141. Protection for the Elect
Posted 10-30-2019
I have been further enlightened this past week of the plans of our Heavenly Parents with their terrestrial elect. They have promised in the scriptures and with me that these will be protected by their Spirit and power.
These are great promises, even to the point that the scriptures say "that the righteous must be led up as calves of the stall" (see 1 Nephi 22:24), into their safe garners before the storms descend upon the wicked.
I hope you enjoy this post–it has been very comforting to me!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 21, 2019, Monday
1. Evening–I have read over the last few days and weeks about being elevated to a terrestrial glory to be freed from Satan's grasp. I wonder if there is much difference in one being a telestial person to being a terrestrial person, aside from no longer being subject to the devil, and to receive more light and mental and spiritual clarity? Is there a great difference also between a terrestrial person (a "millennial", like Spencer called these in his book "Visions of Glory") and a translated terrestrial person? I hope I receive clarification on this.
2. I came to the desert oasis tonight, next to the bench facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would be coming. I was kneeling, waiting for his appearance. He then appeared, sitting on the bench to my right! He motioned for me to stand and sit next to him.
3. I did so, and after being seated, he put his right arm on my leg and spoke:
'Raphael, the primary reason we are elevating you and our elect to a terrestrial state is for you to be freed from Satan's power, to be able to endure the hardships that will be facing the world, and to fill you with more light and love to minister our love to those around you.
4. D&C 76:71 speaks of the qualifications of the terrestrial. These are honorable men and women in their life, and merit a final terrestrial glory as the moon is compared to the stars (the telestial) or the sun (celestial).
5. As far as the changes in the physical bodies for our terrestrial mortal children however, there is very little change that one could detect except a few things, including increased light and love that emanates from their being. This increase of light will cause greater clarity in all areas of perception, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The physical mortal body will become more robust and strong, better able to withstand the vicissitudes of life and rigors of physical labor and physical endurance. Pain in the body will become minimal and sickness will be infrequent.
6. Most people who are of the telestial realm will not be able to perceive a difference in those who are terrestrial.
7. However, most who are terrestrial will know, in time by their increased spiritual perceptions, those who are also terrestrial like themselves. They will similarly be able to tell those who are translated to a terrestrial glory, like those who are of the 144,000.
8. The translated terrestrial and the millennial terrestrial (or those who are changed to a terrestrial state without a terrestrial translation) have similar physical bodies. However, the translated are not subject to death, but the seeds of death are delayed until they are to be resurrected.
9. They will die at the appointed hour and then be immediately resurrected to a celestial glory. This is the state of the three disciples of Jesus that he changed to a terrestrial translated state as recorded in 3 Nephi 28:4-10.

10. Those who are translated to a terrestrial glory will "not have pain while (they) dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world" (3 Nephi 28:9). They will also be blessed to be able to go to the terrestrial world of the spirit dead, and the terrestrial realms on the earth. In this latter realm, they may instantly travel using their portals. This will be part of their mission as the 144,000 to "bring as many as will come to the Church of the Firstborn." (D&C 77:11). They will be given power to protect, teach and transport their converts to safe places and to the city of the New Jerusalem.
11. Those who are millennial terrestrial mortals will generally not have these same capabilities of travel that the translated will possess in their physical bodies.
12. Our celestial translated angels and servants work in the celestial realms on the earth, in their spirit, resurrected and replicated physical translated states. They are not seen by the telestial or terrestrial mortals. If they are dwelling in mortality, they are either in a telestial or terrestrial mortal state. They act and fulfill their mission in our celestial realms, but while on earth are normal and non-suspecting individuals. You and our mortal angels are regular people in your communities on earth, with normal families and circumstances, but are very actively working for your Heavenly Mother and I in our celestial realms on the earth.
13. We have servants and our elect who are in many states of glory and translation. This might all seem confusing, but all is part of our overall scheme and plan for these last days' events.'
14. I thanked my Heavenly Father to have clarified so many things to me! I admitted that it had been confusing to others and to me. I said I would serve him faithfully in whatever position he and Heavenly Mother might call me to serve. I then closed my prayer.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 22, 2019, Tuesday
1. I reread my journal from last night and felt very grateful for all the clarification I received. I also prayed and confirmed that what I wrote was accurate. I am very open to having written something wrong, but I felt it was all correct. Many of the various states of the servants and the elect have never been this way before, so we do live in unique times!
2. This morning I went into the mortal probation chapel in God's temple on the celestial orb. I knelt beside the last days mural on the wall and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

3. Heavenly Mother then appeared next to the mural on the left! She was bright and smiling and I felt her intense light pass into and through me. I felt a heightened spiritual awareness I think because I was filled with her light and was in her presence.
4. She spoke: 'Raphael, when our first parent Gods established the various progressive and final states of their sons and daughters, they created three degrees of glory. In each of the spiritual states, their children could be spirits, mortals with a physical body and spirit, or resurrected.
5. In the terrestrial and celestial states, they could also be translated. In the terrestrial translated state, they would live among mortals, having the seeds of death delayed and having additional powers of movement. They would have no power of replication.
6. In the celestial translated state, they could visit and work in all realms of glory including the celestial. They would possess a mortal body on earth that was living among other telestial or terrestrial mortals, having their second mortal estate experience on earth. They would have the ability to be replicated in the celestial realms if that power was extended to them by their Gods.
7. Our first parent Gods established a sequential plan for the progress of their children. They would first be born into a spirit only first estate in the pre-mortal world. If they were successful in passing the requirements of this estate, they would then go to a fallen mortal probationary second estate.
8. At this time they would be born as physical sons and daughters to earthly parents. They would live until they died, and their spirits would then go into the spirit world of the dead while their physical body would return to the physical earth.
9. For those who successfully passed their second estate, they would be raised in the resurrection to a final state of eternal glory, either to a telestial, terrestrial, or celestial glory. Their final resurrected state would be determined by how diligent they were in following their Heavenly Parents in their first and second estates. Their final third estate would be final, and they would live in that glory forever.
10. In order to meet the laws of the various kingdoms or realms of glory, these, their children, would require a savior, or a great redeemer. He would atone for their weaknesses and sins, thereby permitting them to grow and repent. Without his eternal sacrifice, they would be helplessly lost, and the great plan of progression of God's children would not function. Therefore, this redeemer would be an essential part of the overall progression of all of God's children.
11. Our first parent Gods also established that each parent gods would have full freedom to adjust the situations and conditions of their own offspring in their progressive states. They could have some of their children be servants, angels, or in other ways minister to others. They would need to work within the bounds of the laws that were established in the beginning for all the realms of glory.
12. Each parent god couple would have all powers of creation and would have dominion over these creations in their own ever-expanding galaxy in their ever-expanding universe. The overall objective would be to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of their own sons and daughters.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me this morning! She then indicated that we would together watch on the mural in front of us more details on how their last days events would happen in the future, even as she and Heavenly Father had planned from the beginning.
14. I know I saw all of this with her, but I couldn't recall any of it! I know too that this was her plan, so I am content and happy. I just felt so glad to be in her presence and to receive her instructions and truths that I wrote in my journal today!
15. At night–I came this evening to the fountain of living water, and knelt on the north side, facing the fountain with the temple in the not too far distance. I came here because I felt I should. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
16. Heavenly Father came next to me, standing brightly and clothed in white robes, looking very majestic! His visage was very clear and reminded me of lightning for some reason. He immediately spoke:
17. 'Raphael, your world that includes government, industry, and many varied people is becoming quickly unstable. You have been experiencing businesses that are becoming very difficult to work with. There is an ominous sense about people now, and you have expressed some concern.
18. However, in whatever comes your way your Heavenly Mother and I will guide you by our Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost and our very presence. Of all of the difficult times in the world & history, these times will become the most difficult for all people. We will be by our side in every time of trouble!
19. There are many things you don't fully understand or comprehend, with all the changes for the righteous and for your deteriorating world. You don't need to understand all now, but you will as your mind is further filled with light and new perceptions. These new thoughts and truths take time to absorb and be fully understood.'
20. Heavenly Father then held out his hand and we elevated ourselves into the spraying mist of the fountain. I don't know where we went next, but somehow I saw myself leave with my Father. I closed my prayer and closed also my day.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 23, 2019, Wednesday
1. My wife and I recently discussed the issue of accepting whatever comes our way in life, and embracing it, even if we don't expect it or it is very difficult to accept. I remember my Heavenly Mother saying for me to accept my sons' injury and to let his healing be in her own time and way, and not in what I wanted. I have generally accepted this attitude, and want to receive life's challenges as they come, and not to kick and fight against what is, or what life brings to me in my life.
2. I have also thought that I have recently always entered prayer with an open attitude, and never could conjure all the remarkable revelations I have received! I still feel very malleable and receptive, but my mind is completely clear of ideas, solutions, or what God may reveal next to me. I am amazed at what my Heavenly Parents have revealed to me! I am writing now on post 141, and I can hardly remember everything in my mortal finite mind what I have received and written.

3. I came to the pool of water under the granite cliff at the far eastern end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. The little mountain stream flowed from this beautiful pool of water. My surroundings all were so "heavenly"!
4. I knelt by the shore and asked for one of my Heavenly Parents to come. In answer to my prayer, my beautiful Heavenly Mother then appeared before me over the pool of water, elevated about a foot above the water in the air! She was filled with light and the feelings of love and acceptance.
5. She spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad that in your mind you accept the reality of life and what is, and not what you think should be. This accepting attitude of life and what it brings will best serve you. Living in the present mindset will help you also.
6. You have received many truths you accept but can't yet fully understand. This is also what we would expect. Many of our truths are much more difficult to understand in your telestial state, but will be more easily understood as your mortal mind elevates to a terrestrial state. You will receive more light and perception ability as your body is changed and your conscious mind is expanded and filled more with our light.
7. These changes that will come to you as you change fully to a terrestrial mortal are gradual, and you will not perceive at first any changes. Just accept what we have said, and in time you will perceive a major difference in your mental clarity and in not being tempted anymore by the adversary. It will feel like your perspective and enlightenment will have expanded. It will be like there once was a thick cloud cover over your mind, and then you came through the clouds to experience the warmth and light of the sun on a clear day. This will be the perceptions you will feel.
8. In your physical body you will become more aware of what it needs to function more smoothly. You will be more in tune to its needs, and more aware of its increased capacity, even though you are still aging. You will still experience aches and pains, but you will be able to deal with these easier. You will become more sensitive to the additives in processed foods you eat that are not good for the body. This will help you eat more wholesome foods at all times.
9. Your sleep will be more restful, and your vitality will be gradually increased. You will be able to go for longer periods without food also, and not have to eat as much in order to be satisfied. Your body systems will function more perfectly.
10. You will also find your emotions are more stable, and that you learn and accept that people may choose to do whatever they may think or do, and that you accept this and do not try to want them to act any different than they choose. You will rejoice more fully in their ability to choose their own path, and you will accept them more fully in whatever choices they make. Your love for all people will increase.
11. Your joys and happiness will also deepen as you change into a terrestrial mortal man. You will find greater satisfaction in nature, in people you love, and in the accomplishments and improvements in others.
12. These changes will all be gradual so that you won't be too aware of the changes. However, we see the differences, and will be pleased in your new mortal state.'
13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for these changes that will be coming to my body and spirit. I humbly thanked her for her explanations. I told her I look forward to these gradual changes and shifts in my body and mind.

14. She continued: 'Raphael, your Father and I see the future, and know what events in your life and your world are coming. As you lean on us in faith, we will guide you through life's challenges, even as a blindfolded child is lead in a game by his/her parent around obstacles that are in the way. When we gradually remove your "perception blindfolds", you will be able to see where we lead you and the path we guided you in. You will see that we lovingly held and directed you in every time of trouble, even though you couldn't perceive it at the time.
15. We will guide and direct our elect children who love us, and follow what we say to them. We will lead them into our beautiful millennial day of peace and rest!'
16. My Heavenly Mother then smiled broadly at me, and then gradually faded away. She was soon gone from my view, and I closed my morning prayer. I felt comforted and full of faith and trust in her and my Heavenly Father.
17. After my prayer, I received this email from M.A. that she said I could share on this post. I felt very pleased to have received it!
An email from M.A. to R on 10-23-2019:
Good morning R,
Wow what a wonderful post!
. . . This is what I received from Heavenly Father in prayer this morning. You might find it interesting.
Heavenly Father said, "Mary, you read R's post about our elect, that will be raised to a terrestrial level, to protect them from Satan's grasp. You, our archangel daughter, have been raised to this level now and will no longer have any evil entities attach to your shield, as you have experienced in the past. You have intentionally stayed away from those you knew had attached evil spirits, but from now on you don't need to do that, for Satan does not like the light you emanate or radiate from your body, which is Our, your Heavenly Parents', light and love that comes from us into you. Let our light so shine. This will bless all. You will feel more love for all you are around. This elevation will also protect and preserve you in coming days. Evil ones or those wishing to do evil towards you will not bother or harm you, or even approach you. You will be safe from all evil and thus safe from harm."
Me, "Oh thank you my Heavenly Parents. I shall not fear anymore, for all will be well with me. I shall radiate your love and let your light shine through me to all. Thank you for this wonderful blessing. Will my being near someone with attached spirits, now relieve them of attached spirits, or in other words, clear them of these evil spirits, as if I were commanding evil to depart?"
Heavenly Father, "Mary, you are correct. In the past you have been allowed to commanded in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ for them to leave. Now just by you being near them and radiating our light and love this will make all evil entities to depart from others, for evil cannot stay in Our light. This is truly a blessing you can extend to others. This elevation from Satan's grasp is also why We want you to eat only positive wholesome foods. These foods will make you feel so much better and even enhance your terrestrial elevation." This is truly an empowering blessing that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother has given to me and others, soon to include all the elect. I wondered, how God would preserve his elect, and now I see if by being raised to a terrestrial level, that it causes all evil to depart, how then can anything evil or harmful or negative hurt us? We will make it through the coming tribulations. Oh praise be to God for Their glorious strange acts.

I wrote to M.A.:
Oh, thank you M.A. for your wonderful email! I felt touched by the Spirit and knew what you received to be true. May I share this in my post 141? It was worded so succinctly to be able to express deep feelings of gratitude and deliverance. Thank you again!
I will enter in the edits in a bit. Thank you also for doing this!
Warmly as ever,
Response from M.A.:
R, yes you may share this. I just feel so full of the spirit after my morning prayer. What a choice blessing for us all.
18. Evening–I received a wonderful email from M.A. that I included above. I read it from my phone while I was outside on our beautiful fall day, feeding my chickens. As I read her email, I felt the Holy Spirit confirm to me that what she shared with me was true! I rejoice with her in this wonderful gift we have been extended at this time. I am curious how this will come to each one of those on my email list and to the elect across the earth.
19. I have been very tired recently, usually getting fatigued around 4:00 p.m. each day. At first I thought that this was from a delayed tiredness from my exhausting recent move, but now I think otherwise. I think I am tired because my body is physically changing to a higher level, from a telestial to a terrestrial state. I don't know this, but it is my hunch.
20. Tonight I came to the birch tree grove down the slope from Lake Beautiful. I came to the little stream flowing down the hill and knelt next to a large white-barked birch tree. The leaves above were all bright yellow, for it was fall time here in the forest! I love the bright yellows in these beautiful trees this time of year.
21. I asked for Heavenly Father to come, for I knew he would come and speak to me tonight. I opened my eyes after asking him to come and looked upon him, standing directly in front of me in the air! I was a little surprised, for he came without any noise or rustling of the fallen leaves.
22. He was smiling at me and spoke: 'Raphael, we have spoken to a number of our earthly celestial angels and servants and told them about our great gift to them that we would elevate their physical mortal bodies to a terrestrial level. This event will be such a blessing to each of them!
23. Your own change to a terrestrial state will be completed this Friday, 10-25-2019. Your tiredness has been from these gradual changes that are coming upon your body. You will notice these gradual changes in your own mortal body. This will be a great blessing to you!

24. You wondered if you too should eat only wholesome positive food like we told M.A.. Wholesome foods will enhance your terrestrial state and make you more perceptive and feel better. You will become more in tune to how foods affect your strength, vitality, and spiritual and mental clarity. Those which are from whole foods, without many life-destroying additives will be good for you, even as we inspire you.
25. We also will extend to you a similar blessing of radiating light to those who come close to you as we are doing for M.A.. The evil spirits will of necessity depart when you come near another mortal who has them attached to their being. We desire you to convey to our children our love and acceptance of them and thoughts of how precious they are to us, their loving Heavenly Parents. You need not voice this, but just think it, for these thoughts and feelings to be conveyed in the light we will send through you.
26. For some of our elect sons and daughters, we will also give them unique and abundant gifts of the Spirit as they become elevated to a terrestrial level. We desire for them to freely share their gifts, even as we inspire them.
27. Some, like yourself, will be more filled with powers to heal and bless. Others will have increased gifts of foresight, or of the ability to see into the hearts of the children of men who are around them. Others will have an increased abundance of love, and others greater understandings and discernment. These will all be poured out upon our elect who are our chosen children who will come into our terrestrial millennial world. These will all meet our Beloved Son in the clouds of heaven when he comes in his glory to the earth.
28. The elect are our remnant as spoken in D&C 45:43-45:
"And the remnant shall be gathered unto this place;
And then they shall look for me, and, behold, I will come; and they shall see me in the clouds of heaven, clothed with power and great glory; with all the holy angels; and he that watches not for me shall be cut off.
But before the arm of the Lord shall fall, an angel shall sound his trump, and the saints that have slept shall come forth to meet me in the cloud."
29. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words tonight! I told him how grateful I was for these great blessings to come upon the elect and upon me personally. I said I would do even as he and Heavenly Mother direct me. My prayer ended as my Father disappeared from before me.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 24, 2019, Thursday
1. I received a very interesting email last night and again this morning from S. He shared with me some of his past journal entries about the ten tribes from the land of the north and asked me about whether this large group would be the people who fulfill 3 Nephi 16:12-16, a prophecy from Jesus Christ. He also shared many other teachings he received from God.
2. Here is his email from 10-23-2019:
I told you I would share some of my journal entries confirming things you have shared after returning from my vacation. I arrived this morning and here are some of my entries.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to Lake Beautiful once I was able to quiet my mortal thoughts of tasks before me. I was at peace and able to focus as I was directed to Lake Beautiful. I was on the East bank looking west and there was a slight breeze. Heavenly Mother approached me and She was full of light and love. She spoke to me, "You have been reading and pondering much on the return of the lost tribes from the North. You read about Joseph Smith's account where he received the keys for their gathering. He still holds those keys and will return them to the prophet of the newly organized Church of Christ in a coming day. This will coincide with the return of this people in short succession from that point in time. All these changes will come to pass in due order. Even the physical changes coming to your nation and land of America will be great. This is all preparatory for Zion to be built. Be at peace as you see these changes unfold. We will continue to bless and strengthen you as you persist in seeking Us in prayer. Jesus spoke to the Pharisees about how they could read the signs of the sky but were oblivious to the fulfillment of scripture regarding Jesus' mission. There are clear signs now as well including the division of the people of your land and the great wickedness, which coincide with the time of destruction among the Nephites shortly before Jesus visited them. Your lands have now been given to the lost tribes of Israel as they were previously taken from the Jaredites and given to the Nephites, and then taken from the Lamanites and given to the gentiles. The gentiles who repent may receive the fullness of the gospel as well. (These verses from 3 Nephi 16: 12-16 came to my mind.) Be at peace and We will lead you along in paths of safety." Her message was complete and I closed my prayer.
"And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel.
But if the Gentiles will repent and return unto me, saith the Father, behold they shall be numbered among my people, O house of Israel.
And I will not suffer my people, who are of the house of Israel, to go through among them, and tread them down, saith the Father.
But if they will not turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall tread them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, thus hath the Father commanded me—that I should give unto this people this land for their inheritance."

This morning I read about the lost tribes coming from the North with their records in D&C. I next read Raphael's record of further insight from my experience with the fish falling at my feet. He recorded his experience with Heavenly Father and he was taught that the elect would be raised to a terrestrial level. I wanted to pray and ask if it was true.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to a dirt road that I knew was the road to Emmaus anciently. Jesus was there on the road and directed me to walk next to Him. He spoke to me, "this is the road I walked with a few of my disciples anciently. I was able to use scriptures they were familiar with to open their minds to greater truths I taught them at that time. This same experience has occurred to you after you read Raphael's account of the hollow earth where the lost tribes have dwelt and then read scriptures about their return. You understand much more now when you read in Doctrine and Covenants that their prophet would smite the rocks and ice would melt. You also see that their bringing of records will occur and this is much different than those who in a few scattered numbers have joined the LDS church in the Eastern European and Russian nations. You read in Raphael's account today that the elect as chosen by Me would be raised to a Terrestrial level. I direct you at this time to reread the parable of the wheat and tares with this new information you received. The spirit will enlighten your mind to greater understanding as it has with the lost 10 tribes. I know mine elect. I will choose mine elect and raise them to a Terrestrial level. You wondered about the timing of this event when reading Raphael's account. This will happen at different times for each individual. Some may need the opposition from the buffetings of Satan a little longer to grow to their full potential. Others may make this transition earlier because of their mindset and state of their heart that is already focused on God and building Zion. Be full of peace and love as you interact with your wife and children and help them along their progress in mortality." We continued to walk the dirt road to Emmaus but the rest of our conversing no longer came to my mind. I was grateful for His message and closed my prayer.
I read more about the wheat and tares today. In D&C 86 and 101 it talks about wheat and tares. In D&C it says wheat is gathered first. In Luke, it says the tares are gathered first. I focused on the D&C 101 where the wheat is secured in the garners. This preserves them from storms, animals, and pests that would damage or destroy them. I was impressed by the spirit that the wheat being "secured in the garners" was a reference to the elect being raised to a Terrestrial level. Once secured in the garners (or raised to a Terrestrial level), the elect won't be in danger of the many things that could damage or destroy them.
D&C 101: 65 "Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be.."
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to Lake Beautiful. Heavenly Father was there at the side of the lake. He picked up a rock and threw it so it skipped across the water. I noted that the water was very still except for the rock that skipped across it. I wondered what the still water meant for I have seen the water lap on the shoreline in small waves and I have seen larger waves and strong winds too. Heavenly Father spoke to me, "This calm water represents the calm stillness before a storm. There may be a calm stillness on the ocean for many days with no approaching storm. However, when a great storm comes such as a tsunami, there is a profound stillness and quiet that precedes its coming. You have been shown much of what is coming to your nation. However there are great storms coming that will impact every nation and people upon the earth. In the parable of the wheat and tares, Joseph Smith recorded angels ready to harvest the field and burn the wicked almost 200 years ago. The time is now very near, even at the door. Be at peace and calm as you sense what is soon to come. You questioned the discrepancy of the wheat and tares in Luke and D&C. In this writing the bible was translated inaccurately and the wheat will be gathered first as described in D&C and not the tares as recorded in the bible. Once the wheat is gathered to safety and securely preserved, next the angels will reap down the fields. D&C 86:5. He continued, "Enjoy this upcoming trip and time with your family," then He disappeared before me and I closed my prayer.

D&C 86: 5 Behold, verily I say unto you, the angels are crying unto the Lord day and night, who are ready and waiting to be sent forth to reap down the fields..
D&C 86: 7 Therefore, let the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest is fully ripe; then ye shall first gather out the wheat from among the tares, and after the gathering of the wheat, behold and lo, the tares are bound in bundles, and the field remaineth to be burned.
Have a blessed day,
I also received this email this morning, 10-24-2019:
Previously when I last read in 3 Nephi 16 about a year ago, I thought when it said "this people" in verse 16, it was referring to the Lamanite/Nephite remnant. In prayer, the thought came clearly to my mind that this was a reference to the lost 10 tribes who would come to North America/ Zion. I had never previously considered this at all or given it any thought. What are your thoughts on this matter if you have a chance to pray about it?
3. I came to the east end of Lake Beautiful, looking west, where Heavenly Mother came to S on 10-12-2019. I also thought about Heavenly Father skipping a rock on Lake Beautiful that was in a great calm, from his account on 10-14-2019. I knelt on the shore and noticed that Lake Beautiful was very calm, even glass-like on its surface, with a great smooth surface. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.
4. Heavenly Mother came in brilliance above the water! I could see her reflection shining brightly a few seconds before her arrival. The light reflected to me from the mirror surface of the water and filled me with anticipation and excitement to be again in her presence!
5. She came upon me and was smiling! I loved seeing her happy countenance, and felt the warmth of her love! She stood a few feet before me, a little elevated in the air.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have inspired S to share his journal accounts with you so that you too would be enlightened. We want you to share his words in your post 141, for they are from us, your Gods.

7. I have come to you above Lake Beautiful, which is in a great calm today, and smooth as glass. This represents the calm before the storm as mentioned by S in his email. However, soon turbulent times will come as a whirlwind upon your land and immediately afterwards, upon the entire world. We will first gather all of our elect into garners spiritually, so that they will be protected and able to weather the many storms of adversity that will come upon the wicked. This time will be compared to the violent storm and changes in the land prior to Jesus' arrival to the Nephites, as recorded in 3 Nephi 8:15-19 that lasted three hours. The arrival of the storm or whirlwind in your day will signal the destruction of your wicked government and corrupt industries and businesses that pollute the land, and the wickedness that is so prevalent among the people.
8. You and S asked if the arrival of the ten lost tribes from the land of the north would fulfill the prophecy of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, found in 3 Nephi 16:12-16. Their arrival will come with power and as they descend as a group from the lands northward, all of their enemies who attack them, or seek to destroy them, will fail in their efforts to stop their progress to the center of your land. These enemies will be as "treaded upon" by the House of Israel.
9. 3 Nephi 16:15
"But if they will not turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, I will suffer them, yea, I will suffer my people, O house of Israel, that they shall go through among them, and shall tread them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of my people, O house of Israel."
10. The arrival of this people will come soon after the land is devastated by the storm that comes upon the land and upon the whole earth. To you, it will seem as though these events come very quickly, one after another. You will be prompted to start the beginning of the construction of the New Jerusalem. When the tribes of Israel come, they will assist you as you orchestrate the building of our temple and the city of the New Jerusalem.
11. The prophecy of Jesus found in 3 Nephi 20:13-22 will be fulfilled:
"And then shall the remnants (see also D&C 45:43), which shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, be gathered in from the east and from the west, and from the south and from the north; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God, who hath redeemed them.
And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you this land, for your inheritance.
And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people–
Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob (these are the remnants of the Nephite and Lamanite nations, mostly from the south of your country), go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. (Raphael, the remnant shall come from the south, the ten tribes from the land of the north, and both tread down the wicked in your country. You will also be invaded from the east and west by conspiring nations of the world who wish to by war take over your land. This will all be because your Gentile nation has rejected Jesus Christ who is the God of the land, and the great blessing of our restored gospel among them.)
Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.

And I will gather my people together (the elect who are changed to terrestrial mortals) as a man gathereth his sheaves into the floor.
For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. And behold, I am he who doeth it.
And it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that the sword of my justice shall hang over them at that day; and except they repent it shall fall upon them, saith the Father, yea, even upon all the nations of the Gentiles.
And it shall come to pass that I will establish my people, O house of Israel.
And behold, this people (the house of Israel that are gathered) will I establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your father Jacob; and it shall be a New Jerusalem. And the powers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people; yea, even I will be in the midst of you." (words in parentheses given by Heavenly Mother).
12. Raphael, partly because of the calamity, war and the treading down of your country and land have your Father and I chosen to change and elevate our elect to a mortal terrestrial estate. We will protect and guide each one as we gather them spiritually to their safe garners, prior to the destruction upon the tares of the earth.'
13. I bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Mother for her remarkable and clear words! Oh, I love her so much.
14. She then ascended right up into the sky in a magnificent swirling cloud! Then the lake in front of me became suddenly turbulent and stormy, with very large waves crashing on the shore in front of me. I raised myself up in the air about 100 feet and then saw violence upon these waters like I had never seen before! I saw a tsunami, a water vortex whirling around, and huge waves!
15. The voice of Heavenly Mother came into my mind: 'Raphael, we will be with you in every time of trouble! Fear not, only be believing.'
16. I then was immediately back in my house writing all of this down. I closed my prayer and started my new day. Wow, what a great revelation this morning!
17. Evening–Tonight I came to the inside of the domed room. I had received a beautiful email from my sister K about her personal transitioning from a physical telestial state to a terrestrial. This is very exciting to both of us, for we will have our basic changes finished by tomorrow or this weekend. There may be upgrades in perceptions, light, strength and such, but we were both told that by sometime tomorrow or this weekend it will all be done.
18. K went to the pyramid room in God's Loving Healing Center, and I have a hunch that my changes will be done in this domed room. I don't know if these changes will be done in this domed room, nor if these changes are always done it this way she describes in her email. Here is her email she wrote to me tonight that she gave me permission to share:

19. From K, 10-24-2019
Hi R,
I would like to share a couple of things..
The other night (Oct. 23, 2019) I was wide awake between 1:00 a.m. and around 3:30 a.m. So I did some energy work on myself and then it seemed that I was tingly. I went in my mind to the healing celestial pyramid and went inside. There was a long table of wise beings with very kind faces. They had me sit on a chair before them. One spoke and said something like this "You are of the elect and will be transitioning to a terrestrial state." I laid on my bed in mortality and went through my body while holding a smooth selenite white stone and imagined each part being upgraded, starting with my brain, pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus, eyes, ears, nose, face, mouth, mental clarity, memories–all aspects of my head then neck, thyroid, parathyroids, throat and all aspects of my neck then heart pericardium, thymus gland, lungs, breasts, vessels, arms and so forth–all the way down my body to each organ, gland, muscle, bone, fluid, tissue, and cell. I imagined it all being light and blessed and upgraded to a terrestrial state. As I was imagining it while lying in my physical body on my bed in the middle of the night, I was also in the celestial healing pyramid on a chair, receiving of the gods or wise beings or whoever they were.
I think they may, at the end, have indicated the process would continue. I don't recall if anything else was said or not but I then was escorted out and it seemed that another person then was ready for their upgrade.
Later in the morning, I asked Heavenly Father if what happened was real or just my imaginings. "Rachael, this experience was real. You have received further upgrades in your process of transitioning to a terrestrial state. This process was primarily focused on the physical upgrade of your body–your organs, glands, all cells and systems of your body.
Rachael, most of our elect who are receiving this upgrade are unaware, but you experienced it while fully awake, but in a relaxed and receptive state when there were no distractions, at night when it was dark. This has truly occurred. You are fully in the process of transition and this will be completed by the end of the week as with your brother. You are among the first of our elect to be transitioning now to the terrestrial state."
I asked: "May I ask who the beings were with the kind faces who were at the table?"
Heavenly Father said: "They were our servants, all resurrected, who are of a celestial nature. They are commissioned to assist in the process of upgrading the physical beings of our elect to a terrestrial level. Your Heavenly Mother and I bestowed our permanent gift of our love and light. Satan is no longer allowed to tempt you or hold you in his power. And our beloved wise and loving servants upgraded the physical aspects.
Your wisdom, intellect and understanding will all expand. Mostly this will be very gradual. Your memory will improve and your ability to think, solve problems, consider, imagine, and generally mentally expand will become apparent. Your organs and glands and all parts of your physical body will become revitalized and will have improved strength and endurance and overall health and vitality."
More was said, but I thought I'd share with you how wondrous this is. I still always have doubts.
Oh, and earlier, before others talked about it, I had received this guidance, which is in line with M.A. and your comments:

Heavenly Mother said on 10/19/19: "You will feel much better with greater health and vitality as you keep the laws of health. You have much good information available to you. It is up to you to learn what is best for your body and health. It is a sign of respect to your body when you take care of it lovingly and respectfully. There are many toxic foods that taste appealing. Eat foods that are grown carefully and are whole and organic primarily. We will support you."
So what do you think???! Pretty exciting!
Love, K
From R
This is very exciting for sure!! I am so pleased that you have connected into this experience, and been able to hear and understand, even in your mortal conscious mind these great things! Thank you for sharing.
I have noticed some funny things going on when I eat questionable foods, like I get inflammation in my body. It is hard to perceive small changes, however, in my mind and overall light and clarity, as I think these are gradual. I really want to eat better too. I wonder if when we are changed, if we will want to eat meat any longer? Maybe our desire for the junk foods will disappear also.
Keep me posted on these wonderful changes K! I think if is remarkable that we are all having similar feelings, and collaborate on all of these things. I will share more with you as I receive more emails.
Would you feel comfortable having me share this email with others in the group? Let me know.
I love you K! Have a great week, and let me know if you feel any different after tomorrow!
20. In the domed room I knelt in the center facing north. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. After I did so, I saw a door open in the northern wall, and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walked into the room! They were both smiling and were holding hands. Their light was intense, and came through me easily, even until my body shone brightly like theirs! I was very surprised almost like I was somehow being transfigured.
21. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, our son, we are in your old room that we at one time gave to you this is now used by many of our heavenly servants, and by us for our special purposes.

22. You have also seen that you are shining brightly, even like us, your Heavenly Parents! This is the completion of your transition to becoming a terrestrial person in mortality. You have previously come into this domed room, like your sister came into the pyramid room. You both have been changed by our celestial servants to whom we gave power to activate and elevate each part of your physical mortal body. At the end of this, we generally come to our elect and confirm these changes, and then transfigure their body into the terrestrial state. This is the final step.
23. We are meeting with you actually a few hours beyond your mortal time that you are praying, so that this final transition step occurs early Friday morning. You are having this prayer experience ahead of time so that you may see yourself this final transfiguration, where you are shining with our holy light.
24. Once your prayer ends, you will awaken on Friday morning with a terrestrial body! This blessing will occur at one point for each of our elect sons and daughters by the end of this year, 2019.'
25. I gazed into the faces of my Heavenly Parents who stood smiling before me! I felt so blessed and so full of gratitude for this remarkable blessing.
26. I spoke: 'My Father and Mother, I see that all of my being is shining brightly, similar to how I see your celestial bodies shining before me! I don't understand all that has happened. I do know I love you both so very much, and will keep your commandments in all things. I pray that these changes will help me fulfill all that you ask of me to do. I humbly submit my life and full efforts to your service!'
27. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came over and laid their hands on my head. I bowed my head. Heavenly Father spoke these words: 'Raphael, our son, we complete your transition to a terrestrial mortal being. You will keep this elevated state in your mortal body throughout the millennium in our service, in the celestial realms of glory on the earth and in heaven, you will function as a translated celestial replicated being, to as many replicated states as you require, in order to do our great work.'
28. My Heavenly Parents then removed their hands, and I stood before them. I first embraced my Heavenly Mother, and then my Heavenly Father. It was an embrace filled with so much light and connection, and so much acceptance and love! They both were smiling and I was crying. They then elevated themselves up into the air, and the domed room seemed to open up into the skies above. I saw many other heavenly messengers up in the air to receive them. I was quite amazed and awed by this entire experience!
29. Then the dome ceiling closed again, and I was alone. I wrote this immediately down in my heavenly record, similar to how I have been writing on earth in my journal. The vision then faded and I was back in my home.
30. This all seems so remarkable to me! I confirmed it was all true, and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 25, 2019
1. I awoke today feeling very normal. I know my body had been upgraded, but I physically could tell no difference. I am relatively sure nobody else could tell that I had changed either. This is how it should be.
2. I also had sent to S by email my account at Lake Beautiful yesterday morning. He wrote to me today and thanked me for sharing it. I reread this account, and the account from my sister K about her terrestrial body changes. I then reread my journal from last night when I was transfigured. I feel so much revelation and truth has been being poured down upon me!
3. I looked up in the LDS guide to the scripture and read what is says about the definition of transfiguration: "The condition of persons who are temporarily changed in appearance and nature–this is lifted to a higher spiritual level–so that they can endure the presence and glory of heavenly beings."
4. One of the scriptures listed under transfigurations that has occurred was 3 Nephi 28:15., speaking of the three translated disciples of Christ among the Nephites.
"And whether they were in the body or out of the body, they could not tell; for it did seem unto them like a transfiguration of them, that they were changed from this body of flesh into an immortal state, that they could behold the things of God."
5. I know I have previously been transfigured somehow, for how could I have been in the presence of God, starting back in April 2013 during my energy class? However, I had never beheld my body filled with such light and glory as I had last night in the domed room with my Heavenly Parents! I hope to receive clarification.
6. I came to the little stream going into God's Loving Healing Lake this morning. I feel clear and perceptive, both in my replicated celestial body and in my new terrestrial mortal body while in my house praying. I knelt and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he could be visiting me.
7. Heavenly Father immediately appeared in front of me! He came in the celestial glory of his being, filled with great light and love that I felt. He spoke:
'Raphael, you were transfigured last night in your prayer prior to completing your terrestrial mortal state. Our blessing by the laying on of hands completed your change. This was a unique time of transfiguration for you.
8. You are also correct that you received an earlier transfiguration in your life, else how could you have endured the presence of God? This was done when you were first accepted by Jesus Christ and fully redeemed, early in 2013. He told you about the translation that you would be receiving. This translation was to change your replicated states into celestial translated beings. You weren't told all of these terms, for you were not yet spiritually mature in your understanding of the truth of all these things. It has taken us years to tutor and teach you to where you are now in your understanding.

9. In March and April of 2013, Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, introduced you to me. You had received your transfiguration or change before that time, for you were capable to enter into my presence. I appeared in the distance, and not next to you or before you as I appear now. You continued to see me in your prayers in the sky above you, in my celestial glory until the morning of your energy class in 4-20-2013. In that prayer, you saw your Heavenly Mother with your spiritual eyes for the first time in mortality! She stepped from behind me and came right next to you in your class. You were overwhelmed by her presence, and shared your experience with those in the class.
10. During that day, I came at different times also, as did Jesus Christ our Son. All three of us were with you in the classroom throughout your day. This was the start of you being able to come into the presence of your Heavenly Mother and me.
11. Yesterday you saw and described yourself in a second transfiguration experience. This was done as you completed your change from a mortal telestial state to a mortal terrestrial state. You are not translated to a mortal terrestrial state, for you are already translated in your replicated celestial states to a celestial translation. This is entirely different than a terrestrial translation, even though both use the term "translation". This change to a celestial translation is reserved for those, like you, our angels, and other celestial servants who live in mortality, whom we call to labor in the celestial realms of the earth and in this, our celestial orb or heaven. You all have missions to do our work that requires you to serve in this higher celestial realm. We may empower you to act in our full celestial power, as our holy conduits, in behalf of our children who live on the earth or in the world of the spirit dead.
12. Those who are translated in their mortal bodies to a terrestrial state, like the three disciples of Jesus, work on the earth in the telestial and terrestrial realms. Your work, on the other hand, is in the celestial realms of glory, and you are rarely seen by mortals in your work.
13. When you and our holy angels administer in the New Jerusalem temple, you will all labor in the celestial realms inside of our New Jerusalem celestial temple. You will be seen and fully interact with those candidates of the Church of the Firstborn who come to you, invited and elevated there by Jesus Christ, the keeper of the gate. He will have proven them in their lives and fully sanctified and cleansed them. They will each have a transfiguration experience like you had in 2013.
14. Those who are born in the millennium to terrestrial mortal parents will be born as terrestrial mortal bodies. They will never experience a fallen telestial state. These will grow up without sin to salvation (see D&C 45:58). They will each still need to prove to their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ, by their dedication and diligence, that they will follow him and keep his commandments. When he accepts them fully, they will be redeemed and transfigured, prepared to come into our celestial realms. Many will be introduced by Jesus to your Heavenly Mother and me before coming to you and Oriphiel, at the New Jerusalem temple.'
15. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his beautiful clarification and truths about transfiguration, and of my own experience I felt very full of light and understanding!
16. He then smiled and quickly left from before me! I closed my prayer and started a new day on earth.
17. Evening–I came tonight to the overlook to the green field and hill, with the temple of God in the distance. All seemed calm and in great peace here. I knelt facing the temple to the southeast, and asked my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come. I waited and watched.
18. I heard someone coming down the path from the fir forest to my left. I saw Heavenly Father come into view and stop by my side. He was bright and smiling at me. I was very glad to be once again in his glorious presence!

19. He spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I always love to come before you and speak to you. We are pleased with how well you and our elect are progressing.
20. There are many people in your society that are very concerned with the ebbing moral fiber of society. What used to be strongly held values that kept your civilization stable are no longer held by the majority of the people. The degradation of this gentile nation, and the nations of all the world, will bring about the sudden destructions and calamities prophesied upon the telestial world, or the wicked.
21. You have noticed that after your Mother visited with you Thursday morning at Lake Beautiful, how the lake was very calm and mirror-like. However, when the whirlwind and waves became extremely large after she left your side, you were elevated up in the air, way out of the danger on the waters. We will protect you and our faithful in the coming days that are elevated to a terrestrial level, even by our power! We may even bring you into the terrestrial realm of the earth, away from the telestial calamity until danger has passed. We intend to give our elect the beautiful terrestrial earth as an inheritance.
22. D&C 45:57
. . . "verily I say unto you, they (our terrestrial elect, those who are wise virgins in the parable, who have taken the Holy Spirit as their guide) shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day." (parenthesis added by Heavenly Father)
23. The terrestrial elect will abide the day, for we will have transfigured them even in their mortal bodies when they were elevated to their terrestrial state. No fire, earthquake, whirlwind, army, or other destructive force, may harm them, for they will have our power to escape all of these, and abide the day! They will have already been prepared in their own physical bodies for the millennial day soon at hand!
24. There may be some whose hour of death will have come, but this will be according to our appointment and not because they die because of the calamity that will be around them. We will preserve and protect our own terrestrial elect from the destructive forces in the telestial world!'
25. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wonderful promises that he gave me tonight, for the terrestrial elect! This is a remarkable protection promise that he and Heavenly Mother are extending to us!
26. I thought about the prayer visions I had (see my post 33 "My Prayer Visions") when I was a hidden angel protecting the elect. I feel so grateful for this great blessing we all will receive in our mortal bodies in these last days!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 26, 2019, Saturday
1. I have thought of these scriptures of protection for the righteous:
2 Nephi 30:8-10, 18
"And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.
And with righteousness shall the Lord God judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
For the time speedily cometh that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will he destroy; and he will spare his people, yea, even if it so be that he must destroy the wicked by fire.
Wherefore, all things which have been revealed unto the children of men shall at that day be revealed; and Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more, for a long time. And now, my beloved brethren, I make an end of my sayings."
2. D&C 97:22-25
"For behold, and lo, vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly as the whirlwind; and who shall escape it?
The Lord's scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come;
For the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works.
Nevertheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her."
3. 1 Nephi 22:17,19,22,24-25
"Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.
For behold, the righteous shall not perish; for the time surely must come that all they who fight against Zion shall be cut off.
And the righteous need not fear, for they are those who shall not be confounded.
...And the time cometh speedily that the righteous must be led up as calves of the stall, and the Holy One of Israel must reign in dominion, and might, and power, and great glory.

And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture."
4. 3 Nephi 22:14-15, 17
"In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear, and from terror for it shall not come near thee.
Behold, they shall surely gather together against thee, not by me; whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.
...No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord."
5. Moses 7:61
"And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve."
6. I have also wondered why there is often fire spoken of to protect the righteous prior to the Second Coming?
I feel relieved that God will protect and preserve the terrestrial elect! What a great blessing this will be!
7. I came this morning to the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful where I had seen the mirror-like surface of the lake on Thursday morning 10/24/2019. I asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. She came immediately beside me, smiling! Her light was not shining, for she looked like a normal person, but I knew her, particularly her eternity eyes.
8. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, I appear to you this morning with no glory that you see from a normal person. This is how our terrestrial elect will appear to those who are telestial round them, prior to the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ.
9. However, we will entirely protect our terrestrial elect, even if it so be by fire that will consume the telestial wicked, our terrestrial will be preserved! The fire I speak of will be terrestrial fire at the second coming. At the end of the world, when the earth dies after the millennium, we will also send fire, but that will be celestial fire.'
10. Heavenly Mother then backed up on the lake and a large cloud came above her. Suddenly, intense fire came down from the cloud! It entirely engulfed her, but she then walked out of the fire upon the surface of the water, back to me.

11. She spoke: 'Raphael, you have seen fire come out of the cloud and surround me. However, I was not affected within my person or my clothing. We will have permanently transfigured our elect to a terrestrial glory in their mortal bodies by the end of your year 2019. They will have been purified and elevated to withstand the terrestrial fire that will engulf the wicked. They will be preserved by our power over any destructive forces in their telestial world. They will be preserved by our matchless power!
12. The scriptures that you have recorded this morning in your journal describe how the wicked will perish and the righteous who follow us will be preserved. This is our promise to all our faithful elect!
13. Some years ago, you fell on a dangerous rockslide in one of your Utah canyons while on a father and sons campout. We sent our angel to protect you and to turn you over and land you on the rocks, thereby avoiding body injury. There will be many instances similar to this where unseen forces will protect our mortal elect. We will also remove them from danger, or shield them by our power, or make them disappear from their enemies–all because we have chosen them to be preserved and led as calves of the stall into our new terrestrial millennial day!
14. Our righteous need not fear, but give us praise and thanksgiving for our great gift of protection we will extend to them!'
15. At this time, my Heavenly Mother gradually became more and more filled with light, even until she was brightly shining before me! Her celestial light penetrated and engulfed me! I felt so very enlightened and loved.
16. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are pure before us, and accept and receive my celestial presence as I stand and shine intensely before you. Our terrestrial elect will also abide the light and fire, for they too will be pure and holy and able to receive of that light and glory.
17. When Jesus Christ comes in glory upon the earth, he will come in his great celestial glory in the skies above the earth. Our holy angels will descend with him to the earth, for they are celestial and may abide his presence. Our terrestrial elect will be quickened to a celestial glory and also meet Jesus in the clouds of heaven. The dead who have died and merit a celestial resurrection will also rise from the dead and meet Jesus in the clouds of heaven. All will be celestial in the clouds of heaven.
18. The light, fire and glory of Jesus Christ that is celestial will remain with those who come in the clouds of heaven. However, when this light extends to the earth, it will become terrestrial light. The earth will transform to the terrestrial, for it will already be in a state of change on its surface from a telestial glory to a terrestrial glory. Those who remain as telestial on the earth will be consumed by the light and fire of the terrestrial glory that comes from Jesus Christ, the Savior and King and ruler of the earth. They will all see him and the righteous who come with him who fill the heavens as Jesus descends in glory.
19. When Jesus comes to the earth and walks upon her surface with the elect of God, he will lessen his light and glory to the realm of the terrestrial. The elect and holy angels of God and other servants will lessen their glory also, to that of the terrestrial, for the glory of the earth will be in that day, all terrestrial except in the New Jerusalem temple and the temple square area.
20. This lessening of his light is the manner in which Jesus came among the Nephites as recorded in 3 Nephi. He walked among them in a lower state of glory so that they could be in his very presence in their telestial world. Were he to remain in his celestial glory, they would need to have been quickened to a celestial glory to remain without being consumed by the glory, light and fire of his presence.

21. In the millennium, when Jesus Christ descends and walks among our sons and daughters on the earth, he will be in terrestrial glory. Those on the earth will all be terrestrial at that time and the earth will be terrestrial also.
22. When those elect come into the New Jerusalem temple square area, and into our celestial temple, they will be quickened to a celestial glory, or if already transfigured or translated or resurrected to a celestial glory, will come in their celestial state of glory. We will be among them also in our celestial glory.'
23. I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her amazing teachings this morning! I expressed my heartfelt love and desire to always keep her sayings and truths close to my heart.
24. She then ascended up into the same fiery cloud that was over her, above Lake Beautiful. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
25. Evening-
It is around 10 pm, and it has been a great day of digging in the garden, and in folk dancing at night. I have been happy all day long.
26. Tonight I came to the beginning of the river representing Heavenly Father, next to the fountain of living water. I could feel the mist from the fountain that sprayed high up into the air.
27. I knelt facing north, where I could see the river representing Heavenly Father now. I saw the Father's fields to the Northwest also. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would come to me tonight.
28. I then saw a man in a white robe walking towards me along the road next to the river. I knew it was my Heavenly Father! He called my name out to me, and motioned for me to come next to him. I stood and came in the air next to his side. He was filled with light and smiling upon me! I was eager to be in his presence and to hear what he would say tonight. When I arrived, we started walking north on his road.
29. "Raphael, we are glad you prepared and then planted your garlic in your garden this afternoon. You will reap the harvest when the garlic is ripe in the early summer. You are wise to prepare your garden beds for spring planting for your vegetables you plan to grow. These will produce your best source of fresh and vibrant vegetables that you will eat with your family. There will be a time when you will need to eat from your stored food, and that which you grow in your garden and orchard. You also know what local plants are edible, or used for healing that grow wild in your area that you may harvest and use.
30. S wrote to you about how all of those who have received your words may have access to them, in a time when the Internet, computers, and electricity would be down for a time. You have access to your written journals, but others like S who have read them would not have access were the electricity cut off for a long period of time.

31. I would like you Raphael to compile all of your posts up through your current post and make them into a printable book format. Name these records "Raphael" with each post named as post 1, post 2, etc. with their titles until the current post. Print those into as many spiral bound books as you need to complete your printed records to date. Number each book sequentially and then add to them regularly as new books are created.
32. First create PDF's for each book and have these available to download or mail them in thumb drives to each of your current recipients who desire a copy. As you are able, then have these PDF books printed as numbered spiral bound books for each to have in their personal possession. We desire that each who requests a set of your Raphael books, plus index, may be able to receive PDF's and printed versions of these records.
33. By this means our faithful supporters of you will be able to have their own physical copy to continue to read and study, even when there is no electricity.
34. These records you have compiled and published online contain so many truths and gems that we have revealed to you! In a future day, the records of Raphael will be distributed far and wide, for all our faithful elect to read, ponder and study. Your first printing will be just the beginning of our distribution of your record to our faithful sons and daughters.
35. We want each who receives a copy of your record to guard them so that they are not lost or even read except by our approved faithful elect. Those who receive them may want to share our words and your record. They should receive confirmation from their Heavenly Mother or me before sharing these words with another. The other believing person should receive and accept these records in sequential order and consult with the one sharing it that they have confirmed their truth with us, their Heavenly Parents, and want to receive more. We will confirm with the one sharing your record whether to continue to share or not, even as we have previously explained to you. It is our desire that your records of Raphael be incrementally shared with confirmations before more is given or shared. This policy should be applied whether the record is received online, in a PDF format, or in a printed format. This general policy will continue well into the millennium, until all of our sons and daughters have confirmed and are receptive to these truths we have revealed. At that point there will be new instructions given on how they may be dispersed among our people.
36. Raphael, we want your records to be preserved carefully on earth, even as they are being recorded carefully in heaven. We want each one who receives these our revelations through you, to agree to share them with others they might feel inclined to share with, according to my instructions. Once they agree, and if they request a copy in PDF or written form, then share these freely with them. We will provide means for you to cover the cost of the printing."
37. I thanked Heavenly Father for his clear and concise words tonight. I said I would proceed in creating a printable PDF version of my record so copies could be printed and spiral bound. I thanked him for the directions on how to share their many revelations to me with other elect believers. I said I loved him, and would keep his commandments.
38. Heavenly Father smiled and we stopped. We had walked on the road next to one of his large fields of grain to our west. He invited me to walk with him into his field. I agreed and then I lost my connection with him.
39. I feel very glad for the clear and precise directions I have received from my Heavenly Father tonight! I will begin soon on figuring out how to do this. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, October 27, 2019, Sunday
1. I awoke after a good sleep last night. I have figured out in my mind how to make these books of Raphael. I will seek to be guided along the way. Once they are in a PDF printable version, then anyone may print them. I will see if I can delegate printing to someone else, or need to do this myself.
2. It is gratifying to have these records compiled into a printed format. I think I will continue to use the online versions as long as possible for these are so easy to use, to listen to, and to search on my phone or computer. I am also so pleased that they are indexed for quick retrieval of information.
3. This Sabbath morning I came to the beautiful desert oasis. It was early morning here, and my replicated celestial self was already setting on the beach, meditating and looking upon the water. I saw myself first, and then I was in my replicated self suddenly. Usually I don't first see myself, but I am immediately where I feel I should be, in my replicated self. This is all very real to me, all perceived in my mind, my unconscious mind while I write all of this in my journal on earth.
4. I also have thought about storage of my personal journals. I have them now partly in a fire resistant safe and also in a file cabinet. I need to go back and sequentially number them also. It might also be helpful for me to somehow link these pages to my PDF version or printed version, so that the journal dates are at least referenced. This might seem too much to some, but that is my current impression.
5. I knelt in front of the bench where I was sitting, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I faced the water.
Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me, standing in the air! She was bright and shining as she normally appears to me. I gazed into her happy smiling face, and felt her love and acceptance beam into me. I love her sparkling eyes and broad smile!
6. She spoke, " Raphael, you may delegate the printing of your books of Raphael to another in your group, or may print them at a local copy shop yourself, as we inspire you at the time. At the beginning of your record, make a reference page showing the journal number and the dates spanned by that journal. One may use that if they ever wanted to look back on your personal journal, were they able to access these.
7. You have been scanning or taking pictures of your journal pages, and then discarding these images from your computer. This is a wise practice also, so that they don't inadvertently fall into the hands of another. Also, when you send the PDF versions to those who request them, use a simple password to protect them to some degree. This is wisdom in us, and we will know who reads them and where the copies of your records will be located.
8. Anciently we had the revelations given to the brother of Jared also protected, so that they would not be revealed except to those we chose to reveal them to:
9. Ether 4:5-7

"Wherefore the Lord hath commanded me to write them; and I have written them. And he commanded me that I should seal them up; and he also hath commanded that I should seal up the interpretation thereof; wherefore I have sealed up the interpreters, according to the commandment of the Lord.
For the Lord said unto me: They shall not go forth unto the Gentiles until the day that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord.
And in that day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are."
10. When an individual becomes sanctified by Jesus Christ, and comes into our presence, we will then reveal to them all things. However, those revelations will still be gradually given to them just as we have gradually revealed them to you. It takes time for our mortal children to absorb, confirm and accept our revelations, one step at a time. This is the reason why we incrementally will reveal to our faithful the truths that we have revealed to you, in order that they were revealed to you.
11. Our sons and daughters may have faith to receive all our revelations, and be sanctified, and even brought into the presence of your father and I, but still be restricted from all of our revelations all at once.
12. Ether 4:11,14,16
"But he that believeth these things which I have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit, and he shall know and bear record. For because of my Spirit he shall know that these things are true; for it persuadeth men to do good.
. . . Come unto me, O ye house of Israel, and it shall be made manifest unto you how great things the Father hath laid up for you, from the foundation of the world; and it hath not come unto you, because of unbelief.
. . .And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed."
13. We require our elect children to receive and share our revelations according to the manner we have prescribed. We will reveal all things to our faithful elect, but in our own way, gradually so that they may understand and be able to truly receive and accept our truths, as fast as they are able.
14. D&C 63:64-
"Remember that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit; and in this there is no condemnation, and ye receive the Spirit through prayer; wherefore, without this there remaineth condemnation."
15. Raphael, we will continue to manifest to our faithful elect the truth of all things, and confirm all truths to them individually by our Spirit. This will then mimic the way you or our other servants received these revelations at the first. Therefore, each of our sons and daughters will receive anew our revelations, fresh and new to them, according to how our Spirit manifests to their own heart and mind."

16. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her confirming words to me! I felt very gratified to have the revelations she and Heavenly Father have revealed to me to be revealed to all the faithful elect, in an individually tailored way for each one. I felt so happy to be in her presence, and to be open and receptive to her every instruction.
Heavenly Mother then faded from my view, and I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.