B. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 21, 2018, Wednesday
1. I came this morning to the adjacent room to pray. I love the quietness of the morning! I feel I can really hear well my Heavenly Parents voice in my thoughts and in my heart. I treasure these times alone with them.
M.S. said one thing I really liked in his latest podcast, #2: he said this is God's voice given to us in our thoughts and that many of us will dismiss this as our own thinking. He then said that of any time they were to speak to us, God would not leave us alone and that he would surely answer us at this time in our prayer and for us to trust that our thoughts then are from God and not ourselves.
2. This was a very confirming message to me and has been the same message and experience I have received. I call this experience of him/her speaking to me to be in my unconscious mind through my thoughts, so very subtle and quiet. This is the same thing that M.S. had expressed, but he didn't call it unconscious.
Anyway, I came to the desert oasis in heaven. This is a real place, as are all the locations I visit and pray from in heaven, on the celestial orb where my Heavenly Parents live. It is meant that we come to them here in their world, in our own home where we lived in the presence of God, our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ. This all requires us to at first visualize that we are there. This is what I do and then I can perceive in my mind all around me. When either or both of my Heavenly Parents come, or Jesus, it is very clear to me. I perceive them as I gaze spiritually upon them. I can distinctly now hear their voice as they transfer their thoughts directly into my own mind. This is all a very amazing and true process. I am filled with their love, light, acceptance and peace that accompanies their messages. I prize these experiences in prayer so very much!
I knelt in the sand facing the oasis and asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them, to come to me in answer to my prayer request. I then perceived my Heavenly Mother behind me on the bench sitting down! I turned and she smiled at me. She patted the open bench area to her left and I took her cue and sat next to her. She extended her left hand to me and I took it in mind.
She gently squeezed my hand and spoke:
3. 'Raphael, my son, we are no respecter of persons. We will come to every one of our children who may come to us in prayer as you do. We will speak to them as they open up their minds and hearts to us and humbly and diligently seek us. Our children so often reject our thoughts and promptings to them, for they think they made this all up by themselves. They need to accept these thoughts, for we will always come and not let this precious moment flee away without speaking our love and peace to them. We have done this to you and will also gradually lead them along by our personal revelations to their hearts and minds.
4. This entire process of speaking our thoughts to our children's thoughts was set up by our first parent Gods. They were so wise and knew that our children in mortality would really need to diligently seek us in order to hear us, believing it was us and not their own selves who were speaking. This then is a perfect test of the faith, openness and diligence of our children and is all initiated by their own choice and not that of another's.
Our methods then are to witness peace and acceptance, love and light to our receptive child who has quieted down and sought us diligently. This is well described in the experience of Oliver Cowdery when Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, spoke to him:
5. D&C 6:22-23
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.
Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?"
We purposely give to our faithful line upon line. They must separate themselves from the expectations of their society, like "God won't speak to me!", or "who am I that God would ever speak to me?". We like it when they wean themselves from religious and societal norms and expectations:
6. Isaiah 28:9-10 (comments in parentheses by Heavenly Mother)
"Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. (This means that they don't rely on others' views, or a supposed way of how things are done; or the doctrines of others, but are determined to find out for themselves, being very open and receptive to us, their Gods)
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"(Isaiah repeats these phrases in this verse, emphasizing how slow and gentle our guidance and revelations are to those who receive. We want them to absorb one teaching or doctrine before giving them more. We especially don't want to reveal too much, for we don't want them to be overwhelmed.)"
7. Raphael, we have asked you to write all of your communications with us from the beginning, starting nearly six years ago. As others read your accounts, it will be helpful for them to read from the beginning, how you grew and perceived more and more, as we gradually revealed our revelations to you. As they read and ponder your writings, we wish them to also pray and ponder over your words. We will confirm all our truths to them, like we confirmed these originally to you. We ultimately desire a close communion with each of our beloved sons and daughters who are in their mortal probation. Your words and revelations will lead them along, as will other scriptural accounts we give them.'
I thanked my loving and glorious Heavenly Mother next to me! She squeezed my hand again and kissed me on my cheek. Then she suddenly left. I then began writing all of her words down in my heavenly journal. I next came to my surroundings in my home on earth where I had been writing all of this down in my earthly personal journal. I feel full of peace and clarity and enlightenment. This is a witness to me that I have really communed again with my Heavenly Mother and that this was a very real experience, not made up by me. I closed my prayer and started a new day.
8. Evening–I enjoyed my day today. Our second daughter came to our home like she does every Wednesday. She has been struggling for the past four months with health issues. It started with a rash, then pain came to her bladder and kidney and seemed to move around to her neck, back and then pelvic area. She now is tired so much of the time and feels poorly. She has been to so many health practitioners. I have worked on her and just today did a short healing session on her neck and pelvic area. I feel helpless and the many other healers/doctors have no more ideas. I am asking "why don't my Heavenly Parents heal her with me acting as their conduit for healing?" I hope my Heavenly Parents will answer this question and allow me to help heal her with their power.
I came tonight to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I sat on the bench looking to the lake in front of me. I drank from the little stream next to me, then knelt on the grass. There were beautiful flowers around me. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me.
Both of my Heavenly Parents came to the top of the switchback path to my right. I looked up at them and then they immediately beamed themselves right in front of me! They were surrounded by light coming from their immediate persons. They both were smiling at me. They were holding hands.
Heavenly Father spoke to me:
9. 'Raphael our son, we understand how difficult it has been for your daughter to heal for the past four months with pain that still persists. She hasn't been successful in getting a diagnosis from you nor the doctors and other healers she has gone to. It has been frustrating to her and her husband.
We know how to heal you. We will also extend to you our Godly power so that you may act as our conduit of healing. However, you need to act in all things as we direct you. Without our power, the healing she seeks for will not come. Today you asked for our presence as you sought to extend to her a God's Loving Focus healing gift. You felt your Heavenly Mother's hand next to your hand as she guided your hands to work by her power of healing. She then directed you to repeat healing sessions for your daughter every other day for a week or more. You may do them remotely rather than in person.
10. Raphael, we will extend to you and our healing angels our healing power as you may humbly ask of us for your loved ones and friends in your life. Many times the doctors will have reached the end of their skills and knowledge of how to heal the one who is ill. However, we have the power to heal. We will extend our healing power through our healing angels and healers on the earth. Sometimes we will direct them to heal a particular person, and sometimes we will hear the prayers of our faithful healing angels and healers. All healing comes from us who have this power.
When you remotely work on your daughter, ask her spirit to come here in her unconscious mind to this lake. After you extend to her our healing power as we direct you, have her immerse herself in the lake behind us. This action will help clear her of the toxins and settle her body and spirit so her healing session is gentle on her.'
Heavenly Mother then spoke to me next:
11. 'Raphael, we deeply love your sweet daughter. She has been very compliant with all the remedies and doctor visits and yet she now feels just as bad as at the beginning. Pray for her and we will answer your requests for her healing, all according to our own plan for her experience and growth.
You never know our will for the healing of our children unless we bless you with that knowledge. Always act in faith and be a humble conduit and we will extend our power of healing through you. Be faithful and diligent and you will be able to have great healing in your hands as we bless you with our healing power.'
I humbly bowed my head and thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words to me tonight! I told them I felt weak, but I knew with their power I could act as their conduit for healing. I thanked them for their power they will extend through us, their healing angels. They then left me in a beam of light, directly up into the skies above. When they were gone, I closed my prayer and got ready for bed. I prayed for my sick daughter whom I love.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 22, 2018, Thursday (Thanksgiving)
1. I reread my entry of last night. I so hope for the wellbeing and healing of my daughter. However, I know of myself I am nothing and cannot heal her. It is only through God's power that this is possible.
I came to the entrance of the river representing Heavenly Father into Lake Beautiful, on the east side of the road that is next to the river that enters into the lake on the south end. It was grassy with flowers blooming to my right. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come here in answer to my prayer.
I then saw a man walking on the road on the other side of the river. He was heading towards the lake it seemed. I knew it was my Heavenly Father. I raised my hand and got his attention. He waved back and asked me to come to him across the river. I stood and started to walk across the river. I saw that the river then became turbulent and splashing. The wind started to blow. I looked up at my Father and kept my eyes fixed on him as I walked across these waters. I soon reached the shore. I looked back and the river had returned to a calm state. I came before my Father on the road and knelt before him.
I immediately thanked him for his strength and power to carry me across his river. I said I knew it was he who helped me walk across the turbulent waters.
Heavenly Father spoke next:
2. 'Raphael, look to your Heavenly Mother and me when you need to heal anyone. We will give you thoughts particular to the healing we wish to extend to that person. Keep your eyes focused on us and our desires. There may be times when you wish to heal and that we desire to delay healing, or partially heal, or heal in a way that is different than you initially feel to do. In all things, do as we ask of you. This is the only way to effectively access our healing power.
Afterwards, acknowledge all healing is from us, your Gods. You need not usually mention of the details of what we did in guiding you, but acknowledge our healing power. Be humble and follow what we prompt you to do.'
I bowed my head in acknowledgement of his will and power. I said I would do according to his will. I would seek to deflect any accolades to myself and defer all praise to God. I will listen carefully to my Gods , who will give me their direction. I will follow their will for me to act as their conduit, all done by their power.
Heavenly Father then smiled at me. He said he loved me and loved my open and humble attitude. He said too that this same procedure should be followed by the healing angels in all their works. He then turned to walk to Lake Beautiful and disappeared before me. I closed my prayer and went out with my wife who had gotten up.
3. I came to the desert oasis where I knelt to pray. I faced the water in front of the bench. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Mother then came to me, directly in front, gradually appearing in the air. She was so full of light and love, which I could feel from her.
She spoke:
4. 'Raphael, we accept your prayer you gave to us at the beginning of your Thanksgiving feast with your gathered family. We will bless your loved ones and strengthen and nourish them as they allow us to do so. We will entice, persuade and whisper to their inner selves. If they respond and hear our voice, we will lead and bless them according to their faith and diligence. However, if they reject us, we will never force them, for they may choose how they wish. We will bless and strengthen their bodies to be strong, all according to our purposes as we have determined for each one.
5. Raphael, some of our children pray and direct us to do certain things that we can't possibly fulfill! They often tell us to bless so and so, or to make a certain thing to happen. We prefer for our children to approach us humbly and to importune us to bless how we might bless their family or friends. They may ask us also to use our influence, if it be according to our will, to create a certain outcome. We then may do this according to our desires.
In all of our interactions with our children, we never overstep the bounds we have set for ourselves in fully allowing the agency of our children.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her truths she shared with me. I feel so very freed by this revelation. I ask and pray for their influence in the lives of my family and friends. I try hard not to use language that might sound like I am directing them. I want to use imploring and petitioning language. I want to always realize that human agency trumps everything, as it applies to God working among their children.
Heavenly Mother told me that I had written her words correctly. I thanked her for answering my prayer tonight. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 23, 2018, Friday
1. This morning my wife and I will go off to work to help ship our orders. It is early and I have time for a prayer before I go.
I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I found myself kneeling by the little stream, dipping my cupped hand in living water. I felt clear and ready for my morning prayer. I remembered to have my daughter come here for me to do her remote healing work. I then saw her at the top of the switchback path. I called out to her and she saw me. She descended down the path to me. We warmly greeted and we both sat on the bench in front of the lake on the north end. I talked to her about how I would be God's conduit for healing today for her. I said all the healing would be by God and I would act as his/her conduit.
I asked her to lie down on the bench on her back. I came to her head and placed my hands under her head in anticipation of God's Loving Reset Gift, for that is what I felt to do. I then asked for one or more of my Heavenly Parents to come.
2. Heavenly Mother then came and appeared to me at my daughter's feet. She took my daughter's feet in her hands and placed her hands on top of her toes. I then felt her love and light energy flow through my daughter's body, from her feet to the back of her head, between my hands. At first I could see dark chunks of unwanted toxins and other energetic 'stuff' of some kind come between my hands. My daughter was fine and said she was comfortable.
Heavenly Mother kept sending her light and love energy coming from her through my daughter's body and then out between my hands ran clear and full of light and love matter. Heavenly Mother then lifted her hands and stepped back a few feet.
I told my daughter we were done and needed to come to the lake. I helped her up and we two walked into the lake to our shoulders. We talked a little and then came back to the shore. I hugged her, said I was hopeful with her healing, and then she departed. I walked back to the bench and knelt before my Heavenly Mother who was still there, a little elevated in the air.
Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
3. 'Raphael, this is a series of energy healing that I will give your daughter every other day for four times. Your daughter couldn't see me as you do, but she felt my light and love flowing through her body from her feet to her head. The dip in the lake helped settle her too so that the large amount of unwanted energy she experienced from her entire body would not cause her pain. Come here again on Sunday morning for another session with your Heavenly Father or me.
4. Raphael, our ways are not your ways on earth. You acted as my conduit for helping your daughter heal. Your Father and I will do this over several sessions, to the level of healing that we desire. There are other things we do that are not understood by our children on earth that seem strange to them. Our mortal children only know practices of their society and culture. However, we who are the true Gods of them and their world have access to what the family of the Gods has done for many generations.
5. The eight healing gifts we commonly use in healing our children on earth or in heaven through our healing angels (gifts 2A through @H on your website) are procedures our first parent Gods established in their very first eternity. These methods were established to heal and bless their children who would come to mortality. We, and all their children Gods, have continued to use these same healing gifts among us for our own children who come to mortality. These ways of healing are normally done outside the view of the one receiving the healing gift. They often feel the flow of light and love we send through them, but they generally don't see us. However, our healing angels see us and act under our direction.
We have never revealed these healing gifts to man except through you, Raphael. You received them by revelation in 2013-2015, as recorded in your website. These healing gifts are the most powerful healing methods we use for our children on earth.
6. All the Gods in eternity are healers and creators. This power is inherent in our power of being a God. Raphael, it has been our intention to reveal all of our healing gifts through you at this time when all things would be revealed to men and women on the earth. With these revelations also come a greater outpouring of our healing to our children.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her blessing to my daughter this morning here at the lake. I thanked her and Heavenly Father for their healing gifts and these revelations I have received starting in April 2013. I told her I would act as she, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ direct me. I prayed for her Spirit to be with me in abundance and with those like my daughter that they administer to.
Heavenly Mother said she would send her Spirit as I requested. She then faded quickly away and I was alone at the bench in front of the lake. I closed my prayer and got ready for my workday.
7. Evening–
I came tonight to the beautiful tree of life near God's temple. This tree has been in this place since our Heavenly Parents first created this celestial orb, and planted a fruited seed from their first parent God's own tree of life. All other trees of life that were transplanted to the various earths they created for their children came from the same tree of life near God's temple.
I came reverently to this amazing tree of life. I plucked of one of its fruits and a leaf. I then slipped off to the northern side and sat on a rock. I then ate the leaf and the fruit, thinking of to whom I could show more love. I thought of trying to act more pleasant, genuine, interested and service-oriented, particularly to my wife and loved ones. I thought also to have a clear and very cognitive mind, quick to remember, and also in tune spiritually to God and to other people. After eating of both, I felt clear and even transparent. I felt like I was slightly glowing too! I was now ready to approach God in prayer. I knelt next to the rock and faced the tree of life. I asked one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I watched and then saw some people around the tree of life. From the crowd, my Heavenly Father turned and motioned me to come to him. I came and stood next to him.
He then spoke to me:
8. 'Raphael, you are correct that this tree of life has been here since our first eternity. It is a celestial resurrected tree of life and never dies. I have eaten of the fruit of this tree many times, as has your Heavenly Mother. We are, however, the ones from whom the love of God flows into this tree of life and all other trees in our own galaxy.
Each time you partake of the leaf and/ or the fruit, it is good to evaluate how you interact with others of our children around you, as well as with us, your God.'
At this time, one of the other people came next to us from the crowd. I immediately saw my Heavenly Mother! She kissed my Heavenly Father and then leaned over to me and kissed me on my cheek. I was thrilled to now have both of my Heavenly Parents before me!
Heavenly Mother spoke:
9. 'Raphael, we feel very happy to be here with you at our tree of life. There is an abundant flow of love all around here, emanating from our beautiful tree of life. This same feeling of intense love will be emanating from our trees of life in the millennial day on your earth. The love of God, from your Heavenly Father and I, flows into all these trees and fills our people and all our creations with this celestial love. Our temple square area in the future New Jerusalem will be the only celestial spot on the millennial earth. All the rest will be of a terrestrial order. That celestial area will be so filled with love and light that it will shine into space. It will be a wonderful experience for our children to come to this area, the New Jerusalem temple, the trees of life, and our fountain of living water. Celestial living water will come forth from this center place to fill and heal the earth. Eternally binding ordinances for our celestial children will occur in the temple. We will frequent this beautiful area, for it will be where the celestial sphere meets the physical earth, for all to see who are privileged to be admitted.
10. Raphael, you have recently felt healing energy coming from the palms of your hands. You feel this whenever your palms are pointed at a place on your body. Soon your hands and heart will start emitting light and love too. This will be at first only evident and felt by you. Then others may also feel it, all according to your intentions. We may control the amount of light and love that comes from us too, depending on our intentions for a given situation. Our normal resting state is to emit a great amount of light and love, without our intention to cover it up.
11. To attain more and more light and love, come to us frequently as you may absorb this from our personal beings. Secondly, come frequently to one of our trees of life and partake of the fruit and leaf. Take a fruit and a leaf, which is sufficient for one day. Thirdly, serve others, either according to our directions to you, or by your own desires to uplift and bless others around you.
We will continue to bless and guide you and all our children who diligently pursue this path to attain more light and love.'
I felt so happy to be with both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I expressed my love to them and the great enjoyment I had in being with them at this tree of life. I then started fading away, like my vision was ending. I next found myself in my recliner writing all of this down in my journal. I reread it and got ready for bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 24, 2018, Saturday
1. I enjoyed a good rest and am now ready to pray again to my Gods. My prayers have become remarkable visionary experiences with my Heavenly Parents, morning and night. The morning time is always in quiet surroundings, whereas I pray among my family at night while writing in my journal. I have lots of distractions at night, but somehow I am able to still connect with my Heavenly Parents. For example, last night I received a great visionary experience even while I was involved in conversations with my family. I think God allows this so that I am not away from them so much. This practice also helps me develop spiritual connection with my replicated self and with God, even while doing other things. It all seems very remarkable to me.
2. I listened to some YouTube videos last night from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. I then listened to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address the UN. I was impressed by both. It feels like the country of Israel is planning now to build the temple again. I remember I came as an angel in a dream to both Donald Trump and also Benjamin Netanyahu. Both have been very influential in that region, used by God to do his work. This was clearly demonstrated in the videos I watched.
I came this morning to the quiet oasis. I came next to the bench and started walking around the perimeter of the oasis on a path to my west. I saw other groups of people gathered in groups of 2 to 4 people, off the sides of the path. I hadn't noticed these before. They glanced at me as I passed and smiled at me.
When I returned to the bench, I saw a man and a woman sitting and talking together. As I looked on them, I saw they were my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I didn't want to disturb their conversations so I backed up near the shore and knelt in the sand facing them. I just waited and watched. Soon they finished talking. They both stood and walked right up to me by the shore of the oasis.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are glad to appear before you this morning at our desert oasis. All who come here speak in subdued tones, as a means to maintain a quiet and serene environment. Others cannot hear their verbal or thought communications unless they are invited into their conversations.
Your Heavenly Father and I were discussing what next to reveal to you. You have diligently sought us in prayer, twice each day. We have freely shared with you the mysteries of our kingdom and how things work in our celestial world.
4. You listened to videos of Jonathan Cahn, a rabbi converted to Jesus Christ. He continues to be our servant to help unfold the mysteries of these last days, particularly as they relate to Israel and the United States of America. We use various world leaders to do our bidding even though they might not be aware of our doings, and even though they are not associated with any particular religion or godly practices. We have announced or set into motion various actions, each at a particular time, for their proclamations and activities. Jonathan Cahn has revealed a part of our strange work as it has evolved.
5. Your work, Raphael, and the work of our holy angels, will continue to remain hidden from the people for some time. This too is our plan. Continue to live a quiet life on earth and we will have the great work of angels to continue to increase. This work of the angels is in part to counterbalance the greater evil and wickedness that is sweeping mankind. Your angel work will be at the highest level just before the second advent of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to the earth.
We command our angels and servants, our world leaders too, to speak and act at a given time we select. Big events are timed and orchestrated by us. Their revealing is generally not known until we inspire our servants to act.'
I looked into the loving and sparkling eyes of my eternal Mother. I felt such acceptance from her, so much light and love from her!
Heavenly Father then said a few words:
6. 'Raphael, you have received a few recent emails from our angels and servants who have shared their journal entries with you. They describe seeing us and receiving instruction and guidance from us. We are awakening them more and more as our heavenly light and love is poured out more abundantly upon our children. We are pleased when they act in holiness and humility before us. We then may more fully reveal ourselves to them and bring all parts of our celestial conversations to their conscious mind. All of our servants need to know that we are in charge of the activities and timing of events in these last days! Our work is great and marvelous:
7. Isaiah 29:14-15, 19 (Heavenly Father's comments in parenthesis)
"Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. (This verse refers to our great work we are unfolding unto the world even now.)
Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? And who knoweth us? (There are many who have secret plans to do their own work and agendas, but these will all come to naught except those we allow to come forth, or those where we inspire our servants.)
The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." (We will build up the meek and humble among you, and use the weak and unlearned and despised to thresh the nations by the power of our Spirit. See also D&C 35:13 and D&C 133:58-59)." '
Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came closer and extended their hands to me. I stood and they each put their closest arms around my shoulders. We then all three walked, arm in arm, around the desert oasis. I was not privy to what they shared with me in my conscious mind. I hope to learn more about that soon.
I then faded away from this heavenly scene and came back to myself writing in my earthly journal. I closed my prayer and started my new day.
8. Evening–Tonight I came to the throne room in God's temple. I came to the east end of this very large room where there were separate rooms for sealing of celestial husbands to their wives and wives to their husbands, in a sealing ordinance performed by God. I saw one of the rooms with the door opened. I felt to go inside. I peered in and it was empty of people and then I felt to go into this sealing room.
The room I entered was very large, with many chairs around arranged in an oval shape. I could see there were also tiers of chairs for seating behind this first row that extended up in the air, in another larger oval perimeter. This was repeated for several more levels. These levels could be removed from view or added for those who wanted to watch the eternal sealing and who were invited.
There was a beautiful altar in the center of the room, similar in shape as the ones I have seen in the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As I was carefully looking at the altar construction, Heavenly Mother appeared on the other side of the altar! I came to my knees before her. She was smiling and so very full of light! I could feel her great love for me.
She spoke:
9. 'Raphael, this is our sacred sealing room, one of three we have in the east end of our throne room. This is the room where I normally seal my children as husband and wife in eternity, those who are promised to become couple Gods. We make sure those whom they wish to invite of their mortal and pre-mortal family and friends, who have also qualified for celestial glory, are able to come witness this sealing.
10. When all are seated, I come to my son and daughter who wish to become an eternal husband and wife. They are each clothed in their robes of exaltation that they have received in the New Jerusalem temple. The man kneels on the north end of the altar, opposite the woman who is kneeling in the south end. We only seal one man to one woman and the same woman to that man. They hold hands in a clasp of their hands that was revealed to them in the New Jerusalem temple. I then come on the west side of the altar and kneel next to them.
During the sealing, I lay my hands on both of their heads at the same time. After this, I remove my hands and then I also place both of my hands over their clasped hands. I then seal them, the man to the woman and the woman to the man, for all eternity by my authority as their Heavenly Mother God.
11. Once this sealing of the husband and wife is completed, I then invite the celestial children born in mortality to this couple to come forth and kneel next to their parents on the altar. Each child next places both of their hands on top of those of their parents. I then place my hands on top of all and seal the children to their parents for eternity.
This latter sealing perpetuates the family in eternity, from parents to children. There will then be a chain of sealings from father Adam and mother Eve to all their righteous celestial children, one generation and one family at a time, even until the last exalted child. These eternally binding sealings will all be performed in these three sealing rooms by your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and me. When all are done and completed, we will then proceed to assign inheritances of each couple God on their own resurrected celestial earth, and ordain them on the land of their own inheritance to be Gods, even a couple God for eternity.'
12. I looked at my loving Heavenly Mother standing before me. She was looking into the air behind me, like she was watching something. I turned and looked, but saw nothing. I then asked if I might see what she was seeing. She then leaned over and touched my forehead with her finger and I turned to look where she had been looking. I then saw her, my Heavenly Mother and her husband, my Heavenly Father, both kneeling across an altar similar to this one. I knew immediately this was a vision of their own sealing, done by their own Heavenly Father! I watched and saw the same clasp and laying on of the hands on their heads and then in the clasped hands by their own Heavenly Father. I didn't hear words, but I saw the actions.
I then saw three of their children come forth and kneel at that altar next to their parents. They too wore robes of exaltation. Then their Heavenly Father placed both of his hands over all the others and sealed these three children to their parents in eternity.
13. I therefore saw that in each eternity, there is a welding link (see D&C 128:18) between righteous parents to their righteous children, from the beginning to the end of that human family. These all became exalted couple Gods. They are then added to the family of the Gods, each to their own parent Gods, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They become sealed in their family with their righteous siblings and also somehow each sealed to their own parent Gods also.
I turned and thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to this beautiful sealing room in their temple.
She spoke:
14. 'Raphael, we seal these, our righteous children, our couple Gods, to ourselves, your Heavenly Father and I, in their ordination to become a God, a couple God for eternity. They therefore are: a)sealed to each other; b) they have any righteous children they bore in the flesh sealed to them; and finally, they are sealed to us, their parent Gods. These three sealings complete the sealing ordinances. All the Gods in the vast universe are all sealed and linked together in this manner.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother again for explaining all this to me tonight! I told her how precious these truths were to me. I said I loved her so very much! She smiled and then immediately left my presence. I stood and exited the sealing room. As I passed through the doorway, I came into my recliner chair on earth where I had been writing all of this in my journal. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 25, 2018, Sunday
1. I slept well last night and talked to my wife this morning before coming into my adjacent room to pray. I have reread my remarkable account of last night in the sealing room in heaven. I didn't see any mirrors like we have in the temple sealing rooms where I have been in on earth. The sealing room in heaven was rectangular shaped, with the oval series of chairs surrounding the center area where there was one altar that had a cushion around it that could be knelt on. Somehow the walls of the room opened up to a beautiful nature scene, like a portal or a vision mural that could change. Therefore, the sealings could be done in a forest, on the seashore, in the mountains, or wherever the couple desired! This backdrop made the entire setting so memorable.
I prayed about this...all the sealing information received above and that I received last night. I feel it is all very true and from God. I feel so honored and privileged to receive these great mysteries of heaven!
This morning it is cold and snowy outside. Winter weather has come right after Thanksgiving this year. The stores are busy with shoppers, and Christmas music is being played everywhere it seems.
2. This morning I came to heaven again for my prayer. I came to the bench next to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I am here because my Heavenly Mother asked me to come here for the healing of my second daughter. I came to the edge of the lake and asked into space if my daughter might come for another healing session. She immediately appeared to my right on the path around the lake. I came to her and we embraced. We next walked back to the bench. I told her that God would come again to help her heal a little more. I asked if she would sit on the bench while I lay my hands on the back of her neck. I said I felt we should get in the position for God's Loving Breath, a healing gift from God. I would act as her conduit for healing.
We then waited and I asked in my thoughts for one of my Heavenly Parents to come to do the healing. Our Heavenly Father came behind me. I could feel his presence and also felt his hands come upon my shoulders. I told my daughter to breathe in and out slowly with me and with Heavenly Father who was behind us now.
3. On our inhale, I could feel the celestial light and love that surrounded us from our Heavenly Father enter into my daughter's body. On the exhale, that same light and love energy left through her forehead area, together with unwanted toxins, emotions and such from her body. We breathed in synch together in a heavenly pulse (this is a heavenly rhythm of breathing) set by our Heavenly Father.
I breathed and observed this entire process for about five minutes or so. I could see and feel the abundant celestial light and love flow into her and then exit her head area. It seemed so very clearing and healing to her whole soul. She began to grow in light too, glowing with what was coming into her body. The energy leaving her head became more and more clear and full of light and love too, like what was coming into her body.
After five minutes or so, I felt Heavenly Father's hand lift from me. I told my daughter the healing session was completed for today. I said I hoped she would feel better and better. I came to her front, took her hand and said we should go again into the lake like we did last time. I said this would help settle her and make the transition of so much cleansing easier on her.
We came into the water up to our necks. It didn't feel wet, but it felt very clarifying. We then returned from the water to the path. I hugged her again, kissed her on her cheek and said that this concluded our healing time today. She expressed deep gratitude and then disappeared.
I then came back to the bench. Heavenly Father was now sitting on the bench. He motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat on his right side. He then put his right arm around my shoulders.
He then spoke to me:
4. 'Raphael, I am very glad to have administered healing to your daughter. She is my precious daughter too! We both love her deeply. All of her healing progress is in our hands now. Come again with her on Tuesday, in two days, to this same bench. Either Heavenly Mother or I will come and administer more healing to her.
Raphael, so much of healing another is showering upon them love and light. This energy is so very healing to our children while in mortality. Illness and disturbances in the body correct themselves when such energy flows through them. Your daughter's spirit is also able to direct this love and light to areas where it is most needed in this heavenly gift of healing.
5. Last night you ate a spoonful of coconut oil that is very healing for your brain area. You do this twice a day. As you swallowed it, you used both of your hands to direct the oil into your head area. You held the focus of your hands on your head even until you felt like light and love, coming from your healing hands, penetrated your entire head area. This was very strengthening and healing to your brain. Your mental acuity will increase as you continue to do this twice a day. Any of our children in mortality may do this with or without the coconut oil. Their intention will increase the circulation, vitality and conscious awareness of their brain. It is one of the best ways to counter the aging effects on the brain, common to our mortal children later in their lives.'
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming today! I thanked him for his healing gift to my daughter. It meant a lot to her and me. I also thanked him for his comments on clearing and healing my head area. I said I had done as I felt I should to maximize the effect of the coconut oil for brain cognition.
He then said I could do similar actions with my hands when I take herbs or pluck and eat greens from my greenhouse. I could use intention to direct these medicinal plants to areas in my body in need, or to my entire body. Over time, this will greatly enhance my health and well being. He said the light and love emanating from the palms of my hands was so very healing on the body and spirit.
7. Heavenly Father then hugged me tightly with his arm around my shoulders. He smiled at me, said he loved me, and then vanished from the bench. I then stood and came back to my mortal conscious mind. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
At church–My wife wasn't feeling well today so I went to a local sacrament meeting alone. I came a few minutes early and brought my journal that I am now writing in. I also came fasting for greater clarity and for my loved ones who are struggling with health issues.
8. We sang the sacrament hymn "With Humble Heart". During the song, I envisioned myself in the grassy area to the south of the white gate. Jesus Christ stood behind the gate and opened it wide for me. I entered and embraced him. He didn't say a word, but pointed to the distant tree of life. I started walking on the path, the narrow path that leads to the tree of life. I arrived there just before the hymn was finished back in the ward.
I knelt on the ground next to the tree facing the narrow path and the distant white gate. Jesus was still standing there by the gate.
In the ward, the Aaronic priesthood blessed the bread. I then made my weekly covenant. After I did so, I saw Heavenly Father walking up the path to me and come directly in front of me. He looked younger somehow but I knew he was my Heavenly Father.
He then spoke:
9. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept the covenant you have made today before partaking of the sacrament bread. We accept your commitment to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us and to keep our commandments.'
The priest then blessed the water. After he was done, my Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, I am glad you make an effort each Sunday to come and partake of the sacrament. This gives your Mother and I an opportunity to accept your commitment and covenant to continue to serve us so faithfully. We desire all of our children who believe in us and seek to keep our commandments to commit to obey us and listen to our spirit as we may influence them.
10. In the future Church of Christ, we desire our Saints to weekly partake of the sacrament. This will allow them to have a time of commitment, a time to renew their covenants made at baptism. We want the Church of Christ to weekly provide the emblems of the sacrament, even if there are conferences or local stake meetings. The sacrament should be always offered each Sabbath day.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his acceptance of me and of these new truths he revealed to me today. I then asked him if I could leave after the sacrament is administered to the congregation and not have to listen to the entire meeting.
Heavenly Father responded:
11. 'Raphael, we are most interested that our children renew their covenants on this holy day. If you want to leave after the sacrament is completed, that is fine with your Mother and I. We expect and desire that you take time to recommit to us, your Gods, by covenant on our Sabbath.
If you attend another church where you do not receive the sacrament, you may come here, to our tree of life, or another area in heaven, where you may feel to go, and make your covenant to us. We will accept this sincere renewal of your covenant to us, even if you don't do it on earth.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words and answer to my question. I expressed my love to him and his revelations. He then immediately left me alone by the tree of life. I closed my prayer and then left the sacrament meeting to return home to my wife.
12. Evening–This has been a very quiet Sabbath day.
I wanted to pray tonight and converse with my Heavenly Parents. I came to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I don't know why I came here but this is where I have felt impressed to come. I came to the lake and drank living water. I returned to the middle of the grove and knelt on the soft ground facing the lake to my east. I asked for my Heavenly Father and/or Heavenly Mother to come to me.
I looked up and saw a bright light in the top of the trees. Heavenly Mother descended from the skies to me. At the same time, I also saw my Heavenly Father walk to me from the shore of the lake. They both came together in front of me, standing a little above me in the air. I had never seen this sort of entry ever before!
Heavenly Father spoke to me first:
13. 'Raphael, we have come to you from two different directions tonight, to verify that you would accurately see how we each came to you. You correctly described in your journal our entry. Now we will share with you some important words that we want you to correctly hear.
You read today about the migrant caravan on the southern borders of the United States, near San Diego. There is trouble brewing in this orchestrated showdown. This will escalate into conflict between the nations.
14. There are also aggressor countries that wish to conquer and overthrow your land. These are supported by the United Nations. Their intention is to destroy the sovereignty of all nations. The United States is the prize country for them to enter and overcome.
During all of these troubled times we will increase the strength of our communications with our mortal angels. There will also be an increased outpouring upon the righteous, both with revelation from heaven, protection from our angels and other servants, and the work of gathering.
15. Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith–Matthew 1:46-48
"And what I say unto one, I say unto all men; watch, therefore, for you know not at what hour your Lord doth come.
But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to have been broken up, but would have been ready.
Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh."
16. You cannot see the trouble brewing in your world. There are many precarious alliances, many leaders of nations that recklessly are pushing their own aggressive policies designed to overthrow the freedom of all lands. All world leaders have self-interest, and generally do not care for the peoples of the world. To them, war is the way to gain more power and control over other nations and peoples.'
Heavenly Mother then spoke next:
17. 'Raphael, do not fear for the events that will soon unleash upon the world. We will be with you, our holy angels, our servants and all the righteous in all nations of the earth. Satan rages in great fury, influencing greater and greater wickedness among all peoples that he can influence.
However, our power is stronger than all the evil hosts of Lucifer. We know the end from the beginning. We are in full control of saving the elect for our glorious millennial day just ahead, after the days of tribulation.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for coming to me and delivering their messages. I said I would lean upon them, and drop fear or worry as I am able. I committed again to always hear them and to follow their peaceful voice.
They smiled back. Heavenly Mother said they loved me and would continue to unfold their strange act and strange work in the eyes of all the people. They then both arose into the sky in a column of light. I felt very pleased to have been with them. I feel full of peace now in this troubled world. I will continue to trust in them. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 26, 2018, Monday
1. I read my entry from last night. I don't feel afraid, but I am also not ignorant of how much turmoil and disruption all of this would have on our lifestyle. There is only one path and that is to keep living as best I can, staying close to my Gods and my family. I can prepare myself as best I can, both physically, mentally, emotionally and especially spiritually. I can seek to be in synch with my closest loved one, particularly my loving wife. I feel greatly privileged to be close to her, and that we are both alive and generally well.
This morning I came to the circling waters to pray. I knelt by the little bench there, facing the peaceful waters. It seemed that my surroundings were like late fall. There were leaves around on the ground. I knelt by the edge of the circling waters and drank some living water from my cupped hand. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me like I do twice each day. I felt clear in my mind and prepared to meet God.
My attention was drawn to the stream to the east, along the path next to the stream. I felt my Heavenly Mother was coming to me! I watched and waited. She was soon near me, clothed in resplendent light, which was beaming all around me. This light came upon me when she was near and in front of me. I felt her love and acceptance of me. I felt a great peace also.
I then spoke:
'My glorious Heavenly Mother, I feel very honored to be again in thy presence! I pray for my loved ones who are struggling with health issues, my second daughter and my wife. I pray they will fully return to their normal health, vitality and well being. I also ask that I be inspired to know what more I may do to prepare myself and family for these troubled times ahead.'
2. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, we will bless your wife and daughter and help them restore their health. Continue to meet with us for healing work on your daughter as we have indicated to you. The greatest preparation you can do is to become spiritually prepared, and to continue to daily commune with us, your Heavenly Parents. You are doing this diligently which pleases us.
3. The second thing you may do is to learn to continue to control your thoughts, even as we have been teaching you. This control will allow you to be fully in charge of all your thoughts and the resulting emotions and actions that follow. During the difficult times that you live in, there are so many voices all around you that say you are subject to outside influences and circumstances, whereas you are really the only one who decides what you will think. Fill your mind with peaceful, happy thoughts that create positive emotions, love and peace.'
4. I then asked my Heavenly Mother a few more questions:
'Heavenly Mother, do I need to physically prepare anything more? Shall I leave our money in our bank account? Shall I purchase anything I may need when products and services are no longer available?'
Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, you have lots of food storage so you don't need to buy any more food. You love to grow your own fresh produce and you are fully prepared with a garden and greenhouse. Don't worry about the money in the bank just yet, and if you need anything to purchase we will inspire you. Live your life in a happy manner and we will greatly bless you in your physical needs.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her comforting words and her peaceful and loving presence. I felt she had delivered her message in answering my concerns. I gazed on her being, so amazing to me! Her eyes were sparkling and so full of light and love! She smiled and then spoke:
5. 'Raphael, I want to walk upstream into my beautiful mountain forest. Would you care to come with me?'
I immediately stood and said I would be so very happy to be with her! She took my arm in hers and we started walking up the path. I saw us both walking, from a different perspective somehow, even until we both had turned the corner and were out of sight. I wasn't privy to what we talked about. I do feel full of peace, however. I then closed my prayer and got ready for a new day.
6. As I got ready to take pictures of my journal pages for my sister K to type up, I received an email from one of those who receive my email posts. Here is what he wrote me:
Your last email you discussed an experience at Lake Beautiful. The wind started, thunder, lightning and a storm was upon you. Heavenly Mother caused a column of light to surround you and around you it was peace and calm.
This message has been repeated to me many times in prayer. Each of us that comes in prayer and humbly seeks God, during the calamities that will come, will be filled with peace and the love of God. I also felt this was true of the battle pre-mortally. Those who sought for guidance, love and protection from our Heavenly Parents received it. But not all their children had this same desire.
Thanks for your message."
This message was very timely for me! I feel what he said was so true.
7. Evening- I called my sister K today. We enjoy discussing revelations we each receive plus our family happenings. She had a remarkable experience with the power of the rose. I feel so very blessed to have her as my sister!
Here is what she later wrote in her journal:
11/25/ 2018
'Hi R,
There was quite a bit of drama between my oldest daughter and her daughter while here for Thanksgiving. I won't go into the details but it was making me very upset and difficult to sleep. During my evening prayer Heavenly Father spoke to me as I was kneeling facing the temple in the celestial world near the fountain. He and Heavenly Mother had both come form within the temple and out the doors. Here is what I wrote in my journal that day.
8. "Heavenly Father spoke:
'Rachael, our daughter, we know you are a very sensitive and loving soul and that many parts of living in mortality are difficult. We know you are deeply upset by unkindness, evil and all those parts of the mortal estate that cause pain, anguish, stress, and every other unpleasant feeling.
9. We can help you be further protected from the negativity around you. You already have a protective shield that deflects Satan and his hosts from entering your body and spirit. We also have the strong loving energy of the rose, which is more powerful than you realize. It brings peace, love and harmony. You can, as you just did in your mind, ask for the rose energy to surround those you want to invoke its influence.
As you just did, the rose's soft and gentle love, compassion and soothing essence will calm and bless others and yourself. You already, as a healing angel, carry a rose with you. It is not a weapon but is love in flower form.
Go pick a rose now and bring it into your home.'
I just went out and there were a few beautiful roses (end of November in the Pacific NW!) which I picked and placed in two vases in the house- 1 yellow rose, 2 pinks, and 1 coral, along with a few sprigs of fall leaves.
10. He continued:
'That is good. This simple gesture will actually raise the vibration in your home and bring in greater love and peace.'
Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Our daughter, remember that you can, at any time, bring in the energy of the rose to uplift your own being and bring love and compassion into yourself and your home or send to someone.
We bless you our daughter. All will go well today and the exit of your daughter's family will be peaceful. We will bless you all.'
It seemed like it worked. There was no more drama that I was aware of and they finally left in the afternoon in peace." '
11. Tonight I came to the birch tree grove next to the little stream coming from Lake Beautiful, down the hill to Enoch's city. I love these white-barked trees! There were some of all sizes here. I knelt by the stream, drank some living water and felt ready to pray and receive from my Heavenly Parents. I asked for one or both to come to me.
Heavenly Mother then stepped from behind one of the large birch trees. She walked a few steps to a spot in front of me, a little elevated in the air. She was smiling and so full of love! I felt very enlightened just being in her presence.
12. She then spoke to me:
'Raphael, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts about prayer tonight. You make a concerted effort to pray to us in your personal quiet times, both alone in the morning and usually with your family gathered around at night. You write all of your experiences down in your personal journal. These are the most important prayers that you offer to us daily, making time in your busy schedule.
13. There are other times that you pray to us in a group setting. These prayers follow acceptable norms of your culture and family. You pray as a group for us to bless your food, to open and close the day and for special occasions like a holiday or birthday event. You also pray in meetings you may be in with others around. These group prayers are not so connective to us. You speak fast and don't take time to meditate or ponder much what you are saying. You speak out loud for the group to hear.
14. We are not so much concerned over your prayers to bless the food, or an activity where you desire all to be safe, or in a meeting, unless you are deeply concerned about us coming and truly blessing this group with our presence. The mundane and quick prayers are more of a formality. However, in any of these prayers, if you very deeply feel the need for our blessing of protection or well being, or to invite us to send our Spirit, or for healing or any other need you might have, these we respond to. We are tuned into the emotional intensity of our children when they pray, whether alone or in a group. We are much more likely to respond if there is a heartfelt desire or a high need that the praying person seeks of us.
15. We know how to give good gifts to our children. These gifts and blessings we don't dispense for a casual or insincere prayer. We do, however, respond in kind to the intensity of the prayer importuning us to do a certain action. We won't overstep our bounds, such as pushing against the agency of our children, or doing something that would not be aligned with our plans for the mortal experience of our child.
16. When you feel a need to pray, then pray to us. If it would be formal or mundane, then don't pray unless it makes you feel acceptable with those around you. If you desire to bless the food, then do it by the power we have already empowered you with, rather than asking us to do so. You may use your own intention that is highly focused to purify and cleanse water that would be better assimilated into your body. If you eat a fresh apple from your orchard, there would generally be no need to bless it since it is already at its highest state in your telestial world. Generally, we don't elevate the food to a higher level, like to a terrestrial level, if you live in a telestial environment. There are a few items that we might temporarily sanctify a person or food or something else to a higher state, but that is generally not our practice during the mortal experience of our children. If the food has poison spray on it, for example, don't ask that it be blessed to your body. Instead, eat an apple without poison. Eat wholesome foods that have high vibrational properties rather than try to bless poor food choices like pop or sugar laced foods.
17. We suggest that you break out of your cultural and family norms of group prayer, but instead be guided by us for you to do what you would normally ask us to do in your prayer. This may seem at first that you are being "irreligious", but what is religion anyway? Religion is your personal connection to God, a very deep and personal activity and worship. We are very aware of your thoughts and intentions. We bless you as you align with these guidelines as you are sincere and humble.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her refreshing words. They are so practical and should help me remove the habits I have been doing that don't coincide with God's views. I felt assured I have received truth from my Heavenly Mother tonight. I feel so enlightened by her counsel. I will begin immediately!
She then said she was going to depart. She said all of these nuances of true religion or worship, take time to work through until I will be fully aligned with them and their ways and desires. She then departed. I closed my prayer. It is now late so I went to bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 27, 2018, Tuesday
1. I am in my front room with my family all around doing quiet activities. I woke up late and now am ready to pray. I reread what I wrote last night. I feel very blessed to be guided with new concepts and ideas, given to me by God. This is such a wonderful blessing in my life!
This morning I came to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I want to do remote healing work again for my daughter, as I was asked to do by my Heavenly Parents. I came again to the bench on the north end of the lake, next to the small gurgling stream that flows into the lake. I drank some living water and felt refreshed. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I knelt on the ground, waiting.
2. Heavenly Father appeared before me, full of light and power. He said that this morning he wanted to do another healing gift on my daughter, with me acting as his conduit. He said he would do what I call God's Loving Healing Hands gift: He would be behind me as I laid my hands on my daughter's head. His healing light and love would flow through me, through my hands, and into her head and the rest of her body. He said I could invite her to come there now.
Heavenly Father then came in a position behind the bench, a little higher than the bench in the air. I knew he would not be visible to my daughter. I stood and called for my daughter to come. She came again to the top of the switchback path and saw me near the bench. She came to me and we embraced. It was so nice to be with her again!
I received her permission to do God's Loving Healing Hands gift. I explained what it entailed. She then sat on the bench and I came behind her with my hands on her head. I then silently asked in my thoughts for my Heavenly Father to send his healing power through me to my daughter. I then waited and observed.
3. I then saw and felt the love of my Father, enshrouded with light, come to the top of my head. This tangible substance flowed slowly into me, down my shoulders and arms and then to my hands. I saw this was bright and brought a very peaceful feelings as it passed through me. I then saw how it entered into my daughter, filling all of her being with the light and love of God. She began to glow as more and more came into her body.
4. I then looked into her two recent areas of concern- her neck area and also her pelvic area. Both areas were bathed in so much brightness! I felt sure this would realign these areas to a better state. Her entire body was transformed momentarily during this healing session! In her pelvic area it seemed that some type of "shell" of the old problems was loosened and moved away from its hold. This shell seemed to move outside of her body then disappear. I looked again and couldn't see any other of the previous problems in that area. I was hopeful she could now heal. We remained in this position with abundant light and love continuing to flow into me and then into her. Soon, after a few minutes, the flow stopped. I could see it then gradually flow into her until all was quiet, and no more energy flowed. My daughter returned to her normal state.
I then spoke to her and said our healing work for today had ended. She stood and thanked me. We embraced again. Then suddenly, all my vision ended, and I was back in my recliner writing all of this down. I felt my entire prayer had ended and that I had communed with my Heavenly Father and my lovely daughter. I then closed my prayer with a heartfelt gratitude and started my new day.
Tonight I feel great! I got a lot done in fixing up one of our rentals today. While working, I listened to my current post to edit and I listened to two more podcasts from M.S.. Something M.S. referred to in D&C 124:32 impressed me and also in D&C 84:55
5. D&C 124:32–
". . . and if you do not these things at the end of the appointment ye shall be rejected as a church, with your dead, saith the Lord your God."
D&C 84:55–
"Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation."
6. These impressed me that the church could be condemned and even rejected if the members or leaders don't do what their God tells them to do. The condemnation has remained on the church from this time, even until now. I believe the church has also finally been rejected by God, for the leaders rejected God's revelation on the office of high priestess. The church has been rejected along with the ordinances for the dead. The priesthood has also been removed and the keys removed from its leaders, aligned with what God said would happen if the church members did not do as he said.
I also heard M.S. quote from the D&C about the priesthood being lost, which would be restored, but I can't find that now.
Anyway, enough of my own thoughts. I want to hear from my Heavenly Parents tonight in prayer. I came to the desert oasis tonight in hopes to commune with my God. I came to the water's edge and drank living water. I then came to the bench, faced the water and knelt in the sand. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. There was a bright light across the southern desert across the oasis. The light quickly came to me as I was kneeling on the sand. In the light was Heavenly Mother! I looked upon her in the light and she was beaming with sparkling eyes before me. I felt so pleased to again be in her presence.
7. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we see the beginning to the end. We have hidden things that we know will happen in scriptures well before they happen. You have been impressed today with words from the scriptures given long ago to Joseph Smith the prophet, about actions we are now doing in your own day. These scriptures are mostly hidden from the eyes of the people. When they are unfolded finally before the world, they will have just been fulfilled or are then being fulfilled.
8. Ether 4:16
"And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed."
9. Such will be the case in your day, for as the events of our strange work, our strange act, begin to occur, then will the people understand the prophecies given in the scriptures. We will continue to reveal to you, by the revelations you receive in prayer, and by my power, even by the power of the Holy Ghost, what will shortly come upon all nations and upon the people.
Stay close to us and we will stay close to you. Keep an open mind and a humble heart and we will continue to pour out revelation upon revelation to you, our servant Raphael.'
I thanked her for her willingness to continue to pour out revelations upon me. I feel so normal however. I never want to draw any attention to myself. I am happy to receive these revelations and ponder them, but do not want to promote my enlightenment to others, saying I received these great things. I love to be part of this great work, however. I will do as God directs me and write down whatever he/she reveals to me. I want to act in quietness and in confidence:
10. Isaiah 30:15
"For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not."
My Heavenly Mother then returned in the beam of light, back over the oasis and into the southern desert. She was then gone from my view. I felt peace and assurance that I am receiving continual guidance from God. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, November 28, 2018, Wednesday
1. This morning I awoke refreshed and ready for a new day. I came to the circling waters and walked down stream to the top of the waterfall. I could see all the surrounding region, including the distant temple to the west. It was warm and pleasant outside, a stark difference from our winter in Utah.
I knelt next to the river looking over the waterfall to my left side. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Then, from my right, Heavenly Father walked up to me! He was smiling and filled with light. He seemed very accepting of me. He stretched out one arm over the waterfall and spoke:
2. 'Raphael, just as this water will continue to descend over the edge of this cliff, so surely shall our works continue, worlds without end. We are eternal and endless (see D&C 19:10 "For behold, the mystery of godliness, how great is it! For behold, I am endless…"). Our works never end, but roll forth as steady as this waterfall.
3. One of the scriptures that you sought for last night that has been hidden from the view of our people and that has just been fulfilled is found in D&C 113:7-8:
"Questions by Elias Higbee: What is meant by the command in Isaiah, 52d chapter, 1st verse, which saith: Put on thy strength, O Zion--and what people had Isaiah reference to?
He had reference to those whom God should call in the last days, who should hold the power of priesthood to bring again Zion, and the redemption of Israel; and to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood, which she, Zion, has a right to by lineage; also to return to that power which she had lost."
4. Zion had temporarily been established by this latter-day church, established by Joseph Smith in 1830. However, only recently the leaders have rejected me, so I have rejected them. Their priesthood and keys have been taken or lost, as spoken of in the end of verse 8. This is not referring to the dark ages after the first Church of Christ was established shortly after Jesus' death and resurrection, but it refers to the second Church of Christ established by Joseph Smith, Jun.
5. In a short time, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, and I will call upon others to establish again our Church of Christ, the third time. Her role will, in part, be to gather Israel. Her strength will be the power and authority of my priesthood, which the second Church of Christ has already lost.
The proclamation of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as recorded in D&C 124:32, that the church would be rejected, with their dead, was fulfilled because the people would not do as he stated. He stated in D&C 124:34 that their "baptisms would not be acceptable unto me." That too has been fulfilled in deed, after the current church leaders rejected our purposes and would not receive that which we wanted to reveal to the church, even that of the office of high priestess.
6. It will be through this third Church of Christ that we will have my priesthood power restored to the earth. This is what Isaiah had reference to in Isaiah 52:1-3:
"Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.
Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.
For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money."
7. Isaiah had reference to these times you live in. The men of my people need to shake themselves from the dust, to arise and sit down. This means to open their hearts and minds to the fact that the priesthood and keys have been removed from the general level leadership of the second Church of Christ, even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They need to accept the establishment of the new third Church of Christ, and the priesthood power that will be reestablished through their priesthood power, becoming awake to my power that I will show through them.
This priesthood power has been removed from the leaders of the second Church of Christ, for the apostles have truly fallen asleep as described in D&C 86:2-3, giving way for Satan to sit and reign in this now defunct second Church of Christ:
8. D&C 86:2-3 (Heavenly Father's comments in parenthesis)–
"Behold, verily I say, the field was the world, and the apostles were the sowers of the seed;
And after they (the apostles in your current day) have fallen asleep the great persecutor of the church, the apostate, the whore, even Babylon, that maketh all nations to drink of her cup, in whose hearts the enemy, even Satan, sitteth to reign (Satan now controls the second Church of Christ through his false prophets and apostles, for they have fallen asleep and have been cut off from my revelations)--behold he (Satan, even Lucifer) soweth the tares; wherefore, the tares choke the wheat and drive the church into the wilderness (the church is now without direction from God, akin to being driven by Satan into the wilderness)."
9. See also D&C 86:8-11, for this refers also to your day when the men in this second Church of Christ and others who accept me, are called again to shoulder my priesthood in my full strength and power:
D&C 86:8-11 (comments by Heavenly Father in parenthesis)–
"Therefore, thus saith the Lord unto you, with whom the priesthood hath continued through the lineage of your fathers–(these are the honorable and good men of my second Church of Christ whose priesthood has remained, but their keys they had exercised in the church have been taken because the keys of their leaders had been removed.)
For ye are lawful heirs, according to the flesh, and have been hid from the world with Christ in God--(these good men are lawful heirs, for I have foreordained them in their pre-mortal state to receive and exercise the full power of my priesthood on the earth in their flesh).
Therefore your life and the priesthood have remained (speaking to these good men that I have foreordained), and must needs remain through you and your lineage until the restoration of all things (this is now beginning to fully happen, and will culminate with the reestablishment of my third Church of Christ and the Church of the Firstborn spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets since the world began.
Therefore, blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness (if these men do not lose their priesthood power, see D&C 121:34-46), a light unto the Gentiles, and through this priesthood, a savior unto my people Israel. The Lord had said it. Amen."
10. Raphael, it is now time for the good men in the second Church of Christ to receive my true revelations and to exercise their priesthood power as my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ and I will show them! They need to put on their beautiful garments (Isaiah 52:1) of the priesthood, even of my eternal power, given to me by ordination, even back to my first parent Gods. These will be the ones through whom we restore Israel and establish again the third and final Church of Christ on the earth. Our angels and servants we have called will assist them. My power will be poured out upon all who seek us in prayer and by their good deeds:
11. D&C 121:33 (comments by Heavenly Father in parenthesis)
"How long can rolling waters remain impure? (This refers to this celestial waterfall, the ultimate rolling waters). What power shall stay the heavens? As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, (as opposed to my stretched out arm over this waterfall, which power is in me and my priesthood, my godly power) as to hinder the Almighty (refers to me, the Father of all) from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints. (This promise is still active, for I will pour down revelation to the humble and open who will obey my words and keep my commandments.)"'
My Father lowered his arm. He stood in great majesty, power, and glory! He then was enshrouded with a cloud of light, even with lightning that came from the cloud! He was within the cloud, no longer visible when there was a huge flash of light and great thunder! The cloud and Heavenly Father vanished! I had seen the great strength of God, in his majesty and power!
I thanked my Heavenly Father in my mind for his amazing revelations to me today. I committed to exercise my priesthood in humility and strength, even as he would direct me. I then closed my interchange in the name of Jesus Christ, his Beloved Son. I was immediately back in my adjacent room writing all of this down as it all happened.