81. Exercising Our Faith
Posted 6-7-2018
Welcome to summer!
I came back to Utah from a trip to Portland this week and there was a 30 degree temperature difference! We are now in the mid-nineties in Utah, and our fledgling plants are only growing if we give them lots of water.
There are many topics that are discussed in this post. I reaffirmed the way how our Heavenly Parents lead us along, with just enough evidence to keep us in the exercise of our faith, and trusting God's directions, yet not to a sureness. This is how they like it.
I was also impressed with God's definition of pure religion. Love and service, initiated by our own desires and not by assignment, is what is important to them!
Read about the desert hawk and the floating "free thinking" rocks. This is all about the importance of being open and receptive so that God's ways may be revealed to us. I experienced some very real "human" views of God, that I could so very much relate to. They have gone through what we currently experience in their own mortal life at a previous time. They reveal what is really important for us to do.
Please pray about these revelations and concepts that have been given to me. They seem so very clear to me now, but they had to be first revealed to my understanding. I pray that you will come to your own awareness of all that God wishes to share with you as well. As always, please confirm that all I have received is true.
I hope you each have a wonderful beginning of summer! I love this time of year–everything is so green and growing!
P.S. I included some pictures from my trip to Portland in this post that I thought you might enjoy. Most of these were taken in my sister K's yard.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 23, 2018, Wednesday
1. Yesterday I received an email from my daughter who had continued rashes over her body. This has gone on for weeks now and the remedies we suggested to her no longer worked. Also, she had gone to a dermatologist and received some mild cortisone cream. Now that doesn't work. I then did remotely God's Loving Reset healing gift on her yesterday morning. Heavenly Father was the healer and I was the conduit. I had my hands under her head and Heavenly Father sent his healing energy from her feet, through her body, to me. I saw reddened "chunks of energy" come out over 5-10 minutes. The energy then ran clear and my daughter became even more transparent.
I wrote her last night and am hopeful this healing work will stop all the rashes she has been experiencing. My wife cautioned me not to share the details of what happened, but just to say I did energy work on her. This is what I did.
I also almost finished post 79 last night. There is now enough in the next post 80 to start the editing process and to get that out soon. Oh, I'm so blessed to have my sister K so faithfully type all my entries up! We use Google docs to share what she types up.
After a long day, I was very tired last night. I completely spaced my prayer until I was in bed, almost asleep. I got out, and knelt by my bed. I felt I had gone to the path overlook to the north of the river representing Jesus Christ, looking to the large field and the temple to the distant southeast. I kept drifting off to sleep. I felt chagrined over that! Anyway, I felt God then excused me from my prayer because I was pretty exhausted!
2. This morning I awoke early and came to the adjacent bedroom. I came to the same overlook on the path, facing south to the large field. I knelt and could tell I was clear and receptive. I realized how important it was to be well rested when I pray! If I am not alert in my physical mind and body, I am not able to connect with God in prayer.
This morning I knelt and faced the field, asking my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Then there appeared a white cloud in the air above the field, and both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came out of the cloud, walking towards me! Heavenly Father was smiling, as was Heavenly Mother. They were both wearing matching robes, with gold-trimmed borders around the neck and at the bottom of the robe hem. They had golden sashes also, tied in a bow on their right sides. They were filled with bright light immediately around their persons.
3. Heavenly Father started speaking:
'Raphael, you came here to pray to us last night, but we couldn't connect with you since you were not able to hear us. You were very tired and not in a state to either see or hear us. When you pray, make sure you are sufficiently awake and mentally alert to hear us. You have come this way to us this morning, in open and humble prayer.
4. Our children having their mortal experience are subject to the needs of their mortal bodies. If they are tired, sick, or in pain in their bodies, or if they are mentally or emotionally distracted, it is sometimes so difficult for them to connect to us in prayer. We are pleased when you come to us with a clear and open mind, alert and receptive to our words.
5. In our celestial world, those who live here or are in their replicated bodies, have no need of the demands of the mortal body. Your replicated physical self is always alert and clear when you are here, Raphael. This is also true of our mortal angels who work in our celestial realms, in their replicated bodies and their unconscious minds.
6. When our children on earth rest, for their needed recuperation of the body and mind, their spirits may sometimes have dreams, or even be replicated and come to our world, being in their unconscious minds. This happened to you in your life prior to your awakening of your identity as an angel of God. You were not aware of your replication of your spirit, and of your work you did for us in our celestial world. In your conscious mind you were living and acting only in your mortal body.
However, because of your standing and calling as an archangel of God, we used you since your mortal birth in our realms of glory. You replicated yourself in your spirit and you were active in serving us in the celestial realms, like you had done prior to your birth. Our mortal angels did similar things for us. This was all done in your replicated spirit, in service to us.
7. Once you were translated, your replication was no longer in your spirit only, but also in your full replicated physical body. As such, you had more capability and power than only in your spirit. This translation was a celestial translation and was unlike the process of translation of others like Enoch's band. When they were translated, they didn't have the ability to replicate until only recently. However, our angels had always the ability to replicate, even from their ordination and setting apart as our holy angels.'
8. Heavenly Mother then started speaking to me:
'Raphael, we interact with all of our children on earth, as much as they allow us to do so. We often yearn to be with them again, particularly our elect who hear our voice and keep our commandments. We come to them sometimes in the quiet times, or when they sleep, and speak with them or embrace their spirits. They are unaware of our interactions with them, for it is in their unconscious minds and with their spirits. When we embrace their spirits, they are able to embrace us too, without any need of being replicated. This is because their spirit is still attached to their body when we embrace them. Oh, we care for and ponder over our beloved children in the flesh! We miss them and want to be close to them, without interfering with the purposes of their mortal experience.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their words to me this morning! I then asked why sometimes they wore gold-trimmed robes that match like they were wearing today?
9. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we have just returned from a meeting with Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son. In this meeting, we reviewed our plans for the near future, towards our children who are living on earth and in the world of the spirits around the earth. We sometimes wear these royal robes when we meet in such a meeting with him.
We also wear royal robes for special occasions. Almost always your Heavenly Mother and I wear matching royal robes, which represent our power and authority.'
10. Heavenly Mother next spoke:
'Raphael, we have been observing your progress in fulfilling our desire to have all the mortal angels awakened to their identity as angels in their mortal conscious minds. You have been very busy in the spiritual realms of heaven, in interviewing many. Each angel has a unique mortal situation. You have received our inspiration as you creatively seek ways to awaken these. We are very pleased with your work so far. This has been a difficult and taxing assignment for you. You have not been aware of your work in this regard, for it would overwhelm your mortal conscious mind.
11. Once your conscious and unconscious minds merge, when you arrive in a future day at the New Jerusalem, you will be able to comprehend all that you and your replicated selves are doing. Until then, continue in the mode you are in, by connecting to your unconscious mind in your prayers, for we speak to you in your unconscious mind.'
I then looked again into their smiling, happy faces. Heavenly Mother then came forth and embraced me in heaven! I perceived a slight increase of light and peace when she did so, in my mortal body. Heavenly Father then embraced me too. I felt his strength, in my mind, as he did so. I thanked them for their love, light and peace that they both imparted to me!
They then turned and walked back to the white cloud behind them and were gone. I completed my prayer on my knees by my chair in my home. I then started my new day.
12. 9:55 p.m.–I had another full day. I am glad to have returned this evening and come home to relax. I wanted to pray tonight early so I immediately began. I came to the desert stream and faced east towards the oasis in the distance. I paused and felt that I was very clear. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.
I saw a light glow around the oasis in the distance. Then the light came across the desert to a place right across the stream. Heavenly Mother was alone in the light! She stepped forward over the stream and faced me.
13. She was smiling at me and began to speak:
'Raphael, you had a nice conversation on your phone with your sister, Rachael today. She and you discussed questions you both had about whether all of what you write, or you both receive, is fully true. You said to her that you have made a decision to act in faith and move forward with all of your directions and impressions. There is not a complete sureness of all of these revelations in your mind, but sufficient evidence to move forward in faith.
14. We are pleased that you have taken this attitude to go forward in faith! We may assure you in your prayers, but you don't absolutely know it is all completely true or not. This is part of the mortal experience, Raphael, that you are part of–that there is no absolute assurance most of the time. You also are blessed to have had times in your past when you were absolutely sure of our presence with you. You may think of those times and that will also give you assurance to move forward in faith.
As your sister and other mortal angels seek more evidence from us, we will quietly give them the assurance they seek. This, too, will give them memories that they can remember of times they were very sure. This will help them also move forward in faith.
15. When Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, was on the earth, prior to his ministry, he had assurances from us that he was indeed the Son of God. However, he too had to act in faith, even as you do now. He, too, had very strong spiritual experiences where he knew his Heavenly Parents both spoke to him. However, much of the time he had to struggle in connecting to his unconscious mind, just like you do now, in order to fully hear and receive our revelations.
16. When Jesus Christ came to the Mount of Temptation to be tempted of the devil, he had received revelation and experiences with us, his Father and Mother, which he had to rely on to act in faith. His temptations were very real, and caused him to deeply grapple with the evidence he had received and then act in faith. Just like you, Jesus Christ had to frequently pray in order to feel spiritually buoyed and assured he was acting correctly before us. We led him gradually, as we are leading you. He acted in faith in all things, and we fully supported his actions with our power we extended to him.
17. Raphael, we will continue to lead you along gradually and give you our power, love, and the measure of evidence you will need to fulfill your mission. We are so pleased that you are going forward in faith and confidence, always testing and weighing the evidence from your past and that we continue to bolster you with.'
18. I then saw her smile in my unconscious mind, in my perceptions. This was very real to me but not a complete sureness. I believe it is true, based on my spiritual perceptions and because I have verified in the past that this is how I "see" her. It is all so very real to me! I believe it is actually what is happening now to me. I believe I am truly by the desert stream in heaven. I hold onto my revelations as truly from God. I feel uplifted when I think of them and how I feel when I connect with God and when I act in faith on all my beliefs. I thus have developed a great faith and assurance it is all true as I perceive these things. I know this pleases God also.
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of logic and faith, which made perfect sense to me. I pray that I may always act congruent to my beliefs, as best I can perceive God speaking to me.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 24, 2018, Thursday
1. I am here again in my adjacent bedroom and it is a little before 7:00 a.m. I have just read again what Heavenly Mother said to me last night. I realize that we are to act in faith in mortality, continually seeking for more evidence and assurance on which to build and base our actions. We continually seek the face of God and act on what we hear and know. This is the path each of us has in mortality.
In all of our seeking truth and connection with God, we need to be open, humble and very spiritually perceptive. I believe this is the position our Heavenly Parents want us in. We drop our expectations and act on what we receive. This is what I have done from the beginning, acting in faith, as I am led.
This morning I came to the desert oasis. I sat on the bench, just trying to soak this all in and to ponder. I thought over my past five years. I thought over how I have been led from one thing to another, all from God whom I first saw and perceived in my energy class in April 2013.
I remember the over 260 sacrament meetings where I have perceived God coming to me, some clearer than others. I recall some of the great events that I participated in that were amazing to me that I truly felt extremely led to do and not created by my own thoughts. I truly feel very loved and guided!
I then knelt in front of the bench, facing the oasis. I perceived my feet were in the sand, and felt all of this was very real! I know this was all in my unconscious mind that I was connecting with my mortal conscious mind. I felt assured this was all true and real.
2. Heavenly Father's face came to me in my mind. I knew he was above the water of the oasis. I looked into his familiar eternity eyes, his smile. I looked at his hair and his beard. I then perceived Heavenly Mother come next to him. I too saw her eyes, her nose, her smiling face. They were both before me, smiling! I felt Heavenly Father wanted me to write what he would communicate to me. I got off my knees back on earth, sat again in my recliner, and wrote his words:
'Raphael, we who are your Heavenly Parents, have come to you in your unconscious mind, as we always do. We truly have spoken to you, guided you, led you these past five years. Each day we speak to you, revealing to you our will and multiple revelations. You have diligently recorded all of these and they are available online for others to read and ponder. You have recorded now 79 posts, each containing gems and truths from us, your Gods.
3. In our daily conversations with you, you have listened and recorded what we told you. You couldn't have written any of our words without our inspiration and power. You have done this diligently, day in and day out. You have truly acted in faith!
We are glad that you occasionally pause and deeply ponder if you are being led by us, and if what you perceive is truthful and from God. This you do in a very open and humble manner. We then give you assurance, through our spirit and our presence to your heart and mind. If you ever write your own words instead of our own, we would soon bring that to your attention to correct. We are pleased with the volume and content of what you have written, stating it is all from us, your Gods. I witness to you again that it is we who have inspired you and not your own thoughts or imaginations!'
4. I then looked deeply into the eyes of my Heavenly Father. They were so very loving and clear and so confirming to my soul that I heard correctly and have written this all as he spoke to me! I feel assured now to continue to go forward in faith, acting as they command, and believing all, with all of my heart and soul!
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke. Her eyes were sparkling, her visage so happy and beaming with light:
'Raphael, we could reveal more of our beings to you, but doing so would not change your attitude and actions. Therefore, we have chosen to just give you enough evidence to keep you acting in faith, humility and openness before us. This is the state in which we wish our relationship and communications to be. We thus will lead you day by day, here a little and there a little, until you have perceived the whole of what we want to reveal to you. We want you also to write and publish all of our words and directions for others to read and ponder as well. We will inspire them too, a little at a time, thereby confirming your words to their souls also. They, too, will be required to act in faith, with little tidbits of knowledge that we have revealed to them. These few experiences will sustain them and be sufficient evidence for them to move forward in faith and to remain humble and open before us.
As you continue to seek our face and seek our will, we will reveal these to you in our own ways, gradually. We will bless you with light and truth beyond what you could possibly receive and share on your own. You are pleasing to us, our son, Raphael!'
6. I then perceived they both somehow faded away, above the waters of the desert oasis. I then was left alone, but I had been buoyed and strengthened just enough to go forward in full action and faith. I realize this is their very plan for me- to have enough evidence and assurance to keep me going forward. I believe that I will continue in this way until I arrive someday in the New Jerusalem. Until then, I will act in faith, living each day as best I can, and continually seeking the inspiration of my Heavenly Parents.
I next knelt again in my room on earth and confirmed all I had received. I felt peace and assurance. I felt enlightenment and strength in my mind and heart. What greater witness can I receive than from God?
7. At night–I finally got free of all my duties at 10:40 p.m. and just now have started my prayer.
I shut my eyes and tried to "see" where my unconscious mind was located in heaven. I knew I was near the circling waters and that I was in a young forest. I next knew I was just north of the circling waters in the young mountain forest there.
I knelt facing south to the circling waters in the near distance. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw a bright light come from the sky in front of me in the forest. In this light was Heavenly Mother, who gradually descended in front of me. She was radiating light and was smiling. Her eyes were beaming too, so full of acceptance and love! I asked her to deliver her message to me. I told her I was so pleased to have her come to me!
8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to my mind and I wrote her words:
'Raphael, in order for you to drop old poor habits and to replace them with new, more Christ-like behaviors, you first need to recognize these habits are no longer good for you. Once you recognize a bad habit, or a poor way of handling something, you need to very openly acknowledge you'd like this changed. Try to find the thought you need to correct and then choose to modify this thought to something that you would prefer to think. Your new thought will create new emotions as you work on fully replacing the poor thought. You will find it will create happier feelings and more satisfying actions.
9. Today while you were working in the orchard, you became aggravated at your son who wanted your help. He seemed to you incapable, whereas you knew he was very able to put a new drip line in his melon bed. You asked him to gather the supplies that were in the garden that you thought he could do. However, he wanted you to work hand in hand with him. When you came to him, he even said you were upset and aggravated.
10. At that moment, you realized you wanted to change your habit and attitude towards him. Your current thought was:
Thought–"My son is capable to gather all of the supplies and then I will help him when he puts forth effort."
Feeling–This thought caused you to feel aggravated since he didn't gather the supplies like you wanted. You were then actively trying to control him. A better thought would have been this:
Thought-"My son needs help and needs to be shown how to connect the drip lines for his watermelon bed. He learns by me showing him."
Feeling–I want to help him. He is so much more important than what I am now doing in the orchard!
Your latter thought engenders feelings of compassion and kindness, for he has been mentally injured to some degree. He also acts much younger than he appears.
Your feelings of wanting to help him and being compassionate will replace your feelings of aggravation. This will make you work side by side with him in kindness, not in feelings of being put out.'
11. I apologized to my Heavenly Mother for my improper poor thought. I want to act more understanding and compassionate to him! I asked for her forgiveness. I said I would also seek my son's forgiveness. I want to act always in a kindly way towards him.
I later shared my experience with my wife. I said I felt chagrined at my behavior. I wanted to fix and change my thoughts. I was very tired and closed my prayer tonight.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 25, 2018, Friday
1. I awoke early, ready to meet a new full day. We have computer problems at work that I need to address early this morning. I will try to keep my mind focused in my prayer before I leave.
I came again to the mountain forest. I felt clear. I also wondered if I was forgiven for my aggravation last night towards my son. I feel much more tender this morning. Even though my caretaking role may be somewhat wearing on me, I want to think how far he has progressed over these 6 ½ years since his brain injury! I feel very grateful!
2. I prayed and faced the circling waters. I asked either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I next saw Heavenly Father walking to me from the circling waters. He was walking a little elevated in the air. He spoke to me when he arrived:
'Raphael, I forgive you for your shortcomings, for being aggravated with your son yesterday evening. You have asked for our forgiveness, realizing your error. We are quick to forgive the repentant, and those who want to change their ways as do you. You are still humble and open before us.
3. Raphael, you live in a fallen world, where our children have many weaknesses and foibles. Many do not realize that they are in destructive patterns of living or act in routines of poor habits. We have sent forth our spirit to them to help them realize there is a better way. However, many reject these feelings because of pride or a feeling they want to persist in domination, control, or stubbornness. We love to see those who are open to change and correction. All change begins in the mind of our repentant child. If they persist in thoughts that create unwanted feelings, they will not change. They first need to replace their thoughts to better thoughts, and then better feelings and actions will naturally flow.
4. You have made good progress in your behavior overall, Raphael! You used to get frustrated at fixing the many things that tend to break around your house, like the irrigation system for watering your lawn, garden, fields and orchard. However, you now have much greater patience. You now go from one task to another generally not feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. We hope our children who live in mortality will gain maturity and better thought control as they age and grow.
5. In our celestial world, there are never such issues of tasks or systems that go wrong. Our world quickly responds to our intentions and there is no aging or breaking down of the systems we put into place. Our plants and animals, our heavenly orb and atmosphere, and all our creations in heaven are highly in tune to our desires and wishes and act in full compliance. It is only in a fallen world like your mortal telestial earth where all seems to break down, decompose, and malfunction in time. Living in such a world hopefully will teach you patience and better thought control.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I felt so blessed by his presence and his great understanding! I knew my prayer had ended and I closed my prayer and started my new day.
6. After dinner– I came to pray tonight at the desert oasis–I really like this still and warm place! I came as the celestial sun was lowering in the horizon. The moon was already up in the sky. The Utah moon and the heaven's moon were both about ¾ full and brilliant white. I sat on the bench and just soaked in the beauty and the stillness of my surroundings!
I felt I was clear in my entire body. I then knelt before the bench, facing the oasis. I prayed for my Heavenly Father and or my Heavenly Mother to come. From my left then came both my Heavenly Parents, walking hand in hand, from an open portal it seemed, in the sky! There was light all around them. They came in front of me, floating towards me in the air. They came before me and looked at me. They were both smiling.
I felt so glad to be able to have them before me for my prayer! I wondered how people pray without God being there? It is so natural and normal now for me.
I thanked them for coming to me tonight. I expressed great happiness to be in their presence. I told them that I wanted to hear what they wanted to share with me tonight.
7. Heavenly Father spoke to me next:
'Raphael, sometimes on earth the scenery is nearly heavenly! This morning your wife mentioned how heavenly it was in your garden, surrounded by beautiful green mountains and lots of sunshine! The temperature was perfect, the new seedlings and flowers were quickly growing and life seemed very heavenly.
Then as the day wore on you had problems at work and in your interactions with others. We are glad you kept a happy attitude, for your attitude is all determined by how you think about a particular situation. You kept a good, happy attitude throughout the day.
8. We had mentioned the other day that we don't allow you to know all that you are doing and handling in your unconscious mind. You have a very lot happening in your life in the celestial realms. If we let you be aware of even part of your activity in your unconscious mind, you would quickly become overwhelmed in your conscious mind. This is one of the reasons why we limit the awareness mind of man or the conscious mind, from the unconscious. However, for you Raphael, you have so much more being orchestrated in your replicated self, in your unconscious mind, than most everyone else. We are increasing your capability and the capability of our mortal angels in the spiritual realms now. The work of angels is very much ramping up these days.'
9. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are very pleased that you are also trying to be pleasant during all your day, even when you feel pressed upon. This trait will bless you now and in the days to come. We need you to be kindly and even-tempered while living an active life on earth.
So much of being pleasant is to agree with people around you. Your loving wife has taught you this. Rather than confront or oppose people who have opinions, you can diffuse a potential argument by agreeing with them. You don't have to do what they say or want you to do either.
10. Matthew 5:25
"Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison."
11. At other times, it is important to be very clear and promote your own views and be more direct. These times are more rare and should be thought through carefully before voicing them. You wife did this today to the property manager, and it cleared the air, making a clear boundary. This didn't create an enemy because it was done in clearness and kindness.
12. Raphael, you have read online how the angel Raphael is the angel of relationship and marriage. This is partly true, for we have been sharing with you, and will continue doing so, with many ways to improve personal thoughts and feelings to enhance relationships and be loving and caring in the marriage. Our words, as written by you, will be used as foundation principles for human relationships in the future millennial day. The words you write and teach will be relied on by many.'
I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for their words tonight! Oh how I love their counsel and guidance! I am so pleased to be so fully nourished by them in my personal prayers!
My conscious time with them was ending. I then knew I was going to be further taught in my replicated self tonight by them, on this beautiful desert evening. I closed my prayer and soon got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 26, 2018, Saturday
1. I came into my adjacent room to pray. Sunshine was streaming in the window. I went, in my mind, to the desert oasis and sat on the bench facing the oasis. While I was sitting, my mind caught hold of a bright light coming to me from behind me, to the north. I turned and saw Heavenly Mother about 200 yards off, standing in the air!
I gazed on her lovely being and then I felt like I went into her being, into her eternity eyes! I hadn't tried to do so, but it just seemed to happen. I then looked around at the desert oasis where I was located, from her perspective. Then it seemed my Heavenly Mother was before me. She started to speak to me:
2. 'Raphael, when you sometimes gaze upon me, you may get pulled into my eternity eyes. This sensation is real, and you then can see with my perspective, through my eyes. This is a phenomenon we allow for some of our children at different times when we want them to see from our perspective. What you have seen this morning is our surroundings, here at the desert oasis.
However, I want now to share my perspective of yourself, as I see you. Come, look again into my eternity eyes, Raphael!'
3. looked upon my Heavenly Mother who was in front of me now. I then saw her face, her deep and loving eyes. I was suddenly looking out of her eyes it seemed, looking at myself before her kneeling! It was not weird to me, but felt very natural. I realized this perspective is all controlled by her, and not me.
I saw a simple, humble man before her kneeling. This man, me, had the attribute mostly of being open, accepting of whatever she asked of me. I saw that I was also eager to be instructed by her. I seemed very clear and perceptive.
4. I then came back into my being before her, kneeling, and she was smiling before me in the air. She spoke:
'Raphael, you now see why we are able to share with you our revelations. It is because your heart and mind are receptive, eager to hear our words! You are also full of faith. You are accepting of whatever we may say to you. You have no inhibitions, no expectations. You simply desire to connect to us and write in your journal what we may say, and our experience together.
This humble and open, receptive state, is what we require of those who pray to us to have, for us to reveal ourselves to them. There needs to be a trust in us and a desire to unequivocally act on our words or directions.
You mentioned in your journal yesterday how natural praying face to face with us was to you now. You wondered how others could pray to us if we weren't before them, even face to face.
5. Raphael, what you daily experience is true, meaningful prayer. You have come to this point after a long series of prayers and of seeking us diligently. We have come to you gradually and responded to your effort by revealing to you more and more. We will do this also for every one of our children who seek us diligently. They, too, may have daily communion with us, as they are diligent to the degree you have been. It is not because of your calling that we connect so fully with you these days, but because you continually set aside valuable time in your mortal life to pray to us. Your Heavenly Father and I have rewarded you for your effort!'
6. I looked again upon my Mother in heaven before me. I love her sparkly, happy and loving eyes! They are so accepting and warm towards me! I love her wide smile and her joy that she exudes! I feel so full of happiness and light when I am in her presence!
At this time, Heavenly Father came next to her! He gradually appeared on her right side. She turned and smiled at him and he kissed her forehead. They held hands. They were both smiling!
7. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, what we are jointly experiencing is true communion–open and true prayer. This is the highest order of prayer that we have with our children–there is no experience in prayer that is greater!
In this state of communion, we may use our Godly powers to reveal anything to you, or have you experience with us a certain thing. We thus lead you along, making deep and open impressions upon your unconscious mind. We commune with you in your unconscious mind.
8. You have developed the ability to connect to our unconscious state while in your mortal state. This comes by your meditative mindset you are so accustomed to become in. You have in this connective state of meditation a relatively clear view of what you experience with us in your unconscious state. In this same way we will appear and interact with our children who come to us in prayer.'
9. I then looked on the face of my Father. He was smiling. His eyes were soft and very deep, like Heavenly Mother's. He exuded love, but with a feeling of being in control and very powerful. He was still very warm and approachable, however. I loved his soft white beard too.
I then saw them each start going backwards in a shroud of light, like I first saw Heavenly Mother come to me in. They were soon about 40 yards or so away and then disappeared from my view.
I immediately knelt next to the bench and thanked them each for such a warm and beautiful experience in prayer this morning! I then could see, in my mind's eye, their happy faces. I knew they would remain with me in this way throughout my day.
I closed my prayer on the bench and came back consciously into my adjacent room at home. I finished writing, for I had written this all as it occurred. I then started my Saturday. It is now 8:40 a.m.
10. At night– Tonight I desired to go to the snowfields that Heavenly Father showed me recently. I desired it to be high noon there. I'll see what happens when I get there!
Now I arrived at the mountain valley filled with snow. It is so bright with the noonday sun reflecting off the snow! I felt very clear, even so much that the sunshine goes right through my body–hardly making a shadow, but just a little dimming where my shadow would normally be! I don't understand all of this, but it is what is happening here in heaven in this location.
I found a group of large fir trees with snow ladened boughs. I found a dry spot under the trees, so that I could look out over the snow from the shadows of the trees. There was blue sky all around and white hills of snow.
I prayed facing south, from where Heavenly Father had come with me from Lake Beautiful. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. There was a bright column of light from the south and Heavenly Father came in the light and very quickly stood before me! He was looking happy and his countenance was brighter than the extremely white snow all around me.
11. Heavenly Father spoke and I wrote his words as he gave them to me:
'Raphael, I am glad you have chosen to come here at this beautiful mountain valley filled with snow. You have wished it to be high noon here, even though on earth it has been dark for several hours now. You may change the time of day, as you desire wherever you may be in our world. Time of day is of no consequence since we don't keep track of time here. You may also choose the season you wish to be in. Our celestial world accommodates your desires.
12. Today your wife and you bought new bicycles. You normally would have shopped the ads or found used bikes. However, you felt to buy your first new bikes you have owned since being children. We are glad you have been careful with your money, for you have good habits of saving for needful and desired items. These bicycles will delight you and your wife! Money you earn is to spend as you desire. We impose no restrictions on purchases you make with money you earned. You may spend however you desire. You both have been very frugal and have rarely bought recreational or entertainment items that may be very enjoyable.
13. In our world, we use no money, for all is at our disposal to create and use as we wish. Your Heavenly Mother and I have created this beautiful celestial orb to serve as our home where we may enjoy each other and our family. We exist, in part, to enjoy life and to have joy with others we love.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words on enjoying our possessions and in using the money we earn. I so appreciated his healthy perspective. I then came back to my mortal conscious self and my communion with my Father ended. This was a great prayer/ vision to conclude my happy day!
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 27, 2018, Sunday
1. I awoke with my wife and we talked about many subjects. Our conversation seemed to center around the feeling of loss when one is not connected to God. We see our own children and their spouses who cling onto their traditions, in patterns of organized religion. This provides great security to them and they feel a sense of belonging. I believe these feelings of belonging tend to replace the loneliness that comes when one is not connected to God.
Anyway, I started my prayer facing the fountain of living water. I felt the loneliness and feeling of loss from my wife and loved ones who haven't yet come to know God as I do. I wish I had power to share with them, but they only do this, according to their desires as they themselves come unto God.
2. I drank of living water from the fountain. I then prayed and Heavenly Mother came to me from the fountain and came to me where I was kneeling. She spoke to me and then asked me to start writing her words:
'Raphael, we know of the feeling of loss or disconnection of our children when they don't know us while in their mortal world. This is lonely, and cannot be replaced with others, culture or religious "shoulds" or patterns. It is the connection with us, their Heavenly Parents, which your wife and others seek to fill in this emptiness in their soul. When our children expose this need in themselves, and faces it directly, they feel a sense of loss when they are not connected with us, as are you.
3. We too feel a loss when our child comes to earth and, try as we might, we can't connect to them. It is different for us and we yearn to be once again close to them and commune with them. The choice to connect is really upon them, our children on earth. Most don't know where to turn or how to connect to us. We have been successful with you, and want you to share your experience, in time, with our children.
I then asked my Heavenly Mother, who was before me, if there was anything I could do to help my wife and loved ones and also the vast array of the elect of God.
4. She then replied:
'Raphael, in a future day your written journal entries of our interactions and words to you will provide a great pattern and strength to our elect. This is, however, not yet to be revealed except to a select few, including your wife.
With your loving wife, you may continue sharing with her your experiences since you found out you were our archangel Raphael. You may freely share as you feel impressed. Your words of your experiences may help her begin connecting to us, her Heavenly Parents also.
5. Each person, each child, must seek us on their own, independent of another. We don't reveal ourselves to a group generally, but to individuals when they are first seeking to connect spiritually to us, their Gods. We do this so their individual experience may be uniquely tailored to them, and just to them. We will lead and guide our child who thus comes unto us, based on their intentions and their effort, apart from the desires of others.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. While basking in her presence, I realized I felt very much at peace, accepted and full of light and love. This fully has replaced any loss or emptiness I feel from disconnection with my God! I expressed to her deep gratitude to have come to know her again, my loving divine Mother!
6. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:
'Raphael, it was one week ago on Saturday, May 19, when you held the meeting of mortal angels in the Great Assembly Hall. This morning I want to share with you what you have been doing with these whom we asked you to help awaken to their mortal conscious minds.
7. You have now met with each mortal angel in our celestial world. You have received from them the most important issue you may help each of them do, to ultimately help awaken them to their standing before God as an angel of God, while living in mortality. This interview with each has been unique and each has different situations in life. For some, you have planned with them to have other angels participate in their awakening. For many, it will take up to several years to bring about this new perspective. You are actively working with each one, in our celestial realms above, in this great work. It will be an ongoing effort and consume a lot of your energy and diligence. Your Heavenly Father and I are pleased with your work so far. We will continue to be with you and those who will be awakened.'
I thanked her for keeping me informed on my efforts with these, my fellow mortal angels.
She then said to come here to the fountain of living waters today when I partake of the sacrament. She said she and Heavenly Father would meet me here at that time. I then knew my prayer had ended. I will now go out and be with my wife and start my day.
8. At church: We went to a Payson, Utah ward for sacrament meeting today. I came to the fountain of living water during the sacrament. The priest offered the blessing on the bread in the ward and I made my covenant in heaven while kneeling, facing the fountain of living water. I then saw first my Heavenly Mother come out of a light source in the water in the fountain, and then my Heavenly Father come forth! They came together to the front of me, where I was kneeling on the pavement near the golden altar.
9. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made to us, to take upon you the name of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
Raphael, the life we lead as your Gods can only be understood by those who attain to this glorious state. You cannot fully understand what we experience, even in being in daily communion with us.
10. Likewise, the experience of living in earth life cannot be perceived or understood by those who haven't had a mortal experience. Any state of life that our children experience can only be understood by those who are in that state or have gone through it themselves.
Likewise, when you connect to your unconscious mind while in mortality and have it transferred in your mind to your conscious mind, this process cannot be understood by those who have never experienced it. You may explain the process or how it feels, or how the words just flow to you, but it is still not fully comprehended by those who haven't experienced this.
11. Once a person has experienced any of these states or conditions, they are in a much better position to understand how others feel too.
We desire you to have a broad experience to be able to understand those with similar experiences. This will also give you more compassion and allow you to relate to many of our children whom you will serve.'
The speakers started talking and I lost my connection with God. I immediately wrote all of this down.
12. I came this evening again to the fountain of living water where I was this morning and afternoon. When I came to this place, I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing before me, myself, who was kneeling. I was receiving instructions from them. I quietly listened in.
13. Heavenly Mother was speaking:
'Raphael, your wife this morning expressed a feeling that she hadn't been able to connect spiritually to us. She wondered if she was holding you back. You expressed to her your love and acceptance. You also said that she possessed more true religion than anyone else you knew, including yourself, because she was always connecting to others and trying to serve them and lift their burdens. You said she possessed more spiritual gifts and love, more than others you know. You said you loved her and were trying to learn from her loving ways every day.
Your words were sweet to her, Raphael. We agree that she possesses a great portion of love and continued desire to help and uplift others. To us, this is pure religion, undefiled:
14. James 1:27
"Pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
On the way home from church you visited two widows who were in need, one who lost her husband this past Tuesday. These acts of kindness reflect the true religion we live. When religion becomes regimented or mechanical, our children lose something. We desire they serve each other because they want to, not because of an assignment. Spontaneous service is often the best kind, particularly if you follow our gentle promptings at the moment.
15. Raphael, you have a very loving and compassionate spouse who practices pure religion. You both may be disillusioned with the way organized religion is heading in your current world, but you have come to understand the practice of our true religion!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her kind and loving words. I said I want to be more open, more loving, reaching out to those who may be in need around me. I am so grateful to serve God's children with my wonderful wife.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 28, 2018, Monday, Memorial Day
1. I had a wonderful conversation with my wife before praying this morning. It was very enlightening to me. We talked about the freedom to choose, opinions, and the way one could act when in different situations. I came away feeling so glad that I have been loosed from the "cage" of constrained thoughts, and from the many "shoulds" of my society. I feel as free as a bird, so now I can soar to the heights I feel is really me! I think this will be explained by my soon conversation with my Heavenly Mother in prayer (just thinking this will happen).
I came to the hill in the desert, not far from the meandering stream in heaven. I then saw a desert hawk, a fairly large bird, flying all over in the sky, having no limits! The bird soared high and then came towards me at great speed and turned at the last moment. I was in awe of the agility of this very free-flying hawk!
I then saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appear in the sky not far from me. Heavenly Mother stepped forth and held out her right arm. The hawk immediately flew to her and landed on her arm, a little above the wrist I think. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came, with the bird still on her arm, to me on the hill. I came to a kneeling position to show reverence and respect.
2. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we have created the birds to enjoy freedom of movement in the sky. They soar, dive and glide almost effortlessly it seems, in the air! This hawk has displayed her great skill before us this morning. She is so free to move wherever she desires, all according to her thoughts and intentions.'
3. The bird then took off, again flying all around us and then finally flying to the oasis not far away. Heavenly Mother continued speaking:
'Raphael, we love to see our children free like this bird is free! In such a state, they may choose for themselves what they will be, whom they will follow and be fully responsible for their own actions and choices. When there is a religious organization, a community of our children, or almost any group of people, they will start imposing restrictions on all the people in the group. This constraint limits their choice and freedom. They tend to assign "should-beliefs" on their constituents. It can even get so oppressive that they take away all the joys of freedom, of choosing for oneself.
4. You have come in your life to a point where you are constrained no longer by organized religion, or group constraints. You too may soar like this hawk and reach heights you never dreamed of, and experience happy emotions never thought possible. This is the freedom we so enjoy in our own state of being Gods over this world and our many creations.
5. When you realized your feelings and emotions are all controlled by your thoughts, this was extremely freeing to you, Raphael. You have the power within you, as do all of our children, to think in ways to expand your freedom. This new mindset brings deeper joys and excitement to your life. Sometimes it may even feel like escaping from a cage and flying in the sky above!'
I looked into my Mother's eternity eyes. They were sparkling with excitement and love! I also saw adventure and the joy of seeing her children try new things. I saw this thrilled her to see them so free, acting for themselves. There seemed to be no limits or constraints of 'should-beliefs', or of traditional things. All was new and creative! This is what I perceived, seeing and feeling as I gazed into her amazing eyes!
6. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, you have perceived correctly that I love freedom of expression and deep opinions and strong emotions! I find a fullness of joy in loving and participating with my children who free themselves from the shackles of a society that tries to keep them caged!'
7. I then thought of a conversation with my daughter in law last night, how she liked browns and mellow tones in wall paint. (We were discussing our wall colors we were choosing). My wife had a strong opinion that she didn't want the brown tones but wanted more color. My wife seemed so free in her choosing and had opinions. My daughter in law seemed more constrained by what the current cultural norm was. This approach of constraint, and acting within the bounds of others seemed to control and greatly restrict all of my daughter in law's beliefs and thoughts. Oh, I loved the free expression of my wife! I want to have deep feelings like her, and feel the highs and lows too, and experience fully my life and choices!
I feel open, free and very capable. There are no limits of what I can do, with God's encouragement, and that of my freethinking companion! I feel so pleased in the life I have chosen.
8. In the evening–Tonight I went to the desert hill where I had come this morning. I sat on the ground and thought about how clear I was. I felt clear again, like I do each time that I pray these days. I knelt facing the distant oasis to the northeast. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to visit me during my prayer and commune with me.
I then saw a man walking on the desert, coming towards me. He started walking up the hill and I soon recognized him as my Heavenly Father! I didn't see a lot of light exuding from him, for he must have kept it held inside. He arrived in front of me and stood smiling. I gazed into his eyes and recognized the eternity eyes of my Heavenly Father! He appeared energized from his walk and he was smiling, with a happy countenance.
9. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, I may appear as I wish to my children. Today I have withheld my glory and appear to you as a man, that perhaps you would think was one of your brothers. However, you knew it was I, your Father, because you recognized my walk and particularly, my eternity eyes and my face. You may always know your Redeemer, your Heavenly Mother, or myself by gazing into our eternity eyes. We may be disguised as a fellow mortal, but you will know us, for we have communed with us so frequently.
10. We may appear to our children in many ways. We may come in our glory or withhold our glory. We may come disguised, but our eyes will always be recognizable to those who know us. We also may replicate in the spirit only if we desire, as your Heavenly Mother does now, being the Holy Ghost. We may come unseen, as we often do among our mortal children. We may also choose to be unseen by any other of our children in whatever state they may be in, whether in their spirits only, in mortality, or resurrected. We continually replicate ourselves to fulfill our many responsibilities and tasks.
11. I have told you recently that you can only experience earth life by being in that state. When you will have been resurrected, then your memories will give you clear recollection of what mortality felt like. However, you may no longer become mortal or even re-live again yourself in that state. You might see in vision your previous mortal life, but you would not be able to re-live that full experience.
This same thing is true of experiencing the premortal state of man, the post-mortal state, or the resurrected state prior to your exaltation. Once you will have received your exaltation as a God, you continue in that glorious state, worlds without end!'
12. I looked on my Father and he seemed strong and robust, but didn't exude any light or glory. He had chosen to appear this way to me. He looked what I could consider a 50-55 year old man in his body. He had a white beard that was trimmed medium in length. He also had flowing white hair with no receding hairline He wore his normal robes of exaltation, with a scarlet red sash tied on his right side.
I thanked him for his good message. I said I loved to be in his presence and felt so honored to be with him tonight! He then came close and embraced me while I was still kneeling. He called me by name and said he loved me. He said he had much work for me to do.
He smiled and turned. He then started running down the hill. I saw him continue to run until he approached the oasis and then I no longer could see him.
This experience tonight was a unique appearing of my Heavenly Father. He usually comes in glory to some degree, but tonight he came more as an equal in many ways. I am so glad to know he is an exalted man, and is my eternal Father!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 29, 2018, Tuesday
1. This morning I awoke after my wife had already left our bedroom. I came to the adjacent room to pray to God. I felt to go to the granite cliff at the far eastern end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the holy temple in the far distance to the west. It was clear and sunny outside in the morning in heaven.
I came to the water below me and drank once and then returned to kneel on the granite. I faced the temple and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
I then saw a beam of light from my left, I thought from the high mountaintop. Heavenly Mother came in the light and stood before me in her lighted glory! I was very happy to see her and to be in her presence!
I gazed on her, knowing it was my Mother. I loved her sparkling eternity eyes. I shared with her my feelings of gratitude for my abundant blessings. I prayed for my family and for J.D., whose cancer had returned. I concluded my words of asking and then asked my Heavenly Mother to deliver to me any message she might have for me today.
2. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words as she delivered them to me:
'Raphael, I am glad to have come to you this morning! Stand now and come with me!'
I stood and my Mother extended her right hand. I took it in my left and we started descending over the treetops in her upper garden. We went slowly, strolling in the air.
3. She spoke again:
'Raphael, we ask our children to come unto us in humble, open prayer. They need to lay aside their thoughts of the day and seek to connect to us, their Heavenly Parents. When you kneel, you signify to us that you are humble and open to our directions. However, it is more your attitude that you come to us in than the kneeling that we see, to know you are open and humble. You have a very open mind and good attitude.
4. When you are in such a state, we then incrementally come to you, gradually coming to you more and more as you put forth your effort. We come to you in your unconscious mind. This is how we come to all of our children. There is struggle in prayer so that we may know how important it is for our child to really want to reconnect with us. This is part of the opposition that our child experiences so they may grow. If we come immediately to them, there is no growth and they take us for granted. However, when it is not easy, but they persist in prayer, they prize deeply the connection with us when we reveal ourselves to them. We have done this both ways and we like the results we see when our child struggles and we wait a little to reveal ourselves.
5. As our child diligently continues to pray, we reveal more and more to them. We have a detailed plan to give them our revelations and directions, tailored just for that one child whom we love. We do this for all, each having a unique journey back to us and ultimately into our glorious presence!'
We had arrived at this time at the pocketed rock wall, with flowers growing. We came down and Heavenly Mother smelled the beautiful flowers. I smelled some too. She faced me and spoke, while we were both next to the vertical pocketed wall:
6. 'Raphael, your wife has introduced you to our beautiful flowers with which we adorn the earth and also our heavenly home. Your feelings and senses have also been heightened so you may appreciate our beautiful creations. Each flower is so delicate and of great beauty. Some have amazing fragrances. Each flower loves to please us with their glory in their beauty, structure, color and fragrance! Oh, how I love my flowers!'
We then descended to the mountain stream and started walking above the water. We were still holding hands. Heavenly Mother's eyes were excited and she was smiling as she began speaking again:
7. 'Raphael, all of our creations enliven the soul here in our beautiful world! I love all my plants and animals, their beauty and lovely feelings they share with me as we pass by. They each give us honor when we come. They also live in such harmony and peace! This celestial orb, the water and the atmosphere all combine with our other creations in making a perfect place of peace, rest and beauty where we may enjoy. We have patterned all on the earth in the day of its creation, after our heavenly world. It is only mankind, our own offspring, that cause disruption to the peace and tranquility of their environment!'
8. We continued walking in silence as we meandered down her mountain garden. Soon I saw the circling waters ahead. Heavenly Mother turned to me and spoke again:
'Raphael, of all our creations, the most beautiful and enjoyable are our own obedient children! Like you, this elect group of our children we love, and seek to share all of the blessings we possess in our eternal worlds. Those who appreciate us and our creations are those with whom we eagerly and gradually lead back to us, their very parents, and share the wonders of our creations and world. These give me more joy and happiness than anything else your Father and I have created! Oh, we love our obedient children! We think of them constantly. It is our greatest desire to lead them to us, carefully, so they ultimately accept our ways and enjoy our world.'
9. I spoke:
'My lovely Heavenly Mother, I am so very thankful for the beauty of thy gardens and thy many creations! I so love thee and want to please thee and Father. I am continually awed by thy creations, but mostly by thy own being–thy presence and everything that thou art! I feel such peace, light, acceptance and love from thee! I always want to make thee smile and to be happy with me, thy son!'
10. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'I am pleased with you, my son! Your actions, your desires to change and overcome your weakness, your determination to come unto us, your parents, all you try and do, pleases us. We love you, Raphael, and will continue to be with you daily. We will be by your side and always bless and strengthen you.
You have a wonderful mission of helping our other elect children, to help them come back into our presence also. We yearn to be with them! They delight us. We love them deeply, and are doing all we can to guide them back to us with the help of their Great Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Our holy angels are also our messengers and agents whereby these may more quickly come unto us.'
We then embraced, just before the circling waters! I felt such love and admiration for my divine Mother in heaven!
This ended my prayer and vision this morning. I cherish this and the many other interactions I have with my Heavenly Parents. I want to serve them faithfully and do all I can to please them!
11. Evening– When I got home after work, I enjoyed the time together with my wife. She commented that whatever happened during the day, we could look at the beautiful mountains and sunshine and feel so blessed! I totally agree with her. After dinner, we even had time to ride around our neighborhood on our new bikes. The day finished as happy, even though it was intense throughout the day.
I then thought of my hand in hand walk with Heavenly Mother this morning! I felt like the day really started out so happy and great. I want to keep a happy and positive attitude regardless of what might come to me during the day. I believe I can and should feel unwanted or negative emotions, but not dwell on them. I can feel these strong emotions, but not let them overtake my mind nor cause me to lose control of my thoughts.
This evening I came directly to the tree of life near the temple of God in heaven. I thought of being there and I was instantly there! I hadn't gone down the straight and narrow road either. I partook of a fruit and a leaf. I then stepped a little to the west and knelt towards the tree. I felt clear and happy. I then asked my Heavenly Parents to come.
I immediately saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother under the tree of life. They each reached for the fruit and ate together under the canopy of that beautiful large tree of life. When done, they saw me nearby and walked together to me. They were each smiling as they came to me.
12. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, sometimes you may have a hard day on earth. These situations may be difficult and you may feel there are continual problems! We know this well, for we too have fully experienced mortality. When such trying situations arise, we suggest you to face them and feel the full emotions of the situation, at the same time keeping your mind and thoughts in control. You may even think that you can keep a positive emotional attitude for one hour. Then when that hour is finished, you can do another hour. In such a practice, you may successfully navigate through a hard-to-handle problem or day, or with unwanted emotions.
13. In our world, the problems here are more problems and concerns of the choices of our children that ultimately make them unhappy. We have little control over their own thoughts and emotions. We do have control over our own thoughts and the resulting feelings that come. We maintain a very bright and happy perspective almost all of the time, for that is what we choose. Many of our children haven't learned how to keep a happy mind and perspective. They then allow negative feelings to linger and remain longer than is needful.'
Heavenly Father indicated that they would like to walk with me. I stood and came next to Heavenly Mother and walked. We soon came to the sapling tree of life.
14. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, remember the great difficulty you had in removing the shells from your body here, near the sapling tree? This was a struggle for you to remove these shackles. So much of what you experienced was in your state of mind. Now that you can better control your thoughts, you may drop your expectations and other shells that weigh you down. You may then have a positive mindset, a grateful attitude, and be so much happier in your life.
15. When problems come, power through them with good mind control. Don't let unwanted or negative emotions stay too long, besides experiencing them and figuring out how to address them and change your thoughts to replace them. This practice will create a happy life where you meet challenges and problems in a godly way.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father. I want to really learn how to do this. I want to gain from my mortal experience all I need to get, but not dwell in the negative for very long. I hopefully will be more tutored on the particulars.
I then felt like I was falling back to my earth life. I ended my prayer and got ready for bed.
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 30, 2018, Wednesday
1. This morning I came to pray to my Heavenly Parents on the south side of the mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the circling waters a short way off to the northwest. I knelt next to the stream and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw someone next to the circling waters and then they replicated and came next to me. I saw momentarily two of the same person. Heavenly Father stood next to me, smiling. Then I saw Heavenly Mother by the circling waters and she too replicated, so I momentarily saw two Heavenly Mother's. Then both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me, above the stream, and not by the circling waters anymore. They were both smiling and seemed happy to be with me.
2. Heavenly Mother started to speak. I have written to this point in my journal and plan to continue to write her words:
'Raphael, we have demonstrated briefly this morning that we replicate ourselves. You have seen us in two places at the same time briefly. Also, last night you saw both your Heavenly Father and I eating of the fruit of the tree of life. You have seen now many aspects of how we live and our capabilities over the years of association with us.
I still appear to you in my spirit only and Heavenly Father appears to you by my side in his glorious resurrected body. I act as the Holy Ghost to all of my children on earth, and also as their Heavenly Mother.
3. You have been able to see your Father and I both in our happy times and in more rare times when we have been upset or have had negative emotions. These strong emotions have been the result of our thoughts, which we fully control. We could dwell on these negative thoughts, but we have chosen to be happy so we think on positive thoughts that bring us joy.
4. Raphael, you have wanted more ability to be able to control your mind when facing difficulties and problems in your life. Your Father has given you an overview last night of how you may act in a godly way in these situations. The way you now learn is by actually going through more problems and then controlling your thoughts so you feel and act in ways you wish, so your emotions will naturally flow. We also told you to feel the unwanted or negative emotions, so that you may be able to correct properly your thoughts to change your feelings. Feeling negative emotions gives you experience so that you will gain better control of your thoughts and be able to relate to our other children who dwell in the negative, and have difficult trials in life.
5. Your Father and I remember clearly the ups and downs of our own mortal lives. These memories are very important to us in helping us succor and bless our children who are going through their own difficult situations in their mortal lives. We gain more compassion and understanding also, more acceptance and empathy. We could only have developed these godly attributes by having our own mortal experience. Cherish the good and hard situations that come your way in your mortal life, and seek to learn all you can from them. When you gain control of your thoughts, your actions will be more Christ like and not at the mercy of uncontrolled thinking.'
6. Heavenly Mother's eyes were so bright and happy. She seemed so pleased in me and in my efforts to control my thoughts during difficulties. I felt deeply her acceptance and love- of who I am at this time with all my foibles and weaknesses. I realized that to love another, I too need to fully just accept them as they are. I don't need to have judgment of how they may be acting inappropriately in my mind, but just exude acceptance and love. The acceptance doesn't mean anything about how they act, but it means everything about who they are as a person having a mortal experience. I want to be so accepting and loving as my Heavenly Parents are to me!
7. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, because you have experienced the ups and downs of life and have not controlled your mind in the past, you too have felt negative feelings of despair, anger, greed, and a host of unwanted emotions. This gives you greater understanding of your brothers and sisters on earth who dwell with the negative. You accept them because you have experienced similar strong emotions. You learn not to judge because you know how hard it is to change and to pull yourself out of difficult challenges in life. By loving and accepting them, you give them the freedom to change without them feeling judgment because of their poor choices and actions.
8. This is pure religion, godly religion, our way of living and accepting our beloved children! These are what the teachings of Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son, meant. When he said for his disciples to love each other, he meant to accept them, regardless of weaknesses or their actions. They are to be supported and loved, not judged or criticized.'
Here is the scripture Heavenly Father was referring to:
9. John 13:34-35
"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
10. I have been greatly enlightened today! I want to act in accepting and loving ways, never with judgment. I so love my Heavenly Parents for their own love and acceptance of me, their son who makes lots of mistakes. I want to extend to others what they have given and extended to me.
This concluded my prayer. I feel energized and ready to meet the challenges of the day. I want to learn and grow from my mortal experiences today.
11. In the evening: Tonight I felt to go to the circling waters by the bench. I sat and pondered on my day and what I have learned over the past few years. I have been spiritually blessed with great insights and knowledge. I believe too I have been rescued from ignorance and poor ways, common to man. I have been enlightened and daily tutored in the ways of God. I feel so deeply blessed for this opportunity!
I came near the water's edge and drank once of living water. I then knelt and faced the water. I asked in faith for my Heavenly Parents to come to me, or one of them to come. I then saw to my left my Heavenly Father and to my right Heavenly Mother! They were standing and also looking into the circling waters.
12. Heavenly Father had some small rocks in his hand and started throwing these in the water. We all watched as he threw these and as these small rocks quickly sunk to the bottom. When he was done, he turned towards me and spoke:
'Raphael, most of our children accept the norms of the life in which they have been raised. They accept societal rules and patterns. Many never challenge these family, religious, or societal beliefs and the ways of doing things. Most are like these rocks that hit the water and quickly sink into the conformity of their world.'
He then threw another small rock into the circling waters. This rock floated on top of the water and started circling around with the flow of the water. We watched this rock soon exit the circling waters and head with the stream to the waterfall.
13. Heavenly Father then spoke again:
'Occasionally there will be one of our children who challenges the norms of how they were raised and of their society. They will think differently. They will try new ways of acting, new approaches, and they will thereby challenge what they learned. This floating rock represents the uncommon thinker. They think in innovative ways. They are free from their society's ways of acting. They find new experiences that are very exciting and may take them into unknown territories.
14. Raphael, you are one of these free thinkers to whom we may show a new way of thinking and acting. Your wife is also a very free thinker. These are very open to new ideas and receptive to new ways of looking at life, religion, ways of conduct and more.
You will continue to reveal very many new perspectives and new revelations as we share these with you. This will signal the start of many more of our children thinking in different patterns and also believing new concepts and living in different ways.'
Heavenly Father then threw in the waters about twelve or so small rocks. Some of these sank, some went part way down to the bottom and a few floated. Then slowly, all twelve rocks floated to the top of the water. They began to move with the circling waters just like the first rock that floated.
15. 'Raphael, you will show many of our elect children a new way of thinking of us, their God, and how to act before us. There is a new era of openness and acceptance coming! We have waited for this positive change for a long time!'
As I watched the twelve rocks float away down the stream, I realized I was alone. My Heavenly Parents had left me.
16. I then thought of my daughter in law who seems so afraid to venture out of her accepted norms of living. She seems insecure in even thinking of any new or different ideas. She really is uncomfortable with my freethinking and acting wife, who has lots of strong opinions!
I felt sorry for my daughter in law! She seems insecure and has fallen into the pattern of so many LDS people we know. She seems to be in fear of doing something wrong, like straying even a little from the narrow-minded view she finds herself in. She has strong judgment for anyone who acts outside of the belief system of the LDS Church. She very strictly follows all the dogma, rules, and teachings of the church, and never questions anything. I think that if she did she would be like a heretic in her mind! The thought of questioning would be so scary for her.
For me, I feel free as the hawk that I saw the other day in heaven! I feel enlivened to float and not sink like the "free-thinking" rocks. I feel extremely open and clear, humble and receptive. I have great confidence in myself and particularly in God, who will reveal to me all things if it were needful! What a blessed and free life I live!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 31, 2018, Thursday
1. This morning I came into a very sunny adjacent bedroom where I normally have my morning prayer. In heaven, I came to the little outcropping above the circling waters to the east. I prayed after I felt very clear, even translucent, and very open spiritually. I knelt facing west. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come. I then realized my Heavenly Father was on my left side also facing west to the temple in the distant! I looked at his profile and he turned his head and looked at me and smiled. He was full of light and strength like I usually see him.
2. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, your Heavenly Mother and I are pleased that you come here to our kingdom and our world so frequently, and seek to commune with us! We hear and watch everything on earth where many of our children live. We can see the past, present and future of the happenings at the same time, of our children and the earth upon which they dwell. For us, it is so very clear the consequences of their actions!
3. For those who seek us, and make time for us, their Gods, we make sure that we influence and lead them if they are open to our direction. We are particularly successful with those who are humble and open. Some of our children think if they are open, Satan will come and lead them astray with his trickeries. However, he has much more success in leading away those who are stuck in their routines and closed to change. He lulls them away in carnal security, thinking they are in the right way (see 2 Nephi 28:21). They think they are obviously acting in the right way and they judge others who question and are open. They say in their hearts:
We have received, and we need no more! (2 Nephi 28:27). They feel they have received the word of God from their prophet leaders, and have enough (see 2 Nephi 28:29).
4. Here is what I say to them:
2 Nephi 28:30-31
"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost."
There will be some who are close-minded and who blindly follow their leaders, who repent in your day and consider to open their hearts and minds to us, their Gods. For these, "I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of hosts." (2 Nephi 28:32)'
5. Heavenly Mother then descended from the sky above us. We both watched her come! She came in front of her husband and extended her right hand. He took it in his left hand and squeezed it lovingly and they smiled at each other. She then turned to me and spoke:
'Raphael, I come to my children who sincerely ask of me, as the Holy Ghost. I faithfully and continually lead them. They will not be led astray if they listen to my promptings and take action on what I whisper to them.
6. Those who are in the greatest spiritual danger are those who think they are being led to God, to follow our ways, and yet take no time to ask us themselves if they are in the right way! Satan can then lead them into his ways, and they still think that they are pleasing us, their true Heavenly Parents! We would that all seek us for themselves and not lean upon another so fully. Those in the LDS Church are particularly vulnerable to this pattern of being led astray! And yet, there are so many of our elect in this church, that at one time or another have received the promptings of the Holy Ghost. We would that they continue asking and seeking, rather than trusting others so much, and the religious culture of their day!'
7. I thanked my wonderful Heavenly Parents who were now both standing in front of me! Heavenly Mother then extended her left hand and passed it in front of my face. I was still kneeling before them.
I immediately saw many good Latter-day Saints who were before my eyes! They were feeling lost and didn't know where to turn. I heard the words of conference in the background, like background noise, and yet they were still feeling lost. I wondered why they didn't pray and ask God for personal direction, and yet they did not! I saw row after row, so many that seemed to search for truth but would not of themselves inquire. These were good wholesome people!
8. I prayed then to my Heavenly Parents who were in front of me:
'Oh my Heavenly Parents, please awaken somehow these good people, thy children, to be able to come unto thee and inquire for themselves! They seem so lost and not sure where to turn!'
9. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we will bring calamity into their lives, for without troubles they will stay in their complacent world of wondering where to turn, but will not inquire of us, their God!'
10. My Heavenly Parents then smiled at me as they ascended up into the sky. I heard Heavenly Mother then speaking to my mind:
'Raphael, make this entry the end of post 81. Enjoy your vacation to visit your family today. We will be with you!'
They then left and I knelt by my recliner in the bedroom. I thanked them for both coming and showing me great things. I then started my day."