166. The Coming Intense Calamities
I have been asked to send this to you before I sound the trumpet God gave me on 7-31-2020. You will want to read this before that day.
Please pray about all of these things, and make sure that you know that I have received this from God and not dreamed it up myself.
I hope you have a wonderful end of July!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, Saturday, July 10, 2020
1. Evening–I came tonight to the little outcropping above the circling waters. There was a hazy mist in the air it seemed, but I could still make out the outline of the distant temple of God to the west.
2. I was tired on earth, for this was a busy day. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Father to come. I had no thought about what to ask for, but I only wanted communion with him, and to receive anything he might want to share with me.
3. Heavenly Father then stood in the distance next to his temple, in the air. His brilliance completely vaporized the mist in the air all around the region! He then moved in front of me. He was smiling and very radiant.
4. He spoke: 'Raphael, you have seen that my presence dispelled any mist or fogginess in the air all around us. We will have the same affect in the lives of our elect children who humbly and openly pray to us, their Heavenly Parents, so that their wonderings about whether we live, answer their prayers, or receive comfort and direction from us is positively and firmly established in their minds. They will positively know we answered their prayer!
5. I come to you in the same Spirit of comfort and assurance. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I are with you throughout your day, and come to you as you petition us to come in your prayers. I uplift you with my messages of hope and encouragement, even as your Heavenly Mother and I will do for everyone of our persistent souls who pray to us in faith and humility. We meet our children wherever they may be in their spiritual progression, and help them get to know and serve us better.'
6. I thanked my Father for his presence, and his uplifting message tonight. I loved being near him, and to hear him speak to my mind and heart.
I concluded my evening prayer and went to sleep.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, Sunday, July 12, 2020
1. Yesterday my wife, son and I spent the entire day, from early morning to late at night, visiting family in Centerville, West Haven and Murray Utah. We drove a lot, and had a very fun day, and returned late back home. I am happy we made the effort, but I couldn't connect with my God until late last night when the house was all finally dark again.
2. Heavenly Mother came to me late last night at the circling waters. She was so gracious and loving! She was pleased we had visited our extended family all day long. She quickly left and I went to sleep.
3. This morning I reread an email that S had sent to me yesterday morning. He sent me two of his journal entries that he later said I could share (these are included at the end of my entry this morning).
4. In the first entry he said Heavenly Mother showed him the events of Uriel blowing his trumpet. When he blew to the North, Heavenly Mother told him that many of the elect among the tribes of Israel, who dwell on the inner earth, heard the note from Uriel with their physical ears. This bolstered their faith, and she said, "was similar to the sign of the twelve tribes of Israel entering the promised land when the Jordan stopped flowing for the people to pass over on dry ground as they journeyed to Jericho. We provide signs and miracles in our own times and purposes to lift our children in their mortal journey."
5. I have prayed about what S received in prayer, and felt the assurance of the Holy Spirit that it was true. This account has been uplifting to me also! I am excited and strengthened how events are coming together across the earth to bring about the changes upon the promised land of America.
6. I came to the high mountaintop this morning, and faced the western skies. I ate some snow there too, and this became living water as it melted in my mouth. I felt awake and spiritually sensitive.
7. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one to come to me. Heavenly Father then appeared immediately before me in the air. He asked me what I wanted today.
I asked that I wanted to view the current preparations of the ten tribes of Israel on the inner earth to who would come forth soon by boats to the north countries.
8. Heavenly Father replied: 'Raphael, I will show you their preparations, and the very moment that many of them heard Uriel's trumpet sound nearly two weeks ago. In this vision you will also recognize S working among them, even though you haven't even met him in mortality yet. You will be able to mingle among them without being recognized. You will be wearing similar clothes as the people , and will be able to speak and understand their language. This will be a very real experience for you, my son!'
9. I thanked my Father for this promised blessing and journey. He then extended his hand and I stood and took his hand in mine.

10. We were then immediately above the seashore of the inner earth, in the air looking down. I saw a vast multitude gathered before their prophet who was speaking to them. He was on a tower of some sort, similar to how I envisioned King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon must have addressed his people who were gathered around their temple. I was on the right side of Heavenly Father in the celestial realms, facing their prophet who was speaking. The ocean was behind the tower, and seemed very calm compared to the beaches on the Pacific Ocean where there are frequent and crashing waves all of the time.
11. Below and behind my Father and I were large groups of people, all gathered in families, sitting on the very large hill in front of the beach where the tower had been erected. These people were all listening intently to their prophet speak.
12. Heavenly Father then reached over and touched both of my ears with his hand and said I should now be able to understand their prophet, and hear what he was saying. I thanked my Heavenly Father.
13. Their prophet was speaking about the seven archangels of God, and how there were three that had already blown their trumpets of God from a temple on the land of promise. He said the fourth archangel would blow his trumpet tomorrow, in their direction, or north. He said that this trumpet sound would be heard by many of them on the inner earth when he blows northward. This would be a call from God, by his angel, to hasten their preparations to come to the land of promise, even to the future New Jerusalem that would start to be built up on that land.
14. The prophet then announced a fast, to be accompanied with sincere and humble prayer, to begin immediately for all who wished to hear the heralding sound of the archangel of God tomorrow morning at sunrise. He asked all who believed and wanted to fast and pray to hear the sound of the trumpet to stand on their feet. I looked around and saw everyone gathered below and behind us on the hill standing up. Many were crying for joy and anticipation to hear the sound of God's trumpet call tomorrow!
15. I was moved with the Spirit, and was very impressed with the faith of those elect souls from the lost tribes of Israel!
16. This prophet then concluded his address, asking them to return to their homes and continue in prayer until the next morning at sunrise when many of them would hear with their physical ears the sound of the trumpet of God, blown by his angel on the outer earth!
17. He concluded and the people started to disperse.
18. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke: 'Raphael, let's go and mingle with these humble and faithful people a few days earlier than what we have just witnessed, when they were working on their ships, preparing them with provision for when they would launch them into the ocean waters!'

19. We then were on the same shore where I had seen the tower, now a few days earlier. There were groups of these people bringing sacks of grain on carts pulled by horses or mules. They then hefted these on their completed ships up ramps that they had built, which looked like temporary scaffolding. They also brought dried food and items that would sustain life and be able to be stored without spoiling. I walked up to one who was standing nearby, and asked her how many ships were finished and ready to be launched. She smiled, apparently understanding me, and spoke:
20. 'There are well over a hundred ships that are now completed. We also have about the same number that are almost ready. In two months from now, the prophet wants these all completed. We are all excited to finish our great preparations!'
21. I asked her what tribe she was from. She replied that she was mostly from the tribe of Naphtali, but had ancestors from several tribes. She smiled again, excused herself, and went back to work on one of the ships that she had apparently been assigned to.
22. I saw everyone was steadily working and consumed with their coordinated effort.
23. I saw next another cart arrive. I recognized the one leading the two horses by a rein attached to their bridles. The horses wore a harness that was attached to the cart which had front and rear wheels. I knew the one leading the horse was S, in his replicated celestial being! He was dressed like all of the rest, and blended in with them. He was very involved in his work, and seemed very skilled in what he did. He situated the cart next to a ramp leading to a ship. When stopped, many men then came forth and started unloading the cart. S stayed holding the reins while these men unloaded. S didn't see me, for he was entirely involved in his work.
24. When all was unloaded from the cart, S walked with the reins to the empty cart and gave a command to the horses and snapped the reins. These strong animals then turned the cart around and returned where they had come from, apparently to retrieve more provisions.
25. I turned and thanked my Heavenly Father for letting me see this very busy operation among the tribes of Israel. Heavenly Father then motioned for us to walk up to one of the ships. We did so. I saw under the ship many rounded logs that were secured with stakes so that they couldn't move. Heavenly Father said these ships were built on a slight slope. These ships would be rolled into the water by these same horses pulling ropes that were attached to these vessels. Once they were in the waters, they would raise their sails and be blown by his winds to the outer earth, much like Nephi's ship that came to the promised land.
26. Heavenly Father then said he would now go to one of the homes of the faithful who had fasted and prayed the day before the prophet spoke. We then came in the celestial realms so as not to be seen. We were inside a humble dwelling where a man, his wife, and their five children were living. The oldest child was an older teenager it seemed, and the youngest was around five years old.

27. They were kneeling in family prayer, addressing their Heavenly Father who was then standing behind the father who was praying. This man was pleading out loud for each one in his family to be able to hear the sound of the trumpet call when the angel would blow. He concluded his prayer, and the oldest boy looked out the window opening and excitedly said that the sun was shining! This was the inner earth sunrise, explained by me in an earlier post (see my post 137G5 to 137G7). They then all came outside their house and stood. Heavenly Father and I came among them also, but were not seen.
28. At that moment I heard Uriel's trumpet blow his high trumpet note, just as I had heard on 6-30-2020 at 6:00 am above the Salt Lake temple! It was just as clear and loud as I had heard before. The father and mother immediately came to their knees, and were crying profusely! Their children came around them and also knelt. They had all heard Uriel's trumpet call! The Holy Spirit then came upon all of us there, and I started crying for joy! I turned to my Father who also had tears of joy flowing down his cheeks! Oh, what a choice moment this was, with my Father and with this very humble family who were all crying while on their knees.
29. My vision then stopped, and I was back in my own home writing all of this down. I was feeling very moved and happy. I knew what I had seen and written had actually happened, and it was all true!
30. I now closed my prayer on this beautiful Sabbath day. I feel great peace and joy!
31. Email from S, 7-11-2020:
"7-8-20: AM
This morning I went for a jog. I listened to the 2nd half of the Independence Day post recording . I heard about the trump of Uriel being blown, which I did not hear with my physical ears when I awoke early that morning to hear it. I felt the impression while jogging that I should pray to hear it this morning.
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Mother. She directed me to the fountain of living water. She was cheerful, smiling, and glowing in light. I was happy to be in her presence. I drank from the fountain of living water with a cupped hand. She then took my hand and we departed to the skies above the SLC temple. She spoke to me, "You will now witness what has already transpired. You will see it as if you were there at the time, but it will be my memory that I present to you. At this time I saw the archangels forming a circle around Uriel in the middle. Uriel had his trumpet raised and blew a higher note than the last angel I heard. He began in the Eastward direction, then West, then North, then South. It seemed he waited longer in between each blow than my previous experience. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, "He first blew East, for in that direction Jesus Christ will return. He was heralding his return. The blow to the North was a signal to the lost tribes of Israel on the inner earth. This was heard by the physical ears of many of our children who are there preparing to return at this time. Hearing this sound with their physical ears bolstered their faith for their upcoming journey. This was similar to the sign of the twelve tribes of Israel entering the promised land when the river Jordan stopped flowing for the people to pass over on dry ground as they journeyed to Jericho. We provide signs and miracles in our own time and for our own purposes to lift our children in their mortal journey. For you personally, if you heard the trump that morning with your physical ears, you would have felt emboldened to share more things with your wife that you have read and learned. All of our children are on their own journey and they are not all ready to receive certain truths. You had your own personal journey to come to the point where you were ready to receive Raphael's revelations. Prior to this time, a few years ago, you were not ready to receive such things either. I give you a blessing at this time to be loving and accepting of all our mortal children no matter where they are currently with their belief sets. I bless you to be understanding and filled with our spirit to know what light or truth you may share with these our beloved children to help them in their journey. For each one, this journey is different and their progression is scattered. This blessing will also help you with understanding your extended family. We will continue to lead each one according to our knowledge and wisdom.'
I humbly thanked my Heavenly Mother for this experience. We embraced and I was filled with her love. This scene closed as I ended my prayer.

32. 7-10-20 AM
In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I heard Heavenly Mother's voice speak to my mind, "I wish to show you the spiritual darkness now covering the land.' I was then directed to the space above the earth. Both my Heavenly Parents were there standing in glory and light, gazing down upon the earth. Heavenly Father spoke, 'Your Heavenly Mother and I wanted you to see the great spiritual darkness now covering the earth. I then perceived a great dark mist or cloud covering the inhabitants of the earth. Many wandered as if they were lost. Heavenly Father spoke, 'This is similar to what Lehi recorded in his tree of life vision. He wandered in thick darkness for the space of many hours. At that time, he prayed and was then guided to the tree of life. Many of our elect will perceive this spiritual darkness all about them. They will be delivered as was Lehi when they turn to us in prayer with their entire being, asking for deliverance. This will be a new experience for many who have never connected with us in such a way. You seek us morning and night and record your experiences. We shower our light and love upon you daily and you have not experienced this darkness to the degree of others, but we desired you to witness this yourself. Go forward in faith, and enjoy this day as our light shines upon you.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for showing me the current state of the earth and their bounteous blessings in my life. I then closed my prayer.
Have a great weekend,
33. I received another email from S after he received my note to read what I had written about seeing him on the inner earth, dated 7-13-20 AM:
"R sent me an email link to read about his experience with the lost tribes in the inner earth he had yesterday. I read it this morning and felt such joy. I wanted to pray and ask about it. I came in prayer not knowing how my prayer would be answered.
As I began to call upon my Heavenly Parents, I immediately saw myself in a desert of sorts with only sand around me. There was a large funnel of dust that immediately surrounded me. I had to close my eyes and place my arms over my eyes for protection from the severe sand storm. I had the impression to look up and I saw some light above, but the sand made it hard to keep my eyes wide open and I peeked at it through slits in my eyelids and saw light. Next, the storm was immediately gone. I looked to the east and Jesus Christ was walking on the sand towards me. He was in white robes and full of light. As he arrived before me, I knelt before him, filled with great joy. Jesus spoke to me, "A tempest like this will soon surround all of God's children in mortality. It will be intense and fully surround them on all sides. Many will look up to God for deliverance, yet it will still be challenging. I am waiting to reign on the earth at the end of these trials and tribulations. I will bring peace and healing in my wings. Many others will kneel before me as you are now kneeling, and they will be filled with my peace. They will all say at the end of this journey that every sacrifice and challenge was worth the price of this great blessing of entering the millennial day of glory. As a young man you read the entire bible and you were fascinated with the tribes of Israel. You found joy in your heart this morning when you read that Raphael spoke to a young girl from the tribe of Naphtali. This righteous branch of the lost tribes of Israel in the inner earth are full of faith. They are the good fruit that are stored up as Jacob recorded in Jacob 5. You will soon rejoice with this righteous branch when they come to the New Jerusalem. A righteous posterity will soon cover the earth who will know their Gods and rejoice in their goodness. Look forward to this day with hope and it will sustain you through the days ahead.' I then saw in my mind a future where multitudes of people were kneeling humbly before the Savior in reverence and awe. My heart yearned for such a day.
I felt great love in my heart for my brothers and sisters on the inner earth coming to this land with great faith. I desired that many here would be equally humble and faithful as we prepare for the return of our King, Jesus Christ. He departed straight up into the sky and was gone from my view. I closed my prayer.
Your Friend,

34. Evening-We enjoyed a private sacrament meeting in our front room this afternoon. We have done this faithfully each week since March 2020. I love this sacred meeting. Each time, like today, I make my covenants with my Heavenly Parents and they, in turn, accept my covenant. Today Heavenly Mother accepted my covenant in behalf of Heavenly Father and her, and she said they would always be with me, and send their Holy Spirit to remain with me. I feel so very happy to renew my covenant I made at baptism each week.
35. I came tonight to the white gate that leads to the straight and narrow path and ultimately to the tree of life. As I approached the gate, Jesus Christ, my personal Redeemer and Savior, came to the gate and opened it for me to enter.
36. I came inside on the grass and he shut the gate behind me. I immediately came on my knees and faced him. I gazed into his soft and very compassionate eternity eyes. They are so recognizable and bring such peace to me! I love him so much.
37. Jesus then spoke: 'Raphael, my son, you have been watching with your family a modern series of movies about me on Sundays. This has depicted how some think it may have been like at the start of my ministry on earth. However, my ministry on earth was mostly different than the movie, except for how the culture was shown and how the situation of the Jewish state was at the time. I tell you this to correct misinformation, and to invite you to meet me at the high mountaintop tomorrow morning for a vision of part of my early ministry on earth. This view of my early ministry will help you in your service to your fellowman. In preparation, read the first few chapters of Matthew and some of the book of John. I will guide you which to study.'
38. Jesus then smiled broadly and repeated again that he would meet me tomorrow morning at the high mountaintop, and for me to kneel there facing west. I said I would be there!
39. My vision immediately closed. I again then thanked my Gods in prayer for their great blessings, and for meeting with my Savior tonight, wherein he said I could witness some of his ministry in vision tomorrow morning. I then closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, Monday, July 13, 2020
1. This morning and last night after my evening prayer, I read from Matthew 1-5, John 1-3, and the Joseph Smith translation of those chapters. I felt this was the preparation Jesus had asked me to read.
2. I then came to the tree of life and ate of a fruit and a leaf, and next came to the high mountaintop on the celestial orb. I ate some snow here and it turned into living water in my mouth. I felt alert spiritually and prepared.
3. I faced west, knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I was then directed by the Spirit to look into my seer stone that was held around my neck by a gold chain.
4. When I looked into the stone, I felt like I was in Capernaum, in the holy land, during the life of Christ. When he came and dwelt there before his ministry! (see Matthew 4:13). I was somehow present in the community and could understand the language of the people. I felt they could see me, for I was dressed in the clothes of their time, and even had my beard. I walked through the market place, and then into the local forest and fields. I remember that I went with my wife with our then two small sons to Capernaum and it was only ruins. However, in my vision this was real, with people and a bustling community.
5. I came to the shore at the lake (Sea of Galilee) and stood there. It reminded me of Utah Lake, but was much cleaner than Utah Lake is now. As I was contemplating, Jesus Christ came next to me. I turned and recognized his eternity eyes, so deep and compassionate. He was dressed as one of the locals in Capernaum.
6. Jesus spoke: 'Raphael, this is where I called Peter and his brother Andrew to follow me. They were fishers, and left all and followed me. I lived in this town for a time before I began my ministry. Once I began healing the sick, casting out devils and unclean spirits, and working mighty miracles, there were throngs of people who followed me. However, most followed me to witness the miracles, and yet did not believe. (see Matthew 11:23)
7. When my time was come, I called my apostles and began teaching the gospel, starting in this region. I was forthright, clear as I could be, and in all things followed the Spirit that my Father and Mother gave me in abundance. I know their voice, and obeyed all I was given. I had prepared my life for one of service, but did not come out among the Jews until told to do so by my Heavenly Parents.
8. Likewise, Raphael, you will be guided in all things in your mortal life, and as our servant working in the celestial realms on the earth and on the celestial orb. Our Heavenly Parents will guide you in all things, in all of your actions, whether in your conscious mind in your terrestrial mortal body, or in the celestial realms. When they prompt you, act in swiftness and boldness, yet in behavior like you have read in the scriptures how I acted, in love and compassion among the people.

9. I will help you as you too seek to heal and bless others in your mortal circle of family, friends, and neighbors. We don't want, however, you to receive much notoriety in your healing among men, for your main work now is in celestial realms where our elect cannot see you. You will do great works in that realm, where you will replicate yourself many times over in fulfilling your mission to the elect, and lead our celestial servants and angels in God's great latter-day work.
10. You have also been correct that my main effort will be to minister to the elect, chosen of the Father, on a one by one basis, and in leading my servants in the terrestrial realms on the earth. Our overall goal is to rescue the elect, safeguard them, and help them as they make their way into the future millennial terrestrial world on the earth.
11. Raphael, come here again tonight in your prayer, on this seashore, by again looking into your healing seer stone. I will meet you again and show you more of my early mortal ministry among the Jews in vision!'
12. I thanked my Redeemer! I then knelt on the sand before him and saw the nail prints in his outstretched hands and in his feet. I thanked him to have redeemed me of my sins and weaknesses. I feel so indebted to him, for his great work of suffering and cleansing he has done for me and for the faithful!
13. Jesus reached out and pulled me up to a standing position. He embraced and kissed me. He said he loved me. He then said to stop looking into my stone until tonight and that he would meet me here then.
14. I consciously let my stone come in front of me, dangling from my pendant. I was then writing all of this down in my private room in my home. I prayed and confirmed that what I received was from God. I felt the peace from the Spirit, and I was feeling settled and clear. I know my experience was real and true. I then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and started my new day.
15. Evening-Tonight I started my prayer at 10pm, it took a long time to settle down and get in a relaxed state, for we had a busy day. I am on our couch in my front room, writing in my journal. I am going to write what comes to me as I look into my seer stone. I plan to look into my seer stone from my front room, in a replicated state of being in the celestial realm. I feel the process is acceptable to God.
16. I then came in my mind to my front room in the celestial realm. I saw myself writing on my couch in my journal, so I am consciously in two places at the same time. In the celestial realm, I knelt on the floor, and pulled my domed shaped healing seer stone in front of me. I prayed that when I look into my stone, with intention and faith, that I would come to the shores at the Sea of Galilee where I was this morning with Jesus.

17. I then looked into my stone and came in person to the shore on the lake, even the Sea of Galilee! It was late afternoon it seemed, a little before suppertime. It also seemed it was still warm outside.
18. I looked around and saw nobody. I then knelt on the ground and asked that Jesus Christ come to me. I waited only 10 seconds or so and saw a man approaching me, walking on the beach. I knew instantly it was Jesus Christ, my Redeemer!
19. When he came in front of me, he stopped and spoke: 'Well done, Raphael, in coming here to the Sea of Galilee during the days of my ministry when I was on earth! We are both here, you in your celestial translated body, and me as a resurrected celestial being. We are able to view myself and those around me when I lived in mortality, all in a visionary state. The others can't see us, for we are in the celestial realms. However, we may walk among them and get a very real feeling how my ministry was on the earth.'
20. He then extended his hand, and I stood and took it. We were then standing on the shore, and saw twenty feet or so away, Jesus teaching the people of his day. They were on an elevated area of the beach, like where the waters rarely came, and he was facing them with the lake to his back.
21. All the audience was captivated by what Jesus taught, for I saw he spoke with the Spirit of God, and they were moved by the same Spirit. He taught in clarity, and in some parables, always so they could understand, even those who were unlearned and poor. He spoke in stories and was so real and personable; a very connective teacher! He knew if they understood or not, for he could see from their responses, and from their eyes.
22. We then saw two fishing boats being brought near the group. Jesus called out to the lead boat, and asked if he could address the group from his ship. Soon he was teaching from the ship, for there were many people there. He taught for another hour or so from the ship before they were dismissed. Some lingered, and others left. The fishermen listened while they cleaned their nets.
23. Jesus struck up a conversation, with the fishermen. They had toiled all night with no catch, and were discouraged. The fisherman in both boats had all been captivated by the teachings of Jesus. They seemed to be a very humble and open group of fishermen.
24. I then looked up the account of Jesus calling these fishermen to come and follow him, in my LDS scriptures on my phone. I read Luke 5:1-11. I then thought Jesus would ask Simon Peter to come and launch his boat into deeper waters, and try one more time to catch fish in his net. I couldn't hear all of their conversation, but I did have the experience of being able to zoom up close to these individuals from where I was on the shore, to where Simon was, who was now with Jesus about 20 feet out from the shore. I could distinctly see Simon Peter, a middle aged man who looked worn by the heavy work of fishing with nets. He had a beard, and clear eyes that expressed humility and trust. I could sense he had been touched by the Spirit as Jesus had taught from his boat while Simon cleaned his nets.
25. The boat was gently rocking as Jesus asked Simon to go out again to deeper waters in his boat, and cast his nets one more time to catch fish. Simon had walked out to the boat in the water and conversed with Jesus. I then saw the same compassionate and loving eyes of Jesus that I saw with the resurrected Jesus by my side. I think Simon Peter too was impressed by his eyes, and especially by the Spirit that had wrought upon him.

26. Simon launched the boat with sails and oars into the deeper water. Jesus was on the ship with him, sitting on the aft part of the boat. Simon stopped about 50 feet out and let down the nets. Once they were all out, he started hauling them in, with a huge catch of fish! I zoomed in again and could see the astonishment on his face. He yelled to the others on the shore, and his partners came in the other boat to help. They filled up both boats, and the net even broke because of the heavy load of fishes. I saw Simon was alone in his boat until his brother Andrew came and jumped onto his boat from the second boat. There were two fishermen in each boat that I saw, and they were all astonished! They somehow managed to row to shore with their very heavy loads in both boats.
27. There were other fishermen who also came from cleaning their nets nearby, and helped them haul their load to shore.
28. It was then that Jesus and Simon came out of the first overladen boat, which was nearly sinking, and walked to the shore. At the shore, Simon fell down at Jesus' feet, and spoke the scripture in Luke 5:8:
"When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord."
29. All of the partners of Simon who were with him were also so astonished at the miracle of the catch. They all came to the shore, now that the boats and their harvest of fish were secure. There was Simon Peter, Andrew his brother, and James and John, four fishermen who were all touched deeply by the Spirit. The father of James and John named Zebedee was also there. These were then all before Jesus on the shore. Others were around, but Jesus spoke to these four, and particularly to Simon Peter.
30. Jesus then said "Fear not, but follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19)
31. They then turned and looked at their ships full of fish. Zebedee, the father of James and John was there, and said he would take care of the fish with the other fishermen. Then these four men, Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John, each turned to Jesus. Simon said "Lord, we will follow you!" The others agreed. Then Jesus smiled upon them and said "Come, follow me!"
32. He turned and started walking from the shore. The four fishermen then followed him, having left all behind them.
33. I watched them walk through the crowds, some of which were still on the higher ground by the beach. They all five continued walking, even to a wooded area along a path, not far away.
34. Jesus Christ, my resurrected guide, then turned to me and spoke:
'Raphael, the dedication of these four fishermen when they became convinced I was the promised Messiah, lasted their entire life. They obeyed the Spirit for they had been conditioned in life that when they would hear the voice of God, they would obey. Such is the faith and valor we need of our holy angels and celestial and terrestrial servants who are laboring for our elect in these last days. When these hear the voice of the Spirit, they should act in obedience and faith.
35. Raphael, come again to the town of Capernaum tomorrow morning in your prayer. I will meet you before entering the city from the path you saw me take Peter, Andrew, James, and John into the wooded area. Read Matthew chapter 9 in preparation for your visit tomorrow.'
36. I thanked Jesus for the vision he gave me today! I asked if I should come here through my seer stone again. Jesus nodded that I should. He then asked me to now look up from my stone and my time with him would end.
37. I bid him goodbye, and intended to look up from my stone. I was immediately in my front room writing all of this! I then realized it was nearly midnight, and I was tired. I conclude now my prayer tonight, and will resume in the morning.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, Tuesday, July 14, 2020
1. I had a relatively short but deep sleep last night. I just reread my account from last night, and wonder how this all happened, for I was in casual conversation occasionally with my wife while writing in my journal. I wondered if my imagination somehow got the better part of me. However, when I pray about this, it all rings true! It seems so natural and real. I remember such things as the old wooden boat of Peter, probably passed onto him from his own father. I remember the water lapping gently against the wood, and the clear shallow water where these men jumped off their boats to come to the shore after their boats scraped bottom. It all seemed so real to me in my mind. Yet I also remember sitting and talking to my wife about other topics, on and off in the evening.
2. I came in my mind this morning to the tree of life on the celestial orb. I plucked a fruit and leaf of that tree. I contemplated what I purported to have seen last night, and wondered while I ate.
3. As I was eating, my mentor Michael, an archangel of God, came from around the tree of life. He stood next to me and spoke:
4. 'Raphael, doubt not but be believing of the vision you experienced last night with Jesus Christ. When you look with intention into your stone, you are able to be propelled into whatever past or future event that you are invited to behold. In your case last night, Jesus our Redeemer asked you to come into a vision of his past with him. You were both among the crowds on the shore of Capernaum, as celestial beings witnessing the vision. It was real, and from a time in the past. You will experience another vision this morning. Just let it come without wondering. Be observant and write again in your mortal terrestrial being what you perceive in your mortal mind as happening. This will then all just flow. You will remember again certain things with clarity, like you did of the old wooden boat in the water on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. You are viewing and perceiving all of these things from your unconscious mind in your translated celestial body in vision. It is real, just as if you were there in person in your own mortal life.'
5. Michael smiled at me, and then showed me his own seer stone, also held in place in front with a gold pendant around his neck. His was a long shaped diamond, about 2 inches long and 1 inch wide, with flat cuts on its surface that seemed to glisten as he held it in his hand.
6. He then walked around the tree of life and was gone. I then brought my own domed shaped green sapphire stone in front of me. I looked into it with intention to be on the path near the shore of the Sea of Galilee, with Jesus Christ, my resurrected guide.
7. I then stood next to Jesus Christ who was on my right side! I was dressed in my angel vestures, and he was in his normal exalted celestial robes. He smiled at me and spoke:

'Raphael, good morning! We are now in a vision of my past, and will be among the people in Capernaum after I had called most of my apostles. These and many others will be following me through my city, even Capernaum, that we will visit soon.
8. I am showing this to you to show you how ordinary life was back then, and how I carried the Spirit given me from my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. You too will carry this same Spirit in all of your ministrations. Seek for this in mighty prayer. This is the medium by which you will receive your direction and guidance in all you do. Once you are sure your direction comes from God, then act in faith and you too will carry this same Spirit in abundance. Act in humility and love, even as you will see me act in this vision, for this brings the Spirit more quickly and in more power.
9. Come, follow me now as we walk the road into the city. It is early here and the market place has just opened.'
10. I walked by the side of Jesus as we went into Capernaum. We were wearing sandals on the road and the dust was coming on our feet.
11. I was, however, still in my angel robes, but wearing sandals of the time period. I know that we wouldn't be seen, for we were in the celestial realms. As we were walking I remembered I hadn't yet read from Matthew chapter 9 as Jesus had asked I do. I then pulled up my phone back in my recliner in my private room, and read this chapter.
12. I then came back with Jesus in my mind. We were in the city, and I saw Jesus with his disciples, and many people thronging around him. My guide Jesus then suggested we go in the air, and observe from above this scene. We then both came a little above the crowd, and had a good view of Jesus in his ministries that morning.
13. Matthew 9:2-"And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee."
14. I saw this same man brought by two others on a makeshift stretcher. They made their way through the crowds until they reached Jesus. The man on the stretcher was shaking. Jesus had been sitting down in the marketplace, and then stood and spoke to the man sick of the palsy, just like Matthew had recorded. There were others around that also heard, and spoke in whispers among themselves: "This man blasphemes, for only God can forgive sins!" (see Matthew 9:3).
15. Jesus then turned and looked at them behind him, and knew their thoughts, for he spoke to them,
"For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise and walk?
But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins," he then turned to the sick man and spoke, "Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house." (see Matthew 9:3-6)

16. I viewed and heard Jesus speak words like these in the scriptures above.
17. The man with the palsy stopped shaking, and Jesus reached forth and took him by his hand. He sat up, and Jesus helped him to his feet and he stood, crying for joy. He then looked around, and Jesus took the stretcher on the ground, picked it up and gave it to him. He then smiled broadly, thanked Jesus and turned and walked away with those who had brought him before Jesus.
18. Jesus turned and looked at the scribes who were seeming astonished. They too then stepped away into the crowd.
19. My guide Jesus then spoke:
'Raphael, notice that when I healed the man sick of the palsy, I did no fanfare, but straightway and humbly healed him, even by the power that my Heavenly Parents had given me. I knew that they wanted me to heal him, for thus had the Spirit whispered to me. I acted immediately in faith and in love, extending healing to the man who was sick. I encouraged him to have faith, by reaching out to him and helping him stand.
20. Whenever you or our healing angels bless others in a like manner with healing, act in humble and faithful manner, and be believing. There will come a time in your mortal life when you and our mortal healing angels will start to heal people in distress and great need around you. Follow my example, and you will have success with full healing of the sick and afflicted.'
21. We then saw the mortal Jesus walking down the street of Capernaum, with many people around, following him and pressing on him. The disciples held back the crowds as best they could.
22. Soon they came to a booth of some kind. I perceived Matthew, the tax collector, was within when Jesus came up to the booth. Matthew walked out of his booth and came before Jesus, and knelt before him. Jesus spoke: 'Come Matthew, and follow me!' Matthew arose and put a bag from his pocket into the booth to the others there. He said to them he would no longer be working there, but would follow the Messiah, even Jesus, who was waiting.
23. Matthew turned and came to Jesus who smiled on him. He spoke again: 'Come, follow me.'
24. Matthew then continued with the other disciples of Jesus through the streets.
25. Jesus, my guide, again spoke to me of the dedicated single mindedness that his servants need in this great work of saving the elect. He then said:
'Raphael, we will see one more scene from Matthew 9:18-26.

26. At that moment, I saw a richly dressed man come into the crowd and make his way to Jesus. He came before Jesus on bended knee and spoke:
'Master, my daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.'
27. Jesus seemed to marvel at the man's faith, and said so to those around him. He then followed the rich man down the street.
28. I saw then a frail woman press through the crowd ahead of where Jesus was walking. As Jesus passed, she reached out and touched the hem of his robe. I then saw Jesus stop and turn, and finding her said, just as it reads in the Bible: "Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole." (Matthew 9:22). The woman stood and then followed Jesus, his disciples, and the crowds.
29. The rich man was still leading Jesus and the throng. Soon they came to his residence, and he opened the door for Jesus. Jesus came in and left the door open. He waved for his close disciples to come with him.
30. When inside, my guide Jesus and I also walked through the door, even though it had now been shut. We came to the top corner of the room where the dead child lay.
31. The mortal Jesus then asked the ruler to make all those in the room who were mourners to leave. Only he, his wife and four disciples were in the room with Jesus and the dead child on the bed.
32. Jesus then knelt by the bed, took the girl by her hand, and spoke: 'Arise'. She opened her eyes and sat up in bed. He helped her out of bed and led her to her parents who embraced their daughter in tears of joy and shock.
33. Jesus, my guide, then spoke to me:
'Raphael, when you heal, make sure that you do so with no fanfare or without lots of commotion around. This sacred gift of healing is to be done in reverence and in quietness, in humility and yet in great faith and trust in God. God will provide for you the healing, and you will be the conduit of God's power. Never bring attention to yourself in any of your healings, but act in quietness and in peace, returning thanks to God.
34. Raphael, this concludes your visions of my early ministry for now. I have shown you these things because our Father and Mother in heaven had asked it of me. You are highly blessed, Raphael, to have seen such things of my mortal ministry! May you reflect upon these visions throughout your future life, and then follow my example.'
35. Jesus then told me to look up from my healing seer stone to conclude this vision. He said he loved me, and would come whenever I might need him.

36. I thanked him abundantly for his visits. I said I would remember these visions throughout my life.
37. I then looked up from my stone and found myself writing this account in my home. I then prayed in my mind and heart to confirm it was all true, and happened as I wrote.
38. I then heard the voice of my Heavenly Mother in my thoughts saying these words: 'Raphael, you actually saw Jesus, our Beloved Son, who was your guide through these visions of his early mortal ministry. You have written a true account of what you beheld and heard in your unconscious mind, in your celestial translated body.'
39. I thanked her for her assuring words and further witness. I then closed my morning prayer and started my new day.
40. Evening-I received two emails from S this week. In the first he said he had prayed about my vision of him in the inner earth with the lost tribes of Israel. He prayed about this and found himself in a desert with sand. There arose a severe sandstorm, and he had to shut his eyes. He felt to look up and then saw light and then Jesus walking on the sand from the east. The storm abruptly stopped.
41. Jesus said to S that a tempest like this would soon surround all of God's children in mortality. He said it would be intense and fully surround them on all sides. Many will look to God for deliverance, yet it will still be challenging.
42. I wanted to know, if possible, of more details about this tempest soon coming to the faithful.
43. In the second email, S mentioned that he felt a "sense of urgency to quickly accomplish my preparations as soon as possible in the next several weeks. It feels to me there is a short lull to bless us with time to prepare."
44. I want to hear from my Gods more about this urgency S is sensing.
45. Tonight I came to the lovely desert oasis. I saw the beautiful water in front of me while I sat on the bench. My bare feet were in the sand under me. It looked like sunset would be in an hour or so. The temperature was very comfortable and there was a great peace, and it was very quiet.
46. I knelt in front of the bench and asked for my beloved Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer. I am hoping she will answer my questions I have from S's emails.
47. She then came from the sky above the oasis. She gradually descended upon the water, and then when she was a few feet above the water, waved for me to come to her. I arose and walked on the water until I was before her. I knelt in the air, just above the water, and looked into her sparkling eyes and smiling face. She had such love and peace about her!

48. She then spoke to me in my mind: 'Raphael, after you blow your trumpet of God on July 31st, 2020, the tempest coming upon the faithful, that S experienced in his vision, will soon debut. The tribulations each receives are varied and tailored to try our elect, so they will cry to us for deliverance. There is no one event that will be the same to try our elect. This trial comes even with all the help from the celestial and terrestrial realms where our servants guard, protect, encourage and sustain our mortal elect.
49. S has felt an urgency to complete his preparations, just like you have felt to do so. This preparation phase is different for each of our elect, but were they each to quiet down, there would be something they would know they should do to prepare for this day of hardships coming upon the earth.
50. I suggest to you and our other elect to pause, and while asking what physical items they should prepare for, think of what they yet lack. Each will then think of ways they may prepare, some needing only finishing touches, and others requiring basic items they have never yet acquired.
51. They should then think of the spiritual weaknesses they have, and the preparations they need to be able to do in order to commune with us, their Gods, to increase their faith, to act in kindlier ways, or a host of other spiritual needs.
52. By making a physical and spiritual assessment, our elect child will have a clearer view of ways to prepare for that which is coming to the earth.
53. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for answering my questions. I said that I would assess again my physical and spiritual preparations and make a list where I fall short. I said that I love her so very much.
54. She then smiled upon me and rose back up into the celestial sky until she was out of sight. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
55. I received this email from S on 7-14-2020:
"7-13-20 AM
R sent me an email link to read about his experience with the lost tribes in the inner earth he had yesterday. I read it this morning and felt such joy. I wanted to pray and ask about it. I came in prayer not knowing how my prayer would be answered.
As I began to call upon my Heavenly Parents, I immediately saw myself in a desert of sorts with only sand around me. There was a large funnel of dust that immediately surrounded me. I had to close my eyes and place my arms over my eyes for protection from the severe sand storm. I had the impression to look up and I saw some light above, but the sand made it hard to keep my eyes wide open and I peeked at it through slits in my eyelids and saw light. Next, the storm was immediately gone. I looked to the east and Jesus Christ was walking on the sand towards me. He was in white robes and full of light. As he arrived before me, I knelt before him, filled with great joy. Jesus spoke to me, "A tempest like this will soon surround all of God's children in mortality. It will be intense and fully surround them on all sides. Many will look up to God for deliverance, yet it will still be challenging. I am waiting to reign on the earth at the end of these trials and tribulations. I will bring peace and healing in my wings. Many others will kneel before me as you are now kneeling, and they will be filled with my peace. They will all say at the end of this journey that every sacrifice and challenge was worth the price of this great blessing of entering the millennial day of glory. As a young man you read the entire bible and you were fascinated with the tribes of Israel. You found joy in your heart this morning when you read that Raphael spoke to a young girl from the tribe of Naphtali. This righteous branch of the lost tribes of Israel in the inner earth are full of faith. They are the good fruit that are stored up as Jacob recorded in Jacob 5. You will soon rejoice with this righteous branch when they come to the New Jerusalem. A righteous posterity will soon cover the earth who will know their Gods and rejoice in their goodness. Look forward to this day with hope and it will sustain you through the days ahead.' I then saw in my mind a future where multitudes of people were kneeling humbly before the Savior in reverence and awe. My heart yearned for such a day.
I felt great love in my heart for my brothers and sisters on the inner earth coming to this land with great faith. I desired that many here would be equally humble and faithful as we prepare for the return of our King, Jesus Christ. He departed straight up into the sky and was gone from my view. I closed my prayer.
Your Friend,

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, Wednesday, July 15, 2020
1. I am feeling happy and well rested today. I am feeling in tune to myself and desire to hear again from my Gods in my favorite activity of each day--to commune with them!
2. I came this morning with a very open mind. I had no preconceived questions, nor did I have any idea what I might receive from God today.
3. I came to the golden altar in front of God's temple on the celestial orb. This was where I felt I should come to pray. I then remembered to drink living water, so I came to the fountain of living water and drank from my cupped hand. I walked back to the altar and knelt on the pavement, facing the nearby temple to my southwest. I asked for my Heavenly Father to come, for I felt he would be coming this morning.
4. The east door of the temple then opened, and my Heavenly Father came forth, walking to me! I was thrilled to be in his glory and presence. He soon was right in front of me.
5. He was smiling and full of light. His robes and entire being was strikingly majestic. I gazed into his loving face. I knew he understood and knew all things, and was in great control and power over the events soon coming on the earth.
6. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, in your last email from S, he said he felt you had a short lull to bless the elect with further time to prepare. We are blessing all of the elect of God with this little lull before they each receive the customized trial of their faith. They need to look to us, upward with their hearts and minds, and their whole soul, in order to bring us, their Gods, into their lives again.
7. You have recently been with Jesus Christ, my Beloved Son, who was in constant communion with your Heavenly Mother and me during his earthly ministry. He had prepared well in his life up to the time of his appearing among men as the promised Messiah. He learned to respond quickly to our direction, and to act in faith, which brought an abundance of our Spirit upon him. When he ministered to the people, he continually was guided by us, his Heavenly Parents, and we witnessed to those he was with by sending to them our Spirit, testifying to their souls he was our promised Redeemer who would save them individually and bring them again to us, their Gods, even as when they were with us in their pre-mortal life.
8. We desire that you act in such spiritual maturity also in your mortal life, in living a very Christ like life and in continually being open and in tune to our guidance and direction. When you feel our Spirit gently prompt you, even as we did for Jesus, then act immediately in faith. This will bring our Spirit about you in abundance. We will also witness to those you interact with, or seek to heal, or whatever you may do that it is true and of God. The humble and receptive may then hear with their hearts our Spirit and our direction for them in their lives.

9. Remember, this scripture now applies to you and our elect:
D&C 29:7-8
"And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts;
Wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land, (Raphael, this is the New Jerusalem, but before that time, my elect will be gathered in safe garners to wherever they live on the earth, in holy places, with our protection and guidance upon them. They will be responsive to our Spirit for they are our elect, and harden not their hearts) to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked."
10. Heavenly Father continued: 'This tribulation will also envelop the elect until they come unto us, their Gods, in mighty prayer for their deliverance. They will need to look upward towards the light, and we will send Jesus Christ to come and individually succor and bless them, even as S saw in his most recent vision in the sandstorm. Jesus will be able to stop the storms of life upon them and bring to them his peace and connection again with us, their Heavenly Parents, all in process of time, even as fast as they are willing to receive.'
11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his further witness and his truths he shared with me this morning in my prayer. I felt one with him and could feel his light stream into me with great love, acceptance and peace.
12. I then noticed that the golden altar was shining with the most brilliant gold hue I had ever seen! This thought came into my mind, from my Father who stood before me: The altar is a symbol of the condition of the hearts of those who yearn to commune again with God. Their hearts are gradually refined, even as gold is refined and the dross removed, as they come unto God. Then, as it says in our anthem "America the Beautiful" the words 'may God thy gold refine', so shall those words come to pass for the elect of God.
13. I also thought of the verse in "How Firm a Foundation" about "the dross to consume and thy gold to refine." We who are the elect of God, who hear the voice of God and then follow God willingly, will have the dross in our beings gradually removed, and our hearts refined like gold.
14. Heavenly Father smiled upon me as a witness of this thought. He then started fading from my view and was soon gone. The golden altar was still very brilliant gold, however. I hope to see it so brilliant from now on, every time I come by it on this celestial orb.

15. Evening-Today we hiked down the river, and then swam with our daughter, all the while social distancing. It was a very fun day.
16. I came tonight to the overlook off the trail going into the tall fir forest on the celestial orb. I could see the green hill and the temple to the northeast. It was all so very pretty.
17. I knelt at the overlook, facing the distant temple, and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come. I was waiting when I heard someone on the trail from the tall fir forest coming towards me. I turned and viewed my Heavenly Mother behind me! I turned and faced her. She had a concerned look on her face. I immediately asked her what was wrong?
18. She replied: 'Raphael, the sand storm that S experienced as a funnel of dust immediately surrounding him that he shared with you will bring distress upon our elect. Tribulations will come from all sides, and it will be difficult to maintain their own wellbeing.
19. In the vision, S had the impression to look up to the light, and then Jesus Christ came walking to him. He then felt he had been delivered from the storm.
20. S was perceptive and heard the whisper from my Spirit that we sent to him to look up to the light. Many of our elect will also feel such an impression. If they heed the prompting, they too will find that they are delivered from their immediate tribulations.
21. However, there will be a large group that hear the impression to look up to the light, or to pray to God, but will not heed the prompting. They then will continue to be buffeted by the immediate trials coming upon them. For them, we could send a hundred servants and helpers from higher spiritual realms, but if they choose not to listen, their situation will only worsen.
22. Heavenly Father shared with you this morning that the elect hear our voice and harden not their hearts. However, some will take more buffetings before they look up to God. They will become more distressed and anxious. I am concerned for these elect who don't quickly obey our promptings!
23. I asked her if there is anything I could do to spur these elect who do this to look to God?
24. Heavenly Mother looked me in my eyes with her deep and compassionate eyes. She then pulled me close to her and started crying for these elect! I felt her deep concern for them, for I perceived they would have times of narrow escapes from the whirlwind of trials coming upon them.

25. She pulled back, and then answered: 'Raphael, there is nothing we can do but continue to shine the light of our countenance down upon them, and gently prompt them to look to us, their creators, and Heavenly Parents. Oh, I love them so much, and don't like to see them suffer more than is needed.'
26. Heavenly Mother then regained her composure, and I came back to my upright kneeling position. She then asked me to stand and witness what trials will come upon the faithful elect. She took my hand and together we went into the near future on earth, when these whirlwinds of trials will surround the elect, and the whole world also. I saw all varieties of hardships, including sickness, imprisonment, loss of their earthly possessions, loss of family members, severe sickness right to death, loss of trust in society, government and almost every other person, severe discouragement, circumstances that seemed to have no escape from that were very severe, abrupt lifestyle changes from no more electric power, and acute hunger, and more.
27. I thought to myself that if these elect only looked up to God, even with a particle of faith, and a humble heart, they would receive some relief. I believe that were they to do so, God would direct one of their terrestrial or celestial servants to provide for them, and to change their view to one of relief and safety.
28. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for showing me a view of these hardships coming upon the earth. I then asked her to help me in my physical and spiritual preparations so that my family and I would be best prepared. She said she would prompt me as I pondered what I needed.
29. My vision then ended, and my Heavenly Mother left. I have a much clearer view of the coming calamities that will descend upon the earth, and particularly upon the elect. They each have the power of personal choice to face their trials with God or not. God will not circumvent their agency to ask for help in prayer.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, Thursday, July 16, 2020
1. I got up early and did remote energy work on a few who asked me to do so. I then came to the lovely field of buttercups off the high mountain trail on the celestial orb. I had been here before, and there was great happiness all around me coming from the buttercups.
2. I walked in the air above the little yellow flowers. They bent their little flower heads towards me and this brought me joy to see their simple actions. This field of yellow buttercups was very pretty.
3. I knelt in the air and asked for my Heavenly Mother to come to me. I then saw her walking on the trail, and next cut right across the meadow in the air like I had come. She seemed very happy. When she arrived, she was beaming with light and happiness. I asked her how she could be so concerned last night in my prayer, and now so happy?
4. Heavenly Mother responded: 'Raphael, last night I allowed myself to feel great concern and even sorrow for our elect the Father has chosen, and who don't immediately look up at the light, nor pray for deliverance. These emotions were real, and I wanted to feel them and share these with you.
5. However, the amount of time I allowed myself to feel these deep concerns was limited. I now choose to be happy, cheerful, and full of positive feelings! This is a choice I too have made, for I may fully control my emotions and thoughts, and what I allow myself to feel and express.
6. This same control is up to each of our children. In mortality, they may experience severe hardships, even those that seem inescapable. They may suffer grief, a needful emotion, feelings of discouragement, and sorrow. However, once these have been fully experienced, there is a time to let go of these negative emotions. This letting go of the negative is done by their own choice, their intentions to let these pass and be replaced by happier thoughts. They need to watch out that the negative doesn't slip back into their thoughts once they have chosen to let them depart.
7. I have experienced what I felt I needed to, with my great concerns and compassion for the needless sufferings of my elect children who don't immediately turn to us, their Gods. There is nothing I will be able to do beyond sending to them light and giving them gentle promptings. Since there is nothing left to do, I may as well let these sad feelings pass and think of happier thoughts.
8. I have brought you to my field of very happy buttercups. They are so very cheerful and simple minded. Whenever you or any of our servants, or our elect, feel ready to let go of negative emotions, they may come here. It is almost impossible to bring with them unwanted emotions of deep concern, despair, discouragement, despondency and such. Those little buttercups won't allow those bad feelings to come, for they are always so bright and cheery!
9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her beautiful lesson on controlling our emotions! She was now so full of light, joy, and positive emotions. I so love being in her wonderful presence. I asked her to help me control better my thoughts that I allow to settle in my mind, and their attendant emotions they bring.

10. She smiled upon me and said she would, but I needed to ask her at the time.
11. She then arose up in the air and was soon gone. I concluded my prayer and started my new day.
12. Evening-Tonight I am pretty tired after a jam-packed day. I came to the celestial orb to a point about 10 feet in the air above Lake Beautiful. I had never been right in the middle of this vast body of living water where I couldn't see any shore. It was very still and quiet here. There were gentle waves below me, but these were making no noise.
13. I prayed for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me, way out here away from everything it seemed. My Heavenly Father came to me, coming from the south, towards God's temple many miles away.
14. He stopped in front of me and shone brightly upon the water and sky, for miles around it seemed. He was smiling and very majestic. I could see his light penetrate way deep into the lake.
15. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, wherever our elect find themselves, they are never too far away for us to come to them and rescue them. We always know where our children are located, at any time, and in whatever state or condition. They are never too low or too exalted for us to come to them, if they humble themselves and sincerely call upon us, their Gods.'
16. Heavenly Father reached out his hand and I stood and took it. He said we would then descend to the lowest depths of this vast lake. We then descended into the water together and quickly reached the bottom. We were hundreds and hundreds of feet deep! I could see the floor bottom because of the intense light from my Heavenly Father.
17. He spoke again to my mind: 'Raphael, were you to feel like all the weight of this water was upon you, in terms of troubles, hardships or difficulties of all kinds, we would descend to help you at whatever depth or height. We have great powers to uplift and bless our children when they call upon us in the humility and openness of their hearts.'
18. He took my hand again, and said we would now go high above this large body of water, even high into the sky above the celestial orb.
19. We then ascended back up to the water's surface, and then high into the sky. We were so high we could see the celestial orb as a round globe under us!

20. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, there is no place too high above your earth or this celestial orb that our beloved children may be that we may somehow lose them, or not minister to them if they call upon us in humble and open prayer. We are tethered to our children forever who receive as their ultimate reward a kingdom of glory. We love and bless them according to their desires. Our faithful elect will pursue their desires to call upon us, and allow us to guide them into celestial glory, one step at a time. Oh, we love our elect children!'
21. I thanked my Father for the wonderful gospel plan to help each of their children progress as far as they desire and as they pay heed to directions from God. I told him I loved him, and would always seek him, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ and to do their will.
22. Heavenly Father smiled and then my vision closed suddenly. I concluded my prayer and got ready for bed.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, Friday, July 17, 2020
1. This morning I got to my prayer after doing some errands. It is a little hard to get in a meditative state after my mortal day starts, with lots of ideas whirling through my mind. I will try, however.
2. I received an email from S about him travelling to the New Jerusalem. He talked with his Heavenly Father who said that this journey would be an individual journey, all orchestrated by God. I want to also know more about this journey that the elect may soon take.
3. I came to the Father's wheat field. He was working in the field, and looked up at me as I arrived. He stopped and walked over to the road just north of his field where I had come. I knelt before him. He seemed to have been working hard. I saw him in work clothes, probably the same way that S saw him there (see his email at the end of my entry this morning).
4. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, my son, you are here because you are practiced in prayer and meditation, and have come to our celestial orb many times before. Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, has redeemed you and introduced you to us again, opening the door for you to visit us in our kingdom.
5. S recorded his revelation correctly where he said that the journey to the New Jerusalem would be an individual journey. Some of our elect will be prompted by our Spirit to make the journey, and some will go to other places, and some will stay in place. The place they are each to go or to stay at is all individually guided by us. Along the way we will provide experiences that will help refine and hone our child to learn to trust in us, his/her Gods, and to follow our Spirit. Our interactions with them will be very personal, meant just for them.

6. Families will often travel together, as will spouses and maybe friends, but according to our direction, given to them from our Spirit. They will each continue to have your Heavenly Mother's corona flame, and the host of guardians from unseen realms to help guide them on their journey. Many will enjoy the presence of angels and our ministering celestial servants. This will be a time of great spiritual growth for our children who make this journey!
7. You are correct that you will make the journey in your replicated celestial being, even while you continue to live in your house in Utah with your wife and son. Plan now to stay in place with them, and prepare all things for your mortal life at your home.
8. On your individual journey to the New Jerusalem, you will travel by foot with a group of other people, but not in your mortal body, but in a your replicated body. All this while you will also be replicated to be at the New Jerusalem from the very onset, even soon after the earthquake when there is much water there from flooding. In that position, you will direct the angels and celestial servants we will send, to lay the foundations of our great city, even of the New Jerusalem. There will be many groups of our chosen elect helping you there, or traveling by foot to that area, also to help when they arrive. The influx of our elect in a short period of time will be a marvelous work to behold! They will not only be directed by you and other leaders, but will have our Spirit to guide them in knowing what to do.
9. The building of our New Jerusalem, the city of their God, will be a witness to all of the grand plans we have in store. These plans will be gradually unveiled to you and to all people there as our city is constructed by our faithful.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Father for sharing this revelation to me! I thanked him for revealing such things to men and women of great faith like to S. I know God would that we would all be prophets and prophetesses.
11. Heavenly Father smiled, and then said I had written correctly his words in my journal. He said he needed to get back to his wheat field to work. He turned and entered back into his field.
12. My vision then quickly faded, and I now close my morning prayer.
13. S's email I received on 7-17-2020:
I know a few weeks ago I read about your journey to the New Jerusalem. You recorded that you were told it would be in a replicated fashion so that you might have that experience, but you would remain in your current home with your wife and son.
I recently went to prayer with no preconceived thoughts or ideas on what I would learn. I wanted to share my experience from that morning.

As I knelt to pray in my closet, I began to think of my many blessings. I thought about my mortal body, experiences in life, agency, and my communion in prayer. I was grateful for all these things. I called upon my Heavenly Father and I was directed to his wheat fields. He was dressed in work attire and had been laboring on his land. He spoke to me, 'you have found much joy in coming to us in prayer these last several years and communing with us and recording this in your journal. Recently you were led to relocate your family to a small town to live on several acres of land. You have been laboring continuously with your wife and children to prepare the land. This labor has brought you great joy. As you were guided to come here, you will soon be called to exercise your faith and relocate again to the New Jerusalem area. You will not need to compel others on this journey. We will guide each of our children on their own unique course of progression and conversion. The journey and direction each will take is individual. There may be some that will feel the spirit to join you, or our Spirit may guide you to invite certain individuals as well. You will need to be brave and trust in our goodness for the next journey as you have trusted in our guiding hand to this point in your life. Your Heavenly Mother, I and Jesus Christ are involved in a great work with our children. Each has agency and those who come unto Us, do so in their own unique way, manner, and timing. We direct each on their own path and journey to eventually come unto us their Gods. You will continue to see this pattern play out even amidst the difficulties ahead. As each new change and challenge comes in the coming months and years, seek our help and we will comfort you and guide your paths as we see fit. We will never be far from you!'
I then embraced my Heavenly Father and felt his great love. He departed and I closed my prayer.
( I felt such peace and reassurance when I was told to seek heavenly aid with each new challenge coming)
Your Friend,