1. When I think of this, our Heavenly Parents love delighting us, their children. They find great enjoyment in blessing their children. I have thought of my experience in prayer last night with both of them–I felt so accepted, loved, and delighted to be with them! If they want to give special gifts to any of their children, they surely will do it.
Abraham 3:17
". . . and there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it."
2. My wife asked our son A. to take a loaf of bread down to our neighbors last night. She knew that our widowed neighbor would be delighted. A. agreed to do it, but grudgingly. After he delivered the loaf of home-baked bread, he told me that service always make him happy. I asked if he was glad he took the loaf of bread and he was very pleased–his attitude shifted. This is what service does. I also feel that looking for opportunities to serve and delight others brings great satisfaction. It certainly can change a normal or grumpy day into one with sunshine for the soul!
Anyway, I came to the celestial orb today to the same bench next to the Great Assembly Hall. I knelt on the ground to the west of the bench and faced the hall. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then waited and watched.
3. Heavenly Mother appeared at the eastern doors of the Great Assembly Hall. She looked at me, kneeling a way away at the bench. I looked up and thought she wanted me next to her. I immediately beamed myself right before her on the steps of the door entrance on my knees. I looked up into her pleased face. She smiled at me and touched my shoulder.
She spoke:
5. 'Raphael, last night your Father and I came with you to the field north of the forest behind you, to where the Refugees of Lucifer live. We walked among them together, visiting their dwellings and walking in disguise among them. We didn't want them to create a big fanfare for our visit. We do this sometimes, or come without being seen, so we may see our people in their normal actions and impromptu.
6. We found a very loving and considerate people who cared for each other and served one another. This has been such a remarkable transformation! They were once all subjugated to Lucifer, and did the most terrible acts upon their fellowman. However, they have now fully come unto God, been redeemed by their Savior, and love to help one another. They delight to help in any way they can those around them. They don't wait to be assigned, but truly minister to the needs of those who have any emotional, mental or spiritual want. These will be privileged to all come forth in the great millennial day for their mortal experience. They will come in a day when Satan and his still evil hosts are removed by you to the bottomless pit.
7. Your Heavenly Father and I also recently came to a meeting held by their newly called leadership in the Great Assembly Hall. We were in the top front corner where we often observe, undetected and unseen. You had been invited by them to sit on the stand but you did not speak. They honor you for speaking to them each so boldly about coming to Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, even when they were subjugated still to Lucifer. This was a life-changing moment for them.
8. Their trauma is mostly passed, and they are a delightsome people! They are akin to the Nephite people after the visit of Jesus Christ among them:
4 Nephi 1:10,13
"And now, behold, it came to pass that the people of Nephi did wax strong, and did multiply exceedingly fast, and became an exceedingly fair and delightsome people.
And it came to pass that there was no contention among all the people, in all the land; but there were mighty miracles wrought among the disciples of Jesus."
9. The path to becoming our chosen people, as these refugees have reached, is a path similar to all the righteous. They need to drop their own selfish interests, and humbly come to our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He will graciously accept them with open and compassionate arms! As they fully repent, he will cleanse and redeem their very souls. They then become a chosen people, a delightsome people of God. Oh, we love our children who selflessly serve each other and love one another! This attitude and behavior is so foreign to Lucifer that he cannot hold onto them or have any power over them. The power that Jesus uses is love and acceptance. This is so disarming and life-changing to all of our faithful!'
10. Heavenly Mother then looked up, over the beautiful lake to our east, even Lake Beautiful. She was looking into the future somehow. I turned and looked, and she reached over to touch my eyes. I then saw all the humble and faithful, which were valiant in the testimony of Jesus, who had changed and become even as he is. It seemed they were all in a throng over the shimmering lake, exalted and standing together in their eternal glory. The entire lake was filled with myriads of the righteous!
11. I was like I had seen a glimpse of what John the Revelator saw in Revelation 5:11-13:
"And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;
Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.
And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever."
12. My vision then ended. I was back in my adjacent bedroom, writing all of this down. I felt so very filled with joy and peace that only God could give! I remembered then that we were planning on attending a Handel's Messiah performance tonight. This will be a great conclusion to these feelings I have now!
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me in my morning prayer. I concluded my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my new day.
13. Evening–Tonight I came to the hill above the maple tree grove, between the trees and the Great Assembly Hall. This hill was grassy and I have a beautiful view of Lake Beautiful to the east. There was a stunning sunset over the lake too. I watched the celestial sun go down to the east over the distant mountains across the lake. Somehow I could see these mountains clearly, even though so far away. I knew the lake was very large. I decided not to worry about logistics, but to just enjoy my beautiful environment. I sat on the grass while the sun set. When down, the sky started darkening. I then decided to kneel and pray to my loving Heavenly Parents, asking one or both of them to come.
14. Heavenly Father then appeared to me, a little above me in the air in front of me. He was glowing with light and seemed so very accepting of me. I thanked him very much for coming to me tonight. I told him I felt so very honored to have him come to me. I told him I was enjoying more than ever before my life on earth. I said I felt happier and more at peace, even though there were great difficulties all around in my community, nation and world. I told him I enjoyed this beautiful time on earth in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. I asked if he had anything he wanted to share with me.
Heavenly Father then spoke to my mind:
15. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I wish you to index all of the revelations, with their topics, for your website posts. This will aid you and others who may study our revelations we have given to you. They may find all that we have revealed to you by topic, which will help them quickly find our revelations.
16. We will bless you to do the indexing work. We are pleased that you now collect your journal entries into website posts. We want you to select topics of interest in every post by similar topics. For example, all those relating to revelations on light would be listed together in an index on your website.
17. As we continue giving you revelations, continue adding these topics we address to this index. Over the months and years, we will have a large array of topics for our faithful to study. We desire them to confirm with us, their Gods, the truthfulness of all you have written, and of all other scripture also. We always want our children to be very open and receive directly from us so that we may direct them in their lives and the understanding of our many truths we have revealed to men and women, up to this time.'
18. I told my Father that I have been feeling this direction from him over the past two days. I said I would immediately begin with this indexing task.
Heavenly Father smiled and spoke again:
21. Those who are our servants and who are translated to a terrestrial glory, who receive our revelations, write these in their records on earth and in the terrestrial realm on the earth. Therefore, if their records are somehow destroyed or lost, they will still be preserved in the higher spiritual realms.
22. Those who are our angels and other servants, who are translated to a celestial glory, write their records on the telestial earth and in the celestial realms on the earth, for the same reasons. Resurrected celestial servants also may record their journals in the heavenly celestial realms. Those who are not translated should also record their own revelations in their own journals. They are not yet able to write these in the spiritual realms on the earth.
23. We desire all of these records to be used for instruction and for doctrine, for inspiration and for bearing of testimony to generations alive and yet unborn. All testify of us, our gospel of salvation, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and our great many truths that we wish all mankind to know.
24. All of these records will greatly bless those who read and study them. These records will come forth in this great day of the dispensation of the fulness of times, when all things will be revealed.'
I thanked my magnificent Heavenly Father who was now glowing brightly on the hill in front of me. I felt such assurance from him and such light and truth come from him! I thanked him so much for all he has shown to me and for the great privilege to be in his glorious presence tonight!
My vision abruptly closed and I found myself writing all of this down in my journal. I felt confirmed it was all true. I closed my prayer and retired to bed."
25. I received an email from my sister K on 12-21-2018 about this indexing task. Here is what she recently wrote me:
"Hi R,
I am commissioned to help you index. Sounds daunting and I don't know how. Check in with Heavenly Father for confirmation. A good project to begin the new year, right?
We leave before long on our road trip! Hope to see you!
I love you!
Wow, I am thrilled!! How did this come about? Tell me more!
This morning I prayed and Heavenly Father came. At one point he said "You are very blessed Rachael. You will help your brother with indexing. Let him know that and he will confirm it. Together you will help bring forth many of our latter-day revelations. You are integral in this commission."
I have decided to add parts of emails from M.A. , who wrote me of her exciting experiences with God that she said I could share. I share these for the benefit of all, so we all may be uplifted in our faith.
Recent parts of emails from M.A.:
26. . . . I am learning so much. I've had several experiences like you have. I've gone with Heavenly Father and Mother to the outer solar system, seen my creation from being an intelligent, saw me play with my older brother, Immanuel, in our pre-earth life, visited the resurrected New Jerusalem, and on and on. Oh how I love my Heavenly Parents and my Savior.
Good morning, R,
27. This morning while exercising I was listening to one of your post, 67.
You were speaking to a vast assembly of people, Enoch's group, the resurrected people, and the refugees of Lucifer. You were asking the refugees to bless and help the elect as Enoch's group and the resurrected people brought the elect in spirit to the refugees to be saved and rescued during the time of tribulation. I asked Heavenly Father, in prayer, if the elect are being brought in spirit only, to be blessed, how would their physical bodies be protected? Heavenly Father said, "Mary, my daughter, as the refugees bless the elect spirits, this will buoy them up and develop greater faith In us, their Heavenly Parents, to protect them from harm, in a manner we choose. We may shield them from their enemies, so they can't be noticed or seen, or we may even remove them to somewhere safer."
28. I then asked if the elect would go to girl or boy camps that the LDS church has set up? Heavenly Father then replied, "Some of our elect may go to these places as directed by the general or local leaders tell them to go. This will not be from us, your Gods. We will protect them according to their faith wherever they may be, even in their own homes or grouped together in their communities. Eventually the elect who hide will return and then the righteous will be lead to the New Jerusalem area where they will be kept safe and away from danger."
I thanked my Heavenly Father for this enlightenment and ended my prayer.
29. Oh, this morning in prayer my Heavenly Mother came to me as I was kneeling by the shore of Lake Beautiful. She asked me to walk with her and she held my hand. I said to her, "there is a lot of touching here in heaven". She smiled and said, "yes, that is how we show our love to our children." I said, "I need to do that more with my children and grandchildren and friends and maybe even strangers."
So with that I'm sending you hugs,
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 20, 2018, Thursday
1. "I have been feeling lots of love and peace these days, more so than I have ever felt in my past. It is like I have no cares in the world! I have lots of assurances that whatever comes upon me or my family, or my community and world, all will turn out just like it is supposed to. If we are called upon to go through great challenges and difficulties, we will manage just fine.
2. I heard something in a podcast yesterday from M.S. where he actually felt a similar way. He said Jesus (I believe) told him that those in the telestial world would be filled with lots of anxiety and stress with all the turmoil coming to the earth. However, those who live in a higher, terrestrial state aren't whiplashed, but are filled with peace and assurance. They have an anchor in God who provides for their needs and wants and protects and blesses them so they aren't fearful or anxious. I didn't say it like M.S. said it, but the concept is the same.
3. In addition, I believe those who are mortal angels, translated to a celestial level, and those who work in the celestial realms, have even a greater calmness and assurance given them. These are able to also replicate and appear or disappear while they work in these celestial realms. They too have shields of the Father, as do all of the elect who are active servants of God. We have no need to fear or worry, for God will continually provide.
4. I feel confirmed that this is true! The shields of the Father greatly protect the righteous elect now from the devices and influence of the adversary. We may thereby live in peaceful conditions even amongst a society experiencing great upheaval.
5. It seems to me there is an ever-growing group of God's servants awakening to God and feeling their call to move forward in specific missions and assignments. The Spirit of God is being poured out much more dramatically upon the children of God than ever before. Satan and his hosts may rage upon the telestial and among the wicked, but among the elect of God there exists more love, peace, light, calmness and revelation!
This morning I awoke early, ready for a new experience in my connection with my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother or Jesus. I look forward to this so very much! It has become such a highlight to my day, both morning and evening!
T6. his morning I felt to come to the grassy area just outside the white gate in heaven, not far from God's temple. I knew behind this gate I would find my beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. I started with a humble prayer in my heart, to be open and receptive to whatever he might say to me, and the experience I would have with him. I then walked up to the white gate and placed my right hand on it. The gate immediately began swinging inward, so I entered through the gate. When inside, I came to my knees and looked up.
7. I saw the smiling face of Jesus Christ, my Great Redeemer, in front of me! I gazed into his very deep and compassionate eyes, so uniquely those of Immanuel, my older brother. I felt so indebted to him for all his remarkable atoning work for me!
I immediately spoke:
'Oh, my Savior, Jesus Christ, I am so thankful to you for my redemption that you have wrought for me! I feel so privileged to be ransomed from sin and to be brought back into your presence! I thank you for your example of how to act and live!'
Jesus then reached out his hand and laid it on my shoulder.
8. 'Raphael, I love you and have redeemed you from all your sins. You are brought back into my presence and into the presence of our loving Heavenly Parents. You are clean and pure before us. Come partake again of the tree of life freely and enjoy the communion of God!'
9. Jesus pointed with the other hand to the tree of life behind him and the straight and narrow path that led to that celestial tree. I looked down the path to the tree and saw in the distance my loving Heavenly Parents under its canopy. I looked back at Jesus and kissed his arm, which was still extended to my shoulder. I arose from my knees and looked again into his deep eternity eyes! I knew he was so very real before me, even though my experience was in a celestial realm.
10. Jesus then pulled me close with his one arm on my shoulder. He placed his other hand around my head and drew me to his chest. As he did so, I felt the deep love he had for me and the acceptance and joy he had in my decision to come to him today! I was very thrilled to be with him!
I spoke:
11. 'My Jesus, my Redeemer, I ask you to send a portion of your light and love to me as I serve those of our brothers and sisters who seek to come to you and also be cleansed and filled with your love!'
Jesus smiled and spoke:
12. 'Raphael, as you serve us faithfully, you will be filled with the love of God for all you reach out to. Once you reach the tree of life, partake of the fruit and leaf and you will find my love growing inside of you. This love will fill you with peace and unspeakable joy! This is your great heritage and blessings, and that of all our righteous brothers and sisters who seek to come to God. We will abundantly feed them, protect them, and reveal our love and light to them!'
13. Jesus then let go of his hands around me and stepped back. I thanked him and started to walk on the path. I turned and said I would always follow what he and our Heavenly Parents ask of me. I then turned and walked the straight and narrow path. Today it seemed to be no longer fraught with danger or difficulties, but today it seemed beautiful and glorious, paved in gold and a delight to walk upon. I seemed to move faster and faster while walking until I came upon the beautiful tree of life!
14. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were standing there smiling at me! Heavenly Father had a fruit in his extended hand and Heavenly Mother had a leaf in her hand. As I approached them, I reached out to take the fruit and leaf.
Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we are very grateful you have come back into our presence this morning, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Great Redeemer! Please eat of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life that we have freely given to you!'
I ate all. I looked at them while I partook and was filled with the love of God and their light. Their countenance beamed upon me their love, peace, acceptance, and glory! I was immersed in their light, which shone upon and through me! I felt transparent and clear.
15. Heavenly Mother then spoke when I had finished eating:
'Raphael, our son, we have showed you the path to us and the reward of coming into our presence. This is worth every effort you have put forth. We have shown you also that this same path lies before each of our faithful children who wish to connect again with us, their eternal Heavenly Parents, and our Son, Jesus Christ. We will lead them much like we have led you, according to their desires and diligence. We will bring them through our Son, Jesus Christ, and into our presence in our own way and timing. As they are true and faithful, we will bless them with the joy and light of our presence!'
16. Heavenly Mother then reached her arm around my waist, and Heavenly Father put his arm around my shoulders. We then started to walk under the canopy of the tree of life together! I felt so honored to be with them so intimately! Oh, I love to be with my Father and my Mother!!
My Father spoke:
'Raphael, you have done well to drop all your expectations and any anxious desire about the future. We will fill you with our peace and love. We will lead you and all our faithful along in dramatic ways, to do our great work of saving our elect.'
We then seemed to be walking away from the tree into a cloud together. I lost my connection with them. I still retained the great feelings of love, light and peace that I had with them when in their presence, however.
I then was back in my recliner, finishing writing all of this. I then closed my prayer and started my day.