to return to our presence. They will become like the beautiful redwood–firm and strong, being continually nourished by us, growing tall and straight. Oh, we love these strong children who are so determined to find us and to hear and obey us! They will help others of our children to also find their way back into our presence.

7. Every tree of our forest (our children) needs to seek the light of our countenance, which shines brightly at the treetops. They only can stretch and grow towards us, of their own will and choice. We allow all of our sons and daughters to choose whom they want to follow. Our elect hear our voice and keep our commandments.'

I looked up at this magnificent redwood, so tall and strong.

Heavenly Mother spoke:

8. 'Raphael, you are like this redwood to your fellows, for you have reached up into the sky, and now receive daily of our light and our presence. Your words will greatly help the faithful to become strong and tall like you. They will read of our revelations to you and confirm with us that they are true. They will then, of themselves, and by our help, grow strong and tall too. Soon we will have our own forest of faithful children who are well founded in our truths and revelations. These will be our elect, our leaders among their fellowmen, to bring forth our great works among all mankind. Soon they will fill the earth as it transitions into the glorious millennium. And then soon they will be with us in our kingdom, even becoming Gods like we are. Their growth and progress gives your Father and I the very most joy we could ever have!'

9. I looked upon my beaming Heavenly Mother in front of this beautiful redwood. She was being filled more and more with light and love, which soon radiated to all parts of her celestial forest. She was so very happy!

Heavenly Father then appeared next to her and they embraced, both smiling in the joy of their forest and the prospect of the elect growing strong and tall.

We all three then rose up slowly from the ground, traveling up the tall trees to the bright sky above. Soon we were above the carpeted forest below.

This is a coastal redwood that my sister and I came upon in a local park

Heavenly Father spoke:

10. 'Raphael, we love our faithful and promise to be quick in responding to their pleas to us. We will enlighten their minds and hearts. They need to listen carefully and then they will feel and perceive us, and hear our voice. Our elect love to be with us and are eager to hear and follow our thoughts and impressions that we give them in their own minds and hearts. Oh, we love them so very much!'

My vision then quickly faded and I was in my adjacent bedroom writing all of this down. I feel very filled with peace, love and light! I am very happy. I am sure this all came from my Gods, my loving Heavenly Parents. I closed my prayer and started a new Saturday.

Evening- I am now ready for bed. I want to pray before it gets too late.

11. I came to the little garden west of the tree of life, adjacent to the sapling tree of life. I plucked a fruit and a leaf before praying. I felt invigorated and ready to connect to my Heavenly Parents tonight, or one of them if only one comes. I knelt off the garden path, facing the nearby tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I prayed with uplifted hands.

Heavenly Mother appeared at the tree of life and walked the short distance in the air to me. She was radiant and full of life and happiness. When she got to me, she placed both her hands on my shoulders and looked down at me:

12. 'Raphael, you have completely warmed the hearts of your grandchildren tonight! It was a group effort and your grandchildren have many experiences of happy times with their grandparents, aunts and uncle. This is such a great time for your grandchildren!

You received an email from M.A. tonight about healing. I told her what she wrote to you about. Please put her words after my words to you, here in your journal, about the way to heal one's body.

13. There have been a number of subjects that have not been acceptable to talk about in the LDS Church among the members, or are frowned upon by church leaders. One of these is the view of natural remedies in lieu of going to the doctors/ licensed physicians in the established accepted practices in your country. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is very pro-medical and does not accept many natural remedies as useful. I told M.A. that the doctors prescribe poisons to treat illness and disease, maladies, and conditions of all kinds. These are promoted by Lucifer and are not generally effective in curing the many conditions they are supposed to treat. The medical doctors' establishment is in collusion with the pharmaceutical companies whose purpose is not to make effective cures, but to gain more money. They also hold the people captive because medical insurance companies won't generally pay for non-medical procedures.

14. So often the remedies may be simple, like a change of diet, or the use of natural remedies that I have so abundantly caused to be available in your day, or blessings from God through our servants and healing angels.

There is a lot of evil collusion between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the established American Medical Association to promote laws and practices in the Church and community that do not benefit or enhance the health and vitality of our children. Satan has made strong inroads into the Church leadership to sway them into conforming to current medical protocol by not encouraging the use of alternate healing methods. This established practice introduces the poisons of drugs into the lives of our people, in the guise that they are curing the ailments. However, they often only exacerbate the problems, usually treating symptoms and not the cause of diseases.

15. It is now confusing and difficult to separate good from bad in the area of health. Just because the Church is a promoter of Satan's tactics and methods, is no reason why our elect should follow these protocols that the current medical profession has espoused and even enforced through government laws.

The Church should not use its power to influence or lobby the legislature to vote like they want, as evidenced in the new Utah cannabis proposition 2 that was passed by voters in Utah. The church heavily lobbied against this passed proposition, even after it was approved by a majority vote of the people. The Utah legislature and the governor of Utah then amended the passed ballot initiative to be more restrictive with their new compromised law this past week. This came about from the direct influence by the Church lobbyists who stepped out of line to push the medical association's agenda. The agenda included protecting pharmaceutical companies from possible revenue loss from the people using healing from cannabis plants that we, who are your Gods, have created for so many ailments. The pharmaceutical companies want to keep the people ill so they will continue to create greater and greater revenues from the sales of their expensive poison drugs.

This is a local sunset at Springville, Utah

16. There are many of our healing herbs, including cannabis that, if used with wisdom and skill, will be able to remove the cause of many afflictions among our people. Comfrey is another herb that has been villainized by your medical and pharmaceutical industries, which have acted in secret to change test reports or not be truthful in their findings. Satan has bribed many scientists from those with money to falsify reports. It is now difficult to know what scientific reports and studies are truthful and which are not.

17. All of this falsehoods, inspired by evil and conspiring men, have led many powerful industries and bribed government agencies to enact bad laws. These then create an oppressive climate for the people who just want to find a suitable healing remedy. We have provided abundant plants and healing remedies that are now restricted to come among the people.

18. Raphael, in a not far distant future, we will destroy these institutions of man. We will then bring forth our elect in the millennial day of peace, healing and rest. Our elect will hear our voice and keep our commandments. All of our very effective healing plants and remedies will then freely and openly be used by our people in treating the cause of disease. They will find lasting relief and permanent cures. The medical establishments of Lucifer will be destroyed.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelation about health in today's society I live in, and the exposure of some of Satan's tactics to destroy the health of the people.

19. Here is what M.A. wrote me today:

"December 6, 2018

On the topic of us doing all we can do first to heal from sickness and disease and then asking for priesthood or angel blessings: I asked this morning in prayer and this is what Heavenly Mother told me:

'Do all you can do, using remedies and alternative healing methods, and then ask for a blessing.'

'Only go to doctors and hospitals in times of crisis or emergency. Their ways are from Satan using poisons as medicines.'"

I closed my prayer and started for bed after a very full and happy day.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 9, 2018, Sunday

1. I awoke this morning at 6:30 a.m. from a disturbing dream. I came to the adjacent bedroom quietly so as not to awaken my wife.

In the dream, my Stake President had somehow viewed me through his perspective and seen that I had an incurable condition and that all was spiritually lost for me. In the dream I felt like I was wondering if what he said was really true. Anyway, I knelt by my recliner in the room and wanted to pray to God. I came immediately to the desert oasis. I drank living water and knelt on the shore. I then felt my Heavenly Father come to me from my right side.

I gazed into his face, into his eternity eyes. I knew it was my Heavenly Father! I asked him about my dream. I also asked if I had really written correctly all that Heavenly Mother had told me last night. I didn't want any of my prejudices about the current medical system to sway me. Maybe I thought, this was just from my own perceptions?

This was a dramatic sunset during our recent visit to Long Beach
Photo taken at Huntington Beach, California

Heavenly Father then spoke to me, in my thoughts:

2. 'Raphael, your dream was false and has no truth in it. Also, what you have written last night in your journal is true. Before you prayed this morning, you read briefly of an email from Dr. Mercola that you subscribe too. His account of a stealth virus and the purported fraud and cover up of the truth is also accurate. You have noticed that there have been many more email reports from him of false reporting and cover ups in several other stories from this email list you subscribe to. Sit up now and write my words.'

I then got up off my knees in my adjacent bedroom. I wrote to this point and then felt reconnected with my Father at the desert oasis.

Heavenly Father continued speaking to me:

3. 'Raphael, there are very many false stories, cover-ups and collusions in dark and secret corners where Lucifer lurks and tempts the leaders of industry and government. These people purposefully change reports and plan for using their position to gain huge amounts of money from false reporting. They are leading the people into severe health hazards and pitfalls of all kinds. These sinister conspiring men are fully influenced by the evil one to destroy mankind in trade for large sums of money and control.

4. Your day is like those days of Akish that was reported by Ether and later by Moroni:

Ether 8:18-26

"And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God;

For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.

And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi.

And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain–and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

Wherefore, I, Moroni, am commanded to write these things that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all righteousness and be saved."

5. Raphael, I command you also to clearly write our words about these secret combinations in your own land. The secret combination to destroy the health of our children over all the earth is evil and from Lucifer. He intends to destroy many of the innocent by his secret combinations, promoted by evil and conspiring men and women.

6. We desire our children to come to us in prayer about their health challenges. We will inspire those who are open and able to hear our words. We will guide them through a precarious and dangerous world where their health options may seem limited. However, we will bless them and strengthen them. We are causing many alternative health care methods to be brought forth in your day to counter the evil medical practices that you face.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming truths. I feel satisfied that I am on the correct path and have written his words correctly. Heavenly Father smiled at me, told me that I had recorded his words accurately in my own language. He said he loved me and his children, many who have many health needs and challenges.

I then closed my prayer, for I knew our time was completed this morning. I took pictures of my journal pages and sent them onto my faithful sister who diligently types all of these pages into a digital format.

8. Today my wife and I attended church at a local ward. When there, I came to the western mezzanine area near God's temple. I faced the temple's west wall and knelt on the ground. The sacrament was blessed and passed back in the ward. I then made my weekly covenant to always take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember my Heavenly Parents, and to keep their commandments. While waiting for the bread to be passed to me, I saw my three Gods appear in front of me; first came Jesus Christ, then Heavenly Father and then Heavenly Mother. They turned and faced me. They waited until I had partaken of the bread back in the ward.

Heavenly Father then spoke:

9. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have asked our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to come with us. He is here because we have invited him to come. During this time of year, some of our children pause and try to remember him more, particularly when they turn their thoughts towards his birth at Christmas. He is the promised Savior who came into the world! We accept your covenant that you have made with us today. We will send to you our Spirit to always be with you.'

I soon was passed the water and drank.

Heavenly Mother then spoke:

10. 'Raphael, when you drink of the water that has been blessed during the sacrament, you might think of the water or wine as living water. As you drink it into your body, and as you think of your Redeemer (she looked at Jesus Christ, her son), and his precious blood he has shed for you, you will feel this living water penetrate your heart and mind. The living water then may enliven every part of your being and spread throughout. We will then spiritually revitalize you as you drink of the sacrament water or wine, representing the blood of Jesus Christ.'

The sacrament meeting continued with the speakers. I lost my connection with my Gods next to the temple in heaven. I then began writing all of this down that I had received.

I wanted to connect to my Heavenly Parents in prayer before it got too late.

11. I came to heaven, at the desert oasis. I love being here- it is so still and quiet here. I prayed, asking for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched. I next saw my Heavenly Mother come to me, appearing at the center of the oasis and coming right to me on the shore. She was radiant and filled with light.

She spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, I am glad you have come here at the desert oasis to commune with me. I have talked to you straight and clearly last night about the secret combinations, or secret collusions between the current medical association, the pharmaceuticals companies, and the health insurance companies. The system has been set up for these industries to collect lots of revenue at the expense of the people.

12. There are many upstanding individuals working for these types of companies. There are many physicians who work tirelessly for the well being of their patients. Many of these medical doctors are very compassionate, are very smart, and help their patients as best they can, within the rigid protocols that have been set up. There are very many alternative healing options that they are not allowed to use in their practices and are not trained in. The options to receive drugs that are poisons should usually be the last resort for the people if they should be used at all.

13. There are very many other secret combinations in the government and industries of your land and in the world. These combinations are rampant in their secret agendas against the good of the people. Their ambitions are for power, gain, and control of lands and peoples.

We are aware of them all. We will do a work far greater than they may fulfill with their limited foresight and understandings. Our plans will frustrate and destroy all of their efforts to enslave and control the people and the nations with their evil agendas.

Stay close to us and we will guide you and the faithful through all the future hazards of your day. We love our elect and will provide for their guidance and protection!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words tonight. I said I loved her and thanked her for coming to me in response to my prayer request. I then closed my prayer and started for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 10, 2018, Monday

1. I awoke early before my alarm time to get ready for our trip. I hopefully will be able to connect in prayer to my Heavenly Parents.

I came to the circling waters, next to the bench on the north side. I drank of living water. I felt clear and refreshed. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me. I waited and watched. I then saw my Heavenly Father appear on the little outcropping to my left. He sent me his thoughts to come before him there. I stood and moved across the short distance to a kneeling position before him. He was smiling and filled with light. As I came before him, he reached out, placing his left hand on my right shoulder.

2. 'Raphael, I am glad to spend a few moments with you before you leave on your trip with your wife. Your Heavenly Mother and I will not give you any significant revelations during this time. We will be with you, however, and will guide you as you relax together.

Yesterday afternoon you told your wife that you felt emotionally fragile. It seemed that the actions of your loved ones in particular made you upset. You knew how to mentally correct this from our teachings, but couldn't seem to do it. At one point you called out to your Heavenly Mother to help you become settled.

In such situations, I advise that you pause in what you are doing and meditate. During this quiet time, think of the thought that others may do whatever they choose to do. Visualize in your thoughts that this is a great blessing to each of our beloved children–we would want it no other way!

3. Once this thought comes into your mind, then drop all of your expectations for the person you are fretting about. Realize that your expectations are only in your own mind and are only causing you emotional pain and not them. Your objective then is to release fully all such expectations. Think of these expectations as tangible things that are floating in your mind. Then take your spirit hand and, in your mind, come to feel these expectations. They will feel real and tangible with boundaries, a color and a description that you may be able to identify. Once you think about these tangible expectations, make the thought come into your mind that these things only cause you pain, that they only exist in your mind, and are no longer wanted. With that thought, move them from your mind to a place outside of your spirit and body, until you can perceive them in front of you. Then command them to depart, and move them aside with your hand. Watch them fully leave until they are gone.

4. Finally, swipe through your mind to see if you have removed all of your expectations of others. If you have, you will feel clear and uncluttered from these annoying feelings that only cause you pain. Once these expectations are removed, think again of the person that you once had an expectation for. Then try to rejoice that they are free to choose whatever they may do and that you may think and do whatever you may do. Create loving and accepting thoughts towards them. Let these dwell in your mind and then let the loving emotions flow from these thoughts. You will find you are gaining a Christ-like feeling of acceptance and compassion towards them.

At that point, you may come back to the reality of daily living in your telestial world. You will feel so much better and find any emotional pain is replaced with kindly feelings of acceptance towards that person for whom you once had a painful expectation.

5. Raphael, this visualization method can be used to not only control your expectations that may slip into your mind, but can give you power over other annoying thoughts that you may wish to eliminate. Thoughts come and go, and may selectively be eliminated by you. You may create pain-free thinking about others and the circumstances and environment around you. You may thus choose for yourself whatever you wish to think and ultimately become.

6. Often your thoughts get cluttered from poor thinking patterns that come as part of the natural man or woman. With practice, you may replace all of these with godly thoughts of love and acceptance. It will make life so much happier, others will feel of your love and acceptance of them and we will shine forth our light and love upon you too.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wise counsel! I realized again that I am fully in charge of myself and may correct my thinking by these simple actions he outlined this morning. I knew my time in prayer was done. Heavenly Father lifted his hand from my shoulder, smiled at me, and then departed. I closed my prayer and started getting ready for my trip.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 11, 2018, Tuesday

1. I prayed last night at the circling waters. Heavenly Mother came and said she would give me no revelations while on my trip. I felt comforted in her presence and her words to me.

This morning I am on the couch in our hotel room while we're both relaxing. It is very pleasant, with sunshine coming through the window.

I came in my mind to the beautiful circling waters again. I just sat on the bench, north of the circling waters. I felt invigorated and peaceful at the same time. I then knelt, asking for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came again like she did last night to me. She was glowing with light and very full of love. She smiled at me, held my hand momentarily, and then departed. I knew she was continually with me. I felt comforted and closed my prayer. I don't have any real cares today, I just want to relax and enjoy my little break with my wife! We leave later today on the airplane to go back to Utah.

2. Evening–I am back at home in my recliner in my front room. I am glad to be back home. We had a very nice trip, a getaway. Tomorrow the weatherman predicts several inches of snow.

Tonight in my prayer I came again to the circling waters in heaven, on the celestial orb. I had met with my Heavenly Mother here the last two times I prayed. I look forward to connecting longer tonight, hopefully with my God(s). I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I felt clear and ready to commune with God. I stepped back a few feet and knelt on the shore. I raised my hands in the air and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I waited and watched.

Heavenly Father appeared in front of me on the opposite side of the stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. He appeared to me as he was walking a little above the water to me. He was smiling and his eternity eyes were gentle and accepting. I felt so happy to be again in his presence.

Heavenly Father spoke:

3. 'Raphael, I am glad you had a little break and were able to be with your wife yesterday and today. Sometimes changes in the environment are very refreshing to the soul. I would like to answer a question that R.S. asked about concerning the different realms on the earth at different times.

Your earth was already created physically when Lucifer and his hosts were cast upon it, because of their rebellion against your Heavenly Mother and me. The earth had been created in the spirit before it was created physically. The physical earth was in a telestial physical state during its primeval existence when Lucifer and his hosts arrived.

4. Since we had come to the earth regularly to see how the creations we made were doing, there had to be, of necessity, a celestial spiritual realm on the earth. This was the place where we came to dwell and watch our creations, ensuring that they were doing as we directed. The plants and animals were in their telestial state and couldn't see our actions or us, since we were hidden in a higher celestial state. We also had those of our celestial order, who were pre-mortal celestial spirits, come and do much of our overseeing work that needed to be accomplished. They were directed through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

5. Once Lucifer and the fallen spirits were placed on the earth by our holy angels, they remained in the telestial sphere of the earth. The holy angels, being celestial, could come and go into the celestial realms on the earth. They also had been given their angel vestures, their celestial robes that gave them movement back and forth to our celestial orb from the celestial realms on the earth.

Lucifer and his hosts were confined to the telestial spiritual sphere on the earth. This was part of the telestial earth, created in the spirit. He became Satan with his fallen host. They soon fell from their celestial state to this telestial state, for they assumed the glory of their fallen state on the telestial earth. At this point, the earth had a telestial sphere and a celestial sphere, but no terrestrial sphere.

6. When your Heavenly Mother and I came to the earth to give Adam and Eve their physical bodies, we created the garden of Eden area. This we created in a terrestrial state. It was created spiritually and physically in this terrestrial state. This was in an isolated section of the earth. The remainder of the earth was in a telestial state, but most of the life on it had died off, for that primeval creation had filled the measure of its creation. This was to make the earth's surface rich in highly nutrient soil and fuel deposits available under the earth's surface.

7. Once Adam and Eve were of age and married, we allowed Lucifer to come into this terrestrial garden of Eden. After he tempted Adam and Eve, he was again cast out of my presence into the telestial spiritual realms of the earth. Adam and Eve then fell from their terrestrial state to the telestial physical state, for they had transgressed my commandments.

We then caused the tree of life to be removed from the earth and come back to our celestial orb where it remains today in Enoch's city. The remainder of the garden of Eden also fell once the man and woman fell, making the entire earth a physical telestial world.

8. We had, however, a terrestrial spiritual sphere still existing on the earth from the days of the creation of the garden of Eden. This became the place where those who were righteous on the earth could now go to once they died. The requirement for entry into this terrestrial sphere was baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and acceptance into the body of believers. These believed in Jesus Christ and that he would be coming in the meridian of time.

9. At this point, the terrestrial spiritual sphere was gathering the righteous elect once they died. Those that died in their sins, without baptism, went to the telestial sphere of the earth. There were in the same general section as were Satan and his hosts. Satan couldn't enter into the terrestrial spiritual realms of the earth since he had been cast out again by me in the garden of Eden. The hosts of Lucifer could never go into the terrestrial realms, for they were telestial. Unlike Lucifer, they had never had been allowed by me into the terrestrial realms.

10. The spirit world today on the earth continues much the same as it did in the beginning. There are all three degrees of glory. The telestial houses the evil spirits and the ungodly that haven't been baptized with authority into the Church of Christ. It is also where all humanity generally advances into when they die. The terrestrial realms are called the paradise of God. Those who dwell therein are baptized and are part of the believers of Christ. They are freed from Satan and his hosts. The final realm on the earth is the celestial, where God, angels, and those who are celestial may come and do their work. All three spiritual realms are superimposed on the physical telestial earth.'

I thanked my loving Heavenly Father for his great explanation to me this evening in answer to R.S.'s question. I hope I recorded it all accurately and well enough. When I think of it, I feel like I have pleased my Heavenly Father with what I have written.

Heavenly Father smiled at me again and started to fade away. He was then soon gone. I got up and ended my prayer and I then got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 12, 2018, Wednesday

1. I awoke early this morning and came to my adjacent bedroom. The house was all quiet. I reread my entries of yesterday. It is all remarkable to me how revelation starts up again once I am settled and back at my home!

This morning I felt to go to the horizontal log just northwest on the trail leaving the circling waters. I sat on the log in preparation for my prayer. I had recently heard a M.S. podcast wherein he talked about praying with our hands elevated above our heads, forming a "V". Apparently this is the way God had commanded his saints (see D&C 88:120; D&C 109:9)

In the past, I hadn't worried about doing this too much, except when I felt to pray this way. I had also prayed with my hand being lowered from an upright position. I wondered how important this was to our Heavenly Parents when we approached them in prayer.

2. I then knelt on the ground next to the horizontal log. I invited my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my request to have them come. Heavenly Mother then came from above, descending in a beam of light to me. She soon was before me in the air! She was radiant, full of light, and beaming with smiles and love. I immediately soaked up her light and love. I feel great peace in being in her presence.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

3. 'Raphael, when you pray to us, your God, the exact configuration of your body is not nearly as important as your attitude, faith in us, and your humility and openness. These attributes are all important. How may we share with you our revelations if you don't believe you will receive or if you are not in a mental state to receive from us?

4. Your posture during prayers should show deference to us, your humility and openness. You may pray in many postures like standing, sitting, kneeling or even prostrate on the ground. These positions may all be coupled with the inner attitude of humility, openness and gratitude. Whether you uplift your hands above your head or not, or whether your hands are open before you, or whether they are clasped or folded is not usually so important. Sometimes we may ask for a particular posture like in a temple ceremony or ordinance, but for daily personal prayer, it isn't so important. Again, your faithful attitude, your desire to commune with us, and your openness are the more important issues. You may have a prayer in your heart also during your regular activities of the day. We hear or perceive the thoughts and feelings of your heart and mind, so when you direct these to us, this becomes a prayer to us.

5. We desire prayer to be a real back and forth communion with us, between you, our child on earth, and us, who dwell in the celestial realms. We hear all sincere prayers to us from our children in their fallen state or in a state where they are redeemed and brought back into our presence, through the merits of Jesus Christ. We desire to whisper to each one our will so that we may gently guide them in their life and bring them back into our presence.

6. Many times our faithful children cannot hear us in their prayers. This is because they are not yet in tune to our voice, or do not recognize our voice. They may be so preoccupied with their fallen state or surroundings that they don't consciously hear our voice. We usually give them our words in their thoughts in their minds and in the feelings of their hearts. We also speak to their unconscious minds, that which has a veil of forgetfulness over it, unless they are able to hear us in their meditative and quite states. If they don't know this, they may entirely miss our attempts to communicate with them. They often mistake their own thoughts and feelings as their own imaginations and not our own thoughts and feelings we communicate to them.

7. One of the sure ways our children may recognize our voice is that we speak love and peace to their souls. (see Alma 40:12 and D&C 6:23). Our love and peace resonate with our faithful children and they may thereby know that we are speaking to them, and that this voice is not themselves or of a false spirit.

If our children obey our commandments, we will fill them with peace and assurance.

D&C 19:23

"Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me."

8. Raphael, we have been very pleased with your efforts to set aside time in the morning and evening for us. You have been diligently doing this now for years. We have therefore gradually led you, prayer by prayer, even until you are now able to quickly come into our presence when you pray. We have poured out upon you our revelations in abundance. We have filled you with our love, light and peace. We will do this same thing for everyone of our children who are on earth, gradually leading them as we now lead you.

9. When you were in your pre-mortal life before coming to earth, we spoke to you with our thought transfers, face to face. This was the highest form of communion, for all of your faculties in your mind and heart were fully activated and readily accessible to you.

However, in your mortal telestial state, we have placed a veil over your unconscious mind and heart. You need to struggle with this veil in order to hear and feel our words in the same way as in your pre-mortal state. In this struggle, however, you show to us your diligence and true desire to be close to us and to really commune with us. The thoughts and feelings we give to your heart and mind are much more difficult to clearly hear, but with your faithful effort you may hear them all. This is all part of our mortal test in the fallen world.

10. I have shared with you today my thoughts about prayer, or communication, with God. We desire that all of our children seek us faithfully. We will patiently and gently guide them to us. Oh, we love our children so very much! We will always respond to every effort they make to come to us and commune with us in prayer.'

I looked into the compassionate and loving eyes of my Heavenly Mother! I thanked her deeply for sharing her revelation on prayer with me! I feel so enlightened and full of peace while I am with her! She extended her hand and touched my head. She smiled and was instantly gone from my presence.

I closed my prayer and started my day.

Evening– I desire to connect with my Heavenly Parents again tonight.

11. I came to the flower arbor next to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I came on the west side of the table under the arbor of flowers. I could see the glass table right in front of me, with her garden beds beyond. I knelt on the ground and brought my hands in front of me, palms opened to the sky above. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched.

My Heavenly Mother appeared on my right side, gradually getting brighter and brighter before me. She was next to the flower arbor. I saw she was smiling and accepting of me. Her light filled her beautiful garden area well beyond the glass table. Her eternity eyes seemed to sparkle with brightness.

She spoke to me:

12. 'Raphael, you have talked with your wife and son about how quickly life seems to pass these days. Your wife said the seasons and years just seem to rotate around faster and faster. What particularly changes is your perspective of life that shifts from year to year as you age.

Your granddaughters in their concerts at school have very little perspective of the meaning of life, what is really important and how one should act and live to be happy. At this age, they are thinking mostly about themselves. However, after having lived to your older age, your wife and you are finally coming to realize the great importance of others and of serving them, and of being your best to them in showing love and acceptance. Your physical strength is waning, however, as you age and you become filled more and more with wisdom. The younger generation, however, often doesn't want your wisdom, for they think they know of themselves.

13. This cycle of life has gone on from the beginning of time. The newest generation is the strongest, and thinks they will be able to find new ways that previous generations never knew. They go into life with confidence, not realizing how fragile life can be and possessing little wisdom.

14. By the time our seasoned children reach their age of maturity, they will soon become weak and fade away. This is all by our design. We want to see how the new generation will act in responding to us, their Gods, by our Spirit and our whisperings. We usually have already seen how the older, wiser generation lived. They will benefit from the joys as well as struggles of older age. They will soon have needs to be cared for by the younger generation.

15. In the cycles of youth to young adult to middle age and then to older, wiser mature adults, we watch all stages of our beloved children. We give each one a unique life and opportunity, based on our plan for their life. We carefully seek to guide and lead them back to us. Understanding of life's lessons often takes a full lifetime. Every aspect is important and has important phases of learning.

16. Raphael, you have now reached a mature age, the time we have chosen to reveal ourselves to you in your life. With the deep understanding from life's experiences, you are now ready to more fully comprehend us and serve us with more insight and clarity. Your understanding will continue to be enhanced as we pour out upon you our abundant love, light and revelations. You will then serve us with the perspective with which we have gradually shaped you in your life.

17. We have a similar plan for the growth and maturity of all our children. We desire that they lend an ear to our gentle Spirit. We will then be able to provide for them the richest life possible within our plan for their lives.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her watchful care over my life. I thanked her for revealing herself to me in such a dramatic way back in April 2013. I said that I looked forward to her and Heavenly Father's continual guidance in my life.

My prayer was finished. I felt very satisfied and filled with understanding of my life to this point. I look forward to continued guidance and direction from my loving Heavenly Parents. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 13, 2018, Thursday

1. I feel refreshed and ready now to commune with God. Life has different phases as we mature and also has change day-to-day, and season-to-season. These cycles bring change and newness. I love this variety God provides for us in our lives.

This morning I came to the desert oasis. I sat on the bench for a while, looking over the still water, trying to absorb the quietness of this lovely place. I then came to the water's edge and drank some living water. I knelt down on my knees and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother then gradually appeared at my side with her hand on my left shoulder. She was smiling at me.

She then spoke to me:

2. 'Raphael, you have wondered at times how your life will be preserved, for you feel the effects of aging. There is nothing you nor anyone may do to allay the cycles of time on your physical body. If we will stop your normal life cycle of aging at a certain point, this will be by our power. We do have a mission for you to be accomplished in the flesh before your death. There is really nothing you may do to extend your life, for it is all in our hands and in, and not by anything you may do. We suggest you relax and not wonder anymore about this. We suggest that you continue to be as active as possible and enjoy life as it comes.'

3. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. Last night I received word that friends ten years my senior were failing. One man had a stroke yesterday and has cancer. Another had cancer. My brother is turning 76 years old tomorrow. We all are aging as life's end approaches. I have felt reduction in my own energy too. I feel very much that my life is in the hands of God. Whatever happens will happen and I won't worry about this.

I then prayed to my Heavenly Mother next to me. I asked her to bless my children and wife, if possible, with health and vitality. I sought for an open heart and increased love and acceptance for my children. I sought to drop my expectations of those close to me and to just enjoy and accept my family members with love.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

4. 'Raphael, as you seek to exercise control over your own mind, seeking to be open and loving to your family and friends, we will help you to just love and accept people around you. We will help you to drop your expectations of what you might be tempted to think that they should do. It really doesn't do any good to hold expectations for others. What is best to do is to love and accept them, showering interest upon them, not trying to make them do or think in any certain way. If they ask for advice, you may gently guide them, but realize that they will act however they may. Love and acceptance is always the most powerful way to influence another. When you drop your own thoughts of what others may want to do, you are the happiest.'

5. I thanked my very loving Heavenly Mother for her great acceptance of me! I feel very motivated to please her and to become like she is. I want to smile a lot and be very accepting and loving. This brings so much peace and joy.

Heavenly Mother said she would continue to be with me as I drop all of my expectations. She smiled at me, kissed me on my forehead and then faded away until she was gone. I then closed my prayer and started my day.

6. Tonight I came to the birch tree grove on the slope going down to Enoch's city. I knelt by the little stream and drank some living water. I felt refreshed and ready to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I asked one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then waited and watched.

Heavenly Father then appeared to me, directly in front of me over the stream, a little in the air. He was bright and smiling at me. He seemed very accepting of me. I looked into his eternity eyes and they were so deep and understanding of all things it seemed. I am sure he would share with me anything I may ask of him.

7. I then came into his eternity eyes like I had done in the past! I don't know how this was done. I did look at me, however, from his eternal perspective. I saw a meek and lowly man kneeling before him and so very open to anything he might share with me. I saw myself with all my flaws and weaknesses.

He then extended his right hand and touched my head. I then saw myself kneeling and began to be filled with light and his power that he extended to me! I grew brighter and brighter, like I was being transfigured before him, filled with his light in abundance. I was truly radiant, not be anything of my own merits, but by his power of transformation. I then gradually became normal again before him. When I was normal like I initially saw, I then left the eternity eyes of my Heavenly Father and immediately came into my own eyes, with my Heavenly Father before me.

Heavenly Father smiled and spoke:

8. 'Raphael, you have become transformed before me just now by my Spirit and light that I imbued you with. You could be filled with my power and light that I gave to you, by my power and not of your own. This was not something you may do, but comes from one of us who are your three Gods you worship.

9. The prerequisite to receive of our endowment of power and light is humility, meekness and openness. You have reached this condition in your mind and heart. I therefore may bless you with this transfigured and empowered state as I wish. I will do so usually each time I send you on my missions and assignments.

10. Raphael, you have many assignments from us, your Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, with regards to your last day's mission. When you administer to those in your assignments from us, in the celestial realms, you will go forth now in our power and strength. It will be obvious to those to whom you minister that you are on our errand because of our mantle of light that will come upon you.

11. However, within yourself you will feel just like you do now–faithful, humble and meek, and realizing your weaknesses. Even as you become more and more confident in your administrations on our errands, you will maintain your lowly attitude.

12. Raphael, this is the manner in which we wish all of our servants to serve us. They need to act immediately with confidence, being open to our stream of spirit and light that will flow continually to them. They need to keep humble and defer to our every direction and impression they might receive.

13. Your Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, exemplified the manner of acting in all he did while on earth. He fully relied on us, his ever-present Heavenly Parents. We were able to direct him since he was so faithful, open and receptive to us and quick to act on our every prompting. After he was tempted of the devil, Jesus Christ "returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about." (see Luke 4:14) This power of the Spirit was our Spirit that we abundantly poured out upon our Beloved Son. He grew from grace to grace, even as John witnessed (see D&C 93:12). Our Beloved Son was a God, but we gave him opportunity to still grow from grace to grace. This process of gradually growing and learning, maturing and understanding more and more, is common to mankind, particularly our faithful who hear our voice and obey.

14. You are growing a little here, and a little there, precept upon precept, line upon line (see Isaiah 28:13). This is how we intend our faithful servants to grow and act. Do not be discouraged with your weaknesses, Raphael! We have given these to you to be humble, and our grace and Spirit is continually extended to you as you listen and act on all of your assignments, revelations, directions and promptings of all kinds.'

15. I looked into the loving and kind face of my Heavenly Father. His countenance beamed upon me and gave me great light, acceptance, love and peace! I knew this was all so real. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful communion with me tonight! I thanked him for his light and power he shed forth upon me. I told him I loved him so very much.

Heavenly Father then quickly went away from my view, about as quickly as he came. I felt so very satisfied tonight during and after my prayer of communion with him! I closed my prayer and got ready for bed."

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 14, 2018, Friday

1. I am now alone and feeling eager to commune again with my God.

I came into God's temple this morning through the north door, and came to a beautiful evergreen tree on the east side of the front entry area. I knelt down and drank some living water from the small little stream in front of me. I felt clear and ready to receive from one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I asked for them to come.

My Heavenly Parents both then came into the front door of the temple and came over to me by the tree. They were holding hands. They seemed so very happy together. They came directly in front of me.

Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

2. 'Raphael, we are both very glad to come before you this morning. I want to speak more on where our children go when they die or are translated instead of dying. You have wondered where your loved ones go who die, who have lived without receiving a valid baptism ordinance in their life. These, like your father, go to the world of spirits, in the telestial sphere of the earth. They may see all the spirits in that same realm, including Lucifer and his evil hosts. However, there is a separation between the wicked and the good people, like your father. This separation is by choice, for these good people do not wish to be by the devils or partake in any way of their temptations or be subject to them.

3. If there is a valid baptism performed for them by proxy, by our power and authority, these good people in this telestial sphere are able to enter into the terrestrial sphere in the world of spirits. Satan may not enter into this sphere. It also has increased glory and peace, for this environment is terrestrial and not telestial, even as the moon is brighter in light than the stars in glory.

4. There is now no one on earth who performs a valid baptism ordinance, since these priesthood keys have been withdrawn from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

D&C 107:65-67

"Wherefore, it must needs be that one be appointed of the High Priesthood to preside over the priesthood, and he shall be called President of the High Priesthood of the Church;

Or, in other words, the Presiding High Priest over the High Priesthood of the Church.

From the same comes the administering of ordinances and blessings upon the church, by the laying on of the hands."

5. Because your Heavenly Father and I have withdrawn the priesthood and keys from the Presiding High Priest, the Quorum of the First Presidency, and Quorum of the Twelve, these keys have been removed from the entire church.

6. Raphael, you have priesthood keys and a commission for the Church of the Firstborn, but not for the Church of Christ. The ordinance of baptism is one that resides in the Church of Christ, and not in the Church of the Firstborn. It won't be until the new Church of Christ is reestablished by Jesus Christ again and the keys are conferred by Joseph Smith, the prophet, the head of this dispensation, on the new prophet leader in this church, that baptisms will again be accepted. This ordinance may be done by proxy also. When properly done for the dead, at a time in the future, these individuals may then be released from their telestial sphere in the spirit world and enter into the higher terrestrial sphere. This latter is called the paradise of God, for Satan may not enter, nor those who are not baptized.

7. There are a few who have departed earth life without tasting death (Moses, Elijah, Enoch and his people, the three Nephites, John the Beloved, and more). These have received a transfiguration of their bodies, for they were caught up into the celestial realms of the earth or on our celestial orb. Once they were caught up into this celestial realm, their bodies were translated, even to a celestial glory. When they return they are will still be mortal, for they one day will die in the twinkling of an eye.

This is a sunset at Huntington Beach, California during our recent trip

3 Nephi 28:15

"For whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God."

8. These were all translated to a celestial glory. They were free to live on the earth, as do you Raphael, but also go in their unconscious states to the celestial realms where they communed with God and angels and others who were also translated to the same celestial glory.

9. There are now others being translated to a terrestrial state, even the 144,000 who are spoken of in the book of Revelation. These may be quickened if they come into the celestial realms, but they generally work in the terrestrial realms, for that is the realm in which they will receive their assignments as they labor in gathering the elect of God. Therefore, they have been and are now being translated to a terrestrial glory.

Angels like yourself, are translated to a celestial glory if they are living in the flesh. They work in the celestial realms in their assignments, so they are translated to that glory.

10. There are only two types of translation, one celestial and one terrestrial. Within each there may also be variations. For instance, Enoch and his group were not allowed to propagate while they lived in the flesh in their translated state. However, our mortal angels who are translated to a celestial glory are allowed to bear children.

11. The ability to replicate oneself in their translated state has not been allowed until recently. This now is a capability of all of the celestial translated individuals. The level of translation, whether celestial or terrestrial, is not a reflection of the valor or righteousness of the individual, but more of the type of assignments they would be given. Angels receive assignments requiring access to the celestial realms, and the 144,000 have assignments in the terrestrial realms and on the earth in its telestial state. They will be working directly with mortals, whereas angels and those working in the celestial sphere, will be out of the view of mortals on the earth.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her detailed explanation of some of the questions we had. I feel clearer now too of the distinctions of assignments in the different realms. I then realized my prayer was completed today. I gazed on my loving Heavenly Parents before me as they smiled again at me. They then turned and started walking back to the temple door from where they entered. They soon disappeared from my view before they arrived at the door.

I closed my prayer and started my new day.