84. Two Churches Only
Posted 7-1-2018


During these nine days of this post I have learned so much details about the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn in the millennium. In this post you will read about the ordinances of both of these churches, and how the Church of Christ prepares its members for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. You will read that there is no Aaronic Priesthood holders, being fulfilled once the telestial world is past. In the new terrestrial world, there are those of the Melchizedek Priesthood for men, and High Priestesses for women. These are all conferred upon worthy men and women, normally once they reach the age of 16 years old.

I look so forward to the great millennial day of peace and rest! We will have many close friendships, and labor for the eternal salvation of God's elect children on earth. 

Please pray about all of my entries, to confirm they are of your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I feel very humbled to have received these words from their own glorious beings!


P.S. I hope you don't mind all the pictures of the US Flag in this post. Independence Day is coming upon us this week, and it is one of my favorite holidays! I love early American history, and how brave our founding fathers were in securing our freedoms!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 20, 2018, Wednesday

1. At night–Tomorrow is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year and the official first day of summer. We rode the bikes today with two of our children. It was very fun. We rode 9 miles–it was such a lovely day.

This evening I came to the fountain of living water and drank. I felt clarified and very perceptive. I came next to the golden altar in front of the celestial temple doors. I knelt next to the altar and faced the temple doors. They were open. I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.

I could see into the temple since the doors were fully opened. I then saw Heavenly Father next to Heavenly Mother holding hands inside the temple, not far from the doors. They stood there in their royal beautiful robes! I heard the thought from Heavenly Mother to come into the temple through the doors. This was a still small voice, even very soft and mild.

I then stood and walked into the temple, through those large and beautiful temple doors. As I passed the doors, I saw my angel vestures become similar in look to their royal vestures! I came before them and knelt on the temple floor. I bowed my head in reverence.

2. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, thank you for coming into our temple, into our presence today! As you came through the temple doors, you have seen that your angel vestures have changed how they appear. They appear just like our robes of exaltation and our vestures of authority. You wearing our robes now signify our authority and our power that you now have. We will be with you and will imbue you with a mantle, even our robes of authority and power! When you speak, you will speak in our behalf, for you will never overstep your bounds, but will only act as we inspire you. Our children will recognize our authority that you bear and they will follow you. We will confirm their prayers so they may be assured you act under our direction.

3. In all of your action in the celestial realms above, both in heaven and on the earth, you will act and speak in confidence and truth. We will inspire your actions and speech even as you deliver your messages and instructions to our holy angels, servants and the elect. They often will recognize the light that we will make shine from your being and presence. This sign, and your confidence and inspiration, will convince many that you act in our power and authority.

4. You have previously been ordained, commissioned, and given the keys to act in our authority and power. You now have our own robes or mantle of authority to show all of our backing and support, in all that you do and speak. Normally, our children in the celestial realms will see your normal angel vestures, but occasionally they will witness our mantle of authority upon you in the form of our royal robes.

Raphael, this will only occur in the celestial realms. On the earth, in your mortal state, you will act as an ordinary man. Your identity will remain hidden from all people except a very few. You will live a normal, happy life on the earth, whereas in the celestial realms your leadership and authority will greatly increase.'

I bowed my head in acknowledgement of the will of my Father. This has been totally unexpected! It all came to me while I was writing during my evening prayer.

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, even though you will speak in our authority and with our power, you are still fallible and are a mortal man. The key to continuing in our grace and power is to be humble and always submissive. Let us lead and direct you with you not anticipating anything. We will then be able to make you into our servant with our power and authority.'

6. I gazed into the loving faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They seemed to have great confidence in me, their humble and weak servant. I spoke:

'My loving Father and Mother, may it be unto me even as you desire! I am thy servant, whether great or small. I am just so pleased to serve thee each with my full ability, with all of my heart and mind. If these things are to be, I ask thee to stay by my side so I know what to say and do, for without thee both I am nothing!'

At this time they each extended their outer hands and lifted me up from my knees. They drew me close to them in a full embrace! I felt their love and power! I felt fully engulfed in the greatness of their beings!

At this time, I became aware of my earthly surroundings in my front room. I had been writing all of this steadily as I communed with them in their heavenly temple in the celestial world. I then confirmed what I received tonight was true! It almost seems unbelievable to me, for so much confidence that they both have in me, to give me their godly power and authority.

I then closed my journal and spent time with my family.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 21, 2018, Thursday

1. This morning I awoke and came in the adjacent room for my meditation and prayer time. I feel well and happy. I decided to go to God's Loving Healing Center on the cliff overlook to the south of the lake there. I could see the distant temple to the far north. The day had begun there, or at least my day there began. I wanted to ask my Heavenly Parents this morning a question about the need for the members of the LDS Church to research their dead, now that the priesthood and its keys were removed from its leaders. I believe that all the temple ordinances, including baptisms for the dead, are not recognized since the priesthood keys have been removed from this church.

I also wanted to pray for certain family members in distress.

I came to a place on the rock and knelt, facing the distant temple. I raised both hands above my head and lowered them three times, asking for my Heavenly Father and/ or my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

2. Heavenly Mother came to me, appearing in the air in front of me! She was smiling and seemed happy. She asked me to sit up in my chair and to write the words she would give me in my mind:

'Raphael, I will bless your son who lost his job. As he is open to us, we will guide him in his decisions so he may continue to provide for his family.

3. You are correct that all of the current temple ordinances performed now in the LDS temples are no longer valid or recognized by us, your God. Baptisms for the dead, which normally would be valid for eternity but have become of no effect now, since the day that we removed the priesthood keys from the church leadership. These were removed as well as the priesthood from members of the leading two quorums of the Church (the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles), soon after they rejected our revelation on high priestesses. The keys to the priesthood were removed on Sunday, May 25, 2014 (Memorial Day weekend in the United States) including baptisms for the living and for the dead, were not valid from that day forward.

4. Those ordinances before May 25 2014 are acceptable to us in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These include baptisms, priesthood ordinations, and all ordinances done by the priesthood that fall into valid and acceptable ordinances as we have told you in your last post on temple ordinances.

5. Since this date, baptisms for the living and the dead are not valid and will need to be redone in the Church of Christ that will be restored on the earth in a near future day. Those who enter into that church will also need to be re-baptized and re-conferred the priesthood if they received their baptism or priesthood conferral or ordination on or after that date.

6. The sacrament remains the only ordinance today that we accept from the LDS Church. This has always been intended to be done independent of priesthood keys. Since 2014, there has been a little over four years that the deacons are now becoming ordained priests, with authority to administer and bless the sacrament. Since some who have ordained them still have their priesthood, and some do not, we have accepted all of the sacrament blessings of this church, whether performed by credible priesthood authority or not. This will remain acceptable to us until the new Church of Christ is re-established on the earth.

7. We also accept Melchizedek priesthood blessings administered by those who were conferred their priesthood before May 25, 2014 whose priesthood remains intact. They may use their priesthood at large as they normally would, and this will be acceptable to us, their God. There may be some who were conferred the priesthood, either Aaronic or Melchizedek, from a worthy priesthood holder after this date. However, since there is now confusion in the minds of the people questioning their authority, we will require all those who were ordained or conferred by any priesthood authority on or after May 25 2014 to have this conferral or ordination be redone in the Church of Christ, soon to be established on the earth.

8. The restored church is not authorized to ordain males to the Aaronic Priesthood, since that will not be continued. Those who hold authority in this Church of Christ will be able to confer the Melchizedek Priesthood for men and ordain women by women to the office of High Priestess.

9. The family history research done by members of the LDS Church will be preserved and used by future members of the Church of Christ. The ancestors and deceased relatives of those Church of Christ members will be able to be identified and baptized for the dead in this Church of Christ. We will then accept again the baptisms for the dead on the earth. We have not accepted as valid the ordinance of baptisms since May 25, 2014, whether for the living or the dead.'

I had not thought of all of these details before until they were revealed to me today by my Heavenly Mother! I thanked her for her extremely clear words. I see that there will be an orderly acceptance and transfer of valid ordinances that are acceptable to them. I look forward to the re-establishment of the Church of Christ on the earth!

I then came mostly to my mortal conscious mind and knew my prayer was ended. I then closed my prayer and started my day.

10. At 10:30 p.m.–This has been another very full day of activity! I am glad to be in this beautiful area--such a pretty time of year too!

I had two questions tonight for my prayer

Do the dead receive any benefit from the LDS Church doing proxy work now for them?

What about the temple garments? They cover our nakedness, but are the symbols valid still, even if the washings and anointings are not valid?

I came tonight to the desert oasis. I walked around it, enjoying the quiet and the great peace. I knelt down in the sand, facing the water. I then asked for either or both of my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

I then saw Heavenly Father walk directly across the oasis to me, a little over the water. He was smiling. I gazed into his deep eternity eyes. He seemed so assured that all was being done according to his will.

11. He asked me to write while he spoke:'

'Raphael, you live in a very changing world on earth. Not only are worldwide events changing rapidly, but also the culture and societal habits and norms are in flux. You laughed this morning when your wife, who walked with your neighbor, said her husband thought she was too opinionated. In that era when he grew up, husbands often controlled their wives with unrealistic expectations. It is better to have each spouse to be free to act how they wish, with no control exercised by their partner on their behavior. Your neighbor wanted his wife to cook for him and have no opinions, so he could boss her around. This is not an equal partnership in marriage! The celestial couple in marriage is free with their spouse, and work together, usually equally yoked, in strengthening each other and their marriage.

12. I will answer your two questions:

The dead receive no significant benefit from proxy temple ordinances now. They may attend the ordinances done in their behalf by the living, but the ordinance has no binding power in eternity, even if it is a baptism for the dead. All baptisms now performed in the LDS Church have no efficacy, for either the living or the dead, now that the priesthood keys have been removed.

13. The temple garment is symbolically and practically intended to cover the nakedness of the candidate. The current temple garment has been adjusted to shorter lengths than originally created, which adjustments were made by men and not inspired of God. With that said, the idea of a garment covering the nakedness of our children is still applicable, even though the clothing in the garment, done in the temple, is now done without authority. The marks on the garment are still reminders of covenants made by worthy and sincere members who were clothed in the holy garment in the day of their own temple ordinance.

14. We approve of the wearing of the temple garment, a reminder of covenants made in one's own day of the ordinance. This will be changed in the final temple ordinance, in the New Jerusalem temple, to clothing in the robes of exaltation. The garment will not be part of this ordinance in the Church of the Firstborn. However, temple garments will be part of the Church of Christ temple ordinance in the millennium.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words. I felt I wrote it clear enough too, as he gave me the thoughts to write. I closed in the name of the Son of God, even Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 22, 2018, Friday

1. Today I came again to beautiful sunshine streaming through the window in the room. It should be another bright and cheery day!

I came to prayer with no questions this morning. I feel clear and happy. I came to the bench at the lovely circling waters. I drank of living water there. I am now ready to commune with God again.

I knelt behind the bench today, placing my elbows on the bench for support. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I have full confidence one or both of them will come.

I then saw Heavenly Mother gradually appear above the circling waters! She was bright and beautiful! I love her so fully and feel very comfortable and happy to be with her! Her eternity eyes were sparkling, she was broadly smiling, and she seemed to beam love and acceptance to me!

I opened our conversation, expressing deep gratitude for such a privilege to be in her presence! I told her how pleased and in awe I was to commune with her and Heavenly Father twice a day. I asked her for her presence with me throughout the entire day, both in heavenly celestial realms and in my life on earth.

2. She then spoke and I wrote her words:

'Raphael, I too am so thankful to come to you daily. Heavenly Father and I wish more of our children would be able or willing to connect to us in humble, open, sincere prayer, as do you.

3. Today I wish to address some of the accepted cultural habits that you and our children experience on earth, in your current day in your land and country. There is a broader acceptance of the various ways that people live, which we like. However, this has been accompanied by decreasing integrity and morality. There is a much wider acceptance of the base, vile and sin-laden life that pervades in the media. There is greater self-centeredness among the people. The people are in more debt, more hazardous contracts and commitments, and much more extravagant living than in the past decade or two. This reckless lifestyle is driven by a thirst for pleasure and prideful living. Even our elect have been largely caught up in too much extravagance and not enough self-reliant living.

4. We are glad, Raphael, that you have a large garden, chickens, houses and lands, which you attained through your hard labor and careful planning. You have no debt and are careful with your resources. These will all serve you well in the day of great need that is fast coming to rock the earth and its inhabitants. You will continue to be in a position to meet your own needs and to faithfully serve those around you too, as you are able.

5. The more severe problem, however, with our elect is that they don't challenge or test the values they are now living with us, their God. They go along with the accepted standards of society, like there is no day of reckoning coming. In religious circles, there is also increasing complacency in following the crowd? In the LDS Church, our elect haven't been questioning their leaders and testing whether they are led in the right way. There is an attitude that so many elect children accept which is that if others believe in this way it must also be true. In reality, the great majority of the saints are misled and don't realize it. We have largely withdrawn our spirit and they don't even recognize it! We have a day of reckoning coming for these, so they may repent and align themselves with us, their God.

6. Because your society is steeped in self-indulgence and do not realize they are being led carefully down to destruction and captivity, both spiritually and physically, we will allow war, famine, pestilence and upheavals of all kind. In this distress, we hope our elect turn to us and repent. We will then bless and guide them, as they are open and humble.

Satan and his evil hosts are working more vigorously that ever before to entrap our children. You continue to remove many of these evil spirits to the prison orb, those who overstep their bounds. These are all very miserable, for they receive the wages of him who they list to obey:

7. Alma 3:27-

"For every man receiveth the wages of him whom he listed to obey."

8. Alma 5:41-42

"...But whosoever bringeth forth evil works, the same becometh a child of the devil, for he hearkeneth unto his voice, and doth follow him.
And whosoever doeth this must receive his wages of him; therefore his wages he receiveth death, as to things pertaining unto righteousness being dead unto all good works."

9. These scriptures apply to all of our children, including the minions of Lucifer as well. There are many living in mortality whose lives are filled with evil and misguided ways, for they hearken and obey Satan. They love Satan more than us, their God who loves them and continually reaches out to them!'

I saw a tear in my Heavenly Mother's eyes. I immediately arose and came to her and embraced her. I told her I would always follow her and Heavenly Father's counsel and guidance! I told how much I loved her!

She was comforted I think.

10. She then spoke:

'Raphael, we will continue to reveal to you our mysteries and lead you along. However, there is great wickedness in the world now. These days are similar to the days before the flood:

11. Moses 8:22, 28

"And God saw that the wickedness of men had become great in the earth; and every man was lifted up in the imagination of the thoughts of his heart, being only evil continually.

–The earth was corrupt before God, and it was filled with violence."

12. We will bring destruction on the wicked in your day, but we will preserve the elect, for they hearken to our voice and obey our commandments.'

I then felt my prayer and communion with my Heavenly Mother was finished this morning. I thanked her again for her words and said I would follow her and Heavenly Father always. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

13. In the evening– In my prayer this evening, I came to the lake in God's Loving Healing Center. I walked on the path part way around, under the bluff to the south. I found a spot off the path where I knelt, facing the lake. I could see the temple in the distance also.

I prayed that Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother come. I next saw both of them come on the path to my right. They were meandering around the lake, seeming to be enjoying its beauty. They came to me and turned. Heavenly Father asked me to walk with them as they strolled around the west end of the lake. I stood and came next to Heavenly Mother, who was closest to me. She smiled and took my hand. We started strolling along.

14. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, it takes a long time for our children on earth to see our ways and our views when they are in conflict with ours. Sometimes the traditions or beliefs of the fathers keep for generations since these are perpetuated in the culture, church, and in the family. Your wife has been reading her family history of a polygamist ancestor in Utah in the late 1800s. These religious traditions and views were false, and did not align with our heavenly doctrine. However, it took several generations for them to be extinguished, and a prophet to ban the practice.

15. There are beliefs in the current LDS Church that greatly hold the people back from understanding our will and true doctrine. The worse belief is that "the leaders have said so, so it must be right." This false belief keeps our Latter-day Saints from inquiring on their own. They feel it is not their right to even question the authority in the Church.

16. Raphael, you have come a long way in your perspective of God and the truths that we have revealed to you from heaven! This has required you to separate yourself from the community of the Saints, and to challenge long-held dogmas and beliefs. We have lead you as fast as we could to correct your views on marriage and praying, for instance. With the revelations we have given you comes confidence that you are now in the right perspective and belief. This will take longer for most of our elect in the LDS Church because they are not so open and diligent in finding the truth, as were you.

We wish we could reveal all truth fresh and at once to our children, but we would greatly overcome and disrupt their foundation, and prevent their beliefs in these new truths. We have to go slowly when revealing correct truths that have been changed by men over the years, that they hold as true beliefs.'

17. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, as the Holy Ghost, I need to persuade and introduce new ideas slowly. Our children can only accept so much, so fast. We will also lead you along as fast as you are able to receive.'

We then arrived on the path in front of the bench where I normally come. They both turned to me and Heavenly Father said they needed to depart now. He expressed love for all the holy angels. He said that he and Heavenly Mother were pleased with our progress to becoming gradually awakened.

Then they continued to walk around the lake again, this time without me. I watched them for a while, and then they faded away. I thanked them for this sweet prayer. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 23, 2018, Saturday

1. This morning in my prayer, I came to the south edge of the fir forest, next to the path leading to the Great Assembly Hall. Heavenly Father met me there on the path. I gazed into his face and into his eternity, deep, loving eyes. I felt so happy to be with him.

I shared with him my concerns about rethinking my thoughts so I don't judge family members. I then saw Heavenly Mother come from the assembly hall down the path to her husband. Heavenly Father hugged her and they then both were in front of me.

2. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, there is a lot happening in our celestial orb these days. I have come from a meeting of my female servants, including angels, the 144,000, and many translated and resurrected women. I spoke and others also spoke.

In the meeting, I spoke of the responsibilities of holding the office of high priestess. I said what a privilege it is to serve and love mankind and to act in acceptance and decorum. I spoke on the many gifts that we, as women, are particularly blessed with. I said that now is the time to shine forth in service to my children who are on the earth and in the spirit world. They are no longer held back by the oppressions of the world, or by controlling people. This is the day of more freedom and acceptance of their rights and many privileges they may now express in power and ability.

3. Raphael, in heaven in eternity, the man and the woman are both in power and authority in equal expression and involvement. The eternal marriage relationship is correctly described as equal partners, both free to act in their own rights and privileges. Your Heavenly Father and I have equal power and authority in eternity. This is as it has always been since we were ordained Gods in eternity, eternal companions with the capacity to bring forth our posterity in the eternal worlds. Your Heavenly Father has always treated me in equal status, never acting in controlling or subjugating ways to me. We love each other so very deeply!

4. We have allowed our daughters in mortality to experience subjugation at the hands of our sons during many periods of their mortal existence. This is part of the natural man who is an enemy to God. In the millennium, and in eternity, there will be equality among all our children, male or female. The rights and freedom of all of our children will be honored and protected.

5. You are living in a day when the older generation especially had improper views of women. This same pattern has existed in most periods of the telestial existence on earth. It is a sin to control women and subjugate them! There have been many dark moments in the world where men selfishly oppress women, making them their possessions without a voice. We are glad that this attitude is changing in the cultures of the world.

6. In the millennium, the Church of Christ will provide a safe haven for the free expression of women. The prophet and quorum of the twelve will continue to be priesthood holders who are men, who will lead in righteousness. My daughters, who are high priestesses, will not have office in the priesthood quorums, but will have equal power and authority as their male counterparts. There will still be the Relief Society who will be composed of righteous high priestesses. However, our true strength and power will be independent of this Church of Christ. My daughters will all flourish with their own talents and abilities, freed from leadership roles in a formal organization. They will have my Godly powers that I will freely dispense among them. These include healing powers, care and service, power over the elements, training, teaching and blessing others with their skills and knowledge, and everything I love to do and share with my children. The beauty and love in abundance will surely be created and sustained by my loving daughters, all who become high priestesses! They will be protected and encouraged by righteous priesthood holders. There will be no envy of their strengths and abilities, but instead awe and respect by our noble sons. It will truly be an era of equality and great freedom of expression and greatness!'

7. I looked upon my happy mother; she was brightly shining and seemed so happy and radiant! I love her so much! I thanked her for a glimpse into the role of her loving daughters who will emulate her happiness and strengths in a coming millennial day.

8. Heavenly Father was smiling broadly as his loving happy wife then started twirling around for joy in the freedom her daughters will finally receive! She continued moving and twirling, in a heavenly dance that was so beautiful to behold. It was amazing to see her so free and happy!

This ended my morning prayer. I feel so eager to have a world filled with beautiful women who are like my Heavenly Mother, being free to express their great talents and love! Above all things coming forth in the millennial day, this is what I want to see and enjoy! Nothing really compares to righteous women who are free to fulfill their eternal talents and destiny!

9. At night– Tonight I came to the desert oasis, and knelt in front of the bench, towards the oasis. I felt very spiritually clear and prepared to enter into the presence of God.

I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw a light come from heaven's skies above and come down on me. In the light was Heavenly Father! He had come to speak to me. I felt very honored to be in his presence.

10. He immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother expressed her great joy this morning by twirling around and dancing. She is so lovely in this great expression of her supreme joy! When I receive deep joy that I would like to express, I often go to a quiet place and verbally express my joy and thanksgiving to my own Heavenly Parents. They are nearby to your Heavenly Mother and me, and we visit with them frequently. We have a very close connection! They, too, understand the fullness of joy we experience, for they also feel the same way. Often we embrace in these tender, deep, joyful times.

11. I discuss and share my deepest feelings with your Heavenly Mother. She is such a joy to me! Often I attend her spiritual dances, and participate in my own way. We smile and cry for joy together frequently.'

I then could see my Heavenly Mother walking to us across the oasis. Heavenly Father turned and ran to her! They embraced and twirled up the water. I could tell that they were so pleased to be together!

This is how my prayer ended. I received deep satisfaction in seeing them so happy! I thanked them for this very happy prayer. They had both departed up into the sky, but I know they heard my words and felt my love and gratitude.

I then got ready for bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 24, 2018, Sunday

1. This morning I talked with my wife for 45 minutes about friends. We talked about the neighborhood, our association in our lives, our children. My wife and I work hard and do lots of activities together. We don't do much with friends, however. We do a lot with family but don't seem to have much time left over for friends.

This morning in my prayer, I came to the edge of Heavenly Father's wheat field to the west, where the forest starts. I could see the large oak tree not far away. I knelt facing the wheat field, after verifying that I was very spiritually clear and receptive. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw Heavenly Mother under the oak tree. She waved for me to come. I immediately came to her. She extended her hand to me and I took it in mine, still standing.

2. She spoke:

'Raphael, there have been times in my mortal life when, like you, I have felt that I have no friends that really are for your Heavenly Father and me. We served and blessed many people it seemed. We visited them and were attentive to their needs. If they became ill, we took a meal. If they were confined to their home, we regularly visited them. It seemed our friends were those who were older and failing in life and needed our support and love. I also was continually serving those who needed my herbal skills of healing.

3. At this time in our mortal lives, we were still very active in sustaining ourselves from our land. We had many family members in the area and visited them frequently. We, too, didn't have many friends at one point.

After my husband passed away, I struggled with loneliness! I did not have many friends visit me. I missed my loving companion terribly much! This was a time when I would have liked to reach out to others but I was physically unable to do much. It was a difficult time for me.

4. Raphael, you and your loving wife are now in a nice position where you are well enough off to sustain yourselves without worry. You both work hard around your house and in your projects and employment. You spend a lot of time in social gatherings with your children and grandchildren. You also reach out to neighbors, but you feel they don't reciprocate or reach out to you. You have felt your grown children don't reach out to you, as you would do if you were in their situation. Raphael, I know personally this very thing, for I have wondered before why I have to initiate friendly interactions rather than let others come to me and initiate friendliness.

5. Raphael, you and your loving wife will have many close and wonderful supportive friends and family in a future day! You are now feeling a temporary loss since all seems to be orchestrated by you and there is a growing need for others. You have wisely filled your time with joint activities with your companion. You schedule time with family and are pleasant and happy with them. You visit regularly those in need in your own neighborhood. Relish this time together with your companion, family, and what friends you may have and with those you serve and regularly visit. All of this will give you experiences and greater understanding to be able to better serve those around you. Don't worry too much about continually reaching out to others, but not receiving much back. This is how life seemed to go for your Heavenly Father and me when we were in your state of life also.'

6. I then saw my Heavenly Mother look out to the wheat field in front of us to our east. The wheat was growing tall and nearly ripe for harvest. As I looked at the maturing kernels of wheat, I saw in my mind many people whom this wheat represented! They were loving and kind and very friendly to me and to each other. I could see that many of these would become our lasting friends forever. These were elect and choice sons and daughters, my brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Parents. They, too, had matured to love and serve others selflessly. These would some day be my supportive friends in the millennial day!

7. I turned and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words to me today! She is so sensitive and supportive to me! She knows how my wife and I feel. She and Heavenly Father continually reach out to me in love and understanding!

Heavenly Mother smiled and drew me close. As we embraced, she said she loved me deeply and would always be with my wife and I. She then kissed me on my lips and smiled so lovingly!

This is how my morning prayer ended. I feel greatly at peace, being so loved and understood! What a wonderful way to start my own Sabbath day!

8. At church–My wife and I came to a local church for sacrament meeting. We sang for the opening hymn page 52 "The Day Dawn is Breaking". I noticed we sang about friends:

Verse 2 "The happy reunion and sweetest communion we'll have with our friends in the beautiful day"

Verse 4 "Then pure and supernal, our friendship eternal, with Jesus we'll live, and his counsels obey."

This is exactly what my Heavenly Mother was talking to me about in my morning prayer!

The sacrament soon started. I felt I was in the celestial world, at the fountain of living water. I knelt there facing the fountain and the temple in the background. I then made my weekly covenant with God.

Then I saw, in the water coming down from the fountain, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! The water was falling all over them both, but seemed to go through them and down into the pool! Then they both stepped out of the falling water to a place right in front of me. The priest then blessed the bread.

9. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

You have just witnessed how your Heavenly Father and I had living water shower on us and go through us to the pool below. We did this as a representation of our requirement for each of our children who come back into our presence, to be clean and pure. The water flowed through us because we are fully clean and pure. This process of becoming clean and pure is possible through sincere repentance of one's sins, and then being forgiven and cleansed by the blood of our Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.'

10. The priest then blessed the water. Heavenly Mother continued:

'The sacrament is for our saints to renew their covenants made at baptism. The bread and wine (water) are symbols of the suffering of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who has suffered for the sins and weakness of all our children. He will cleanse each of our children who come to him and prepare them to return to us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and to enter into our presence. They will then be clean and pure. They will be like you each time you now pray to us, being spiritually clear, as you have described. They will then be able to have living water of this fountain of living water to pass through them, as you saw happen to us today. We will then accept them back into our presence!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this wonderful demonstration. I then saw them leave again into the water of the fountain and they were gone!

11. At night– I came this evening to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I sat on the bench and could tell I was extremely clear in all my body. I knew now this means that I am clear and pure before God, having been cleansed by Jesus Christ. I am able to come into the presence of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. What a great privilege this is!

I then knelt in front of the bench, facing the water. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then perceived someone appearing in front of me. It was Heavenly Mother, standing in the air a few feet off the ground! I looked into her beautiful eyes, so deep, pure and eternal! She was radiant! She then asked me to write her words:

12. 'Raphael, in the Church of Christ, soon to be restored on the earth, there will be no more Aaronic Priesthood. This is part of the telestial church. However, the Church of Christ is to be a terrestrial church from the beginning. The ordinances normally performed by the Aaronic Priesthood, like administering the sacrament and baptizing, will be continued to be done by those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood. Young men will be conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood when they are sixteen years old in most cases. Those who bless and pass the sacrament, or who baptize, will all be holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood. These will all be normally ordained to the office of an elder.

13. For the women who are ordained to the office of high priestess, there needs to be some order for their regular ordinations. These young women who reach the age of sixteen, and who are judged worthy, are to be ordained to the office of high priestess, after my order. Please realize that this is a terrestrial church, in a terrestrial world. Children normally will grow up without sin unto salvation. When these young men and young women reach their sixteenth birthday, if they are worthy, they may be conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood for the males and the office of High Priestess for the females. They will be trained in their respective duties during the year prior to receiving these responsibilities and offices, or during their year when they are 15 years old. At the end of their training, they may be recommended to the bishop for the young men and the Relief Society President for the young women. These each interview and then determine through prayer if these young men and women are sufficiently worthy and prepared for their new responsibilities as bearers of the priesthood or the receiving the position of high priestess.

14. Thus, at a young age the youth of the Church of Christ may administer in these sacred positions of authority before their fellowmen and women and before us, their Gods. They may both be able to be received into the holy temples of the Church of Christ at this time. They will be able to be prepared for future acceptance into the Church of the Firstborn by Jesus Christ, their Redeemer. When this happens, they will be scheduled to come to you, Raphael, and to your brother Oriphiel, to be received into this church by the waters of separation ordinance. They will also have their names written in the Book of Life. Normally, every sincere and humble, obedient soul in the Church of Christ, will receive their calling and election into the Church of the Firstborn before they die. They will then receive their own temple ordinances by the angels in the New Jerusalem temple. They may receive the entry ordinance of the waters of separation while living in the flesh, translated, or resurrected. However, other ordinances require that they are resurrected. Many will be initially received into the Church of the Firstborn in the flesh, and then after they die and are resurrected, will receive the remainder of their ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple.

15. There is much yet to be revealed on procedures of administration in both the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn. These will all be revealed before the time of need.'

I was very pleased to receive so much valuable details on these important topics! Oh, how I love my Heavenly Mother and her rich experience and so wise counsel! I love the clarity of her revelations to me also.

I thanked her for her message tonight. I know that my prayer was done tonight. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 25, 2018, Monday

1. This morning I had a hard time waking up! I finally connected to my Heavenly Father who came from the skies to my location in heaven. He came in answer to my prayer. I was kneeling at the edge of the pool of water under the waterfall, in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. He asked me to write his words:

'My son, Raphael, you have been drowsy this morning and couldn't clearly connect to me. When you write and sit up in your recliner, you are able to perceive more clearly what I say to you. Write now my words:

2. After your prayer last night, you wondered about the truths that Heavenly Mother shared with you. She spoke of change in the priesthood in the new Church of Christ, and of the regular ordinations to the priesthood and high priestesses in this church. This is a departure from other ways we newly train and empower the youth in this new church.

3. What you received and wrote in your journal is accurate, Raphael. We want our 16 year olds in the Church of Christ prepared for receipt of either the Melchizedek Priesthood, after my order for the young men, and receipt of the High Priestess office for the young women, after the order of Heavenly Mother. Both orders have been conferred on us in our mortal existence in the equivalent Church of Christ that we attended. When we were married in this church on our earth, we both held these responsible callings: I had received the priesthood from my earthly father, and your Heavenly Mother had received the office of high priestess from one who held it in our church. We both magnified our callings of responsibility by serving faithfully in our callings of the priesthood and high priestess.

4. These have been initiated with the first gods in eternity. We have been accepted into their order. The priesthood has always been just for the men and the office of high priestess has always been for the women. Our first parents created these orders to govern, serve and bless their posterity. These have continued unchanged as they were created by our first Father and Mother.

5. Both the ones who worthily receive the priesthood and the office of high priestess have power over the elements, according to their respective gods. The power is exercised in humility and faith. In the exercise of these, the power of godliness is therefore manifest, for the power is dispensed from the Heavenly Father or the Heavenly Mother of that eternity. In your case, Raphael, you have been conferred the priesthood after my order. We have allowed it to be called the Melchizedek Priesthood for Melchizedek was such a great high priest (see D&C 107:3-4). Before then it was called the Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God. It is after my order, which is called among our children after the order of my Beloved Son, for all things are done in the name of my son, Jesus Christ, used for the salvation of my children in this eternity.

6. Correspondingly, the office of high priestess is after the order of your Heavenly Mother. She received it in an unbroken chain back to our first Heavenly Mother who established this order.

This order of Heavenly Mother was conferred on Mother Eve, and now only a few mortal angels in these last days. However, in the terrestrial world, when your Heavenly Mother will be more openly revealed, all worthy women will be privileged to receive her authority and power, and become high priestesses. She controls the use of her power among our daughters on the earth, just like I control the use of my priesthood power and authority on earth for my sons.

7. We have decided to grant access to our power and authority to those in the preparatory church in the millennium, even the Church of Christ. Once they are proven in mortality by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, they will continue in more active power in this celestial church. However, our sons and daughters will have been fully trained and observed in the magnifying of their godly powers that we grant them in this Church of Christ. If they have not received this power previously, they will be ordained in the Church of the Firstborn by the angels, so that they may receive their full and binding temple ordinances.

8. Raphael, you see that our elect sons and daughters are gradually prepared and tested, until they receive the fullness of our power and authority in eternity. The ultimate goal is for each son and daughter who prove faithful to us, to receive our full power as a God or a Goddess in eternity, worlds without number!'

9. I have had my mind enlightened as my Heavenly Father has filled me with his revelations, as I knelt before him this morning! I gazed into his eternity eyes and knew what I had received and written was accurate. I feel so very honored and so, so grateful to receive these great truths from God.

Heavenly Father indicated that this concluded his communion with me in prayer this morning. I expressed my love, trust and gratitude to him. He then departed back up into the celestial sky the same way he came. I then knelt by my recliner on earth and confirmed all I had received. I then started a new day, full of warmth and sunshine!

10. Evening–I came again to the pool of water under the waterfall where I came this morning. The sky was still bright and the celestial sun was in the sky shining. I knelt by the shore of this pool and asked again for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw Heavenly Mother at the top of the falls and she waved me to come to her. I went right up in the air in front of her. She was a few feet above the waterfall's edge. I was still kneeling in the air.

I gazed on my Heavenly Mother. She had her normal very happy countenance and seemed full of life and so much enjoying herself.

11. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I am so very happy that my choice daughters will soon be able to receive my power and authority, even to be ordained to the office of a high priestess! I have waited for over six thousand years of earth's temporal existence to see my daughters receive this great blessing and to act as equals with the priesthood.

12. In our eternal marriage and in the celestial realms, men and women are co-equals in their responsibilities and power. In our relationship, Heavenly Father has agreed to be the God to whom mankind has been praying to since the fall of Adam and Eve. I have filled the role of the Holy Ghost during this time. However, we are joint heirs of all that we have created together and have equal authority and power.

13. Heavenly Father and I exercise our natural gifts and talents to lead and nurture our children. He is the Father and in that role takes the lead often in directing our children in ways we have jointly discussed. I am the Mother and care more in nurturing our children and giving motherly guidance and love. Heavenly Father also cares for and nourishes our children with great care and love. We are completely united in all of our actions towards our offspring, our beloved children. We hold the same great powers of Godhood that were conferred upon us by our own Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father acts in his priesthood as the great high priest for our children, and I as the great high priestess. We are the king and queen of heaven. We dispense our power to our children a little at a time, to help them learn our ways and to train them in becoming like we are.

14. In the millennium, I am relieved to have our 16-year-old daughters in the flesh be conferred as high priestesses! This is the beginning way I give my elect daughters a portion of my power. I lead them carefully along.

Your Heavenly Father does the same for his sons who display faith and obedience to our counsel and the gospel plan.'

15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and insights tonight on the power of God and how they dispense this power to their sons and daughters.

Heavenly Mother extended her right hand to me and I stood and joined mine to hers. We slowly turned and walked above her upper garden in the air! I watched as we walked together, from a different perspective somehow. Then I closed my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 26, 2018, Tuesday

1. Today I went again to the waterfall pool in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I decided to walk into the falling water. It was very much a sensation of heavy sheets of water flowing through my entire body. I then went to the fountain of living water where the falling water was more like heavy rain falling. This was a lighter feeling of living water falling throughout my body. In both cases, I felt clarified with pure water passing through my physical body. I don't know exactly how this works. As I stepped out of the living water from the fountain, I saw Heavenly Mother watching me a short distance from the fountain! I came to her and knelt. She seemed amused and yet pleased I was experiencing the sensations of living water passing through my body.

2. She spoke:

'Raphael, the sensation of living water passing through your body is akin to the feeling of light energy passing through you in your healing work. In the case of healing, we send to you our spiritual healing light and love through various means. When you immerse yourself in a downpour of living water, it, too, passes through you like the light. They are both physical entities, the light and the living water and both have the capacity to go into and pass through your celestial physical replicated body.

3. When you have an intention to pass through objects like the granite pocketed flower wall in my upper gardens, you may do so. There is a sensation of a boundary of the rock when you pass into it, but once you are inside the rock, it feels cool and dense. Nevertheless, you may pass into it.'

At this time I felt I was going into the pocketed granite wall itself! I felt exactly what Heavenly Mother was saying. It was a cooler sensation and a heavier or a denser feeling than living water.

4. She continued:

'In our celestial world, you may pass through any other substance if that is your intention. The sensations of the elements you pass through are different in consistency and density. When you come into our presence, the light of our countenance, which is very enlightening and light and airy (not heavy), passes into and throughout your spirit and body. This is what you would describe as enlightenment. You might also have increased inspiration that comes with the light from us.

5. When you immerse yourself in living water, you have a feeling of being cleansed, particularly with falling living water like in the waterfall or the fountain of living water. If you were to immerse yourself in Lake Beautiful, the water would not feel wet, but it would also penetrate into your body.'

6. I then felt I was at Lake Beautiful instantly, part way immersed in the water near the shore! Heavenly Mother was on the shore, smiling and watching me feel the clarity in the bottom part of my body. I could sense a difference in the top part from the bottom part. There was greater clarity in the bottom part and I felt it gently penetrate my body. As I stepped out of the lake, I felt this water leave effortlessly out of me.

I then cupped my hand and drank the living water. I followed, with my mind, the flow of living water in my body. It seemed to disperse to the area I wanted it to go! I thought I wanted greater clarity in my head, in my mind. As I drank, I felt living water go there and I had the sensation of being more clarified or clear in my head. It was remarkable to me to stop and think of these things!

7. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, you may also direct certain earthly foods to go to places you desire them to go. You ingest pure coconut oil in a small spoon every day in the morning and evening. You know that this helps mental acuity in aging people. As you eat this coconut oil, you have been able to think of it clarifying your physical brain and going to every part of your brain. In reality, this actually happens! As you continue this practice, it will help you keep sharper in your memories and thoughts. The sensation of the coconut oil going into your head is similar to light or living water going into your head area of your mortal body.

8. There are a few healing herbs that also know to go to the area of need in your body. These are also enhanced and respond to your mental directions of where they should go. In your field, you have planted lots of comfrey. As you ingest this very healing leaf or root, and think of it going to a needy part of your body, it will respond and soon be able to go there and start strengthening and healing that area. You may also use it topically, for instance, on a bruise or a cut.

9. If you drink your water from your well on your property and envision it is living water, it, too, is capable of traveling in your body to an area you direct. For instance, you may direct your water to your head, to clarify your mind, to allow you to be more receptive to our spiritual promptings!

10. When you come to areas of our celestial world, each has a different feeling or radiant energy. When we meet in the desert, it is so very still and quiet--a perfect place for deep meditation! In my field of buttercups, there is an energy of great happiness and joy. In the deep forests, there is a feeling of steadiness and grandeur amongst the towering trees. In the snowfields to the far north, there is a bright, penetrating energy that drives out unwanted or negative feelings. In our holy temple, there is a warm and gentle light glow that penetrates all who come there, uplifting their spirits and imbuing them with love and peace. Some areas are exquisitely beautiful and their beauty gives appreciation and grandeur, like my upper gardens.

11. Raphael, we have created all of our celestial environments to enhance our own beings and our children who live or come here. The intent of our celestial orb and environments are to serve and please us, their creators. The greatest creation of all are our own children, born in our image and destined to become like us, their parents!'

At this moment, Heavenly Mother came close and embraced me! Her light and love, her spirit penetrated all my being! It was far better than anything else I had felt today! I so love her! She loves and accepts me just as I am! I felt deep love energy coming from her, embracing and engulfing me!

This is how my prayer ended, and how my day started! I feel so blessed and happy!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 27, 2018, Wednesday

1. I prayed last night and Heavenly Mother came. She was very glad I had spent time with family building relationships. She didn't give me any more revelation last night.

This morning I awoke early to another beautiful sunny day. I decided to go to the desert oasis. The celestial sun was shining brightly there too, just like on earth. I felt clear in my body and then knelt facing the desert oasis. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

To my right, towards the distant hills, I perceived a bright light. It came towards the oasis where I was kneeling, very slowly. Soon I recognized in the light my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! They soon were right in front of me.

I thanked them for coming to me. I kept trying to perceive them clearly and gazed into their faces for some time.

2. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have come from the hill in the desert this morning. We were enjoying a walk together in our celestial world in our desert. We spend a lot of time together while our replicated beings are involved in the great many tasks of serving our beloved children. We are able to be involved in all of our replicated beings and know what we do in them all at the same time. This is the power of God that we exercise all of the time!

3. We never tire of our service to our children. We converse about them all of the time, like we were doing when you prayed to us. Even while we stand before you speaking to you, we are also in our temple together and in other locations separately in service. Our lives are never feeling overwhelmed, for all things are done in order.

4. You have also noticed that you may take your "time" in gazing on us, interrupting your prayer, or in going outside to turn off a hose you left on overnight on your property on earth. We waited for you to return in your conscious mind. On earth, in your telestial earth, you only have the capability to view or perceive consciously one or maybe several tasks at a time. You tried this yesterday at your work, in trying to hold picking location numbers in your mind while listening to and retaining your audio draft post in your mind. You realized you could not do both!

5. Once the earth and your mortal body become elevated to a full terrestrial state, we will bless you with the power of replication, even while you work for us in your mortal translated body in the New Jerusalem. You will continue in this state until your celestial resurrection at the end of the millennium. Your body that works in our celestial realms is a celestial replicated body, and your mortal body will be a terrestrial translated body.

6. We want you to be a mortal to perform the waters of separation ordinance for all members of the Church of the Firstborn. This entry ordinance is done on the earth by a mortal, just like baptism is done on earth by mortals. It is the entry requirement for entrance into the Church of the Firstborn. You will perform this ordinance as a replicated celestial being.

7. In the Church of Christ, the preparatory church in the millennium, all of the ordinances are administered to the living by those who are mortal, for those living on the earth. They may be translated but not resurrected if they administer these ordinances. If one who is dead, awaiting his / her resurrection, or one who is resurrected is to be baptized or receive preparatory ordinances in the temples of the Church of Christ, these are done by proxy for them by those who are mortal.

8. In the Church of the Firstborn, we only have the entry ordinance, the waters of separation, performed by a mortal man, who is you. Those receiving this ordinance are either mortal, translated or resurrected. Those who are spirits only need to wait until they attain to one of these states. All other ordinances, in either the celestial New Jerusalem temple, or in our celestial heavenly temple, may be done by translated or resurrected angels, or by us, their Heavenly Parents. All of those who administer to those receiving these ordinances are from this same eternity. None of our eternities mingle together except once each eternity is completed and every son and daughter is rewarded into the glory they have been willing to receive.

9. In the case of children of other eternities mingling with those of this current eternity, here is how it works: If one of our children receives a terrestrial glory, they are judged and then resurrected to that terrestrial glory. When all of these are resurrected, we place them on their eternal terrestrial orb in our galaxy. These orbs may have others of our children who have attained a similar level of terrestrial glory. Therefore, the eternities may be co-mingled at that time. Those on that terrestrial orb live forever in their saved condition in that terrestrial orb. They are all very pleased and happy to be together with others of their same state, in eternal happiness. They live peaceably together, all in their saved and single state. This is similar for all the states of salvation for our children, whether they are in a telestial or terrestrial condition.

In our celestial world, there are those who are members of the Church of the Firstborn who become even as we are, Gods in eternity. These have power to procreate their own offspring and create worlds for these to inhabit, as do we.

10. There are others who are of the celestial nature who are not accepted into the Church of the Firstborn by Jesus Christ. Nonetheless, they have a celestial salvation awarded them in eternity. These dwell together, on a celestial orb, with others of a similar salvation. They are available to serve those who are exalted Gods of our posterity, on their own worlds throughout the immensity of space. These who live in this saved celestial state, and are single, spend their time in service to the Gods who need their service. They dwell separate from the Gods on their own celestial world, in their eternal saved state.

(R's note dated 3-9-2019: This information has been modified about the single celestial individuals, to make it more clear. See post 113, paragraphs 113D10-113D15 and 113E2 for this further clarification.)

11. All of those who dwell in saved states in a telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory, remain in their same condition in eternity and may not progress to a higher glory. For these, they have had opportunity to progress already to the highest state of happiness that was possible for them.

The great state of eternal happiness and bliss, even a fullness of joy, is reserved for those who become Gods as us. These are all the members of the Church of the Firstborn. These are ultimately sealed to a spouse, and their spouse sealed to them by us, their Gods. They receive an ever growing inheritance, starting on their own resurrected celestial earth.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful revelation to me today on the salvation of man, their sons and daughters, in eternity. I said I felt so honored and blessed to continue to receive their words!

I then came back to my full conscious state and knew my prayer time had ended. I knelt by my recliner and confirmed all I had received this morning.

13. Tonight I felt to go to the high mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper gardens to the south. I usually go here to look into the eastern skies (for the future) or to the western skies (for the past). I am not sure why I have come here. I decided to pray to the east. I checked myself and felt very clear and receptive. I then prayed on my knees to my Heavenly Parents, asking them to come.

The sky opened up before me and my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother immediately appeared, with their capes blowing in the wind! This really got my attention!

14. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, stand and come with your Heavenly Mother and me into the eastern skies!'

I stood and they separated and turned around. I came in between them and then we all three were whisked away into the eastern skies! As we were traveling to the earth, we paused in the darkness of space. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came before me.

15. Heavenly Mother spoke these words to me:

'Raphael, we have just come from our beautiful and peaceful celestial orb where there is always peace and serenity. We are now going to your Mother Earth in a not too far distant day. We will be first seeing your land of America during a time of war and desolation. We will then travel to other parts of the land and you will see that the entire population will be in great commotion and upheaval. Then the vision will change and you will see the beginnings of the establishment of Zion in your current land of America.'

They then resumed their places at my side and then we were instantly on the ground in a very war-torn, bombed out city in the United States of America. I knew the people around us on the land couldn't see us. These people were in torn and old clothing and looked desperate! They looked hurt physically and hungry. Their eyes seemed to reflect inner terror.

16. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, there are many like these poor souls all over your country and throughout your world. This is the time of great tribulations upon all people as spoken by our Beloved Son:

17. Matthew 24:21-22

"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."'
(See also JST- Matthew)'

18. We next went up into the air, above the land of America. There were many devastations I could see all over the land. People everywhere were either dead or dying! Those who survived were terrified and searching for food and protective shelters.

We went to areas above the big cities and all I saw were destroyed! It looked like these had been bombed, destroyed by earthquakes, fires and natural disasters. The land looked uninhabitable!

We then went together to a place high above the earth where I could see the entire continent of America.

19. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael watch now what comes upon your land!'

I then saw a huge red planet or star, that I knew must be Nibiru, come close to the earth on a very quick pass across the land. Immediately, there were severe earthquakes and great contortions in the land. All waterways, lakes and oceans were heaving beyond their bounds and flooding over the land. The entire face and borders of the land were changed after Nibiru passed by! What the bombs and other man-made disasters didn't destroy, Nibiru finished destroying!

20. I then saw that the new contorted land still had pockets of survivors, all across the land. It seemed next there were groups of people heading for safety in the Rocky Mountain west, for somehow they heard there were protected settlements there and food.

21. The scene changed. It was now weeks later. I saw that some other angels and I had gathered to the future New Jerusalem area, much which was under water or muddy. We came and I blessed the land for the center place of Zion, the New Jerusalem! I could see that Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ were behind me, inspiring me what to speak in the blessing.

The scene changed again and I saw the foundations of the center place of Zion being built. The area where this city was to be was staked out. The New Jerusalem temple area and temple square had also been determined. Workers were already in place clearing the land of debris and preparing to lay the foundations of the celestial temple.

22. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, we have showed you, in your unconscious mind, a vision of the land of America. You have seen the devastations on the land. Then you have seen the early foundation of the New Jerusalem and your involvement with other angels there. This will be the great celestial temple of us, your Gods, on the earth in a not-far distant day! Destructions have to come to clear the wicked and the land, in preparation for our holy city to come! Your Heavenly Father and I have all of these events planned. Stay close to us and we will lead you by revelation on exactly what you are to do. We will be with you continually and through you and our angels we will establish the foundations of Zion!'

We came back then to the high mountaintop where we began. I fell to my knees, thanking them for these visions of the near future! I humbly asked to be strictly guided in all I would do! I felt weak and human.

23. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we have chosen you from the beginning to orchestrate for us in these last days many of these events regarding the establishment of Zion, the place of the New Jerusalem! You need have no fear since we will guide you every step of this process! Keep close to us and we will always be with you and guide you.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their trust in me! I asked for strength and ability to be able to fulfill all that they would ask of me.

I knew my time in prayer was over. I gazed up at them as they each stepped back into the sky and their capes started blowing vigorously again! Then the heavenly sky closed around them and they departed!

I re-read my journal entry and confirmed that what I had written was true. I then got ready for bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 28, 2018, Thursday

1. This beautiful morning I awoke a little later than normal. I am very grateful to have this morning time in meditation and prayer before I need to leave.

This morning I came to the gardens west of the sapling tree of life. I could see the larger tree of life in the distance to the northeast from where I was. I was clear and ready to commune with my God, so I knelt and asked them to come.

I saw a white light at the older tree of life in the distance. I then saw the light come to me. Heavenly Mother was shrouded in the light and was soon next to my side! Her eyes were bright and happy. She was alone.

2. She spoke:

'Raphael, I have brought you a fruit from the tree of life. Eat this, for it will enlighten your mind!'

I took the fruit and ate while on my knees. I felt more clarified and connected to my unconscious mind. It was sweet and very delicious!

3. She spoke again:

'Part of living in your mortal telestial world is the constant effort you have in connecting to your unconscious mind. It is not easy to live both in the celestial realms and the fallen mortal realms, and know what you do in the celestial realms in your conscious mind.

We gave you visions last night that you perceived and wrote, but which you did not really see in your conscious mind, for these were all given to you in your unconscious view. Because of this, your visions were not accompanied by the deep emotions that you would have experienced had you viewed them in your conscious mortal mind. I gave you this fruit of the tree of life to make your visions and our communications with you more dynamic and real to you in your mortal mind. I will bring you more fruit in the future also.

4. You have had problems hiring and keeping employees in your business recently. This is because people in your society generally are not as committed to their word. You have noticed that more than half of your applicants don't even show up for an interview once they say they will come. This is part of the current tendency of the generations on earth whose love has waxed cold:

5. Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."

6. In addition to their love waxing cold, there are many other character attributes that are greatly diminishing, like being true to their word and having integrity and respect. This affects all of the generations, now living, but is particularly true of the generation of young men and women that you would be hiring. Basic Christian values are diminishing in your world. These will diminish until war and destruction will soon come upon the land as you saw last night in our visit to the land of America in the near future.

7. With the new start of Zion in this choice land, we will bring our elect to it that will live lives of honesty, integrity, and be characterized by the great love of God in their breasts. These will be those we saved from the destructions coming to the land. These will establish very peaceful and happy communities that will extend into the millennium. We will bless and prosper these, our elect, who will fill the earth. Mother Earth will be transformed into a terrestrial state, and will shine forth her light and great peace as she did in the days of her creation! Satan will be bound and the wicked will have perished. This will be a wonderful day where our righteous children will come forth upon all the lands of the earth!'

8. I then saw, in my mind, these peaceful settlements dotting the land of America, or the future land of Zion! I saw happy faces and a very high caliber of people who honored and loved their neighbors and exhibited high self-respect. These raised children in a peaceful world, free of Satan's temptations and subtle traps. I saw great happiness and peace!

I looked then upon Heavenly Mother before me. I saw that she too had seen this same view into the future. Her eyes were sparkling with deep joy and satisfaction. She was smiling broadly.

I want to keep in my mind this view of the future! These times will be so wonderful!

I thanked her for a clear view of our future world! I asked that I now prepare myself by living these high standards of Christian values. I particularly want to love and accept my family and fellowman more and more.

I knew my prayer time was ending. I asked Heavenly Mother to be near me all my day long. I thanked her again and started my new day.

9. At night- I am feeling tired now, even though it isn't dark outside yet.

In my evening prayer, I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I came among the very tall trees in that small grove of maples. There were very large and towering up to the skies above.

I came to the shores of the lake at the edge of the maple trees and dipped my cupped hand in the water. I drank and felt clarified. I returned into the trees and knelt on the ground, facing the lake. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me in prayer. I then looked up and saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother descending through the treetops to me. They came silently and softly, arriving before me about three feet above the ground.

I looked upon their pleasant and brilliant faces. They smiled at me and felt so accepting and loving to me! I felt invigorated with the light coming from their presences. Their light rested upon me and completely saturated my receptive being in front of them.

10. Heavenly Father was the first to speak:

'Raphael, the brightness of our appearance is how I came with Our Beloved Son to the boy prophet Joseph Smith, in the Sacred Grove. He, too, was enveloped with our heavenly light and was quickened, as are you, by our light to be able to endure our presence. This light from our beings enveloped him and greatly enlightened him. You have gradually become clean and pure before us, being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. For the young Joseph Smith, he was quickened by our presence so that he could endure the vision and look upon our faces.

11. There are occasions when we appear to men or women on the earth for the first time, in great light and power, like to the prophet Joseph Smith in the grove. However, almost all of such appearances are when our child is gradually introduced to us and comes, as did you into our presence, full of light and power.

12. When your Heavenly Mother, our Son, Jesus Christ and I appeared to you in your energy class in 2013, we did not come in our glory. We came with no glory that was evident to you. We did come, however, very clearly to your unconscious mind so that you absolutely knew we were with you in your class the entire day. We still appear to you in this same clear manner frequently. You are able to perceive us more clearly than ever now. You have a very functioning conscious mind connection to your unconscious mind.

To the boy, Joseph Smith, we answered his pressing question with clarity and truth. You also have had many of your perplexing questions answered. We have also revealed many truths to you without you having to ask us.'

13. I then asked my Father this question:

'If the bishop is still the priesthood judge in the Church of Christ, is this position still an office in the Aaronic Priesthood? I thought there were no more Aaronic Priesthood offices or authority in the millennial Church of Christ.'

14. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, there are still wards and stakes in the Church of Christ, and correspondingly bishops and Stake Presidents in this church. In the telestial Church of Christ, where there is an Aaronic Priesthood and its offices, the bishop acts in his priesthood office in the Aaronic Priesthood. The office of a bishop is the president of the office of this priesthood of Aaron:

15. D&C 107:15-17

"The bishopric is the presidency of this priesthood, and holds the keys or authority of the same.

No man has a legal right to this office, to hold the keys of this priesthood, except he be a literal descendant of Aaron.

But as a high priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood has authority to officiate in all the lesser offices, he may officiate in the office of bishop when no literal descendant of Aaron can be found, provided he is called and set apart and ordained unto this power by the hands of the Presidency of the Melchizedek Priesthood."

16. Raphael, in the terrestrial Church of Christ, there are no men who actively exercise the priesthood of Aaron. However, we will perpetuate the office of a bishop since this office holds keys of baptism, which will still be a necessary ordinance in this preparatory church:

17. D&C 107:20

"The power and authority of the lesser, or Aaronic Priesthood, is to hold the keys of ministering of angels, and to administer in outward ordinances, the letter of the gospel, the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, agreeable to the covenants and commandments."

18. All of these keys mentioned above are held by the office of a bishop. This called and set apart individual will not be conferred the Aaronic Priesthood, but will act in his office as a high priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood. As a high priest, he may officiate in all the offices of all priesthoods, including the office of a bishop. By continuing the office of a bishop, exercised by a high priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood, we are able to keep all of the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood active in the Church of Christ. These keys include the key to baptism of repentance for the remission of sin.

19. See also D&C 107:69-74. In these verses, a bishop is a common judge in Israel. This function as a common judge will continue in the millennial Church of Christ. He is therefore set to be the head officer in the established ward in the Church of Christ and a common judge also. He will oversee all preparatory and temporal issues in the ward, including the administrations of the sacrament, baptism at eight years old, and regular progression of the youth in this church.'

20. Heavenly Mother also spoke:

'The Relief Society offices will continue in the Church of Christ in the millennial day. This position is filled by high priestesses and she and her two counselors are the only high priestess positions in the ward. Their main purpose, besides providing an organized service group and organization for women 16 years and older within the ward, is to assist in the nurturing of young women in becoming high priestesses. They are responsible to train and prepare young women in becoming worthy of this office, normally when they turn 16 years old.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for answering my question and for enlightening me on the new ward organization in the terrestrial Church of Christ.

I knew my time was over for my prayer. I then faded back to my mortal state. I offered my thanks again and closed my prayer.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 29, 2018, Friday

1. I have found that if I have a question, my Heavenly Parents can answer it! Sometimes we might feel to "shelve" a thought, not knowing how to resolve it. So far, all such thoughts are easily resolved by God. When in their presence, all becomes understandable and clear and all questions are answered.

I re-read what I wrote last night in my journal. My question was completely answered. I feel completely resolved in that issue for a bishop in the millennium.

2. This new day I arose early for my morning prayer. I determined to go to the meandering stream in the desert, not far from the oasis. I stepped over the stream to the western side of the stream and knelt on the bank in a sandy spot. I felt clear and receptive. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents, asking one or both to come in answer to my request.

While waiting, I noticed a rock in the stream where the gurgling water splashed over. As I looked at this, Heavenly Mother gradually appeared in this same manner- somewhat appearing in splashes before me until she fully was in front of me in the air! I had never seen her come and appear this way before!

I looked upon her and then she asked me to sit up in my chair on earth and write her words. I sat up in my recliner and wrote to this point.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, there is much more your Heavenly Father and I could reveal to you about the organization of the Church of Christ in the millennium. This terrestrial organization is intended to prepare the hearts and minds of our elect children until they are proved of God and approved of Jesus Christ for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. This Church of Christ is attended by all who are our disciples, even those also in the Church of the Firstborn. It provides a wonderful place to raise a family to provide much social interaction and to serve those in need.

4. In the Church of the Firstborn, there is no similar organization in its structure. Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son is the great high priest of this church. He presides with no counselors. There is also a council of angels, but no further office in this church. The purpose of the Church of the Firstborn is to provide the binding ordinances for the exaltation of all its members. There is one earthly temple it exclusively uses, the celestial New Jerusalem temple, and one in heaven, our own celestial temple and home.

5. You, Raphael, are commissioned to establish this church prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. You were commissioned to this calling in June 2017, one year ago. You are currently the one holding the keys of power in the Church of the Firstborn. There are currently other angels who will be assisting you. These fill a supportive role, but you have our great commission. They participate in a non-formal council of angels.

6. Once Our Beloved Son returns to the earth, he will continue to have you, Raphael, administer the affairs in this church in the New Jerusalem temple, as directed by him, Jesus Christ, the head of this church.

You will continue also to have authority in administering the waters of separation ordinance. The angels who work with you in the New Jerusalem temple also have authority to administer these saving ordinances for those who receive them. You and these angels act in their authority under Jesus Christ, the head of the Church of the Firstborn. There is no further organization than Jesus Christ and the holy angels in their positions.

7. In the millennium, there will be other churches on the earth. These are established by men and women, but do not have our power and authority. The only two churches we have established are the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn.

8. Once the millennium is concluded, and men and women are judged and assigned their eternal salvation, the Church of Christ will be disbanded. However, the Church of the Firstborn will continue into eternity as the church of the exalted. Its members will be those of this current eternity. It will join other similar Churches of the Firstborn in eternity, each one having members of their own eternity. Your Heavenly Father and I will then become the head of this Church of the Firstborn in our celestial eternal worlds. We currently are the heads of many such eternal churches of the exalted, all members being our own children who are gods as we are gods. All those who are members are joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, our firstborn son of this eternity. They each receive all that we have, even the blessings given to the Firstborn. Therefore, in eternity they continue to be members of the Church of the Firstborn.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear words! I hope I recorded them sufficiently accurately enough. I asked her if what I had written of her words and thoughts was sufficiently accurate to her.

9. She spoke:

'Raphael, what you have written is accurate and acceptable to me!'

She then extended her left hand and I took it in my right hand and stood from my kneeling position. She asked if we might walk along the path that is next to the meandering stream in the desert. I happily said yes, and I saw that we started walking slowly. I saw this from a replicated perspective. I saw her and me walk until we were some distance away. We were talking but my replicated state didn't know what we said.

I then knelt again next to the meandering stream in the sand and confirmed all I had received. I then concluded the prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. I next heard this from my Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, have this entry conclude your post 84. Name the post "Two Churches Only". This will convey that we support and give our power to the Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn during the millennium.'

I thanked her again. I then said I would do so. I then started another day in June 2018."