113. Confidence in Ourselves
Posted 3-9-2019


I have received additional direction to purge out from my core being any doubts and uncertainty, and to gain confidence and strength. Heavenly Mother showed me how to do this by practicing twice daily. Read about it in this post. She also asked all of you to do so also.

Read also more about the spiritual spheres, the 144,000, the spirit world, portals, and translation. Please pray and confirm all that I say is true and from our Heavenly Parents.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 27, 2019, Wednesday

1. Evening–Tonight I came to the fountain of living water. I stood by the edge and leaned over to drink living water from my cupped hand. I felt energized and clear. I then knelt a short ways to the north and faced south towards the temple. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came to me on the river to my left that flows next to her lower gardens, on the east side of the temple. She waved for me to stand and come to her on the water! I stood and was soon at her side. She smiled at me and suggested we walk on the river representing her, to go to her lower gardens. She took my arm and we started walking.

She spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have heard us tell you that we chose our healing angels because they exhibited a high amount of love for their brothers and sisters and that they had demonstrated diligence in learning the healing arts. However, the selection of our angels, our servants and our prophet leaders was done even at the time that we chose them as intelligences, to be our own sons and daughters! We could tell by our gift of foresight what their living being would be like. These intelligences had no way of knowing who they really were, for they had no way to measure themselves, or to see how they compared with other intelligences. We brought them into our family as our sons and daughters, but did not share our future callings and assignments with them until they had been with us for a long time. They had to learn about themselves–what their personality was like, what they knew they would and could do, and they especially needed to grow into the very spirit son or daughter we knew they would become, even in the day that we chose them.

Raphael, such is still the case with you, and with most of our angels, servants, and other leaders who are yet in mortality. You still need to gain confidence in yourselves and to learn how to fill the measure of your great callings. We, who are your Heavenly Parents, already have confidence in you and in what you are to become. However, you will not have this same confidence and faith in yourselves and your own ability and the power that we exercise through you, until you grow and prepare some more. Be diligent in your path to become the great servants and capable children of God that you are!'

2. We had reached the grassy hill leading east to Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. She turned and embraced me and then walked into her lower garden while I remained behind. I felt uplifted and very loved and accepted by my Heavenly Mother. I will be diligent in gaining skills and knowledge for my calling and gain greater confidence in the power and strength God will give to me!

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 28, 2019, Thursday

1. I came this morning to the desert oasis. I sat on the bench, enjoying the beautiful and quiet peace in this celestial desert. I then knelt on the sand, pulling up my robe so my bare knees were kneeling directly on the cool sand. I felt receptive to spiritual impressions. I also felt somehow "one" with the beautiful celestial orb on which I was kneeling. I had felt this way on earth before, being one with nature while in the woods, mountains, or at the seashore. I felt like I could perceive all around me too. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me, above the sand and before the shore! She was smiling and shone brightly on this beautiful desert morning.

She spoke to me: 'Raphael, your sensation to be connected to our celestial orb is a correct feeling. You have come to our heavenly world sufficient times now to feel one with it. You are celestial in your nature in your desires, in your perspective and clarity. You can sense the very being of our celestial orb, of the plants and animals that live there and that we have created to beautify and adorn our world. These all enhance and have the effect of magnifying who you are and helping you see yourself more clearly. They all accept you as a noble son of us, your Heavenly Parents.

These celestial beings, our creations, know you, for you frequent our world twice a day. They are very pleased to have you come and for us to come where you pray here on this celestial world. They know you well.'

3. I thought this interesting that I was 'synced' with my Heavenly Parents' beautiful creations on this celestial orb. I could only visualize that my intelligence and their intelligences, of these living celestial creations, were somehow linked together, like good friends on earth would be connected.

4. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, you are correct in your assessment of our creations here. These are all resurrected, eternal beings–the celestial orb, the air, the living water, the plants all around us, and the beautiful animals that abound. They are living in their highest splendor and glory! Their core intelligence fills their being and is the essence of who they really are. These beautiful living beings enjoy celestial felicity and eternal joy, to the level they are capable, in our beautiful world. They perceive and accept you as our noble son, one who is destined one day to also be a Father creator like your own Heavenly Father. They honor and love you. Each one knows who you are and they have accepted you. They rejoice when you come next to them in their world.

5. We know whom you are and are to become, and our creations in our world know and accept you. What is finally left is for you to fill the measure of your creation and to become the very capable archangel we envision you to become. As you come here regularly, as you do, and as we imbue you with our truths and revelations, you will grow and change into your true self and capable being we know that you will become.

Prepare now to become this person that we are shaping you to be. Receive from us this shaping and tutoring we continually give to you. As you seek us, are obedient to our gentle directions, you will become the man of God we are envisioning you to become.

As you grow in capability and confidence, our creations here in heaven and those on earth will know whom you are and will respond to your every request. You will carry our power, acting as our conduit, while doing whatever we ask you to do.

6. It will be useful for you to envision yourself very capable, acting as an extension of our will and power. Think of your Heavenly Father and me asking you to do something, like representing us to our elect child in need to whom we send you. Think of our strength, love and light being funneled through you, our angel servant, to deliver our message or service to our needy elect. Think of being successful in acting fully in our power and strength. Think that you work in secret service to these elect so that they return all praise and honor to us, but in reality you acted in our behalf. Think that this anonymity excites you and brings joy to your soul.'

7. Heavenly Mother then picked up some sand in her cupped hand. She asked me to listen, with my spirit sense, what this sand on her celestial orb had to say. Heavenly Mother then communicated to the sand on her celestial orb: 'My beautiful celestial orb I wish you to tell Raphael, my son, what you know of him. He is here next to me and will communicate with us as you respond.'

I then tried to listen with my spirit sense what the heavenly orb said to Heavenly Mother and me: 'My Mother Creator and Raphael, her son, I am the celestial orb. I am so very happy and pleased to be before you! I know you Raphael, for you have come to my surface in this beautiful celestial world many times recently. I also knew you when you lived on my surface as God's archangel in the spirit before you left and went to earth. I am so pleased when you come back to me and commune with your Heavenly Parents on my surface. I honor you, for I know you and that you will always do as your Heavenly Parents direct you. I will fulfill your requests that are within my power, for I see the mantle and authority of my creator Gods in you. Come to me as often as you wish and I will always welcome you here!'

8. Heavenly Mother waited, looking at me. I then responded to our celestial orb: 'I thank you for your confidence in me and your ability to see my mantle and authority. I love you and will always be respectful and honoring of you, my celestial orb!

Heavenly Mother smiled and replaced the sand on the orb's surface. She spoke to me: 'Raphael, the intelligence of our celestial orb fills all of his physical structure, including the mountains, valleys, fertile soil and even this handful of sand I held. This is why I picked sand up in my hand, in order to communicate to his intelligence. I will now leave, for you have been instructed sufficiently this morning. We help you grow by small steps, here a little and there a little, until you become who we wish you to be.

9. Raphael, each one of our mortal servants and angels who frequent our celestial orb are also loved and accepted! They, too, have glorious missions ahead. They, too, need to prepare and grow into the capable and loving servants they are destined to become. We too will guide and direct them, just as we are directing you.'

10. Evening–I am relaxing after a full days' activities. I came to the birch tree grove next to the little stream coming from Lake Beautiful that gurgles down the hill to the city of Enoch. The forest was darker than normal, being near dusk in the celestial world. I knelt by the stream facing south, looking across the stream. I felt I was all alone and then asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come.

11. Heavenly Father came walking on a path through the birch trees from my south. He was glowing in light, not as bright as he usually is. He looked happy and very accepting of me. He wore a scarlet red waist sash. Heavenly Father stopped on the other side of the small stream.

He started to talk: 'Raphael, tonight you have come in one of our celestial forests here at dusk. On earth you would be thinking it is time to get out of the forest, for there could be predators at night. However, here in our celestial forests, those who dwell on our celestial world are peaceful and celestial in nature. All are willing and ready to help one another. There is no fear here of darkness, for all is safe and completely isolated from any danger of any sort.

12. Raphael, when you labor in our behalf for our elect on the earth, you work from the celestial realm. This too is a completely safe and a secure area, free from those who might do harm. Only the celestial angels and servants are allowed there, besides us, your Gods. However, this realm is superimposed on the mortal telestial earth where our elect dwell. They will not see you, nor will the dangers of the telestial world affect you who minister there. You are now accustomed to viewing all varieties of dangers from your celestial sphere of safety, for you have ministered to our elect for a long time from our celestial sphere on the earth. The elect often need protection and you have greater perception from your celestial realm of what may be of danger to them. These greater perceptions come by being in the celestial realm, for your mind may see more clearly what really is happening in this celestial realm. Your prayer visions you once had were seen by you from being in the celestial realm, superimposed on the telestial mortal world (see Post 33).

13. In the celestial realm, your mind is more clear and your spiritual gifts such as foresight are expanded and more heightened. We bless you with a knowledge of what might soon occur in the lower realm that you are ministering to. This is what happened in your prayer visions, for you knew what danger and events were happening all around you. Those you were protecting had no knowledge of their danger unless you or the Spirit whispered it to them.

14. You also found in your prayer visions experiences that you knew of solutions to, or what to do to eliminate danger and bring the elect to a point of safety. This increased perception also comes as a result of you being in the superimposed celestial realm. Our Spirit and our revelations are more clearly received in your heart and mind from the celestial realms, either on the earth or on the celestial orb. This is a great advantage you have when ministering to our elect in their fallen telestial world.

15. Those who will minister from the terrestrial realms for those on the mortal telestial earth also have their terrestrial realm superimposed on the telestial earth. They are not visible to those on the earth, nor harmed by the diseases or dangers of the telestial world. Since the terrestrial is lower than the celestial, the amount of foresight and revelation is not so clear in the terrestrial realm. Solutions are also not as clear as they are in the celestial realm. Our 144,000 will be able, however, to bring the elect from the dangers of the fallen telestial world into their terrestrial sphere so they may protect and/ or transport these faithful as Jesus Christ may direct. They may use their own portals in the terrestrial sphere to even move long distances in a matter of seconds. The 144,000 have the basic mission to bring the elect to places of safety and to bring them to the New Jerusalem and Church of the Firstborn that will be established there.'

16. I thanked my Heavenly Father for the additional insights he shared with me tonight about the celestial and terrestrial realms of the earth. I consciously feel clearer in how this all operates and how we servants can effectively protect and minister to those on earth.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 1, 2019, Friday

1. I have been thinking more of the way the spiritual spheres operate. I realize that those who are in a higher spiritual sphere are not visible to those of the lower, upon which their higher sphere is superimposed. To remain undetected one needs only to keep in their higher spiritual sphere. To become visible, they need to enter into the lower sphere. Detection comes only by the transfer from one sphere to the other. Not only can one not be detected when in a higher spiritual sphere, but one is also protected from the dangers of the lower. However, when one shows himself/ herself to those in the lower, I wonder if there remains a thin layer of the higher sphere around their body that is protecting them? This thin layer of the higher celestial sphere remains around God when he/she comes into a lower spiritual sphere.

2. I came this morning to the fir forest, not far from the overlook to the Father's wheat fields. I was deep in the forest. I could see that the morning sun was shining up above the trees in this forest. I knelt next to a very large and tall Douglas Fir tree, or one similar to this species. I looked up to the sky and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come in answer to my prayer.

3. Heavenly Mother came down in a column of light from the sky above! She descended quickly and was soon in front of me, a little elevated above the ground. She was subdued in her glory but had bright, sparkling eyes. She wore a beautiful smile and seemed so very loving of me!

Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, whenever one from a higher spiritual sphere descends into a lower order sphere, they retain a thin film of the higher order sphere around their being. This is just like what happens when I come to you from my highest celestial sphere. When you, who are ordained an angel, who labors in the celestial sphere, descends into the telestial sphere of the earth, you will become visible to those you are ministering to. However, you retain the clearer foresight, revelations, knowledge and perceptions that are part of the celestial sphere because your body is still enshrouded in that sphere. You are also protected from the dangers of disease or harm that may exist in the lower telestial sphere. This same feature is true when the 144,000 who will work in the terrestrial sphere descend into the lower telestial sphere of the earth.

4. You and the angels who live in mortality are replicated so that your replicated beings minister from celestial realms. However, your mortal bodies live and dwell in the telestial world. This is why you are still subject to disease and even death that is part of the telestial environment.

5. Since you are translated and live still in the mortal telestial world, we have suspended the seeds of death until a time when your mission is completed, or when we desire that you continue your mission for us in the celestial realms as a resurrected being. Most of the mortal angels will continue in their suspended, translated state until the end of the millennium. However, there will be some who labor in celestial realms on the earth as resurrected celestial beings. Those who work as angels in the New Jerusalem temple will be translated and resurrected beings, working side by side.

6. The 144,000 will labor for the elect of God from the terrestrial realms on the earth. They will not have the power of replication, for this is available for those of the celestial realms. As such, the 144,000 will go from the terrestrial sphere into the telestial sphere of the earth in their translated mortal body. (In contrast, the mortal angels work in the celestial realms in their replicated bodies.) The 144,000 will retain the protective layer of the higher terrestrial sphere around them while they are visible and live on the earth in the telestial sphere. This protective layer or film of the terrestrial sphere will remain with them continually, even while they sleep or do non-mission work in their mortal state. This will occur after they are ordained by one of the five angels to be part of the 144,000. They then will have access to the terrestrial realm, for access to that realm is controlled by ordination. To those in the telestial realm, the 144,000 may appear or disappear, since the 144,000 may fully enter into the terrestrial sphere and no longer be visible to those on the earth.

7. The 144,000 will also learn how to use their portals for their own movement between the terrestrial and telestial sphere, and to transport the elect. Each one has their own portal, for these portals come with our spirit child to earth when they are born. Their portal is how they descend into mortality and how they enter other spheres once they die. Everyone who comes as an infant to earth has their own portal so they may enter into the world of the spirits upon their death. They are admitted to either the telestial or terrestrial sphere of the deceased based on the valid ordinances they have or have not received in mortality. Those who are baptized by recognized authority, and have lived true to their covenants, are received into the terrestrial sphere of the dead (the paradise of God, see Alma 40:12) who are awaiting their resurrections. Those who haven't received a valid baptism ordinance on earth are taken by their own portal into the telestial world of the dead. These spheres exist around earth, just like the other spiritual spheres where our 144,000 labor in (another terrestrial sphere) and the angels and celestial servants labor (the celestial sphere). Those in these spheres are not generally visible or perceived by each other, unless those of a higher sphere wish to enter into the sphere of a lower or comparable sphere. They may go to these other spheres if they have a mission and permission to do so. We keep these spheres separate from each other so that our children may stay in their own sphere as they progress and not be distracted by those in other spheres.

8. Raphael, although you don't consciously realize it, your movement from your mortal telestial sphere to this higher celestial sphere in our celestial orb is possible because of your own portal. Your portal transfers your being from one sphere to another. This is true for every one of our children. Again, access to the spheres is controlled by ordination or a valid ordinance like baptism. Ordination is given based on the mission of our children.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her detailed description this morning of spheres, missions, portals and such. I felt so enlightened by her revelations today.

9. Evening–Tonight I came to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I am not sure why I have come here. I sat on a chair with the table in front of me to the east. There was a beautiful flower arbor above my head. It was very light and pretty here with lots of blooming flowers all around, so beautifully planted. I pulled the chair out from the table and knelt on the ground, leaning on the table. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

10. Heavenly Mother came to me from the air in front of the table. She stepped from an opening in her higher realm into the celestial realm I was in. Her robe, her waving hair in the breeze and her brilliance were breathtaking! I gazed on her as she smiled before me. She spoke" 'Raphael, I know that you are tired tonight after a busy day. I would like to give you some refreshment that I have prepared for you! I then saw some fruit on a plate and drink of clear liquid. These appeared on the table in front of me.

She continued: 'Raphael, I have picked some ripe cherries and some almonds. You will find these delicious! I have also brought you a lemon drink with freshly squeezed lemon in living water.' She waited. I then ate the fruit and nuts and as I did so I drank the sweet lemon drink. It was all very perfect in taste! I soon finished all.

'Raphael, occasionally, I feed you and our angels and celestial servants from my glass table with foods I pick from my gardens in heaven. The work we ask of you is continuous, for the elect of God are so very needy at this time. The fight for their very souls is so very real! We want all those celestial angels and servants, whom we inspire with our directives to serve our mortal elect, to be nourished so they won't faint. This food was specifically what I have prepared for you, to sustain and strengthen you. Each mortal angel and celestial servant, whether mortal, translated, resurrected, or in the spirit only, may inquire of us, their Heavenly Parents, and we will prepare nourishment for them so they may not be too weakened. This celestial food will satiate their hunger and give them added strength so they don't grow weary from all the work we ask of them.'

11. Heavenly Mother smiled and reached to the empty plate and glass and retrieved them. 'I am very pleased you have eaten and drank of my foods I prepared for you, Raphael!' She then stepped back into the air and a cloud formed in front of her momentarily. She then disappeared and the cloud then dissipated into air. She was gone. I felt invigorated and greatly strengthened from deep in my soul. I felt so very blessed to have come to my Heavenly Mother this evening.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 2, 2019, Saturday

1. I came today to a mountain grove of trees just south of the pocketed flower rock wall. It was sunny and seemed to be a very happy place. Birds were tweeting, butterflies and bees were buzzing and flying around and there were purple and yellow mountain flowers on the ground. I knelt in the air above the flowers so as not to crush any. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me, also a little elevated above the flowers in the air! They were holding hands with Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. They both were smiling.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I would like to talk to you about the very many personalities of our children. When we select an intelligence to become one of our own spirit offspring, we see, with our gift of foresight, what their personality will become. As we nurture and train our young spirit children in our temple nursery, we watch their personalities emerge. Some are soft spoken, some are domineering, some are curious, some are placid, some always want to share their feelings, and some are more reserved and quiet. We love the great variety of their growing personalities! These are all determined by their intelligence, which fills their spirit body and continues to grow and learn in our world.

3. Their personalities continue to develop in the pre-mortal world. There is not a right one or a wrong one, for all are acceptable and deeply loved by us, their Heavenly Parents. We watch our children interact together. Many personalities complement one another and some clash a little bit. However, all may live peaceably together in our celestial environment.

4. When we send our spirit children to earth, they are born into a fallen telestial world. They become exposed to the natural desires of men and women, or these come from their new mortal physical bodies, their environment and the persuasions of the adversary, once they reach the age of accountability. These feelings of being self-centered, and feeling the effects and temptations of being carnal, sensual and devilish come to all. We also send our sweet Spirit to enlighten and encourage each one to our more lovely, refined and gentle way of living and of thinking of others instead of their own gratifications and self centered desires. The spirit of Christ is also given to each one of our mortal sons and daughters, to give them awareness of right and wrong choices. Our child may choose how they will respond to these many stimuli all around them.

5. They interact with others too and are influenced greatly by family training and their own cultural norms. These practices are deeply taught and are usually fully accepted by our children who have grown in these ways of living and interacting and believe this is the way things are and should be.

Their own personality, long developed in the pre-mortal world adapts itself to its new surroundings. For a time, while young, our sons and daughters may exhibit a different way they interact with their fellowman, but as they mature into older adults, their true personality generally comes forth and they "find" themselves more. We also give every one of our beloved children both strengths and weaknesses in the flesh that help them become more rounded and capable. We give them experiences too that help shape and enhance their attitudes and personality.

6. Our elect children, who hear and obey our promptings, become more and beautiful and capable in their unique personalities! This becomes a true reflection of who they really are and reflects on how they act. Their behavior is predictable. There is room for every variety of these beautiful personalities in the current and future worlds they will inhabit.

We love the variations of our elect children. They all will become righteous, faithful, loving and kind. They will all also have great variations of personalities. Some will naturally be more comfortable with some others of our children, being their complement, or being their similar personality, for both may be personality types they love to be with. We love all of our faithful children and are intent on blessing and strengthening them so they become more capable, more tempered, and more their true selves!

7. In eternity, we who are the Gods of our universe, continue to have these beautiful and varied personalities ourselves. We are not all the same but are so different in our personalities, as the many flowers are so varied and different on our celestial orb. Every flower is unique and lovely and every developed personality of the gods is also unique and lovely.'

8. Heavenly Mother looked at Heavenly Father, squeezed his hand and then turned and spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Father is more reserved and quiet than me. I freely express my feelings, love to smile and exude light in abundance from my eyes and face, and get excited about things with more passion. Your Heavenly Father is so very strong and organized and more logical in his thinking. We complement each other perfectly and together are more capable than singly, for we are able to draw on our combined strengths abilities inherent in our personalities. We have developed our personalities from our own agency and desires over these many eternities. We both have full and settled personalities, where we continue to act in ways we always have acted, once our personalities matured.'

9. Both of my Heavenly Parents were beaming with wide smiles in front of me. Oh, I love them so very much. I expressed deep gratitude for their discussion on personality today!

10. Evening–I am ready to connect with my Gods in prayer. I had sent M.A. my final post 112 that she agreed to edit before I send it to the group. She had a good suggestion after reading my post:

"Q1–Would it be easier to distinguish areas if the main celestial realm was referred to as the celestial orb and then the celestial realm being that higher superimposed area? All these celestial realms seem confusing. That is how I distinguish it all. Our heavenly parents watch from their celestial realm where no one goes unless invited by them. However, do as you feel inspired.

Q2–I remember taking notes and writing that our Heavenly Parents told you there was a celestial lower area where single celestial people live and administer to the Gods. I wonder how our Heavenly Parents allowed you to think this earlier on and now they tell you they go to a lower kingdom. Why not tell you back then how it truly is? I'm sure they have their reasons, I am just curious. And I may have misunderstood awhile back."

11. I came with these two questions in my mind tonight. I came to the circling waters and drank at the shore from my cupped hands. I knelt and faced south to the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. I then saw my Heavenly Mother appear on the circling waters, a little ways above the water.

She spoke to me: 'Raphael, I will answer M.A.'s two questions. First, she is doing a good service to check your posts for typos before you send them out. We are glad she is helping you.
A1–The celestial realm around the earth is the same realm on the celestial orb and it is called in both locations the celestial realm. The highest celestial realm, although a longer name, and sounding similar, is distinct and only is where we Gods may be or those we invite to join with us temporarily. This is also the same higher celestial realm on the earth and on the celestial orb. It also is superimposed on our terrestrial and telestial eternal worlds. These higher celestial realms are all the same and access to them is determined by ordination, for the gods or their invited guests. We refer to these two realms as the celestial realm where you may go and the higher celestial realm where we may go. This description and naming is how it needs to remain.

12. A2–When we mentioned to you in the past about certain single angels in eternity that had an eternal celestial glory. (see post 84, June 26, 2018 entry) , we did so in order to not bring up a whole series of questions that we weren't ready to address, like the cover-up (post 43) and now the incorrectness of D&C 132. We wanted to explain these when you could more easily understand, having a better knowledge base of what really happened. There were also a few other reasons why we chose to wait until now to inform you of the doctrine that all inhabitants in eternal celestial glory are couple gods only. (Raphael, please now go back and make a comment about this in post 84, referring to post 112.)

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering these questions. She then faded from my view and my prayer was finished.

14. I received this email from my sister K that she wrote when she was typing up my journal entry today, 3-5-2019:

"R, I have been bothered by the notion that our Heavenly Parents revealed something about the singles being in the celestial kingdom and then later said they just told you that because you weren't ready for the greater truth. . . (my words). This has really been eating at me, as I can't understand why God would lie to you and then say it was just because you weren't ready.

Plus, honestly, the notion of all the single people who are good not being able to inhabit the celestial kingdom??? Like those who die young or never find the right person?

I prayed this morning and I imagined Heavenly Father came to me at the circling water. Here is what I wrote:

'My beloved Heavenly Father. I want to ask a question that I don't understand. Yesterday as I was typing R's entry, he wrote that before full clarification on the matter of single people in the celestial realm, that you revealed it was a place for couples only. You had told him of a place prepared for singles in the celestial realms in a different post and then yesterday you said that was only told to him because the full truth wasn't ready to be revealed. I am confused and don't understand why you would say something which you later revealed as untrue? I am very confused.'

15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'My daughter, we never lie to our children. There has been a miscommunication. All of our children are beloved to us. Those who prove worthy will be able to be a part of the celestial kingdom. Those who have never been married, who may have died as a young person or never had the opportunity in mortality, who are worthy of our highest kingdom, will yet have an opportunity to find a companion they love and who is worthy. They will have the opportunity to bond with this person to become a couple and eventually become a couple god if that is their choice.

There is an interim before this union has taken place that a single person, who is celestial glory worthy, is in a holding pattern, not in a particular place, but rather, in a state.

Share this with your brother. We may choose to clarify further.' "

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 3, 2019, Sunday

1. This morning I came to the celestial orb at the entry to Enoch's city, east of Lake Beautiful. There were no gates, but I could see the fountain into where the little stream flowed. I was kneeling on a meadow before the city, on a small grassy spot. I was next to the stream and drank some living water. I felt refreshed and clear. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Father appeared in front of me, smiling. He was bright and seemed so compassionate and accepting of me. I felt very comfortable to be in his presence. I spoke: 'Heavenly Father, I am so very grateful you have come to me this morning! I pray for those many people I know, family and friends, who are in such need!' (I then prayed for them specifically). 'I also feel very inadequate that I seem to make mistakes in hearing and writing the words from Heavenly Mother and you at times and that some of these go undetected. I believe this was the case in the discrepancy between post 84 and 112, about the presence of single celestial servants to the gods in eternity. I have now learned the truth, that only the couple gods are received into a final celestial glory.'

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, don't feel too inadequate that some small errors are left uncorrected in your posts for a time. These will all be corrected in the future like this small error in post 84. We allow these errors to be, for you are mortal and you are receiving our revelations very fast, hardly looking back on them
 once they are given to you. You are quite remarkable to be able to receive so much so quickly and there may be little errors or items needing clarification in the future as well. However, these will all be eventually corrected and your works will all be fully accurate. This is acceptable to us. We always ask each of our children who reads another's revelations to pray to us and verify whether what they read is exactly accurate. Each of our children needs to know for themselves, by our confirming voice, that what they are believing and accepting is fully from us, their God. If they find faults, these are the faults of men or women who wrote these words, as best they could discern, from our revelations to their souls. One mistake shouldn't discount the entire revelation, however.

3. Raphael, as far as the many posts you continue to share, these contain abundant truths from us, your Gods, many which have never before been revealed to man and many which also correct previously held scriptures among our people. We will eventually have all errors in our canon of scripture corrected. It is best to mark these with notes of correction, like Heavenly Mother asked you to do last night for your post 84. We want you to leave the original and correct it with a note of clarification so our children who read this in the future may know how the correction was received. They too will know you received all of our words in your weakness and that it is incumbent upon them to verify all scripture accounts with us.

4. It is not pleasing especially when our elect accept all words in our published scriptures as fully correct, without asking us if they have questions. We want them to always challenge and test, both their leaders and scriptures. Joseph Smith, the prophet, said that the Book of Mormon was the most correct book, but he didn't say it was exactly completely correct. Likewise, your revelations are almost 100% correct, but there have been an occasional error here and there. This is the nature of revealing our words through the minds of our children who then write our thoughts in their words.

5. When Jesus Christ examined the Nephite record, he asked Nephi, the current record keeper, to add some important information into his written record (see 3 Nephi 23:9-13). We have the option to add to and correct records that have been written that contain our many revelations.'

6. Heavenly Father was smiling and seemed to accept my efforts in writing down the many revelations that I have received to date. He then turned and I saw Enoch the prophet coming to us from his city with both of his arms filled with books. When he arrived, Enoch spoke: 'Raphael, our Father had asked that I come to show you some of our most important records that I have written of my own revelations. These are now bound in these volumes I am holding. I had received all of these by revelation, but continued to adjust these until they were correct enough to bind in these volumes so my people could read and study them. They are now correct and accurate, at least as best I can determine. I have received the confirming word of God that these records will also be published and freely made available to the elect during the great millennial day. They will come into the New Jerusalem library also, becoming a permanent part of that repository, as will your records you are now writing. All the people of God will have free access to the many records of God's children who receive personal revelations from the heavens, whose records are recorded like yours and like mine.

7. I thanked Enoch for showing me his records! I thanked my Heavenly Father for his consoling words also. I feel much better about all of this! I will continue to do my best and let come what may, realizing I am mortal and have weaknesses.

8. After church–We attended a local sacrament meeting today. At the time of the sacrament ordinance, I felt I came to a very cloudy area in the celestial world, surrounded with white fog. At first I wondered where I was, or even if I was in the air or on the ground, I could not tell. However, after the bread was blessed in the ward, I made my covenant to my Gods whom I could not see. Heavenly Mother then came and after I partook, she spoke to me:

'Raphael, on behalf of your Father and I, we accept your covenant that you have made to us today. In return, we will always be with you. Raphael, you are so very greatly blessed! You may have weaknesses, but we will buoy you up and strengthen you and bless you daily!'

9. After a bit, I could see some forests behind my Heavenly Mother in the fog. Soon Heavenly Father came from the trees and next to my Heavenly Mother. After I partook of the water, Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we will shape you and make a great work and act by you in the days ahead. You are highly blessed, as your Heavenly Mother has said. We know who you are to become and now will wait as you discover yourself too. You will fulfill all that we envision you to do. We will continue pouring out great revelations upon your head, hardly able for you to absorb before the next one comes!'

The sacrament meeting continued and I lost my contact with my Heavenly Parents in the cloud.

10. Later in the evening–Tonight I came to the celestial orb to the small garden west of the tree of life. This is where my personal shells were buried. I came again to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf. I felt clarified and very transparent. I came back to the garden and knelt in the soft soil, facing the tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the canopy of the tree. They were talking together. They soon left the tree and came over in the air to where I was kneeling. They were holding hands, smiling at me.

11. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, our prophets and servants that have come to the earth up to this time have all felt very humble and inadequate, as you are now feeling. We have continually encouraged these men and women as they have humbly come unto us. We have chosen them and they have not chosen themselves. Many did not want their position of great responsibility at first. Gradually, however, they grew into the men, women and leaders we had known they would become. Such will be your path. You do not want to have the position of responsibility, and are only doing your calling because we continually direct you to do so. Your mind and heart are being shaped into the man of God you are destined to become. Take only one step at a time and we will make of you a great archangel in these last days, filled with our light and presence!'

12. I responded: 'I thank you my Heavenly Parents for continually strengthening me and buoying me up! I am sorry that I frequently doubt myself and wonder a lot about the great work I am continually being led to do by you. Please forgive me for my weaknesses, and be patient as I find out who I really am. I want to gain the confidence and strength I need to have to fulfill my mission!'

13. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we have brought you here where you buried your personal six shells that then kept you from growing into the man and servant we wanted you to become. (see post 36) In your class held on 11-26-2016, you also were told to release your expectations of how we would lead you in the future. This was your seventh shell we had asked you to drop. (see post 37)

You have consistently been working on removing these seven shells that held you back in your progress. This has been about 27 months ago. It is now time to remove more obstructions that are holding you back and our mortal angels and servants from progressing as we wish. We may strengthen you, nourish you with our heavenly food, pour out upon you our great revelations, but still labor under some mistaken beliefs about yourself and your capability. The progress you are to make requires a major mindset shift. This will all be controlled by your own thoughts. We will coach you how to replace the weak and faltering thoughts in your mind with the strong and confident. You have to initiate these changes, not us. Once you make this mind shift change you will be able to move ahead in clear and dramatic ways.'

14. I expressed a desire to do this, to shift my mindset and not look back! I humbly asked what I could do. Heavenly Father responded: 'Raphael, come here tomorrow and we will begin coaching you. We ask all mortal angels and servants to also work on this themselves.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their encouraging words. I said I would come here tomorrow for my coaching.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 4, 2019, Monday

1. I immediately came to the celestial world where I had previously come last night, where my personal shells had been buried. It seemed dark out, but I could see the not to distant tree of life aglow. The fruits of the tree were shining like a Christmas tree lit up! I knelt in the soil where I was, faced the tree of life and asked my Heavenly Parents or one of them, to come to me.

I then thought of these scriptures:

2. D&C 84:54
"And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received–"

3. D&C 84:116
"Let him trust in me and he shall not be confounded; and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed."

4. I was pondering if I have had unbelief, which has caused my mind to be darkened. I wondered if I have not sufficiently trusted in my Gods. At this time I felt the darkness all around me, even like it was cold. I looked at the distant tree of life and yearned to have its light in me. At this time, Heavenly Mother appeared in her brightness in front of me! She was very bright and majestic. Her light beamed upon and through me, so that there was no place in me that was not brightly illuminated! I could feel her light purge out any darkness of unbelief in my entire body!

5. I then thought of Alma 32:35:
"O, then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good; and now behold, after ye have tasted this light is your knowledge perfect?"

6. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, you can feel the light of my countenance streaming through all of your body. You are able to perceive with your mind all, yea, every part of your body, from your head to your toes, that are all illuminated and filled with my Godly light! In this state of stillness, there is no room for darkness and unbelief. This is discernible light and you know it is real.

I want you twice a day, when you eat your spoonful of coconut oil for your brain cognition, to visualize this light, starting at your head and expanding throughout your body, even to your toes, so that all is filled with discernible light. This will be my light, very tangible and real, which you may discern even as you discern and know today that it is very real. As you do this twice a day, think these words: "My body is completely filled with the light of my Heavenly Mother that is discernible and real! I fully know that I am Raphael, her archangel of light, with a mission to do whatever she and Heavenly Father direct me to do."

This practice will be equivalent to nourishing your belief and driving out all the darkness of unbelief that used to exist, even in a small amount, in your body.

7. This scripture will apply to you

Alma 32:41-43
"But if ye will nourish the word, yea, nourish the tree (replace this with the light that now fills your entire body) as it beginneth to grow, by your faith with great diligence, and with patience, (this is done by you diligently twice a day) looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree (or an internal light in you) springing up unto everlasting life.

And because of your diligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, (Raphael, the fruit we want you to have is to have my light beaming from inside you to fill every part of your body, giving you great confidence and strength in whatever direction we may tell you at the time) which is most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet, and which is white above all that is white, yea, and pure above all that is pure; and ye shall feast upon this fruit even until ye are filled, that ye hunger not, neither shall ye thirst.

Then, my brethren, (Raphael, this refers specifically to you and each of our mortal angels and celestial servants now gaining strength and light from me, their Heavenly Mother and the Holy Ghost), ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you (or waiting for you to become continually aware of my discernible light to fill every part of your body and being, driving out unbelief and darkness)." ' (parentheses added by Heavenly Mother)

8. At this time, Heavenly Mother was broadly smiling; her eternity eyes were sparkling with love and light. She was standing in brilliant light in front of me. I could see her light penetrate me and fill my entire body, kneeling on the soft soil in front of her. I could perceive her light going through me and into the air and soil around me and below me, even penetrating some distance, like 10 feet or so before it stopped. I was completely engulfed in her very real and tangible light! I felt very "one" with her, synched with her mind somehow, knowing her thoughts for me.

9. As I soaked up her light, I could perceive little areas of slight pain in my mind, in my head area, become activated and then be illuminated by the light from my Heavenly Mother and then be swished away by the flow of light away from me.

I then examined other parts of my body with my mind. I saw around my heart a film of some kind loosening under the flow of her light and then being also moved away and out of my body. I saw my heart filled with intense light also.

I saw my throat start to be cleared of obstructions so that I could freely speak under the influence of the Spirit, even of the Holy Ghost. I could see scales from my eyes, like those probably of Saul of old, that fell from his eyes when he received his sight after three days (see Acts 9:9-18). These scales came off and blew away under the steady stream of light from my Heavenly Mother in front of me.

Next I perceived there were some shells around my ears that were loosened from both of my ears. This too was quickly moved off and away from my body.

As I perceived my entire body, from my head to my toes, I could only discern directed rays of light going in and through me, with no obstructions. I was fully transparent before the beaming light from my Heavenly Mother! It was an amazing experience! I was literally filled with the Spirit, even the light from my Heavenly Mother before me.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, as you practice this same experience, twice a day while taking your pure coconut oil from your spoon, I will again fill you with my light. This will be discernible and real to you. Do this alone, in a meditative and quiet state. My light will begin filling your body at your head and proceed into your entire body, so that your entire body will be filled with my light twice a day. Once you are filled with my light, perceive how it feels. Examine with your mind all areas of your body, and truly experience what it feels like to be completely filled with my light. Feel the light start to shine from you to all areas around you. We want you to become our angel of light, beaming forth our light and power. How can you do this without gaining the ability to do so by your own mind? We want you to hide this light in the presence of others for now, but to become skilled at being able to shine forth my very light when your Heavenly Father or I want you to do so. This will all be controlled by your mind and by our will.

11. While you are developing this ability and strength, we also want each one of our mortal angels and mortal celestial servants to practice and do this too. They would also do well to take coconut oil twice a day as will you be doing. Alternatively, they could do it when drinking water instead of eating coconut oil. They, too, will be filled with this light by me as they practice. This tangible method, done twice a day, will help them clarify their minds, feel my light in its intensity, and eliminate blockages in their body that are preventing them each from becoming our children and servants of light we desire them to become. Once filled with light, they will perceive more fully the will of us, their Gods, for them. This will all be done in their mortal conscious mind. This will take faith and diligence.'

12. I was still being filled with the intense light of my Heavenly Mother. She then stopped the flow of light from her presence. She was next at a light glow in the darkness, still standing in front of me. I could then discern all of her light was gone from flowing through me. I felt, however, very peaceful and so clear and happy!

13. Heavenly Mother concluded: 'Raphael, come here again tonight and your Heavenly Father will continue to teach you!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this amazing experience. She then left my presence and I started my mortal day.

14. Evening–I came tonight to the same area west of the tree of life, in the soft soil where I had once buried my personal shells. The sapling tree of life was behind me to my right side. The sky was bright, no longer as dark as it was last night. I saw my marks of where I had knelt last night. I even saw the scales from my eyes that had come off with the intense light from Heavenly Mother! I picked these up and looked at these two eye scales. The scales were rounded and only had covered the front part of the eyeball and not my eyelid. I wondered how I ever saw anything spiritual through these scales! They were transparent, but a little foggy. Hopefully, I am able to see and discern a little better now! I took these eye scales and buried them in the soft soil. I didn't see any other remnants of what had blown off of my body during the intense streaming of light from my Heavenly Mother.

15. I knelt again on the soft soil. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for my Heavenly Mother had said he would be coming tonight. I was facing the main tree of life while kneeling.

Heavenly Father appeared at some distance away by the tree of life. He waved for me to come to him. I got up and came under the canopy of the tree of life, in front of my Heavenly Father. He was standing a little elevated in the air. He gave me the impression to keep standing. He was glowing in light but not at all so intense as Heavenly Mother was last night.

16. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, I want you to eat of this fruit of the tree of life!' He reached up and plucked a white glowing fruit. He handed it to me. I took the fruit and ate it. As I ate, I could feel the light and love of God coming from the fruit. It started at my head as I was chewing and then from my throat and stomach area after I swallowed. The light and love emanated from the fruit of the tree of life, then to all parts of my body. I soon felt very enlightened from the fruit in the center area of my body. The source of light was from inside of me, and not from an external source like last night with my Heavenly Mother.

I again could "see" into all parts of my replicated body. I could see no obstructions anywhere, only light emanation from inside of me. This lasted for a few minutes or more while still being filled with this light from inside of me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, last night you experienced the intense light from your Heavenly Mother, or in her role as the Holy Ghost. This was very intense and cleared you of all obstructions in your body that might prevent you from seeing light and truth from God. You felt very cleared of unbelief and darkness, and filled with light from God. Now you feel that same light, coupled with the love of God, coming from the fruit of the tree of life that you chewed and swallowed. This light comes from within your own body.

17. Our intention is to aid you in gaining confidence in yourself and to remove any obstacles in your own body that may be keeping you from fully receiving all we have to give you and make of you. You need to put forth effort, by your own will and desires, to eliminate unbeliefs and any darkness. We will aid you, but you have to desire this clarity and light that we want to come from within you, with all your heart. We want you to develop the ability to shine forth our light and power from your very being when we desire.

18. Your Heavenly Mother and I will continue to enlighten you with our heavenly light, both from without and within you. You also have a twice-daily practice she has asked you to do when taking your spoonful of coconut oil, in a meditative quiet state. She will send forth her Spirit and light that will illuminate your being, just like you experienced when taking the fruit of the tree of life tonight. Your feelings of being filled with light will be the same while eating the coconut oil in your mortal body as partaking of the fruit of the tree of life in your replicated celestial translated body on our celestial orb. Both actions will have the same result, as you envision the light coming into you. We will help you to see and perceive your entire body when you do either, so that you may gain confidence and eliminate unbelief from your being. Darkness and doubt will not be able to remain once you flood your body with light at least twice-daily.'

19. Heavenly Father then pulled me close to his body. I immediately felt the rays of light and love, his very being, penetrate me and fill me up completely! I perceived only light and no negative or dark anything in me. I was super receptive and very transparent. It was a wonderful experience! I could sense the great love from my Heavenly Father for me also. I could almost "see" what he envisioned me to become. It was reality in his mind and yet in mine it was still out in the future somewhere. Having this embrace blessed me to see myself more as he really sees me.

20. I then had the sensation of falling back to the earth in my mortal, telestial sphere. I saw that I retained some of his abundant light that he had given me. I am excited to twice-daily at least fill my body with the light of God. This experience I am sure will help this light become a permanent part of my being!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 5, 2019, Tuesday

1. I tried yesterday to eat the coconut oil twice in a quiet, meditative state. I felt the light of God coming from my head and then stomach area after I swallowed. I felt there were rays of light coming from within me, similar to the sensation I had in the celestial realm last night when I ate of the fruit of the tree of life.

2. This morning I came under the canopy of the sapling tree of life. I reached up and plucked a fruit of the tree of life and chewed and swallowed. As I chewed the fruit, I felt light extend out of my head, even to an area outside of my head. When I swallowed, I felt the light then coming from my stomach to all of my body until the light extended beyond every part of my body. As long as I thought on this light, I could perceive it. I also could "see" all parts of my replicated body. I felt transparent as the light of God, from the fruit, passed through me. It was a very clarifying experience! Once the sensation of extreme clarity passed, or once I thought on something else, I felt at peace and ready to pray to God.

3. I thought then of going to the field of buttercups beyond Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I thought to go there and immediately was there. I knelt in the air just above the bright yellow flowers. I felt I reflected their happy yellow petals!

I faced the path and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me, also above the buttercups, in the air. She immediately spoke: 'Raphael, the radiance with which I am shining is the same intensity we wish you to be able to shine forth when we send our light to you. Your light coming from you will be really our light that comes from your being. We want you to be able to control the intensity of our light by your thoughts. You will have full confidence in doing this since you will have practiced daily until you are proficient.'

4. She continued: 'Raphael, today I would like to address a concern that your sister Rachael had about your father. When he died, she was worried he came to the telestial realm of the dead since he hadn't been baptized in mortality. You have also wondered if he was now in the terrestrial spirit world of the dead since he was baptized over a year later by proxy. His death was eleven years ago. You have also wondered about his role as a watchful guardian spirit that both you and your sister have felt at various times.

A–Raphael, your father is a very good man, but never joined the LDS Church nor was baptized in the flesh. When he died, his spirit did go to the telestial sphere of the dead. There he joined others of his family. He was also assigned to minister to his immediate family members who remained in the flesh–your mother and your three siblings. He was able to perform his responsibility faithfully from the telestial sphere of the dead. He was with other spirits of the dead in that realm. He could also see the evil spirits or devils that had followed Lucifer when he helped watch over and guide his family on earth. He resisted these and they had no direct influence upon him.

You were baptized for your father in 2009. He accepted the ordinance and then came into the terrestrial realm of the spirit dead and continued to minister as a spirit to your family. He also was given greater perceptions and light in his responsibilities there. He joined his parents and more of his family who were in that realm.

5. Once we no longer accepted ordinances for the living and the dead from the LDS Church, there was no movement from the telestial to the terrestrial realms of the dead. Those who are good people and desire to be baptized for the dead, will have to wait until the new and restored Church of Christ is established. Those from the higher terrestrial realm of the dead may visit those of the telestial realm of the dead. However, those who are consigned to the telestial realm and are of a higher nature and would qualify, still have to wait until they receive a valid ordinance in order to be admitted into the terrestrial realm.

6. Joseph the prophet saw his brother Alvin after Alvin's death, in the celestial glory (see D&C 137:5-9). He saw Alvin with Father Adam and Abraham, and his own father and mother in celestial glory in the future. This vision was given to Joseph in the Spirit, for Alvin was of a celestial nature and was an heir to the celestial kingdom of God. At that moment in 1836, Alvin was not in the celestial glory, but was an heir to that glory. He was located in the world of the spirits, just like your own father, who is also an heir to the celestial kingdom at some future time.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great explanation. I felt great peace and love from her presence.

8. Evening–I have been stewing all day on the status of celestial individuals who do not find themselves with a companion. I received an email from my sister K and a few days ago from M.A. and R.S. K shared with me her response from a prayer she offered. Heavenly Father answered her request. I really like what our Heavenly Father told her on through her thoughts during her prayer on 3/5/2019:

"My daughter, we never lie to our children. There has been a miscommunication. All of our children are beloved to us. Those who prove worthy will be able to be a part of the celestial kingdom. Those who have never been married, who may have died as a young person or never had the opportunity in mortality, who are worthy of our highest kingdom, will yet have an opportunity to find a companion they love and who is worthy. They will have the opportunity to bond with this person to be a couple and eventually become a couple god, if that is their choice.

There is an interim before this union has taken place that a single person, who is celestial glory worthy, is in a holding pattern, not in a particular place, but rather in a state.

Share this with your brother. We may choose to clarify further."

9. I came tonight to the very quiet desert oasis. I came with these thoughts in mind. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I meditated and saw that I was clear and even transparent. It seemed I had a humble attitude and I had faith I was going to receive direction on this very topic from my Heavenly Parents tonight. I came back by the bench and knelt, facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me.

At this time, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared in front of me on the shore. They were dressed in matching glorious robes. The light coming from their presence penetrated me fully and passed through to the sand and bench on the opposite side. I felt very clear and filled with light!

10. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, we have spoken to you and your sister Rachael correctly each time we have communicated to you. You have written what we gave you with a different perspective than our words and need to adjust slightly what you have written. I would like to clarify the truth and show how our revelations to you were correct, but need a slight adjustment so people don't get confused.

11. For those who remain single after the final judgment of our children, and are of a celestial nature, there is an interim state they enter. They will yet have an opportunity to find a companion they love and who is also single, worthy and of a celestial nature. They will have the full opportunity to bond with this person, to become a couple, and eventually become a couple god, if that is their choice. This is a state that doesn't have a time duration.

These single individuals live on the celestial resurrected earth. They remain in this interim state until they find a companion they love. Those who are celestial will all choose to find a companion. If there would be any among these who insist on remaining single, they really are not of the celestial nature and would be assigned a terrestrial glory.

Eventually, all of these celestial single individuals will have found a celestial spouse. They will be brought through the Church of the Firstborn to receive all of the ordinances, including sealing to each other by us, their Heavenly Parents. They then will become a couple god in eternity.

In the distant future, those from your eternity who attain a celestial glory, will all become gods, even couple gods. At that time, there will remain no more single celestial individuals of your same eternity, for all will be couple gods.'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for helping me understand how only those in the celestial kingdom will eventually all become couple gods. I also saw that many would come into the celestial resurrected earth as single individuals. I think I need to adjust what I said in post 84 that they would minister to those who are couple gods. They actually will themselves become couple gods in eternity. I might also make a note in post 112.

Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, you have the correct understanding now of our celestial single children and their destiny. Correct post 84 with a note clarifying what you have learned tonight.'

I thanked both Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father for their clarifications.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 6, 2019, Wednesday

1. I have thought how some truths from God are very difficult to receive, and are best received with different perspective from more than one person. Such was the case with what happens to single celestial individuals who haven't had an opportunity to marry. In any regard, I feel much more settled and clear about all of this!

2. I came to the granite cliff at the eastern start of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I asked for my Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father to come to me. I then saw Heavenly Mother come in front of me in a beam of light from the temple in the distance to the west. She was smiling and filled with light that beamed upon me. I felt her light pass through me and again fill me with hope, peace and love! I felt very relaxed and happy to be in her presence.

She spoke to me: 'Raphael, please be easy on yourself when you receive our revelations. Your mind often cannot fully understand with your current perspective, and needs to settle on what we say over a few times of us explaining the topic to you. Sometimes you are much more clear than others, and sometimes you have ideas in your mind, which take time to modify to our way of thinking. It has been helpful for others to have given you feedback on the status of singles in the celestial glory for you to have your thinking adjusted.

3. We have revealed to you the various ways our spiritual spheres work. I would like to address more on the portals that each of our children have that moves them between these realms.

Portals were created for our spirit children before they came to earth and after I bore them as infant spirits. One portal was created for each spirit and remains with them during their journey as they progress through the phases of growth and even remains with them when they become gods. For those who receive a lesser kingdom of glory, they remain with them there too.

For all our children, their portal is the means of transferring them from the spirit world to the mortal telestial world at birth. When they die, their portal moves them into their telestial or terrestrial sphere of the dead. Once those in the telestial receive a valid baptism, their portal moves them into the terrestrial realm in the world of the spirit dead. When they are brought forth in the new resurrection, their individual portal brings them in their quickened state to the celestial glory, to be judged of their works, and then to be assigned and taken to their eternal world of glory, either telestial, terrestrial or celestial. Each movement between these spiritual spheres is made possible by their individual portal.

4. These portals are varied in size and shape and are unique to that individual. Yours has the three bumps on one side (currently representing your mortal life) and smooth and rounded on the opposite side (representing the spiritual sphere you will be transferred to). Early on, we allowed you to describe your own portal to other newly awakened healing angels and for you to call this the healer's portal. This was for instruction for the angels to learn how to activate their own portal. Our angels thought of using your portal as a way to visualize how they themselves could come into the domed room, and later to other locations in our celestial realm on our celestial orb. When our healing angels used this healer's portal, they were really using their own portal, but they thought they were using the healer's portal, for this was the way their conscious mind was able to grasp their transfer from their mortal telestial state to the domed room in the celestial realm. The healer's portal was your portal all along, and you use it exclusively. Their own portal is unique to them. Every one of our spirit sons and daughters has a unique portal, given to them in their pre-mortal life before coming to the earth.

5. Portals are made of a tangible spirit substance. When you feel the outward frame of your own portal, you can feel it with your spirit hand. You described this well on your website. In May 2015 when you wrote this, you were always checking your portal to see which realm you were in. You have since stopped consciously doing this since you know in your mind where you are, without always checking your portal. Since that time, your portal has constantly been with you and has been the means to move you wherever you desired to go,

6. When we ordain one of our sons or daughters to work from the celestial realms, their portal is then allowed to transport him/her to that realm. Their portal also moves them into any lower realm as the need arises. Raphael, you and our mortal angels have been ordained to use the celestial realm as a platform to do your work that we assign to you. It is only because of this ordination that your portal is capable of taking you to this celestial realm.

7. The 144,000 will be ordained to use the terrestrial realm on the earth. They will have full use of that realm. Their portal would take them into the terrestrial realm according to their desire and their mind. If they were to be invited into the higher celestial realm, they would need to be invited and quickened by God. They could then go with an individual ordained to use the celestial realm who would take them in their own portal. The one with lower access would move in their own portal within the power of the portal of the one who has higher access. They could stay there only on a temporary basis, and then be returned to the realm they were ordained to live in. Access to the various spiritual realms is controlled by ordination.

8. Raphael, I am explaining all of this to you so you and others may realize the mechanism for transferring from one realm to another. It all works seamlessly! Portals are always there and provide the means of transfer. However, they function behind the scenes and are rarely thought of when going from one realm to another.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her explanation of our portals. I feel enlightened by this new information!

9. Evening–Tonight I came to the circling waters to commune with my Heavenly Parents. I came there, realizing that my portal brought me from the telestial mortal realm to the celestial realm on the celestial orb. I have felt sore and aching in my bones and joints this afternoon. I know this is a condition of mortality. I was wondering if I was getting ill? I also wondered if any of these aches and pains were transferred to my replicated being in the celestial realm? If I were to die, where then would my spirit go, or would I be immediately resurrected?

I had these questions in my mind as I approached my Heavenly Parents. I knelt in front of the bench at the shore, and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me.

10. Heavenly Father appeared to me above the circling waters! He was full of light and smiling. He spoke: 'Raphael, you are living in a mortal telestial world, and as such are subject to the conditions of mortality. We may choose to extend your mortal life, as we desire, until such time as you enter into a higher celestial realm at the New Jerusalem area. When this happens, you would work in the celestial realms on the earth, in your mortal translated body. You would have your conscious mind and your unconscious mind joined together while you live in that realm and start your great work in building the New Jerusalem. Your mortal experience in the telestial world would then come to an end, and you would enter the celestial realm in your translated mortal body. This is the suspended state in which you would live until the end of the millennium. At that time, you would die, your mortal estate would come to an end, and you would be immediately resurrected to a celestial glory.

11. If you or any other mortal angel or servants who work in the celestial sphere were to die in their mortal state, they would work from the celestial sphere as a celestial spirit. Their body would wait until the second coming of Jesus Christ where they would be resurrected with the rest of the righteous dead, and come with Jesus in the clouds of heaven. If they had a mission as do you, they might then have their own resurrection before this time. Once resurrected, they would continue to serve us their Gods from the celestial realms, and in the New Jerusalem temple, which will be in a celestial realm on the earth.

12. Either way, our current angels and celestial servants now living on earth will still be able to fulfill all of their missions that they will do for us their Gods. We desire you and our mortal servants, who are angels or other celestial servants, to live in the present and not to fret or worry about their future, for they will serve us wherever they may be.

13. There is a great advantage and blessing for our mortal angels and servants to continue in your telestial mortal estate on the earth. The experiences you gain in mortality can only be learned while in the fallen telestial world. Once you live in celestial realm, either as a celestial spirit or a celestial resurrected being, your learning would have greatly decreased. We are blessing you to live in the telestial mortal estate as long as possible for your own growth.

14. In the second part of your question, you wondered if your physical aches and pains carry over to your replicated being in the celestial realms. You are now having these aches in your mortal physical body only. These are not transferred into you celestial replicated being. However, if you become very ill, your actions as a replicated being do somewhat decrease, just because your spirit is working very much on overcoming the illness so that you will feel better. This is its first priority. This effort takes away a certain amount of your concerted effort in serving us in your replicated status. The ideal is to have you live in a healthy body on the earth, then you may be able to serve us best in the celestial realms.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words! I asked him to help me to live in the present, with no expectations about the future. I want to just let come what comes, and do my best.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 7, 2019, Thursday

1. I have come to realize that there is a big difference between celestial translation and terrestrial translation. I would like more enlightenment on this today. I'll see if my Heavenly Parents will address this.

I came again to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I knelt by the shore, asking for my Heavenly Parents, or one, to come to me. I waited. Heavenly Mother appeared before me, to my right side on the shore of the circling waters! She was very bright and full of light. I could tell her light and love penetrated me fully so that there was no darkness or doubt or unsureness in me. I was fully illuminated in her glorious presences!

2. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, there is a large difference between translated states of terrestrial and celestial beings. This is due to the nature of the missions of each, and from which spiritual realm they work.

3. For terrestrial beings who are translated, they do not have the capacity to replicate their body. Wherever they are located is where their ministry is from, in their conscious state. They are in an elevated terrestrial sphere where they minister to our elect children. They have the protection of this higher realm around their being at all times. Their translation elevates them in the flesh to this terrestrial state, from where they may freely come and work. When in the telestial sphere, they have full protection from disease and death. They may also take the elect with them into the terrestrial sphere so that you may use their own portal to transfer these elect individuals to other locations on the earth. These transfers are not visible to the telestial on the earth. They will transport these righteous individuals to the New Jerusalem and to the Church of the Firstborn, even as Jesus Christ may direct them (see D&C 77:11).

4. The celestial that are translated, as are you, live in the mortal telestial state like they have lived in since birth. They are still subjected to the telestial world on the earth and may become ill or even die, for they live in that telestial sphere. However, they have power to replicate their physical translated body into the celestial sphere. This celestial sphere may be around the earth or on the celestial orb, like where you located at this time.

5. Since your translated physical body is located in the celestial sphere, you are also elevated to that realm and what beings in that realm may do. You may replicate yourself as often as is required, to as many times as the need arises. This you do by the power of God, which we have extended to you. You come to those you minister to as angels of light, usually not visible unless we have that as part of your assignment. You receive all of your directives from us, either your Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother. There are a relatively small number of you who are mortal angels and servants, living your life in the fallen telestial sphere along with other mortals. In your mortal state, where you live with your physical body and conscious mind, you appear as the rest of humanity who are all around you. You don't have any additional powers in your flesh because of you status as celestial angels and servants. You are able to gain the lessons and experiences of the flesh, even while you minister to the elect in the celestial realms. Your Heavenly Father explained to you last night that we consider this a great advantage for your eternal progress and growth. You are able to continue learning from this fallen telestial world, even while serving us night and day in the celestials realms above. You may also bear children as do other mortals on earth.

6. You can see that translation to a terrestrial or celestial state is very different! We have designed it in this way because of the different parameters of each realm, and of the different missions of those who serve us in these realms. The biggest factor is that you have the power to replicate, whereas those in the terrestrial realm do not. You also are able to labor in the celestial realms in your full unconscious mind, whereas the terrestrial translated labor in their conscious mind only. Your capabilities in the celestial realm are far greater. However, this necessitates that you live in the telestial sphere of the earth in your mortal physical bodies, subject to the illnesses and potential death in that sphere. Were we to protect you in the flesh with your celestial glory, you would shine and attract attention from the celestial film of that realm that would come over you. This is not our desire, for we desire you who are translated to a celestial glory to act in the flesh as everybody else who lives there. You fully appear as a mortal since that is what you are. Your translated body, which is celestial, is only in the celestial realm and not in the mortal telestial realm. As such, you may work and labor for us in behalf of the mortal elect on the earth and the elect in the spirit realms of the dead. You work directly as our extension to our faithful children who are now on the earth.'

7. I felt very enlightened by Heavenly Mother's words! I see the reasons why translation is so different in the terrestrial and celestial realms. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wonderful descriptions and explanations to me this morning.

8. I have read in my post 84, on the June 27th entry, 13th paragraph down, that Heavenly Father told me that I needed to be mortal to perform the waters of separation ordinance. I assume then that I will not die prior to coming to the New Jerusalem temple area. I will still be mortal. The other angels who work in the New Jerusalem temple may be translated or resurrected.

9. I then asked my Heavenly Mother, what was still before me, if I would live in the flesh to be able to fulfill the Waters of Separation ordinance for the faithful? Here is her response: 'Raphael, for you, we will preserve your life so that you will become our celestial translated angel in the New Jerusalem. You have a unique mission, and we want you to be a mortal angels throughout the millennium.'

I thanked her for her answer. I will still live in the present, and not worry about any such things.