50. From Eternity to Eternity
Posted 5-6-2017

Hello my friends,

I have been blown away by the deep mysteries that I have received these past two weeks! I am somewhat surprised that I was asked to share ALL of these revelations with all of you too. It may take you several read-throughs of this post, to get your conscious, finite mind to really wrap around these concepts. I believe we live in a day when all things are beginning to be revealed!

I am so concerned that you do not take any of this as truth, without first consulting your maker, and verifying that it is all true. I have done this, even after being shown all of these mysteries. It has taken me some days to fully understand. I have been so 'Wowed' that I have had a hard time even sleeping!

Let me know your feelings, comments and questions. I seem to keep finding more and more questions to ask, and my Heavenly Parents keep giving me answers.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-23-2017, Sunday

(Continued from earlier today, see previous post)

1. Later, at sacrament meeting.

My wife was feeling ill this morning, so I attended sacrament meeting without her. I went to a Payson Utah ward, the same one with the righteous Bishop where I first learned about the cover-up in the church.

2. The sacrament hymn was page 192, "He Died! The Great Redeemer Died." I had determined to go to the underground reservoir of water, deep in the earth in the Jackson County, Missouri area. I was there in my replicated state, while my body was back in the Payson ward. My Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, and all of the holy angels had been in this location earlier this morning.

3. The first verse of the hymn contained this phrase which impressed me:

"A solemn darkness veiled the sky; A sudden trembling shook the ground."

4. This is exactly what the earth will soon do again, at this deep reservoir and on the surface above, in a not too distant future.

I knelt down, just above the water. The priests in the ward blessed the bread, and I made my covenant to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They both immediately came to me. They wore their normal, white vestures.

5. Once I received the bread in the ward, then Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, in behalf of your Heavenly Mother and myself, I accept the covenant you have made today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

6. The events of this past week and today, have been very pleasing to your Heavenly Mother and me. We appreciate your quick response to our every impression, in leading our holy angels to bless the water reservoir and the earth. It turned out just like we had wished! Each of our holy angels now are ready to act on our directions to them, by the impressions we give them in their heart and mind. They each need to immediately act, trusting in us. We will go before each angel, and behind them. We will never leave any of them alone.

7. The hymn you just sang mentioned in the first verse, the trembling that shook the ground when our Beloved Son died. Similarly, mother earth will also violently shake in this area, causing widespread calamity, but bring forth to her surface living water. At that time, living water will completely fill this underground reservoir.

8. Look now into the water under you. You can see the living water propagating throughout this reservoir! Soon this will all be living water, and all will be ready for this trembling that will soon shake the ground. This will occur when we will.

9. All is orchestrated in the events soon to engulf the earth and its inhabitants. A solemn darkness now veils the earth, and Satan and his hosts laugh as they ensnare more and more in their vices. However, our elect will be saved, by our gatherers and servants to accomplish all that we design to do. We will be victorious in all our actions!'

10. At this time, the priest blessed the water. When finished, Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, I need to also say a few words. Thank you, to you and your sister Rachael, and all our holy angels, in what you have done on this beautiful day on the earth! I am overjoyed, even to deeply weeping for the happiness I feel! This celestial element, now in the reservoir of water under you, will increase and grow, even to creating a celestial city and foundation of our Zion. I have looked forward so much to this day! Thank you again for your quick obedience and perception. We will increase your cognition of what you see and do in the celestial realms. This same blessing is also extended to all our mortal angels. Oh, how I love all of you!'

11. At this time I immediately found myself alone under the maple tree grove, next to Lake Beautiful. I had my journal in hand, and wrote all of this down. I had actually taken my journal with me to church, which I rarely do, but I did today since my wife wasn't with me. I wrote all of this down in the sacrament meeting too, and I assume I was also writing it down in heaven, under the maple trees.

12. I feel very, very much at peace, and have great 'inner smiles'! I know that what I experienced today was of God. I hope each of us angels will likewise receive such a loving confirmation, as we ask of God.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-25-2017, Tuesday

1. I've had my prayers at various locations in the celestial world since my last entry. Today I felt to go to the footsteps of the great assembly hall, west of Lake Beautiful. I was on the north side of the steps which led to the lake from the hall. My Heavenly Parents came, and I had lots of questions for them. Many of these were from emails I received yesterday.

2. Q– Were there any more estates in the process of returning to heaven, and into the presence of God, other than the two estates that I have been shown?
A– No. The 1st estate was your premortal life, and the 2nd estate is mortality, which includes the spirit world after death of the physical body. After the final judgment, the children of God are assigned to their eternal reward, some celestial, some terrestrial, and some telestial. There are also some who receive no reward nor kingdom of glory, but are banished forever from the presence of God. This is explained in D&C 76.

3. Q– Was Jesus married, and did he have children?
A– Yes, he was married on earth, and did have children. His children were mortal, and did not inherit his Godly powers, but were like others on earth.

4. This was also true of your father Adam, who was figuratively formed of the dust of the earth to receive his physical body. He was born a terrestrial man, in his physical body as a baby, born that way from Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. This was also true of mother Eve, for she was born a terrestrial baby girl in her physical body from Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. They were both raised by their Heavenly Parents to adulthood in the Garden of Eden.

5. Jesus was the Only Begotten of the Father. However, this was in the flesh (the telestial, mortal state of man, where man is subject to death). Adam and Eve were direct, physical children of God in the terrestrial sphere, which at that time was not a state of mortality (they couldn't die, as they were immortal). The children of Adam and Even did not inherit the terrestrial bodies of Adam and Eve, since they had since fallen to a telestial state into telestial mortality.

6. If a female mortal angel, who is translated and transfigured in the telestial state of mortality, has a child after this transformation in her body, the child does not inherit a translated body, but receives a telestial, mortal body, like everyone else on earth.

7. In the millennium, after the earth is transformed into a terrestrial sphere, the elements and materials of the earth are transformed into a terrestrial state too. When the inhabitants of the earth then bear children, these will become terrestrial mortal children. This is still mortality, for they will also die, but will be resurrected in the twinkling of an eye to their level of quickening (most will be resurrected as celestial bodies).

8. Those who are resurrected, no longer have the opportunity to bear children into either the telestial or terrestrial world. Those who receive all things, once they are admitted into the Church of the Firstborn, will be able to bear children in the celestial world in eternity, just like their Heavenly Parents have done before them.

9. Q– The male archangels have premortal names that end in 'EL', and Rachael has also her name ending in EL, but why don't the other female archangels have their names ending in 'EL'?
A– Your Heavenly Parents chose names of significance for each of their male and female archangels. They chose to name all the male archangels' names to end in EL, since they would be particularly known during the telestial state of man on the earth. The EL signifies they are always in the presence of Elohim, or both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. This is also true of the female archangels, but their ministration wasn't revealed until the earth was blessed to initiate the change to a terrestrial state. After this date is when they were first revealed. Their names were chosen as names of significance by their Heavenly Parents, but were not constrained to contain the EL at the end. Rachael was named with an EL at the end of her name since she was linked to Raphael, as his twin energy.

10. Q– May I receive information about races of thy children who come into mortality?
A– Adam and Eve bore children who were of the pure race, with no coloring in their skin. However, because of transgression, the race of blackness came upon Cain, one of their sons, and his posterity. This new race was perpetuated through Noah's son Ham, as recorded in the Book of Abraham.

In the household of father Lehi, in the Book of Mormon account, Laman and Lemuel, and those who followed their wicked ways, were also cursed with a seed or skin of darkness.

11. There were also a coloring of skin from those who were descendants of Japheth, son of Noah, after the flood. These too rejected the truths of the gospel of the Fathers, and settled in areas of India and from areas east of the ark, or China and the Far East of today. These have a darker or more yellow skin. Even though descendents of Japheth may appear widely different, they are from the same origin. There are not only changes of skin color, but slight body and bone changes associated with the races.

12. The first race of man was Adam and Eve, who possessed the pure original race of your Heavenly Parents, since they were their direct physical descendants, born in the terrestrial sphere.

13. The reason why these races were chosen to be allowed to enter into the world, was to keep apart the pure race from those who broke away, because of their unrighteous choices. This segregation was to preserve the righteous ways of a chosen people. In your day, this distinction and segregation has been dropped. There has also been a large amount of mixing of all races. The seed of Israel is now found in all the nations of the earth. Those who are the elect of God, or the seed of Israel, are found in all these races and nations.

14. The peoples of the earth now lie in great darkness and sin. Those who will be gathered to Zion are those who, of their own volition, choose to follow God, and hear his voice, independent of their prominent race.

15. Q– Are the teachings of the author named Anonymous true?
A– No. These teachings are misleading to those who believe them, since there are some truths, mingled with many falsehoods.

16. Q– Were Adam and Eve the last children born to our Heavenly Parents?
A– Yes. The physical birth of Adam then Eve were the last two children born directly to them, save Jesus Christ in the meridian of time. Since the birth of baby Eve, there have been no more children, born to our Heavenly Parents, except Jesus Christ who was born of the seed of Heavenly Father conceived in Heavenly Mother, then transferred to the mortal virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Ghost, or Heavenly Mother.

Heavenly Mother will bear other children for the next eternity, after her children in this eternity are assigned to their kingdom of glories, after the millennium.

17. Q– When I prayed tonight, in the western mezzanine facing east towards the temple, I saw no windows in the temple (looking on its west side). Is this true?
A– Yes, there are no windows on the western side of the temple. All the open windows and doors are on the north and south sides of the temple.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-26-2017, Wednesday

1. This morning I prayed at the upper falls of Heavenly Mother's garden area, facing the temple in the distance. I had more questions:

2. Q– I understand that the last three children born to Heavenly Mother were physically born, in this order: Adam, then Eve, then Jesus Christ through the immaculate conception transfer to Mary. At that time, beginning at the Fall of man, Heavenly Mother went in her physical body in isolation somewhere in the celestial world, and became the Holy Ghost, by replicating her spirit. Did Heavenly Mother hide herself in her physical, resurrected body in a location in the wilderness area of heaven that I am familiar with?
A– No, it was outside of this area. Only she, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know where this is.

3. Q– After the final judgment, and the assignment of God's children to their places for eternity, will Heavenly Mother return from hiding and start having more spirit children?
A– Yes

4. Q– Will these children be in a new eternity, or a start of a whole new 'batch' of children in that eternity?
A– Yes. This will begin anew, with the birth of a new Christ, and new archangels, new angels and new children, all born in the new eternity.

5. Q– Will we who are from the current eternity, mingle with those of the next future eternity?
A– No. The new eternity group of spirit children will have a location on this same celestial world, and will be apart from those of your eternity.

6. Q– If there is a new Christ born in the next eternity, how is the scripture true, found in Moses 1:29-33, where there are many lands called earth, created by the Son, with thy children inhabiting them?

7. Moses 1:29-33–

"And he beheld many lands; and each land was called earth, and there were inhabitants on the face thereof.

And it came to pass that Moses called upon God, saying: Tell me, I pray thee, why these things are so, and by what thou madest them?

And behold, the glory of the Lord was upon Moses, so that Moses stood in the presence of God, and talked with him face to face. And the Lord God said unto Moses: For mine own purpose have I made these things. Here is wisdom and it remaineth in me.

And by the word of my power, have I created them, which is mine Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth.

And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten."

8. A– Heavenly Mother asked me to write for her as she answered this question:

'Raphael, the earth upon which you stand, was created by the power of the Son, he having created this under the authority of both Heavenly Father and myself. This earth upon which you live, has housed, and will house for their mortal experience, all of those from your own eternity. An eternity is what we call a group of our spirit children who progress from their first estate, to their second estate, and then we judge and assign them to their stations at the end. When finished, and the salvation and progression of our children is completed, we begin a new eternity for a new group of spirit children that we will bear. We are endless, for that is one of our names.

9. Those children of ours in your eternity, who are exalted to become like us, will have a home base on your own future celestial earth. Your earth will return and remain near our own celestial orb, throughout all time and forever. There are worlds we create through the authority of our Son, Jesus Christ, to also contain our children who receive a kingdom of glory, in the telestial and terrestrial worlds. These worlds are many, and each will house these, our children who are resurrected souls, but who are not worthy of a celestial glory. These worlds are now being prepared for these our children. They will not reside near our celestial world, but will be further out in space, where our influence is not so strong.

10. The total number of worlds so prepared by our son Jesus Christ, for this eternity in which you live, are many, and are all within our current galaxy, all in various locations. The center of your own Milky Way Galaxy, is where our celestial kingdom is located, and other kingdoms of glory are at various distances from the center.

11. Our son, we have created all of the planets and stars of this, our galaxy, before your own eternity. I know it is hard for your mortal mind to comprehend the magnitude of our creations. We have had as many eternities as our galaxy is large, which is reflected in the billions of stars and planets that comprise our galaxy. As you may imagine, the number of our eternities we have created are very many already. Our works are endless.

12. Each eternity has its own Christ, which is also our firstborn spirit Son for that eternity. This spirit Son is the Messiah for those children of that eternity. This is a title and position for all of the eternities we have had. There have been many Messiahs. These worlds are without number to man, but they are all numbered unto us. This is what is meant by the scripture which states that there are worlds without number which were created by the Son.

13. As our children qualify for their own exaltation, they too may begin bearing spirit children in their own eternity. They will begin with a new celestial orb where they may begin their experience, as husband and wife, in their first eternity. They too will bear noble and great ones, who are spirits. These they will make their rulers, including their own Christ, archangels, angels, and all the hosts of their own posterity.

14. Thus the cycle of the salvation of man goes on, each in their own eternity. Each galaxy in the universe is the kingdom of one of these celestial couples who are in this process. They each have their home base earth from where they lived and had their eternal first home. When they eventually outgrow this home, they create their new celestial orb, which begins a new galaxy for their dwelling and kingdom.

15. Your Heavenly Father and I also have a first home on the earth where we each had our mortal experience. We too had seven children in our mortality as do you, born in our 2nd estate. These have gone on to their own kingdom of glories, some to their exaltation, where they repeat the pattern as we do. We often visit them, and our first celestial home planet, and our eternal friends there.

For all of these who are Gods now, the same general pattern exists.

16. There is also a group of all of our children who chose not to follow our plan of happiness, and these are assigned a place without glory. Their fate is described somewhat in D&C 19:1-12. There is always a group of our children who choose evil over good. These ultimately become the opposing force to the good, and play into the agency given to our children, in both of their estates of progression.

17. Raphael, I have briefly explained to you today the magnitude of our creations, and have given you a glimpse into our life, from eternity to eternity, without number. However, right now, your own eternity in which you live is the MOST important one to us! What happens with the choices of our current children of this eternity is where we focus our effort and energy. You are right in the midst of our most important work, in the individual salvation of each of our children!

18. We know we will be victorious in our plan, for we can see into the future, and have done this many times before. Our works are endless, and our power is endless. We will bless you and all our holy angels, in the great work before us. We love each of you so very much!'

19. Q– It seems that with so many eternities, and so many children in each eternity, that somehow the level of concern or love would diminish for just one more lost soul, of their children. Please elaborate.
A– The love of God never decreases for one of their children, regardless of how many children have proceeded them. The level of love is just as deep and strong for the very first child in the first eternity, as it is for the last children born of the current eternity. The amount of labor, planning and effort is always focused on the current eternity, and so it is now. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus are all giving all that they currently have, to bring about the salvation of their children now living in their 1st and 2nd estates, those in the current eternity. It is as though the past eternities didn't exist, from a labor and focus standpoint.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-27-2017, Thursday

1. This morning I prayed at the circling waters, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, with loving eyes and happy countenances. I confirmed with them all that I had received yesterday–it is all true! This is very mind-blowing, and expanding to my mortal conscious mind, for sure! I am kneeling here in great wonder and amazement. I had some more questions:

2. Q– When did the veil of forgetfulness come upon Adam and Eve?
A– Adam and Eve were born as babies in the terrestrial world, and raised by their Heavenly Parents on the new, terrestrial earth, before the Fall. They grew up as normal children, with no memory of their premortal lives. They were terrestrial beings with no mortality (no blood in their veins, but spirit). They were married and sealed together when they became adults, by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

3. Once they partook of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they fell from their terrestrial state and became telestial mortals. However, they retained their full memories of their terrestrial state with their Heavenly Parents. This is how faith in their now unseen God was perpetuated to their own children.

4. Q– Where was earth located during the physical creation of the earth?
A– It was created in its current location in the galaxy. Heaven is in the celestial sphere, and the two are not compatible.

5. When the 144,000 came to the celestial temple recently, they were translated to a terrestrial state, and then temporarily transfigured to be able to endure the celestial burnings, or celestial glory.

6. The physical earth [from Heavenly Father on Nov 13, 2024: this should state "telestial mortal earth"] has never been elevated to a celestial state before, but was created in both the telestial and terrestrial spheres. This is the environment of the physical creation of the earth.

7. The introduction of celestial element to the [mortal] earth was first done this past Sunday, 4-23-2017, where living celestial water was brought by the holy angels from the celestial Lake Beautiful, and poured into the underground telestial reservoir. The celestial gold and silver pails were placed on the telestial earth, to merge into the elements there. This is the beginning of the birth of the [mortal] earth to a celestial state, isolated for the millennium to the New Jerusalem area where Jesus Christ will reign. Ultimately, the earth will die and be resurrected an entire celestial earth, to be located next to the celestial world where God dwells.

8. When Adam and Eve fell, by partaking of the forbidden fruit, the earth also fell from its terrestrial state to its current telestial state.  The presence of God is at the center of the galaxy, and the telestial worlds are in the furthest locations from the center. During the millennium, the earth will travel to the innermost part of the terrestrial spherical ring, as close as it can be.

As it continues to towards the center, it will die, but then be resurrected. This will be at the end of the millennium, at the judgment day.

9. Q– Is the Milky Way Galaxy composed of all stars and planets of thy own creations, for the salvation of thy children from all of the eternities that thou hast had?
A– From Heavenly Father:

'Yes. When our children who become exalted, as husband and wife, and have spirit children of their own, they dwell at first on their own celestial earth, which will be near to us in our celestial orb. When they grow out of this location, they next will move to a location of their own creation, within our own galaxy. When they grow out of this, they next create their own galaxy, apart from our own. Their own set of stars and planets then move out of our galaxy to form their own new galaxy.

10. For our own children who attain a salvation in the terrestrial or telestial world, they remain in our own galaxy forever. These have a state of non-progression. However, they are very content with what they have been given, for that is what they have chosen in their 1st and 2nd estates of probation.'

11. Q– Since the progression of man and woman, in the celestial worlds, is to have eternal increase, was there a beginning to this entire process? How many generations of the Gods has there been?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, there are limitless galaxies in our universe to man. However, they are numbered to the family of the Gods, of which we are part and from whom we are all descended, and from whom you are descended.

12. Yes, there was a beginning. This beginning place is also within our universe. This is our ancestry! Those who created this process are still having eternities of their own, and having spirit children as do we. We all never tire of doing this great work, for this brings the most joy and fulfillment to us of all things we could ever do. This is our work and our glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man (see Moses 1:39). This same process continues to multiply throughout the ever-expanding universe, which continually has more and more galaxies added.

13. The beginning galaxy is at the center of our universe. Our universe is spherical in shape, in your perception of things, and ever expanding, with new galaxies added at the periphery of this universe. Our own galaxy is about 2/3 from the center, to the current edge of the universe, to be able to give you some idea of when we fit into the history of the Gods. There is also no end to matter nor intelligence, from which we are able to create our worlds and have our offspring.'

14. Q– Is the same pattern followed in all of these galaxies, among all of the family of the Gods?
A– Yes, generally they all follow the same processes of a 1st and a 2nd estate, they all have a Messiah or a Christ, there is a resurrection to the same celestial, terrestrial and telestial levels, and there is a portion of the children who rebel and receive no kingdom of glory. Glory is added upon the celestial husband and wife God, for each eternity that is completed for them.

15. For those who receive no kingdom of glory, like Lucifer and his hosts in our own current eternity, these become isolated for eternity, never again to receive an opportunity of coming into a new creation nor a new chance.

Later in the evening:
16. Q– What percentage of the underground reservoir is now living water, now that it has been four days?
A– 100% is now living water!

This is very surprising to me! I was thinking it was 5%, or something rather low–but 100%! Wow! We are ready then, at any time, for the major earthquake in that area.

17. Q– How much of the gold with silver pails are now absorbed into the earth, one mile west of the fissure in the Jackson County, Missouri area?
A– 100% is now absorbed, all of it! These precious metals are very close to the earth's surface now, but are hidden from man's view until the due time of God to bring them forth. There are now two areas where celestial element is located on the earth: the living water in the reservoir, and the precious metal surface mine area one mile from the fissure in the earth.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-28-2017, Friday

1. More questions follow that I asked while praying on the little rock knoll, immediately east of the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area:

2. Q– I have read about angels making a written account of the affairs of man on the earth, to be used in the day of judgment, and that all such things are written of the Father. When I saw myself writing in my journal last Sunday, under the maple trees next to Lake Beautiful, was I recording in heaven what I was recording on earth in my journal? Has all of this that I have so far received been also written in heaven?
A– Yes, all of this has been written in heaven by you, Raphael, of all the experiences and revelations you have received on earth. You therefore have written your accounts twice–on earth in your journal and website posts, and also in heaven.

3. Q– What will happen to these records?
A– They will come forth, once the city of the New Jerusalem is created, and will be placed in the library there for all to read. They will also be placed in the general cannon of scripture. These will have place next to the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, which will also be available for all to read and study. Your own records will be one of the main account of God's dealings with his children in the marvelous work and a wonder that is coming forth on the earth.

4. Each angel who works in behalf of the Father and Mother, or Jesus Christ, also writes their own account in heaven, as you saw yourself writing last Sunday. These accounts, all added together, will be the full record of how God acted in saving the elect, cleansing the wicked, and of all the events leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ. There are similar records also kept by the people of Enoch who are participating in this great work. The 144,000 do not write records in heaven, since they are not able as yet to replicate themselves. Those angels are people of the city of Zion, write all things down in their replicated state, in the celestial world. Their records will include all of the doings of the 144,000 also.

5. These records will also be used in the day of judgment. When brought forth at that time, they will be read, and the very time which was recorded will be replaced in vision in the book which was written in heaven, for the person being judged to view. These records will all become replicated too, and become part of the repository in the library in the temple in heaven, where you have visited on the main, first floor recently. They will therefore be in heaven in the temple, and also on earth at the New Jerusalem library.

6. Q– I have been asked to hold another class, or to try to meet with M.S. in May, 2017. Is this the right timing?
A– The time for a meeting with the mortal angels is not yet. This would benefit all, but you need to hold off for a season. It is also not time to meet with others such as M.S., for the time of your revealing to the world is not yet. We will lead you along, and give you direction when all things are ready for any future meetings.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-29-2017, Saturday

1. This night I went to bed early, having worn myself out on yard work, etc. During the day, I felt I would receive instruction tonight on how the Gods all began! When I was able to be alone during my evening prayer, I asked that question:

2. Q– How did the human race of God begin?
A– From Heavenly Mother:

(Note: I have added a few scriptures that I found later, to Heavenly Mother's initial words. I also adjusted somewhat my initial journal entry in prayer, so that the words would be more understandable.

3. Later, November 2017: I just became aware that the information given by Heavenly Mother below wasn't in the exact order it occurred, but rather expressed the process the first Gods took in creating themselves and their creations. See my post #61 for more information, near the end of the post–R)

4. 'Raphael, the mystery of Godliness, how great it is!

(See D&C 19:10 "For, behold, the mystery of godliness, how great is it!")

5. There was a time when the intelligences, that fill the immensity of space, were first organized. This was initiated by two intelligences who were more intelligent than all of the other intelligences. These two very astute and brilliant intelligences, organized themselves into the first man and first woman.

6. (See Abraham 3:18-19–". . . if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal. And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.").

7. They had discovered the key to combining elemental intelligence and matter into a living intelligence with agency and existence.

8. (See D&C 93:30 "All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence".)

9. These two intelligences had the support of all the other intelligences, because of their goodness and their superior intelligence, or knowledge that they had gained up to that point. This intelligence, or the light of truth, is the basic building element upon which all things are formed and from which they are created.

10. (See D&C 93:29 "Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.").

This elemental intelligence was combined with matter to create life, using the key to creation that these two intelligences had discovered.

11. Once these two intelligences became organized as the first man and woman, they gained the support of the other elemental intelligences in their new creation as living beings. The design and creation of man came from these two most intelligent beings. The others supported them in their skill and ability to organize their own two elemental intelligences and matter into themselves, as living intelligent beings. Man and woman were the first creation, in the spirit form, from this raw elemental intelligence and matter. They called themselves God.

12. Unlike the doctrine of Satan, which states that the lowest form of life was somehow instantaneously created in the beginning, in reality, the very most complex form of life was first created by the most brilliant of the intelligences.

13. These two human spirits then created a way for themselves to multiply offspring from the same abundant, unorganized intelligence and matter from which they themselves were created. They began multiplying, and having spirit children who looked just like them.

14. Once these two intelligent spirit Godly beings found the secret of creating, or organizing life, they then counseled together, and designed other forms of life. This is what we now know as plant and animal life, to support their plan for creating a peaceful and happy world. These other forms also were created or organized from the same elemental intelligence and matter, and were all created in the spirit realm. These two Gods designed in each life form, a way also for these to be reproduced independent of themselves.

15. They had created, therefore, a world in the spirit realm, which was a refined state of matter and life. However, they soon realized there was another state of creation, in a less-refined state of existence. This they named the physical state.

16. Now the first man and woman God realized that they could create life in a spirit state and a physical state. The first man and woman God then decided to be recreated in this physical state also. They became the first man and first woman in the physical state, and the first life in the physical realm of creation too.

17. They counseled together, and then created the 1st estate of man to be in the spirit state, and then the 2nd estate of man to be in the physical state. They devised a plan for progression in these two states of man for their spirit children. The plan culminated in the spirit and physical states of man to be eternally joined together, which they called the resurrection. They too became the first resurrected man and resurrected woman, and received what is now called a fulness of joy.

18. (See D&C 138:17 "Their sleeping dust was to be restored unto its perfect frame, bone to his bone, and the sinews and the flesh upon them, the spirit and the body to be united never again to be divided, that they might receive a fulness of joy." and D&C 93:33 "For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy").

19. After having gone through these first two estates of man themselves, and then being resurrected themselves, they devised the entire progression and testing plan for their posterity, who were still in their spirit state.

20. The plan of progression required a dwelling place on which their offspring would dwell during their 1st estate, and an earth for them to dwell on during their 2nd estate. Then they chose two of their most favored offspring spirits to become the first physical man and woman on this new physical earth. They devised that this man and woman would also be able to have offspring on this earth that they, their parent creators, had previously bore as spirits. They watched carefully, and made sure all was going according to their plan.

21. They had also previously created laws for them to justly govern, and for the interaction of all of their creations. They created an environment for their children to choose between morally right or wrong choices, in accordance with these laws. They realized that each of their children would need to be able to choose for themselves in being obedient to their laws. This then created a need for a Messiah of their own posterity, who would be born as a mortal child. He would have extra Godly powers, and be required to live a completely obedient life to their laws, then suffer, bleed and die on the physical earth for all those who would break those laws. His suffering would allow those who repent and then obey the laws of God, to be forgiven, based on his mercy. All the unassigned intelligences in the universe agreed with their plan, because it was just and fair, according to their law of justice.

22. At this point, they already had much spirit posterity, and realized some would follow their plan more than others, and that there needed to be gradations of eternal reward. Some would be resurrected to a celestial reward like themselves, some to a terrestrial reward, and some to a telestial reward. These three divisions seemed the most appropriate and fair.

23. There was also some of their offspring who would rebel against their plan. These had to be accommodated, and were given a final kingdom of no glory, for that is what they chose and deserved.

24. Thus, the first male and female human beings, named God, created a plan and system of procreation and progression. They found the greatest happiness in their resurrected, celestial state, was when they cared for and blessed their posterity to become like them in eternity, in a forever state.

25. This is how the Gods were created, and the first creation was established at the center of what they called the universe. As eternities passed, this universe expanded with worlds created by the Gods. The offspring of these first Gods followed the same pattern of creation that they were taught by their first parents. There is much more, but basically this is how the Gods began!

26. Your Heavenly Father and I have followed in the same footsteps of our very first parents who created this entire plan of salvation for their offspring. We too have been given the knowledge of the key of creation, for we are of the family of the Gods. You are our offspring, Raphael, as well as all mankind who inhabit your earth at this time, and who have ever lived on it or will live on it since the days of Adam and Eve. Our plan of happiness has been refined, and since proven very effective over multiple times, by our many ancestor Gods, by ourselves, and by our posterity who are Gods. We are so extremely happy in this life that we have chosen, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of our beloved children–as much as each of them choose to accept. It is a flawless and wonderful method in the progression of our children!'

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 4-30-2017, Sunday

1. More questions!

Q– What are the building blocks for creation?
A– They are elemental intelligence and matter. These are abundant, and were never created nor made, but have existed forever, and are co-eternal with God.

2. (See D&C 93:29–"Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.")

3. Each living entity has one elemental intelligence and as much matter as is required. The first creation is always in the spirit, which is more refined than the physical.

4. (See D&C 131:7-8 "There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes;

We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter.")

5. For the physical creation there is more matter added (the dust of the earth which, in the case of all mankind except Adam and Eve, is telestial dust), through a procreation process for all children of God, and for all plants and animals. There is even a type of physical birth process (an organization of matter) for the earths, planets, stars and other orbs, which are the home for these other creations. When resurrection occurs for all of these, there is another reorganization of the spirit and physical, making a living entity more glorious than either of the first two (spirit and physical).

6. Q– Was there an iteration process in creating man, or was it perfection on the first creation of the first man and the first woman?
A– It was an iterative process in the first creation of the spirit man and woman, who later became the first God. Once they were perfected to their satisfaction, then they chose to have posterity, their own spirit children as they were called. The first creation of man was in the mature adult form. Their children were born as babies and grew; just like now happens in all creation processes. One exception is the creation of earths, planets and stars, and other orbs. These were created in their final size at the beginning.

7. Q– How many generations of the Gods ago was the first creation of the man and woman?
A– These generations are innumerable to man, but are all numbered to the Gods. There are as many generations as is required to fill the universe with all of its earths, plants, orbs and galaxies, which are currently there. To man, on the earth, there is no end, but there is a finite center and end of the universe to God.

8. Q– In D&C 93:10 it states: "The worlds were made by him (Christ); men were made by him; all things were made by him, and through him, and of him." How is this done if the birthing procreation process is really of the Father and Mother?
A– The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was the firstborn of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, in this eternity. He was chosen at that time to be the Messiah, the Christ, but this information was kept quiet until the unveiling of his role and position to the other sons and daughters of God. However, from that beginning time, the great Jehovah was tutored and shown how to create all things, in cooperation with his Heavenly Parents. This is the meaning of the scripture that all things were made by him. In the physical creation, Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, was the creator, since he had learned all of the creation processes up to that point.

In all things, Jesus Christ grew from grace to grace.

9. (See D&C 93:12-13 "And I, John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace;

And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness;")

10. This same pattern of incremental growth, line upon line, is the process we all follow in leading and training all of our children, in the spirit or physical states of man.

11. Q– The elements spoken of in D&C 93:33–are these the elemental intelligences plus matter?

12. (See D&C 93:33 "For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;")

13. A– Yes, both elemental intelligence and matter are eternal, and are co-eternal with God. These have never been created or made. The dust of the earth, commonly spoken of in scripture, is part of this matter which is associated or organized with the earth.

14. (See Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

15. See also Mormon 9:17 "Who shall say that it was not a miracle that by his word the heaven and the earth should be; and by the power of his word man was created of the dust of the earth; and by the power of his word have miracles been wrought?"

16. See also D&C 77:12 "Q. What are we to understand by the sounding of the trumpets, mentioned in the 8th chapter of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that as God made the world in six days, and on the seventh day he finished his work, and sanctified it, and also formed man out of the dust of the earth, even so, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years will the Lord God sanctify the earth, and complete the salvation of man, and judge all things, and shall redeem all things, except that which he hath not put into his power, when he shall have sealed all things, unto the end of all things; and the sounding of the trumpets of the seven angels are the preparing and finishing of his work, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years—the preparing of the way before the time of his coming."

17. Q– Were the plants and animals all created first in the adult form, and then once perfected, began to have offspring?
A– Yes. This process follows the same pattern as occurred for the first man and woman. Since the time of the first eternity, other plants and animals have also been created to add to all of the creations of God. These were all available to the children of God who also received the same Godhood status. Now, after all of these eternities since that time, there are millions and millions of species to add to the many creations of the Gods.

18. I have always heard the saying "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Now I know it was the chicken, first in adult spirit form. It too came to a physical earth and gained a physical body and had offspring.

19. Q– When Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother bore Adam and Eve in the new terrestrial earth, was the same pattern of plants and animals bearing offspring in this terrestrial world, also followed?
A– Yes. The plants and animals were populated in the terrestrial earth by parents who were resurrected in the celestial world. For example, resurrected bears bore baby bears that were also immortal in the terrestrial world. A resurrected tree gave seed, which was planted and grew as an immortal tree in this terrestrial world. This earth was in a paradisiacal state of terrestrial glory.

20. Later, after sacrament meeting:

Today my wife and I went to a Mapleton Utah ward. It was pretty regular–nobody said hello, nobody greeted us, the talks were not accompanied by the Spirit, etc. I sure wish it were otherwise, but it hardly happens in this valley, Utah Valley.

21. I did really enjoy the sacrament portion, as I always do. I have thought about what I was told by Heavenly Father, all day long. I questioned if I heard him right. I even pulled out a book I hadn't perused for a long time named 'Earth, In the Beginning' by Eric N Skousen. At the end of the day, I felt what I had heard and jotted in my pocket journal was exactly correct! I will relay all of this experience.

22. During the sacrament hymn, I envisioned myself on a grassy hill above the maple tree grove, looking east to Lake Beautiful. On my left, or northeast, was the assembly hall. When the priest blessed the water, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. They both came, in the air in front of me. Directly under them, I could see the lake in the distance.

23. When I had partaken of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon yourself the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

This week you have received revelations, which have been reserved for this very day, when all things will be revealed.

24. (See D&C 101:32-34
"Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things—

Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—

Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven.")

25. You have asked about the earth, and how it was made, and how it was inhabited and prepared for man.

The earth was created spiritually before it was created naturally, or physically. She was created next to our celestial orb, in the spirit. She was born in water, a spirit water birth, and was created from an elemental intelligence and matter, both of which were unorganized until we created her. Mankind, our spirit children, and all plants and animals, were created during this time in heaven also, in their spirit, premortal state.

26. The first physical creation was that of the earth, as explained in Abraham 4:1-2–

"And then the Lord said: Let us go down. And they went down at the beginning, and they, that is the Gods, organized and formed the heavens and the earth.

And the earth, after it was formed, was empty and desolate, because they had not formed anything but the earth; and darkness reigned upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of the Gods was brooding upon the face of the waters."

27. The earth was physically created in the telestial sphere, in the current position she is now in, no longer next to our celestial home. The earth was without form and void. When the physical land was birthed from the physical water, it was void of rich mineral and soil deposits that were necessary to sustain man.

28. In these days of physical creation of the earth, we created a primeval telestial state of the earth, with abundant plant life and large animals. These covered the earth and ultimately created rich deposits of fertile land and minerals in the surface of the earth. Then we allowed all of these to die off, preparatory to sanctifying the earth, or making its surface a terrestrial environment. This record is recorded in the rocks strata of the earth. We then sanctified the earth for this next creation phase. She would become a terrestrial earth on her surface.

29. At this next time of creation, we brought seeds from resurrected plants, and planted these in our terrestrial earth, which had been prepared. We then brought resurrected animals you are familiar with, who bore terrestrial, immortal offspring to populate the earth. These resurrected animals departed, leaving their offspring.

30. Finally we came and bore Adam and Eve, as our own offspring, as babies, into this paradisiacal state of the earth. These too were immortal, for they could not die in this terrestrial state. Our two children grew to maturity, to a man and a woman.

Prior to this time, and before the sanctification of mother earth to the terrestrial state, Lucifer and his hosts were cast down to this telestial earth from heaven. They were no longer in our presence.

31. However, once Adam and Eve reached their mature status, we gave them their full agency. Satan then came among them, tempting them. When Adam and Eve transgressed our commandment, to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they fell from our presence and became the first flesh on earth, or mortal man. Soon the rest of creation also became mortal, and the earth also fell from its sanctified, terrestrial state, to a state again in the telestial realms. This is the time that the 7,000 years of earths temporal existence began.

32. (See D&C 76:6
Q. What are we to understand by the book which John saw, which was sealed on the back with seven seals?
A. We are to understand that it contains the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence.")

33. The 7,000 years would be divided up into the first 6,000 years, which would remain a telestial environment, and the last 1,000 years where the earth would be renewed to its paradisiacal state, in a terrestrial, mortal state. Before the fall, the earth was in a terrestrial immortal state. Only the fall of man could initiate the mortal state of the earth again. The earth had previously housed mortal life in its primeval state.

34. The sanctified state of the earth would again come, prior to its last millennia. This is when evil would be removed by removing Satan and his hosts, by cleansing the earth of the wicked inhabitants, and of the return of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, again to the earth.

35. This time, however, the sanctified terrestrial state of the earth would conclude with the glorious celestial earth! In this process, the earth would return again to our presence at the center of our galaxy.

36. Thus there are two periods of the telestial earth, and two of the terrestrial periods–there has been one period of the terrestrial earth already, and will be one future final period of the terrestrial earth. Ultimately, the earth will become a celestial earth forever.'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-1-2017, Monday

1. More questions! I'm in prayer this morning, facing north from the golden altar, in front of the temple. My Heavenly Parents are before me.

2. Q– Did thy spirit children go down to the spirit earth to dwell, or did they remain in heaven for their entire premortal experience?
A– None of God's children went to the spirit earth. Once it was created physically, in its primeval state, Lucifer and his hosts were cast into the earth. Adam and Eve were the very first of God's righteous children to dwell on the earth.

3. Q– When the earth was sanctified, and had its first terrestrial state, did the planet remain in its telestial orbit and location in the galaxy, or did it travel to a closer location, to a terrestrial location?
A– The earth stayed in its current location during this relatively short terrestrial and sanctified state.

4. Q– Were Satan and his hosts restricted from coming to earth's surface during the first terrestrial state, until the man and woman had been given the commandment not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
A– Yes. Satan and his band were confined to locations below the earth's surface prior to this time. The surface of the earth was sanctified, where the new plants and animals were growing, and where Adam and Eve were being raised by their Heavenly Parents. Satan was only allowed to interact with Adam and Eve once they were introduced to the Garden of Eden, and given commandments.

5. Q– During the primeval state of the earth, were the plants and large animals brought to the earth from other worlds?
A– Yes. The plants were brought as telestial seeds from resurrected plants in celestial worlds. The telestial animals were offspring from celestial resurrected animals. Once these offspring were able to survive, their resurrected parents were removed. The celestial world, which is populated by resurrected plants, animals and peoples, is the only place where these inhabitants are able to have progeny. This capability does not exist in the eternal terrestrial or telestial worlds. Many of these plants and animals were only on the earth during this primeval period, with the mission to create and prepare the world for the future habitation of man.

6. Q– Shall I share any of this information that I have received, since my last post, with the mortal angels?
A– Yes, share it all. You will also be told when to share it, but get it prepared now on your website.

7. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for the abundance of knowledge and new information I have so feely been shown recently! I will therefore start to type all of this up to get ready for my next post. . .

Life is good. I like having some 'white space' in my life. I don't like to be too busy. I so enjoy connecting to my Heavenly Parents at least twice a day, and throughout the day. I feel happy in my life.

8. Later, at evening personal prayer, near the circling waters. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came, and I thanked them for all of the bounteous information they had given me. I then asked this question:

9. Q– When the earth starts its trek back to the center of the galaxy, taking 1,000 years or so, will the sun and solar system also go with the earth?
A– Yes, these will go with the earth to the edge of the celestial ring or sphere. At this point, the earth will be propelled from the solar system, towards the celestial center of the galaxy. This will be when the earth dies and is resurrected a celestial orb, to be next to the presence of God. The solar system will then return to its former location, about 2/3 of the way from the center to the edge of the galaxy. It will be prepared to receive the next earth during the next eternity. The earth upon which you dwell was brought here and then physically created in the telestial sphere. This same position of the earth in this solar system, has been used numerous times before, and will be used also in the future, each for a new eternity. There will be a newly formed earth to replace the current earth in the solar system that you are in.

10. Q– Were all the holy angels involved in the telestial and terrestrial creation of the physical earth?
A– Yes. They were also involved in many phases of the spirit creation of the earth and of all its contents.

11. Q– I read today how astronomers recently discovered millions of stars clustered around the center of the Milky Way. Are these each a celestialized earth for a given eternity? Are there more celestial worlds next to the center than these?
A– Yes, there are millions of celestial earths around our celestial home now, each one are home abodes for those of each eternity that our Heavenly Parents have had, each with their own children. Other celestial worlds and spirit creations are also around the center, or Kolob.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-2-2017, Tuesday evening.

1. In my prayer tonight, at the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area, I was praying, with both of my Heavenly Parents before me. I confirmed all that I have received as accurate, since Saturday night, 4-29-2017, when I learned how the Gods came to be.

I asked if there was anything else I needed to receive tonight in my prayer. Heavenly Mother wanted me to write as she directed my words. She wanted to explain to me I think, more about the creation process.

2. From Heavenly Mother:

'Raphael, the creation of a living entity from an elemental intelligence and matter, both of which are unorganized in the immensity of space, is one of the primary abilities of the Gods. The process was discovered by our first Godly parents, and this same process continues with us, their posterity of the Gods.

3. This process entails God approaching an unorganized intelligence, and receiving from this intelligence, permission to create or organize it with matter, into a living entity. These intelligences already know of the grandeur of God, and all sustain us in all of our actions. We act as Gods in unity, according to law and order.

4. Almost always, these intelligences accept our offer to organize them into a class of existing living organisms. For you, Raphael, we approached you when you were just an unorganized intelligence. You accepted our offer for us to create you into one of our beloved children, as a spirit child of God. We told you that we would add celestial matter, to your elemental intelligence, and give birth to your infant spirit. You expressed deep gratitude for this opportunity to become like God.

5. I conceived of your Heavenly Father, and your intelligence was implanted by the Father into my womb. There your intelligence grew, just like the fertilized seed that grows into a human fetus in mortality. In your case, the seed was really your intelligence, which was of finite size and structure. This intelligence was only accessible to us, since we are God.

6. The celestial matter that was added to your intelligence in my womb, came from my resurrected body. You are truly from my body, and part of me! As more matter was added, you developed into a male spirit embryo, much like the process that happens on earth when a woman is pregnant.

7. When ready, I gave birth to you in the exact manner that my daughters give birth in their physical mortal state on earth. You came forth as a new infant spirit baby. I nursed you, in the same way as mothers do on earth.

8. You grew up in our nursery area in our holy temple, under the care of your Father and I. You were our fourth child in this current eternity. Your birth was planned, as the fourth male child, destined to be our third archangel, as you proved yourself to be obedient to our teachings.

When you were in the nursery, you grew into manhood. We taught you your first lessons as a beloved spirit son. You responded so well to our teachings, and we were very pleased with your progress.

9. When you reached your full spirit size and stature, you were gradually introduced to our celestial world. This was a marvelous experience for you.

It was thus for each of our spirit sons and daughters, born of me, in the premortal celestial realms. We loved each one of our children, and favor those who hearken to our teachings.

10. For those elemental intelligences that were chosen by us to become animals and plants, a similar process took place. We approached each one, or as a group of intelligences, and received permission to organize them into a class of living spirit entities. Resurrected animals or plants were given the intelligence, and procreated these into the likeness of themselves. For plants, these were seeds, and for animals, these were live offspring, eggs, or other procreative ways that we have devised that are repeated on earth. These intelligences also had added celestial matter in creating a spirit animal or plant, from their resurrected parent. These then grew as our spirit creations in our premortal celestial world.

11. A similar process occurs for the earths and other planets we create. All of our creations are first created in the spirit, before being created physically. It is an amazing process, all possible because we are God with this creative ability and keys.'

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-3-2017, Wednesday morning.

1. This morning I awoke and prayed at the circling waters area again. I had a hard time sleeping last night–I was so impressed with what my Heavenly Mother had shared with me about my intelligence and how I was born in the spirit from her body!

2. When I started my prayer, I perceived that I was sitting on the bench, with Heavenly Mother on my right and Heavenly Father on my left. We had been talking all night long I thought! I then asked if there was something else I should know in my conscious mind. Heavenly Father spoke to me, and now I will try to write what he said, repeated in my own words:

'Raphael, I want to share with you how your core intelligence integrates into your spirit, and makes decisions that affect your life.

3. When you grew up, and matured as a spirit son of your Heavenly Mother and me, your elemental intelligence was able to grow and flourish in its new form and spirit state. It was still the entity inside you that made decisions and had choice. We designed your spirit to have thought which was primarily centered in your mind, in your head area. We also created emotion, which was primarily in your heart and gut areas. These were all controlled by your native intelligence which grew into these areas, and became who your are.

4. We also chose your intelligence before we organized you into spirit form, because we could tell you were among the great and noble unorganized intelligences. By our experience and Godly foresight, we knew what your future would be, even before you were born in the spirit. However, we have established a system of testing for all of our spirit children, and later physical children on earth, to ensure that they will be obedient to our laws and us. You have been very obedient, and we trust you in all that we share and give to you now.

5. When one of our spirit children is ready to come to earth, they are innocent and clean before us. This is brought about through the obedience of our child, and the atonement of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They are ready for the next phase of testing, to see if they will do all we ask of them.

6. In this new probationary state, we commune with them primarily in their mind and heart again. These areas remain the center of their actions and choices in their new life. This testing is more diverse, mapped for each child based on what we desire to specifically test. All seems very unfair to our child often, because justice is delayed until the end of the mortal experience. For those who past their 2nd estate, glory is added upon their heads forever. Valuable experience is gained which could only be received in such a testing program.

7. All through the 1st and 2nd estates of man, their core intelligence makes choices, which affect their final destiny. For those whose reward is to partake of eternal life in the celestial world, they become Gods like us. They pass through the Church of the Firstborn and receive final ordinances, preparing them for returning again into our presence. We then teach them all they need to know to begin the life as we live. They are taught and learn the keys of creation. All things are theirs. They are exalted man and woman, sealed together for eternity, to create their own eternal family, and create all things for their growth and progression.

8. Your Heavenly Mother and I are so happy in this life we have chosen! We desire that each of our beloved children partake of the deep satisfaction and joys we experience. They only can attain this, as they choose our ways, and show by their obedience their willingness, to accept and follow us and our plan of happiness.'

9. Later, during my evening prayer. I located myself on the road going north from the temple to Lake Beautiful. I was a little ways north of the fountain of living waters, looking back at the temple and the fountain. I asked this question:

10. Q– When this current eternity is completed, will this area, and all of this celestial kingdom, be emptied, ready for the next eternity?
A– Yes! The entire wilderness area, including the temple, the gardens, God's Loving Healing Center, the tree of life, Lake Beautiful–all of it will become the new abode for the next set of spirit children who will be the direct descendants of Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father. Those children of the current eternity will have gone to their eternal place of glory, or to a kingdom of no glory. Those who are celestial, and ordained to be Gods themselves, will abide on the celestial earth, that will be next to Kolob, the governing star of the galaxy. As they outgrow the earth, they will move on to ultimately form their own galaxy, with their own celestial worlds.

11. Q– In each eternity, will the celestial world of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother be eventurally completely filled, with their own spirit children again?
A– Yes. It is all reserved for their use during their 1st estate of man. The temple you are seeing is the one central home of your Heavenly Parents in this wonderful world. They use it for each of their eternities.

12. Q– Is there much variation between the eternities of our Heavenly Parents?
A– No, they are pretty close to the same, except for different children, and different structures of the lands on the earth, different cultures, etc. The key ingredients and processes are all the same. To Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, it is very rewarding and so fulfilling! To the new batch of spirit children, it is all new of course, for they have never experienced life and living before.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-4-2017, Thursday.

1. This morning I awoke before the others, and prayed in our front room. I went to the north shore of Lake Beautiful, facing south. I prayed with uplifted hands, and both of my Heavenly Parents came. They smiled at me, and were so warm and loving! I had more questions (of course), which they seemed eager to answer:

2. Q– When each new eternity begins, is the celestial world void of remnants of the previous eternity that occupied this glorious celestial world?
A– Yes. From Heavenly Mother:

'The temple library will have all of its books and materials transferred to the library of the earth where our celestial children live. The homes and buildings are vacated in heaven (on our celestial orb), and left without any sign of the previous inhabitants. The New Jerusalem on your earth will be the center of all things as they relate to your original home in the celestial world. You will also be free to visit us, your Heavenly Parents in our own celestial world, as you have always done. As a God, you are free to visit any habitation of the Gods on any galaxy, for we are one family of the Gods, and you are related to them too. You may go to the original creation and commune with our original parents. Each celestial temple is different in each world, with the added touches and design of each God. All of the Gods live extremely happy and full lives, and are all engaged in the same activity with their children. Typically, when our children first become Gods themselves, they spend most of their time on their own earth until they have their own family, which outgrows their own chosen lands on the celestial earth. Then they create their own celestial orb and world to where their first eternity children are moved. Lands and worlds keep expanding, until they have a large galaxy as our own.'

3. Q– Do all the animals and plants also go with the eternity on the earth in which they lived?
A– From Heavenly Father:

'Many of the plants stay behind in our celestial world, but all of the animals have offspring that populate our world, and then they too depart. These also have part in the 1st and 2nd estates, as they have had on your earth. Those who become celestial animals, dwell also on the earth in eternity, and are used for the purposes of the Gods who dwell on the celestial earth. The Gods freely share their creations with each other, in furthering the great work we are all involved in. There are still many new plant and animal creations being designed and perfected on many worlds, inhabited by the Gods.'

4. Q– Is there a general location in the universe, where all of the spirit children who have fully rejected their God, and who are banished to a kingdom of no glory?
A– Yes. It is apart from all of the creations of the Gods, outside of the cosmos, which houses the unorganized intelligences and unorganized matter. Their destiny is in a location isolated and apart, never to be part again of the lovely creations or experiences of the Gods. This is in reality what these who receive this in eternity all chose. This is explained in D&C 76:44-48:

5. "Wherefore, he saves all except them—they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment—

And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;

Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;

Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation."

6. Q– Do any of the Gods live in polygamist relationships?
A– No, for that is forbidden that a man should have more than one wife in eternity.

When I concluded my conscious prayer, my Heavenly Parents had me stand and walk with them on Lake Beautiful! We strolled directly south, on the surface of the lake. Heavenly Father was on my right and Heavenly Mother on my left. We seemed to walk into a mist of fog that had appeared. Soon, as I was watching, I saw these three depart from my view. I was then immediately back in my front room kneeling.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 5-5-2017, Friday

1. I completed my post on 'From Eternity to Eternity'! Now that I have written it, I feel that the information I so quickly have received is somewhat overwhelming! I wonder 'why has this all been revealed to me?', and 'am I sure that it is all 100% true?', and 'am I sure that I am supposed to share all of this with others?'

2. While praying near the stone building, outside of God's Loving Healing Center, I had the impression that my Heavenly Mother wanted to have me write in my journal while she speaks to my mind and my heart:

3. 'Raphael, what you have written on your website post this time has been very difficult for you to fully comprehend. These are the deep mysteries of God, which we have freely shared with you. They are true, and we will confirm to each of our children who approach us in the sincerity and humility of their heart, that they are true, and that we have revealed them to you.

4. You have received so much and so fast, that when you go over what you have written, we will confirm again to you, the truths of each subject. You are free to adjust the words as we inspire you, to make them more clear to those who will read them.

5. You have already noticed the perspective change this has created in you–now that you know the grandeur of God, and where you and our holy angels fit into the larger scheme of our work. You may feel, as Moses felt, the nothingness of man (see Moses 1:10). However, our children mean everything to us! We are fully intent on saving the elect of God, and are doing all in our power to orchestrate their salvation and preservation. We so very much love each of you!

Read through your post again, and then share it with our holy mortal angels. We love you all, our holy angels, and will be with you continually!' "