Circling Waters, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's Garden

Imagine yourself kneeling on the little rock hill behind the circling pool,
facing the clouds in the upper left where your Heavenly Parents come!

46. The Times of the Gentiles Fulfilled!
Posted 3-18-2017

Hi friends!

Yes, it's me, R again! I have been asked to share the information that I have written in my journal over the past 3 1/2 weeks.

The time since my last post has been one of self-imposed silence, so that you would be hopefully be able to connect to God in prayer more fully, without my input. I hope that it has been a fulfilling time for you! I hope that you will continue to feel closer and closer to your Heavenly Parents in the coming days.

However, now we have entered into a new, important phase in the world. I describe this below in my post. I believe that we have completed the Times of the Gentiles, and have entered into the day of Israel! This is a monumental time for each of us who have been called as angels of God. Our work will be in the spirit realms almost exclusively, as it has always been for the work of God through his angels.

Please pray about this, and confirm all that I say. Please don't rely on my words alone! I believe each one of you will be very impacted by this new information. The time for preparation is ended now, and the time for action is here.

I would love to hear from each of you also–your impressions, thoughts and questions. I pray for you all the time!


(Copyright © 2025 Images in this post were drawn or taken by R or downloaded from

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-25-2017, Saturday

1. . . . This morning I prayed before my Heavenly Parents at the little knoll above the circling pool, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's gardens. I feel so privileged to have them come so quickly before me. Their eyes were soft and compassionate, full of acceptance and love for me.

2. I spent a lot of my prayer praying for the mortal angels, then the 144,000, then all of the elect of God. I spent more effort in praying for my wife and family, and that we would all grow and mature in pleasing ways before God. I felt that my Heavenly Parents will honor and bless all of these, according to my prayer, and their plan for all.

3. At the end, after I concluded my prayer, they (Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother) looked at each other, then came next to me. I stood and we all went somewhere together. I tried to know where this was, but us unable to.

However, I feel peace and great love from them. These are wonderful days in my prayers. I am in readiness I feel, to act in my calling as Raphael, and as they want me to act.

3. Later, at 3:45 pm
My wife went with our daughter to ShopKo (local store) and I decided to pray, since I was alone.

When I went to the circling pool, in Heavenly Mother's gardens above the waterfall, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I looked into Heavenly Father's eyes first, and they had changed from soft and accepting this morning, to firm and resolute, almost righteous anger, I thought. Heavenly Mother's eyes were similar, but more disgust than angry it seemed.

I addressed them both, and asked if I might know what was the cause of this change that I immediately saw in their eyes.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke, and asked that I write the words she now speaks as she says them:

'Raphael, our son, you have seen that our eyes are firm and resolute, and looking off in the distance at something that upsets and angers us. We see everything that each of our children does, and that happens in the darkened world in which you live.

5. First, we are pleased with what you have posted this week, which is our attempt to spur the mortal angels onto a deeper connection with us. This they may do in prayer, with greater ability than ever before, to connect to us. We stand ready for each one to individually pray, in the fervor of their soul, and to come into our presence. Time is running out, and we are disappointed by the lack of energy that some are applying to receiving us, their God, more fully into their lives.

6. We will wait only a few more weeks until we can wait no longer. You have prayed for the mortal angels, but they have been slow to respond. They need to slow down their lives, and prioritize their time in order to put us first in their lives. There are so many distractions that they allow to get in their way of the critical issue of coming to us, so that we might give them of our love and personal direction.

7. We will now distress their lives more, with the realization and impressions again to make time to be holy, and to come unto us in their secret places. However, there will be many who will not be ready when the towers fall, and the earth is suddenly thrown into chaos and cataclysm.

8. For those angels who do not respond quick enough, then you and the few others who have, or will have responded, will need to shoulder their load and responsibilities. If they come unto us and hear our voice of direction, they will be able to offload you. However, if not, you are left with a higher load. This then is our backup plan, to have you and those ready to be loaded with more tasks of protection, healing and initiation of calamities.

9. We will greatly strengthen you and all the mortal angels who respond, by arming you in power and great glory. This is what Nephi saw in 1 Nephi 14:14-17.

"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.

And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth.

And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things—

And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."

10. The second part of these verses talk about the wrath of God being poured out upon the mother of harlots, the great and abominable church of the devil. This anger and wrath is now looming inside of us, for the world increases in sin and wickedness everyday. Soon the cup of our indignation will overflow, and we will give commands to our holy angels to execute vengeance and judgment upon the entire earth.

Watch and be ready!'

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-26-2017, Sunday

1. Today it got down to 3.5 degF on our deck–brrrr! At least the sky is clear and it is sunny. I am really ready for spring!

I was so tired last night that I went to bed quite early, and then I awoke earlier than normal too. I have been reading in 1 Nephi 14, and had some major insights I think–with the help of M.S.'s podcast.

Here are some questions/answers I received, right after my prayer. In my prayer, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had firm and resolute eyes. After I pled with them, their eyes softened as they were looking at me.

2. Q– Is the LDS Church now classed among the great and abominable church of the devil?
A– Yes. See 1 Nephi 14 and Mormon 8.

Q– Is there now two churches only?
A– Yes

3. Q– Who are those who are the church of the Lamb? See 1 Nephi 14:14
A– These are those who are heirs of the Church of the Firstborn, who are now being awakened, even starting with the mortal angels whose numbers are few.

4. Q– In 1 Nephi 14:17– 'In that day' when the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, is that also the day of the awakening of the 144,000 out of every nation?
A– Yes

Then, to me, it seems that there are several waves or periods of awakening:
1st– Mortal angels (tip of the spear)
2nd– 144,000 (vanguard group)
3rd– The elect of God throughout the world.

Q– Is this true?
A– Yes. The intent is for the first two groups to rescue, protect and save the larger last group.

5. Later: I went with my wife and A. to his singles ward today. They got a new Bishop today. It should be nice to have a change.

During the sacrament song, I went, in my mind, to a location above the waterfall, opposite the river from the circling pool. I knelt on a grassy area facing the river. I made a covenant with my Heavenly Parents. I made my covenant and afterwards I partook of the sacrament bread. My Heavenly Parents waited before me until I partook of the bread (this is their common practice).

6. Once I ate the bread, my Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, on behalf of your Heavenly Mother and myself, we accept the covenant that you have made today. You have covenanted to take upon yourself the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We promise to be with you always.

7. This is the time of awakening of our mortal angels. The window of opportunity is fast closing for the mortal angels. Once the destruction begins in greatly increasing amounts, it will be the time of awakening of the 144,000. Your combined mission will be to protect, save and bring to the Church of the Firstborn, all of the elect of God. These are all those with whom we are focusing our rescue efforts.

8. The demands and responsibilities that you will shoulder are going to be increasing in the days and weeks ahead, Raphael. Watch and be ready!'

After these words, I thought of the mortal angels, and prayed for God to help them awaken in time.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-28-2017, Tuesday

1. Yesterday, I was out shoveling snow and was listening to Handel's Messiah on my earphones. I was intrigued by the 5th piece, a bass singing from Haggai about shaking the nations. Then, Handel added another scripture (by inspiration I believe) from Malachi, how God would suddenly come to his temple.

'5. Accompagnato

Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts: Yet once a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.
And I will shake all nations; and the desire of all nations shall come."
2. (Haggai 2: 6-7)

The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the Covenant, whom you delight in; behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of hosts."
(Malachi 3: 1) '

3. I starting thinking about things, and then looked up what I had received about the temple in heaven being cleared of the smoke of God's wrath on 4-12-2017, after the seven angels had poured out the wrath of God upon the nations of the earth.

My questions about this:

4. Q– In Malachi 3:1, is the Lord coming suddenly to his temple referring to the event on April 3, 1836 when Jesus came to the Kirtland Temple, as well as Moses and Elijah and other?
A– No

Q– In Malachi 3:1, is this the Lord coming suddenly to the temple referring to an appearance after the smoke in the temple in heaven disperses on 4-12-2017?
A– Yes!

5. Then last night in my prayer, opposite the circling water pool in Heavenly Mother's garden, Heavenly Father spoke to me about this very thing. He said that Jesus would appear at his holy celestial temple, once the wrath of God is cleared (the smoke) from the temple on 4-12-2017. Jesus will then orchestrate much of the happenings to start the New Jerusalem Temple area. He will organize and further direct the 144,000 to start their mission of blessing the elect of God. He has already commissioned them on 10-3-2016 on Mount Zion (Mount Timpanogos), when they came in the white cloud on that mountain, after my sister K and I blessed the earth, etc. The 144,000 report directly to Jesus, and the angels report to our Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father said that calamity would be unleashed upon the wicked prior to the smoke being dispersed on 4-12-2017.

The order of awakening is first for the mortal angels, then to the 144,000, and finally to the elect of God.

6. Then this morning in my prayer, I knelt next to the fountain of living waters, facing the golden alter and the temple. I felt that all the institutions of the earth were corrupt, including the Jews and how that entire nation was established. However, the hand of God was involved in this also. The real gathering of Israel will commence from God once the curtains fall (calamity comes), explained in 1 Nephi 14:14-17, when God will begin gathering Israel from the entire earth. This will end the day of the Gentile, or the fulfilling of the times of the Gentiles. Then will God do his strange work and act, his marvelous work and a wonder, in reclaiming all the house of Israel. This will be done in a time of great calamity and distress in the world.

I just now prayed and confirmed what I have written to be of God and to be true.

More detailed questions on 2-28-2017
7. Q– Are the 144,000 now commissioned and ordained? And did this occur on Mt Zion (Mt Timpanogos) on 10-3-2016?
A– Yes and yes.

Q– Will the 144,000 also be gathered around the temple at the time that Christ appears suddenly, on or after 4-12-2017?
A– Yes, it will be the celestial temple in heaven.

8. Q– Will all the holy angels (including mortal angels) also be gathered around the celestial temple at that same time?
A– Yes

Q– Will our Heavenly Parents also be gathered there?
A– They won't come at first, but will come after the 144,000 are dismissed and sent on their missions, with assignments from Christ.

9. Q– Will the holy angels remain there when Heavenly Father and Mother come in person to the temple on that day?
A– Yes

Q– So, is the first half of this meeting at the temple one where Jesus Christ reigns, and gives the directions to the 144,000, and also introduces to them the holy angels who will be assisting them in the great labor to bring the elect from all the earth?
A– Yes

10. Q– Is the second half of this meeting, once the 144,000 are excused to fulfill their missions, and when our Heavenly Parents come–is this part of the meeting conducted by our Heavenly Parents?
A– Yes

11. Q– Will the angels be charged with their missions and receive further directions from our Heavenly Parents and Jesus at that time?
A– Yes

Q– Will these directions include 1) providing protection for the elect, and for 2) initiating future destructions and calamities upon the wicked and the great and abominable church of the devil (the corrupted institutions of the world)?
A– Yes

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-28-2017, Tuesday

1. Well, February 2017 is past now–time seems to zip by so fast these days!

I wanted to write about my prayer connections.

Some days and prayers are better than others. I try, however, each time I have my personal prayer, to meditate and visualize where I am or 'need' to be. It seems that there is a specific place, usually in the celestial world, for me to go to pray. When I pray, after kneeling and settling down, I say 'Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother', or 'Elohim', or 'My Heavenly Parents'. I then sense very clearly that usually both of my Heavenly Parents come before me. I always 'look' at them, their forms, and their robes. I particularly 'look' spiritually into their eyes. I can see into their eyes and faces during every prayer these days.

2. Recently, I have seen firm, steadfast eyes, and their eyes that are, at first, looking off in the distance. These seem to be the eyes of anger, disgust, and vengeance. As I pray to them, their eyes turn towards me and soften. Then I see their eyes full of love and compassion towards me, their son, who is addressing them in the sincerity and energy of his soul. I am fully enraptured in the moment of connection with them.

3. As I pray, I often ask them questions. I immediately 'know' their answer, not audibly usually, but by an inward sense of awareness that I believe they communicate to me directly. Sometimes they speak to my mind, and I listen intently. I later write these thoughts and words down.

4. Sometimes they speak very clearly and have me write while they speak. One of them, either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother, talks to me. I always know who it is, and what they say. Sometimes, they continue talking with me but I can't hear or perceive what they are saying anymore. I then believe these words are not for me now.

5. I pray morning and evening, in my meditations. During the day, apart from prayer, I can immediately 'see' or 'hear' their words, or know answers to my petitions and questions. I yearn for the angels, the 144,000, the elect, and for my loved ones in my family to be blessed–and these are they whom I pray for in almost every prayer now a-days too.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-2-2017, Thursday

1. Today I am 66 years old! It is a sunny, cold day, 19 degF, when I awoke at around 7 am. I feel happy and content. I want to be a better person–more understanding and compassionate, possessing more wisdom. I want to fill my time with service to those around me. I feel like Abraham– 'I seek for the blessings of the fathers, and the right to be ordained to administer to the same, desiring to be one who possesses great knowledge, to be a greater follower of righteousness, a prince of peace, and desiring to receive instructions, and to keep the commandments of God, a rightful heir, a high priest, holding the right belonging to the fathers, and seeking my appointment (mission) unto the priesthood, according to the appointment of God.' (see Abraham 1:1-4).

2. This morning I went, in my mind's eye, to the little knoll above the circling pool in Heavenly Mother's garden area. I faced the temple. When my Heavenly Parents came, they were looking at me, with loving and compassionate eyes. However, at the end of my prayers, when they looked up seeing the world, and its state, their eyes were firm and angry it seemed, with disgust. I wonder how much longer they can keep being that way without coming out in vengeance upon the world.

I asked them questions today, after thanking them abundantly for my blessings, and praying for my loved ones, the angels, the 144,000 and the elect of God.

3. Q– Brigham Young is quoted as saying that if anyone is revealed information which hasn't yet been revealed to the prophet, to not reveal it, but lock it tight and wait until it is revealed to the heads of the church. Is this true doctrine? Here it is:
"If the Lord Almighty should reveal to a high priest, or to any other than the head, things that are, or that have been and will be, and show to him the destiny of this people twenty-five years from now, or a new doctrine that will in five, ten, or twenty years hence become the doctrine of this Church and kingdom, but which has not yet been revealed to this people, and reveal it to him by the same Spirit, the same messenger, the same voice, and the same power that gave revelations to Joseph when he was living, it would be a blessing to that high priest, or individual; BUT he must rarely divulge it to a second person on the face of the earth, until God reveals it through the proper source to become the property of the people at large.

4. Should you receive a vision of revelation from the Almighty, one that the Lord gave you concerning yourselves, or this people, but which you are not to reveal on account of your not being the proper person, or because it ought not to be known by the people at present, you should shut it up and seal it as closed, and lock it as tight as heaven is to you, and make it as secret as the grave. The Lord has no confidence in those who reveal secrets, for He cannot safely reveal Himself to such persons." (JD 3:318, also quoted in Teachings of Brigham Young, ch 34)

A– No.

5. My feeling: God may reveal to whom he will, and we are all under no man-made restriction not to share, even openly, as the Holy Spirit may direct us to share. It is incumbent for each of us to determine ourselves, if we are being led in the right way or not. We should never blindly follow anyone, leaders or others, who teach any doctrine unless we have confirmed its truthfulness to our own soul.

6. My wife sent to me a little quote from Seth's blog, which I thought was very insightful, which related entirely about the folly of man, even in the church circles (Seth Godin is an author of 18 books, very out-of-the-box thinker. He writes about the post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything.):

7. "When tribal adherence becomes toxic

We see it all the time. Someone gets caught cheating, or breaking a social taboo, or undermining the fabric of our culture in order to get ahead...

And the fans of the team rush to his defense.

It happens to spiritual leaders, in sports and in politics. When a member of the tribe transgresses, our instinct is to view the attack on the transgressor as an attack on the tribe.

Of course, it's not.

Not until the tribe members abandon the cultural imperatives and support the leader instead.

Clearly, sports don't work if some players cheat with abandon. Getting rid of cheating is in the interest of all the fans, not just the ones on the other team. And more urgently, the same thing is true of the leaders we follow or the people we choose to listen to. Being a tribal leader shouldn't be a license to degrade the culture.

The bravest thing tribe members can do is judge their leaders precisely the same way they judge the leaders of other tribes. Easy to say, hard to do, because part of the tribal/fan/party dynamic is that our leaders are an expression of ourselves."

(from Seth's blog)

8. Q– On M.S.'s first podcast, on the Holy Spirit, is what he teaches about the Holy Spirit true?
A– Yes

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-4-2017, Saturday

1. Today I had a wonderful prayer in the morning, and again in the afternoon. In the morning, I was by the circling pool of water, and both of my Heavenly Parents came. They each had soft and gentle eyes for me. I was able to recreate in my prayer, a visualization of the time that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother visited me on 4-20-2013 in an energy class I attended, nearly four years ago now next month. I remember being asked to call on someone for prayer, and I asked Sara to pray, and I saw Heavenly Father in the air above us, with Jesus on his right hand. Then I could re-envision seeing Heavenly Mother come next to Heavenly Father, and then enter into the room. It was all real again! I also relived seeing or perceiving her when the God's Loving Embrace was introduced the first time to me, with Sara being the client.

I am so glad to have been able to see this all again. I feel such love and connection with my Heavenly Parents!

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-5-2017, Sunday

1. Today I awoke after a full night's sleep. . . This morning in my prayer, I went to Heavenly Mother's garden area above the falls, by the pocketed rock wall with flowers. I then went into the forest going north I think. I came to a rock exposure, a little hill just on the side of the forest. I walked up this hill in this area. I couldn't see the temple, but I could oversee the forest to my south.

2. I prayed for Elohim, and both of my Heavenly Parents came. I was so pleased to share with them my heart, my gratefulness, my desires for my family to be blessed, and the angels, the 144,000, and the elect of God. I felt that I would be in contact throughout the day, all the time, with my Heavenly Parents, as I also live in this telestial world.

3. Later: My wife and I went to a ward in Payson, Utah for sacrament meeting. The meeting was a fast a testimony meeting.

During the sacrament, I went to the area north of the pocketed flowers on the rock wall, through the forest, and on to a rock hill on the other side. I faced the temple, although I couldn't see it.

4. My Heavenly Parents came, and I made my covenant like I do each week. After I partook, my Heavenly Father came and addressed me, in words like this:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made with us today. You are highly blessed, in that each time as you have come unto us, we have communed with you. You have been diligent to make time for us, and have prioritized your life to give us a prominent place in your life.

5. Because of your diligence, we will always be with you, by your side, and behind you, guiding you through our Holy Spirit continually. (see Isaiah 30:20-21 "And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers:
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.")

When you leave us in prayer, we will continue to be by your side as your teachers.

We love you Raphael!'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-8-2017, Wednesday

1. Yesterday I got a text and a call from my son in law. He said their baby passed away just 4 weeks prior to birth, with a knot in the umbilical cord. Our daughter delivered her dead baby early this morning at 3:00 am. I know they are very heartbroken!

Our second daughter was with us yesterday when I was told the news. We were all thrown into shock and almost unbelief, along with great sadness. This was the second dead baby that they have delivered, the first one being a stillborn. We have yet to speak with them this morning.

2. I prayed this morning by the circling waters, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's gardens. I also prayed there last night. At both times, I looked into eyes of sadness and great compassion of both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were very understanding, and mourned with me during my communion with them.

3. This morning, in my prayer when they came, they appeared on each side of me, helped me off my knees, and then we sat on the bench and talked. We talked about the stillborn baby, and about my daughter and son-in-law. I prayed for their recovery during their very traumatic time, in their heartbroken state. I asked if this child would be reborn, and felt like no, he has received his body now. I also felt he has some kind of mission to perform, but I was not able to find out what it was, or that it was not for me to know at this time.

4. I felt deep comfort from my Heavenly Parents, and feel like I can move on from this situation of grief and much sadness. I also felt that my replicated person, as a healing angel of light, was there during my entire daughter's labor and delivery. I felt I was there the entire time, but I am now gone from them. I feel this is my mission of extending love and comfort during these types of very hard times with God's children.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-9-2017, Thursday

1. I prayed today about several things for me personally. I was on top of the granite cliff in Heavenly Mother's gardens:

Q– Do I need to fast, would that help me?
A No

Q– Do I need to study the scriptures more than I am doing? I am studying them as a topic comes up, but nothing on a regular basis, like reading straight through the Book of Mormon?
A– No.

2. Q– Do I need to pray now faithfully 3 times a day? I now do this in meditative personal prayer, 2 times a day.
A- 2 times a day is sufficient for you.

Q– Is it true that if something has been already revealed, that I may receive a confirmation of this, but generally not receive new revelation again from heaven?
A– Yes, a confirmation of the previous revelations is generally what you will receive. For new doctrine and direction, new revelation will be given.

3. Q– Should I not share my current journal entries yet with the mortal angels?
A– Not yet. The mortal angels still need to approach me, as a whole, more fully. Wait until I tell you when to share again.

Q– Is it better to pray with uplifted hands towards heaven, than a bowed head, 'primary-style'?
A– Yes, it is more powerful, more for deeper connective prayer, to pray with uplifted hands.

4. Q– What direction shall I go in my life? Shall I do anything different than I am currently doing in my life?
A– Raphael, your life is acceptable to us. We are pleased with your current living status. Your contributions and work for us, in your unconscious state, in your replicated body, is where your work will primarily be done for us. Live a quiet, peaceful life in your mortal, conscious state. We are using you extensively now in the unseen realms. Don't fret or worry about your mortal life, for all is in our control, and you will be led in all areas that you should pursue in your life.

5. I felt in my prayer that God is so merciful and pleased when we finally connect to them, and they lead us gently through life, at least in my life. As I am lead and receive what God daily gives me, I will be continually blessed, even though there are hardships along the way. My great work lies in the unseen world it seems. I believe this is also true for all those who are angels of God. This is part of God's strange work and act, which is now starting up in these last days.

6. D&C 101:95 "That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God."

7. Isaiah 28:21 "For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-11-2017, Saturday morning

1. I am now in the midst of my morning prayer. I am located at the beginning of Heavenly Mother's garden, not far from the river representing her, on the hill to the east. I am facing the waterfall in the distance, and only Heavenly Father is before me.

2. I asked him if I might know why, in June 2011 there was an event, which was distressing to him and Heavenly Mother, that happened with the apostles in the LDS Church. He inspired me to write as he now speaks to my mind:

'Raphael, in talking with your sister K yesterday, she mentioned a phone conversation she had with L recently. Here are more details of what we told her about this event:

3. We had impressed President Thomas B. Monson that it was time now to ordain women to the order of high priestess, which order is after the order of your Heavenly Mother, like that of the priesthood for men. He presented this to the First Presidency and then to the Twelve Apostles (see my website post in September 2016, about 1/3 down). They rejected his inspiration, and would not support him, thinking he was too old and senile to receive such a monumental revelation. They all rejected this, led by five apostles who were vehemently opposed to such a change that would happen in the church. Soon even President Monson doubted his own revelation and felt he had been misguided.

4. The revelation was this: the time had come, at that time in June 2011, for preparations for the Church of the Firstborn, which could have been a part and an extension of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this new Church of the Firstborn, there are two positions of authority–that of a high priest, and that of a high priestess. These are both positions of authority, in the priesthood for the men, and a similar order for women. The Church of the Firstborn was planned to be an extension of the LDS Church to be established when the times of the Gentiles would be fulfilled, and the times of the gathering of Israel through the 144,000 would begin. This still hasn't happened.

5. We extended this through revelation to our prophet and to the apostles in 2011. However, the apostles did not even seek to confirm by prayer whether this was true or not, but flatly rejected the revelation. We gave each one of them the time to come to their own conclusion, and were ready to confirm this to them in prayer. There was pride, arrogance, and an unwillingness to accept anything revelatory of this magnitude.

6. Your Heavenly Mother and I and our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, then withdrew our presence and spirit from the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In a few years we also withdrew the priesthood power and the keys of the priesthood that these individuals held.

7. In that same year, in December 2011, your son A. had his fall in Chile on his mission. This event started you in the process of ultimately finding out whom you were, as Raphael our archangel, and in us revealing to you information about the Church of the Firstborn. We revealed to you about the positions of high priest and high priestess in this new church, the Church of the Firstborn. All that we were planning on bringing forth out of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with respect to our new church, the Church of the Firstborn, is now being revealed through you, Raphael. We have rejected the LDS Church and its leaders for this rejection of us, their God.

8. This entire experience has caused us grief and great sadness. However, you have been raised up to continue our work in these last days. We had this all planned from the beginning, and knew that our counsels and revelations regarding the high priest and high priestess would be rejected by the leaders of our church, as has now happened.

9. You, Raphael, have not rebelled against us, but have sought us diligently your entire life. The great work of gathering, protecting and healing the elect of God will now be fully done by our holy angels and the 144,000 chosen from all the tribes of Israel. This is our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act.'

When I was finished writing this all down, I prayed for confirmation, whether what I have just written is true, and whether I recorded accurately what my Heavenly Father gave me to write.

10. Heavenly Father's eyes and face came into my view, and he said:

'Raphael, the words you have written are true! You have correctly recorded what I inspired you to write, from my own mouth.'

I then felt great peace and enlightenment. The sun even started shining through the window on me while I was still kneeling by my bed in prayer.

11. This all gives me clearer perspective of the events of these past 5+ years. This entire development in my life, in the lives of the mortal angels, and in the 144,000 has all been brought about, partly because the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wouldn't do this work. We are now the ones to carry on the work of God in these last days. I pray that none of us will reject our glorious missions, but act in holiness as commanded by our God.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-12-2017, Sunday morning

1. I read back again on the revelation I received yesterday, and had some further questions. I also read what I had written in my website post 24, part 3, where I talked about the high priestess position of authority. I have read how it is from an order from Heavenly Mother, like the priesthood is for men in an order from Heavenly Father. Women ordain women, and men ordain men. I felt that this was also all correct as I recorded it back then. I felt it was correct now as I recorded what I received from Heavenly Father yesterday too. It all fits together more clearly for me.

2. In my prayer this morning, by the golden altar facing the fountain of living waters in the celestial world, I had my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me. I asked them a question:

Q– Were women foreordained in the premortal life by Heavenly Mother to receive the office of high priestess, similar to how men were foreordained to receive the priesthood in the premortal life?
A– Yes

3. Here is what Heavenly Mother then started speaking to me (she asked me to write this as she spoke):

'Raphael, all men who receive the priesthood in mortality have been foreordained to receive it in the premortal world, in heaven. Your Heavenly Father foreordained each of his sons in this way by the laying on of his hands on their heads.

4. Similarly, I foreordained all of my daughters who were worthy, and who would receive the position of high priestess in mortality. I have also now ordained, by the laying on of my own hands, this authority on my female mortal angels, in their unconscious state, while they are now living on the earth. I have also done this for each of the mortal female members of the 144,000 from every tribe of the house of Israel, in this same way. All of these now are ordained high priestesses in the flesh, as they were foreordained to be in the premortal life. There will be others also, in due time, who will receive their calling and ordination by me while they are in mortality.

5. The revelation we gave to President Monson to reveal this new order for women, was rejected by the leading counsels of the LDS Church (the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles). They continue to preach that they follow their prophet, but in reality they didn't at that time in 2011. They offended us by not seeking in prayer their own personal revelation from us, on the subject of women being ordained to the authority of a high priestess. We would have revealed to them a glorious plan, step by step, in how this would be accomplished. We never revealed to them further light and knowledge on this issue since that time. Their minds have now been darkened, and they are left without our guidance in this and many other matters.

6. These grievous actions on their part were very sad for us. We have now recovered from our grief and are moving forward with our plan for establishing the Church of the Firstborn on earth through you, Raphael, and our holy angels who are now in mortality. We have revealed through you and others, our step-by-step plan, now done in secret, but soon to be revealed to others as we choose and direct.

7. We love you and our holy angels in your efforts to connect more fully with us. We are still open to each one, to more fully give them light and knowledge as they come unto us in the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.'

After I wrote this above, I then saw the faces of both of my smiling Heavenly Mother and smiling Heavenly Father before me, confirming to my heart and mind that what I have written is true, and was revealed from them to me. Again, I feel peace and clearness of my mind as I end my prayer this Sabbath morning.

8. Later, after church: My wife and I visited a local ward where we attended sacrament meeting. We arrived a few minutes early, and I felt like my replicated person was in the celestial world, next to the golden altar (see Revelation 8:3,5), facing the fountain of living waters. Before me were my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, in front of the fountain.

9. We soon sang the sacrament hymn, page 195, "How Great the Wisdom and the Love". As we sang the first verse, I saw, in my mind's eye, Jesus come from my left, from Heavenly Father's right side. He came from the path that led to the white gate, from which a straight and narrow path led to the tree of life. He came and stood on the right side of his Father, and all three were facing me.

10. Here are the words of the verses we sang of "How Great the Wisdom and the Love"

1. How great the wisdom and the love
That filled the courts on high
And sent the Savior from above
To suffer, bleed, and die!

2. His precious blood he freely spilt;
His life he freely gave,
A sinless sacrifice for guilt,
A dying world to save.

3. By strict obedience Jesus won
The prize with glory rife:
Thy will, O God, not mine be done,"
Adorned his mortal life.

4. He marked the path and led the way,
And ev'ry point defines
To light and life and endless day
Where God's full presence shines.

Text: Eliza R. Snow, 1804-1887
Music: Thomas McIntyre, 1833-1914

11. I felt that this is the very place where Jesus left our heavenly home to come to earth, as the babe in Bethlehem. He came from this path which led to the tree of life (see verse 4 above). It was and is in the courts above, where "God's full presence shines."

12. At this moment, I moved to a place directly behind the altar, still facing them. I knelt down on my knees. I could see all three Deities over the golden altar. We all listened to the sacrament prayer on the bread. When that was done, I raised both of my arms high above my head, and audibly made a covenant before God:

'Oh my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I covenant with thee today, to take upon me the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember thee, and to keep thy commandments which are given to me from thee. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.'

13. I then lowered my hands to my side, with the palms of my hands facing upwards in the mode of receiving, or waiting to receive from God.

The deacons then passed the bread to the congregation in the ward I was in. When they came to me, I partook.

During the short wait, between my covenant and partaking of the bread, there was a great stillness in heaven. I could see birds in the celestial world that had stopped flying or tweeting. Other animals around stood still. The Gods before me were quietly looking at me, holding still.

I looked into their faces and eyes–each one, and was so happy to see tenderness, mercy, love and pleasant feelings from them.

14. After I partook, Heavenly Father then spoke. These words were steady and clear to my mind. They were very comforting and confirming to me. I just pray I can now reconstruct what he said to me this early afternoon at church:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant that you have made, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son (he looked to his right at Jesus), to remember us always (he looked at Heavenly Mother to his left), and to keep our commandments we give you.

15. Yesterday and today, both your Heavenly Mother and I have told you why we initially rejected the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 2011, we were rejected by the prophet and apostles in preparing the way for our choice daughters to be ordained as high priestesses, which needed to be done for the great work they were to do in these last days. We then withdrew our presence from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Since then we have sworn in our hot displeasure to break up our church which we had established through our prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. We will not suffer that this restored church enter into the millennium, but will scatter the leaders and members who have rejected us.

16. However, our work will go forward, so that the elect of God may be rescued and saved. We will establish again our Church of Christ, to be created like it was in the days of Joseph. We will also bring forth the Church of the Firstborn before the glorious return of our Beloved Son to the earth. This is a day long anticipated by inspired men and women of all ages, when the Church of the Firstborn will come on the earth. These righteous souls are heirs of that church, and you will help bring them into the Church of the Firstborn. You will be assisted in this great work by all the holy angels on earth and in the spiritual realms. The 144,000 will also be very involved in the gathering of our elect. All of you will assist us in laying the foundations of Zion, the New Jerusalem, and in the saving of the elect of God on the earth. These days of transition are very soon at hand. This is the time of our marvelous work and a wonder, and of our strange work and act. The mortal angels who come unto us will soon be armed with power and great glory (1 Nephi 14:14).

17. We are pleased with the efforts of most of our mortal angels. They who are coming unto us with more desire and determination to connect in prayer to God. We will continue to extend to them until they see our faces and that know that we direct them. This is the position we wish all of our mortal angels to be in, so that we may have confidence in giving them our instructions and commandments for the great work we have for them to accomplish.

Please convey our thoughts to them on you website. We will confirm the truthfulness of this when you share this with them.'

18. The sacrament then ended. I then looked again at the three beings in front of me. Suddenly there was a very large and tall fire that burst forth on the golden altar before me! I then arose in the air and went into the flame of the fire and was gone! It was like I was watching myself do all of this. As soon as I saw myself vanish in the flames, I also saw my Heavenly Parents and Jesus suddenly depart too. This experience reminded me of what I did as the Raphael in Old Testament times, when I came as an angel to the parents of Samson (see Judges 13:20).

I have thought of this very clear and amazing experience throughout this day. I felt like writing this down all day, and finally got the opportunity about 3 1/2 to 4 hours later in my journal.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-15-2017, Wednesday

1. Last night I had a very difficult time sleeping. I wondered why I had such a restless sleep last night. Last night, and again this morning, I was in the celestial world, through the forest in Heavenly Mother's gardens, north of the wall of rock with flowers in the rock pockets. I was on the other side of the forest, kneeling on a rock outcropping. I faced north, over a cloudy mist of an area that was unknown to me.

2. My Heavenly Parents came last night and again this morning, to me in my prayer. I asked this question for some reason:

Q– Is today the last day of the times of the Gentiles, or the period/fulfillment of the times of the Gentiles? Is this the reason why I was so distressed, unable to sleep last night?
A– In answer to the first part of this question, Heavenly Father wanted me to write as he spoke to me. I plan to write the words from his own mouth, now in my journal:

3. 'Raphael, today is the last and final day of the times of the Gentiles, as spoken of in the scriptures. This is the final day of our extending our gospel and plan of happiness to any of the Gentile nations.

4. Tomorrow will be the beginning of our work, our strange work, and of our act, our strange act. Instead of focusing on all of our children, we will fully turn our efforts, in much more noticeable ways, in saving and rescuing our people, the house of Israel. These are those who are the elect of God, scattered among all nations of the earth. We will also begin in more dramatic ways, the destruction of the Gentile nations, and those who are not the elect of God.

5. Tomorrow, on 3-16-2017, will begin our work, which will extend to the elect of God. It is also a time that our wrath will be poured out upon the wicked without measure. Destruction, desolation, and calamity of all sorts will fall upon all the nations of the earth starting tomorrow.

6. Tomorrow we will call on all angels with directions and detailed instructions to their unconscious minds. This marks the beginning of our rescue efforts in saving the elect of God–those whom I have chosen when I harvested my wheat field in the celestial world. Your activity in the spirit realms will greatly increase, as well as that of all my holy angels. The time of preparation is now past, and the time of action is now at hand.

7. The eyes and face of your Heavenly Mother, of our Beloved Son, and of myself will now be firm and resolute each time you come before us. Our focus will first be to save the elect of God, and secondly in destruction of the wicked, making this world a peaceful place in which these may dwell. All our holy angels are now in place, ready to act on our commands. We will also arm our angels in power and great glory as spoken of in the scriptures.

8. Raphael, leave open time in your mortal life, for you will be more active in the spiritual realms. Your physical body will be more drained and tired because of your increased workload. Such is true with all of our mortal angels as well.

Watch, and be ready!'

Here is the scriptures referred to above by Heavenly Father:

9. 1 Nephi 14:14-17–
"And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.

And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth.

And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying: Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots; and behold, thou seest all these things—

And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose founder is the devil, then, at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."

10. I am left to wonder at what I have just written! I feel like I have very much been directed in these words. When I asked in prayer to confirm what I have written, I felt assurance that I recorded and wrote all of this correctly. I feel clearly that this is of God.

11. 11:20 pm: In my evening prayer now, I prayed again to God who was before me, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I was located this time west of the tree of life, facing east towards the tree, kneeling in the garden area beyond the tree. I was able to see soft and gentle eyes of both my Heavenly Parents. I asked them some questions:

Q– Did I receive all this direction correctly this morning?
A– Yes!

12. Q– Shall I share all of this now that I have written, with the mortal angels?
A– Yes! The time of preparations is now completed, and the time of action is at hand. The holy angels will now rise up in 'the power of God and great glory', all done in the spirit realms before God, in their unconscious minds. In their normal body (in their conscious minds), they will appear as normal good people. This is the meaning of this verse (1 Nephi 14:14), that they will now rise up in 'the power of God and great glory'–this will be in their unconscious state, in spirit realms. This is how the strange act, and the work of God, which will mostly move forth among God's children on earth.

13. My own impressions of this new phase, the day of Israel and of gathering of the elect of God, and of the destructions of the Gentile nations: All this may be immediately or slow in coming, or in any combination God chooses to use. We angels will be receiving our first set of instructions, however, on 3-16-2017 sometime.

This is all very exciting! I suspect too that when I look again into the faces of God, into their eyes, that they will be firm and resolute, focused on saving the elect and destroying the wicked. I will wait and see!

14. Q– What percentage of this strange work and act will be done in the unconscious state of man, in the spirit realms?
A– 98%! God desires also to do his work in a large part, in secret before mankind.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-16-2017, Thursday

1. After my prayer last night, I was musing on how God would do his work in the spirit realms by using his angels. I felt that this is no change at all! For it has always been done this way, in secret, that angels above have mostly ministered to mankind! This is a continuation of the pattern since the beginning. Practically all of the interaction between angels and mankind has been hidden from the view of mortals. Angels operate on a celestial level, and those in mortality are in a telestial state–so naturally they wouldn't be able to see them operate! It takes very refined and pure eyes to see them, or anything celestial for that matter, when one is in mortality.

2. It now makes perfect sense that this will be the mode of operation for God to continue to do his strange work and act, in these last days too. If angels do need to appear, it may likely be still in-cognito, like the prayer visions were.

Also, today I awoke much more refreshed and calm. I am so glad! Yesterday I was 'off' all day, feeling something was up but not sure what it was. Even my concerned wife noticed this in me.

3. When I began my morning prayer today, around 8:30 am, I was in the garden area west of the tree of life, facing west. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came. I looked into their eyes and faces. Their eyes were no longer gentle, with soft, compassionate eyes. Instead, they were more firm and determined, it seemed, in all of their interactions with me. When I also prayed to them at first, I met them with my sword of Raphael raised high in my right hand, with my right arm above my head. I soon sheathed my sword just before I started to address them. Please note that I did not consciously try or even think to do this–it just happened and I observed this. It seems that I was very much more in a readiness stance today. I was also fully clothed in my angelic healing and protection vestures, ready for action. I hadn't been noticing this (that I had been wearing my vestures) so much in the recent past, but today it was very evident that there was a change. I feel now is the time for action and obedience to God, and not the day of many words.

4. Q– Is today, 3-16-2017, the beginning day when, as Nephi says in 1 Nephi 14:17 "at that day, the work of the Father shall commence, in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants, which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel."?
A– Yes, today starts that day. The day of extending to the Gentiles is now past. This is the day when God extends all day long for his people, the elect of God who are scattered in all the nations of the earth. The big effort will be to bring as many as will come to the New Jerusalem, which will soon be built in the center of the land.

5. During my prayer, I also noticed that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother now wore a red scarlet sash around their robes. I suspect they will continue to wear this until the second coming of their Beloved Son in glory. I feel we are in a new phase of their work now too. I feel ready and very active in all that I do now, in the spirit realms, in working directly for them. I feel there are arrays of angels too, both mortal and non-mortal, who are poised and ready to act. Today is the day of their first instructions!

6. I also was listening to M.S.'s podcast today while feeding our chickens, "An Eye of Faith" (since removed), and was impressed with this quote from Joseph Smith that he gave:

"All things whatsoever God in his infinite wisdom has seen fit and proper to reveal to us, while we are dwelling in mortality, in regard to our mortal bodies, are revealed to us in the abstract, and independent of affinity of this mortal tabernacle, but are revealed to our spirits precisely as though we had no bodies at all; and those revelations which will save our spirits will save our bodies. God reveals them to us in view of no eternal dissolution of the body, or tabernacle." (The King Follett Discourse)

7. I find it interesting Joseph's choice of words, particularly "in the abstract", for that is how I see into the spiritual realms too! I believe that all my revelations and directions from God have been done in this manner. I hear and view God in what I call my unconscious mind, which is really my eternal spirit absorbing all of the truth, and then transferring it to my mortal conscious mind, where I can understand it in my mortal tabernacle.

N. R's Personal Journal Entry, 3-17-2017, Friday

1. This morning I prayed next to the circling waters pool, above the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's garden. I did so last night too.

I asked if my draft post that I prepared yesterday was acceptable to them. They said it was good to go–I will finish it up today and send it off to K for review.

2. I had some questions too:

Q– Is my time in the spirit realms increased significantly since I was given new directions yesterday?
A– Yes. You were given additional assignments yesterday, and are more replicated too. Your workload is about 50% greater than it was on Wednesday, 3-15-2017.

3. Q– Is this true also for the mortal angels as well?
A– Yes, their workload has also sizably increased. As a group, you are mostly now actively obeying our commandments and directions.

Q– Are there some mortal angels that haven't accepted assignments yet?
A– Yes, but the vast majority are acting in obedience. The workload of those who are not yet active in listening and obeying is currently being shouldered by you and others. We hope this will be largely corrected in the near future.

4. Q– Are the 144,000 now being awakened to their callings, also in the spirit realms in their unconscious minds?
A– Yes, this is their time of awakening unto God. Their assignments will be given by Jesus Christ on 4-12-2017, as you have already written about. These individuals have already been commissioned by Jesus Christ, and have been given authority.

5. Q– Is Gabriel, the 6th angel spoken of in Revelation 9:13, still scheduled to sound his trump on Monday, 3-27-2017?
A– Yes.

Q– Will we be able to hear his trumpet sound if we ask in faith?
A– Yes. He will sound at 6:00 am that morning. He will sound from the Middle East, but you should be able to hear it when you are in a meditative state. It is sufficient to listen at 6:00 am local time to hear it, wherever you are located on the earth.

6. At the end of my prayer, I could see a slight twinkle in the eyes of both my Heavenly Parents. They were still very firm and resolute in their eyes, but appeared more inwardly soft and loving towards me, even though I didn't see it in their eyes except for that twinkle. I believe this will be the way I see them now for some time. They also continued to wear the scarlet-red sash around each of their robes."