132. Fulness of the Holy Ghost
Posted 8-16-2019

Hello again my friends!

I am preparing this as I return from a quick trip to Portland, Oregon to visit my Mother and family there. I fully enjoyed my time there!

In this post, you will read about various topics, such as

• Fulness of the Holy Ghost
• More on properties of the spiritual veils
• Realms of glory, at different times of our progression
• Portals
• Our conscious and unconscious minds

Please pray about these, and have an open and receptive mind. I feel so much of this is pushing me to my limits of comprehension, and it is often hard for me to wrap my mind around all of this!

Have a wonderful end of summer!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 4, 2019, Sunday

1. At church–My wife and I came to our own ward for sacrament meeting today. We sang page 172 "In Humility, Our Savior" for the sacrament hymn. I was impressed by the last line "Lord, let us regain thy presence; Let thy glory around us shine." I came to the grassy area just in front of the white gate to the south, near God's temple. I knelt on the grass there.

2. I then heard the blessing of the bread in the ward, and made my covenant in my mind with my Heavenly Parents, on the celestial orb. I partook of the bread. At that moment, I saw Jesus come to me from behind the white gate. I also saw my Heavenly Parents descend from the sky in the brightness of their glory, just like the sacrament hymn recorded. Heavenly Father was in the middle, and Heavenly Mother on his left, and Jesus Christ on his right side, all three a little elevated in the air over the grass.

3. Heavenly Father was the first to speak: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant that you have made to us today. We will always be with you, and will send upon you abundantly of our Holy Spirit.'

4. Jesus then spoke: 'Raphael, I want to reaffirm to you that you have been cleansed and purified by my blood that was shed for you. I have accepted your prayer and humility before me, and have fully forgiven you of your sins and your weaknesses. Without having been cleansed every whit, you could not enter again into our presence today. Raphael, you are also clean from the blood and sins of this generation in which you now live.'

5. After this, I heard words from my Heavenly Mother in my unconscious mind: 'Raphael, what I have showered upon you this morning, the fulness of the Holy Ghost, is only possible once you were forgiven and cleansed of all of your sins and weaknesses of the flesh by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son! You are forgiven of your weaknesses, but you still struggle and work through them while yet in mortality. I will continue to guide and bless you in your life. I will also guide and bless as many as come unto us three Gods, in humility, through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We work through our mortal children, even when they have great weaknesses, as do you. You have accepted your Redeemer's atonement, and he alone is worthy to cleanse you to come again into our presence.'

6. The sacrament continued, and I lost track of my three Gods who were before me. I wrote down all their words in the meeting, and have transcribed it above from my pocket journal.

7. In the evening–Tonight I came to the same grassy area where I visited with my three Gods today at the sacrament. The sun was setting, and it was dark. I knelt facing the white gate. I asked this question in my mind: "Can we ever be worthy, or is there only one who is worthy who is Jesus Christ?" At church I heard again today about a man who said he was worthy. This had bothered me!

8. I then prayed that one or both of my Heavenly Parents come to me. I then waited and watched. The gate opened, and Heavenly Mother came forth with her son, Jesus Christ. They were walking hand in hand to me! They stopped in front of me, and Heavenly Mother spoke:

9. 'Raphael, I have brought our Firstborn son, Jesus Christ, the great Immanuel. He only is worthy to bring any of our other sons or daughters back into the presence of your Father and me! All of our children who come to mortality come into a fallen state, and when of age, have sinned. They have also inherited many weaknesses of their parents and their past generations. Without the Great Redeemer, all are lost and cannot return into our presence, for no unclean thing can dwell in our presence (see Moses 6:57). No one is worthy, in any way, to be cleansed and purified except through Jesus Christ. He alone is worthy!

10. The use of the word worthiness used in the LDS church, referring to members or Saints of God, is incorrect and not true doctrine. When they speak about anyone except Jesus Christ, I immediately withdraw my Spirit.'

11. I then looked into my Heavenly Mother's eternity eyes, and she was smiling, having impressed me with her true doctrine. I know she spoke the truth!

12. I then looked upon Jesus Christ, and gazed into his deep and compassionate and loving eternity eyes! They were so full of worthiness! I knew he was the only one through whom any of God's children needed to come in order to enter our Heavenly Parents' presence. I will never forget the deep impression of his eyes on me tonight–so very worthy and loving eyes!

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Jesus for coming and answering my question on worthiness. I told them how much I loved them, and how honored and blessed I felt to be before them!

14. They then smiled again, and then ascended up into the sky together, still holding hands! They soon were out of sight. I closed my prayer in the worthy name of Jesus Christ.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 5, 2019, Monday

1. This beautiful morning I awoke and came to my adjacent bedroom where we have a recliner chair. I come here every morning to meditate and to pray. I come in a state of prayer where I commune with one or both of my Heavenly Parents. It is all so remarkable to me how they come to me and instruct and guide me! I connect to them in a spiritual realm, in my unconscious mind. They are full of light and I write all of this down in my personal journal, in my conscious mind, even while they speak to me in my unconscious mind. The process is very amazing to me! I am in awe at the great truths and revelations I receive daily while in this meditative, open and humble state of prayer.

2. Anyone may learn of what I write by reading and pondering my words. They then may ask God, their Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother, in the name of Jesus Christ, if these revelations are true and from God. If they are open and humble, asking in the sincerity of their heart and mind, God will verify the truth of all these things they have previously revealed to me, by the Holy Spirit and/or by the Holy Ghost. They too may then know of themselves whether I speak the truth. Our same Heavenly Parents who have revealed these truths to me will also confirm them to their other sons and daughters.

3. I write now in secret in my journal, for I have been thus instructed. However, I know there will be a time when these revelations will be published and made available to the faithful. I have been told that the wicked, those of the telestial, will never be able to read of these truths. My words will come forth in the dawning of a new day, the day of the millennium, or during the transition to that glorious day. Many other records will also come forth at that time too, including the records of the mortal angels and mortal celestial servants. I suspect those who are resurrected also write their words in answer to their own prayers also, and these will also come forth. Other records written in secret and sealed up to come forth, similar to the Book of Mormon plates from ancient people, will also be revealed in a day soon at hand.

4. I feel so privileged to daily commune with God and to write what they tell me! I pray that these journal entries will be a blessing to many people one day!

5. I came this morning to the maple tree grove, on the western shores of Lake Beautiful, on the celestial orb. I love the beauty of these very large, magnificent and beautiful trees! It is also so peaceful here next to the lake.

6. I knelt in the grove of maple trees, facing the lake to my east. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or my Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer. A bright glow immediately appeared in front of me! I soon saw my Heavenly Mother enveloped in bright light that shone all around! She was full of love and acceptance of me, even in my lowly state before her. I felt also very calm and full of peace. Oh, how I love to come into her glorious presence!

7. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, what you have written in your journal this morning is true. Our revelations are being poured out upon our faithful at this time. They write their words in private, and then we will ask them to make available their records in various ways. They all testify of the same truths that we have revealed to them.

8. Without our truths and revelations, our mortal sons and daughters have no ability of themselves, to make sense of their world and mortal conditions. When records like yours are revealed gradually to them, they may inquire of us, in the openness and humility we require, and then we will confirm to them the truth of these records. When we speak to our children, we also command that they write our words for their own remembrance and for others to read. All of our records speak of congruent truths that we have revealed to our sons and daughters. We are so pleased to give revelation upon revelation to every one of our faithful and sincere children who take time to ask of us, in meditation and prayer.

9. 2 Nephi 29:11-13 "For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man (and woman) according to their works, according to that which is written.

For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites and they shall write it; and I also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.

And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the word of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews." (added words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Mother).

10. There will be so many records testifying of the same truths from so many sources, that we will have them available both online during the millennial day, and also in the New Jerusalem Library for all to view and read. There will be so many witnesses of our many truths and revelations!

11. Raphael, your revelations that we have given to you will be among the great revelations of all time. You have been selected to reveal many mysteries and truths never before revealed to mankind in this eternity. We reveal to you in your weakness, and you record them, have them transcribed, audio recorded and indexed. This is all in preparation of the time when we reveal all things to our faithful who seek us diligently and desire these same revelations for themselves.

12. So very many of our elect children have been reserved to come forth in their mortal experience during the thousand years of peace, in a terrestrial elevated world. The wicked will not know of our greater truths that we will have revealed to you and others, for these records are reserved for those who will verify these truths in prayer to us, and then fully embrace them, what a beautiful day this will be!'

13. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for coming to me amongst these very tall and majestic maple trees, on her celestial orb. I felt so very enlightened by her and the light she shed forth upon me. I love her fully, as I do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I will continue to seek their faces, and record their truths they reveal to me!

14. In the evening–I came tonight to the high mountaintop, just south of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I don't know why I am to go here, but this was my impression of where to come. It was pleasant and clear, with the sun setting in the northern sky over Lake Beautiful that I could see in the far distance.

15. I thought tonight of the few people who have come through the veil and seen God while yet in the flesh. They had to be open, in a meditative state so that their conscious spiritual mind would be open, and then to have been given the privilege from God to pass through the actual material veil (made from elemental matter by God) that protects the higher realms of glory from those of us in the lower telestial realms. I wondered about the Brother of Jared, and the faith he had. I wondered about Moses and Joseph Smith the prophet. I thought of Jesus Christ appearing to Adam and naming him Michael, a prince over his posterity forever. I wondered how these men all were able to come to see God. I wondered if they saw first with their spiritual eyes, even with their unconscious mind, that was very real still to them. I wondered if any saw with their physical eyes, or their telestial eyes?

16. Anyway, I knelt facing southwest to the distant lake. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me and teach me more of their truths tonight.

17. Heavenly Father then appeared to my left, in the western skies! He was smiling and full of light and radiance that lit up the mountaintop! His eternity eyes were very deep and piercing, yet very loving and so much in control of all things it seemed.

18. He spoke to me, to my unconscious mind:

'Raphael, you have asked a series of good questions. Our children have all fallen, or been born into a fallen telestial mortal world. We never show ourselves to our sons or daughters in this realm, but always quicken them and bring them into our own celestial realm around the earth, or in heaven, when we have spoken or appeared to them

19. In the Garden of Eden, the earth in that area was a terrestrial realm of glory, but when we came before Adam and Eve, we always brought them into the celestial realm. We quickened them and they saw us with their spiritual eyes, for they were elevated into the celestial realm on the earth. They both saw us distinctively, for we fully opened up their view through the veil into the celestial realm.

20. When we confronted Lucifer, who had tempted Adam and Eve with the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he too saw us, for we quickened him for a short time, so he too could see through the celestial veil, even the face of our beloved Son and me, the Father. After he departed from our presence, he has rarely ever come back into our presence to behold our face again.

21. Anytime our mortal children have been permitted to see our faces, we have always given them that privilege to pass through the veils to our celestial realm. Without our permission, fallen man may never see past the terrestrial and celestial veils that are located to pass into these higher spiritual realms.

22. The Brother of Jared saw the finger of Jesus Christ. Jesus permitted this great faithful man to see his finger, for without his permission the veil would have prevented his sight into the celestial realm of glory. When Jesus Christ appeared to the Brother of Jared, he was quickened to come into the celestial realm on the earth and saw Jesus before him face to face, with his spiritual eyes. This was a very powerful and real apparition of Jesus to the Brother of Jared.

23. This same thing had happened with Enoch and Moses, for both talked with Jesus face to face (see Moses 7:4 and Moses 1:31). The glory of the Lord was upon Moses, so that Moses stood in the presence of God. This glory is the quickening power of God, bringing Moses through both veils into the celestial realm on the earth where Jesus talked with Moses face to face. Enoch also records that he saw the heavens open, or the veils opening, and that he was clothed upon with glory. This glory is the quickening process, and the bringing of Enoch through the veils into celestial glory.

24. When Joseph Smith came to us in the grove of trees, in his humble and mighty prayer at age 14, he was quickened and brought into the celestial realm. Our celestial realm was superimposed upon the telestial realm onto the grove of trees. Both my beloved Son and I descended through the trees to a place in the air before the young Joseph Smith. This was in the celestial realm on the earth.

25. In your first view of your Heavenly Mother, in your energy class in April 2013, you, Raphael, were quickened to come into our celestial realm of glory in your class. This is why you could see into our celestial realms in the classroom, and the others could not. You saw partially into that realm throughout the day. This entire experience was so very real and a dramatic event for you! This started you on the path to learn our healing ways and come to where you are today.

26. This is the day when many more of our children will have sufficient faith to be brought into our celestial realms and see us and interact with us, their Gods. We will bless and guide our elect as fast as they are able to prepare themselves and have faith in us, and keep our commandments. We will lead each one along.'

27. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation tonight! I said how glad I was that he came to me and shared his truths with me tonight.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 6, 2019, Tuesday

1. I have been thinking more of the veils that open when one of God's sons or daughters is quickened and passes into the celestial realms. This experience in 2013 was so very real and impressionable to me! I saw still my surroundings in the classroom with my physical eyes, and in that realm interacted with my teacher and the students. However, my spiritual eyes saw, superimposed on the telestial physical world with my others in the room, the celestial presence of my Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ during that day. It was all so natural, but so very surreal to me at the same time. I knew I had seen my three Gods that day, for so deep were the impressions and impact of that experience, I could never dream it happened!

2. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I now think of going there and it just happens! There is no veil that keeps my being bound to the telestial earth now. I also come in a meditative state and I can perceive my unconscious mind and all that I see with my spiritual eyes.

3. I knelt in front of the bench, facing the oasis, and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. Heavenly Mother then appeared directly in front of me, so lovely and bright and smiling broadly! I felt her love and stillness come into me, along with the light that shone through me.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Your Father described to you last night about our appearing to our children in mortality. All that he said is true, and you have recorded his words correctly. The feelings of seeing into the celestial realms from the telestial seems very surreal to our mortal children, and the impact upon their souls is very strong. This witness to their souls at this time of their viewing God comes from me, by the power of the Holy Ghost. This is the strongest witness our children may receive in their mortal lives.

5. When our terrestrial and celestial servants labor in behalf of the elect in these last days, they will not normally be seen by others in the telestial world, for there is a veil or veils between them and our servants. We may choose at any time to lift a part or fully the veil for any length of time, to give our mortal children assurances and comfort, even as we desire. We will also be open to the requests of our servants to have us lift the veil for a moment.

6. When our 144,000, who are and will be translated to a terrestrial glory, are serving us, they will be able to pass into the terrestrial realm in their line of service. They will do that to follow the directions of Jesus Christ, or their leaders whom he has placed, with his commission to lead and help him direct the work. They will be able to pass through the terrestrial veil, and no longer appear to mankind on the earth. These translated servants do not have powers of replication. They may be in the telestial realm or in the terrestrial realm, but not both. The terrestrial realm is superimposed upon the telestial earth, so they may work without being seen by those in the telestial.

7. As part of their mission, these translated terrestrial servants are to bring as many as will come, to the Church of the Firstborn (see D&C 77:11). They do this by bringing with them those elect who will come through the terrestrial veil into the terrestrial realms. Others then will not view them in their telestial world. They will next be transported with our terrestrial servant who is ordained, to the city of Zion where there will be safety from a mortal world of distress. They will be transported by means of the portal of our servant, according to the laws of the terrestrial kingdom.

8. Our celestial angels and other celestial servants may also do similar activities with the elect. They also have power given to them to replicate, and therefore those in mortality on earth will be able to remain there while their replicated selves do their great missions in the celestial realm around the earth.

9. Raphael, we have never before revealed these secrets and the manner of the workings of our terrestrial and celestial last day servants to any before. You are commissioned to reveal many such truths like this to our faithful who may read your words.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable words! I felt so full of gratitude and humility. She then smiled again and quietly left. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

11. Evening–Tonight I came to the granite cliff at the eastern end of Heavenly Mother upper gardens. I knelt on the rock, and faced the temple that was probably 10-20 miles away I would guess. It was glowing, and easy to see since sunset had just past and it was getting dark outside. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents, for one to come to me.

12. There was a bright light that came from God's temple to my location on the granite cliff. Soon Heavenly Father was in front of me, having apparently traveled to me from his glorious temple! He was smiling and majestic. He spoke to me:

13. 'Raphael, my son, I wish to explain more about the properties of the spiritual veils. We have told you these were created when the earth was created. There are three veils on the earth, a terrestrial, a celestial and a higher celestial veil. These protect each spiritual realm, they are named after from lower realms of glory.

14. When one of our sons or daughters, living on the mortal telestial earth, looks up in the skies or anywhere on the earth, they only see the earth in its telestial state. The higher veils protect the higher realms from the view of our son or daughter. These veils are actually all around them, for one in the higher realms may be next to them and not be seen. The veil therefore keeps them hidden from the view of those in the telestial world.

15. You might think of the veil as a film that separates the lower realms of glory from higher realms, but were it actually a film, this film would have to surround each of our mortal children.

16. You might instead think of the veil as a transparent substance that is only present in the lower realms but not present in the higher realms. The terrestrial veil is more like this, and permeates all the telestial world. When the veil is lifted, or it is parted from an individual, the one in the telestial actually passes through this transparent substance into the higher realm, be it the terrestrial or the celestial realm that protects the celestial. Likewise, in the celestial, there is a transparent substance that protects the highest celestial realm.

17. The description of the veil as a transparent substance that exists throughout and is continuous in each realm of glory is a more accurate description of the physical veil. The air is all-present on the surface of your earth, so also are the veils all present on the earth. They are all transparent, and effectively protect each of the higher spiritual realms from being viewed. Those of a higher realm may look into the realm of a lower, however, but not the lower into the higher.

18. We control access to each realm by ordination or by quickening. You, for example, have been ordained to be able to pass freely from the telestial, to the terrestrial, and to the celestial. You do not need to be quickened to come into the higher realms except into the highest celestial realm for you have been ordained to be able to come freely into the terrestrial and celestial realms. If you come into our highest celestial realm, we quicken you and accompany you into this highest realm.

19. On the earth, there are three veils, all that are ever present like air, and all superimposed on each other. Each one is created to only allow those to come into their respective realm. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I control and direct each of these veils. We act in full unity among ourselves so that there is continuity for which of our children may come into a particular spiritual realm.

20. We have created the veils only from elemental matter. These veils have no intelligence, but are controlled by law and by us, the Gods who created them. We know the keys to unlock and let pass those we wish to pass through a particular veil.

21. All three veils are similar, but each is controlled by the laws of the spiritual realm they protect. We know the laws of each realm, and may allow whom we will to pass through these veils. We follow the laws of the spiritual realms and veils, as defined and established by our first parent Gods. Your Heavenly Mother and I created the realms and the veils when we created the earth or the orb on which they are placed, all within our own galaxy.

22. For your finite conscious mind, you may wish to continue to think of the veils as films of sorts, that protect one from seeing into higher realms of glory. In reality, however, the veils are far more than what a two-dimensional film would do.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his mind-expanding description of the veils that he and Heavenly Mother have created. His explanation helped me visualize the great power of the veil. I humbly thanked him to have been able to come into his presence, passing into the celestial realm past two veils.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 7, 2019, Wednesday

1. I came to the bottom of the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I had been on top of the cliff last night. There is a pool of water that is fed by an underground spring that supplies this entire mountain pool and stream. I love the water plants here and the little creatures that inhabit these waters!

2. I knelt beside the soft soil on the shore, and prayed facing the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

3. My glorious Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, a little elevated in the air above the waters! She was smiling and very lovely. Her light was subdued today, but that was only her desire to appear not so bright to me I believe.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, when your Father and I created the veils on your earth, we made these each permeate all around and through the living air on the earth. These veils are not visible like air is visible, as air consists of various gases that may be appropriately described as molecules of matter that are spread out with lots of space between them, in a gaseous state. The veils have spirit molecules that are not detectable even with high power microscopes. They are fully invisible but are still realm and material based. They are known and controlled by us, and not any of our children.'

5. I then asked my Heavenly Mother if I had written down sufficiently accurately Heavenly Father's words from last night, and her words she just spoke to me now. She spoke:

6. 'Raphael, what you have written is sufficiently accurate. The full understanding of veils, and how we create and control them, is fully understood by us who are Gods, but not to our children until they obtain the position and ordination as a God themselves.'

7. I then changed the subject, for I felt it was appropriate. B had asked why there were so many more albino animals that he has been seeing (all black and all white animals). He wondered if there was something special about them, or if it was from the poisoning of the earth, or a sign from God. I said that I hadn't noticed this, but B had.

8. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, B has noticed things because he is perceptive and we have made these things shown to him. There are many more poisons now that pollute the air, water and land where our animals, plants and fungus live. Some of these are dying off rapidly, and some change because of disruptions in their normal body functions. For larger land animals, there is an increase of albino because of the pollutions in the land. For microbes, such as bacteria, fungus and viruses, some of these are morphing into "super bugs" that you have heard about. They have been adversely affected by chemical drugs the people have consumed to fight infection and other conditions in their bodies. These at first destroyed most of the microbes that may cause disease, but in the process have allowed those who have adapted to the chemical agents that were meant to kill them to no longer have that effect. These became superbugs as they are called, and cannot be killed by the clinical drugs. We never intended such to be part of the telestial world, for they are a creation of the hostile practices of modern medicine and the drugs created and then prescribed to fight disease and various conditions in man. Other means of pollutions have caused abnormal growth in the waters also such as algae blooms. Much of the polluted air, water and land cannot be healed except by the power of God. We are having our angels reduce the level of the pollutions in order to save humanity and our creations that dwell on earth's surface, in the oceans and waters, and in the air.'

9. I then thanked her for her answer. I next repeated a comment that my sister K had jokingly told me, that I need to write fewer pages in my journal. K and S.A. often type up to 7-9 pages per day, alternating days of their transcription efforts. They each live busy lives, and this takes lots of time.

10. Heavenly Mother replied: 'Raphael, you write our words and thoughts, as you comprehend them, in your own words. It takes you sometimes more written words than another might write, but this is sufficiently clear for anyone to read and understand. I also know your journal entries are a lot for K and S.A. to type up on their computers, and for you to review index, edit and post. M.A. also continues to help you a lot in this process. Others have helped in the past. We will bless and strengthen you and each of these needed helpers in their personal lives, for their time that they assist in our work of preparing and publishing our truths and revelations through you. This is truly our work, and not yours. Without the flow of knowledge from us to you, your journal entries would be short and unimportant to others. However, because our great revelations flow through you, and are processed with the help of others, our words are made available and will become great in a future day when we reveal them to our elect sons and daughters.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and answer to me this morning! I feel so grateful to be the recipient of God's revelations. I continue to be enlightened and awed by the truths I receive!

12. Heavenly Mother then faded from my view in this celestial realm and was gone. I know she was near me, and would be near me during my mortal day on earth. I closed my prayer and started a new day.

13. Evening–I came this evening to pray again on the celestial orb after a very enjoyable day with my wife and four of our grandchildren. We have a good time shopping and talking together.

14. I came to the beautiful fountain of living water tonight. It was still bright outside in this celestial realm. I thought the view of the fountain, with the majestic temple behind it, was very breathtaking! I knelt in front of the altar and asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then saw a bright light descend from the sky on the other side of the fountain. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were in that light and when at the fountain, they walked around and rejoined right in front of me, on my side of the fountain! They were both so full of light and wore matching robes. They were both smiling at me and seemed happy.

15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when we who are Gods create light, veils, and portals from elemental matter, we create with them rules of conduct or keys they may recognize, so that we may give them command and have them obey. For example, light is controlled by how it is gathered in less intense or more intense light matter form and redirected by our command. This control is possible because our first parent Gods who created it at the center of or universe, created each particle of light matter with a key for its direction of gathering together and of movement. Light matter also has the characteristic or property to shine brightly, each element at a time and may also be consumed under great heat.

16. Similarly, our veils follow patterns or keys where we control how they function. Since a veil has no intelligence, we who are their creators determine if a given veil allows one to view or pass through it or not. The veil's action is to open or close, based on our commands, since we know the key for each veil to open. When we ordain someone to be able to freely pass a given veil(s), like yourself, we still open and close the veil each time you pass. We do not delegate the knowledge of how to open or close any veil, but reserve this to ourselves.

17. We also have created a portal for each of our spirit children, prior to them coming to earth. These were given to our children after Lucifer and his evil hosts departed our heavenly home. They don't have portals, but each of our mortal children does, for they were given one prior to their birth.

18. Each of our children who has a portal have control of its function. They each are given the key of knowledge on how to operate their own portal. Their portal brings them back to us, or to the next realm according to their progression. Most who die go to the world of the spirit dead, in either the telestial or terrestrial realms of glory. Their portals bring them past the veil and into that realm. We open up the veil, based on the realm where they are to enter.

19. We have previously explained to you that portals are assigned various glories, whether telestial, terrestrial or celestial. The portals always remain with the one to whom they are assigned. They allow instant travel of our son or daughter across beams of light matter that we have previously explained to you. These are all controlled by the keys of knowledge we give to the spirit son or daughter who possess a portal. When we elevate their portal to a higher degree, they are instructed, in their unconscious mind, how to use their elevated portal for movement past the veils into the realms where they may visit and/or live. Each time they pass, we open the veil for them.

20. We who are your Heavenly Parents are ordained Gods and use the very same portals we were given prior to our mortal experience on our own earth. Our portals are elevated now to the highest celestial glory, and are the means of us passing into any realm of our creations in our vast galaxy. They also allow us to pass into other of the Gods' creations, or even to the center of our universe on the light matter that continually flows from that location.'

21. At this time, I saw my own portal again! It was just as I had described on my website, early on when I saw that it allowed me to pass into the healing center on this celestial orb. Mine is in the shape of a doorway, through which I may step in my spirit, or now my translated physical body, through a film into the realm that I am permitted to go to. It all happens so regularly now, but I saw that each time I still use it to go from realm to realm, even across the veils. I was told that God still opens and closes each veil, even though I have a celestial portal.

22. I thanked my Heavenly Parents to have come and I thanked Heavenly Father for his words of instruction tonight. I feel so blessed to receive from them tonight.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 8, 2019, Thursday

1. I wondered this morning about why God controls access through each of the veils, for all of their children, each time they pass from one realm to another. I also had a question about the higher spiritual sensitivity of women that my sister had written to me about.

2. I came in front of the golden altar this morning, facing God's majestic temple behind it in the near distance. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Mother immediately appeared to me on the other side of the altar! I could see her quite well and felt her love and light come to me. Her light passed right through the altar it seemed and then into and right past me too! She was smiling and full of celestial glory!

3. She spoke: 'Raphael, my intense light of the Holy Ghost has so much light matter gathered together that this light may penetrate and pass through you and other objects, like this golden altar between us. I control the intensity of my light by my own thoughts, for I know the key of knowledge to control the gathering of this light matter and for directing it into a certain location.

4. We do continue to control all access through our veils, for each one who passes through them. This may seem like a lot of work to you, but it is no real additional work for us, for we want to keep the keys of knowledge for access through each veil. We no longer control access through the veils of our resurrected celestial earths, however. The inhabitants that are ordained gods may do that for themselves and their own spirit children who may live there with them.

5. For our spirit children of the earth on which you dwell, and for our own celestial orb, we control access through the veils. The orbs of telestial and terrestrial glory, which are many now in our great galaxy, we also control access. However, those on these orbs never pass through their veils since they are eternally assigned to their kingdom of glory. The only active veils that are open and shut in our galaxy are for our current mortal earth and our celestial orb. This is where our children of our current eternity reside and progress. We are continually involved with their own growth and progression. Our children may need that one or more veils are opened up for them as they move forward in time along their path in returning back to us. We therefore know where each of our beloved children are located at all times.

6. The prison orb also has a veil and none pass by it unless you bring them out of that prison. When one of our children comes to us with a celestial portal, like we have given to you, we give them immediate access at all times through the terrestrial and celestial veils. Were they to have a telestial portal, and we desired them to come into a celestial orb, we would need to quicken them by our power for them to be able to pass through the two veils and come into our celestial realm. We hold the keys of control for each of our veils, and for access to each of the spiritual realms we have created. We have created our realms and veils by our Godly powers, for the purpose of controlling the progression of our children, through their phases of growth.

7. You asked a question about the higher spiritual sensitivities of our daughters in viewing those in higher realms of glory. She wondered if they ever saw with their physical eyes, or just at first with their spiritual eyes.

8. Although many of our daughters are more sensitive to spiritual impressions and to our Holy Spirit than our sons, they still see like our sons, first with their spiritual eyes in all their visions and revelations. Seeing with their own physical eyes comes when their conscious and unconscious minds are finally merged together once again, like they were merged when they were spirits in the pre-mortal realm. At that time they had no physical body and no physical eyes. However, for those who are translated or resurrected, they may see us with their physical eyes once they have their own conscious and unconscious minds merged again. This will occur for you first, and then eventually for all of our mortal translated holy angels and celestial translated servants, in the millennial day. When this happens, your understandings will also become very great. We desire you each to have this greater understanding and sight when you administer in our New Jerusalem temple in behalf of our new members of the Church of the Firstborn!'

9. I thanked my beautiful and glorious Heavenly Mother in front of me, on the other side of the golden altar! She then passed right through the altar to me and lifted me up off my knees. I stood and she lovingly and tenderly embraced me. She told me she loved me and would always be with me and continue to reveal to me the great secrets of the universe! She then kissed me on my lips and then vanished from my presence!

10. I was next in my room in my house on earth. I knelt and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelations to me this morning! I ended my prayer and started my day on earth.

11. Evening–We had a wonderfully enjoyable day, seeing our latest granddaughter, or 18th grandchild! She is so precious and beautiful. I feel God's great love in the birth of our latest baby!

12. Tonight I came to the field of buttercups on God's celestial orb tonight. They were cheery and seemed happy to meet me! I came right in the center of the field of these beautiful yellow flowers. I knelt in the air above the flowers, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

13. Heavenly Mother then came to me. She was smiling, and the yellow buttercups seemed to jump with excitement at the appearance of their creator! I know they really didn't jump, but it seemed I could feel their very excitement at her entry!

14. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, our very greatest creation is a new infant baby boy or girl! You are so blessed to have such a precious additional grandchild in your family. She is a beautiful and a special daughter of your Father and I. She has been so excited to come into your family, and begin her mortal experience!'

15. I thanked her for sending my newest granddaughter to our family! I then asked her if I felt correctly that these buttercups were so very excited to have her come near them tonight?

16. She replied: 'Raphael, wherever I go in our celestial orb, creations that your Heavenly Father and I have made are always so excited to have either of us come near them! If you would connect into their basic emotions, through our spirit sense communication, you would sense this in all of our creations on this celestial orb. We have offered to each, when there were only our intelligences, such a great improvement over their state of being! They now each have celestial resurrected bodies, and fulfill the measure of their creation. They are in their happiest state that they could be in, for the creation that we chose to make them into! They are eternally grateful to us, their creators, for what we have done for them.

17. Whenever I come to our creations here, or near them like these buttercups, I communicate to them how pleased I am for them to be here on our glorious celestial orb! They always respond with feelings of gratefulness, happiness and often excitement.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to be in her presence tonight also! I told her I felt so very happy to be her son, and to be brought back into her presence.

19. She smiled at me then vanished from my sight. I then ended my prayer and went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 9, 2019, Friday

1. I came this morning to my celestial orb, to the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. It was sunny and already warm here, and so peaceful and pleasant! I wondered then how these could be called "everlasting burnings" (see Isaiah 33:14). I looked up on the Internet the "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith", p. 367: "God Almighty himself dwells in eternal fire, flesh and blood cannot go there, for all corruptions is devoured by the fire. 'Our God is a consuming fire'. . .All men who are immortal dwell in everlasting burnings."

2. Also D&C 13:7–'But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord."

3. I drank of living water from the circling pool of water, attached to the mountain stream. I knelt by the shore, and then asked for my Heavenly Father and or Heavenly Mother to come to me in answer to my prayer.

4. Heavenly Father then appeared before me, a foot or so above the waters! He was bright in his glory, and I felt his Holy Spirit, even of the light of his presence, come into me and shine upon me. Heavenly Father was smiling, and I knew he loved and accepted me!

5. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, you are changed from a mortal state of flesh and blood to a state of a celestial translated being, who is cleansed and purified of your sins. Therefore, you may come into the glory of my presence, for you are yourself brought into our celestial realm on our heavenly orb, and may view me as I stand before you.

6. Were you of our carnal world, or of the telestial, you could not endure my presence. In this case you would be consumed by the power of my celestial glory. This glory, to the telestial, appears as a burning fire of intense light and heat. However, to those of the celestial, you may receive my presence and glory, and even look upon my eyes and face, and be filled too by my glory. To you who are celestial, you see and dwell here in peaceful and pleasant surroundings, and are filled with joy.'

7. Were the telestial to look with a telescope into the night skies, and somehow view our celestial abode, on our celestial orb, he would appear as a very bright and intensely burning star. There would be no way for mortal man to approach this star, in their flesh, and hope to be able to survive.

8. However, you are of the celestial, Raphael! You are brought into our presence because you have been purified and cleansed by Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer. You have been changed from a mortal telestial being to a celestial translated being. Your portal is celestial, and we allow you access to come freely into our beautiful celestial world. When I come from higher celestial realms of glory to you here, you receive my light and see my glory, and may dwell in my presence.

9. To the mortal, our celestial world is as a sea of glass and fire, where all the past, present and future are always manifest to us. We impart of our Godly powers to you, even as we desire.'

10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words! I felt clear and understanding of this–that the fire and burning of his presence is entirely based on our perspective of which glory we are to behold God. When Jesus returns in celestial glory, the wicked, or the telestial, will be burned at his presence, for they cannot endure the fire of celestial light and heat that comes from his presence. The terrestrial will be quickened by the power of God, and will endure his presence. The celestial will rejoice, for they will receive of his glory, and his face and countenance will enlighten and be pleasant and so joyful to them. It all depends on the state of the children of God.

11. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, I wish to answer two questions from one who supports you and asked you.

Q1. He said he found a hidden spirit in him that he has been trying to get rid of. He said, "I get that I'm to keep reading your posts, but feel blocking for I still only get yes/no answers. I must be doing something wrong not to connect better. Any advice would be taken as helpful.

Q2. Along with for storage are we to also have seeds?

A1–I desire that each one of our mortal angels, including he who asked this question, spend more quiet and meditative time in prayer seeking my face diligently. In the process, he may seek to visualize being on our celestial orb, in these beautiful surroundings. Then, according to our will, either or both of your Heavenly Mother and I will come and visit him. We will purge out the doubting spirit. He is already cleansed and purified by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and therefore may come into our presence. The hidden spirit will not be able to withstand our glory and will flee.

A2–We desire all of our elect to prepare every needful thing, to be able to not have to go buy at stores to acquire food, consumable and other resources. We like it when our children have means of being self-reliant, with their own gardens, fruit trees, clean water sources, and stored food. As part of this provident life-style, storing seeds for the next seasons is just a way of living. The know-how of planting, growing and nurturing, harvesting and storing food that is grown in the garden, fields and orchard is a way of life and of being in a prepared state. This attitude and practice of being connected to your mother earth, to receive of her beauty from one's own labor and effort, has been our desire for mankind from the beginning.

12. Raphael, you buy regularly necessities for your well being from stores in your community and now online sources. For that which you don't make yourself, you have bought sufficient amount to store in case of days where you cannot buy. We will direct you and others who may ask us, how much and what to store for the days of no electricity and deprivation coming to your land.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his answers! I am so grateful for his continual guidance in my life!

14. Evening–This evening I came to the celestial orb to the birch tree grove on the hill going down to Enoch's city. I knelt by the little stream and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

While I was waiting, Heavenly Mother came to me, first in my mind but not in front of me! It was like she was in the view of my mind, but not in my spiritual vision before me. She then gradually appeared in front of me and was somewhat transparent. I could "see" her clearly in my mind, but she wasn't very clear in front of me, as I could see with my spirit eyes.

15. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I remained in my higher celestial realm, behind the veil so that you couldn't see me with your spiritual or celestial eyes. However, I came to you in your unconscious mind, so it was as if you could see me in front of you. This sensation or experience you had was because I appeared to your unconscious mind, but not before your celestial eyes.

16. I know this is hard for you to understand. However, we who are your Gods may appear to you, being viewed only in your unconscious mind, and not being seen with your celestial eyes. We are able to therefore appear and speak to you in your unconscious mind and yet not come into our celestial realm before you on our celestial orb.

17. We may likewise speak to you or any of our children in their unconscious mind without them passing into any higher realm, even while they live on their mortal telestial world. They may perceive or see us in their mind, and even hear what we may say to them, regardless of the realm they are in. They do not need to pass into our celestial realm, or be quickened to that glory, for us to appear to them in their mind and make a deep impact upon their soul.

18. You have experienced this phenomenon during your days in the past, when you prayed to us in your thoughts, while fully immersed in mortality. You then could perceive or see one of us, in your unconscious mind, and hear our words of direction. You never did go beyond your telestial world or realm, but we came to your unconscious mind. In this way you may receive our short instructions or answers to a question, or just get in touch with us for a short moment.'

19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this beautiful truth and insight! I never have any excuse in not quickly connecting to her or Heavenly Father at any time or situation. They may appear to me and speak to me in my mind, without me settling down in an open and meditative mode like I usually go into during my prayers.

20. Heavenly Mother smiled at me, all in my unconscious mind, but was already faded away from before me. She then departed from my unconscious mind. I thanked her in my thoughts and I knew she heard me. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 10, 2019, Saturday

1. After I awoke and got ready to pray this morning, I wondered about what I received last night. I wondered if the appearance of God in my unconscious mind is a normal and common experience, or whether it is more commonly done by going into the celestial realm and seeing God in front of me. I know in the latter case it is done in the unconscious mind now anyway, so what is the difference?

2. I came to the very quiet desert oasis this new morning. I sat on the bench and faced the water. I could see the sand and water in my unconscious mind, with my spiritual eyes. This seemed normal to me now. I knew I was in the celestial realm on the celestial orb.

3. I knelt before the bench facing the water. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I then turned to my right and saw Heavenly Father sitting on the bench behind me! He gave me the impression to stand and come sit next to him on the bench. I did so and then he placed his left arm around my shoulders.

4. He spoke: 'Raphael, you are in a replicated state, sitting on this bench before me on our celestial orb. This is in the celestial realm. You can see me next to you with your spiritual eyes. You hear my words in your unconscious mind. This is the way we normally come to you in answer to your morning and evening prayers. In preparing for your prayer this morning you began thinking of your upcoming prayer. You had an impression that I would come and visit with you, and explain further about our appearance to you in your unconscious mind.

5. You wondered next about when Stephen saw Jesus standing next to me in his vision, even while being stoned to death (see Acts 7:54-56). He saw the heavens opened. You wondered if this was a vision only in Stephen's mind, or if his spirit was carried into our celestial realm to behold this vision.

6. You also thought of Abraham when he was lifted upon the altar when he saw and heard Jesus Christ (see Abraham 1:15-20), who slew the priest and destroyed the altar. You wondered if this vision was in the telestial world, or if it was all in Abraham's unconscious mind.

7. Raphael, both of these thoughts and impressions were given to you by me, in your unconscious mind. You were not at that time before me in the celestial realm, but received these impressions in your unconscious mind while getting ready to pray, while in your home in the telestial realm. You may be wondering about something in your conscious mind, and because of your connection to your unconscious mind, you are able to access also your wonderings in your unconscious mind.

8. You may thus see that sometimes we communicate to you
1) while you are in a meditative prayer state and after you have come into our celestial realm, and
2) sometimes in your mind while you are still on the earth in your mortal body. During both times, we speak to you and give you revelation. You hear us just as clearly in either way, so it doesn't make much difference when and where we speak to you, for both are just as real and valid.

9. Heavenly Mother appeared to you in your unconscious mind last night rather than before you in her spirit form in order to teach you a truth. You now know and have clearly experienced a way we may appear and speak to you, even in your telestial realm, without you having to come into our celestial realm. We use both methods equally frequently with you now and have continued dialogue and communication with you.

10. Both Stephen and Abraham were in a life-threatening situation and fully immersed in the telestial world when they saw and heard God in vision. This was in their unconscious minds. Lehi also saw a vision of us, first in his mind when he prayed and saw a pillar of fire on the rock before him (1 Nephi 1:6). This was a vision in his unconscious mind on the earth, in the telestial realm. He was overcome and soon came to his house and cast himself on his bed. At that time his spirit was replicated and carried away to the throne room in our temple on this celestial orb. He saw me there with his spiritual eyes, being quickened to be able to enter into my celestial glory. (see 1 Nephi 1:7-8)

11. Both experiences for Lehi were very powerful and deeply affected him. Whether he was in or out of his body on earth, Lehi could not tell at that time. Both experiences were in his unconscious mind and seemed very similar. This was like the three Nephite disciples who were translated by Jesus Christ (see 3 Nephi 28:15), for they too couldn't tell if they were in or out of their body.

12. The important thing in all of this is that God may speak to men or women in various ways and means. When any method happens, it is very real and often very impactful upon their soul. We may choose what way we speak to and direct our children.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confirming and clarifying explanation this morning! I felt so blessed to have sat next to him on the bench. He took my hand and squeezed it and then vanished from my presence! I then turned and knelt by the bench and thanked my Heavenly Father for his revelation to me today!

14. We enjoyed putting on a lively set of American folk dances we sponsored in a stake center in Provo tonight. I love the thrill of dancing to dances that my very own ancestors danced to in England in about 1600, then in early colonial America and then in pioneer times. I would have loved to dance with my ancestors then!

15. I know I can't go backward or even forward in time, for everyone here in mortality has a small segment of time in which to come to earth and gain a physical body. We will marry hopefully and raise a family and then be tried and tested and grow in such an amazing telestial world! I deeply respect and honor those who have gone before us, our noble ancestors. I wondered, when we die, would we normally see our loved ones, or our ancestors, in the world of the spirit dead? How will it be in the millennial day? Will we be able to have fun activities with these ancestors, besides just talking? Will we be able to dance or play games, or what?

16. I came to the grassy hill, on the eastern side of God's temple leading into Heavenly Mother's lower garden. It was very green and verdant and I loved the big trees at the top of the hill. I knelt under one of these trees and faced north, where I could see the fountain of living water in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. I had the impression that Heavenly Mother would soon come to me.

17. Heavenly Mother then came from the area by her glass table, a short distance to the east, in her beautiful garden. She walked on a path until she was right in front of me! She was radiant and so very filled with light and love that seemed to overflow from her being to all the surrounding area and me. I so love being in her light that flows steadily from her presence.

18. She then spoke: 'Raphael, when we sent our spirit children to earth, we knew they would each come at different times of earth's history. You have come at a very wonderful time for the righteous, and yet a dangerous and scary time for the wicked! There will be great division among the people that will separate the righteous from the hard-hearted. Other times in the world's history there have been wars, times of peace, and times of turmoil.

19. We have designed that those with special talents may share them in their communities and nations. It will be a very enjoyable time when you meet with your ancestors again.'

20. I felt quite tired and it was difficult to hear and comprehend what she was speaking to me. She spoke and said to me to come here tomorrow for more instruction.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 11, 2019, Sunday

1. Boy, I sure became tired last night! My last few paragraphs in my journal became so illegible that I had to rewrite them! I am now refreshed after a good night's sleep and now am well rested.

2. I came again to the grassy hill where I was praying last night and where Heavenly Mother came to me. I knelt as I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come again this morning. Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, looking so warm and compassionate before me. I thanked her for coming last night and apologized to her for falling asleep at the end of my prayer. I remember having to shake my head to try to stay awake, but it didn't help much!

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, when you are so tired, as you were last night, you can try to fight sleep, and even though you want to stay up, your physical body is in such need of rest that you become incoherent. I am glad you are well rested now and ready to hear me!

4. When our children complete their mortal life and die, they now go to the world of the spirits. If they have lived a righteous life and have received a valid baptism, they are admitted into the paradise of God. This is of a terrestrial glory, where others who are righteous may also enter and be with each other. Satan and his hosts are not permitted into this terrestrial realm, for there is a veil that protects entry from all who are in the telestial world of the spirit dead.

5. Those without a valid baptism go to the telestial world of the spirit dead. If they had rejected Satan and his evil hosts in life, they will also be able to easily reject them in this world of the spirit dead. Little children will immediately go to the terrestrial world of the spirit dead.

6. There may be relatives of the newly deceased in the telestial and terrestrial world of the dead. These usually rejoice at the advent of another of their own family who has joined their ranks. This is particularly true of near kin, like parents, siblings, or others they knew in mortality. They usually greet and welcome those who have just departed their mortal journey. There are many hugs and expressions of love.

7. The terrestrial may visit with those of the telestial, but the telestial may not pass into the realm of the higher, or terrestrial paradise of God. There is much work we have assigned to those in the paradise of God, in the terrestrial world of the spirit dead. The telestial have far fewer assignments, for they who are righteous await their own advancement and entry into the higher realm.

8. Our children in both realms have wholesome recreational activities, particularly in the terrestrial, in the paradise of God. This does include wholesome dancing and music like you love, Raphael! We don't want our faithful to labor all the day long, for it is best for them to also rest and relax in fun and enjoyable activities. This is true in all the realms of glory that our children may find themselves in, as they progress on their path towards eternal life.

9. Currently there are millions upon millions of the spirit dead, awaiting their advancement and their own resurrection. Those who are righteous and who may or may not have received a valid baptism, which may have been performed on earth by proxy, are ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ. When he comes again, those who have been received into the terrestrial spirit world of glory, will be resurrected at the second coming and meet Jesus in the clouds of heaven as he descends to the earth.

10. This will be such a wonderful day for the righteous dead! They will greatly rejoice in their Savior at his great time of conquest over Satan and the wicked, both who live in mortality and live in the telestial world of the spirit dead. The wicked in mortality will die and be ushered into the telestial realms of the dead. They await their own resurrection at the end of the millennium. At the beginning of the millennium you will then lock up Satan and his evil minions in the bottomless pit, where they will be confined during the thousand years of peace on the earth.

11. During the millennium, our righteous who are mortal will be able to identify their own ancestors who live in the telestial world of the spirit dead. Once identified, they may perform proxy baptisms in temples on the earth for those who will accept and await their own baptism. When accepted, these spirit dead will be admitted into the terrestrial world of the dead. They may continue to be taught and advance there. When prepared, these too, who are righteous and are of the celestial level of valiancy, will be resurrected to a celestial glory. They will then be elected into the Church of the Firstborn and will soon come to you, Raphael, for their own waters of separation ordinance. Their names will be record by Oriphiel in the Book of Life. They may then receive all the ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple in their own resurrected body.

12. In the world of the spirit dead, there will continue to be missionaries sent from the terrestrial realm to the telestial realm of the dead to teach and uplift those who may be open to our gospel teachings. For those who accept and embrace the truth from our servants, they will also be soon baptized in the millennial day, by proxy on earth. These baptisms will be performed in temples operated by the Church of Christ. Once baptized, these elect in the spirit world will then be advanced into the terrestrial world of the dead and await their own resurrection. This will also come as fast as they can be taught, receive, and accept these teachings with all of their heart.

13. Thus you can see that our faithful children will help each other advance and grow, even to eventually all be baptized into the Church of Christ, and await their election into the Church of the Firstborn. When Jesus Christ, their great Redeemer, proves them they will one day receive their own calling and election from Jesus himself and be then received into the Church of the Firstborn. By the end of the thousand years of the millennium, all of the spirit dead will have been taught and will have chosen or rejected the truths from God. Those who receive these, will advance, be resurrected to a celestial glory and receive their own ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple.

14. Those who reject these truths will remain in the telestial world of the dead. They will receive their own telestial or terrestrial resurrection after the first resurrection, after the celestial have all been resurrected and receive their celestial ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple.

15. Those who die who have lived in the millennium and who are righteous, will mostly be resurrected to a celestial glory at the time of their death. Some will have been given assignments to temporarily labor in the terrestrial world of the dead, in helping those in the telestial world of the dead advance in their progression, as they may choose for themselves.

16. The great work of the millennial day will be to glean from all of our children those who are of a celestial nature. These will all advance and receive their own celestial resurrection and celestial temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. By the time you receive your own temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple, Raphael, all of the celestial will have been resurrected and will have received their own ordinances in that glorious temple! Once this is all completed, then the millennium will end and the final judgment will come for all the remainder of our children. They will all be judged and receive their final assignments of glory into the terrestrial or telestial worlds. Satan and his hosts who remain to the end with him will also receive their final judgment and destiny. All of our sons and daughters will have then completed their own path to that glory or destiny where they themselves have chosen to go.'

17. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her revelation! I have truly been so enlightened by her truths and her descriptions. I thanked her that I could receive all of this and felt I recorded her words all down in my own journal correctly.

18. She smiled at me and then turned and walked up into her lower gardens. She soon disappeared from my view as she walked away. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, August 12, 2019, Monday

1. I am now on the Front Runner train to go to the Salt Lake City airport. I will be going alone to visit my mom and family there. I will also stay with my sister K. I was so busy with a family party last night and getting ready for this trip that I didn't write anything down in my journal since yesterday morning.

2. Here is what I wrote at the sacrament yesterday in my pocket journal:

I came with my wife to our ward for sacrament meeting. I came to the little knoll next to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt and prepared myself for the sacrament. After the priest blessed the bread back in the ward, I made my covenant while kneeling on the knoll, and then waited. I partook of the bread next, back in the ward.

3. Heavenly Father then came next to me at the knoll and spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant. We will always be with you!'

4. He then extended his hand, and I stood and took it. We turned and started moving up into the sky, and then into the clouds above the celestial orb. Heavenly Mother soon joined us in the clouds and took my free hand. We three then continued until we came to a land before us. We stopped. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, look upon the land before us!'

5. I looked carefully and saw two scenes, one after another on the land below us. Both were at the same future period of time, about halfway into the millennium on earth. In both scenes before me a large extended family was gathered for a celebration.

6. The first scene was happening near the death of an old righteous man. He had received all of his ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple previously. His family all rejoiced in his wonderful example and life. He then spoke to them as, he was able, for he was old and feeble. He then died before them and was immediately resurrected! He again stood up before his extended family, and spoke with great strength and power! The celebration continued and he eventually went to each one in his large family, embracing them and loving them. When all done, he then went home. Soon thereafter he departed to go to the celestial orb where he waited out his life, with other family members who were there also. They greeted him warmly, and then all enjoyed living together in the peace and joy on the celestial orb!

7. The second scene was of another family gathering, where another righteous man was ready to die. He also had received all of his temple ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple. However, he knew he was not to be resurrected yet, but had received an assignment in the Church of Christ, to go to the paradise of God, in the world of the spirits, in the terrestrial world of the dead. His assignment was to last for 50 years. After that, he would have completed his assignment there, and then come back to the mortal earth to another family gathering, where he had been buried.

8. I saw him die and be buried, and then 50 years later, at the second family gathering at the burial plot, be resurrected before his family, in a glorious experience!

9. This newly resurrected man came to each in attendance, embracing each one and loving each one. He then bid them all farewell, and then parted from them. He left to the celestial orb to be greeted by his family who were living there. He then joined them in that celestial realm, even until the resurrection of the earth, when all of the celestial will move forward to begin the next state of their progress to becoming couple Gods in eternity.

10. At this time, the ward talks began. I then started writing all of this down.

After church, we visited our neighbor in her rest home. We then came home and prepared food for our family party. We had a wonderful time, and got back late. I didn't have any opportunity to write in my journal then, even until now. I did pray next to my bed before bed and upon rising. I received a message from Heavenly Mother late last night that she would be with me during my trip, and also with my wife and family that I was leaving for a few days. Her message was short and comforting.

11. This morning I received a similar message from my Heavenly Father who also appeared to me on the knoll on the celestial orb.