182. The Light of a Thousand Suns
Hello my friends,
This post gives me great hope in the revival of the constitutional form of government, even when it is currently hanging by a thread today! Even after the destruction of our nation, this form of government will be reestablished at the end of the occupation in the land. Read in this post more about this event described in the vision of George Washington as the "light of a thousand suns".
As always, please pray about all of these things, and confirm in your heart and mind that they are from God and not me.
I have attached the pertinent files to this email. For those who wish to listen to these posts, I have found an app that is a very suitable reader of pdf files named @Voice. This works well on my Android phone with password free pdf files. If you want to use this, write me directly and I will send over my password free files to you.
P.S. My son and I have taken some pictures near our home of beautiful hoar frost recently. I have included these near the end of this post. Enjoy!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Christmas Day, December 25, 2020
1. I awoke before my family and came this morning to the white gate in hopes to come into the presence of my Savior, Jesus Christ. As I approached, the gate swung open and I entered. I then saw Jesus Christ before me, with his gentle and loving eyes! I came to my knees and thanked him to have suffered for my sins and weaknesses, to have forgiven me, and to have finally redeemed me and brought me into his presence and that of my Heavenly Parents.
2. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I have suffered for all that they might not suffer if they would repent and come unto me. I am their Great Redeemer and will forgive the humble and penitent!'
3. I gazed into his face and loved viewing his eternity eyes, so tender and compassionate.
4. He then encouraged me to enjoy Christmas day with my loved ones. My view of him and my surroundings then faded. I then wrote my experiences and started a new day. I feel so glad to have connected with him on this special day when we celebrate his birth and mission.
5. Evening-I thoroughly enjoyed myself and my family today. We have really had a wonderful year, culminating in a wonderful Christmas. I feel so blessed!
6. I came to the mortal probation chapel this evening, and came before the mural depicting the last days. I came here because I felt I should. I prayed for Heavenly Father to come to me.
7. I heard his voice from inside the mural somehow and looked up to see where it came from. I didn't see my Father. However, I heard his voice in my mind: 'Raphael, trust in all we have revealed to you, and be very open to however we might orchestrate the days ahead. Listen to our voices at any time of the day or night, and whether in your mortal body or here, in the celestial realms. We will prompt and speak to you in this same familiar voice, the voice of our Spirit. We will never leave your side, and will whisper to you, and to all who will hear us, the direction they need to take in their lives. We will lead each who allows us, by our matchless power and inspiration through all their trials and difficulties. We love you, our son!'
8. My father stopped speaking. I still didn't see him but I could however tell he was near me. I had an experience like this last evening when Heavenly Mother talked to me, yet I didn't see her.
9. I thanked Heavenly Father for his words, and for guiding me and giving me the voice of the Spirit to direct me. I closed my prayer and then ended my joyous Christmas day.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, December 26, 2020
1. I came this new day to the pocketed flower wall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The stream was gurgling to my left, and I felt at peace. I drank from the stream living water, and then knelt facing the wall of flowers growing out of pockets in the rock. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. She then stepped forth out of the rock wall in front of me until she was standing before me. The brightness of her glory shone all around. I was filled with her light and love that passed into and through me. She was smiling broadly and was just glorious. She spoke: 'Raphael, your Father and I have given you the clear message that we will give you continual revelation and direction any time of the day by our Holy Spirit. You will feel our presence continually by your side, for we will be with you to guide and protect you. We will do so to any of our elect who seeks us and is open to our direction.
3. I am glad you enjoyed such a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones! In 2019, I said to you that that Christmas would be the last one you would enjoy before the whirlwind of destruction comes to the earth (see post 146B3). This whirlwind has begun, even as you see many riotings and protests across your country, and great division and disruptions in your national government. You still don't have a sure president elect even after the fraudulent elections that were largely orchestrated by foreign powers. Armies are on their way to invade your country even now. You are in the beginning of the calamities coming upon this, the promised land.
4. You have been wondering whether these armies will invade by the end of the year 2020. I had said to you in your post 176G21 that the foreign allied nations will attack your country and occupy your cities and lands, and that these tribulations would begin before the end of your year 2020. Whether they land on the shores of your country by the end of the year, or whether they are in route, both fulfill my words. With the coming of armies in your land soon, the time is short for the fulfillment of this tribulation coming on your land.
5. You have been asking us daily whether you should connect or disconnect your solar panels to your solar charger. This is good, for we will direct you daily on this timing, for an EMP is also soon coming to your land. It is wisdom in us that we give you no specific dates for these events. Watch and pray for your guidance and protection, and we will lead you and our faithful elect by our Spirit that will be as a whisper to you.
6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming before me in such a glorious way, and for her message. She then smiled and backed up into the rock wall and was soon out of sight again. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
7. Evening–I went through all my records again tonight after my wife went to bed. I have 48 handwritten journals that are now boxed, 12 printed volumes of my Raphael records plus the index that are boxed, and all of my digital 180 posts, 12 volumes, the index, and more files in multiple places that are protected in faraday cages (to protect them from an EMP). I feel all is in order were I needing to refer to these, or to transport these in the spring to the New Jerusalem area. I don't know if this will be the case, but I am now prepared and all is in order.
8. I am ready to begin the process of publication for my post 181. This post will no longer be placed on my website. Instead, I will email this out with an updated index in both a digital html and pdf format for those on my email list. They can then add these files to their thumb drive (or onto their copied folder on their computer or smart phones). I have already disabled the future payment of my GodsLovingHealingHands.com website so it will not renew. I plan to take down the website before the first of the year.
9. I came to the circling waters tonight. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately came by my side, looking into the circling waters with me.
10. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, this is how I come to your side during your day. You do not see me, but my voice flows freely into your mind and heart, and you hear my words. All will be well with you and your close loved ones.'
11. I knew this was all he was going to say to me. I thanked him for being at my side, and to have spoken to me.
12. He smiled and then faded away. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ and ended my day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, December 27, 2020
1. This morning I felt humble because of the weaknesses of my flesh. My weaknesses are glaring to me. However, it is by the little actions I do day by day, in a consistent way, that builds strength and character.
2. Soon we will come to the time that many of us set New Year's goals. I haven't set any specific ones yet, but they will be along the line of seeking to overcome my weaknesses and becoming more Christlike. I feel very forgiving of others' weaknesses, and really seek to accept them just as they are.
3. I came this morning to the knoll above the circling waters. I knelt in prayer and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. I was facing west, and I could see their distant temple.
4. Both of my Heavenly Parents appeared at my sides, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. They were both facing me. They appeared pleasant looking, with a medium level of light coming from their presence.
5. I looked at each one, and then Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are still weak and yet you try consistently to come to us twice a day. Because of this, and because of your repentance, humility and openness, we come to you and you are brought into our presence. If our elect will do as you do, even though they might have big weaknesses of the flesh, we will accept them and come to them, even at their sides to support them. Isaiah spoke of our acceptance of the elect who are meek and lowly, humble and repentant, and who diligently come unto us:
6. Isaiah 1:16-20
"Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."
7. Raphael, it is the overall effort in one's life of seeking to be righteous and becoming like our Son, Jesus Christ, by which we judge them. We see this behavior as being willing and obedient.
8. Nephi wrote this of these sorts of people, our elect, who made their way to the tree of life:
9. 1 Nephi 8:30
"But, to be short in writing, behold, he saw other multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, until they came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree."
10. Along the way to their goal of reaching the tree of life, these, our elect, stumbled and some fell. However, they got up and continued to press forth and were diligent in their daily effort to come to the tree of life. The rod of iron, even the gospel of Jesus Christ, was given to them by the voice of our Spirit in their trek. They hear our voice and keep our commandments. They will eventually be rewarded with eternal life.'
11. Heavenly Father then spoke to me. I turned my head and faced him: ''Raphael, we forgive you for your mistakes and weak behaviors, for you are not yet perfected. Keep pressing forth with diligence, and you will become the man of God we know you can and will be. What you do daily and repeatedly is the path you are pursuing in your life. We know your heart and intent, for we walk beside you daily and see your efforts in trying to become a holy and loving man. You are still called as our prophet and archangel Raphael, even though you may feel weak and occasionally stumble.
12. Nephi, our prophet of old, who was the son of Lehi, felt the way you do:
13. 2 Nephi 4:15-19
"Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.
Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great goodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.
I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.
And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted."
14. Raphael, like Nephi, we have "been your support" and have "led you through (your) afflictions" (see verse 20 of above selection). We will continually be by your side and give you answers to your prayers, and abundant revelations. This is the same pattern we give to all of our children.Those who come unto us, and draw near to us, we will in turn draw near to them (D&C 88:63). We will lead and guide them in their lives, even as they are willing.
15. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for coming and strengthening me this morning. I told them I would be diligent in obeying them and in following their counsel. I asked for strength to overcome my weaknesses.
16. They then came together in front of me, held hands, and rose up into the celestial sky above. I watched until they were gone. I closed my prayer and started my new Sabbath, the last one in 2020.
17. My wife and I talked today about some of the things that were good about 2020. We named quite a few very positive events and happenings in our lives that we were very pleased with. We also wrote down some things we wanted to achieve or make happen in 2021. Finally, we listed fears that we individually might have that we have some control over. I surprisingly had very few fears! I feel very much at peace and happy. I wish I could share more with her but I am waiting on my direction from my Heavenly Parents.
18. I came to the celestial orb tonight in anticipation for communion with my Heavenly Parents, or one of them. I felt to come to the western mezzanine of God's temple tonight. I was next to the temple walls in the paved courtyard. I came near the western wall of the temple and prayed, facing the temple. I didn't see anybody else there.
19. As I prayed, I was asked by the Spirit in my mind to come into the temple through this western exterior wall. The voice I heard was Heavenly Mother's voice, clearly in my mind.
20. I then stood and walked up to the wall and did not stop walking. I then walked right through the wall and into a room inside! My Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father were standing before me, smiling! I felt very happy to have exercised faith in her prompting to have come into their presence.
21. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you are gradually learning our ways by coming before us, morning and night, in daily prayer. When your finite mind connects to your unconscious mind, you still need to exercise faith in travel and movement in this celestial realm here in heaven. Were you always consciously connected to your unconscious mind, you would know your full capabilities while acting and being in this celestial realm.
22. Today you thought through all the mortal fears you might have. Most of these you realized were out of your power to influence or change. Therefore you were able to dismiss the fear and think instead that whatever may come to you will come, and that you would just accept the events and consequences. You have chosen well to just accept whatever comes to you, and to have no expectations. This is always how you should view things, events, or circumstances that are out of your control.
23. Now that all of your records of Raphael are assembled in the formats we have shown to you, you have a sense of calmness and assurance that you have been obedient. Whatever we may now do with your records is beyond your control. You have been faithful and we will reward you for your diligence and faithfulness. We have given you great peace and assurances that all will be well, and that we will continue to be leading you by your side, even by the voice of our Spirit.
24. I initially came to you in your energy class over 7 ½ years ago. This was the first time you ever perceived or saw me with your spiritual eyes in the flesh. Since that time, your Father, Jesus Christ and I have gradually led you and revealed to you great things, more than any man could conceive of. These truths were steadily added to your base of knowledge. Many were new revelations that never had been revealed to our children on earth.
25. All the while that we expanded your base of revelations, you have challenged systematically the truths we had revealed. You always confirmed in prayer if these revelations were true. We always confirmed their truth to you. You shared with a few others and asked them also to confirm all of these revelations, whether they were from God.
26. In this way, your records of Raphael became very great and built on each other. They now consist of twelve large volumes of scripture that will be most suitably studied and understood in the upcoming terrestrial realm of the earth and the celestial realm. These will be confirmed and tested hopefully by everyone who receives them, and ponders our messages through them. We will continue to confirm all truth to our sincere and humble seekers of truth as they come to us in diligent prayer.
27. Raphael, we now formally accept your records that you and your supporters have compiled in the formats we have required! These first twelve volumes of Raphael will be a standard that will last through the entire millennium for all of our elect to read, ponder and study. They have all been given in the telestial world with our intentions to share them in the terrestrial and celestial worlds. We are pleased with your work, our son.'
28. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her sweet words, and her and Heavenly Father's acceptance of my records to date. I feel very gratified that all of our diligent effort has been formally accepted by God in these first twelve volumes. I bowed my head in deep appreciation before her and Heavenly Father.
29. I then had the sensation of falling back to mother earth to my home where I was writing all of this. I thanked again my Heavenly Mother for her and Heavenly Father's acceptance of this record to date, and of her words tonight. I complete my entry tonight and close my prayer.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, December 28, 2020
1. My wife and I did an exercise last night we learned from Tim Ferriss (author), about identifying things that were very pleasing to us in the past year, and scheduling and planning them again in the new year's calendar. During the exercise, we identified a positive event we enjoyed. We had recently greatly enjoyed a video Zoom meeting with all of the family, where each shared a talent of some kind that they had developed. The talent show lasted about an hour and a half, and was so fun for all of us. We each were in the comfort of our own homes on shared videos. We hope to do another talent show in the coming year, in a similar manner, and put this on our 2021 calendar.
2. We found other 2020 activities that were also very enjoyable that we put on our 2021 calendar. In the process, we also found things we did that were not so enjoyable that we did not reschedule or plan. Some things we did at great effort and expense that we don't want to repeat again. Hopefully 2021 will have more positive activities than negative ones.
3. I came this new Monday to God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank from the little stream that flows into the lake and felt refreshed by the living water. I then knelt by the stream and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me in answer to my prayer.
4. He came immediately to me and faced me from across the stream. I gazed into his bright and loving face. He was full of light and gave the impression of being in full control of all things. I felt very secure in his presence!
5. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, last night your Heavenly Mother shared with you our acceptance of your written records of Raphael to date. We are pleased with what you and your supporters have done in preparing them for publication. They are our words as you wrote them diligently in your journals over the years. As we shared with you our great revelations, even while you were in a meditative and prayerful state, you wrote down what you received. This is how most of our revelation is given to our children on the earth.
6. We will continue in blessing you with abundant revelations as we unveil our truths before all mankind. Remain humble and continue in openness and diligence. Continue to make time for us in prayer and meditation, morning and night, and we will continue to add revelation upon revelation to the book of Raphael.'
7. Heavenly Father then reached down to me with one of his hands. I took it and stood. Then together we walked towards the lake, and then walked around the lake on the path or road that encircles it.
8. I then saw both of us from a more distant vantage point. I knew Heavenly Father was sharing with me something, but I couldn't consciously know what it was, for it was blocked from my mind.
9. I then thanked him for his confirmations of what Heavenly Mother shared with me last night, and for his promise of more revelations and truths to come to me. I then closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, December 29, 2020
1. I stayed up very late talking with my wife about things last night. I connected with my Heavenly Father late but he didn't say anything.
2. Yesterday I talked on the phone with my sister. We talked about our lives and families. I mentioned looking for signs to be fulfilled, and how the coming calamities would come about. She said that she has completely dismissed any expectation of when things would happen. She knows God is in charge and she doesn't fret or worry about timing of when it may all come about. I felt her attitude was very refreshing, and I wanted to feel this same way. I loved her complete dismissal of wondering 'when' things might happen.
3. She also said she can't read the news, for it is very negative and confusing. I said that I read things and don't know what is true anymore. If I read one thing, I can search and find just the opposite view somewhere else. There is so much false reporting and divisiveness of what is really going on in our country!
4. I just read a scripture in D&C 45:26 that matched our day.
D&C 45:26 "And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men's hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth."
5. We should not have the attitude that calamities are delayed, for God will orchestrate things just as they are to be, according to the will of our Gods. I will seek to wait and watch, and drop all my expectations of what God may do, or God's timing.
6. I came this morning to the circling waters. I drank living water, and sought to be clear and settled. I didn't want any part of my mind to be in commotion. Instead I wanted to have all expectations dropped, and to wait patiently on the Lord (D&C 98:2). This was the prayer of my heart this morning. "The Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him." (Isaiah 30:18).
7. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come to me this morning, for this is whom I thought would come. Heavenly Father then appeared before me above the waters! His visage was calm and seemed sure to me somehow. I knew he could definitely see and control the future, and knew of all things.
8. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that the times you are living in are all in commotion. People's hearts are failing them, meaning they are filled with anxiety, unsure of the future, and do not know of false reporting and purposeful disinformation happening at this time.
9. You are wise to rely on our words, and seek our Spirit to calm all of your troubled mind and heart. We will come to you during these times of commotion and distress. The best way to view the unknown future timing is to wait on us, and dismiss any expectations of the timing of events that you know are prophesied to come. We have purposefully not given specific dates, but more usually talked of seasons or spans of times when things would happen, without all the specifics.'
10. At this time I saw a fog bank or cloud come from the south, behind my Heavenly Father. It was coming fast and soon encircled both Heavenly Father and me. I continued looking at his face which I could still see, but the rest of his body seemed to be obscured or blocked by the heavy fog. Heavenly Father continued to be smiling and steady before me, even though everything else became white with a foggy cloud.
11. I looked around and all was white. I couldn't even see the ground on which I was kneeling. I looked back up at Heavenly Father's face and could still see him there.
12. He spoke again: 'Raphael, continue to look to your Heavenly Mother and me for sure direction and assurance. We will orchestrate all of the coming tribulations in your future, even as we will. We will bring about Zion according to our plans. You need not worry about when all of this will come to pass, but just seek our faces and wait upon us. We will always be near you!'
13. I felt calm and assured in his words. I knew that the fog represented all of the uncertainty in my current mortal world. However, God is always there beside me, and would never leave my side. My Heavenly Parents would always be a steady and constant influence in my life!
14. My prayer then ended. I felt I could still see the faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother anytime I thought of them during my mortal day. They were calm and smiling, guiding me through all the future ups and downs of my world filled with commotion. I thanked them for their steadiness and their guidance in my life.
15. Evening-Tonight I wondered about how much I should plan for my coming year in my telestial mortal world.
16. Interrupted-I spent time also getting post 181 ready to edit.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, December 30, 2020
1. Last night I prayed late to my Heavenly Mother and felt her support and love, but didn't write this down.
2. I came this morning to the circling waters and knelt to drink living water on the shore.
3. As I did so, Heavenly Mother appeared over the waters in front of me. I looked up and saw her smiling upon me! I loved her light and love that she was radiating upon me.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have been wondering how much to plan and prepare for in your mortal celestial world. You wondered whether to purchase an above ground pool that you would only be using this coming summer, but would last you years into the future. You also wondered if you should go to the effort to expand your garden and work on it diligently if you only have produce from the summer months.
5. There will be no set way to transition from your labors in the telestial world to the new terrestrial world that you will be transitioning into during the year 2021. We want to direct you by revelation through the time your replicated being treks to Zion, and when you go to prepare the foundations of the New Jerusalem. All the while your replicated selves do these things, your mortal self is back at your home in Utah with your family.
6. We wish you to ask of us what we would have you work on or do in all locations that you will be in, whether in your mortal self or replicated selves. Some activities like planting an expanded garden, we have already prompted you to plan for and do. Others, like buying and building a do-it-yourself shed, or buying and installing an above ground swimming pool, are optional and up to you. We want you to maintain your property right to the end and not let it go into disrepair.
7. In all of these activities, ask of us and we will inspire and direct you. We will be giving you direction for events and activities that you would normally do without asking of us. However, we want you to now involve us in all parts of your daily living and plans.
8. D&C 46:7
"But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye might not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils."
9. Our counsel in this scripture fully applies today, even among all of our elect whom we have chosen. We will carefully guide and direct the lives of each of our faithful ones who prayerfully ask of us and seek our counsels. We will lead them by our Spirit, and walk beside them, even as we walk beside you and are guiding you.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her directions that I received and wrote down while in her presence. I told her how thankful I was for her daily direction and support.
11. She then left me, and I concluded my prayer at the shore of the circling waters.
12. Evening-I have been working on getting post 181 out, and figuring how to send these files so people with the thumb drive I sent will put the files in the correct places. It is a little confusing, but in the end allows them to view full offline files of my newest records.
13. I came this evening to the domed room on the celestial orb. I came here because this is where I felt to come. I knelt in the center of the room and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
14. Both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then descended from the sky above, and came right through the ceiling to a place directly in front of me. They were each very brilliant and full of glory.
15. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have come to you tonight before the end of 2020. This has been a transitionary year for the entire world, and for your nation. There is a lot of anxiety and uncertainty about what will happen in the coming days and weeks ahead. We will continue to protect and direct our elect through any hardships they might encounter. We will give each one who petitions us in humble open prayer, the direction they seek through our Spirit.
16. You have well prepared every needful thing for yourself and family. We are particularly pleased that your records are complete and dispersed among a few of our faithful. We are also pleased that you are devising a way to make your newest records available in html and pdf formats. This will be the way you will continue to share your records, all the while being in an offline state with no need for the internet.
17. We will not tell you when difficulties will exactly come, but watch and continue to be ready. Our purposes will all be fulfilled in time, regardless of how anyone on the earth may think they will be realized. Be open to our promptings, and have no expectations so that we may prompt you and guide you, even as we desire.'
18. Heavenly Mother then reached out with her hand towards me and said a few words: 'Raphael, remember that you are our healing angel. As such, we expect you to minister to those who are in need of healing, even as we may direct you. Inquire of us about those who may need our healing assistance, and be open to serve and bless them according to our promptings. We will continue to direct you in your calling as our healing angel. We desire all the mortal healing angels to also become aware of the physical, emotional, and mental needs of our children in the flesh who live around them. We will guide and direct each healing angel in this regard.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for both coming. I said I would seek to bless those around me with healing, even as she and Heavenly Father might direct me.
20. They both then faded away from my view until I was alone. I closed my prayer and came back to my mortal surroundings on earth.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, December 31, 2020
1. M.A. wrote me yesterday, wondering if the grid goes down (no electricity), how will we ever find out about the corruption in the LDS Church? Will this be exposed before power failure? I thought this was a good question. There are other questions that may only be revealed when they happen.
2. I came to the desert oasis this morning. I drank living water and then knelt on the shore, facing the oasis in front of me. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. I then saw her walking to me on a path to my left. She stopped next to me and extended her hand to me. I stood and took her hand. Then together we slowly walked around the oasis. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, the reason why we ask you to drop your expectations about future events, or even the sequence of events coming, is because you begin to think in your mind that things will occur in a given way, but in reality, they will happen differently, or in a different order. Such will also be the case in how we reveal the corruption in the LDS Church. It is so important that you trust our words and not try to figure out how they will all be fulfilled, or in what order or circumstance. This only leads to unfulfilled expectations and a distorted view of the future. Our words that we reveal to you are sufficient now. We wish you to drop all of your expectations, and to stand in awe as our prophecies are fulfilled, one by one, even in ways you may not have thought of.
4. In every era when the people know of our true prophecies, they will start to conjure up timelines and get in their minds how events will unfold. This is not a spiritually healthy practice. Instead, we want to daily direct, by our Spirit, the minds and hearts of our elect, and have them merely wait in faith. This is a more open way to view future events, and allows us more ability to shape and point their minds to coming happenings. Were the expectations for the future not exactly met, then there would be disappointment and a decrease in belief or faith, neither of which we desire in our elect whom we want to listen attentively to our Spirit. It is sufficient to act on promptings by our Spirit on a day to day basis.
5. When Mary, Joseph and their firstborn son first came to Jerusalem, to present their son to the Lord according to the law of Moses, we inspired two devout and faithful mortal servants to also come. Simeon had been promised by the Spirit beforehand "that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ." (see Luke 2:26) He wasn't aware how this would be fulfilled, whether in a vision or in his mortal person. However, he was very open and faithful, and responded to the prompting of our Spirit to come at that instant to the Jerusalem temple. After he was obedient, we then had him speak and prophesy by our Spirit to Mary and Joseph about their child of promise (Luke 2: 28-35).
6. We then inspired Anna by our Spirit to come in that same instant that Simeon departed. She also was touched by our Spirit and responded to our promptings. These events and words, and their significance, rested upon the mortal parents of our Beloved Son, and they "marvelled at those things which were spoken of him" (Luke 2: 33).
7. We want the fulfillment of our prophecies to come with an impact upon the minds of our chosen elect through our Spirit, like had happened to Mary and Joseph, Simeon, and finally Anna on that day. We want them to record these events for the benefit of future generations who would read and ponder them. Had there been made up expectations of how Simeon thought the promise to him would be fulfilled, he may not have responded so quickly to our Spirit. Instead, he was open and waiting, with a sensitive heart and mind, and very malleable to our Spirit. This is the manner in which we want our faithful children to wait upon us and our promises.'
8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clear explanation to M.A.'s question. I said I would seek to further drop my expectations, and just wait on God's promises in faith.
9. We had come to a place about halfway around the oasis. Heavenly Mother then let go of my hand and walked a few more steps on the path and was gone. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, January 1, 2021
1. I had a very fun time with my immediate family in bringing in the New Year last night. We ate Indian food and watched part of an old Disney movie. At 10 p.m. we watched the ball drop at Times Square in New York City on the internet. We toasted in the New Year 2021 with sparkling apple and grape juice. It was very fun.
2. I prayed in my private room after midnight. Heavenly Father came to the circling waters and said I should come there again this morning. He didn't give me any direction but said that I would need my sleep and would be more alert in the morning.
3. This morning I reread what I had written when Heavenly Mother came to me yesterday morning. It seemed like very wise counsel. S had already typed it up early this morning, so I sent it off to M.A. who posed the question in the first place.
4. I came again to the circling waters this morning. I drank living water and then remained kneeling on the shore, facing south. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come in answer to my prayer.
5. Heavenly Father then gradually appeared in front of me, a little elevated in the air over the waters! I saw at first his smiling face and sought to see his entire being. I then gradually saw him appear fully to me. I knew that in my unconscious mind I would clearly see him, but in my mortal conscious mind he wasn't as clear. Nevertheless, I could see clearly his face.
6. Here are his words to me on this New Years day:
'Raphael, you have made a happy celebration with your wife, son and daughter last night in remembering the happy times in the past year of 2020. You then looked forward with hope for the New Year 2021. The past is slipping away, and you live in the present. You look forward to events in the New Year, and have hopes in living after the manner of happiness (2 Nephi 5:27).
7. After Nephi and those who would go with him departed from his murmuring and rebellious brothers, they journeyed for the space of many days. They called their new land Nephi. They all observed the judgments, statutes, and commandments of the Lord. We were with them, and blessed them to prosper exceedingly. (see 2 Nephi 5:5-27).
8. After they were settled in their new land of promise, Jesus Christ commanded Nephi to make other plates on which to engrave the things of God for the benefit of his people, and for future generations (2 Nephi 5:30-33). This is our pattern we always follow with a group of people who live after our standards and keep our commandments.
9. Likewise, we have commanded you to record your revelations in the manner we have prescribed. We will preserve them, even when electric power and the internet may be eliminated. We have commanded you to disperse your records among your faithful supporters so that they may print them and keep them safe. We have commanded you to share with them your digital files also so that they may read and ponder our words without resorting to the internet. Your digital files have indexing and hyperlinks of references to other posts and other scriptures we have already given to our children.
10. In all of these ways of preserving your record of Raphael, you and those on your email list have been faithful and obedient. Some of them may not have computers, but may have other devices to read and study our words given through you as well as the scriptures they already have.
11. Because you and your small group have been obedient, we will prosper and bless each of you in the coming year, just like we prospered and blessed the early Nephite group who separated themselves from their ungodly brethren. In your day, there will continue to be a separation of the righteous from the wicked:
12. 2 Nephi 30:10
"For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire."
13. Continue faithful to us in this new 2021 year, and we will continue to spare and direct you by our revelations. This new year will be the one where you establish the foundations of the New Jerusalem. You will continue to live after the manner of happiness in this upcoming turbulent year, for we will be by your side continually and bring you joy and prosperity.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words of promise! I am so grateful to have connected with him this new morning in the new year. How blessed I feel to have his guidance!
15. Evening-I knelt tonight at the cliff overlooking God's Loving Healing Lake. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come. She appeared in front of me in the air. I said a few things, and then waited for her to speak. Here is what she said: 'Raphael, M.A. wrote you an email wherein she asked what would be the intense light that would come to disperse the invading troops in the promised land after five months of their occupation. You had listened to George Washington's vision today while you worked outside. You read how we said that your trumpet blow of a single long note would be heard by the prophet of the tribes of Israel descending with his people from the north countries. This would encourage him and his people in their trek towards Zion, the New Jerusalem.
This is the start of some hoar frost pictures we took near our home
16. When you blow your trumpet at that time, you will descend as our archangel Raphael, with your sword of Raphael raised above your head in your right hand, and the flag of your republic in your left. (see your post 179F30 for the vision of George Washington which describes your descent from the heavens). You will also wear a crown with the word "union" written on it. You will be accompanied in your descent by many male angels whose swords will be unsheathed, and also female angels, and many celestial servants, both mortal and resurrected. These will constitute the legions of white spirits as described in the vision. The light of a thousand suns, as also described in the vision, will be from the celestial heavens opening up as the angels and celestial servants descend to the earth. This vision will be seen by some of the leaders of the armies and so frighten them that they will quickly leave the land with their troops. The vision will also be seen by some of the elect who are struggling in their tribulations on the land, and greatly encourage them to know that God has not forsaken nor forgotten their plight. They will take courage.
17. After you descend with the other angels and celestial servants, you will then all go among the elect and encourage them in their unconscious minds. We, their Gods, will answer the pleadings of their prayers with the visitation of our angels and celestial servants.
18. Soon after this event, you will return to the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans and dip your cupped hand in these waters to sprinkle the promised land. This will signal the enemy armies to return to their own lands by the way they initially came, mostly across the ocean waters. The darkness upon the land will then be broken up and dispersed, by the armies departing. The wicked on the land that were there from the beginning will mostly have been destroyed from the intensities of the calamities and from the armies. Those who remain will be the elect whom we will have preserved.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her amazing explanation and revelation about these remarkable events! I thanked her to be able to participate in this future event as her and Heavenly Father's servant.
20. She then smiled upon me and quickly departed. I reread what I had written and confirmed it all to be true. I then retired to bed.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, January 2, 2021
1. This morning I came again to the southern cliff above God's Loving Healing Lake. I reread what I had received here last night from my Heavenly Mother. I had retired to bed late, having talked with my wife until nearly midnight. I thought to just kneel by my recliner for my prayer and to write down in the morning what I would receive. When my Heavenly Mother started speaking, I realized she had an important message for me and I turned on the light and wrote in my journal what she said. I am very grateful for this revelation she gave to me in the early morning hours!
2. This morning I knelt at the same location as I did last night, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He immediately came in great light and power. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, we are fully in charge of what will occur in the world, and will steer the course of the inhabitants of your land in these last days. You have correctly written what your Heavenly Mother spoke to you in the early hours of this morning. This event, when you and our angels and celestial servants descend to the promised land, will constitute a major turning point in your land and among our elect. The darkness will disperse and the celestial light of heaven will break forth as a thousand suns upon our promised land! It is at this point that we will hasten the building of the New Jerusalem with you, our archangel who is the Branch, creating by our power the island of the New Jerusalem and the building our celestial temple. No power on earth will be able to stop our decreed course in bringing forth Zion on the earth in that day!'
3. I thanked my Father for his additional witness of what Heavenly Mother had revealed to me! I am very excited about Zion, and God's purposes. My prayer then ended and Heavenly Father departed.
4. Last night I received an email from S.A. that I will include below, now that she gave me her permission. What she said fits in well with what Heavenly Father just said about the coming forth of Zion. I have prayed about what S.A. received from Heavenly Mother and feel it is all from God.
5. S.A.'s email received 1-1-2021:
"I am very excited for this coming year, I feel a deep longing to be a part of Zion. That is incredible to think of the joy and prosperity promised amidst all of the great tribulation! I take great comfort in those words, and greatly desire to be so close to the Spirit so that I may be led in every situation not only now, but especially in the trying days ahead!
I wanted to share a recent prayer with you, for I felt that I should.
Heavenly Mother spoke: '...You have often wondered about Zion, and what it will be like. I would like to address some of your wonderings. There will be a universal language, even the Adamic language. Those whom we will that spoke it during their mortal estate, will come down and be assigned to teach it to our elect children. They will be able to learn it quickly, for their minds will be sharper, faster and their ability to retain information much greater.
Those who bring records as directed by us may share them, and those listening or reading will be able to understand them as if they were in their own language. Eventually, all of the records will be translated into the Adamic language that all will learn to read and write in.
People will develop skills that they will use to contribute to their communities. As they mature, some will choose to become like an apprentice for others and based on their interests they will pursue and seek to contribute these gifts and talents they develop for helping their communities.
The marriage age will typically be around 16-17 and the amount of children in families will be much larger than in your current society. Our children will find great joy in raising families during the millennium!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for sharing so much about the millenium with me, and feel so blessed to be able to hear and record her words!
Sending my best,
6. Evening–I reread S.A.'s email again where Heavenly Mother told her that we could learn the Adamic language quickly, "for our minds would be sharper, faster, and (our) ability to retain information much greater." I took hope at this prospect! At my age, turning seventy years old this coming year, I have felt the effects of aging on my mental acuity and sharpness, not to mention becoming increasingly less firm and less fit in my physical body. I look forward to a sharper, faster mind, and better memory too.
7. I worked hard today, pounding in about 15 metal posts for our new expanded garden fence. I want to let the chickens out to free-range but first need to protect our garden area from their scratching. I feel we will be eating a lot from our garden this spring and summer, as it may be more difficult to get food and supplies from the local stores.
8. I have pondered more about how I received the revelation last night from my Heavenly Mother. It was all very natural, but my impression was very sure that I should write her words that she shared with me. I had no idea what she would relate to me at the beginning of me writing her words. She unfolded to my view what to write as she spoke to my mind. I wrote fast and steady, with no breaks. It was a witness to me that I couldn't have dreamed up what I wrote, for it was given to me fully from my Heavenly Mother. I was very tired, but revived once her thoughts and words started flowing into me. After I wrote what she inspired me to write, I felt assured it was fully from her and not me. I knew at this late hour I normally could not come up with any of these details or even these general ideas.
9. I feel so blessed to have received her revelation, and also Father's revelation and witness this morning. I feel enlightened and sure of these things!
10. I came tonight again to the celestial orb. I came to the birch tree grove on the hill descending into Enoch's city, east of Lake Beautiful. I knelt by the little stream flowing down the hillside, and felt clarified. I then prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
11. She descended from the sky through the local treetops. She came in front of me and was very brilliant and full of acceptance and love that I could tangibly feel. She was smiling upon me, and her eyes were twinkling it seemed. Oh, I love to be in her presence!
12. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are strengthening your physical body, even now before you will be called upon to trek to the Missouri area in your nation. You also continue to stay fit by physically working hard outside on your property.
13. You have noticed that your mortal body is more sensitive to sweets and food additives. These more easily inflame your body, which you can feel and sense. These ingredients are harmful items that your society abundantly places in foods to make more sales, thereby adulterating many of the pure foods with which we have blessed our children. As you eat more from your garden produce, more organic and non-GMO foods, and not so much chemically fertilized produce, with little or no pesticides, you will find your inflammation will subside.
14. We are changing your mortal physical body by degrees so that you will have greater stamina, endurance and strength. You need to now eat more wholesome telestial foods so that our blessings of a stronger body will be more realized.
15. Once you come to the New Jerusalem area to create the island and temple, your body will further transform. This will also occur for all of our elect who come into its borders, for the land will very quickly transform to a terrestrial earth. The living water and living food eaten there will further speed the transition of you and our elect to further transition into terrestrial mortal physical beings. At this point, telestial food will no longer be suitable for you. You will have made the full transition into this higher terrestrial realm.
16. You wondered about what I shared with S.A. recently, particularly about the new language that we call the Adamic tongue. This is a purer language, even that through which we communicate with each other in the celestial world, and which was taught Adam and Eve in the beginning of man's temporal existence. After the great flood, it continued for a time but then became confounded at Babel. The Jaredite people were led out prior to their original language being changed as happened to the rest of humanity. After the Jaredite nation died off, this language became a dead language on earth. However, it will again be taught and learned until all of our children speak and read this pure language. S.A. is correct that eventually all records will be translated into our pure written language.
17. When you start administering the waters of separation ordinance in our celestial temple, you will not have learned yet this pure language in your terrestrial mortal mind. However, you will already know it in our celestial realms, for this is the language by which you currently speak to us and your brothers and sisters in this higher celestial realm. The language spoken in all of our holy celestial temples will be in the Adamic pure language, even from the beginning. This includes all of the ordinances performed by the holy angels, and the waters of separation ordinance you will do, with Oriphiel recording the names of the new members of the Church of the Firstborn in the Lamb's Book of Life. These handwritten records will remain intact in eternity, for all to look upon who become exalted. This will all be recorded in our holy and pure written language.
18. Having a merged mind near the beginning of the New Jerusalem will greatly speed up your learning to speak our pure language. When you speak to those who do not yet know this language in the flesh, they will understand all your words through the gift of tongues, and the gift of interpretation of tongues. There will be complete comprehension to them in their native tongue and thoughts if they do not yet know this pure Adamic language.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her additional truth she shared with me tonight! I feel so much at peace and in sync with her, and at one with her.
20. She then rose up into the treetops like she came, and was soon gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, January 3, 2021
1. I awoke late this morning and came to my private room to pray. I desired to come in the holy presence of my Heavenly Father. I came to the little knoll above the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. Heavenly Father then walked up to my side once I had knelt on the ground. I felt so pleased to be in his presence!
2. 'Raphael, you have been doing well in dropping your expectations of the future. You are in a state of fully trusting us, your Gods, and in having a wait and see attitude. You continue to ask of us throughout your day, and we give you our gentle and quiet impressions and promptings by our Spirit.
3. Go now out among your family for I will reveal to you the remainder of my message during your day and evening. When you feel impressed, write the remainder of my words in your journal.
4. I thanked my Heavenly Father, and said I would be attentive today to what he might wish to share with me. I closed my prayer and went among my family.
5. Evening-We have had no break today to have our sacrament meeting until tonight at 8:30 PM. I am writing a few minutes before our home sacrament meeting tonight. My son and I bless the sacrament on our kitchen table each Sunday. He, my wife and I are the only ones in attendance. I am liking the opportunity each Sunday to bless and pass the emblems of the bread and water to those in my own family.
6. In the millennium, the Church of Christ will be a terrestrial church. The LDS Church and all other current churches on earth are telestial churches. I wonder if there will be any significant differences in the meeting where the sacrament emblems are blessed in the Church of Christ in the terrestrial realm. I was thinking of this while sitting in my front room, waiting for our sacrament meeting to begin in a few minutes.
7. Heavenly Father's voice then came into my mind and spoke these words: 'Raphael, the sacrament in the Church of Christ will be administered by the priesthood under the authority of the local Bishop. Those who bless the sacrament are those who are conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood, for the Aaronic Priesthood will not be perpetuated into the millennium.
8. The general meeting for ward members will still be called the sacrament meeting and the sacrament will be blessed and passed in this meeting, much like occurs in LDS wards today. The sacrament prayer for the bread and water will be altered to reflect an emphasis on their Heavenly Mother and I, and that each member should diligently seek divine communion with us, their Heavenly Parents.
9. Jesus Christ, their great Redeemer, will be living on the terrestrial earth and will still redeem them and qualify them for entry into the Church of the Firstborn. They will continue to remember his broken body and spilt blood that he freely gave to redeem them. They will continue to take upon them the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and be called after his name.
10. They are all members of the Church of Christ. However, the members of the Church of Christ will covenant to always remember us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep our commandments. We, in turn, will jointly covenant with our faithful who make this promise in all sincerity of their heart, by sending our Spirit to always be with them.
11. In the telestial world, Jesus Christ seeks to elevate the Saints to a higher terrestrial level. In the terrestrial world, your Heavenly Mother and I will seek to elevate our Saints to a higher celestial level.
12. One of the purposes of the revised sacrament prayer in the terrestrial Church of Christ will be for our Saints to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We wish them to make their covenants at the sacrament directly with both of us, their Heavenly Parents. We will respond by actively guiding them in their lives and sending to them our Spirit in abundance.'
13. I thanked my Father for his words.
14. We then conducted our home sacrament meeting. After I received the sacrament myself, I silently made my personal covenant to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, as I always do. Heavenly Father then came before my mind, and spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant this evening, and will always be with you. You have been making this same covenant each Sunday at the sacrament that our elect Saints will do in the terrestrial millennium. This is the covenant for all those living in the terrestrial Church of Christ. We in turn will covenant with them to send our Spirit in abundance to them, to guide them and direct them by our revelations and whisperings, day by day. In so doing, we will encourage them to seek our presence and faces diligently. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be much more known among our children living in this millennial day than in your current day. We will walk beside many, and individually speak to them in their unconscious minds, like we speak to you.
15. Many will press forward in diligence, and thereby become chosen by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to enter the celestial Church of the Firstborn. Their calling and election will be made sure, for Oriphiel will record their name in the Lamb's Book of Life.
16. Once our relationship with these, our faithful celestial chosen ones, has become sure and unshakeable, they will continually have our presence to be with them during the remainder of their mortal days, and the days of waiting as celestial resurrected beings. They will move forward with their other faithful brothers and sisters to their exaltation and eventual ordination as Gods in eternity.'
17. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful words tonight! These all were accompanied by the still small voice of the Spirit which witnessed to me the truthfulness of his words. Heavenly Father then left me in my mind's eye. I reread over my entry and ended my prayer.
18. I believe that the sacrament prayers will be changed to something like this in the terrestrial millennial Church of Christ, translated eventually into the Adamic tongue:
Prayer on the Bread
"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of your Son, and witness to you, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of your Son, and always remember you and Heavenly Mother, and keep yours and Heavenly Mother's commandments which you have given them, that they may always have your Spirit to be with them. Amen."
19. Prayer on the Wine
"O God, the Eternal Father, we ask you, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of your Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto you, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember you and Heavenly Mother, that they may have your Spirit to be with them. Amen."
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, January 4, 2021
1. I reread my words from last night and sought an additional witness to their truthfulness. I want to make absolute sure that I am not misleading anyone with false doctrine of any sort.
2. I came to the white gate this morning and knelt on the grass outside the gate. I came here because I felt impressed to do so. I then asked for Jesus to open the gate and speak to me.
3. The gate swung open, and Jesus Christ stepped to the opening so I could see him. He asked me in audible words to come to him inside the gate. I arose and walked through the gate and knelt before him. He shut the gate and faced me.
4. I gazed into his compassionate and very loving eternity eyes! There was so much peace and acceptance about my Savior! He then reached over and touched my shoulder as he spoke: 'Raphael, each of our realms have different laws and practices. When the earth elevates from the telestial realm to the terrestrial realm, there will be changes in the sacrament prayers that we prescribe. You have correctly recorded in your journal the words of our Heavenly Father that he spoke to you last night. He changed the wording of the prayers on the bread and wine that are recorded in your telestial scriptures. This change encourages those who covenant with the Father to now include a promise to always remember their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and to keep his and Heavenly Mother's commandments. Our Heavenly Parents will then send to the covenanting member their Spirit. They will bless them more directly with their presence, uplifting and pointing their minds to the higher celestial realm where they may see their faces and enter into their presence.
5. Some may feel that this change diminishes my own relationship with God's children. However, the individuals who sincerely make and keep their covenants weekly at the sacrament only become close to me, for the Father, the Mother and I are one in purpose. We will all love them and continue to guide them into the celestial realms where they may behold and commune with each of us, their Gods.
6. My revelation to Joseph Smith in 1830, that you may read in D&C 21:1-4:
"Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, Lord, your God, and your Redeemer, whose word is quick and powerful.
For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory--remembering unto the Father (and Mother) my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins.
Wherefore, a commandment I give unto you, that you shall not purchase wine neither strong drink of your enemies;
Wherefore, you shall partake of none except it is made new among you; yea, in this my Father's kingdom which shall be built up on the earth."
7. In the millennium, the practice of replacing the wine with water will generally be followed in the Church of Christ. In these cases, the word 'wine' with 'water' will generally be followed in the Church of Christ. In these cases, the word 'wine will be replaced with 'water' in the sacrament prayer.'
This is a bald eagle that lives near us that landed on a tree on our street!
8. Jesus then reached down and took my hands in his and lifted me up to standing in front of him. He then pulled me close and embraced me! I felt very loved and secure in his arms and knew what he spoke was true, and that he was my Redeemer, even Jesus Christ, who was slain for the sins of mankind.
9. My vision then ended. I was immediately back in my private room writing all of this in my personal journal. I thanked Jesus in my mind, and closed my prayer in his name.
10. I received this email from M.A. after I shared with her what I had received on 1-1-2021 and 1-2-2021 from Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, about the light of a thousand suns, plus what S.A. shared in her email on 1-1-2021 above:
"Good morning R,
As I read this I just cried as the truth of it rang in my heart as well as energy testing it's truthfulness. I love how Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother always back each other up by repeating again that which was taught to you. Thank you for sharing. I also feel S.A.'s words are also true. Thank you so much for sharing. I can hardly wait for those more glorious days of light and enlightenment for all the elect of God.
Looking forward to further light and knowledge,
11. I received a tender email from M.A. quoted above. She gave a strong witness to the truthfulness of what Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father told me about the meaning of the intense light of a thousand suns, as given in George Washington's vision. I continue to marvel at such amazing visions others and I receive of what is coming!
12. I read tonight for a time about several last prophecies, one given purportedly by George Albert Smith in 1946 as recounted by David Horne. In this account, he says war would come to the US starting on a major US holiday between the election of the US President and the inauguration. Some say that the Nashville bombing on Christmas day was from an energy weapon from the Chinese who apparently have this capability. They say that the information in the AT&T building in Nashville was too incriminating to the foreign nation involvement in our recent elections.
13. In any case, there is a sense that we are on the precipice of war and big things will soon be happening. I will take a wait and see attitude and rely on the revelations of God I have received or been given a confirmation of by the Spirit.
14. I came tonight to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I felt humble and open. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
15. She then descended from the celestial skies and came in great glory before me. I bowed down before her, and then looked up into her pleasant smiling face.
16. She spoke: 'Raphael, we gave President George Albert Smith his vision of your day. The account is largely accurate as recounted many years after it was originally told to David Horne. This is now the time of fulfillment of what was shown to President George Albert Smith in his vision of war coming to the United States. Not everything will exactly occur according to the written account, in words or sequence, but it will be similar.'
17. I asked my Heavenly Mother if I should include the full version of the vision in my post 182. She then said I should include a portion of it for the benefit of those who would now read it and for future generations. I said I would do so.
18. Heavenly Mother then added these words: 'Raphael, our people who pray to us for protection need not fear the devastation that is coming, if they heed our Spirit and are guided by us in all things. We will preserve our humble and prayerful elect who follow our counsels.'
19. Heavenly Mother then reached for my hand and told me in my mind that she wanted to walk with me on the path around her healing lake. I arose and took her extended hand. As we walked, she told me more details in my unconscious mind, of the last day events soon coming on the earth. She said I would recall these once I received my merged mind, but not now.
20. I had a view then from above of us both walking around the path that surrounds the lake. I then came back to my mortal mind, in my home. I now conclude my prayer. I want to reread the full account of George Albert Smith's vision. I will put below the pertinent parts of this vision.
21. "The Vision of President George Albert Smith, late in 1946:
Shortly after World War II ended, President George Albert Smith had a vision of another great and terrible war which would yet take place. He said it would be so bad that it would make World War II look like a "training exercise." It would involve many of the countries of the world, including Germany, Hungary, Israel, Turkey, the United States and the Soviet Union.
Thousands of tanks would be transported in huge trucks so they would be in place where they were needed when the war began.
The United States would have missiles in Europe which carried an atomic bomb. However, the United States would be committed to many far-reaching alliances and would withdraw its missiles to satisfy the Soviet Union. Then the war would begin and people would "die like flies". The military power of the Soviet Union at this time would be much greater than the United States.
He said the United States would take away the weapons of the people. They would have their missiles in big holes in the ground, which he described as being like grain silos. The Soviets would send their own missiles to try to destroy them, as well as U.S. military bases and cities. They would also send in ground troops. President Smith indicated that this attack would take place on a holiday after the Presidential election, but before the official inauguration. He said that the President at this time would be of Greek ancestry.
President Smith said that the conditions after the war would be "dreadful" and would make the worst times of the depression seem "like a Sunday School picnic" in comparison." (See statements by David Hughes Horne dated Oct. 28, 1988 and March 26, 1989.)
22. Email from S on 1-4-2021, entitled "Light of a Thousand Suns":
I transcribed your remarkable account of George Washington's vision regarding the conclusion of the enemies' invasion. I would like to share my experience from prayer afterwards.
1-4-2021: A.M.
Prior to prayer, I contemplated R's words to confirm the truth of what Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father revealed to him regarding the end of the 5 months invasion by Russia and China that would end when Raphael blows his trumpet and the heavens are opened and celestial servants accompany him.
As I was kneeling, I thought, 'is there a type or shadow of this in the scriptures?' Immediately the story of Gideon came to my mind. I opened my scriptures and read from Judges 7. Then I knelt again to pray.
I called upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer. Heavenly Mother called me to her side as she sat upon the wall of the fountain of living water in the future New Jerusalem. She directed me to sit beside her. She spoke, 'You will often come here in the future to sit and reflect on your many blessings in life from us your Heavenly Parents. Do not fret that it was harder to connect with us in prayer while you visited your parents this weekend. You felt our presence near when you prayed and that was sufficient. Raphael recorded my words correctly regarding the removal of the invading armies after 5 months. I inspired you to consider Gideon and reread our deliverance of Israel from the Midianites. His men blew trumpets in one hand and held lamps in the other hand. This event caused the army to attack itself in confusion and then flee the land. In your day, it will be similar. Raphael will blow his trump and our celestial servants will shine forth their light as the heavens are opened. George Washington referred to this light as "a thousand suns." This light will disperse the darkness similar to Gideon and his 300 men holding forth lamps in the darkness. Gideon could not stand militarily with so few men against this large army, but they were delivered by our matchless power. This will occur in your day too. The few remaining men in your nation will not have the ability to stand against these formidable adversaries with their advanced weaponry. We alone will fight this battle and deliver the people, our elect, from their enemies. Our matchless power and might will not only cause your enemies to flee but it will also bring forth Zion in her glory!'
I asked Heavenly Mother if I could see this future event. She nodded and into my mind I saw Raphael blow his trump in one hand and he was holding his sword in his other hand. After he blew, the heavens opened all around him and many celestial servants stood behind him full of light and celestial glory. At this time, I was among the group myself. Many were blowing trumps at this time too. I was blowing a trump in my right hand and held a sword in my left hand. S.A. was standing beside me and blowing a trump in her right hand and held a rose in her left hand.
I began to cry as I witnessed this and then the scene closed to my view. I was then all alone kneeling at home. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this blessing and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, January 5, 2021
1. I received a wonderful email from S this morning. I put it after the George Albert Smith account above. I felt every bit of S's vision and words in his email was true, and given him of his Heavenly Mother.
2. S felt there was a type from Gideon of this great and miraculous event coming after the five months of enemy occupation. I read judges chapter 7 when Gideon and his 300 men blew their trumpets and held lamps in their other hands. I read how the Midianite armies slew each other in great confusion and fled the land, being routed out by the armies of Israel. This was an amazing victory.
3. Likewise, in our future day, there will be an ever greater miracle when the occupying armies are routed out by the power of God. S recorded more details of how this will all happen. I had wondered if S.A. and the female angels and celestial servants would hold a rose when they appeared in great glory with the other hosts of heaven. I also was impressed that all will have trumpets of God and blow them when the heavens open, and their light of a thousand suns shine forth.
4. I then remembered an experience I had on Thanksgiving day, 2020 (see my post 179G5 to 179G13). I had been given at that time the power and majesty of Heavenly Father, to shine forth with his power. I was told to keep this power shielded under my angel vestures until the time that God tells me to shine it forth. This time will be when I blow one single blast of the trumpet to disperse the armies after their five month occupation. Heavenly Father said "you will appear in the celestial sky, even in the glory and power that I appear before you today. You will appear before all the celestial hosts of heaven with the power of lightning and, as George Washington's vision describes, "Instantly a light of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced the dark cloud which enveloped America." You will then descend with legions of our celestial servants and unborn celestial spirits, in great power, even as I appear to you now. You will shine the word "union" from your brow, the flag of your destroyed republic in your left hand and your sword of Raphael in your right hand. Bright lightning will glisten from your sword. You will descend and set your foot upon the land of promise. This event will end the occupation upon the land and cause the armies to die and disperse." (see post 179G9)
5. I now know that when the above happens, I will be supported and accompanied by legions of celestial angels, celestial servants (mortal, translated and resurrected), and hosts of unborn celestial spirits. These will also have trumpets of God, all of them, and blow with a great loud blast. The men will have swords unsheathed to win the battle, and the women will have roses to bring great peace upon the new terrestrial earth. The combined light from their beings, and the windows of heaven being opened will shock the inhabitants of the earth who see this scene, and greatly frighten the armies and their leaders. This power will also imbue the tribes of Israel coming from the north countries, with great power, even to smite their enemies by God's authority. Wow, a pretty miraculous and amazing show of power is coming!
6. This morning I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake, where I was last night. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come.
7. He immediately appeared at my side, in subdued light, with his feet on the grass where I was kneeling.
8. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have written and recapped these great events correctly just now in your journal. All of these witnesses from S, M.A., and yourself are true, and were given by your Heavenly Mother or me. We will show forth our power and great glory after the five months of oppressive enemy occupation.
9. This great event is what Joseph Smith, the prophet, referred to as "one grand sign of the Son of Man in heaven-but what will the world do? They will say it is a planet, a comet, etc." (Joseph Smith papers, discourse 6 April 1843, as reported by Willard Rs, ID #1035). This is not the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, but a grand sign that his coming is near. Raphael, you have thought that this comet reference was the coming of Nibiru, but it is really this great sign when the heavens will open to the eyes of many people on the earth over the promised land. I will imbue all of those who appear in the heavens my great light and power, even as I have previously given to you to hide under your angel vestures until that time of the blowing of your trumpet of God comes. The light of a thousand suns will be so intense that by itself, many of the men in the armies will perish and die.'
10. Heavenly Father then extended his hand to me and we walked around the lake, just like Heavenly Mother did with me last night. He told me more of the events coming upon the earth. He said they would not be given to me in my conscious mind until the time he wanted them revealed to me and my supporters, and written in my Raphael record.
11. I came back to my mortal conscious mind, and then closed my prayer and started my new day.
12. Evening-I have been feeling calm over the past few days, but I can tell that the citizens of my nation seem to be highly anxious. We should know what man we will have for the President of the United States tomorrow. However, nobody knows what will be happening in the days ahead, for there is great uncertainty about the direction our country will take. Although I am calm, having prepared all I could, and being in communication with my Gods, I still feel this great uncertainty and anxiousness around me.
13. I came to the domed room tonight, for here is where I felt I should come. I came to the center of the room and knelt. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come or one to come to me. I waited for one or both of them to arrive.
14. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then descended into the room from the ceiling area, apparently having stepped out of their higher celestial realm. They were both sober and their capes were blowing behind them in the winds of change.
15. When they were directly in front of me. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, tonight you saw the video of a dream from Pastor Dana Coverstone entitled "The Birds and The Maul Dream." This is very symbolic, showing the citizens of your nation being led recklessly by wicked people and leaders who know they are leading the people into death traps (these are the lead birds in his dream). Those who are in the tunnel and are masked so they cannot see are those citizens of your nation who recklessly follow the crowd and the media, being led also into a death trap that they have no idea of. There is great uncertainty and lack of truth among the people, and they are like the blind who cannot see their danger. They will suffer the consequences of their ignorance.
16. Soon the spike will be driven into the earth, sealing the fate of this republic. Then will we come out of our hiding place and shake the nation with earthquakes and send natural disasters and calamities of all sorts upon the promised land. Soon the foreign armies will invade your land and cause increased fear, and will strangle individual freedom and choice. These prophesied happenings will come upon your world in great speed, even suddenly.
17. We will guide and protect our elect who humbly call upon us and who follow our counsels. There is no other safe way to navigate through these troubled times ahead.
18. Raphael, make this entry tonight the last entry for your post 182. We are fully in control, and will protect our own who come to us and keep our counsels.'
19. At this moment a bright lightning bolt suddenly encircled them and they disappeared! I soon recovered from the bright flash, and thanked Heavenly Mother in my mind for her message. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
20. Below is an email I received from S.A. on 1-6-2021 concerning the light of a thousand suns event:
"Good morning R!
You asked for my thoughts about what I typed yesterday, here is my prayer from this morning.
I thought about what I typed yesterday, and was hopeful as I came in prayer that I could also see this future event in my mind. I felt my Heavenly Father's presence. I next saw myself in the sky, surrounded by many others in bright light. I saw the female archangels, including G.A. who was a woman in appearance (R: G.A. is S.A.'s daughter who is a female archangel of purity). I saw us women holding white roses. I also saw Raphael standing at the front, center of the vast group of bright beings. 'UNION' shone in all capital letters in an exceedingly bright light on a crown on his head. I saw S there too.
This is a baby great horned owl that likes to sun itself
in the hole of a tree on our street
I next looked down and saw some of the invading armies run to retreat. They were in great fear as they ran, and many dropped dead in their flight.
I then wondered about the righteous. I saw some kneel down and raise their arms towards the light and praise the Lord. I saw a tremendous amount of strength, courage, faith, joy, light and an abundance of the spirit buoy them up. I got teary as I saw into their hearts, for I could see that their faith had been greatly strengthened and their rejuvenation of hope and courage was bright. It was truly powerful to witness!
I thanked my Heavenly Father for sharing this with me and closed my prayer, confirming the truthfulness of what I saw.
I hope you have a great day!