114. The Spirit World
Posted 3-21-2019


I am now visiting my mother and sister in Portland, Oregon. We have been having a wonderful visit! I am trying to squeeze this post out before I leave here.

I hope you enjoy it! I have listened to it multiple times. I am impressed how my Heavenly Parents weave their doctrines in their revelations to me. I hope you will enjoy this! Please pray about it and make sure that I am telling you fully the truth. Please write me with your questions too. 


P.S. The pictures are from early March in Utah. I see lots of signs of spring coming!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 7, 2019, Thursday (continued)

1. Evening–I came tonight to the horizontal log, not far from the circling waters. I felt clear and happy tonight. It was dark in the sky, with the full moon up and stars in the sky. It was pleasant outside. I could see shadows of the moon on the small mountain trees. I knelt by the horizontal log, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

My Heavenly Mother appeared before me on the other side of the horizontal log. She was glowing softly, and smiling at me. I immediately felt so comfortable in her presence!

2. She spoke: 'Raphael, you are doing well in driving out uncertainty, doubt and lack of confidence from your mind. You have been filling your body with our light twice a day as we have asked you to do. Now I would like you to think of faithful and confidence increasing thoughts, such as "I am a holy angel of God", and "God's light is filling my body to where I shine forth their light from all parts of my body." As you say positive statements, at the same time filling your body with the light we send to you, you will affect a change in your view and perspective. You will start acting with more confidence and surety. This is how we wish you to see yourself, acting in our strength and assurance.

3. You are able to shield the light that you practice to shine forth twice a day too. This is partly because you are a mortal and in your earthly body are telestial. We want you to shine forth or shield our light, all by your thought control. When you practice shining, we will always give you of our light so that you can feel what it is like when you shine. Alternatively, we want you to also know how to shield our light when it comes inside of you, and what that feels like.

4. On another topic: your neighbor died this afternoon that you had visited faithfully and cared about. He reached the end of his mortal probation on this telestial sphere of the earth. He was a good and righteous man, was an active member of the LDS Church, and had a valid baptism. He is now in the terrestrial sphere of the earth, in the area of the dead awaiting his resurrection. His situation is bright and hopeful. He is in the paradise of God.

5. There is an organization of the Church of Christ in the world of the spirits, in this terrestrial realm. Those who are leaders in this church are good, righteous men and women. They believe the pure doctrine and power of Jesus Christ, and the Church of Christ as established through the prophet Joseph Smith. There is no link now between their authority and priesthood and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the earth, since we have cut off the latter's authority. The Church of Christ in the paradise of God works independently now from the church on the earth. However, in a coming day, when the Church of Christ is restored on the earth through the prophet Joseph Smith, the church on the earth and the church in the paradise of God in the realms of the dead, will become one church again. Both will operate in the terrestrial realms of the earth: the Church of Christ on the mortal earth will be in the terrestrial millennial world, and the Church of Christ will continue in the spirit world of the dead.

6. If it were the millennium today, and if it was already after the second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, your neighbor, who is a righteous man, would have been resurrected to a celestial glory. He would have then been able to live in the celestial realms on the earth or on this celestial orb.

7. There will still need to be a Church of Christ in the terrestrial realms of the dead during the millennium. One of the main purposes of this church will be to teach and prepare those in the telestial realms of the dead who have previously been baptized for these dead in the Church of Christ on the mortal earth. They also will search out the righteous in the telestial world of spirits and share with them about Jesus Christ and his restored church. Once they are prepared and taught and once they have embraced the full truth, been baptized on the earth by the Father's authority, and once they have been redeemed by Jesus Christ, their redeemer, they will be resurrected to a celestial glory. Our Beloved Son will then admit them into his Church of the Firstborn. You will then receive them into this celestial church with the ordinance of the waters of separation, and Oriphiel will record their names in the Book of Life.

8. We have a plan for the instruction, baptism and receipt into the Church of Christ for both the living and the dead. The ordinance of proxy baptism for the dead for the remission of sins will be done in the earthly Church of Christ among the mortal world, and this information will be passed onto the Church of Christ in the terrestrial realms of the dead.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 8, 2019, Friday

1. I am up early before the rest of my family. I came to the birch tree grove on the hill going down to Enoch's city. I drank from the little stream flowing down this hill from Lake Beautiful. I felt clear and refreshed, filled with the light of God from within. This light of God that comes from within me as I drank living water, clarified and strengthened me. I felt the light tangibly come from inside my body and extend out beyond my body. I feel so blessed that when I think of this happening, coupled with drinking water or swallowing coconut oil, that I may experience this similar flow of light at any time. It is a real sensation to me!

2. I knelt next to the stream on the forest floor, facing north. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one to come to me. Heavenly Father next came to me, just above the little gurgling stream! He was smiling and seemed pleased with me. His eyes were very accepting of me, even with my many weaknesses.

3. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night about the terrestrial world of the dead, in the spirit world or realm on the earth. Most of our children go to the telestial world of spirits when they die. I would like to address this realm today.

4. The spirit world, consisting of the telestial and terrestrial realms, is superimposed on the mortal earth. However, those in both realms are not visible to those mortals on the earth, nor are those in mortality visible to those in the realms of the dead. There is a boundary we have created between mortality and those who are dead. In order to cross this boundary, as occasionally happens, those in either realm need to receive our permission.

5. In the telestial sphere of the dead around the earth, there are surroundings similar to those on the earth, with spirit buildings, trees, other plants and animals. It is an extension of the mortal telestial world. Our children who inhabit this area are spirits, for their physical bodies have died and they are left in the physical earth. Their eternal spirit lives on in the world of the dead.

6. This telestial world of the dead is a pleasant place, similar in beauty and glory to that on the mortal earth. People there need no sleep, drink or food, for they are spirits without the physical need of their mortal body.

7. Some of these spirits seek for a better or higher life. They have lived a good life on the earth, and have responded to our promptings to some degree. We continue to bless and guide them with our Spirit as they seek us humbly and are open to our will.

8. We also have our servants and messengers who are assigned to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those spirits. They seek out those who choose to listen to their words. The blessings of the Spirit of God attend our servants who labor for the dead in this telestial sphere. These servants and messengers come from the higher realms of the terrestrial dead, who are also spirits. They are called and ordained to these callings by those who lead the Church of Christ in the world of the spirits. There is an active program among these telestial spirits to teach them and to bring as many as will come into the Church of Christ. However, this activity now has been greatly hampered since these spirits may only progress into the terrestrial sphere, or the paradise of God, with a valid baptism, accepted before us. The baptisms performed now in the LDS Church are no longer acceptable, since the leading quorums in this church have lost their priesthood keys and priesthood authority. Once the Church of Christ is re-established on the mortal earth, then baptisms will be done with our sanction and my priesthood authority. Then will those in the telestial spirit world be able to progress again into the terrestrial spirit world of the dead, or the paradise of God.

9. Those who die before the age of eight, the age of accountability, are automatically received into the paradise of God. They enter as fully-grown adult spirits, just as they were prior to coming to the earth, in their pre-mortal state.

10. There is a section of the telestial world where evil spirits still come to tempt these inhabitants. Those who are goodly spirits resist these fallen spirits, and pay them no heed. They recognize them as those who rebelled against Jesus Christ and followed Lucifer. These righteous men and women keep together, for they love the higher refinement of living, and seek for that which is praiseworthy and lovely. They want to do well, and to act respectfully of each other. They are our considerate and gentle sons and daughters, who haven't had opportunity yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ by his authorized servants.

11. There are also those in the telestial world of the dead who are evil, love lies, and have continued in their wicked practices they had learned during their mortal earthly experience. These were spoken of by Amulek in the Book of Mormon:

12. Alma 34:33-35– "And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed.

Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world.

For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked."

13. These wicked disembodied spirits are still subjugated by Lucifer and his followers, as they were in their mortal life. Their spirits continue loving evil, being sensual, carnal, and devilish. They are miserable, similar to the fallen spirits who followed the plan of Lucifer and were cast down.

14. In the millennial day, when you, Raphael, lock up Satan and his evil hosts in the bottomless pit, the telestial world of the dead will be void of these fallen spirits who followed Lucifer. However, there will still be those who have lived evil lives on the earth and reside in this telestial realm of the dead. Some might repent, but by and large they love evil, and will suffer in their unrepentant state in this world of the spirits until their day of judgment. They will finally be redeemed and receive a telestial resurrection and glory for eternity, in the eternal worlds.

15. D&C 76:103-106– "These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.

These are they who suffer the wrath of God on earth.

These are they who suffer the vengeance of eternal fire.

These are they who are cast down to hell and suffer the wrath of Almighty God, until the fulness of times, when Christ shall have subdued all enemies under his feet, and shall have perfected his work;"

16. The dead who reside in the telestial world of the dead, and are terrestrial or celestial in nature, will all be baptized and progress into the paradise of God. For those who are celestial, these will be resurrected to a celestial glory during the millennium, and will be received into the Church of the Firstborn. For those who are terrestrial in nature, they will be resurrected at the end of the millennium, during the second resurrection. They will be judged of all their works and receive a final terrestrial glory in the eternal worlds.

17. In the end, when the earth dies and is resurrected, there will be no longer a telestial or a terrestrial sphere for the dead. Instead, all of the earth will be a celestial sphere for those who are sanctified from all sin by our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and who are celestial in nature. The earth, in its eternal celestial state, will be the abode for those who all eventually become members of the Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church in eternity. The Church of Christ will pass, for it will have fulfilled its purposes."

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his truths he shared with me today. I feel so blessed to be the recipient of these great revelations from God!

Dark-eyed Junco on our deck

18. Evening-Tonight I came to the overlook on the Father's wheat field. I saw the felled oak tree with its roots towards the wheat field. I had before me a grim reminder of the current state of the LDS Church in mortality.

19. Q1-I wondered how, in the millennium, information would be transferred between the Church of Jesus Christ on the mortal earth and the Church of Christ in the paradise of God.

20. Q2-I also wondered how a person in the telestial sphere of the dead knows that they are being, or have been baptized for the dead.

21. Q3–Finally, do the terrestrial in the paradise of God of the dead live superimposed on top of the telestial world of the dead? Are they not visible, like in the other higher realms on earth or in heaven from the lower realms?

I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. At this time, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came in the air directly in front of me, with Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. They were both smiling and were filled with light, which penetrated my being!

22. Heavenly Mother spoke first to me: 'Raphael, we both want to address your questions about the spirit world of the dead.

A1–On the earth, the Church of Christ will be in a terrestrial world, as will the same church in the paradise of God. Although there is a boundary between these same terrestrial realms, there is a lot of coordination that will occur between them. Those who are leaders in the Church of Christ in the world of the dead will appear regularly to those leaders on the mortal earth. They will let these leaders know whom to identify to do their baptisms for the dead on earth. This will prevent long delays of those who have accepted Jesus Christ in the world of the dead and are awaiting their own baptism by proxy. Other information will include identifying genealogical information of the one needing baptism. There will be regular practices to baptize these identified spirits who are dead who await the ordinance on earth.

23. The spirits of the dead in the paradise of God are much more free to attend to those on the earth. They may gain the records by being present at the baptism and the other Church of Christ meetings. In these ways, there will be a lot of vital information passed back and forth between these two terrestrial churches. There will be also many on earth whose ancestors are being taught in the world of the spirit dead, in the telestial world there. These descendants will often receive personal guidance and direct revelation for their own ancestors.

24. Q2–Once the proxy baptism is scheduled, usually the spirit dead, for whom the baptism is being done, will attend their own proxy baptism. This will be a time of great rejoicing for those who have fully embraced the truth and are awaiting their baptism. They will then be immediately ushered into the higher terrestrial realm of the dead. They will then be available to receive an assignment there, or be resurrected to a celestial glory. The members and leaders of the Church of Christ in the paradise of God will have a high turnover, since there will be a state of continual resurrection for the celestial elect. Once they are resurrected and elected by Jesus Christ, they may then be privileged to enter into the celestial Church of the Firstborn.'

25. A3–Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, I would like to answer the third question. The operation of all spiritual realms follows similar rules and procedures. In the world of the dead, those in the terrestrial paradise of God are fully superimposed on the lower telestial world of the dead. The higher is not visible in the lower sphere unless the one from the higher enters into the lower and makes them visible. The structures, plants and animals exist in both the lower or telestial sphere of the dead and in the terrestrial world, or the paradise of God. There are a fewer buildings in the terrestrial but there are record repositories in the paradise of God. Those who minister from the higher to the lower are usually working mostly in the lower or telestial world anyway, to teach and help them in their progression.

Spotted Towhee looking for seeds

The plants and animals that die on the earth also come to the telestial or terrestrial world of the dead. These may remain there, or they may be resurrected at some point for the purposes of God. However, almost all plants and animals will be resurrected at the end of the millennium. There are vast fields and areas for the spirits of these plants and animals to live in the spirit world. These remain in their same state as they were living on the earth, in the telestial glory or in the terrestrial glory for those that died in the millennium. The areas for these, our creations, extend into the earth and above the earth so that they may all be accommodated. At the end of the world they will all be resurrected and populate the eternal telestial, terrestrial and celestial world of glory. They will be assigned to one of these creations and are not like our sons and daughters who have to choose by their own agency to what glory they will be assigned.'

26. I thanked both of my Heavenly Parents for their beautiful and concise answers tonight! I told them I loved them and would seek to live in the present, rejoicing in my daily life.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 9, 2019, Saturday

1. I came to the grove of young mountain trees just south of the pocketed flower wall across the stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was sunny and spring-like there, so beautiful. Back on earth it has been on and off snowy and quite cloudy. Being here in heaven has helped me keep happy since I love sunshine, blue skies and spring!

2. I knelt on the mountain soil and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Mother came to me from the south end of the small grove of trees! She came walking on the ground, making her way between the trees until she came in front of me. She was shining brightly and was so radiant and appeared very happy! I love her eternity, sparkling eyes and her broad smile. I felt very enlightened and at peace in her presence.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, I want to address more of your questions that you have this morning.

Q1–Will all of the celestial children of God be resurrected before their brothers and sisters who are terrestrial and telestial?

A1–The celestial are all part of the First Resurrection and will all resurrect before the end of the earth when it dies. The plants and animals may be resurrected at any time and are not part of the First Resurrection. The plants and animals will mostly be resurrected at the end of the millennium and before the earth dies. The celestial children of God will all resurrect once they are either redeemed then elected into the Church of the Firstborn. This follows a judgment by Jesus Christ himself, for he determines if they are to be elected into his Church of the Firstborn or are of the celestial nature. They need to be mortal, translated, or resurrected to be received into this celestial church during the millennium. There will also be some who enter into this Church of the Firstborn after the earth is resurrected to a celestial glory. This is generally for those single celestial men and women who have finally chosen a spouse and then go through the New Jerusalem temple together, that is on the resurrected earth.

4. The terrestrial and telestial will be resurrected once they are judged of their works done in their pre-mortal estate, their mortal estate, and finally of their works and desires in the world of the spirit dead. Their final glory will be obvious to them and to God's servants who judge them. The glory they have chosen in these three realms (pre-mortal, mortal, post-mortal) will be the glory they really want and the happiness level they have chosen by their actions.

5. Those who judge them will be commissioned of Jesus Christ and act as extensions of his grace and power of discernment. All of the final judgments of these who are commissioned will be overseen and fully acceptable by God.

Red House Finch

6. Mormon 3:18-20

"Yea, behold, I write unto all the ends of the earth, yea, unto you, twelve tribes of Israel, who shall be judged according to your works by the twelve whom Jesus chose to be his disciples in the land of Jerusalem.

And I write also unto the remnant of this people, who shall also be judged by the twelve who Jesus chose in this land; and they shall be judged by the other twelve whom Jesus chose in the land of Jerusalem.

And these things doth the Spirit manifest unto me; therefore I write unto you all. And for this cause I write unto you, that ye may know that ye must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, yea, every soul who belongs to the whole human family of Adam; and ye must stand to be judged of your works, whether they be good or evil."

7. The twelve disciples who are commissioned to judge the twelve tribes of Israel do not judge the celestial, for Jesus Christ himself will do that, so that they can be resurrected to a celestial glory in the First Resurrection. Those who are not of the twelve tribes of Israel will be judged of other servants that are also commissioned by Jesus Christ. All of these servants who are commissioned by Jesus Christ will judge the people in the throne room in God's upper floor of the celestial temple on the celestial orb.

8. Once an individual is judged and acknowledges that their final judgment is just, they will be resurrected to the glory they have been assigned. Their physical bodies, which in most cases have been decaying in the earth, will come together again, uniting with their own spirit in a resurrected state. The judgments and resurrections of all God's children will happen prior to the earth itself being resurrected. Once the earth is resurrected, there will be no more of the decayed bodies of the children of God, the animals, nor the plants in the earth, for all will be fully resurrected to the glory by which they will be quickened.

9. Once a person is resurrected to a terrestrial or telestial glory, they will be escorted by other commissioned servants of Jesus Christ to their world of final glory. They will be brought there and set up to be comfortable there. These worlds will continue to fill up with children of God resurrected to the same glory as the world to which they are assigned.

10. The final destiny of Lucifer and his hosts will be done after the last of God's children are resurrected to a celestial, terrestrial and telestial glory. This final destiny of those devils who still persist to deny that their Gods are their own literal parents in the spirit, will be done by Heavenly Father and me ourselves. These will be taken to the original locations where we chose their intelligence. They will then be stripped of their spirit so that their core intelligence will be left in that original location. They will then migrate to their final destiny "where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched, which is their torment". (see D&C 76:44-48)

11. Once Satan and his hosts are removed from the bottomless pit in the depths of the earth and all of God's children, animals and plants are all resurrected, then will the earth die and be consumed by fire. It will then resurrect to a celestial glory, by the power of God and become the abode for the celestial. The New Jerusalem, the city of God, will come forth and there will be "a new heaven and a new earth" (Revelation 21:1-2). The new heaven refers to the spheres on the earth, for the old telestial and terrestrial spheres on the earth will be consumed in the fire and death of the earth and will be replaced by a celestial realm on the earth, which is the new heaven.'

12. I bowed my head before my Heavenly Mother, thanking her for her glorious revelation in answer to my question! I knew what she said was true. I asked if I had written it all correctly as I received it. She smiled and said that what I had written was pleasing to her! She then turned and walked back into the young mountain grove of trees and was soon gone.

13. Evening–Today I published post 113 "Confidence in Ourselves". I felt like the information on the spiritual spheres just keeps becoming more and more clear. It also seems once that either Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father start revealing new information about a certain topic, there is more and more information that opens up and becomes revealed.

14. I was wondering too when people who are single, who come into the Church of Christ in the paradise of God among the deceased, do they choose companions there, or is that done after they are resurrected, or how is it all done? Finding a companion really is only for those of the celestial nature, and not for any others–is this correct?

I came to the bench by the circling waters tonight. I knelt by some flowers near the shore, faced the water, and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited and watched.

Heavenly Father came to me from my left, from across the small river there. He came to me and extended his hand. I stood and took it. We walked together to the waterfall and stopped above the falls. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke:

15. 'Raphael, we give most of our children opportunity to find someone on earth whom they may love and to whom they may become married. Some choose to do this, and some choose to bear children. The marriage relationship is ordained of God. The family is also ordained of God–both are patterned after our eternal marriage and our own family in heaven.

16. For those who fully accept our ways, and follow our promptings, we allow them to perpetuate these relationships into the eternal worlds. These are reserved for those of a celestial nature. There will be many who have already been married on earth, and may want to continue their marriage into the celestial realms. Some of these elect have companions who are not celestial, and become again in their single state. Some may never have been married, either because they died before they were of age, or for some other reason never married.

17. We instill in all of our celestial elect who are single a desire to find an eternal companion. This searching occurs in many spheres, including the realms of the dead, the millennial earth when mortals, translated and resurrected individuals, often mingle together, or even in the celestial earth once it is resurrected. Your Heavenly Mother and I particularly want our elect to find someone compatible with whom they may live and grow together as they progress towards eternal life.

18. Marriage is an event that is performed on the physical earth. Our single children who haven't been married during their mortal probation may wait until they are resurrected to marry, for then they may be married by one who has recognized authority to do so. If one or both are spirits, they have to wait until they are both resurrected. Once married, and once elected by Jesus Christ into our Church of the Firstborn, they may together progress through the ordinances in our celestial temple. One of the last ordinances will be to seal the man to the woman and the woman to the man by either your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, or me. They will then be a couple God, to be even as we are in celestial glory.

19. We require our elect children to be bound in holy matrimony, or marriage, prior to becoming admitted into the Church of the Firstborn. We offer the admission in our celestial church starting at the beginning of the millennium, and extending even after the earth is resurrected to a celestial glory, to be an abode for the celestial inhabitants of the earth.

There will be a time when every celestial single person will be married on the physical earth (either in the telestial mortal earth, the millennial terrestrial mortal earth, or the resurrected celestial eternal earth). They will also join the celestial Church of the Firstborn and be sealed together for all eternity.'

20. I thanked my Heavenly Father for explaining more about marriage and the various realms in which his children may choose to marry! I then asked if the Church of the Firstborn would ever cease to be a church, even after all the celestial from this eternity would receive their eternally binding ordinances there? I knew that the Church of Christ would discontinue at some point.

21. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, the Church of the Firstborn will continue forever on the resurrected earth in the celestial city of the New Jerusalem. It will always be active. Members of this celestial church are the gods who have lived together on the earth, all from their own same eternity. Jesus Christ will continue to be the king of the New Jerusalem, and the presiding High Priest of the Church of the Firstborn in eternity. This celestial church will remain so that all may fully remember how they were redeemed by our Beloved Son, the great redeemer. They will also recall all of the eternal ordinances they received in the same New Jerusalem temple. They will be bound together as fellow citizens in Zion and as members of this church in eternity. The celestial resurrected earth will still be where they will have their own lands of their inheritances and where these couple gods started their kingdoms in the eternal worlds.'

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 10, 2019, Sunday

1. I came this morning to the little stream next to the bench going into God's Loving Healing Lake. It appears spring like to me here and sometime in the early morning. The sun was up, birds were chirping and active. There was a pair of swans on the lake–it was very pretty. I knelt by the stream and faced the lake. I drank some living waters and felt very clarified. I had a lot of peace and assurance that I was pleasing to God and doing what I was supposed to be doing. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Mother appeared on the bench to my right! She patted the bench and asked me to sit next to her! I arose and sat next to her. She was smiling and shone brightly. I felt her beams of light penetrate through me, filling me with the glory and light of her presence! I felt so very loved and at peace. She put her hand on my leg.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, I want to answer another one of your questions. Which one would you like me to address?' I looked at my list and then asked this question 'Heavenly Mother, how do generational issues of one's ancestors sometimes get passed down to the descendent living on the earth in their mortal estate?' I recalled I had a lot from my own ancestors and I was told these were in my legs. I wondered how this happened and how it could be?

4. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'There are some of our children who come to their mortal experience who haven't worked through their emotional, spiritual and mental issues before they die. These normally would be worked out and become settled in people with a normal life. There also might be physical issues that should have been resolved but were not, prior to death. These issues may still linger, in the disembodied spirit who goes to the realms of the dead. These unresolved issues needed to be resolved by one on earth. We have allowed those in this state to place their issues on one of their descendants who is living in the flesh to work out. This individual needs to be strong and capable to do so. These generational issues would be added to their weaknesses of the flesh that we would give them as part of their mortal experience. When they work through these issues and resolve them somehow, or overcome them, they would not only be released from themselves, but also for the one's in their ancestry who had the issues. This would be done by proxy, but be very real and effective in resolving these issues for the dead so they could continue to progress in the eternal path of growth. These ancestors would have their issues resolved as if it was they who worked through the issue and resolved it themselves in their own life.

5. Raphael, when you were born, you accepted from your ancestors many such generational, unresolved issues that were holding these individuals captive from progressing in the world of the spirits. You had both ancestors then living in the telestial and terrestrial paradise of God of the dead. They watched your life with eagerness, hoping you would be able to resolve these that they were not able to do themselves in their own mortal life.

6. When you were being awakened to energy work, after the injury of your son A., you became aware of these generational issues. You had accepted so many that they had settled in both of your legs, in your spirit. This weighed you down spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Your spirit knew how to resolve them once they were each identified.

7. As you progressed, being more awakened to your pre-mortal strengths over the past seven years, you addressed each generational issue, one at a time, in your unconscious mind. When they were resolved in you, they not only left you but also left the ancestor who hadn't resolved them in their own life. These noble ones, who had been burdened by unresolved issues, were now so happy and free! They thanked you and have moved onward in their individual progression. They honor and respect you for the work you have done in your mortal life to resolve their own issues, along with yours.

8. You had also performed or initiated well over a thousand baptisms for the dead in the LDS temples for your own ancestors before this time. Your work freed those who were in the telestial world of the dead and had accepted Jesus Christ and his true gospel, allowing them into the terrestrial paradise of God. These individuals, your ancestors and family relatives who had died were also very grateful for the work you had done allowing them to progress in their life.'

9. Heavenly Mother continued: 'The freeing of the dead by releasing generational issues or by doing proxy baptisms for the dead were very similar in how they operated. The dead, who are your ancestors, are very linked with you on your own earthly journey. They receive from you and they also are assigned to watch over you. Some, who are closest in generations to you, have been assigned as your guardian spirits. They help warn you of danger and give you promptings in your mind to guide you in your life. This is in addition to the promptings of the Spirit from us, your Gods.

10. These ancestors also may help you in functioning and learning your gifts of the Spirit that we have given you when you came as an infant to mortality. Recall when you were learning all about your healing gifts that we had endowed you with: at one time you called out in words you vocalized, to healers on the other side of the veil, angels, and your own ancestors to help you heal a particular individual. You then experienced a dramatic increase in the effectiveness of your healing effort! This was very surprising to you and to those around you. One time your sister K had come to visit you and was acting as a healer to you and your wife and children. She was clearing them of broken issues or areas needing correction in their meridians, chakras, auras and more. Her efforts were taking a long time, but were effective.

At that time, you excused yourself, went to a downstairs bedroom where you meditated on these same individuals and how to heal them of these same issues that your sister was then working on upstairs. You then called upon healers and ancestors on the other side of the veil who might help you as you mustered your own faith in clearing your family members of these many issues. Raphael, at that time whole array of the hosts of the dead and pre-mortal spirits came and added their own faith and strength to yours! You then quickly went through each member of your family and fully corrected and aligned all of their meridians, chakras, auras and all associated subtle energies. You did this in a matter of a few minutes.

You then returned upstairs and asked your sister to test your family members again, to see if what you had just done was actually completed and effective. She did the testing sequence she had learned and found all to be perfected, aligned and corrected for everyone in the family you had done. She was amazed, as were you and your family. She said that what you had done would have taken her easily three days of hard work to do herself.

11. Raphael, I tell you this and recall this experience to your mind so that you may know that those on the other side of the veil may help you and want to help you. Your ancestors and future posterity are particularly vested in helping you, for you helped many of them and have also freed them from generational issues. You have no more of these issues from your own ancestors, for they have all been resolved. You are free now also to progress and grow as we direct you.

12. Raphael, from now on you would be helped in your healing efforts to ask for the healing angels, the healers and your own ancestors and future posterity to add their skills and faith to effect a healing blessing on those you seek to heal. Follow our promptings with regard to how much to heal those who want your healing. Also, be aware that we may wish you to act as our own conduit in healing our son or daughter through you. In this latter case, we will accept the added faith of those on the other side of the veil, and those in your earthly circle as well, in our healing and blessing we give through you.'

13. I was so thrilled at Heavenly Mother's answer that I reached over and hugged her, saying how much I appreciated her words and answer! I said I loved her so much too.

Heavenly Mother smiled and whispered back that she loved me and was glad I could hear her words and be so receptive. She then said this: 'I yearn to connect with each of my elect children on the earth and talk to them clearly as I have talked to you today!'

14. After church–My wife and I went to a local ward for sacrament. We were both wondering how it would be today? I was feeling lonely for people who felt and believed as I did. It was cloudy out and cold which also may have dropped my mood a little.

At church, during the sacrament, I came to the outcropping above the circling waters. I made my covenant there after the priest offered the blessing on the bread. Heavenly Mother then came and then Heavenly Father on her right. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your Father and I accept the covenant you have made today. We will both come to you and bless you with our presence. You will therefore not be left alone, for we will be next to you and with you.'

Deer tracks

15. After the blessing on the water, Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we give you abundantly of our light and love and our very presence shines from you, from us twice a day. We bless you with so much abundance in your life. We bless you with many revelations, as fast as you are able to receive them. The one thing we cannot do for you is to change your own thoughts about yourself. These thoughts come from your own perceptive, from how you see yourself. We desire you to continue to work at thinking of yourself as loving, warm, helpful to all, and Christ like in every way. Do not let your own foibles and weaknesses get in the way of how you see yourself.

I thanked him for his view and perspective of how I should see myself. I asked him to help me think better of myself, to see myself as he and Heavenly Mother see me.

16. The ward talks were then being introduced. I saw clearly my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother leave quickly from before me and I then listened to the talks on service given by a sister Kelly and then brother Kelly. Her talk was the best talk I've heard in years! I took notes and so fully related to what she said. I felt I could have a friend in brother and sister Kelly!

She had gone back to UVU in Orem, Utah to take classes. She said she had been disheartened by so many youth who were leaving the LDS Church in a mass exodus. She had talked to many of these now younger schoolmates (she already had six children).

They had all felt very judged by the members of the church and families.

17. In her talk on service, she quoted Matthew 25:40 "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." She mentioned the "Tattooed Mormon", of a girl named Al Carraway who came to Utah County after converting outside of Utah. She was so lonely, but in coming here felt still lonely because of all the judgment she received from the LDS people! She called them judgment "lasers" that rejected her because of her tattoos. People did not talk to her. Anyway, Sister Kelly's talk was a great talk.

18. I want to be so non-judging of others! They can be so different, yet I should be just as accepting and loving. I want to look on their heart and not the outward trappings of others. I want to have an internal doctrine of inclusion and not exclusion. I want to also show my love by my quiet service and acceptance of each one I serve and love.

19. Evening–Tonight I thought more on the theme of judgment. I wondered how a righteous couple could raise their own children to a high standard and not judge others in the process. It would be natural to point out other lifestyles that didn't meet the standards of living they had themselves as parents and wanted their children to follow. I hope one of my Heavenly Parents addresses this topic tonight.

I came to the little desert stream west of the desert oasis. I came down into the gully by the stream and drank some living water from the meandering stream. I felt a transparent feeling and was clear and receptive before God. I then knelt by the stream facing the direction towards the oasis in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

20. Heavenly Mother appeared right in front of me in the air! She was shining with light, smiling and very beautiful. Here are her words: 'Raphael, my son, you have asked a very good question tonight about judgment, inclusion of others with different views than you and teaching children in your home. I will explain how one who is very mature in gospel living would ideally teach their children this principle.

First, children are always best taught by example, much more than words. If one teaches their child how important honesty is, and then their child sees this parent cheating or being dishonest, the words of the honesty lesson will vanish and the child will remember their father/ mother is dishonest. This will be the example to them that will trump all other efforts in teaching the gospel ideal of honesty.

21. When teaching acceptance, love, and service for all of God's children, regardless of religion, beliefs, or lifestyle of the one receiving the service, the same pattern should be followed. The parent should take his/her child with them in serving the one in need. Suppose this one in need is a LGBT practicing individual who is in need of help in their home. The parent then should go in love to inquire what they could do to help, having the child with them. The parent should not be afraid that the beliefs and lifestyle of the one being served would rub off on their child, or that his/her child would now see how sinners live and not want to live that way themselves. Instead, it would be best that the parent include all in need in his/her scan of neighbors. This is the true doctrine of inclusion and love for one's fellowman. We, the Heavenly Parents of all of our mortal children, desire that those who are our elect should serve and love all our other children, to accept and care for them like this parent in our example does for his neighbor.

22. The lesson of service to the LGBT neighbor in need, by example and side-by-side working of the child with the parent, is a lesson far more powerful and lasting than a lesson in a family home evening or at church. The best lessons are actually doing something in love and acceptance. Do you think this child will shun his/ her neighbor in the future because of religious beliefs or lifestyle practices? This child will have learned a valuable lesson of how to accept, love and serve a child of God in need, regardless of who they are. This child will have learned selfless service to anyone in need.

23. The practice of shunning another by not talking to them, moving away from them and being unfriendly, all because the shunned person is not of the same religion, lifestyle, culture or skin culture, is hateful and not part of our gospel of love and acceptance. I will immediately withdraw my Spirit from them to signal this practice is not of God. Too many active Church members in your community believe and teach this false belief and practice of shunning. Have they not read how Jesus Christ, their exemplar and Redeemer, ate with sinners and publicans who were despised of the people in the Jewish culture and religion? Jesus accepted all and loved them, regardless of their lifestyle and beliefs.

24. He even told the parable of the Good Samaritan who was a rejected and despised person in their society. This Samaritan acted selflessly in compassionate service to the needy traveler who had been robbed and beaten. The priest and Levite passed by on the other side, but the true neighbor (Samaritan) accepted and showed love to the one in need.

25. In gospel centered homes of our righteous elect, there can be lessons about service to teach doctrines and principles. However, the far greater lessons of acceptance, love and selfless service is best demonstrated by their actions.

Parents should never be afraid to expose their own children to others not of their own faith, beliefs, and practices, unless they might receive physical harm or possible entrapment, which might be another variety of harm (these occasions are rare). Most often, however, your neighbors who are not of your faith or practices are good wholesome individuals who also love and care for their own family and friends. Be open and accepting of them, with no judgment, but in love. This is how true neighbors should act and care for each other.

26. If Zion is to be established among our elect, those who dwell there need to accept and love all our mortal children, not just those of their own faith. We want a Church of Christ that is very open and receiving of all our children, and to not exclude them in judgment as happens now. There needs to be room also for many beliefs without criticism or cutting off those with different beliefs from their circle of friends or exclusion from their meetings. The church should be a place of respite and comfort, not a place of fear of being out of line, with repercussions of judgment or harshness in any way.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 11, 2019, Monday

1. I wondered this morning more on judgment. I wondered if within the Church of Christ there should be strictness that there was no iniquity among its members, but openness about their beliefs? I wondered if it was okay for the members to believe all sorts of doctrines, but practice no iniquity, like adultery, all sexual deviant practices, fornication, lying, cheating, all varieties of fraudulent behavior, stealing, and more and if these actions would cause them to be quickly removed from the church?' Now, at least in the LDS Church, it seems that beliefs are suppressed and expected to be uniform among the members and more iniquity or sin is tolerated.

2. I came this new day to God's Loving Healing Lake, in front of the bench, facing the lake to the south. I could see fish swimming near the top surface, for it was rippling as they swam around. There was a spring like smell of fragrant flowers in the air. I was very much at peace. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

3. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me in the air, above some beautiful flowers. He was full of light and had very accepting eyes, filled with love.

He spoke to me: 'Raphael, when a group of people, like a church with a belief system common to all its members, fall into sinful practices, they tend to lose respect for the agency and choice of their members. They often become a fear-based organization, seeking to control the beliefs, thoughts, and actions of its members. Secret societies, that are inspired by Satan, require all those who make an oath to be accepted into the group, with an object to live in sin, particularly murder, plunder, all manner of wickedness and subterfuge. Their purpose is to get gain or advantage of others outside of their group. In these groups, if a member were to change their mind and exit the group, the penalty would be death. These are the worse groups who seek to control the beliefs, thoughts, and actions of its members.

4. However, even in a church, when the leaders control the beliefs of their own members by excommunication from the church, this is trying to control another's agency of how they may think and act. When we lead our children, we help them gradually change their beliefs and practices to our gentle ways and our doctrines. These beliefs generally change through life as our son or daughter matures and becomes more Christ like.

In our Church of Christ, we want all who become members to make a covenant to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, to love and serve God and their fellowman, and to keep our commandments. The belief systems beyond this are free and open and acceptable by all in the church, just like we accept how our children in the flesh believe. We give them commandments to love one another, to be kind and accepting, and to practice no iniquity in their lives or with each other. This would include all manner of sin that we have identified in the commandments. If a member would be found in iniquity and persisted in living in sin, the leaders in this Church of Christ would then do as the Nephites of old did.

5. Moroni 6:7-8

"And they were strict to observe that there should be no iniquity among them; and whoso was found to commit iniquity, and three witnesses of the church did condemn them before the elders, and if they repented not, and confessed not, their names were blotted out, and they were not numbered among the people of Christ.

But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."

6. The members of that early church could believe in many various doctrines and beliefs, as long as they took upon them the name of Jesus Christ, kept our commandments, and sought to eliminate sin from their lives. They all loved and cared for each other and conducted themselves and their meetings after the workings of the Spirit. (see Moroni 6:9)

For example, if someone believed that they could study and invite the spirit of the one who had originally written the scripture they were studying, to come and be next to them, to inspire them on the scriptures' true meaning, but if that belief was not held by others, there would be no harm done nor act taken by the church. This might be a belief of one of its members. The Church of Christ does not need to strictly keep its doctrines pure in this way, and to excommunicate those who have beliefs that may vary from the scriptures or beliefs that have or haven't yet been revealed to man. It is incumbent upon each individual to find out directly from us, their Gods, by personal revelation, what is correct. We don't want any edicts that members need to all believe the same, for some may not have received confirmations from us or testimonies of the same doctrines. There needs to be tolerance for individual views.

7. In all discussions, there needs to be love and acceptance, restraint and decorum, so that members don't feel judged or rejected in sharing their beliefs. The church needs to be a place of love and peace where all feel comfortable and accepted. Removing iniquity among the members allows a place of safety to exist among the members and in the meetings of the church. There should not be excommunication because of apostasy unless the one excommunicated no longer is able to keep their covenants they made when they came into the church by baptism and renewed each week in the sacrament.

8. In the Church of Christ, when members act towards and serve each other in love and acceptance, the Holy Ghost will be abundantly poured out, even upon all. As our people are humble and open, seeking us, their Gods, they will all be able to receive a witness from our Spirit of the truthfulness of all things. This will keep the church pure in its doctrine, for our people will believe even as they are witnessed to by personal revelation.'

9. I thanked my Father for his clear answer. I feel clarified and understand now how he wants this aspect of the Church of Christ to be.

10. Evening–I came tonight to the field of buttercups. This is found by going on a path at the east or top of Heavenly Mother's lower garden, or by just thinking to be there like I did tonight. It was so uplifting to be there! I had said in a previous post that buttercups have joy and acceptance. I wonder if this is really possible for a resurrected flower to have these sorts of feelings?

11. I knelt in the air, just above these bright and happy faced flowers, and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother appeared at the entrance to this field of buttercups. She walked slowly, seeming like she was enjoying her every step in the air, just above the buttercups. Soon she was in front of me! She looked up from her bright yellow field of buttercups. She was smiling and seemed so happy.

Heavenly Mother spoke to me: 'Raphael, I wanted you to come tonight to my beautiful field of buttercups. They appear so cheery and happy to me and are very accepting! They never judge, but only accept and shine forth their beautiful petal faces. If I were to ask one of these beautiful flowers how she was doing, she would say that she was so glad we came here and that she feels happy and joyful. This same attitude was part of their very intelligence when your Heavenly Father and I chose each of these buttercups to be part of our creations. We have arrayed all of these similar intelligences to be our buttercups on our celestial orb. Now they continually are happy and accept whoever comes in an almost extraordinary way when they are combined all together.

12. Others of our creations have emotions too. This is particularly evident in our celestial resurrected plants and animals. In your telestial world, it appears as though many of our creations have no emotions. However, each has an intelligence that fills its spirit, and physical structure or body. This intelligence not only has reasoning power and can follow directions, but finds joy in fulfilling the measure of its creation! We choose what form of creation we want it to fill, and when accepted, this opportunity thrills the intelligence, giving it anticipation and joy. These are all emotions. Some intelligences were more advanced and we chose for them higher forms of life. The more simple intelligences were the more simple creations. However, all have power to think, reason and experience at least some amount of emotion, particularly in its highest resurrected state.

13. Our own children developed advanced emotions, soon after they were housed in a spirit body, patterned after our own image. These emotions were simplistic in their intelligence only state. As they progressed and grew in their spirit, so also did their mind and intelligence expand and grow. We, who are the Gods of all our creations, still learn and grow, in a never-ending capacity.

14. All of our other creations other than mankind reach an end of their potential. These beautiful buttercups will always have simplistic joy and acceptance of whatever comes into their area. They will never attain higher complex emotions. Yet their purpose in our world is to provide joy for us and all who come here!

15. I told my Heavenly Mother that I felt better than when I first came to this field. I said it felt like some of my burdens of the day were lifted. I told my Mother her presence was such an uplift to me! I wondered too if the buttercups helped me?

Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, the buttercups always add a little bit to everyone who comes. We all affect each other in ways we can't always detect.'

Heavenly Mother extended her hand and I stood and took it. We started walking all over the meadow of buttercups, enjoying their beauty and each other's presence.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 12, 2019, Tuesday

1. I wondered after I wrote my entry about the buttercups why plants and animals were resurrected to the three degrees of glory, just like the children of God? The plants and animals have no agency at all and can't determine what is coming their way since the choice of an eternal destiny is made for them without their input.

2. I came to the little stream that trickles into God's Loving Healing Lake. I drank of living water that comes from this stream. I felt clarified and strengthened and I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came from the sky above the lake in bright glory! Her light filled all the area around God's Loving Healing Center. As she approached me, her light became more subdued, but was still very bright around her very person. She was smiling.

She immediately spoke to me: 'Raphael, you are correct that our children, whom we have created in our own image are the only ones of our creations who have choice in the journey through life and are our only creations who determine their own eternal destiny. All of our other creations are much more limited in what they may choose to do. Animals may decide daily actions, some to a higher degree than others. Plants generally stay in the same location where they are planted and have much more limited choice. Neither has moral agency to choose right from wrong, particularly in the lower telestial sphere where they come to earth to experience mortality.

3. We choose what eternal destiny they will be destined to live in, whether in telestial, terrestrial or celestial glory. Because these creations have no choice in where we place them, we have made the resurrected states of our plants and animals in their telestial, terrestrial and celestial states much more similar in glory than our own resurrected children in those same glories.'

4. At that time, a pair of swans on the lake was exiting the lake and came to a place on the shore. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, if I were to bring a pair of these swans from a telestial eternal world, a terrestrial world, and this celestial world, all in their final resurrected states, you would be unable to tell which swan was from which world. Each pair would have similar joys and experiences in their eternal fulfillment of their creation.

5. There are buttercups in each of the telestial, terrestrial and celestial eternal worlds that house our resurrected children in those final states of glory. These buttercups are resurrected in those worlds and find just as much joy in each eternal world as the other.

6. There are a few of our larger, more ferocious animals that have wild tendencies in their mortal telestial states. We resurrect these to the terrestrial and celestial glory only and not in their telestial states so they don't exhibit this aggression in eternity. There is also only a slight variation between these final states of glory for these terrestrial and celestial creations.

The main difference we have allowed the celestial resurrected creations to do over their terrestrial and telestial counterparts, is to reproduce offspring or seed to propagate either as spirit or physical offspring for new creations we make. All new creations of these same plants and animals are therefore made from celestial resurrected parents on our celestial world.

7. Once our plant and animal creations are assigned to a given eternal world, they remain there for eternity in the joy and peace they are able to receive in fulfillment of their creation. They bless and support our sons and daughters in these worlds, similar to how they do in your mortal telestial state. They know this is their mission and they find joy in doing this, to the level we designed them.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my queries so quickly, even when I just think or ponder about these questions! My mind is very alive with the grandeur of all the ways of my Gods!

9. Evening–I came to the granite cliff at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the temple in the distance. It looked almost surreal with a hazy thin cloud between the temple and me. I knelt down on the granite and called upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer. Heavenly Father immediately appeared in front of me. He was very approachable and seemed so open and accepting of me. I loved looking into his eternity eyes–so deep and loving.

He spoke to me: 'Raphael, I am glad you are asking for help from others to assist you in indexing your posts. There is a lot of information in them that we will want to have available to our open and humble elect, in a future day. There will be mistakes at first, but these may be corrected. You are correct in moving forward on the work of indexing.

10. You have listened to several of your older posts today. You had forgotten entirely what we had said to you on several occasions. This is to be expected, for your mind is mortal and your memory finite and we are revealing great truths very fast to you! We will, however, continue to pour out our abundant revelations upon you. There may be very minor corrections in the future to bring our revelations that you write in your own words in complete harmony with a few past sentences you have written, but overall your revelations will stay unchanged and remarkable in the eyes of the faithful. We will continue to pour out our truths, even if you, in your finite mind, have a hard time remembering all that we have revealed to you to date. The indexing work should help. We recommend that you and those on your email list review your past posts periodically, to refresh their own minds with the grandeur of our revelations.

11. It is late and I will leave now. However, come here tomorrow and I will reveal to you more of my revelations.'

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 13, 2019, Wednesday

1. I came again to the granite cliff, like my Heavenly Father had asked me to do last night. I have been faithfully seeking the light of my Heavenly Parents to fill me each time I take coconut oil twice a day in my mortal body. I have felt the light tangibly fill me up and extend beyond my body. I have also been able to think that this light be able to stop just under my skin so that I control the shining and it seems to be working. I don't know if someone who would be watching me could tell any difference, that I've had more light shine from me, or not, but it has been feeling very real to me! I think it is remarkable the way my own mind may do.

2. I knelt on top of the granite cliff, facing the distant temple to the west again. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me. He immediately appeared in front of me! I believe he was there already and just needed me asking him to come, and then he stepped from the higher celestial realm in front of me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, while listening to two of our older posts yesterday, you realized you were draped with the scarlet red sash, which you consciously had forgotten. You are always aware of your multiple activities, however, in your unconscious mind and of your angelic scarlet red sash, which gives you our power to vanquish the hosts of Lucifer as they get out of line. You have been continually removing those who overstep their bounds to the distant prison orb. There are now many there at that location. Many are angry but some are starting to see the folly of their ways.

3. I want you now to go to this distant prison orb and speak to all of them. Invite those who want to change their ways to repent, and come to our Beloved Son. He will receive them and forgive and heal them if they are truly repentant. Then he will release them from their prison and bring them to their brethren, the refugees of Lucifer, in my celestial orb, to the north of the Great Assembly Hall. These people who are now our elect, will succor them and comfort them. They will also teach and help them as they need.' I told my Heavenly Father I would go now and obey his words.

4. I then left the granite cliff and came to the distant prison orb. I spoke from the sky above this planet in a loud voice: 'Behold, I am Raphael, an archangel of God that has brought each of you to this remote location. It is a prison to you, for I have removed you from following your leader, Lucifer, and stopped you in your evil work of overstepping the bounds you have been given by the Father, in tempting his sons and daughters on the earth. You have each, for so long a time, subjugated yourselves to your master, Lucifer, who continually threatens you and hurts you.

5. Have you not realized how he used to promise you hope in his lies that he could deliver you and bring you to a mortal experience without yourselves choosing God's ways, but being forced by him? He had promised you something he could never fulfill! Instead, he has continually terrorized you and subjugated you to work his sinister ways, to act as his extensions to fulfill his own evil plan upon those, your brothers and sisters in mortality, who chose Jesus Christ, their great Redeemer.

6. You have been free from your master Lucifer since I have brought you here. Have you realized how good it feels not to be subjugated to his continual threats, and pains he gave you if you didn't comply? This prison orb has actually been a place of relief for you! Most of you are aimless in what you should now do. There are a few of you who are trying to threaten the others, however, saying that Lucifer will punish you once you come back to him.

7. I have just been commanded by our Heavenly Father to come speak to you. There is a way out, an escape he wants to offer you. If you will now repent of your evil and sinister ways, humble yourself before the Father, and accept his anointed son, Jesus Christ, you will be free from Lucifer forever and receive great joy come into your hearts! Jesus will come to you and receive you; he will forgive you and love you! Your abundant sins will be removed by the power of his redemption, even for you who had once turned away from him and followed Lucifer who rebelled against the Father.

8. All those who wish to repent and accept Jesus Christ, the great Jehovah, come now before me in the air and I will bring you to Jesus Christ today! I promise that I will protect you, even with my sword of Raphael, from Lucifer and your evil companions, if you change your ways and come to Jesus!'

9. I raised my sword of Raphael above my head. It glistened for all to see. There was silence, and then a few started coming before me, kneeling or crouched over in the air. Then more came, gradually and slowly at first. I continued to wait, still holding my sword above my head. More came, then huge numbers, all gathered at my feet in the sky above the prison orb! I waited until no more came. I then spoke to those at my feet: 'Blessed are you this day because of your choice to follow Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer! Come follow me away from the prison orb to a place where he will come to you!'

10. I then gathered all those who had chosen to follow Jesus and brought them to a place some distance away in space. There were thousands before me, all looking at me with hope and wonder, how this would all turn out, I'm sure.

11. I spoke again: 'Behold, your Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ!'

Jesus Christ immediately appeared in brightness and glory before me. I lowered my sword of Raphael and knelt before him. All the spirit hosts from the prison orb also knelt like me.

Jesus Christ then came among them and went to each one. He spoke to each one lovingly. He touched them and embraced each one. I could see the darkness in their beings turn to light, something they hadn't experienced during their long subjugation to Lucifer. All were crying and very emotional as he came to them, one at a time.

When Jesus had redeemed each one, and filled them with his marvelous light, he turned again to me. 'Raphael, take my redeemed sons and daughters now to the field north of the forest next to the Great Assembly Hall, where my people will receive them!'

12. I replied that I would do so now. Jesus then left us. I turned to the group and spoke: 'My beloved brothers and sisters, you have been touched by the great Redeemer, even Jesus Christ! He has forgiven you each of your many sins and has filled you with his light and love! I will now take you to your new home among other converted refugees of Lucifer, who will care for you and bless you. Follow me to your home on our celestial orb!'

13. I then brought them all with me to the field to the north of the forest. We descended from the celestial skies, with me in front. Those on the ground were waiting for us, for Jesus had come and told them to prepare for a new group of refugees he had just redeemed.

When we came to the field, I stepped forth to their leaders and spoke: 'Here is a new group of the refugees, taken from the prison orb. Jesus Christ has received each one and forgiven them. They are needing your help, comfort, and direction.'

I turned to the group I had brought and said: "These choice people will help and bless you. You are completely free now from Lucifer and your past evil companions! You are free now to live in peace and love, for this is the way that you will find joy to your souls!'

14. I then rose up in the air and came to the granite cliff where my Heavenly Father was still standing. I came before him, kneeling. I spoke: 'My Father, I have done all that you have asked me to do. There are thousands who have repented and come to Jesus Christ, your Beloved Son. He came, forgave and redeemed each one, and asked me to take them to the Refugees of Lucifer. I have delivered them there. This is my report.'

15. My Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you have done well in fulfilling my commandment. You will do this one more time before the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ, when I next command you again. Until that time, continue to bring the evil spirits of Lucifer, who overstep their bounds, to the distant prison orb. I will not have Lucifer, nor his hosts, unfairly tempt or force my children on the earth to follow their evil ways. We will maintain the moral agency of all of our beloved children who are now in their mortal experience on earth.'

16. I have reflected on what occurred this morning with the new Refugees of Lucifer. It sounds like so much is happening unseen to the world, that it will be very surprising to all once the elect become aware. I feel very "mortal" throughout my day, but am very capable it seems, in the celestial realms. I will just try my best each day and enjoy the present, to the best of my ability!

17. Tonight I came to the little path outside of the domed room. It was still sunny there, with light filtering from through some trees onto the gold path. I knelt a little ways off the path, near the door or opening to the domed room. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

18. Heavenly Mother walked to me from the domed room, down the path, and then faced me. She was radiant and seemed so happy! She immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, you receive our words in the great weakness of your telestial body, in your mortal world. You are always in our presence in the celestial realm when you receive these, but the thoughts become transferred to your mortal conscious mind and then you write these words down in your journal. We have planned that you continue to receive the bulk of our revelations from us in this way so that those on the earth may have access to these great truths.

19. One of the mortal angels wondered if Satan knows what exactly is going to happen in these last days. He does not, nor does anyone on your earth unless it is revealed to them from one of us, who are the three Gods you worship. We usually reveal our plans, if we do at all, just prior to their occurrence, and we certainly don't reveal it to the adversary. Nobody knows the timing of events that have already been prophesied and revealed. Many suppose they know, but they would do better to seek a better relationship with us, their Gods, than to speculate.

20. Your sister, Rachael, had a question about how, if only plants and animals propagate in the celestial world, how will those who live in the terrestrial and telestial worlds eat? She also wondered about picking plants for joy or for feeding those who live in these worlds.

Raphael, our resurrected children in those eternal worlds will not have any need to eat. They will freely drink water, but will not eat. The plants and animals in those spheres will live in felicity and joy in their resurrected state. If one were to pick a flower for joy, that plant would grow another flower in its place if its roots were intact. The same is true in the celestial world. The inhabitants of those worlds have no need to eat, so they normally would not do so. Eating is a function and need of the physical body in their earthly probation and not a need of the resurrected body. We do prepare food in our celestial realm for those, like you, who are progressing towards their own resurrection.

21. We have chosen to have the baptism ordinance be done in a mortal body. The waters of separation may be done for anyone who has a physical mortal, translated, or resurrected body. The other ordinances of the New Jerusalem temple need to be done in person in one's own resurrected body.

22. Another question was about baby or infant spirits that I birth. These are born from my body once their spirit fetus is developed and is ready for birth, just like in the physical mortal world. When baby or infant spirits are born, they are small, similar in size to babies on earth. They grow to full stature in the spirit world. They grow when we give them spirit food to eat. Their growth in their spirit form is similar to the growth of infants in mortality. I nurse my own babies for a time until they are able to be independent of me and have grown up to a toddler's age. We have abundant food from my gardens that our children eat and grow from the spirit component of their digestive system is similar to the one in the physical body. However, some systems are not developed in the spirit bodies, like reproductive and neurological systems. The spirit is controlled by their intelligence, which is ever learning.

23. Once spirits have attained the full stature of adult spirits, their need for nourishment wanes and they no longer eat until they are born on earth. On earth there is a continual need for nourishment, due to their flesh, but not so in their spirit. Their spirit is sustained from the light and energy of the own world in which they live. The telestial and terrestrial spirits in the spirit world also need no nourishment but are sustained from the light energy of their realms. Even the followers of Lucifer have no need for nourishment. This means that all adult spirits are able to live without ever eating in the spiritual realms in which they live.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 14, 2019, Thursday

1. I came for my prayer at the eastern shore of Lake Beautiful at the exit of the little stream of water that goes to Enoch's city. The celestial sun was already reflecting off the lake and I felt very pleasant. I knelt on some grass next to the shore and asked my loving Heavenly Parents to come to me. I was facing the lake.

2. I saw my Heavenly Father walking to me alone from a short distance to my left. He walked right up to me and stopped in front of me, a little elevated in the air above the grass. His face was sober.

He spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are always so glad to come to you in answer to your prayers. Yesterday, a member of your ward committed suicide. Her actions made everyone who heard about it in your community saddened. She reached a point of desperation and couldn't see any further purpose in living. She ended her probation before we had wished, for she could have enjoyed many more mortal experiences that would have been for her growth and progress. She listened to the proddings of the evil ones to end her life. Each of our beloved children on earth may choose what they want to do with their precious gift of living in mortality that we have given them.

When someone in mortality throws away their great gift of life in your world like this, they are set back in their progression. They continue to be subjected to those spirits they listed to obey, even the minions of Lucifer in the telestial spirit world. She might have thought suicide would end her troubles, but now she will be more subjected to evil spirits who will keep her in a state of depression and mental self-belittling. Even though she was baptized in the flesh, that ordinance has no power to bring her into the terrestrial paradise of God, for she has demonstrated that she listens to the adversary and has become subjected to the temptations of the devil. Her mental torment continues more in force in the realms of the dead than she experienced in mortality.

Her earthly father preceded her in death and is now trying to buoy her up. He comes from the realms of light in the paradise of God. It has to be her own choice now to repent, to change the thoughts of depression and lack of self worth in order to rid herself from the power of the adversary. It is possible, but will take greater effort now that she doesn't have her own physical body.

3. When our children are in the flesh and have problems like all do, repentance is aided because they have a physical body and have power over the adversary or the evil ones. As they mentally choose to think in positive, happy ways about themselves, the influence of the negative leaves. They also have power to pay no heed to the evil spirits, and may replace these with the happy and the positive, and the evil spirits will depart. The answer in most cases of depression, self-loathing, and most negative downward feelings is to think of others, serve others in need and not to dwell in these negative cycles. This becomes a thought control issue. We will come and bless those in this state as they come unto us.

4. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has suffered for all of these sins and weaknesses in our people, and yearns that they repent and humbly come to him. As they seek to correct their mindset, do as we direct them, and reach outside of themselves in work and service, they may come out of their troubles. Each of our children may choose to be positive, to become productive, to establish new and more fulfilling relationships, and choose not to listen to Lucifer and his evil hosts. There are others around them that they may seek who are skilled in helping those depressed systematically raise themselves above their difficulties. We give each of our children in the flesh experiences and weaknesses that they may be able to overcome with our help and the help of loving friends and family.'

5. I thanked my Father for addressing this issue of suicide. I see that this never is an option in making a better situation. All are brought down, particularly family and close friends.