85. Rethinking the Past
Posted 7-12-2018
Hello my friends!
Hi again! I hope each of you is happy and finding life very enjoyable.
I have learned some very helpful information that is explained in this post. I have learned that we can rethink the past, and make our story of the past to be positive so that it doesn't burden us in the present. The past is just facts anyway, and we cannot relive it. However, what we think of the past can change, and is purely thoughts in our mind. We may have pleasant thoughts about previous past experiences, even if they have been rough, traumatic or very negative.
I also have received direct answers to many of your questions. One that took two days to explain to me is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
Please pray about all of my words I share with you. I know that our Heavenly Parents will confirm all to your soul as you ask in the sincerity of your heart.
Happy summer!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
First garlic and zuchini of the season!
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 29, 2018, Friday
1. Later in the evening–I returned with my wife from a very pleasant date. We had a nice time eating and just bumming around.
In my prayer tonight, I came to the fountain of living water. I felt clear and prepared for my prayer. I looked up and saw my Heavenly Mother coming from the doors of the temple. She was glowing in light and beaming with a broad smile. She came and stood next to me.
2. Here are her words she spoke to me:
'Raphael, I am glad that you are enjoying your summertime! We are glad when our children find joy in their activities!
You have talked with your wife tonight on your date how fast time seems to pass. You had seen some scrapbooks from 2007 and 2011, and wondered how fast your family grew up! It seemed to you that everything changed once your son A. had a brain injury on his mission. You dramatically changed, as did your view of life. Your intent on helping him heal became all-important to you at that time. These now six and a half years since his accident have been a great change in your family and particularly to you and your wife and A.. We have used this upheaval in your life to awaken you gradually to the grandeur of your calling. We could only do this by having your world shaken so that you placed very high priority on your healing work for A.. This brought you to become so much more open and receptive to our promptings and instructions. We led you along, one step at a time until you are where you are today, being able to commune with us twice a day.
3. We do not orchestrate calamity, but we use these opportunities to help reach our children in distress. We know that calamity and tribulations come as part of a mortal earth life experience. We foresee all of these hardships coming and then use these times to bless and instruct our faithful.
4. Some people think that time has literally been speeding up. However, the earth is very regular and keeps very accurate times and seasons and is not speeding up. What happens is that many of our children are more involved these days in many more activities. This makes time seem like it is speeding by. The speed of the day passing is very different for a busy mother versus the baby who had not yet learned to speak and do much. The mother's perspective is that life is very quick in passing and the infant's perspective is that he/ she has all the time needed to explore, and that life does not seem faster.
For you, Raphael, and your wife, you are both very involved in many activities and it seems like life goes by very fast.'
I loved the casual way my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father bring up various topics to discuss. They love us, their children, and adapt what they say to each of us so that we may receive their light and love.'
I thanked Heavenly Mother for her explanations about how they take advantage of earth's tribulations in helping their children. I also appreciate her truth about time.
5. 'Raphael', she said' you are now living in one of the best times in your life, now that your children are adults and you are able to enjoy life with your loving wife. You have greater wisdom than ever before, but your energy is still good. You lead an active life. These are wonderful times in your life! We will allow your energy level to keep active for the remainder of your life. Once you come to the New Jerusalem, your energy and activity level will greatly increase and be maintained for the entire millennium!'
I greatly appreciated these words of my Heavenly Mother! I am so happy with life now. I have sufficient energy and clear perspective of what I need to do to please my God and fulfill my mission. I closed my prayer and went to bed.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, June 30, 2018, Saturday
1. I awoke and my wife wanted to go to garage sales soon. I said I'd have a short prayer (½ hour).
I came to the fountain of living water again this morning. I was clear in my body and wanted to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I asked for one or both of them to come to me. Then I saw my Heavenly Mother walking with my replicated self, near the temple door. I switched my connection to my replicated self and then heard Heavenly Mother.
2. She asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, I am glad you are going soon with your wife, daughter and son-in-law this morning! These times together are precious. These experiences gradually build and enhance relationships with those you love.
There are many relationships with my children that are difficult for your Heavenly Father and I to maintain since our children are not responsive to us. We gradually lead them to us, but they are unaware of our presence. We yearn for the time when they will be able to hear us so openly and frequently as do you.
3. The day of connection with many of our elect children, however, is soon at hand. In the millennial day of peace and rest, there will be great numbers of our elect children who connect to us and are able to commune in a two-way conversation. They will be perceptive to our presence and to our words we share with them. This is largely because their world will be elevated to a terrestrial state. Now your world is in a telestial state and it is so much more difficult for even our very faithful to break the communication barrier with us, their loving Heavenly Parents! We are just as close as to those now as we will be in to those in the millennium, but these now are more in a fallen state. This makes them more distant from us and it is more difficult in this telestial world for them to perceive us and commune with us.
Connect with me when you return from your family outing! I will be near you, my son.'
I then thanked her for her words. I got ready and left for garage sales with my family.
4. In the afternoon– I connected with my Heavenly Mother at the fountain of living water in the celestial world. She spoke to me and I am now just remembering what she said, since I wasn't able to write her words down at the time. Here is what I recall her saying:
'Raphael, I am glad you are relaxing in your pool. I want to speak to you today about recreation that our children do on earth and in the other worlds.
5. We encourage all of our children to have diversion in their activities, in all of their states of progression. If any of us keep our effort on only one or more tasks that require focus and concentration, we can become overspent. This is like the strung bow, that if not loosened from its bowed tension, will lose its strength.
We therefore encourage all of our children to have time of recreation. What you are doing now is very relaxing, just floating around in your warm pool! This morning you went garage selling with your loved ones. This was a wonderful time of fun and diversion also.
6. In our celestial world, we have created many areas where we may meditate, relax, walk with loved ones or friends, enjoy the great beauty of our creations, and to also have carefree fun. Remember the time I showed to you when, as a spirit with our small family of boys, you were sliding down the waterfall into the pool below? You were laughing so enjoying yourself! I was watching and also laughing at you boys and the fun you were having.
7. Your Heavenly Father and I often go walking in many diverse sections of our celestial orb. This time is for us a great diversion and provides much recreation. We love to walk all over our worlds! Your Heavenly Father loves to work in his wheat fields and other fields that he has planted. I love to grow my gardens and thrill when my creations respond and grow so beautifully. I love to prepare food for the strengthening of my needy children.
We also love to create new plants or animals in our private section of our celestial world. I have spent many moments here creating and designing my new plants.
8. We encourage many social gatherings, where small or large groups of our children meet together. On earth there are many feast days where we encourage festive foods or special foods to be eaten and enjoyable festivities. In heaven we generally may also eat certain foods as part of heavenly celebrations. We also have religious holidays and times of remembrances. These are usually joyous experiences for our children and us.
Raphael, be sure you have times of relaxation and recreation! This will bless your abilities in fulfillment of your many tasks we ask of you to do.'
I then saw my wife come out of our house to talk to me. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words about diversion, work and recreation. I feel so glad to receive her wonderful perspective!
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 1, 2018, Sunday
1. Today marks the half year of mark of 2018! This year so far seems to have zipped by so very fast!
This morning I came to the white gate. I looked at myself and saw that I was clear in all of my body. I came right in front of the gate and it opened up. I stepped through the gate and came to a point where I then knelt, knowing Jesus, my Redeemer, was there. I couldn't see him yet.
Then he gradually appeared before me. I thought it was my own perception that caused me not to see him clearly at first and not that he intended to keep away from my view. Soon Jesus' face was in full view. I was kneeling before my Redeemer!
2. He had tender eyes and smiled at me. He spoke:
'Raphael, my son, I have redeemed you of your sins and weaknesses, and you are clean and pure before me! In this state, you may come into the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!
When you feel clear before us, the veil of forgetfulness does thin and your perception of our presence is much clearer. Sometimes it takes some moments for you to see our faces since you are mortal and your views need to shift into a more meditative and clarified state. It takes effort to put aside the telestial mortal views and see us in our celestial state. You need to become elevated to our celestial state or quickened to be able to clearly see us and hear our words.
3. In this higher celestial state, we interact with your unconscious mind. This is a more refined state, not a mortal state where you live on earth. As you are diligent and persist in coming into this celestial state and commune with us here, you become more skilled and practiced in coming into our presence.'
I gazed into my Savior's accepting and loving eyes! His eyes were filled with compassion and understanding. He extended both of his hands to me and I took them and stood before him. He hugged me with his right arm and pointed with the other hand to the path and the distant tree of life.
4. He spoke again:
'Raphael, come here to me every time you feel, and I will connect and commune with you! Walk this narrow path to the beautiful tree of life. Partake of its fruit and then you will clearly see our Heavenly Parents. You have a great work to do for us in helping us save the elect. We will always be with you.'
I thanked my loving Redeemer! I felt so much acceptance and love from him! I turned and walked the narrow path. I grasped the rod of iron as I walked I looked back once and still saw Jesus looking at me. He waved and watched as I continued onto the tree of life.
5. When I got to the tree, I plucked a ripe, white fruit and a nearby leaf. I then walked to the sapling tree of life nearby and sat under its canopy. I ate both the fruit and the leaf. I felt more clarified and prepared to enter into the presence of my glorious Heavenly Parents.
I then came to a kneeling position. I faced the nearby tree of life and asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come to me. Both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came, walking hand in hand. They were walking on one of the garden paths near me. Soon they were both in front of me.
6. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, even though you usually come directly into our presence, it is only through the mediation of Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Redeemer of all mankind, that you are able to come into our presence. He has fully redeemed and cleansed you! You are then quickened by our beings as we come to you and answer your prayers.'
7. I looked upon the face of my Heavenly Father. His eyes were very loving, so deep and eternal! I knew he fully knew my thoughts and the intent of my heart. I felt his light come into me and quicken me to a celestial clarity state. I saw I wore my archangel vestures. I saw my angled scarlet-red sash, my sword of Raphael, and my green waist sash. I saw my flowing robes that my Heavenly Parents had created for me. I saw my healing stone and gold chain I knew all of these represented tokens of my mission to serve my fellowmen and women, my brothers and sisters.
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore white flowing robes tied with scarlet-red waist sashes. These robes of exaltation were matching and very beautiful, very white and pure!
8. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. Her eternity eyes were sparkling and so loving.
'Raphael, we accept into our presence every one of our humble children who are cleansed by our son, Jesus Christ. We are eager to bring them to a state and position before us like you come to us. We will appear to them just as clear as you see us. They will also need to come in a state of openness and purity. They come when they are clean and pure before us, according to the intent of their heart. There will be many in our millennial day that come unto us in this way! We so love our obedient children who allow us to lead them gradually into our presence, step by step.'
9. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, come here to this sapling tree of life this Sabbath day when you partake of the sacrament. We will be here to renew our covenant with you at that time.
Now, come with us and stroll with us in our beautiful gardens here!'
I stood and took their hands. We began walking and talking together. I wasn't privy to our conversation, however. I could see I was learning new things from my Heavenly Parents as we three walked away.
I then closed my prayer and came out to be with my loving and supportive wife.
10. After church–We attended sacrament meeting at our ward. It has been almost 6 ½ years now since my son's accident on his LDS Church mission in Chile. I then experienced great upheavals in my personal religious life.
We sang hymn #338 "America the Beautiful" as an opening song. I love this song! I love Independence Day coming up this week on Wednesday.
I prepared for the sacrament by coming in my mind's eye to the sapling tree of life. I knelt and saw my Heavenly Parents before me under the canopy of this tree. I sang the sacrament hymn and listened to the prayer on the bread. When the prayer ended, I offered my covenant in prayer to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me. After I received the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
11. 'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made this day to us. We will always be with you, our son. This sacrament ordinance in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is now the only ordinance we accept from this church, besides priesthood blessings.
You have come to your home ward in this LDS Church this morning. You have come because your son had a calling now at this same time and you felt free to come. You have much history with these people, some positive experiences and some not. You may look back upon your memories and recollections in a happy way, or in a way that brings you grief and sadness. Your past is only what you see from the facts of what happened. This is your story in your mind. We recommend that you rethink of your past experiences in this ward in a positive way. This will become your repeated story of what happened in your past with the various situations and ward members.
12. Your wife has shared with you this morning this new perspective on retelling your past in a way that will best serve you now in your life. We endorse this method that she shared with you from her life coach.
The priest then blessed the water.
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, the story of your past memories in this ward can help you in your current situation and life. Your past can help you to become stronger and feel more accepted and befriended. You are now very assured of your calling and mission as Raphael, our archangel in the flesh. You have sufficient strength now to continue before us, receiving our daily revelations, even while attending your home LDS ward and being in the current LDS culture. You will not succumb to the social pressure to conform like so many do who are your neighbors.
Think of your past in a positive light and you will find great peace and confidence in your current, present, and future actions. Attend your home ward as you are able and we will bless you in integrating back into your ward and neighborhood of saints.'
14. In the evening– In the evening, after I transcribed my pocket journal notes above, I came again in my mind to the sapling tree of life. I saw again my Heavenly Parents both there like they were this morning had during the sacrament. I didn't even get a chance to kneel before them when Heavenly Mother spoke and extended her hand:
'Raphael, come walk with us around our garden paths in this very pretty area! We will share with your conscious mind what we talked about this morning after your prayer when we strolled together.'
I took her hand in mine and we all three started walking slowly westward on this garden path.
15. Heavenly Mother continued speaking:
'Raphael, we have inspired your wife's life coach, named Brooke, to introduce her topic in July of making a positive story of the past. This, our daughter, has had many hard lessons, and studied and learned much that is very important. Your wife shared her introduction with you today on this topic.
Previously, we have taught you to rethink your thoughts to create the emotions, actions and results you wish to have and accomplish. Similarly, you can look at your past as a positive experience, rather than being a victim or having had a negative experience. Your Heavenly Father and I look at our past in a very positive, happy way, even though we have experienced grief and heartache and other difficulties. We both feel so very happy partly because we have such a happy outlook of what we have experienced in our past. Our story of our past is extremely positive!
16. Yesterday, your wife asked you about an accountant that you hired that had left your employment abruptly and was in the hospital. The man who experienced this was so negative that you had chosen to forget this. You couldn't recall him or any of the past events relating to him, nor even whether you had hired him in the first place. This is an example of your mind forgetting a negative situation on purpose. Similarly, you can re-think past events and people in a positive way so that you are happy with your past. This positive story is your view of what happened. Another person would have their own story. For you, you will be the happiest now as you think of your past as happy times, according to how you determine to re-think and retell your story of the past. This is not delusional thinking, but only your outlook of what you want to remember, and how you want to think of it.'
17. Heavenly Father spoke next as we continued walking:
'Raphael, it is our will that you identify past experiences in your ward that you consider as harmful past events. Then retell your story of these events in a way that helps you to be happy and yet strong in your convictions and present views. Think of the others with whom you interacted with in a kindly way, with no judgment. Think of them as able to choose however they wanted to act. Accept them as they were and are now and seek to love and understand them. Your entire story of your experiences in your home ward will become much happier and positive. You will then, in your current view, look on these same ward members in loving and accepting ways, with no judgment. This is how your Heavenly Mother and I wish you to think of your neighbors.'
18. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for this new perspective of my past. I knew that they would help me rewrite my personal history stories.
I want to act in these positive Christ like ways! I don't think this will be fake, or untrue views, but just a chosen view that will be very positive.
I thought of the accident that my son had on his mission. This one event changed everything! I see this now as a point of change until I have become who I am today. It was very difficult at times to go through the past events that came from his brain injury. However, I am so much better prepared now to understand emotional and mental suffering. I feel very capable to respond to one in need because of what I have gone through. Mostly, in my struggles, I have come to know God and what Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother want me now to do and who I really am. These views were only possible through the difficult trials I endured and learned from! I am very thankful for those experiences in my past. What a blessing they have been!
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother stopped and both faced me on the path we were walking on. Heavenly Father said they would teach me more in the coming days on rewriting the stories of my past to help me in the present. He said they had to now leave me in my prayer. He said they would both be always near me, for that was the covenant they had renewed with me today.
I thanked them both. I then came to my conscious mind, in my recliner in the front room. I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
We have had an abundant raspberry crop this year!
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 2, 2018, Monday
1. I awoke to a beautiful morning! I have been thinking about what I learned yesterday from my Heavenly Parents and my wife about rewriting past stories. I then remember my views on magical beliefs that my Heavenly Parents had taught me. I wondered if magic beliefs were thought of as inaccurate by my Heavenly Parents or not. Magic beliefs are where we attribute God's hand over our lives in such detail that is untrue. It seems there are many LDS people who think God has led them to do many things, whereas this has not been the case. These are imaginations of their heart. For example, our neighbor felt God was preventing the sale of our next door neighbor's house until the perfect family was to come. I felt this was a false 'magic belief' and God did not orchestrate this at all. I believe the house sold without God directing its sale.
This morning I determined to come to the desert oasis in the celestial world. I sat on the bench, facing the water, pondering over my life, how it has evolved particularly over the past 6½ years since A.'s brain injury. I wondered how much on-purpose directing my life really occurred with the involvement of my Heavenly Parents in my life.
I then knelt and petitioned my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, or one of them, to come.
2. Heavenly Father then started appearing at my right side. He stepped forward and placed his left hand on my right shoulder. He spoke:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have watched over your life since you were born. We have placed you in a loving caring family on earth. We determined, along with you, who would be your parents and siblings and where you would grow up. However, much of your life happened naturally without our direct involvement.
3. When you prayed to us about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon when you were 14 years of age, your Heavenly Mother witnessed to you of its truthfulness. We helped bring you into our church at the time, the LDS Church. We blessed you as you approached us in prayer, and guided you as you sought our direction.
4. A.'s brain injury accident on his mission, now nearly 6 ½ years ago, was the consequence of natural genetic conditions in A. that we knew would happen at this time. We did not cause directly his accident, but it came in his life naturally. In our wisdom, we used this event to help you become aware of your status before us as an angel, and one with whom we would work through in these last days. We directed you as you petitioned us. We gradually revealed ourselves and our purposes to you in answer to your prayers. You are now aware of who you are because we answered your prayers, all initiated by your own choices and desires.
5. We are not intrusive into the lives of our children who dwell on the earth. We speak to them, embrace them, love and accept them in their unconscious mind and state. It is only when they sincerely seek us, their Gods, that we respond specifically in their lives, according to their desires. If they don't come unto us in open and sincere prayer, they might live their entire life in darkness, without our direct interventions and guidance. However, if they ask us to come and help them, how can we deny our child?
"Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"
7. Raphael, we know how to lovingly guide and direct our children. However, they need to ask of us directly for our guidance in their lives.
You were remarking with your wife last night how your youngest daughter was going to do whatever she wanted to do, despite your feelings that she was making poor choices. You said that she was an adult now and would choose her own path and actions. You said the best mindset and actions for you are to accept her and love her, regardless of her choices.
Similarly, we have no control over our children who come to your telestial mortal earth, unless they ask of us and desire our directions. We have learned that they will do as they wish since they are fully responsible and have their moral agency. We love and accept them however they choose to live. We will guide those who openly and sincerely come unto us, their God.'
8. I thanked my loving Father for answering the questions of my heart! I am so glad he knows me well and knows the intents of my heart and thoughts of my mind. I had to initiate the receipt of his counsel, however, by humbly and in meditation, asking him to come and guide me. Oh, I am so thankful for this immense blessing to have my Heavenly Parents guide me so fully now! I want their direction; I yearn to be close to them and to do what they reveal to me.
I looked into the deep and understanding eyes and face of my Heavenly Father. He is so wise and all knowing! He is so accepting and loving of me! I know he will give to me as fast as I am willing and able to receive.
I then started fading from him since my prayer had ended. I came back to my full conscious mind and verified what my Heavenly Father had told me today in prayer. I then closed my prayer and started my new week!
9. Evening–9:00 p.m. Tonight I came up the mountain stream a little ways from the circling water in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. It was very spring like and pretty! I was on the outer bend of the stream, on the south side. I put my feet in the cool mountain water and felt refreshed.
I then knelt facing east towards the distant granite cliff. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
The blackberries will ready to pick in a few weeks!
My Heavenly Mother came walking on the ground amongst the small mountain trees there. She was smiling and seemed like she had something to say right away.
10. I listened as she spoke to me:
'Raphael, you received an email from S.L. about the new name. She wondered if this would have great importance to us. She also asked if our garments should still be worn. For those who received their temple garments prior to May 25, 2014, we approve the wearing of these garments. They remind the wearer of their covenants made in the day they made these with us, their God.
For those who made covenants in the temple on or after May 25, 2014, we have not accepted these since they were done without authority. The temple garment worn by these people offers no protection from us, or are worn without authorization from us, their Gods.
The new name is described in D&C 130:9-11, and Revelations 2:17.
11. D&C 130: 9-11
"This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ's.
Then the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one, whereby, things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms will be made known;
And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word."
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."
13. Raphael, the inhabitants of the earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, are those who are Gods ordained by your Heavenly Father and I to dwell on the sanctified earth. They each receive an inheritance on a special part of the earth, just for them. They are husbands and wives, gods and goddesses, kings and queens, priests and high priestesses.
These are those who receive a white stone from us, their Gods, after their ordinations. Each is individually created by either or both of us, their Heavenly Parents. This is a private Urim and Thummim for each to help them initially navigate in their new calling and positions. One is given to the man and one to the woman, each who are sealed together in eternity. Each has a new name written on their white stone that is their personal Urim and Thummim. This is a private gift to these, our son or daughter, from us, their parents. They become like us, all knowing and all powerful, joint heirs with each of our other exalted children.
14. In their Urim and Thummim, the exalted son or daughter may look and see things pertaining to this high order of being a god. They consult together, with us, or with other exalted individuals or couples, or they may look into their white stone, their personal Urim and Thummim. Each time they look into their stone, they need to know or think of the new name that is written on the stone in order to operate the stone as their own Urim and Thummim.
15. These new names are assigned by us, their Heavenly Parents, to each faithful son and daughter. In time, they may not need to access their white stone so frequently as at the first.
We still cherish our white stones that we were given by our own Heavenly Parents. We each protect our own new name, for it is our password in using our own white stone, our own Urim and Thummim.
16. In the temples of the Church of Christ, a new name is given. However, this is only a practice name, and is not the new name in eternity on the white stone. In the New Jerusalem temple, a new name is not given by the angels who administer this part of the initiatory ordinances. Instead, the angels promise that a new name will be given by us, their Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, in a future day after they receive their ordinations to godhood.
When passing through the veil of the New Jerusalem temple, the new name is not required for entry. When we, the Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother of our child, receive them through the veil, we promise to our child that they will receive a white stone from us with a new name engraven on it.
17. There is also reference in Revelation 2:17 to the hidden manna. This is the first ceremonial food that we prepare for our exalted children who receive their ordination to become gods. It is a special manna, or bread, we prepare for their entry into their new role as husband and wife, to be able to procreate their own offspring in eternity. Only those who attain to this status and exaltation may receive this hidden manna. This is the only time that hidden manna is partaken of by this sealed and exalted couple. After this time, they may create offspring throughout the eternities.'
I looked into the face of my Heavenly Mother. She was beaming with a warm smile. She had shared with me a precious truth, possibly never revealed before to man or woman! I humbly bowed my head and thanked her for her revelation to me! I felt so honored to have received and written this.
I then came to myself in mortality, writing all of this in my journal. My prayer had ended. I knew what I wrote to be true! I then confirmed it was true in my separate prayer tonight, before I went to bed.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 3, 2018, Tuesday
1. I slept in this morning by accident. It felt good to receive extra sleep, but I feel a little behind in my day.
I came to an area in heaven that I don't recall being in. It was in the planted field of grain just north of the Father's wheat field. I came to the far side of the field along a dirt road and just before an evergreen forest. I was on the west end, opposite the river representing Heavenly Father.
I prayed facing the forest. I asked for either Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother or both to come to me. Heavenly Father came to me from the forest on a path that led into his field of grain.
2. When he arrived in front of me he spoke to me immediately:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has shared with you information on the new name, our white stones, and more revelations never before described to man in such detail. We have revealed this to you in a prophesied day when all things would be revealed. In the scripture below the Holy Ghost is your Heavenly Mother:
3. D&C 121: 26-29
"God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been revealed since the world was until now;
Which our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation to be revealed in the last times, which their minds were pointed to by the angels, as held in reserve for the fulness of their glory;
A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.
All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ."
4. You will receive a white stone with your new name, or password key, engraven on it, after you and your eternal companion become Gods as are we. This will greatly help you understand all things and wonders of our highest and holiest calling and position. I have your white stone already created and your new name engraven on it, Raphael. Your calling and election is made sure in our Church of the Firstborn, and thus also your exaltation in our eternal worlds.
I have brought you to view my field of oats that I recently planted here. These have no representation like does my wheat field to our south. I have created this field and planted it with oats simply because I find pleasure and enjoyment in working the land and gathering a harvest. I learned this skill while in mortality, providing for my family. I still enjoy doing this in eternity.
5. Your Heavenly Mother and I create areas in heaven, on our celestial orb, where we individually love to do things that interest us. She has many gardens, and so many plants. I have several fields that I work in. We have many areas of great beauty we visit and enjoy together. We introduce our children to these areas so they, too, may also enjoy them. Whatever we desire, we make a way for our desires to be fulfilled.'
I looked around and saw the nearly ripe field of oats. I could tell my Heavenly Father took great satisfaction in his work and effort. I saw too that the field of oats was very pleased to respond to his hard work and his skilled labor as a farmer of the field.
6. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming here and or me communing with him. I said that my wife and I had decided to do what we each enjoyed doing in our lives now and to hire out the things we didn't want to do. I said I was very happy in my mortal life and would do what I really wanted to do now.
7. Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, this is good that you can do that which you most enjoy doing in your earth life experience. This same desire will continue into the eternal worlds. There are activities I know how to do that I have others do. I even have some of the celestial single angels in eternity help me harvest my fields as I direct them. These come from a celestial orb where they (added in parenthesis on 3-14-2019: are awaiting to receive) their celestial salvation. They have not, however, attained their (own) exaltation (as yet), as did your Heavenly Mother and I. They are in their saved, celestial state, (now) to minister to the gods (until they themselves one day become gods themselves):
8. D&C 131: 1-4
"In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;
And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood (meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage);
And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.
He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase."
9. Those who help me harvest my fields are celestial people who have attained their saved condition (or state) but have not (yet) entered into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage. They are single and in that saved, happy condition. However, they may not have an increase (until they themselves marry and receive all the ordinances in the New Jerusalem temple), for that is reserved for the Gods.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for allowing me to come to his field, for meeting with me, and for sharing his revelations today! I stayed with him in my replicated state, but I felt the pull of mortality and that my prayer had ended this morning. I ended my prayer and started my new day.
10. One hour later–I have been mulling over what Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father showed me about the white stone and Heavenly Father's oat field. I then suddenly realized that these oats were to be harvested and ultimately made into the hidden manna, along with some other grains grown in this very field of Heavenly Father! After the harvest of these oats, I believe he will plant barley and maybe some other crop. In time, Heavenly Mother will grind these into the hidden manna bread that will be given to the exalted gods who receive an inheritance on our sanctified celestial Mother Earth!
11. I then heard the voice of my Father in my mind:
'Raphael, you have correctly written about the hidden manna. I have given you this through your gift of foresight and then by my voice in your unconscious mind. The other grain for the hidden manna is rye. These three grains, oats, barley and rye, will make up the hidden manna bread given to our faithful on the sanctified earth, once they are all ordained gods in eternity. I am now growing my oats for this very purpose, now in my field north of my wheat fields in heaven.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for this insight and for his confirmation! This is indeed a great mystery revealed to me today!
12. Evening–Tonight I came to the east end of Lake Beautiful where there is an exit down the hill to the city of Enoch. I couldn't see the Great Assembly Hall, for the lake was so vast and the curvature of the celestial orb prevented it anyway.
I knelt and faced the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I then saw a reflection in the still lake–a very bright light coming from the sky. However, when I looked up in the sky, I couldn't see this bright light at all at first. I looked at the reflection, seeing the light grow larger and larger. I then could see it in the sky directly overhead. I was curious why I could see the future in the water reflection more clearly than the sky itself.
I then saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother before me! They were both smiling and wore matching glorious robes and scarlet red sashed also, tied on their right sides.
13. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we wanted you to see the reflection of our brightness in the water reflection before seeing us come in the skies directly above you. There is a reason why this water reflects events sooner than you can visually see them: this is all living water in Lake Beautiful. Not only does living water enhance perception in your mind when you drink it, but it also enhances your future vision, even when something is reflected on its surface. This is the gift of foresight that you have, realizing in your mind something is going to soon happen. When you look on the reflection in living water and think of something in the future, you may see it actually happening moments before it actually occurs!
14. For example, if you had a glass of living water and saw someone's reflection on the surface of the water, you usually would see what will shortly happen to that person. You might see the person start walking, whereas they really haven't started walking yet. This foresight property of the reflection off the surface of living water is what you witnessed today.
15. In your mind, if you were to drink living water, you would have your perception and your foresight gift also enhanced. To use this added blessing of living water, drink of the water and think on the event to see in the near future using the gift of foresight. If your Heavenly Mother or I grant you to see this event in the future, you will perceive what will soon happen using your gift of foresight, enhanced by the living water you just drank.
You may also ask water that you drink on earth to become living water for you. If this request is granted, you then could drink the living water and have your gift of foresight enhanced. You might also use the reflection phenomenon of living water to see near future events.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for this very unique feature of living water!
16. Heavenly Mother then started to speak:
'Raphael, we have many elements and plants in our celestial world that also have unique characteristics, like the enhancement of the gift of perception and foresight for living water. We will continue to reveal these to you in time so that you may share them with our elect.
One element I am particularly happy with is the soil in heaven on our celestial orb. The soil here is vibrant in having available nutrients for our plants to grow and flourish. The soil always has the nutrients available, even if many plants have been planted in the same location. These nutrients in the soil are able to migrate from deep reservoirs of vibrant minerals and nutrients under the soil in our celestial orb. The orb itself controls the migration of these nutrients to the surface of the orb into our soil there. Therefore, each time I plant, they always have the most supreme soil possible in which to grow. This is why my plants are always at their prime condition!'
17. I told my Heavenly Parents that I was so grateful for these sorts of information that makes their world truly a heavenly place! I said I knew there were different characteristics of the same plants in the telestial, terrestrial, and celestial worlds where they might grow. I asked that I might learn these different characteristics of the plants, particularly the healing plants in these different levels of glory.
18. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, we will share with you all of these features, as quick as you are able to receive them. Once you are privileged to permanently connect your conscious and unconscious minds, when you arrive in the New Jerusalem, you will then be capable to learn and retain all of these features so very much faster!'
19. I thanked them again for these great revelations! I knew my time with them had come to a conclusion. I watched as they backed up and went back into the skies above. In this case, I did not see their reflection, but I saw them in the present as they went into the sky above! This phenomenon was consistent with the property of the living water. In the near future, my Heavenly Parents were gone, so they had no reflection. I then could only see them in the present with my vision.
I got ready for bed, looking forward to another Independence Day tomorrow. We have lots of plans all day long!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 4, 2018, Wednesday
1. I awoke this morning at 6:00 a.m. I think that this may be the only effective prayer I will have today. We will be getting back late most likely tonight after the fireworks.
I received a number of email questions from my last post 84. I have listed these below:
1. Will this first pass by earth of Nibiru, where it causes an earthquake in Utah, will this happen before the bombings and war that you saw?
2. One of the mortal angels was told he was on a slippery slope. Was this slippery slope related to the knowledge he received and talked to people about? Is there more he is not getting?
3. When you are asked questions, do you ask God on all of them?
4. How is your wife taking all of this about all you put out on your website? Is she taking this good?
5. Who were the last two that are no longer receiving your posts, that asked to be removed so we may know not to talk to them about your website?
6. Do you know how well you are doing to awaken angels in their new callings?
7. If someone denies the Holy Spirit, is that an unpardonable sin? Can you receive more insight on this?
8. Is Heavenly Mother a cat person (i.e. someone who loves cats)?
9. Can you ask about the Book of Abraham?
10. How do I not judge someone that is lying to me when I know the truth having asked about it before talking to that person?
11. In post 60 you said, "all would need to be re-baptized into the Church of Christ. The records from the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS would not transfer over to the Church of Christ." Those with the priesthood need to be ordained also…"a fresh start for all…" How does this synch with only those baptized and ordained on or after May 25, 2014 would need to be re-baptized and re-ordained?
12. How do you use comfrey? Do you just use it as a poultice or can you steep it and drink it as a tea. What benefits does it have for the body?
I think I will receive answers on these over the next day or so. We'll see if my Heavenly Parents will answer any this morning in my prayer.
2. Today I felt to go next to the circling waters. I sat on the bench facing south. I also had my journal in my hand and a pen. Maybe I am poised to write down answers as they are given to me? I sat the journal and pen on the bench, drank some living water, and knelt facing the living water. I then asked for Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother or both to come.
3. Heavenly Mother then quickly appeared before me. She was smiling. She spoke to my mind these words:
'Raphael, sit up now on the bench behind you and write my answers to all of your questions. I will go through them all.'
I sat up on the bench, got ready to write and faced her. I spoke:
'My Heavenly Mother, I thank thee for answering all of the questions this morning! I feel so blessed to be in thy presence today and to be able to perceive the words that thou will give me, in my unconscious mind.'
4. She smiled and spoke:
'Raphael, we will answer all questions that you or our mortal angels sincerely ask us. They may be able to resolve many of these directly with us. However, I will answer them all to you at this time, for the benefit of all.
5. 1. About Nibiru: This is a star, which is not nearly as intense as your sun and so much smaller. It travels on an elliptical path, as a binary star system with your sun. The first pass by earth will not be so close as it travels near the earth, causing the Utah earthquake and other disruptions. The second pass on its way back to far space will be much closer and will cause more cataclysmic damage, many more land upheavals and water in rivers, lakes and the oceans going over their current boundaries and shores. We purposefully are not revealing any timing information on Nibiru's appearance or passing by the earth. We use this binary star for our own purposes, timed as we desire with the events on the earth we have planned from the beginning.
6. 2. About the slippery slope: This refers to speaking too freely about the things received on your website Raphael, that you share with the mortal angels. The revelations are coming to you fast and with little constraint now, as part of knowledge flooding the earth in preparation for the great millennial day. Those few who read your posts should be careful when sharing any of these with others and follow my promptings when I speak to them as the Holy Ghost. Some may feel to share and others not. If one shares too much too fast, it can become a slippery slope, where the recipient is no longer opened to the truth because too much is given too fast. Follow my promptings in sharing with others.
3. Your answers to questions: Raphael, you have done well in asking Heavenly Father and me questions from the mortal angels who have asked you whether you formally ask us in prayer, like today, or receive our inspiration when you write your response. You have answered questions to our satisfaction.
7. 4. About your wife: We have blessed your wife with a very believing and open heart. She believes you but doesn't understand yet. You have done well in sharing with her. You might share more as you feel inclined to do so, about how you share your journal writing with other mortal angels in the form of website posts. Proceed as we prompt you. She knows you believe you are Raphael and have a mission to bless others with healing, and have a great latter-day work. We will confirm all this in time to her more clearly.
8. 5. About the identity of the two no longer receiving emails: Raphael, you may share the names of H.B. and J.D. with the others in your small group. These have requested to not receive your future emails and not have access to your website any longer. We have many mortal angels like these two that we will help you awaken in time.
9. 6. About awakening angels: Raphael, you continue to work directly with the mortal angels for the celestial realms above, each with a different plan for their full awakening. We are pleased with the progress of all of this. We anticipate this will all take years to be fully accomplished.
10. 7. About the denying of the Holy Ghost: I will address this more this week with you.
11. 8. About me being a cat person: I did have domesticated cats on earth in my day as a mortal. Your Heavenly Father had farm animals like horses, chickens and several dogs. In eternity, we do not have these animals either as companions or useful animals any longer near us in our celestial temple, our home.
12. 9. About the Book of Abraham: We blessed Joseph Smith to receive through purchase the papyrus containing some of Abraham's writings. What is translated and recorded in scripture is acceptable to us as Abraham's writings, which have greatly benefited those who study these words with an open mind and pondering heart. Further information after Joseph's death, about the Book of Abraham, will need to be confirmed by the Holy Ghost, myself, in sincere humble prayer.
13. 10. About judging lying people: People may lie to you, or seek to manipulate and trick you in your life. When you become aware that they are doing this, you are still able to hold off your judgments on them. Whether you continue to judge them or not will generally not stop their behavior. It is best to just accept them how they are, with no judgments on their behavior except how you might be directly affected. When you accept people with poor habits and intentions, you don't condone their behavior. You accept them as one of your brothers and sisters, living a mortal life and dealing with the weaknesses of the flesh. This attitude is one of love, which they will generally feel. When you withhold judgments, thinking of your own weaknesses and foibles, they sense your attitude. In this state of being loved and accepted, they then are more free to deal with their own weaknesses, and have the greatest possibility to change for the better. If you judge them, they are less likely to change, but to stay in their own poor habits and sin. Withholding judgment of your brother or sister takes personal maturity and effort, particularly at first.
14. Matthew 7:3-5–
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
15. 11. About re-baptisms in the Church of Christ: Raphael, your baptism and priesthood ordination is valid before us, for we have accepted all such ordinances and ordinations in the LDS church before May 25, 2014. However, as an entry requirement into the Church of Christ, soon to be established on the earth, you will also need to be re-baptized and re-ordained since none of the records will be transferred to this new church. You will then have records in the LDS Church and also in the Church of Christ. You will become a new member of this Church of Christ, by baptism of the water and of the spirit.
16. 12. About the use of comfrey: Raphael, you have properly been using comfrey as a telestial mortal healing herb. You have found it best to be used fresh, either chewed and ingested, or as a poultice on a wound or bruise. It may also be drunk as an infusion (tea). As for the infusion, the saturated plant is still better to take, more powerful, than the tea itself. Comfrey may be directed in the body to any location in the body, by two methods: 1) on its own inherent ability to go to the area in the body where it may best be utilized, and 2) helped by your directed thoughts to go to the area of need that you direct it to go. If there is a head injury, it may go to that area, even passing the blood-brain barrier. It would also be useful to apply to the outside, mixed with an oil like olive oil, to prevent it sticking to the flesh after it dries. Once applied as a poultice, I generally hold the chewed or mashed clump of comfrey leaves (or roots) on the affected area with a band aid of some kind, or a piece of tape or tied cloth. Your practice of placing plastic wrap on top of the comfrey is also a good way to keep comfrey juice from dripping on clothing.'
I wrote all of Heavenly Mother's words, both on the bench next to the circling waters in my heavenly journal and also in my journal on earth. I feel that I have correctly written it all.
17. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:
'Raphael, I am satisfied with what you have written. Share these questions and answers with all of your mortal angels who sustain you as Raphael, and who continue to receive your emails and web posts.'
I thanked her again! I felt so happy to have enjoyed this prayer time with her today. I then closed my prayer and got ready for the day! Lots to be happy about today!
Fireworks in Provo taken from my cell phone
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 5, 2018, Thursday
1. This morning I went to the celestial world where I began my morning prayer. I came to the very quiet desert oasis. Last night I had a short prayer. Heavenly Mother dismissed me from any real connection since it was so late and I was so tired. Anyway, at the desert oasis this morning, I came to the shore and drank from my cupped hand the living water. I sought it to clarify my mind. I felt perceptive and was ready to connect in prayer to my God.
I knelt by the shore facing the water. Heavenly Father appeared to me on the water of the oasis. His eyes were very deep and settled, fully in charge and happy it seemed. He had a slight smile. I so love to be in his presence! I asked for certain blessings on some struggling family members. I then asked to hear his words and message this morning.
2. He spoke:
'Raphael, I am pleased to come to you this morning! I am glad you are building lasting memories with your family. Sit up now and write my words.'
I sat up in my recliner at home from my kneeling position, and wrote to this point.
Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Your Heavenly Mother and I have blessed you to be able to hear our words we speak to you at the time you write them. You usually don't have to try to reconstruct our words after your prayer, but during the very moment we speak. This is the preferred way we communicate with you, for we want all our words written for you to share and write in your journal. I want to speak to you about the intentions of the heart.
3. You have a large enough family now that you can see your various family members who have matured to adulthood. You have raised those who are your children in the values of Christian behavior and good manners. Once they have become adults, they then challenge these views and establish their own heartfelt desires. Some have kept the same values they were brought up with, and some have chosen other paths. You have been doing well recently in accepting and loving each one, regardless of their choices.
4. The choices of our children are mostly driven by the intent of their hearts. These are the true desires that emerge once they are adults. There are enough circumstances in a lifetime to thoroughly help these true desires to surface. You never know what your children will choose. Also, you never know who may change their focus and change later in their lives, either for good or evil.
5. The mortal experience in a fallen telestial world is the only environment where we and our children may see truly their hearts' desires. Each of our children needs the freedom to choose their own path. Without choice, they would not have the options to decide on their own. During this time of choosing, we speak to each one in their unconscious mind. They inwardly hear our gentle enticements to choose the good and let go of the evil. We encourage them in all the ways to love themselves and their neighbor, to serve and bless others around them, and to act in ways of Christian decorum.
They are also enticed by that cunning one, even Satan and his minions. These also seek to persuade them to choose evil and to act in selfish and evil ways.
6. 2 Nephi 2:16
"Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other."
7. In these enticements for good or evil, in the environment of free choice, our child then may fully choose what he or she really wants. This is driven by the intent of their heart. For those who choose good and respond more to our enticements, we then continue to lead and direct. When they hear our voice and hearken to our counsel, we continue to lead them, step by step. They become numbered among our elect sons and daughters. Those who prove valiant and faithful to the end are our elect. They have chosen us, and rejected Satan. We then know, as do they themselves, the state of the true intent of their hearts. We have found that mortality is the most perfect environment to help them find out who they really are.
We ultimately bless each of our children with the eternal world of glory, which matches the intent of their hearts. They live forever with others of our children in a similar state. They are happiest to be with these, in their saved condition. Had they not experienced a fallen telestial state, no longer in our presence, we would not have demonstrated to them the true intent of their hearts.
8. Raphael, for you and our very faithful ones, we will make you even as we are, Gods in eternity! The intent of your heart is like ours! For all those whose hearts are pure and upright, we will lead them into our Church of the Firstborn and bring them to their exaltation and eternal life as a God, sealed to the companion of their choosing who likewise has a similar intent of heart. This process in eternity is how it has always been, even from our first parent Gods from the beginning.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for these words. I had heard similar words but he tied it all together so well. I do so love to receive his messages in my mind! I asked if I recorded them well enough. I felt I had written his words accurately enough.
I closed my communion with God, but he said he would continue to be by my side. I knew my time in direct prayer had ended. I felt so very blessed to start my day in this way!
9. Later–Tonight I came to pray after my wife went to sleep. She particularly was very tired after the birthday party for our 2nd daughter. Our daughter felt very loved and that we were generous and spoke kindly words to her. That makes it all worthwhile!
Tonight I prayed on the northern shores of Lake Beautiful, near the fruit trees planted by the shore. I drank some of the water of the lake and then felt very clarified. I knelt facing the trees while I was on the shore. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them.
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came to me, walking from their fruit trees. I gazed particularly on the face of Heavenly Mother–she was smiling broadly and was very pretty.
10. She asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, you have come to us once your family has all gone to bed. You still have more things you need to do. You have placed the prayer with us ahead of your own sleep and those other tasks. This is the sort of dedication we expect of our elect who really want to connect with us in prayer. By giving us a high priority in their lives, this gets our attention. We will bless these faithful who do this with our abundant guidance and revelations.
11. I want to instruct you more about controlling and writing the story of the way you think of your own past. You may write or think any story you may wish. This does not change the facts of history, only your view of how you feel about it. It is most profitable to oneself to make one's past not mean certain things that create negative feelings. Instead, you may reprogram your view or story of your past in a positive light.
12. For example, in your ward, there were few people who inquired after you and even seemed to ignore you in the time of your greatest need. You might think that they purposefully chose to neglect you and therefore they are bad people. However, a better view would be to say to yourself that these ward members were not aware of your dire plight or were very busy in caring for their own families. Had they known, they would have eagerly extended and helped you, or just even visited you.
The latter story creates kindly feelings of the ward members, whereas the first story makes you want to stay away from those ward members. You will find the second story creates feelings of acceptance, love and non-judgmental attitudes. This is a far better position to bless your current life than holding grievances, reflected in the first story of your past.
13. If you let feelings of acceptance, non-judgment and love pervade your past and current thoughts, you will find yourself much happier. The circumstances and past facts remain the same, but only your view has changed.
You may change your past stories and retell them in more positive ways. You will be much more able to face these people, now harboring no feelings of judgment. You will be able to genuinely extend love and acceptance to them, even those you once thought of as your enemies.
14. The same positive stories should be retold in your new mindset for your family, work and other settings. When feelings of judgment leave, you increase your love for those people and become unafraid of them or what they may do to hurt you again. You also have greater thought control in the present and don't react to their actions. You think overall more happy and loving thoughts towards these people. You are genuine, but still remember your new story involving them in your past. You are not foolish in thinking that those who once hurt you are harmless. You think, however, accepting thoughts, even though you may be guarded.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great view of being positive. She was so positive and happy today as she spoke to me! I asked to be able to re-think my past in positive ways. I then closed in the name of Jesus Christ and went to bed."
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 6, 2018, Friday
1. I awoke early and snuck into the adjacent bedroom to pray and write in my journal. I have a busy day planned. I am grateful to have some private time early this morning.
Yesterday morning I came out from prayer and didn't get a chance to talk with my wife as I had apparently said I would. Anyway, I had good intentions, but my actions were not what I said I would do. I had spent too long in prayer and she picked raspberries alone, which I was supposed to pick with her and talk.
I want especially to do what I say I will do and pay attention to my actions so I am trustworthy of my word. I asked her for her forgiveness and also my God.
This morning I came to a quiet place in God's desert area, not far from the hill I frequently come to. I knelt facing east. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
2. Heavenly Father came to me, appearing directly in front of me, a little elevated in the air. He asked to speak and that I write. Here are his words:
'Raphael, yesterday we gave you an impression to go talk to your wife prior to praying to me. You did not respond to this gentle thought but kept approaching us in prayer. I talked to you about the intentions of the heart. At that time, you had good intentions, but had forgotten or dismissed an agreed time to talk to your wife. She forgave you but felt lonely for your companionship. You had good intentions, but your actions were not congruent with what she took as a promise.
3. Raphael, do not dismiss subtle promptings that come into your mind. They can be resolved as either from us or your own thoughts if you just address them and ask of us. We will let you know which are those that come from us and that you should heed, and which are just thoughts. In this way, you will not miss anything from us, even the most subtle and quiet promptings.'
4. I thanked Heavenly Father for his words. I asked for his forgiveness in not listening to him prior to my prayer, in those subtle, quiet impressions. I asked to be alerted to these promptings and question them more. I really want to be a man of my word! I asked to be able to develop better trust too, in the mind of my wife, so she and I will always be close.
He then said it was time for me to get started on my day. He said he had delivered his message. He said he forgave me and to listen more carefully to these subtle promptings in the future. He said I heard them, but dismissed them. He said he would help train me to pay closer attention during my day to these very quiet promptings.
I thanked him again and closed my prayer. I feel corrected, but so very happy to have a greater awareness that these subtle promptings may truly be from God and not my own background thoughts. I really want to be very congruent in my thoughts, following their promptings, and my actions in my daily life.
5. After my Friday date– We just came home, now at 11 pm. I hope to get a prayer with my Heavenly Parents.
I came to the circling water tonight, one of my favorite places. It was dark and the moon was reflecting off the water. I felt very settled and happy. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Mother came to me, coming from the moonbeams in the night sky. I saw her again in her reflection before I saw her coming in the sky!
She soon was in front of me. She was very much filled with soft light, and was smiling a lot. Oh, I love to be with her!
6. I asked her for her message. She spoke and I wrote her words:
'Raphael, these are very peaceful summer days you are having! You are so highly blessed. You have family all around, your own children and their families that fill up a lot of your days. You celebrated with them the Independence Day of your nation. You have many parties and enjoy each other.
7. The days of peace will soon be replaced with days of change. War will come before you realize, in your own land. There will be lots of trauma among the people of the land. There will be lots of natural disasters and manmade calamities, in the coming needful but difficult days. These will open up the days leading to the establishment of Zion, the building of the New Jerusalem, and the great millennium!
8. I look forward to these days of peace and rest ahead, where our elect will thrive and Satan and wickedness will cease. In my present mindset, when I think of the future I choose to dwell on these happy events, rather than on the days of tribulation. If you do the same, you will find a hope and assurance that will help you endure the days of war and calamity.
9. We will be with you in every time of trouble. We will be by your side, directing and guiding you. We will do so for everyone who establishes with us now a strong relationship, and regularly approaches us with sincere diligence and connection. For all our children who come unto us, we will help them, at whatever state they may be in. Oh, we love our elect children!'
10. I thanked my sweet loving Heavenly Mother for her happy countenance, and for her counsel to think of the happy days ahead, after the troubles that will come. I thanked her for her and Heavenly Father's continual guidance that they have promised the faithful and I.
Heavenly Mother then left her spot from where she had talked to me. I thought I saw her travel into the sky, into the bright celestial moonlight above. I felt her warm and happy presence then next to me. I felt so comforted and at peace!
I closed my prayer and went to bed.
I. 's Personal Journal Entry, July 7, 2018, Saturday
1. This morning I came to the quiet desert oasis. I love the stillness of this place! I sat on the bench, facing the water, for some time. I then felt clear and transparent even! There was no heaviness, but I felt light and airy. I don't know what this means except that I feel pure and clean, with pure intentions of my heart and an open mind.
I asked for my Heavenly Parents, or one of them to come to me. I saw next Heavenly Father come around the oasis on a path to my right side. He seemed calm and happy, and very self-assured as always. When he came before me, I spoke:
'Heavenly Father, I am so pleased to be in thy presence this Saturday morning! I feel happy that thou hast responded to my prayer of faith, and have come to me!'
2. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, I am also pleased to come to you today! I want to talk to you more about your future thoughts. Your Heavenly Mother mentioned this last night in your prayer how she likes to think of happy times ahead more that the hardships times. She does well to do that, since she remains in a happier present state. We have control of our thoughts, whether past, present or future. For us, we know what the future holds in detail. For you, you don't have many of those specific details revealed to you. You are able to see into the future as we reveal them to you.
3. We have asked you to have no expectations about how or what we may do in the future. This attitude keeps you very open and malleable. However, we have shared with you certain future events that we see coming to the earth and its inhabitants. You may ponder on these things, and they may cause emotions of joy, anticipation and peace, or they may cause anxiety and fear. If you live in fear of the future, you subject yourself to unnecessary negative emotions in the present. If you live with happy days ahead, you will live with happy anticipation for the future. We ask you to think on the positive that is in your future, rather than thoughts that create fear and unwanted emotions. Think of happy days ahead, keeping your mind open with no expectations other that what we have already revealed to you.
4. Knowing that the near future holds hardships and trials that will hopefully cause you to prepare yourself to handle foreseeable difficulties now. This motivates you to keep out of debt, to have some food storage and production skills like gardening, and to have a rainy day savings. We will guide you on what to prepare for.
5. Emotionally, however, you will not be able to prepare for what might come into your life except to be the best you can be now. When you seek to fill your life with Christ like attributes of love and gratitude, and many positive character behaviors, you will be able to best meet future challenges. Having a good relationship with your Heavenly Mother and I will pay great dividends in the future, for we will always guide our elect who come unto us and obey our counsels.
6. Raphael, we have purposefully withheld most future events in the personal lives of our children. This keeps them able to live in the present and avoid unnecessary worry about the future. You only have control of your present state and actions, and not in the past or the future. All of your growth and improvement occurs in the present. Think of the past and the future in ways that enhance improving yourself in the present moment.
Make your past and future thoughts serve your best interest, being positive and happy as possible.'
7. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his wise counsel! I told him this:
'I thank thee Father, for thy guidance! I will live in the present; to be as good as I can be, seeking to be more and more like thee. I will think of the past and future in ways that strengthens myself in the present moment. I will seek to live a happy balance in my life, and control my thoughts as I am counseled by thee and Heavenly Mother!'
Heavenly Father smiled and said he needed to go so I could now live my present life in mortality. He said he loved me and would always be near me, in every time of trouble that I may face.
He then continued to walk around the oasis, going to my left. He soon disappeared from my view. I closed my prayer and started my Saturday. I am motivated to live as best I can today!
8. In the evening: Tonight I came again to the circling waters in Heavenly Mother's upper garden. When I arrive, Heavenly Mother was already there, on the stream side of the circling waters! I immediately knelt before her. I gazed on her very sparkling eyes and her happy countenance. She was shining a warm glow of light from her being. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, you discussed with your wife about various attitudes in your family among your children. You could easily spot controlling behavior and judgmental attitudes. You are doing so much better yourself in not being controlling of others or judging. You have been doing well in accepting and loving others, just as they are.
9. Today I would like to talk to you about the topic of denying of the Holy Ghost, or the unpardonable sin. This is when one of my children receives a sure witness from me, from my role as the Holy Ghost, and unquestionably knows I inspired and witnessed to them. The witness of my spirit to their soul is the strongest our children can receive in the flesh. Since I am the Holy Ghost, when I witness to their soul, it is the witness of their loving Heavenly Mother, a love and a witness that they may trust and heed. If they turn away from me, their Heavenly Mother, and deny me, it is stating openly that I never gave them their witness in the first place. This is an egregious sin, and is not pardonable. They therefore deny all the gifts of good and love we may extend to them, even to the level of salvation that they would be willing to receive. If they deny me, they forgo any level of eternal happiness in a kingdom of glory, whether telestial, terrestrial or celestial. If they deny me, they forgo their eternal happiness in a kingdom of glory. The only place for them is a kingdom of no glory, which is eternal damnation.
I pump and spray green algae water from my fish pond into the greenhouse
There are some scriptures that speak of the denying of the Holy Ghost and that it is unpardonable:
10. Alma 39:6–
"For behold, if ye deny the Holy Ghost when it once has had place in you, and ye know that ye deny it, behold, this is a sin which is unpardonable; yea, and whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness; yea, I say unto you, my son, that it is not easy for him to obtain a forgiveness."
"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."
"And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven."
"Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame."
14. The interpretation of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost as given in D&C 132:27 is the interpretation of man, and the last part of this verse is not accurate. It states receiving the new and everlasting covenant is required prior to the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which is not part of this issue:
15. D&C 132:27–
"The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be forgiven in the world nor out of the world, is in that ye commit murder wherein ye shed innocent blood, and assent unto my death, after ye have received my new and everlasting covenant, saith the Lord God; and he that abideth not this law can in nowise enter into my glory, but shall be damned, saith the Lord."
16. This interpretation is not congruent with Luke 12:10 which states that all sin against Jesus Christ may be forgiven, but the sin against the Holy Ghost or the blasphemy or denying of the sure witness once it has unquestionably been given, shall not be forgiven.
The sure witness of me, the Holy Ghost, is given by me to the very spirit and unconscious mind of my child who seeks me diligently. My spirit enters their spirit and witnesses to their very soul the truth of something. Along with this is a witness of God, even their Heavenly Mother, that they are a precious son or daughter to me. Later, if they reject me and my witness, and continue in the course of denial, they will be excluded from a kingdom of glory. They will then be given a kingdom of no glory where they are forever banished from God's presence, worlds without end. This is even the destiny of the Sons of Perdition.
17. See D&C 76:31-35–
"Thus saith the Lord concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power—
They are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom I say that it had been better for them never to have been born;
For they are vessels of wrath, doomed to suffer the wrath of God, with the devil and his angels in eternity;
Concerning whom I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come—
Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame."
18. When I am denied, and my child rejects my sure witness of the Holy Ghost, they also deny the atonement and the sacrifice of my Beloved Son Jesus Christ, who suffered for their sins. This denial is akin to mocking his sacrifice, and putting him to an open shame. If they were at the death of Jesus Christ, they too would crucify him afresh.
Raphael, this is my explanation of the unpardonable sin, or denying the Holy Ghost once it is received'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her great explanation. I have always been confused on this topic. It now makes better sense to me. I pray that I will continue to have my mind enlightened to understand fully the unpardonable sin, or the sin against the Holy Ghost.
I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 8, 2018, Sunday
1. I awoke to another beautiful day! I came in my mind to God's temple, in the front entry area. I knelt on the east side, facing the temple doors. I felt clear and receptive. I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.
I then saw my Heavenly Parents both come through the temple doors. THey soon were in front of me. I gazed into their calm happy faces! I looked over all of them, even their full robes. I recognized them as my loving Heavenly Parents! I knew them and I love to be with them!
I spoke first. I asked them to help me find and do what I really wanted to do, and especially to hear their words and do what they said. I wanted to be my true self, fully one with my premortal self.
2. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we have brought you this morning into our beautiful temple! There are many places that we could meet with you on our celestial orb. This is one of our favorite places to be in!
We will bless you to be your own true self, even Raphael our archangel, our fourth son born to us in this eternity! You have many talents and skills you have developed, all around your interests and strengths. These have also surfaced in your mortal life. As you come daily unto us, your true spirit self, your personality and who you really are, will become more evident to you. You will become in the flesh even the same person, dropping all habits that are not congruent with who you really are. You will have the same interests and skills, the same warm acceptance and love for your brothers and sisters. You will be more and more even tempered, having great trust in our lead as we guide you by revelation in your life. You will fully know yourself, your destiny and mission. This knowledge will give you more and more confidence in your self before us, your Gods and your Heavenly Parents.
3. We desire all of our holy mortal angels to likewise know themselves and their true identity. They too may drop habits and the cultural influence of the world in their lives, thereby becoming one with themselves, their true premortal spirit self. They too may gain the confidence and strength of being fully congruent with themselves.
4. Raphael, you and our other mortal angels are to keep your identity secret from the world except to the few that we inspire you to reveal your identity. You will be poised to act on earth and in heaven in all of our directions. You will become all fully awakened to your true identity and angelic missions! You will frequently hear our voice and act as we direct.
The others of our children who are our elect will also become gradually aware of their premortal selves. These too may become linked in the conscious mind to their true identity as our sons and daughters. We will lead them as we lead you, here a little and there a little. They too may be fully led and guided by us, their Gods, in their mortal lives.
5. Thus one of our purposes for our obedient and faithful children is to awaken to who they are, their true premortal spirit self. They all may frequently come into our kingdom here in heaven, as have you. We too will come unto them and lead them along, as we have done for you Raphael.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of great comfort and assurance! I feel so accepted and loved by my Heavenly Parents! I feel clear and happy. I feel assured, more and more, of my identity as Raphael in my mortal experience. I am so grateful for this knowledge!
I thanked them both for coming to me! I knew my time with them in formal prayer had ended. I asked them to be by my side today, to be near me always. I ended my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
6. After church–I went with my wife to a local ward at 1:00 pm. In my mind, I came to the celestial world at the overlook point on the path, on top of the green hill. I saw the temple in the distance.
For the sacrament hymn, we sang from page 194 "There is a Green Hill Far Away". I was at the top of a green hill!
Anyway, the priest offered a blessing on the bread in the ward. I situated myself in heaven at this overlook, on my knees. There was a white cloud in the sky, and I could see the temple doors in the distance. I then made my sacrament covenant to my Heavenly Parents, who were not yet in front of me. Then I saw my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father come out of the temple doors. They looked at me, and then a beam of light came from them to me. Almost instantly they were in front of me! Heavenly Father spoke:
7. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept the covenant you have made to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. We will always be by your side and will always be with you.
8. Your Heavenly Mother spoke to you last night about blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. We made a decision at the beginning of this eternity, that your Heavenly Mother would have the role of the Holy Ghost. She would act in her replicated spirit during the duration of the mortal experience of our children. In this role, she would testify to our children who approached her of the truth. She would witness of the truth of the gospel, our way of living, and witness to our sons and daughters by having her very spirit go inside of their spirits. This witness, from their loving Heavenly Mother, would be profound and the strongest witness they could receive. It would be a gift from her in her role as the Holy Ghost.
9. If one of our children were to have received this great gift and witness, and then were to fully deny it until the day of judgment, then that child would be committing an unpardonable sin. This would be blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. We determined that if this affront were to occur, this would be a gift she gave to them that was denied, and it would then be our last gift to that child. They would have forfeited our next great gift of salvation that we would have given to them, through the merits of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. They would receive a kingdom of no glory, or not eternal salvation.'
A yellow squash from our garden with a leaf coming from the yellow fruit!
Reminds me of flowing hair.
10. The priest then offered the blessing on the sacrament water. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, when one of my children say that they never received my witness when I clearly gave it to them, and then fully deny this until the day of judgment, I am very grieved and hurt! It is the same hurt I feel if my child were to deny that I am their Mother, when they have full knowledge that I am. This is the greatest rejection I can receive!
Those who may do this have denied themselves of any further gifts from their Heavenly Father or me. They receive no more gift of the Holy Ghost, and no gift of salvation.
11. Raphael, after the third part of our children rebelled and were cast off with Lucifer, he became their new spiritual father. He made them all deny us, their true Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and by an oath commit themselves to him, Lucifer. They denied us as their true Heavenly Parents.
Those who remain subjugated to Lucifer, and continue to deny us as their loving Heavenly Parents, will also receive no further gift from us. For them, it would have been better had they never been born to us as their spirit children. This is in fulfillment of D&C 76:30-38.'
12. D&C 76:30-38-
"And we saw a vision of the sufferings of those with whom he made war and overcame, for thus came the voice of the Lord unto us:
Thus saith the Lord concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power—
They are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom I say that it had been better for them never to have been born;
For they are vessels of wrath, doomed to suffer the wrath of God, with the devil and his angels in eternity;
Concerning whom I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come—
Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father, having crucified him unto themselves and put him to an open shame.
These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—
And the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power;
Yea, verily, the only ones who shall not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord, after the sufferings of his wrath."
13. I then thanked them for these words of clarification. The bishop started speaking, and I tried to write what messages I received from my Heavenly Parents in my pocket journal. I finished up writing after we returned home from church.
14. At night–I have been mulling over the subject of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. There is a lot that I have been thinking about. I re-read what I wrote on this subject yesterday and today. It is much clearer to me now.
I came tonight to the maple tree grove on the western shores of Lake Beautiful. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came to me alone tonight. She came through the upper parts of the trees, and settled to a point above the ground in front of me. Here are her words:
15. 'Raphael, we have given you much information about the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. You have edited and re-read these entries again. What you have finally written is true and acceptable to me. I will give you no more information at this time about this negative subject.
I will be with you throughout your sleep, and during each day this week. We will come quickly and give you more revelations, as fast as you are able to receive them.'
She leaned over to me and pulled me to a standing position. She gave me a full embrace, her spirit coming inside of mine! I felt her deep love and compassion, her full acceptance of me! I knew she was my true Heavenly Mother, and that she birthed me as a spirit infant! I felt her same love I have felt in the past that filled me with joy and great peace!
She then exited my body, smiled broadly at me, and then went back into the sky through the trees. I knelt again and thanked her for her great message and embrace! Oh, how I love my Heavenly Mother!"