156. Patience

Hello friends,

It looks like confinement, quarantines and lockdowns will be with us for some time. Read my post about all of these things. I am actually starting to get used to this new life-style, but I don't like it, especially the social restrictions and distancing from my family! One night when I prayed about all of this, my Heavenly Father responded with one word: patience.

I hope you are handling these changes in your own lives. I would love to hear from you! Please consider sharing highlights of your own revelations and inspirations with me also. I would love sharing them with our group, for we can all benefit.

I ask that you always test all things with God, including confirming the truthfulness of what I have written.


P.S. I found some pictures of plants we are now growing and eating from our greenhouse and garden. These are all greens and I believe greatly strengthen our body's immune system. See how many you can identify!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 5, 2020, Sunday

1. Last night I came to the circling waters on the celestial orb. I knelt next to the shore on some green grass, and asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came immediately and was full of light and smiling!

2. I had just listened to President Nelson's talk that he opened the LDS general conference in the morning. My family and I had spent our day working in our business and outside in our garden and orchard. During his talk I had tried to access whether he carried the Spirit or not. However, I did not feel the Spirit from him, try as I might.

3. Heavenly Mother spoke: 'Raphael, this general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is similar to recent conferences and is not spiritually memorable or extraordinary in any way. You are correct that I did not witness to you anything in President Russell M. Nelson's talk–that is why you did not feel my Spirit.

4. If you wish, you may participate in the Hosanna Shout, and participate in the worldwide fast on April 10th that he asked all members and friends to do. However, we will let the COVID-19 run its course and will not abate it in the world.

5. The correct prayer and fast of our elect should be instead not about slowing down the virus, but of coming to us their Gods and being open and humble enough to hear our voice and not mans. If they are sincerely willing to change their lives, even as we will, we will give them revelation and divine guidance, accompanied by my Spirit.'

6. Heavenly Mother sent me her peace and light. I felt comforted and went to bed right away. I felt so blessed to be able to connect twice daily to my Heavenly Parents, and to have them by my side throughout my day.

7. This morning I awoke before my family. After writing the above entry, I came above the little outcropping next to the circling waters and desired to receive the sacrament. Our local Bishop had written us that we should listen to conference and that we were not authorized to bless the sacrament. Instead I decided to receive it on the celestial orb this morning if possible. I knelt on the ground and faced the distant temple. It was a beautiful lit-up temple. It was also a lovely spring-like morning. I asked for my Gods to come in answer to my prayer.

8. I then saw Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing next to each other about 20 feet in front of me! Jesus then came next to the Father, on his right side. They were all full of light and seemed pleased and happy!

9. Jesus Christ then came before me and held out a broken piece of bread on his open, outstretched hand. He spoke:

'Raphael, I have blessed this sacrament bread for you so you could receive the sacrament as you desire. Eat in remembrance of my broken flesh and death for you. Then covenant with your Heavenly Parents to always remember them, and to keep their commandments.'

10. I reached out and took the bread. I saw the nail marks in his hand. I spoke while I addressed him: 'My Savior, I take upon me your holy name.' I then looked at my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and spoke: 'My Heavenly Parents, I covenant to always remember you, and to keep your commandments.' I then ate the broken bread.

Jesus smiled and withdrew his hand.

11. He then brought forth a small silver cup in his same hand.

'Raphael, drink this wine that represents my blood spilt for you so that I could redeem you, and bring you back into our presence.'

12. I reached forward and took the cup and drank. I drank all that was in the cup and then returned this to him. He smiled and placed his arm to the side. He then returned next to the Father.

13. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, our son, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant that you have made to us this day. We promise to always be with you. We will come as you request and give you answers to your prayers. We will send our light and Holy Spirit through you. You are our rightful servant now on the earth, and hold my priesthood and my authority.'

14. I thanked them for coming and offering me the holy sacrament. I said I loved them and would do as they would direct me.

15. My three Gods then smiled and stepped backwards. As they did so, the higher celestial veil closed around them and they were gone. I looked around at this beautiful celestial orb in contemplation, and felt great peace and love. I closed my prayer and came back to where I was writing all of this down in my private room. I felt my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother next to me although I couldn't see them. I then began my new Sabbath day.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 6, 2020, Monday

1. Last night I retired to bed before my wife, and enjoyed a dramatic prayer! I felt to go to the spire of the Salt Lake Temple above the statue of Moroni. I knelt in the air in the celestial realms on the earth. I faced to the west, to the Great Salt Lake in the distance.

2. I then addressed my Father in heaven. I told him that I had heard and seen on the Internet President Russell M. Nelson's addresses of conference, each time he spoke. I said I hadn't felt the presence of the Holy Ghost during any of his talks or announcements. I told him that I had tried to be open and receptive. I went over with God the efforts of this man in reading a proclamation to the world, introducing the new image or logo of the church, leading us in the hosanna shout, about the announcement of eight new temples, and asking all to join him in the upcoming worldwide fast this coming Friday. I then wanted to hear directly from my Father what he felt about all of this.

3. I then saw my Heavenly Father come to me in a bright beam of light from the area around the Salt Lake. He came directly in front of me and extended his right hand to me. He spoke:

4. 'Raphael, come with me!'

I took his hand and stood. We then came above and to the east of the temple in the air, so that the temple was in front of us and we were facing the top of the temple.

5. Heavenly Father then let go of my hand, and raised his right hand outward in the direction of the temple. A huge lightning bolt came from him and hit the spires of the temple! There was a huge noise and smoke, and I saw the center roof area of the temple knocked down with the spires broken. There was a large cavern of debris and granite rocks strewn on the roof!

6. I then saw a dark cloud immediately come above Temple Square. Huge hailstones then pelted down on the temple and the area round about. Many trees broke and all the vegetation was destroyed! I saw the tabernacle badly damaged as well as the visitor centers.

7. I then looked to the temple and it was on fire on the inside. Heavy smoke started pouring out of the temple windows that had been broken from the lightning. I was in shock over the desolation to this one block in downtown Salt Lake City!

8. Heavenly Father then spoke: 'Raphael, this is no longer my church, even though it is called after the name of my Beloved Son, and now has a logo of him as its image. They no longer have our holy guidance, but are left to themselves. I have removed my power and priesthood from all of the general authority leaders.

9. The prayer and fast called by President Nelson to stop the coronavirus spreading in the land is a sign that he does not know my mind or intention. I will not answer the prayers of the people who seek to turn my mind from that which I have decreed and caused that my angel cast to the earth from the golden altar in heaven (see Revelation 8:5–"And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.").

10. If this people call upon me in humility, in openness of heart, and sincerely seek my will, in the name of my Beloved Son, then I will hear them and awaken them to their own folly. Otherwise, calamity and a continual scene of hardship awaits them as they follow leaders like President Nelson and those in their fallen church!'

11. My Heavenly Father stood majestic and powerful before me! His cape started blowing vigorously to the west. His inner robe was tied with a scarlet-red sash about his waist. His eyes were piercing and like fire.

12. He then suddenly disappeared. I thanked him for his dramatic response to my prayer! I know he spoke the truth, and that he had fully demonstrated his Godly views. I said I loved him, and would obey his commandments, and do as I was directed.

13. This was my prayer and answer last night. This morning I wrote all of this with clear recollection in my quiet and private room. When I now ask again I know what I have written to be a true account. I don't know if what I saw was a literal destruction of the temple and the surrounding area. I do know that my Heavenly Father is displeased with the leadership of the LDS church and has removed his priesthood authority. I also believe more destructions will come to this center place of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

14. I decided to have my morning prayer at the beautiful stream coming into God's Loving Healing Lake, on the celestial orb. I immediately felt much peace and insulation from any calamity coming to the earth.

I knelt, faced the lake, and asked that my Heavenly Mother come to me.

15. There was immediately a bright light upon the waters as my Heavenly Mother descended from the sky! She lighted upon the waters and then moved directly to me in the air. She stopped right in front of me. She was glorious and smiling! She was very brilliant, full of love and light that penetrated my being! I felt fully enlivened and happy in her presence. I could tell her light passed right through me, completely enveloping me in light, like I was transparent before her!

16. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, what you witnessed in your prayer last night is true. We will not be mocked by those who profess our authority and use our name in vain. My light will shine upon the humble and obedient to God, not upon those who obey man or the institutions of man. You have correctly written the account of your prayer last night.'

17. Heavenly Mother paused and smiled. I thanked her for sending so much abundant light, peace and love upon me this morning. I thanked her for her witness of what I had seen the night before.

I then thanked her for sending her Beloved Son to earth, on this his birthday, 2020 years ago! I thanked her for the first establishment of the Church of Christ 190 years ago on earth, also today (see D&C 21:3).

18. I paused and basked in her presence! I felt so very loved and accepted.

My Mother broke the silence: 'Raphael, whenever you feel agitated, anxious, or fear, reflect on my visit this morning to you. You will then be able to receive again my comfort and peace. I will again fill you with my light and clarity of thought. I extend this same promise to all my angels and celestial mortal servant who seek my light.'

19. Matthew 11:28– "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." I remembered this message on the banner she had unfurled on Mount Zion (see my post 25C8 to 25C11).

20. She then smiled and disappeared! She left me with her peace and love in my heart. I lingered for a while and then closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 7, 2020, Tuesday

1. I awoke to beautiful sunshine streaming in my windows. This promises to be a wonderful day!

2. My brother J and wife E are doing much better in their fight against COVID-19. E got off her ventilator after two weeks, and is sitting up. She is in rehab to learn to swallow. They both and others in the family attribute all of this to God who rescued her from the brink of death. I am so elated that she turned and is on the mend! They moved her from the ICU to an isolation room yesterday.

3. The world continues to suffer under this coronavirus pandemic. The cases in the United States (now at 370,397, with 11,042 deaths) continue to climb. It is difficult to know whether what I read on the news is fact or fiction, for there is so much conflicting data and reporting.

4. Last night in my prayer I was told by Heavenly Father that I was living my life in a way pleasing to him. He said that sequestering my family and myself is the right approach now. We are keeping out of society and occasionally get food pickups delivered to the back of our car at stores that we order online. When we visit friends or family, we are usually 20 feet away from them and outside. This approach keeps us safe and sane, but is certainly not ideal nor the way we like it.

5. This morning I came to the fountain of living water on the celestial orb.


Evening–I came out with the family and couldn't start my morning prayer. I only tried to connect to my Heavenly Parents in my mind throughout the day. Tonight I came again to the fountain of living water and knelt on the right side of the fountain, with the temple before me. I prayed for my Heavenly Mother to come.

6. She appeared in the air in front of me! She was smiling and full of light.

Here are her words:

'Raphael, you had two emails about the moving back together of the continents so that the landmasses would be merged into one continent. With the coming of Nibiru near the earth, not only will there be a very cataclysmic earthquake in your land, but also the initiation of the landmasses to move. The large gravitational pull of Nibiru on the tectonic plates on the earth surface will begin these plate movements. This continental shift will take some years, and during the landmass movements there will be other large earthquakes. These movements will be finished moving when Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, returns again to the earth in the clouds of heaven.

7. There will of necessity be a lot of flooding of lands near the oceans, and some areas will sink into the seas, and some areas will have new lands emerge. Raphael, these events will be initiated by the sounding of your trumpet of God on July 31st, 2020.

8. The sounding of the trumpets of God by our male archangels are the beginning of calamities, all to be initiated by the Father when he sends his angels of destruction to the earth at the time that he and I have decided upon.

9. The return of the city of Enoch to the earth is not during this preliminary time of the great earthquake, but later. The return of this landmass from our celestial orb to the earth will be one of the final pieces after the landmasses have moved to their final positions.

10. Raphael, these prophecies are great and these events cannot be ignored. Our work and acts are hidden from all mankind except those to whom we wish to reveal them. We want you to write whatever we tell you, which comes into your heart and mind, like Samuel the Lamanite received in the Book of Mormon account. Because he was open, humble and receptive, we could reveal to him great things not previously revealed to man. Such will be the case with you. Fear not and doubt not what we have spoken to you, and what you have written. These are our words and not your own. Share them freely with those on your email list so that our words may be documented before these events occur.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for coming to me tonight, and for her prophecies and revelations. I acknowledged that I know nothing except it is revealed to me by God. I said I would record all that I receive in my journal.

12. She then disappeared and I pondered over the greatness of these predictions! I then confirmed in my mind and heart from God that she really did speak to me. If I am right or wrong, what I have written is what I have heard and it stands as my account of these great things yet to come. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 8, 2020, Wednesday

1. I had another prayer while in bed last night. Heavenly Father confirmed to my mind that I had recorded Heavenly Mother's words correctly. He didn't appear to me, but whispered to me in my heart and mind.

2. I can really relate to Samuel the Lamanite in the Book of Mormon. The words of God came into his heart (see Helaman 13:3-5). Samuel had no idea apparently beforehand what he would receive, but just spoke as a conduit for God. He seemed to be open, humble and even put himself at risk by getting on the wall of the city of Zarahemla. The more part of the people rejected his words. Even after they couldn't hit him with their stones and arrows, they still "cried unto their captains, saying: Take this fellow and bind him, for behold he hath a devil; and because of the power of the devil which is in him we cannot hit him with our stones and our arrows; therefore take him and bind him, and away with him." The Savior even said that one part of the record of Samuel was left out of the Nephite record, and should be included in the record (see 3 Nephi 23:9-14).

3. I too want to be open and receptive, and write whatever comes into my heart from God I don't want to go back and edit these initial words except for grammar issues, for what I write under God's inspiration should stand and never be censored.

4. While writing this, Heavenly Mother came next to me and spoke to me. Her word flowed into my mind:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I will freely speak to you in your mind and heart our will, even as you remain open and humble enough to receive them. You will continue to receive great revelations from us, for you write exactly what you receive without any restrictions on our words and thoughts.

5. Because of this same characteristic, Samuel, our ancient Lamanite prophet, was given by Jesus Christ many clear and plain prophecies that only the humble and elect among the Nephite and Lamanite peoples would believe. Others rejected these words, and tried to bind and destroy Samuel.

6. Were you to share our own prophecies that we have shared with you to your friends, family and neighbors, and people in your society, you would be rejected and labeled as a false prophet who possessed a devil. We do not want these many great revelations to come among the people now. We will wait until the wicked are destroyed and the righteous preserved by our matchless power.

7. Continue to write our words and the spiritual experiences that you have in your personal journal. The method of typing these up, editing for grammar issues, indexing and then distributing them to your small group on your email list is pleasing to us. We will preserve your account and publish it to the world at a later time, in our own way.'

8. I thanked my Heavenly Mother to have come to me and spoken her words to my mind and heart. I felt comforted and assured that I had correctly written her words that I received in my morning meditation and prayer.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 9, 2020, Thursday

1. Last night I prayed on the knoll above the circling waters. I prayed to Heavenly Father and he immediately came. I had just read President Nelson's words about the upcoming fast he called for this Friday. I had thought him asking in our prayers that our "life (would be) normalized", as one of the things we should pray and fast about.

2. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, the lives of the people of the world will not return to a normal state as President Nelson has asked that the church members in part pray for. Instead, we will disrupt the collective prayers of the Latter-day Saints with an event associated with this fast. Their lives will not return to the normal type of life they had lived up to the point when the pandemic came into their land.'

3. At this point I saw the cape of Heavenly Father to start blowing to the west behind him, towards the celestial temple. I then asked if there was reason why his cape blew to the west Sunday evening on April 5th towards the Great Salt Lake in my prayer, and then now today towards the west on the celestial orb.

4. Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, my cape has blown both times to the west because of the east wind "which bringeth immediate destruction."

5. Mosiah 7:29-31–"For behold, the Lord hath said: I will not succor my people in the day of their transgression; but I will hedge up their ways that they prosper not; and their doings shall be as a stumbling block before them.

And again, he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the chaff thereof in the whirlwind; and the effect thereof is poison.

And again he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the east wind, which bringeth immediate destruction."

6. This is how my prayer ended last night. I wondered what kind of event would soon happen relating to the fast called for by President Nelson?

7. This morning I prayed again at the knoll next to the circling waters. I faced west towards God's temple on the celestial orb. I prayed again for my Heavenly Father to come.

8. He came in front of me, immediately appearing a few feet away! I saw he wore his scarlet-red sash around his inner robe again. He immediately spoke:

9. 'Raphael, there will be some who are in your world who wake up by reason of the increased calamities coming to the earth. They will wonder why these things have come together so quickly to afflict their lives and the world in which they live, although they will yearn to go back to their old lifestyle before the pandemic.

10. If these individuals come to me in humble, meaningful and sincere prayer, with an open heart and mind, I will give them promptings from my Spirit. We will lead and bless them with understanding, according to their desires and their receptivity. We will help these who have been shaken up in their own life, and come unto us their Gods.

11. We will reveal to you the secrets of our will so that you may record them in your journal, even before these events occur. Let our words flow freely through your mind, into your thoughts and heart, and record these at the time we give them to you.'

12. I then thought to take my journal with me when I pray at night, and to not write these words down the next morning. I said I would write God's words that come into my mind and heart at the moment I receive them. I do this in the morning already, but need to do it also at night.

Heavenly Father then left and I closed my prayer in Jesus' name. I then started my new day.

13. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis and sat on the bench. I faced south to the water. I had just finished reading about what the Bible says about the east winds, and how historically these winds brought destruction. In the land of Israel, when the winds blew from the dry desert from the east (blowing west), there was extreme dryness and even sometimes locusts that ate the crops, causing immediate destruction.

14. Heavenly Father quoted this morning from Mosiah chapter 7. He said the east wind "bringeth immediate destruction." I wonder if this symbolized our increase in the plague we are already receiving, or a new more deadly virus. I wonder if this east wind that bringeth destruction means we will no longer be able to buy food, for our supply chains will fail. Or I wonder if we will deepen in an economic hole, with so many out of work and businesses failing?

15. I then knelt on the sand and faced the desert oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come and give me revelation and answers to my prayers and wonderings.

16. Heavenly Mother then appeared on my right side. She asked me to stand as she extended her left hand. I took her hand and stood next to her.

She spoke: 'Raphael, look forward to the east!'

17. I then looked to the desert to the east, and saw a very dark and billowing dust cloud heading our way! The cloud seemed to have picked up a lot of sand and was blowing extensively on the desert floor. This dust cloud rose high up into the air, maybe 1,000 feet or more!

18. 'Raphael, there is a portent of destruction coming our way because of the severe desert sand storm. The winds are fierce and will destroy and damage the landscape and anything in it's path.

19. This is what your Heavenly Father and I have planned to come upon the land that you now live in, and upon all nations of the world! The coronavirus is only the beginning of the winds and storms from our sands. These will soon begin with more fury, being unleashed from Salt Lake City, even from our once favored church and temple.

20. The prayers and fasting on Good Friday that has now begun among many Christian religions across the world, will not slow down the havoc coming to the earth. Remember, the east wind "bringeth immediate destruction!"

21. At this moment the winds started blowing more and more fiercely. I held tight onto my Heavenly Mother's hand! In minutes sand was blowing directly upon all of my body. I closed my eyes and didn't feel any pain from the sand violently blowing upon me. I could still feel Heavenly Mother's hand held tightly in mine.

22. She then spoke peace to my mind: 'Raphael, even in the most devastating storm coming your way, your Heavenly Father and I will stand by your side and we will protect you. We will send you and our angels among those of our elect who petition for us to lead, guide and save them. We will send peace and light to their souls as they humbly come unto us, their Gods, and depend upon us and not man.'

23. Suddenly the storm stopped and I was kneeling in a calm desert oasis! Heavenly Mother was standing before me smiling! I felt her love and peace in my heart and mind, and her light pass into me!

She then faded away and I was alone. I thanked her for her message tonight, and particularly for the peace I felt in the midst of the violent east windstorm. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

24. While in bed, I got on my bed and knelt, this time praying to my Heavenly Father. He came near and whispered in my mind: 'Raphael, I too will always be near you, in every time of trouble and distress.'

25. I then rehearsed with him the visions I had with him of lightning, hail, and now a terrible sand storm with my Heavenly Mother holding my hand. I prayed for the elect who would need to go through these calamities, and for my own family and loved ones. Heavenly Father assured me by sending his peace that all would be fine with his elect who come unto him, seeking for his protection. I then thought of holding of Mother's hand and not feeling pain from the blowing sand, and her steadiness in holding my hand, and being with me in the storm. I then felt it was a mental state that we need to seek, to feel them next to us and to be filled with peace and hope. We could experience peace even in the midst of calamities around us.

My prayer ended and I went to bed.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 10, 2020, Good Friday

1. This morning I am fasting with my wife. I talked to her last night that, at least for me, I am not going to try to dissuade what God may have in store for the world with this pandemic, but to seek to align myself with God. I said that we might never return to "normal", as President Nelson said for us to pray for. I said we don't know what is coming next, but we can feel assured of hope and peace that God only can give.

2. This morning I came to my private room before the family awoke. Sunlight was streaming through the only east-facing window in our home. I felt happy to be here.

I came next to the celestial orb, to the tree of life. I plucked a fruit and a leaf, and ate both of them, even though I was fasting in my mortal body. I asked in my mind that because I had eaten this celestial fruit and leaf, that my food I ate on earth would become living food, and the greens I daily eat would become living greens, even as my Heavenly Mother has told me to do in the past. I also asked that the water I drink on earth to be revitalized into living water.

3. Heavenly Father then stepped in front of me from the other side of the tree of life! I immediately knelt before him as he approached me. He came right in front of me, and was smiling. His eyes were full of compassion and light. He spoke:

4. 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have shown you dramatic storms, lightning and hail to emphasize to you the severe nature of what is coming your way in your mortal world. These are symbols and metaphors of what will come. You may not see the Salt Lake Temple destroyed as you saw in a recent vision, but the effect of what is coming will be just as real to the church and its members. You may not experience extreme lightning or hail, or a sand storm, but the devastations in your world will be just as severe. You have now a portent of the intensities of the calamities that are coming, but you don't know specifics. This is as we desire.

5. Continue in your fast and prayer until you have determined. We know of your sincerity, humility and willingness to follow and record whatever we share with you. We will bless and prosper you, even during those tribulations coming upon your mortal world.

6. Stay close to us, and we will remain close to you.

D&C 88:63–"Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

My vision then closed and I started my new day.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 11, 2020, Saturday

1. I am up before my wife and son, and came to my private room to pray. I read an email that S had sent to me. I am always uplifted with his revelations, and am glad our Heavenly Parents speak to him so clearly. This makes me feel not so alone in what I see, feel and record in my journal.

2. I liked what S received about the meaning of the hail in Revelation 8:7: usually we think it will rain from a dark cloud, but hail catches us as a surprise when it comes down. To S, Heavenly Mother said, "What is soon coming to your land above the current coronavirus pandemic will be unexpected, sudden and intense like hail." I think too that the world will be surprised by the new destructive events or things that will be added to our coronavirus pandemic.

3. S also received information about the "1/3 part" that so often is repeated in Revelation chapters 8-10. Here are his words that he received from Heavenly Father:

"In heaven prior to any of our children coming to earth, 1/3 the host of heaven rebelled against the plan brought forth by Heavenly Mother and I, where Jesus Christ would be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. This 1/3 who rebelled have wrought great havoc upon mankind since the days of Adam and Eve until now. The third part of man who rebels on earth against God in your day will be repeatedly destroyed until only those who remain are righteous and serve God during the millennial day."

4. S's record sounds sensible to me and to be a true account. (see S's entire email at the end of this entry today).

5. This morning I came in prayer to the beautiful field of buttercups on the celestial orb. I walked above this meadow in the air until I was in the very center. All of the little bright yellow flowers were seemingly so innocent and fragile, and seemed to follow me with their flower heads when I walked by. All was so beautiful and pretty.

6. I knelt in the air, facing the forest path from where I came. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my prayer.

Heavenly Mother then came from the sky above the forest, and arrived in resplendent light to a place directly in front of me! She was bright and smiling, bringing intense light and glory to all the area around us.

7. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me: 'Raphael, we desire all of our awakened mortal angels, celestial servants, and our elect to record in their personal journals the events that come to their mortal world. Great changes are soon at hand that will surprise all of our children. What S has written about the interpretation of the sudden and unexpected hail from a dark cloud is true. This is the correct meaning of the hail coming to the earth in Revelation 8:7.

8. Heavenly Father also gave to him the correct interpretation of the third part spoken of in Revelation chapters 8 and 9. By the end of these calamities coming to the earth, the wicked who are the third part, will have been in a large measure destroyed. We will protect our elect through these tribulations by our power. The third part is not an actual mathematical third of mankind, but a symbol or metaphor given to John the Revelator of that group of people on earth who won't repent and change their ways. We only want those who are of a terrestrial nature, whom the Father has chosen, to come into our glorious and promised day of peace and rest.

9. Raphael, last night you had listened to an audio recording of a former FEMA employee who once helped draft terrible contingency plans for the United States government. These plans have now been activated by President Trump and others, signaling the sinister overtaking of your country. They have secretly now in place a plan to overthrow the freedom of all citizens of your land, and propel your nation into a one-world government order. It appears to many, from their power and money backing, that this secret combination now will go forward to execute and fulfill their evil plans. Satan is the actual author of all of these evil plans (see Ether 8:24-26).

10. The plagues and destructions coming upon the earth will not only destroy the wicked, but also all of their evil and secret combinations and plans, such as those laid and now activated by your own government. Follow whatever we tell you to do, for you will have a part in their destruction and in saving the elect from Satan's plans to entrap the innocent and the elect. We will not allow Lucifer and his evil ones who live in mortality to subvert our plans for the glorious millennial day coming to the earth!

11. The monthly sounding of the trumpets of our male archangel, even until you sound your trumpet on July 31st, 2020, will initiate the destructive events coming to destroy the wicked, and to awaken the elect from their deep slumber.'

12. Heavenly Mother then turned and looked out upon her beautiful field of buttercup flowers all around in this meadow. She smiled upon them and radiated her love for them!

She then turned and spoke to me: 'Raphael, these innocent and receptive buttercups are like the many pre-mortal children I have. These, my children, are eager to come to the earth, but we first need to clear your world of the wickedness on her surface, and to remove those who love Satan more than us, their Heavenly Parents.

13. After we have orchestrated the temporal destruction of the wicked on the earth, you will then be commanded to remove Lucifer and his hosts to the bottomless pit. They will then be locked up for a thousand years so that we may bring forth our innocent and pure ones in the day of the millennium. I so look forward to that day of peace and rest!'

14. I immediately responded that I would obey her and Heavenly Father's directions, and follow their commandments with exactness.

15. I then saw tears in her eyes as she looked out upon her field of buttercups again. I believe she was really somehow seeing all of her children, held in reserve for the great millennial day ahead! As I saw her cry, I too saw in my mind the myriads of righteous sons and daughters waiting to come forth in the millennium. Their numbers filled the meadow, the forest, and the surrounding areas on the celestial orb! I saw how vast this number was, and how good and wholesome these seemed! I too started crying for joy in anticipation of them coming to the terrestrial earth during those thousand years!

16. My vision closed and I was left to ponder all of this, even while still writing in my journal. I am determined to do my part to prepare our mortal earth to receive these pure and innocent children, my brothers and sisters, into a better world than we have now.

I closed my prayer and started my Saturday.

17. Email from S on 4-11-2020 (I received S's permission to share this):


I had the repeated message to faithfully record what I witness transpiring in our world and write it in my journal. I imagine that Ether was given a similar assignment among the Jaredites.

Here were the journal entries:

18. 4/8/20 AM

S.A. texted me early this morning to ask what the hail in Revelations 8:7 signifies. I pondered the question, then read from Raphael's post 155, then went to ask about it in prayer.

In prayer, I drank living water and then went to the tree of life. I grabbed a fruit and knelt down. As I knelt, I asked for forgiveness and strength to follow God's commands in mortality. The heavens opened and I saw my Heavenly Parents and Jesus looking down on me. I felt great joy. I then ate the fruit and was filled with peace. The heavens closed and I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I was directed to a stream north of the temple where Heavenly Mother was walking. I walked beside her with the temple behind us as we traveled north. She spoke to me, "You now come where we direct you and hear our voice more clearly. This has come with much practice and persistence. You feel joy in both the spiritual realm and physical mortal realm. Though you come to us in a spiritual realm, the impact and feelings in your heart are experienced by your mortal, physical being too. Our children are comprised of both spirit matter and physical matter and can experience the universe around them in both realms. You truly are experiencing these events in a spiritual realm at this time." Heavenly Father then appeared next to Heavenly Mother. He was full of light and understanding. He held Heavenly Mother's hand as they walked beside me. He spoke to me, "You have come to us with a question about the hail. You have read references in the bible where hail came forth as part of the judgments of God. When hail comes from rain clouds, most expect rain and the hail is often unexpected and sudden. What is soon coming to your land above the current coronavirus pandemic will be unexpected, sudden, and intense like hail. You will find a certain joy in recording each event as it transpires for you see these things coming forth from loving Heavenly Parents preparing their children and earth for a glorious millennial day. This is both a day of judgment and love. Those who will but turn to us will be blessed and those who reject us will be cleansed from the earth and continue their personal progression in their next realm. You will experience sadness for those who rebel against us and joy for those who turn unto us as you faithfully record the events that you witness on earth. Be at peace as you record the judgments of God coming upon your nation and the entire earth."

My Heavenly Parents continued walking and holding hands as those scene closed before my view. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

19. PM

In prayer tonight, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I perceived a breeze blowing onto my being. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, "The wind bloweth but where it begins and where it ends no man knoweth. However, you know from whence you came and where you are going if you continue faithful to our commands." At this time, I saw myself in my pre-mortal personal room where both my Heavenly Parents were standing before me. Heavenly Mother spoke to me, "We guide and direct all our children towards truth who seek us willingly, with open hearts." Heavenly Father spoke, "You wonder about the timing of the scriptures and messages you have read and pondered. You are to observe and record the events that occur around you. The frequency and intensity will soon increase, yet we will never be far from any of our children who turn to us with intent and full purpose of heart."

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their love and message. I closed my prayer in Jesus' name.

20. 4/9/20 AM

I read Revelations chap 8-10 this morning. I noted that the number 1/3 is used repeatedly. I wondered about its meaning.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I first went to the tree of life. I was not alone as I saw many innocent children there enjoying peace and rest. They were all having a good time. I did not know who they were that I was seeing. Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind, "This is a glimpse of your future grandchildren who will come forth in a millennial day of peace and rest. They will wax strong in righteousness and the knowledge of the Lord for Satan and his hosts will be bound. They will rejoice in the goodness of God." At this time they disappeared and I was alone and partook of the fruit, I heard both my Heavenly Parents say, "You have been true and faithful to our directions and counsel in your life." I was then directed to a dirt path where Heavenly Father was walking barefoot and he directed me to walk beside him. He was filled with light and love. I felt great peace and comfort to be in his presence. I asked him regarding the number "one third" mentioned repeatedly in Revelation 8-10. Heavenly Father spoke to me, "In heaven prior to any of our children coming to earth, 1/3 the host of heaven rebelled against the plan brought forth by Heavenly Mother and I, where Jesus Christ would be the Savior and Redeemer of the world. This 1/3 who rebelled have wrought great havoc upon mankind since the days of Adam and Eve until now. The third part of man who rebels on earth against God in your day will be repeatedly destroyed until only those who remain are righteous and serve God during the millennial day. Go forward in peace and faithfully record the events that transpire before your very eyes both in the heavens and on the earth in this day of God's judgment upon mankind."

I felt calm and secure in his presence. This scene closed and I ended my prayer in Jesus' name.

21. 4/10/10

I felt to ask in prayer about the worldwide LDS fast that members were directed to do at General Conference last week. This was my response.

In prayer, I called upon my Heavenly Parents. I asked about the worldwide LDS fast. Heavenly Mother spoke, "You were directed by President Nelson to fast for relief from this plague of coronavirus. Instead of reprieve there will be a worsening of devastations. The day of judgment is upon the entire earth and there will be no reprieve until righteousness reigns on the earth. Go forward with peace in your heart."

I appreciate hearing from you and hope your family is doing well,

Have a blessed day,


H. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 12, 2020, Easter Sunday

1. We visited with our local children yesterday and brought each an Easter Egg Hunt to their yards. When the grandkids came out, we sat and watched from lawn chairs we had set up at a distance. I hope we brought some happiness into their lives. It was a lot of fun for us.

2. Today we have been self-quarantined for a month now. In my prayer last night I asked my Heavenly Father how long we would need to stay isolated like this. I didn't see him, but I did hear the word "patience" come into my mind. It is surprising how we adapt to our new circumstances.

3. We have plenty of food and work, and are enjoying the springtime together. I am so glad warmer weather is around the corner too! We can still visit with friends and neighbors from a distance, on their lawns and in their driveways. I don't know how long American people can keep in quarantine, however, without going crazy! It wouldn't take much to create mass hunger if the stores become empty.

4. This morning I came to the granite cliff at the top east end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. It was very pleasant there with the celestial sun shining all around me. I felt at peace and happy.

5. As I knelt to pray, I saw my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother walking up the path below me along the mountain stream. They both looked up and our eyes connected. Heavenly Mother gave me the invitation to join them on their morning walk! I then immediately came to her side and she extended her hand. We then all three kept slowly walking as they were doing before!

6. After a moment Heavenly Mother spoke to my mind:

'Raphael, there is much you may do in your quarantined situation. You live in the unpopulated country where you still may freely walk around, go on bike rides, and be outdoors in your garden and lawn. You are very blessed also to have family nearby that you may visit at a distance. You have business in your home and keep active. You are in this situation because you have listened to our promptings in your life, and have prepared for such times of want and isolation.

7. During these next few weeks spend more time setting up your generator and battery systems to keep your freezer and refrigerator functional in case of a power outage. You have prepared all of this ahead, and those days will surely come in a future day this year.

8. Food shortages will soon also be coming to your nation. Unemployment will continue to soar and the economy of your nation will greatly suffer despite the efforts of the federal government. The self-isolation and quarantining in your land will remain for months, causing many problems.

9. Come here to our celestial orb frequently when you seek for peace and communion with us, your Heavenly Parents. We love you and will be by your side continually!'

10. We then arrived at the little gurgling pool at the base of the granite cliff. My Heavenly Parents then turned to me and Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, you and all of our mortal angels are ministering day and night for our children in need on the earth, from the celestial realms on the earth. Continue living a quiet life in your home and we will magnify you in the realms where you now serve us faithfully in your unconscious mind. All events coming to your world are known by us, and we are overall in charge. Fear not, for we will lead you and our elect along!'

11. My Heavenly Parents then rose up together into the sky above. I watched until they were out of sight. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

12. Evening–We enjoyed a quiet Easter at home. I listened to some of Handel's "Messiah" on my earphones. I was moved with emotion to what my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, did for me and all mankind. This music really speaks to me!

13. This afternoon we enjoyed an at-home sacrament meeting. These five past sacrament meetings at home have, in my opinion, been far superior to those I attended in the months and years before, in the wards I have attended. I miss the social contact, but we never felt too connected at church recently anyway. I much prefer visiting our neighbors one by one. At LDS church meeting, there is a lot of hurrying to get to the next meeting on time.


I. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 13, 2020, Monday

1. My wife and I talked late into the night. I was feeling somewhat discouraged and after talking to her, and also having a good sleep, I feel very revived.

2. As I was praying last night just before going to bed, I had the impression to close my own website, GodsLovingHealingHands.com! I thought about this as I fell to sleep. If I do so I would want to send everyone on my mailing list a completed folder of html or PDF files that are hyperlinked to each other in a folder that they could copy onto their own computers. This would make these files all interactive with hyperlinks, but not be connected to the internet. This would take a lot of effort on my part, but is it maybe something I should be doing? It would make the study of these posts much more effective with hyperlinks active but not using the internet.

3. The reason why I would do this is if my Heavenly Parents were to ask me to do so. I could think that this would allow me and those on my email list to study these posts, even if the internet was eliminated. We would still need to have electrical power to use our computers, however. I am not sure how all of this would play out. I would like to receive more definitive direction in my prayer this morning.

4. I came today to the front of God's temple next to the golden altar. I knelt and faced the temple doors. I asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.

The temple doors then opened, and both of my Heavenly Parents came walking to me! They stopped in front of me. They were holding hands and smiling.

5. Heavenly Father spoke to me: 'Raphael, when you were praying to me late last night, I gave you the impression to close your website. Those who have conspired to take over the freedoms in your country will also control more and more the content that they allow to be available on the internet. At one point, they will remove the internet except for certain websites, or it will be removed by foreign powers who invade your land.

6. Electric power will also be intermittent at times, and then removed from public access. Unless a person has a generator to produce power, he/she will not be able to power their house appliances and computers.

7. We now desire that you make your posts available in files that you can mail to those who support you. They would keep these files for their own use and study, to be used off-line, or not using the internet. This redundancy of your records among those who support you is wisdom in us. Each may keep these digital files along with the printed copies of your records that they already posses, and those files that you have been sending regularly to them.

8. Create these files in a pdf-hyperlinked version, with the hyperlinks restricted to the folder that they have on their computer, and not needing any outside internet sources. Once we desire your records to become public, in a future day after a new and safe internet is introduced, then your interactive posts would also become available to those we wish to give access to these posts and index.'

9. I thanked my Father for his direction! I asked if there would be computers available on the other end of the tribulations that we are now entering into?

He replied: 'Raphael, there will still be many computers available that will be used at that time after the wicked are destroyed. There will also be other versions of computers manufactured once order and manufacturing are started up again.

10. In the terrestrial world of the millennium, the people will of necessity need some methods to communicate with others who live at a distance. Once order, peace and safety is established, this new method of communication will be used to share your records, and those of others we wish to make available, across the earth. The format we now want you to use will be convertible to the new system that will be introduced in that future day.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear instructions! I said I would prepare these files, and then shut down my own website when these were completed, all according to his directions.

12. Heavenly Father spoke again: 'Raphael, continue also sending out printable pdf files to those on your email list until you have completed the transfer of your post to these hyperlinked-based pdf files. Then mail thumb drives of these files to those few on your email list, and then close your website. We will direct you along the way in doing these things.'

13. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then asked me to stand and walk with them. I stood and took my Heavenly Father's hand. We started walking towards the fountain of living water, and then my vision ended in my mortal mind.

I am now finishing up this journal entry in my private room. I feel assured that this direction is of God and not myself. I feel so blessed to have received this new revelation.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 14, 2020, Tuesday

1. 12:30 am–I retired to bed late tonight after reading several articles about the coronavirus, and how this has spread over all the earth. It was depressing and discouraging to me to see it spread so unmitigated over the earth!

2. I then had the impression to ask my Heavenly Parents to allow me to petition them in my prayer tonight in order to again increase the healing light for the elect of God on earth. This past week I had seen increased light coming out the backside of my hand when I placed it next to my body, and this light extended about 8 inches beyond my hand in a brilliant corona flame (see my earlier post 150H18 to 150I17). I wanted to ask if this same healing and protective light would be given to everyone of the elect now on the earth that the Father had chosen. This would be the highest level of light protection that would constantly be with the elect (about double the amount of light that I recorded on level E in post 150E3-150E4).

3. Tonight I came first to the tree of life and ate of the fruit of the tree, ad then a leaf of the tree. I was satisfied and clarified, and then came to the western shore of Lake Beautiful, next to the maple tree grove. I also drank of living water from the lake and felt uplifted.

4. I then knelt on the shore. It was dusk on the celestial orb. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Heavenly Father first came in front of me, a little elevated in the air above the water's edge. I gazed into his loving face. He listened as I plead.

5. I told him that I desired that all of the elect children he had chosen, now living on earth, to be sent a significantly greater amount of healing and protective light from my Heavenly Mother. I said I desired that the new worldwide coronavirus would not bring these to their death, since they were chosen, many of them to come forth in the future millennial day after these tribulations. I asked that this extra light be a further protection for them so that all of the difficulties and calamities of all sorts would not overcome them in death, unless they were assigned to die at that time.

6. Heavenly Father listened intently, then turned toward Lake Beautiful from where Heavenly Mother came to him, from behind their higher celestial realm. They held hands and both faced me. I then repeated my petition to both he and Heavenly Mother again, seeking their approval for my request. At the end of my plea and petition, they turned and for a moment went into their higher celestial realm where I could not see them, but I knew they were discussing my request.

7. In a moment, they both appeared again, and Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we have decided to grant your request! We will now all three of us go above the earth together.'

8. We then left our place next to the shore on the celestial orb, and next found ourselves high above the earth from space. I could see the entire spherical earth below us, from horizon to horizon, a beautiful round globe.

9. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, stand in front of your Heavenly Father and I, and raise your sword of Raphael high above your head pointed slightly towards the earth. Then I will send my intense light of the Holy Ghost through you as our conduit for healing and protection. My light will then come into you and out of your Sword of Raphael to all the elect on the earth. Your Heavenly Father will direct my light to the elect whom he has chosen who now are living mortals on the earth.

10. We will then move together to the west across the earth, even until we have entirely circumvented the earth below us. When we have rotated all around the earth from space, and returned to this location, all of our elect will have received an abundance of my healing and protective light in their mortal bodies, just like you have seen in yourself. By this means, we will further protect our elect, and preserve them for a better world while the wicked perish.'

11. I then faced the earth and raised my Sword of Raphael high above my head, and tipped slightly towards the earth. I next felt intense light, like the sun, shining from behind me with a power that I don't ever recall feeling! I was completely engulfed in this heavenly intense light coming from Heavenly Mother! I saw brilliant light coming out of my sword and shining to the earth below us.

12. We then started moving to the west, and in about ten minutes or so (I wasn't sure) we had travelled all around the earth from space. When we came back to the exact place in space where we had started, the light from Heavenly Mother behind me stopped.

13. I lowered my sword and turned towards my smiling Heavenly Parents behind me.

Heavenly Father spoke: 'Raphael, we are pleased to have now showered down into every one of our elect sons and daughters on earth an abundance of your Heavenly Mother's light of protection and healing!

14. Whenever we prompt you, you may extend your hand over one of our elect children and spiritually view this intense approximate 8 inch corona flame still coming from them, out the backside of your hand. You will know that this person was chosen by me to be one of my elect.

15. Raphael, we have delayed the promised devastations from the sounding of Raguel's trumpet until now, until our elect are even more highly protected with your Heavenly Mother's intense light. Now we will allow the foretold devastations to begin upon the wicked and upon the wicked institutions of man on the earth.'

16. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then started moving up into space, away from me. It seemed like they were both teary-eyed, and smiling upon me. Soon they were gone and I was alone. I ended my prayer and started immediately recording all of this in my journal, early in the morning of 4-14-2020.

17. Later after I awoke–I awoke late this morning because I was up until 1:30 am writing the above journal entry. I just reread it and remember all of it clearly in my mind. It is my hope and prayer that the added intensity of Heavenly Mother's light upon the elect will be sufficient to heal and protect them in the coming days of tribulation.

18. I also felt strongly that all of this was so very real and completely a true account. I feel so gratified that I was able to act as a conduit for my Heavenly Parents in this event.

19. I also realized this all happened on the 14h of April, two sets of seven days, or two weeks (see also post 154F13 for another mention of 14 days, that time before Raguel's trumpet call).

20. I came this morning to the granite cliff at the top of Heavenly Mother's upper garden and knelt facing the temple in the distance.

21. Heavenly Mother appeared to me in great light and peace that flowed through me from her! She immediately spoke:

'Raphael, the experience we had with you early this morning above the earth is a true account. Our elect are now significantly better prepared to endure the onslaught of destructive forces coming upon the earth as part of the great calamities that will destroy the wicked. They will still need occasional protection, even as you saw in your prayer visions (see your post 33). In difficult situations, we will send our holy angels to further rescue and protect them.'

22. Heavenly Mother leaned forward and then embraced me, kissing me tenderly on my forehead! I felt so loved and blessed by her great acceptance and peace she gave me! She then smiled and departed into her temple in the distance, travelling there in a bright beam of light!

I then stood and closed my morning prayer. Sunshine was beaming through my east window, and I started my new day.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 15, 2020, Wednesday

1. Last night I came to the road that extends next to the river representing Heavenly Father, near the fountain of living water. I met Heavenly Father there. He told me to meet him here again and he would talk with me then. He said my day was full and that I was tired, and that I should go to sleep. I thanked him and went to bed.

2. This morning I came again to the beginning of the road next to the river representing Heavenly Father. I faced north and prayed to my Heavenly Father. My mind is completely open and I feel receptive to anything that my Heavenly Father may speak to me about.

Heavenly Father appeared before me and asked me to walk with him! We walked along his road going north, alongside of his river.

3. After a moment he spoke: 'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ our Beloved Son, and I see the past, present and future as easily as you see the present moment. Speaking of this celestial orb, Joseph Smith our prophet wrote this:

4. D&C 130:6-7–"The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth.

But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things to their glory are manifest, past, present and future, and are continually before the Lord."

5. You reside here on our celestial orb in your replicated state, even while your mortal body lives on the earth. We have withheld from you all the past, present and future in your conscious mind, for you are still mortal. We also reveal all things to you, whether past, present or future, even according to our will. However, we who are your Gods see all past and future events, easily as we see the present.

6. We therefore may guide you and reveal to you things and events in your own future that you cannot see. As you come to us in prayer, we will reveal to you hidden things, as we desire.

7. It is our intent to show you hidden things, even before they happen. We also show you things as they really are, for there is so much disinformation, or falsehoods that you read or hear about, that it is difficult to know the truth of what is really happening in your mortal world, or what has happened in the past.

8. Amos 3:7–"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."

9. You are our prophet of the Church of the Firstborn, our celestial church. Through you we will manifest things to come before they come. We ask you to record our revelations in your journal to verify to the world that you are our prophet.

10. We also will reveal all things, according to the diligent heed and petitions of our own elect. As they inquire of us, we too will guide and direct them with revelation, giving them precious knowledge and truths. We are free with our truths that we reveal, and do not limit ourselves, but give revelation upon revelation to the humble and open who seek us.

11. 2 Nephi 29:8-9, 11–

"Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations (or individuals) is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation (or person) like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation (or individual) like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.

And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever. . .

For I command all men (and women), both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written." (words in parenthesis added by Heavenly Father).

12. Raphael, it is time for those who support you, and all our mortal angels and celestial servants on the earth, and even all of our elect, to record their own revelations that we give to them. We also want them to write the events of these times they live in, for their benefit and for those of future generations.

13. Your Heavenly Mother, Jesus Christ and I are free with our truths and revelations, and we will share these with all people who humbly and openly seek us in the energy of their soul. Our words will be congruent and a witness of each other's revelations.

14. You are the head at this time, and we will continue to share with you in particular, the events and issues that are secret and hidden. Your record will reveal things never yet revealed to man:

15. D&C 101:32-34–

"Yea, verily I say unto you, in that day when the Lord shall come, he shall reveal all things—

Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—

Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven."

16. It is good that those on your small email list share with you our choice revelations and experiences that we have shared with them. Continue to share these in your posts, as they give you their permission. These other records are our second witnesses to your words, and should be compiled in part in one record, particularly now that these tribulations are intensifying. These records and posts will buoy you all up and strengthen each of you while you live through these calamities coming to the earth. They will also buoy and strengthen the faith of future generations.

17. Be faithful and obedient, and we will continue to reveal all things to you and those we love who support you. We will never leave your side!'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words today! I felt so connected with him, even as we walked and he talked openly with me!

My vision on the road with my Heavenly Father ended. I gratefully closed my prayer, and started a new day on earth.

L. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 16, 2020, Thursday

1. We enjoyed a full day visiting our two daughters outside at a park and getting chilled to the bone! We came back home and worked on our business until late. We usually have 2-3 hours of picking and shipping every day.

2. Last night I wondered again about my Father's words recently to me that I was his prophet over the Church of the Firstborn. For some reason this always surprises me! I feel so very normal and ordinary inside. I committed again to act on all of my promptings and personal revelations.

3. Heavenly Father said I should get this post out, post 156. This will be the last entry. Gosh, so much has happened it seems since the previous post! There is a lot to share in this post with these on my email list. The days seem to blur into one another, and being in the pandemic seems so surreal, almost like we are living in a science fiction movie–quite eerie! I read yesterday that the COVID-19 deaths, on a daily basis in the United States, is now the #1 cause of death. The reported exposure count is now over 2.1 million people worldwide, with the US at 644,000 people who have reported to have or had the coronavirus, and the US death toll at 28,580 deaths. The numbers keep climbing daily.