159. The Rainbow of My Covenant
Posted 5-16-2020

Hello my friends,

I hope you have been handling the isolation ok. I have found it is much easier during the quarantine to focus on projects and to just take one day at a time. I have been busy every day it seems in getting our expanded garden in, and planted just as we wish. I received the promise of a bountiful harvest, which I believe is also extended to each of you as you plant the food that you will eat.

The covenant of the rainbow is remarkable to me, and relates not only to Noah when he came out of the ark, and Enoch before him, but also in our day. I was told to even title this post "The Rainbow of My Covenant." I think you will find it very fascinating like I did.

Please pray about all of these new revelations, and don't trust me. I write freely what come into my mind during my meditations and prayer, and then share it with you. I would love to hear your questions and inspirations also, so please share these with me.


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 1, 2020, Friday

1. This new month I came early to my private room to meditate and to pray. We have lots planned for us to do around our house. I cherish this private time with my Gods.

I came next to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. It is so lovely and still here!

I reached down with my cupped hand to the little stream and drank living water. I also thought to go to the tree of life and eat of the fruit and the leaf, and then return next to the side of the stream. I felt even more refreshed and clarified. I then knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me.

2. He gradually appeared to me, stepping from his higher celestial realm to where he was visible before me! His eternity eyes were soft and compassionate as he looked upon me. He spoke:

3. 'Raphael, we desire to awaken our elect that I have chosen in the gentlest way possible. However, they tend to keep doing the things they do, and believe the things they believe in, many which are misguided and not true. We reach out to them often, but they dismiss our still, small voice, thinking these impressions are their own thoughts and not from us. They don't pause in their lives to question of us and confirm that these subtle spiritual feelings are really from us, their Heavenly Parents. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I suffer rejection from these, our elect, time and time again!

4. We therefore have now placed our elect in a more uprooted environment where they no longer may return to their old lifestyles. We prefer they start to question everything in their lives so that in the state of wondering and questioning, we may guide them.

5. Our elect among the Latter-day Saints are particularly adept at making up stories about how we, their Gods are orchestrating their lives. However, the basis for these make-believe stories is based on many false beliefs and misconceptions. It is hard for us to shape their minds when they are so used to creating detailed stories of how we have favored them and their loved ones, in sometimes fantastic untrue stories. We would love them to be open, humble, penitent, seeking forgiveness from us, and then approach us with inquiring minds, with a determination to listen to us and not to man or their own stories.

6. Making up thoughts that put their actions in a positive light with a make-believe story is a way to rewrite their personal history in their own mind. They may in this way continue to sin or delude themselves that they are truly more favored or elite than others in God's eyes. It is difficult for us to reach those who do this. Paul explained this behavior in his epistle to Timothy:

7. 2 Timothy 4:3-4–

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

8. We will have a contrite people, even if it so be that we humble them, to where they must look squarely at their own situation, and then no longer make up their false stories. We want them to come to us humbly and openly. It is only with a contrite and a humble spirit that they will begin to hear us and do as we say:

9. Isaiah 57:15–

"For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." '

10. My Father stopped speaking. He was looking off in the distance. I then believe he was seeing his chosen elect in a future day, finally humbled sufficiently to approach him with an open heart and a contrite spirit.

11. 'Raphael, we can only build Zion, the pure in heart, from a foundation of openness and willingness to cast aside their personal sins, their ungodly ways and beliefs, and consider themselves fools before God:

12. 2 Nephi 9:42–

"And whoso knocketh, to him will he open; and the wise, and the learned, and they that are rich, who are puffed up because of their learning, and their wisdom, and their riches—yea, they are they whom he despiseth; and save they shall cast these things away, and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, he will not open unto them." '

13. Heavenly Father stopped speaking. He seemed so compassionate to those who would need to be compelled to be humble (see Alma 32:13), rather than be humble and open on their own. I believe he was looking with compassion upon the hardships these elect need to endure to arrive at an acceptable point of humility before him.

14. I thanked him for his revelation this morning. I told him I would be open and penitent, and let flow into me his great truths without any barrier on my part, or any qualifications based on any story that I may make up. I asked him to bless me with a humble and contrite heart and an open mind.

15. He reached his right hand and touched my head. He spoke: 'Raphael, I have chosen you from the beginning partly because you are open and receptive, and will hear my words without rewriting them. We may then speak and you will listen and hear our truths, and write them down. We are pleased with your current state before us, my son!'

I bowed my head and thanked him gratefully. He then departed and I ended my prayer.

16. In the evening–We spent the day visiting family and our latest grandbaby today. He is not yet quite one week old, and we just visited from his parent's patio while the family remained inside. This is difficult to do, but we had a great visit, even at a distance!

17. When we returned home I caught up on the news, and could see a great polarization happening among Americans. There is a growing sentiment to get back to work, forget the lockdowns and restrictions, and "hopefully" forget the bad coronavirus dream. Others believe this action will only spawn more infections and cause the disease to rage again in a few months time. Then we get more lockdowns, and many more deaths. My wife and I plan to be cautious, keeping our distance, not venturing out at all around crowds, wearing masks, and washing our hands frequently. I want to be careful especially in light of the new virus that came to Utah a week ago Tuesday. I want to be in tune to the Spirit in this thing, and to hear what my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother will tell me.

18. Tonight I came to one of the healing rooms in God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the hardwood room in the southeast sector. I have rarely been here recently, but I came here for some reason tonight. I came to a place outside the hardwood room on the north side. I prayed that my Heavenly Mother would come to me, here at this beautiful healing room.

19. Heavenly Mother then appeared in front of me! She spoke right away: 'Raphael, there are many people in your country who are convinced one way, and who are directly and vehemently opposed to others who may think just the opposite. There is not a lot of openness between them, nor kindly feelings, for each feels they are correct and the others are wrong. There will continue to be much division among the people, with sharp contentions and arguments. Your country will become so divided at one point that they will be like the Nephites of old:

20. 3 Nephi 7:7– "And they did cause a great contention in the land, insomuch that the more righteous part of the people had nearly all become wicked; yea, there were but few righteous men among them."

21. It is important for you and our faithful elect not to argue or contend with others over their points of view. There is so much that you may agree with them, and have pleasant conversations. Spread love and acceptance among all peoples. Even if you know truth, there are times when trying to voice a defense of these truths is not wise. It is better to "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison." (Matthew 5:25)

22. Heavenly Mother then said this hardwood room next to us is like the way some people act when confronted with opposite views: they react and are so hard-hearted! She said it is far better to be accepting, loving and agreeable. You don't need to agree with people to be nice to them.'

23. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her wisdom. I told her I would try to be more mellow when in a crowd, or more accepting of all people, even with their different beliefs and standards.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 2, 2020, Saturday

1. I came this morning to the tree of life and ate a fruit and a leaf from this tree. I felt clarified and perceptive. I then walked to where I had planted the sapling tree of life to the west, in the beautiful garden area there. It is a large tree, measuring about 16 inches in diameter. I think it will stay this size until we angels move it next to the fountain of living water in the New Jerusalem.

2. I then asked for my food and the greens I would eat today in my mortal life to be blessed to be living foods and greens to me.

3. I next traveled to the western shores of Lake Beautiful, next to the maple tree grove. I knelt by the water and drank living water and again felt refreshed and more perceptive. I prayed that the water I would drink today on earth become living water to me.

I knelt on the shore and faced east to the lake. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

4. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then appeared before me, both smiling and holding hands! I instantly felt their love and deep acceptance of me.

Heavenly Father asked me to join them on a walk across Lake Beautiful! They separated and turned, both extending their hands to me and looking back at me. I stood and came between them, taking their hands. I felt so very honored to be with them as we started moving across the water to the east!

The water was very clear below us and I could easily see the bottom. We were a few feet above the top of the water, walking in the air.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we are glad that you prepared yourself by eating of the fruit and leaf of our tree of life, and drinking of this living water. Doing this enhances and clarifies your perceptions in our celestial realms.

6. As we walk over deeper waters, this is like what will happen in your mortal telestial world: there will soon be more and more calamities coming, all at the same time, that all the people will learn about, for you hear of these things on the news and through the internet. Soon people will develop more fear, for they will realize how extensive these troubles are in their world, and how deep the waters of severe problems exist. People will wonder how they will survive the dark days ahead, and great fear and anxious feelings will grip the people. Still they will contend sharply with each other. The love of man shall truly wax cold among our children on earth (see Joseph Smith Matthew 1:30).'

We continued walking in silence for a moment. I could no longer see the bottom of the lake, for the water was too deep now.

7. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'In all of the difficulties coming to the earth, we will be with you and each of our elect who pray to us their Gods. We will shine the light of the Mother's Holy Ghost upon all the elect so her light of hope will remain with each one. When they think of us, we will buoy up their faith in the reality that we are overall in charge of the events rapidly coming to the earth. Although these will be fearful times, we will give our elect peace, our acceptance and our love.'

8. The waters below us started to churn, and waves began splashing upon us! Still we calmly kept walking to the east. The winds and heavy rains next came, but my Father and Mother were calm, and we kept walking. I then saw a huge wave coming our way, and I held tightly onto their hands, bracing for the wall of water. However, neither my Heavenly Father nor Heavenly Mother seemed afraid or braced themselves, but kept walking. I was all wet but felt at peace, but my Heavenly Parents were holding my hands, and we were walking together still.

9. I then could see the opposite shore of Lake Beautiful. It was sunny and bright but we were still under dark, wavy clouds and extreme weather. My Heavenly Parents were very, very steady, walking towards this beautiful shore, even though there was so much wild weather upon the waters!

10. At last we came to the shore! I saw clear skies and the celestial sun shining upon us, drying us out from the rigors over the waters. We walked right up to a beautiful flower garden with majestic trees and a calm, happy place.

11. Finally my Heavenly Parents let go of my hands and faced me. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, we will be with you in every time of trouble in the days of your tribulations. We will be next to all of our elect who come unto us and seek our protections and peace in their troubled world. Our destination is here, on this opposite shore, where we have created our beautiful garden. This represents the glorious millennial day of peace and rest!

12. Keep your focus on this day ahead when you pass through the last day calamities and transitioning destructions that clear your world of the wicked. We will preserve our own and bring each one here to a better land, to our millennial world!'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words, and for being with me all along the way in our journey to this beautiful land! I told them how happy I was to finally be here. I thanked them for their matchless power and protection.

My vision abruptly ended, and I was finishing writing all of this down in my personal journal. I feel at peace and assured God will never abandon their elect, or me, in the coming hard days ahead.

14. Evening–My wife and I are very tired now after working for hours in our garden. We planted nearly 60 raspberries and blackberries in garden beds we had prepared. These are mostly primocane berries that will bear this summer. We are excited to have gotten all of these planted.

15. Tonight I came to the golden altar, facing the temple of God on the celestial orb. I was exhausted in my mortal body, but my mind was bright and alert I believe.

Heavenly Mother came to me immediately, in front of me with the temple behind her! She smiled and then spoke:

16. 'Raphael, we will bless your garden to produce very plentifully this summer. All those who grow a garden, whether they are a skilled or a novice gardener, will find satisfaction in trying to grow their own food. I will bless and encourage them in their efforts.'

Heavenly Mother faded away, and I knew my prayer was completed. I love her attention to the details in my life in mortality. She is a very wonderful companion!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 3, 2020, Sunday

1. I knelt in my bed before finally going to sleep last night. I prayed again to my Heavenly Mother and she quickly spoke to my mind:

2. 'Raphael, you are extremely tired, and I have already communed with you in prayer.' I then went to sleep.

3. I felt more alert and rested now that it is morning, for I slept well. I came to the tree of life this morning, and ate of the fruit and the leaf. While I finished eating, Heavenly Father stepped out from behind the tree! I came to my knees before him. I gazed into his face–he was tender-eyed and loving towards me. I felt his light and acceptance of me come into my body. I felt so glad to be in his presence this morning!

4. He then spoke to my mind: 'Raphael, there is great satisfaction when you work your land like you and your wife did yesterday, when planting more berries in your garden areas. I continue to work my land and plant my crops, even on my celestial orb. I too find deep satisfaction in this process of planting, nourishing and tending the plants in my fields. In this way you may also become independent of buying your own food. I love the provident lifestyle like you are doing, and I will bless you with an abundant harvest.

5. There are other benefits also in growing gardens and being self-reliant. When emotions and trauma need to be worked out in one's life, the act of working in the land is very grounding and settling to the soul. As you worked together with your wife, you also discussed several nagging issues about family and friends, and sorted these out. This was done while laboring in your fields, on your own land.

6. When trauma and stress come, or you feel anxious, go outside and labor or work on indoor projects if it is wintertime. You will soon feel much better with these acts of accomplishment. Serving others in need is also very self-healing. Share your concerns with trusted friends. These are human experiences that help you grow into our more mature and capable sons and daughters.

7. In the upcoming millennial day, the earth will be renewed and receive a higher terrestrial glory. There will still be much labor required of our elect, and they will work hard even as you have done yesterday. The land and our creations will respond quicker, and with more abundance when our elect will work the land. The same need to work and to be a wise steward will still be required. These actions will also return to them deep satisfaction and joy.

8. Seek to balance your own need for your private time, your time for your labors, and for your family and friends. You have been creative in visiting others, yet keeping a distance because of the very contagious virus in the land. You may still have deep and meaningful small gatherings with your circle of family and friends that you associate with, even during times when you need to be careful to avoid transmission of disease. Raphael, this summer will be a very memorable and happy time for you when you do these things!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his upbeat and happy message! I told him that I loved him, and would always seek his guidance and counsel. I felt the warmth of his concern and love for me, and for all his children who live on the earth.

He then turned and walked around the trunk of the tree of life, and was gone. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new Sabbath day.

10. Evening–I came to the circling waters to pray last night. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come. He soon appeared and asked me to come back in the morning and he would answer my questions. I knew I was tired and not in a position to receive much.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 4, 2020, Monday

1. This morning I feel much more alert and ready to commune with my Gods. I watched a short video last night that was disturbing about what is called the "deep state", or those who have infiltrated our country who control now much of the actions of our leaders. It was very concerning to me, and led me to realize how ignorant I am of these secret combinations that exert power in the land.

2. I came again to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt facing the water and the mountain stream a short distance away. I tried to absorb all of this, and to just be observant.

Soon I saw or perceived a growing bright light in front of me. In a moment Heavenly Father appeared before me, in great glory. He began to speak to me:

3. 'Raphael, there are many secret combinations in your land of America and in the world. They include what you heard about in the video you watched last night, or the deep state and also the powerful international bankers. These keep in secret and dark corners so as not to be seen of the people at large. They currently control the actions of many countries, including your own. We are fully aware of all of these evil groups, and of their intentions. They are controlled by Lucifer, our fallen and rebellious son who seeks to overthrow the kingdom of our Beloved Son that we have authorized to be the Savior of mankind. Through these secret combinations, Satan seeks to subvert our plans for a glorious millennial world of peace and harmony.

4. However, we will stop his evil efforts , for he does not know the mind of God, nor our plans and our strange work and strange act that we will do. We will reveal our actions first to you and to our humble followers of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. You will come to know these events and actions, usually just before they happen in the world. Fear not, and trust in us, and our great power, for we will destroy all of these evils works, and bring forth our Zion at the right time.

5. Zion is like a woman in labor who will finally be redeemed in your day, even when Babylon the Great will have great power over all the world, among all nations:

6. Micah 4:10-13–

"Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.

But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.

Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth."

7. Again, D&C 35:10-14–

"And the time speedily cometh that great things are to be shown forth unto the children of men;

But without faith shall not anything be shown forth except desolations upon Babylon, the same which has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

And there are none that doeth good except those who are ready to receive the fulness of my gospel, which I have sent forth unto this generation.

Wherefore, I call upon the weak things of the world, those who are unlearned and despised, to thresh the nations by the power of my Spirit;

And their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and their buckler; and I will gird up their loins, and they shall fight manfully for me; and their enemies shall be under their feet; and I will let fall the sword in their behalf, and by the fire of mine indignation will I preserve them." (see also your post 44D1 - 44D6).

8. Raphael, although you cannot at this time fully understand these scriptures and their prophecies, you and our mortal angels, and our celestial angels and celestial servants, will thresh the nations by the power of God to their destruction, all according to our command. We will not suffer Satan to have success in his evil plans for world domination and in the destruction of the righteous! We will stop his work short, and show forth our great power in making the full end of all nations, and in the full destruction of Babylon, even Babylon the Great which shall fall forever. Even Satan will be bound and removed for one thousand years.

9. Trust in your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ, and me in our great power in destroying the works of darkness on the earth. We will surely bring forth again on the earth, in great glory, our Zion, the pure in heart! Be steady and obedient to all we command and inspire you, my son.'

10. I then felt the great power of God by the intensity of Heavenly Father's light and strength that shone upon me! I felt assurance in his matchless power to destroy the evil works of Satan and those current regimes that reign with blood and horror on the earth. I said I would keep myself in tune to him and Heavenly Mother, and always do as they direct me.

My prayer then ended and I came back to my private room where I finished writing all of this and closed my prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 5, 2020, Tuesday

1. I have been busy with getting post 158 out, and also working hard outside getting potatoes planted, and other projects. When I prayed last night, here is what Heavenly Mother told me:

2. 'Raphael, you have worked without a break all day long, and have tried to get your latest post out during several hours in the evening also. You have been very steady in your labors, and I am not going to delay your needed sleep with any new revelations. Come again here (to the desert oasis where I was praying) in the morning and I will speak to you then. I am always by your side, Raphael!'

3. I felt very loved and went quickly to sleep last night. It was difficult, however, since I was stiff from using a lot of digging muscles during the day that I hadn't used much before! I feel very happy and pleased with the labors of the day.

4. This morning I came again to the desert oasis and my Heavenly Mother was here again! She was smiling and spoke immediately to me:

'Raphael, you have prayed that your expanded garden grow very well. Your wife, son and you have enjoyed working in it immensely. We will bless your garden to flourish and produce in abundance. It is wise to produce as much food as you can from your own land as possible, against the day of food shortages in your land that are even started now.

5. When you water your garden and orchard, ask that this water be living water for your plants, to bring them forth in abundance. You may also bless the plants to receive more abundance of my light, and the ground to transition to terrestrial soil. These efforts, coupled with your labors, will bring down the blessings of heaven.'

6. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her suggestions, and said that I would do so. She then faded away and left me. I got up and started a new day.

7. Evening–Tonight I prayed at the glass table at Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I love how neat and tidy her gardens are, and how robust and vital all of her plants look. I knelt by the table facing west, or to the upward slope.

I prayed again for Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer. She came immediately next to the table, and was so very filled with light! She was smiling a lot, and seemed to be the epitome of happiness!

8. She then spoke: 'Raphael, your wife and you discussed where to keep your cash assets tonight. You have read how some recommend to withdraw as much as you can from stocks and bank accounts. Others recommend leaving it in the system of the current money supply, in checking and savings accounts.

9. You have followed our promptings to get out of debt, and to keep some extra cash on hand along with precious metal silver and gold coins. You have followed our promptings whenever you have asked of us in prayer about where to invest your money, or how much to have on-hand for emergencies for yourself, family and neighbors.

10. There will be a change in your government in not many months. During these turbulent times, money in stocks and bank accounts will be difficult to acquire, or will be reduced in value by inflation, or will be devalued so that its buying power will greatly decrease or will not be available at all. Your Father and I will individually counsel our faithful children on money and investment issues. Each one may ask us specific questions, and we will respond with specific directions to fit their situations.

11. It is important to have food, water and other needful items stored away to feed and clothe yourself and your loved ones. You have lived a prepared and provident lifestyle for years, in the which you have amassed sufficient for emergencies, both short and long term needs. There will be a time when you will only eat what you store, grow, or produce yourself, or barter with others in your immediate area. We are pleased when you try to envision all contingencies and possibilities of what the future might hold. Life will continue to change dramatically in the days ahead. We will help you anticipate your future needs so that you may prepare now. Stay close to us and ask us what you should do in these matters, and we will inspire you in your plans and choices.

12. My advice is not only true for you, but also for all people living in your land and on the earth at this precarious time.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for outlining the areas we need to plan for. I felt glad for the years of preparation we've taken in times of plenty, so that we could be prepared hopefully for any eventuality.

I then asked Heavenly Mother specifics for me and my immediate family. She gave me specific answers to my questions.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 6, 2020, Wednesday

1. I awoke early this morning. I came to the white gate on the celestial orb, and Jesus opened the gate. He did not speak a word, but looked at me and smiled. I loved looking into his very compassionate eternity eyes!

I then walked the narrow path to the tree of life. I was elevated in the air, and seemingly insulated from the day-to-day rigors of walking directly on this path. I am not sure why I was walking above it in the air.

I finally came to the tree of life. I ate first a white, glowing fruit and then a leaf. I asked that my food and the greens that I would eat today would be living foods and living greens to me.

2. I then thought to travel to the cliff above the south side of God's Loving Healing Lake. I could see the lake below me, and the temple of God in the distance to the north. I knelt and prayed for my Heavenly Father to come. I had no idea what he would say to me this morning.

In a moment my Heavenly Father came before me! He was dressed in a white inner robe, a scarlet-red sash tied around his waist, and a white cape. He was glowing with light and smiling. I loved to look into his very deep eternity eyes–so powerful and loving!

3. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have a long list of projects to work on, and are steadily moving forward on these. You have ranked them high, medium and low in terms of urgency. You have sought our guidance on what you specifically should work on to be better prepared for the future, and to live peaceably and comfortably.

4. We have inspired you to prepare every needful thing, even a house of order and a house of God (see D&C 109:8 and D&C 88:119). What we have inspired you to do is specific to you and your family. Others will receive different direction were they to ask of us.

5. When Lehi left Jerusalem, we inspired and continually directed him and Nephi, his son, to travel by land and sea, with their family group to the promised land. Some people we inspired to remain where they are and not to move. In your case, you will mostly remain in place through the tribulations coming quickly upon your world. We will protect you and your family upon the land where you now live. It is wisdom in us that you continue to be as self-reliant as possible, and weather through the storms of life in place.

6. Your greatest preparations continue to be those of a spiritual nature. Your work is expanding in the celestial realms on the earth, in acting as our steward and archangel. You are replicated many times over and fulfill your many responsibilities, and are serving your fellowman day and night, all according to our will. We are pleased that you approach us in quiet and humble prayer morning and night, all according to our will. We are pleased that you approach us in quiet and humble prayer twice a day also, so that we may reveal to you great things, and that you may record these in your journal.

7. Our work is a strange work, a strange act (see Isaiah 28:2), and cannot be imagined except by our revelations. Continue to call upon us and we will continue to guide, direct and bless you in all things.

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his guidance and words he gave me this morning! He then faded away, and I closed my prayer.

9. Evening–Tonight I came to the little stream that flows into God's Loving Healing Lake. I knelt and drank living water from this stream. I then faced the lake and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

She came in a brighter and brighter cloud in front of me. When very bright, the cloud disappeared and she was standing in bright glory before me! I was very pleased and very happy to have come into her presence.

10. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, today you visited your two grown daughters. They asked for advice, but they really didn't want you or your wife to tell them what to do in each situation. Instead, they really wanted you to just talk with them so that they could reach their own conclusions and a decision on their own.

11. This process is common for all our adult children. We have given to them their own choice and agency, and a will to be independent. Were you to tell them what they should do in a particular situation, this may delay them from finding their own will and coming to their own decision. By listening to them and actively hearing them, they will come to their own decisions faster and be more pleased in their choices. You will have also maintained a relationship of trust, even though you may have never told them your own opinion. You will have given to them the great gift of acceptance and a non-judging attitude. Ultimately, whatever they choose to do, or whatever they decide, is their own choice and not yours. It feels very good to them when you allow them full freedom to choose whatever they may decide. Your love is undiminished regardless of how they may choose to live.'

12. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her counsel, and for helping me again know to not give advice or my opinions about what they should do. I thanked her for giving me wide latitude of choice to make my own decisions. I said I loved this great gift of agency that she and Heavenly Father have extended to us their children.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 7, 2020, Thursday

1. I came to my private room where the east sunshine was streaming in the window. I feel happy and alert–a great combination to approach my Heavenly Parents in prayer.

I came this morning to the top of the switchback path that leads to God's Healing Lake. I knelt facing east towards the lake. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. After a few seconds, there was a horizontal slit in the sky and my Heavenly Mother came before me! She was smiling, and her eyes were sparkling with light as I usually see her. I felt very secure in her presence and knew that she saw not only me before her, but also knew me and my thoughts and feelings. Nevertheless, she asked me how I was feeling.

3. I responded that I felt happy and was pleased in having outdoor projects like gardening to work on. I told her that I was happy in my relationships with those she had blessed me with in my family. I told her I felt so honored to be able to come into her and my Heavenly Father's presence so frequently. I loved their counsels and revelations!

4. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, we will continue to bless you to be very happy in your life, both in mortality in your conscious mind, and where you labor incessantly in our celestial realms on the earth for your fellow brothers and sisters. We will continually be next to your side in both your mortal terrestrial being and in the celestial realms where you act as our archangel. Your joy comes in serving us and your fellowman, and in having an abundance of my Spirit in your life.

5. Happiness does not come from knowing details about how the universe works or came to be, or of the knowledge of future events, but of living in harmony with our truths and principles of love and service. This brings the most contentment and lasting peace to your eternal being!

6. You also have faith in us, your Heavenly Parents, to guide you through the tribulations and changes in your mortal world, even as the earth transitions to a terrestrial state. The earth and your world around you are changing into a better, happier place by shedding the lower telestial elements and inhabitants, and becoming more elevated and lovely. Most people won't be able to view these changes as positive, but there will be a new norm coming forth in the land. Even though there will be great calamities coming upon the wicked, and multiple tribulations upon all people, the earth itself is changing. Your very own garden will produce in more abundance as you pray for it to produce, and bless it to be watered with living water and my light. There will be greater beauty and a feeling of the emerging higher sphere, even of the terrestrial coming on the earth. You will be able to see or perceive higher vibrations in the water, land, and even air as this transition gradually comes. Satan and the evil men and women in the world will start to lose their influence, and wonder why their evil designs become thwarted. Ultimately, their control will cease as the very earth and the sphere changes into a higher happier world.

7. These changes will be imperceptible to most of our children, but they are still real! The old telestial will be fully replaced with the new terrestrial when our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, comes in his glory to the earth. These events will usher in our glorious millennial day where all of the lower telestial order will be fully extinguished. What a happy day this will be for our chosen elect and for the earth herself!'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this perspective of change. I thanked her to being by my side, and to open up my eyes to the changes gradually coming all around me. I told her how much I loved being close to her and to my Father!

A cloud then came around her, almost like she was wrapped in fabric. Soon she was gone, and I no longer saw her nor the cloud. I then closed my prayer in the name of Christ, and started my new day.

9. Evening–I just love these spring days! I work hard in our garden outside and we are planting all sorts of veggies to eat. I am liking working until I am very tired each day. It seems crazy, but I enjoy this! There is a lot of feeling of accomplishment.

Tonight I came to the pyramid room area, to the deep forest where there is a crystal clear pool of living water. My sister has come here before and told me about it. It was still light outside, and I could see all the pool and its surroundings.

I knelt and drank living water from this pool from my cupped hand. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come to me in answer to my prayer request.

10. He appeared a little above the water, about five feet from where I was praying! He came in a subdued light. I was very glad to see him before me.

As is my custom, I usually wait for my Heavenly Parents to address me.

11. Heavenly Father soon spoke: 'Raphael, I am glad that you have been working at preparing and planting your garden. You have been listening to your previous posts while you work. This has been helpful to you in seeing how much we have revealed to you over the years! As soon as you get a little break, I would like you to resume working on the PDF hyperlinked files that you started. Once you begin again, you will be able to maintain the momentum to complete this project.

12. We also want you to start the backup electric power project that we have asked you to do. This is for your personal convenience of keeping power available for your freezer, refrigerator and other appliances so that you may preserve your food. The time of power outages will come quicker than your world imagines, and it is time to begin this project soon.'

13. I thanked my Heavenly Father for giving me some priorities on my home projects. I said I would begin on these projects soon. I asked him to help my family members who were in need. I thanked him for our health and well being also.

My prayer then ended, and I closed my day.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 8, 2020, Friday

1. I came to the small meadow down from the hill from the top of the switchback in God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the horizontal log and knelt for my morning prayer. I couldn't perceive much around me, so I came to the tree of life and ate of the fruit of and leaf and then came to God's Loving Healing Lake and drank of living water. I then returned to the meadow and resumed my kneeling position. I felt more aware of my spiritual perceptions for myself, but I couldn't "see" much around me yet. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I believe that my Heavenly Father will be coming.

2. Soon Heavenly Father came on the other side of the log. He reached out and touched my forehead with his hands. He said a few words that I didn't understand and withdrew his hand. I looked and saw a meadow full of little blue flowers and large fir trees at the edge of the meadow. I then looked up at my Heavenly Father and saw him smiling at me! I thanked him for helping me perceive so much better my surroundings and his face!

3. Heavenly Father then spoke to me, in my mind as he always does: 'Raphael, since you are a mortal man it is only by our power that you are able to see and perceive in our celestial world. You are adept enough, from our blessings of spiritual sight and perceptions, to generally see into our celestial world, but you cannot yet see with your physical eyes. The things you see here are spiritually perceived in your mind, unlike physical sight like you see with your physical eyes. When I touched your forehead, I enlightened your spiritual sights, allowing you to perceive more. Trust in your spiritual sight and in my voice that speaks to you in your mind. This is very real, although you don't use your physical eyes to see or physical ears to hear.

4. Spiritual perceptions are often difficult for our mortal children to understand and accept. Many feel that they should see with the physical senses, like eyesight from their physical eyes, hearing with their physical ears, feeling with their physical hands, smelling with their physical nose, or tasting with their physical tongue. All of these don't work until our child is translated or resurrected. You have been translated to a celestial glory in your physical body, but even for you it is still difficult to feel and use all of these senses in our celestial realms and perceive them in your physical body on earth. Instead you rely on your spiritual perceptions, which are much clearer to you now. By your more developed and aware spiritual sense you can tell what your celestial body is receiving and doing in our celestial realm.

5. When one of our children in mortality prays openly to us, their Heavenly Parents, and are humble and in a meditative state, their spiritual senses are heightened. We then speak to them in their minds and heart like I am communicating to you. We send our Spirit to enlighten them. They need to believe it is me speaking to them, and not their own imaginations or their own thoughts dreaming all of my words up. It is spiritually perceived, and very real, but different for them than how they see and hear on earth in their fallen mortal state.

6. Raphael, when you look into my face, into my eternity eyes, you rely on your spiritual perceptions. This is the manner in which your pre-mortal spirit saw me. When we speak to you, we speak to your mind and heart through your spiritual perceptions too. This is how we have almost always communicated to you here in our celestial world. You have developed in your mortal state a high degree of spiritual perceptions so you might hear and see us your Gods, and receive our revelations. This is very pleasing to us. We would that all of our children in mortality develop these skills also. However, there are many hurdles for them to overcome, particularly their unbelief and realization that this is how we speak to them.'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for describing clearly once again how I receive his revelations, all in my spiritual perceptions. I said that this was so very real and clear to me now, and how grateful I was for this great enlightenment, even in my flesh, that he and my Heavenly Mother have given to me!

Heavenly Father then smiled and started moving backwards across the meadow and up the little hill to the switchback path. He then was out of sight and I ended my morning prayer.

8. I then sat in my private room where I had been receiving all of this. It is so remarkable to me to do this twice a day, and to receive such great truths from God in this manner! I know it is a true process, and very uplifting. I can know of its truthfulness also through the Spirit of God that witnesses to my mind and heart of the truthfulness of this process. This is how God has communed with his/her children in their fallen, mortal state. It takes effort and constancy to develop these spiritual skills in mortality. This is how it has been ordained. The more we try to push ourselves, the more we are blessed with this awakening in our inner souls.

9. I am reminded of this scripture in Alma 5:7–

"Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word; yea, they were encircled about by the bands of death, and the chains of hell, and an everlasting destruction did await them." (see also Alma 5:14-19).

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 9, 2020, Saturday

1. Last night my wife and I enjoyed a wonderful date night together. We ate a special meal, then went to a local park area for a walk. We then came home and watched a remarkable movie on Amazon Prime name 'Mully'. We ate ice cream together and talked.

2. When we finally went to bed at midnight, I prayed at the circling waters where my Heavenly Father came. I asked him if we needed to do something akin to Charles in the movie, in helping people on earth with the money and resources we had accrued. Here is what Heavenly Father said to me:

3. 'Raphael, you are to lead a quiet life in your mortal state now, for your great mission is in the celestial realms on the earth as we have revealed to you up to this point. In the telestial world, you will be as an ordinary man.'

I thanked my Father, closed my prayer and then fell asleep.

4. This morning I felt there was more that Heavenly Father told me, that I didn't remember him saying last night. Here are the additional words I believe he told me last night, for they are now coming to me:

5. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I will inspire you and your wife to do with your excess money that you have carefully worked for, that would normally provide for your retirement. When you talked to her last night on your date night, you said you wanted to live the rest of your life in a quiet way without much fanfare, and an easy life, or a comfortable life.

6. Raphael, from now on you will lead a happy life, but not really an easy or comfortable life. You will work very hard for the things you both will enjoy. Your world, and that of your local area, will become one where people are in distress and in great need. You will find satisfaction in serving and helping them.'

7. When I came to meditate and pray in my private room this morning, I received an interesting email from S. I had actually been anticipating something from him. He wrote about a number of things, including an experience where his baby chicks died and flies came around their dead bodies. He also related some past dreams he had, and asked me for my impressions. I have these thoughts now as I begin my morning prayer.

8. S had come to the domed room and saw on its walls one of his dreams of flies around an empty chair in an empty hospital. The chair had flies all around also.

9. I then thought of the scripture in D&C 29:18-20–

"Wherefore, I the Lord God will send forth flies upon the face of the earth, which shall take hold of the inhabitants thereof, and shall eat their flesh, and shall cause maggots to come in upon them;

And their tongues shall be stayed that they shall not utter against me; and their flesh shall fall from off their bones, and their eyes from their sockets;

And it shall come to pass that the beasts of the forest and the fowls of the air shall devour them up."

10. Anyway, I came to the domed room to pray. I knelt there, asking for my Heavenly Mother to come. There was no door open, for all the room consisted of walls and ceiling, and a floor.

An opening then appeared in the wall and my glorious and bright Heavenly Mother came into the room! She stood right in front of me. She wore a scarlet-red sash around her inner white robe, and she wore a white cape that flowed over the robe on her back.

11. She next spoke to me: 'Raphael, S is correct in what he wrote to you by email and you read this morning. The new virus will spread quickly in your state and will cause great distress, for there will be no cure that the doctors know about. The cough of asymptomatic people will spread this new virus to others.

12. The cure to heal from this disease is the corona fire that I have given to the elect of God. They will also receive strength and visitation of my angels when they humbly and sincerely plead to the Father to be healed. Finally, the remedy that your sister K is planning to brew will also be instrumental in healing people with this latest new virus. It will be difficult for those, however, who gain the outward signs of this disease, with the red or purple bleeding spots, to be healed without our Godly power. This new virus will baffle the doctors, and they won't find a cure. They will become very frightened of the many deaths, destructions and diseases that will come very quickly.'

13. I then saw on the wall of the domed room S's chicks that died, with flies attracted to them. These flies seemed to be eating their flesh.

14. Heavenly Mother continued: 'Raphael, the view of these dead chicks and of S's dream with the empty chair in the examination room with flies around it, and an empty hospital are one in the same message. The meaning is that this virus will spread "death, destruction, disease," and will be ghastly. The scripture you thought of in D&C 29:18-20 will be fulfilled with this disease.

15. Raphael, yesterday you listened while you worked to one of your own past posts where you were reminded about your objective shield, and how this would protect your tender feelings about witnessing those terrible things (see your post 60J1 to 60J12). Place now this objective shield on you, as you witness this next scene on the walls.'

16. I then thought of my objective shield, and felt it come upon me. I then saw death, destruction, and disease all around me! People were dead, many piled up on the ground. Hoards of flies were eating their flesh. I saw vultures come and eat their bodies, ripping their flesh! I also saw wild animals come and growl at the birds, and then also eat their rotting flesh. It was a horrible scene–just like D&C 29:18-20 describes.

17. Heavenly Mother waved her hand and the scene before me vanished. She told me I needed to be a witness of these awful things, and that I would have my objective shield to protect me. She said that I would begin to see many people in distress and in great need. I could serve them in my neighborhood as I was able, but to protect myself with social distancing, wearing a mask and gloves as I currently do.

Heavenly Mother then turned and returned out of the door opening she had come through. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

18. S gave me permission to share his email with those on my email list:

Email from S to R

What a day yesterday of learning. I prayed yesterday and while I was writing the last part in my journal my son came running in the house early in the morning stating all our chicks were dead. I went outside and saw all six of our chicks that were one week old from our incubator had died overnight under our porch. The heating lamp that we used had burned out in the middle of the night and it was too cold for the chicks. We were all sad. I had to rush off to work and so I couldn't take care of the chicks before I left. When I came home, the chicks were covered in flies and previously I had never seen a fly in their area. The flies smelled or sensed the death and came immediately, and so I disposed of their bodies quickly. I didn't mention any of this scene with the flies to my young 7-year old daughter. She was unable to see into their box because it was too high up. Last night as I was about to fall asleep at 11pm, my 7-year old daughter came sleepwalking into our bedroom just as we turned off the lights. She had been asleep for 3 hours. She was disoriented and stood next to my side of the bed and said, "I just can't take care of them all." I asked what she was referring to. She said, "The flies." I scooped her up and took her to bed and she was already asleep by the time I put her back in bed.

So, with that back story, I will share my experience in prayer yesterday.

19. 5-7-20 AM

This morning as I awoke, the word "ghastly" came to my mind. I immediately looked the word up on the online Webster dictionary. It means "terrifyingly horrible to the senses." I looked for the word in the scriptures and it wasn't in the standard works. I did find a story from the pioneers about a boy in Haun's Mill who had his hip joint blown away by a gun wound when they were attacked by a mob. The mother prayed to God to know what to do to heal it. She was directed by the spirit with inspiration to do things she did not know. Eventually she made a poultice of elm root and over many months, the hipbone miraculously grew back. At the beginning she asked her young son, " Do you believe God can heal you?" He responded, " I believe God can heal me if you do." She had referred to his initial wound as "ghastly." I then reread post 158 about Oriphiel blowing his trump and its significance.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents for one or both to come. I was directed to the domed room where Heavenly Mother was waiting for me. She was full of light and at peace. I communed in my mind that I had read post 158 about Oriphiel blowing his trumpet. I had learned more about the new virus and the economy collapsing worldwide as a mountain on fire. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, " You awoke to the word "ghastly" coming to your mind. This is in reference to the scenes that will shortly come to your nation, even beginning in Utah. This occurrence will cause fear, anger, and confusion. A return to church gatherings will not occur as the number of deaths rises quickly in these areas. This will lead to scenes that are ghastly to the natural man in mortality who experience it. This will cause a worsening spiral of the economy as portrayed by the great mountain burning with fire cast into the sea as seen by John after the second angel sounded his trump. Years ago you had a dream you recorded where you were walking down a hall in the hospital and when you came to a curtain exam room at the end of the hall, you opened it to see an empty chair with flies all around the chair. " (At this time, as she spoke, I saw the dream once again on the domed room play out before my eyes). She continued, "You were asked what you saw during the dream and you responded, "Death, destruction, disease". This dream also foreshadowed the events that will shortly come from this virus. People who are ill will first go to the hospital. These infected people will shortly thereafter die from the disease. The doctors will have no treatment or cure for these patients. Those who care for these patients will soon suffer the same fate. That is why you saw an empty hospital and an empty chair with flies all around. The only answer or cure will be for our children to turn to God for healing. There will be no other cure available." As this scene closed on the domed room ceiling, Heavenly Mother spoke, "Do not fear and be of strong courage."

I wondered about the 10-30 day incubation period Raphael recorded from Heavenly Father where people are not showing symptoms but can pass the disease. I wondered how this happens when they are not coughing. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, "Do you not personally sneeze about once everyday? This will be a common form of passing this disease when people are not symptomatic yet."

I thanked Heavenly Mother for her message and then closed my prayer.


20. Afterwards, I wondered about the dream I had previously seen. I went back 3 journals (about 700-800 pages of writing) to find entries about dreams. About 4 years ago I started for the first time in my life to record dreams as I awoke, and I would write them in my journal. Up to that time, I never remembered my dreams mostly and never recorded any in my life. However, I found that if I focused right when I woke up, I could remember them and record them. I probably recorded about 50 dreams over a couple of months. Some I felt had meaning, and others no meaning that I was aware of. In the last 3 1/2 years I only recorded maybe 3 more dreams. So, I went looking through the pages of my dreams and found the entry after searching many pages. On 9-29-16 I recorded two dreams. I awoke early and recorded the first dream. I then fell back asleep and woke up to record a second dream. Here is the second dream, "I go down the long hall. At the end of the long hall is a chair. There are flies all around the empty chair, some flies are dead. I wonder what this is all about. I hear a voice and someone asks me, "What does this mean?" I had no clue, but then from my mouth the words came out, "Death, destruction, disease." And I knew that was the meaning of what I saw when prior to the question I had no clue. I awoke immediately after I responded and those three words were in my head.


21. I had not recorded in my previous journal that I opened the exam room curtains to see the chair. The curtains are similar to what I have seen in many emergency departments from my years as a doctor, but when I saw it in the domed room, those small details of what I saw previously returned. Many times I recorded the main ideas only of dreams because I had to get off to work or go make breakfast for my children and writing each detail took considerable time. I had completely forgotten about this dream and had not read about it in years. Some dreams I would pray about and receive more information about their meaning. This dream in particular, I had never before prayed to know more details and I didn't know its significance before yesterday's prayer when it was shown to me again along with its interpretation.

Let me know your thoughts,


J. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 10, 2020, Sunday, Mother's Day

1. I received a wonderful second witness email this morning from S (see below). I feel very grateful with his confirming words to what I have received.

2. I came last night to the circling waters area and poured out my grateful heart to God, my Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father came and accepted my grateful heart. He only stayed a moment, but he gave me great peace and happy thoughts.

3. This morning I came to God's Healing Lake, next to the little stream. I have two mothers, one to whom I had shipped some cookies and a card, and called on the phone. The other I hope to see in person here at this little stream, and tell her myself how much I appreciate her being my Heavenly Mother.

I knelt and drank living water. I then asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me.

4. She quietly appeared in a bright light a few feet from me! She was filled with light and was smiling! I spoke to her immediately how much I loved her, and how grateful I was that she was my Mother. I told her how important she was in my life, even while I was now in mortality and I was temporarily away from her side so frequently. Her example and love continually boosts me up and helps me immensely in my mortal journey! I love the enlightenment of her Holy Spirit, even the Holy Ghost that witnesses of all truth and leads me steadily. She is my wonderful and constant companion, and I am so grateful.

5. Heavenly Mother then spoke: 'Raphael, thank you for your kind and sweet words! My greatest joys include being next to and guiding my elect children like you through your mortal journey. I love shining my acceptance and love upon each one who tries to follow my direction. You and the elect mean so much to your Father and I. We do all things to bless and assist our faithful children in their journey in their fallen state. Oh, how we love each one!'

6. She then smiled and sparkled in her eyes! She twirled about and rose up in her joy into the sky above! I loved seeing how much she cherished us, her children. I felt very satisfied and full of joy. She had gone away, but I felt her love linger in my heart. Oh, how I cherish my Heavenly Mother!

7. Here is the email from S that I referred to above:


I felt to share my prayer from yesterday as it discusses interpretations of dreams and also prophecies from John the Revelator. I hope you have a wonderful Sabbath day today with your family.

5-9-20 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I felt that I would hear from Heavenly Father today. I waited and I was directed to an area with a large boulder. I had never previously seen this boulder. Heavenly Father was there seated on the boulder and directed me to sit on his right side and I did so. The boulder was about twice my height. Heavenly Father asked, "How do you feel at this moment?" I responded, "At peace and calm in your presence." He spoke," All of our children are at different points in their mortal progression. Yet each may feel peace and comfort in their hearts when they turn to us in prayer at any point in their progression. Your Heavenly Mother has taught you much in the last few days and her words are true. You were shown previously in a dream things that would occur years later. This occurred to Joseph of Egypt who saw dreams of his brothers bowing before him even prior to going into slavery. All things are present before us whether days in advance or many years. We reveal things in advance at times to our children, even before they are aware of their full meaning. This occurred with your previous dream you had and 2 days ago Heavenly Mother shared with you it's meaning and that it will shortly occur. The majority of events seen by John the Revelator are now only being revealed to a few. John saw years in advance what would occur when the angels sound their trump but only recently did we reveal to Raphael its interpretations. These few individuals who read Raphael's words will stand as a witness to these prophecies and their correct interpretation even before they occur. Later after these words are fulfilled, many will have these records and witnesses available. Most of our children were not seeking such truth or were not ready to receive these things at this time. Many of our children will witness to the truth of John's prophecies and Raphael's interpretation from God after the fact and not before. However they will one day be able to witness with surety to the truthfulness and fulfillment of both John's and Raphael's records. They will testify that these prophecies and interpretations are constant, firm, and true, even as this boulder upon which we are seated." I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words that increased my understanding. (I had wondered over the last few days why such important truth was being revealed to only a few prior to its fulfillment). I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

Your friend,


K. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 11, 2020, Monday

1. Last night I came to the desert oasis in my prayer. As I arrived it seemed that the wind was blowing a lot. I came to the water's edge and drank living water from the oasis, and then returned to the bench. I knelt in the sand and realized that the sand was blowing all over me, but particularly on my legs and feet.

2. I prayed for my Heavenly Father to come. He came but was obscured somehow behind the blowing sand. I wondered what kind of sign this was? He only stayed a minute and then left. He didn't say a word, but I did see his face.

3. This morning I came again to the desert oasis. I did not see or feel blowing sand, but all was calm. I went to the water's edge and drank living water from my cupped hand, and then returned to the bench. I prayed again to my Heavenly Father.

4. Heavenly Father soon stepped out of his higher celestial realm and stood before me! He came in subdued light and immediately spoke to me:

'Raphael, my son, I came here last night in the midst of a sandstorm. The wind had picked up the sand and blown it particularly against your feet and legs as you prayed.

5. The movement of the blowing sand is very unpredictable. In a moment it could become a fully-fledged sandstorm that cuts into the skin. Your vision then becomes blurred too and you cannot see afar off.

6. You live in a very unpredictable time in the history of the earth. It will become like the blowing sand–unpredictable and at times debilitating. You will find your greatest safety inside your home during the unpredictable sandstorm that will come repeatedly and frequently upon your world. You don't know when the sands of more calamity will come, but they are now always blowing, even until your land is cleansed of the wicked and the promised land is changed to a terrestrial state. America will be the first of many lands to change, in preparation for the building of Zion upon its surface. Calamity will become therefore more intense for a time upon your land of America and come with more frequency and unpredictability.

7. If you pray to us, your Heavenly Parents, in faith and diligence, with an open and humble heart, we will protect you and give you knowledge of how to best prepare for the tribulations coming upon your land. We will also be with you in every time of trouble!'

8. At this moment the wind immediately started blowing fiercely. I had to shut my eyes and wrapped my robe around my legs, for the wind was blowing all around me, biting into my skin!

I tried then to remain at peace, and with my spiritual sense perceive and listen again to my Father who was before me. His calm words of peace came into my mind:

9. 'Raphael, even in the midst of intense calamities coming into your life, if you are still and seek to hear me, you will feel my words and know of my counsel. I will not leave your side!'

10. Isaiah 30:20-21–

"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers (these are your spiritual eyes, or your spiritual sense):

And thine ears (these are your spiritual ears, that hear our voice in your mind and heart) shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (words in parenthesis from my Heavenly Father)"

11. I then had this scripture come into my mind: Joseph Smith Matthew 1:37-40–

"And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived, for the Son of Man shall come, and he shall send his angels before him with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Now learn a parable of the fig tree—When its branches are yet tender, and it begins to put forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh at hand;

So likewise, mine elect, when they shall see all these things, they shall know that he is near, even at the doors;

But of that day, and hour, no one knoweth; no, not the angels of God in heaven, but my Father only."

12. Heavenly Father then left and I closed my prayer and started my new week.

13. Evening–I received an email from S where he described the covenant of the rainbow that God made with Noah after he came forth out of the ark. I read several times all the scriptures relating to this, in Joseph Smith Translation Genesis 9, in Moses chapter 7 (particularly 7:17-69), and in Revelation chapters 9 and 10.

14. I came in prayer tonight to a little valley between two tall mountains, in the exceedingly high mountaintop on the celestial orb. I initially faced east, and saw Heavenly Mother descending from my Father to me. She spoke:

15. 'Raphael, our son, come here tomorrow morning when you are fresh and alert, and face us to the east mountain to see the future, and to the west mountain to see the past. We will both come and discuss the covenant of the rainbow and describe how it relates to you and your day.'

16. I thanked her and said I would be here in the morning. I thanked her for her message. She then went next to Heavenly Father and they were above a cloud and a rainbow. My vision then closed.

17. Here is the email that I had received from S earlier today


I was taught to study about the covenant of the rainbow during the last 2 days. I did not know what this covenant specifically entailed beforehand. I remembered my mom taught me as a child that the rainbow represents a promise that God made to Noah to not flood the earth again. I didn't know many of the specifics besides having read what is in the Bible previously but not the JST. I found that in the Bible dictionary it gives scriptures to study that were helpful. I had read the verse in Revelations recently after reading chapters 8-10, but I never realized that one angel had a rainbow over his head. Also, I had never focused on JST of Genesis 9 that speaks directly of the covenant God made to Enoch and Noah. I will include these verses at the end of my entries today.

18. 5-10-20 AM

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I sensed I would see both of them. I drank of living waters and felt clean and pure in my heart through Jesus Christ. I next saw both of my Heavenly Parents standing in the air holding hands. They were above the top arc of a rainbow. Heavenly Father spoke, "The rainbow symbolizes a covenant we made with Noah promising to not flood the entire earth again. There are promises recorded in scripture regarding the rainbow in the last days. Read these verses, pondering it's meaning, and return to us in prayer for further insight. Your eldest daughter asked last night if school would resume as normal. It is wise that you do not share too much with her at this time. As events transpire that quickly make drastic changes to society, it will be important to turn your children to us in prayer for comfort and guidance. Enjoy this Mother's Day with your wife and family. We will be by your side."

I thanked my loving Heavenly Parents and closed my prayer.

19. 5-11-20 AM

I read again today from JST of Genesis 9 about the rainbow. I read it twice yesterday in the morning and afternoon as well.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. It took some time to focus for other thoughts came to my mind. I heard, "What do you see?" I quieted my mind and focused. I then saw both my Heavenly Parents standing above the rainbow again, looking downward towards me. Heavenly Mother spoke, " You have read three times the account in Joseph Smith's translation of Genesis 9. We covenanted with Noah and his posterity similar to our covenant with Enoch. Our covenant had two parts including that we would never cleanse the earth of its inhabitants again by flood, and also that when Noah's posterity embraced truth and were righteous, then the Church of the Firstborn of Enoch's city would return to earth to dwell. What do you think of this covenant? I spoke honestly from my heart, "It is hard for me to see how such righteousness could be here on earth for this fulfillment. But I know all your words are truth and will be fulfilled." Heavenly Mother began to weep and Heavenly Father embraced her opposite shoulder with his right arm. I felt her love for her children as she wept. She then spoke, "We taught our children well in heaven to love and serve each other in peace and harmony. They have strayed from our teachings and are full of wickedness and evil intentions. You have been surrounded by this society from your youth and it is all you have experienced. The day will come when such righteousness that existed in the city of Enoch will again be present among our children on earth when they embrace truth. We have more to reveal on this matter through Raphael. Share with him what you have received up to this point and we will expound further on this covenant for all to learn."

I began to weep because I had hope that such righteousness that existed among the city of Enoch would be found on earth again. I closed my prayer and recorded this message. I prayed and confirmed that I accurately recorded this message and the spirit affirmed it was accurately recorded as I received it.


20. Here are the scriptures I studied:

JST, Genesis 9:21–25. Compare Genesis 9:16–17

God sets the rainbow in heaven as a reminder of His covenant to Enoch and to Noah. In the last days the general assembly of the Church of the Firstborn will join the righteous on earth.

21 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant, which I made unto thy father Enoch; that, when men should keep all my commandments, Zion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch which I have caught up unto myself.

22 And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posterity shall embrace the truth, and look upward, then shall Zion look downward, and all the heavens shall shake with gladness, and the earth shall tremble with joy;

23 And the general assembly of the church of the firstborn shall come down out of heaven, and possess the earth, and shall have place until the end come. And this is mine everlasting covenant, which I made with thy father Enoch.

24 And the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will establish my covenant unto thee, which I have made between me and thee, for every living creature of all flesh that shall be upon the earth.

25 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and thee; for all flesh that shall be upon the earth.


Revelations 10:1

1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:


I look forward to hearing your thoughts,
Your Friend,


L. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 12, 2020, Tuesday

1. I came to my private room before my family awoke. I reread my journal entry last night and the scriptures about Noah and Enoch, and the rainbow covenant. I very appreciate S for being in tune to receive the first part of this revelation from Heavenly Mother, as is recorded in his email.

2. I came to the mountain saddle between the east and west mountaintop. I wanted to clarify myself, so I saw a little snow nearby and ate it. This living water melted in my mouth, high up in this mountaintop, and seemed to clarify my thoughts.

I then went directly to the tree of life at the end of the straight and narrow path. I ate a glowing white fruit and a leaf from that tree. I asked that my food later today would be living food to me, and that the greens I would later eat today would be living greens. I felt those I would later eat would be terrestrial living foods and greens, even as I would later eat in the coming millennial day.

I then came again back to the mountain saddle by the dripping or melting snow. I faced east and knelt on the mountain ground cover. It was clear and sunny. I humbly prayed to receive my Heavenly Parents before me and receive their revelation this morning about the rainbow, and whatever they wanted to share with me.

3. I then looked up into the eastern sky and saw a white, billowing cloud. I saw a mist of wispy clouds, or watery skies like after a fresh rain. I saw a very bright rainbow arch over the mountaintop, even above the cloud, with its ends going into the cloud. I then saw my very bright Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on top of the cloud. From my perspective they were standing on top of this beautiful rainbow!

4. Heavenly Mother left the side of her husband on her right, and seemed to float down to me! The path she took in the sky seemed to sparkle with light behind her also.! She soon was before me, beaming with the brightness of her glory. Her visage was beautiful as I looked upon her. She was smiling broadly, and her eyes were sparkling with joy it seemed. I then saw a golden crown appear on her head, and the reflection of the rainbow behind her glistened upon her crown in the front jewel (I think it was a diamond) that shone beautiful colors on me and the ground round about like a prism!

5. I also felt her intense love for me and for her children of this eternity shine with her light into my being. This light and love passed through me and filled me, every part of me, with a broad spectrum of happy loving emotions like compassion (violet), gentleness (indigo), charity (blue), kindness (green), service (yellow), cheerfulness (orange) and intense focus (red). I saw all of these rainbow colors as she glistened before me. The emotions came into my mind as I pondered on these beautiful colors and the love they represented. There are seven colors and seven love emotions that shone upon me and through me. These all created deep satisfaction and joy, even to swelling me with eternal bliss and contentment, safety and happiness.

6. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, you have correctly written in your journal that the seven colors of our rainbow, that we have set in the clouds of our sky behind me, represent seven aspects of my intense love for my children of this eternity. These, our offspring, are made in the image of your Heavenly Father and me, and if they prove faithful to our loving promptings, they will eventually possess all aspects of our love that we continually shine forth upon them now. This is the true love of the Gods, and for those who attain our station as a God. Because of our love we so desire to freely share with our children. This brings us elation in being filled with love continually. This is our great emotion that brings us eternal peace, happiness and joy!

7. Raphael, the rainbow represents our celestial love for each other and our beloved children. We desire all these to possess it too.

8. When Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, spoke to Enoch, he spoke of the days you live in, the days of darkness, wickedness and vengeance upon the earth. Turn now to the west, and look upon the western skies above the western mountain, and you will see our Son, Jesus Christ, when he spoke to Enoch on this very mountain, even before Enoch's city was taken up into our celestial orb.'

9. I then swiveled around on my knees, and looked upon the west mountaintop, into the western skies.

10. I then saw Jesus Christ in a white robe, and Enoch the prophet standing next to him. The words of Jesus are those found in Moses 7:60-64–

11. "And the Lord said unto Enoch: As I live, even so will I come in the last days, in the days of wickedness and vengeance, to fulfill the oath which I have made unto you concerning the children of Noah (Heavenly Mother spoke into my mind then that the children of Noah were the elect of God that the Father had chosen in these last days);

12. And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake (this is the air and weather above the earth), and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people (the elect of God, even those who are now terrestrial mortals) will I preserve;

13. And righteousness will I send down out of heaven (this refers to my abundant Spirit and light which we will shed forth upon our faithful, including our revelations. It also includes my corona flame given in abundance to our elect, and you Raphael standing next to each one with your sword of Raphael unsheathed to protect them from Satan with the silver lightning of God the Father); and truth will I send forth out of the earth (this includes the abundant scriptures you possess in your day, even the Book of Mormon and the sealed portion of that book), to bear testimony of mine Only Begotten; his resurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men; and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood (Raphael, this includes all of our scriptures, words of the prophets, and some of your words we have revealed to you), to gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City (this is the celestial temple in the New Jerusalem, which will make the entire New Jerusalem holy, and the surrounding area), that my people may gird up their loins (this means to prepare themselves spiritually for that which is to come), and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem (Raphael, this city, or the temple of this city, shall first become partially built before Enoch and his city shall return to the earth. You will construct this city even as your Heavenly Father and I will direct you, in every regard. This will then become the center place of Zion, for it will be celestial, even a portal to our celestial orb as you have previously described. Only our chosen elect that Jesus chooses, who are heirs of the Church of the Firstborn will be able to see it with their quickened celestial eyes. Many will see the sign of our covenant above our celestial temple in the rainbow, representing the love of God).

14. And the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there (Enoch's group will come, one by one, into our celestial temple to receive the waters of separation ordinance from you and be recorded by Oriphiel in the Lamb's Book of Life), and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other (Raphael, this will happen among the elect of your generation and those from Enoch's group. However, the great emotions of this love exchange will occur in the New Jerusalem temple, particularly in the font room when you and Oriphiel admit them finally into the glorious celestial Church of the Firstborn! You will witness that on every brow of these faithful elect will appear a unique gold crown that your Father and I have designed and crafted, just for each one. You now see my crown on my forehead, and the rainbow colors glistening all around. These too will have these same colors bestowed upon them after the waters of separation ordinance that you individually perform for each one. What a time of joy and deep happiness this will be for them and for you, Oriphiel and their loves ones! I will be present in showering my light and love upon each one of our blessed celestial faithful who thus enter into our Church of the Firstborn!);

15. And there shall be mine abode (mine abode means that all three of us Gods will be there, even Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and me), and it shall be Zion, which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made (this means all of our elect children, regardless of when they will have been born on the mortal earth, will be united as one in passing into the Church of the Firstborn and then moving forward together towards their exaltation and eternal lives together); and for the space of a thousand years the earth shall rest." (words in parenthesis were spoken to my mind directly from Heavenly Mother who had come beside me while we watched and heard Jesus speak to Enoch on the western mountaintop).

16. Heavenly Mother then turned towards me, and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ joined her! All three were now facing me while I was kneeling before them. I then saw gold crowns on each of their brows, and they were each unique and magnificent! They shone brilliant light and love upon me. I saw a rainbow then behind them, encompassing all three. Heavenly Father was in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus Christ on his right.

17. The crowns then disappeared, and the rainbow left. Heavenly Father then spoke to me: 'Raphael, when Noah came forth from the ark, we covenanted with him, through our Beloved Son (he looked towards Jesus on his right side), to never again send the worldwide floods to destroy man whom we had created. We then revealed to Noah the rainbow in the clouds and in the rain and mist on the earth. We set this as a token of the covenant we had made with him. Never before had man seen a rainbow in the skies above the earth. We set the rainbow in the skies on the earth to also remind Noah and his posterity of the covenant that we had made with Enoch, even our everlasting covenant. This was the promise that if men should keep all of our commandments, Zion should come upon the earth in our full celestial glory. This covenant will be fulfilled when our elect, that I have chosen and whom Jesus Christ selects to come to you as new candidates for the Church of the Firstborn, come to our celestial temple and you receive them into our celestial church through the waters of separation ordinance, and Oriphiel records their names in the Book of Life. There will be many gushing of tears and deep joy at the conclusion of this ordinance! They will receive their gold crowns then that will momentarily be seen by all in attendance. Your Heavenly Mother will shed forth her abundant love through the sign of the rainbow that all will also see. These chosen ones will then be filled and changed with the love of God, that will be our gift to them forever more!'

18. All three of my Gods were smiling upon me, and their resplendent light shone through me like I was transfigured and even transparent. I felt such love and peace, such joy and deep contentment!

19. My vision then ended, and I heard the voice of my Heavenly Mother in my mind while I concluded writing all of this in my journal: 'Raphael, you have correctly recorded your vision with us in heaven. Make this the final entry for your post 159. Title the post "The Rainbow of My Covenant".

20. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for this amazing revelation and vision! I have felt very much enwrapped in a heavenly vision, and have written steadily and fast for the past nearly two hours or so since I started my prayer.

I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

M. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 13, 2020, Wednesday

1. Last night I finished typing up post 159. I will proceed now to edit and prepare to send it out to my small group on my email list.

2. I came last night to the circling waters area, and Heavenly Father came to me. I had expressed my inability to get some things done, for it seems that I have much to do and can't get it all done. Heavenly Father said I was very acceptable to him, and that as long as I was steady, trying everyday, that this was enough. He said my heart was in the right place.

He asked me to return in the morning to this location and that he would come again to me.

3. This morning I came again to the circling waters. I drank living water from the pool off the stream, and knelt on my knees. I prayed that Heavenly Father would come.

4. Heavenly Father then came next to me, and knelt down by the water's edge and also drank living water from his cupped hand. He then looked at me and spoke:

'Raphael, drinking this living water clarifies and strengthens your entire being, including your mortal mind and body. Continue in asking that the water you drink on earth, the food, and the living greens you grow and eat to be living terrestrial drink and food for your body. They will revive and strengthen you.'

5. He then sat down next to me and spoke further: 'Raphael, the seventh angel to blow his trumpet I gave to him, who is clothed with a cloud and a rainbow upon his head is Michael, my chief archangel. The cloud and rainbow that this mighty angel has signifies that Zion will come down from heaven and come to the earth below This will happen when the seven thunders utter their voices, and report back to Michael.

6. The covenant of the rainbow is our covenant that our elect will live in Zion, the paradise of the celestial glory, among those on the mortal earth. It includes our promise too that our celestial Church of the Firstborn will finally be established among them, and that the elect of all times may be joined as one in their journey towards eternal life and their exaltation together.

7. When Joseph Smith our prophet revealed more information about the general assembly of the Church of the Firstborn (see JST Genesis 9:23), he was referring to those primarily of Enoch's group who had obtained heaven. Their entire city of Zion was removed to the valley east of Lake Beautiful, and they were in one body. They were candidates of the Church of the Firstborn, but not yet members of that church. This will finally occur when you and Oriphiel bring them into the celestial church in the New Jerusalem temple. The general assembly is a name referring to this group specifically, but also more generally to everyone who is accepted into the Church of the Firstborn. They too become part of this vast general assembly and Church of the Firstborn. This group will expand through the millennium until the time that you finally receive all of your own eternal ordinances from the angels in the New Jerusalem temple, being the last one to receive these ordinances. Then the general assembly will be complete for this eternity, and will move forward as one group to progress towards eternal life to become Gods and Goddesses (see your post 63N12 and post 109C15).

8. I thanked my Heavenly Father for speaking to me so personally, next to me on the ground here in heaven! I asked if I could add this revelation at the end of post 159, which he said I could do.

My vision then ended. I feel at peace and am ready for a new day!