190. Coming to Zion in Two Realms, Part 1
This is a very eye-opening post! It not only gives the laws of the terrestrial kingdom required to live for those coming to Zion, but it also gives new perspective on how those traveling to Zion will come. Our Heavenly Parents will carefully orchestrate the transfer of their elect to the New Jerusalem in remarkable ways. Some will travel in one realm and some in another. They have planned for different events to come in the telestial and terrestrial realms of the physical earth. This post is the first of two installments of such mind-bending truths.
Please pray about these new perspectives, and hold onto that which rings true in your mind and heart. It may take a few days to wrap your mind around all of this too.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, March 25, 2021
1. I was working with my wife on business until late last night. When I came to pray around midnight, I couldn't focus and was so very tired. I had also worked hard physically during the day. I don't like to get in that condition, for I so love to connect at night to my Heavenly Parents!
2. I came this morning to the circling waters. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She appeared to me over the water and spoke: 'Raphael, you still think that you can physically do practically anything like you could when younger. When you now exert beyond your physical limitations, you get extremely tired and cannot connect with us in prayer at night. In the morning, you are sore and stiff from physical labor of the previous day. This is a condition of aging which seems surprising to you.
3. We want you to experience this final phase of life, the conditions of aging. You recently talked to your wife who talks to your older neighbors. They complain of lack of energy and of being so very tired. You are beginning to have these same sensations. Raphael, you will have to learn to limit your physical activity to what you can realistically do in your current mortal life.
4. Learning to pace yourself is now your lot in life. You are understanding the secrets of old age which many who are younger can't comprehend because they have no experience. We want you to know from your direct experience these things, so that you may better commiserate with and relate to those who are in this latter phase of their lives.
5. In the terrestrial world, you will have a rebound of your energy and strength from what you are now experiencing. This will allow you to work in your replicated celestial body in our temple for long hours in our service. Your work there will be invigorating.
6. In your current mortal telestial state, where you want to do so many projects on your own, you will need to hire helpers or buy products and services that you would normally make or do yourself. Save your strength and energy to do less physically demanding tasks. There is a balance that you will learn in this part of your life that you could gain in no other way except from your direct experience.
7. When your Heavenly Father and I were living on our own mortal earth, we both entered into this last phase of life. Our energy waned and we became gray and white haired and old. We learned the limitations of our physical bodies. We also became more spiritually sensitive and connected in prayer with our own Heavenly Parents.
8. Now, looking back on this condition we experienced, I am grateful to have lived during my old age on earth. It rounded my perspective and helped me gain better mental and emotional skills that I could not have developed had I not been so very limited in my strength and energy. We want you to develop similar strengths that come from aging.
9. My recommendation is not to fight these aging changes, but to seek to learn from your new perspective. Let the younger and those in more vibrant physical health do more of your labor. Be grateful for what strength and mental acuity you are able to maintain.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her message. I said I don't like these changes, but that I would seek to gracefully transition into the inevitable stage of aging that is coming my way. I thanked her for the new perspectives I am gaining in this phase of my temporal life.
11. She smiled upon me and departed. I then started my new day on earth.
12. Evening-I came to the desert stream in the small gully, not far from the desert oasis tonight. I could see the oasis in the distance to the east I believe. I knelt by the slow moving stream and drank living water from my cupped hand. I felt refreshed and clear of my mortal cares. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
13. I then saw my Father walking towards me on the path on the east side of the gully. He was looking at me kneeling, and spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, step up to the path with me and let's walk in this desert together.'
14. I intended to come to his side, and was immediately next to him walking with him! We walked side by side for ten seconds or so, before he spoke to me.
15. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother talked to you this morning about aging issues that you will have to deal with in the near future. I too gained a lot of experience getting older in my mortal body on my earth. I found my energy waned, and I just couldn't keep up with my farming work and our property. I wanted to work hard and have the youthful energy I once enjoyed, but I grew tired easily. Ultimately I had to downsize and limit my work. I became tired most of the time, and rested a lot. I died before your mother did, leaving her a widow.
16. We both feel the experiences of older age were eternally beneficial to our understanding. We wish you to experience these too, and your opportunity to do so is now, during these remaining telestial mortal days. You are gaining understanding of lower energy, loneliness and isolation, mental cognition, fuzziness, lower metabolism in your body, sleep problem issues, and having to hire out or delegate what you normally could do to others (suggest 'those tasks you once could do' rather than 'normally could do to others.) You have enjoyed long discussions with your loving wife who also is experiencing similar issues.
17. The family growth activity and energy is shifting from both of you to your children's lives, and you are fading from them in importance. In your particular last days' period in which you live, older people are forgotten much more frequently and left in isolation, than will happen in the millennium, or during righteous times in the past telestial world.'
18. We stopped and Heavenly Father faced me and continued speaking: 'Raphael, my recommendation to you is to continue as you can in your physical work and projects that you enjoy. Spend time in enjoyable activities with your loved ones and friends. Try to adjust to a slower pace than in the past, and don't overwork. Make time available in the morning and evening to commune with us, your Heavenly Parents. We will be closer to you now than ever before, and will continue to give you great revelations.'
19. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his counsels and experiences from his own mortal life when he was in his older age. I felt very connected emotionally and spiritually to him.
20. He then said he was going to leave me, but would always be with me in Spirit, and next to me in his highest celestial realm where I couldn't see him. I closed my prayer and closed my day.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, March 26, 2021
1. I reread what I wrote last night and feel confirmed it is all true, as well as what Heavenly Mother told me yesterday morning on aging. I believe each phase of life has very important experiences that we may gain from. If we are privileged to live long mortal lives, we gain abundant lessons that will help us in our next life.
2. I came this morning to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank living water and then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
3. She appeared on the other side of the stream and spoke to my mind the following:
'Raphael, you are correct that every phase of mortal life, at different ages, teaches our children valuable lessons. You think you have forgotten some of these from your youth and early marriage, but they are still with you in your unconscious mind.
4. Your Heavenly Father and I appear to many as not involved in the mortal lives of our children. We do our work almost exclusively behind the scenes so that our children can't see us. What appears natural to most has been orchestrated by us to give our children direct experiences to help them in their lives.
5. You have one daughter in law who has children relatively easy. One of your own daughers has had very difficult times in childbirth, with stillborns, miscarriages, and more traumatic births. These two women have had very different experiences in bringing forth children to earth. We love them both abundantly, but have given each entirely different experiences. Your own daughter has a much deeper understanding of loss and grief. She and her husband are very compassionate with others who have great difficulties, or who have lost children in childbirth. This increased understanding will remain with them forever. Your daughter-in-law doesn't have this understanding, and cannot understand the depth of suffering and grief that a mother has when her anticipations are dashed and her baby dies. She might express her sorrow for a friend who has a stillborn, but doesn't know herself what it is like.
6. Someone who experiences deep grief in life, may understand another who is grieving, even though circumstances are entirely different. For example, the loss of an older sibling or parent will help the one who had this experience commiserate with another's loss of their baby. These are all so difficult to bear for many, and they might wonder why they are having such hardships. However, we, their Heavenly Parents, see all, and will turn such crises into their own growth and expanded understandings. Above all, we wish our children to be compassionate with each other, and never to judge one another. When they visit or connect with the one experiencing difficulties, whatever these might be, they should be compassionate and helpful. It is not a time to bring up and reconnect with one's own traumas and experiences, but just to focus on the one suffering. Sometimes silence is best, or just listening with understanding will help the sufferer heal the fastest.
7. Part of the baptismal covenant involves entering into a community of saints in our Church of Christ. Alma knew this, and taught his people at the place of Mormon who were gathered there in secret:
8. Mosiah 18:8-9
"And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;
Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those who stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life-"
9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words this morning. I thanked her for giving me hardships that I might grow and come to a deeper understanding.
10. She departed, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. I know he experienced the greatest suffering of all that he might succor us, his children, in their needs.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, March 27, 2021
1. It is a beautiful day outside today, and I look forward to my day.
2. I came to the overlook of the burned up oak tree and the wheat field last night. Heavenly Father told me at that time to come there this morning. I have therefore come to this same overlook this morning on the celestial orb. I knelt and faced east towards the wheat field. I then asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
3. Heavenly Father appeared directly in the air in front of me. He spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, I am glad that you take the time, before your beautiful day on earth, to connect with me in prayer. Of all the things you could be doing at this time, you have chosen to come into your private room and seek my face in humble and open prayer.
4. You have experienced a few days of no internet in your house because of faulty equipment. You have learned the ways of your modern society in using the internet for your business, information, connection with others, and entertainment. You are scheduled to have your equipment repaired next Monday, and will have the internet again. However this brief experience has caused you to realize how dependent you have become on what the internet can provide.
5. When the electric power goes out and there are no more internet services for a long time, your entire society will have to relearn ways of living. Communication with others in the world will be cut off except for those that you may talk to in person in your own community. You will no longer be able to depend upon your computers and cell phones for much of what your modern society offers. Transportation will also be limited.
6. We are allowing all of these changes in connection with people and the world because there has to be a great reset. Before we establish Zion, and awaken our elect, there has to be a dramatic change in their lives for them to shift their habits and ways of living. The removal of electric power and the internet will provide such a crisis in their lives.
7. Following this change will come the removal of freedoms from invading troops and a change in government control. These changes are still coming, even though it seems to you that this would have most likely happened by now. However, we know all things and events coming on the earth, and all of what we have said in the past will be fulfilled.
8. I suggest you find ways to transition to a society where the internet is down for years, and where commercial electric power is no longer available. The natural gas lines will also be depleted; a source that people depend upon for heating their homes, for hot water, and for cooking. All of this too will change. I suggest you find and secure alternative ways of living to make this transition easier and less disruptive for you and your family. You will have to depend on your food storage and what you grow for food. You will have limited ability to barter, and will no longer shop at stores or have online ordering available. All of your modern society will cease, and you and the people will return, for a time, to the era like the 1900's when there was very little electricity or dependence on outside sources.
9. We will be by your side and guide you in all of this transition. You have sought us diligently in times of peace, and therefore will have this same connection you have with us remain during these transitionary crisis times ahead.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his counsels and words of warning. I said that I loved coming into his and Heavenly Mother's presence twice a day. I said I would follow his guidance in my life.
11. I then consciously came back to my private room and started my new day. It feels great to have started this beautiful day with such a good prayer!
12. Evening–I came this evening to the desert stream in the small gully where I met Heavenly Father two nights ago. I drank from the stream and decided to come up next to the path on the east side of the gully. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
13. I next saw her coming on the path to my south. I knew it was her, and I could see and feel the bright light coming from her. I waited a minute or so until she was in front of me.
14. She stopped and spoke to me: 'Raphael, tonight you received an email from Natalie, one of our healing angels who had received emails from you up to your post 53, her last post. You had asked me several hours ago whether you should send her emails again. I said for you to send her up to and including post 53, and then see how interested she may continue to be (this would be volumes 1 and 2 of Raphael, and post 53). She is being taught in the celestial realms at night by our messengers.
15. We are pleased when those like Natalie become awakened again to healing work. In the celestial realms, all of our healing angels are active doing our work in their replicated beings, even though on earth in their mortal bodies they may not be aware or awakened.
16. Much of our work in preparing and awakening our elect is now being done with their spirits in our celestial realms. Many are still not aware of new feelings they may experience, although they might seem more interested in healing work, or getting their life more in order.'
17. Heavenly Mother then turned and started heading back on the path. She turned while walking and sent me a mental message to come walk beside her. I was immediately next to her and took her hand. She turned her head and smiled upon me.
18. We kept walking, and then she talked more to me that I couldn't remember. I saw both of us walking away from where I came next to her, even like it was into a cloud. I don't remember more in my conscious mind. I hope I will one day recall all such occasions when I received my merged mind.
19. I then closed my prayer and came back to the earth.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, March 28, 2021
1. I confirmed that what I received last night was true. It continues to amaze me that I commune twice daily with my Heavenly Parents. I wonder about this a lot, and feel so blessed!
2. I came this morning to the circling waters. I drank living water and felt refreshed. I then knelt in front of the bench, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. I had no idea what he might say to me.
3. Heavenly Father then came above the water in the air. He was full of light and smiling upon me. I asked him how it was possible that I receive so abundantly from him and Heavenly Mother, and receive their daily revelations.
4. He spoke: 'Raphael, we desire that each of our children on earth commune with us as do you. The way is opened for every one of our mortal children if they will make time for us, be persistent in prayer, and be open and humble. We will gradually lead each one who does this and give them revelations, even as we have given to you. We are no respecter of persons.
5. Hear the words of your Redeemer in D&C 88:62-68
"And again, verily I say unto you, my friends, I leave these sayings with you to ponder in your hearts, with this commandment which I give unto you, that ye shall call upon me while I am near—
Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you, that is expedient for you;
And if ye ask anything that is not expedient for you, it shall turn unto your condemnation.
Behold, that which you hear is as the voice of one crying in the wilderness—in the wilderness, because you cannot see him—my voice, because my voice is Spirit; my Spirit is truth; truth abideth and hath no end; and if it be in you it shall abound.
And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.
Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will." '
6. I then asked my Heavenly Father how it was, among all those who seek his face, that I was called to be his prophet, to establish the Church of the Firstborn, to build the New Jerusalem temple, and to administer the saving ordinance of the waters of separation to all of the elect? This seems so great to me!
7. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, when any of our children come to us as have you, we will reveal ourselves to them. We are doing this more and more in these days, particularly as our elect are awakened in part because of the teachings they receive in our celestial realms at night. We reveal to each one our revelations, whatsoever we wish them to do, and any callings we may extend to them.
8. We knew beforehand who of our children living on earth would seek us diligently as have you. We therefore chose those to be our leaders, to help the others who would follow them in coming unto us, their Gods.
9. You were one of the first ones, and therefore we came to you in your energy class in April, 2013. You had been seeking us diligently before that time. You are our fourth son, even Raphael, in this eternity. We sent you to earth at this time to do your work and to receive your commission while in the flesh. We have orchestrated all of this and the timing, so that you would be one of the first ones. We have brought a few of our other humble and open children along to support and sustain you, and to receive their own assignments and missions. These are those on your small email list.
10. I know you marvel and wonder at all of these events and happenings. Your calling is similar to that of Joseph Smith, in the very beginning of this new and final dispensation, when Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, spoke through Joseph to Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer in June 1829:
11. D&C 18:8
"And now, marvel not that I have called him unto mine own purpose, which purpose is known in me; wherefore, if he shall be diligent in keeping my commandments he shall be blessed unto eternal life; and his name is Joseph."
12. My word to you is to continue to be diligent, even as was Joseph, our servant in his day.
D&C 8:8
"Therefore, doubt not, for it is the gift of God; and you shall hold it in your hands, and do marvelous works; and no power shall be able to take it away out of your hands, for it is the work of God." '
13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assuring words and further explanations this morning. I thanked him for revealing himself to me, and for extending to me his will, my commission and calling. I said I would do even as he and Heavenly Mother ask and direct me.
14. Heavenly Father then departed and I closed my prayer at the circling waters. I began my new Sabbath day.
15. Evening-After my son and I blessed the sacrament in our home, I made my covenant of the sacrament to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who were before me, in my mind's eye. I heard the following from my Heavenly Mother: 'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, and will send our Spirit to be with you continually. We will also be with you by your side throughout your day. We will do this same thing for every one of our children who come to us with the same diligence and openness as do you. We are no respecter of persons, and will be by every one who thus comes to us and makes their covenant weekly, as do you.'
16. I felt gratified in having received this information! I know that I am no more special or rewarding of God's presence than any others of their children on earth. It all depends on our diligence, persistence, openness, and obedience to whatever they may reveal to us. This is a great promise.
17. I came tonight to the top of the switchback path on the celestial orb. I looked over a beautiful meadow or field below me, and beyond this God's Loving Healing Lake. It was all so beautiful! There still was a red sky above.
18. I knelt on the path and faced east to the lake and meadow below. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
19. I didn't wait long, for she appeared on my right side, looking to the east also. It was like she just removed a veil so that I could see her by my side, for I thought that she had been there continually, even as she had told me after my sacrament covenant.
20. She then turned and faced me. I also turned on my knees to face my glorious Heavenly Mother. 'Raphael, you are correct that I and your Father are continually before you, or to your side, throughout your day. This is true whether on your mortal earth or on this celestial orb. We are continually by you Raphael.
21. Today your Heavenly Father and I have said again that we are no respecter of persons. We love all of our children on the earth. We favor the righteous, or those who seek us and obey what we say to them (see 1 Nephi 17:35). This favoritism does not mean that we do not esteem all flesh the same, for were the wicked to seek us humbly and obey us, they too would be favored. We have chosen those who have demonstrated to us that they have been obedient or will be obedient, whether in their premortal or mortal life. We would choose any of these classed as wicked were they able to qualify for an elect status. We extend our offer to all of our children, for all are called. However, only the righteous who obey us are chosen, even chosen to be our elect. (see D&C 121:34)
22. There are some of our children who may claim that we, their Heavenly Parents and Gods, have not been fair to them, or have not offered to them the same privileges as our elect receive. However, we have recorded, or documented all of their actions that have disqualified them, such as the multiple times that they have turned away from us.'
23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her short message about how they are no respecter of persons. I have felt confirmed in my mind of this truth.
24. She then parted, and I closed my prayer.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, March 29, 2021
1. I came to the beautiful meadow west of God's Loving Healing Lake. There were new spring flowers all around, like daffodils and tulips. I found a grassy spot and knelt, facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
2. He appeared in front of me in the air, just above the meadow flowers. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, you answered your wife's questions last night when she asked you why there were no miracles today and why the power of God and feeling of the Spirit were not around us. She wondered if she had changed and could no longer feel the Spirit. You said to her that the sacrament meetings of the LDS Church that you watch on our computers or phones, are usually void of the Spirit, and have no power of God. You said that these were good people, but that the church had gradually lost the presence of God. This is all true.
3. You had watched earlier a movie together depicting the life of Moses. He did great miracles in our name before Pharaoh, culminating with the dividing of the Red Sea. This great miracle showed the people that we, their Gods, were leading them by our mighty arm and strength. However, many of the people were lacking faith and were carnally minded. We allowed these faithless ones to wander in the wilderness for forty years so that they would die, leaving the more faithful to enter into our promised land.
4. Raphael, there is again a division of our people in your day. Those among them who profess to have the Spirit but do not, and who are not righteous in their hearts, will not enter the land of promise, even the New Jerusalem.
5. We will show forth our great power of deliverance to our faithful elect who trust in us. They will see greater miracles than witnessed by the children of Israel when the Red Sea was divided. Zion will be established in your day with great power and strength, with our power and Spirit displayed to all people (see D&C 103:15).'
6. I then humbly asked that we, who wait upon God for deliverance and for the establishment of Zion, be strengthened with patience and assurance that all will come to pass as we have been told. I asked that he and Heavenly Mother buoy up the faithful elect so that they prepare well for what is coming. I asked for the Holy Spirit to be abundant in our lives.
7. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, as our elect humble themselves before us, with open hearts and minds, we will surely pour out our Spirit upon them. We will give them patience and strengthen their resolve to wait upon us, their Gods. They will feel our Spirit guiding them and preparing them.
8. Raphael, one of the characteristics of our people who establish Zion is a patient and submissive heart and mind. We are molding our elect in these times of waiting and preparation to gain these attributes needed to enter Zion.
9. Alma spoke of these same attributes and characteristics needed in the lives of the people of his day.
Alma 13:28-29
"But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;
Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."
10. our people pray to know our will for their individual lives and progression, the attainment of these attributes will be high on their list, given to them by us. We will thereby prepare our people to be more trusting, more patient, and more humble. Once they attain these things, then we will bring them to Zion, the pure in heart. Our elect in Zion will all be humble, patient and submissive to our will.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and new insights to me this morning. I thanked him to have come to me and to have taught me. I asked for more patience and more submission to his and Heavenly Mother's will.
12. He then parted and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, his Beloved Son.
13. Evening-I came this evening to the circling waters where I was hopeful to visit with my Heavenly Mother. I knelt, drank living water, and then asked that she come to me in answer to my request.
14. She immediately came and stood in glory above the water, a little elevated in the air. I felt great satisfaction and joy to be in her presence.
15. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father told you this morning that some of the requirements for coming into Zion are to be trusting, patient, and humble. I would like to talk more about this.
16. Those who are our elect in the telestial world are not prepared yet for the glories of Zion. They need to develop some more character attributes in order to be received there, and to come into Zion, the pure in heart. We will prepare all, by the experiences and journeys they will take, that bring these attributes to the forefront. They also will need to drop many of their thoughts, habits, and ways from their current society. When they shed these telestial manners and perceptions, they then will become ready to receive the higher, terrestrial ways of Zion.
17. The habits that need to be shed include judging others, thinking their ways are better than another's, nonacceptance, pride, and any carnal or devilish habits or thoughts. Division comes with these traits, and is not allowed in Zion. In our terrestrial mortal society, there is great unity and peace. Anyone who creates contention, or a divisive spirit, is not invited to enter.
18. The character traits most important to those in Zion and her cities are humility, openneness, meekness, a gracious and thankful heart, and a willingness to share and serve. Thinking highly of others, without regard to their station, office, or any other outward appearance or behavior, is how the inhabitants of Zion think. They willingly, of their own accord, jump in and help, serving cheerfully in any way they can. Service and love is a hallmark of all of Zion's citizens.
19. Your Father mentioned that our people need to develop patience and trust. They must all consider themselves to be servants, and as such, wait patiently upon their Gods, trusting in the timing of God for their own and others' progress and well-being. This doesn't mean that they don't have personal goals and personal ambitions, but that these are consumed in the will of God. They truly consider themselves as servants of God and of each other. The greatest among them is truly the lowest and most humble, a servant of all.
20. The characteristics of young, open and easily persuaded children are how our saints in Zion consider themselves before God. Well did Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, speak to his disciples the following:
21. Matthew 18:3-5
"And (he) said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me."
22. We do not allow Satan or any of his evil and manipulative methods to enter into Zion. Those in Zion are generally without guile. They never take advantage of their neighbor for their own personal gain, or appear before others as more righteous. How can one be in any way manipulative of another and, at the same time, love them and act as their servant and faithful friend? Instead of thinking of yourself, the charge is to act as the Good Samaritan, treating your neighbors as you yourself would want to be treated (see Luke 10:30-37), is the norm in Zion.
23. Therefore, Raphael, allow your Heavenly Father and I to shape and refine your character and thoughts, so that you will be able to set a standard, along with our other leaders, for those coming to Zion. Be open, malleable, and humble, and we will lead you all along to be those who welcome the newcomers to Zion!'
24. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful words. I bowed before her, and said I wanted to gain all of these attributes of a Saint in Zion. I said I wanted to shed my telestial ways, and be filled with the love of God in abundance.
25. I could feel my Heavenly Mother's acceptance of my willing heart and mind. I then looked up and she had gone. I closed my prayer in the name of her Beloved Son, our great example.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, March 30, 2021
1. My wife and I watched a portion of a movie titled "Moses" last night. We watched the portrayal when the children of Israel rebelled and complained in the wilderness. God tried to sanctify these recent slaves of Pharaoh in the wilderness, but most would not obey. They were a stiffnecked people, and refused to change. Their story of rebellion, murmuring, and falling back into worshiping false gods was so bad that God, at one time, wanted to consume them, and instead make of Moses a great nation (see Exodus 32:9-10).
2. When I compare these hard hearted people with those in our day who are called the elect of God, I wonder if we will have similar pitfalls in our personal lives in shedding our telestial ways? Why is it so hard to let go of pride, selfishness, carnality, and the things of this world?
3. Moses couldn't get his people to a point to establish Zion, and neither could Joseph Smith. It took Enoch years to bring those in his city to a Zion state. The residue of the people, in Enoch's day, were destroyed in the great flood. In our day, those who won't repent and come to God will ultimately also be destroyed.
4. Why is it so very hard for us to change and to choose God, and to love one another? These were my thoughts this morning as I came in prayer to my Father in Heaven.
5. I came to the road north of the Father's wheat field. I knelt on the dirt, and faced the field. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.
6. He appeared in his work clothes before me, with a sickle in his hand.
7. He stood at the edge of his wheat field and spoke to me:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ our Son, and I labor all our days in trying to bring our mortal children to a point when we might qualify them to enter into and establish Zion. Yet so many of them are hard-hearted, and choose darkness over light. They succumb easily to the temptations of Satan and to the natural man within them.
8. There are relatively few that will repent and come unto our Beloved Son, that he may redeem and sanctify them. These are those whom your Heavenly Mother and I have called as our elect in your day. And yet they still have a long way to go to qualify for a better terrestrial world, where love and peace abound, and where Satan and his evil hosts cannot enter. They must learn of our ways and obey our Spirit, or they will not be able to enter into the gates of the New Jerusalem or of Zion.
9. Well did my Beloved Son speak of the rebellious in the days of Enoch:
Moses 7:33-34
"And unto thy brethren have I said, and also given commandment, that they should love one another, and that they should choose me, their Father; but behold, they are without affection, and they hate their own blood;
And the fire of mine indignation is kindled against them; and in my hot displeasure will I send in the floods upon them, for my fierce anger is kindled against them."
10. Raphael, even though there are many who do not qualify for a better world, even the glories of the millennium, in your day, we will still move forward with our plans to establish Zion and the terrestrial earth in your day. Those who are rebellious must perish, even as did those perish in the floods in Enoch's day. We will have a pure and loving people, and will only accept our elect who fully change into a loving, humble and obedient people.'
11. Heavenly Father turned towards his wheat field. He spoke again: 'I have labored long and hard to choose the elect, the wheat of my field. What remains are the tares, or the wicked. The elect are gathered into safe garners and are now being taught in our celestial realms at night. Their journeys to ZIon will also refine them so that they will be sufficiently open and humble to enter.'
12. Heavenly Father then turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, I have a place in the world of the spirit dead for the wicked. There they will remain while Zion flourishes on the earth with the righteous. You will bind Lucifer and his evil hosts in the bottomless pit. We will no longer have the rebellious and unfaithful for the entire thousand years of peace. Afterwards, we will allow the wicked to come again for a little season, and then the end shall come when the earth will die and be resurrected.
13. At that time our celestial elect will be crowned with glory and become couple gods for eternity. This is the most important of all of our ambitions; to find and choose our elect, and share our great joys with these, our obedient and faithful.
14. The remainder of our children will then be assigned to their places in the kingdoms we have prepared for them. Our great work will then be completed for this eternity.'
15. Heavenly Father smiled upon me. He then faded from my view and was gone. I pondered on my knees for a moment on his message. I then closed my prayer and started my new day on earth.
16. Evening–I came to the high mountaintop to the southeast of the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I am not sure why I have come here except that this is what came to my mind. I confirmed this is where I will meet my Heavenly Mother tonight.
17. I came and faced east, thinking that I would meet Heavenly Mother in that direction. I knelt on the rocky soil, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. She came before me and extended her hand to me. I stood and as soon as I took her hand, we were immediately next to the beautiful celestial pond in the gardens, next to the future New Jerusalem temple! She let go of my hand and faced me.
18. She spoke: 'Raphael, I have brought you here in the future to the celestial garden area in the New Jerusalem. Those who come here to this beautiful garden and to our celestial temple live a celestial law and are redeemed by Jesus Christ. Were they not able to abide a celestial order or society, by being themselves of a celestial character and disposition, they could not come here. We invite each of our celestial elect to come first to our celestial New Jerusalem temple. It is here where you will meet them and bring them into the Church of the Firstborn by administering to them the waters of separation ordinance. Oriphiel will then record their names in the Lambs Book of Life.
19. Once this is done, these individuals are members of the Church of the Firstborn. They then will be free to walk throughout this lovely celestial garden area on the earth. They may also use one or both of the portals in the temple and come to our celestial orb.
20. The world at that time will consist of all terrestrial beings, for Satan will have been bound. None of our terrestrial may visit this celestial part of the earth unless they are clean and pure, and have been invited to come there by Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. He will need to invite each one to become our celestial elect.
21. Similarly, the world in which you now live is telestial. Satan rages in the hearts and minds of the people, for he and his evil spirits are abroad on the land.
22. Among those on the earth are the elect whom the Father and I have called. They are invited to come to Zion by qualifying themselves to upgrade their lives and live a terrestrial law. Once they have dropped their telestial ways, and are forgiven and purified by our Son, Jesus Christ, and have changed their ways of living to a terrestrial order, then they may enter into Zion. When they come, they will find that they are among others who also live this higher terrestrial law and order. They will find that they are free from Satan's influence. This will be a very wonderful world in which they may now live.
23. When they come, all remnants of the telestial earth will need to be dropped, for they are to transition into a higher realm. We require them each to leave all the trappings of the telestial society behind them.
24. Every time one of our elect moves from the telestial to the terrestrial realm, or from the terrestrial to the celestial realm, there are higher laws and a higher order in which to live. They have to further purify themselves and prove to us that they have changed into that higher order so that they may be admitted. Once they have done so, and we are satisfied, we then choose them to enter into the higher realm.
25. Raphael, in your telestial world, many are called as our elect. They are chosen when they sanctify themselves and live a higher terrestrial law. Once chosen, they may enter into the gates of Zion (see D&C 121:34).
26. There is a similar calling and choosing when our elect become celestial elect, and are chosen to come to the Church of the Firstborn. Once admitted into our celestial church, they may enter into all the celestial realms on the earth and on the celestial orb.'
27. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for the further understanding I received tonight from her teachings. I said that I wanted to qualify for both the terrestrial and the celestial, even now.
28. She replied: 'Raphael, you have been brought into our very presence, and therefore qualify to be among our celestial. You are free to come and go on the celestial orb, even as you feel inspired to do. You have been chosen to be our celestial leader in these last days, of calling and administering to our elect.'
29. I thanked her for her trust in me. I said I would be obedient to all she and Heavenly Father ask me to do.
30. She then brought me back to the high mountaintop on the celestial orb. She said I had correctly written her words in my journal. She then departed, and I closed my prayer. I came back to my front room on earth and prepared to close my day.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, March 31, 2021
1. I received a confirming email from S this morning. His words were uplifting to me, and brought me a greater assurance that what I have been receiving was of God. I will put his email after my entry today.
2. I read D&C 121:34-46. I had the thought that Heavenly Father would reference this scripture in my morning prayer.
3. I came to the grassy area outside the white gate. I prayed on my knees, facing the gate, and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He then opened the gate, and he and Jesus Christ walked up to me. They were both smiling and very bright and glorious to behold!
4. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you are correct that I will speak to you about D&C 121:34-46. My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, gave this revelation to our prophet Joseph Smith in the Liberty Jail in 1839. I have asked my Son to accompany me while I elucidate this marvelous revelation. I wish you to handwrite these verses in your journal, and I will add my comments:
5. D&C 121:34-46 (the original scriptures are in bold font, words in parentheses from Heavenly Father):
"34. Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? (Raphael, we have completed calling our elect who are invited to come to Zion, even to the New Jerusalem that will soon be built up in the center of your promised land. Just because these are invited to come does not mean that they will ultimately qualify themselves to accept our invitation, and enter at some point through the gates of Zion. They will need to repent and forsake their telestial thoughts and habits that once were acceptable in their society, but are not allowed in the terrestrial world. This is according to the law of the terrestrial that governs this kingdom.
6. This entire section of scripture is about qualifying for living a terrestrial law. It refers to my priesthood and power, but relates to both men and women, even to those who do not yet hold my priesthood, but desire to change into a terrestrial character.)
7. (35.) Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this (telestial) world, and aspire to the honors of men (and women in their telestial society), that they do not learn this one lesson– (which will, of itself, qualify them for entry into the New Jerusalem terrestrial land. This lesson refers to verses 36 to 46. When Jesus gave this revelation, he knew he was referring to the principles and law of the terrestrial kingdom, which are needed to be fully adopted by the citizens of Zion in their personal lives.)
8. (36.) That the rights of the priesthood (or the laws of the terrestrial kingdom) are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven (or the society of those who inhabit the environs of the terrestrial realm, a higher and elevated sphere than the telestial world in which you currently live), and that the powers of heaven cannot be controlled or handled (or entry granted into Zion) only upon the principles of (terrestrial) righteousness.
9. (37.) That they may be conferred upon us, it is true; (or that your Heavenly Mother and I have called you as our elect, and invited you to come to the terrestrial glory, through the gates of Zion); but when we undertake to cover our sins, (this is not allowed in Zion, for we require a humble, open, and malleable heart and mind that quickly wants to change and accept one's faults if wrongfulness is done. This is one of the true meanings of being meek.)
(R here–I felt then to look up online for the 1828 dictionary meaning of meek, the dictionary used in Joseph's day, and found this definition "1. Mild of temper, soft; gentle; not easily provoked or irritated; yielding; given to forbearance under injuries. Now the man Moses was very meek above all men-Numbers 12:3. 2. Appropriately, humble, in an evangelical sense; submissive to the divine will; not proud, self-sufficient or refractory; not peevish and apt to complain of divine dispensations. Christ says 'Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest to your souls'-Matthew 11:29, and 'Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth'-Matthew 5:5").
10. Continuing with the verses in D&C-
or to gratify our pride, our vain ambition, (Raphael, pride and self-centered ambition is not allowed in Zion. The opposite of these is being humble, meek and open to change and improvement. There is never a thought of advancing above another, to be in a higher, more wise or elevated position than one's neighbor, thinking they are somehow better. All such thoughts need to be eliminated from the citizens of Zion. All are equal, and the knowledge that God is no respecter of persons is widely known and practiced in the lives of each saint in Zion.) or to exercise control or dominion or compulsion upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of unrighteousness (this is Satan's way. Remember, he is bound in the terrestrial world, and his ways of control, dominion and compulsion are not allowed in any degree in Zion. Instead, all men and women have equal access to God, to revelation, to choosing their own way without any glimmer of coercion or restraint. They are likewise all accepted as children of a loving God. There is also no judgment that the people may have to attempt to rein in any others into compliance to what they themselves might think is appropriate or correct. This always leads to thoughts of being elevated above another.
11. In Zion, there is ultimate freedom and choice, even without judgment. If there becomes an issue of a broken law, those living the stewardship to enforce the laws of Zion may take action in order to keep Zion a pure and holy people. However, the society of believers still do not judge unrighteously, nor allow non-acceptance of another's worth or freedom.)
12. behold, the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to the priesthood or the authority of that man. (Your Heavenly Mother and I will be the judge of the inhabitants of Zion by the pouring out, or the withdrawal of our Spirit from the inhabitants of Zion.)
13. (38.) Behold, ere he is aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pricks, to persecute the saints, and to fight against God. (When Miriam, the sister of Moses, complained against Moses she acquired leprosy. Moses pled for her well being and her life, and her punishment was to continue with the leprosy but to be banished outside of the camp of Israel for seven days.
14. Afterwards she was healed of the leprosy and returned. If there are transgressors in Zion, not only will our Holy Spirit be withdrawn from them, but the ordained judges in Israel and those assigned to enforce the law will take action to remove the transgressor from Zion, hopefully for only a short time until the transgression is paid for. When the repentant returns, the citizens of Zion are to rejoice and welcome back their friend who was temporarily departed. The attitude of full acceptance and non judgment is maintained among all the Saints of Zion except for those who are ordained to judge and enforce the law. After full repentance, they too are to have this same acceptance of the repentant person in their hearts.)
15. (39.) We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men (and women in the telestial world), as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. (Raphael, this is not what the inhabitants of Zion are like. Instead, they are not interested in ever exercising unrighteous dominion. Were they to do so, our Spirit would quickly withdraw and they would be taught by us the correct pattern of living in the terrestrial world where all are equal in status and standing before God. Were these to continue in an unrighteous dominion attitude, the ordained leaders would be apprised and take action. See the pattern given in Moroni 6:7-8 which describes how the Nephite Church of Christ was kept pure and free from iniquity. This same general procedure will be followed in the terrestrial Church of Christ.)
16. (40.) Hence many are called, but few chosen. (Raphael, in verses 41 to 46, Jesus Christ explained to the imprisoned Joseph, the correct way that our citizens of Zion are to conduct themselves with respect to themselves and those around them. This is a wonderful summary of the way our saints in Zion are to be. I will have you record these verses without my comments, so that this scripture will be part of your Raphael record.)
17. (41.) No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;
(42). By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile-
(43). Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou has reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;
(44). That he may know that thy faithfulness is stronger than the cords of death.
(45). Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.
(46). The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion, shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever."
18. Raphael, what you have recorded in your journal above in this morning's entry constitutes the law of the terrestrial kingdom for all of the inhabitants of Zion. All who enter will now need to work on their own character in order to align with these principles. When approved by us, we will allow them entry into our pure and holy land.
19. S, whose premortal name is Gideon, will be in charge of the group of men and women who insures that those coming into our terrestrial land of Zion have been approved by your Heavenly Mother and me. We will instruct him and those he calls, to be inspired by the Holy Ghost, regarding those whom we accept, whose hearts are pure and who have demonstrated by their actions that they have changed their lives to this standard. These will be admitted into Zion. All others will need to wait outside the borders of Zion. S, and those he calls by our inspiration, will be assigned to do this very important task, in order to allow only the terrestrial whom we have approved to be admitted into Zion.'
20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his very important message given to me today. I thanked also Jesus Christ, my Savior, who stood beside him, to have given this beautiful revelation to Joseph Smith, the prophet. I was very pleased that in these verses were also hidden the laws of the terrestrial kingdom, as elucidated by Heavenly Father's words.
21. These two glorious beings then expressed their approval of what I had written in my journal. They then turned and retreated back to the white gate. Jesus opened the gate after which the Father and he entered. They then were gone from my sight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
22. I received this email today from S entitled: "Release attachments to the telestial world"
I find it interesting when similar messages are given at the same time. I was unable to read the last few posts to check grammar because they weren't available when I looked from Monday and Tuesday. Late last night they were available and as I read them, it was regarding the same message I received during that same time. It was a very special moment to me.
On Sunday night I had a dream where a 7 foot man walked next to me. I thought he must have been a great basketball player in his day because of his height. I noticed that he had a brace or cast on his right leg and foot that caused him to limp. He fell in front of me and his leg fractured severely. I went to help and he said there was nothing I could do to help him.
On Monday, I awoke wondering if that dream had any significance. I didn't know what it meant.
In prayer on Monday 3/27/21, Heavenly Father spoke to me when I asked what the dream meant, 'The envy of the nations will soon fall and never recover. For a time, there will be no escape from the enemy who overthrows your nation. The only deliverance comes from seeking us your Gods.'
On Monday night I asked why I had the dream from the previous night and the message from this morning. Heavenly Father spoke: 'We are preparing our elect throughout the earth to transition to a terrestrial realm in your unconscious' minds. Begin to release your attachments to the telestial mortal world. As you release these attachments now, you will be ready to quickly make the necessary transitions and changes to enter Zion. We will bless you and help you release yourself from these attachments.'
After my prayer, I asked my wife what attachments from this world we as a people need to drop to be able to reach Zion. When she asked me my thoughts, I responded, "Less judging others and being more selfless."
On Tuesday, I kept thinking about what other things I needed to change to drop my attachments from the telestial world. My wife asked me that night what other things I might need to drop to prepare for the transition to a terrestrial world. We discussed this more for a time, then I got in bed to fall asleep. I checked one more time on my phone and noted that the latest entries were typed and they focused on this exact topic.
This paragraph brought me joy because it was what I was pondering, but also a realization of my many attachments I need to lay aside to transition to a terrestrial realm: 190E17-"The habits that need to be shed include judging others, thinking their ways are better than another's, nonacceptance, pride and any carnal or devilish habits or thoughts."
There were many other paragraphs in Raphael's record from our Heavenly Parents discussing what we needed to drop and what we needed to develop in our spiritual journey to Zion. It caused deep reflection within myself of the many things I need to change personally. I desire this great change and realize I need the help of my Heavenly Parents too. When I asked, Heavenly Father said that he would help me change. His words brought me great joy.
Thanks for your dutiful record that you seek and share daily,
Your friend,
23. Evening–I am here in my front room, and feel my Heavenly Mother next to me. Tonight I wish to ask her certain questions. I hope I will receive clear answers from her.
24. Q. Will I go to the New Jerusalem area this May; as has been recorded in post 171A9
A. 'Yes.'
25. Q. When I arrive in the New Jerusalem area, will this be in the telestial realm or the terrestrial realm?
A. 'The mortal terrestrial realm on the earth.'
26. Q. When I arrive there, I have been shown that it will all be underwater and muddy from a recent earthquake. Will this earthquake be in the telestial or in the terrestrial realm?
A. 'The terrestrial realm.'
27. Q. Will there be any time this May when I go to the New Jerusalem area, that I will be in the telestial realm?
A. 'No, it will all be in the terrestrial realm, unseen by those living on the earth in their telestial realm.'
28. Q. When the northern tribes of Israel come to the outer earth, will they come into the telestial realm on the outer earth?
A. 'Yes."
29. Q. When will this large group of people enter into the terrestrial realm of the earth on their trek to the New Jerusalem?
A. 'Raphael, they will remain on the telestial sphere of the outer earth for a short time, until they are discovered. Their prophet will then prepare his people, even while in the northern barren countries of your earth, to enter into the terrestrial realms on the mortal earth. A highway has been created in this terrestrial realm on which the northern tribes will travel (see D&C 133: 27 "an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep."). All around them will be the great waters that now exist in the terrestrial mortal realm.
30. The large group of the northern tribes will then disappear from the view of those in the telestial world. They will have no obstructions on their journey from that time on, for the mortal terrestrial realm on the earth will not be inhabited at that time.
31. When these come to the New Jerusalem, you will meet them there. This will be in June and July of 2021 when these tribes of Israel will arrive (see your post 171B20).'
32. Q. How will the remnants of Jacob come to the New Jerusalem? Will they also travel in the terrestrial realm as the northern tribes will do?
A. 'The remnants of Jacob will come across your land on the telestial earth. These are now crossing the southern borders of the United States in great numbers. After living in your land for some months, the Spirit will touch those among them who are the elect of God, and call them to enter into the land of Zion. They will come to the Missouri area and there will enter the terrestrial realms, at that point. They will travel a relatively short distance to the New Jerusalem area. You will meet them there, at the gates of Zion, and welcome them into the New Jerusalem area.'
33. Q. What about those planning to trek to Zion from the various parts of the promised land: will they travel in the terrestrial or the telestial realms?
A. 'Those who first come will travel in the terrestrial realms. Some will come in their replicated terrestrial bodies. Later groups coming will generally come in the telestial mortal realms, even as Spencer saw in his book "Visions of Glory." '
34. Q. Does the terrestrial realm of the mortal earth exist all over the earth, superimposed upon the telestial mortal earth?
A. 'Yes, this terrestrial mortal realm has been created in the beginning when the earth was created. When Adam and Eve fell, the terrestrial earth also fell at that same time into a mortal telestial earth. However, the foundations of the terrestrial mortal earth were not wholly changed, but a part remained over all the earth. Most of the terrestrial land was covered with terrestrial waters at that time, and has continued in that state even until now. There are no plants or animals on the terrestrial earth at this time, but only waters, land and air.
35. The changes coming to the terrestrial earth will come with the great power of God. These changes will start with the New Jerusalem where land will come up out of the waters. The only other terrestrial physical land on the earth are the great highway for the northern tribes to walk upon in their trek to Zion, or to the New Jerusalem, and part of the promised land.
36. From the New Jerusalem there will be other dry land areas that will be settled or that will emerge from the waters upon which the cities of Zion may be built. This will continue so that there will be a continuous land mass upon the promised land.
37. While the mortal telestial world destroys itself, and receives more and more wars and calamities of all varieties, our New Jerusalem and the Zion communities will be safe and protected, even in a higher spiritual realm on the terrestrial earth.
38. The 144,000 will bring many of our prepared and ready elect whom we have called into the terrestrial realm from their troubled telestial realm. Only the pure in heart will be invited to come into the higher terrestrial realm.
39. When Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, comes in glory to the earth, the remaining people and world of the telestial realm will die. What then remains will be the terrestrial realm. The telestial realm will, at the time of his coming, be consumed with the fire of his countenance, and will be fully removed from the earth.'
40. I felt wonder and a new perspective at most of these answers! I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have given these to me. It is late now, and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, April 1, 2021
1. I have thought about and reread my entry several times since I wrote it last night. I feel like my mind has opened up to a whole new perspective!
2. I came to the terrestrial land outside of the future New Jerusalem area at this moment in time. I saw a large body of water with a very muddy shoreline. I came further back upon the dry land to pray. I felt like I was in a dark and dreary wilderness as Lehi saw and traveled in (see 1 Nephi 8: 7). I knelt upon the dry ground and prayed for my Heavenly Father to come.
3. Heavenly Father descended in his glory before me, lighting up all the land round about. It looked like a large desert area that I could now make out from the light from Heavenly Father. I saw various terrain, like flat lands and mountains in the distance.
4. I looked upon my Heavenly Father in his glory, and he spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night many truths that have opened up your mind. What you wrote in your journal last night is all true.
5. We have kept these hidden truths from you and our faithful until now. The delays that you were wondering about, with the expected changes in the telestial earth to a devastated land with much flooding, is really in the physical terrestrial realms on the earth, and not on the telestial physical earth.
6. When your Mother and I raised Adam and Even in this general area where we are located, the earth was a beautiful area, even with a Garden of Eden. The entire earth was a terrestrial realm, a telestial realm, and a celestial realm. These three realms were created in the beginning, and were superimposed upon each other. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I were the ones who primarily came into the celestial realm. However, once the man and woman fell, our angels ministered from the celestial realms on the earth.
7. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden in the physical terrestrial earth. This entire terrestrial globe was planted and populated with our plants and animals. When Adam and Eve fell, and were cast out of the beautiful garden, the entire earth fell from a terrestrial state to a telestial state. The telestial had already been created, but was without form and void of life. It was covered with water prior to the fall of man. It also housed Lucifer and his fallen spirits. At one point, we allowed Lucifer to enter into the terrestrial Garden of Eden to tempt and try Adam and Eve.
8. Once the terrestrial earth fell and transitioned to a telestial fallen earth, the terrestrial foundations of the earth became a dark and a dreary place. Terrestrial waters then covered the earth in most places. The garden of Eden was covered with water, and remains that way, even until today. This general area is where the future New Jerusalem will be constructed.
9. The telestial realm that was under water before the fall transitioned into the fallen terrestrial realm, for it all became telestial. It was then that the waters that had once covered the telestial earth became terrestrial waters, and then covered the terrestrial earth. The terrestrial physical earth was not destroyed, but was preserved under water for the last days when it would start to transition again into a beautiful terrestrial earth. At the time that the waters came upon the terrestrial earth, we raised up the highway above the waters so that, in a future day, the northern tribes would be able to travel to the New Jerusalem. We also kept dry land on much of the promised land area so that some of our first elect could walk east to the New Jerusalem area that you would have started to build.
10. The entire physical terrestrial earth has remained in this same state, without plant or animal life, even until today.'
11. Heavenly Father then looked around upon the barren land and distant mountains. He then looked towards the muddy shores and waters to our east. He continued: 'Raphael, you will come to the area to our east, which is now under water, to construct by our great power, the island of the New Jerusalem. The waters will continue to surround this city, even into the millennium. Beyond this circle of waters, lands will emerge from the waters on which our Zion cities will be built. Those lands in the west, where there is already dry land, will also be populated with our cities of Zion. Soon the entire terrestrial realm will all become Zion, an abode for our chosen elect!
12. I have given you much to think about and ponder! Come tonight to the high mountaintop in our celestial orb, and pray towards the eastern skies. Your Heavenly Mother and I will come then and bring you to the future terrestrial lands of the promised land, even the land on which we are located now.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his amazing revelations to me today. I said I would come tonight to the high mountaintop.
14. Heavenly Father then parted and I closed my prayer.
15. Evening–I came tonight, to the high mountaintop. I knelt, faced east, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, even as they said they would. My Heavenly Parents then both came in front of me in a burst of bright light!
16. Heavenly Mother extended her hand to me. I stood and took it, and then we all three held hands and immediately were in the air looking down upon the future New Jerusalem from the west. I could see that the fountain of living water was constructed, but not yet the temple. It was therefore very early in the construction phase, but before any elect came to the New Jerusalem.
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you can see the fountain is constructed at this point in time in the future, but not the temple. There is water under the fountain in the underground cavern. As you recall, this is now all living terrestrial water. The living water came by you and our holy angels taking living celestial water from our celestial orb, and pouring this into the underground cavern from gold pails (see post 49H1-49H4).
18. You also see the terrestrial water all around the New Jerusalem island. This is not living water yet, but is the same water that was present on the earth when Adam and Eve fell, and the mortal earth changed from a terrestrial to a telestial state. This water was terrestrial by virtue of it being in the terrestrial realm. The land and water that existed here in this terrestrial realm has been in a holding state until you would come, Raphael, and start the construction of the New Jerusalem.
19. Once living waters flow up from the underground cavern to the fountain of living water, and out the four large underground holes to the four rivers that flow north, south, east and west, then the other waters will become living terrestrial waters also. This will happen once these rivers of living water flow into the surrounding waters. The living water will spread quickly.
20. These terrestrial living waters will flow eventually from the island of the New Jerusalem to all the terrestrial world. This water will feed the plants that grow in this awakened realm, even to the point that the entire earth becomes filled with great beauty and grandeur.'
21. I asked my Heavenly Parents how the major earthquake that would occur in this terrestrial realm would prepare the area of the New Jerusalem.
22. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, there will be a catastrophic earthquake in the terrestrial earth here that will cause the land to elevate in this region. Prior to this, the only land above the waters were the highway from the north, and a section of the western part of the land of promise. The land in the western part of the promised land ends well before the place where the New Jerusalem will be built, making land treks to the New Jerusalem impossible. The earthquake will make a mighty river to flow from the north to the south around the future New Jerusalem site. This will become the river that surrounds the New Jerusalem island.
23. The catastrophic terrestrial earthquake will not be felt on your current telestial earth. These two realms are superimposed on top of each other, but are entirely separated by a veil. The veil prevents any association or awareness of the lower to the higher realm.
24. At some point, when the telestial land is devastated, those in the terrestrial world may build upon the structures in the cities and lands of the telestial world. (see 3 Nephi 22:3). This will be only for a limited time while the telestial realm remains on the earth. Once Jesus Christ comes in his glory, the telestial realm will altogether pass away, along with all the lands, geography, structures, and peoples on the telestial land.'
25. I asked about the animals and plants in the telestial world, if these would transition to the terrestrial realm before the telestial realm was removed.
26. Heavenly Mother responded to this question:
'Raphael, there will be several years that animals and plants may transition from the telestial to the terrestrial. This transition will occur under the supervision of your sister, Rachael (K). She is the female archangel of the elements and nature, and has stewardship over the telestial and terrestrial plants and animals (see your post 24D8 and 24D12). We will instruct her in the details of her calling in the near future. She will have the service of celestial beings in doing her great task, prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
27. The animals and plants that remain on the telestial earth, when Jesus Christ comes in his glory, will not survive when the telestial realm is destroyed from the earth at that time.'
28. I then realized that this was the extent of my revelation tonight. I thanked my Heavenly Parents to have come and for their insights and truths they shared. I then was back in my front room, and my vision had ended. I closed my prayer in the holy name of Jesus Christ.
29. I received this email from S.A. today and felt to share this. It contains information about the new terrestrial world:
"After reading all of this information about Zion, I have been thinking a lot about it. I long to be ready, to shed my telestial qualities and become one with my Heavenly Parents in constant communion and purpose. Anyway, this morning I was specifically wondering about whether people would compare looks in the millennium like they do in our telestial world. I also wondered if there would be cripples, down syndrome, cancer, and any other diseases and disorders of the body that exist in our world.
I came before my Heavenly Father and knelt in prayer. He spoke, 'In the terrestrial world, our children are not in the mindset of comparing each other. They view each other all on an equal plane, even as brothers and sisters of the same Heavenly Parents. With this mindset, there isn't a view of analyzing people's looks and comparing them for beauty, etc.
During the millennium, marriage will be available for all of our children in the terrestrial world. All will be able to find a companion if they choose, unlike the telestial world where health, appearance, status, beauty and other factors make it difficult for some to marry.
As far as health goes, when the world is changed to a terrestrial level, and our children drink freely of living water, their bodies will be restored to good health. During the millennium, there will be much less health issues, for the food and lifestyle will sustain great vitality in them. When any health issues arise, there will be herbs and remedies available to them to receive healing. Overall, there will be life without disease, and our children's bodies will perform their proper functions and be in good working order.'
I thanked him for sharing these new truths with me, and confirmed his message. I feel so humbled and blessed to be able to receive so much revelation directly from my Gods! I felt to share this with you.
Thanks again for all you do!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, April 2, 2021
1. My wife and I found out last night that our newest granddaughter has a hole in her heart. It is repairable with an open heart surgery around 6 months old with good success.
2. I have been mulling over the remedies she might be able to receive, but could find none that I thought would work. I felt, however, I might be able to do energy work on this sweet two week old baby. I will try to be open about this possibility.
3. I came to the circling waters this morning. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She immediately came and spoke to me: 'Raphael, come in the celestial realms to your sweet baby granddaughter with the hole defect in her heart. Touch her heart with your healing sword of Raphael, and leave it there until you feel a shift in the appearance of her heart. Repeat this several times over the next few weeks and months. We will bless your granddaughter with healing and repair of her heart.'
4. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this great information and potential blessing! Heavenly Mother smiled and departed. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.
5. Evening-I came before my Heavenly Father tonight in prayer. I didn't know where I was, but I knew that my Heavenly Father was in front of me, listening as I pled before him on my knees. I was feeling pretty disgusted with the recent church stance on the vaccinations, and on what they called extreme preparations.
6. I voiced a heartfelt prayer that the LDS church leaders who hide their sins against the children would be exposed (see post 181F19). I prayed that the fake vaccination be revealed, and that somehow the elect in the church be awakened before they blindly follow their leaders. I prayed that those who turned away from God, who are in the leadership of this LDS church, be kept out of the land of promise unless they very humbly repent, even as the older generation of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died off. I felt there would be a greater division among those in the church to awaken to their inner unconscious self, that is being taught now in the celestial realms by those called and ordained by God to do so. I yearned for the elect in the LDS church to follow their higher self, and listen to the Spirit when it is in conflict with their leaders. I said to my Father that I was expressing the feelings of my heart openly to him, and did not know of his timing. I asked that he hear my petition I offered to him tonight. I humbly closed my petition, and waited upon him.
7. My Heavenly Father then appeared before me, in his glory. His face was very compassionate looking, and seemed full of understanding.
8. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I hear your petition, and those also of many of our awakened elect whom we have called. These elect are not only in the LDS Church, but scattered throughout the telestial earth. Big decisions will soon confront them. Your Heavenly Mother and I will send our spirit to speak to their hearts and minds, to encourage them to be true to all of the truth that they are being taught in their sleep, even in our celestial realms.
9. We have our own timing on when to expose evil and the self guided ways of our children. Those leaders now in the LDS Church, who teach without our priesthood, without our authority and spirit, will be held accountable for their misleading guidance and false promises to our faithful called elect who now trust in them. In our own timing, we will expose their evil works and misleading teachings. There will be some who will be guilty of priestcraft, for they have none of my priesthood authority nor keys. For those that we have called, and who do not repent, they will wander aimlessly as did the older generation of the children of Israel in the wilderness.
10. We will hasten our work, even quicker than you might think possible, Raphael. We hear your pleadings tonight, and will remember your petitions before us.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have heard my request. I felt so much better, and was very willing to be patient and wait upon God for all timing. Oh, I yearn for Zion and her community of righteous, open, and humble people!
12. I closed my prayer in the name of Christ.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, April 3, 2021
1. I came this morning to the desert oasis on the celestial orb. I drank living water and knelt in the sand facing the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.
2. She appeared in her glory over the water, and then moved directly in front of me in the air. She was smiling and very glorious to behold!
3. I said I was wondering about those of the elect who were living in the telestial world. I wondered if we, who were in my small group, were really terrestrial or celestial individuals. I also wondered how those of us who would trek to the New Jerusalem would travel, in the telestial or in the terrestrial mortal world?
4. I then waited upon my Heavenly Mother. She responded to me: 'Raphael, you and all of the elect are still living in the telestial mortal world. However, your mortal bodies have been elevated to terrestrial mortal translated bodies. As such, you may enter into the terrestrial realm on the earth. It is in this state that you will trek to Zion on the terrestrial physical earth.
5. You also may replicate yourself like you are before me kneeling, in a celestial translated state. You actually have a physical body, but not a mortal body in this replicated celestial state. By this means you may visit our celestial realms, speak with us here face to face, and do your great work in the celestial realms on the earth and here in heaven, on our celestial orb, all in a physical body.
6. Were you to die in your mortal body, you would not be able to live in a mortal body on the earth, whether telestial or terrestrial. You would also not be capable of replicating in your celestial physical state on our celestial orb or in other celestial realms on the earth. To come here you would need to come as a spirit and not in a physical state, unless you were resurrected. This is the reason why you will not die until the end of the millennium, for we wish you to be a mortal being and administer the waters of separation ordinance to our children. At that time in the future, you will have a terrestrial mortal body, and do your ordinance work in the celestial temple in a replicated physical state.
7. Those who first trek to Zion, the New Jerusalem, will come on the terrestrial mortal earth. Later, after the land of promise is devastated in the telestial world, others will trek there on the telestial mortal earth. The terrestrial is superimposed upon the telestial. The terrain is similar at times, including some structures like cities that those in the terrestrial can view when looking into the telestial. However, at other times the geography is widely divergent between the two realms. Those in the terrestrial may perceive at times those in the lower telestial realms. However, those in the lower telestial realms have a veil over them so that they can never see the terrestrial realm nor those who travel in it, unless they are temporarily quickened by us to see.
8. I know this is confusing, but it is nonetheless how it really is. These spiritual realms, the celestial, terrestrial, and telestial, are all superimposed, the higher realms on top of the lower ones. There is a veil between each realm that prevents the lower from seeing into the higher. However, the higher may see into the lower by using their intention to see as our Spirit may direct.
9. When you and others of our first travelers to Zion come on the terrestrial earth, you will very naturally begin where it seems like the telestial earth. However, soon it will transition into the terrestrial earth. You will still see vegetation and animals, but these will be in the telestial earth. There will be times when the terrestrial geography is very different in the terrestrial realm, and you will all need my light to show you the path to follow to Zion. Those on the telestial earth will not see you travelling. You will be largely hidden from their view. At times you might be seen, for we will remove the veil to give you experience in your travels with others, with the sole purpose to strengthen you and prepare you for entry into the land of the New Jerusalem.
10. We are allowing you who are the first travelers to Zion to come across our barren lands of the terrestrial earth. We need to do this because our timing for the construction and for the building up of Zion needs to be started in order to meet the timing of other events, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Those who come to Zion on the terrestrial earth will have many varied experiences in their travels, and will be prepared spiritually when they come to the New Jerusalem.
11. Later travelers who trek on the telestial earth, will experience more dangers than earlier groups. However, we will protect them by our power, and give them similar growth experiences in their travels so that they too will be fully prepared when they reach the New Jerusalem.
12. The tribes from the north who come on the great highway across the deep will become isolated from the telestial world once they enter onto the highway. This will be their entry point into the terrestrial earth. They will remain on this highway until they reach the barren lands on the terrestrial land of promise. They will then walk on that land from the north, even until they too reach the New Jerusalem, all while in the terrestrial realm. We will also lead this large group by our light that will point the way to travel.
13. By this summer, according to our timing, we will have you establish the foundations of the New Jerusalem, and the tribes of the north will arrive, and some of the remnants will also arrive. By the fall time or end of summer, those others who are walking to Zion will also arrive. These will all be the first ones who help establish the area of the New Jerusalem on the terrestrial physical earth.
14. These new experiences will be happening for our elect, even as your country, in the telestial earth, further degrades into restrictions of freedoms, occupation by enemy troops, and more natural and manmade disasters and calamities. You see that we are doing our work on both the telestial and terrestrial realms at this time. We will also have a very active large group of celestial servants and angels minister to those in lower realms more and more frequently. All of the activity in all of our realms will be very coordinated and synched, even according to our master plans.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her extensive explanation to me of these marvelous times coming upon the earth! She smiled and then departed. I pondered on her wonderful message, and then closed my prayer.
16. Evening–I came tonight to the start of the highway to the north in the terrestrial realm on the earth. This is where the northern tribes will enter into the terrestrial mortal world.
17. I decided to then venture onto the telestial earth in front of me to the north, and found snow and ice all around. As I moved back into the terrestrial realm on the highway. I saw that the climate was mild and much more pleasant on the highway, with no snow, ice, or any subzero weather.
18. I came to the center of this large highway entrance. I had seen it was not quite a mile wide. On either side were the shores of the terrestrial waters. All looked barren and without plants or inhabitants. There was land, water and air in this terrestrial realm, but no apparent life.
19. I knelt facing north and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me, and to answer some questions I had in my mind.
20. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me, with his glory drawn mostly into his person, and not shining much to the regions about us.
21. He spoke: 'Raphael, this is where the light of God will lead the head prophet and peoples of the northern tribes of Israel. To our north you can see snow, ice, and harsh, cold weather. To our south you can see pleasant skies and warmer weather on the highway.
22. As the tribes of Israel come here, the scripture in D&C 133:26-27 will come to pass:
"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.
And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep."
23. As these people pray in faith for deliverance from the extreme cold that they will find themselves in after emerging on the cusp of the outer earth, they will see this highway before them. It will be likened to them smiting the rocks, with ice flowing down before their presence.
24. Once they come to this point where we are standing, the transition out of the cold and into warmer weather will be very remarkable to them. They will actually all be in the terrestrial realm at this point, where never before man has traveled.
25. This miracle of entering into our terrestrial world on a highway made of rock, sand and dirt will be as great and miraculous as their ancestors entering into the dry path on the bottom of the Red Sea with Moses. The enemies of these refugees will then be unable to find their newly discovered human caravan. Both miracles will show to Israel the power of God in answering their prayers, and delivering them from their enemies.
26. The tribes of Israel have carefully prepared themselves by bringing food for themselves and feed for their animals. They will ration this among themselves so that they might make the long journey without expiring.
27. The waters of the great deep on either side of the highway are fresh waters, for as yet they contain no life nor nor is it salty. There is only water, earth and air, with pleasant weather all around until they reach the borders of the New Jerusalem.
28. Once this group arrives on the highway to the barren and vast land of the promise, then this next scripture will be fulfilled:
D&C 133:29
"And in the barren deserts there shall come forth pools of living water; and the parched ground shall no longer be a thirsty land."
29. The pools of water which emerge will satisfy the thirst for the travelers and their flocks and herds, but will not be living water. The living water that will transform the entire earth will come forth from the deep cavern under the island of the New Jerusalem.
30. The scripture also states that "Their enemies shall become a prey unto them" (D&C 133:28). This is referencing the actions of the prophets of these northern tribes when they are upon the barren land of promise. Raphael, they will hear the single note from your trumpet call, during the light of a thousand suns event. The prophets of these tribes will smite the enemies of the righteous elect that dwell in the lower telestial realm, even by the power of God. These enemy troops, marauders, and wicked people on the telestial land will think that God had smitten them. In reality, it will be from the prophets whom I will inspire of the northern tribes coming to Zion. These prophets will be able to see periodically into the lower telestial realms and act in my authority as I command them.
31. When this large caravan arrives at the borders of the New Jerusalem, you will go out to meet them. The waters of the mighty river that surrounds the island city will stop for them, for they will exercise their faith to cross through the river to the New Jerusalem on dry ground (see your post 173D4). Oh, what a joyous occasion this will be for all! These will be the first travelers to Zion, the New Jerusalem.
32. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful message tonight. I looked up around us and saw the northern lights dancing in the night skies. I thought of how exciting this will be for the tribes of Israel to see when they come forth on these northern regions of the earth. It would be like a welcoming sign from God!
33. Heavenly Father smiled, for I knew he knew my thoughts. He then ascended into the night sky among the northern lights and was soon gone. I closed my prayer.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021
1. I came this morning to the grassy area outside the white gate. I desired to meet Jesus Christ. I knelt in the grass and waited. Jesus then opened the gate and stepped onto the grass. His countenance was filled with great light. He was smiling upon me. I loved his deep and tender eternity eyes.
2. I spoke: 'My Great Redeemer Jesus Christ, I am so deeply thankful to you to have cleansed me and brought me back into the presence of God again! On this Easter Sunday, I want to show you directly my deep gratitude and appreciation!'
3. Jesus then spoke: 'Raphael, I have seen your diligence and great faith in coming to us, your Gods. Your repentance and change of behavior to follow my example has been sure. I have brought you back into our celestial presence, and purified you by the shedding of my blood. I will do so for every one of our called elect who sincerely repents and comes unto me in the humility and openness of their heart. I yearn that they show forth diligent effort to show me their desires. They must be willing to change their life according as my voice and the Spirit will direct them.
4. When thoroughly proven by me, I will reveal myself to them, in my own way and time. I will cleanse them of all sin, and bring them into our celestial realms where I will introduce to them our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I have done this for you, and will do it for everyone of God's children who come to me as have you.'
5. I bowed my head even until it touched the grass, and was so very thankful to Jesus Christ, my Redeemer! I feel so grateful to have seen him today on this Easter Sunday when we celebrate the anniversary of his triumphal resurrection and victory over death.
6. Jesus came to me closer to me and asked me to stand. I stood and he embraced me tenderly! I felt his deep love for me come into my being with great emotion and feeling.
7. I then realised I was no longer in this embrace, but sitting in my private room writing all of this down. I heard my family awake and felt the desire to join them. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new and beautiful Easter Sunday.