142. The Coming of the Remnants of Israel
Posted 11-7-2019

Hi my friends!

I think that you will find this post very interesting about the remnants of Israel. They will come from the north and from the south to this chosen land of America. Their coming will be with power. They will be a humble and God-fearing people. The scriptures that announce their coming are now becoming clearer and clearer in our minds. What wonderful times we live in!


P.S. These first few pictures of snow are from this year, others from the past. It has since warmed up and we have now much warmer weather. This is so unpredictable, like the signs of the times.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 27, 2019, Sunday

1. Today at church–My wife and I came to our own ward for sacrament meeting. We drove to church in three inches of snow (later it was well past 8 inches) that came overnight and this morning. Winter has fully come! It is supposed to get down to 9 degrees F for two upcoming nights this week.

2. At the sacrament, I came to the grassy area outside the white gate on the celestial orb. I saw nobody there. Before the prayer on the bread, I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come above the gate in the air, and then Jesus opened the gate. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. After I partook of the bread Heavenly Mother responded to me:

3. 'Raphael, your Father and I covenant with you to send our spirit to you, and to always be with you, and to protect you and direct you, with our Spirit and power.'

4. Jesus then walked up to me on the grass and addressed me: 'Raphael, I have been asked of our Heavenly Parents to witness to you, and through you to all of our terrestrial elect, that we who are their Gods will protect each one with our Spirit and power. All that they have said their promise of protection to you is true, and you have correctly recorded their words in your journal.'

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, by the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every truth be established, even by us your Gods!' (see D&C 6:23 "What greater witness can you have then by God?")

6. I partook next of the water. Jesus then came and put his arm around my shoulder and spake: 'Raphael, come with me through the gate! You are a partaker of our divine nature, more and more.'

7. We passed the gate, and Jesus spoke again: 'Raphael, let us go partake of the fruit of the tree of life that lies at the end of the straight and narrow path.'

8. We were then immediately under the canopy of the tree of life. We both reached up and ate of one of the fruits of the tree.

9. 'Raphael, you will find now that you can perceive and feel more fully the light and love that comes from the fruit, and from us your Gods. You have fully been changed to a terrestrial mortal now.

10. Evening–Tonight I worked on formatting the printable PDF posts. I think these will be pretty easy for anyone to take to a copy shop, and reprint them. I plan to work this week on bundling these into a book, with multiple posts per PDF file. This is all very exciting to me!

11. Tonight I came to pray at the celestial orb. I went to Heavenly Mother's glass table in her lower garden. I knelt by one of the chairs around her table, facing the table and the flower arbor behind the table. It was all so very pretty in her garden!

12. I then prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come. She quickly appeared in the air a few inches above her table! She was bright and smiling. She spoke immediately:

13. 'Raphael, I have brought you to my table in my lower garden to show you how various foods affect your physical body. In heaven, around this table, you are kneeling in your translated celestial body. On earth, when you eat your evening meal with your family around your table, you were in your terrestrial mortal body. You no longer are part of the telestial fallen state in your person that those around you still are in. However, you are very much a mortal man, and live and act in the telestial fallen world.

14. Your food you eat is still telestial food, or grown or produced in the telestial world. The optimum food for a terrestrial person is terrestrial food, which doesn't yet exist in your world. Until the day of the millennium, when the earth itself will all transform to a terrestrial state, you will not have access to terrestrial food. When you do and eat this high quality food, your terrestrial mortal body will function more perfectly in every way.

15. When you now eat foods that are of a lower level, or a low vibrational level, these will still fuel your body but not enhance your own vitality, enlightenment, or physical improvement. However, when you eat high quality telestial foods, or those with high vibrations, even when grown in your telestial world, you will enhance your strength, vitality, and function of your terrestrial body. You will notice deeper joys and contentment.'

16. Heavenly Mother then brought before me three apples.

'Raphael, these are the same kind of apples but the first was grown on your telestial earth, the second in one of our terrestrial orbs, and the third grown on this celestial orb. They look identical on the outside, but they are significantly different.

17. The first is one like you have grown organically in your own orchard. It is one of the best telestial foods, for it is fresh and grown without poisons. I will assign a number ten to this apple.

18. The second apple is much more vibrant, and suited best for terrestrial beings like you. It is about ten times healthier than the first apple. Were you to eat this apple, being now a terrestrial mortal, your health and vitality would greatly increase. This apple is not suited for those of the telestial world, for it is grown on a terrestrial world for terrestrial beings. I will assign it a number 100.

19. The third apple was grown in celestial soil, from a resurrected apple tree. This tree received celestial sunshine and celestial living water. Nutrition is about ten times that of the terrestrial apple or one hundred times that of the telestial apple. It is suitable only for us, and our celestial physical sons and daughters who are either translated or resurrected. I will assign this last celestial apple a number of one thousand.

20. I am going to give you this celestial apple now to eat, for you are a celestial translated being.

She handed me the apple, and I stood and sat at the table and I ate. The number I assigned each apple, either 10, 100, or 1000, corresponds to the nutrition and vitality level of these apples, and how well they nourish our children who eat them.' It was very exquisite in taste! I could tell it was an apple in taste, but it was unlike any other apple I ever remember tasting, except perhaps at her glass table in the past.

21. Heavenly Mother spoke again: 'Raphael, I will occasionally feed you from my glass table my celestial food to your replicated translated celestial body. This food will enhance all of your perceptions in our celestial realms.

22. When you live on your earth, and eat the best of either of the telestial, or later in the millennium, terrestrial foods, you will allow your body to reach its maximum potential while on earth in mortality. We will help you know what foods are the best for you to eat that will gradually help your new terrestrial body reach its potential. This will take time to change, and as you eat consistently good high vibrational food, or vitally good foods that will aid you in your health and well-being.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instruction tonight and for her celestial apple. I said I would seek her help in knowing what to eat and drink. She then departed and I closed my prayer.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 28, 2019, Monday

1. This morning I awoke and felt alert and refreshed. If I desire to pray on the celestial orb, I quiet myself down and then think and ponder where my replicated body might be. This morning it seemed I was in a forest somewhere, and then I confirmed! I was in the tall evergreen forest, not far from the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I confirmed that this was true in my mind.

2. I knelt on the soft ground in the forest, and faced the path leading to the distant overlook. I asked for my Father to come to me, for I had this impression to ask for him specifically.

3. Heavenly Father then appeared to me, directly in front of me in the air, about two feet above the ground! He was smiling and his visage was bright and loving. I love being in his glorious presence!

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have been taught by your Heavenly Mother and me that changes in your body and mind come gradually rather than suddenly. This change is a process from a lower condition to a higher condition. In this gradual way we will shape and mold you into the man of God we wish you to become.

5. John the Beloved saw that Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, received of my fullness, in a gradual way:

D&C 93:12-13

"And I John, saw that he received not of the fulness at the first, but received grace for grace.

And he received not of the fulness at first, but continued from grace to grace, until he received a fulness."

6. Raphael, you also will receive of a fulness, in a similar way that our Beloved Son received a fulness of my glory, in a step-by-step manner. The fulness of my glory is to become even as I am, an ordained God, even a couple with your wife for eternity. This same process will happen for all of our elect.

7. Heavenly Mother taught you the importance of eating wholesome foods with high vibrational content. These will gradually enhance your terrestrial mortal body to reach the highest level possible for your current condition. In the millennium, your body will gradually improve also, for your food source will change to a terrestrial food. Our children may eat foods that are of an equal or lower realm, but not of a higher. This is why you may still eat telestial foods, even though your body is now terrestrial. However, you would not eat celestial food, in your terrestrial state. These won't be available to you.

8. When you come to the New Jerusalem area, we will change your terrestrial body further. You will have access to your unconscious mind in a much more clear and dramatic way. Even now you are gradually changing by perceiving more of your unconscious hidden mind, memory and thoughts. However, the changes you will experience at the New Jerusalem will be more dramatic and real. We will extend this great blessing to you because of your important calling in that temple you will do in behalf of our elect children. You will recognize them and know of them, even from your associations with them in your pre-mortal life together.

9. Your life will also be extended during the millennial day. You will not die until the end of the millennium. You will retain your physical terrestrial body in your mortal life, and you will continue to work in our temple and celestial realms in your replicated celestial translated body. It is because that you possess a translated body that we will be able to suspend your death for a thousand years. This same blessing of having their unconscious mind restored to them, and their physical life extended to the end of the millennium will be given to our holy angels who labor in our New Jerusalem temple in the celestial realms.

10. We desire our holy angels to officiate in our New Jerusalem temple in their translated celestial bodies. We do this, rather than have them be resurrected, because these ordinances that they will perform for our sons and daughters is to be done on a mortal earth, and not in heaven among those who are resurrected. We have chosen that these ordinances would be done in mortality, during the thousand years of peace and rest.

11. In a similar way, we require baptisms into the Church of Christ to be done on earth in a mortal physical condition.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his new explanations and revelations this morning. I told him I felt so humbled and honored to be able to receive of these great truths that he and Heavenly Mother shower upon me!

13. He left me then, and I closed my prayer. I then returned in my mind to my mortal experience on earth, and started a new week.

14. Monday Evening–Tonight I came to Heavenly Mother's upper garden where the river goes into the small mountain forest. I was off the path on the stream bank. It was secluded and beautiful. I knelt facing the water and asked for Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

15. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came walking down the stream, hand in hand, a little above the water in the air! There was a surreal look about them, with light shining from them to all the area around as they came. Soon they were upon me. Heavenly Mother extended her hand and, smiling, asked me to stand and walk with them! I stood and came next to her side and held her hand. We walked towards the waterfall.

16. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we will change all of the elect to become terrestrial mortal beings by the end of your year 2019. However, this does not mean that each of these have come unto Jesus and been fully redeemed. There will be some who are preserved from the calamities that will come on the earth and won't know how they were spared, or why. Many will have their conversion during these last days events, and will come to know God during their extremities. I have selected them, according to my foreknowledge and in consultation with your Heavenly Mother. To be gathered in safe garners is to have each changed in their mortal body to a terrestrial state and to be protected against the temptations and intrusions of the adversary. Most of these individuals won't know that they have been changed, for the actions we do will be done in their unconscious self.

17. In your prayer visions in post 33, you saw a number of situations where an enemy on earth was planning to harm one or more of our elect. These individuals had been previously chosen by me, and been changed to a terrestrial mortal body. They were not aware of this change we had made in their body. They were chosen because we know each one and have detailed knowledge of who they are, what they have done in the past, and what they will do in the future.

18. You and our other holy angels and our celestial servants will follow our directions on how to guard and protect our elect that we have chosen and previously changed. Their protection will predominantly come from celestial realms of glory from our angels and servants who work for us.'

We had arrived at the waterfall, but kept walking in the air. We were soon in the wispy white clouds that were then well above the ground.

19. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'M.A. wrote you tonight saying that food seems to make her sick at times, and she wondered if she should eat. You also have noticed you need much less food in order to become full or satisfied from hunger.

20. These sensations are all part of your body being elevated to a terrestrial level. We desire that you still eat, however, and provide nourishment for your terrestrial bodies. You may ask of us that the food be good nourishment to your body, or be best able to feed and strengthen you. As you do so, we will help your body assimilate the food you eat, or bless and enhance the food before you eat it. The water you drink may also be blessed by you to become as pure and vibrant as possible for your best use. Always receive all your food, supplements, remedy plants, and drink with thanksgiving and a joyful heart.

21. When Elijah was on a mission for us, we sent food to him from ravens, prior to coming to the widow at Zarephath.

1 Kings 17:6

"And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook."

22. We will bless and strengthen our elect in the days of tribulation, even with our power like we extended to Elijah our prophet. We will not let our chosen elect go without! It is wise, however, for them to lay up in store, and to gain skills of providing for themselves, against the time of want.

In all of this, we ask our servants and elect to have faith in our protecting power and to pray to us, in the name of Jesus Christ. We will bless and provide for them.'

We were now in thick white clouds. I couldn't see anything except my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They both stopped and faced me.

23. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we will show forth our power over our elect, and bring them forth to a more glorious world! Satan will soon be bound and the wicked will perish. Our great millennium will soon arrive, a time of great peace and light for all!'

My Heavenly Parents then faded back into the white cloud and were gone! I thanked them in my mind and closed my prayer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 29, 2019, Tuesday

1. This morning I spent some time in personal prayer, asking that I come, in my replicated celestial self, to my wife and some of my children as a healing angel of light. I had specific requests for each one. I sought to be a conduit of God's light to different parts of their bodies in order to help them heal. I asked also that I remain near them in my replicated state for as long as necessary, in order that they significantly improve and heal.

2. After my prayer, I then turned on the light in my room and started writing in my personal journal. I came next to the area outside the north temple doors on the celestial orb. I felt like I was alone. I knelt on the pavement and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

3. Heavenly Mother then walked through the shut temple doors. She was then right in front of me, standing in front of me in her beauty, light and radiance! She was smiling and her eternity eyes were sparkling.

4. She spoke: 'Raphael, your request to bless your own immediate family or others you know around you as you did this morning is pleasing to your Heavenly Father and me! We will send out healing light through you and have you be our conduit of healing to them.

5. You may also think thoughts of healing others around you that you see are in need of pain relief, increased vitality, and specific healing needs. We will impress you to know whether your request will be accepted by us or not. We may then have you act as our conduit of healing.

6. We have detailed plans for the growth and journey of each of our beloved children who come to their mortal probation. Life seems very random to you who live in your fallen state, but to us we see differently. We send our sons or daughters to earth at different times and conditions, and know what weaknesses and strengths they will develop as they grow. We know of circumstances and interactions they will encounter with others that will shape their lives. We generally let life happen, and we watch what they each choose to do and how attentive they are to our Spirit with which we gently speak to them. Sometimes we heal or help them by course correcting their lives, and sometimes we just allow things to happen as life goes.

7. We consider all of our plans for our particular child when you or another with healing gifts asks of us to heal them. We hear your requests of us to bless and heal them, and then allow you to be a healing conduit to them to the extent we desire. Our overall objective is to help our child develop to their maximum potential and to choose the highest level of happiness they wish. We see what they each really desire.

8. Were we to not send them into a fallen world, we couldn't clearly see whom they list to obey. We couldn't see how they deal with temptations from the adversary, or how they deal with their own natural man or woman that dwells in their being by virtue of their being mortal in a telestial world. We see how clearly they hear our still, small voice and if they choose to follow our directions.

9. We love to see our children act in kindness to each other and exhibit Christ like behaviors and actions. We mostly watch and withhold any long lasting judgments until they each progress through the phases of life and enter various stages in their progression. We allow them to reap the natural consequences of their actions.

10. When choosing our elect, we see who has responded to our promptings, who acts and thinks of others rather than only of themselves, and what they have chosen in their lives. We know who would be compatible in a millennial world of great love, light and freedom. We know from our observations of them from the beginning if they are candidates for being selected as our elect who will go into our great millennium on earth.

11. We have chosen to change all of the elect to a terrestrial mortal state prior to the severe calamities coming to your world. They will all be in various states of spiritual progress and development, all ages and in various situations, and families and circumstances.

12. As their bodies change to terrestrial, they will find themselves freed from Satan and his evil hosts. They will also find that they have increased in their sensitivities to our voice within them, to their unconscious mind. They will gradually find their true selves more, having an elevated mortal state. They will awaken to us, their Gods!

13. For some of our elect, they won't awaken to us until they are faced with great afflictions in their lives. They will be like the Nephites of old.

14. Alma 4:3

"And so great were their afflictions that every soul had cause to mourn; and they believed that it was the judgments of God sent upon them because of their wickedness and their abominations; therefore they were awakened to a remembrance of their duty.

15. Raphael, your Father and I love all of our children! We have plans for those he hasn't chosen to be our elect. They will enter into the world of the spirit dead when they are removed from their mortal probation. Their lives will continue in that realm to allow them to further progress and grow into the persons they desire to be. There will be some who, even at this point, turn to us, their Gods, and become determined to follow us. We will continue to reach out to them and gradually lead them into our light.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her revelations to me this new morning! I expressed gratitude to be the recipient of her great truths. I said I loved her and would keep her commandments.

17. She then turned and walked back through the closed door of her temple. I ended my prayer and started my day.

18. Evening–Tonight I came to the shores of Lake Beautiful, from the north side of the lake. I faced south, looking over the still waters. I saw dark storm clouds out on the lake. I wondered if this was my imagining, for I had just uploaded a few storm pictures on my post 141. And I wondered if these thoughts were affecting me in my current view?

19. I then heard rumbling of thunder, and saw a lightning strike on the lake. I could also tell this storm was approaching me very quickly! I looked around for shelter and saw none. I then decided to kneel on the shore and pray to my Father in heaven.

20. Heavenly Father came to my right side and put his hand on my shoulder, as we both faced the storm. Soon a loud boom of thunder rumbled the skies, and lightning struck the shore a few yards away! I felt the sand on the beach explode so there was a large crater from the lightning bolt. Both my Father and I were scattered with the exploding sand, but we were not hurt.

21. It then started violently raining, and we both became fully drenched! Still my Father had his left hand on my shoulder, and didn't move. He was very calm, and so I became calm too.

22. We must have been two-three minutes in the downpour. Then my Heavenly Father raised his other hand and spoke 'Peace, be still!', just like is recorded in the Bible when Jesus calmed the Sea of Galilee (see Mark 4:39). The rain immediately stopped and the cloud quickly dispersed. In a moment the celestial sun broke through and warmed our wet bodies.

23. Heavenly Father then faced me: 'Raphael, there is no need to fear when your Heavenly Mother or I are near, for we will protect you against all calamities and troubles! We will either stand next to you while we endure the storms of these last days together, or we will disperse the storms, for your sake, and for the sake of our elect. We will preserve the elect by our majestic power; and bring them to the beautiful millennial day!'

24. He then rose up in the sky and quickly was out of sight! I thanked him in my mind, and said I would always call upon him whenever I felt fear, or was in need. I would always put my faith in him. I knew his clear message tonight wasn't just for me, but for all of the terrestrial elect. What a wonderful comfort and promise!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 30, 2019, Wednesday

1. This morning I came to the celestial orb in the maple tree grove, just off the western shores of Lake Beautiful. These very large maple trees were towering up into the sky, which was clear and sunny. Their leaves were green and it appeared to be springtime.

2. I knelt on the soft ground between the trees and faced the lake down the slope. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would be visiting me this morning.

3. I saw a bright light coming from the lake, and casting light and shadows all around me. I am filled with anticipation to soon be in the presence of my Heavenly Mother!

4. She walked up from the shore through the trees, and then was standing before me, a little elevated in the air! She was intensely bright and smiling. I felt her love and acceptance that accompanied her light fills me with great joy.

5. She spoke: 'Raphael, in your evening prayer with your wife last night, you asked us to bless and guide a number of your children in life. You also prayed that we do certain things that in your view would make life happier.

6. Afterwards your wife wondered if you could really direct God around like that, asking us to do this or that. You thought her comment was good, and said you'd be more careful in what you said. You then both fell asleep.

7. Some of the prayers of our children weave a series of requests that come to us like we are being directed for the selfish intentions of the one praying. They rarely ask in true humility, but just repeat a number of requests. Then they end their prayer and forget even what they prayed for, until the next prayer is made. They rarely think about what they really are asking, but tend to repeat their requests, like these demands would be answered if they repeated them frequently enough.

8. We love our children to pray to us their Gods, but we wish they could be humble and open, seeking our guidance and then listening to what we reveal to them. If they ask and then don't listen, or won't get in a meditative and open state, how can we help them ask according to our Holy Spirit, or be truly guided by us in their prayers?

9. In the Book of Mormon, there was a group of the Zoramites who had gathered in the city of Antinium. They prayed on their Sabbath days from a Rameumptom, or what they called a holy stand.

10. Alma 31:22-25–"Now, from this stand they did offer up, every man, the selfsame prayer unto God, thanking their God that they were chosen of him, and that he did not lead them away after the tradition of their brethren, and that their hearts were not stolen away to believe in things to come, which they knew nothing about.

11. Now, after the people had offered up thanks after this manner, they returned to their homes, never speaking of their God again until they had assembled themselves together again to the holy stand, to offer up thanks after this manner.

12. Now, when Alma saw this his heart was grieved; for he saw that they were a wicked and perverse people; yea, he saw that their hearts were set upon gold, and upon silver, and upon all manner of fine goods.

Yea, and he also saw that their hearts were lifted up unto great boasting, in their pride."

13. The manner of the Zoramites is being practiced again in your modern times, among many Christian churches, and among many members of the LDS church.

14. When a member of your own ward opens or closes a sacrament meeting in prayer, they usually repeat the same phrases that they have heard from others, and elevate themselves in their prayers above those who don't have the gospel, or are not like them, or have been rejected by them. Their expressions of gratitude are pleasing to us, but are often not followed by a desire to be open and free with their substance, or wanting to care for the poor and needy, or help those who may be downtrodden or rejected by the congregation because they are different.

15. These same individuals often have a narrow group of believers with whom they socialize, but then they won't talk to those outside of their exclusive group. Their religion is more a social circle who are elevated above the rest. They are exclusive in their associations. They pass around made-up stories of how God did this or that thing for them, because they are special in some way. These make believe stories are entirely from themselves, and have no foundation or evidence of truth.

16. We particularly are very tired of their monthly testimony meetings! There is rarely one who is truly humble and open to us, who in their penitence expresses a deep felt testimony of God's goodness to them. If they do, I send forth my Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit to testify of this truth to the congregation, so that they may be uplifted and buoyed up in truth and light. This even happens rarely now in your land, among the LDS people.

17. Isaiah, our prophet, prophesied about these people of your day, in the very introductory chapter to his great book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 1:13-15

"Bring no more vain oblation; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you; yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood."

18. Raphael, tonight come again to this beautiful grove of maple trees, and I will teach you of the true order of prayer.'

19. I thanked her for her words. I said I would seek to be humble and open in all of my prayers. I would also seek to listen and follow all her counsel.

20. Heavenly Mother then smiled and vanished. I closed my prayer and started my new day.

21. Evening–I came to the maple tree grove tonight in the same spot I had come this morning. I immediately knelt and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come.

22. She came from above the sky through the treetops! Her light penetrated right through the leaves and the limbs I thought that this was a feature of these celestial trees, unlike telestial trees, but I wasn't sure.

23. Heavenly Mother came right in front of me in her glory, about a foot elevated above the floor of the grove of trees. She was smiling and radiating her intense light to everything around me, and also through me so that I too was very transparent.

24. She then spoke: 'Raphael, the true order of prayer is exactly what you are doing–for you have come to a place on our celestial orb, and petitioned either your Heavenly Father or me in humble and open prayer. There is no formality involved, only the correct attitude, humility and openness to act on whatever we reveal.

25. This true order of prayer may also be done in any lower realm. Prayer of this intensity should be done in meditation, in quietness, and in great sincerity and humility. It matters not even if our child is kneeling before us, although that shows reverence, respect and acknowledgment of our status as their Father and Mother, and their willingness to do our will.

26. The true order of prayer may also be done with a group of our children where all have the same humility and openness of their heart and mind.

27. There are no prescribed ways to hold ones hands, or signs our child needs to make. The important issue is the condition of their soul. We hear every prayer thus offered, and smile upon them in their requests.

28. The one praying should not come to us with any sort of determination that we do a particular thing. We are pleased when they request a certain thing or action, but this is to be done in the spirit of deference and submission to our judgment and will. Whether or not we fulfill their request is up to us, and whatever our decision, our child should gladly accept in humility and reverence. We know how to answer the petitions of our children, and usually our children cannot see with our same Godly perspective

29. We often will enlighten their minds and hearts to see with our views, if they are malleable and open.

30. Sometimes our child approaches us with the intent not to ask us for a particular blessing, but to receive whatever we choose to reveal to them, or however we wish to guide them. This is very pleasing to us also.

31. Prayers to us should conclude in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We hide nothing from his view, and always have our children come through his cleansing power into our presence. Without their garments being made spotless in the blood of the Lamb, even Jesus Christ the Great Redeemer, they could not enter into our presence.

32. You, Raphael, are purified and clean every whit by Jesus Christ. He has redeemed you, and brought you back into our glorious presence. We then may lead and direct you, and fill you with our light and abundant revelations. We will do so in a step-by-step way to every one who diligently comes unto us in the manner I have prescribed as the true order of prayer.

33. There is a phrase called the true order of prayer in LDS endowment ceremonies. This is a prayer where a few people repeat the words of an officiator. However, this is not how our eternal temple ordinances, administered by our holy angels will be. Instead, in these celestial and eternally binding ordinances, there will be a time allotted for personal prayer and communication with us, for each one receiving these ordinances. We will receive the sincere prayers of our beloved elect children at this point who approach us in personal communion, in the true order of prayer as I have explained. To some we will appear to them in their unconscious minds and speak to them our words of love and acceptance. To others they may feel the abundance of our Spirit. However, to all who sincerely and humbly petition us in this ordinance, we will answer with our light and love.'

34. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her instruction tonight! I felt so happy to have the true order of prayer so simply and clearly stated! I am also glad that they require no formality or given procedures. I told Heavenly Mother how I loved her, and would obey her words and treasure them in my heart and mind.

35. She then ascended back up into the treetops and next into the sky, and then was gone. I thanked her again in my heart and mind, and closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 31, 2019, Thursday

1. I enjoyed a cozy sleep last night in our warm house, while outside it went down to 10 degrees F or below I believe. I wonder how people will do when they have no house heat, and if the electricity or natural gas goes out?

2. I came this morning in the true order of prayer, like Heavenly Mother explained to me last night. I came on the celestial orb, seeking again in humility and openness the presence of my Gods. I have no idea of what I may receive or be directed to do. I just went to approach them in an open heart and mind, receptive of their direction to me, or their light and revelations they might give to me.

3. I came to the edge of the circling waters, on the grass between some beautiful flowers. I face the water and knelt, asking for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.

4. Heavenly Father appeared gradually before me, a little above the waters! He was very majestic, filled with light and power. I felt so very glad to be in his presence!

5. He spoke: 'Raphael, this brings your Mother and I lots of joy to come to you regularly, day by day, and to gradually guide and reveal to you our will! We will lead you to all truth and happiness, as fast as you are able to receive, understand, change and come ready for more. This will be by your own inner desires, and not by fear, guilt or pressure from anyone else. Even as you desire and demonstrate to us, by putting us first in your life, and giving us a little of your priority time, we will gladly respond.

6. Then will the psalm of David of old be realized in your daily life:

Psalms 23:1-6:

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

7. Raphael, you have no preconceived idea of what we may share with you, or where we may lead you. You trust in us and yearn to connect to us in open and sincere prayer. This is a highlight of your day, morning and night. You are careful to write and document all that we inspire you, and are careful in sharing what we reveal, even as we have directed you.

8. As a result we will magnify you as our servant in these last day to help us orchestrate our work, our strange work and strange act (see Isaiah 28:21). We will largely work through you in many things, even as we have planned from the beginning when we chose you to be our fourth son in the spirit. We have appointed and ordained you to be our archangel, our prophet of the Church of the Firstborn, even until Jesus Christ comes in his great glory and power.

9. Your steady and diligent example will be a model for our elect to follow in their own lives. As they also diligently seek us, their Gods, we will lead them beside the still waters, and restore their soul and enlighten their understandings.

10. Of all our activities and pleasures, this is the one that brings us the most joy and happiness!

11. I responded to my Heavenly Father: 'Oh my majestic Heavenly Father, I am so uplifted and feel so loved and accepted by you and my Heavenly Mother! I love and cherish my moments with each of you, as I come into your glorious presence, morning and night. Surely my cup runneth over, and I am filled daily with your light, love, revelations and guidance! My heart ponders on these things I am shown and led to do. I think on ways to please you, and what I might do to become more and more like you, even in my mortal state. I love you both so deeply! You are first in my life!'

12. Heavenly Father smiled and extended his hands, pulling me up gently from my kneeling position to standing before him.

'Raphael, we both love you too!'

13. He then pulled me close in a warm embrace. He kissed me on both of my cheeks, and also on my forehead! His light radiated into me and I felt so uplifted and loved.

14. He then brought me before him, with both of his hands on the sides of my shoulders, and gave me his concluding words:

15. 'Raphael, you are the Branch that is growing out of the Stem of Jesse who is Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son (see your post 54B3-54B8 and 54M3). You are gradually receiving our nourishment and light, and we now fully reveal to you all things, and lead you exactly where we wish you to serve us and to do as we wish. We love you Raphael!'

16. He then dropped his hands and started going backwards, up into the celestial sky! He was soon gone, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus. I then started my new day.

17. Evening–Yesterday I assembled my 40 personal journals that I seriously began writing in 2011. Each one has 128 pages which is 5,120 pages total. It took up an entire drawer of my legal size file cabinet.

18. I am amazed at this nearly eight-year journey I have experienced, starting with the injury of my son A. on his LDS mission in December 2011. It took a family tragedy to awaken me to who I am and to have now a close connection with my Heavenly Parents.

19. I spent an hour yesterday organizing my journals, numbering them and marking on them the dates they span. I want to include this information on my printed record of my posts that have come from my journals.

20. We enjoyed a fun family gathering tonight. Our local grandchildren were all dressed up and got candy, plus we enjoyed homemade chili, chips and veggies. They who are young are especially growing up so quickly!

21. I came tonight to the desert oasis. I felt warm and happy. I knelt in front of the bench on the sand, and faced the water. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come, for I felt she would soon appear and give me this evening's revelation.

22. Heavenly Mother appeared on my right side, standing next to me on the sand! She was subdued in her light, but smiled broadly and seemed very happy. I felt so happy also to be in her presence. She spoke:

'Raphael, you have noticed how quickly the years pass by, and how quickly your family grows older. You have been surprised with how much you have written over the nearly eight years since your son's injury on his mission. We have used this time to mold you into the man you are now. We have many more plans for you over the next eight years and more as we continue to lead and inspire you and our awakening holy mortal angels. We are very aware of each one, and will lead them also in their lives, as they are open and submissive to our will. We will give them our Spirit and speak to them by our still small voice that you have come to know and recognize very well.

23. These next few years will immerse your world in tribulation and distress for all nations and all peoples. The entire earth will be affected as we cleanse the earth of sin and wickedness, and transition into a terrestrial state for the world and her inhabitants. We want you to continue to record in your journal an account of our revelations and directions to you, and of the general happenings in your community and world, as you become aware. Most of all, we want you and our faithful servants and elect not to fear, but to enjoy the increased connection, protection and guidance from us your Gods. We will be very attentive to you and to those who love us and keep our commandments!'

24. Heavenly Mother smiled and extended her hands to me! I took it and held it close to me. She said my Father and she would always be with me. They would nourish me as a branch receives nourishment from its source. She said all was planned in detail for my work and mission, and that I just needed to stay connected and do as they directed me. She said they would fill me with their truths and revelation. It would be a remarkable journey she said!

25. She then withdrew her hand and was instantly gone! I then felt her presence near me, even when I couldn't see her. I know she was near and would guide me.

26. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 1, 2019, Friday

1. I am up early in my private room, awake before the rest of my family gets up. I came to the west end of Heavenly Father's wheat field for some reason that I don't know. I found a spot to kneel that wouldn't crush any wheat. It was a sunny and blue-skied day on this beautiful celestial orb!

2. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then looked over the field and saw a man laboring in the field, bent over among the wheat. As I observed him he had in his right hand a sickle, and was cutting the stalks of wheat. When he looked up, he saw me and came in front of me, standing a little above his wheat field in the air. I knew he was Heavenly Father. He spoke to me after he arrived:

3. 'Raphael, when you saw me laboring in my field, you looked up references to D&C 86 in your index when we spoke about the parable of the wheat and tares: You read in your post 32A8 how I was gathering my wheat from this field back in October 25, 2016, even three years ago. You then reflected on what we have been saying to you that all of the elect on earth would be changed to become terrestrial mortals by the end of 2019.

4. Raphael, it takes time for us to select and harvest our wheat. Time is not so much of an issue for us on our celestial orb like it is for you in your time-based world. The event of harvesting our wheat is more the issue, and not when this will exactly occur. We have rarely stated to you exact dates when something will be accomplished, and we often show you things that will happen in the future as if they are happening at the moment. You generally know of the event but not of the exact timing, nor of its precise fulfillment.

5. However, what you have seen me now doing, in harvesting my wheat in my field with my sharp sickle is now happening, at this current hour in your earthly time. As I select the elect, they begin the process of changing to terrestrial beings. This process involves me selecting these individuals who are my elect, transitioning each part of their physical body by my chosen servants on our celestial orb like your sister K experienced in the pyramid room last week, and then completing the experience through a transfiguration like you experienced last Friday in the domed room. This three-step process in now happening as my servants and I gather the wheat into safe garners.

6. The safe garners are not now in locations but are the change of their physical state from a telestial mortal to a terrestrial mortal. This process for all of my elect will be completed by the end of 2019. At that time all of my elect will have been changed into terrestrial mortal beings. The gathering of the elect, spoken of in D&C 86:7 will be fulfilled at that time!

7. D&C 86:7 "Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and field remaineth to be burned."

8. Starting in 2020, the tares will then be fully started to be bound in bundles by our angels and other servants, for the gathering of our wheat will have been completed in its first phase. There will be other actions we take with the wheat in the process of gathering, but these will be in their terrestrial bodies, and will be done one at a time.'

9. Heavenly Father then showed me again his sickle that I had seen before as shown in my post 32B2. I saw that this sickle could only be used on a small bundle of ripe wheat stalks at a time. I thought of modern-day harvesters in wheat fields that cut and gather wheat in large swaths. I knew Heavenly Father takes great care in harvesting his wheat, or his elect, one stalk at a time.

10. I knew also that some of the wheat would be gathered one from a family or several from a community. I felt there would be many more tares left in the field that he cut and gathered as his wheat.

11. 'Raphael,' he spoke, 'you are correct that there are many more tares now in my wheat field than wheat. Satan is abroad now in the land, and has persuaded so many to commit sin and reject us and our gentle promptings.

12. D&C 86:3–"And after they (the apostles) have fallen asleep the great persecution of the church, the apostate, the whore, even Babylon, that maketh all nations to drink of her cup, in whose hearts the enemy, even Satan, sitteth to reign–behold he (Satan and his evil hosts) soweth the tares; wherefore, the tares choke the wheat and drive the church into the wilderness (this brings upon the true church false doctrines that causes apostasy and the withdrawal of our Spirit from the church and the world. This church started with that church established by the apostles in Jesus' time, and continued with the restored church in Joseph Smith's time with ordained apostles who have now all apostatized from the full truth and their connection with us their Gods)." (words in parentheses given by Heavenly Father).'

13. I had wondered about what this verse meant above, and it has been clarified today! Heavenly Father smiled and then returned to his wheat field. He bent over and continued his final selection of his elect wheat. I ended my prayer and started my day.

14. Evening-I just returned late from a date with my wife. It is already past midnight and I feel a need to go to sleep rather than have a formal prayer. I will pray in the morning in a meditative prayer. I felt connected to my gods all day long. Even now I feel this is a decision they are pleased with.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 2, 2019, Saturday

1. I awoke from a wonderful sleep, and feel refreshed. I am glad for a new day ahead of us. I came this morning to the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. As I faced the distant temple, I had thoughts, very subtle thoughts, recurring through my mind on what to write. It was like I was being prompted to write in a certain way. I then wondered and confirmed that these impressions were from my unconscious mind, and not from the spirit or anything else, nor from my conscious mind.

2. These thoughts were truly those which I was sensitive to and I could realize I was thinking and they were very much in my mind like my conscious thoughts are all day long. I wondered if when I get in a quiet meditative state, that I can hear or sense my unconscious mind speaking to me, from my own self, similar to how I hear or have thoughts from my conscious mind?

3. Heavenly Mother then came in a bright glory from her distant temple to a place right in front of me in the air! She was smiling, and her eyes were sparkling. Her light came through me and I became filled with her light, even as I experienced a transparent feeling.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: "Raphael, you have described well the process in your own mind of how you know what you are doing in your own mind of how you know what you are doing in our celestial realms, in your replicated celestial body. You are correct that very subtle impressions or thoughts clearly come into your mind from your unconscious mind. These are normally not available to our mortal children. However, because you come into a meditative state so frequently, and start writing in this state, you have developed an awareness of what you are thinking and experiencing in your unconscious self.

5. When you stray off of writing what your subtle thoughts from your unconscious mind express to you, you go back and correct your writing. In this way you record on earth in your personal journal the same words, concepts and truths that you write in your journal in heaven. Both records are preserved and recorded, one on earth and one in heaven. In heaven, on our celestial orb, these records are stored in your domed room in a safe repository. On earth you have placed these now in your file cabinet lower drawer.

6. Because you have developed this awareness in your mind of what your unconscious self is thinking and experiencing, we may speak to your conscious self and then you write down this experience. Your journal is now full of years of these true events and our true revelations of what you received, even in your unconscious mind.

7. Another thing you have been doing in the past week has been to ask of us, your Heavenly Parents in your conscious mind, what foods have the highest vitality to eat. You desire to only eat the very best food, and yet not have others become aware of you testing or asking of us what foods to eat.

8. Last night, on your date with your wife, you perused the menu at the restaurant and found something that would be the best of your choices. You ordered and ate this. You also have been doing this in the grocery store. Those foods with a high vibrational content, which are best for you, you assign a number one, those with a medium vitality a two, and those with a low vitality a three. As you consider a food choice you then sense or know if it is a number one, two, or three. This comes from your unconscious mind into your mind as subtle thoughts. You do this quickly and are able to thereby quietly train yourself on the best foods to eat. Your unconscious mind knows what are the most vibrant foods for your body to eat.

9. Your choices of foods are now all telestial foods, or those grown in your telestial earth. As the earth transitions to a terrestrial world, the plant source will also change, for they will be receiving nourishment and minerals from the terrestrial earth and terrestrial living water. Even the sunshine coming to your planet will be enhanced and come upon your earth as terrestrial light. These all will produce terrestrial high vitality foods.

10. The millennial earth will no longer be suitable for our telestial creations except our own children for all will transition on her surface from a telestial state to an elevated terrestrial state. This will include all plants and animals.

11. However, our own children will not transition from their lower, fallen telestial state to that of a higher terrestrial state unless we individually change them. This process will include a transfiguration process done in their unconscious state by your Father and I, like you observed and wrote about on Thursday, 10-24-2019 in the evening. The remainder of our children that are not changed by us will not tolerate the changed terrestrial earth, and will perish, for we will not quicken them to a terrestrial glory.

12. Thus only our terrestrial elect whom the Father has chosen will be able to enter into the millennial terrestrial world. All our creations will gradually change from their telestial state to a higher terrestrial state.

13. Raphael, part of your change to a terrestrial mortal person is the increased clarity you experienced in your mind and thoughts. What you felt today, with clearer subtle thoughts, will increase not only in your own mind, but in those that we will change into terrestrial mortals.

14. They will all have better connections to their unconscious self, and the heavy veil that shrouds their own minds will significantly lessen. Were they to develop skills in meditation and quietness, they would also sense these same subtle thoughts you described this morning.

15. As you begin eating terrestrial foods, your mind will gradually become more and more clarified. Your physical body will also become more vibrant and healthy. You will lose the desire to eat meat, and your physical body will be able to function well without animal food sources. Until that time, the counsel we gave in the Doctrine and Covenants will still apply.

16. D&C 49:18:

"And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God;"

17. D&C 89: 12-15

"Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;

And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.

All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;

And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger."

18. D&C 101: 30-31

"In that day an infant shall not die until he is old; and his life shall be as the age of a tree;

And when he dies he shall not sleep, that is to say in the earth, but shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up, and his rest shall be glorious."

19. The age of a tree means full age of men, that our son or daughter has experienced in living in their youth, teenage transition years, and mature into an adult, and then into a later mature state where their energy wanes, even until a very old age. We wish each to have these broad spectrums of life.

20. The phrase "being caught up" refers to their celestial resurrection, and changing their main residence from the earth to our celestial orb. They will not generally labor, or live in the world of the spirit dead.

21. I thanked my glorious and beautiful Heavenly mother before me! I knew all she spoke to me and what I wrote to be true.

She then moved backwards in a beam of light, back to her temple in the distance from where she came. She was gone and I closed my wonderful prayer.

22. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis. It was very quiet and still. I sat on the bench for a while to settle my mind from my day's activities and mortal concerns. I felt like I needed to be very clear and receptive to what my gods would say.

When I felt grounded, I knelt in the sand facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would come.

23. Heavenly Father came from my left, walking on the path around the oasis! He seemed so filled with wisdom, and very understanding of all things. He spoke: "Raphael, you learned some important things about people recently. If they treat you harshly, they will do that to others too. If they are ungrateful, they will act ungrateful to others. You have let these small offenses be without any reviling or response. Then you came to the conclusion that it is not in your power to change them for they will continue to act how they will independent of what you might do or say. You then accepted them how they are and let all offenses towards you to just blow off. You were then able to interface with them with no negative feelings, or in any way being offended.

24. Raphael, this is a proper way to interact with all offense from your family, neighbor, and all acquaintances. One of the most important keys to doing this is that you have no power to change anyone except yourself. Sending forth acceptance and love to those who offend you, and to all people, is how we wish you to continue to act.

25. Your mother and I have experienced many relationships. Our approach to all our children is to accept and love them. We allow them each full choice to act and live as they wish. We speak to them with our still and quiet voice, but if they will not hear us, we allow them to choose their own path. We accept them and reward them to what level of happiness they may choose.

26. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his succinct words on interacting with others. I thanked him for giving me the freedom to choose what I would do and to what level I would act in obedience to him and Heavenly Mother. I said it was my sincere intention to always remember them and to fully keep their commandments.

He smiled and then returned on the path from where he came. He then disappeared from my view into his higher celestial realm. I closed my prayer and ended my day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 3, 2019, Sunday

1. This should be a relaxing and great day, for my wife and I will receive the sacrament, and visit our neighbor in the rest home, and then go to our daughter's for dinner in the evening.

I have thought more about not being able to change anyone, and accepting them just how they are. If we try to control them, they usually don't like it and will often act in non-loving ways. If we just accept them, and don't try to control them, they will generally be much happier and act more kindly to us.

2. I received an email from a business correspondence on Friday where the lady was unreasonable and harsh. I am going to respond with graciousness, take the blame, and make her feel she was right in her decision. I know I have no power to change her attitude except perhaps by kindness and acceptance. I will see how she responds. I have already let all offenses that I initially felt to just vanish from my mind. I also know she is a very controlling person who loves to be in charge, even to unreasonableness.

3. I came to the celestial orb beside Gods' Loving Healing Lake. I found myself sitting on the ground next to the little stream that flows into the lake. All was serene and calm, and I felt happy and settled. I knelt on the grass and faced the lake. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

4. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared before me, about a foot in the air above the ground! They were both smiling and radiating lots of love and joy. I felt so accepted and warmed by their presence!

5. Heavenly Mother spoke to me: "Raphael, when you are settled in your own mind, having no desire to control anyone else, and can think of nobody that offends you, you are in a settled state, ready to receive our presence.

Jesus Christ came to the Nephite people and repeated these words to them that he had taught in the Sermon on the Mount when he was in his mortal ministry:

6. 3 Nephi 12: 22-25-

"But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of his judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Therefore, if ye shall come unto me, or shall desire to come unto me, and rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee—

Go thy way unto thy brother, and first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I will receive you.

Agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with him, lest at any time he shall get thee, and thou shalt be cast into prison."

7. These words from our Beloved Son express the same perspective you have, in not seeking to control another adult, and agreeing with them, accepting them, and holding no grudges or offense towards them. Neither you, Heavenly Father or I can control their actions without manipulation or force, which none of us use. We delight in the agency of our children, and their ability and freedom to choose on their own how they will act. We accept them and love them just as they are. We encourage them to choose our ways by our gentle and quiet whispers to their unconscious mind, but if they will not hear us, they are free to choose their own path or behavior. In the end we will reward them for the type of person they have become. "

8. Heavenly Father then spoke: "Raphael, you received an email from S this morning. In it he shared with you a perspective that I gave him from the time of Moses and also when Jesus came to the Nephites. We allowed our people in these times to choose to grovel in wickedness or to follow us their Gods, and either enter the promised land or be brought into the presence of Jesus Christ. We allowed the wicked to die off so that the righteous could move forward to the next higher phase of their lives. It would have not been good for the wicked to have been rewarded to enter the promised land also, or to come into the presence of Jesus Christ.

9. Here is the email from S that I had received this morning on 11-3-2019:


I was typing up your record this morning. We had a similar learning experience yesterday. You wrote from Heavenly Mother, "The remainder of our children that are not changed by us will not tolerate the changed terrestrial earth, and will perish, for we will not quicken them to a terrestrial glory." I had a similar with Heavenly Father.

In prayer today, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed immediately to "Look!" I looked below me and saw the children of Israel anciently being led of Moses. I perceived great humility and submission to God from Moses. Heavenly Father spoke to my mind, "He desired only to do what God directed him to do. He had no other intention. Many looked to him for guidance and direction from the Lord, but they did not seek the Lord intently themselves." Heavenly Father continued, "Raphael has similar characteristics to Moses of being humble and desiring only to be led and follow the commands of Us, his Heavenly Parents. He seeks no notoriety, fame or honor unto himself. You also seek to do our will and desire to seek Us intently and follow our direction in your life. You were concerned about Raphael's record falling into the wrong hands if printed. All these things are in Our control and Our work will move forward by Our infinite wisdom. Be at peace and seek only to do Our will as did Moses and currently Raphael.

He was then standing beside me, and I felt His love and strength. He spoke, 'There were many of the Israelites of a telestial nature and not ready to seek God. These died in the wilderness. At the time of the Nephites, the great destruction removed the telestial inhabitants who were burned by fire, drowned or buried under mountains. The remaining inhabitants were of terrestrial nature and Zion was established among them. Those of a telestial nature on your earth will soon be destroyed in like manner. This will occur according to our plans and our words, for the earth will receive its paradisiacal glory! Our children who ultimately remain will be at least of a terrestrial nature.'

He departed from my side as His message was complete. I closed my prayer and was left considering the pattern that would repeat similar to the Nephites. I had not previously considered that all the telestial natured children were destroyed and those of a terrestrial nature were preserved when Jesus came. It made more sense that even those not present during Jesus' visit were "all converted" unto the Lord and a Zion society was established for almost 3 generations."

10. Similarly, we will restrict your record from falling into the hands of those who would reject our words because of unbelief. We will also not reward the wicked with the same blessing for the righteous in coming into our millennial day of peace and rest, and freedom from Satan's grasp. We give our higher gifts to those who demonstrate to us by their actions and open hearts to receive our truths. Listen to these truths spoken of in the parable of Jesus.

11. Mathew 13: 44-50

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

12. We love all of our children, even the wicked who reject us. We will allow the natural consequences to sever them from the gifts and blessings we will give to the righteous.

13. Your day again will have an entire separation of the righteous and the wicked. (See D&C 63: 54) This separation is now accelerating, and will end with my angels in plucking out the wicked and bringing them into the world of the dead that will be their consequence."

14. I thanked my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their words this morning. I felt so very happy to have received and to have been in their glorious presence. I treasure their truths, and stand ready to do their will. I said I so loved them, and loved the truths and abundant light they continually shine down upon me.

They both raised an arm to me and smiled as they faded away into their higher celestial realms I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.

15. After church–I wrote this during church: I came with my wife to our ward today. I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake, and faced the lake. I felt very humble and open, eager only to please God and to do their will.

16. In the ward the priest blessed the bread, and I then made my covenant to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were not before me yet.

17. When I completed praying to them, they both appeared directly in front of me. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant, and will always be with you, with both our Spirit and in our very presence.

18. There are many good people in your ward, and some among them are our elect. They will receive a change in their bodies to a terrestrial state from us, their Gods. They will not know of these changes.

19. There will be some of our elect children who will be born into mortality after this current year concludes. They will be born in telestial bodies as babies, but their bodies will soon change to terrestrial bodies by us, their Heavenly Parents. We will make changes to all of our elect that I have chosen, regardless of their age, to prepare them for the tribulations that will come upon the world.'

20. I then received and drank the sacrament water. After I drank, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother smiled and departed quickly.

21. Evening–Tonight I read D&C 65 about the kingdom of God on earth that would meet the kingdom of heaven when Jesus Christ descends in the brightness of his glory. I was a little confused what the kingdom of God on earth consists of? Was it the Church of Christ, or the Church of the Firstborn, or both?

22. I came to the mountain stream just before the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's lower garden. I faced the waterfall and prayed.

23. Heavenly Mother then came to me from the waterfall, approaching me quickly and then stepping a few feet from me in the air! She spoke immediately!

24. 'Raphael, the keys of the kingdom of God had been committed to Joseph Smith Jun. in 1830 when we sent Peter, James and John. D&C 27:12-13:

"And also with Peter, James and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles, and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry and of the same things which I revealed unto them;

Unto who I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things both which are in heaven, and which are on earth;"

25. Joseph Smith, even though he died, is now resurrected and still retains these keys to the kingdom of God on the earth. Those who were apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have recently lost their priesthood and their keys they had received through the prophets back to Joseph Smith.

26. When the Church of Christ is re-established again on the earth, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith will ordain and confer these keys on the newly chosen apostle who will be appointed to be the head of this restored terrestrial church. He will then possess the keys of the kingdom of God. He will hold all the keys that Joseph was given by our holy messengers. He will act as the President and Prophet of the Church of Christ.

27. You, Raphael, have been directly commissioned by us your Gods on 5/14/2017 to 5/15/2017. (see your post 51J1-51J9 and 53A15). You were given responsibility of the wilderness area on this celestial orb until the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, of building the New Jerusalem temple, and of establishing on earth the church of the Firstborn. This is the kingdom of heaven, or of the celestial, that of necessity needs to be established on the earth when Jesus Christ comes in glory to reign. His arrival in glory in the clouds of heaven will complete the arrival of the kingdom of Heaven on the earth.

28. Then will the scripture be fulfilled in D&C 65:5-6

"Call upon the Lord, that his kingdom may go forth upon the earth, that the inhabitants thereof may receive it, and be prepared for the days to come, in the which the Son of Man shall come down in heaven, clothed in the brightness of his glory, to meet the kingdom of God which is set upon the earth.

Wherefore, may the kingdom of God go forth, that the kingdom of heaven may come, that thou, O God, mayest be glorified in heaven so on earth, that thine enemies may be subdued, for thine is the honor, power and glory, forever and ever, amen."

The kingdom of heaven will come on the earth in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ. He will then take his rightful place on earth as the king of heaven, for he will be the king and lawgiver to those on the earth (see 2 Nephi 10:14 and Alma 5:50).

29. Raphael, all of your work for us is done in the celestial realms on this celestial orb and on earth. You help us direct and orchestrate all our work for the elect in preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ.'

30. I bowed my head in humble acceptance of the words of my Heavenly Mother. I asked if I had written this all correctly? She responded:

'Raphael, all that you have written is accurate.

I expressed my willingness to obey her and Heavenly Father, in all they want me to do. I asked for strength and continued direction. I thanked her for coming today.

31. She smiled and then gave me the thought:

'Raphael, we will be with you continually, and will guide you in everything we want you to do!'

She then left and I closed my prayer.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 4, 2019, Monday

1. I awoke early today before the family, and reread my entry above. It is still hard for me to realize the full impact of what Heavenly Mother shared with me, that I was to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth in order to receive Jesus Christ who would complete the arrival of this kingdom of heaven. I wonder about all of this for it is all done in my unconscious mind, and not in my conscious mind. As a mortal, the things I do are not continually before me, for there is still a veil that shrouds my mind. It is only in my meditative states in prayer that this information is revealed to me now. I feel confirmations of this anytime I pray or think about it, but it is still not before me continually. I consider myself truly an ordinary man living on earth, for that is what I experience in my conscious self daily.

2. I do trust in God's words that I have received, and will continue to press forth in my prayers and communications with God. They continue to reveal to me such great things! I love their light and truth they continually pour out upon me.

3. This morning I came in my unconscious self to the western mezzanine of God's temple on the celestial orb. I could see the very tall and looming temple in front of me. I came to the last outdoor beautiful gardens filled with flowers, bushes and trees to the west. This is where I usually come each time here. I knelt on the pavement and faced God's temple to my east. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

4. My Heavenly Father then appeared before me in his great glory and brightness! I felt so happy to be in his presence. He wore a magnificent white robe with a scarlet-red sash tied around his waist. He was filled with great light and truth. I bowed before him. He then spoke:

5. 'Raphael, your calling and commission is all to be done in the celestial realms, all done in your unconscious mind. As such you are not aware of this in your conscious mortal mind, but only as you come to us in a state of meditation and prayer where your actions and thoughts you do and think in our celestial realms flow into your conscious self. It requires faith and our continual assurance for you to comprehend and accept this. However, this is all true! We buoy you up continually to be able to accept our great work we do through you. Were you not to write these things in your journal, they would vanish from your conscious self. However, with your true account they are written for all our faithful to read and confirm whether these things are true. We will confirm their truths by our Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost so all who diligently seek our face, and ask in humility and the openness of their heart will know of their truth.

6. Entry into our presence, and answers to the prayers of our faithful elect come to each one individually. We individually speak softly to each one, in our familiar and recognizable way that we have always spoken to them. This process requires their faith and diligence, and the openness of their hearts and minds. This is as we have ordained it to be.

7. On another note, R.S. wrote you an email asking about same-gender attraction. He wondered if this would be transferred to the spirit inside the fetus because of the mother's circumstances or feelings.

8. Same gender attraction is something our spirit children never experienced in their pre-mortal lives. They have come to a fallen world where there are many life styles and patterns they might grow up in that they accept as usual. These, however, never cause same gender attraction, or do the unborn receive these while in their mother's womb before birth.

9. The greatest source for same gender attraction comes from evil spirits who influence or possess the spirits of those in mortality. If a male mortal is possessed by a female evil spirit, he may feel her attraction to other males, and then say he has same sex attraction. It really isn't from him, but from an evil spirit that has found residence in his body, or who continually stays around her unassuming host.

Were this evil spirit or spirits to depart, the same sex attraction would also depart.

10. The scriptures say that little children cannot sin, but are whole and not accountable (see Moroni 8:8). This is true doctrine. Little children are alive in Christ, cannot repent and need no baptism until the age of accountability (see Moroni 8:12-14, 19-20).

11. However, once our mortal children are accountable, these cleverly disguised evil spirits may whisper to their minds and hearts falsehoods about their natural maturing process into young men and young women. If these mortal children listen to and attract the false and evil spirits, they may become deceived into thinking they have same gender attraction. In your day there is an increasing amount who succumb to these temptations and whisperings from clinging spirits, or spirits who even possess their own spirits and largely take over their minds and thoughts. They are allowed to take possession of their bodies because these individuals have desired it at some point. There are all sorts of ways that these evil spirits masquerade as the person who they have influenced or even taken over. The spirit we sent originally into their own body has had to have given permission to their evil host to possess their body, or stay around them.

12. Mosiah 16:35–"For they are carnal and devilish, and the devil has power over them, yea, even that old serpent that did beguile our first parents, which was the cause of their fall; which was the cause of all mankind becoming carnal, sensual, devilish, knowing evil from good, subjecting themselves to the devil.

...But remember that he that persists in his own carnal nature, and goes on in the ways of sin and rebellion against God, remaineth in his fallen state and the devil hath all power over him. Therefore he is as though there was no redemption made, being an enemy to God; and also is the devil an enemy to God."

13. When Jesus Christ cast out the evil spirits from a man, and sent them to the swine, the man became in his right mind:

Mark 5:15 "And they came to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind; and they were afraid."

14. Jesus called these unclean spirits, for they had full possession of the man, and even could speak for the spirit of that man, for he had relinquished his power over his body to them. There were many, even Legion (see Mark 5:1-19).

15. Many in your day have a similar experience of being possessed and live in sin, even in homosexual relationships, or perverted attitudes or desire. These souls never were taught these things by us, their Heavenly Parents, in preparation for their advent into mortality. They were all taught and accepted the methods and feelings they would possess in order to have normal relations with their chosen spouse, and bring forth our children to the earth. This was their desires as they came as spirits to their mortal probation.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for addressing this big issue in our times, of same gender attraction. I also thanked him for the additional witness to me of my mission in the celestial realms. I told him I loved his words, and loved to be brought into his presence.

17. He then departed and I closed my prayer. I feel enlightened and prepared for a new day and a new week.

This is my garlic bed I recently planted, covered partly now in snow